How to make a beautiful paper craft. Origami for advanced masters. Torn paper appliqué

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it is precisely by playing that the little ones learn! They are gradually mastered in the world of colors and shapes. And yet, they get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will suggest ideas for colored paper applications.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications of different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy-tale characters.
  • Let's show what entertaining non-traditional application techniques are.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive! We are sure you will have fun with us!
And most importantly, all these children's applications for toddlers of different ages. And in a year the child will be interested in playing, and the more adult will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

For the little ones

Who said that the plot application is difficult? Even the younger group can handle some types of applications. We will now create a beautiful basket, and there are flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.


Applications for the smallest are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with a “hedgehog” is just right for little ones, which by the age of three they still cannot cut and glue, but they will do a great job of participating in the work. How?

Ladybug voluminous

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This glade is an application in the younger group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work together on it at the same time. It is important only for each of them to indicate his scope of work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

You can make holiday cards in a very original way. This will help the application in the preparatory group.

You need to cut out the following details:


Toddlers think abstractly, such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter to them, if at the same time his image conveys emotions similar to those of children. But how to make the application just such that the baby feels a kindred spirit? Here's a great example!

Meet Chypa! Him:

  • The body is a square;
  • Eye - 2 circles (black and white, and white with a little more);
  • The beak is a triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • Wing - a semicircle;
  • The crest is a crescent.

And now, trust the little one, let him choose what will be what color! Explain that each figure indicates why the bird is doing this. Is it really interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. It remains only to glue everything!


We complicate the task. We have to help the kids learn how to make a panel application. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous muzzle of the smiling Sun.

Leave the smile to your kitten. Or you can print ready-made muzzles:

And do yourself the preparation of yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We collect a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken appliqué is the sweetest and most gentle thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can't believe it's all made. A torn appliqué acquires such an effect due to small uneven parts assembled into one composition.


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. Flowers, leaves and stems. This simple application in the middle group will be mastered by children very quickly.


We made greeting cards, invitations to a celebration, paintings and even a memory of your little one's childhood. But now we will try to make a Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and not linger on the preparatory work, proceed to the design of the toy.

More about preparations. The base is 2 circles of the same size, drawn with a figure eight. Additional circles are equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. and decorative beads.


Glade is a multi-composition application in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with the models that must first be made, and only then fixed on the basis. Volumetric types of applications are made in such an original pattern.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is the sky. The sun is shining. Grass grows in which flowers bloom. And above them flutter butterflies and dragonflies. All parts are made of paper folded into an accordion.

Piggy bank of master classes on applications + interesting ideas

It is nice to know that the different types of appliqués made by children, such as appliqués made from torn paper, or from corrugated material, are a good memory. Yes, and irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And in this we help him.

As a rule, at the age of about a year, children have their first interest in creativity. They begin to scribble with a pencil with pleasure, it becomes interesting for them to pinch off pieces of plasticine, and if you introduce the baby to glue, then he will generally be completely delighted. Any undertakings and talents in a child need to be developed, so now is the time to offer the baby the first classes in, and applications.

The basic rule for creative activities with a child at this age is give only those tasks that are feasible for the baby . Your task is to instill interest in creativity, and not to discourage it. If you offer your baby too difficult crafts that are not appropriate for his age, this will most likely lead to the fact that the child will not succeed, and he will just watch how you do everything for him. Classes should be held in such a way that the main part of the work is done by the child, and not by the mother.

It is important to remember that creative activities with a child of this age should not be more than 5-10 minutes. Always be guided by the mood of the child. If a child loses interest in work, then this most likely means that it is too simple or, conversely, too difficult for him. Or you delayed the lesson, and the baby is already just tired.

I divided all applications and crafts with children 1-2 years old into several groups in order of increasing difficulty:

Stage 1. Chaotic gluing pieces of paper on a piece of paper, gluing geometric shapes

Before making any crafts and compositions, first you just need to introduce the baby to the glue. The child must catch the very essence of the application and remember the basic scheme of actions: first we smear a piece of paper with glue, then turn it over, apply it to another piece of paper and smooth everything well with the palm of our hand to hold it tighter.

At first, you can simply glue pieces of colored paper onto the base sheet. Most likely, your kid will really like this activity. At this age, children are more attracted to the process itself than the result. We will work on art pictures later.

Now all your attention should be focused on teaching the child correct application technique . And it is very important to do it right now so that you do not have to retrain later. What is the correct technique?

Firstly, show your baby how to hold the glue stick. As a rule, children tilt the glue stick, which only complicates the spreading process for themselves. Teach your baby to place the glue strictly perpendicular to the leaf!

Secondly, explain to the child that when he smears a piece of paper with glue, it must be held with the palm of his left hand (if the child is right-handed). Most likely, at first, the paper will jump out from under the baby’s finger, so lightly fix his palm with your hand. Just do not do everything completely for the child, he must participate!

My daughter Taisiya met glue at about 1 year 3 months. In the beginning, we were just busy sticking small pieces of paper randomly into the album. Daughter absolutely loved this activity. A little later, the idea dawned on me that it is possible to combine business with pleasure and glue geometric shapes, voicing their names during gluing. At that time, Taya already knew all the flat geometric shapes, even such as a trapezoid and a parallelogram (we studied them with the help), therefore, while doing the application, we simply fixed them in memory.

Stage 2. Simple crafts with a chaotic arrangement of elements

After the baby gets a little comfortable with the application technique itself, you can begin to create the first crafts. I want to bring to your attention a few simple ideas for crafts, applications. All of them imply a free arrangement of parts on a sheet. Those. the child will not need to get to any specific place, but simply glue it wherever your heart desires.

Important! Give the child the opportunity to decide for himself where exactly on your Christmas tree the ball will hang or where the fish will swim in the aquarium. I noticed by myself that all the time I want to correct my daughter's creativity, to make everything beautiful and smooth. And if you think about it, why do it? Our work is not to be exhibited. It’s better to let the child be sure that he glued it as he wanted, and no one interfered. Sometimes you can just give a hint and explain why the way you propose will turn out more beautiful.

I think, based on the ideas presented, you can easily come up with many of your own options. Also in the article there is an opportunity to download the simplest b / w templates for the presented crafts. You can pre-color them if you wish.

All the necessary elements for the application, the mother will need to prepare in advance.

  • Christmas tree with balls . First, together with the baby, we glue the Christmas tree itself onto the base sheet, then balls, stars and other decorations you have prepared. Or you can glue the decorations on the finished Christmas tree template - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • tree with apples DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Hedgehog with apples and mushroomsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Vitamins in a jar for a girlDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

    Berries in a basketDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Fish in the aquarium. The idea of ​​​​the application from the manual "". The child sticks only fish.

Stage 3. Crafts with gluing elements to specific places

Now the baby will have a more difficult task, he needs not only to glue the application element, but also to get to a specific place. In my experience, such crafts should be switched to no earlier than 1.5 years. But, of course, everything is individual.

At first, on the base sheet, draw the outlines of the objects that you will glue. So it will be easier for the child to understand what should happen. Then you can gradually move on to gluing without contours.

So, here are some slightly more complex crafts with children 1-2 years old:

  • Caterpillar . We glue the caterpillar from the circles. When all the details are glued, mom finishes the face of the caterpillar. To make the task easier, you can stick circles on the template - DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Cotton pad snowman. We cut out a bucket hat in advance from colored paper. When all the details are glued, mom finishes the face.

    Cotton pad dandelionsDOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

  • Air balloons . The kid sticks only balloons to the finished drawing. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE.

    block house

    Christmas tree made of triangles . Glue the triangles one on top of the other.

  • House with windows. We glue square windows to the house. You can also make a door. DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

  • Car . We glue windows, wheels, and, if desired, headlights to the silhouette of the car.

    Cut pictures from magazines . You can cut out pictures from magazines, cut them into large, baby-friendly pieces, and then glue them together with your child. For example, you can cut out a car, a face or a human figure completely.

  • We put the toys on the shelf. Application idea from the manual " It could be your baby. Stick a picture»

  • Snow tree from napkins . Application idea from the manual " My first masterpieces»

  • Traffic lights. Application idea from the manual " My first masterpieces» — DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE

By the way, ideas for crafts for New Year and winter themes can be found.

In your creative pursuits, you can also use various tools. They have a lot of ready-made ideas, before class you will only need to cut out all the necessary details or use ready-made stickers. For example, we used the following publications:

  • (Ozone, My shop, read)

  • Application. Mishutka and his friends (Ozone, labyrinth, My shop)

  • School of seven gnomes 1+. Shape, color (Ozone, My shop, read)

  • Educational stickers for kids. Check (Ozone, My shop, read)

And in conclusion, I would like to say one more very important point. One of the main principles of the world-famous is to provide the child with as much freedom and independence as possible. And this does not mean at all that you need to leave the child to himself "Go, play as you want!". This means that the baby needs to be taught to play so that he can subsequently do it on his own. So that he could prepare himself for the game, he himself knew how to handle the materials, he himself was able to clean up after himself. So, when you are doing creative work with your baby, be sure to immediately accustom him to certain rules .

For example, we have this order: first we go together to lay a special tablecloth on the table (it can be a modeling board), then we take out all the necessary accessories from our “creative” locker (glue, album, colored paper). After work in the reverse order, we put everything in its place. We apply such rules from 1 year 3 months. Now, a year later, I can say that my daughter knows all the rules well (although she already learned them a month later) and performs without any resistance. There are times when she cleans up after herself without a reminder, but mostly with a reminder, of course.

Paper crafts - the largest section of the category of children's creativity. Despite the fact that paper is the most affordable material for needlework, works made from it can be very different: from simple applications to voluminous models.

And in order to diversify the standard program of manual labor classes, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the crafts of preschoolers in our section, where you will surely find something interesting and original as an idea for creativity.

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:

  • Paper plastics. We master the technique of paper plasticity with children

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All sections | Origami

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Probably, every mother in her daddy or on the table has a paper craft from her beloved child. Every eighth of March or the ninth of May, a child brings a beautiful paper flower or a postcard with fireworks from the kindergarten. In general, paper art is popular in preschool.

The site, for example, presents a wonderful idea for making a garland of cute doves. And making flowers from rings will create not only a warm and spring mood in the group, but will also develop fine motor skills, a sense of form and the ability to combine. The combination of several materials is especially interesting. When they are added together, the pictures are original, voluminous and very interesting.

The goal of a competent teacher is not only to interest and involve the child in making paper crafts, he must provide support in the implementation of any paper idea. The child himself may not be able to cope with a difficult task for him, although he will gladly take up its implementation.

is a cheap and very easy way to keep the kids entertained for a while. In addition, such paper crafts perfectly develop fine motor skills of children's hands, teach them to act in stages, select colors and do something with their own hands.

All boys love cars and the more racing cars, cars, trucks and tractors each boy has, the better. Therefore, today we will show you how to make a racing car with your own hands, using cardboard, toilet paper rolls, as well as scissors and felt-tip pens.

The toilet paper sleeve can be pasted over with colored paper, or it can be painted with felt-tip pens. Approximately in the middle between the two ends of the sleeve, cut a hole, this will be the place for our racer.

From cardboard, try to cut 4 circles, these will be the wheels. Color them in with a black marker. You can also cut out and color the wheel circle for our racing car. Glue wheels and a steering wheel to the typewriter, and you can put a little man inside. You can play with such a hand-made machine, and if you make a lot of cars, you can arrange fun competitions and other games.

How to make a paper car with your own hands in 3 minutes

For girls

For girls 7-8 years old, you can make an interesting kind of craft out of paper - the crown of a real princess. Every girl wants to be a beautiful princess at least a little, so you should give the baby such an opportunity.

Small cardboard tubes are best for creating crowns, using toilet paper rolls should be fine for this purpose. In addition, craft crowns will need to be decorated with something. To do this, you can use paper of different colors, original beads and much more, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Toilet paper roll crowns must be carefully cut. You can use scissors to cut out the most ordinary crown with pointed peaks, or you can cut a circle at the end of each peak, so the crown will look more interesting. These will need to be painted in different colors and an elastic band should be attached to the base of each toilet paper tube crown.

You need to decorate such crafts with the help of girls. For children aged 7-8 years, it is important to do everything on their own and with their own hands, so show the little ones the general decoration schemes, help them, and they will do the rest.

Modular origami crown assembly scheme

Paper flowers

The most beautiful and lightest paper flowers are made from corrugated paper. Such crafts will delight children of 7-8 years old very much, since with the help of corrugated paper, glue, scissors, a stapler, colored paper and satin ribbon, you can make a beautiful decoration for a room or a gift.

In order for you to be able to make many beautiful flowers from colored corrugated paper, you can arrange a master class for several children of 7-8 years old, so you will show the children patterns for creating flowers with your own hands and you can make not one, but 3-4 crafts.

So, how to make beautiful voluminous flowers with your own hands using scissors and corrugated paper:

  1. Cut out 12 circles of the same diameter from corrugated paper.
  2. Put each cut out circle on top of another and fold them into one pile.
  3. Fix the middle with a stapler criss-cross.
  4. Now, using scissors, start making cuts along the edges of the circles, be sure to leave room for the middle.
  5. Cut out a circle from colored paper, which will be our center.
  6. Now you can fluff the edges of the resulting flowers and attach a satin ribbon to the flower to hang it in a room or on a panel.

Postcard for grandma and mom / DIY paper craft

Master class with photo

Amazing and original crafts in the form of a mosaic appliqué are obtained from colored paper by children. It is quite acceptable to use corrugated paper of different colors for application.

Ask the children to draw an outline of a fish, a bunny or a flower on a blank piece of paper, which they will make in the form of a mosaic appliqué. Prepare strips of bright, corrugated paper, which we will cut with scissors into squares for application. Try to cut the squares correctly, only then do-it-yourself applications will be neat and even.

For children, it will be better to choose a glue stick, which can help to stick applications quickly and without problems. Start gluing the applique squares, trying not to go beyond the outline. For children, it will not be difficult to cope with such a task, and the applications will be cute and neat.

Volumetric crafts

Very cute voluminous crafts are obtained if children of 7-8 years old are interested in origami technique. For example, you can try to make butterflies, it will be very simple and interesting. It can even be folded from corrugated colored paper, while the schemes will be very light and original:

  1. First we make a module, for this we fold a piece of paper in half.
  2. Turn over and fold the leaf in half again.
  3. After that, we bend the corners to the middle.
  4. turn the workpiece over and bend the small corners up, after it we bend the entire lower edge up.
  5. We bend in half again and the module is ready.

To make a butterfly, you need to make a large number of modules that will form the body and wings of an origami butterfly. At the initial stage, you need to correctly form the body of the butterfly from the modules, if everything works out correctly, then wings will need to be attached to the extreme modules. In fact, it is not necessary to adhere to the exact assembly scheme, it is quite possible to fantasize and apply different original steps so that your origami is unique and the cutest.

Modular origami butterfly assembly scheme


Animals are the favorites of absolutely all children, so we will try to make animal applications using toilet paper sleeves. First you need to choose which animal you will make. For example, you can choose a tiger, an elephant or a hippopotamus.

You can print one of the outlines on a leaf and cut it out with scissors. Children should be able to do everything with their own hands, so let them work with the templates completely on their own.

After cutting out the animals, bend them in the same way as shown in the picture. Be sure to bend the head of the animal along the dotted lines, so it will rise and be positioned correctly in relation to the body.

Under the body of the animal, after it is bent along the lines, you will need to start gluing the bushings from the toilet paper. Using a toilet paper tube will help make the animal's body tighter. So get very original toys.

To make the toy heavier and not fall from the wind, you can print the image on cardboard, and the toilet paper tube will need to be filled with the same toilet paper. You can decorate the toy with a corrugated paper bow, which is easy to make from a rectangle folded like an accordion and tied with thread.

As you can see, a wide variety of applications and crafts made from bright, corrugated and even toilet paper will help you keep your child busy for a long time, and it will cost you mere pennies.

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. In kindergarten, beautiful paper crafts are taught to create the smallest children. Later, skills are fixed in elementary school, and older children learn from each other and make cool figurines, delicate flowers and "valentines", postcards and cardboard panels with their own hands. Among the techniques of working with paper are appliqué, quilling, and origami, which allows you to create three-dimensional 3D crafts, and design.

Everyone knows how to work with cardboard. In kindergarten, beautiful paper crafts are taught to create the smallest children

For paper affairs, the wizard does not need complex tools. The most basic can be found in any home, and what is not there can be easily bought at the nearest stationery store. So, you will need:

  • paper of various grades and types (white, colored, corrugated, etc.);
  • cardboard (thin, for child labor, toilet paper sleeves, postcards, etc.);
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife;
  • simple pencil;
  • glue for paper (silicate, PVA, starch or other).

You can decorate paper crafts with your own hands with beautiful ribbons, and beads or rhinestones, and sparkles. Paints with a brush can also come in handy. As colored paper, you can use the pages of glossy magazines or napkins of different shades. If you need to cut a lot of the same parts, it is best to prepare a template from thin cardboard in advance.

We do paper crafts ourselves (video)

paper flowers

They can be useful for decorating postcards, creating bouquets and compositions, for decorating other crafts. Flowers are the most indispensable element of any holiday and a special category in papermaking. You can make them from almost any kind of selected material.

For those who like to work with their own hands, a master class on what kind of roses can be created from double-sided colored paper will be very interesting. You will need circles of different diameters: the larger the workpiece, the more magnificent and larger the rose will come out. Do not try to cut a perfectly correct figure. An uneven edge will give a natural look to the flower petals.

Cut the finished circle in a spiral, moving from the edge to the center, leaving a small circle in the middle. The resulting strip must now be twisted into a roll, also starting from the edge. Make the first few turns tight, and then wind the rest of the strip around this core, aligning the bottom edges of the paper. In the process, you can lightly fasten the turns with glue, especially if the material is dense and hard. Having finished twisting, glue the bottom edge of the roll to the circle remaining in the center.

From these roses you can make a panel with flowers. If you stick flowers on a heart made of cardboard, you get a beautiful "valentine" or postcard. By attaching roses to natural branches, you can arrange a composition in the style of "ikebana".

Origami leaves and flowers

The Japanese art of origami allows you to make voluminous paper crafts on a variety of topics. Flowers and leaves can be made from modules that are held together with glue. For Women's Day or another spring holiday, you can quickly make a souvenir in the old Japanese style.

You can give a whole basket of snowdrops to someone even on New Year's Eve, if you use the instructions. This will require only white and green paper, a basket and wire. Origami snowdrops need to be made step by step from the Shamrock modules:

  1. For each flower, you need to make 3 white paper modules, as follows from the diagram (top, left).
  2. Lubricate one of the leaves with glue, it is shaded in the photo on the right, above. Insert a leaflet into a pocket on another module, from the wrong side of the same sheet.
  3. Glue the 3 trefoil in the same way, and then connect the extreme modules in the same way. A hole will remain in the center (photo above, in the lower left corner).

It remains to make the stem and leaves of snowdrops. To do this, wrap the wire with thin paper (corrugated or napkin). Leave a free end about 2 cm long. Make a thickening near it by winding a little more layers of paper. Pass the free part of the wire through the hole in the cup of the flower, form a ring inside it and bring the remaining tip to the stem. Wind a few more layers of green paper, forming the base of the flower. Glue long narrow leaves, bend the stem and make a few more snowdrops.

Other examples of crafts in the photo below were created from the same modules: for a water lily, you need to assemble a base of 7 green modules, connecting them in the same way as for a snowdrop cup. The white flower consists of 3 rows with a gradually decreasing number of modules (from 6 to 3). For petals, you need to place the elements inside out. The craft “Fuchsia Bouquet” consists of flowers made in the same way as snowdrops, but from 2 tiers - white and pink. Using origami modules, you can make other crafts from colored paper, connecting them in different quantities according to the same principle.

Origami leaves are also made in a different way. How to make different types of paper in stages:

  1. Draw a spread sheet. You can do this on paper folded in half so that the halves are symmetrical. If the material is not painted, then a brush and gouache will come to the rescue.
  2. Fold the finished sheet with an “accordion”, placing the folds parallel to the bottom, long side of the pattern.
  3. Squeeze the folded workpiece in the middle and bend it so that the halves of the long side are side by side. Glue these parts.
  4. The stalk can be made from twisted paper tow or wire. A small hole remains at the place of the inflection of the folded scan. You need to thread the finished element into it and glue the end.

Flowers and beautiful autumn leaves can be combined in a variety of compositions. But interesting ideas from paper are not limited to this.

Gallery: beautiful paper crafts (25 photos)

Funny bookmarks for books

Another area of ​​application of skills in papermaking is the manufacture of simple but necessary things. These include DIY crafts such as bookmarks. It's nice to pick up a book or a notebook in which funny cartoon characters, a funny monster or cute little animals look out from the right page.

The easiest way to make bookmarks with slotted parts. For their manufacture, it is better to take thick paper or thin cardboard. Schemes can be enlarged and printed or draw the desired drawing yourself. Further work is very simple: along the edge of the colored muzzle of the chanterelle, on the border with the gray stripe, you need to make a through cut. A utility knife will help with this.

All bookmarks in the photo below are made according to the same principle. To decorate the elements, you can use movable eyes and decorative wire (“brush”), appliqué and paints. The fantasy of the master can suggest the most incredible ideas based on the products already presented. Figurines of birds and animals can also be used to decorate homemade postcards, cutting holes along the contour of a branch (for an owl and a bird), depicting a snowdrift, from which a fox's muzzle will peek out, etc.

corner bookmarks

Another option for bookmarks is a corner. To make such gizmos, you need to make a pattern, as in the photo. To create such a scheme, you need to draw a square, and then add 2 more of the same shapes to it on adjacent sides. Draw diagonals in the side details.

Then you can proceed in different ways. Stopping at step 1 and cutting out a polygon consisting of a square and 2 triangles, the master will be able to make a bookmark with a large back (critter or angry bird). Continuing to draw, lengthening the lines formed by the hypotenuses of the triangles and connecting their extreme points with a straight line, you can make a bookmark with a slightly protruding backdrop (bunny or flower corner). In any of the options, you need to fold the pattern along the sides of the triangles. Connect the triangles with glue. Between them and the back side of the bookmark there is a pocket in which you can insert a page of the book. Attach additional details and decor separately.

Another option for bookmarks is a corner

The corner can be done in a different way:

  1. Cut out 2 parts from a postcard, a beautiful candy box, velvet paper. It can be a heart or another figurine.
  2. Sew the sharp corner of the heart with a contrasting thread.
  3. Decorate, if necessary, the front side of the romantic bookmark.

For those who do not yet use books on their own, ideas for creating toys will come in handy. Some of them the child can even do with his own hands under the guidance of elders.

Paper flowers (video)

paper toys

Almost regardless of age, children love to play with building models. They build houses from cubes, boxes, any material at hand. Then these structures are replaced by the houses of Barbie and Ken and their many friends.

Back in the 18th century, the art of making toy houses out of paper and cardboard was common. These models were quite expensive and only available to wealthy families. In our time, when materials can even be junk, all parents can afford to make a paper house for a child.

To create a fabulous log hut, you will need paper tubes. They can be made by folding thin cardboard, whatman paper or similar material according to the template (on a pencil). The edges need to be coated with glue and connected. From ready-made "logs" you can fold a fabulous house together with your child, glue windows with shutters, a roof and doors to it.

Another option for crafts made of cardboard or thick paper is models created from scans. This may be a model of Baba Yaga's hut, your own house, a castle, or some kind of fictitious building. It is desirable that its walls are interconnected. The unfolded pattern should resemble an unfolded box: with only 1 side seam. Glue the base and roof separately. By cutting a fence out of paper, you can enclose such a house with a fence.

It is very convenient to make round towers of castles from cylindrical bushings from towels, toilet paper, cling film, etc. For them, you need to make a roof in the form of a cone, rolling it from a circle notched along the radius. Having understood the principle of constructing such patterns, everyone will be able to independently create paper houses of a more complex design.

Near the house you can always meet some animals: cats, dogs, and if it is a fabulous forest hut, then a deer or even an elephant. Children are very fond of such paper figures. Older children are happy to create them on their own, and the younger ones need to be shown how to make the right animal out of paper:

  1. Draw the body and head.
  2. Draw legs or paws in the form of a symmetrical figure. It can be an arch, a corner, etc.
  3. Make slits on the body where the legs should be located.
  4. Insert the parts of the paws into the slots, fixing them perpendicular to the plane of the body.

To make an elephant, the legs need to be drawn and cut along with the torso. He can stand, leaning on huge ears. This detail is also made symmetrical, and you can insert it into the slot on the head of the elephant figure.

Cardboard sleeves can be used as the basis for figurines of people and animals. After painting or pasting them with colored paper, you need to cut out and attach details of the face or muzzle, headdress, hair, ears and horns.

There are many options for making various paper crafts. Masters with an artistic streak create real masterpieces by assembling three-dimensional paintings from carved details. But even children can begin to learn how to handle cardboard and paper, develop spatial imagination and hone their taste.

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