How to understand whether a married man will leave the family. Why husbands leave the family at strictly defined periods of life

Every woman in her life plays many social roles, changing them one to another, or performing several at once. The two most interesting roles that sometimes have to be played at the same time can be completely opposite to each other. This is the role of a mistress and the role of a wife. Mistresses, more often than not, are looking for ways to take a man out of the family, and wives, on the contrary, from all of these.

Whatever role you are in now, know that each side has a chance to win in this difficult battle, the main thing is to know male psychology in relations with women and to act, applying this knowledge in practice. In this article, we will talk about what methods are used by lovebirds to get a man out of the family, and whether it is worth doing such things at all.

Methods of a mistress, provoking a man to leave his family

To the heart through the stomach Mistresses often use this method when conquering someone else's husband. Usually, if a man at home is very tasty and well fed, then he is not attracted to such tricks. But if at home they often roll out with a ball, semi-finished products or something in a hurry, then, most likely, different goodies will be able to attract the attention of not only his stomach. Peace and harmony This is another great method of separating a man from his family. Give him peace of mind, do not demand anything, do not argue with him, do not bother with unnecessary questions, do not oppose his desires. After all, his wife is constantly sawing him at home - there is not enough money, where you have been for so long, beat down the shelf, fix the tap in the bathroom ... And the mistress does not demand anything, and therefore the man is drawn to her. A slice of bread and a slice of cheese The ability to be content with little, without pretensions to more, is the advantageous side of a love relationship on the side. If a man sees that his mistress does not ask him for the tenth mink coat, seventh boots, fifth earrings for the holiday, expensive perfume, then he is saturated with a sense of respect for her. Such a woman can easily take someone else's man out of the family. Joy from the heart Many mistresses take a man because they know how to rejoice in him. They rejoice at his arrival, intimacy with him ... They sincerely rejoice, and do not imitate this state. When a man sees that he is glad that he was expected, he immediately melts, blissful in a state of pacification. He understands that he is needed here, since he is so expected. Forgotten "No" When a mistress does not deny a man sexual intimacy, then for him. It is very important for a man that his sexuality is recognized, that they say how good it is to make love to him and what a master he is in intimate affairs. And in order for these to be not bare words, the mistress must agree to sex every time a man wants it, and also sometimes take the initiative herself. This will be the best proof of his sexuality for a man. Variety in Sex Also for a married man who has stable missionary sex with his wife, variety is important. If a mistress gives him the opportunity to try everything that his spouse does not agree to, then she immediately rises a head above her rival, while increasing her chances of getting a beloved man. A man very highly appreciates the quality of intimate relationships, and in the end he will choose the woman who is ready to experience everything new and interesting with him in bed. Ironing the coat Another great way to get a man to leave his family is caring for him, showing a sincere interest in his work and his problems. Mistresses who use this method of manipulation always find themselves in a better position than legal spouses. A man will want to leave for such a mistress, especially if his wife does not show due attention to his affairs.

Is it necessary to take someone else's husband out of the family?

So, we figured out how the process of "removal" of a man from the family takes place. But is it necessary to do this? If you are a lover and want a man to belong only to you, consider the following points:

Do you only want this or is it a mutual decision? Does a man want to leave the family, why does he want to leave it - is everything so bad there? It's not a fact that he will be better with you. And you never thought, maybe he is so "not good" that his wife does not even oppose his departure. Having children Before you take a man out of the family, think about his children. After all, it is they who will suffer in the first place during the breakdown of the family. Are you ready to take on such a burden? And also think - are you ready to accept him with children, because no one knows how his current wife will behave. Suddenly she will abandon the children and you, together with your still lover, will have to raise these kids! Your intentions Answer yourself to the question, do you really need this man or do you just want to test your strength and surpass his wife? There are other ways to prove to yourself that you are better, without breaking the marriage or hurting other people. If you are not serious about the collapse of someone else's family, then you need to be prepared that this relationship will not bring you satisfaction either. So why ruin if not the best, but time-tested marital relationship.

Otherwise, the choice is yours. You yourself must weigh the pros and cons, and only then decide whether to take the man out of the family or not.


If loneliness is finally tired, you want to have children from your loved one, see him every day, take care of him, then you need to start actively acting. It is useless to wait for him to leave his wife. Even if everything is not going smoothly in their family, it is very rare for husbands to leave their wives on their own initiative. Relationships that have been established over the years, love for children, family traditions are very tightly held by their bonds.

You must start by comparing yourself to his wife. No woman can be completely perfect. Moreover, the disadvantage of many married women is that they eventually relax and stop taking care of themselves. Her omissions should be your strengths.

And her achievements should also be your strengths. If she knows how to feed her husband deliciously, then she should try to master the art of cooking and surprise her beloved with an extraordinary dinner. It is worth adopting her positive qualities from a rival if you do not have them, but it is important to remember the rule: you cannot be like her, you have to become a hundred times better.

Try to find out from the man what he lacks in the family, what is there that his wife cannot give him, what he dreams of. But do not believe his revelations too much, men tend to be cunning and may well write an implausible one about their unhappy life with a stupid wife. Better to double-check it through other sources: mutual friends, colleagues. And only then try to turn into his dreams.

If not all men know how to have good sex, then everyone wants to experience good sex. Why not use this fact? If he succeeds in giving his unearthly pleasure, then he will strive to experience it again and again, especially if his wife does not understand anything. You just need to teach him, and then be capricious, move away, and, behold, he is yours.

If a man who so wants to take away from the family is very children, then you can play on his fatherly feelings and, simply, get pregnant. It works sometimes, especially if you're lucky with the gender of your baby. For example, a rival was able to give her husband only a daughter, and he raves about an heir. Although this way of taking someone else's husband away is the most risky, and there is no guarantee that expectations will be met, and you will not become a loner.

Men always choose comfort and tranquility. If you let your wife find out about the adventures of her spouse, then a showdown will begin in their house. It is worthwhile to intensify the atmosphere even more by calling her husband while he is at home. Most likely, his wife will not be able to hold back for a long time and will make scandals over and over again. Hardly a man can stand such a hell.

If you can't get your husband out of the family, then you can resort to magic. Despite the fact that many do not believe in the power of conspiracies, the facts tell differently. If an experienced magician gets down to business, then success is guaranteed. But before you run headlong to the witch, think about whether such a sin is worth the love of a bewitched man.

Every woman who is the mistress of someone else's husband dreams of doing this. man her husband. This is true even if she never admits it. The trouble is that those men who have mistresses do not at all want to see them as new wives. In order for a man to want to change the “awl for soap”, it is necessary to plan his actions correctly.


A man is looking for something that is lacking in the family on the side. Therefore, you need to find out the weaknesses of the wife of your chosen one and not make her mistakes, behave the way a man wants. This is the difference between and a wife. But remember that even from the worst wife, only the best can take her husband away.

The situation when we fall in love with unfree men is not uncommon today. We firmly believe that you just need to endure a little and then the beloved will finally make a choice and finally leave the family. But what if this does not happen? All your life to endure a supporting role, or, closing your eyes, forget about your feelings and try to build a new life, but already without it? Or maybe fight for your happiness to the end and take decisive measures, not being afraid to receive the condemnation of others and the lifelong status of "insidious homeless woman"? Today we will talk with you about the unenviable role of lovers and men leading a double life.

About times, about morals!

If earlier the institution of marriage was considered sacred and for leaving the family a man was stigmatized by everyone around him, including even the team at work, today the situation looks different. With the change in the surrounding world, the attitude towards lovers has also changed - today it is no longer so unambiguous. Yes, and women of the "second plan" themselves perceive their status in a completely different way and are ready to fight for personal happiness, using the entire available arsenal of available means.

Why it happens? Firstly, nowadays people treat marriage more easily, and divorce is no longer seen by many as a global catastrophe. We got married, lived together, but, alas, it didn’t work out - well, now, reproach yourself for this for the rest of your life? Yes, and not all wives are ready to lynch a homeless woman after discovering the fact of adultery today, since many of them understand that cheating is always the action of not one person, but two, one of whom is the ex-spouse, therefore, the blame for what happened is not only on the opponent.

In addition, in modern realities it often turns out that the "long-legged bitch" who took her husband away from the family turned out to be a victim herself, because for the time being she did not even suspect that her faithful was married.

Divorce is not always a disaster.

By itself, the destruction of a marriage does not always bring pain and suffering, and sometimes, on the contrary, becomes a real salvation for both ex-spouses. Of course, a lot depends on the family atmosphere. When a woman lives without even suspecting that something is wrong in her relationship with her husband, his departure can be very painful for her, especially if the family has children. And it’s sad if, even over time, she can’t come to terms with the status of "abandoned" and throughout her life she will take out her anger and resentment at her escaped husband through her child and those around her. But no less often there are other situations when, over time, the abandoned spouse realizes that everything has happened for the better, meets another person, starts a new life and perceives an uncompleted marriage as an experience necessary for personal change.

Psychologists believe that men make the decision to leave the family for only two reasons. First, when the marriage as such is no longer there, it falls apart before our eyes and its fragments are simply impossible to collect. The second - if he really fell in love with another woman and is ready for global changes in his life.

If there is no marriage anymore

The third side in a love triangle most often appears when a man's relationship with his legal spouse is really difficult to call happy. The paradox is that the spouse most often does not specifically look for some kind of "outlet" and can exist in this mode for a long time until an external impetus accidentally occurs. A man, tired of the constant nagging and attacks of his wife, who sees only his negative qualities, is no longer in a hurry to go home after work and is constantly in a bad mood. And then suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, SHE appears - completely unlike her spouse, kind, smiling, sweet, caring, ready to listen to all his problems and not reproaching in anything. And, of course, in this situation, the relationship on the side becomes for him a way out of the annoying twilight.

Similar situations often occur when spouses do not love each other for a long time, but live together solely for the sake of children or for some other reason that makes living together just convenient for both of them. And then the role of a mistress turns out to be salutary not only for the man, but also for the woman he leaves behind, since a divorce gives them both a chance to build a new, truly happy life. It sounds surprising, but sometimes in such situations, the ex-spouse and mistress subsequently even quite adequately communicate with each other.

The main indicator of the seriousness of a man's intentions to enter into a new relationship is a rather quick parting with a past life. This usually happens in a very short time - from several weeks to a couple of months. The most important thing for a mistress in this case is not to rush your lover with a decision. If he really fell in love with you, he will do it himself. Therefore, if you have just started a relationship with a married man and feel that this is your man - give him a little time, and do not expose ultimatums from the "either me or she" series on the second date.

If you wait 10 years

In contrast to situations when a man quickly makes a decision, says goodbye to the past and starts a new life with a new lover, there are also sadder cases when a double life drags on not even for months, but for years. A man can fool his mistress's head for a very long time, constantly postponing the decision to leave his legal wife for later, finding all kinds of excuses for such behavior: “Let the child go to school first, and then I’ll tell her”, “My wife is now seriously ill, I don’t want her yet more upsetting, let's put it off for later "," I have an important project at work, and I don't need any extra hassle, so I'll finish it and tell my wife about us right away. " And then it turns out that the wife is not only not sick with anything, but she is also pregnant with her second or third child, although your beloved said that there was no intimacy between them since the moment you met.

At the same time, your life with a man can resemble a love affair: with hundreds of SMS a day, secret meetings, whisper calls from the toilet and ... holidays and weekends spent alone. It turns out that the gentleman seems to be, but at the same time, at the most necessary moments, for some reason, he cannot be there.

Why it happens? In this case, the mistress is just an outlet for the man. Yes, of course, he loves her in his own way, appreciates and is afraid of losing, but he is not going to leave his wife, with whom he lived much longer. He is quite satisfied with rare meetings, violent sex and the state of euphoria that he experiences when he is with another girl, but, alas, he cannot imagine life with her. There is even such a saying among men: if you first got married and then fell in love, there is no need to change the awl for soap, because over time the relationship with the second wife will turn into the same routine. Therefore, it is better to just carefully "walk" and enjoy it, and when you get bored - return to your usual life.

If your relationship with a man develops exactly according to this scenario, the best way out would be to overpower yourself and break this union, since such cases very rarely end with a “happy ending”. If you cannot imagine life without your beloved, put up with the role of the "second wife" prepared for you and do not indulge yourself with vain illusions that someday this man will become exclusively yours. As practice shows, if he did not leave the family immediately, or at least during the first year of the relationship, he will never leave.

The habit of getting married

There is one more possible situation. Some men (usually these are creative and enthusiastic natures) just very often fall in love and each time they think that this is, finally, exactly "for life." They easily pass from one woman to another, and each of them will certainly be taken to the registry office. Usually in the "track record" of such gentlemen at least three ex-wives and one more "acting". Such "walkers" can for your sake leave another spouse without any mental anguish and, almost the next day after the divorce, offer your hand, heart and a stamp in your passport to you. As a rule, the mistress immediately melts from the opportunity to fulfill her dream and happily agrees. Family happiness lasts exactly until another beauty in a miniskirt appears on the horizon.

If you know that your chosen one was married not once or twice, but more, think carefully whether the game is worth the candle. Most likely, you will spend your own time and nerves, and as a result, you will find yourself just another name in an endless series of Masha, Yul and Katya, because it is to such men that the saying “the humpbacked grave will fix” is the best fit.

How to rush things or tricks of seasoned mistresses

If you have thought well and are sure that you want to connect life with this particular man, but you have no strength to wait until he decides in your favor, you can try to use some proven method from the piggy bank of experienced mistresses. True, none of them can guarantee a specific and accurate result that will absolutely suit you, since much depends on the nature of relationships in the family, the personality of your beloved's spouse and his own attitude to your behavior.

The most logical thing to do to push a man to divorce is tell his wife about your relationship. If he's in no hurry, then let her do it! You can give this impetus in different ways. If you do not want the man to understand that you are doing this on purpose, try to "accidentally" leave a mark of lipstick on his shirt, "forget" your panties or an earring in his apartment or car, send a cute SMS at a time when he asked not to do this, referring to the fact that you completely flew out of your head, that his wife may now be around.

You can also call his home number and, if his wife answers the phone, a few seconds be silent and then hang up. Such recurring calls will make a woman feel that something is wrong and begin to take a closer look at her husband's behavior, and sooner or later she will definitely catch him on something, especially if you have already "tried" with lipstick, panties or SMS.

You can turn on your inner detective, find out your wife's email address or her social media page, and send there your sharing a photo with a loved one... True, in this case, it will be quite obvious to the man who did it.

Can upload a joint photo on your own page, especially if you and your loved one have mutual friends who are also familiar with his wife. In this case, there is a high probability that one of the "vigilant" acquaintances will send this photo to the addressee. To the man's question "why?" you can think of an innocent excuse from the series “I uploaded a lot of photos at once and our picture accidentally got there, but I didn't even notice!”.

If you are a supporter of radical measures and are not afraid of a man's anger, call or email his wife directly and be honest about being her husband's mistress. If you are not afraid, you can report directly to her home or make an appointment in a neutral place, for example, in a cafe, and honestly talk about what is happening behind her. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that everything is great between you and that you are simply tired of being led by the nose for such a long time for such a good woman (wife). We can say that your meeting should be kept in secret, since the man was going to tell everything anyway, and thus you decided, out of female solidarity, to mentally prepare your spouse.

You can act through the man himself: give him constant tantrums, to say that you are tired of waiting, demanding that he finally decide "either me or she." At the same time, it is important to prepare yourself for the fact that he may make a decision and not in your favor. Tantrums can be replaced by heart-to-heart conversations, complaining about uncertainty, showing that you fall into depression and do not sleep at night because of this unresolved situation.

Another radical way is declare your "pregnancy". At what, to whom exactly to declare - decide for yourself: either to the deceived wife (so that she "gets into position"), or to the cheater, or to both of them. True, this must be done very carefully so that later your deception is not revealed. Of course, it is possible to come up with a medical error or miscarriage later, but not every man will believe it. It would be much more honest to really do everything possible so that the pregnancy still occurs, and with small discrepancies in terms of time within a couple of weeks, questions will not arise later. However, do not forget that this method is a double-edged sword. If your beloved and his wife have no children, then he may be sincerely happy about a possible pregnancy and decide that everything happened for the better, but another gentleman in a similar situation, on the contrary, will behave in a bestial manner - he will simply cut off all ties with you or disappear, promising "Help financially." And most importantly: if you are thinking about pregnancy, think about whether you are really ready to give birth to a child from this particular person, despite the possible risk of parting with him.

As you can see, not in all cases, trying to rush things, you will look dignified. Forcing a situation when you force a man to leave the family, according to psychologists, can backfire unpleasantly for you in the future. If his decision turned out to be "forced", and not carefully weighed, more than once during quarrels you will hear reproaches from him that because of you he left his family. That is why it is better to wait until your chosen one makes a decision on his own, taking responsibility for its consequences, and not trying to throw it on you if the future life together turns out to be not too rosy.

And a little about ex-wives

We are all different people. And if someone, being in the role of a mistress, does not at all think about how the departure of a man from the family will affect his abandoned wife, then someone else even sincerely worries about the ex-spouse of his lover. In fact, you don't need to think about it. Marriage is a matter of only two people, which means its disintegration is also. You have nothing to do with this, because if people truly love each other, no tricks from the outside will force them to part. The family should be protected by the one who creates it.

And if you are still worried, remember the numerous situations when abandoned women, having survived a painful blow and difficult rehabilitation after it, went through a complete renewal. They began to relate to themselves and their lives in a new way, realized their own mistakes that took place in a broken marriage, and in a new relationship they will do everything possible so as not to repeat them. That is why, according to statistics, the second marriage is almost always stronger than the first.

In general, in order to avoid such problems, it is better just not to start relationships with married men and you will be happy!

Fell in love with a married man who is unhappy in marriage? You both know that you are perfect for each other, but he still stays with his wife? Of course, the likelihood that he will ever leave her is small, but here are a few steps by taking which you can lead a man to the right decision. Remember, you cannot force him to do this. This should be his own decision, taken without pressure. Be wise and patient. Very often, people get married for some wrong reason, and this will never make their marriage strong. You should not try to hold on to something that does not bring happiness to anyone around you. Therefore, often, a divorce is a kind of gift for all parties.


    Don't have sex with him. A married man cheating on his wife is driven by purely physiological reasons. It is clear that at that moment he wanted to part with his wife, which is why he did it. But, if he really intended to leave his spouse, he would have done it even before you met and before the moment of intimacy with you. If you have already had sex, stop it in the future. Explain the situation by saying that you cannot go to bed with him, since this is dishonest both in relation to his wife and in relation to you.

    Do not try to convince him to leave his wife by means of manipulation. Manipulative behavior often only works for a short time. A man must decide everything within himself, voluntarily. After all, you also want him to do it on his own, and not just because you need it.

    By not going to bed with him, you present yourself as a prize that still needs to be earned. By this you illustrate that you do not agree to the role of a mistress, but deserve respect and official status. You must have your own personal life and your own interests. It is very good if your common interests are alien to his wife, this will bring you closer together and make you more attractive in his eyes.

    Find out how he benefits from being married. Even if he's unhappy, but still not divorced, there must be something holding him back. The reasons can be different: children, reputation, money (if he is afraid that his wife will take away all or half of his property), etc. Do not make the common mistake trying to become better than his wife. This behavior will only push him away from you. There is no point in competing with his wife. He must love you because you are completely different.

    Find out what mistakes his wife made. A woman should feel a man. Most likely, his wife ceased to be interesting to him and no longer attracted him: neither as a woman, nor as a person. There are many articles, books and publications on this topic. Clean up the house, cook a delicious dinner. This will demonstrate your economic qualities. Men need to feel comfortable. It's important to show that you admire him. Women, for whom work and domestic well-being (in material terms) are in the first place, forget about their duties as wives and begin to perform male functions. Any man in such a situation feels discomfort and begins to look for the best on the side. Thus, he needs to confirm his masculinity. If he tells you that he no longer sleeps with his wife, don't really believe it. Therefore, do not think that having sex with you, he will quickly leave his wife. No, for this to happen, you must give him everything that he lacked in marriage. More often than not, this is far from intimacy, but the self-awareness of a man next to a woman.

    Get to know him as a person. Becoming friends with him and making him open up to you is quite difficult. This can take a lot of time and patience. Since his affection for his wife may be much deeper than you, and he himself, it was assumed. A man should feel more than just sexual attraction for you. He needs to feel the need for you, feel safe with you, and confidently share his desires, fears, hopes and plans. In addition, getting to know him better, you can discover hitherto unknown traits of his character that you will not like and will make you reconsider your attitude towards this man.

    Date other men. Don't get hung up on one thing and don't get too attached to it. Men love the spirit of competition. Be careful, though, and don't say too much in your discussions. Trying to make him jealous can undermine his confidence in you.

    Don't show that you need him too much. Do not call, do not write, do not look for a meeting. He must come to you himself. If you start talking about love from the very first days, he may stop reaching out for you and just accept it and allow himself to be loved, and in speed he will leave (as was the case with his wife).

    Don't be jealous of a man for his wife. Don't be angry with her. As a woman, you should have compassion for her, because this is not her fault (or not only her).

    Don't become a family counselor for a man. The desire to help him solve problems with his wife will not make you more attractive in his eyes. Let him untie this knot himself.

  1. You shouldn't try to resist his wife in any way. By telling her about your relationship and her husband's betrayal, you thereby destroy all chances for a bright future next to him. A man can take this for a betrayal on your part and completely turn away from you.

    • Remember that it is important for a man to regain the sense of his masculine wealth, which he probably lost over the years of marriage. Therefore, you are required to just sit and accept everything that he can and wants to give you, without ceasing at the same time to admire and be proud of him.
    • If you think the same way, don't do anything behind his back. Let him solve his problems with his wife himself.


    • Even if you have managed to become very attached to a man, be ready to leave at any time, even if it causes you hellish pain. After all, it may also happen that he does not leave his wife.
    • According to statistics, most divorces are initiated by women. Consider this and do not stop considering the option that he will not leave his wife and hurt you.
    • It may take a man time to reflect on the whole situation and make a decision. Do not think that he is turning his back on you. Just be patient. When he comes to you, do not reproach him. Be gentle and welcoming.
    • Ask yourself why you need this particular married man? There are a lot of free guys around who are not averse to starting to look after you. Make sure your feelings are more than just the excitement that a man is not yet available. Often noticable and insecure women (sometimes as a result of psychological trauma received in childhood) hunt married men and by any means take them away from the family, just to amuse their wounded pride. As soon as a man becomes free, he becomes uninteresting. Therefore, before the situation becomes irreversible, answer yourself these questions.
    • Consider if you want to have a person next to him who does not respect his marriage obligations and does not know how to remain faithful to his legal spouse. Where is the confidence that the same will not happen to you? Agree that dishonesty, infidelity and deceit are not the best qualities for a man.
    • After a divorce from his wife, a man may feel tension, both emotionally and materially. The reality of everyday life can be very different from your romantic encounters before. He can only feel worse when he is left without a wife, money, reputation and friends (who often support the abandoned wife). Don't let him regret his decision.
    • Your reputation could be hurt too. It all depends on what social circles you are in. It will not remain a big secret for anyone that a man left the family precisely for you. This news may emerge at work, among mutual friends. Prepare to be criticized and negatively assessed. You will have to come to terms with judgments from some people, even if they are downright unfair. You should be prepared for the fact that relationships with some people can become strained or even deteriorate. The louder and more dramatic the divorce was, the more food for gossip the ill-wishers will have. Never let evil tongues affect your relationship. The best response to all critics is your strong family.
    • The wife can try by any means (sometimes even unsafe for you) to return the man to the family. You must be emotionally prepared for this.
    • If you nevertheless decide to stay by his side, you will have to admit that his wife will always be a part of his life (like the mother of his children, like a woman with whom warm memories and periods of life are connected). She was, is and will be in his life. It is impossible to erase the past and you must really understand it. But it is in your power to make it just a pleasant memory, nothing more.
    • Remember, someone who cheated once can do it again. If a man left his wife, he may leave you after a while.
    • In the event of a painful divorce, not only the wife can suffer, but also the children (if any). Consider whether you are ready to take on this responsibility. Will you be able to withstand his regular meetings with his ex-wife and children in the future, who will most likely hate you and blame you for the breakdown of the family?

As the song says: "According to statistics, there are 9 guys for 10 girls." So young, beautiful and free women are forced to be content with married men, so as not to be alone and feel that someone needs you. It happens that such a relationship lasts for years, and in order to accelerate the departure from the family, which, according to him, has become hateful, one has to think about how to take a married man out of the family from the point of view of psychology.

Weigh the pros and cons"

To begin with, the mistress needs to decide whether she needs such a companion in life and whether it is worth taking a married man out of the family, because it may turn out that life with him under one roof will not be as cloudless as it seemed. For what does she achieve her goal? If the main driving force is not the real one, then experts and experienced mistresses advise not to start any action. Even if the man leaves the family, the new relationship is unlikely to last long. Well, if you are sure that he is your soul mate, then you must first understand whether it is possible to take a married man out of the family at all, because most of them are satisfied with this state of affairs when there is peace, comfort, wife and children at home, and on the side of youth and passion.

This is possible only on the condition that life with an eternally dissatisfied spouse has become so disgusted that there is no longer the strength to endure. If a man, even before meeting his mistress, thought that it would be nice to finally run away, because the children have grown up, you can already talk to them in an adult way and explain everything. Well, if the mistress also correctly brings the man to this decision, then, of course, everything is possible.

How can you take a married person out of the family?

First of all, you will have to develop all the abilities of a good scout: to be patient, to be able to wait and separate the "wheat from the chaff." Control your behavior and your emotions, be able to get the information you need and, of course, listen. And you will have to listen a lot: how the shrew-wife got it, what a slob and clumsy she is, a frigid bitch, etc. The task of the mistress is to regret, caress, touch and prove that everything will be different with her. You need to give a man a fairy tale in which he would like to return again and again. But most importantly, he must trust his new companion.

If you want to know how you can take a married man away, never talk about money. Not a single representative of the stronger sex will exchange a family for a mercantile woman, so you need to reiterate to him that money is not the main thing in life, and love can work miracles. Praise your man, tell him how talented and extraordinary he is, and others are just fools that they could not see it. Take care of him, feed him delicious lunches, breakfasts and dinners, create coziness. Make plans for the future, but do not rush to talk about children. Most likely, a man will not want to have them yet, because everyday life and routine are the first things he is running from now and he has no intention of plunging into it again.

Of course, it is necessary to become for him the best lover in the world. Being active and experimenting is just the postulates of happy and long-term people, and this must be remembered. But it is also very important not to dissolve in a person completely and completely, not to live his life. If a man is sure that you are waiting for him at the window every day, he will never leave his wife, but why? Be independent and confident, have, if not a job, then at least a hobby, spend your free time with your friends, meet with friends. Let him be sure that your life is full without him and then he wants to become a part of it. Otherwise, act according to the circumstances, but always keep face and respect for other people.