How to get rid of the hair on the body for a long time. People's methods of chemical purpose. Not only female problems

The long-awaited summer comes, and each of us dreams of looking in a swimsuit irresistibly and great. But unfortunately, such a problem, like unwanted hair on the body, prevents us from us sometimes feel comfortable. To date, there is a lot of ways that allow you to get rid of hair, but I bring to your attention the old grandmother's recipes for getting rid of hair.

As far as they are effective and tested, I will not say, but I think, at least you can try several of them. Avenue and really will work.

How to get rid of unwanted hair on the body forever - the first tool

1. Mix 35 g. Alcohol, 5 g amaled alcohol, 1.5 g. Iodine, 5 kaistor oil.

2. The resulting solution lubricate the skin with unwanted hairs 2 times a day.

After a couple of days, the hair falls on themselves forever.

How to get rid of hair on the legs - proven

Here are some recipes based on walnut shell:

- Take a green, not allowed walnut, cut down in half and soda with the spoken of the problem. Repeat the procedure several times a day. Soon unnecessary hairs will fall out and no longer grow.

- Grind the shell of walnut, mix with water before the formation of the cashecture and rub the skin 3-4 times a day. Repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of unnecessary hair.

- A glass of young walnuts crowded, add a tablespoon of tar. The mixture is closed with a lid and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Finished tincture rub into the skin daily, until the hair growth stops.

Get rid of hair on the face forever with a cedar beam

Frequently use in the fight against unnecessary hair cedar nuts.

Exploding cedar shell in flour. Add some hot water and rub the mass into the problem areas of the skin for several days. Hair must disappear forever.
Such results can also be achieved if you make a concentrated decoction of husk from cedar nuts and regularly lubricate the skin.

Means for getting rid of unwanted hair

The seeds of dwarm nettle destructively affect the hair onion. Oil from straw seeds with regular use removes hair on the body.

Distribute 40 grams of seeds. Fill them 100 ml. vegetable oil. Mix in a dark place for 2 months. Ready to move and lubricate the skin where you need to remove the hairs.

Means for getting rid of oily hair

Green grapes can save you from unnecessary hair.

Squeeze juice from wild immature grapes and lubricate the skin in problem places. Repeat the procedure every day. The tool is suitable for hair removal on sensitive skin areas, even on the face.

Means for getting rid of unwanted hair №6

Manganese. Prepare a sturdy solution and treat the skin. Repeat the procedure daily until your hair falls ourselves. Be careful, you can get a burn.
It is not recommended to use manganese in the summer season, since the tool stains the skin and it is difficult to wash it away.

Means for getting rid of unwanted hair in the bikini zone

Mac - folk remedy for hair removal. The people have noticed that Mac-Moskoshka helps in the fight against unnecessary hairiness.
Burn all the plant completely and the resulting ash roll out the problem areas of the skin.

Attention!!! If you have allergies to any ingredient, then this recipe is not necessary !!!

The smooth body is the desire of each woman. Unwanted vegetation delivers a lot of trouble. Depilation, shaving, shugaring ... These are priority assistants in the struggle for attractiveness, but the effect of them is not as long as you want.

Having rehearse the unsuccessful skill removal of hairs, the girl continues to look for magic methods that will remove the problem forever. Modern methods offer a lot of options for removing unwanted hair forever and without pain:

  • laser epilation;
  • electroepilation;
  • quantum hair removal;
  • phytoepilation, etc.

However, perform the procedure possible and with your own hands, remembering the ancient folk methods and means. Some of the components are quite dangerous: if you do not care - there is a risk of getting a burn or an allergic reaction.

Does it not scare it? Then let's start.

We remove the hair forever folk remedies

Despite the availability and abundance of cosmetic drugs and procedures, the folk ways to remove hair are unprecedented popularity today. Their advantages are obvious - the procedure can carry out each at home and from the remedies.

In this case, the use of folk remedies guarantees a long-term result. Recipes of ways to get rid of unwanted hair are so diverse that it will be able to choose the appropriate method.


This ingredient is one of the most efficient and popular. Imagine several recipes based on it:

Cooking Application
1. 1 cup of walnuts (young) - crowd.

2. Suck here 1 tbsp. Funty.

3. Suspension tightly chickens, put in the dark room for 3 weeks.

The finished suspension should be rubbed into the skin until the hair growth is completely stopped.
1. Walnut (green, even completely unworthy) we will cut into two / three parts.The juice speaking from the peel effectively removes the hair on the body forever. You just need to wipe the problem areas a couple of times.
2. Grinding the shell of walnut.

3. In the resulting powder, the root of water before the formation of a thick mixture.

We rub the desired zones two or three times a day. We produce action to hair disappearance.

Summer alcohol and iodine

An effective tandem in the struggle for smooth skin. The recipe is:

  • 35gr. alcohol;
  • 5g. ammonia;
  • 5g. castor oil;
  • 1.5gr. iodine.

Components are thoroughly mixed. We apply to the necessary zones 2p. per day. For a short time, hair should fall out.


Seeds of this medicinal plant destroy the hair onion, in connection with which this method is a success in the issues of getting rid of hair forever. With regular exposure, nettle oil is quite efficient.

  • nettle seeds - 40g;
  • vegetable oil - 100g;

Seeds should be confused into powder, then pour the resulting mass of oil. We place this container in the place where the sun's rays and light on 2 months are getting. Upon expiration of this time, the tincture is ready for use.


The concentrated solution of this chemical element is applied to the zone of increased hairiness of 1 or 2 times until the skin becomes smooth. The hairs must fall by themselves.

Note! This procedure is unsafe, as there is an increased risk of burning burns, be careful! This method of getting rid of vegetation is undesirable to apply in the summer season. Manganesewoman paints the body, washed it extremely difficult.


Our ancestors have noticed a frightening effect of maca self-seeing hair. It was used simply, burning plants to the ashes.

This ash was applied to unsightly sections of the body, held about 15-20min. And washed off the folk remedy with water. Daily use will accelerate the process of getting rid of hairs.


Note! Duman has poisonous substances that are found in the root and seeds. Therefore, before applying this tool, check on the small area of \u200b\u200bits action in order to identify a possible allergic reaction. If redness / irritation / rash, etc. - should not use this method.

Methods of use Recommendations for use
1. DURMAN root - about 150g.

2. Water is 1 liter.

Weganing the root of the plant in the water until the thickened mixture is obtained.

The remedy should be applied to the zones with extra hairs daily, until the desired result is obtained.

On a note! Suitable for use in the bikini zone!

1. Durana seeds with grinding, applying a coffee grinder.

2. Will the resulting ground grain vodka before the formation of the stretching mass, like sour cream.

3. Insperate the suspension in the dark room of approximately 2-3 weeks.

Apply the composition regularly, every day. The result appears fairly soon.

Non-agricultural grapes

The fruits of unhealthy grapes put in the gauze and squeeze the juice (you can use for this purpose a siter). To achieve the effect, lubricate the skin with increased hair growth is necessary everyday.

On a note! The juice of unhealthy grapes is a gentle agent, therefore suitable even for sensitive parts of the body, including - to deliver hair on the face.

Hydrogen peroxide

The lighteous effect of hydrogen peroxide on hair is known for a long time. Our parents and their parents used peroxide to clarify hairstyles, thus purchased blond shades. But everything would be fine, only hairstyle mercilessly spoiled - the curls began to fall out abundantly.

Therefore, the peroxide is considered an excellent folk remedy for discoloration, and subsequently - the disappearance of unwanted hair. In addition, it is gradual, which means the soft effect, suitable for use on sensitive zones - on the face.

  1. It will be enough to quickly wipe the necessary zone with a cotton swab, moistened in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. The hairs first pale, they will become thinner and will soon disappear.
  2. Try to mix 1st.L. 6% hydrogen peroxide with 1st.l. Any liquid soap + 10 Capel of ammonia alcohol. Usefully wake the area with this solution, leave in such a form by 15-20min. Actions should be carried out in 7-8 days.


  • food soda - 1h.l. (full);
  • boiling water - 200ml.

Mix in the capacitance to the soda until complete dissolution, we wait for the cooling of the solution to about 36 degrees. Garl tampon is abundantly wetting with the resulting suspension. Before applying the solution to the problematic place, it is thoroughly rinsed with economic soap, wipe dry.

Compress withstand at least 11-12 hours (that is, you can leave for a whole night). After removing the compress, the body should not be washed with water. We repeat this procedure for a 3d in a row. If the effect for this gap is not formed - we continue the actions that, a total of no more than 14 days.


No one will argue that hairs on the body, and in some cases on the face, upset and force a woman to go to radical measures to get rid of this feature. Of course, measures to remove unsightly hair must be adopted, because modern society will not be disregarded by this circumstance.

In search of the best fund, you must certainly revise all possible options and carefully think about their implementation, since the risk of harm has always exists.

This applies, above all, salon methods, which are set. Employees of beauty salons are ready to bring incredible facts in order to convince the client to pass this or that procedure to eliminate boring vegetation.

Each methods and funds may have side effects, it depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each person. The same warnings should be taken into account when using folk remedies at home.

Our article offers a lot of recipes, it seems, each will find a suitable way to make unnecessary hair forever. Good luck!

Smooth skin for a woman is a matter of principle. Not only coarse hairs, appearing in the "inconvible" place, but also a lightweight gun above the upper lip, do not fit into the image of a well-kept beauty.

The beauty industry offers different ways to solve the problem, there are folk recipes transmitted from generation to generation. What to choose?

Main ways to remove unwanted hair at home

Laser, photoepilation and other high-tech ways to deal with the bodies on the body afford not everyone. Salon hair removal, in contrast to depilation, allows removing vegetation forever, but it is expensive. Therefore, most women are limited to ordinary home depilation with a razor, epilator or wax strips.

However, there are other ways to care, and at least half of the folk recipes promises with time the full getting rid of the hair on their hands, legs and other "problem" parts of the body. How to remove unwanted hair at home?

With the help of two main methods:

1. Mechanical;

2. Chemical.

Important moment: despite the fact that some folk recipes promise to save the girl from the hair on the body forever, it does not happen with everyone. But harm from the procedures, most often chemical, maybe a lot. Therefore, choosing how to remove unwanted hair at home, weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate the potential danger of any aggressive impact on the skin.

Mechanical depilation methods include, except for shaving and epilator, liquid wax, wax strips, shigaring, pemps. To chemical - depilation substances of vegetable origin, such as walnut juice or lemon, and means of arsenal of pharmaceuticals and household chemicals. The only "civilized" chemical method is a cosmetic depilation cream. Method is popular, so we will not talk about it a lot: the manufacturer all told in detail on the packaging.

Mechanical hair removal methods

Mechanical impact methods are good because the result we get instant. And most importantly, any procedure is quite safe, although not always painless.

Hair removal waxing

Hot waxing Eastern beauties used many centuries. Today, wax epilation is one of the most popular and affordable ways to combat hairs. A jar with liquid wax can be bought at any cosmetics store. And then everything is simple: wax raised, they put on the skin, glued the tissue strip and the sharp movement was torn off from the skin. Together with the hairs, of course. Plus, the method is a gentle satin skin and a persistent result of at least two, and sometimes three weeks. The minus is that to tear off the wax from his own body is very painful. And in some places it is simply unbearably painful.

Wax strips

Simple and fast option - take advantage of ready-made one-time strips with wax applied on them. The manufacturers took care that the strips brought maximum benefit and minimum damage, and therefore came up with them for each type of skin separately, including the depilators of the face.

The principle of operation of the strips is exactly the same as in liquid wax. The strip needs to be warm in the hands, so that the wax is lean, and stick to the appropriate section of the body. The composition of the sticky substance is sometimes added essential oil, leather humidifiers and antiseptic substances to prevent complication.


Another method is gaining popularity - sugar or honey bioepilation, which is also very easy to do. The beauty is that this very salon procedure can be mastered if not the first time, then from the second exactly. And to cook the paste for depilation is easier than simple. An ordinary recipe for such a paste includes sugar, water and a bit of lemon juice.

Sticky pasta just like wax should capture the hairs and with mechanical breaking from the body to remove them. An important nuance: tear off the sweet mass needs not against growth, but along the growth of hairs. That is, shugaring is less traumatized compared to wax depilation.


An old agent removal in the body is not only dead skin, but also unnecessary hairs, - PEMZA. Use a piece of stone simply, but fraught. If the skin is sensitive, very gentle, then strong friction for it will be stress. It will react to stress it redness. And if you rub very much, then you can contempt the top layer of the dermis.

On the other hand, constantly undergoing mechanical friction, the hairs really will start thread. Over time, the follicle itself, that is, the hair onion can collapse. So, hairs will stop growing. It is important that you can use PEMMU only on your feet. On other parts of the body, the skin is too thin. The procedure is carried out after severe breaking, for example, in the bath. It is impossible to do it every day. The skin should recover.

Popular chemical methods for removing unwanted hair

Chemistry gives a clear answer to the question of how to remove unwanted hair at home. The more aggressive chemical that you will apply to the skin area, the better the result will be. The problem is that it is necessary to take into account the possibility of strong burn or allergies.


The bottle with diluted peroxide is almost in every home. It is used to handle open wounds. Sometimes - for barbaric hair clarification. In some cases, - just for lightening hairs. With the removal processing hydroperite you can not call. The essence is to gradually make hair thinner, light and brittle. You can lubricate the hairs with a solution of peroxide or prepare a clarifying compress, mixing it with the ammonia (5 drops of alcohol on 50 ml peroxide solution) and a small amount of cream to shave. Hold the mixture of fifteen minutes and smash. The result will appear a week of daily use.

How to remove unwanted hair at home? Very simple: to smear the body in those places where there is hair, ready-made pharmaceutical solution of this substance. The minuses of this method are more than the advantages:

Strong burn;


The appearance of acne

Specific skin color.

Sometimes iodine is recommended to mix with the ammonia alcohol in an equal proportion, add medical alcohol and some vegetable or cosmetic oil. But such a rattling mixture can be cut to the skin, and not get the desired result.


But about the wonderful property of a green walnut removed hairs from the skin heard, probably many. If you manage to buy such a miracle - no excited nut, - it needs to be simply cut in half and smear the skin. Over time, nuts will lead to thinning and disappearance of hairs.

Or here's another recipe: collect a lot of partitions from 50 normal walnuts, pour 150 ml of 70 percent alcohol and insist for three weeks. Use just like fresh nut juice.


Try it and such a recipe: spread the turmeric with water so that there is a sour cream. Slide the skin and make a warming compress for 20 minutes. Gradually, the growth of hair rods will slow down. This method, in any case, is not such an aggressive, like burning hair by manganese or iodine.


The one who came up with this way of removing hairs, offered to use a manganese for processing a bikini zone. It is assumed that a quarter of a teaspoon of manganese crystals must be dissolved in hot water in a volume of 15 liters. It will stay to this water and spend there at a half hour.


If you have enough patience, then in three months of a daily biennial, you can stop the growth of hair using a pharmacy of ammonia. A teaspoon of alcohol must be mixed with a tablespoon of vodka, a teaspoon of vegetable oil (in the original grape bone), five drops of iodine. Gradually, the composition must destroy the rod, and the follicle. What to do with damaged skinned skin, is incomprehensible.

Laundry soap

One of the most successful inventions of the Soviet period is a household soap. It does not smell too good, but multifunctional. For example, suitable for chemical depilation. Here's how to remove unwanted hair at home:

Take a tablespoon of soap chips;

Mix with two tablespoons of the ashes from the burned shell of cedar nuts (can be burned and some other shell);

All this is mixed and breed with hot water;

Apply to the skin with a hairs and hold fifteen minutes.

When it is clear that the hairs weakened, they are recommended to be pulled out by any mechanical way.

How to remove unwanted hair on face

Almost all of the listed methods, with the exception of special wax strips for the face and shugaring, for obvious reasons are not suitable for processing this delicate area.

It will help the drug called "Rivanol". How to remove unwanted hair at home on face? Apply a 1 percent solution of a substance on the "mustache" just once a day. Over time, hair growth will completely stop.

Choosing your way of combating unnecessary hairs, remember that being beautiful is, of course, a big job. But health still costs the dream of a smooth skin.

Each woman has a light gun under his nose. Some are visible more, others have less. Usually, the ladies speak among themselves how to shave their feet or, what to use wrinkle creams.

The topic of removal of unsightly noticeable hairs over the upper lip, although it is a natural thing, the taboo remains. So, how to get rid of them? You can try one of the proven tips!

How to get rid of hair on the face? With the help of sugar and lemon!

When solving the question, as forever get rid of the hair on the face and body to a woman at home, you can try sugar-lemon wax. This is a natural recipe, which, if not eliminating the mustache forever, will ensure the effect on a sufficiently long time.

In addition, it can be used for the whole body, it acts perfectly, is fast and cheap. At the same time, it will help to avoid costs for chemicals that can cause irritation or other side effects, such as increasing the rigidity of hairs or accelerating their growth.

This method has been used already in ancient times, in Egypt and Eastern civilizations. It is similar to modern wax for depilation, but is more economical, less painful and fully created on a natural basis.

Sugar lemon wax shows a good effect even on very short hairs, contributes to exfoliation, skin regeneration, can be used on all parts of the body. In some countries, sugar paste is available in stores, however, it can be easily done at home.

What is needed for this?
2 tbsp. sugar, juice of one lemon, a little water (in case of insufficient amount of lemon juice for forming a smooth paste).

Pour the lemon juice, which mix with sugar so that the juice covered sugar completely. If the juice is not enough, add a small amount of water.

Heat the mixture on medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. The mixture should reach the maximum temperature of 46c.

After that, reduce the fire and wait until a dense, brown sticky pasta with a consistency of honey. The mixture should not be too dark (excessive darkening means the burning and the need to start again).

Never prepare the paste at high temperatures for more than 1 minute. Turn off the mixture and give it to cool. Use it as well as a classic wax for depilation. Apply to the necessary places to formed a subtle layer, after which you feel free to pull against the direction of hair growth.

Keep in mind that the face before removing the hair should be clean and dry. After the procedure, remove the remnants of the wax with the face with warm water and apply Aloe Vera gel or moisturizing cream.

If you try this method for the first time, first apply the wax on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe body, which is not so sensitive, for example, on the leg to see how the skin reacts. The wax should not be hot, so as not to burn, but warm.

Mask from turmeric

Facial mask from turmeric has miraculous properties that lead to gradual weakening of hairs; It can be used in conjunction with sugar-honey wax.

This mask also has a number of advantages due to the content of antioxidants. Kurkuma treats acne and eczema, reduces inflammation and redness, eliminates wrinkles, improves contours of the face and rejuvenates.

Mix the turmeric powder with water to formed the consistency paste sour cream (it should not flow). Apply a paste on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse well with warm water and apply the usual moisturizing cream. The skin will become moisturized, smooth and shining. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Homemade Soda

This procedure should be carried out before bedtime. Mix 1 tbsp. Food soda and 200 ml of hot water, mix and let cool.
Moisten a small piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic cotton disk and attach to areas where unwanted hairs are available. Lock the bandage and leave for the night. In the morning, remove and do not forget to apply a nutrient cream. After 2-3 procedures, you will notice positive results: the mustache (or beard) will begin to disappear.

Homemade with iodine

To get rid of unwanted mustache, and iodine will help.
To carry out this procedure, you will need:

  • 2 ml iodine;
  • 1.5 ml of ammonia;
  • 40 ml of 96% alcohol;
  • 10 ml.

Mix all the ingredients together and leave the mixture to stand until it becomes colorless. Then apply to the part of the face with unwanted hairs.

Do it follows every morning and evening. The hair on the face will begin to fall out after several days of use. This method can finally eliminate or reduce the amount of hair on the face.

Homemade nettle with nettle

This recipe is effective enough, and is used by the beauties from the 17th century.

Pass 3 tbsp. Nepi seeds in 100 ml of any vegetable oil. Hold for 14 days in a warm place.

Each evening, apply a piece of cotton wool or a cosmetic cotton disk, moistened in nettles from nettle, to problem areas and leave for half an hour. Then wash your face with warm water with a regular kneading agent. Over time, the mustache will disappear completely.

Homemade garlic

Use freshly squeezed garlic juice for problem parts several times a day. Leave half an hour to achieve the maximum effect. Then rush warm water and apply nutritional cream.

Flour from chickpeas

Flour can be easily made from dried chickpea. Mix flour with lemon juice and sour cream so that a dense and tight mixture formed. Apply it with a thick layer in the hairs and leave dry. Then a piece of cotton fabric, clumsy in hot water, this mixture is squared with leather with a hairs. This method is not suitable for sensitive skin, because He can leave after himself long redness.

Egg proteins

This method can be used even for delicate skin. From the proteins, prepare a mask you can apply to the rest of the face, since it has a deep cleaning effect.

Egg proteins Mix with powdered sugar and corn starch. Apply a mask on the face; On those areas where the hairs are present - a thicker layer. Let dry and remove the wet fingers.

Mint tea

An important point is not only getting rid of the mustache, but also to prevent their growth. Their production can increase in the case of a high level of testosterone. Therefore, it is advisable to check with a specialist, because The presence of the mustache may indicate other diseases.

Testosterone levels can also be reduced at home. One of the folk methods is a regular drink of mint tea. Also helps to add a mint branch in the bath.

Estrogenous diet

With the hormones connected by another advice. It is possible to focus on increasing the production of female hormone - estrogen. By adding the right products to the diet, it is possible to affect the functioning of the body.

The good news is that an estrogen diet will simultaneously help fight against extra kilograms, i.e. Provides a beautiful figure. Assistants in this case are: fennel, licorice, proteins, and also.

With the help of honey you can make a paste, similar to sugar-lemon. In this case, however, nothing needs to be cooked, therefore, preparation is much easier. Mix 200 ml of honey with 3 tbsp. Sugar powder and 1 lemon juice. Then apply a mixture on the skin, cover with cotton cloth, let's dry and remove.

Make fine powder from red lentils (a coffee grinder can help). 2 tbsp. Mix the resulting powder with milk and leave to stand for some time. Then apply a mixture on the skin, leave for a quarter of an hour and remove with the hairs with the help of peeling gloves.

The advantage of pink water is to slower hair growth. In addition, it is a good tool for disinfection of the skin after shaving and preventing inflammation (for this you can add several fresh basil leaves into pink water). Rub the pink water into the skin to get rid of the mustache and prevent their growth.

What else can help?
There are other methods Returning the smoothness of the skin.

Depilation creams are a painless and fast method of getting rid of the mustache. However, each cream must be tested in advance to determine if there is no allergies. In addition, it is important to buy precisely those creams that are designed specifically for the face.
Expressing hairs against the direction of growth is a painful, but effective procedure. The effect is saved about 3 weeks.

You can also resort to discoloration using hydrogen peroxide, however, it is better to entrust the process of specialist's hands.

Modern methods

Today, cosmetic medicine offers the latest techniques to eliminate hairs on the face. The most popular includes a laser and electrolysis.

We are talking about a relatively new technique, at least regarding the use of cosmetic purposes. The action of the laser beam is directed to the hair onion, which contributes to the removal. New hairs, therefore, can not grow, and gradually the face is deprived of unwanted mustache.

It should be borne in mind that this procedure is long-term, its use is carried out, about 10 times in 6 weeks with the number of repetitions of about 10. The required amount is determined by the amount of hairs and their quality.

On the contrary, the positive moment is that you can get rid of hated hairs forever and painlessly. No need somehow especially prepare for the procedure. There are only some items that should be observed:

  • it is important not to use the Cream Procedure Day;
  • at least 2 days before the procedure should not be irritated in any way (for example, not to do pillings);
  • for approximately 6 weeks not to remove the alert with tweezers.

In addition to the above requirements there are no special limitations. A cooling gel is applied to the skin on the skin, after which the laser beam is applied directly, which penetrates through the skin and destroys one hairs after another.
It should be noted that this method is not intended for light hairs!

Another method of permanent removal of the mustache is the electrolysis, the name of which sounds a little urgent ... The method is based on the principle of the electrical needle, which acts directly on the hair follicle, killing it with an electrical discharge.

The procedure is relatively painful and not suitable for people who have a tendency to form scars and having extended capillaries. The advantage of electrolysis is constantly effect.

In modern society, the lack of hair on the body is becoming increasingly popular. Although there is no magic tool that can stop hair growth, however there are many ways with which you can reduce their number and ultimately get smooth skin.



    Share excess hair. This is the most common way that allows you to get rid of excess hair. A razor and shaving cream can be bought in most supermarkets, pharmacies and even on gas stations. This is a quick and painless way, with which you can get rid of excess hair, but it does not slow down their growth.

    • Unlike depilatlation, you do not feel pain, but the razor sharp blades can be easily cut.
    • The effect of the procedure lasts no more than a week, and then the hair will be visible again. In some cases, the hair is growing after 1-2 days.
  1. Open the pores in hot water. It is necessary to open the pores so that the procedure goes less painfully, so take a hot shower or bath. If you regularly shave in the shower, then in this case the procedure is to be carried out at the end (after hot water will decay the skin for a few minutes).

    Water the area you plan to shave (for example, leg). Apply cream / shaving gel with a thick layer on the depilation zone and leave for a few minutes. During this time, the skin moisturizes and get the maximum protection from the blades. Spray the entire area planning to shave.

    Shave smoothly in the distance from below. Slowly guide the hair razor. Every 13-15 centimeters wash off the cream and hair from the blades, and then repeat. Slowly (as far as possible) move the razor over the skin surface, and then rinse the blades with water. Repeat until the skin becomes smooth.

    • Do not press too much on the skin, but only slightly touch it.
  2. Moisten the skin. It is necessary to use a moisturizer that takes care of the skin. In the process of shaving, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, which makes the skin very sensitive to damage, but at the same time more susceptible to moisture, therefore it is worth using the moment. Use moisturizers with vitamin E and Shea butter, which will calm the skin and retain her youth.

    • If you need additional protection against razor blades, use special cream or oil (which usually contains an anesthetic) to prevent irritation.


    1. Try depilation. Wax strips remove all hairs at the same time, literally pulling them out of the skin. Wax depilation is available in two versions: in the form of finished wax strips, as well as in the form of liquid wax and individual paper strips. This procedure is very often carried out in the salons, but you can purchase everything you need for home use. Wax is a relatively safe way to remove unwanted hair, although not recommended for use on sensitive areas of the skin, as it can injure it, cause rash and discomfort. Wax depilation is usually made on the chest area, hands, legs and armpits.

      • With each subsequent use of wax, the hairs becomes thinner, so over time you can completely get rid of unnecessary hair on the body.
      • This method is quite painful, but the pain is short-lived.
      • Wax depilation can lead to skin burns, as well as to its irritation and redness within a few hours after the procedure. If you have sensitive skin, try the mixture for depilation based on sugar or beeswax. Many salons prepare wax on their own recipe, so do not hesitate to ask about it.
    2. The procedure must be carried out on pure and dry skin. Thoroughly wash the body part of the body with soap, after which the skin with a salt for a bath or a lufa to completely remove all its natural skin fats and prepare for depilation.

      Purchase wax for depilation. You can buy wax strips or wax that needs to be warmed up in a microwave, and then apply to the skin. Strips are more convenient to use, but they are difficult to manipulate if you want to remove the hairs on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

      • Think about sugar depilation. Sugar depilation is largely similar to wax, although the paste is applied to the skin against hair growth, and then removed in the direction of their growth. This makes the process less painful compared to wax, but still can provoke redness of the skin. This procedure is made in the salons, but you can prepare sugar paste on your own, mixing sugar, water, salt and lemon.
    3. Tension the skin on one side. The skin must be stretched so that the wax does not get into crease or wrinkles, which will make the procedure painful. Spend on the wax strip several times in the direction of hair growth, so that you can glue it to the skin.

      Free hand rapidly pull the strip towards the opposite hair growth. The correct execution of this stage will allow you to remove the maximum amount of hair! Remove the missed hairs can be reused. Apply and open the strip again and again until it loses your sticky properties (you can define it by the number of hair remaining on it: the strip is less sticky when it nulipped too much hair, which means the wax surface decreased).

      Clean the skin after depilation. After the procedure with wax (in contrast to the razor), it is very important to use special tools, such as Tend Skin, which is a choice of celebrities! Any astringent painkiller will also suit (to resolve pain) or aloe vera gel.

      • Using Aloe Vera 4 days before the procedure will help simplify the hair removal procedure. Ibuprofen facilitates pain in front of the pripilacy and reduce swelling.
      • It is not recommended to engage in heavy exercise immediately after depilation, as this can cause skin irritation. You can swim in a day. Moisturize the depilation zones daily to soften new hairs that have the property to go down, if you leave them without attention.


    1. Consider the use of the epilator. The epilator has many tweezers that pull out the hairs, which helps to get rid of them about two weeks. Hair removal using the epilator takes longer and causes more painful sensations than shaving, but the result lasts much longer, since the hair follicle is completely removed. The hairless hair is cut, but fall into special grooves of the device, which capture them and pull out with the root.

      • The use of the epilator can provoke the appearance of ingrown hairs, so be sure to use the cream of Depil or Vanish PFB after the procedure.
    2. Tension skin area. The epilator will not be able to remove hairs of folds or wrinkles, but painfully hooked the skin. Put the skin during the procedure with one hand.

      • With wet epilation, it is necessary to immerse the device and part of the body with which you remove hair.
      • During dry epilation, the skin should be clean and dry.
    3. Move the epilator on the skin surface towards the opposite hair growth. Several movements in opposite directions will allow achieving the best results and remove most of the hair (not all the hairs grow in one direction).

      • If irritation occurs, use the astringent effect (such as Tend Skin) and lotion that will soften and reassure the skin. The skin can redden during the first 24 hours after the epilation. Plan the procedure at least the day before important events.
    4. In small sites, use tweezers. If the hair is plugged with tweezers, then the process will take a lot of time, especially on extensive areas of the skin, but it most effectively slows down hair growth on the face. Experience every hairs separately, and it guarantees it to remove it along with the root. The procedure may be painful, but this is the cheapest way.