Chinese lunar calendar of conception for the year. Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the unborn child

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If you are currently carrying a baby under your heart and really want to know its gender, then the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child will come to your aid. It will come in handy at any stage of pregnancy, which is very pleasing to expectant mothers, because with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the sex of the baby is usually determined not earlier than 20 weeks.

To calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you do not need much knowledge and a lot of time. You will know who is in your stomach in minutes.

Table and calculator for determining gender according to the Chinese calendar

Mother's age at conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of child's birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of the unborn child and what is the essence of the calculation?

If you urgently need to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl, then with the help of a calculator you will do it without any problems. To calculate, you just need to enter your date of birth and the month of conception of your baby in the column. Be careful, because you need to know exactly the month in which a new life was born inside you. This will allow you to determine the sex of the child with almost one hundred percent accuracy. You won't have to do anything else. The calculator will immediately give the result and you will finally find out who lives inside you.

Agree, this method is very convenient, because you can use the Chinese table sex calculator at any time and in any place where there is an Internet connection. You do not have to do this with a computer, because you can also use a mobile phone to calculate the gender, the main thing is that it has Internet access.

How to find out who will be using the sex determination plate by the mother's age without an online calculator?

To independently calculate the sex of the baby, an ancient Chinese table will come to your aid, but here you will also need to know the lunar age of the mother, that is, your age is not according to your passport, but according to the moon. What does it mean? Now you will know everything. For the Chinese, the lunar age exceeds the age according to the passport. They believe that when a person is born, at that moment he is already one year old. They round the nine months of gestation to a year. That's not all. After the New Year comes, the Chinese add one more year to the lunar age. Therefore, the date of birth in the lunar age, in fact, does not matter. It turns out that in the new year all the Chinese have a kind of birthday and at that moment they all become one year older.

When you know your lunar age, you will also need to know exactly the month of conception of your baby. Here, a doctor can come to the rescue, who, together with ultrasound equipment, will determine your exact gestational age and the expected date of conception. Or, if you carefully planned your pregnancy, then you yourself probably know in what month the baby was conceived.

Now you just need to look carefully at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child and find your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age) in it. This number is in the column on the left. The month of conception is located at the top right. Then just cross these two values ​​\u200b\u200bintogether and see what letter you got. If you see the letter "D", then you will have a girl. If the letter “M” appeared before your eyes, then this indicates that a boy is growing in your stomach.

Calculating lunar age: A few examples for clarity

Let's consider the first example. So, let's say that a girl named Nina was born on January 1st. It turns out that she was born before the celebration of the New Year among the Chinese. By the way, they celebrate it between January 21 and February 21. The exact date depends, again, on the moon. When the second new moon occurs after the winter solstice, then the Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year.

Since Nina's date of birth fell on the period before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, after the onset of the New Year she will no longer be a year old, but two. That is, according to the usual calendar, let's say March 1 would be only 2 months old, and according to the Chinese calendar, it would be 2 years old. Here is the arithmetic.

Let's consider another example. A girl named Tanya was born on February 23. At the time of her birth, like all Chinese, she turned one year old, and since her date of birth fell on the period after the celebration of the New Year, so far one more year will not be added to her age and on March 1 she will not be 2 years old, like Nina, but one year.

How true is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the date of conception and the age of the mother?

To believe the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. For some, everything converges and the gender of the baby is the same, but for someone it turns out the opposite: the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child shows a boy, and a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many plan the birth of children of certain sexes. This tablet was invented in ancient times along with the Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of a child using special equipment, because it simply had not yet been invented.

The sex of the child, the Chinese tablet helped many to calculate, because for this it was necessary to know only the lunar age of the mother and the month of conception of the child. With the help of this method, the planning of the sex of the baby was also carried out. This plate also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined the sex with the help of it. They drew these signs to each other and sent them in letters by mail to future parents, since there were no electronic boxes, as there are now. Those who lived close to their girlfriends simply brought this tablet to work for a pregnant woman or home, and together with her, over a cup of tea, carefully looked at the Chinese sex determination calendar and eagerly tried to calculate the sex of the unborn baby.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl, and at what age a boy?

Based on the Chinese pregnancy calendar and sex determination, a study was conducted in China. As a result, it was found that women aged 18 and 20 years (according to lunar age) most often manage to conceive boys. In any of the months they can have a male child, with the exception of January and March for 18 years old and January, March and October for 20 years old.

But girls are most often conceived by women whose lunar age corresponds to 21, 30, 31 and 32 years. For women of 21 years of age, the conception of a girl is most likely in any month, with the exception of January. For women 30 years old, conception of a girl is most likely in any month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32, you can try to conceive a girl in any month except January, March and December.

This is all about the pregnancy calendar and the gender of the child, judging by the reviews of many women, it is really true. Now you know how to calculate the sex of a child using a Chinese tablet. But you should not trust this method blindly and set yourself up for the result she said. The main thing is not what gender the baby will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl - it does not matter. The most important thing is that he was born healthy! We wish you successful pregnancy planning and conception with the help of the Chinese pregnancy calendar and the gender of the unborn child! Let the pregnancy test finally show two stripes and you will become the happiest parents!

If you are expecting an addition and madly want to know who will be born to you - a son or a daughter, or if you want to plan the specific gender of the baby in advance, then some experts assure that the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child should be your first assistant.

Table how to find out the expectation
according to the shape of the abdomen to help ultrasound
the doctor has an apple
who will be signs pregnant

The baby sex calendar is a chart that allows you to determine who has settled in your tummy. The Chinese lunar calendar for determining the sex of an unborn child was first found many hundreds of years ago and is still kept at a scientific institute in Beijing. At first, the Chinese method for determining the sex of an unborn child was used by the royal family of China, in order to calculate the birth of a son, which ensured the continuation of the royal family. Such a table also allows you to calculate the birth of a girl.

It is ironic that planning the sex of a child during pregnancy is illegal in China. With the help of a baby sex calendar, using a combination of the expectant mother's age at the time of conception, as well as the month in which the baby should appear, you can find out whether it will be a boy or a girl.

Of course, you can just wait for the required time and ask this question during an ultrasound scan at week 20. But even a method such as ultrasound may not immediately give a reliable answer. What does .

Ultrasound does not always show immediately who has settled in your tummy

There is also a test that helps to find out the sex of the baby before the 20-week period, but it is very expensive, so it is not available to everyone. That is why, if you are expecting a long-awaited addition and want to know if you will have a son or daughter, a method for determining the sex of the unborn child can act as an assistant in this area.

What is this method

Externally, the calendar for determining the sex of a child by the date of conception is a regular table, which consists of a number of separate columns. Some of them are located horizontally, others - vertically:

  • there are only twelve horizontal columns, and they are painted by months - from January to December;
  • vertical terms contain the age of the future mother - from 18 to 45 years.

Assuming the month of conception, and taking into account the age of the mother, you need to find the intersection of the row and column - there will be the answer to the question about the gender of your baby. This method is very simple, so future parents can find out in just a minute who they should expect. Despite the simplicity of the method, it is highly accurate results.

Waiting for the appearance of a boy or a girl!?

The uniqueness of the conception calendar for determining the sex of a child is that it is possible not only to determine the sex of the unborn baby before it is born, but even to predict the sex of the child at the stage of pregnancy planning.

That is why a similar method for determining the sex of a child was so actively used by parents who wanted a child of a certain gender. As a result, no one was surprised that a son or daughter appeared.

Another distinctive feature of the Chinese calendar for revealing the sex of a child, shown in the photo, is its use at any time the baby is waiting, even the earliest. This distinguishes it favorably from ultrasound, where you need to wait for a period.

Chinese method for determining the sex of an unborn child

The effectiveness of such a table has been empirically tested, many couples claim that they can determine gender with high accuracy.

Of course, everyone will say that here you can find "pitfalls". Of course, this method has some disadvantages. The main one is that even such a table does not give a 100% guarantee. In some cases, misses are possible. Moreover, if we talk about multiple pregnancy, then the method is completely useless.

How the table works

This method is based on the most complex mathematical calculations, as well as many different statistical data. Of course, no one today will count something on their own. All this was done many years before we were born.

All the data received is entered in a table, and future parents only need to use it. As noted above, the Chinese calendar is endowed with age restrictions - from 18 to 45 years. This is due to the fact that the childbearing age of women falls precisely on this period.

It is also worth mentioning that there are people who consider this method ineffective. As a rule, this opinion is not held by the Chinese. The point here is that the Chinese have their own specifics for calculating the age of a future mother. So the baby who is born is considered to be nine months old. This is explained by the fact that the years of a person in the Celestial Empire begin from the moment of conception, in contrast to the European powers, which consider age from the day of birth.

The specifics of determining the sex of the unborn child

Therefore, in order to get a more accurate result, it is necessary to calculate the age of the expectant mother according to the Chinese method. Simply put, just add one year to the current age, and then the probability of a reliable result will increase significantly.

The difference between the ancient Chinese and the current table

In ancient China, based on the religions traditional for that time, astrologers and fortune-tellers made observations, trying to understand how to predict the sex of the baby before conception. All data were systematized, thanks to numerous knowledge, were summarized in tables. Not a small value was given to the lunar calendar, astrology. Meaning were:

  • year of conception;
  • the names of the parents;
  • the location of the stars.

It is worth noting that to this day in China, the name of the baby is not invented by parents, but by monks, old people.

During the excavations of the tombs of various kings, not far from Beijing, archaeologists found an ancient Chinese calendar to determine the sex of a child. It was compiled many centuries ago. Its authenticity has been confirmed by many researchers, and at the moment it is in one of the Chinese museums. This table takes into account many factors:

  • Moon phases;
  • the location of the stars;
  • lunar calendar and others.

Horizontally in this table is the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception, on the side - the month of conception. The gender of the child and the age of the mother were indicated according to the lunar calendar.

It is impossible to plan the baby's gender according to the ancient Chinese original table, since it was compiled for a different system. That is why, at the moment, it is only of historical value.

What do people think?

Be that as it may, many young parents use the Chinese calendar to determine the sex of the child, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Alena Golovko:

I can’t say whether this thing works or not, but everything coincided with my first child. As for the second pregnancy, the doctors promise a girl, and the calendar showed a son. Let's see who is right.

Anton Panufnik:

I always dreamed of a son, so my wife and I approached the issue of conceiving our first child fully armed. Strictly observed all diets from the Internet, all the rules and, of course, the indications of the calendar. Now I have a wonderful daughter. So it's all nonsense. Fate is what never fails.

Sabina Romanenko:

I calculated all the indications of the Chinese method, adhering to the recommendations. And everything worked out! The main thing is to believe, well, look at the calendar, of course.

Galina Kabaeva:

I've never been into this sort of stuff, but I looked it up out of curiosity. And surprisingly, both children were born exactly on the calendar. Perhaps something really matches here, but I would not trust 100%.

Vladimir Dovgailo:

I saw such a “miracle” for the first time, but since I want a daughter, I decided to calculate it. It seems that a girl is really coming out, but who will be - we don’t know yet, a short time. A calendar for determining the sex of a child probably shows something, but not always. In general, I will definitely leave a review as soon as the long-awaited baby is born.

  1. Enter your date of birth and date of planned conception. The date of conception is entered approximate. In the middle and at the end of the year, the day of conception is actually not important. The date determines whether it is before or after the Chinese Lunar New Year and which month it belongs to.
  2. Press the button "Calculate the lunar age of the mother and the sex of the child."
  3. The calculator will do all the necessary calculations, give you a lunar age, convert the entered date to a date according to the lunar calendar, and tell you who, in the opinion of the Chinese, you are more likely to be born as a result of conception at that time.

To quickly estimate the forecasts for the next months, you can simply refer to the table below the calculator. There, find the row with the lunar age of the mother and the column with the lunar month of conception. At the intersection of these rows and columns - the forecast of gender ("M" (boy) or "D" (girl)).

According to Chinese statistics sex determination accuracy is 75-80%.

Remember that no lunar calendar can simultaneously take into account all the features of all women!

Moon calendar- not Gregorian, in a year and months the number of days may differ (insignificantly) from our usual calendar. All dates in it are tied to the phases of the moon.

How to determine age according to the Chinese lunar calendar?

The Chinese believe that when a baby is born, he is already 1 year old (this is 9 months of intrauterine development rounded up to a year). After each new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar, 1 year is added to the lunar age, regardless of the month of birth.

An example of calculating the lunar age

If you were born, for example, on January 8 (before CNG), you are already 1 year old at the time of birth. And in March, after KNG, you are already 2 lunar years. And so on, each KNG adds 1 year to your age.

The sex of the child begins to worry future parents, sometimes long before his conception. Someone wants a daughter, and someone wants a son. Many do not want to expose themselves to chance, and begin to independently try to plan the sex of the child, using all sorts of options (diets, folk signs, date of conception).

Of course, not everyone plans the sex of the heir before conception. Many people ask this question only during pregnancy. Waiting for an ultrasound is too long, but you really want to solve this riddle as soon as possible.

Chinese gender calendar

We suggest you contact Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child. The Beijing Institute of Sciences claims that the reliability of this method reaches 97%.

at the time of conception
IJan IIFeb IIIMarch IVApr VMay VIjune VIIjuly VIIIaug IXsept Xoct XInov XIIdec

Using the data of this table:

  • If you are planning a child, then in the row of the table corresponding to your age, you must select the months in which the birth of a boy or girl is most likely, and then subtract 9 months, determining exactly the one in which you should conceive a baby.
  • If you are already pregnant, then find in the table the intersection of your age and the month of conception (or the expected month of the birth of the child), and you will find out what gender he will be born.

No logical pattern has been found in the table, or it has simply not yet been determined. But oddly enough, in most cases it shows the right results.

Japanese baby gender calendar

Reliable in 80% of cases. This method takes into account not only the date of conception, but also the month of birth of future parents, and consists of two tables.

Table number 1 helps to find the "secret" number that links the month of birth of both parents.

Month of birth
future mother

Birth month of the future father

Then in table No. 2 in the top row we find the same cherished number, and in the column below it is the month in which the conception occurred. Moving along this line to the middle of the table, we determine the probability of having a boy or a girl by the number of crosses (the more there are, the higher the probability).

M- boy

D- girl


x x x x x x

marAprMayjunejulyaug Jan
AprMayjunejulyaugsep JanFeb

x x x x x x x x x x

junejulyaugsepoctbut I JanFebmarApr
julyaugsepoctbut Idec JanFebmarAprMay
augsepoctbut Idec JanFebmarAprMayjune
sepoctbut Idec FebmarAprMayjunejuly
octbut Idec

x x x x x x x x x

but Idec AprMayjunejulyaugsep
dec Mayjunejulyaugsepoct
junejulyaugsepoctbut I
julyaugsepoctbut Idec
augsepoctbut Idec
sepoctbut Idec

x x x x x x x x

octbut Idec
but Idec

Information Baby gender calendars, both Chinese and Japanese, are perfect for planning. These tables are easy to use and are highly likely to offer us their features. However, it must be remembered that the percentage of error still remains. Boy or girl? Who cares! The main thing is to be healthy.

The Japanese calendar for determining the sex of a child is one of the various ways to find out who lives in the "house" - a boy or a girl. Reviews about the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child for 2016, like many others, are rather ambiguous. Therefore, indicating the age and month, you should calculate them according to all the rules. The system itself will quickly calculate everything for you and offer its own option.

Modern Internet technologies are developing very actively.

In addition, it should be understood that under the number one in the months column, it is not January that is familiar to most of the population of Russia and Europe, but the month that will be the first according to the Chinese calendar.

Therefore, the lady needs to add another 9 months to her years in order to make the correct calculations according to the Chinese table.

This rule also applies when calculating the age of a woman.

At the intersections, the gender of the baby is indicated, which is more likely to be expected by a woman.

It should be borne in mind that for such an important matter as the birth of children, the Chinese sages gave a woman a certain period of time - from 18 to 45 years. These are the numbers shown in the table.

And if the results matched, you can be 100% sure what gender you will have a child. Otherwise, you will get an incorrect result. And for those who are especially impatient, such a calculation method is offered as a Chinese calendar calculator for determining the sex of a child. It should be borne in mind that the New Year in the East can be celebrated in February or even March, you should carefully monitor such data.

If the result does not match, many Chinese experts are sure that the problem is in incorrect calculations, and not in the error of the table itself.

It is enough just to find your convergence of numbers, and it is quite possible to try to guess who will be born to you.

Boy or girl - fortune-telling about who the expectant mother is waiting for begins almost from the moment the expectant mother sees a test with two stripes. Peter: “The wife calculated and found that if we want a son (and I really want), then we need to give birth to him in April-May. Maria: “The Chinese table promised me a daughter - I will be very happy if she does not let me down, and I really will have a princess.

And, of course, you don’t need to cut in the heat of the moment and rush to extremes if your fortune-telling showed you a baby of the wrong sex. First, the result may be inaccurate.

After all, sometimes the gender of the baby is fundamentally important for parents.

And you can't really argue with statistics.

At the same time, it will rely on the same data as you yourself when calculating the Chinese table. Now let's move on to the second table. For this, two tables were created.

The Japanese and Chinese calendars are of course doubtful, but what about the method based on different rates of blood changes, biorhythms or ovulation? As a result, they believe that the baby is born at least 9 months old. Many people ask this question only during pregnancy.