How to give glitter painted hair. Hair care. natural tools to give gloss hair

Healthy strands, reflecting glitter, always in fashion, regardless of the length and degree of smoothness. Therefore, many women spend huge amounts of money for the acquisition of means to give gloss hair, or attend beauty salons to give their curls a beautiful view with special procedures. However, it is not all possible to achieve the desired effect, so use the tips on how to achieve the brilliance of strands at home.

In order to return a beautiful and healthy view of their hair, it is not necessary to spend the transcendental sums. It is possible to care for hair and at home, which is sometimes much more efficient than salon procedures.

Glitter and flicker is a reflection of light from a smooth surface. And since the smooth surface better reflects the light rays, the straight strands look more shiny than wavy curls or curls. Therefore, for greater glitter, you need to give smoothness.

Fact! On the hair of the dark color, the shine is noticeable much better than on light curls.

5 Soviets, how to make a chapel brilliant at home:

  1. Completely combing. You need combing your spars with a thick, but short genuine bristle, slowly spending on each strand 25-30 times, starting with the tips. Such combing professionals are called polishing, because during this procedure, scales of hair cuticle are invited, and the hairs begin to glisten.
  2. Use a special line of cosmetics. Each famous brand has special hair gloss with vitamins, collagen, betaine, vegetable extracts, natural oils, etc. High-quality professional tools will help to return the brilliance of your hair and give natural flicker.
  3. Make staining henna. Processing strands of color or colorless henna guarantees shine, strengthening and growing hairs, getting rid of dandruff. In addition, Henna does not spoil the structure of the hair rod, unlike chemical paints.
  4. Add sourness. If you change the neutral environment on the sour, then the cuticle is invited and, accordingly, the hair will be blissing. Therefore, fruit acids, essential oils or citrus extracts are added to the balms and air conditioners. At home, you can also add to the water to rinse a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice.
  5. Use natural masks. The effect of the most expensive masks manufactured by industrial way is much less than from fresh homemade masks prepared a few minutes before use. Therefore, do not be lazy to prepare a mixture for hair and always prefer with natural hair products.

Consider the best masks for the brilliance and smoothness of hair that is easy to cook at home.

Home masks will help to return the hair shine

Beauty, gloss, smoothness and hair health can be achieved by applying infringement inexpensive components for cooking home masks. They differ in the method of use and the main components. Each mask is aimed at achieving a certain result and positive effect:

  1. For shine and smoothness. Straighten the curls and return the shimmer's dull strands will help gelatin. Divide 1 tbsp. Food gelatin in 20 ml of warm boiled water, add 10 ml of balm. Distribute the mixture along the length of the hair and leave 50-60 minutes, put on the head plastic cap and towel. Wash warm water. Apply 1-2 times a week.
  2. For flickering and growth. Cognac is an excellent tool to give curls natural flickering and speeding up their growth. Mix 2 tbsp Cognac and 2 tbsp. Olive oil, heat up to 35-40 degrees, add 1 yolk, mix thoroughly. He applied a warm mask on the roots, and then distribute the length, to overtake the head with polyethylene and a towel, leave for 45-50 minutes. Ring with shampoo.
  3. For gloss and strengthening. Egg is a universal hair for hair. Mix 1 egg from 1 tbsp. Glycerin (sold in a pharmacy), add 1 tsp. Natural honey, beat up to a homogeneous mass. Apply for hair for 30-40 minutes, then washed off with warm water. Repeat procedure weekly.
  4. For radiance and softness. Dairy products will give the curls a special radiance and softness. Mix 3 tbsp. Natural yogurt without additives or 3 tbsp. 10% sour cream, add 1 tbsp. Coconut oil. Apply a mask on strands and leave for 30-35 minutes. Rinse with shampoo and balsam.
  5. For brilliance and volume. Mask for blonde: 2 tbsp. Natural honey + 1 tbsp. Castor oil. Mask for dark chapels: 2 tbsp. Cocoa + 50 ml of milk, warm to dissolving cocoa. Masks are applied on the roots, then distributed along the length. Excerpt time of the mixture on the head is 40-60 minutes. Washed off with the usual shampoo.
  6. For gloss and silkiness. Mix 2 tbsp Balzama, 1 tbsp. Fresh aloe juice and 1 ampule of group vitamins in (B1-B3, B6, B12). After washing, put a mask on clean wet hair and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can repeat such a procedure 1-3 times a week.
  7. For brilliance and moisturizing. This mask love to use in Mediterranean countries. Cucumber rubbed on a shallow grater, squeeze juice, add 1 tbsp. shallow salt, mixed with chicken egg protein. Apply a mixture on slightly wet hair, withstand 30-40 minutes and wash off barely warm water.

Home masks returning shine to dull curls are universal and suitable for all hair types.

Folk remedies for hair shine

In addition to masks, there are other recipes using folk remedies for giving shine, elasticity and smooth hair:

  • If the champions are bright, then the radios will help return the shine. Apply one cup of strong chamomile decoction to wet clean curls, withstand 30 minutes, insulated with polyethylene and towel head. Then wash the shampoo and rinse with acidic water.
  • If the hairstyle is dark, then the gloss will help coffee. Brew 2 tbsp. Natural ground coffee, strain and apply a warm drink on wet strands for half an hour. Wash your head with a soft shampoo.
  • If the redhead is a shiny, vegetables will help to make it brilliant. Mix the glio of carrot juice and the half of the beet fresh juice. Apply a mixture on strands, put on a polyethylene cap and warm the head with a hairdryer in cold air mode for a few minutes, to withstand another 20 minutes and washed off.
  • Infusion of birch leaves. To rinse the chases, pour a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. Crushed birch leaves, insist 20-25 minutes. Use for rinsing after washing your head.
  • Rinse apples. Skin from 3-4 medium-sized apples pour 1 liter of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Cool decoction, strain and apply for rinsing after bathaking.
  • Herbal decoction. Fall asleep at 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp. Natures, dried marigolds and rosemary. Change for 25 minutes. Apply for rinsing after washing the heads for giving hair and smooth hair.
  • After the end of water procedures, hold clean hair under the stream of cool water. From such a pore procedure, the hair rod is closed, why the hair is becoming more smooth and shiny.

Want to make hair shiny? There are ways to give the shine to any type of hair. You can use special hair masks or care for hair in a certain way. To maintain hair gloss, constant care is needed to make them healthy and strong.


Hair masks

    Egg mask. Yolk feeds her hair (they will not look dull), and the protein cleans them. As a result, after one application, such a mask hair will look very shiny.

    • Spice one egg into a small dishes.
    • Moisten hair.
    • Apply an egg on your hair. Using a comb with wide teeth, disperse the hair to their tips.
    • Wait 15 minutes.
    • Wash the hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse them with cold water to obtain maximum shine.
  1. Apple vinegar mask. Apple vinegar conditioners hair and enhances their shine. It also bales the pH of your hair, cleans them and makes them soft. After drying the hair smell like a vinegar they will not.

    • Wash the hair with shampoo (as usual), but do not use air conditioning.
    • Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar and 1 tablespoon of water and apply it on your hair; Drop them.
    • Wait 5 minutes, and then rinse the hair with cold water.
  2. Avocado mask. Avocado contains fats that feed hair and giving them shine. Use ripe avocados to make it easier to apply it on the hair, and that he will impregnate his hair better. Use an avocado mask, ate your hair dry and need moisturizing.

    • Split avocado before receiving a homogeneous mass (for this you can use a blender).
    • Moisten hair.
    • Apply avocado from the roots to the tips of the hair.
    • Wash the hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse them with cold water
  3. Honey mask. Honey moisturizes and cleanses hair, which makes it an ideal tool for giving gloss hair.

    • Mix 1/4 cup of honey and 1/4 glasses of water.
    • Moisten hair.
    • Apply a mixture on your hair.
    • Wait 15 minutes (at a minimum).
    • Wash the hair with shampoo (as usual). Rinse them with cold water.
  4. Deep hair conditioning. Once a week, use deep air conditioning tools to keep hair healthy, strong and shiny. Buy air conditioning in the store or make it yourself using olive or coconut oil.

    • Moisten hair.
    • Apply 1-3 tablespoons of coconut or olive oil on your hair and extend them from the roots to the tips. Cover your head with a polyethylene film or a shower cap.
    • Leave the hair on the hair for 1 hour or even all night.
    • Wash the hair with shampoo (perhaps you have to wash them 2-3 times to fully rinse the oil). Rinse the hair with cold water.

    Hair care

    1. Apply an implant air conditioner on wet hair. When drying, hair can hang out. Therefore, use a good indelible air conditioner so that dry hair remains shiny. Apply a bit of such an air conditioner to wet hair and extend them.

      Dry hair in a natural way. The use of phenomena and other devices leads to damage, rigidity and dullness of hair. Dry the hair in a natural way and in a few weeks or months you will notice that the hair has become soft and shiny.

      • Avoid using hot styling and hair curling tools. Hair straightening, curling tongs and other tools dried hair, and they become dull.
    2. Use oil to process curls (after you dried your hair in a natural way). Such processing instantly give the hair shine and protect them from damage. Use very little oil (but it depends on the length of your hair). You can buy special hair oil or use one of the following oils:

      • Olive oil
      • Argan oil
      • Almond oil
      • Jojoba oil
      • Castor oil
      • Coconut oil
    3. Use the serum to shine. Such serum contains silicones and other ingredients that instantly make hair shiny. Most sera can be applied both on wet and dry hair.

      • Do not use serums daily. Silicones that give hair shine, over time accumulate in hair and make them dull. Apply serums for brilliance in special cases.
      • Make sure that the serum you chose does not contain alcohol, as it dries hair.
    4. Get rid of Kudrey. Crispy hair look dull. If your hair is straight or wavy, avoid the appearance of Kuddari as follows:

      Regularly cut the hair. Deleting split tips in the long run will make your hair shiny. Ask your hairdresser not to use chemicals and tools for hot laying.

    Healthy hair

      Wash your hair less often. Every time you wash your hair, they become curly, dry and brittle, because skin fat is washed - natural oil that produces skin of the head to protect the hair. Wash your head 1-2 times a week so that the hair was healthy and shiny.

      • Your hair will need 1-2 weeks to get used to the new regime (less frequent) of their washing. During this period, comb your hair upstairs.
      • Use dry shampoo between washing hair. It removes excess fat from the hair.
    1. Use anti-natural ingredients. Washing and styling hair using chemicals can cause hair damage. Look for hair products (shampoos, air conditioners, and so on), which do not contain the following ingredients:

    2. Do not expose hair to frequent chemical processing (color, discoloration, chemical twist), as this leads to their damage - they become dry and brittle.

      • If you want to paint your hair, take advantage of natural dyes, for example, henna (which also feeds the hair).
      • Use honey or chamomile tea as a natural hair clarifier.
    3. Follow the diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. No matter how you care for hair, they will not be shiny if your body is not healthy. Follow the diet and consume a sufficient amount of water so that the hair is in excellent condition. Try to eat the following products:

      • Fish, beef, poultry meat, eggs, legumes and other products with high protein content. The hair consists of a protein, so its drawback is instantly reflected on them.
      • Avocado and nuts. They contain useful fats that strengthen your hair and make them shiny.
      • Nutrient-rich plants, such as spinach and cabbage, are especially useful for hair health.
    4. Drink a lot of water. With the dehydration of the body, the hair dull and become brittle. Drink 8 glasses of water per day.

      • Also use products with a large liquid content, such as watermelons, berries, apples, cucumbers, salad and cabbage.
      • Drink tea, preferably herbal.
    5. Protect your hair from exposure to external factors. The sun, extreme temperatures and environmental pollution may worsen the appearance of your hair. Protect them with the following measures:

      • Wear a hat with a strong sun. The sun easily damages your hair if you do not protect them.
      • Wear a hat for swimming in the pool. Chlorine dries hair and leaves the sediment. If you bathe without a hat, then wash your hair immediately after the pool.
      • Do not go to the cold with wet hair. Hair can freeze, which will lead to their curling.

The brilliance of our hair primarily depends on the health of our body and nutrition. Since all nutrients that are needed daily to our hair come to the roots of hair with blood, and if malfunction with the body, then it sends vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they come to the latter. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

Do not forget to feed your hair with complex vitamins for hair, it is desirable twice a year (the beginning of the autumn and the beginning of spring).

Wash the hair with warm, not hot water, it is one of the reasons of the dullness of the hair. At the end, you can rinse the cool water. Do not soap all the hair with shampoo, just rooted the roots, and when you wash off the shampoo from the head, it will be drained through the hair and flushing the hair length.

Use only clean combs, hair curlers, iron, stylers. Otherwise, the remnants of air conditioners that simulate and skin salary will fall on the hair. It is advisable to wash out once a week with a soft shampoo, and the iron, stylers wipe the alcohol.

Choosing leaving hair products, look in the composition of such components as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, gravestone extracts, scarlet extract, oil, there are even special hair gloss series, which include shampoo, air conditioning, mask, indelible means. The main thing is to remember that the shampoo we select on the type of scalp, and masks and air conditioners by type (state) of hair length.

What leads to the dullness of the hair?

We sometimes do not suspect that we destroy the brilliance of our hair with different manipulations and styling means:

  • perm;
  • frequent use of iron and cloth;
  • aggressive exposure to sun rays;
  • washing Head Rigid Water
  • use of an excessive amount of means for laying;
  • the use of dirty combs and coarse hair treatment (combing wet hair, washing the head of hot water, the use of metal hairpins and rubber).

Folk homemade hair gloss

Hair rinsing lemon juice or vinegar. This is the easiest way to smooth the cuticle and give hair glitter. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar to a liter of boiled water and at the very end after shampoo, mask or air conditioner rinse hair. Washing hair to gently blocked with a towel, not rubbing and without twisting them.

Natural basic and essential hair oils. Each oil has a unique complex of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the hair. Such oils are best suited for gloss: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linen, olive, macadamia. From the essential: Ylang-Ilanga, Lavender, Jasmine, Rosa, Mirra, Patchouli, Chamomile. On how to use essential hair oils, you can read.

Oils that use hair should be cold pressed and good quality, otherwise they make no sense to use for hair, even if they do not harm, then the benefits of them will not be any.

Hair glitter masks. Homemade hair gloss masks help not only return gloss with hair, but also strengthen them, give softness, elasticity and return a healthy hair.

Mask with vitamins A and E

  • 1 h. Spoon oil avocado;
  • 1 tsp of linseed oil;
  • 1 tsp of honey;
  • 2 h. Spoons of juice juice;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A on the oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E on the oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix all the ingredients and can be heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply a mask on the roots (make a light massage) and distribute along the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off the shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

Hair gloss mask

  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil (cold spin);
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 yolk eggs.

All ingredients are mixed in glassware (you can warm). The mask can be applied not only for the length of the hair, but also on the skin of the head, it is desirable to inspire and keep from 40 to 60 minutes.

Mask with genuine henna

  • henna spoons (preferably colorless);
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon brandy;
  • 1 yolk.

In honey, add brandy, henna and mix well, then add yolks, heated in a water bath. The mixture is applied for the length of the hair, somewhere for one hour, you can be inspired. We wash off shampoo mask using balsam or mask.

Rinse her hair herbs After each head washing, natural herbs restore the balance of the hair, transform the appearance, give soft and gloss with hair and have a cumulative effect, read more detail.

To maintain hair length in good condition, you can make cream for hair tips at home, recipe and reviews can be read.

Purchased hair gloss

Purchased spray gloss or hair fluids give a brilliant and well-groomed view of the hair, after such a tool, the hair instantly acquire glitter, and the painted hair acquire a rich color.

Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of various sprays - a diamond glitter spray, spray with therapeutic effect for dry and damaged hair, spray with protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

The gloss and radiance of the hair after using this light texture agent is achieved through the use of three main natural oils, which are part of all cosmetic products for the care of OROFLUIDO hair, - Arganius, Tsiperius and flax.

After applying, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair, without having lost and confusing them. Thanks to the natural components that are part of the tool, the spray is suitable for girls with any type of hair.

Moisturizing spray glitter, heals and saturates moisture damaged risen hair. Moroccanoil created a unique, extreme light, unsuccessful formula that retains and enhances the radiance of hair, giving an incredible silky shine and a healthy view of the hair. Moroccanoil combines traditional methods with modern needs.

SPEA gives hair glossy gloss, and the light formula spray covers the hair with a thin protective veil, providing a long flexible fixation. Makes her hair with elastic and more elastic, and also has a powerful thermal protection. Protecting against the negative effect of the external environment, spray prevents unwanted hair curls.

The composition of the formula is present in the CERAMIDE A2 component, which is a building material, intracellular "cementing" substance. It is capable of penetrating deep into the structure of hairs, giving strands with silkiness, pomp and shine, supporting beauty and health.

Also, the formula was enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and tonic properties. This component contributes to the radiance, activates cell regeneration, leads to normal a water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Gel Fluid Serum L'Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss

This serum is designed for painted, strained hair. The Gel Fluid is based on the technology - Nutriceride, developed on the basis of active polymers. Use gel fluid is very easy, it does not require flushing. The active sera formula is favorably affected by painted hair, emphasizing the contrast of the strands of the strands.

Keratin-enriched serum is made on the basis of an innovative formula. The agent carefully restores the damaged hair structure, nourishes, moisturizes and protects the curls from the negative environmental impact.

Antisaviving components that are part of serum carefully smooth their hair, make it smooth and shiny, do not expose to ultraviolet radiation. After using serum, hair is easily combed because it has an antistatic action on them.

Two-phase air conditioning "Food-shine" ACME Professional Fortesse Spray Gloss

The composition of this cosmetics includes proteins of wheat, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the split hair tips and the preservation of the natural structure of strands. Due to its unique composition, the two-phase air-conditioned-spray Fortesse returns the vitally exhausted strands and delightful shine. Also, the components included in this caring agent facilitate drying and combing hair and give the curls elasticity.

Looking for an effective hair care agent? Then go, and you will learn how to restore your hair.

The article tells about the best ways to gain brilliance and silkiness of hair, as well as a review and comparison of salon and home procedures.

Brilliant, smooth and well-groomed hair - an indispensable attribute of a beautiful woman. But sometimes under conditions of constant negative impact it is difficult to maintain a healthy and primary look of hair, and among the many methods for their restoration it is difficult to determine effective and optimal.

How to help your hair becomes shining and smooth and what procedures will help you quickly restore the chapel at home, and what is better to do in the cabin - this will be discussed in the article.

What are the main reasons for felting hair?

Hair that lost the natural shine is a faithful sign of a certain disease or insufficient care. Among the main causes of flexibility, the following factors are distinguished:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • intensive exposure to sun rays
  • the presence of a number of diseases of the internal organs (among which problems with the liver and intestines)
  • application not suitable for a specific hair care products;
  • frequent staining, chemical curling
  • using iron, forceps, hairdryers that dried hair and pull moisture

Also, the hair is losing the shine and a healthy view with insufficient salo-waste and poor blood circulation, which can be caused by a number of disorders of metabolic processes, frequent stress and strong nervous overvoltage.

Why do hair become dull and lifeless?

The top layer of the epidermis covers the finest hydrolyphic film, which performs a protective function and prevents the loss of moisture when influencing negative factors. The same film covers not only the scalp, but also the hair surface. With the right robot of Silty-sweat glands and sufficient secretion, the hydrolypide film is resumed over time.

With a strong cut, frequent staining, long-term depression under direct sunlight or the use of low-quality care products The hydrolyphid layer is destroyed and the hair loses their physical properties: keratin scales are lifted, shine is lost, elasticity, hair becomes lifeless, lifted and brown.

How to care for hair to give them shine?

Proper hair care suggests primarily healthy and full-fledged nutrition, because if the body is not allowed for the substances and vitamins necessary for life, then even the most careful care will not ensure the hair of a healthy shine and beauty.

As for the care directly, this experts advise adhere to the following rules:

  • selection of care products must match your hair type
  • washing hair should not be frequent (from everyday wash should certainly refuse)
  • water for washing the hair should not be hot (up to 38 ° - 39 °)
  • shampoo without silicones and parabens, laureill sulphate should be used;
  • after washing, it is advisable to use air conditioning and make a mask twice a week
  • give preference to natural drying, not a hairdryer
  • use a professional bristle made from natural bristles

Top 5 Recipes Home Masks for Brilliance and Smooth Hair

The use of hair masks is an indispensable condition for high-quality and full hair care. Today there are countless vocational money and the so-called "Masmarket" capable of offering a mask for every taste and wallet.

But here we have to judge the positive impact only by trying the remedy for yourself and sometimes these experiments do not have a positive impact.

It is good that there is a wonderful alternative - home masks prepared independently and containing only useful and high-quality components. For the brilliance and smoothness of hair are most effective:

  • mask with egg
  • honey mask
  • cognac Mask
  • homemade hair lamination gelatin
  • lamination of the hair with coconut milk

Mask with hair shine egg

Chicken eggs are a real bedding of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. They contain cholesterol, amino acids, group vitamins B and D, as well as proteins that are a construction element for the hair rod.

Therefore, the mask prepared from eggs will not only allow to give hair shine, silkiness and elasticity, but also will help in the process of recovering damaged hair.

Prepare the mask is very simple, for this requires such ingredients:

  • 3-5 egg yolks (depending on the length of the hair)
  • 2 teaspoons of olive or rapid oil
  • 5 drops of lemon juice

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and apply on dry hair (on the wet hair mask "flows") and on the scalp. After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped with a food film and bite in a towel. After 30 minutes of exposure to a mask need to wash off with warm water.

Honey brilliance and smooth hair mask

The benefits for the body of honey is well known, but not everyone knows that it is also a very useful hair for hair. There are many recipes for honeymills as one-component and containing several ingredients. The most simple in preparation and therefore the most popular is a recipe containing:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil

Components should be mixed thoroughly and apply on clean wet hair, and after 30 minutes wash off. After that, it should be thoroughly rinsed with shampoo head.

Hair mask with brilliance hair

The brandy mask was invented by the beautiful Elizabeth Austrian, which was famous for gorgeous hair. And the vendensive feature was absolutely right in its choice, because brandy contains in large quantities tannils, alcohol, acids that enhance the blood circulation of the scalp and ensure the flow of a large volume of oxygen to the hair onion.

  • 1 tablespoon brandy
  • egg yolk
  • 3-4 spoons of milk
  • 8 drops of wheat germ oil
  • 15 gr. Beer yeast

For the preparation of a brandy mask, you should heat the milk and dissolve yeast in it, then leave them for a few minutes "approach." At this time, egg yolk should be mixed, wheat germs and brandy oil. After the milk will cover the characteristic foam, you can mix all the components and the mask is ready for use.

Apply a mask preferably on dry hair, distributing and thoroughly massaging the scalp. After applying, the hair is recommended to slaughter with a food film and insulate a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be flush with a soft shampoo and warm water.

Homemade hair lamination gelatin. Recipe for gelatin lamination

Hair lamination has become a real revolutionary method of hair restoration and gives them a natural shine, but the high cost of the salon procedure makes it elite, inaccessible to the masses. If you do not afford the salon lamination, you should not despair. There is a reliable, efficient and, most importantly, a cheap method of laminating hair at home.

Food gelatin contains a large amount of collagen - a natural component, which is capable of covering the hair with a specific protective film. Thanks to this, the hair rod becomes thicker, and the structure is smoother, which provides shine, silkiness and volume.

The procedure of gelatin lamination is very easy to implement at home - it does not require special equipment, knowledge or expensive components. For lamination will be required:

  • 1 Packet gelatin
  • any hair balm or mask

  • If all components are available at home, then you can begin to prepare the gelatin mass. To do this, boil a small amount of water and give it a little cool. In a small container, it is necessary to pour a spoonful of gelatin, after which add 3 spoons of warm water. On long hair dose of ingredients can be increased in proportion 1: 3
  • The mixture should be mixed thoroughly, then cover and defend 15-20 minutes. At this time you need to wash your hair, apply air conditioning and add a towel. After these manipulations, add a balm or mask to the gelatin mixture and stir up to a homogeneous consistency.

  • The gelatin mass is applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the roots of the hair, evenly distributing over their entire length. After complete application, the hair should be wrapped in the food film, towel and thoroughly warm the hair dryer in the hot mode for 15 minutes. On this procedure does not end - the mixture is kept on the hair for another 45 minutes and only then wash off

  • Lamination gelatin will not give a stunning result after the first application - it will manifest after several repeated procedures. It is advisable to carry out such lamination 2-3 times a week and then the beauty and health of your hair will be the subject of universal admiration.

Lamination of the hair with coconut milk at home

Asian beauties for the beauty of their hair a long time ago use coconut milk, while this product only begins to enter the use of cosmetic salons. This is a truly healing agent and for laminating hair.

Coconut milk is a product that gets from the pulp of coconuts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and microelements and nourishes the hair rod perfectly, restoring the structure and ensuring the beauty of the hair.

You can buy coconut milk in any supermarket, the price of it is quite democratic, but it can be cooked at home. To do this, the pulp of coconut is rubbed on the grater and poured with water, and after insisting for 30 minutes, the liquid is ready for use.

For laminating hair with coconut milk needed:

  • 4 tbsp. Spoons of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. Spoons of Starchmala
  • 1 h. Spoon of olive oil (can be used and repear)
  • juice of half Lemon

  • Coconut milk must be heated, after which the remaining ingredients are added there.
  • Mass should be constantly stirred up to thickening, but preventing boiling
  • When the mixture will cool down a little and it will become warm, it can be safely applied to the hair
  • Hold the coconut mass will have to go for 1.5 hours, so it is recommended to wear a hat to avoid possible discomfort
  • The mixture can easily wash off using an ordinary shampoo

After the first procedure of lamination with coconut milk, you will see a positive result, and with further conducting procedure, the effect will be enhanced.

Salon hair gloss procedures

For women who are unwilling to mess with various homemade masks and soluble accessories, salons offer a number of procedures designed to improve their hair and improve their appearance.

Salon procedures have a lot of advantages, because while you will enjoy the recreation over the health of your hair will work a qualified and experienced specialist.

Return shine and strength to hair will help such procedures:

  1. Keratinization
  2. Elimination
  3. Glazing
  4. Shielding
  5. Keraternal
  6. Haircut hot scissors

Video: Doctor about lamination

Silk glazing hair, photo before and after

Hair glazing - salon procedure, which involves applying a special mixture on the hair, as part of which ceramic in large quantities.

The glaze applied to her hair turns into a thin film that has protective and aesthetic properties. There are colorless and colored glaze, which can change the shade of hair.

After the first procedure, the effect is noticeable: the hair becomes shiny, elastic and elastic. Due to the fact that hair scales are not allowed, they become more obedient, strong and silky. The effect of the procedure will delight the eyes for 4-6 subsequent weeks.

Procedure Screening damaged hair, photo before and after

Hair shielding is a relatively new procedure aimed at improving the appearance of hair and protection against negative external factors. Hair is covered with a glossy film, which helps to delay moisture inside the hair, preventing driving. The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, thanks to a glittering layer, the hair becomes incredibly beautiful and pleased with their glitter.

Due to the procedure, the hair becomes thicker and tougher, which allows you to get additional volume and elasticity. Over 3-5 weeks, the effect of the procedure will be saved.

The procedure of keratin hair restoration, photo before and after

Keratining allows for a long time to improve the condition of the hair. During the procedure, the specialist brings the mixture enriched with keratin. Since keratin is a natural substance that enters the structure of the hair, it forms a protein film around the hair due to what a dazzling shine and silkness of the hair is achieved.

Also, active substances allow you to smooth out the cuticles and protect from static electricity. Hair after keratinization will become obedient, smooth and get a healthy shine, which is preserved for several months.

Ceratermia hair. The benefits and harm of keratermia. Photo before and after

Keratermia differs from keratin restoration by the fact that the procedure has a focus on improving the aesthetic hair quality than to improve their condition.

As and when keratining uses a saturated protein mixture, which is applied to the hair, but, as a rule, it contains formaldehyde. After the formation of a protective film, hair is aligned with an iron.

The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, they acquire shine and smoothness. But formaldehyde in the composition of the lamination means is a carcinogenic substance that can provoke an oncological disease. Also, an inexperienced specialist can cause a keratin mixture not very carefully due to which some parts of the hair can suffer from hot irrigation.

Elimination of hair. Photo before and after

The elutionation of hair is a revolutionary procedure, which lies in "useful staining". This is ensured by a special coloring agent that not only does not have a negative impact on the hair, but also to healing and strengthening them.

Aluminization is shown by the owners of porous and dull hair, which want to update their natural color or radically transformed without harm to hair.

Coloring of the paint elume allows you to get a dazzling shine and the desired color. In addition, the hair becomes elastic and easily combed for a month.

Haircut with hot scissors. True and myths about this procedure

Conventional haircuts long ago are not relevant - on the ridge of popularity specialized haircuts with hot scissors. The essence of such a procedure is to use scissors during a cutting surface with a cutting surface that is heated to a high temperature. This allows you to "pinch" the ends of the cropped hair rod and maintain all the useful trace elements and moisture inside it.

Such technology makes it possible to prevent various harmful substances from entering the hair. Thanks to this, the hair becomes brilliant, healthier, the problem of lumps is solved.

The common belief is that high thermal impact is harmful to hair, erroneously, because the heating surface contacts only with the end of the hair rod and does not have a destructive effect on the hair structure.

It is also incredible to think that one haircut procedure with hot scissors will solve the problem of dullness and damage of hair.

Performing the procedure itself, which lasts about 1.5 hours, can not allow it to cut every hair, as the hair has a different length and grow layers. Therefore, for the obvious result, you must undergo a course of three procedures.

How to make hair smooth and shiny fast?

If there is no time for long-term events and courses of salon procedures, and get shiny hair must be instantly, then there are some tricks that will help to transform the hair in a day. Wonderful recipes that have come down to us from distant times, differ simplicity and low cost.

Incredibly useful for appearance hair are apple vinegar and lemon juice. Due to the unique components of these substances, it is possible to solve not only the problem of hair dustiness, but also dandruff, hair loss and excessive salo-waste.

How to use apple vinegar to give glossy hair. The benefits of apple vinegar for hair

Traditionally, in the composition of various masks, it is used non-store apple vinegar, but the usual boring apple juice. It is used as a composition of various masks, balms, as a rinse and a vitamin supplement to food.

The use of such a beneficial means contributes to the transformation of hair: they acquire delightful diamond glitter, strength and smoothness. Combing the hair after the procedure is easy, as to put them in the hairstyle.

Lemon juice - instant help of dim hair. Application of lemon juice for hair shine

Lemon - fruit, widely used for recovery from the inside and outside. It not only fills the body with vitamins and amino acids, but also known as a remarkable skin for the skin. In addition, it is possible to use this magic product for good hair.

  • 3 tbsp. Spoon lemon
  • 1 yolk chicken egg
  • 1 Spoon of Honey
  • several spoons of ragger nettle

Mixing the ingredients and using a mask 2 times a week you can get a natural shine, silkness of hair and lose dandruff.

Vitamins and nutrition for health and beauty of hair

Strengthen and transform hair can also vitamins. As a rule, vitamins of group are used for this purpose: B1, B6 and B12.

These substances actively affect the hair are saturated with nutritional components, enhance metabolic processes and growth, saturated with oxygen. As a result of the use of a vitamin complex, hair becomes healthy and shiny as with a magazine cover.

To saturate the hair with vitamins in a conventional shampoo or mask, 2 ampoules of group vitamins in per 400 ml are added. Shampoo. Adding vitamins and various sprays for hair are justified.

How to make silky and shiny hair at home: Tips and reviews

Numerous reviews about the use of various means for giving shine hair show that even expensive salon procedures do not have a proper effect, if you do not provide the body full nutrition and careful hair care. Then your hairstyle will delight with its beauty and will cause universal admiration.

Video: how to make hair shiny at home

How to make hair shiny.

How to wash your hair

Hair should be washed only with warm water (not hot - she damages her hair). Warm water reveals hair scales and therefore blends all pollution.

Rinse the hair is best cool water, because She closes hair scales and thereby makes them shiny, elastic and obedient.

Hair glitter

So that the hair was healthy and shiny, they need to nourish them, and not only outside (balms, masks), but also from the inside. Therefore, so acute is the need for balanced nutrition:

* Every day you need to use products containing protein (chicken, fish, lean meat, cheese, mushrooms), dried fruits.
* Very important for hair gloss Food gelatin,
* You also need to increase the number of foods in nutrition containing vitamin B (cereals - buckwheat and oats, vegetables, legumes, seeds, eggs, bran, nuts, germinated wheat grains).

Hair Care Tips

* The daily head massage will improve the blood circulation process, and, consequently, the nutrition of the roots of the hair and the hair lows themselves. This will have a positive effect on both hair grow and in their state as a whole (radiance, shine, smoothness, elasticity, etc.).
* In no case do not overpow hair with a hairdryer.
* Do not sushi hair, waving their towel for a long time. It is best to do this in an open way, slightly fluttering the hair with a towel from natural fabrics (natural silk is used for these purposes).
* In order to clean the surface of the hair from laying products, fatty sediments and sticky films from dust (the usual shampoo is not able to wash completely) and to give glossy hair (the light reflection of the hair surface is improved), you need to periodically use shampoo-peeling (approximately once a week).

Folk recipes for hair shine

To give natural glitter hair, each time you wash rinse them every time:

1. acidified water (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
2. Non-carbonated mineral water.
3. Rosemary and nettle booms - in addition to giving shine, they still strengthen their hair.
4. Boiled water with lemon juice (1 tablespoon of lemon juice per 1 liter of water) - just do not be too keen on this procedure - lemon is overly dried hair.
5. Cool tea (2 tablespoons of tea pour 1 liter of water and boil a few mines) as the last rinsing - the hair will be especially shiny! Perfect for dark hair. You can add mint in tea.
6. The decoction of chamomile - the effect of sun glare is attached to the hair. Suitable only for light hair, because Chamomile has a clarifying effect.
7. The bark of oak - not very often, because This broth dries a little hair.
8. Jel and nettle decoction - only for dark hair.
9. The decoction of the onion husk - gives a saturated shade of red-haired hair.
10. The decoction of Sage - the hair will not only gline, but also become silky.
11. Light beer - you can add another teaspoon of olive oil or honey.
12. Milk, and after it is cool water. It will make hair shiny, smooth and silky.

Hair glitter masks

* Mask after washing hair: mix 1 egg yolk, 1-2 tablespoons brandy, 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply on the hair under the film for 20 minutes. Wash warm water.
* Mask from black bread: 2-3 Slice soak in water, wait when they soften, and then stretch with their hands. Slightly warm, add a couple of drops of camphor oil, impose on a dry head straight between the strand under the cellophane cap and a towel for 1 hour. Wash away
* Balm from the flesh of fruit. Dish one ripe banana and apply the resulting pulp on the hair for 2-3 minutes. Or Prier's strands of the hair with a pineapple of pineapple - your hair will glisten and delight smelling, as if you just left Solon after the treatment procedure.
* Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon aloe juice. Apply the mixture on the hair for 30 minutes, well in the roots of the hair.
* rub in hair roots oil (almond, olive, coconut). You can add ethers (Ilang Ilang, Sandal, Rosemary, Cedar).

Little tricks on making gloss hair

If you don't have time for long hair treatment, if today you need to look like one hundred percent, and there is no time and money on the salon lamination, if you want the hair to look naturally longer than 4 hours (after special stamping, they fat And they are sought after a couple of hours), then take advantage of small tricks that will help you make hair shiny, and your appearance is supplemented and stunning.

1. Mix the air conditioner with any hair mask and add cosmetic oil to the resulting mixture (sea buckthorn, turn, etc.) or several droplets of ether. Apply the mixture on your hair with your fingers, as if combing them, and then see. The result will not make yourself wait long, it will be just great :)
2. Throwing hair and rinse them with cool water. Everything!
3. Completing the drying of the hair with a hairdryer, whipping them with a jet of cold air. The hairdryer at the same time directions from top to bottom - so you seal the cuticles, and the hair will be revived and again shine.

Healthy and well-groomed hair is beautiful by themselves. They can be dissolved, put into elastic curls or brilliant curls, of which you can create any hairstyle, and it will look very impressive. You can spend a little experiment - will appear in front of a loved one in some hair, loose and shiny :) And do not forget about the results to tell here!