How beautiful to tear jeans at home. How to cut jeans beautifully - design skills

Modern denim fashion invites us to turn our eyes to extraordinary and original things. According to fashion trends, we are recommended to wear boyfriend jeans, oversized and with various effects of aging, raggedness and wear. Such things can cost quite a lot, sometimes twice as much as usual. However, if you have a desire and a creative approach, you can make jeans in this style yourself.

About ten years ago, ripped jeans appeared on the runways, and many reacted to them with a certain apprehension. A few years ago, this trend returned again - and jeans with the effect of aging (in the form of small holes or large holes) gradually appeared in our everyday life. They are worn not only on special occasions by fashionistas who want to stand out, but also in everyday life by lovers of casual style, handmade and original clothes.

Ripped denim is quite relevant, especially in the warm season. In modern fashion magazines and on the Internet, you can find various photos of torn jeans - both from branded manufacturers and processed at home. These things are distinguished by cuts and decorative damage on the fabric, which, using a special technique, a skilled craftsman tried to give the effect of natural wear and tear.

How to tear jeans correctly: we select the style

Silhouettes and styles of ripped jeans should be selected not only depending on fashion, which is currently quite democratic. Choosing the right model for yourself should be, first of all, taking into account the individual characteristics of the figure. Long-legged and slender girls will suit ripped models in various styles, whether they are skinny or loose boyfriend jeans.

Puffy girls with full legs fit denim trousers with slits above the knee, so that the massive calves of the legs and lower legs are covered. A full girl will look slimmer in straight jeans with narrow slits placed vertically. And vice versa, in order to give the figure the missing volume, thin girls can use torn jeans with fairly wide horizontal slits, as well as make holes in them around the knees.

How to rip your own jeans

You can achieve the effect of torn denim and achieve breathtaking results without anyone's help. Beautifully tearing jeans in stages is not at all difficult. You will be happy to wear a thing treated in this way according to your taste on your own. In addition, these jeans will be a great gift for a friend. You should not be too zealous with processing the fabric to give it a decorative effect of "raggedness", otherwise there is a risk of getting a hopelessly damaged thing at the end. It will take moderation to intuitively feel how to properly rip jeans. Thus, it is worth acting gradually and commensurate the changes made with the result that you want to get.

How to rip jeans: preparatory work

To perform this work, you will need, in fact, the jeans themselves. You can buy new ones or use an unclaimed item from your wardrobe to start with - in this way you can turn stale jeans in the closet into a fashionable new thing. By tearing them decoratively, you can literally breathe new life into them. A classic pair of jeans is best in your size or slightly larger to achieve a loose fit. It is worth considering that in order to give the effect of aging and raggedness, it is preferable to choose a thing from a fabric of medium thickness and density. A warm model, with a significant content of elastane, made of too thin material or, conversely, coarse denim is unlikely to fit. Scuffs and slits on jeans look interesting with smoothly flowing shades of color, with the presence of rhinestones and metal rivets.

How to rip jeans properly: the right tools and equipment

It is convenient to make cuts on denim with a clerical knife or blade. Sometimes a medical scalpel or a coarse grater is used for this. In addition, you will need a plate of plastic or plywood (like a small tray or cutting board), which will be convenient to put under a layer of material for further processing, so as not to cut through the trousers.

Prepare also small scissors (manicure will do), chalk or remnant for marking, pumice stone or sandpaper of medium grit. Chlorine bleach can also be used to treat denim.

How to tear jeans correctly: we determine the places of cuts

First you need to familiarize yourself with current photos on the Internet and choose the right option for yourself on how to tear jeans. To determine where your jeans will be “torn”, put them on and mark with chalk the planned cuts. The slits can be minimal or a solid size, depending on what effect you want to achieve, as well as how much you are ready to show naked body in holes and holes. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a small hole on the knee is located in a place of significant fabric tension and, during wear, can expand significantly, turning into an unaesthetic tear. Thus, to give the effect of "raggedness" it is worth choosing a place slightly above or below the knee. After marking, hang the jeans on a hanger and step back some distance to assess from the outside what effect you should expect from further processing of the fabric.

How to rip jeans the right way: giving the effect of aging

Artistically "torn" jeans go well with the presence of scuffs on them. Thus, in order for denim trousers with a torn effect to look as natural as possible, it is necessary to artificially age them a little before making cuts and holes. To do this, lay out the jeans on a flat and hard surface, place a plank or a dense plate inside the trouser leg, and then treat the fabric with vigorous movements with a pumice stone. In this way, you can achieve the appearance of light scuffs on it and the effect of some wear and tear. It is quite possible to tear jeans at home, making spectacular holes and scuffs in them. In this way, you can process any places on jeans you want, including pockets, the outer layer of the fabric of the belt, or the bottom of the leg. At the same time, it is recommended to avoid the area around the knees, since in this place minor abrasions can turn into unplanned holes.

Ways to properly rip jeans at home

Most of the ways to properly tear jeans are based on cutting the fabric with a sharp object, followed by more or less careful pulling out of the threads. Holes and patterns can be symmetrical or located randomly, near or far from each other. It is worth considering that the incision may expand due to natural wear and tear, while the slot may increase significantly. Thus, this phenomenon should be taken into account when cutting tissue. You can start processing jeans by placing a plank under the leg so as not to tear or cut the fabric of the bottom layer of the leg.

To give various decorative effects, you can use the following methods to properly tear jeans at home:

How to Rip Your Jeans: Finishing

Jeans with a ripped effect look quite impressive with a slightly bleached fabric. To do this, you can use a chlorine bleach like Whiteness. Dissolve a small amount of this product in water and, moistening a cloth in it, apply it to the fabric of jeans in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe holes made and around them. After a few minutes, wash and rinse the item thoroughly.

In general, hand-designed ripped jeans should be washed in cool or lukewarm water, then flattened and dried naturally. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to wash such a thing in a special case for delicate washing so as not to damage the fabric (or, if there is none, in an old pillowcase).

What to wear with ripped jeans

By learning how to properly rip jeans, you can end up with a great piece for everyday wear. It is worth considering that ripped jeans are best combined with casual casual clothes. The more bizarrely the model is processed in order to give the effect of raggedness and aging, the easier it is recommended to pick up the top for it. With torn jeans, a T-shirt or T-shirt of a simple style and discreet colors, sitting on a figure or slightly loose, will look harmonious. You should not make layered and complex combinations with things like feminine blouses and bulky pullovers.

In addition, blazers and cardigans, as well as leather jackets, can go well with ripped jeans, but such combinations should be chosen as thoughtfully as possible. Such jeans in themselves are a catchy, attention-grabbing detail, so it is not recommended to overload the image with additional details. You should not wear stockings or tights under them, since in this case the main idea is lost, which allows you to effectively present strips of a naked body against the background of jeans for others.

You can wear any shoes under these trousers. Sports options like sneakers and sneakers are optimally suited, various boots, ballet flats and sandals, as well as classic pumps, will also look harmonious. Depending on the chosen shoes, you should choose a bag - you should not wear respectable status products with torn jeans, but democratic backpacks, chests or bags will fit optimally.

How to tear jeans - video

As any girl knows, stylishly cut jeans are quite highly valued among young people today. Many designers create their own collections in which such outfits flaunt. Cut jeans have become very fashionable this season. That is why any self-respecting woman and girl should have them. You can easily purchase a ready-made model. Also, you can cut jeans yourself, and you will learn how to do it correctly from our article.

From old to new - we make stylish jeans, a master class

The page contains a master class on creating stylish clothes for everyday wear.

First, decide where exactly you want to make the cuts. To do this, you can make small sketches on denim with a pencil or soap. The main thing to remember is that the more your jeans are cut, the more they will attract attention, and, therefore, it must look beautiful and stylish. It is worth knowing that well-placed accents with the help of cuts can significantly change your figure for the better.

Be sure to choose the most correct model of the product in order to cut jeans. In no case should they hang out on you or be too big. Choose those jeans that fit you perfectly even without cuts.

And now let's talk about how to beautifully cut jeans with your own hands. After you have decided on the model of jeans and the cuts on them, hang them on a hanger and carefully, using chalk, mark the cut lines. Then be sure to consider the future decor from a short distance. This will help to identify its shortcomings and note the advantages. To create the most correct composition, try on your product and see how they look on you with cuts. To make cut jeans look like a model from the cover of a glossy magazine, you can use some tools. You can easily find these accessories at home. Usually, sewing scissors are used to cut denim. But, to get the most spectacular decor, you need to use the most ordinary clerical knife. Make sure that its blade is well sharpened, otherwise you may end up with sloppy cuts that will only spoil the look of the product. This is an important point, otherwise you will not be able to cut your jeans beautifully.

Place a small piece of wood or cardboard inside the leg, which must be as tight as possible, this is necessary in order not to accidentally cut through the product. Also, be sure to get a brush for cleaning clothes. In any case, it should be with fairly stiff bristles. You can easily use an old toothbrush instead. These items will be needed in order to create the simplest cuts. To make them much more difficult, stock up on a nail file, instead of which you can use a pumice stone. It is with the help of these items that you can easily create quite interesting and original holes.

All cuts on jeans must be done in a horizontal direction. This is because even designers use this method. If, however, you do not follow this rule and make a cut at an angle, then you will get a sloppy cut, since denim has a rather loose weave structure. Thus, you get a regular torn hole. It is worth remembering that the cuts on jeans are rubbed over time and increase significantly.

original variants

Let's think about how to properly cut jeans to get original decor options for your clothes. Be sure to make the cuts with gentle and fairly smooth movements. This is because if you overdo it with sudden movements, then you will end up with a very sloppy and ugly decor. Be sure to keep an eye on the protruding threads. They need to be trimmed from the wallpaper ends. To create the most complex composition, make several small cuts in a row, keeping a distance of a few millimeters between them. Thus, you can easily create a unique and original composition. Also, consider alternating incisions of different lengths.

After the main work is done and you have made a few necessary cuts, spread the fabric on a hard surface and wave the protruding threads around the holes. Thus, you will cut your jeans correctly and get original options for embellishing your trousers.

Be sure to go through the cut lines from the inside with a nail file, taking all the threads out. Make sure the blade is sharp.

Then, for all cuts, it is necessary to process them with a pumice stone. So, you can make the fringe a little smaller and more attractive. Do this with light movements so as not to damage the surface of the jeans.

After all the work, be sure to try on the resulting jeans. After all, only in this way, you will be able to accurately assess the quality of the cuts made on the tissue, and, if necessary, refine them.

You can easily add some decorative elements. For example, you can sew a casual lock somewhere or decorate jeans with glitter and stripes. Such decor often helps to easily adjust the figure. So, for example, if you make rather frank cutouts in the knee area, then this will greatly lengthen your legs and add spice to your image. Add volume to the hips can one, but a very large neckline.

In the event that you have finished working on the creation of the original model of jeans, then you can easily wash them in the washing machine. It is she who will give your decor real negligence and naturalness. Only after washing can you consider that you have got a rather interesting and original wardrobe item that you can easily use as comfortable everyday clothes. Now you know how to properly and beautifully cut jeans in order to get original decor options. We hope that our master class was useful and informative for you. Well, if you have your own secrets of how to properly cut jeans, then write to us about it in the comments.

Modern fashion publications from year to year show samples of clothing that never cease to amaze with their hand-made design. Ripped jeans are a prime example of inimitable extravagance.

The question involuntarily arises, how difficult is it at home to turn your ordinary jeans into a fashionable example of perfection, for example, such as in a picture from a glossy magazine?

This is only at first glance, it seems that it is enough just to arm yourself with scissors and make a few chaotic cuts.

The saddest thing is that without special knowledge and skills, trying to implement something like this on your own at home, jeans will safely go to the trash can. At best, as a result of an unsuccessful experiment, denim shorts will remain in the wardrobe.

We strongly recommend that you listen to our practical tips, which describe in detail the steps for transforming jeans at home. A small instruction will help you understand how to rip jeans beautifully and eliminate possible mistakes in this exciting creative process.

Your old or new jeans will get a second life if you learn how to make neat cuts. This technology has its own specific tricks.

Before you start "shredding" your jeans, you need to figure out the direction of the woven backing. As a rule, these are white threads (the inner layer of the fabric), the integrity of which ensures the strength of the product. It is important to keep these strands intact as they will act as a camouflage cut and serve as a stylish element in the design.

In order to make a neat cut with your own hands, you need to put the jeans on a flat surface and mark the places for future cuts with a bar of soap, crayon or pencil.

The best tool for cutting the top layer of fabric is a sharp clerical knife. I must say that scissors will not allow you to make an incision neat. We remind you that the formed incision should not damage the denim base (white threads).

After the operation, you should pick up a needle or other sharp object, such as a knitting needle, and pull the white warp threads to give them some kind of disorder. Then the contours of the cut should be slightly fluffed. You will get a kind of fringe, which will interestingly mask the incision line and will not allow it to increase in size.

Each for himself determines the required number of such incisions. By the way, to enhance the visual effect, you can use patches of dense fabric of various prints and colors.

It makes sense to try to put such flaps under the incisions so that they visually look through the base. If as a result of the experiment an interesting image is obtained, then you can safely sew on a patchwork impromptu.

If you create incisions in the form of complex shapes, then remember that your creation may noticeably suffer during the washing process. Such a sewing invention as an adhesive-based tape will allow you to save the shape of the incision. Just fasten it from the wrong side of the incision.

How to make fashion scuffs?

An equally interesting way to transform denim is to recreate the image of external wear. I must say that such decoration makes the thing very stylish and attractive. In addition, as a result of repeated washings, the product will retain its proportions unchanged.

For the procedure at home, you will need to use a crochet hook, a piece of pumice stone and a regular kitchen grater. Before embarking on the creative process, you should understand how to do it correctly. You should start by identifying places for deformation. In most cases, the best location for fading is at the front of the legs and the pocket area at the back.

For error-free work, it is necessary to highlight the places of future damage with a crayon. However, you should not get carried away with such decoration over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bdenim. Otherwise, you risk irretrievably losing the product.

Rip on the knee

In general, after the places for scuffs are determined, for example, on the knees, you should put on your jeans and, armed with a grater, begin to make characteristic movements in the direction of the base of the fabric. Here, as in the situation with cuts, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the white warp threads, damaging only the colored (outer) shell of the fabric with a grater.

To make the wear look beautiful, you should make measured horizontal movements with a grater, without resorting to brute physical strength. Remember that vertical movements cannot be done!

As a rule, as a result of the procedure, places can be formed that are unsuccessfully taken with a grater. For this case, it is possible to correct a visual defect using a conventional crochet hook.

Fixing the effect

After the colored shell of the fabric has been erased, the deformed edges should be treated with a piece of pumice. With rotational movements, treat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe edges of the formed scuffs.

As a result of this procedure, the threads at the edges will receive additional volume. In addition, pumice will allow you to make a smooth transition of color, which will visually look like a whitening effect.

Characteristic gaps can be made in the white warp threads, but they should not be completely cut off. For example, to add even more stylization, you can cut several base threads in the center. Here it can be recommended to cut off the formed orders, leaving about one centimeter of their length, so that then, picking up a pumice stone, fluff the threads.

This will give additional volume to the structure and prevent further spreading of the fabric even as a result of repeated washings.


As you can see, creating a stylish rejuvenated look is not difficult. The main thing is to get a little practical experience and strictly follow our valuable recommendations.

And now the video

The absolute success of this trend does not leave designers alone, and in the new season, intricately cut models will be at the height of fashion. You can buy a ready-made model, but making your own decor is as easy as shelling pears.

First of all, you need to accurately determine the location of future cuts. Do not forget that active decor will be a “point of attraction” for views, in addition, it will create an active visual accent. Therefore, the most important step is to determine the location and size of the cuts that will decorate the figure.

Beautifully cut jeans: how to do it

First of all, you need to choose a good model, it should fit perfectly on the figure - not be too loose, but not tight. The slits will inevitably wear out over time, so don't make them too big right away. But most importantly - you need to accurately determine the places where you are going to do them.

To do this, hang the jeans on a hanger, apply the lines of the future decor with a small or thin piece of soap and, from a distance of two or three meters, evaluate how it will look from the outside. It will not be superfluous to and, and make sure that the spectacular holes will be in their places. The old proverb that before cutting once, you must measure seven times, is more relevant in this case than ever. You can add cuts or make them larger at any time, but you can’t return everything back. Now you can get started!

How to cut jeans: a video will help you do it

To beautifully cut jeans like in a picture in a fashion magazine, you will need the simplest tools that are easy to find in any home. You can use ordinary scissors, but in order for the cuts to turn out to be truly designer, it is better to use an ordinary clerical knife with a well-sharpened blade. You will also need a strip of thick cardboard or a narrow board, which must be placed inside the leg so as not to cut through it. You will also need a brush for clothes with hard bristles, you can use an old toothbrush. In order to make complex cuts, you will need a metal nail file, fine sandpaper or pumice stone. This simple set allows you to make the most original decorative holes.

Cut jeans correctly - do it like a pro

You need to cut strictly in a horizontal direction. Denim has a loose weave structure and any cut at an angle will result in you getting a sloppy “torn” hole rather than a trendy decor item. Please note that over time, its size will increase slightly.

How to cut jeans correctly: photo options

Having placed cardboard or a board under the place of the future cut, we make an incision with a smooth but strong movement. We release several longitudinal threads from it and cut them off at both ends.

If you want to make a complex composition, repeat the cuts, deviating from the previous one by a few millimeters. So you save the structure of the fabric and get an interesting pattern. In this case, it is better if the incisions are of different lengths, for example, you can alternate between short and long ones.

How to cut jeans beautifully in the video - here:

Now you can begin to design the cut itself. Jeans need to be carefully straightened and with the help of a brush “sweep” the vertical threads around it. It will not be superfluous to walk along the contour with a sharp nail file, straightening all the tips to the front side. Their original appearance - short and with clear edges - should not scare you. To give them the desired look, you need to cut the incision site with light movements - literally in two or three strokes process the same file, pumice stone or fine sandpaper - this way you remove excess fabric fibers and make the fringe thinner and more delicate.

At this stage, a sample is required. Only a visual assessment on the figure will help you determine how correctly the jeans are cut and how to proceed further - leave it as it is or add a few strokes. That's why the cuts are good, that you can always add the missing ones.

Decor, and cuts are no exception, allows you to perfectly adjust the figure. Several delicate decorative cuts located above and below the knee perfectly elongate the legs. And here is one, but a significant cut in the hip area can visually add a size or two to you. If the look in the mirror completely satisfies you, jeans can be trusted to the washing machine, it will bring the fringe around the cuts to the desired slightly sloppy but neat look. On this decor can be considered complete.

Stylish cut jeans in the photo:

How to make ripped jeans, which again took off on the fashionable Olympus, every person wants to know, at least a little following fashion. For a sophisticated style full of designer scuffs and holes, you don’t have to go to a boutique. To create a fashionable handmade holey thing from boring, old jeans, improvised materials will be used. Today we are learning to understand the science of artificial aging of jeans.

The correct shape of the workpiece

Before proceeding directly to the process, let's go over the wardrobe in search of exactly that thing that is ideal for experiments.

  • Cross out classic-cut jeans from the list. Such elements of the wardrobe will look old-fashioned, and holes in the fabric will seem like a consequence of an unsuccessful fall.
  • Stretch pants will also be unsuccessful. On the stretching material, beautiful cuts will not physically come out, and the holes will remind the arrows on nylon tights.
  • A very dense fabric will make the process of turning pants into a fashion item quite laborious.

  • Prints, embroideries and drawings, as well as bright models look interesting, but additional elements overload the overall composition.
  • Ideal candidates for transformation are tight or wide pants, like boyfriends. These pants for young people perfectly endure all the "bullying" of themselves, while not turning into the clothes of a homeless tramp.

Most people try to make incisions at the knees, but you can tear the fabric anywhere.

  • If you make an incision just above the knee, the hole won't get wider and bigger each time the knee is bent.
  • Cuts that are too high expose the underwear. Men should be especially careful about this.

  • If you wash the trousers immediately after decorating, then loosen the threads even more, so the trousers will look even more frayed.
  • Incisions that are close to the seams can cause the latter to disperse.
  • You can pull out single fibers with special precision with a sewing needle.
  • If instead of cardboard you put a piece of brick in the trouser leg, you will significantly speed up the process of erasing the fabric.

Warnings before you start

  • Try not to cut the leg too much. Each new wash increases the wear and tear size.
  • Be very careful with sharp objects.
  • Never carry out the procedure with pants on.

Creating fraying on the fabric of trousers

To make fashionable scuffs on jeans yourself, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • pants directly;
  • sandpaper and whetstone;
  • a piece of pumice;
  • grater;
  • small hard board.

Step by step, fashionable decor is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Mark the selected area to create decor, and mark it with chalk or remnants.
  2. Take a plank, put it inside the trouser leg under the place where the wear will be in the future.
  3. We proceed to the main stage - the intended place is rubbed with the help of the selected device. Do not rub with effort, because in the place of the alleged fashionable dilapidation, an unnecessary hole may turn out.
  4. A pumice stone and a grater will help in getting a worn finish with fluffy fringe around the edges. This softens the image and at the same time gives some audacity. With an emery bar or paper, you will create designer wear.
  5. At the decorating stage, decorate the worn with rhinestones, rivets or paper clips.

Hole jeans with noodle effect

As for holes, their creation is more time-consuming. The following tools will help you create ripped jeans with your own hands:

  • a piece of plywood;
  • stationery knife or blade;
  • eyebrow tweezers or any other;
  • scissors;
  • interlining.

You can make a masterpiece out of jeans for yourself according to the following scheme:

  1. Any denim pants are woven using colored longitudinal and white transverse fibers. Before the procedure, fix a piece of plywood inside the leg.
  2. Using a blade or penknife, make two cuts along the transverse fibers at a distance of 3-4 cm.
  3. Take scissors or tweezers, use them to carefully pick up and pull out the white threads along the edges. Exercise caution and patience.
  4. After that, with the same tweezers between the cuts, pull out all the blue threads that are perpendicular to the bottom ones. Initially, pull one thread at a time, at the end of the manipulation you can pull out the bundle.
  5. Fix the edges of the resulting hole from the inside with interlining to avoid losing the shape of the product.
  6. It is interesting to make a model with numerous long cuts that are free from blue threads.

Pants can be decorated by fixing lace or bright patches of fabric from the wrong side, this will add audacity and draw attention to their mistress.

Decor torn jeans in the "Grunge" way

Ripped jeans at home in this style will decorate both men's and women's trousers.

To decorate the pants ourselves, we need:

  • small board or plywood;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • a piece of pumice.

A step-by-step diagram of how to make jeans torn is as follows:

  1. Fasten plywood or board under the desired area inside the leg.
  2. Make 6-9 holes along the transverse fibers about half the length of the leg.
  3. It is better to wield a clerical knife, because only with its help you will achieve the effect of maximum negligence. You can make cuts of different lengths.
  4. After that, rub the holes with your hands, pull out some blue fibers from them.
  5. Finish the bottom of the legs. Trim the edge, and rub the resulting edge with a piece of pumice stone to a careless, disheveled look.
  6. In the same way, process the cuts on the pockets and belt to completely beat the thing, create wholeness and completeness of the image.

Creating the Distressed Jeans Look

Photos of torn jeans of this type are similar to Grunge, but in this version, the cross-sections are performed randomly, and along with the blue threads, several white ones are pulled out for a greater shabby effect. This look is suitable for young girls, but for respectable ladies it is better not to choose it.

"Slit knees" on black jeggings

For many jeans fans, in 2017, among the noodles and other shabby pants, a new little thing appeared in the wardrobe - black jeggings with slits at the knees. Buying a trendy item in a store is expensive, but creating such fashionable trousers with your own hands can be as easy as shelling pears with maximum costs.

The scheme of actions is as follows:

  1. Put on trousers and mark the place of the future incision with a remnant.
  2. Remove the thing, put cardboard or a board in the leg.
  3. With sharp movements along the marked line, cut the fabric with a clerical knife.
  4. Trim the cut, pull out the extra threads with your fingers.

The secrets of creating the right holes on the knees

Torn knees have not gone out of fashion for a decade now. There is a certain specificity in creating an image, because it is no secret to anyone that in such popular places the fabric spreads instantly. We advise you to use the trick and act according to a certain algorithm.

  1. Put on your trousers. In the middle of the knee, put a small dot with chalk or soap.
  2. Mark the future hole in the shape of an eye, the center of which will be that very point. Carefully cut along the outline.
  3. Process the edges according to a special technique. Treat them with a nail file or sandpaper. Wet the edges and roll them up and down a little, fixing with pins. Let them dry.
  4. On the rest of the knee with a grater, create scuffs.
  5. This shape will allow you to keep the shape of the incision longer.

As you can see, creating a beautiful designer thing is easy and simple with your own hands. Handmade, made according to an individual project, will make your look fashionable and unique.

Video: How to properly and beautifully age jeans