How to preserve the youth of the face at home. Eat antioxidant products. Video: Moldable ice cubes. Rejuvenation for the month

With age, the structure of the skin of the face undergoes complex processes, and its appearance varies, alas, not for the better. The older the woman becomes, the more she wants to preserve the beautiful smooth skin and stay young and attractive. But, as a rule, to think about preserving the youth of the skin of the face begin only when they notice the first signs of her aging: wrinkles, tired view, and. Indeed, after 30 years, the skin of the face begins to gradually fade and flexible, mimic wrinkles appear ,. In this article we will deal with what the aging of the skin depends on how to resist this process and how to preserve the youth of the skin of the face as long as possible.

Causes of aging skin

Each woman has aging of the skin of the face individually and depends on the set of factors. Only 20% of this process is regulated by a hereditary factor. The remaining 80% includes factors listed below.

Aggressive environmental impact. First of all, this is solar activity. Ultraviolet rays are the enemy number one for our skin. Ultraviolet causes irreversible processes in cells, pigmentation, thickening of the horn layer. Under the action of ultraviolet rays in the skin, oxidants or free radicals are formed, which attack cells and destroy the elastic fibers of the skin. A long exposure to sunlight on the skin at any age causes accelerated skin aging - photobores. Clinically photoboring is characterized by hyperpigmentation, decrease in cell ability to produce collagen, deep wrinkles, the appearance of vascular grid, dryness and roughness of the skin, the occurrence of benign and malignant tumors. In addition to sunlight, cold and wind, the skin of the face is exposed to a polluted environment. These are emissions into the atmosphere of waste industrial production, various chemical compounds, exhaust gases.

Long and intense stresswhich is so filled with our life. Stresses - the second main reason for the negative impact on the beauty and youth of the skin of the face, accelerated premature aging of the whole organism. During stress, cortisol and adrenaline hormones are distinguished. Cortisol causes an increase in blood sugar, an excess of which leads to the destruction of collagen. Reduced natural production, which is a natural leather humidifier. As a result, the properties of the skin are changed, it is made tough and wrinkled. In addition, excess cortisol stimulates the synthesis of fats, which leads to the accumulation of fat in the body and the increased production of skin saline. Under the action of adrenaline, the spasm of capillaries occurs, as a result, blood flow is reduced. The lack of oxygen and essential nutrients lead to an unhealthy face color, protective properties of the skin are dramatically reduced.

Incorrect nutritionIn which the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients. Sandwiches, chocolates, chips, wafels and various semi-finished products from the store negatively affect the youth of the skin. Permanent "seats" on diets also do not add beauty to the skin. Sharp thinned by the subcutaneous fat layer of fiber, dehydrated the skin, which leads to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Bad habits. Everyone knows that the abuse of alcohol will catastrophically become the skin of the face. But there are still many unwanted habits capable of leading premature wrinkles and fading the skin of the face. Let's call the two most common. The first habit, oddly enough, is the habit of constantly chewing the chewing. As a result of chewing, the tone of the muscles of the lower part of the face weakens, the elasticity of the skin is reduced around the mouth, this leads to the formation of wrinkles. The second is unwillingness to shoot makeup before bedtime. It will lead to dehydration, dull and leather flabby. In addition, the appearance of dermatitis, allergic reactions and is possible.

Wrong lifestyleit often becomes the cause of the loss of beauty and youth of the skin of the face. All certainly heard that sleep was the best medicine. The body needs a full-fledged sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Sleep gives strength, eliminates fatigue, tones, improves mood. If you constantly do not shove, the body begins to experience stress. The microcirculation of blood slows down, the skin does not receive proper nutrition and deplets. As a result - circles under the eyes, dim color, tired view, skin rashes. Workaholics risk earlier than others to get an umbly skinless skin. Continuous nervous overvoltage, lack of leisure and normal nutrition - as a result, lifeless leather deprived of healthy tone.

Diseases of internal organs The organism is also negatively reflected in the skin condition.

List all the factors leading to aging of the face of the face for a long time. We will try to figure out how long to save the youth of the skin in these conditions, because I want to remain beautiful, despite everything.

Skin care after 25 and 30 years

You should not wait for some certain age to start care of the skin of the face. The beauty of the skin of the face must be preserved by a smalod. Up to 25 years, the skin usually grabs simple with foam and easy humidification with a cosmetic agent.

Keep the youth of the skin of the face after 25 years will help you with good moisturizing and nutritional properties. It is necessary to use creams and masks based on age and. One of the regular procedures should be cleansing the skin in the morning and in the evening. Do not use soap for this purpose, it dries greatly dry. It is better to use an unnecessary foam for washing. Do not wash hot water, it contributes to the expansion of pores, increases the fatty skin. Useful cleansing self-made masks and, which can be done at home. Use quality decorative cosmetics.

Note! The girls after 25 years should not sunbathe too long and only until 12 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16 hours. Be sure to apply sunscreen. In the heat, use thermal water to apply to the skin of the face.

If possible, lead a healthy lifestyle: Purchase, give up bad habits, exercise, walk in the fresh air.

Often, excessive mimic activity is the reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and at this age. Try to follow your facial expressions. It will not be superfluous several times a year to use the services of a professional cosmetologist.

The care and preservation of the skin's youth to 30 years are not so difficult, the main thing is to pay enough attention to the skin of the face and follow the recommendations.

Save the youth of the skin after 30 years will help more thorough care. At this age, the skin becomes thinner, the moisture evaporates faster, therefore, first of all, the skin must be moistened. Use moisturizing creams that contribute to the development of collagen. Such creams are well leveling skin texture, improve the complexion. Drink at least two liters of pure drinking water per day. In addition to water, green tea is very useful, it is able to remove free radicals from the body.

Use nutritional creams with vitamins C, A, E, F. It is not recommended to use cleansing agents and peelings with the content of surfactants. After 30 years, the delicate skin around the eyes is thinned, the first age wrinkles become noticeable. Buy special leather care products around the eyes, do not use the face cream for this purpose. Apply them with circular movements, trying not to stretch the skin. At home, masks and compresses can be prepared from wrinkles around the eyes that can be prepared independently. In addition, at home, you can make a face massage once a week after a nutritional mask; In the morning, wipe the face with a piece of ice from brave herbs.

If you have time and means to visit the cosmetologist, use its services, go through the course of the lymphatic drainage facial massage. Such a massage improves blood circulation, fine wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes smoother and elastic. Ideally, this procedure should be done twice a year.

Note! To reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet on the skin, use the SPF 20 or more protection. Do not go out in the summer without applying sunscreen even in cloudy weather.

Do not forget about your health if something is not laid in the body, it will not affect the beauty of the skin of the face. It is useful to take vitamins, drugs for improving immunity: tincture of ginseng, echinacea, chinese lemongrass. Watch your power. We use unrefined vegetable oils, oily fish, eggs, calfs and lamb liver, nuts, seeds. Eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, drink natural juices. Very useful for beauty skin sesame seeds, linseed oil, parsley, celery, wheat bran. It is better to exclude white bread from your diet, replacing it on bread products with bran.

And, of course, do not forget to go around early to sleep well. Try to sleep on your back so that there is no skin chances on the face and wrinkles.

Facial care after 40 and 50 years

If under 40 you could still afford to neglect the face care measures, then 40 years old is the time to think about its rejuvenation and nutrition. Regular and correct facial care At this age, the key to preservation of beauty and attractiveness. Nature has been programmed early skin aging after 40 years and not to go anywhere, but in our power to slow the age changes. After 40, the ability of the regeneration of skin cells is reduced, since the content of estrogen's female sex hormone decreases in the body. In addition, the skin of the overwhelming majority of women after 40 years becomes dry and loses elasticity. As a result, age wrinkles appear, bags under the eyes, sickness of the skin and pigmentation.

Note! After 40 years it is necessary to avoid the influence of factors capable of disrupting the lipid layer and reduce cell regeneration. Such factors include: chlorinated tap water, soap, scrubs with large particles, alcohol-containing agents, poor-quality cosmetics, ultraviolet radiation, stress, unbalanced nutrition, smoking, sedentary lifestyle.

When leaving the skin of the face, the main thing is to observe the regularity and sequence. Chamomile beams, sage, linden serve as excellent means for washing. It is useful to wipe the skin with a piece of ice. You need to clean the skin with the help of milk. Buying day cream, pay attention to whether there are protective filters in it.

Going out, be sure to use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more. Protect eyes with glasses with glass blocking UV rays. Use gloss and lipstick with SPF filters and humidification effect. On sunny days, if possible, wear a widescard so that the face remains in the shade. Do not sunbathe in the solarium.

When buying an anti-aging cream, pay attention to its composition. It is desirable that antioxidants include: vitamin E, selenium, retinol. To exfoliate the damage leather, the composition should include fruit acids: grape, lemon, glycolic and others. Hyaluronic acid in low molecular weight is useful to care for age-related skin. Each of its molecule is able to hold a huge amount of water molecules and deliver them to where it is most likely. It is a unique leather protector from withering, as it moisturizes from the inside even the most dry skin.

At home, you can cook night nutritious creams. Make them on the basis of vegetable oils or bees wax with the addition of essential oils, plant components, fat-soluble vitamins. Do not forget about the perfectly rejuvenating skin of the face masks from the pulp of berries, fruits, honey, oatmeal, fermented milk products.

If you have enough money, placental cosmetics, hardware lifting procedures, photorebulification, hyaluronic acid, and much more can be included in the care of mature facial skin, and much more, choose the necessary and securely for you to help you, cosmetologists.

This is especially relevant for women in which 50. Fading the skin at this age is significantly accelerating, the muscles of the face are weakened, the files "floats". The main reason for negative changes in the skin condition is a hormonal failure occurring in the female body, that is, a consequence of the start of the climax. To preserve the beauty and youth of the skin of the face after 50 years, you need an integrated approach and maximum effort. Woman after 50 should use the means and carry out procedures, respectively, its age. Use only natural substances based agents. With caution, use intense regenerating cream, which includes hormones, as they can cause hair growth on the face.

Note! In the composition of the creams after 50 years there must be hyaluronic acid, vitamins A, C, B, retinoid, collagen, elastin, amino acids or polysaccharides. Reduce wrinkles around the eyes will help serums with lifting effect. Massage will help noticeably tighten the sulfur sulfur cheeks and chin.

An important point for the care and rejuvenation of the skin of the face at this age is regularity and constancy. In addition, skin care needs to be carried out in a complex with the treatment of menopacteric manifestations, that is, to monitor the hormonal background.

What a woman does not want to be always young and beautiful. But what to do if age has long passed through a twenty-year-old frontier, but looking at the bruises under the eyes, you begin to unwittingly think about old age.

Some fine sex representatives become regular visitors of various cosmetic cabinets.

Others resort to plastic operations. Is it possible to maintain a wonderful appearance without spending on this huge amounts monthly? Sure you may!

We share secrets

Today we will share several rules that will help look excellent even after fifty.

So, the secrets of the preservation of youth:

1. Do not want to become the winner of early wrinkles? Then you should not be frowning, frowning and burning. Of course, if you make a shoe once, then nothing happens. But if you do it every day every day, the so-called mimic wrinkles will appear over time. And with them you can no longer do anything;

2. Get rid of the habit of smoking. Do not think that nicotine is bad only for lungs. It also has a detrimental effect on your skin. Due to nicotine smoke, the skin capillaries are narrowed, and oxygen does not reach them in the necessary quantities. Alcohol is no less harmful, which causes tumor and dehydration;

3. To avoid premature aging, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of water per day. Thus, you moisturize the skin, the edema is also reduced and the complex is normalized. An excellent therapeutic effect has a washing cold water. For example, the legendary Sophie Lauren is washed with ice with ice daily throughout his life;

4. Stop correct power. Should be forgotten about fast food, gashed water and other completely non-durable products;

So, fulfilling these uncomplicated rules, you can constantly maintain your skin in good shape.

Recipes for preserving youth is not one millennium. Back in ancient times, women were looking for all possible ways to extend the youth and save attractiveness. There are several people's ways to stop aging, and give our skin the second life.

One of the most effective means to extend the youth is sesame oil. It is recommended to use during massages.

Especially effectively confront the skin with these oil after a shower or bath. In this case, the pores are widely disclosed, and the oil falls into all layers of skin cover.

As you know, the aging of the skin occurs during the loss of vitamins. The lack of such vitamins as a, d and fatty acids omega-3 is particularly negatively displayed in the skin condition. The perfect source of these vitamins - fish oil. He is not easy preventing aging, but also strengthens his nails and hair.

Harmful to your health will be the use of white sugar. As we all know, the main substance that maintains the elasticity of the skin is collagen. And white sugar is the cause of the accelerated splitting of its molecules. Simply put, the more you use sugar, the faster your skin loses elasticity and a healthy look.

Now, with regard to modern cosmetics. Namely their composition. Always carefully read, from which one or another cosmetics is made. Especially close attention deserve gels for the shower and foam for washing. Scientists have already been proven that parabens and propylene glycols that are part of their composition are not easy harming the state of the skin, but also significantly accelerate the aging process.

And one more secret of youth: Try to get angry less. The fact is that during the attack of aggression in the blood, a large number of histamine comes into the blood. Its presence makes the skin poured blood. Side effects can be a variety of irritation and allergies. So be calm and keep your face!

Folk Medicine Warring Skin Youth

We also present to your attention some folk recipes that will help you return youth:

1. Miraculous mixture to maintain the health of the entire body. The composition of this mixture is very simple: you need to mix the juice of one lemon and 20 grams of garlic casher. This mixture has been to cause 25 days. It is necessary to take the resulting mixture over the night on a teaspoon on a glass of water;

3. Do not buy creams in stores with incomprehensible components. You can cook a completely stunning cream yourself. To do this, you need one yolk, mixed with 5-10 drops of apple juice, 4-5 ml of apricot essential oil and half of a half of a small lemon. All ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed and stored in a dark cold place. You can use such cream twice a day;

4. One or twice a week should do homemade face masks. To make them prepare you need a whipped protein foam, mixed with three tablespoons of flour and two tablespoons of honey. The resulting mask should be applied to the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then wash it off with cold water. Note that it is cold water. Thus, you will improve blood circulation and, with time, get rid of boring wrinkles.

Do not forget that nothing gives the age of a woman as hands. Therefore, on, we will share with you small tricks about how to preserve youth hands.

How to keep youth hands

Well-groomed hands are a business card of any woman. But in order for them to look great need to spend much more forces than on the face or body. The essence of the problem is that hands are constantly being a negative impact of the world around.

Ask yourself a question: Do you do something like that for what you do not need hands? Of course not. We wash your hands, stroit, we clean, cook. They will learn around the world through touch. So the care of them must be appropriate.

For example, wash your hands only in water room temperature. From washing in too cold water, skin covers will be rough and dry, but hot water can cause the loss of elasticity. It is also not necessary to wash the dishes with bare hands - contact with any cleaner means is destroyed.

The consequences may be not only the loss of elasticity and overburgest, but also strong irritation, up to allergies. Do not neglect in winter gloves - they will protect your handles from frost perfectly. But in the summer it is necessary to apply a little sunscreen before going out - ultraviolet is also not helpful.

The first point in my "rejuvenating" list is a dream.

Now every hour of lack of sleep sends on my face light blue under the eyes.

Record on the sheet of basic rules of healthy sleep and glue to the prominent place:

I have a friend, who even in -25 opens the window. Her skin, by the way, flames youth and health in its 40. But then they focus on your body. Perhaps you will be enough to open the door for air circulation.

    For youth, it is necessary to sleep at least 8, or even 9 hours. And no, not from 2 nights to 10 in the morning. It's time to remember that the whole body is better restored if you fall asleep to 22.00.

    The mattress should not be solid and not soft. The pillow is not high and not too flat. And by the way, I came up with the recommendation of a psychologist to sleep with my spouse under different blankets. The quality of sleep has improved, and the relationship is not a problem at the same excellent level.

    Buy a beautiful bed, which you will be happy to fit in the evening. And, by the way, did you notice that it is much more pleasant to fall asleep on pure bed?

Tip # 2. Water guarding youth.

The second board is also simple. But why is it so difficult to adhere to it?

Keep yourself Lifehaki, which will help start drinking more water. As from the heart, we take off, but long youth requires decisive measures:

  • Rock up the bottle with water all over the house.
    Near the computer, on the work surface in the kitchen, on the dressing table. Optionally drink all right away. Do a couple of moderate sips and do on the case.
    If you add mint beam and lemon (orange / apple) to the water (orange / apple), then you will get a very tasty drink. Such water is as useful and perfectly absorbed.
    In your bag there should be a bottle of water. Always.

Tip # 3. Do you want to preserve youth? Learn to tempt.

And you knew that the skin pulls up from a contrasting soul, youth and elasticity persists, passes cellulite and the blood circulation is improved? And also becomes stronger immunity, sleep and undergo headaches.

Of course, ideal in order to preserve the youth of the skin, is molding.

And, of course, a couple of secrets for the adoption of the soul, which will give the skin elasticity and freshness:

  • For youth skin, take a shower under warm water (not hot!) At the end - turn it cold. It is worth it to start with stop and smoothly climb above.

    Deep breathe. Exhaust helps the body will cope with such a mini stress. Alternate douse: 1 minute cold water, 2 minutes - warm.

    Finish the cold, if it is morning or you do not use moisturizers. Finish warm, if you plan to pamper the skin with oil or nutritious cream.

  • If you take shower 2/3 times a day, I advise you not to use gels for the skin every time. Household chemicals are very dry skin, which leads to early aging.

    Especially do not wash your face with soap (or any other) more often 1 time per day. Perfectly in the morning, wipe the skin with a ice cube (chamomile, for example).

  • Use different hand towels, body and face.
    You will say then yourself thanks for such a trifle.

Minimize (and ideally completely refuse): Bokers, cakes, candy and chocolate. And from everything that makes your skin face covered with pimples, rash or blush. After all, our covers are so closely related to what we eat.

The basis of your diet should be vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat and fish, fermented milk products (not fatty) and quite a bit. For sweets lovers - honey, dried fruits and nuts. Remember that nuts are sufficiently calories, and dried fruits are often chucking in sugar syrup.

The youth and beauty of the skin in many ways depend on the supply. Your face and body will tell you thanks.

Tip number 5. Lubricate cogs and tongues.

It is necessary to moisturize not only from the inside, but also outside. It is necessary. I had a friend who did not use body creams, believing that "there is nothing to peak the skin with any nasty." Is it so?

If we are talking about purchased inexpensive body lotions, then possible. But I prefer the oils. They are truly treasure to the skin for the skin of the face and body extending youth.

  • Apply oil on wet face skin with light driven movements. So it absorbs better, and the massage for the skin is a useful thing.
  • Body oil is also applied to wet skin. Ideally, after that, how to get a few minutes naked, while everything is pretty much absorbed. Well, my husband at the same time to sneak.
  • Pick "your" oil suitable for skin type. Universal option - coconut.
Essential oils Solved problems

Tea tree oil

Acne and inflammation on the skin, excessive fatty scalp and hair, dandruff. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.


Wrinkles, various skin imperfections. It has rejuvenating and smoothing properties.

Broccoli oil

Surface tips, dullness and hair fragility. Wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin of the face.

Lemon oil

Wrinkles, fatty skin facial, pigment stains.

Lavender oil

Fatty skin of the face, inflammation and acne, oily skin of the head, dandruff.

Sandala oil

Brick, dull hair, dry skin of the face, inflammation on the face, signs of aging.

Mint oil

Fading leather, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, oily skin of the head and face.

Romaist oil

Pigmentation, allergic skin reactions, acne. Brush hair, irritated leather head.

Carrot seeds

Non-freight complexion, pigmentation, wrinkles. Separating hair tips, brittle and weak hair without shine.

Rosemary oil

Fading leather, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, scars and scars.

Tip No. 6. Restored on the "Positive and Youth" regime.

Positive thinking also helps to preserve the youth of the skin of the face, and the whole body! I noticed that evil and sad tenshejects are omitted, wrinkles more, the skin of the face is gray?

If you are also used to thinking standard and gray - we have together to work together. You need to urgently rebuilt!

You can start your way into the world of positive and ease from Basis: Louise Hay, Joe Vital, drank Norman (look for the books of their authorship).

Do you believe that our physical condition and the state of the soul are closely interrelated? Is it possible to be tightened leather, emit your youth face, if one thought is sad in your head? Shoulders are omitted, speech is abounding with hundred words and negative promises? I doubt.

Sign up the following affirmations on the sheet and glue to the mirror:

  • I radiate youth, health and beauty.
  • I am the love.
  • I love myself and take myself completely. With all its shortcomings.
  • My body is strong, the back is strong and smooth, the shoulders are spinned, legs are healthy and beautiful, the skin is elastic, and the face of a young and smiling.
  • The whole universe helps me to stay healthy and happy, save energy and fill with love.
Sport improves blood circulation, trains the cardiovascular system, allows you to keep muscle and tendons in the tone, strengthens the joints. The skin becomes more elastic, the color is noticeably improved, and the cheeks acquire a natural blush.

And, of course, the main regularity! Today you run, tomorrow you dance, the day after tomorrow you are doing yoga, and another day - good sex (better workout, m?)

Tip number 8. Do not worry, better than the poop.

How I love the bath and sauna! Perhaps this is the coolest methodological, which will help preserve youth and skin elasticity. A hike in the "Parin" perfectly helps the skin get rid of slags and toxins. Pores are revealed, there is a natural deep cleansing.

Of course, and speech can not be about alcohol in the bath. And, of course, if you have contraindications - sit in a chill, and the youth of the skin of the face and the bodies remain with the help of other methods.

All sorts of scrubs and peelings in the sauna - this is what helps to keep the skin youth! I will tell you a couple of simplest, but steep scrabies that will not leave any lady indifferent.

1) Coffee scrub (for the body, overweight skin and legs).

  • Floor cup of coffee grounds.
  • 2 tablespoons of large sea salt.
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (coconut, olive).
  • 4-5 drops of vitamin A and E.
  • 4-5 Essential Oil Droplets (Which Like).

Scrub enough abrasive. Be careful with him, if your skin is prone to dryness or there is inflammation on the body. Do not use for the skin of the face!

2) oat scrub for leather.

  • 2-3 tablespoons of oat flakes.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fatty sour cream (kefir).

We massive the face and zone neckline.

3) clay scrub.

  • 1-2 clay tablespoons.
  • 1 tablespoon of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt (small or medium).

Suitable for the whole body.

4 recipe wonderful masks for the face that will help keep skin youth

Paving the driver, I detailedly signed a plan for the next week. And run to begin, and it is easy to eat (here is just a cake of the birthday militant).

And, of course, the face masks will make it. To keep the skin of the face healthy and young, it needs to be sometimes pamping.

Store masks I shall immediately. How do I know what they were stolen there? As my grandmother says: "Do not smear on the face of what you will not be."

Catching 4 steep recipes that will help keep skin youth.

№1. Mask with spirulina.

This alga is now very popular. It includes vitamins A, B, C and E, which is so needed by our skin. It smells like, though it is crazy. But what they just do not go for the sake of the youth of the skin, m?

  • A couple of pills spirulina crush to the state of crumbs.
  • 1-2 teaspoons of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of beloved oil for face (I have olive in stock).
  • 1-2 drops of lemon juice (not if you have hypersensitive skin).

All mixed, apply to a wet clean face for 20-25 minutes. Wash away Rejoice in the face of the face.

№2. Mask with scarlet for youth skin.

  • Half Awie ampoules (sold on any pharmacy; the price of the question is a penny).
  • 1 teaspoon of beloved oil.
  • 1-2 drops of vitamin A or E.

We apply on the face for 30 minutes. Turn on relaxing music. We meditate, closing the household on the other side of the door. The skin will tell you for this thanks to smooth wrinkles.

Number 3. Honey skin mask.

Honey is a universal agent. It helps to improve immunity, strengthen health and preserve the youth of the skin of the face! And many consider honey even a conductor of energy ...

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (liquid, necessarily warm).
  • 2 teaspoons of beloved face oil.

Everything. We apply a mask on a purified face for 30 minutes. I breathe an incredible aroma of honey. Remember grandmother, summer warm days, milk with scented bread crust. Love yourself.

The skin of the face after this mask will become velvet and silky.

№4. Egg mask on guard of youth.

4 habits that will help save

beauty and youth skin

Old as the world, but such an effective egg mask. Helps to preserve the skin's skin's skin. Moreover, it is suitable for dry skin (we use in the composition of yolks) and for fat (yolk replace on the protein).

I have a skin skin prone to dryness, so I take:

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey.
  • A couple of drops of vitamin A or E.

Actually, my short abstract on the topic " How to keep skin youth"I declare closed. From today, I will definitely start to care for the skin with all possible ways!

Replies Vyacheslav Klutko, Director of the National Herontal Center, Professor:

In different people, the same organs and fabrics are aging at different speeds. It depends on genetic predisposition. Genetic analysis with a forecast of its own type of aging can be done now. A program of assessing the real, biological age of a person also has been developed (it may not coincide with the age of a passport) on various systems of the body. For example, a woman in a 40-year-old respiratory function can be at the level of 30-year-old, but the heart "look" to all 50. But the aging of the internal organs is often reflected in appearance. That is, the age in the literal sense of the word is visible on the face. Therefore, to determine how much your real age is different from the calendar, you can even without any complex medical tests, just learning how you look in the eyes of others - younger or older than your years.

A certain parts of the body are projected on the face. No wonder, many experienced doctors can understand the person of a person, he is healthy or not that it is from him to a greater degree hurts. When a woman has everything fine with a hormonal background, it can be seen on her skin: it seems to be shining. If it is broken, then the skin is dim, has a grayish tint.

What preserves the skin of the skin of the face?


- Physical activity.The ideal dose is 4 times a week for 40 minutes. It should include 4 types of loads: aerobic, 2 times a week; power, 1 time - on balancing and stretching.

- Proper nutrition: more vegetables and fruits, lean, boiled meat, less oily, vegetable oils, nuts, northern fish.


- To give up smoking.The sooner you do, the more elastic and the young will end up your skin.

- control over alcohol use (More than 150-200 ml of red dry wine on day is not recommended).

Experts allocate 4 major types of face aging:

Tired type

It is typical for thin women with an oval or diamond face. It is manifested by a decrease in the tone of soft fabrics of the face and the muscles - the deepening of the nasolabial folds, the omitting of the corners of the mouth and the appearance of wrinkles there. The face looks tired and tired.

How to fight: It is effective for a facial massage, hyaluronic acid and antioxidant creams.

Wrinkled type

The skin is dry, thinned by small wrinkles (appear already in 30 years), prone to irritation and redness. But the face does not blame, keeps his form and therefore it seems young.

How to deal: Efforts should be aimed at restoring skin damage, combating photorestation, that is, caused by sunlight. In more severe cases, the contour plastic will help - filling the wrinkles with hyaluronic acid with gels - and botulinate therapy.

Muscular type

Characterized for residents of Asia. Europeres meet very rarely, mostly those who have the most developed mimic muscles, and the subcutaneous fat fiber is almost absent. Oval and face form almost do not change, but face muscles appear relief. There are deep folds in the field of lips and nose, many wrinkles around the eyes.

Overall type

It happens in women inclined to completeness and have problems with cardiovascular, endocrine and urinary systems. Face Fatherland and Flambic, especially at the bottom: hanging eyelids, "Bryli", the second chin, bags under the eyes. The skin is dense, shiny, porous, wrinkle little.

How to deal: Only plastic surgery and diet are effective.

According to elegant Coco Chanel's face of a woman in 20 years of the merit of nature, and in 40 her own. Of course, someone manages to preserve the youth of the skin of the face without much care, but still if the woman is engaged in themselves it is noticeable. Yes, and when we invest time and care, you feel more satisfied and self-confidence.

We offer 5 available destinations about your face, following which will certainly bring results. Of course, they are known to everyone, but rarely apply in the complex.

Ice wash

How are you used to wash in the morning? Warm water? To preserve the youth of the skin of the face, it is necessary to wash it cold and only with cold water. This is a tonic procedure that contributes to improving blood circulation, wonderfully burst and refreshes in the morning.

Even more effective wipe the face with a piece of ice. Here are possible variations - freeze green tea, chamomile infusion, calendula, sage. Add a bit of lemon juice drops to the water before freezing. This is especially useful for oily skin with large pores.

In addition to a cosmetic effect, regular ice washing harvest and reduces the likelihood of the development of a runny nose and hymorite, provided that you initially are healthy.

A good result gives contrast washing hot and cold water, but it is better to apply it in the evening, as the blood sticks to the skin and the pores expand.

Scraping and cleaning

Modern cosmetology offers us a set of all kinds of scrubs, pleasantly smelling and having a lot of useful ingredients. Of course, they should not be neglected, but in order not to overload the skin and do not cause addiction, it is better to alternate with ordinary well-known products. Skin to this procedure for more often than 2 times a week.

Cleansing soda

On one teaspoon a few drops of water. Apply to the face, avoiding the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, after 1-2 minutes it is easy to lose through massage lines. Leave another 3-4 minutes and then wash off.

Soda with their small crystallines exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, not traumating it. Plus possesses whitening and disinfecting property. But for dry skin of the soda is not suitable, it is better to use oatmeal here.

Oatmeal cleansing

Oatmeal 1 dining room spoon pour cold water and give to stand 10-15 minutes. Then to twist for a fork and damage to face. After 3-4 minutes, rub the skin through massage lines and wash off after 5-6 minutes.

Oatmeal additionally nourishes the epidermis, therefore it can be left longer on the face.

Purification by acids

No, we are not talking about sulfur and salt, we are talking about the acids contained in fruits, berries and dairy products.

The pulp of strawberries, raspberries, currant, orange, peach, cherries affect how light chemical peeling is applied to the face for 15 minutes and washed off. The skin is fresh and smooth. The same effect gives kefir and classic yogurt. Scrubs add undesirable, they may damage, and the acid will penetrate into the wound.

Occasionally useful to pamper himself by professional cleaning at the beautician, especially if the pores are clogged. Professional care will give a new impulse youth.

Regular training

Cleansing and nutrition Important and necessary procedures designed to preserve the youth of the skin of the face, but without gymnastics they are only superficial. To make the skin, he was smooth and glowing, need to train muscles, simply make gymnastics for the face and neck. The least in everyday life we \u200b\u200bhave these muscles. The gymnastics for the face is less than 10 minutes, but you need to do it every day.

The most simple exercises to save ovala:

For cheeks and lips It is useful to inflate the cheeks and roll the balloon to the right left and back, tightly shrinking the lips. 1 minute, pause, 2-3 times.

For century: Close your eyes, press the top eyelids with your fingers, try to open your eyes. Consider up to 15, repeat 2-3 times.

Muscles of Neck Work well with the usual pump swing.

The muscles of the Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bare well tightening, because unusual articulation uses usually not working muscles. And beauty, and development!

Take several forest nuts or smooth pebbles, balls and read speakers. After a while, it will be a clear, and the face will catch up.

It is useful to inflate balloons, it is also a good workout, including breathing.

Food and protection

Now we need to support the skin with vitamins and microelements. You can use nutritional and moisturizing creams, especially for nutrition during the day, because homemade mixes can roll and do not suit at home. In addition, modern creams have protective properties, creating the finest film on the face.

For the skin of the eyelid, it is useful for night 1-2 drops of olive oil or peach, grape bone, sliced, liquid vitamin E or an oil-based aevit. Apply after moisturizing and no more than 2 times a week.

Useful nutrient masks from yogurt with oatmeal; eggs and honey with the addition of vegetable oil; Crumpled rose petals and fragrant herbs with butter and bees wax.

Facial protection Create tinting creams with photo effect. But if you do not use toning, then in the summer you need to use sunscreen.


But after all, the face does not live separately from the body and the most effective way to preserve the youth of the skin of the face - health and physical activity at all.

Regular physical workouts stimulate a lymphatic system to remove toxins, amplify skin drainage, from which it glows health. Fresh air walks feed oxygen. A strong and healthy sleep is the necessary component of youth.

In its diet, you need to include red and green vegetables, citrus, berries, greens, garlic, eggs and fish. These products contribute to the development of collagen and updating the epidermis.

Attend a sauna or bath, steaming well cleans the pores, and the skin seems to breathe. If you smear in front of the pair of honey, it is partially absorbed and leaves the sweet smell for a long time.