Kabardian family (Traditions and modernity) Shortayeva Inessa Khabasovna. Kabardian weddings: traditions and modernity

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This project is dedicated to the history of my people - the Kabardians. The population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic as of January 1, 2017 is 862,050 people. according to Rosstat data on the preliminary population estimate as of 01/01/2017.

I, Gonibova Lalina, am a representative of the Kabardian family, people from the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the village of Upper Akbash.

Russia is a multinational state. Representatives of more than 100 different peoples live in it. A people and a nation are called a community of people that has developed over a long time in a certain territory, which has its own special language, culture, and economy. The belonging of a person to a certain people is called nationality. A person inherits nationality from his parents.

In my work, I would like to draw the attention of the public to the development of the cultural traditions of my people.

Starting work on this project, I set myself the goal of learning as much as possible about the traditions of my people. While working on the project, I studied various literary and documentary sources, which helped me learn a lot of useful information. I learned to analyze and draw conclusions. To search for answers, I turned to the explanatory dictionary for help, talked with the elders of the village, met with school and village librarians, visited Internet sites, and turned to the teacher for help.

On September 1, 1921, the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed as part of the RSFSR, and in January 1922 - the unified Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region, which was transformed in 1936 into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Kabardino-Balkaria is one of the most picturesque corners of the North Caucasus. The main wealth of the republic is its people: hardworking and brave, generous in friendship and hospitality, severe with enemies. The workers of Kabardino-Balkaria have turned the formerly backward region into a powerful industrial region of the country. New power plants, factories and plants peacefully coexist with the remains of ancient battle towers, monuments to ancient folk heroes - defenders from foreign aliens.

The very name of the republic suggests that two peoples live here - Kabardians and Balkars. These peoples speak different languages, but since ancient times they have been united by a common historical destinies, the closeness of their everyday way of life. There are many similarities in the oral literature of the Kabardians and Balkars - in their folklore.

Kabardians call themselves "Adyghes". "Adyge" is the common name for two other peoples related to the Kabardians - the Adyghe and the Circassians, who live in the Adyghe and Karachay-Cherkess autonomous regions. In the distant past, the Adyghes, Kabardians and Circassians were one people. They also created a common folklore, known as the Adyghe.

Majestic tales about heroes - narts, songs about fighters for the people's cause - the brave Aydemirkan, Hatkha Kochas and other folk heroes, sincere lyrical songs, various fairy tales - all this is the common property of the three peoples.

Objective of the project: get acquainted with the history of the Kabardian people and explore the peculiarities of cultural traditions.

Project objectives:

    Learn from various sources the history of the development of the Kabardian people; explore the main stages in the development of cultural traditions.

    Present national crafts and features of homemade culinary products.

    Tell about the national traditions of your family.


Russia is a huge, big country. And in this vast country there is a beautiful corner called "Kabardino - Balkaria". Each person should know well about the place where he was born and lives. Everyone has the right to be proud of their history. Everyone has their own, unique, special, original. Year after year, it was formed, created by dozens of generations. What we inherited from past generations was obtained with incredible efforts, sweat and blood of our predecessors. Therefore, we remember them with gratitude, carefully preserve everything that they left us.

Today, the issue of preserving the customs and cultural traditions of peoples is very acute in the world. It is necessary to draw public attention to the development of cultural traditions of different peoples living on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Hypothesis: the ability to preserve and increase the traditions and culture of one's ancestors, representatives of different nationalities is not only the ability to honor the past and present, but also the ability to educate a cultural, tolerant society for the future generation of our country.

Customs and traditions of the Kabardians: fidelity to the principles of Adyghe Khabze.

Object of study:

My family, my classmates, the Kabardian people.

Subject of study:

History and culture of the Kabardians.

Research methods:

    Collection of information.

    Work with the Internet - resources.

    Analysis of the received materials.

Chapter 1.

1.1. History of the Kabardians.

Since ancient times, until the end of the XIV century, all the Adygs (Circassians) (including Kabardians, Circassians of the KChR and Adyghes) have a common history.

Kabardians are the most numerous branch of the Circassians (Circassians). Of all the mountain tribes, the Kabardians have won the loudest fame, thanks to their warlike spirit, courage, as well as their dominant position in the North Caucasus. In Russian history, they are known under the name "Pyatigorsk Circassians", which comes from the name of the mountain Beshtau (in Russian - Pyatigorye), in the vicinity of which they live.

The ancestors of the Kabardians from time immemorial lived on the eastern shores of the Black Sea. But only from the middle of the 15th century did Kabarda and the Kabardians appear on the historical scene, so named after the leader of the people, the semi-legendary Prince Idar (Kabardei). Subsequently, the Kabardian princes held in tributary dependence the neighboring mountain tribes - the Ingush, Ossetians, Abaza, mountain Tatars.

All the highlanders of the North Caucasus, and after him the Russian Cossacks, borrowed from the Kabardians the form of clothing, weapons, and riding a horse. Kabarda was also a school of good manners and manners for the highlanders.

In 1722, during the Persian campaign of Peter I, the Kabardians, despite the threats of the Crimean Khan, stood on the side of Russia. Their complete unification took place after a series of Russo-Turkish wars. Friendship with Russia contributed to the strengthening of the influence of the Kabardians in the North Caucasus. In 1991, the Kabardian Autonomous Okrug was formed as part of the RSFSR, later the united Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

I learned that Kabarda has the best pastures in the Caucasus. Carps, pikes, trout are found in rivers and streams, but the fish of the Caspian Sea rises along the Terek only to Naur or Mozdok. This region lacks only a large population to turn it into one of the most beautiful provinces of Russia. The rivers and streams that irrigate the plains of Kabarda are very numerous. Here is their list: Podkumok, Stok, Zaluk, Malka, Kura, Kish-Malka, Baksan, Chegem, Cherek, Nalchik, Urukh, Psydaha, Shugolya, Durdur, Psykhuz, or Belaya, Ardon, Fiak-don, Gezeldon, Arkhon, Mostchaya and Kurp.

I also learned that nature has generously endowed our land: high mountains crowned with snowy peaks, fertile plains, dense forests. In Kabardino - Balkaria there is the highest peak in Europe - Mount Elbrus (in Kabardian - Oshkhamakho, which means "Mountain of Happiness") and the famous Blue Lakes.

1.2. How did the Kabardians live and what did they do.

Young Kabardians of the noble class have been engaged in their physical development since childhood. Thus, the ideal of the Kabardian was developed, who has broad shoulders and a narrow waist, a powerful neck, like an ox, sharp-sighted eyes, like a falcon, and strong hands, like a wolf's mouth. Love for sports (although there is no adequate word in the Adyghe language) found a fantastic reflection in the Nart legends. Every year, the Narts (the legendary heroes of the Kabardians) organized heroic games with the Steel Wheel. He was lowered from the top of the mountain, and one of the heroes met him at the foot and drove him back to the mountain with a blow of his foot or palm. The Narts loved multi-day races, wrestling, the purpose of which was to drive the enemy into the ground up to the very neck. For the Kabardians, the sledges were an unattainable ideal.

Kabardian sport did not know mountaineering, but the greatest mountaineering feat in the Caucasus belongs to the Kabardian Kilar Khashirov. On July 10, 1829, without prior training, he was the first in the world to conquer Elbrus. The ascent was organized by the commander of the Caucasian line, General Emanuel. Scientists - a geophysicist, a geologist, a physicist, a zoologist, a botanist, as well as an escort team consisting of Kabardians, Balkars and Cossacks - were involved in this expedition. However, most of the climbers were forced to descend from a height of 4270 meters, unable to withstand mountain sickness. Some did not reach the summit by only 210 meters. Only Kilar Khashirov continued the ascent alone. General Emanuel, who was watching the storming of Elbrus through a telescope, saw how he ascended to the very top of the eastern peak. this modest stone will pass on to posterity the names of those who were the first to pave the way to reaching Elbrus, which is still considered unapproachable!

1.3. crafts

Kabarda and Cherkessia were not areas of wide development of crafts, as, for example, Dagestan.

Most of the local crafts are related to the processing of agricultural products and served the needs of the inhabitants of their village. Only the famous Kabardian cloaks and saddles were sold outside of Kabarda and Circassia, especially among the Terek and Kuban Cossacks.

Existing among the Kabardians and Circassians in the 19th - early 20th centuries. industries can be divided into two groups:

1) women's household crafts (women worked for their families, and in the feudal period for the owner's family);

2) handicraft and handicraft production, serviced by male labor.

Cattle breeding provided the main raw material for women's household crafts, and the first place was occupied by wool, from which cloaks, hats, felts, cloth, ropes, etc. were made. . In the household, women were also engaged in the processing of sheepskins and leather, from which clothes and shoes were made. Along with this, for a long time there were leather craftsmen who made leather for shoes and, in particular, belts for horse harness.

Women were also engaged in weaving mats from reeds. In the life of Kabardians and Circassians, things woven from willow and hazel twigs are widespread. Weaved the walls of the house and outbuildings, hedges, part of the body of the cart, hives-sapets and all kinds of baskets. Weaving was done by men.

Chapter 2. Cultural traditions of the Kabardians.

2.1. Clothing.

For a long time, Kabardians and Balkars lived in friendship, repelling the onslaught of numerous enemies by joint efforts. In severe battles, these peoples managed to preserve their language, customs, rich folklore.

The national clothes of the Kabardians and Balkars have evolved over the centuries. In the traditional clothes of the Kabardians and the Balkars, there was a great similarity. This community has developed over a long historical period. The general military life also mattered.


Men's clothing of Kabardians and Balkars was basically the same. To a large extent, it was made from local materials: sheepskin, cattle skin, wool was processed into felt, from which hats, cloaks, and homespun cloth were made. Silk, velvet, cotton fabrics were obtained by Kabardians and Balkars through developed trade relations.

Men's clothing of Kabardians and Balkars was not only well adapted to local conditions, but also distinguished by its beauty, grace and original elegance. It fully corresponded to the highlanders' idea of ​​the beauty of a male figure, emphasizing broad shoulders and a thin waist, its harmony and smartness, dexterity, strength. And the cattle breeder, and the hunter, and the warrior, and the rider felt equally comfortable and free in clothes that fit exactly to the figure and did not restrict movement.

The clothes of the Kabardians and Balkars were also a kind of decoration. These qualities of the national dress provided her with universal recognition in the Caucasus.


The clothes of Kabardians and Balkars had much in common with men's, which testifies to the unity of their fundamental principle. There were, of course, significant differences. The ideal of female beauty in the Caucasus was considered to be a thin waist and a flat chest. To achieve such a figure, kabardians and balkars from the age of 10-12 wore morocco corsets with wooden planks worn on the naked body and tightly clasping the entire bust of the girl. This ensured the subtlety and harmony of the girl's figure. The corset was pulled together with laces and was removed only on the wedding night.

Over the corset they put on an undershirt, which had the same cut as the men's. But it was longer and went down below the knees. Her sleeves were also straight and wide, long, sometimes covering her hands. The women's shirt also had a straight slit and a small stand-up collar fastened with a button. Shirts were sewn from cotton or silk fabric of various, sometimes bright, colors. Great attention was paid to the choice of material for a smart shirt, as the collar, front slit and sleeves peeked out of the dress. The custom of Kabardian and Balkar women to decorate these parts of the shirt with embroidery and beautiful narrow galloons was connected with this. Old women wore shirts made of white or somewhat darkish cotton fabric, while young women sewed them from dark red, blue, brown, etc. The shirts of older women did not have decorations or embroidery.

2.2. Food.

Circassians always approached the issues of food and its intake very seriously. It is no coincidence that in connection with this they developed a special etiquette - table etiquette. This etiquette was taught to children from early childhood, because it was not just a meal, but a whole school that required concentration, attention, self-control.

Meat dishes were a common traditional food of the Kabardians. They were prepared from lamb, beef, poultry and game - from fresh, dried, smoked, boiled meat. The carcass was carefully butchered along its joints. First of all, the spine was cut into small pieces, the ribs, loin, shoulder blades and hind thighs were separated. If it was not necessary to boil the entire carcass of a ram or goat, i.e. food was prepared only for family members, then first of all they cooked pieces of the spine, part of the ribs, shoulder blade, liver, lungs, heart. The last four parts were fried separately in oil. The head and legs were tarred and thoroughly washed in hot and cold water; the insides (offal) were also very thoroughly washed and, at the same time, they were cooked separately with the head and legs. Before cooking fresh meat, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse it in cold water and lower it into a container with already hot, but not yet boiled, salted water and cook, periodically removing the foam. For 30-40 minutes before full readiness, an onion or a bunch of peeled green onions is lowered into the broth, other spices to taste. The cooked meat is taken out, and the broth can be used separately. Kabardians always ate boiled and fried meat with pasta. An obligatory condition for the use of boiled meat was that for normal digestion it was washed down with either broth or another hot drink, but in no case - with cold water. As a rule, meat was eaten hot and with "shyps" (gravy with garlic on a different basis - broth, sour milk, sour cream, a mixture of sour cream and sour milk).

2.3. Culture.

The culture of any nation is eternal. It will remain for humanity even if its creator disappears from the face of the earth. In the system of Caucasian civilization, a significant and worthy place is occupied by the culture of the Kabardian people. The whole world knows the Adyghe etiquette (a set of unwritten laws of the Adyghes) - one of the remarkable monuments of the spiritual culture of the Adyghe ethnic group. The national form of clothing of the Circassians was adopted by almost all the peoples of the Caucasus, as well as the Don, Kuban and Terek Cossacks. Historically, it so happened that the Kabardians were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

The Kabardians raised sheep, cattle and horses. Kabardian horses have always been famous both in Russia and abroad. The famous breed of the Kabardian horse is not only the personification of beauty and endurance, it is very popular among connoisseurs and lovers of equestrian sports; many give her preference because of her unpretentiousness and practicality in the household. The monumental Nart epic is a significant part of world culture.

Today, after more than 100 years, there has been such a close merging and mutual enrichment of the cultures of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria that it is difficult to separate the samples of their song creativity from each other. They are perceived as a single culture. Therefore, in this work, Kabardian and Balkar music will be discussed as a single whole.

Kabardians carefully preserve the traditions of their ancestors. In their life, an important role is played by "Adyghe Khabze" - a set of norms and rules of behavior that has been established for centuries. Honoring the elders is one of the main rules of "Adyghe Khabze". It is no coincidence that an eloquent saying has long been preserved in Kabarda: "The power of the elder is equal to the power of God." Indeed, the elderly are the most respected people among relatives and villagers. The elders are always given emphasized signs of attention, they are never objected to. In the company of the elders, the younger ones never speak first, do not interrupt them, and even more so they will never smoke in front of them. With respect for the elders in Kabarda, only a guest can be equal. Hospitality among the Kabardians is virtuous, because it is believed that the guest is the messenger of God. Folk wisdom says: "The guest of the Adygei is sitting in the fortress." The holy commandment of the Kabardian is to receive a guest at any time, feed and arrange him in the best way. A family that is not able to fulfill the duty of hospitality is condemned by fellow villagers.

2.4. The history of the Lezginka dance.

Lezginka is familiar to everyone. This dance is danced at concerts, city squares, weddings and just on the road. He inspires someone, annoys someone, but people who are indifferent to Lezginka simply do not exist. The peoples of the Caucasus have many common features determined by their genetic affinity - from the famous "mountain temperament" to linguistic and cultural proximity. One of the most famous common symbols of the culture of the peoples of the Caucasus is the Lezginka dance, which traditionally symbolically expresses all the diversity of the mountain worldview.

Lezginka has a deep symbolic meaning - the ancient basis of the dance is a story about an eagle and a swan. In the form of an eagle, a man dances, alternating the pace of the dance from slow to swift, like an eagle, now soaring, now diving, and spreading his arms as if they were wings. The woman opposite moves smoothly, imitating the swan's stature and grace, gradually accelerating, following her partner. Men compete with each other, trying to show the best dexterity and the most incredible movements at maximum speed.

Lezginka can also be performed with weapons, which gives it additional militancy. Lezginka performance techniques exist in many variations, and each nation dances it in its own way. However, three types of dance can be distinguished, each of which is distinguished by its unique performance.

Chapter 3. Practical work.

Making a national dish.

To learn how to prepare gedlibzhe I asked my grandmother to tell me about the peculiarities of preparing the national dish.

Goedlibzhe- one of the most common dishes of the Adyghe cuisine, without which not a single feast can do. Gedlibzhe is prepared for every day, and for the festive table, and for the commemoration. This is lightly boiled and then stewed chicken in a creamy sauce. We lower the chicken for this dish into cold water, bring to a boil, salt and cook over low heat until almost cooked. Then cut into small portions. To speed up the process a little, take the chicken fillet and immediately cut it into thin slices along the fibers, and then cook. Boiled chicken meat, divided into portions, transfer to a frying pan. There, fill it with a mixture of cream and broth and simmer.

One serving will require 200 gr. chicken fillet, 120 gr. cream with a fat content of 33% and 50 gr. strained broth. 10-15 minutes - and the dish is ready. Of course, we serve it with the indispensable pasta.


Summing up the work, I want to note that the preservation of the diversity of national cultures is an important task of modern society.

The level of national relations, the measure of their humanity and respect depend on the correct idea of ​​another nation, its culture. A person who is included in the culture of his own people, thinking about its origins, cannot but treat another culture with good interest and trust.

This work helped me learn the history of my people and tell my peers about it and its traditions. I believe that the more we know about the peoples living in our country and abroad, the less there will be interethnic conflicts on our land.

Let's summarize.

Working on the project, I learned the history of my people, how my people fought for the right to live, observing the traditions of their ancestors. I learned a lot about the development of the culture of the Kabardian people.

The Caucasus is one of the areas of the world where the folk costume is distinguished by exceptional diversity, colorfulness and decorations. I learned that one can study the history of a people by the national costume. I also learned to independently analyze, evaluate the facts and events of the history of my native land.


    "Traditional hospitality of Kabardians and Balkars" A.I.Musukaev. 2008

    "Traditional culture of Kabardians and Balkars" G.Kh.Mambetov. 2008

    "Narts" The heroic epic of the Balkars and Karachais. A.I.Aliyeva. Moscow 1994.

4. Internet resources.

Kabardian weddings are considered one of the most fun and spectacular national family holidays. It is noteworthy that they always present various kinds of conflicts and quarrels. It's not about bad organization. The tradition of arguing at this celebration appeared several years ago, it is based on ancient national customs.


It all starts with the fact that the groom's relatives help to find a girl who will suit him as a bride. Next, the groom with his closest relatives goes to the girl's house, hoping that her father will agree to the marriage of his daughter. In the case of a positive answer, they begin to discuss the topic regarding the kalym. We must immediately warn that the groom was not always lucky the first time to receive a blessing from his future father-in-law. Often he sent an annoying guy with nothing.

The goal could be reached after the second, third, etc. call. Apparently, in this way firmness of intentions was tested. This is how a Kabardian wedding begins, in Nalchik, for example.


After the families agreed on the kalym, they moved on to the next stage - the bride. The ritual of exchanging wedding rings was not delayed for a long time. As soon as the groom paid a part of the previously agreed amount of bride price, it was possible to take his beloved out of her parents' house.

From that moment on, the bride and groom were settled in different houses. According to tradition, the future husband and relatives should not contact for a while. The rule was especially harsh in relation to the bride, groom and elders. Only after a long period of time had it been allowed to bring a beloved to the yearning guy. First of all, the girl examined the room where the young would soon live. The common hall was allowed to be seen after a few weeks. Kabardian weddings are the observance of all traditions and rituals.

Such a superficial description is not able to reflect the spectacle of the rituals of the Kabardian wedding, of which there are quite a few in reality. Unfortunately, with each new generation, traditions and rituals are gradually forgotten, losing their original content. Although often at the modern Kabardian wedding there are national costumes and temperamental dance elements, but not all indigenous people like this. What makes them angry?

Modern traditions of Kabardian weddings

In the scenarios of modern weddings of Kabardians, the kidnapping of the bride is considered an obligatory ritual. Relatives took the girl to their house. The parents who came to the chosen one asked her a question about whether she agreed. This was not the case in ancient times. If the answer was yes, then from that moment the young couple was considered husband and wife. Marriage was necessarily registered by a Muslim priest invited to the house - imam.

A beautiful Kabardian wedding, like all other holidays, is celebrated at home. Local residents do not imagine that it could be organized in any cafe or restaurant. This is because if the girl refuses, she should be able to freely return to her home. This option was not available in previous years. As soon as a marriage is concluded in compliance with all Muslim traditions, the young begin to prepare for an exciting celebration.

It is generally accepted that after the bride and groom spent their first wedding night in their lives, as material evidence, it is necessary to take out the sheet on which they slept together as material evidence. Despite the fact that Islam has a negative attitude towards such a rite, many Caucasians continue to adhere to it.

According to tradition, members of opposite sexes are required to celebrate Kabardian weddings separately. Oddly enough, guests should not see the bride.

How do modern European traditions influence the celebration of a Kabardian wedding?

Modern European trends penetrate the traditions of all peoples living outside Europe. Every year, national rituals are forgotten, identity is lost. Now, not a single wedding is complete without an expensive car, everyone present is trying to put on outfits according to the latest fashion. And, of course, the solemn event must be filmed on video, recorded on a digital storage medium. Special Kabardian toasts are also prepared for the wedding.

The opinions of the indigenous people were divided into opposites: some approve of innovations, others remain adherents of the traditions of their ancestors.

Ultimately, the right to choose how to celebrate the wedding is given to the relatives of the newlyweds. In any case, Kabardian weddings are fun and spectacular.

One of the small peoples of the Middle East, living in the foothills of the Caucasus, are the Kabardians. Because of the isolated area and free temper, they try to preserve their culture, and the Kabardian wedding is a vivid demonstration of their customs.

The roots of the traditions according to which the holiday takes place, as well as the rites preceding it, according to various sources, date back to 2-4 thousand BC. e. So ancient origins make the whole celebration very unusual and original, which is ideal for newlyweds who want to have a unique wedding.

Kabardians are a rather unhurried people, especially in such an important matter as choosing a bride. It is believed that a young man cannot adequately assess how a woman will be a good wife to him. Therefore, relatives are looking at free girls, drawing conclusions about how well they are brought up.

This is a rather slow method, but it allows you to collect all the information about a potential relative. Thanks to this, even a small stain on the girl's reputation will be noticed, which will worsen her chances for a good marriage. When a guy shows a desire to marry a girl, and if the elders of the clan have no objections, then matchmakers are sent to the bride's parents.

Among the delegation must be the eldest man in the family, who talks about the desire to intermarry. Parents can immediately refuse the groom, or take time to think about the proposal. Sometimes the period of reflection reaches 4-5 months. After that, a second meeting takes place, where the decision is announced.

Sometimes the bride's parents can immediately refuse the groom, but if the man is serious, he tries to fix what the girl's family did not like as soon as possible. After that, matchmakers go again, but 3-4 months should pass between visits. When permission is received, the matchmakers and parents thoughtfully discuss the size of the kalym. This can take 1-3 months, depending on the frequency of meetings. It is considered incorrect and too suspicious if an agreement is reached very quickly.

When the conditions are satisfied by both parties, the engagement is considered concluded, after which preparations for the wedding begin.

Wedding preparations

The first custom, which already refers to the organization of the wedding, is the resettlement of the bride and groom in different houses. But for this, you first need the girl to leave her father's house.

This rite is called "descent from the pillow." For its implementation, a huge embroidered pillow is used, on which the newlywed stands, and friends and relatives are placed around it.

The older males of the host family must ransom the bride. Most often, only part of the agreed kalym is paid for the girl. After the girl was ransomed, she is brought to the groom - so that he takes her out of her father's house. At the same time, a woman must confidently cross the threshold with her right foot, which means that the path to a new family will be easy and hassle-free.

If the bride stumbles, then this is regarded as a bad sign. This tradition arose due to the fact that earlier the ashes of ancestors were buried under the threshold so that they would protect the family from bad people. The procession takes the bride first to the prepared rooms, and then the groom, while they live in different houses. After that, the man does not have the right to contact his relatives for 3-4 weeks. In some villages the same prohibition applies to women, but it is rarely applied.

Young people devote this time to moral preparation for future marriage.

Holding a celebration

A modern wedding takes place only by mutual consent, although earlier a man could steal a girl he liked. If they did not manage to return her before nightfall, then the parents had to give consent to the marriage, otherwise their daughter would be covered with shame, because she spent the night not in her home.

Now marriage consists of several stages:

  1. Blessing by the imam, who conducts the ceremony in accordance with Muslim traditions. After that, the marriage is considered concluded, and the girl is taken to the groom's room, it is in this place that they will live. The marriage is declared confirmed the next day, and a bloody sheet is sometimes shown. But the last point of the custom is performed extremely rarely.
  2. After that, the man's parents celebrate a successful wedding, say toasts, hold dances, sing songs, express many deep sayings in their own language, while preparing for the official celebration. On the third day, the bride's relatives join them, bringing with them her dowry.
  3. When everything is ready, the newlyweds register the marriage officially. However, their parents are not present at this part of the wedding.
  4. After receiving official confirmation, the newlyweds move to the groom's house, where the main holiday will take place.

There are several mandatory traditions that are strictly observed at every wedding:

  1. The groom is seated at the table with men of both families, who communicate with him, and introduce him to the elders. After that, they turn off the light, and they try to steal his headdress. The young man must show all his dexterity to prevent this.
  2. Before the beautiful bride enters the hall, a ram's skin is spread on the floor. The girl stands on the sheepskin, and relatives try to pull the skin from under her feet. The newlywed must keep her balance, it is good if she does not sway much. It is absolutely unacceptable to fall.

When all the tests are passed, the newlyweds dance, and relatives shower them with coins and millet, wishing prosperity and prosperity.

According to tradition, if men who are not relatives of the bride or groom are present at the wedding, the girl's face should be covered with an opaque cloth, men and women celebrate in separate halls without intersecting.

After the wedding

After the wedding, there is one interesting custom - it is called the "escape of the old woman." The groom's grandmother leaves home, and the newlyweds must find her and bring her back. This shows their respect for the elders, and also that the old are always welcome under the shelter of the young.

All actions in relation to a woman should express maximum respect and care.

In this video - a very beautiful Kabardian wedding:

Organizing a wedding according to Kabardian traditions is a long and laborious task. But thanks to measured preparation, the whole action looks solemn and impressive. Would you be able to show as much endurance as the Kabardian youth, waiting until all the rites are observed?

A Kabardian wedding is not only entertainment and fun, but also disputes that arise during the event. And the point here lies not in the poor organization of the celebration or in the conflict of those present. This is an old national tradition that dates back several decades.

The traditional action lasts more than one day and begins with the search for the bride by the groom's relatives. As soon as a suitable candidate is found, the groom himself and his close relatives go to the bride's house. They ask the father of the bride for blessings for the wedding. It should be noted that the groom does not always receive consent to marriage immediately. In case of a negative answer, he comes to the bride's parents for the second, third time. Sometimes it takes several months to get consent.

As soon as the goal was achieved, the families of the future spouses began to negotiate about the kalym. This unhurried conversation lasted as long as it took for a mutual decision to be made. After the decision was made, the next stage of the Kabardian wedding began.


After making a certain part of the kalym, the groom received permission to take the bride out of the parental home. According to tradition, the young were settled in different houses. From that moment on, communication between the groom and the bride, as well as with relatives, ceased. Enough time passed before the groom was allowed to see the bride: she was brought to the house where she would soon live with her husband.

First of all, the future wife examined the room in which, after the wedding, the new family was to settle. The bride was not allowed to visit the common room for several days. These traditions and rituals were very strictly observed in the past. Today, even the most beautiful Kabardian wedding includes only some of the components of folk culture. Traditions, as well as customs, are gradually being forgotten, they are no longer given the same importance as before.

Modern customs of celebrating a Kabardian wedding

An obligatory ritual present in the interpretation of the celebration of the modern wedding is the kidnapping of the bride. After she was brought to the house of the groom's relatives, her father and mother came to her and asked her consent to the wedding. If the daughter gave a positive answer, the imam was invited to the house to register the marriage.

Kabardian modern wedding is held in the house, but not in the restaurant. This is explained by the fact that if the girl does not agree to marry, she will have the opportunity to safely return home. If the girl gives an affirmative answer, the marriage is concluded according to all Muslim traditions, after which preparations begin for the festive celebration.

A couple of days of preparation for the wedding, the groom's relatives noisily celebrate the upcoming event. Two days later, the bride's relatives, who arrived with gifts, join the festive feast. For honored guests, the best lamb is slaughtered, the best wine is taken out of the cellar. It should be noted that the registration of marriage in a state institution takes place without the presence of the parents of the newlyweds. After the newlyweds receive a marriage certificate, a banquet begins at the groom's house. For these purposes, the wedding table has long been laid.

This solemn event is celebrated by men separately from women. Only men sit at the festive table in the main room. From time to time they turn off the light and try to remove the hat from the groom's head. The goal of the newly-made husband is to prevent attempts to do this.

In some places there is a rite that contradicts Islamic traditions. After the newlyweds have spent the night together, they show the guests the sheet.

Kabardian weddings are a fun and beautiful celebration. This important holiday does not pass without quarrels and conflicts. Disputes arise due to the fact that the traditional action, which is based on ancient customs, lasts several years. First, the groom, with the help of his relatives, is looking for a candidate for the role of the bride. Then the closest relatives go to the house of the chosen one and ask her father for the hand and heart of their daughter. If he agreed, then the families agree on the kalym. An affirmative answer was often not given immediately, so the bride had to be wooed many times. When the families decided on the kalym, it was the turn of the bride. Young people got engaged after a short period of time. These actions corresponded to a very strict ritual, from the rules of which it was forbidden to deviate. After the young man made a part of the agreed bride price, he received the right to take his beloved out of his home. This process is also subject to certain rules.

The bride was supposed to live in one house, and the groom in another. The young man was forbidden to see his relatives. The most strict attitude was towards the meetings of the groom with the bride and the elders. The bride was brought to the young man after a long time. To begin with, she was shown a room in which a young family would live. A few weeks later she was shown the common room. This description can be called a brief retelling of the whole essence of Kabardian weddings. In fact, there are many more rituals. However, they do without many rituals and traditions. Today, at these holidays, you can see the costumes of the people and funny dances. Some Kabardians do not approve of such innovations. What makes them so angry?

Modern traditions of Kabardian weddings

In modern Kabardian weddings there is a ritual of bride kidnapping. The girl is also settled in the house of relatives. However, unlike the old days, the potential bride was asked for consent after the arrival of her parents. After an affirmative answer, the girls invited the Imam to the house, who entered into a marriage between people in love. In general, almost all holidays, including weddings, these people celebrate at home. People are not accustomed to celebrating this solemn day in any establishments. If the girl refused, then she can go to her home. This is an innovation that did not exist before. After the conclusion of a Muslim marriage, the bride and groom begin preparations for the wedding. Have you heard about taking the sheets out of the house after the wedding night? So, this rite is contrary to Islamic traditions. However, many people still do this. On the day of the wedding celebration, it is forbidden to connect representatives of the opposite sex. Tradition says that women and men should celebrate the solemn day separately from each other. The bride should not show herself to those present.

What are they, modern weddings of the people? These are expensive cars, stylish people in fashionable outfits, girls in beautiful dresses, the work of a wedding operator. Can such a wedding be called bad? Many people will say that such a holiday can be called a shame, because the people lose their individuality, adopting traditions from European countries. Others believe that sooner or later the notes of European weddings would still violate the usual traditions, so there is nothing bad and forbidden here. Whose opinion can be called correct? Probably, only relatives of the newlyweds can answer such a question. They will decide whether it is worth keeping the generally accepted traditions or whether it is necessary to bring some fresh ideas into the wedding.