What do guinea pigs look like withers. Major diseases of guinea pigs

On the large head of the lice, the shape of which resembles a shield, in addition to the eyes and jointed antennae, there is a gnawing mouth apparatus. Powerful jaws are covered with teeth. On the chest there are 3 pairs of paws that end in claws. The combination of such hooks and teeth on the jaws makes it possible for the insect to hold on to woolen hairs. A photo of lice eaters in guinea pigs is presented below.

Pests reproduce very quickly: one female lays up to a hundred eggs, which she glues to the fur of a guinea pig with the help of a special substance secreted by the glands. After about a week, larvae appear from them, which differ from adults in their smaller size. In the process of growth, the larva undergoes 3 molts, which takes about three weeks.

Methods and symptoms of infection

  • sprays, drops;
  • emulsions, shampoos;
  • collars and powders.




Emulsion is another cure for lice. The concentrated suspension is diluted with water in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It is processed with animal hair. Many consumers prefer Neostomozan.


Shampoos are the safer way to treat guinea pigs. It is preferable to use such detergents for preventive purposes. Since it is not always possible to achieve complete destruction of insects after one application. Lugovoi, Lesnoy or Phytoelita shampoos are very popular with the consumer.


Collars not only get rid of pests, but also prevent re-infection of guinea pigs with withers. The disadvantage of this accessory is the possibility of an allergic reaction and irritation in the pet.


A powdered product in the form of powder can not only get rid of pests, but also cure the inflammatory process on the skin, as well as reduce the sensation of itching. The body of the rodent is sprinkled with powder, trying to rub it into the skin as much as possible. The effect of the drug persists for one and a half weeks.

To get rid of withers, it is necessary to process not only the guinea pig, but also the cage in which it is contained. A similar procedure should also be applied to household items with which the animal comes into contact. To do this, you can use a solution of Butox 50.

What are these insects and how to deal with them?

Regarding the infection of humans by insects, the opinions of scientists are divided.

  • persistent skin itching;
  • bald areas of the scalp;
  • irritation, nervous exhaustion.

At the first sign, it is urgent to see a specialist. After a series of tests and studies, the doctor will prescribe treatment. Basically, the same drugs are prescribed as for the destruction of lice.

The second group of scientists, after lengthy research, claims that withers are not dangerous to humans. They need completely different conditions for existence. The human body is completely unsuitable for insects to live. The reasons are as follows:

  • there is no thick hairline on the human body;
  • body temperature is too low for lice eaters (on average, an animal's body temperature ranges from 37.4º - 39.3 ºС).

Let's take a closer look at each of the drugs.




No less effective medicine in the fight against lice are emulsions. The concentrated product is diluted with water, strictly following the instructions. received the wool of guinea pigs is treated with a solution. One of these drugs is Neostomozan.


It is rare to achieve complete extermination of the lice with the help of shampoo the first time. In stores, pet owners are offered: Lesnoy, Phytoelita, Lugovoi.


Universal tool. They will save the guinea pig from the lice, and also prevent its reappearance. The only disadvantage of the accessory is the possible appearance of irritation on the body of the animal.


Powders are available in the form of powder, they relieve guinea pigs from pests, relieve inflammation of the skin, and reduce itching. Powdered preparation should be sprinkled on the body of the beast and rub it into the skin. The remedy is valid for 1.5 weeks.

When choosing a remedy for a guinea pig, you should not go for the tricks of advertising and buy drugs from withers, such as:

  • Ethnomazan;
  • Stomazan;
  • Butox.

All of these preparations are intended for larger animals. They process the pet's cage, its household items. When applied directly to a guinea pig, harm can be done to it.

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In contact with

The head is quite large, it has eyes, a small mustache and a mouth. There are many teeth on the jaw. It has three pairs of paws with claws that make it easy to hold on to the fur. See photos of lice eaters in guinea pigs.

Ways and symptoms of infection

Symptoms of lice in guinea pigs:

Treatment and prevention

It is necessary to begin treatment of lice in guinea pigs already at the first symptoms. There are a lot of drugs to fight. In every veterinary pharmacy you can find a variety of funds. They can be in the form of sprays, drops, shampoos, emulsions, powders and collars. Let's consider each in more detail.


Sprays are the most popular. This is due to their ease of use. The preparation is sprayed on the surface and rubbed over the entire skin. If you do not delay, just one procedure is enough to solve the problem. If you can not decide on the means against the lice, we advise you to pay attention to the spray. Like other drugs, it is based on insecticidal components. Popular manufacturer Frontline.



Before use, the suspension is diluted in water according to the instructions. The key advantage is that it is possible to choose the concentration yourself. If the situation is severely neglected, the concentration is slightly increased for better efficiency. After that, the entire fur of the animal is processed. The drug Neostomozan is popular.


Powder or Powder

To cure a guinea pig from withers, you can use a special powder. It also helps to get rid of the consequences, reduces itching and promotes the healing of inflammatory processes. Powder is poured over the entire body of the animal and rubbed into the skin. The effect of the procedure will last 10 days.


There are different types of collars. Some help get rid of pests, others are used as a preventive measure. The duration of action is three to five months. But the collar has one serious minus, it is not suitable for all individuals. In some cases, it can provoke skin irritation and the development of allergies.

What not to treat

Choose a remedy for guinea pigs based on reviews or a recommendation from a veterinarian. Do not use the following drugs:

  • Ethnomazan;
  • Stomazan;
  • Butox.


In order to cure the mumps in time, you need to know which pests can attack it.

You can see photos of pests above. The treatment of animals must be selected depending on the insect or helminth that attacked them.

Treatment of pigs

If you are not sure that guinea pigs have worms, pay attention to the pet's feces. In it you can see larvae or adult helminths. Experimenting with treatment is not worth it, as you can cause irreparable harm to your pet's health. Use only proven drugs that have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

If worms are found, follow the instructions:

  • You can get rid of helminths only with special preparations for cats and dogs. It is strictly forbidden to select them yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he prescribes the appropriate drugs, dosage and gives useful recommendations;
  • "Prazitsid" is a drug that is actively used in the prevention of helminths in rodents and other animals. It must be used immediately after the use of drugs for treatment;
  • Thoroughly clean your pet's cage. Choose a different nutritional complex for him, saturated with vitamins and minerals. Change the water in the drinker frequently. Try not to pour tap water into it.

Airing the room and avoiding contact with other pets can also play a decisive role, since the pig can also become infected from other pets. Also carry out a general cleaning of the apartment, since helminths can be on any object, and later get into the body of the animal again.

  • Drugs that include pyrethrin will help rid your pet of fleas. You can use shampoos for cats and dogs. But products that do not contain this component are dangerous for rodents, including guinea pigs;
  • To get rid of ticks, you need to consult a veterinarian. Most often, he prescribes "" in the form of injections. In addition, you need to carefully treat the animal's cell with lime from sulfur;
  • The previous drug is also effective in the treatment of lice. The dosage and method of application is prescribed by the doctor.

After treatment, it is necessary to pay attention to preventive measures, since re-infection occurs, which can become even more dangerous and lead to death.

Preventive measures are quite simple. These include:

Thus, parasites in rodents are a fairly common phenomenon. It is much easier to prevent it than to cure it. Such pets are quite vulnerable, so it is advisable to contact a veterinarian when treating them, and not try to solve the problem on your own, since you risk greatly harming the health of the rodent.

Roundworms in guinea pigs are localized mainly in the intestines, less often in the lungs and liver. It looks thinner, white and pink. When ripe, they come out. They infect the body by eating contaminated food. Be careful, a person can also get hurt.


To minimize the chances of infection, keep the cage sterile, clean and clean the toilet regularly. Feed your pet exclusively high-quality and clean food. Use filtered water, tap water can become a source of infection.


You can cure worms in guinea pigs with the help of special preparations. There are no medicines for pigs on sale, so they use products for dogs and cats. Only a qualified doctor prescribes drugs for helminths.

Remember, if the pet does not go outside, the infection has occurred in the apartment. This means that the source is somewhere in the house, do a general cleaning. Helminth eggs can be on any object.


Worms in guinea pigs are not uncommon. With proper care, they can be avoided. If an infection occurs, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Self-medication can harm your pet, consult a doctor at the first symptoms.