What crafts can be made from leather. DIY crafts made of genuine leather are a practical female hobby for the soul. DIY leather goods: ideas

We make useful things from leather

When there is very little material

Is it worth opening a home leather workshop if your
only a single leather glove and a pair of leather or
suede tongues from worn-out sneakers? Costs!
At first,
a lonely leather glove can turn into two again if you
carefully arrange it, and repulse the details, reanimate and update, as
was told at the beginning of the chapter. Cut the other halves out of the fabric,
knitwear. Or sew both leather halves to the right side
knitted gloves. They will not only become more beautiful, but also warmer. And if you
are interested in strength, then it is better to sew both halves of the glove with
sides of the palms.
If the work of sewing on each finger
seems too painstaking to you, cut them off - they will find something else
application. Sew the remaining parts to the knitted gloves from the side
palms (fig. 33). Decorate the front side with a strap cut from
fingers of a leather glove, and trim with cute little buckles
(for example, from old sandals, only before carefully
clean the buckles with chalk or a special metal-cleaning paste).

And what can be made from the remaining parts of the fingers? Well,
for example, by cutting off the rounded ends and making at the top of each
strips pairwise cuts, sew them. Round or oval bottom
sew from the details of the thumb or cut out from a suitable fabric -
and here's a nice semi-antique purse in the shape of a pouch (Fig. 34).

It remains to thread a lace through the slit. With regard to further
decorative finishing - embroidery, painting, gold stamping, burning -
it's entirely up to you. Or maybe the wallet is not bad anyway?
turned out a wallet - you can put the leftover gloves on decorative
pendants: tassels, "lanterns" and other finishing details that do not have
names (fig. 35). It is good to attach them to the zipper leash on the bag or
jacket, update the look of shoes or boots.

Farther. If thin, soft, well-dressed leather (a
gloves are just made from this) cover the buttons, your clothes immediately
will take on a modern look. To do this, cut out a circle of leather with a margin.
The edge is overcast with a strong thread. After moistening the skin with cold water, put in
a smooth button in the middle of the workpiece and carefully tighten the thread. When
the leather will dry, it will shrink and fit the surface perfectly evenly.

narrow wedge-shaped scraps of leather are thicker and shaped buttons
(fig. 36). Round the corners of the elongated triangle, grease the bakhtarma
glue and twist the skin into a tube, starting at the base of the triangle. These
oblong barrel-shaped buttons are good for coats, jackets. A
maybe such a button will come in handy as a bag fastener. From
pieces of leather with a thickness of 1 mm and more, cut identical circles, in
in the middle with a punch, make two or four neat symmetrical
holes - and here's a supermodern fright
vits. Want to -
finish them with burning, gold stamping, paint. But in my opinion
they are good and so. The texture of the skin, even when it is frayed and has lost its even
color, unique. By the way, it is not necessary to cut out circles.
Your buttons can be oval, diamond-shaped, triangular. All in it
case at your fingertips.

From small patches of medium
thickness it is easy to make a simple keychain (fig. 37),
a simple rectangular wallet with a clasp on a button (Fig.
38), a comfortable cute travel bag (fig. 39). In fig. 40
shows how to make a soft leather watchband.

As soon as you have a piece at your disposal well
larger size leather, why not renew with it
bored plain sweater? Decorate it with art applique from
skin. For example, in the form of a branch with graceful three-lobed leaves, like
offered by Estonian fashion designers (fig. 41). Skin scraps with translated
on them, the contours of leaves are superimposed on jersey over the pieces
thin durable fabric and sewn on the machine directly with a stitch.
Interlining fabric prevents the work from stretching while sewing,
Then the excess skin along with the fabric is carefully cut along the line
sharp small scissors with rounded ends. Branches and petioles
leaves are embroidered with silk thread in skin color. If you don't feel u
you have enough qualifications to do such a delicate job, then
simpler decoration, also suggested by Estonian artists (fig. 42).
Stylized leather flower clings to fabric or knitwear
a few stitches of thick twisted thread through the punch
holes. The stems are embroidered with a chain stitch.

Curly details cut from leather scraps (you can
multi-colored), just stick and stitch on a wide bodice or
on a strip of artificial leather - and here's a fashionable belt (fig. 43). V
as a fastener, if it was not possible to find a suitable buckle,
bunches of spirally cut leather straps with beads will do
or just knots at the ends.

Finally, when you have quite a few pieces at your disposal
leather of the same grade and color (such sets are sometimes sold in stores
"Do it yourself"), try with patience, make a belt or
bag by the way of Estonian craftsmen. These things do not need to be stitched or
glue. It is enough to cut a lot of the same parts and assemble them,
clinging one to the other. In fig. 44 shows the manufacture of a single and
double belt (got how they're going?)

in fig. 45 - production of an openwork bag. In this construction
narrow horizontal straps are also involved, the ends of which, having closed,
will have to be sewn or glued.

Bags, wallets, purses

These things are the first to come to
head when it comes to leather goods. Finally, we are before them
got there. Let's start with simple crafts that don't require too much
material and skill.

Here is the simplest children's handbag that
worn around the neck (Fig. 46). They put keys in it, change on the road and on
ice cream. The design is ingeniously simple: an oval of such
the size that your patch will allow. Four neat round holes
punch from one end and four from the other, thread the lace - and

Decorative finishing at your discretion.

Second model
a similar handbag (fig. 47) is a little more complicated in execution and not so
original, but has a clasp. You can jump and run - from it
nothing will fall out.

Polish designer A. Olodovy came up with a leather string bag.
To make it, nothing but a large enough piece of leather
medium thickness and a boot knife is not required. Remember how from
evenly cut along the entire length of the paper strip is obtained
openwork garland? Mark out your skin flap as shown in fig. 48,
and make very neat slits. Put a load in the middle, take
by the handles and pull up - your small patch will stretch out into
a lattice string bag of a very impressive size! And when it is empty, then
rolls up into a tube and takes up very little space.

I would like to propose the design of a bag from a part of a worn-out boot,
namely from a narrow leather strip, in the middle of which a zipper is sewn.
This is the very case when, when preparing an old boot, it makes sense not
rip out the lightning. Will need two more narrow leather pen straps
and the remains of an old-fashioned bologna cloak. Fold thin bologna fabric
into an accordion, making a counter fold in the middle, and for the convenience of work
sweep away. Stitch the edges of the accordion to the leather strip with a zipper (here
secure bag fastener). It remains to reliably flash the structure according to
edges in the transverse direction. Attach the handles. What should
turn out, shown in fig. 49. The longer the Bologna accordion, the
this string bag will be more capacious.

In fig. 50 shows a very simple rectangular design
bags with a zipper from a leather multicolored set. Just don't forget
cut out and sew in the lining with an allowance before sewing in the zipper.

Bag envelope
(fig. 51) is also cut out on the basis of a leather set. Pay
attention that the underside of the valve must be lined - either from
a whole piece of leather (can be artificial), or from lining fabric.
Fastening with a button or Velcro.

Bag in fig. 52 has a very long triangular valve, which
wraps around when it is closed. Agree it's enough
secure clasp. The inner side of the valve has a thin silk
lining with pockets for flat items
(combs, mirrors, papers).

Using a relatively small
the amount of skin (the bootleg, for example), succeeds nevertheless
make a large enough roomy bag if combined
leather with tarpaulin, canvas, denim. Very elegant combination
leather with tapestry fabric such as that used for upholstery).

In fig. 53-55 shows the models of such combination bags,
offered by Estonian fashion designers. Large decorative details made of
leather is sewn onto a fabric base. And although there is not much leather here, the bags
give the impression of leather with a cloth finish, "and not vice versa.
models in fig. 54 defects of worn leather are hidden by finishing
perforation: smooth round holes punched with punch holes
of different diameters along the lines of the structure. After such processing
it is desirable to touch up the prepared leather parts.
Out of the rough
thick leather, you can make a very nice handbag according to the model,
proposed by Cuban designers (Fig. 55). Lining and any
no decorative trim is required. Maybe you just need to flange
the edge of the bag flap with a heated wheel.
As handles for
all of these bags use old waist belts: some
models, for example, in rice, 56, a cracked leather drive
belt from the sewing machine. It is not forbidden to make handles out of fabric.
If there are pieces of leather from which you can cut a lot in a spiral
narrow straps, weave the handles from them in one of the ways shown on
rice. 57. By the way, this is how they weave a bracelet or watch strap.

Thick durable square handles are woven from
leather straps as shown in fig. 58. So that they do not bend and
securely fastened, steel wire is inserted inside.
strips of thin leather come out of a small pocket vanity case. It's narrow
a flat case, which, however, holds a lot of useful things:
comb, nail file, pen or pencil, stack of narrow sheets
note paper and a mirror cut to fit the case.
The mirror will be replaced by a polished strip of metal. Travel bag design
clear from fig. 59.

Finally - a description of a homemade wallet "with a secret". If
open it, on one side there will be two narrow parallel
jumper, and on the other - a wide jumper in the form of a cross (Fig.
60). Place a piece of paper on top of the cross. Close your wallet, again
open - the piece of paper somehow ended up under the cross! Again
close and open - the piece of paper will now be on the other side of the wallet,
under the two parallel straps.

The secret is in the fastening of the jumpers, thanks to which the wallet can
open from any side. You close it on one side, then
turn imperceptibly in your hands and open with the other. It is clear that such
the wallet is very convenient: whatever you put in it is automatically secure
pressed by jumpers. It also has compartments for coins, travel cards
tickets. Details A and B consist of two parts, seamed inside out to
inside out. In one of the parts of part A, a window for a coin box is cut. TO
detail B, a valve for tickets is stitched on the outside. Jumpers B
and G are cut out double and sewn together or glued together. Left edges
attach the jumpers B to the left side of part A, and the right ones to the left
side of part B. And vice versa, attach the left edges of the cross D to
the right side of part A, the right - to the right side of part B.

Shoes, mittens

By ourselves
make real shoes at home without special
equipment and materials will most likely fail. But try
make the simplest indoor shoes

Let's start with home
slippers made of thick woolen socks to which leather soles are sewn.
Sometimes they are made from new socks. But it makes sense to improve this
the way of socks, in which the feet begin to rub. Cut out from
the bootlegs have two soles with an allowance at the edges of 7-10 mm. Sew on exactly
the sole to the toe without a special blank is unlikely to succeed. Instead of
try to pull the sock over a smaller shoe
(clean and dry of course). Sew on the sole with thick, harsh thread
zigzag seam.

On the slippers (fig. 61), except for the two leather parts for the top,
cut from the bootleg, what has long been lying in a house without
cases: the bootleg of an old felt boot (for soles), pieces of foam rubber (for
padding), rags of cloth or drape from an old coat (for
insoles). What "sandwich" are these details in the final
form, shown in section A-A. The edges of the parts are covered with edging made of
leather strip forming a wide welt. All this is connected by large
stitches using two needles sewing towards each other. Simple fit
indoor slippers is shown in Fig. 62.

But the greatest success awaits the home shoemaker in making
soft shoes for babies. Leather is very easy to cut
moccasin slippers (fig. 63). Only one seam is required here.
toe. It is necessary to tighten it so that small
folds. You can also make two seams on the heel, but for indoor shoes in
this is not necessary. Trim fringe looks better on suede.
Glue the insoles inside the finished moccasins, placing heels under them
made of foam rubber. The cut of children's shoes is a little more complicated, which
developed by Estonian fashion designers (Fig. 64). Details are connected at the toe
and the heel with large cross stitches through the prepared
holes. The upper edge of the shoes is trimmed with a strip of soft leather,
suede or fabric. Fluffy fur is also used.

Smart mittens
made of leather or suede, even artificial. If, of course, we succeed
cut out six rather large parts from an old bag or boots
(fig. 65). As a last resort, try to grind from pieces with one or two
horizontal seams. More undesirable, otherwise the mitten will
stiff and the seams will get in the way. Remember to cut the padded lining
fabrics. Defects in the material will be hidden by the decorative finish: embroidery with wool and
beads, applique with pieces of fur, colored felt and cloth. Can
save the skin by making the cuffs of the mittens from fabric and decorating them with a patterned

What else are worn boot tops good for? Tailor them
six identical parts and sew a real leather ball (fig. 66). V
the last seam leave a gap through which turn the finished work
present, and insert the rubber inflatable tube inside. You can have such a ball
stuff with pieces of foam rubber.

To make a smaller ball, two parts are enough (fig. 67).

Finally, in Fig. 68 shows in detail how, using in
wire, rigid plastic or metal
box, get a nice box covered in leather.

If there are defects on the skin, you will have to do a masking
decorative finishing of the box. Good smooth leather in jewelry is not

More experienced craftsmen make complex designs, and those who are just starting or do it for a short time can make beautiful things that are simpler in structure.

Here are just a few interesting and simple products that you can make from leather, even if you don't have much experience:

Handmade leather goods: leather necklace

You will need:

Puncher revolving


1.Use scissors to cut the piece of leather into several differently shaped triangles.

2. Use glue to hold all the triangles together as you like and wait for the glue to dry.

3. Hole punch with make holes in the workpiece. Insert the chain into these holes.

* If some of the leather parts are bent, place the product under a heavy book for several hours.

4. Using pliers, you can bend one ring in the chain and connect the ends.

Leather master class: keychain and vase for keys

You will need:

Small piece of leather

6 rivets

Key ring

Stationery knife


Making a vase

1. Prepare a small leather rectangle - in this example, it measures 22 cm x 30 cm.

2. Clamp one corner, make a hole in it and insert a rivet. The hole can be made with a hole punch or a sharp object (knife, nail).

3. Repeat step 2 for the other three corners.

Making a keychain

1. Prepare a small leather rectangle and cut a small part out of it as shown in the image below. You will have a rectangle with a "tail".

2. Bend the ponytail and fasten it with a rivet to create a small loop.

* For those who are not familiar with how to work with rivets, there is a video:

How to put a rivet (video)

3. Using a pencil and ruler, mark the lines along which you will cut the fringe.

4. Start cutting the lines with a utility knife or scissors.

* In this example, a rivet is attached to the center of the product, but it is much easier to use leather glue or superglue to twist and fasten the parts later.

5. Roll your leather blank around the loop and secure it with glue.

6. You can put the chain through the loop and use the key chain not only for a bunch of keys, but also to decorate your purse.

A similar keychain, which is attached with glue and adorns the purse:

What can be made from leather: a hair bow

You will need:




Thin wire.

1. Using a ruler, cut a strip of leather. The strip is about 40 cm long and about 4 cm wide.

2. Make the ends of the strip sharp by cutting them slightly with scissors.

3. Place the strip on top of the hair tie and secure the pieces together using fine wire. The hair tie should be in the middle of the strip.

4. Slip the blank over the ponytail and tie a double knot from the ends of the leather strip (see image).

How to make earrings from leather

You will need:

Leather (large pieces)

Stud pins (with a hat on which a leather blank will be glued)

Superglue or leather glue


1. Cut small pieces of different geometric shapes out of the leather.

2. Glue each piece to a stud hat.

3. Wait for the glue to dry.

Leather belt. Option 1.

You will need:

Leather stripe

Button (or rivet, hairpin, stud)

Paints, brush and olive oil (optional)


Stationery knife or carved knife.

* In this example, the leather strip was dyed blue. This is not necessary, you can leave the natural color.

* If you decide to dye your skin, then apply several layers each time, as the previous layer dries. Then apply olive oil for smoothing.

1. Wrap the leather strip around your waist and use a pencil to mark where the two ends of the strip meet. You can make the strap a little longer.

2. Make a hole at the marked location to insert the rivet.

3. Use a utility knife to make a small incision (5-6 mm). This will allow the rivet to go through.

4. It remains to fasten the ends of the leather blank and the belt is ready.

* If desired, you can use scissors to round the ends of the belt.

How to sew a leather belt with your own hands. Option 2.

You will need:


Knife (can be clerical)

2 rivets


1. Cut off a long piece of leather. Its width is equal to that of the D-ring.

2. Mark the place where the rivets will be and make 4 holes in it.

3. Now thread the strap through the D-ring and hammer in the rivets.

DIY leather bracelet

If you have scraps of leather lying around or have a leather bag that you are not going to wear, then you can easily make a beautiful bracelet with your own hands.

All you need to do is measure your wrist and cut a rectangular piece to the correct size.

Also cut out circles from leather to decorate the bracelet.

In addition, you will need:

Closure or Velcro

Decorative items.

Photo instructions for making a bracelet:

Mini wallet (purse) made of genuine leather

You will need:

2 pieces of leather in different shades

Stationery knife


Cutting area (old table or special cover for a regular table)

* Cut the leather piece so as not to spoil or damage the coating on which you are doing it.

Thread and needle (or sewing machine)

1. Cut two rectangles of different colors from different pieces of leather. In this example, they are 10 cm x 8 cm.

2. Take the rectangle that will be in front of the wallet and make 3 cuts on it (in this example, they are 6 cm long). The first incision should be made 1 cm from the top and each subsequent incision is 0.5 cm from the previous one.

3.Use a sewing machine to join the two pieces of leather by stitching around the perimeter except for the top.

Handmade leather: jewelry pouch

You will need:

Hole punch (eyelet pliers)


Thin ribbon


Small bowl

Amulet or bead

1. Place a bowl on a piece of leather and circle it.

2. Cut off the drawn circle.

3. Use a hole punch to make holes around the perimeter as shown in the image. In this example, the holes are approximately 2.5 cm apart.

Who does not know how to install eyelets with special pliers, watch the video:

How to install eyelets

4. Begin to install the eyelets in all the holes made.

5. Pass a thin tape through each hole.

6. З pull the tape and dAdd a bead or amulet to it, and then tie a ribbon with a knot or bow.

7. You can cut off excess pieces of tape.

Ladies handbag made of leather with your own hands

Leather: types of leather, methods of leather dressing.

Leather is a strong and durable material that is made from the skins of various animals. Leather production is one of the most ancient. Man has long learned to process leather and use it to make clothes, shoes, bags, accessories and various household utensils. Genuine leather is classified according to several criteria: by purpose, by the type of raw materials used, by the method of dressing and finishing.

Leather dressing methods

Crafted leather is usually divided into three main types: raw leather, rawhide and tanned leather.

Raw leather (raw, cast)- leather material of the most ancient way of production. Usually, she only cleans the skin and removes the wool, that is, this is what is called "leather" in the leather industry.

Rawhide (damp, ball)- leather material of the ancient method of dressing. It is produced by loosening the structure of the skin with the fixation of this state with fatty substances. It was ubiquitous, but now it is practically superseded by tanned leather.

Tanned leather (sheepskin coat)- pelt (raw leather) treated with tanning agents to impart plasticity, strength, durability, etc. In the old days, oak bark was used in the process of making leather, hence the name "tanning".

Despite the difference in methods and recipes for processing leather, there are general mandatory steps. The first generic operation is flesh, in which the skin is deprived of the remnants of meat, fat and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Then, if required, dehairing or cindering is performed, removing hair and epidermis. The resulting product is called cast.

Mereya- This is a pattern on the surface of the skin, formed by traces of hair follicles removed together with the epidermis as a result of tanning the skin.

Bakhtarma- the inner surface of the skin formed after fleshing.

Types of leather tanning

After the initial processing of the leather, tanning is started. According to modern concepts, tanning is the process of bonding collagen molecules with tanning particles (cross-linking of molecules). There are many types of tanning now:

Vegetable tanning- in the manufacturing process, oak bark and other ingredients obtained from plants are used. The result is a brown elastic material. The desired shade is achieved by varying the quantity and quality of the ingredients used and by choosing the color of the raw material. Vegetable tanned leather is not water resistant. When exposed to moisture, it changes color, and if it absorbs liquid and then dries, it will decrease in size (shrink) and harden, become less elastic. In hot water, this type of leather shrinks and becomes a hard, brittle material, which affects its quality and limits its use.

Iron tanning- it is used very rarely due to the negative properties of ferric iron to catalyze the destruction of collagen.

Aluminum tanning- For tanning, usually aluminum alum is used, which, upon hydrolysis, form tanning basic aluminum salts. Compared to chromium salts, tanning basic aluminum salts have a weak tanning effect. Aluminum tanning is used mainly for the manufacture of glove leathers (huskies). To increase heat resistance, it is possible to use aluminum and organic tanning agents at the same time.

Chrome tanning- Trivalent chromium salts are used for tanning. The softness and elasticity of chrome-tanned leather is higher than that of tannid-tanned leather. More resistant to high temperatures. In humid conditions they get wet faster and dry more slowly. Chrome tanning agent stains bakhtarma in a gray-green color.

Zirconium tanning- Zirconium tanned leathers have good strength and abrasion resistance. Zirconium tanning agent paints bakhtarma white.

Titanium tanning- the leather obtained by titanium tanning has basically a quality similar to that of zirconium tanned leather and does not stain the bakhtarma.

Fat tanning- In fat tanning, pelt is treated with fats containing unsaturated fatty acids. These include the fats of marine animals (seals, sperm whales and fish). The mechanism of fat tanning is complex and is currently interpreted in different ways. It is usually believed that in the tanning process, the oxidation of unsaturated fats occurs due to the addition of air oxygen double bonds at the site. Oxidation products enter into a chemical bond mainly with the amino groups of collagen. Fat tanning is used to produce one type of leather - suede. Fat-tanning gives the leather high water resistance and softness. When in contact with water, suede leather initially lets it through, but becomes waterproof as it swells. This property also allows the use of suede as special filters.

Tanid tanning- Vegetable tannins and synthetic tannins (syntans) are used in tannin tanning. They are compounds of the carbocyclic series, being derivatives of polyhydric phenols. Plant extracts containing tannins (for example, willow, spruce, oak, quebracho) are used as raw materials for the production of plant tannins. Phenols, resorcinol, naphthalene resotan, etc. are used as raw materials for syntans production. Tanides bind to amino groups of collagen molecules. In addition, they are deposited as a filler in the skin. Tanides give the skin a number of valuable properties: increased thickness, plasticity. They are mainly used in the manufacture of plantar leather. Currently, due to low heat resistance and wear resistance, pure tannin tanning is not used. Tanid tanning is usually combined with chrome, titanium and zirconium. This allows you to obtain leather with the advantages of these tanning.

Aldehyde tanning- Of the aldehydes for tanning, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde are used. They are currently not widespread. Formaldehyde tanned leather is thin. Tanning with glutaraldehyde is of great interest. In terms of physical and mechanical properties, glutaric leather is close to chrome, but it is distinguished by high perspiration resistance, alkali resistance, softness and elasticity. Such tanning, due to imparting high perspiration resistance and microbiological resistance to the leather, is advisable to use for the production of insole leather.

Combined tanning- Combinations of tanning agents are used to give the leather the beneficial quality of each tanning process. For example, the use of chrome compounds for tanning gives leathers high wear resistance, heat resistance; tannides - plasticity and increased thickness; zirconium compounds - density, strength, etc. Of the combined tanning, the most widespread for the production of sole leathers are: ХР (chromium-vegetable), ХТС (chromium-titanium-syntanic).

With poor penetration of tanning agents into the structure of the dermis (in the case of thick and dense leather tissue), such a skin defect as non-tanning occurs (in the form of a light strip in the center of the cross-section of the skin).


Types of leather by type of raw material used

Skin of cattle (cattle)

Calfskin- is considered the highest quality and most valuable leather. It is used to make shoes, clothes, belts, accessories, upholstery and is an affordable and popular material for making bags. Calfskin is smooth, soft, durable, does not break or crack on its surface. Production includes chrome and vegetable tanning. Calfskin bags are very elegant and do not wear out for a long time.

Calf skin, depending on the age of the animal, is subdivided into the following types:

1. Slime- the skin of unborn calves. Skin thickness from 1.0 to 1.4 mm. Used to make haberdashery leather.

2. Calms- skin of breastfed calves up to 6 months old. Soft, delicate, elastic, it is considered the most valuable skin. Skin thickness from 0.5 to 1.4 mm.

3. Outgrowth- skin of calves up to one year old, feeding on plant food. The skin is less elastic and softer than the calfskin. Skin thickness from 0.7 to 1.6 mm.

4. Half-leather- skin of calves under the age of 1.5 years. The leather is tougher and is cut. Skin thickness from 1.0 to 3.0 mm.

5. Yalovka- the skin of a calved cow is denser and more uniform in thickness; superior in quality to the bull and bull. The skin of a calving cow is distinguished by a small saddlecloth and large thin floors. Cow skin is available in thickness from 1.2 to 4.0 mm. The leather is cut.

6. Goby- the skin of a young bull (up to 5.00 mm thick). It is used for the production of shoe and technical leather.

7. Bychina- the skin of castrated bulls. Has a thin hairline. It is used for the production of footwear, saddlery and technical leathers, raw materials.

8. Buffalo- the skin of bulls. It is the thickest and heaviest among cattle skins, has a rough and loose structure. The heaviest and thickest is buffalo skin. Due to their thickness and strength, such leathers have a long service life, but they are rarely used in production. Compared with bovine, it has thickened floors, knobs, rump; more wrinkled skin. It is used for the production of technical leathers and raw materials.

Sheep and goat skins

Sheep skin have a large thickness of the papillary layer of the dermis - from 50% in fine-wooled to 80% in coarse-haired. Low strength and good plasticity are inherent in such skins. Due to the weak connection between the reticular and papillary dermis, lagging of these layers can be observed. Used to make chevrette and haberdashery leathers.

Goat skin- durable, soft and thin material with a beautiful measure. The skins of goats have a large thickness of the reticular layer (up to 60%), dense interlacing of collagen bundles, which makes these skins dense and strong with their small thickness. Used to make chevro.

1. Chevro(from French "сhevreau" - kid) - leather made from the skins of kids up to 6 months. It is considered one of the most expensive lame tanned leathers. Very beautiful, dense, elastic chevro skin has a strong structure with an original pattern on the front side in the form of fine wrinkles. It is used for the tops of footwear (including children's), haberdashery, clothing, furniture upholstery.

2. Kozlina- goat skin made from an adult.

3. Chevret- leather, lame tanned from sheep skins. In terms of design, the mei is similar to a chevro. It is used for the top of shoes, clothing and haberdashery.

Pig skin

Pigskin- the most economical and unpresentable type of leather, it differs in appearance and structure from cattle leather. Pigskin is nowadays mainly used as a lining material and rarely as a main material. This is due to the fact that pork skin is not elastic enough, gets wet quickly, has a rough and hard surface, and also has a persistent odor. In addition, it is not strong enough, and the ugly perforated texture in the product does not look interesting.

Horse skin

Horse skins are not often used in leather goods production. Due to the numerous highly developed sweat and sebaceous glands, the dermis is looser than that of cattle skins. The front is more suitable for making soft leather; Khaz is used to make tough leather.

1. Slime- skins of unborn or stillborn foals. Hair is almost absent, mane is not developed; in properties it is close to opoyka. Used to make haberdashery leather.

2. Foal- the skin of dairy foals is a valuable material. The skin is uniform in thickness and has almost no defects, which is why it is highly valued. It is used for the production of haberdashery leather and shoe uppers.

3. Lesson- the skin of foals that ate plant foods.

4. Fringe- skins of young horses up to one year old. It is used for the production of leather upper shoes.

5. Large horse raw materials- area up to 400 sq. dm., thickness 1.5-3 mm.

Deer skin

Deer skin- very elastic leather, has high strength and heat protection. Most often, suede material is made from deer skin. Used for the production of gloves, briefcases, bags, wallets. The warmest gloves are made of deer skin.

Moose leather- elegant, durable, silky to the touch leather, similar in properties to deer, but has a slightly more porous structure. Used for sewing men's outerwear and accessories.

Camel skin

Camel skins produce low-quality, low-strength leather, which is used mainly for leather goods.

Cut raw materials from finished leather

In the production of leather, they are cut and have various configurations. This is determined by the size of the hide and the range of finished leathers.

- Whole skin.
- Semi-leather- half of the skin, cut along the back line.
- Kulat- a skin with a cut off collar.
- Vorotok- part of the skin from the neck, usually has many blemishes.
- Cheprak- the most valuable part of the hide is the dorsal part, which does not have a floor and collar. It can be up to 55% by area of ​​the area of ​​the entire skin. It can be divided into “upper saddle” and “lower saddle”. It is usually used for the production of belts, bags and other products that require high density of raw materials.
- Krupon- saddle cloth, cut in the form of a rectangle.

Areas of the hide with the most defects:

- Paws.
- Paul- part of the skin from the peritoneum.
- Flanks- areas of the skin adjacent to the paws from the ventral side.

Horse hide is subdivided into the following sections:

- Haz- the back of the hide (croup and legs).
- Der Spiegel- thickened areas of the skin, located above the articulation of the pelvis and femurs. Khaza site.
- Front- skin without khaz. Most valuable part.

Classification of finished leather by purpose

- Shoe leather.
- Clothing and haberdashery leather- for sewing clothes, hats, gloves, bags, wallets, etc. For these purposes, chevret, husky, suede, cattle leather are used. By the type of tanning, they mainly use chrome and chrome tanned leather.
- Saddle leather- for human and equestrian equipment. Used the skin of cattle and pigs.
- Technical leather- for mechanisms (eg drive belts).

A broader classification includes the following items:

- Leather for the upper of shoes- for these purposes, chrome-tanned cattle leather, horse fronts and whips, chevro with various finishes - nubuck, velor, split leather, varnish are used. For the top of heavy shoes, leather is used.
- Lining leather- designed for shoe lining parts. Pork skins are mainly used for these purposes.
-Leathers for the bottom of the shoes- used for the manufacture of insoles and shoe soles. For these purposes, pork skins and cattle skins, as well as horse khaz are used.
- Glove leather- are produced from sheepskin, goats, pork, dog and horse legs.
- Upholstery leather- for upholstery of furniture, car interiors. Used chrome tanned cattle leather.
- Parchment- dried unburned pelt from cattle skins. It is characterized by high hardness and is used in the manufacture of musical instruments.
-Damp- unfinished skin of cattle, pigs and elk. Used to make horse harness and equipment.

Skin types

There are many classifications of leather, which differ in the type and age of the animals from which they are obtained, as well as in the way they are processed and dyed.

Here are some examples:

Bovine skin- its thickness, in contrast to calf skin, is 2.5-5 mm, and the size of the skins can exceed 2.5 sq. M. Traditionally, it is called "saddlery". It was originally used for the production of saddles, harnesses and other harness elements. Nowadays, bovine is used, as a rule, for the manufacture of denim belts, ethnic style bags, wardrobe trunks and backpacks. This type of leather is better than others for hand and mechanical embossing. Due to the thickness and strength of the leather, products made from it can last almost forever.

Bovine skin

An example of a bovine leather jacket. The photo shows the thickness of the skin and its characteristic texture.

Buffalo skin- according to its main characteristics it is very close to bovine skin, but the skins have an even larger size and an interesting "coarse-grained" (or "wrinkled") texture of the front surface. Resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Very popular in biker jackets and accessories. Unfortunately, this type of skin is not widespread in Russia.

Buffalo skin

Buffalo leather bag.

Cowhide- plastic, elastic, durable leather with an impressive natural texture of the front side. Accepts well various types of dressing, processing and coloring. It allows you to get a significant range of leather materials of various colors and textures, including elite and exclusive. It has a wide range of applications, including: sewing clothes, footwear and haberdashery, upholstering furniture, upholstery and decoration of car interiors, residential and office premises, the manufacture of decorative and gift items.


Cow's skin- strong leather, less thick and less tough than bovine. Has a pleasant natural texture, wear-resistant. It is used for the manufacture of haberdashery goods, outerwear, footwear and accessories of a moderate price range.

Cow's skin

Ladies bag made of cow leather.

Calfskin- thin, soft, plastic, silky to the touch skin, has a natural "breathing" structure, high strength and wear resistance. The characteristics, use and cost of calfskin depend on the age of the animals. The skin of calves of milk age (up to 6 months) - calves - perfectly drapes and holds its shape, has high elasticity and resistance to deformation. High quality clothing and accessories are made from it. The skin of calves up to one year of age - the outgrowth - is thicker, less elastic and serves for the manufacture of high quality shoes, bags and other haberdashery products and accessories. The toughest and densest skin of calves up to 18 months of age is half-leather. It is used both for the manufacture of high-quality shoes, bags, suitcases and various souvenirs, as well as for interior decoration.


Opoyek- Soft, elastic leather obtained from the skins of suckling calves. Most valuable leather. Fibers are thin, elastic, dense weave. The calf's hair is thicker, thinner and more beautiful than that of an adult animal. The calf skin turns out to be soft, full, with a beautiful measure.


Outgrowth- the skin of a calf that has switched to plant food, changing the primary hairline during the molting process. The quality of the leather is worse than that of the calfskin, the interweaving of the fibers is weaker. The finished skin is even, thick, with a beautiful grain, but not as full as the calves. Upper shoes and leather goods are made from it.


Pigskin- rather thin and light skin with a characteristic large-pored texture. Accepts dressing and coloring well, but does not differ in strength and water resistance. It is used for the mass production of inexpensive haberdashery goods, clothing, shoes, accessories, upholstery and lining materials.


Pigskin wallet.

Horse skin- sufficiently dense, high-strength leather of medium plasticity, requiring a rather long processing to achieve quality. It is used for the manufacture of high quality men's outerwear, hats, shoes, accessories, as well as natural upholstery and lining materials.

Horse leather jacket.

Goat skin- delicate and soft, very thin and durable, has a unique wavy pattern, is sufficiently waterproof, retains heat well, is flexible and elastic. Used to make high quality, elegant accessories and lightweight outerwear.

Goat skin

Sheepskin (sheep skin)- flexible, soft, firm skin with high elongation. Perfectly processed and retains the given shape. It is considered one of the best materials for making high-quality fashion clothes, hats and accessories.


Men's sheepskin jacket.

Deer skin- Leather, in the manufacturing process of which fat extracted from animal brains or other types of fats are used. The end result is an elastic, durable, velvety material similar to suede. It retains its shape well with frequent changes in temperature and humidity. Perfectly retains heat, protects against wind and moisture. This type of leather is commonly used for making briefcases, bags, purses and wallets.

Deer skin

Moose leather- elegant, durable, silky to the touch leather, similar in properties to deer, but has a slightly more porous structure. Used for sewing men's outerwear and accessories.

Moose leather

This is how the details of a hunting jacket made of moose leather look like.

Reptile and exotic animal skin- very expensive and noble leather. These are skins - crocodile, python, monitor lizard, ostrich, kangaroo. Recently, designers have taken notice of the eel skin.

Lizard skin

Reptile skin

Eel skin

Crocodile skin- characterized by noble beauty, complex, long-term and laborious processing, strength, elasticity, absolute resistance to moisture and dirt, very high cost. In terms of raw materials, properties and price, they are divided into: caiman leather - harder and less durable; the skin of the crocodile itself and the skin of the alligator. Shoes, clothing, haberdashery and accessories made of crocodile leather are made mainly by hand, by top-class craftsmen and adorn the collections of the world's leading designers.

Crocodile skin

Crocodile leather bag.

Snake skin is smooth and elastic, with fantastic patterns and texture, strong, durable and perfectly accepts various types of dressing, processing and coloring. The most popular are python and cobra skins. Snake skin is used to make shoes, clothing and accessories, giving even the smallest item a unique and unique character.

Snake skin

Snakeskin cowboy wallet.

Ostrich skin- dense, plastic, fairly strong skin, has a very effective texture of the front surface. One of the most popular materials in the collections of many famous designers. It is used for the manufacture of shoes, outerwear, haberdashery items, decorative elements and interior decoration.

Ostrich skin

Ostrich leather gloves. The characteristic texture is visible.

Kangaroo skin- plastic and springy, lightweight and durable, has high air permeability and hygroscopicity, perfectly retains its properties and shape in finished products. It is used for sewing clothes, footwear, including sports shoes, haberdashery and accessories.

Kangaroo skin

Hiking boots made of kangaroo leather.

Shark skin- is considered the most durable among natural leathers, while being light and elastic. In its natural state, it is covered with very hard and sharp scales, which are difficult to remove. Shark skin is used to make shoes, outerwear, haberdashery items and various accessories, decorative elements and souvenirs.

Shark skin

Shark skin wallet, handcrafted.

Stingray skin- has a very attractive fine-grained texture of the front surface, is very durable and difficult to dress and process, but it is waterproof, resistant to dirt and does not require special care. It is used for the manufacture of high-quality outerwear, shoes, haberdashery items and accessories, decorative elements and even women's jewelry.

Stingray skin

Stingray leather case for Iphone.

Boiled leather- vegetable tanned leather, which has passed through immersion in hot water, boiling wax, or similar substances to increase its durability. Historically, such leather was used as armor due to its hardness and light weight, and was also used for book bindings.

Boiled leather bag.

Crust(Krust) - a general designation of dense leather with a preserved natural facial surface, obtained mainly from the hides of cattle. Such leathers undergo chrome or chrome-free tanning and undergo cover or through dyeing. To protect against moisture, the front surface of the crust is treated with natural wax, while maintaining the natural breathability of the skin. Crust is used for the manufacture of shoes, haberdashery and office products, furniture upholstery, the manufacture of riding goods (saddles, harnesses) and special-purpose goods (scabbards, game bags, holsters, etc.). Products made from trust are durable, with prolonged use in places of folds and constant friction they acquire a darker color (patina) and the effect of natural aging.


Vegan(Vegan) - crust, tanned with substances of natural (vegetable) origin. To obtain a vegan, both cattle skins and pork skins are used, with a thickness of 1 to 3 mm. Designed specifically for the manufacture of carved elements, carving and embossing, which are widespread in subcultures, the biker environment, as well as in the manufacture of traditional elements of the costume and everyday life of the inhabitants of the western United States (belts, game bags, holsters, scabbards, etc.). Vegan is used for making decorative and gift items, accessories and household items in ethnic, "country" and "crazy" styles, elements of traditional costumes, riding goods (saddles, harnesses).


Velours(French velours - velvet, from Latin villosus - hairy, shaggy) - leather made from pork, less often sheep skins, chrome-tanned with a polished front surface. Velor is an inverted skin, which has a bakhtarma on the outside, and the front side (grain) on the inside. Sometimes velor from the seamy side is piled under suede. This material can be equally soft and thin, also hard and thick, it all depends on the processing technology. It is used for the manufacture of tops of shoes, clothing and leather goods.


Natural velor gloves.

Suede leather- oil-tanned leather (ie raw hides, subjected to preliminary preparation. When tanned, impregnated with fats). Serves for the manufacture of shoes, gloves, haberdashery, outerwear, jackets, skirts, and also as a filtering and polishing material. High-quality shoe suede is obtained from the skins of deer calf, outgrowth and Russian short-tailed sheep, technical - from the sheepskin of Russian long-tailed sheep, wiping - from the skins of adult deer, Russian sheepskin. Suede has a high ductility and porosity, which makes it more breathable. Suede is distinguished by its special softness, which it retains not only after soaking in water, but also after washing in soapy water, which is why Suede is also called “washable leather”. This material is less durable than smooth leather and requires careful maintenance.

Suede leather

Laika- Thin, soft, elastic skin. In the old days, it was made from dogs - hence the name, now it is mainly made from the skins of lambs and goats with chrome or chromium-fat tanning. The surface of the grain should be perfectly smooth, without wrinkles. Despite the softness and tenderness of the husky, it is quite durable and wear-resistant. It is mainly used for the manufacture of gloves, decorative items and ornaments, much less often - in the manufacture of light footwear and haberdashery. Laika does not tolerate moisture well, and after drying it loses its shape and properties. Products made from huskies require proper care.


Gloves from a husky.

Nappa- Thin semi-aniline leather made from the hides of cattle and sheepskin. It can have a thickness of 0.5 to 1.0 mm. Nappa leather is an extremely soft and resilient material commonly used for the production of high quality wallets, toiletry sets, haberdashery, various accessories and decorative items.


Napplack- Leather coated with varnish. Most often it is lacquered nappa.


Nubuck(nubuck) - fine chrome-tanned leather with a front surface sanded with fine-grained abrasive materials (for example, sand). It is used for the manufacture of haberdashery, shoe upper parts and upholstered furniture upholstery.

Nubuck is similar to suede, but it is made from other types of leather, usually cattle. Nubuck is less resistant to dirt and pickling faster than suede. Nubuck requires careful attention, especially in the first month of wearing. Nubuck like a sponge absorbs any moisture and it will be good if you are especially careful during this period. It goes away later. Remember that light-colored nubuck clothes darken over time, and dark ones lighten. Nubuck is durable and durable with proper care.


Distinguish: natural nubuck, artificial nubuck, nubuck-oil.

Natural nubuck made of genuine leather. Has a weak bristle on the front surface, which gives the skin a good appearance - it becomes velvety. Genuine leather nubuck has good breathability. The disadvantages of this leather include low wear resistance and the need to care for products. Products made from natural nubuck must be cleaned with special products.

Natural nubuck

Artificial nubuck or synthetic is much cheaper than nubuck made of genuine leather. It is a multi-layer polymer material that has a velvety texture and is similar in appearance to natural nubuck. Unlike natural nubuck, synthetic nubuck does not absorb water and is more durable.

Artificial well-well

Nubuck oil- this is nubuck, which during the production process was protected from moisture by processing with a fat impregnation. Nubuck is soft and velvety to the touch, while nubuck oil is moist to the touch and heavier than regular nubuck. It is more durable and unpretentious than regular nubuck.

Nubuck oil

Crazy(Crazy) - refined leather with an elegant matte face and pull-up effect. Unlike nubuck, after sanding it undergoes a special stretching and waxing treatment. This treatment gives the effect of lightening and "floating" color in places of skin stretch. Also used for making shoes and as furniture material.


Morocco- high-quality, thin, soft leather of juicy bright colors, made by vegetable tanning, usually from goat skins, less often from the skins of sheep, calves and foals. Possesses high strength, resistance to pollution and mechanical damage, has an elegant rich appearance. It is used for the manufacture of stylish bags and accessories, decorative items, ornaments and elements of national clothing. The secret of its production has been known in Russia since the 12th century.


Split- natural leather material obtained by mechanical separation - grinding - of natural leather into layers, usually from 3 to 6 layers. Chromic and chromium-fatty skins of cattle and pigs are subjected to exfoliation. The front, middle and back (bakhtarmyany) split is obtained by lamination. Thin facial splits are used to obtain high-quality haberdashery and photo leather. Thick front and middle split cuts form a velor split used for the manufacture of technical footwear, workwear and for the manufacture of upholstery leather.



Cheprak(butt) - heavy, dense, thick leather produced by fat tanning from cattle hides taken from the back of an animal. This type of product usually goes to leather for belts for both men and women, since this is the densest part of the hide.


Shora- Dense, thick leather, produced by fat tanning from cattle hides, is more plastic than saddle cloth.


Shagreen(eng. shagreen leather, shagreen, fr. chagrin) - rough and porous with a decorative convex-granular texture, kind of uncut leather, made from the dorsal part of the skins of horses or kulans and usually dyed green. Shagreen today is usually made from goat, sheep skins.


Galisha(fr. galuchat) - shagreen, obtained from skate and shark skins, which have a natural granular structure. It is used for the manufacture of shoes, outerwear, haberdashery items and various accessories, decorative elements and souvenirs.


Kid(fr. chevreau, eng. kidskin) - Soft, dense, durable leather made of chrome tanned goat skins. On the surface (measure) it has a peculiar pattern in the form of fine wrinkles. It is used for making gloves, shoe uppers. Also, various haberdashery products, decorative elements and souvenirs are made from it.


Chevrette(Chevrette) - elastic, viscous, dense and loose leather obtained from chrome tanned young sheepskin. The pattern of the front surface resembles a chevro, but is much less durable and worse in quality. It is used for the manufacture of outerwear, footwear and haberdashery. To increase the strength, the loose chevret is treated with polymeric and other materials. A more durable variety of chevrette, better suited for sewing shoes, is obtained from the skins of sheep of coarse-wooled steppe breeds.


Cordovan(Cordovan) - durable, strong, elastic exclusive vegetable tanned leather with a shiny smooth front surface. It is made from individual sections of horse hide by very long-term manual dressing (about 6 months). Cordovan is waterproof, durable, easy to clean from dirt, retains its shine for a long time. Used for sewing exclusive men's shoes.


The famous Indy boots from Cordovan.

Yuft- Thick leather produced by fat tanning from cattle hides taken from the belly of an animal. Much softer and more flexible than saddlecloth or blinker. It is made from barn or cow raw materials and skins of one-year-old bulls, with the exception of veal raw materials. After washing and fleshing, the raw material is subjected to ash, washing, trampling and kneading in crushes and drums, cutting, shavings, wringing out the face, boiling in jelly, filling in weak tanning juice and then juice and bulk tanning. Yuft is white, red and black. The best skins are selected for white leather.


Cowhide leather- "Yalovy" in the Slavic languages ​​denoted animals that had not yet given offspring. Cowhide leather for boots was made from the skins of one-year-old gobies or cows that had not yet given birth. Such leather was optimal for durable and comfortable footwear. Older or younger animals were not suitable - the delicate skin of the calves was still not strong enough, and the thick skins of old cows and bulls, on the contrary, were too hard and heavy to wear.

Cowhide boots

Chromium- Chromium foals are chrome skins made from foal skins. This subspecies of leather is produced in very small quantities, since the bulk of the raw material is used for the manufacture of fur. The thickness of the leather ranges from 0.4 to 1.0 mm. This raw material is mainly used for the manufacture of officer's chrome boots.

Chrome boots

Kirza- short for the Kirov plant, where mass production of these products began during the Great Patriotic War, - dense, durable multilayer fabric. The term is more often used in relation to shoe tarpaulin - a composite material consisting of a multilayer fabric treated with film-forming substances (actual tarpaulin). Used as a skin substitute. The surface of the shoe tarpaulin is embossed to imitate the texture of pigskin. It is mainly used in the production of tops of army boots, as well as for the manufacture of rubberized drive belts, pouches, tablets.

Kirz boots

Aniline leather(aniline leather) - leather dyed with organic dyes with minimal processing. It is the highest quality of all leathers. It is characterized by marks caused by nature, for example, scars and different color shades. It is this type of skin that is more sensitive and prone to patinating (acquiring an antique look) during use.

Aniline leather

Smooth skin- made from the highest quality raw materials, not polished. Only the wool is removed. The pores of the skin remain in their natural state: the skin "breathes" and, at the same time, the service life of the product increases. Products made from this type of leather are more wear-resistant. In the process of wearing, a natural “patina” appears on the surface of the product and it becomes more beautiful every year. The highest quality furniture and shoes are made from smooth leather.

Smooth skin

Brushed leather- the skin is subjected to grinding and breaking. Sands on one side where natural pores are present. The other side is smooth. It is used for the manufacture of footwear, haberdashery products, clothing.

Brushed leather

Embossed leather- leather, in which the pattern on the front surface is obtained by the action of molds or stamps. With the help of embossing, they eliminate defects and imperfections on the front surface of the skin. The resulting embossing pattern can imitate the skin of reptiles (snakes, crocodiles), exotic animals.

Embossed leather

Parchment- leather, which got its name from the name of the Greek city of Pergamum. This is raw leather made from the skins of lambs, kids, calves. Used to make musical instruments such as drums, some machine parts, book bindings, and women's jewelry. In the old days it served as the main material for writing.


Belt leather- smooth leather, which was originally used for the production of driving pulley belts. This type of leather is often used for making briefcases and wallets. It is quite thick, firm and smooth to the touch. Belt leather is the only leather used for luxury goods that can maintain its shape without the need for a skeleton. This material is heavier than smooth leather.

Belt leather

Leather belt

Fish skin- Manufacturing of fish skin began in ancient times, before it was one of the main materials for sewing clothes and shoes. Fish skin is a material with excellent consumer properties, a beautiful and varied texture. The leather is produced from fish processing waste and has excellent development prospects. Each skin is good in its own way. Salmon - honeycomb, carp - shaggy, sturgeon - with thorns and stars. Now fish skin has begun to be used in industrial production, from it they make: clothes, shoes, various accessories and decor items.

Fish skin

Fish skin shoes

Patent leather- this is chrome-tanned leather with lacquer coating or duplicated with a lacquer film, which gives the surface a mirror shine. The quality of patent leather largely depends on the properties of the varnish coating, which must have a certain thickness, the necessary ductility and resistance to repeated bending. Good-quality patent leather should have a shiny, non-sagging film, a uniform color. An amazing glossy, shiny finish gives natural patent leather an exquisite originality, but unfortunately, it has poor durability and low temperature resistance. At temperatures below -10 ° C and above + 25 ° C, patent leather becomes cracked. It is not recommended to wear patent leather shoes in bad weather. From dampness and street dirt, the shiny varnish surface gradually fades and becomes covered with small cracks. Patent leather shoes require special careful care. Periodically, shoes are lubricated with glycerin, petroleum jelly or castor oil to protect them from premature cracking in heat or frost; varnished shoes should be stored wrapped in paper.

Ladies handbag made of genuine patent leather.

Men's boots made of genuine patent leather.

Compiled by: V.V. Patlakh

"Encyclopedia of Technologies and Techniques" Patlakh V.V. 1993-2007

Leather production in Morocco takes place in hellish conditions: under the rays of the scorching sun, workers manually process the leather, standing knee-deep in water with lime and the addition of dog / bird droppings. Unlike factory processing, only natural dyes are used here. No tour operator will offer you such excursions, so they usually go to see these productions on their own and, as a rule, everyone goes to Fez for this. But we decided to find a production in Marrakech.

All production is done by hand and under the scorching sun, while there is such a hellish stench here (you will find out why later). At first, we wandered for a long time through the narrow streets of the medina (the old part of the city) in search of these very factories. As a result, we found a man who offered to show us the production. He even called himself the owner of this factory (but it seems he was just lying).

# 03. On the way, we come across carts on which skins are taken to the factory (usually cow, sheep or goat skins):

# 04. The received skin goes through the sorting stage:

# 05. Further, the skin undergoes primary processing - it is soaked in bathrooms with a solution of lime and water, and so that the skin is soft, dog, chicken or pigeon droppings are added here. That is why there is a hellish smell here (well, of course, the skin itself also adds flavor)

# 06. On our way to the factory, we bought a small bunch of mint so as not to suffocate here. But for the workers it looks like this smell is not at all scary:

# 07. This is how one of the shops of a tannery in Marrakech looks like:

# 08. In this solution, the skin is soaked from several days to several weeks. If necessary, it can be soaked several times:

# 09. The factory does not use any chemicals, all natural

#ten. After soaking, the leather is sent to an apprentice, here it is manually cleaned of wool residues:

#eleven. And then the skin is soaked in clean water (lime can be added) and dried:




#15. Leather production in Marrakech

#16. There are also workshops nearby where they sew bags, slippers and other things and sell them here.

# 17. At the next stage, the skin is painted in the desired color. To do this, the skin is again placed in a bath with the desired dye and kept there for several weeks. To make the color uniform, knead it periodically:

# 18.Again, no chemical dyes, everything is purely natural. For example, saffron is used to get yellow, and paprika is used for red.
This photo is from another factory, these are natural dyes for dyeing fabrics:

#19. Leather production in Marrakech

#twenty. After seeing the first shop, they took us to the store and tried to sell something. We immediately began to say that it was not interesting. But then the seller said that they would not let us go any further. In the end, we still persuaded him, and we looked and took the photos that were above. And this is another general plan:

# 21. The smell of tin! Alena is ready to run away :)

# 22. Well, the finished leather is sent to the workshops, where a bag or ottoman or grandmothers (Moroccan slippers) will be sewn from it

# 23. The guy wants money for a photo :)

# 24. And here is the finished product, Moroccan grandmothers:

Working all day in the hot sun, standing in a solution with droppings and other mixtures, naturally does not add to health. But local residents need to somehow earn money, so they have to endure all this.

Something like that today. What do you think about the post?

Original taken from

Genuine leather shoes, by default, are considered to be of the highest quality. Various animals are used for its manufacture - pork, calf, ostrich, deer, etc.

The cost of products differs depending on what types of material the shoes are made from. So, for example, various budget products are made from inexpensive pork skin, exclusive, soft and durable veal is used from crocodile leather for the manufacture of branded products.

Each of the varieties has its own characteristics and advantages, based on which they choose the material for sewing a particular pair.

Varieties of skin


The material does not differ in softness, flexibility, it is coarse and is not used for the manufacture of exquisite model products. At the same time, it is one of the cheapest and most durable types, which makes it possible to produce popular and inexpensive economy class products. Also among the advantages of pigskin is the high rate of water resistance.


The material comes from shredded leather footwear waste. After grinding, the pieces turn into dust, then a special binder is added and pressed into sheets. Shoes made of such material have some properties of natural leather - they are hygroscopic, allow the feet to breathe, but are inferior in strength to products made from natural materials.

These products refer to budget products.


This type includes the skin of a cow, bull and calf. As a rule, a pair of the middle price segment is produced from this material. Quality and affordable products are made from very durable and reliable cow leather. Such footwear is distinguished by its durability and an optimal ratio of product quality and its cost. The only caveat is that the skin of an adult animal usually has defects from insect bites, so sometimes you can notice minor traces of damage on the product.

Bull skin is coarser and less expensive than cow skin. The skin of a young calf is somewhat inferior in strength to adult animals, but in terms of softness and flexibility it gives a significant head start, besides, it, as a rule, does not have such damage. Highly elastic soft material lends itself well to all types of processing and can be used for branded models. Often in stores you can see shoes with a recognizable snake or crocodile pattern at an inexpensive cost. These are actually embossed calfskin shoes.


Optimal for the manufacture of model products. Distinguished by softness and tenderness, it is susceptible to weather conditions, therefore, shoes made of it require careful wearing.


Expensive quality products are made from deer leather. The material retains heat well, is wear-resistant and durable. Such shoes are not only exquisitely beautiful, but also incredibly comfortable - even in model shoes you will feel like slippers. Reindeer suede is especially popular in the manufacture of boots and clothes.


The characteristic pattern of reptile skin gives the products an original look. But the value of such shoes is not only in this. The material is very strong, wear-resistant and durable, so shoes made of it can be classified as premium. Alligator items are especially prized and can cost several thousand dollars. Such products are exclusive options.

Premium products are sewn from a crocodile, and the most affordable price is from the caiman. The latter, unlike alligators and crocodiles, is quite tough and inferior to them both in aesthetic terms and in durability and quality. The advantage of caiman shoes is the attractive cost.

The cost of snake skin is slightly inferior to crocodile skin, but it also belongs to the premium class.


Products can be called piece, they all belong to luxury models. The soft leather makes the wear very comfortable and comfortable.

Types of leather depending on the processing technology

Footwear manufacturers produce products from sanded, embossed, laminated leather, etc. What types of leather are sewn depends on the purpose of the product.


Natural nubuck is a polished leather. Thanks to grinding, the surface of the products is velvety and soft. The matte material has the effect of absorbing light and looks expensive and presentable. It is recommended to wear shoes made of natural nubuck in dry weather.

If nubuck is impregnated with a special agent, this material is called nubuck-oil. Products made from it are more unpretentious to wear and durable.

Suede leather

It is produced using fat tanning technology. In the process of processing, a smooth front surface is removed from the skins of animals (mainly young calves, deer). Sometimes suede is processed from the inside (bakhtarmyana), sometimes from the front.

The characteristic features of the material are high hygienic properties, increased ductility and softness. The suede shoes are comfortable to wear and resistant to water penetration.


A variety of abraded leather. For the production of velor, goat skins, chevret, calf (calf up to 6 months old), outgrowth are used. The material is processed from the inside, therefore, as a rule, animal skins with numerous defects on the front side are used.

The fleecy of velor resembles suede, but is inferior in properties to it. Velor shoes are afraid of water and dirt, and their dimensional stability leaves much to be desired.


Produced from chevro, calf, goats. The surface of the leather is coated with varnish or polyurethane resins. The result is a very smooth glossy lacquered surface. Shoes made from it require special care and handling. It is not recommended to wear patent leather shoes or boots with a patent top in rainy weather; they are also contraindicated in heat over 25 degrees and freezing temperatures.

Genuine leather shoes are a great option for any season. In addition, it is also an environmentally friendly product, since it contains no chemicals.