How to beautifully perform a corner on different fabrics. Beautiful corners: Masterclass

How to treat corners of oblique baker? You will need an answer to this question when working on complex cutouts in female and children's clothing, as well as when sewing home textile items: decorative blankets, napkins and panels, aprons and tapes.

Our master class will show in detail how to treat the corners of oblique baking hands quickly and gently. This is not at all difficult! We will look at external and internal straight corners.

How to treat corners of oblique baker: Basics and nuances

How to treat corners of oblique baking hands? The oblique beyk is a very convenient material for processing and finishing the edges of any products. You can buy a ready-made oblique beyk at the nearest store of accessories for sewing. It can be different widths and colors, and you can pick up oblique beyk, suitable to your project.

However, it is not difficult to make oblique beaks with your own hands! We recommend using only your oblique beaks in cases where it is visible from the front side of the clothes.

The oblique beyk is cut at an angle of 45 degrees to the equity filament of the fabric.

Most often it has a 3 cm width, but you can increase it at your discretion. The sealing strip of the fabric should be found along in half, and then both long cuts to start it to this line of the middle. That's all!

Processing the corners of the oblique baker can be made with a finishing line on the front side or fixed manually, a secret stitch from the wrong side. We show how to perform an inner corner with a machine line, and an outer angle with a secret seam.

So let's learn how to treat the corners of the oblique baker with their own hands!


Fold the oblique bay with the edge of the product by the front sides. Stretch, not reaching the edge distance equal to the battery width. Those., If you pave a line, retreating from the edge of 5 mm (the future width of the Kant in the finished form), then finish the seam you need 5 mm to the edge.

Pull out the item from under the needle. Bek off the oblique dispatch up, exactly from the last stitch.

Lower the bay down, as shown in the photo. Scoat a pin or clamp.

Stretch, starting the seam at the same distance, on which finished the previous one.

Sew the edge of the oblique baker with a secret seam manually. Also grab the seam of the angle. Restore.

Internal corner

Strengthen the place near the inner corner with a line. Take the angle with scissors almost to the line.

Align the faces face with the front side of the product and scroll, open the angle so that the sections form a straight line.

Cut the bay sections and stick to the allowances. Carefully install the angle.

This master class gives technology, how to edit the edge of the blankets oblique baker. Processing of the straight corner of the quilted blanket.

How to cut strips of fabric for edging

The strips for edging blankets should be width within 4 - 5 cm. It is very convenient for marking the bands to use a long wooden or metal line (meter).

Cut strips for oblique beaks can be from trimming fabric, and after connecting together into one long tape.

To connect the baiking strips correctly, it will be necessary to cut the edges of the raised strips at an angle of 45 degrees.

The battery is advisable to do not be 0.8 cm. The main thing is that the static line on both sides coincides with the edges of the lower strip, as shown in this photo. If this condition is not executed, stitched strips in the deployed form will be shifted relative to each other.

Make sure that the upper strip does not shift under the paw.

Bay of oblique bay in an irrigated form from the wrong side.

So the oblique beaker connected together should look, it remains only to cut the corners, firing the strip.

Processing blanket oblique baker

Now you can proceed to edging blankets.

To make it easier to sew edging, you should first prepare the edges of the blanket. Cold pins or sweep the top of the blanket with lining.

After that, you need to pave a connecting line, departing from the edge of the blanket not more than 1 cm, so that this seam is in the future hidden by a stationed baker.

Before sewing a faunch, it must be prepared, fought.
Initially, fold the tissue strip, combining both sides together, but not close, leaving 2 - 3 mm between the inner edges.

After that, fold Baika doubly as shown in the photo and start it in this position. Please note that the edges are slightly shifted relative to each other. This is not necessary to do, but it is recommended. In this form, the beyk will be easier to sew along the edge of the blanket.

Laying direct corner of oblique bey

The edging of the direct angle of oblique bay is a rather difficult operation and not everyone can make this operation qualitatively from the first time. It is especially difficult to perform it without a comprehension, as shown in my master class.

Make here such a markup with a pencil inside the unfolded faucet so that the angle is equal to exactly 90 degrees.

Build the inner corner, as shown in the photo, without going beyond the beaks on both sides.

Now you need to cut these parts of the beaks, as shown in the photo, almost to the corner itself, not reaching 2-3 mm.

In addition, it is necessary to cut these parts, departing from the seam 0.6 - 0.8 cm.

Now you need to twist this section of the faces using a sew or pencil and get a straight angle.

Scoat the angle of the edging, as shown in the photo.

The ending angle must coincide with the angle of the blanket.

In this photo, you see that the upper line of the raised beaks should lie along the edge of the blanket.

You need to sew plain on the side that I almost turned out to be slightly shorter during the event of the edging (see above).
It is necessary to start processing the angle of bays not from the angle, but slightly retreating, approximately 15 to 20 cm.

Having reached the corner, without raising the needle from the fabric, turn the blanket and continue to adapt to the bay. Constantly "Look" to the involving straight, checking, ka captures the needle the second half of the beaks.

Do not attempt to repeat my master class, be sure to leisure yourself before sewing it on the sewing machine.

From this side, the line along the mooring will look carefully and beautiful, as you could control how the line is laid.

On the reverse side of the blanket, the line without a consume will not always be perfect, even in the experienced seamstress.

In this master class, only one operation is shown - how to handle a straight corner. If you have a desposure to bash the angle, shoot a fairy along the smooth plots of the blanket will not be great.

How beautiful to perform a corner on different fabrics

As a rule, the corner of special problems does not deliver. For example, when sewing a bag or pillowcase and the like - it seems to be quite elementary. But in everything there is their minor tricks, which, at least, simplify this uncomplicated work. But if we are talking about a sharp corner ... or angle when making fabrics with a watin or syntheps ... or on the palp fabrics ... - Then the usual work sometimes gives not such an ideal result.

So, a little tricks on the topic. The material is found in the English-language site, the link at the end of the post. Translation made itself, removing superficial places.

One of the frequent disappointments in the sewing business, especially if you are a beginner, it's a corner. These nasty 4 corners on a decorative pillow or some other items, where a square or rectangular shape is needed, can spoil the desire to sew any item home decor. A spoiled corner, as for evil, will always be visible - and will spoil your mood.

The main thing at the sewing angle is to be accurate. You must stop the sewing machine and turn the fabric exactly at the point of intersection of both points.

The second secretion of a beautiful corner is the proper cutting processing.

Here about this and let's talk: how to create a beautiful corner and a smooth edge,considering different corners. Having studied this material, you will never be "driven into the angle" by this area on pillows, curtains, bedspreads and other objects of the home fabric decor.

Angle 90 * or straight angle is the most common corner.

These corners are two types: internal and external. Both are sewn equally, but cut into different ways.

In most cases, when sewing home decor items, it is direct an angle of 90 *, but sometimes you need to shoot a beautifully sharp angle (less than 90 *) - for example, when sewing the so-called Gypsy pillow, or a stupid angle (more than 90 *) - when sewing clutch or fabric envelope for a gift card, for example.

By the way, pay attention: a very good idea for a gift - put a gift card of your favorite store in such a stylish clutch handbag ...)))))

In the works in the photo, the works are used red threads on white fabric - of course, it is for a string string, for greater expressiveness. When using threads in tone tissue, those non-trim defects that we do are not visible. In addition, when sewing used so-called. Satin paw is also for greater clarity photo of the stages. With constant work, it is best to use a standard foot.

Sewing and finishing of an external straight angle

  1. On the involving side of the stuffed fabric, check the allowance, while if it can be marked with a wide step on the smooth sides of the tissue, then a fiscal corner is best to draw clearly, with the intersection of both transmission lines. This will make it clear to see the point where it is necessary to stop the line and change the sewing direction.
  2. Fold the details of the front facets and start sewing along the allowance. Be prepared to stop exactly at the point of intersection of the points marked.

  3. Stop with a needle in the lower position. Raise the clamping leg, turn, lower the paw to the original position and continue to sew. Small nuance: Leaving the needle lowered into the fabric, do not lower it down until the hole is optimally deeper the hole for the thread. I read somewhere this advice from professionals: with such a depth of the needle after turning the machine will not pass the first, the most important stitch, which often happens with a deeper immersion of the needle to the machine mechanism.

  4. Having finished sewing, cut the battery diagonally at the point of the angle. At the same time, be extremely neat, do not damage the thread line. If it still happened, do not hope that the line after turning will not break up if your marriage will be invisible - everything will be visible. Therefore, if the stitching thread turned out to be cut, we will have to repeat all previous operations from the new cabinet markup to a stitching with an indent to a couple of mm. Of course, when sewing a pillow, these mm does not play a cardinal value, but the cuff shirt or collar may have to be repainted.
  5. After you cut the battery diagonally at the intersection point, additionally cut along each side at an angle from the point. This will guarantee a sharp angle.

  6. Remove the item crosslinkable to the right side to see what your corner looks like. For perfect turning, use some kind of tool to carefully straighten into an aircraft - for example, a wand, a thick knitting needle or a special tool for turning, like on our photo.

  7. If you left a little excess fabric in a corner when cutting diagonally and further, fearing to cut down too much, you will feel that this extra fabric gathered in the corner as if the node. In this case, you will have to twist the product on the outbreak and carefully cut the allowances, as shown in photo 5.

Sewing inner straight corner

Option Stitch length

Additional layers of fabric or gasket

Various thickness of the fabric

Sharp and stupid corners

An example of creating and training sessions: Jody Kelly

Corner treatment

Processing angles - an operation that does not differ particularly complex technology, but requiring certain knowledge, and, most importantly, great accuracy. There are external angle (smaller for processing) and internal. They are processed by flex, as well as under construction details (sheets) cut from the main tissue, in products from coarse and bulk tissues - from cotton fabric (in tone). Internal angles are most often found in the decollete, coquettes, kimono with wedges, etc., external - when entering the corners of napkins and tablecloths; When processing pockets, coquette, product sides.

Exterior angles

Processing a fitted cut. The edge of 3-5 mm wide. Better to involve, delete to designate the poda line, and then remove again. To obtain a clear angle, the fabric fold on the front side of the front side inside (Fig. 5.35, a), regenerate the edge to the width of the bending allowance (Fig. 5.35, b), affect, denoting the second subhead line, and beaten again. Now, regenerate the triangles, through the vertex of which the pent line passes (Fig. 5.35, c). The triangle fold line is also affected, and the triangle itself, remove the lines along the lines. At a distance of 5 mm from the lines of the triangle, cut off (Fig. 5.35, d). Under the fold of the fabric folding to the lines, cut the fabric. Stacking seams are irrigated (Fig. 5.35, d), detail twist on the front side, remove along the edge, adjust and smash the previously intended bending (Fig. 5.35, e).

Treatment with sercoal covers. Corner treatment can be decorative, especially if the undercurrent details from the fabric are different from the main color. For the processing of sections along the filaments of the base or duck, we can apply undercurrent parts on a straight straight thread. The angle will have an aesthetic look if you carefully handle it. Even the slightest pulling or tightening of the part of the part spoils the kind of product. In order for the subcounting item not to be noticeable from the front side, put it with the front side on the front side of the element processed.

If it should be noticeable from the front side (for decorative purposes), impose it, stick and touch the faceted side of the element processed side (Fig. 5.36, a). In the corner, the detail begged on the bisector, and cut the excess fabric. Stooling seams are irrigated, protruding corners cut off (Fig. 5.36, b). Then remove the part to the front (involne) side, the edge remove and affect, adjust the cut, notify the trick manually or by machine (Fig. 5.36, B). If you use a material with a pattern for treating an angle, for example with stripes, it is necessary to cut the part from it, taking into account the direction and coincidence of the pattern in the corner seam (Fig. 5.37).

Processing by corner undercurrent furnishings. In order to avoid processing angle to avoid the seam on its bisector, use the wrappers, out on the form of the element processed. Such wrappers are widely used when processing angles in tablecloths, duvettes, neckline (internal angles), etc. They can be rectangular by oblique threads from a single or folded halve tissue on the drawn form of the element processed. However, much faster they can be carved.

Fabric fold fourwise (Fig. 5.38). From the point and on the fold lines, set aside equal distances corresponding to the size of the element processed and the width of the undercurrent wrap. The marked points are connected with straight lines with chalk or knead. In order for the layers of material when cutting not shifted relative to each other, eat them along the labeled lines. Then, on the same lines, cut the material and expand the wrap.

If the cloth is folded four times so that the bends are on the oblique thread (Fig. 5.39), and perform all the operations just described, you will receive a rectangular detail on a straight thread. Depending on the need, the tailored parts can be cut on the bisector of the corners. For processing elements with sharp or stupid corners, exham roller wrappers. Fabric fold the same way as in Fig. 5.38, but from point A (Fig. 5.40) In both directions, place various segments depending on the size of the element processed and the angle value. Processing the elements of the product with corner parts, perform very carefully, accurately observing the direction of the longitudinal thread.

Treatment of nose board. The ability to handle the bottom board will be useful to you when it is sewing blouses and shirts with a through button on buttons. First, follow the niza bending, and then the admission of the adhesive stitches in the places shown in Fig. 5.41, a.

Shooting angles. Such angles are very durable. They are used in sportswear, underwear (lower, table and bedding), that is, above all, where sections are also shifted. To reduce the thickness of the angle in little bit tissues, it is necessary to cut the inner part (Fig. 5.41, b). On the processed element, mark the fog lines. Bend material on these lines, affect and break again. Then cut the rectangle (internal part); Bend the material again, the sections notice and strive in one of the ways (Fig. 5.41, c).

Treatment of measurement. This is a decorative method of treating corners. Pulling the tissue threads at a distance equal to double width of the bending plus 5 mm on the edge of the edge. Fabric Bend along the bending lines, affect and break again. In the corner, cut the rectangle - the inner part (Fig. 5.42).

The fabric begins again along the lines of the liner so that the parts with the elongated threads coincide. Wailed edges notice and trigge simultaneously with the execution of measurements. After that, with secret stitches, suffer the edges of one side of the angle.

Internal angles

Such angles may you meet in the Neckline of Kara, in the sleeves of kimono, coquettes, etc. Their processing is more difficult and requires great care and accuracy.

Treatment "at right angles". First cut the square from the main or lining fabric with a size of 6x6 cm.

Place it face with the front side of the element being processed and will detect. Performing angle square cut. Then the cabin on the seam on the bisector of the angle, cut to the line (Fig. 5.43, a). Scroll together with a square, bentry inside out (Fig. 5.43, b), notice and start it (Fig. 5.43, c).

Processing "under an acute angle". Such processing of angles is used in kimono when the lasty is turned out, in skirts or in dresses with inserts, etc. Circled square 6x6 cm Mix the front side to the front side of the element processed and will be "under an acute angle" (along the corner bisector) with two converging lines (Fig. 5.44, a). Between the lines, make a cut. Cuts along with a square bent inside out and start. Then notice and set the appropriate part (Fig. 5.44, b).

Good evening!
We often ask how to make beautiful corners on tablecloths, napkins and porters. It's clear! After all, everyone wants beautiful. If the thing is stitched beautifully and efficiently, it looks very interesting and much more advantageous than stitched abubs like.
Therefore, if you are wondering how we do it, I ask under Cat: the technology is not very complex. But there are certain tricks that we are glad to share with you

I will show you beautiful corner processing on the example of a wipe sewing, but as I said. Thus processed the angles and in the porters and on the tablecloths.

Usually cutlery napkins we make a size of 35 * 35 or 40 * 40
And the bending on them 4cm in the finished form. (This is not really necessary. On this principle you can make a narrower bending)

To obtain an end with a napkin with a size of 40 * 40 cm, it is necessary to add 8 cm on the bending from each edge: that is, the double bending !!! I will explain why this is done: the cloth is a scab or cordial is quite dense. And if there is a small inner bending, it is not highlighted on a napkin. If the bending is done double. The edge of the napkins is smooth and without any "bugs".
So, we determine the kitdststster 40 + 8 + 8 cm \u003d 56 cm

1) We fold the angle of napkins diagonally (an angle of 45Grads is obtained). On the bend, we mark the point that is located at a distance of 8 cm from the edge (this is our allowance).
2) From this point at right angles we carry out perpendicular

3) on the conducted line we are looking for a point from which the distance to the edge will be 4 cm (half of our bending)

4) Strip the angle from the bending of the fabric to the label where the distance to the edge is 4 cm (paragraph 3)

5) Cut the resulting angle at a distance of 5 mm from the seam.

5) We are exploring the shoving

6) turn the corner

On the scale of the entire napkin it looks like this:

7) we move the bend by 8 cm from the corner to the corner

And that's what we get:

8) Now lay the bending for 4 cm