How to keep up with a man. Unconscious people: how to behave with them? Get ready for Small Talk

Etiquette requires welcoming other people following certain rules. Its greetings need to demonstrate to people a good location, as well as their good education and culture. Consider in more detail how it is necessary to greet.

Who needs to be greeting?

A brought up man must greet not only with people familiar to him, but also with other people, especially those with whom it is periodically found. These are neighbors, sellers in the store, cashiers in a bank, waiters in a cafe, drivers in a taxi, etc.

What words to start a greeting?

Depending on how well you are familiar with a person and what kind of status it takes, a greeting can be both the most laconic and simple, and emphasized respectful, official.

With unfamiliar people, it is enough to exchange classic welcoming phrases of the type:

  • Good afternoon / evening / morning!
  • Hello!

With the leadership, the people of solid age are greeting, adding an appeal by name and patronymic. For example:

  • Hello, Alexander Alexandrovich!
  • Good afternoon, Natalia Filippovna!

With well-known people with whom you have no age and social differences, you can greet with the help of simpler forms of greetings, including conversational, slang forms. So, welcome friends, for example, in the following words:

  • Hey!
  • Great, etc.

On "You" to contact only friends and relatives. In all other cases, there will be more correct to appeal to "you", unless another agreement exists in the collective. Often, a simplified appeal to a person named (without patronymic) is often used, but on "you". However, before using a similar form, it is better to explore the rules in effect in a particular social environment. If you want to go to handle a person on "you", then you should first ask his consent.

Who greet first?

The first always greets:

  • Those who only entered the room, with those who are already in it;
  • Younger with elders;
  • Men with women;
  • Subordinates with the bosses;
  • Pupils with teachers.

Under the equal conditions, he greet the one who used to do this before, or the one who turned out to be more polite and friendly.

How to welcome a man and a woman?

Etiquette introduces clear rules of how each other representatives of the same sex should welcome, as well as representatives of different floors.

  • Male man with a man. Usually greet with the help of a handshake, and the hand must file the one who is younger or lower in social status (subordinate to the head). You can also restrict ourselves to a small bow. Pupils with teachers greet without handshake. If a man greets with a person standing on a social staircase with many steps above him (for example, a junior manager with the company's general director), or with a man, much his older, will appropriate to raise a hat or a little touch it (it does not apply to other headlife ), Get up from your place. You can only sit down after a person suggests it, or after he himself sat down.
  • Woman with woman. In case the meeting is business, ladies can exchange easy handshakes. If there are girlfriends, relatives, then you can exchange kisses in the cheek and hugs. If there are two pairs, then the ladies always welcome each other, after the woman welcomes men, and then only male greet.
  • A man with a woman. In most cases, a man greets first. If it happens on the street, then a man must suspend, raise a hat or touch her fields. If a woman filed a hand in greeting, a man can kiss her. To do this, you need to shake your hand, slightly lean towards it and easily touch the lips for a couple of seconds. Previously, a similar ritual was mandatory for all gentlemen, but today you can do without it, limiting, for example, with a slight bow.
  • Woman with a man. The lady should greet a man first if he is higher than its social situation or much older. In these cases, it will be quite appropriate to even get up from your place. Also, a woman first serves a man's hand for a welcoming handshake - regardless of whether there are social or age differences between them.

How do residents of other countries greet?

Handshakes and polite bows with welcoming words are used almost all over the world. However, according to ancient custom, in some countries there are still their traditions of greetings.

  • Americans can handle you on the back or shoulder.
  • The French are actively practicing rapid touch with cheeks, the lips make the sound of a kiss.
  • Eskims are slightly touched by a fist to the shoulder of a friend, his heads.
  • Polynesians rub noses.
  • Thais make a welcome bow, touching the faces folded (as with prayer) palms.

In this article of business etiquette, the rules of decidification of greetings will be disclosed.

On the street

According to the decidification of the greeting - Healthy with acquaintances, it is necessary to make a light bow (tilt of the head, but not all the torsa), be sure to take out the cigarette from the mouth and hands from pockets.

It is not necessary to remove the glove with a glove with handshake, but if your friend did it, you must follow it. A woman can remove the glove only in a sign of great respect (for example, healthy with the elderly).

The first greater in the age or social status, a man - with a woman, as well as with his acquaintances, if there is a woman or an elderly man next to him (at the same time it is necessary to bow and familiar, and those who are next to him). The woman first welcomes not only a woman older in age, but also going without escort, if she herself is in the Men's society.

In difficulties, when the status of a friend is approximately equal to yours, it is better to say hello to first. This not only does not drop your dignity, but, on the contrary, will be a testimony of a good manner. In the French military charter it was said: "Of the two officers, the one who is more polite and raised!"

If your satellite greeted people who you don't know, it is better to join his greeting, if necessary, a presentation occurs.

Healthy and uttering the usual phrases in such cases ("Hello!", "Good afternoon!", "Good evening!", "I greet you!") It is important not to repeat just what your acquaintance said. If he said, for example, a good evening, you should answer in other words.

In room

Welcome etiquette says, whoever you are - director, academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy, entering the room, greet the first. If there, where you came, a lot of people, it is enough to restrict ourselves to a common bow. Still say hello and exchange hands only with those who came to.

When a visitor is included in the working office of men, he certainly gets up, comes out of the table, welcomes it and seats.

Welcoming a woman, a man can kiss her hand. This is a sign of special attention, respect, admiration, thanks. This form of greetings in different countries are different. In the United States, for example, it can cause a violent indignation of a woman and even reckon with an insult in Poland, on the contrary, the tradition. Just in case, when you meet, it is better to refrain from such a greeting if only a woman is not a celebrity. But if you ventured a risk, do not forget that you need to kiss in the back of your fingers, lowered low for this, and not lifting a woman's hand to your lips. This greeting is appropriate only in the room.

Having come to visit, a label man must first of all welcome the hostess, even if the charming girls or strict director of the company are unthinkable nearby, in which the Vizier works.

How to answer greetings

A woman, answering a greeting of a man, usually not rises from the spot. But the hostess, welcoming the guest, gets up - to this obliges the laws of hospitality. If the guest - the man came later than the rest, the hostess may not rise. The children of the owners must get up whenever someone from adults come and do not sit down until the guest is sitting.

A man always gets up when a woman enters the room, and it costs until she sits or won't go to the far part of the room. In public places - in the theater, restaurant, a man does not need to do this, but if a woman speaks with him, then you need to stand and talk with it.

If in the restaurant a woman greets with a friend, passing by his table, a man is enough to build and answer the nickname. If he is in the society of ladies, this does not need to do.

In contact with

Situations when you have to welcome familiar or unfamiliar people, there are daily. It is not always clear who should greet the first at the meeting. To stay in the eyes of the surrounding polite person, it is important to understand the basic rules of etiquette and welcome the interlocutor correctly. In a secular or business life - a different idea of \u200b\u200bwho is the first to say hello.

Who should greet the first

Hello heads and employees, men and women, children and adults greet. Choosing who should welcome the first to act according to the general rules of courtesy. From a particular situation depends on who with whom He greets the first on etiquette. The main thing is to remember that a polite person is not ashamed when you meet the first to reach out.

Senior or younger

At the meeting of the peers it does not matter who at first will greet. Usually the initiative manifests the one who is better raised. And if the interlocutors have a significant age difference? Who should greet the first according to the rules of the etiquette: younger or senior? It turns out, everyone solves the nuances:

  • When familiar people meet in everyday life, more young words welcomed the elder. So manifests respect for the interlocutor. But more adult man first for a handshake gives a hand.
  • When familiarizing the initiator, the greeting will be, on the contrary, in the age of the elder. He stretches his hand.
  • In a situation requiring publicity, the greeting is not taken into account. For example, the lecturer first greet the listeners before the lecture, and the teacher with students before the lesson.

Head or subordinate

Communication at work between the head and employees is governed by the standards of business etiquette. In the official situation, they testify their respect to each other, without considering who older, and who is younger in age, regardless of gender. The main criterion is the position that a person occupies. The senior is the boss, and the younger - subordinate.

  • Special rules of behavior act in a situation where you need to enter the Cabinet. In the institution, the included room always greets at the entrance to the first to those who appointed a meeting. If other employees are present in the office, you can testify all your respect with a slight bow.
  • Who should greet the first: subordinate or leader? In business communication shows the honor of the younger post. Unclear employee first welcomes the chief who is younger than it. But the hand for a handshake on etiquette is not the one who first greets, but senior by office. This rule implies some exceptions. The head when he enters the office to the subordinate, the first with everyone greets.
  • A business meeting partner first welcomes the subordinate (both a woman and a man), and then the boss.
  • The rules of etiquette prescribe a person who was late for, be sure to say hello to him.

Man or woman

The rules of etiquette determine who first greets: the girl welcomes a man or man a woman. It should also be understood that in each situation there are specific rules of secular etiquette.

  1. Gentleman first testifies to his reverence of the lady. A polite man gets up if the meeting occurs in the room. But the hand at first stretches the lady, which, at will, can do without a handshake.
  2. If there is a girl and a man of old years old, then it is decided that in the sign of respect, the woman first welcomed the interlocutor.
  3. The rules of etiquette determine the behavior of two pairs who met on the street. The lady welcomes the lady, after which the Cavalers - representatives of the weak gender, are completed by the ritual of men who mutually evidence of respect.
  4. Family couple, meeting for a walk with a friend, follows certain standards of secular behavior. When a couple comes to meet a person walking alone, then men must shake hands. Having met a lonely woman, you just need to bow and smile.
  5. Sitting in a taxi, passengers first welcome the driver, then call the address.
  6. A man who met a group of people, taking hands to buddies and nods unfamiliar people.
  7. The one who is always the first testifies to the respect for those who are worth. If one person overtakes the other on the street, then the first welcomes the one who overtakes. This applies to both young people and girls.

Guest or owner

In order to determine on the etiquette, who visiting the first to greet, you need to follow the rules of good tone.

  1. In someone else's house, the hostess should be welcomed, and then all the other present. This rule concerns both women and men. She serves a hand to each invited guest.
  2. If in the room where the company is going to, a lot of guests, then entering alternately welcomes the owners of the house, then the other ladies, starting with the most elderly. Recently testifies to the reverence of the rest of the guests. Handshake in this situation is not necessary.
  3. On a visit, a woman needs to answer each greeting, even if the welcoming man is unpleasant or they are in a quarrel. Personal finding of relationships should not spoil the rest of the guests.
  4. The late guest approached, when everyone sat down at the table, at the beginning greeting with women, and then with their satellites. If her husband is present at the table, then his lady welcomes the latter.
  5. The late man testifies to the respect of women, then his wife, only after that he welcomes the owner of the house and other men guests. Spouses must show politeness towards each other.
  6. If a celebrity is invited for lunch, then this person is welcomed separately and at the very beginning.

Seller or buyer

Communication of sellers and buyers includes some nuances that determine who should greet the first on etiquette. The order of greetings depends on the size of the store, trade rules. In any situation, it is important to remember the politeness and goodwill, which will make the shopping of the store comfortable and will not spoil the spirits.

  • At the entrance to a small store or shopping department, the Buyer must say hello to the seller. In accordance with the rules of etiquette, the partner admits the first one.
  • A permanent supermarket visitor, every day meeting the same seller, first expresses its respect.
  • A brought up man, asking advice from a consultant, will not forget to say hello. On the other hand, the seller testifies the respect, if he wants to help the visitor with the choice of goods.
  • If the buyer and the seller are familiar, they welcome each other, considering the floor and age.

Child or adult

The same for all: for children and adults. The child is important to teach etiquette rules that explain how to say hello and who should greet the first.
The child as younger greetups with adults (familiar, neighbors) first.

There are certain situations when this rule does not work. In an educational institution, the teacher welcomes children first, starting lesson. In the store, sales consultants greet the child who came to buy something. Adult can say hello to attract the attention of the child.

Inside the children's team, communication is also subject to etiquette standards. Boys must welcome girls. And the girls need to show their pupil and answer the greeting. When meeting two girls or two boys, the most polite greet first.

Why you can not mind through the threshold

Russian National Culture includes not only the rules of etiquette, but also signs, superstition. It is believed that it is impossible to greet, but especially to exchange hands, through the threshold. This will lead to a quarrel between the interlocutors.
The prohibition is associated with the beliefs of the ancestors. In paganism under the threshold of the house buried the dead relatives who had to protect live from unclean power. It was also believed that the threshold was asylum for the house.
Today, superstitious people believe that greeting through the threshold destroys the boundaries between the world of dead and living, imparts an unclean effect and therefore leads to trouble.
Each itself decides, to follow or not such prejudices.

The rules of good tone instill confidence on a walk, visiting, in the office. Knowledge of Greeting Rules is the best opportunity to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in secular and business communication.

"Hello", "Good afternoon", "Hello" - How often we hear these simple words, but they can provoke a lot of questions. For example, do you know: who should be the first to greet? How to keep up? What greetings are there? And in what way to say just indecent?

According to the rules of etiquette, the man first welcomes the woman, the younger age - the older, and the ordinary employee - the boss and with this everything is clear, but there are situations in which you need to understand.

Who should be the first to greet?

Pupil people when meeting greets - it would seem that there is a difficult? However, etiquette is a delicate matter. In it, much is based on the principle of emphasized respect. In accordance with him, the man first welcomes the woman, the youngest in age - the older, and the ordinary employee - the head.

This applies to oral greeting. Behind him, as usual, follows a handshake. And here is another alignment. According to etiquette, the initiator of the handshake is the most respected person: the elder gives his hand to the younger in age, the head - subordinate, a woman - a man. The man should wait until the woman extends his hand for a handshake, if this gesture does not follow, limit themselves with a slight bow. (The custom of kissing the hand of women is now practically not used, it has been preserved only in Poland.)

As you can see, correctly say hello at all. And if you consider that at work to welcome each other at different circumstances, this question becomes even more confusing. Well, for example, who should first say hello: the young secretary or the Director-General, who is suitable for her? On the one hand, the girl should show respect for the eldest and first to say "Hello", but the CEO also should not forget that he is a man who is obliged to welcome women first. How to be? It all depends on how the chief is positioning. If he considers himself a man in his heyday - hurry to say "Hello." If the head of each cell of his body feels like sanding of sand - can wait until the girl shows respect for his position, and respond with gracious nod.

There are other subtleties. On the etiquette, when a woman enters the room, a sitting man should get up for greeting. (A woman in a similar situation rises only if an elderly person enters.) Now suppose that the head caused a subordinate to the carpet that he had not yet seen on this day. So, he must get up, get out of the table, lower his hands on the seams, say hello and only then to arrange a spread - if, of course, the mocked will not disappear (maybe etiquette for that and came up to extinguish conflicts in the embryo?).

Well, how to greet, if there are two married couples? In this case, first women greet each other, then the men welcome women and only after that - each other. At the same time, if the meeting occurs on the street, men for a handshake are removed from the right hands of the gloves. Women should shoot only thick fur gloves and mittens, thin gloves can not be removed.

In general, self-respecting man always first greets with women ... If only they are not Englishwomen: in this country, this privilege belongs to the ladies.

Let's go back to the handshake. The usual shamp will be made of deep antiquity when at the meeting demonstrated that there is no stone or other weapons in hand. Thus, a handshake has become a symbol of goodwill.

The handshake should be short and energetic, while you need to look into the eyes. It's not good to serve a relaxed hand, however, squeezing and shaking the partner's hand is also not suitable. By the way, psychologists believe that in a manner to harm your hand you can learn a lot about a person. For example, a gallant handshake means that a person knows how to adapt to other people. If the hand is solid and frozen - we have a hard person that requires subordination from others. The corps stretching our hand feed forward - it means that he is interested in communicating. A wide gesture of the side means that this person is rustled.

Remember that it is impossible to enter the room where there are several people, and it is necessary to exchange hands with one of them - it is necessary to stretch your hand to everyone else.

Communicating with foreigners, it must be borne in mind that the handshake is particularly widely distributed in America, as well as in Europe. Americans and Western Europeans appreciate strong handshakes: not in tone in these countries - a bad tone. Expressive Americans are often not limited to the handshake, complementing it with patting on the shoulder. On the contrary, the inhabitants of Asia such actions may regard as an unpleasant familiarity and an attempt on personal freedom. In India, China and Japan, the handshake is not accepted at all. In Japan, three types of bows are used as a greeting (depending on the degree of respect): the lowest, medium at an angle of 30 degrees and a slight bow at an angle of 15 degrees. In some nations, the greeting has an even more exotic form: for example, Maori tribes living in New Zealand, when meeting, touches their noses.

Situations are different

If you have noticed a friend in the distance (on the other side of the street, on the bus, etc.), and if they noticed you, you need to greet the man with a nod of the head, a squeak of hands, a bow, smile. Shouting in the whole voice should not be - you put in an awkward situation and him, and yourself.

If you saw a friend who is approaching you, you do not need to scream "Hello" from afar. Wait until the distance between you is reduced to a few steps, and then greet it.

If you go with someone, and your satellite greeted the person unfamiliar to you, you should say hello to you.

If you meet a familiar in a stranger, you need to greet them. You also need to welcome everyone in the group to which you come.

If you go to the group and meet your friend, it is not necessary to acquaint others with him. You can, apologizing, to move aside for a few seconds and talk to a friend. But do not tighten the conversation, because other people are waiting for you.

Be sure to welcome those people with which you often meet, even if you are not familiar with them. For example, with the seller of the nearest store, with the postman, neighbors from the entrance. This is elementary courtesy.

If you enter the room where there are many people, you need to not greet each individual, but to say the overall "Hello."

There are three main types of circulation on etiquette:

1. Official - Citizen, Mr.;

2. Friendly - respected colleague, old man, dear friend, etc.;

3. Familia - cute, granny and. d., allowed only among the closest people

1. A verbal greeting

2. Tactile greeting

3. Greeting gestures

When not accepted to greet?

Helloing is not customary if the greeting can disturb and distract people busy any more important than your appearance. For example, during a lecture, meetings, performances. In this case, it is recommended to enter the room as quieter as possible, not attracting excessive attention to your own person. Places occupy from the edge, and the greeting is limited to the nod of the head. In the break, you can say hello, apologize for lateness and caused inconvenience, as well as take the place relying to you.

Do not confuse to keep up with people. Welcome counter joyfully and positive. You are not only lift the mood to others, but also charge positive emotions themselves, as well as free as a pleasant and dear person!

Most of us work in the collectives and spend a long time in the office filled with other people. Even very closed people still have to communicate anyway and contact with colleagues and leadership - and comply with the unwritten set of rules that regulate such relations. What can I do and what is better to avoid in your habits so that life in the office was comfortable and relaxed?

Strangers: Hello or not?

Often office premises are located in a large building - respectively, along the way to workplace and back, you constantly meet many completely unfamiliar people. Do I need to say with every matched person?

No, no one must say with everyone in a row, but a light smile and nods of the head will not work too much and raise the mood to all participants of the meeting. The rules of good tone and common sense advise not to ignore people in the building - especially if we are talking about those whom you meet in the mornings day on the way to the office.

Open Space: How to welcome everyone?

Such organization of the workspace is found quite often - and what to do in this case? Hello with all time or approach everyone personally to wish a good day?

The first option is true. You need to welcome all in the open space at the same time using neutral phrases like a "good afternoon", and even "hello", if the relationship between colleagues is informal enough. After that, you can easily go to the colleagues with whom you have closer or joint work for a detailed greeting and discussion of plans for the day.

Outerwear and things: where to leave?

We appear in the office completely dressed - and the climate most of the year is such that it is easy to move through the streets just in a business suit is not too comfortable. Where to fold and where to store raincoats or fur coats and other clothes?

As a rule, in the office there is a certain semblance of a wardrobe room - and keep any additional clothes and accessories you need there. Hang the fur coat, let and the most luxurious and expensive, one should not be on the back of the office chair, especially - to fold on the table. It looks pretty sloppy in case even with the most beautiful things and will distract from work processes and you, and colleagues.

Umbrellas should be adding and hanging on a hook or hanger - in the open form they can only stand in the utility room or where they definitely not interfere with anyone. It is not necessary to leave the revealed umbrella, forcing colleagues to jump over it, next to its desktop - it is inconvenient for everyone and will give the entire office a strange view.

Desktop: What can be on it?

At work, your professional and business qualities are assessed first - and only then love you for the traits of nature: kindness, responsiveness and tendency to collect cute elephants or funny soft toys. It is very important to remember that when you intend to hoisting to your desktop some kind of valuable object or a thing that are not directly related to the workflow.

Etiquette allows us to use one or two photos of people close to you in a neat frame or a small and not too prominent object like a casket. Everything else is better to remove in the drawers of a table or a tumb.

Phone: how to conduct personal conversations?

Here the mechanism is very simple: in the case of something really important or urgent personal conversation, it is possible to conduct without leaving the workplace. The dialogue should be kept in a normal emotional tone, a quiet voice and last no longer than two minutes in a room, in which the planets or meetings do not pass - especially if you are directly involved in them. The need to talk to someone from home or friends can at any time arise from each of us, this is normal and does not cause any questions anyone.

In all other situations, go to the corridor or another room, where you will not distract anyone with your conversations or ask the interlocutor to call back at another time - the reason for this you will be clarified at all.

If it is necessary to record a conversation on the voice recorder on the speakerphone, it is necessary to warn about this interlocutor and colleagues - it is you responsible for confidentiality questions during recording and for the problem of preserving the comfort of others, so you must adjust them, and not vice versa.

Comments to colleagues: Is it worth doing?

None of us is perfect - and your colleagues can cause a completely understandable irritation to the manner of increasing in words or incorrectly use words from professional terminology. Is it worth expressing dissatisfaction with loud with the whole team or need to find another way of reporting information?

Etiquette talks about the need to appeal to the second option: in the first case you will probably put a person in an awkward position and align yourself the enemy among colleagues. It is unlikely that you need it, even if your initial intentions and motives were exclusively good and directed to the improvement of a particular colleague.

It is reasonably delicately raise the question of interest to you in a friendly manner for a common conversation during a break, without specifying the identity of the one who makes a mistake. If it does not work, you can invite a colleague on a cup of coffee tet-a-tete and calmly, politely indicate him to the laughter, starting the conversation with the fact that you wish him good.

Closed Cabinet Door: Will it knock?

In general use, you can safely calmly come without a knock. If we are talking about individual cabinets, in this case it is necessary to observe the privacy of personal boundaries. Before entering, you need to knock - it's not too loud and persistent, even if the door is ajar.

If you received a positive answer, the invitation can be safe. If there is no answer, but you know that a person is exactly in the workplace, it makes sense to wait a few minutes and try again. After the knock appreciated the simple question: "Is it possible to enter?". If the employee is busy or talking on the phone, he will give you to understand it - verbal or signs. In this case, you need to take another attempt to achieve contact, but not earlier than half an hour, so as not to seem intrusive, even if your case is exceptional urgency.

Unconscious people: how to behave with them?

Sometimes you can be alone with people who are barely know - they can be colleagues, and incoming employees, and some customers or partners who were invited to negotiations or a glider. What to do if the event does not start in any way, and you spend time in the closed space of the working room?

Try to start light and not a binding conversation, clearly and clearly presented. If your interlocutor is also configured to talk, he will gladly grab about this opportunity to talk - and beautiful. In the case when the answers of your visa bosses are clearly reluctant, it is better to stop imposing communication and take yourself to any other way - to draw in a notebook or look out the window, for example.

During such a dialogue, try to leave space for answers, refrain from too flat and beaten jokes - then you will not look like an obsessive talker and void.

Lunch at the desktop: Yes, or not?

Unambiguous "no". It will distract other employees with sounds or smells, which is incorrect to them. If there is no special room for meals in your office - go dining in a cafe or restaurant, walk to the shop in the park or find another way to quench the hunger. The maximum permissible at the workplace is a cup of tea or coffee, etiquette completely allows such.

Gifts to colleagues: What and how?

Fortunately for many of us, in most companies there is a set tradition to give gifts to significant events or dates, they are either collected from all employees a strictly defined amount, or some other way to congratulate the birthday name, for example.

If you wish to make a gift from yourself personally - it is worth thinking several times as much as it will be appropriate and right. There is no unambiguous answer here, everyone focuses on its own intuition and feeling of taste and measures. No one is obliged to bring gifts from traveling for all colleagues, and those employees in the office that you are close or pleasant to, you can give almost everything, but you should not do too expensive or specific gifts.