Pregnancy calculator for exact due date. Due Date Calculator

Each representative of the fair sex, having learned that she is in a position, seeks to calculate the exact duration of pregnancy as soon as possible. It can be used to calculate the approximate date of birth of the long-awaited baby. Determination of the gestational age is also required by the gynecologist to track the development of the fetus, identify violations, timely prescribe tests and examinations.

How do doctors determine the gestational age?

For women who come to a medical institution and claim that they are pregnant, the gynecologist first of all asks when they had their last periods. It is from this date that he will count down. Interesting, right? Fertilization has not yet occurred, since it occurs during ovulation in the middle of the cycle, and obstetricians start counting from such an early date.

This method for determining the duration of pregnancy and childbirth is called " obstetric». True the term of the interesting situation is about 2 less than the term that the doctor tells the pregnant woman. The minimum period for determining pregnancy with this method is 2-3 weeks.

You can find out the time by the results of an ultrasound scan. Their accuracy will be less in the later stages, because each baby develops in the mother's tummy in its own way. The doctor determines the duration of pregnancy by the size of the fetus. The following indicators are measured:

  • biparietal size, defined between the temporal bones (BPD);
  • frontal-occipital size (LZR);
  • head circumference (OG);
  • abdominal circumference (coolant);
  • thigh length (DLB);
  • chest diameter (DHRK), etc.

Each week is characterized by certain values ​​of the above criteria. The gynecologist uses a special table for determining the timing of pregnancy for the calculation.

The doctor can determine the period of an interesting position according to the size of the uterus during the gynecological examination. For example, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the organ can be compared with a chicken egg, and at the 8th week - with a goose egg. It is difficult to establish a term for the size of the uterus later.

How else do doctors determine the gestational age? For example, a method is used to determine the duration of the position along the length of the uterus. A pelvimeter or a measuring tape is used. Typically, the number of weeks is equal to the length of the uterus. For example, during the measurement, it turned out that the length of the uterus is 34 cm. This means that the period is 34 weeks. To obtain reliable results, a woman is advised to empty her bladder before visiting a doctor.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy at home?

A pregnant woman can independently calculate the period of her interesting situation without the help of doctors. How to find out the duration of pregnancy at home? There are several ways:

  • by the last menstruation;
  • by date of conception
  • by the first stirring of the crumbs;
  • using an online calculator.

1. How to determine the duration of pregnancy by the last menstruation?

The easiest way for doctors and many women to find out the gestational age is by the last menstruation. How to determine the very term of pregnancy by the last menstruation? It is necessary to count the number of weeks between the date of the onset of menstruation and the date of the calculation. This will be the gestational age.

By the date of the last menstrual period, it is convenient to calculate the date of birth. There is a special Negel formula. From the date of the last menstruation, 3 months are counted back and 7 days are added.

Calculation of pregnancy by the last months is a fairly simple but inaccurate method, since it is more than the true period by a couple of weeks.

2. How to determine the duration of pregnancy by the date of conception?

Recall that conception occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle after the release of a mature egg from the ovary (ovulation) during the day. The method of calculating the gestational age by the date of conception is suitable for those women who know exactly when they ovulated. The term of pregnancy is determined by week. The countdown is from the date of ovulation. You can also use averages (for example, with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on day 14, that is, in the middle of the cycle). And how to determine the duration of pregnancy with an irregular cycle? In such cases, approximate values ​​will not work.

The moment of release of an egg ready for fertilization can be found out using special tests, basal temperature or ultrasound results. Some women determine ovulation by how they feel (by the presence of pain in the lower abdomen, abundant discharge from the penis, increased libido). If the date of ovulation (and, accordingly, the date of conception) is unknown, then using the method of determining the gestational age by the date of conception will not work, since the results will not be accurate.

3. How to determine the gestational age by the first stirring?

The baby begins to move in the tummy of the mother, whose pregnancy is the first, from the 20th week. Multiparous representatives of the fair sex begin to feel movements from the 18th week.

It is worth noting that using this method it is not always possible to find out the exact date. Some women feel the first movements much earlier than the indicated weeks, and some, on the contrary, later. Most doctors note that women often confuse the first movements with the "work" of the intestines, because it is known that many pregnant women suffer from increased gas production.

4. How to determine the term of pregnancy using a calculator?

To calculate the gestational age, you can use the calculator below. His work is based on the method of determining the term by the last months, which was described above. How to determine the duration of pregnancy using an online calculator? In order to use it, you need to know the start date of the last menstrual period, the average duration of the menstrual cycle and the luteal phase. The calculation results will be known immediately.

Summing up all of the above, I would like to note that many women are interested in the question of how to accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. However, with almost all of the above methods, it may not be calculated accurately. The only exceptions are cases when a pregnant woman knows the exact day of ovulation. Do I need to know the absolutely exact date of an interesting position? It is worth noting that it is not that important. Deviations of a few days or a week will not play a big role, so do not be afraid if the exact day of ovulation and conception is not known.


Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 7 minutes


As soon as 2 long-awaited stripes appear on the test, and the state of joyful shock passes, the expectant mother begins to calculate the time by which the little one should be born. Of course, knowing the exact day of conception, it is not difficult to determine the approximate day of birth, but if there is no such data, it remains to rely on the existing traditional "calculators". It is clear that it is almost impossible to calculate the gestational age to days and hours (too many factors affect pregnancy), but there are still methods for calculating the most accurate period.

Calculation of obstetric gestational age by the date of the last menstrual period

At a time when there were no high-tech diagnostic methods, doctors used for such calculations the method of determining the gestational age by "critical days". What is called "obstetric term" in medicine. The method is successfully used today, and involves calculating the period (which is 40 weeks) from the 1st day of the last menstruation.

Obstetricians determine the due date in the following ways:

  • Date of the 1st day of the last menstrual period + 9 months + 7 days.
  • Date of the 1st day of the last menstruation + 280 days.

On a note:

This period is approximate. And only one out of 20 mothers will give birth clearly in that week, which was calculated by the gynecologist. The remaining 19 will give birth 1-2 weeks later or earlier.

Why can the obstetric term be wrong?

  • Not every woman has “critical days” regular. The cycle and duration of menstruation are different for each woman. One has 28 days and regularly, without interruptions, while the other has 29-35 days and "whenever they please." For one, the torment with menstruation takes only 3 days, while for the other it takes a week, or even one and a half.
  • Conception does not always occur exactly at the time of sexual intercourse. As you know, a sperm is able to live for several days (or even a week) in the fallopian tube, and on which of these days fertilization took place - no one will guess and will not be able to establish.

How to calculate the gestational age by the first fetal movement?

The oldest, "grandmother's" method for determining the duration of pregnancy. It cannot be attributed to the most accurate, but together with other methods - why not? The term of the 1st movement of the crumbs to this day is noted in the history of the pregnancy of the expectant mother.

It's simple: the 1st stirring is exactly half the time. For the 1st birth, this usually occurs at the 20th week (that is, the date of the 1st stirring + another 20 weeks), and for subsequent births - at the 18th week (the date of the 1st stirring + another 22 weeks).

However, it should be remembered that ...

  • The expectant mother will not even feel the true 1st movements (the baby begins to move as early as the 12th week).
  • Often, for the 1st stirring of the mother, they take gas formation in the intestines.
  • A slender, slender mother with a sedentary lifestyle is likely to feel the first points much earlier.

Given the inconsistency of this method for making important decisions about the timing of childbirth, relying only on it is not only naive, but also dangerous. Therefore, the determination of the due date can only be complex. That is, adjusted based on all factors, analyzes, diagnostics and other indicators.

We calculate the duration of pregnancy and the date of birth by conception on the days of ovulation

The easiest way to calculate your gestational age is to use ovulation days in your calculations. Most likely, pregnancy occurs on the 14th day of the 28-day cycle (or on the 17-18th day with a 35-day cycle) - this day is the starting point for the gestational age. For calculations, you just need to subtract 13-14 days from the date of uncommitted menstruation and add 9 months.

The disadvantage of this method is the low accuracy of forecasts:

  • 1st reason: the duration of sperm activity (2-7 days) in the fallopian tube.
  • Reason 2: It is difficult to determine the approximate day of conception if the spouses make love several times a week or more.

How do obstetricians-gynecologists consider the gestational age?

On the first visit of a future mother with an embarrassed “I’m probably pregnant”, the gynecologist, first of all, is interested in the date of the last menstruation. But the gestational age will be calculated, of course, not only on its basis, but in a comprehensive manner.

The "package" of such factors and criteria includes the following methods:

By the size of the uterus

An experienced doctor will very quickly and clearly determine the term in this way, especially in the early stages. For example, during pregnancy up to 4 weeks, this criterion will be equal to the size of a chicken egg, and at the 8th week - the size of a goose.

After 12 weeks, it is already more difficult to determine, because each baby is individual, and the size of the uterus in 2 mothers with the same period may be different.

By ultrasound

Again, before the 12th week of pregnancy, determining its duration is an easier process than starting from the 3rd month.

The error of ultrasound diagnostics from the 2nd trimester is due to the individual development of babies.

By the height of the fundus of the uterus (WDM)

The gynecologist uses this method starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In the process of carrying a baby, the uterus grows with him and gradually goes beyond the pelvic floor.

The doctor measures the WDM by laying the expectant mother on a couch - probes the uterus through the abdominal cavity and works with a "centimeter" (from the pubic articulation to the highest point of the uterus). The increase in BMR occurs weekly and most often corresponds to certain indicators.

Deviations of 2-4 cm are possible taking into account the age of the mother, the amount of water and the number of embryos, the size of the baby, etc. Therefore, the obtained indicators must be compared with the size of the fetus and with the circumference of the mother's waist.

WDM - calculation by week:

  • 8-9th week

The uterus is within the pelvis. WDM - 8-9 cm.

  • 10-13th week

From the 12th week, the development of the placenta begins, the formation of blood vessels in the fetus, the growth of the uterus. WDM - 10-11 cm.

  • 16-17th week

The kid is no longer just a "tadpole", but a man with all organs. WDM - 14-18 cm. At the 16th week, the doctor already probes the uterus in the area between the navel and the pubis.

  • 18-19th week

The placental system, limbs, cerebellum, as well as the immune system have been formed. WDM - 18-19 cm.

  • 20th week

At this time, the WDM should be equal to the period - 20 cm.

  • 21st week

From this moment, 1 cm / week is added. The bottom of the uterus is felt at a distance of 2 fingers from the navel. WDM - about 21 cm.

  • 22-24th week

The fundus of the uterus is narrower in the navel area, and is easily determined by the doctor. The fruit already weighs about 600 g. WDM - 23-24 cm.

  • 25-27th week

WDM - 25-28 cm.

  • 28-30th week

WDM is 28-31 cm.

  • From the 32nd week, the doctor determines the fundus of the uterus already between the navel and the xiphoid process of the breast. WDM - 32 cm.
  • By the 36th week, the uterine fundus can already be felt on the line that connects the costal arches. WDM is 36-37 cm.
  • 39th week. During this period, the fundus of the uterus falls. The baby's weight is over 2 kg. WDM is 36-38 cm.
  • 40th week. Now the bottom of the uterus can be felt again between the ribs and the navel, and the WDM is sometimes reduced to 32 cm. This is the period when the baby is already ready for birth.

By the size of the head and the length of the fetus

For this method of calculating the term, various formulas are used:

  • Jordania method

Here the formula is presented as X (term in weeks) = L (child's length, cm) + C (D head, cm).

  • Skulsky's method

The formula is as follows: X (term in months) = (L x 2) - 5/5. In this case, L is the child's length in cm, the five in the numerator indicates the thickness of the uterine wall, and the five in the denominator is the special / coefficient.

Why should a pregnant woman and a doctor know what stage of pregnancy? Firstly, to determine the due date, secondly, to adequately monitor the development of the baby, correcting possible developmental lag in time, and thirdly, to determine the period of care for maternity leave.
I want to make a reservation right away that they distinguish between obstetric and true terms of pregnancy. Obstetricians begin to count the gestational age from 1 day of the last menstrual period. This is quite justified, because from this moment the egg cell begins to ripen, which will be fertilized by the sperm in the future, formed and implanted in the zygote's uterus, the ovum with the embryo and then the fetus will begin to develop (after 12 weeks of pregnancy). The duration of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period to childbirth is about 10 lunar months or 280 days or 40 weeks. However, each fetus has its own term of intrauterine development - from 37 to 42 weeks. It depends on many factors, but primarily due to genetics. It is necessary to inquire at what stage of pregnancy the patient herself, the father of the child, was born, how long the pregnancy was carried out by the maternal relative.
The true gestational age lags behind the obstetric one by two weeks - it is counted from the day of ovulation and conception. Thus, to determine the obstetric gestational age, two weeks must be added to the true one.

How to find out the duration of pregnancy by ovulation and date of conception

Ovulation is the very period of the menstrual cycle when conception can occur. During ovulation, a mature egg comes out of a woman's ovary into the fallopian tube and "waits" for sperm there. Unprotected intercourse at such a time in a more or less healthy woman and man will most likely lead to pregnancy. By the date of ovulation, the gestational age is determined.
A woman ovulates around the middle of her menstrual cycle (but not every month). If your menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur somewhere on the 14th day, with a 35-day menstrual cycle - on the 17-18th day of the cycle. The exact gestational age should be counted from the day of ovulation.
Ovulation can also be determined at home, using special tests sold in almost any pharmacy, or by regularly measuring basal temperature (temperature in the rectum). Throughout the first half of the cycle, it will stay at approximately the same level - below 37 degrees. The day before ovulation will decrease slightly. And on the day of ovulation and on all subsequent days, you will keep at the level of 37-37.2 degrees. Thus, you can calculate the gestational age () if it began in the menstrual cycle when you determined your ovulation.
There are women who can determine their ovulation without any tests and temperature measurements, just by subjective sensations - pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge. It is not difficult for such sensitive women to determine the gestational age on their own.
The most accurate way to determine the gestational age by the date of ovulation is an ultrasound scan. This is the only way to accurately see ovulation. Only now it is problematic for a week, or even longer, to go to an ultrasound scan every day. And financially, such "pleasure" will not be available to every woman. Trying to determine ovulation in oneself only so that later it is possible to accurately calculate the gestational age is inappropriate. There are simpler ways to calculate the gestational age already, in fact, after the onset of an interesting situation.

From the first date of the last menstruation, the number of days (weeks) is counted at the time of the examination of the pregnant woman. To determine the day of birth, 280 days (10 lunar months) are added to the first day of the last menstruation or the Negele formula is used: 3 months are taken from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and 7 days are added. This method cannot be used on women with irregular menstrual periods.

Determination of the gestational age by gynecological examination.

If you come for an examination to a gynecologist in the first weeks of pregnancy (3-4 weeks), then it will not be difficult for the doctor to accurately determine the gestational age. In this case, it is made based on the size of the uterus. For example, at 4 weeks of gestation, the size of the uterus can be compared with a chicken egg, at 8 weeks - with a goose egg. An experienced gynecologist is able to determine the gestational age through a vaginal examination with an accuracy of one day. The gestational age later than 8-12 weeks will be difficult to determine precisely based on the size of the uterus. Since, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, in women at the same stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus may differ.

Determination of the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound.

Of course, here, as with the previous method, much depends on the qualifications of the doctor who interprets the results. Ultrasound data obtained before the 12th week of pregnancy are considered the most correct for determining the date of the alleged birth. At this time, the determination of the gestational age is based on the measurement of the ovum, its average inner diameter.
In the second and third trimesters, the gestational age is established on the basis of determining such parameters as the circumference of the fetal head, the average diameter of the chest and abdomen of the fetus, and the circumference of the fetal tummy. The information obtained when measuring the circumference of the baby's head is considered the most reliable.
However, in general, it is believed that in late pregnancy, the error in determining the term using ultrasound increases. This is understandable: after all, each child develops individually, and at the end of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, which the doctor is guided by in his calculations, can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of a particular child.
With all the variety of methods for determining the due date of the upcoming birth, there is no one "completely accurate", as we have already said, does not exist. Therefore, we can say that a more or less accurate determination of the term of the upcoming birth is possible if all the data obtained are not contradictory, but complement and reinforce each other.
Although even in this case, the date of birth can be shifted by one or two weeks in one direction or the other due to the fact that urgent labor (that is, delivery on time) can occur in the period from 38 to 42 weeks of pregnancy.

Determination of the gestational age by the first stir.

Primiparous women begin to feel the first movements of the baby at a gestational age of 20 weeks. Multiparous a little earlier - at 18 weeks. Gynecologists recommend that a woman remember the date of the first movement and must enter it into the dispensary card of a pregnant woman. When setting the term of pregnancy and childbirth, this is of great importance. For example, in order to determine the date of birth, it is necessary to add 20 weeks (or 4.5 months) to the date of the first stirring; for multiparous, it is necessary to add 18 weeks or 5 months.
But this method of determining the gestational age is not always correct. There are women who, even in their first pregnancy, feel the baby's movements much earlier than the due date at 20 weeks, at 17 weeks, or even earlier. Especially often, such early movements are observed in thin women. There are women who feel the first movements 2 weeks later than the due date.
Doctors have their own opinion about such early perturbations and staging on their basis the gestational age. Most experts believe that women, ahead of time, do not feel the baby's movements at all, but the "work" of the intestines. After all, as you know, most pregnant women suffer from increased gas production ...

Determination of gestational age by measuring the length of the uterus and fetus.

You can calculate the gestational age in a more complex way. Such a calculation can only be made by a gynecologist. You are unlikely to succeed on your own. So, in order to measure the length of the uterus, the woman lies down on the couch and straightens her legs. Beforehand, it is imperative to empty the bladder, otherwise errors in determining the correct gestational age are possible. The length of the uterus is measured with a tape measure or pelvimeter. Usually the length of the uterus is equal to the number of weeks. For example, the length of the uterus is 36 cm, which means that the gestational age is also 36 weeks.

1 week of pregnancy

In modern obstetrics, it is customary to count the gestational age from the first day of menstruation prior to conception. And in the Pregnancy Calendar on we will do the same. It turns out that at 1 week of pregnancy, conception has not yet occurred, the body of the expectant mother is only preparing for it - menstruation passes and ends, an egg matures in the ovary. After about 12-14 days, it will leave the ovary - ovulation will occur - and, with a successful coincidence, will meet with the sperm. This will give rise to a new life.

Since fertilization has not actually occurred yet, there are no signs of pregnancy at 1 week - so far they simply cannot be. But during this period, a woman is completely confident in her desire to be a mother, she feels a certain rise and surge of strength. It's all about hormones - her body is slowly preparing for the upcoming ovulation.

Planning a pregnancy is a very important stage at which both parents need to take care of their health and reconsider their attitude to addictions. Indeed, the chance of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby depends on how healthy the parents are. During this period, it is highly undesirable for one or both parents to drink alcohol, take drugs or drugs that can affect the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. If you've wanted to quit smoking for a long time, now is the time. Fathers who smoke are much less likely to conceive than non-smokers. This is due to the detrimental effect of nicotine on the number of sperm and their motility.

At a gestation period of 1 week, the expectant mother needs to eat right, walk a lot in the fresh air, do physical exercises and take vitamins for pregnant women containing all the necessary substances, including folic acid, which reduces the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects during pregnancy. Also, the expectant mother needs to avoid X-rays of the abdominal cavity, which can affect the conception and health of the unborn baby.

2 weeks pregnant

Gynecologists begin to keep a record of pregnancy from the beginning of the last menstruation that took place, that is, from the moment when fertilization has not actually occurred. At the 2nd week of pregnancy, the woman's body is only preparing for the meeting of the egg and sperm: at this time the egg matures and ovulation occurs, but from a medical point of view, there is no pregnancy itself. If a woman is planning a pregnancy, now she does not need a pregnancy test, but a test to determine ovulation. Ultrasound is not done in the second week of pregnancy (unless there is a need to accurately determine ovulation).

In the second week of pregnancy, the level of hormones that will preserve the fetus increase. During the period of ovulation, the woman feels very well: the menstruation has passed and the weakness associated with it, too. There are no specific sensations in the woman's body yet, there are no signs of pregnancy in the second obstetric week.

If you are planning a pregnancy, gynecologists recommend that you do not douche before intercourse and do not use cosmetics for intimate hygiene, which can change the acidic environment in the vagina, just take a shower and tune in to a good result. Do not forget about vitamins for pregnant women, completely refuse to take alcohol, stop smoking and avoid stress.

3 weeks pregnant

According to the obstetric calendar, the third week of pregnancy corresponds to the first week of pregnancy from conception. At this time, the mature egg migrates into the uterine cavity - when it passes through the fallopian tube, sperm cells begin to attack it. Millions of sperm cells surround the egg and vie for fertilization. But only one of them will penetrate the oocyte membrane and unite with it, giving rise to a new life. After the penetration of the sperm into the egg, a kind of chemical reaction is triggered, and the shell of the egg becomes impenetrable for the rest of the sperm.

30 hours after the fusion of the sperm and the egg, the zygote divides into cells within itself. Having reached the uterus, the zygote begins to settle in a new place. It is during this period that the placenta begins to form, which protects and nourishes the fetus throughout the pregnancy until delivery. The embryo does not yet look like a child at all, while it is only a set of cells, 0.150 mm in size, but it already possesses all the genetic material received from its parents - it has 23 pairs of chromosomes. By the way, the 3rd obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when the fertilized egg begins its active division, and at this moment (if the parents have a genetic predisposition) multiple pregnancies may begin to develop.

An ultrasound scan at the 3rd week of pregnancy can show exactly where the ovum is attached. At this stage, your healthcare provider can determine if the pregnancy is normal or ectopic. An ectopic pregnancy is a life-threatening future maternal pathology of pregnancy, in which the attachment of a fertilized egg does not occur in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, ovary, or even in the abdominal cavity. A woman diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy is subject to immediate hospitalization for further treatment and surgery.

4 weeks pregnant

So, the 4th week of pregnancy has come. What is happening at this stage? Firstly, the fertilized egg attached to the wall of the uterus can now be safely called an embryo. True, it still does not look like a little man at all, but rather resembles a flat disc, which consists of three layers (germ layers). Each layer is transformed into internal organs during the growth and development of the embryo. The cells of the inner layer (endoderm) are the future digestive tract, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands, and the respiratory system of your baby. The cells of the middle layer (mesoderm) will form the bone skeleton, connective and muscle tissue, circulatory and excretory systems and organs of the reproductive system. From the outer layer (ectoderm), extraembryonic organs are formed - the yolk sac, the chorion and the amniotic membrane of the fetus. These organs carry out the protective, nutritional and respiratory functions of the fetus during pregnancy. At this stage of pregnancy, the embryo is deep inside the uterus and grows tirelessly. By the end of the fourth week, blastogenesis, the initial stage of intrauterine development of the embryo, is completed. At 4 weeks gestation, the embryo is approximately 0.36 mm long and 1 mm wide - like a small poppy seed.

In the fourth week, not only the baby is actively growing, but also the placenta, without which the development of pregnancy and the survival of the fetus would be impossible. Thanks to the placenta, the embryo receives all the necessary nutrients from the mother's body, with her help he breathes. Placentation is a lengthy process that will be completed by 12 weeks of gestation.

At this time, the expectant mother can begin to recognize the first signs of pregnancy. The most classic is a delay in menstruation. If you have a delay of at least one day, you can take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG. With a gynecological examination, pregnancy in the early stages is quite difficult to determine, the results can be very ambiguous. An ultrasound scan at 4 weeks of gestation is also still not very informative, but it can help to recognize an ectopic pregnancy and make a correct diagnosis.

5 weeks pregnant

The 5th week of pregnancy has come. The embryo has reached the size of a small sesame seed, the laying of all its systems and internal organs continues. During this period, it is especially important for the expectant mother to monitor her diet and take vitamins for pregnant women containing all the necessary complex of substances, including folic acid (vitamin B9), which reduces the risk of developing fetal neural tube defects. During this period, it is highly undesirable to take alcohol or narcotic substances, as well as medicines that can harm the health of the unborn baby or even terminate the pregnancy.

At week 5, the signs of pregnancy are almost invisible, but the expectant mother already feels her unusual state. During this period, the hormonal background of a woman undergoes strong changes, causing a rapid change in mood, tearfulness and excessive emotionality. Also, at 5 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be disturbed by rapid fatigue and general malaise. Many women begin to experience excruciating bouts of nausea and vomiting in the morning - early pregnancy toxicosis, accompanied by headaches, sensitivity to smells and tastes. The appearance of such a symptom as frequent urination during pregnancy is possible.

5 obstetric week of pregnancy is an alarming time for many expectant mothers, especially those who are planning a pregnancy. Miscarriage is not uncommon in early pregnancy, especially if a woman is at risk or has suffered severe stress or trauma. Risk factors for miscarriage or miscarriage usually include: endocrine or genetic disorders, age over 35, gynecological diseases, improper lifestyle, the presence of genital infections, two or more miscarriages in the past. pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, fever) - immediately consult a doctor for all necessary examinations and hospitalization!

6 weeks pregnant

Almost half of the first trimester is over, because you are already 6 weeks pregnant. The fruit has reached the size of a pomegranate seed and continues to grow actively. Its internal organs are actively developing and the most important systems of the body are being improved. An ultrasound scan at the 6th week of pregnancy already very clearly shows where the embryo is. Around this time, the face is formed: the rudiments of the eyes, nose appear, the future chin, cheeks, and ear canals are drawn. At a period of 6 weeks, you can listen to the heartbeat of the embryo, and after a while you can find out its frequency.

With the restructuring of the hormonal background of the expectant mother, important changes take place in her body. The uterus of a pregnant woman increases in size, its shape, reactivity, consistency change, blood flow increases. The vaginal mucosa becomes full-blooded, glycogen accumulates in it. Normal discharge at the 6th week of pregnancy is milky or transparent with a uniform consistency and without an unpleasant odor. If your vaginal discharge is yellow or green, you should immediately see your doctor for diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. You also need to immediately seek medical help if you notice brown or bloody discharge - this may be a sign of a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Do you have a stomach ache in your 6th week of pregnancy? Unfortunately, early miscarriage is not uncommon. If you are at risk (your previous pregnancies ended in spontaneous interruption, your lifestyle cannot be called correct, you are over 35 years old, there is a predisposition to genetic disorders, endocrine or gynecological diseases, infections, etc.), it is necessary to strengthen control over the course pregnancy and undergo examinations in a timely manner.

7 weeks pregnant

The 7th week of pregnancy has come. The development and growth of the embryo continues, the most basic parts of the brain have been formed, the nervous and cardiovascular systems are improving, limbs and gonads are slowly developing. An ultrasound scan at the 7th week of pregnancy will determine the stage of development of the fetus and its activity, and with the help of a special sensor, the doctor can listen to the heartbeat of a little man.

Many expectant mothers complain of headaches during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. This may be due to hormonal changes in the woman's body, lack of oxygen, excessive exercise, stress. Even improper nutrition of a pregnant woman and substances entering the body can provoke a headache. To diagnose and solve the problem, consult a doctor, do not self-medicate. Taking medications uncontrolled during pregnancy can cause serious damage to health and have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

To prevent headaches, expectant mothers need to rest more often, avoid noisy and stuffy places, stressful situations, loud sound and very bright light, do not overeat, do exercises for pregnant women and spend more time outdoors. including gadgets), drink a glass of cool still water, apply a wet compress to the forehead and take a horizontal position. If possible, ask your husband or someone close to you to give you a relaxing head and neck massage.

8 week of pregnancy

8 weeks pregnant is the best time to register with a antenatal clinic. During the initial visit, all important examinations of the expectant mother are carried out: the gynecologist will measure the pelvis and weight of the woman, conduct an examination on the chair, take a smear for infections, assess the condition of the cervix and give directions for blood and urine tests. if you did not have time to do it earlier (for example, to clarify the pregnancy that took place). Screening of the first trimester is carried out a little later - at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy.

At 8 weeks of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother may periodically ache: some women note slight contractions of the uterus (early training contractions) and unpleasant painful sensations associated with stretching the ligaments holding the growing uterus. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is a serious reason to consult a doctor, as their appearance may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy!

At this stage, the expectant mother has already enlarged her breasts, under the influence of the hormone prolactin, the glands responsible for the production of breast milk begin to grow. From the 8th week, the cervix softens, and the mucous membrane of the cervical canal produces cervical secretions. The mucus accumulates and becomes thick, forming a plug and blocking the path of any infection from the vagina, thereby protecting the growing fetus. By the way, the passage of a plug from the cervical canal is one of the harbingers of an impending birth.

8 obstetric week of pregnancy is the period when the fetus has the formation of the genitals and the production of hormones necessary for their proper functioning. Right now, the optic nerve begins to emerge in your future baby, muscle tissue and bones continue their active development, olfactory receptors arise in a small nose, and taste papillae in the tongue. At 8 weeks gestation, the fetus has reached the size of a small grape and already weighs about 0.25 g.

9 weeks pregnant

The third month of pregnancy has begun. At this stage, the figure of expectant mothers changes: at the 9th week of pregnancy, the belly increases slightly, the breasts continue to grow, the pregnant woman notes special sensitivity and soreness of the nipples, in some women, already at this time, colostrum may be released little by little. , stool disturbances, morning sickness in a pregnant woman, frequent urination are standard phenomena at 9 weeks.

Discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy during this period is usually unremarkable, however, the expectant mother needs to monitor their changes. Bloody or brown vaginal discharge may indicate the need for urgent hospitalization to rule out the possibility of termination of pregnancy. If you notice suspicious discharge of a yellowish, greenish tint, with an unpleasant odor, curdled, flaky or other atypical consistency, it makes sense to immediately consult a doctor. Any sexually transmitted infection in your position is a great danger to the life and health of the fetus. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, entrust your health to specialists!

The fetus is actively growing at the 9th week of pregnancy, it has already got rid of the gills, and its tail will disappear very soon. The arcuate body of the baby is slowly acquiring a human form, internal organs are developing, and life support systems are being established. For a more accurate assessment of the condition of the fetus and its development, your doctor may order an ultrasound scan at 9 weeks of pregnancy.

10 week of pregnancy

The 10th week of pregnancy has come. The belly of the expectant mother continues to increase, the breasts - to fill up and ache. Active hormonal changes in a woman's body provoke early toxicosis. Nausea and recurrent vomiting are accompanied by other sensations - drowsiness, fatigue, absent-mindedness, headaches. Also, the expectant mother may have mood swings, increased excitability and emotional instability. Pigmented spots during pregnancy - another little "surprise" awaiting a woman in the early stages. However, experts say there is no reason for worry: skin hyperpigmentation disappears soon after the onset of childbirth. Expectant mothers are advised to be very careful in the sun and use special sunscreens.

The 10th week of a woman's pregnancy is a high time to update your wardrobe and switch to more comfortable clothes. It is not recommended to wear familiar jeans, tight skirts, as they can put pressure on the stomach, which is highly undesirable. Comfortable and beautiful maternity clothes are what you need. If you have large breasts, perhaps right now you will need to wear special underwear that will support the bust without applying pressure or disrupting blood circulation. Even if you have small breasts, get a nursing bra - you will appreciate its comfort.

At 10 weeks of gestation, the fetus does not stop growing for a second. He has already reached the size of a small strawberry and looks more and more like a person. The organs of sight and hearing are formed, the rudiments of future teeth are born. At this time, the baby has full arms and legs, and small fingers are able to clench into a fist.

11 week of pregnancy

The first trimester continues. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother continues to grow slowly, the uterus grows in size, the mammary glands become coarse, the nipples become even more sensitive. In the woman's body, there is an increase in metabolism associated with the increasing need of the fetus for nutrients. Some pregnant women notice the appearance of sweating during this period, as well as a constant feeling of thirst. Right now, most mums have brittle nails, and their hair dull and prone to falling out. The skin also undergoes changes during pregnancy: the work of the sebaceous glands increases, thereby causing the appearance of unwanted oily sheen, acne and enlarged pores.

In some pregnant women at 11 weeks, the opposite picture is observed: hormones have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails. This difference is explained by the individual characteristics of the organism; the nutrition of the pregnant woman during this period is also of great importance. Correctly selected vitamins for pregnant women, as well as various cosmetic procedures that are not prohibited by your doctor, will help to solve the problem.

At 11 obstetric weeks, the little man growing inside you begins to smell: he already smells the food that you eat. The baby responds to his mother's sudden movements and covers his face with his hands, stretches and is active. At the 11th week of pregnancy, the fetus is able to roll over 360 degrees and push off from the walls of the uterus, but the expectant mother still does not feel his movements - this will happen later.

11 weeks pregnant is the time your healthcare provider may order your first screening. This is necessary to assess the development of the fetus, identify pathologies (such as Down's syndrome, Patau's syndrome, fetal neural tube defect, etc.) and the course of your pregnancy in general. Ultrasound at 11 weeks of pregnancy is not a mandatory procedure, some pregnant women refuse to carry it out, however, obstetricians-gynecologists, geneticists and neonatologists strongly recommend not to avoid this study.

12 weeks pregnant

The 12th week of pregnancy is a relatively calm time for the expectant mother. During this period, early toxicosis stops in most women, and the general condition of the body improves. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the abdomen grows with the uterus, it is not yet so noticeable to others and does not cause any inconvenience to the woman in position. The pregnant uterus rises a little higher and stops pressing on the bladder, but begins to put pressure on the intestines. For this reason, constipation occurs in pregnant women, as well as flatulence and abdominal discomfort. At this stage, many mothers notice an improvement in their appetite and start eating "for two", which is highly undesirable: excess weight during pregnancy can complicate the course of childbirth, as well as the postpartum period.

At the 12th week of pregnancy - the period for prenatal screening, which includes an ultrasound scan and a biochemical analysis of the mother's blood. The purpose of this study is to assess the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. It is during this period that it is possible to recognize the presence of chromosomal abnormalities and genetic diseases in the fetus (for example, fetal neural tube defect, Down's syndrome), deformation or absence of organs and limbs. For a more accurate diagnosis, ultrasound at 12 weeks of gestation is performed by the transvaginal method.

A child at 12 weeks gestation has reached the size of a small passion fruit and weighs about 9-14 g. Its internal organs develop and improve every day, nail beds appear on small fingers, and in them the rudiments of marigolds. At this stage, the genitals of the fetus are also manifested, however, it is still not possible to determine the sex of the unborn child. The expectant mother always listens to the sensations: the first movements of the fetus are a real event for the whole family! As soon as the baby grows up and gains weight, they will become really tangible.

13 weeks pregnant

13th week of pregnancy is one of the most favorable periods for the expectant mother and baby. During this period, the threat of miscarriage is significantly reduced, the fetus is more secure and subject to lower risks than at the beginning of pregnancy. The expectant mother can breathe a sigh of relief, but she should not relax completely either: the end of the first trimester still requires an attentive attitude to her health. Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman, adherence to all the prescriptions of the attending physician, walks in the fresh air and complete peace of mind are the key to the successful course of your pregnancy at this stage.

The end of the first trimester of pregnancy makes significant changes in the body of the expectant mother. At the 13th week of pregnancy, the uterus constantly increases in size, rises higher and higher. Now it fills with itself almost the entire hip region and rises into the abdominal region. At each examination, the gynecologist will now measure the height of the fundus of the uterus. Normally, the height of the fundus of the uterus corresponds to the obstetric term in weeks and is easily palpable. The approximate size of a pregnant woman's uterus at 13 weeks is 10 cm wide and 13 cm high. It becomes more elastic and softer,

The tone of the uterus in the second trimester will no longer be so terrible, since it becomes more elastic and softer, and the contractions are short-lived. If a pregnant woman feels a slight pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity and lie down. More severe pain accompanied by weakness, fever, specific vaginal discharge is a serious reason to consult your doctor. Be carefull!

14 weeks pregnant

The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester, it can be called the quietest period in the process of bearing a child. Irritability and nervousness give way to a feeling of peace and tranquility, but increased tearfulness can accompany you during the entire period of pregnancy. Enjoy your position, wellness and mood.

The belly at the 14th week of pregnancy increases in size, the expectant mother by this time gains about 2-3 kg, this happens with an increase in the volume of blood and lymphatic fluid, and with the active growth of subcutaneous fat. Since the hormonal background has changed, during this period of pregnancy, you should not abuse sweet dishes and pastries - they can lead to a sharp increase in weight.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, neoplasms may appear on the woman's skin - moles and papillomas (soft warts). Don't worry, papillomas are common during pregnancy. When hormones return to normal, they will disappear. If you have previously had papillomas, and you notice that they change in size and grow, and the birthmarks grow and darken, you should consult a doctor to find out the reasons.

Also, the expectant mother may have another trouble - condylomas (warts) in the vagina or anus. Their appearance is associated with the papilloma virus - this is also a problem that should be consulted with a doctor. Warts during pregnancy are especially dangerous, they can cause complications, as they tend to grow, thereby clogging the birth canal, subsequently preventing childbirth. However, the most annoying thing is that during childbirth, your baby can also be infected with this virus. So the treatment of genital warts is a mandatory measure for maintaining the health of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

15 weeks pregnant

The development of pregnancy at 15 weeks introduces some unfavorable changes in the body of the expectant mother. During this period, pregnant women notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as crumbling of teeth. This is due to the fact that all energy costs and nutrients from the mother's body go to the development of the fetus. The fetus in the second trimester of pregnancy continues to actively develop and grow, it requires a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and proteins.

The belly at the 15th week of pregnancy, following the fetus, grows and becomes even more rounded. Some pregnant women may notice during this period the appearance on the abdomen of a dark strip extending from the navel downward. Don't worry - this is temporary and will disappear soon after giving birth.

The uterus at 15 weeks of gestation becomes even larger compared to the previous 14 weeks. The height of the fundus of the uterus is 14 cm. A pregnant woman can already feel it on her own by placing her palm on the lower abdomen, about 4-5 fingers below the navel. The uterus no longer presses on the bladder, so the frequency of urination returns to normal. But the uterus still presses on the intestines: problems with stool are not excluded. Constipation during pregnancy causes discomfort and discomfort not only to the expectant mother, but to the fetus. After all, the timely cleansing of the intestines of a pregnant woman helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. Therefore, in order to avoid constipation, it is recommended to revise your diet. Diversify your diet at 15 weeks of pregnancy with healthy healthy foods: vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread, meat, cheese, cereals, dairy products, sprouted cereals, cottage cheese, drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

16 weeks pregnant

16 weeks pregnant is the end of the fourth month. At the 16th week of pregnancy, the feelings of the expectant mother may intensify. It is during this period that the expectant mother can feel the first movements of the baby, because he has already reached the size of a small apple! True, sometimes it is even difficult to grasp them, they are so easy. Since the fetus is in the free space of the uterus, and all of its movements "smooth out" the amniotic fluid, the first movements resemble the "movements of a fish", "fluttering of a butterfly" or "bursting of bubbles". The belly at 16 weeks of gestation continues to round,

Discharge at the 16th week of pregnancy can also change its character: they acquire a milky color and increase in volume. This is completely normal, such discharge is normal. At this stage of pregnancy, the discharge should be uniform and should not cause discomfort in the form of burning and pain. During pregnancy, signs of an incipient infection may be a changed consistency, color and pungent odor of the discharge. In the presence of red, brown, yellow, green or bright yellow discharge with a pungent odor, accompanied by pain, the pregnant woman must inform the gynecologist about this for a comprehensive examination.

17 weeks pregnant

17 weeks pregnant - the beginning of the fifth month. For the expectant mother, this is the most favorable period of pregnancy, her mood and well-being should be at their best. It is important for a pregnant woman to get more rest, walk, eat right and do special exercises. The belly at 17 weeks of gestation continues to grow with the fetus, which by this time is already the size of a pear. At the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy, there are some changes associated with the increased activity of the baby - for him it is 15 weeks of life. The expectant mother begins to perceive the presence of the child, the first emotional connection is established between them. During this period, you can start communicating with the baby - he already hears his parents.

The fetus in the 17th week of pregnancy becomes more energetic, and some sensitive pregnant women may feel the first slight movements of their child. By the beginning of the 5th month of pregnancy, the development of the placenta is completed. Its walls are a thick dense layer, while its weight is about 450 g. The placenta is entangled in a network of blood vessels through which the fetus receives nutrients and oxygen. Due to the increase in the conductivity of nutrients in the vessels of the placenta, the expectant mother may complain of a rapid heartbeat. In pregnant women at 17 weeks, bleeding of the gums and nosebleeds may occur as a result of such heart activity. Also, women note during this period increased sweating and more abundant vaginal discharge.

18 weeks pregnant

The 18th week of pregnancy has come, during this period pregnant women usually no longer experience toxicosis, but they may face another equally unpleasant problem - dizziness. Dizziness in pregnant women is a phenomenon that occurs due to hypotension. In pregnant women in the middle of the 2nd trimester, blood pressure can drop sharply to very low levels. However, in general, this condition is not dangerous. More often it is typical for women prone to arterial hypotension outside of pregnancy.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the abdomen becomes even larger, a redistribution of the center of gravity occurs. In this regard, the gait of the expectant mother changes, aching pains in the lower back may appear. Also, pregnant women note the presence of pain in the buttocks and abdomen, most often this is due to the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the nerve plexuses located in these places. It is very important to choose the right clothing that will support your already rather round belly and will not squeeze it.

A growing belly and growing anxiety about your baby can lead to sleep disturbances in a pregnant woman. Special pillows will help you to adopt a comfortable sleeping position and, at least partially, relieve tension. The same pillows will be very useful after the birth of the baby, when the mother begins to breastfeed her baby.

19th week of pregnancy

So, 19th week of pregnancy. The feelings of many expectant mothers are full of excitement and joy, because fetal movements become more pronounced. Some pregnant women feel how the baby has begun to move earlier, but mostly this happens precisely at the period from 18 to 22 weeks. Sometimes fetal movement at the 19th week of pregnancy is absent, thereby causing excitement in expectant mothers. If the course of the pregnancy itself is going well, there are no reasons for worry - everything will happen soon, you just need to be patient. It should be noted that overweight women begin to feel fetal movements later. And vice versa, thin women or those who were already in an interesting position before record the activity of their child.

As soon as the expectant mother felt the first fetal movements during pregnancy, she should pay attention to their frequency: on average, the baby will be active 4-8 times per hour. If the mother's blood lacks oxygen or nutrients, the activity of the fetus increases. Perhaps your attending physician has already talked about what fetal hypoxia is and how it is dangerous. What should the expectant mother take? Take care of your baby and provide him with more oxygen. Long walks in the fresh air, deep breaths and exhalations, yoga for pregnant women or therapeutic exercises - all this will help to avoid the development of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy and improve your overall well-being. The child's activity can also change from the emotional state of the mother. It is important for expectant parents to be aware that any stress causes great harm to the health and nervous system of their baby. Pregnancy should take place with the woman's full emotional comfort.

20th week of pregnancy

Week 20 is the end of the fifth month of pregnancy. During this period, expectant mothers note an increase in pain in the lumbar and back. This is due to a shift in the center of gravity and additional stress on the back and muscles due to the increasing weight of the pregnant woman, because the belly is actively growing, and the baby is actively gaining weight. The uterus at the 20th week of pregnancy also continues to grow, its size has increased three times compared to its usual size, and the bottom of the uterus is already at the level of the navel.

To "unload" the spine, doctors recommend performing special exercises for pregnant women. A very good effect is given by water aerobics for pregnant women and exercises on fitball. It is worth giving up shoes with heels, keeping your posture and trying not to burden your back. Clothes for pregnant women should also be as comfortable as possible, preferably made from natural fabrics and without belly straps, elastic bands, etc. Following these recommendations will definitely help if you have back pain during pregnancy.

Pregnancy cramps are another unpleasant phenomenon that worries expectant mothers. The reason for their appearance may be a deficiency of vitamins and other microelements, since the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy actively begins to take from the mother's body all the most useful for its development. In order to prevent mineral deficiencies, it is recommended to take a vitamin-mineral complex, developed specifically for pregnant women. However, it is better to select vitamins for pregnant women in conjunction with the attending physician in order to avoid trouble.

Your doctor may also order an ultrasound scan to assess the progress of your position of interest. An ultrasound scan at the 20th week of pregnancy will tell not only about how your baby is growing and developing, but also about the state of the amniotic fluid and the placenta. In some pregnant women at this time, placenta previa is diagnosed - a pathology in which the placenta is completely or partially located in the lower segment of the uterus (in the area of ​​the internal uterine pharynx, i.e. on the path of childbirth).

21 weeks pregnant

The 21st week has come, which means that half of the gestation period has already passed. At the 21st week of pregnancy, your belly is already becoming noticeable to others, fetal movements are felt more clearly, some mothers note the special activity of babies and even see their movements. What happens to a baby at 21 weeks pregnant? He continues to grow actively, his hearing is quite well developed, a swallowing reflex has appeared, and taste buds are being actively formed. At this time, the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be especially balanced and healthy. Some expectant mothers note an increase in appetite, sometimes manifested by bouts of severe hunger. Experts recommend not to get carried away, otherwise a sharp and at the same time undesirable weight gain cannot be avoided.

The growing uterus at 21 weeks of gestation continues to put pressure on the internal organs. At this time, pregnant women notice difficulty in breathing. Shortness of breath in pregnant women is associated with the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and lungs, and in many expectant mothers it persists until the onset of childbirth. A simple, but quite effective way to cope with a lack of oxygen is breathing exercises for pregnant women. If breathing is difficult at night, try sleeping in a semi-seated position with a couple of large pillows under your head.

At 21 weeks of gestation, pain in the lumbar region and back, as well as in the navel, becomes more and more noticeable. A pregnant woman may complain of pain and heaviness in the legs, their swelling and even cramps. Wearing the right clothes and shoes, gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women, foot baths and light relaxing massage will help the expectant mother cope with discomfort.

22 weeks pregnant

At 22 weeks gestation, the fetus has reached the size of a squash, its movements in the still quite spacious womb of the mother become more intense. The expectant mother can understand which parts of the body the child is pushing; during the day, at least ten movements of the child should be felt. If you notice that the child moves much less often than usual, or practically does not move, immediately contact your doctor, he will help determine why the child is moving less.

At this time, expectant mothers complain about the inconvenience associated with choosing a comfortable position for rest, because at 22 weeks of pregnancy, the belly is already large enough and does not allow you to sleep as you want. Also, the growing uterus presses on the internal organs, including the lungs and the diaphragm, making it difficult for the pregnant woman to breathe. At 22 weeks, expectant mothers note their increased emotionality and sensitivity, some are experiencing cravings for certain foods and their combinations. Experts recommend monitoring the nutrition of the pregnant woman, avoiding overeating and not eating junk food. Heartburn during pregnancy is a common occurrence, especially in the second and third trimesters. Correction of the diet, feasible physical activity and the fulfillment of all the prescriptions of the attending physician will help the expectant mother to cope with the illness.

Another unpleasant "surprise" that may await women at 22 weeks is hemorrhoids. During pregnancy, it often proceeds with painful sensations and causes a lot of inconvenience. The appearance of this problem is associated with circulatory disorders in the small pelvis: the uterus at 22 weeks of gestation increases in size and begins to squeeze the vessels. Because of this, the outflow of blood worsens and its stagnation forms. Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is carried out under the strict guidance of a doctor: he will tell you what changes need to be made to your diet, what exercises for pregnant women to perform and prescribe an effective therapy that is right for you. Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy or an ointment will help you in the fight against such a delicate problem.

23 weeks pregnant

So, you are 23 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus at this time continues, in size it already resembles a small eggplant and weighs about half a kilogram. Due to a small amount of brown subcutaneous fat and very thin skin, his face and body are still thin and wrinkled. A child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is very active, the expectant mother clearly feels his movements and can determine exactly where he is. If the child pushes unusually hard, too often, or, on the contrary, his movements began to be felt less often or completely disappeared, immediately contact your doctor. It will help to identify and eliminate the causes of impaired motor activity of the fetus.

The 23rd week of pregnancy imposes certain prohibitions on the burden of the expectant mother. During this period, you should not lift weights and overexert yourself, it is advisable to use a bandage for pregnant women. Despite the constantly enlarging belly, at 23 weeks of gestation, it is recommended not to reduce physical activity and more often be in the fresh air in order to provide the baby with good oxygen nutrition. Fetal hypoxia is a serious problem; in order to prevent it, it is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and try to avoid stressful situations.

At this time, constipation in a pregnant woman can become frequent "guests". Try to eat foods rich in fiber, stick to your drinking regime, and do not forget about physical activity. Remember that timely bowel cleansing is the key to the well-being of the expectant mother. Another nuisance that continues to accompany most pregnant women is heartburn and discomfort in the epigastric region. The growing uterus at 23 weeks of gestation puts pressure on the organs, and the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach enters the esophagus and causes a burning sensation.

It is very important for a young mother to take care of her own health and strengthening the immune system, since during this period it is extremely undesirable to get sick with viral and infectious diseases, especially the flu. A child in the womb of a mother with influenza is susceptible to such a dangerous phenomenon as fetal growth retardation and various pathologies of the nervous system.

24 weeks pregnant

The 24th week of pregnancy is a relatively calm time for the expectant mother, because she already clearly feels how the baby is moving, can determine the periods of his sleep and wakefulness, and notices how quickly her belly grows. At the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby sleeps about 18-20 hours a day. Sometimes the child kicks around at night, or when you go to rest during the day. This may indicate that he is hungry. Allow yourself a healthy light snack to help calm your baby's movements. Experts recommend that expectant mothers observe the daily regimen and diet, thus teaching babies to stay awake and sleep at the same time.

At 24 weeks of gestation, the uterus continues to grow, its bottom is in the navel area. At this stage of pregnancy, many women begin to feel false contractions, they are also called training contractions. The body of a pregnant woman with the help of such exercises masters the process of uterine contraction and prepares for childbirth. They are practically painless and irregular, but if you experience stomach pain during pregnancy, see your doctor right away. Watery discharge at 24 weeks gestation can also indicate the onset of premature labor. Be vigilant and careful!

25 week of pregnancy

25 weeks pregnant - during this period, many expectant mothers are worried about premature birth. But do not cheat yourself and bother your head with this if there are no alarming symptoms. However, if your stomach hurts during pregnancy, your lower back is pulled, and you have a watery vaginal discharge for 25 weeks, see your doctor right away.

If you haven't started preparing your nipples for breastfeeding yet, it's time to start. To do this, make it a rule to wash your nipples and areola circles with cold water and wipe them off with a coarse waffle towel. This simple manipulation will allow you to protect yourself in the future from such a nuisance as cracked nipples. Perform the procedure once a day for a couple of minutes, no more, so as not to cause unwanted uterine contractions during this period.

Heaviness in the legs during pregnancy and the manifestation of varicose veins is another unpleasant phenomenon that accompanies the expectant mother during this period. To prevent the development of the disease, it is recommended to wear special compression stockings, which will help you choose a phlebologist. Try not to strain your legs and wear comfortable maternity shoes. When resting, place your feet on a pillow or roller to improve blood circulation and relieve tension.

A growing belly at 25 weeks gestation also needs special care. Stretch marks on the abdomen are an unpleasant consequence of pregnancy, but you can prevent their appearance with the help of special creams and lotions recommended by your doctor.

26 weeks pregnant

The third trimester of pregnancy has come. Your baby is already the size of a small melon and weighs about 800 g. The expectant mother even more perceptibly feels how the baby moves in her stomach, especially at night. At this time, doctors recommend carefully monitoring the activity of the fetus and counting movements. There is a special table - the fetal movement test, in which the expectant mother marks every tenth baby movement from 9:00 to 21:00. In a normal state, the tenth movement is noted before 17:00. If the number of movements in 12 hours is less than 10, tell your doctor. Lack of fetal activity within 12 hours is a very serious signal, urgently consult a doctor! Fetal hypoxia is very dangerous at all stages of pregnancy, it is important not only to diagnose its development in time, but also to provide timely assistance to the baby in order to avoid disastrous consequences.

A child at the 26th week of pregnancy is already quite well developed: he sees and hears, and he distinguishes low sounds better than high sounds. The baby reacts sensitively to sharp slaps or knocks, they cause him anxiety, and screaming and noise frighten him. The most pleasant sound for a baby even after birth is the beating of the mother's heart. He already has developed taste buds, grasping and sucking reflexes are actively developing. He looks less and less like a wrinkled old man, the skin is gradually smoothed out and changes color.

The beginning of the third trimester is a time to be vigilant. If you notice a watery vaginal discharge, do not delay a visit to the doctor: it is possible that amniotic fluid is leaking and there is a risk of giving birth prematurely. Alarming signals at this time are also prolonged cramping pains, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, general weakness. Bloody discharge at 26 weeks of gestation may indicate placental abruption, but only a doctor can more accurately determine this.

27 weeks pregnant

The development of the child at 27 weeks of gestation continues to gain momentum: important changes are taking place in his body. For example, the immune and respiratory systems develop, a lung surfactant is produced - a mixture of substances that in the future will help the baby's lungs to absorb and assimilate oxygen. Every day, fetal movements are felt by the expectant mother more and more sharply, she can already recognize even the baby's hiccups by light rhythmic tremors inside. This process does not cause any inconvenience to the child and can take several minutes.

At 27 weeks gestation, some expectant mothers may experience involuntary urination when sneezing or laughing violently. This is due to the fact that the uterus at the 27th week of pregnancy puts quite a lot of pressure on the bladder. In order not to be in an awkward situation, use special sanitary pads. Heartburn during pregnancy, nausea and frequent constipation are also the result of pressure from the uterus on the internal organs. Try to eat in small portions, but often, do not overuse sweet and starchy foods. Compliance with the drinking regime, feasible physical activity, exercise for pregnant women - all this will also help you cope with ailments.

The third trimester is a time of special control. The expectant mother should pay attention to the number of fetal movements, the nature of the discharge (for example, bloody discharge may indicate placental abruption, and watery discharge may indicate the onset of premature labor) and specific pain. Timely diagnosis by the attending physician will help to avoid troubles and carry the baby out before the due date.

28 week of pregnancy

The 28th week of pregnancy has come. The child at this stage of development is already quite large and slightly less mobile. He becomes cramped in his mother's tummy, the baby practically does not change his body position, but continues to push his mother with his legs and arms. The expectant mother needs to continue to track fetal movements and mark them in a special table. At 28 weeks of gestation, the baby opens his eyes for the first time and can distinguish between light and shadow. The child's brain is actively developing and has several distinct convolutions. During this period, the foundations of the psyche and character traits of the child are laid.

Pregnant women at 28 weeks notice the sensitivity of the skin, many begin to itch the chest, thighs, abdomen. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the issue of combating stretch marks is especially relevant. Do not ignore the advice of your doctor, use a special lotion or cream for stretch marks. In pharmacies and specialized stores, you can also find oil for stretch marks during pregnancy, made from natural ingredients and contributing to the rapid hydration of the skin and its effective regeneration.

The breast at the 28th week of pregnancy also continues to undergo changes: at this time, veins may appear on the breast, and colostrum begins to stand out from the nipples. During this period, the expectant mother needs to especially carefully monitor her well-being, eat right and rest. Be careful: at this time, there is a high risk of premature birth, so try to protect yourself from stress, in no case carry weights, do not hang clothes and curtains.

29 weeks pregnant

So, the 29th week of pregnancy has come. There is only 1 week left before the coveted maternity leave. You will be able to pay more attention to yourself and your baby, attend school for expectant mothers, and focus on the final period of pregnancy. If you are still working, try not to overwork. Even when doing household chores, ask your family for help. Premature birth at this time is not a widespread phenomenon, but there is still a risk. Take care of yourself!

The expectant mother during this period should monitor her weight. Weight gain at 29 weeks gestation should be about 10-12 kg. The rate of weight gain is approximately 300-350 g per week. If the pregnant woman is recovering more rapidly, you need to make sure that this is not due to fluid retention in the body. Edema during pregnancy at this time is found in most expectant mothers; a salt-free diet, correction of the drinking regimen and special exercises for pregnant women will help to solve the problem. But do not lose your vigilance: any manifestation of pronounced edema of the face, fingers, lower back and abdominal wall may indicate the presence of a serious complication called "preeclampsia". For its diagnosis and treatment, you must contact your doctor.

At the 29th week of pregnancy, discharge is also an object of control. Normally, homogeneous, transparent (or milky) discharge without a pungent odor. In case of detection of bloody discharge, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of premature birth, previa or placental abruption.

Feeling hot is another unpleasant phenomenon that expectant mothers often complain about at the 29th week of pregnancy. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism, which activates the processes of sweating and increases the load on the heart. In some pregnant women, blood pressure decreases, and a rapid pulse appears.

30 weeks pregnant

The 30th week of pregnancy has come, your baby is already the size of a head of cabbage and weighs about 1.2-1.3 kg. At this stage, the child begins to gain weight more rapidly, becoming less and less mobile. The expectant mother notices how the nature of the movements is changing: now the child pushes and kicks rather painfully, rests his limbs against the internal organs or ribs.

Sometimes pregnant women complain of painful sensations that fetal movements bring to them. This can occur due to an uncomfortable state - do not be nervous, avoid places in which you may feel bad, both mentally and physically. If suddenly you feel that the uterus is tense, relax, turn on pleasant music and rest. Stroking the belly and gentle words will soothe the baby. A fetus at 30 weeks gestation is very sensitive to maternal affection.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother has grown significantly and changed her gait. Some clumsiness is associated not only with the addition of centimeters in the waist, but also with the relaxation of the articular ligaments and water retention in the body. Weight at 30 weeks of gestation has increased by about 10 kg, and more than half of this weight is the uterus, amniotic fluid, placenta. In order not to gain extra pounds, continue to monitor your diet and do gymnastics for pregnant women. Do not forget that all movements must be done carefully, avoiding sharp turns of the body and bends.

30 week of pregnancy is the period for going on maternity leave for working expectant mothers. Finally, you can devote more time to your health and preparation for childbirth. If you have not enrolled in the school for expectant mothers yet - do it now. If the attending physician has established a breech presentation of the fetus - practice special exercises, there is a chance that the baby will still turn head down. Only the doctor can most accurately determine the presentation (with the help of careful palpation) and an unscheduled ultrasound scan at 30 weeks of gestation.

31 weeks pregnant

The uterus at 31 weeks of gestation continues to increase in size and rise higher, putting more and more pressure on the internal organs. This leads to unpleasant symptoms such as heartburn, constipation or hemorrhoids. During pregnancy at 31 weeks, it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the expectant mother, especially if there is a uterine fibroid during pregnancy or scars after a cesarean section.

The nutrition of a pregnant woman during this period should be as useful and digestible as possible. To prevent bouts of nausea, heartburn and constipation, you need to eat small meals, but often. Your diet should be based on vegetables, meat, fish, cereals and dairy products. Refrain from fried, salty and spicy foods - they increase the burden on the kidneys.

Edema during pregnancy in the third trimester bothers almost all women, a special salt-free diet, performing feasible exercises, correction of nutrition and drinking regimen will help to deal with them. If you begin to notice severe swelling of the face, fingers, abdomen or lower back, immediately consult a doctor, perhaps these are signs of a serious complication - gestosis of pregnant women.

A baby at 31 weeks gestation takes a final position in the womb: as a rule, this position is head down. If the doctor diagnosed a breech presentation of the fetus, you still have the opportunity to try to change the situation - with the help of special exercises and positions. The development of the child at 31 weeks of gestation continues, outwardly it is already becoming more and more like a newborn baby. The baby's skin turns pink due to subcutaneous fat, which hides its blood vessels, the capillaries no longer shine through it. The kid is actively gaining weight, his internal organs and reflexes develop and improve. The mother feels very well at the 31st week of pregnancy, experts recommend continuing to monitor the baby's activity and filling out a special table of fetal movements.

32 weeks pregnant

The 32nd week of pregnancy has begun. The estimated date of birth is getting closer, the expectant mother is increasingly worried about the health of her unborn child. At 32 weeks of gestation, the stomach begins to deliver a lot of inconvenience. Pain in the lower back and legs, the inability to take a comfortable sleeping position, some awkwardness - it is not surprising that at this time most women feel tired, they want to end their pregnancy as soon as possible and meet with the baby.

At 32 weeks gestation, the uterus continues to put pressure on the internal organs, provoking shortness of breath, heartburn and frequent constipation. A pregnant woman has training contractions - practically painless contractions of the uterus, preparing her for the upcoming birth. Some women report that they sweat more than usual at 32 weeks of gestation and feel heat in their bodies. This is due to the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body of a pregnant woman, affecting the work of the heart and the process of sweating.

The fetus continues to grow and gain weight at 32 weeks gestation. It is already the size of a large head of Chinese cabbage and weighs approximately 1.6-1.7 kg. The child hears how the organs of the mother work, listens to her voice and is able to distinguish his sound from any other. Outwardly, the baby also changes - hair, nails grow, wrinkles are smoothed out, cheeks appear, the original lubricant is gradually washed off. Almost all of the child's organs are already formed, the head and body are proportional, it remains to put on weight. Another important achievement of this period is the laying of the baby's own immunity. Ultrasound will help to fully assess the development of the child at this stage. At 32 weeks of gestation, the doctor will determine the presentation of the fetus, as well as assess the condition of the placenta, umbilical cord and the amount of amniotic fluid.

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother should beware of viral and infectious diseases, since any disease and methods of its treatment will certainly affect the health of the baby. Colds in late pregnancy are dangerous in that they accelerate the aging process of the placenta, and this, in turn, threatens the development of fetal hypoxia and impaired delivery of nutrients from mother to child.

33 weeks pregnant

The 33rd week of pregnancy has come. The child has reached the size of a pineapple and already weighs about 2 kg. Every day he is more and more cramped in his mother's belly: no somersaults, no coups. The amount of amniotic fluid also decreases, the movements of the fetus are felt by the mother more and more sharply. At this time, the development of the child continues to gain momentum: the immune, nervous and endocrine systems are completing their formation, muscle and subcutaneous fat continue to build up. If suddenly the expectant mother begins premature birth at 33 weeks of gestation, the likelihood of having a live and healthy baby is very high.

At 33 weeks of gestation, the belly of the expectant mother continues to grow, delivering more and more discomfort while sleeping, walking or doing business. At 33 weeks gestation, the uterus rises even higher and puts even more pressure on the stomach and other organs. The pregnant woman still experiences heartburn, sometimes belching occurs. It becomes difficult to breathe and shortness of breath appears after physical exertion. After a couple of weeks, the belly of the pregnant woman will begin to sink down and the woman will feel a little lighter.

Edema during pregnancy at this time is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Expectant mothers complain of swelling of the legs (especially in the ankle area), which intensifies after exercise or walking. Swelling of the legs in pregnant women is associated with a violation of the speed of blood flow: after all, the growing uterus presses not only on the internal organs, but also on the blood vessels. And the blood, under pressure, retains water in the legs.

To prevent edema during rest, you should put your feet above your head, for example, on a pillow or a rolled-up blanket, wear comfortable shoes for pregnant women, and do special exercises. It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to stand, sit, or be in stuffy rooms for a long time. A pregnant woman's diet should be balanced and healthy. To prevent edema, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the use of salt, salty foods and spicy foods. Salt tends to retain fluid in the body, and generously spiced dishes can cause not only an attack of heartburn, but also intense thirst.

34 weeks pregnant

The 34th week of pregnancy has begun. What happens during this period? The body of the expectant mother begins to intensively prepare for the upcoming birth. For example, a large amount of hormones are released into the bloodstream, which help to increase the elasticity of some joints and ligaments - all this is necessary for easier movement of the child through the birth canal. The enlarging uterus at 34 weeks of gestation puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, for this reason, the expectant mother has frequent urination, and sometimes urinary incontinence may occur.

Pregnant women continue to experience heartburn, some mothers complain of shortness of breath, problems with stools and hemorrhoids. Swelling during pregnancy (especially severe) is a reason to consult a doctor and pass all the necessary tests. Gestosis of pregnant women is a serious pathology in which toxins are released into the body of the expectant mother, which can lead to fetal development disorders at 34 weeks of gestation and even to its death. The development of gestosis in a pregnant woman is indicated by the presence of protein in the urine and a change in blood pressure.

The baby at 34 weeks of gestation continues to grow actively. It has already reached the size of a butternut squash and weighs about 1.9-2 kg. In the third trimester, the child's cardiovascular system is actively formed. His heart rate is almost 2 times higher than that of an adult. Putting your ear to the belly of the expectant mother, you can hear the heartbeat of the fetus. From the 34th week of pregnancy, the baby gains the necessary weight, the primary hair growth decreases and, along with it, the original lubricant. The baby's skin becomes paler and smoother, the kidneys and all vital systems work better. If the expectant mother begins premature birth at 34 weeks of gestation, there is a great chance that the baby will survive and be born healthy (albeit small).

35 weeks pregnant

So, you are gradually approaching the estimated date of birth, the 35th week of pregnancy has come. It becomes more and more difficult to do the usual things and stay active. At the 35th week of pregnancy, the breast of the expectant mother is already in full preparation for feeding the baby: it has increased in size, is full and aches. A nursing bra is what you need. It will not squeeze or irritate and will support your enlarged breasts well.

The belly has already become very large and causes a lot of inconvenience. At 35 weeks gestation, the uterus became huge, pressed down on the stomach and lungs. At the end of 35 weeks, the belly of the pregnant woman will begin to lower and breathe easier. If it has become very difficult for the expectant mother to breathe, it is necessary to perform a special exercise for pregnant women, which will help reduce the pressure on the internal organs: get on all fours and inhale and exhale smoothly. In this position, you can stand from 5 minutes to half an hour, several times a day.

The baby at 35 weeks gestation continues to grow and has already reached the size of a cantaloupe. Its weight increases every week by 200-250 g. The fetal movements become more constrained, because there is practically no free space in my mother's belly. Now he is not so much pushing as he rolls, protruding different parts of the body. At this stage, the intrauterine development of the fetus is already quite high, the work of its internal organs and reflexes is adjusted. If the expectant mother begins to deliver prematurely at 35 weeks of gestation, the likelihood of having a healthy baby is very high. However, experts agree that for guaranteed survival of the child and its further development, pregnancy must be kept until the expected date of birth.

36 weeks pregnant

The 36th week of pregnancy is the final stage of the entire period of bearing a child, according to gynecologists. An expectant mother at this stage of pregnancy may have to visit her doctor until the onset of labor. He will carefully monitor her blood pressure and urine protein content to rule out the risk of developing such a serious pathology as preeclampsia. It may be necessary to conduct an ultrasound scan at 36 weeks of gestation to identify fetal presentation, check the condition of the placenta, amniotic membranes, exclude the risk of cord entanglement and assess the amount of amniotic fluid.

It's time for the expectant mother to start solving organizational issues: choose a place for giving birth, choose a doctor and collect a bag for the hospital. From the 36th week of pregnancy, childbirth can occur at any time, and the expectant mother should be ready for this. Since the obstetrician cannot determine the onset of pregnancy with an accuracy of a week, an error of 2 weeks is not uncommon, and at 37-38 weeks of gestation, childbirth is no longer considered premature.

At 36 weeks of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother delivers a lot of inconvenience due to its large size. Due to the load, the woman feels pain in the lower back and legs, suffers from edema and moves more difficult. At 36 weeks gestation, the uterus continues to press on the internal organs, causing shortness of breath and heartburn. In some women, abdominal prolapse occurs at this time: the baby slowly moves closer to the "exit", occupying the presenting part (head or buttocks) of the pelvic floor. By the way, a baby at 36 weeks pregnant is already the size of a large papaya, its weight is about 2.5 kg.

Almost all women have a fear of childbirth, especially if they are for the first time. At 36 weeks, expectant mothers become increasingly irritable, anxious and nervous. Meditation, relaxation, yoga for pregnant women, relaxing massage, listening to music, reading books, communicating with loved ones or a personal psychologist are good helpers in the fight against fear.

37 weeks pregnant

At 37 weeks gestation, the baby is already ready for birth, but his body continues to change and prepare for childbirth. The baby's body gradually becomes plump due to the accumulating subcutaneous fat, the skin is smoothed, becomes elastic and takes on a pink tint. The fetus at 37 weeks of gestation is fully developed: all systems of his body are ready to start working, the hormone cortisol is produced, which promotes the ripening of the lungs. Meconium has accumulated in the baby's intestines - the original feces, which will be released on the first day, from 3 to 20 hours after birth. By the way, the elimination of meconium from the intestines of the newborn will be facilitated by colostrum secreted from the mother's breast in the first time after childbirth.

By the 37th week of pregnancy, the uterus has reached its maximum size: it weighs about a kilogram, its volume is 4-5 liters. The pressure on the bladder increases, the pregnant woman has a backache, and shooting pain in the legs and perineum is also possible. The belly at 37 weeks of gestation hardens several times a day - training contractions occur. At this time, aging of the placenta is noted, precursors of close childbirth may appear: the release of a mucous plug (yellowish discharge with streaks), lowering of the abdomen (the child occupies the position of the presenting area in the small pelvis), slight liquefaction of the stool.

For a period of 37 weeks, the movement of the child often brings painful sensations to the expectant mother, now his stomach is very cramped: the amniotic fluid has become even less, the size and weight of the child are increasing. It turns out that the uterus at the 37th week of pregnancy now presses not only on the internal organs of the mother, but also squeezes the baby. Fetal movements must also be controlled at 37 weeks of gestation: there should be at least 10 of them per day. In the last days of pregnancy, the child's activity decreases, he calms down a little and prepares for his birth.

38 weeks pregnant

The 38th week of pregnancy has come - an alarming waiting period for the expectant mother. At this time, the pregnant woman should be ready to be taken to the hospital at any time. If you haven't packed your bag for the hospital yet, it's time to take care of it now. Also, collect all the necessary documents: you need to take your passport, medical policy, exchange card and birth certificate to the maternity hospital. Fold all your documents into one folder or file and carry them with you in your purse, especially when traveling.

The belly at 38 weeks of gestation can be truly huge: the baby has taken up all the free space and continues to gain weight. It is more and more difficult for him to move, since the uterus at 38 weeks of gestation squeezes the body from all sides. At this stage, important improvements take place in the body of the little man, the fluff partially or completely disappears - lanugo and the original lubricant covering the baby's skin, the facial features become more and more sharpened. At 38 weeks of gestation, the child takes a place in the mother's small pelvis and prepares to be born with might and main.

During this period, expectant mothers may feel the harbingers of childbirth: training contractions, pain in the hip region and sacrum, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of menstrual periods. Mucous vaginal discharge at 38 weeks gestation may also indicate an impending birth.

Expectant mothers are often worried: how to identify contractions and distinguish them from false ones? Experts recommend staying calm, because you will definitely not miss the birth. Real contractions are more tangible and painful than training contractions, they are repeated periodically, increasing their frequency and intensity on an increasing basis. To distinguish false contractions from real ones, change your posture: get up, walk around the room, lie down. If the contractions have stopped - do not worry, most likely they are false.

39 weeks pregnant

The 39th week of pregnancy has come, the baby is already fully formed and ready to be born at any time. The baby has reached the size of a small watermelon and weighs about 3.2 kg. His lungs are developed enough to finally take his first breath. The movements of the child are becoming less and less active due to the cramped mother's womb, the expectant mother should not stop observing the activity of her child and, in the event of a "lull", immediately consult a doctor.

At 39 weeks, pregnant women begin active "nesting" - a state in which a woman tries her best to put things in order and create as much comfort in the house as possible. At this time, women may feel a surge of strength, unusual lightness (despite a huge belly at 39 weeks gestation) and a desire to "move mountains." But do not be too zealous: such intense physical activity may well provoke childbirth at 39 weeks. Entrust the cleaning and home improvement to your future dad or caring relatives.

For a safe delivery and well-being of the expectant mother and child, doctors recommend not neglecting long walks. Ideally, in late pregnancy, you should walk for at least 3 hours a day, if there are no problems and you are not shown bed rest. Fetal hypoxia is a dangerous phenomenon throughout pregnancy, the end of the third trimester is no exception. To prevent it, it is important not only to breathe fresh air, but also to continue eating right, doing feasible exercises for pregnant women, avoiding stress and any conditions that negatively affect you and your pregnancy.

At 39 weeks gestation, many women lose up to 2 kg in weight. There is nothing wrong with that - the body removes excess fluid. At 39 weeks of gestation, the total increase in women is on average from 10 to 15 kg, but it can be either more or less. It depends on the characteristics of the organism of the expectant mother and is one of the harbingers of imminent birth.

40 weeks pregnant

The 40th week of pregnancy is the final stage of bearing a baby, and the body of the expectant mother is almost ready for the upcoming birth. Now you should be ready for the birth of your baby - from the bag to the hospital and documents, to complete order in the apartment and the availability of everything you need to care for your baby. Fear of childbirth, increased stress, anxiety - all these negatively affect your baby. Try to tune yourself up positively, because very soon you will be able to see and pick up your long-awaited son or daughter!

At this time, the expectant mother should continue to count the fetal movements: there should be at least ten of them during the day. If suddenly a child at 40 weeks of gestation suddenly calms down or is too active, consult a doctor: he may be experiencing oxygen deprivation or other problems that require the immediate intervention of specialists.

One of the most important signs of an early birth is the discharge of the mucous plug. A plug is a clot of mucus that closes the cervical canal during pregnancy and protects the fetus from infections that can enter the uterus from the vagina. The hormone progesterone, which is responsible for carrying the fetus, stops being produced at 40 weeks of gestation. The cervix becomes softer, the canal begins to open, and after that the mucous plug comes off. Other no less indicative precursors of childbirth are lowering of the abdomen, the occurrence of training contractions, pain in the lower back, sacrum or womb, outpouring of amniotic fluid. Be on the lookout!

If you are 40 weeks pregnant and labor is not starting - do not worry, your “X” hour will come soon!

41 weeks pregnant

The estimated due date is behind, and your pregnancy is still ongoing and, by the way, is not considered delayed. At this time, the expectant mother feels awkward and clumsy, gets very tired and increasingly suffers from sleep disorders. The reason is a very large belly at 41 weeks of gestation, which makes it difficult to take at least some comfortable position. Most women complain of severe irritability and nervousness that seem to arise from scratch. This is directly related to their hormonal levels and the excitement that expectant mothers experience while waiting for childbirth. If you are afraid of childbirth, discuss this with your doctor, as well as with your family or personal psychologist: now more than ever you need special support and understanding.

At 41 weeks gestation, a pregnant woman's discharge may become more intense and mucus-like (transparent or pinkish, yellowish or creamy). Such discharge indicates the discharge of the mucous plug from the cervix and the possible approach of the onset of labor.

Just before childbirth, a pregnant woman may pass amniotic fluid, which looks like a clear, thin, odorless liquid. The discharge of water in pregnant women can occur in different ways: it can be a leak, a trickle outflow, or a one-time outpouring. Many expectant mothers may not notice this process at all. This happens in cases when a small crack or a small rupture appears on the fetal bladder - then the water simply leaks. If the expectant mother uses sanitary pads, she may confuse them with vaginal discharge.

Sometimes pregnant women try to induce the onset of labor themselves by taking castor oil or resorting to other questionable or even dangerous methods of speeding up labor. Experts urge women “not to engage in amateur performances” and seek timely help.

42 weeks pregnant

Many women who have delivered a baby before 42 weeks often become nervous because labor does not begin. Don't worry, you have a few days left to give birth. Perhaps you are already observing some harbingers of childbirth and are mentally preparing for a trip to the hospital.

At 42 weeks of gestation, there is a risk of aging of the placenta and the development of various pathologies. Fetal hypoxia, deficiency of nutrients, the likelihood of infection or entanglement with the umbilical cord - all this can be prevented if you consult your doctor in time and undergo an examination. The doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat, check the condition of the cervix, placenta, membranes, umbilical cord, measure the abdomen. At 42 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may be prescribed additional examinations and, if necessary, will be admitted to the hospital for observation.

If you want to give birth on your own, 42 weeks is the last week for such an opportunity. When there are no contractions, doctors decide to induce labor. Be prepared for the fact that a large baby is more difficult to pass the birth canal and, as a rule, the recovery period after childbirth will be longer. Also, if the fetus has ossification of the skull, during natural childbirth, the woman may have ruptures. To avoid serious damage to the genitals and perineum of a woman, as well as traumatic brain injury in the baby, doctors may resort to a surgical incision - an episiotomy.

Nowadays, the development of the medical industry and technology makes it possible to make accurate diagnostics and predictions regarding the state of human health. This fully applies to the course of pregnancy. If earlier no one could predict the date of birth, the sex of the child, today these are quite normal phenomena. Today, even the gestational age can be determined in several ways and even without medical attention. Let's find out about this in detail.

Why do you need to know the gestational age?

If we talk about ways to determine the duration of pregnancy, then some can be called not very accurate, but convenient and accessible to most women, while others, more accurate, require special diagnostic examinations.

All these methods for determining the term serve one purpose - competent monitoring of the course of pregnancy, fetal development. Knowing the exact number of weeks of pregnancy makes it possible to timely diagnose developmental pathologies of the unborn child (for example, Down's syndrome), deviations from the norm, and accurately determine the date of future birth. When the doctor knows the gestational age, then with the help of ultrasound, it is possible to compare the generally accepted indicators and characteristics of the development of the fetus with a particular pregnancy. So, let's look at ways to determine the duration of pregnancy with their advantages and disadvantages.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy by the date of conception?

Conception of a child is the fusion of an egg and a sperm that occurs within a day or two after ovulation. Some ladies feel it according to certain symptoms, others acquire special tests to identify it, and still others measure their own for this. Therefore, for the category of women who feel the onset of ovulation and know the day of conception, it is easiest to independently determine the duration of pregnancy.

But even if you accurately calculate the day of conception (if intercourse was once), gynecologists, for a number of reasons, put the gestation period more by 2 weeks. Pregnant women consider this a sign of bearing a large baby. Unfortunately, in the first weeks, the size of the embryos is almost the same. Doctors simply state the gestational age. On it and calculate the date of future birth. Therefore, it is interesting to the pregnant woman herself, and not to her doctor, to know her gestational age by the day of conception.

By the way, some expectant mothers maintain their own term calendar until the end of pregnancy. Then it will be simply interesting to compare it and the doctor's term, to determine whose was more accurate.

The first movement of the unborn child is an important parameter of the course of pregnancy. After all, doctors, as a rule, write down the future due date, depending on the ultrasound indications in the first trimester and on the day of the baby. Women who give birth for the first time feel such movements at the twentieth week of pregnancy, and multiparous a little earlier - at 18 weeks.

How do doctors determine the gestational age?

When a pregnant woman comes to the antenatal clinic for the first time, the gynecologist must examine her on a chair. A gynecological examination helps in identifying existing problems and determining the duration of pregnancy. Good doctors can quite accurately (with an accuracy of half a week), as well as the location of the fetus (meaning its likely location outside the uterus).

You should know that a gynecological examination of a pregnant woman with a delay of 3-4 weeks, that is, for a period of 5-6 weeks, states a slightly enlarged uterus. Its size is approximately the same as that of a chicken egg. And at a period of 8 weeks, the uterus has the size of a goose egg. It is about the size of a woman's fist at 10 weeks of gestation. Without any problems, the gynecologist determines the size of the uterus after 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. We are talking about the length of the uterus when examining a pregnant woman on the couch. In this case, the doctor uses a measuring tape.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy by the last menstruation?

Determining the duration of pregnancy by menstruation is called the obstetric period. How is it calculated?

This is not difficult, because the term of ovulation in this case is not taken into account. The duration of the menstruation itself is not important either. The doctor needs to know the date of the first day of the last menstrual period of a pregnant woman. It is from this day that the doctor begins to count the gestational age. That is, if you went to the antenatal clinic one week after the delay and you are sure that your pregnancy is 3 weeks, then the gynecologist will set you 5 weeks.

How to determine the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound?

Traditionally, the first ultrasound examination for a woman is prescribed at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. But at this estimated date, it is problematic to establish its accuracy. After all, embryos in all expectant mothers develop in the same way only in the first weeks after conception. Then the doctor is able to determine the period with an accuracy of one day, to clarify the location of the child in the absence of a heartbeat. And if the ultrasound shows any abnormalities, then a re-examination is prescribed in a week or ten days to accurately determine the deviations and exclude a frozen pregnancy.

That is, it is possible to determine the duration of pregnancy by ultrasound only in the early stages. With two subsequent scheduled ultrasounds, doctors will set the gestational age in accordance with the parameters of the body parts of the unborn child, his head. However, one should not forget that the second half of pregnancy is a purely individual development of babies. After all, it is considered normal to give birth on time to girls and boys weighing 2800 g and 4000 g.

How long does the hCG test show pregnancy?

Recall that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is one of the most important indicators of the presence of pregnancy, its normal development. HCG is a hormone that is produced in the body of a pregnant woman after the introduction of the ovum into the wall of the uterus, that is, after implantation of the embryo. This happens already on the sixth to eighth day after the fertilization of the female egg. It is the presence of this hormone in the blood and urine that is the basis of pregnancy testing. Traditional tests sold at the pharmacy determine the presence of this hormone with two strips.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, this hormone stimulates the production of progesterone and estrogen. These two female hormones are required to maintain the normal course of pregnancy.

You should be aware that in the first weeks the level of human chorionic gonadotropin doubles approximately every 2-3 days. An increase of 60 percent in two days is considered to be the norm. With increasing gestational age, the increase in hCG levels decreases. Namely, at a period of 8-9 weeks of pregnancy, the indicator of the level of chorionic gonadotropin stops growing. On the contrary, it begins to decline at a slow pace.

By the way, when a woman has multiple pregnancies, the level of this hormone increases in accordance with the number of fetuses. That is, if there are three fruits, then the hCG level is three times higher than normal. It is the standard, generally accepted norms of this hormone at different stages of pregnancy that are the main determinants of this period.

It should be borne in mind that the duration of pregnancy in terms of hCG does not coincide with obstetric calculations. Why is this happening? The fact is that according to chorionic gonadotropin, the gestational age is ascertained relative to the day of conception of the child. It, in fact, displays the age of the unborn baby. But the obstetric period of pregnancy is determined by the doctor relative to the date of the last menstruation and is not associated with the period of conception of the child.

So, using the above methods, you can accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. However, it is recommended to take into account the fact that with the most correct calculations, your baby may be born earlier and later. Therefore, the main task of the expectant mother is to do everything in her power for a healthy pregnancy and the successful birth of a daughter or son.

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK