Good topics to talk about with a guy. What to talk about with a guy: interesting topics for conversation. Talk about what's going on in the world

Undoubtedly, the best interlocutor is the one who has the ability to hear and listen to another. But attention alone will not last long. Dialogue still implies replicas from both sides. And the most difficult thing sometimes is not even to support, but to start a conversation. Especially, find topics for conversation with a guy that don't seem silly and help to get the conversation going.

How to find topics for conversation?

The art of eloquence sometimes has to be learned throughout life. There are very few people who are able to instantly find topics for conversation, quickly respond to any questions and at the same time create a lively flow of conversation. And when it comes to communicating with a representative of the opposite sex, especially with whom there is a certain amount of sympathy, stiffness and confusion of thoughts often appear.

You can endlessly memorize template designs that supposedly make life easier. But it would be much more correct to define a number of topics for yourself. They will help out in the protracted silence. Any human activity is based on understanding, not memorization. Especially in a field such as communication.

The most difficult thing is to designate the ideal topic for the first one with a practically stranger. The easiest way to strike up a conversation is to ask the guy for advice on something. True, the assessment of the new skirt is unlikely to fit here. But to ask about his opinion on a new gadget that I would like to purchase, especially if he himself owns it, is more than acceptable. In addition, a question addressed to a young person is often associated with the place where the conversation is planned. In one university alone, you can find up to 100 ideas!

Interesting topics to talk with a guy

After the conversation was able to start, it is worth choosing a topic that will allow you to give out detailed and long stories, or at least simply captivate both. In general, there is one universal advice here: listen to the speech of the interlocutor. From almost any word spoken, a new discussion can be developed. But if such a skill has not yet been mastered, you will have to familiarize yourself with the most successful topics for talking with a guy.

And the first place was taken, oddly enough, not by football, but by a wider sphere - hobbies. Many people can talk about such things for a long time. If a young person has a craving for sports, it is enough just to “pull” the guide strings. You can find out what exactly he does and for how long, why the choice fell on this particular sport. In the case when he is familiar to you, it is easy to go into a discussion of the latest or most striking sporting event.

Musical preferences - the area is also extensive. Although, there is no guarantee that they will match. Therefore, there is a risk of reducing everything to an awkward pause. To prevent this, you should ask more often, and not speak yourself. In addition to trying to find out about your favorite artist, you can also find out about the guy's attitude to music as such. Perhaps he once wanted to go into this area himself. Or he can play or write lyrics.

By the way, about hackneyed ideas like "weather" and "news reports". They may be relevant if they are a prerequisite for a detailed conversation or specific proposals. For example, focus on the long-awaited sun, which encourages a bike ride, and shift the conversation towards outdoor activities. There is a high probability of arranging the next meeting or adjusting the current one just for this. Discussion of the news can be interspersed with incidents from life.

What is definitely undesirable to touch upon is the sphere of health. The conversation should bring pleasure to both parties, and not slide into a discussion of the causes of headaches over the past day. This also includes the category of topics-complaints. It is worth clarifying right away that this does not imply a constantly positive mood. Such insincerity will alienate the interlocutor. But you should not pour out a heap of accumulated problems on him, talk about what torments you. Girls who constantly complain about and without cause rarely cause sympathy among young people.

Interesting topics for conversation with a man

The basic rule in is to let him talk more about himself. You can take the opposite position after a month of close acquaintance. But it’s not worth going on the offensive right away, flooding him with information. After you manage to find out about interests and hobbies, attitudes towards the world around you and the most ordinary things, you should move on to more personal things.

For example, talk about travel. It is likely that the man visited not only other cities, but also abroad. Or maybe he plans to visit some place during his vacation? Ask where he liked the most, and where he would not return. Give him the opportunity to advise you on the most interesting place to stay according to certain parameters. Again, it will be possible not only to find common ground, but also to give him the opportunity to feel his importance.

Discussion of gadgets and technology is another chance to give leadership in a conversation to a man, showing your own interest in his opinion on this matter. But be sure to show that you care. Even if there is nothing to add to the subject of discussion on your own, you can insert leading and clarifying questions.

Talking about plans for life is good if the interlocutor does not belong to the category of people who live only today. Otherwise, there is a chance not only to get a lengthy monosyllabic answer, but also to change the mood of the dialogue for the worse. But if a man is ready to share his opinion about the proposed future, then there is always a place to bring the accents: home and family, career prospects, and so on.

Intimate topics can also help to intensify the conversation, but here it is important to keep the edge. First, while maintaining naturalness and ease. If this area is not something that you are used to freely communicating about, there is no point in touching it even to please the interlocutor. Secondly, it is desirable to avoid common talk about previous relationships, especially if they are marked by negative memories.

By the way, discussions of mutual acquaintances also fall under this rule. It's better to gossip with a friend. And if in a conversation with a man a topic has surfaced that affects one of the persons known to both, you should not go into a detailed discussion of the person. This increases the risk of acquiring the stigma of a gossip. Nevertheless, it is not shameful to inquire about what qualities in people will repel him, and which, on the contrary, will attract him.

The most important thing in communicating with a young man is to forget about fear. Excitement is equally present in both, but the more it is, the easier it is to blur the impression. It is enough just to let go of negative thoughts and take care of maximum naturalness. Listen more, ask leading questions, and the conversation will fill up for a long time!

Finally! Finally you met the one you dreamed of in reality and in your dreams! You like him. And shows a clear interest in your person. But when you meet, you don't know what to talk about with him. It `s naturally. When a girl meets the man of her dreams, she tends to forget everything in the world, and not just topics for a conversation with a guy. Fear is also natural. She is afraid of losing him, she is afraid that she will ask or answer something wrong, so she prefers to remain silent altogether.

How to find contact with a stranger

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Three right steps to fix the problem

The problem is easily solved. One, two, three.

Once - we discard fears aside. Remember, who does not risk, he does not drink champagne. No matter what men say, and no matter how macho they are, they love it when girls show determination.

Two - always look perfect. After all, women are exactly what men are looking for. If you show yourself to them in all its glory (of course, in the good sense of the word), they will definitely look in your direction.

Three - start a conversation. We often forget that men can be shy too. They all notice the girls but don't know how to approach and tell them about it. Take the initiative in your own hands, perhaps he is just waiting for this. Do you think it's not waiting? So again, "one": who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne.

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How to keep the situation under control?

It is clear that you are worried, and all topics for conversation fly out of your head. Try to look at the situation from the outside, drive negative thoughts out of your head. Your chosen one worries no less than you. Remember the basic rules that will help you understand which topics are best avoided.

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Rule #1: Talk about what interests you

The conversation should be directed in the right direction. This, of course, requires certain skills and abilities. Think you don't have them? Even if this is the case, it is never too late to work them out for yourself. Be smart. Think in advance what you would like to know about him in order to develop a conversation strategy. Ask about his hobbies, interests, plans for the future.

Here are the phrases that smart modern girls start a conversation with:

  • I read online that...
  • Heard on the news that...
  • My brother says that...
  • Something is wrong with my computer...

With such a conversation starter, it is easy to lure a guy into a conversation on topics of interest to both of you.

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Rule #2: Let him talk more

Try to be an attentive listener, show interest in everything he says. Listening is almost the most important quality that helps keep a conversation going. Your comments “what happened next?”, “very interesting”, “tell me more” will help smooth out the hitches in the conversation. Be interested in the smallest details.

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Rule #3: Remember information

It will not only help you get to know the guy better, but also help you choose topics of conversation for the next meeting. For example, he mentioned in a couple of lines that he was going fishing. You can leave it unnoticed supposedly passing by your ears. But next time start the conversation with this.

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Rule #4: Axiom

Never interrupt a person when he enthusiastically tells something about himself. You risk ruining your relationship.

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Rule #5: Don't criticize

Do not be categorical in your judgments and in no case make fun of your boyfriend. You can cause a persistent negative attitude towards yourself. Or get into an awkward position.

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Inappropriate topics for a conversation with a guy

Remember once and for all: you should never lay out everything about yourself. Under no circumstances. Especially at the first meeting. Men appreciate the riddle in women, and laying out all the ins and outs, all your secrets, you will simply become uninteresting for this guy.

There are topics that generally should be avoided. They are few, but they exist. First, never load it with information about your health problems. It is unlikely that this will increase his attraction to you. Secondly, you should not talk about former relationships and your intimate life. Thirdly, do not judge common acquaintances or even people who are familiar to you, but unfamiliar to him. He may suspect that you are very fond of gossip.

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What can and should be discussed?

Most often, doubts that the first meeting may be the last are dispelled during the first minutes of a date. Topics for conversation can be absolutely anything: about the upcoming Olympics in Sochi or new movies, cars or your favorite cakes. It is difficult to predict where the thread of a live conversation will lead. You can talk about your favorite school subjects, about good books, about rest and active pastime. The main thing is not to forget about the rules, enjoying communication with a good person who is interesting to you as a man.

Sudden pauses during a conversation drag on? Is psychological stress increasing? Listen to yourself: maybe this is not your soul mate, and there is no point in this strained inventing of topics for conversation?

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How do you know if it's your soul mate or not?

During the conversation, you will learn a lot and understand how he evaluates himself, what his individual abilities are, how other people treat him, whether he himself is proud of his achievements.

The first step that will help determine the degree of his originality is the analysis of the information that he provided about himself. To do this, you need to follow a simple rule: give him the opportunity to talk about himself. Have you been dating for several months now? Then you can start talking about yourself beloved. Psychologists who study human relationships advise you to start talking about yourself when your conversations have totaled more than 30 hours. Or like this: let him talk until he starts repeating himself.

Here are some leading questions that will help you find out about his attitude to the world around him and to people:

  • Do you consider yourself a lucky person? Why?
  • Where and how did you meet your best friend?
  • Do you trust your friends?
  • When are you the center of attention?
  • When did you feel lonely? Who supports you in such moments?
  • What annoys you in people?
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Do their goals and values ​​align with yours?

When dating a man, try to make sure that his ideals match yours. You do not accept lies, but he likes to lie? Do you value friends and relatives, but is work more important for him? You love to help people just like that, and he tries to benefit from everything? Most likely, you are not on the way. In the process of communication, ask him these questions, so you will determine his life priorities. Of course, you do not need to ask them all at once, in one day, so as not to turn your communication into an interrogation. But first, ask yourself these questions. And compare your answers. Let them say that opposites attract, let them say “we are so different, and yet we are together.” But there are people who are together not “in spite of” and not “after all”, but “soul to soul”. They say about such people that they always look in one direction. If your answers are the same in most cases, you have every chance of becoming just such a couple. So questions.

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How to listen to it?

You need to listen to the interlocutor penetratingly, but not sympathetically. At the same time, be impartial, but not indifferent. Be objective, but don't be boring. Difficult? In a word, if you get bored, stop your meetings in private - this person is not suitable for you.

I did not know what to talk about with my beloved boyfriend. How to choose topics for conversation? I was very complex about this.

How vain! Now I understand that any topic of conversation can always be supported. Don't believe? It means that you have not finished reading what I wanted to convey to you.

Always start with these phrases, expressions, words and phrases:

  1. “Just recently I read on the Internet that….”.
  2. “This happened to me the other day!”
  3. "Imagine, I learned such a thing ...".
  4. "Do you know what I did today?"
  5. “I was told such an anecdote (such a story) that I was simply shocked!”
  6. “I wanted to consult with you on this matter ....”.
  7. "It's very important for me to know your opinion."
  8. "How do you think…. Is it possible (is it worth it, is it necessary) ....».

If the interlocutor does not “pick up” what you said, continue on your own, not embarrassed by the reaction.

Talk to the boy about what is really close or interesting to him. And you can also ask questions so that the interlocutor himself talks in full. Here is a small "question" cheat sheet that will help you not to get confused in any conversation.

Questions and topics for a guy who loves sports

  1. What sport do you take most seriously (most seriously)?
  2. Why did you “record” this particular sport in your list of preferences?
  3. What do you like about this "sporty look"?

Topics - questions for a conversation with a person who cannot live without a computer, laptop

  1. What attracts you more in the computer world?
  2. What games do you play?
  3. Do you keep a blog or diary?
  4. Do you have your own pages or their "clones" in social networks?
  5. What is your favorite thing to do online?
  6. What do you store on your computer?
  7. How long have you been a fan of this thing?

Topics - questions for a guy who loves motorcycles

  1. How long have you been riding?
  2. Will you change your "transport"?
  3. Where do you like to drive usually?
  4. Are you afraid of speed and its excess?
  5. Do you collect anything related to motorcycles?

"Melodic" questions (dedicated to an ardent music lover)

  1. What kind of music do you like?
  2. Have you tried writing anything yourself?
  3. Are you interested in a career as a musician or singer?
  4. What will happen to you if you take away the opportunity to listen to music?

Questions to ask a guy who loves photography

  1. How long ago did you get your camera?
  2. What do you like to photograph the most?
  3. Would you like to arrange (give) me a photo session?
  4. What is your most favorite work of authorship?

In general, as you can see, you can talk endlessly about the variety of questions! But time has a magical property: it does not wait! Therefore, we will not wait! We will continue to offer topics for conversation!

Guys love to touch on intimate topics.

True, they themselves try not to “turn them on”, as they are afraid of the female reaction. But if you "catch" a hint of topics of this kind - do not get lost! Continue to "travel" through it, but within reasonable limits, so that the guy does not think about you incomprehensibly.

Guys are able to talk for hours about their own exploits and achievements. Therefore, give your soul mate the opportunity to show off, put yourself in the best light. And do not consider that the boy fell ill with the “disease of stardom”. He's trying to please you! Listen to his speeches and you will understand that the way it is.

You can talk about mobile phones

Touch on topics about their functionality and other "wisdom". Don't be surprised if a guy talks about his cell phone. He will get to yours if he gets a taste!

Where to find a variety of topics for conversation?

Topics for conversation with a guy will be found on their own if you go somewhere with him.

By the way, here are the "names" of places (where you can walk):

  • Cinema

Just do not take the chips, so as not to drown out the discussion of the film by their crunch. And the film itself would not hurt to watch in a concentrated environment.

  • Circus

It will remind you of your childhood! You are probably aware that many did not have time to enjoy going to the circus. First, because of the employment of parents, and then (when they grew up) and because of their employment.

  • A park

Choose a park that both you and the guy really like. Then you will definitely guess with the venue! It's great if you love this park because of the memories of some common

  • Shore

Romantic place! You can sit down somewhere on the very shore (only very carefully), and start your conversations - conversations, looking at the water, at the sky and at the horizons ... ..

  • Beach

What could be better than relaxing in the sun? Certainly! Rest in the sun in the company of a gorgeous guy!

Trees and fresh air…. Cool combination! Get in touch with nature. In her environment, there will certainly be something to talk about!

  • Cafe

Pizzerias and restaurants are also quite suitable if you are a real fan of such establishments.

  • Concert

How's the idea? Great for discussion! True, it is more convenient to speak after the concert, not during it. But it doesn't matter!

  • Disco

It can be done anywhere and with anyone. But you are the master of your plans, so everything "belongs" only to your fantasy and your imagination.

  • Dolphinarium

Beautiful place…. It even looks like a fairy tale. Do you want to get into it? Invite the guy to visit the dolphins or wait until he is the first to guess to do it!

You can also invite a guy to visit if you are sure of him. But if there is sympathy between you, a normal conversation will not work. You yourself understand what thoughts will be tuned to ...

In general, if a guy is sociable, then you can talk about everything with him and always! Hypersociable young people do not get tired of communication. True, they often feel guilty about their sociability. They think that people will shun their love of communication. Do you understand what the hint is now?

Take advantage, so to speak, of this human “property”. Keep up the conversation!

Nod, ask additional questions, clarify, ask again, be interested in details, smile, look into the eyes of the interlocutor .... It's easy to do, right? It’s more difficult to be silent, and have no idea what topic you can “brake up” ...

Continuation -

Topics for conversation with a guy -

Each representative of the weaker sex will sooner or later have to talk to a man in private. What should be asked, what is better to remain silent? How to conduct a conversation correctly, what topics are better to discuss in a conversation with a guy?

Determining the main points

What are the differences between women and men? A rhetorical question, but the answer will help to properly build a conversation with the opposite sex. First of all, it's impossible to chat with guys in the same way that women usually do with their girlfriends. Starting a conversation with a guy, you should understand that they are different. Men perceive the world with different eyes than women. Maybe that's why a conversation with a representative of the stronger sex is not built by itself. But having figured out how to behave and what to talk about, everything will go a little easier. To master the basics will allow understanding the features of the male perception of the dialogue.

The first aspect is that guys need to talk less than girls. When building a conversation, keep this in mind. Extra information, not only overloads the powers that be, but also causes boredom. Assuming that the guy goes into his thoughts, it is quite difficult to return him from there. The first rule is to speak clearly and to the point. However, the girl wants to chat and introduce the guy as a girlfriend. This option has the right to exist, but the man should be warned in advance. He should not strain, he will treat such a conversation with understanding, because he will not try to catch the meaning in those moments where it does not exist. He will perceive a sweet conversation as unobtrusive chirping.

Guys communicate a little differently than girls

If the conversation is about something serious, you should speak the guy's language. In other words, when building a conversation, always keep its purpose in mind. You should not be distracted by extraneous topics, and then return to the main one, with such actions you can confuse him. Their thinking is based on the formation of logical chains, and thinking about 10 topics of your conversation and combining them into one single one is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to express your thoughts concisely and clearly. This wording will lead to the fact that the guy will not only listen, but also understand all the information you said.

Nor should one delve into complex philosophical questions. Deviate from the main topic of conversation is also not worth it. Since men think differently, avoid innuendo, transparent hints and clearly, concisely formulate phrases. Each should correspond to the topic of conversation without unnecessary interjections. The guy should immediately understand everything you said, and not guess what you wanted to tell him.

Girls, talking among themselves, can draw premature conclusions, and then again and again. As a rule, men have a different feature of thinking, and it works according to a different mechanism: obtaining information, building a logical chain from it, and only after that the final conclusion. And talking not about and meaningless chatter only confuses. How should you communicate with a guy so that your topic does not cause unconscious irritation? We summarize all of the above: the girl's speech should be concise, understandable and coherent. When talking with him, she should stick to one topic, and not jump from one to another.

Topics for conversation with a guy

And now directly about the topics. When talking with a guy, you cannot count on him to understand you at a glance or at a glance. Although the last aspect is quite important. The key to a successful conversation sometimes lies in the first meeting with the eyes. Therefore, you need to start a conversation with a pleasant smile and the contact of your eyes.

Having learned how to speak correctly, you should think about what should be discussed, and what you can keep silent or forget about. What interests young people? Surely, fashionable novelties will not draw attention to your person, household chores, the latest publications of fashion magazines, are also of little interest to the opposite sex. You probably shouldn't start a conversation with the relationship between your girlfriend and her boyfriend and a number of similar topics. For many men, such news, which is quite important for us, seems like just off-topic chatter. For them, information about sports, politics, women, cars seems much more useful... In other words, everything that is real, practical, causes excitement and raises the level of adrenaline.

The topic of conversation should be interesting to the guy

And what about the beauties who have no idea about these topics. Not everyone can follow the football championships or keep abreast of the latest automotive innovations. How to be? Note that each of us is interested in talking about ourselves, we will take this into service and offer to talk about it. An excellent topic for conversation, especially if you are aware of any events from his life. In the case when you do not have information, you will have to listen carefully and smile sweetly. Thus, you will not only learn a lot about your chosen one, but also support a conversation that will be interesting to him. Men love it when their companion with open eyes enthusiastically listen to their speeches.

If it's hard to say hello, what should I do?

A common situation when girls are afraid to start a conversation. The reasons can be very diverse, some are afraid of being rejected, some have a bitter experience of a breakup, others have other circumstances, but this does not mean that a woman cannot approach a guy she likes, especially when she really likes him. taste. Who does not risk, he can sit in the girls, so go ahead. First you should think about what you are interested in about this young man? In a conversation, you can ask about his work, interests and even plans for the future. We offer several phrases that allow you to make an acquaintance from the first words. It’s easy to start with an extraneous topic and lead into a conversation about something that is interesting to both of you:

  • There are so many interesting things on the Internet, I read yesterday ...
  • The latest news is just shocking….
  • The guys are better versed in technology, maybe you can help me choose ....

Fight the stereotypes that a woman should not be the first to show interest, start yourself and thereby not only show yourself from the best side, but also intrigue the young man.

Hardest to start a conversation

Developing the theme further

If you managed to successfully start a conversation, then proceed to the next step. You need to make a good first impression. The young man should have a pleasant imprint from your words, thoughts and communication in general. Having thrown the first phrase, you need to think about what else you can ask and how to continue the dialogue.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully catch every word he utters. After listening carefully, you should continue the conversation with remarks that confirm the words spoken by the guy. If you are somewhat incompetent in this matter, tactfully suggest changing the subject and smoothly move the conversation about the weather or the latest in the film industry.

It is very important to listen to the interlocutor

To get to know him a little better, we offer a few questions that allow you to reveal his life values ​​​​and goals:

    What religion do you prefer?

    Do you believe in reincarnation? If so, what role would you like to return to Earth?

    How do you like to relax and spend your free time?

    How and with whom do you celebrate solemn events?

    Which area do you prefer, a bustling city or a quiet village? Why?

    How do you feel about traveling abroad? Which country do you want to go to?

    What do you like more private house or apartment? How do you see your home?

    How do you feel about national minorities and other non-traditional representatives?

    What is your attitude towards the death penalty and life imprisonment?

    What are your family relationships?

By asking unobtrusive questions to a man, you can determine not only his life stereotypes, but also his future attitude towards you. His expectations will be practically the same as his concepts. At this stage, you need to think about whether your opinion matches the information you heard. Full agreement indicates similarity in views, but contradictions will cause controversial points. Every wise woman can cope with them and turn in the right direction.

Unpleasant questions in a conversation with a guy and their solution

It should be remembered that each question does not imply a simple answer. To obtain the necessary information, it is better not to speak, but to listen carefully. Very often, girls want to ask a question and immediately start answering it, but this is a huge mistake. Learn to hear and understand others. Truth: silence is golden, everything is suitable for a conversation with a young man.

Direct questions, together with active attention to the words of the interlocutor, allows you to get information that will definitely help in the future. However, being a listener does not mean being malleable. You also need to be able to express your opinion and express a clear position. Active communication methods turn an ordinary listener into a professional one. In order not to get into a mess, lovely ladies should know a few simple rules for conducting a friendly conversation:

    Choose a topic of conversation that you understand.

    Let the other person talk more.

    Show interest and carefully remember his words.

    Don't interrupt.

    Do not criticize or ridicule his statements.

A few fairly simple rules will help to avoid embarrassment and mistakes in conversation. Even if they arise, one should not forget about the effective female weapon - a smile. Turning the conversation into a joke, a flirtatious smile, or - are great ways to cutely get out of an uncomfortable situation.

Do not know what topics to talk about during a conversation with a girl or a guy? These 25 conversation topics will help you get a little closer.

A bit of theory.

Good conversation topics can help you understand each other better. Have you ever felt that in the process of communication you don't know what to talk about next, whether it's talking on the phone or talking while walking in the park? You are not alone, almost every third person faces this. Everything is learned in the practice of communication, the more you communicate with people, the more you develop the ability to find topics for conversation.

Finding topics for communication with your boyfriend or girlfriend is much easier. You have known each other for a certain amount of time. You can use what you know in your daily communication.

If we are talking about a relationship that started recently, then there may be a barrier in communication, just because you don’t know much about your boyfriend or girlfriend yet. At this point, the best option is to reveal as many topics as possible in order to find something in common between you. At this stage of the relationship, you can bring up interesting topics from the past and talk about your goals for the future. There is a chance that your soulmate also has similar stories or goals. Thus, you will find not only a thread for communication, but also something in common. For the first time it will be a good start.

If the relationship lasts a long time and you are already used to each other, then silence may arise between you. Silence in a relationship that lasts for a long time can be quite normal.

No matter how long you've been in a relationship, communication is a way to learn to understand each other better, learn more about your significant other, and just get closer.

25 topics for communication

All these themes you can use on a daily basis.

1. Plans for the weekend. Plan your leisure and rest, even if today is Monday. Firstly, it is fun and exciting, and secondly, you will be looking forward to the long-awaited weekend. Sites similar in subject matter to (for Ukraine) and (for Russia) will help you keep track of events that take place in your city.

2. Compliments. Talking about the qualities you love is an integral part of any relationship. This topic will not only be pleasant, but will also show how much you value and appreciate your beloved or beloved. Try to praise your soul mate, give pleasant compliments and do it with feelings, with love.

3. Daily care. To be interested in what happened throughout the day, how you slept that night, how your working day or day at school went, whether he or she was tired for the whole day, whether something worries - all this makes it possible to feel care from close person, which is important in a relationship.

4. Work. One of the places where we spend a large amount of our time is work (study). Things happen at work every day. Conflicts and all sorts of situations often arise in the workplace. Also, by talking about work, it will be easier for both of you to understand each other from a professional point of view.

5. Little secrets. It's always interesting to talk about secrets. You can make it a game by uncovering one secret in turn. It's exciting and a lot of fun.

6. Movies, entertainment programs, shows. There are more and more films every year. If we are not at the TV screens, as we used to be, then we watch everything on the computer. Discussing some new movie or show is a great conversation starter.

7. Food, cooking. Who doesn't love delicious food? Especially interesting when it comes to co-cooking. Even if your loved one or loved one is not a master at cooking, you can learn how to cook together. You can learn together about your favorite and least favorite dishes, share cooking experiences.

8. Dreams. Do you have a dream? Share it, even if it is half feasible, or in your opinion not feasible, your loved one or loved one will learn a little more about you.

9. Rest. Plan a vacation together for a couple of days, a week or a month. Holidays together will be the highlight of the entire calendar year.

10. Hobbies and interests. What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you have daily hobbies? Share your hobbies, most likely your significant other may have several hobbies that you enjoy.

11. Friends. It's always good to know about each other's friends. This is another step to learn more about your surroundings and what you do when you spend time with your friends.

12. Personal achievements. Ask a loved one or loved ones moments in life that they can be proud of. These can be personal achievements (at work, school, in any sport, etc.), which will be nice to remember and talk about.

13. Offer for help. If you can help in any way, offer your help. The more often you try to help and the more often you do something together, the closer you will be to each other.

14. Plans for the future. Does your future plans say how you see yourself in a few years? Shared goals always make relationships stronger and give you the opportunity to achieve them together.

15. Self-improvement. Love is a good motive for self-improvement. This topic is very relevant for a loving couple. When you work together to be the best for each other, relationships become stronger. Perhaps you would like to improve your personal qualities of character or get rid of bad habits, talk about a previous quarrel, review your shortcomings and strive to eliminate them. Your every step towards improvement will be appreciated by your significant other.

16. Parents. Another interesting topic, especially if you have not introduced your beloved or loved one to your parents, she or he will certainly be interested in knowing about your parents and your relationship with them.

17. Problems in bed. If there are problems in bed, don't debug them. At some point, they will return anyway, so it’s better to solve them right away. If your loved one is not fully enjoying it, you should sit down and talk about how you can work it out together.

18. Talk about sex. In a relationship, sexual intimacy is just as important as romance. Talk about your sexually sensitive spots, erogenous zones, positions you would like to try, your secret desires and fantasies and everything that turns you on in bed.

19. Health. Taking care and asking about the health of a loved one or loved one is no less important than taking care of everyday problems.

20. Tips. If you are well versed in solving any issue, problem, situation, you can give advice. Tips can be useful for improving personal qualities, any business at work, daily personal life, etc.

21. Your past. Topics about your childhood, what happened to you before you met. Talk about the former is better not to touch.

22. Future. What would you like to do in this life? The topic may involve intelligent conversations that can help you get your significant other's opinion about life and activities that are important to them.

23. Preferences. Sometimes it can be conversations about the little things in life that can drag on for several hours. Talk about your likes and dislikes. From time to time, preferences change, and the more you know about current preferences, the more you know about your loved one or loved one.

25. Memories. It is always a pleasant topic to remember the first hugs, the first kiss, the first words “I love you”, the places you have been together, funny stories that have happened to you.