How to crochet a flower bouquet. Knitted flowers and appliques Beautiful crocheted flower

Crocheting is not always the embodiment of clothing for the whole family - it is also about creating comfort in your own home. Every needlewoman has at least once thought about knitting artificial flowers - they will always remain bright and airy, but there is no care for them. Moreover, every needlewoman ends up with a lot of leftover yarn, which takes up a lot of space in cabinets and storage boxes. To get rid of leftovers with benefit, you can resort to crocheting a whole bouquet of flowers. The article presents crocheting flowers, patterns and descriptions for free.

Crochet roses

Crocheted roses seem difficult to make only at first glance. In fact, their knitting turns out to be the simplest and most promising - in a short time, literally in a few hours, you can create a whole bouquet. This is also a great opportunity to please your loved ones with a bouquet of flowers, especially in winter and on an unplanned visit.

So, to crochet roses you will need the following materials and tools:

  • red and green yarn;
  • hook of a suitable number;
  • small diameter wire;
  • double sided tape.

Crocheting roses occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Select a rosebud knitting pattern. Here you can use a simplified knitting pattern in the form of a long strip, which is then twisted and folded into the shape of a bud. This type of knitting requires sewing up the base of the formed bud.
  2. The second option for crocheting a rosebud involves crocheting each petal separately - this is not difficult, but painstaking. After knitting the required number of petals, they are simply collected into a bud and tied at the base with wire or thread.
  3. Having chosen a pattern, make a bud. Sew the base or tie it with wire. It is easier to collect individual petals on a base - this can already be a wire stem with a cotton or thread tip. The tip should be completely covered with petals.
  4. Next, tie the sepals according to the presented pattern. Of course, now you should use the green thread.
  5. In the same way, using the diagram presented above, tie the leaves. Beginners do not need to start knitting a whole shoot with leaves - it is enough to knit from 3 to 7 leaves, which depends on the length of the main stem. When knitting leaves, leave the long end of the thread at the base.
  6. If you used the first method of knitting a bud - knitting a strip folded into a bud - insert a wire in the middle intended to form a stem. Place the sepal on the bud and wrap the second piece of wire around the bud from below - this will form a peduncle.
  7. Use double-sided tape - wrap the stem with tape, capturing the peduncle. As you wind, attach the leaves, grasping their base by 5-7 mm, wrap the stem with a piece of thread from the leaves and also secure with tape.
  8. From the sepal to the end of the stem, carefully and evenly, without leaving gaps, wrap the wire and tape with green thread.
  9. Make several roses in a similar way and arrange them in a bouquet.

Several other variations can be made in this manner. Some needlewomen prefer to simply place such bouquets in vases. The second wants to make a bush, resorting to using a simple flower pot, having previously installed roses in pieces of foam plastic. Still others crochet pots separately to complete the composition. The following is a selection of ready-made compositions of different variations and a video with a master class for beginners in knitting.

Knitted peonies

Peonies are knitted similarly to roses. Here you should also use the diagram presented below and tie the bud. Next, a peduncle is formed with wire or thread. To knit leaves, you can use the above pattern. A stem is made from wire in the same way and leaves are attached.

Tied peonies often form a simple bouquet of flowers that looks great in a long, narrow glass vase. A master class on knitting peonies is offered in the video.

Knitted daffodils

After crocheting the simplest flowers, you can begin to implement the most complex ones, namely crocheting daffodils. You can connect them in the same sequence as presented above, with the exception of using other patterns and threads.

So, start knitting daffodils in the following sequence:

  1. Start knitting from the whisk - use pattern 1 in the picture below. The color of the corolla can be different - white, yellow, brown or even black.
  2. Attach a yellow or brown thread to the base of the corolla and continue knitting the core according to pattern 2.
  3. Attach a yellow, orange or white thread to the base of the core to knit the petals of the buds - use pattern 4.
  4. To finish knitting the bud, you should attach a green thread to the base and knit the cup according to pattern 3. The cup can be knitted separately, and then attached to the bud.

Stems and leaves are knitted in the sequence presented earlier. The only difference here is the shape of the leaves - to match, they are knitted according to the suggested pattern in the picture.


Craftswomen are attracted to knitted irises, which are also formed into bouquets and placed in vases. There are two ways to knit irises.

First way

The first method involves knitting the bud petals in a more airy way. Here we resort to the scheme presented below.

Otherwise, the technique of forming a flower is no different from others. So, after knitting the required number of petals, they begin to form a bud - you will need to connect the petals and attach them to a wire, which also acts as a stem. This stem may have a base at the tip - it is either knitted or formed by winding thread or cotton wool (it should be painted with diluted paint). The leaves can be knitted according to the pattern that was used for knitting daffodil leaves.

Second way

The second method offers denser petals and “massive” buds; two schemes are used here.

The first pattern is intended for knitting the lower petals of the bud - the detailed technique is presented in the photo. A schematic interpretation of the proposed knitting is also given - the numbers in the diagram indicate the number of single crochets.

The second pattern is knitting more wavy petals - the upper ones. It also offers complete instructions and the sequence in the photo, as well as a diagram of the number of single crochets for each row.

Both types of petals are assembled as shown in the picture; the formation of the stem occurs using the same technique as before.

Tie several irises and put them in a vase - they will look attractive in any interior.


“Yellow tulips, oooh!” - this phrase and melody arises every time we talk about these beautiful spring messengers. They can be connected using 2 methods - simpler or more complex.

Easy way

In a simple method, a tulip bud is a cup knitted with single crochets, which is stuffed with cotton wool and sewn up in a certain way. In order not to read the descriptions for a long time, it is enough to simply offer photos that represent the craftswomen - their fruits of crochet needlework.

In a similar way, many tulips are knitted, which are later collected into bouquets - it is better to put them in a basket, because such a composition represents a spring sketch.

Second way

The second method involves knitting the bud petals separately. So, to begin with, they begin to knit the inner petals in the amount of 3 pieces according to the pattern, the pattern of which is proposed - it also contains symbols.

Next, they begin to knit individual petals. First you need to knit the petals of the second layer - for this they use a cone-shaped shape. Then 2-3 petals of a more rounded shape are knitted - they will be the outer and final ones.

All petals are collected together on a wire for the stem. Next, they continue to form the flower in the same sequence as the previous flowers - do not forget about the leaves, which can be presented in the form of simple double crochets.

Crocheted flowers always mean spring in the house and a spring mood in the soul. Make the atmosphere in the room cozy - place tied flowers on the windowsill and admire the spring landscape.

Knitted flowers are widely presented on various Internet sites. But most of the beautiful flowers are crocheted. We have compiled a small selection of interesting knitted flowers in our opinion.

Knitted flowers can be used to decorate almost any thing knitted with knitting needles: hats, bags, scarves, tops, dresses, baby blankets, T-shirts, etc. You can also make beautiful compositions from knitted flowers - panels, or put them in a vase or pot. Although flowers are not real, they will add zest to your interior.

Knitted flowers are widely used in women's accessories. From flowers you can make earrings, a necklace or an unusual hairpin or brooch.

If you have a photo or description of beautiful flowers knitted with knitting needles, send them to our website. We will definitely publish them.

Knitted flowers, patterns from the Internet.

MK from Irina Chernysheva on flower knitting

Openwork knitted flowers from Victoria Babkina

The flowers we are going to talk about are so simple that even a child can handle them! Just 5 minutes and the flower is ready! They can be used to decorate interior items and personal items, and to use them in making clothes for dolls and other toys. We will need: a pair of knitting needles, yarn, scissors (the size of the flower directly depends on the yarn you choose).

interesting selection for the site Blankets for newborns and babies

Rose flower knitting

Knitted flower needle chrysanthemum

Simple flower knitted from hollow cord

Video tutorial on knitting hollow cord:

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Knit a hollow cord using knitting needles of a suitable size (65-70 rows).

Divide the cord into 5 equal parts, fold it in the shape of petals, pull the needle and thread through the center and assemble the flower.

Cut the thread and fasten. The knitted flower is ready!

Knitted flower rose:

Dial 20 p.
1st r. (IR): purl. loops
Row 2: *knit 1, yarn over, *, finish knit 1.
3, 5th row: purl. p. (knit yarn overs crossed).
4, 6th row: *knit 1, yarn over*, finish knit 1.
7th row: cast off 8 purls, *1 long loop 1 row below, knit it together with the next row. n. out. p. and close it, close 7 purl; rep. from * 5 times, * 1 long stitch 1 row below, knit this one together purlwise. with trace p. and close it, close 10 p; repeat, from * 3 times, *1 long stitch 1 row below, knit this one together purlwise. with trace p. and close it, close 13 p.; rep. from * to the end.

Purple knitted flower:

Cast on 12 loops.
Row. 1: slip 1, knit 11.
Row. 2: slip 1, purl 11.
Row. 3: slip 1 and knit pattern *1 knit stitch, 1 yarn over*
Row. 4: slip 1, purl stitches.
Continue knitting stitch until
the length and width of the petal you choose.
Then start knitting 2 stitches together on each side of every 2nd row.
Knit the number of petals you choose. On this sample - 6.
Sew all the petals together, securing them in the center and decorate with buttons or beads.

Knitted flower poppy:

Crochet a ring of 4 ch, knit 6 single crochet stitches into it, then 2 stitches in each loop, 12 in total, cast on stitches along the edge on knitting needles (short, for knitting socks, circular ones are not very convenient)
Row 1 – knit
Row 2 – knit 3 from each stitch
Row 3 – knit
Row 4 – knit 3 from each stitch
Row 5 – knit
Row 6 – knit 3 from each stitch
then 3 rows with knit stitches and if any more is needed to achieve the desired size
close the loops

Knitted flower using mohair knitting needles:

We start knitting a petal from 2 balls (we knit each part separately). On one needle, cast on 3 stitches from each ball.
Row 1: (1 RS, inc 1 st, 1 RS, inc 1 st, 1 RS) the first 3 sts from the first ball, then the same on the loops from the second ball.
Row 2: 5 and 5 SP
Row 3: (1 RS, inc 1 st, 3 RS, inc 1 st, 1 RS) the first 3 sts from the first ball, then the same on the loops from the second ball. (7 and 7 points came out)
Row 4: Connect both parts of knitting.
6 IP, 2 p. together purl, 6 IP
Row 5: 1 LP, inc 1 p., 11 LP, inc 1 p., 1 LP
Rows 6, 8, 10,12, 14
Row 7: 6 RL, 3 sts together (middle at top), 6 RL
Row 9: 5 RL, 3 sts together (middle at top), 5 RL
Row 11: 2 stitches together, knit to the left, 2 stitches, 3 stitches together, knit (middle at the top), 2 stitches, 2 stitches together, knit
Row 13: 2 stitches together, knit to the left, 3 stitches together, knit (middle at the top), 2 stitches together, knit
Remove for extra knitting needle and knit 3 more such petals.
Then collect all 4 petals on one knitting needle, knit 1 row purlwise, then gather all stitches onto a thread, tighten and secure.
Translation from julia_kh from Osinka.

Knitted flowers. Schemes from our website

Knitted cornflower flower

To knit a flower you will need: wool yarn in dark blue, bright blue and blue colors and knitting needles.

Knitted flower with stockrose knitting needles

To knit a flower you will need: cotton yarn of dark pink and light pink colors, stocking needles No. 4.

Knitted rose flowers in 15 minutes

Knitted flower rose bud

Rose is the queen of flowers. This is probably why there are many different variations on the theme of crocheted roses, not only crocheted but also knitted. Our collection of flowers contains the most roses. Here is another description of how to tie a rose in a bud. A chic brooch can be made from one flower or a bouquet.

Crocheted flowers can be used to decorate all sorts of things, from a handbag with a hat to clothing. An ordinary flowering twig in a vase looks no less impressive. It can be a chrysanthemum or a rose (crocheted). A diagram describing the manufacture of the latter is presented below.

Opened bud

A diagram with a description will help you create your own unfading bouquet. will be made from its most beautiful part, namely from a fully blossomed bud.

The initial chain on it consists of 75 loops, but it is easy to increase or decrease it. To do this, it is enough to add (subtract) such a number of them that it is divisible by ten. This will make it more convenient to work with the petals later.

It starts with a description that will help you) from the center of the bud. On the initial chain you need to make another air loop for lifting. On the first two loops knit 4. In the third we make a single crochet and a single crochet, on the 4th and 5th we make one double crochet.

The continuation of the entire first row is the basis for the petals that will make up the rose (crocheted). The pattern (with description) is as follows: first we knit two double crochets in the next two loops, and then until the end we alternate one and two double crochets from the same base. You need to complete it like this: in the penultimate loop you should knit a single crochet, in the last loop you should knit a connecting one.

The entire second row is the petals themselves. The diagram (with description) clearly demonstrates how to make them. The crocheted rose is almost ready. During the knitting process, the strip is already folded, suggesting the direction in which the flower will then need to be made. All that remains is to roll it into a bud and sew it at the base.


The rose will be held on it (with a hook). The diagram with description is very simple. It starts with two air loops. In the area furthest from the hook you need to knit 6 single crochets. This is the first row. In the second and third, 6 of the same columns should be added evenly. Fourth row: 6 chain stitches and 2 single crochets are repeated until the end. Close the row and leave a long thread. She will use it to sew the sepals to the bud.


Without them, a crocheted rose (a diagram with a description is given in the article) will look unfinished. The leaves can be made the same size or even different.

For the base of the first row, you need to cast on 14 loops, with the last two forming the rise. Let's look further.

  • First row: in the third loop, knit a connecting stitch, then two in a row without a crochet, 6 with one crochet, 1 without a crochet, 2 connecting ones.
  • Second: aerial, connecting stitch, 2 double crochets in one loop (2 times), double crochet, 2 double crochets in one loop, one double crochet (2 times), 2 double crochets in one loop, connecting, go around the top of the leaf and repeat this pattern in reverse order along the other half.
  • Third row: chain stitch, 2 double crochets in one loop (3 times), one double crochet (2 times), 2 of the same in one loop, one, 2 double crochets in one loop, then you need to use connecting stitches to get to the top sheet and knit a single crochet. Repeat the pattern on the second half of the leaf in reverse order.

Unopened bud

But this is not the only diagram with a description (crocheted rose). How to knit so that the bouquet looks real? It is necessary that not only blossoming flowers be present, but also barely open buds.

For very small rose flowers, you should knit them as described above, only the length of the chain needs to be made very small. But an almost closed bud should be done differently.

First the cup is knitted. On a ring of three loops, you need to make eight single crochets, adding six stitches evenly in three rows. Then you should knit the leaves of the cup according to the pattern. Now you need to tie a bud cone from the center of the cup. It is performed by analogy with a cup, only in reverse order.

Assembling a rose

Bend one centimeter of thick wire at one end. Attach a rosebud to it. If it is open, then sew a sepal to it from below. Then you need to wrap the wire with the same yarn that was used to knit the green part of the rose.

Then you should simultaneously attach wire branches with unopened buds and leaves. For greater resemblance to the leaves of a real rose, it is recommended to fasten them in threes on one small wire. Moreover, the central one is supposed to be knitted with a large one, and those on the sides with small ones. At the very bottom of the wire the thread will need to be glued.

Knitting flowers is a very exciting and enjoyable activity, and each flower is sure to have a use, as a decoration for a blouse, handbag, hat or a surprise for a friend. Here is a collection of small miniature crocheted flowers with detailed descriptions and knitting patterns.

Flower with multi-layered petals.

Description of crochet flower:

At the beginning of knitting, we form the initial ring from the thread and knit into the ring 1st row:*Art. b/n, half-column, repeat 5 times, then tighten the ring well and secure the end of the thread. 2nd row: we knit arches for the first row of petals, for this we knit *c.b/n for a column in the first row, an arch of 3 air loops, repeat also 5 times, end the row with a connecting loop in the first table. 3rd row: From each arch, knit a half-stitch, 3 double stitches, a half-stitch, and between the arches make a double stitch. 4th row: we knit arches for the next row of petals from 5 air loops, securing them by knitting a st b/n for the leg of a st. b/n of the previous row (like a raised concave st b/n). 5th row we knit petals from the arches by knitting a half-stitch, 5 treble stitches, a half-stitch stitch, between the arches. Next, knit according to the pattern, increasing the number of loops in the arches and tying them with a large number of s/n stitches.

Crochet flower pattern:

It is worth noting that the use of different types of yarn has its own effect when knitting a flower. For example, from a thin woolen thread we get a fluffy soft flower; when knitting flowers from cotton, the clear contours of the petals stand out, and mercerized cotton adds extra shine.

Description of knitting flowers:

In the initial ring, knit 3 chain stitches and 19 double crochets, then pull the ring and fasten the thread, make a connecting loop in the 3rd chain stitch. lifting loop. Then cut and fasten the thread for knitting the second row or make 2 air. loops and then start knitting 2nd row, knitting again *in the initial ring st. non-cash, arch of 4 air loops, st. b/n into the initial ring through 4 columns of the first row, repeat 5 times, finish the row with a connecting loop in the first column. 3rd row: knit the petals by knitting from the arches a half-column, 5 treble s/n, half-column, st b/n between the arches. 4th row: we knit arches from 5 air loops, securing from art. b/n per leg art. b/n of the previous row. 5th row: we knit petals from arches: half-column, 9 treble, half-column, treble between arches.

Crochet flower pattern:

Knitted flowers acquire a complete look with additional decoration with a leaf, curl, or bead.

In this flower model, the number of petals increases, and fasten each next row of arches with a st. b/n for the previous arches evenly adding one more arch.

Crochet flower pattern:

Flat flowers with wavy petals.

A large number of st. gives a beautiful wave to the petals. s/n knitted from each arch.

Crochet flower:

Small flowers:

Work 5 stitches into the starting ring. b/n, through one air loop, pull the ring, make a connecting loop in the first column and knit the petals: *3 air. loops, 2 tbsp from air. loops of the previous row, 3 air. loops, connecting loop in the next column, repeat from * 5 times. In the last row we make the binding with st b/n, 4 air. loops, st. s/n at the top of the petal, st b/n at the base (you can tie it with a thread of a different color).

Miniature little flowers look beautiful in large numbers in different shades of yarn.

Knit 3 chain stitches into the starting ring. lifting loops instead of 1st st. s/n, 2 air. loops, then knit 5 treble stitches, through 2 air loops, pull the ring and make a connecting stitch in the 3rd lifting loop. Next, knit the petals from the arches: *3 chain stitches, 2 chain stitches, 3 chain stitches, secure them with a connecting loop, then knit a connecting stitch from the next arch and repeat from* to the end of the row.

Volumetric crochet flower.

Make 5 air loops and close them into a ring, from the ring knit a st. b/n, *dial 10 air. loops, st b/n. into a ring, then tie an arch of 10 loops with the 10th st. Having finished tying, turn the work and knit the next sc into the initial ring, while the resulting petal will twist a little. Then repeat from* 5 more times. Having finished the first row of petals, knit arches from 14 air loops, securing them with sts between the previous petals, and in the next row, tie the formed arches.

Sew on the flowers, decorating the core with a bead.

Flowers with separated petals.

Knitted flowers have become very popular. We crochet flowers, then decorate clothes, hats, and use them as keychains for a phone or backpack. Very beautiful bouquets can be created as a gift: flowers as decoration will please any girl or woman!

In the photo below you will find many options for using this accessory. But, besides this, a simple tutorial (you can watch the video on YouTube for free) will help you figure out how to knit correctly, a detailed lesson with a description and useful, understandable patterns will be just the thing for beginners! So let's get started!

How to crochet a flower for beginners?

To tie beautiful flower, relying on diagrams with pictures is very simple. You can not only choose the desired color, but also the flower itself: lilies, roses, chamomile. Such products can not only act as a separate composition, they can be used as a decorative element. By the way, when knitting, you can use beads for decoration or beads to create unique designer jewelry.

Crochet flowers video

In this master class you will learn how to knit the simplest flower for beginners in this type of needlework. We will need two colors of yarn: yellow for the center and white for the leaves. Of course, you can do the work in one color - then the middle will not be visible.
So, we need very little yarn, you can use the leftovers. And also – hook number 3.

  • 1 R.: 5 S.B.N. into an amigurumi ring.
  • 2 R.:(2 V.P., P.R. from S.S.N., 2 V.P., S.S. to the same P.)*5.

Thus, the number of S.B.N collected at the beginning . corresponds to the resulting number of petals. If you want not five, but 6 petals, dial 6 S.B.N.
Thus, we have a beautiful flower that can be sewn on top of a child’s Panama hat, made into a brooch for clothing, decorated with a child’s hat or a small knitted amigurumi figurine, as in the video tutorial below. What to decorate - you choose yourself, but ours will tell you how to properly tie such a flower video:

Popular articles:

Crochet flowers step by step

In the master class above you have already learned how to knit flowers from 5 petals. And now we bring to your attention cute eight petal flower . This is a very practical option; it can be used to decorate hats, in the form of a brooch, or to decorate gift wrapping.

We chose rich green shade from which to knit 10 V.P. and closed it into a ring with the help of S.S.

  • 1 R.: 3 V.P.P., 23 S.S.N., S.S. in 3 P.P.
  • 2 R.: V.P.P., 8 arches from 3 V.P. (AR.), each AR. Fix S.B.N.
  • 3 R.: 3 V.P.P., in each AR. – 2 S.S.N., V.P., 2 S.S.N., S.S.
  • 4 R.: Let's start with the petals. Under V.P. m/u S.S.N. – 7 S.S.N. Start the very first column with 2 V.P.P.
  • Our beautiful element is ready!

Crochet flowers patterns and descriptions

With a crochet hook and two knitting needles you can knit absolutely any elements, napkins, or make a beautiful thing into a pattern. The main thing is that the work brings pleasure! For beginners, we recommend trying crocheted flowers. Any needlewoman can handle them!

Crocheted flowers in pots patterns with description

Flowers in a vase would be an excellent gift. They will decorate the interior well!

We chose the yarn " Iris» pink, yellow, brown and green colors.
Our work begins with knitting a vase. For this we take hook number 0.9. We dial 5 V.P. with a brown shade. in the circle of S.S.

  • 1 R.: V.P.P., 11 S.S.N.. close S.S.
  • 2 R.: 3 V.P.P., S.S.N. in 1 P.P., (2 S.S.N.)*10. There will be 12 times in total. S.S.
  • 3 and 4 R.: 3 V.P.P.. 2 S.S.N. next S.S.N. prev R., (S.S.N. in the next S.S.N. before. R., 2 S.S.N. in the next S.S.N. before. R.) - to the end. S.S.
  • From 5 to 16 R.: 3 V.P.P., S.S.N. in S.S.N. prev R., S.S.

Flowers We make 12 pieces. In pink we dial 6 V.P. in the circle of S.S.
1 R.: 6 V.P., 3 unfinished S.S. 2 N., knitted together in a ring, 5 V.P., (S.S.N. in a ring, 5 V.P., 3 unfinished S .S.2N., 5 V.P.)*4. S.S.
Center of the flower in the amount of 12 pieces: in yellow dial 3 V.P. in a circle 1 R.: V.P.P.. 10 S.B.N. S.S. Leave the thread 20 cm - trim the rest.
Stem(12 pcs.): wrap a piece of wire with the yellow yarn that we just left. Coat the top with PVA glue.
6 pieces of leaves: in green we dial 12 V.P.P. 1 R.: S.B.N., 9 S.B.N. next 9 V.P., 2 V.P., 8 S.B.N., next. 8 V.P. 2 R.: V.P.P., 7 S.B.N. next 7 S.B.N. prev R., 2 S.B.N. in the arch, 2 V.P., 2 S.B.N. in the arch, 8 S.B.N. Then we continue according to the scheme with direct and reverse R.

We collect carefully, all details starch, we put the vase on some form, preferably a stick one. Such crocheted flowers in pots will look very beautiful on your desktop near your computer.

Crochet roses

Another master class with a video lesson on knitting roses from pink thread. We dial 48 V.P.

  • 1 R.: S.S.N. in 4 P., (P. we skip, S.S.N., V.P., S.S.N.) - to the end.
  • 2 R.: V.P., (2 S.S.N., 2 V.P., 2 S.S.N.) - in each arch. Turn the canvas over.
  • 3 R.: V.P., 7 S.S.N. in the arch, S.B.N. - between them.

We cut the thread, leaving 5 cm, insert it into the needle, and sell it into the loops of the cast-on chain. We tighten it. If the description seemed too complicated to you, we suggest you look at a simple one video lesson.

Volumetric crochet flowers: diagrams with description master class

Most often, voluminous flowers become such due to knitting using lush columns. How to do it correctly - you will now learn! So, a flower with lush petals begins with choosing a hook (we have number three) and yarn (red, 100% cotton).

  • V.P.P.- lifting air loop.
  • S.B.N.- single crochet.
  • S.S.N.– double crochet.
  • S.S.– connecting column.
  • P.ST.- a lush column.

Knitting description:

Now let's describe in more detail the knitting process itself P.ST.: we start like S.S.N. (N., P. pull out), make 2 P. (2 P. in total), repeat N. 1 more time, pull out the P., knit 2 P. (3 P. in total), finish knitting 3 ST. (total 6 P.). We tie together 5 P., then the 2 that remain.

Let's make another voluminous flower. It will differ from the previous one in that it will be multilayer. For this we took thinner yarn and a smaller hook.

Crochet flowers master class video

In the master classes below we will show you how to create unique masterpieces!

Crochet flowers for decoration - crocheted accessories

Often needlewomen knit flowers not as an element decor , but as an accessory for to sew on children's hats or jackets . Today you will find patterns and descriptions of knitting just such flowers!

How to crochet a flower for a hat?

Volumetric rose on a hat made of red thread .

Thus, the rose turns out very volumetric And beautiful and is very suitable for decorating a headdress!

Decorations for clothes

We suggest making a beautiful brooch for clothes of related pansies from dark purple and lilac yarn. You will also need a little yellow for the center of the flower. So, take hook number 2. Make a ring from V.P., then knit according to the pattern.

Another option, more complex for experienced needlewomen, with a description in the pictures.