How to evoke the necessary emotions and fall in love with a man? How to awaken in a man strength and care towards you

In ancient books, they give instructions to a woman to become perfect:

1. Perfection.
“A woman should approach her husband in everything and not say what he does not want to hear, so that there is no discord between them.”
Men love to rule and do not want to hear words of reproach, even if they are fair. The main thing in the family is peace, and in order to preserve this peace, a woman should not endure fair or unfair remarks, but try to correct the unfair in other ways, without contradicting her husband in his words and judgments.

2. Perfection.
“A woman should be cordial, greeting her husband and respecting his friends and servants. When a husband looks at her lovely face, his soul should be filled with passion and benevolence. A dull look extinguishes passion and desire.
A woman should never lose the desire to like. Men love with their eyes and it is important for them to look at their beloved at any moment to experience desire and pleasantness from the sight of their wife. You should never break the rule of being beautiful at any moment when your husband is nearby.

3. Perfection.
“All the affairs of a woman should be excellent and pleasing to her husband. Then everyone who sees them will grow to her soul.
When external perfection pleases the eye, one always wants to see inner perfection. Doing good deeds and not doing bad deeds means strengthening faith in your husband. No matter how beautiful the appearance, but the black things are all crossed out. Whoever lives nearby knows everything about business, and no matter how the husband is fascinated by external beauty, when he penetrates into the depths of his soul and sees a ball of snakes, he will be turned away from his wife. That is why, the law says, it is necessary to do things that are pleasing to the husband, agreed in society, giving respect and admiration.

4. Perfection
“Sweet and tender words that fly from the lips of a woman should excite and delight, for a tender word is a fetter for a loving heart”
How often do people get used to sitting like in a theater and listening to what is happening on the stage. You have to get up and start playing yourself, then you become a participant in the action, then you are no longer a spectator, but an actor. If you don't play sweet words, how can you convey the love that's in your heart? To learn to speak tenderly and passionately, that is truly the great perfection of a woman."

5. Perfection
“Perfection lies in the fact that a woman should give pleasure to her husband by keeping herself clean, keeping order in the house, taking care of the presence of food and clothes in the house”
Being a mistress and observing all the customs established in the house, so that there is no need for anything, is the fifth perfection of a woman. The house is a boat in which the family floats, and it should not be full of holes.


1. Vision.
“A woman should look after the cleanliness of her hair and nails, and watch her body like a newly polished mirror. And when a husband sees her, graceful and seductive, like a playing gem, or polished ivory, his soul will be captivated, and he will not get tired of admiring his wife. wives who are kind to their husbands."
Who remembers that men love with their eyes, it will not be difficult for them to take care of themselves and betray pleasantness and attractiveness to their appearance.

2. Hearing
“It is proper for a woman to listen to the words of learning and wisdom, which endow her with knowledge, to listen to instructions in the assembly of the knowledgeable and to comprehend the many different deeds of people. This will make her hearing perfect. And in everything she must follow the food and tales that she has heard, and learn all kinds of female arts. Such are wives who are kind to their husbands."
This is a great lesson. For it teaches not to rely on one's own understanding and reasoning, but to teach to rely on the words of pundits and experienced people. How often people follow only their own knowledge and get into trouble. After all, what seems at first sweet, then turns out to be bitter, what becomes light becomes black, what spacious leads to a dead end. To know the stories that happen in the world means to be prepared for the fact that one of these stories will happen to you.

3. Smell.
“It is necessary for a woman to keep her body clean and, every day, to anoint herself with incense, so that when her husband approaches her, his soul, filled with a wondrous aroma, is filled with sincere and tender passion.”
To love with charm is characteristic of men, they fall in love with sweet smells without memory, therefore, surrounding herself with incense, the wife attracts the desires of her husband.

4. Taste
“It is proper for a woman, after getting up after the night, to use a toothpick and rinse, so that when she talks to her husband, her breath is not fetid. While conversing with him, let him not forget about the tender words that delight the soul of a spouse, and be sweet-tongued, for such wives are kind to their husbands. When a husband hears his wife's voice, his attraction to her multiplies."
So that bad breath does not come from the stomach, it is not necessary to eat a lot at night. For the food rots in the stomach and gives off an unpleasant odor upon awakening, which even rinsing and a toothpick cannot be eliminated. Watching your food means watching the pleasantness of your breath.

5. During the spoken word of humility.
“Somehow in Baghdad, the sovereign became angry with one of the maids. Seeing this, the sovereign’s daughter asked him, “How did she anger you, my sovereign?” And as soon as he heard her voice, his anger immediately subsided. Such are women who know how to say an affectionate word to a man, they are truly kind to their husbands.
Nothing calms a man's anger like a benevolent word, the tone itself can be so pacifying that a man's anger instantly disappears. To divert anger is a great art, and a woman needs to learn it.

6. Touch
“A woman should amuse herself with her husband, without hurting him, but try so that every caress only increases his passion. This is what a woman should know about the five external senses in order to be amiable to her husband."
It means that she should not bite him, torture him and demand more male power from him than what he can pass. Only caress and pleasantness awaken passion in her husband. To improve the soul and body, that's what you need in caresses.

SOURCE - "The Tale of the Valiant, the Lovers and the Wise. An anthology of classical Malay prose plus my comments.

Hello dear readers! Do you remember those feelings when your partner was not your husband at all. When everything was just beginning, you literally soared, inspired by love. The future spouse seemed to be the revived embodiment of the ideal man - you did not find a single flaw in him even under a microscope. You counted the minutes until goodbye, and at the sight of your beloved, millions of butterflies began to flutter in your stomach. Those were wonderful times!

And what happened then? Where did that feeling of delight from meeting with a lover that overwhelmed you go? It seems that love dissipated a long time ago, or maybe it didn’t exist at all. And now you are looking at your man with bewilderment - was it really he who once caused all those tender feelings that circled your head?

Unfortunately, love is short-lived. A year, two, maximum three passes, and there is no trace of it. But this does not mean at all that you are no longer destined to experience the romantic charm that marked the beginning of your union. For those who do not know how to fall in love with their husband again, but really want it, the advice of a psychologist will help. You will learn how to refresh relationships and add long-forgotten emotions to them.

Why love doesn't last

Unfortunately, the hormonal storm is short-lived. How long it will last depends on the characteristics of your body, which produces hormones of happiness, as well as on external circumstances. Daily stress, emotional stress, everyday problems, difficulties at work - all this gradually replaces the euphoria of falling in love. Often feelings cool down after childbirth - the woman transfers all the love and tenderness to the baby, and the husband remains out of work.

As a result, spouses often move away from each other, begin to notice each other's shortcomings, and quarrels and quarrels arise between them. Or, as an option, they continue to live peacefully side by side, but already without those romantic feelings that were at the beginning of the relationship.

Many are quite satisfied with a calm existence without vivid emotions. But over time, life turns into a monotonous Groundhog Day. You know in advance how you will spend the evening after work, where you will go on weekends or on vacation, what your spouse will say and how he will behave in this or that situation. And sometimes you really want romance, unexpected actions of your loved one, surprises and impressions.

Someone finds it all on the side. But this is a dubious and risky pleasure. Both after yours and after his betrayal, it is very difficult to restore trust in each other. You can also go through romantic adventures and experience the whole range of positive emotions with your own husband. All you need to do is fall in love with him like the first time.

10 ways to fall in love with your husband again

Some believe that falling in love with your own husband a second time will not work. After all, you already know this guy as flaky. You are familiar with all his shortcomings, you personally know every cockroach that lives in his head - how can you convince yourself again that this man is perfect? In fact, there are several ways to wake up dormant tender feelings.

Start with yourself

“Now, if my husband changed one, second and third in himself, then I could fall in love with him again,” many ladies argue like that. Do you also think that it's all about your spouse? What if I told you that first you have to change yourself? Unexpected turn, agree.

The fact is that your husband, most likely, has not changed much since the moment you first met. You just look at it differently now. Try to look at your partner not through the usual prism of fatigue and irritation, but as if you just met yesterday. Of course, this will not be easy, and for this you will have to radically change your mindset.

If you always make a fuss when your husband is late after work, try this time to meet him warmly, feed him dinner and ask how his day was. It may turn out that your spouse was late not at all because he did not want to see you, but because he was in an emergency at work and the boss insisted that he urgently finish work on the project.

Agree, there is a difference - you will yell at your husband who is tired at work, or you will listen carefully and support with warm words. Become, make it a rule never to start a conversation with accusations and in a raised voice, always be able to listen to your spouse and understand his motives. Very soon you will see that you began to treat your husband in a completely different way.

I love you

Remember the simple exercise that is often recommended to cheer yourself up? You need to smile, even if through force, and walk like that for a while. And miracles - very soon the brain will perceive a fake smile as real and begin to produce hormones of happiness.

The same principle works here. Even if you don't feel passionate love right now, start talking about it. Repeat this to your husband as often as possible, tell your friends - your brain will tune in to falling in love and start the synthesis of dopamine and endorphin. Yes, yes, those same hormones that turn heads in love.

In the wake of your meetings

Surely your memory keeps touching memories of the day you met, first date, romantic walks and other cute events. It's time to relive those moments again.

Arrange an excursion into the past - take a walk through the places where you used to be together, remember the events in detail, try to feel again those tender feelings that you once experienced. Happened? Fix this state and try to call it every time you are near your husband.

Mister Perfect

Once upon a time, this is how you saw your spouse. But over time, they managed to discern the shortcomings in their beloved, which overshadowed his positive features. Now you need to do the same, but in reverse order.

Take a sheet of paper and write down on it all the positive qualities of your husband. Write everything in a row: from global ones - kind, strong, brave, to such insignificant things as a cute dimple on the chin. You will see that there are dozens of reasons to love your spouse again.

Let's talk

Of course, you are still talking to your husband. But how do you do it? If at present all your conversations are reduced to discussing everyday issues, try changing your strategy. Start talking about your thoughts and feelings, don't be afraid to voice your emotions. Ask your spouse what he thinks and feels at certain moments. So you will become closer and, perhaps, get to know each other again.

Towards adventure

Experienced together strong emotions bring together. And if so, arrange an adventure for two that will pull you out of the monotony of everyday life and give you new vivid impressions. What it will be is up to you. Ideal if extreme moments await you - bursts of adrenaline will add spice and piquancy to your senses. Kayaking, skydiving, diving or off-road quad biking guarantee maximum emotions.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Not every man is a hero by nature. It is possible that your partner feels uncomfortable in an extreme environment and, instead of having fun, will count the minutes before returning home. Naturally, in such conditions, there can be no talk of any rapprochement.

But this does not mean that you will have to forget about adventure forever. Just choose the less risky options. For example, arrange a small hike with an overnight campfire. Nature, star-studded sky, crackling flames and quiet conversation or songs with a guitar - you must admit, it sounds very romantic.

We are together

Remember the last time you and your spouse spent a vacation or at least a weekend together? And this means not just together, but only together - without friends, without relatives, without children. So long ago that you can't even remember? So it's time for a romantic getaway. Get a room in a country hotel for the weekend, turn off your phones and enjoy each other's company.

In extreme cases, send the children to stay with their grandmother, and retire yourself at home. Wine, candles, rose petals - the appropriate entourage will fill even your usual interior with romanticism. Just don't give in to the temptation in the absence of offspring to arrange a general cleaning or re-paste the wallpaper. This time is just for you two.

Let's talk about sex

Laudatory odes

Of course, you don’t have to sing praises, but it’s very necessary to praise your husband in a timely manner. In everyday bustle, we forget about such simple things as compliments and just kind words. But they are extremely important for your relationship, and for adequate self-esteem.

Imagine that your spouse is trying very hard to do something nice for you. But you, wrapped up in everyday life, do not pay attention to this or thank you sparingly, without focusing much attention on his act. By ignoring his attempts several times, you simply discourage him from doing something for you. And then you accuse him of never taking the initiative and doing nothing without your instructions.

Start praising your husband for the slightest attempt to do something for you. Even if at first it will be banal tea with a sandwich. And you will see with what pleasure he will try to do something else to please you. And when a spouse surrounds you with attention and care, it will be difficult not to fall in love with him, like the first time.

The earth is empty without you...

This is a radical but very effective method. I recommend using it even in advanced cases, when it seems that feelings for a partner have died completely and nothing else will ever reanimate them.

Remove everything that can distract you, focus and imagine that your husband is no more. It doesn't matter where he went, the important thing is that you can't bring him back. What did you feel now? If you absolutely do not care, then your relationship is really in a critical state. You may need to seek help from a specialist - it is very difficult on your own.

Fortunately, such extreme cases are rare. Most likely, this exercise will awaken in you those feelings that have fallen asleep over the years. You will understand that your husband is still dear to you, waves of tenderness will rise in your soul, you will want to approach your spouse, hug him and tell him how much you love him.

As you can see, falling in love with your own husband is quite a feasible task. After all, you've done it before. And if so, since you have chosen this particular man from thousands of possible candidates, then he is worthy of your love. Of course, you will have to work hard, but, you see, a happy relationship is worth it!

Do you want your husband to also show reciprocal feelings? Then be sure to read the book by L. Gomelskaya “ Make him fall in love". This is a collection of proven counseling tips to help you rekindle your passion.

What do you think, is it possible, and most importantly, is it necessary to fall in love with a spouse a second time? Or maybe it is more expedient to spend efforts to switch to relationships? Write your opinion in the comments.

There are guys in whom girls fall in love with no memory, and for those, you don’t even need to make special efforts for this, but not every representative of the stronger sex is so lucky. Girls usually fall in love with tall, slender and handsome guys, but even if you are not particularly beautiful and tall, it is never too late to learn how to seduce. How to make a girl fall in love with you I?

Take the initiative

Of course, you need to act, and you hoped that the girls would hang on you like that right off the bat? Even if one of them really likes you, it’s not at all a fact that she herself will begin to act in order to get closer to you. She will wait, give signs of attention, but no more. All in all, to make a girl fall in love with you, you need to force her. And for this, proceed to action, because ladies love men who are enterprising, active, self-confident.

Show that you are special

Let your loved one know that you are not an ordinary guy, not one of many. Attract her attention with what you know and know better than her.. If a girl likes to be enlightened, she will be happy to listen to you, to delve into. Tell her about your achievements in various areas of life (for example, about your championship in the field of long-distance running or that you perform in KVN), about where you managed to visit in your life, what you are fond of.

She herself will probably notice that you have an athletic physique, but she will never know that you are a regional champion in running until you tell her. So praise yourself to the fullest. Only, of course, without pride in your voice, just tell, don't brag.

You must be reliable like a Swiss bank

A girl will meet with you only if she makes sure that you are a reliable and responsive person.. Well, what's the point, let's say, of your statements that you, they say, easily pull yourself up three dozen times without a break, if you refuse a girl's request to help, where strong hands are needed? You can be so busy that you can't help, that's understandable. But if you lie, the girl will understand that you are simply unreliable. Why is she such a guy? If you make promises, always keep them and do not promise what you doubt.

Don't Forget Appearance

Whether you like it or not, your external data will also be evaluated by a girl, to one degree or another.. That's why watch your appearance, always dress in clean and ironed trousers, shirts, t-shirts, socks and shorts change every day in summer and at least once every two days in winter. Just in the summer there is a lot of dust and dirt, the feet constantly sweat. You don't want to scare your fish off the hook by visiting her in dirty, smelly socks.

Besides, you should not stink of sweat, and your mouth should not smell bad. So always carry a mouth freshener or chewing gum with you just in case.. Who knows when you will have a kiss with your future girlfriend, and maybe future wife.

Life is a PLEASURE from the creative process in the course of realizing your most cherished desires!

When life is lived and results are achieved, a man always turns back and looks: what was his path. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to evoke pleasant emotions in people.

A man loves not a specific woman, he loves HIS condition next to her.

A woman is responsible for attracting men into her life. And for the choice - what kind of man she will choose.

You need to choose in such a way as to accept it as it is and not redo it, for this you need to initially recognize the values ​​on dates. A woman does not take steps herself, she creates an environment to be chosen.

In order to create such a pleasant environment around you, you need to answer which a man remembers the most touching moments in his life, and at that moment he feels happiness. And falls in love with a woman who causes such emotions in him!

How to evoke sincere pleasant emotions in a man on your dates?

[You can watch the 10 minute video version of the article, or read the text version below the video]

First you need to remember the rule of first dates

I constantly emphasize this rule:

On a date, he talks more!!! But at the same time, it is you who sets the topic, listens to it with interest, and in no case criticize or ridicule it during the conversation!!! He must feel that now he is the whole Universe for you!

Believe me, men love to talk about themselves. And they really appreciate such women who listen to their companion with genuine interest. And if you listen diligently, you will inspire a man to even more frank conversations.

It is also important to know the highlights of the first dates

They are needed so that your partner is always in anticipation of meeting you. To meet you he was looking forward to.

1. You need to leave first, alone, to your home and no continuation at anyone's house,

2. First dates should last about 1.5 hours. You need to leave in the midst of your meeting, when both of you are very happy and having fun - this creates the effect of Cinderella, when a man has a great desire to see you again and look forward to meeting you.

3. A date is not entertainment on your part, but a serious selection for the position of your beloved husband, so before the date you need to make a list of 5-7 questions that need to be answered. Jot down these questions in a notebook so you can brush them up later on your date. What questions to ask - we will soon discuss.

4. The sequence of questions should be as follows: first you ask about the past - then about plans for the future - and only then move on to the present. Because people are more willing to talk about the past and the future, about what happened and about their dreams, and in order to talk about the present, you need to get a little closer.

5. For a man, the word FALL IN LOVE is equal to the word INVEST… emotions, time spent with you, money. You should not promote men for money, it is not environmentally friendly!

It is better to engender warm feelings and violent emotions in him, and this is done precisely with the help of the ability to ask the right questions and thereby evoke the right feelings in a man. We examined in detail the questions that need to be asked to a man on the first 7 dates in.

Specific examples - how to evoke pleasant emotions

Example one.

Ask your man what he has the most memorable moments in his life for him. Maybe he went in for skiing and he has medals, certificates, notes about him in the newspapers. Maybe he was recognized as the best employee of the year at his job. Or something else ESPECIALLY important to him!

Look, when it comes to childhood or important achievements, any person has very warm memories at the same time, he begins to experience them again and at this moment experiences happiness.

Moreover, when a person is happy, he will associate this happiness with you, because it was you who made him experience this happiness again, even though you simply asked the right question.

Second example.

Another of the most important questions for a man on a first date:

What is special about you that makes you different from other men?

And here is the WARNING!!!

Remember all the details - this is the most important thing for him in himself !!! It is these qualities of his that you, as a true woman, will now constantly admire!!!)

After all, you know that for a man, your female praise and admiration is the most important fuel in life for a man. This is one of the main

P.S. However, do not forget that you must do this with genuine sincerity and desire. Any lie will be felt subconsciously to your companion.

P.P.S. Write in the comments what is the most important insight you have after reading this article. Thank you for your sincerity!