Summary of the lesson for the nursery group on the topic. Methodical manual "Developing classes for a nursery group"

Synopsis of educational activities in the early age group

Purpose: to teach children to select objects, focusing on color, by display and by the verbal designation "like this."

Strengthen in children the ability to correlate objects by color, shape, weight, to the touch;
Continue to acquaint children with geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle);
Encourage children to name objects, their properties ("heavy" - "light", "prickly" - "fluffy").
Develop attention in children, mental operations;
Foster independence, active actions;
Expand the experience of orientation in the environment, enriching children with a variety of sensory representations.
To foster a benevolent attitude in children, a desire to help, come to the rescue.
Preliminary work: examination, comparison. Didactic games: “Hide the mouse from the cat”, “Expand by color (shape)”.
Didactic material and equipment: plush bunny, prickly hedgehog, geometric figures of different colors, didactic game "Hide the bunny", handbags - light-heavy, "stumps".
Participants: children of the nursery group, educator. 1. Introductory part
-Guys, look how many guests came to our group! Let's say hello to the guests and smile at them.
Children say hello.

Guys, look, we have one more guest. This is the Hedgehog. Let's say hello to him too.
(Children greet the hedgehog, children examine, touch with their hands. Which hedgehog? - "prickly")

Guys, the Hedgehog says that he came to visit to play with the guys. Do you want to play with the Hedgehog? (considering the stumps, determining the shape)
The hedgehog brought us different figures, and asks us to find our own house for these figures. We take the circle and put it in the same round house, we take the figures one by one!
Well done boys! All the figures are in their houses. And the hedgehog is very happy! Now let's say goodbye to the hedgehog!
(Children say goodbye to the Hedgehog)

- See who is sitting under this tree?
- It's a bunny! (consider, stroke, how fluffy, and what a hedgehog was - prickly)
- Guys, he is cold, shaking all over. Let's help him keep warm.

Physical education "Little white bunny is sitting."

Little white hare sits
And wiggles his ears.
Like this, like this,
He wiggles his ears.
They move their hands, raising them to the head.
Bunny is cold to sit -
We need to warm the paws,
Clap, clap, clap, clap,
It is necessary to warm the paws.
Clap their hands.
Bunny is cold to stand
The bunny must jump.
Skok-skok, skok-skok,
The bunny must jump.
Bounce on both legs in place.
The wolf scared the bunny,
Bunny jumped and rode away.

Guys, the bunny warmed up and said that the gray wolf wants to catch the little rabbits. Let's help the rabbits hide from the wolf.

Didactic game "Hide the rabbits"
(Children, sitting at the tables, individually complete the task.)

Have we helped the rabbits hide from the evil wolf?
Children:- Yes!
- Guys, you are so great! How much good and kind we have done. They helped both the hedgehog and the bunny, for which they also sent you gifts! These are the handbags - they compare some "light", others "heavy".
- Want to see what's in those heavy bags? (sandbags at the bottom, and treats on top of apples)
We open our bags and help ourselves.

Natalia Semina
Methodical manual "Developing classes for a nursery group".

What child age requires the most attention in terms of the opportunities provided for mental acceleration child developmentthe use or non-use of which could have serious consequences? From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, this is early childhood from one to three years. This age is one of the key in the child's life and largely determines his future psychological development... The special significance of this age is due to the fact that it is directly related to three fundamental life acquisitions baby: upright posture, verbal communication and objective activity. But the main thing is that at this age the child masters a skill that significantly affects his subsequent behavioral, intellectual and personal development, namely, ability understand and actively use the language when communicating with people. Through the speech that the child masters during these years, he gets direct access to the most important achievements of human material and spiritual culture. And the process development speech is inherently associated with development fine motor skills of the hand. Developing fine motor skills of hands, we simultaneously have a beneficial effect on development of the child's intelligence... That is why special attention to occupations should be given to productive activities.

In the second year of life, the child reproduces the actions of adults with objects, he has object-based imitation games. They represent the first steps towards symbolization associated with the assimilation of the norms and forms of adult behavior, and then with the formation of certain personal qualities in the child. Later, a role-playing game appears in which the child copies ways handling of objects and communication with each other in different situations. In the process of playing, the child will create life stereotypes for himself, which he will be guided by in adulthood.

I suggest developing activities with children of the nursery group(1.5-2 years old). Classes are held in a group number of 5-8 people. Young child "Works for imitation", i.e development from the age of 1, 5 to 3 years of age is most active if a nearby adult does everything together with the child. The kid feels comfortable, protected and at the same time receives new information, which the adult helps him learn. Therefore, the psychologist should take an active part in occupations: crawl together on the rug, build turrets, dance, feed the dolls, sing. Ability to imitation is the basis of motor and intellectual child development.

primary goal classes - full development a young child using the experience of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical techniques.

On the occupations the following tasks:

Formation of correct speech

Development of thinking

Development ability to focus and retain attention

Deepening knowledge about the world around

Wellness for children

Development motor activity

Development general and fine motor skills

Awakening interest in creativity

Lessons are held in the evening. Duration lessons 10 minutes... Change of activity to occupations prevents babies from feeling tired.

Special focus on occupations paid to productive activities and finger gymnastics. After all, it is in these activities that fine motor skills developing more actively.

Lessons based on fairy tales "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken", "Turnip", "Teremok"... The fairy tales themselves and the heroes from these fairy tales with various interesting games come to visit the children. Lessons are held once a week. Then, within a week, the material received on occupations, fixed: games, conversations, observations, reading of fairy tales are held.

Visual material on class should be bright, large and safe for children. And also durable, so that every child can personally get acquainted with the Poached Chicken or Kolobok. Natural colors are welcome, since at this age it is necessary to give the child adequate ideas about the world around him (there are no blue cats and green bears).

When a baby comes to kindergarten, he needs to adapt to new conditions. The adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, in September, a psychologist observes the child's adaptation and gets to know him.

As already mentioned, the adaptation process is different for all children. Therefore, initially it is not necessary to include all children in occupation... It's okay if the child watches first.

I would especially like to say about the atmosphere lessons... At this age, it is very clearly seen that every child is an individual. And the first commandment of a teacher-psychologist should be like the first commandment of a doctor - "do no harm"... Our task is to help development this individuality, and not the desire to level it, to make the child "like everyone else." Therefore, our concept of discipline is very relative. You need to try to ensure that children are constantly involved in constructive activities, but if everyone wants to build a house, but one child does not want to. He wants to drive a car. Let him go and ride quietly, because it will not bother anyone.

I give rough notes occupations... Naturally, they can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of your groups.

Professional competition for educators



(2012/13 academic year)

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow

secondary school № 000.

Nomination of the competition: Organization of holidays and events in

preschool educational institutions

Scenario of an open class in a nursery group:

GBOU SOSH № 000, Preschool department № 3, Moscow.

115563 Moscow, Borisovskiy proezd, house 40, building 3.

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"Travel to the village to grandmother"

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge gained by children about pets and their cubs.


development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, the ability to respond quickly to instructions;

learning to distinguish colors, to relate them to objects;

development of general motor skills;

development of memory, speech and imagination;

developing the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, with the rhythm of the verse.


Painting or toy farm, traces of three colors and boxes of the corresponding color,

Toy goose and ducks, Dyenysh blocks of three colors, hoop.

Course of the lesson

Children enter the hall.

They sit on chairs (in a semicircle).

Guys, show your eyes - do they see eyes?

Show your ears, ears hear?

Show sticks - sticks clap?

show feet, feet stomping?

Educator: And let's go today to visit grandmother in the village.

Chu-chu-chu - far away, I'll rock you. (the song of the locomotive sounds - on disc # 12)

But here's a stop, "Grandma's House" (showing a picture, a panel hanging on the wall). (At this time, the teacher changes into a grandmother)

Grandmother: Hello guys, you came to visit me. Well done. Come in, sit down. (Children sit on chairs in a semicircle.) Look, I have a chest, and what is in it, we will now see. Oh, I lost the key to this lock. How do you open it? Do you know this game: "There is a lock on the door" - let's play, let's say everything, maybe the lock will open

There is a lock on the door

Who could open it

Knocked, twisted

Pulled and opened.

Grandmother : I will tell you what animals live with me (takes out a toy). I have a cat, and she has very funny kids, and their names are (kittens). Let's talk together.

Grandma: Look, who's meeting you? (Recording with the voice of a dog, a toy dog \u200b\u200bcomes out). That's right, this is my dog \u200b\u200bBug.

Here is the dog Bug! Sharp teeth

Squiggle tail, variegated fur.

Grandmother: - What is the name of the puppies of the dog (puppies)

How do puppies differ from dogs? (puppies are small, the dog is big) - How does a big dog bark? (Children bark loudly)

How do puppies bark? (children bark softly)

Where does the dog live? In the kennel.

And they also live in my yard (showing illustrations):

    duck with ducklings. How does the duck quack? horse with a foal. How does a horse ride? pig with piglets. The pig grunts. chicken with chickens. How does a chicken call its children? cow with a calf. How does a cow speak?

Grandmother : Oh-oh-oh, I had a problem. All the children of my animals scattered. Help the little ones find their mothers.

Game "Whose Mom?"

Children are given cards with images of babies for whom the child must pick up a mother.

Foal, pig, kitten, puppy, calf, chicken, goat.

Grandmother: Well done! You are my assistants, you helped the kids find their mothers.

And at you have a family at home ? (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather). Children you have your helpers - friends, they are your fingers. Let's count on our fingers what a big family we've got.

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is grandpa

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me, that's all my seven

Grandmother : Oops! Look guys, whose tracks are these? Let's follow them.

Various prints of footprints of various shapes are spread on the floor. The tracks are made of cardboard, fabric, paper.

Where do these tracks lead? Let's follow in the footsteps!

Children walk along the obstacle course. A children's song sounds like # 6. (Big feet are walking along the road ...)

Game "Footprints"

Grandmother: Stamping our feet in the footsteps! Let's jump on them! We squat! We stand on one leg! Children: “I'm walking, I'm walking, I'm walking, I can't resist. Stop!"

Game "Bring the Same"

The teacher shows the child a trace of a certain color and asks to bring the same. Traces are collected in a box.

Grandmother:We walked, walked and came to the pond . On the pond, the mother duck calls her ducklings: KRYA-KRYA-KRYA. And the mother goose calls her goslings: HA-HA-HA, run the goslings here.

Grandmother:Shows the yellow ball is a ball, what color? Yellow, we'll put it to the duck. And this ball, what color? White, put it to the goose.

Educator: Come, guys, we will help grandmother, put the balls: yellow - to the duck, white - to the goose.

Grandmother: Oh yes guys, oh yes well done! Everyone knows how. Can you dance?

Educator: We are able! Grandma, let's dance with the kids!

A children's song sounds: “Where are our pens? No. 4 "(" Giraffe has spots "," Bus ").

Educator: Guys, can we take our grandmother for a ride on the carousel? Just don't forget your tickets. Bring figurines the same color as the carousel.

"Find the color" (Gyenysh's inserts) children find figures by the color of the carousel -. You can walk in a circle holding the hoop with one hand and reciting a poem.

Then, the children's song "Carousel" sounds

Barely, barely

The carousels spun

And then, then, then

All run, run, run!

Hush, hush, take your time

Stop the carousel!

One-two, one-two

The game is over!

(One of the options: everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. They walk in a circle, gradually switching to a run, then again slow down to a step and at the end everyone squats together.)

Grandmother: Thank you guys! Here you have pleased the old grandmother! It's been a long time since I had such fun!

Oh, guys, but I just have to go, and your toys are tired of waiting. And for the path I prepared a present for you: a basket of apples in bulk. Get ready for kindergarten and come visit me.

The children took the train to the kindergarten.

Chu-chu-chu - far away, I'll rock you. (The song of the train is playing - on disc)

At the first stage (up to about 1.5 years) "passive" speech develops faster (there is an understanding of the meaning of words, but word pronunciation is not yet developed).

It is enough to show the child an object two or three times and name it, as he already remembers a new word. At the request of an adult, he indicates that it is still difficult to name, or uses a lighter version of the word, helping himself with gestures and facial expressions. So, "those" can mean, depending on the situation, "what?" or "aunt", "eider" - "goose", "I-I" - "apple", "ka" - "car", "dyka" - "door", etc. Due to the child's limited vocabulary, one word can replace several or even a whole sentence.

Tasks of the educator:

  • satisfy the child's need for communication;
  • improve the understanding of an adult's speech;
  • develop the ability to imitate syllables and easy-to-pronounce words.

In the second stage (from 1.5 to 2 years) independent speech begins to form. The word becomes the main means of communication between the baby and the environment (instead of gestures and facial expressions). The child, like an echo, repeats the words after adults, pronounces the lungs completely, for those that are difficult to pronounce, he uses his own variants (Cheburashka - "babashka", chair - "Tul", etc.).

A significant achievement of this age is that a child can make elementary generalizations, designate in one word objects with similar signs (toys, dishes).

Tasks of the educator:

  • expand children's acquaintance with the world around them and, on this basis, enrich their vocabulary;
  • to form the ability to pronounce only individual words, but also simple phrases, to answer simple questions;
  • promote the appearance in speech of the first generalization words.

The development of speech in young children most effectively occurs in the process of specially organized games.

The main tasks of the games:

  • support and activate the imitative actions of children (speech and motor);
  • promote interaction with adults, the manifestation of elementary initiative and independence;
  • develop the need for verbal communication.

Games are held in subgroups according to the age of children (from 1 year to 1 year 6 months and from 1 year 6 months to 2 years).

Games for children

from 1 to 1 year 6 months

"Call" (from 1 year to 1 year 3 months)

Tasks. Improve your understanding of speech; encourage appeal and active response (pronunciation of sound combinations and lightweight words, manipulation with toys).

Material. Toys (dog, hare, etc.).

Game content

The teacher puts toys on the table, allows children to admire them; asks if you liked the toys.

He offers to play with them, for example: “Sasha, call the dog, say:“ Come, come to me ”. The teacher beckons the toy with his hand, calls, prompting the child to imitate gestures and words. When the dog "comes up", strokes it, "feeds", asks: "What is the dog doing?" (Eating, jumping)

Then he turns to another child and offers to call a hare (doll, etc.).

If one of the kids does not imitate the actions of an adult, you should call a toy with him, beckon it with your hand. At the same time move the hare (doll, etc.) to the child and say: “Go, hare, to Misha. Here, Misha, take the bunny. Say: "Gimme the bunny, gimme, gimme!" (Hand gesture)

The same actions are repeated with other toys. The main thing is to make children want to call, show, bring, stroke, feed, etc.

Note... If the child does not say anything, but shows the toy and performs the necessary actions, it means that he understands your speech.

Game variant.

The teacher hides the toys one by one, asks the children who "ran away". Offers to find, call, bring, etc. The game is repeated several times.

"The cat came to visit us" (from 1 year 3-4 months)

Tasks. Cause a positive emotional reaction in children to the appearance of a toy; teach at the request of an adult to show ears, tail, paws. Encourage you to take action (show, stroke a toy) and pronunciation of lightweight words: "kitty", "kitty", "ks-ks", etc.

Material. The toy is a fluffy cat, a saucer.

Game content

The teacher takes out a toy (from behind, out of the box) and says: “Look, who came to us? Cat, kitty. " Invites children to repeat: “Tell, Tanya, who is this? Sasha, name who is this? " Encourages to call the toy in different words: cat, kitty, kitty, etc. Together with the children he examines the toy: "What a beautiful cat, soft, fluffy!" Offers to touch, stroke.

Then he takes the cat and “plays” with it: with its paws it touches one or the other child: “The cat plays with its paws, it has scratchy paws. (Shows.)These are paws, scratching paws! What is it? Legs. (To the child)Show and name what it is? "

Strokes ears, calls: “These are ears, ears. What is it? Ears, ears ". (Children show ears, they call.)

He plays with her tail, says: “What a beautiful cat's tail! Where is the ponytail? (Touches the children in turn, tickles them with his tail.) Here is the ponytail! (Actions are repeated several times.) A beautiful cat came to us. (Brings the toy to her ear.) The cat wants milk, you need to feed her. Let's pour the milk into the saucer. (Play situation with the child) Little kitty, murysenka, drink some milk! " ( The cat "drinks" milk.)

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme:

Kitty, kitty, cat (pronounces emphatically)

Kitty - gray tail (strokes the toy)

Come, Kitty, to visit us,

I'll give you milk.

I'll show you my kids, the cat.

Game variant.

You can offer to ride the cat in the car at the end of the game. Children do it with pleasure. The teacher unnoticed overturns the truck and says:

No, in vain we decided

Ride the cat in the car

The cat is not used to rolling,

Overturned the truck.

(A. Barto)

The game is repeated. They put the toy back in the car. When the car rolls over, children say the words: "boom", "fell." The game gives them a lot of joy.


  • you can tell another nursery rhyme, for example, "Kisonka-Murysenka";
  • instead of a cat, take a bear, a hare, etc., and at the end read a poem or nursery rhyme about this toy.

Runaway bunny (from 1 year 4 months)

Tasks. Expand children's knowledge of the environment; cause an active emotional, motor and speech reaction to what is happening; encourage the pronunciation of onomatopoeic and lightweight words, for example: "zaya", "bo-bo", "oh-oh" (it hurts), etc .; make you want to feel sorry for the bunny.

Game content

The toy bunny is hidden in a bag or box. The teacher reports that someone came running to the children from the forest: small, with long ears, loves carrots. Asks: "Who is this?" Shows the ears of a hare from the bag: “Who is here, who? Who has long ears? Bunny, bunny came to visit us. Say hello to him. Bunny, go to the children. " Appeals to the kids: "Call a bunny, say:" Go, go. " (Hand gesture.) Children take turns calling the bunny. The teacher says: "This is a bunny, bunny, bunny." (Highlights in her voice.)

The teacher shows bunny ears, asks: “What is this bunny? Ears, ears. What ears? Large ". Offers to touch them, name them. (Children can use lightweight words or gestures.)

The teacher wiggles the hare's tail, asks: “What's this with the bunny? Tail. What is the tail of the bunny? Little. (Emphasizes this word with intonation and gesture, children repeat.) A good bunny has come to us, let's play hide and seek with him. (Imperceptibly passes the toy to another adult, and he goes with the children to look for it.) Where did the bunny run away, the runaway bunny? Let's look for him ... (They go around the room and find a hare.) Here's a bunny. ( Appeals to any of the children.) Sasha, call the bunny. Say: “Hare, bunny, etc. (The game is repeated two or three times, while the hare is hidden in different places.)

After the toy has been found several times, the children sit on chairs. The teacher says: “Here's our bunny - a runaway. Now he will not hide from us. "

Reads a poem (pronounces the selected words several times).

A bunny gallops across the lawn -

Dap, Dap, Dap.

The bunny has pricked its foot

On a mote.

It hurts the bunny! Oh! Oh! Oh!

I barely rode home.

Suggests pity for a hare, stroking a paw, putting it on a chair or on a carpet.

Note. A similar game can be carried out with children over 1 year 6 months. This makes the tasks and content more complex.

For example, you can put children in the conditions of choice: first find and bring a large hare, then a small one, etc. At the end of the game, offer to jump "like bunnies", hide, etc.

Oh you, zayushka!


There is a thin ear in soot,

The flour has a white belly.

Chivylek - chivylek,

Where have you been running all day?

Activity games with a doll

"Doll Lyalya and I" (from 1 year 3 months)

Tasks. To form in children knowledge about themselves and the immediate environment (familiarity with names), develop an understanding of the speech of an adult; exercise in the pronunciation of sound combinations and lightweight words; develop attention, memory.

Game content

The teacher puts a doll in front of the children and happily asks: “Who came to us? This doll Lyalya came to visit us! " Invites children to say hello to the doll: "Hello, Lyalya." Suitable for every child, encourages the pronunciation of words and sound combinations: "Doll (" ku-ka ") Lyalya".

Then the teacher asks the kid: "What's your name?" and he answers himself: “This is Sasha! Sasha, give your hand to Lyalya. (You can take the child by the hand) Where are Sasha's hands? Show, Sasha, your hands. (Strokes the child's hands, asks to clap, say "clap-clap") Well done, Sasha! " He turns to the doll: “Lyalya, show me where is Sasha? Here is Sasha! " (He points at the child with the doll's hand.)

Then the teacher approaches another child, and the play actions are repeated.

After that, a game of hide and seek is played. The teacher covers the doll with a napkin, asks: “Where is Lyalya? Where did she hide? (Children are looking.) Here is Lyalya! (Several individual appeals to children.) Say: “Where is Lyalya? Here is Lyalya! "

The game of hide and seek with children is carried out in the same way: the teacher covers the child with a napkin, asks: “Where is Sasha? (Where is Vova? Etc.) ”. Then he opens and says: “Who is this? Sasha (Vova, etc.) ".


If one of the kids comes up to the teacher himself, points at his head, takes a napkin and says something, it means that he is taking the initiative and wants to play. Such actions must be supported and praised by the child.

"We bathe a doll" (from 1 year 3-4 months)

Tasks. Reinforce children's ideas about clothing items; exercise in repeating light words (soap, water, bath, etc.); to support proactive actions of children, appeal to an adult (with gestures and speech); create a joyful mood.

Material. Doll and items for bathing (bath or basin with water, soap, towel).

Educator. See what happened to our Lyalya? (He takes the doll in his hands.) Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms, on the elbows - tracks. (The doll can be slightly stained in advance) What to do, how to help her? (Individual appeal.) What kind of hands does Lyalya have? What need to do? Wash. (Brings the doll to her ear.) Our Lyalya wants to swim. Let's help her. What should you do first? Remove clothing. What are we going to shoot first? (He points to the dress.) Dress. (Individual appeal.) Help Lala take off her dress. (The child helps. Then the children take off other items of clothing - panties, socks - and name them.) All clothes were taken off. (The teacher invites one of the children to carefully put the doll's clothes on the chair, praises.) Now we will bathe Lyalya. (All items must be prepared in advance.) What will we bathe Lyalya in? In the bath. Where is the bath? (Individual appeal.) Show me. Where is the soap? What soap? Fragrant soap. (Children touch, sniff soap) Oh what a scented soap ! (The teacher puts the doll in the bath, washes her face, hands, feet. Names the actions she performs, asks the children to repeat them. The doll “rejoices, slaps” her hand on the water.)Oh, how happy our Lyalya is, how she likes to swim!

The teacher offers the children to pour water over Lyalya from a watering can. Toddlers can only support the watering can, but this is enough to make them enjoy the joint action. The teacher waters and says:

Warm water

We pour on our bird.

Oh, water off a duck's back,

With Alyonushka thinness.

(E. Blaginina)

“So they washed Lyalya! How to wipe it off? Towel. Where is the towel? Sasha, bring a towel! That's how soft and fluffy it is. (He touches the towel to the cheek, hands of the child.) Let's wipe Lyalya. What has our Lyalya become? Clean! Good! Now you can play with her. "

Note. The game "Bathing a doll" should be carried out in the presence of 5-6 children so that they have the opportunity to actively act. Next time the teacher invites other children.

Such games are also interesting for kids over one and a half years old. The options can be different, for example: a doll "plays" in the water with a ball, a fish or any other toy. Children find these toys, name them, bring them, give them to the doll, say: "Na, Lyalya, ball (duck -" utyu ")", "talk" with the doll, etc.

"Who screams like" (from 1 year 4-5 months)

Tasks. Strengthen the ability to find and choose a familiar toy; repeat, imitating an adult, sound combinations and words; name words on their own initiative.

Material. Toys (dog, cat, chicken, rooster, etc.).

Game content

The unexpected appearance of each toy is played up (you can get them out of a bag or a bright box).

The teacher shows the toy, performs actions with it. For example, he takes a fluffy dog, “leads” it, touches each child in turn and says: “Oh, what a dog! Good dog! Sasha, what is the dog doing? (The dog "runs" to Sasha.) How does the dog bark? Av, aw! (Turns to children in turn.) Repeat".

The same actions are performed with other toys. Sound combinations (meows, clucks, etc.) are pronounced softly and loudly, with different intonations.

Then the teacher invites each child to bring any toy, name it, asks how it “talks” (barks, growls, etc.), repeats the sounds he uttered after the child, corrects if he made a mistake. You can put the child in the conditions of choice: "What toy do you want to take?" Or immediately offer to bring, for example, a cat. Ask: “Whom did you bring? I brought a cat, a kitty. How does a cat meow? That's right, the cat meows; "Meow meow".

The educator asks similar questions if the child brings another toy.

Note. Tasks and questions depend on the individual characteristics of the preparedness of the children.

The game can be complicated: hide the toy in the room and invite the child to call, for example: “Meow meow, where is the cat; Meow meow, come here! " etc.

Games for children

from 1 year 6 months to 2 years

You can play the same games as with children under one and a half years old. But when the plot is saved, the tasks, the content and the ways of interaction between the adult and the child change (children become more active and independent).

"Hide and Seek" (from 1 year 6-7 months)

Tasks. Learn to navigate in space, find out where the toys are, bring them and call them with common words instead of onomatopoeic and lightweight ones; stimulate activity; develop attention and memory.

Vocabulary... The generalizing word "toys" (passive vocabulary); names of toys: ball, duck, bear, bunny (bunny), etc.; action names: rolling, lying, shouting, etc.

Material. Toys (ball, duck, bear, hare, etc.) are located in different parts of the room.

Game content

Educator (holding a doll in his hands). A doll Katya came to visit us. She wants to see our toys. (The generalizing word is highlighted in voice.) Katya, what toy should I bring you? (Speaks for the doll) Hare, bunny. (To children.) Let's call a hare: “Bunny - runaway, where are you? Come to us, come, come! " (The words are pronounced with the children.)

The teacher and children are looking for a toy, go first to the play corner, then to the closet where the hare lies.

Educator. Where is our bunny (bunny)? (Joyfully.)Here he is! Who is it? Name. Bunny! (Multiple individual reps) Where is the bunny sitting? In the closet. Show me, Sasha. (The child may point a finger or say “there,” “here.” His actions are encouraged.) Who have we found? (Children's answers) Who should I give a bunny to? Misha, say: "Katya, for a bunny." Let's put the bunny next to Katya. What is the bunny doing? Is sitting".

The hare can "play" with children: "jump", "run", "say hello", etc.

The doll "gives a new task" - asks to bring the ball. Kids search, find, call. The teacher addresses several children individually: “What have you found? Where was the ball? Take the ball to Katya. Say: "Katya, take the ball, take the ball," etc.

Similar actions are repeated with other toys.

At the end of the game, the teacher says: “Here are how many toys we found for Katya: a hare, a ball, a bear, a duck. These are our toys (highlights the word with a voice). "

Invites children to play toys with Katya.

Game options.

1. Find a toy and name its color, shape (ball), individual parts (ears, paws), etc.

2. One child hides a toy, and the teacher and the rest of the children look for it. If there are no more than 5-6 children in the subgroup, you can invite everyone to hide the toy.

"Someone came to visit us" (from 1 year 6-7 months)

Tasks. Exercise children in naming toys and their parts. Lead to the understanding of the use of the word-concept "toys". Expand the passive vocabulary. Encourage emotional response and proactive speech.

Material. A set (4-5 pieces) of toys familiar to children: a hare, a bear, a cat, etc. (in a box).

Game content

There is a knock at the door. The teacher opens and brings a toy hare into the group. Appeals to children: “Look who came to visit us! Good bunny? Say hello to him. Where did you come running from, hare? (Responsible for the hare.) Out of the forest. "

He takes a toy in his hands, reads a poem and accompanies words with actions.

Once upon a time there was a bunny

Long ears (Strokes bunny ears.)

Frostbitten bunny

The nose is at the edge. (Strokes her nose)

Frozen tail(Strokes the ponytail.)

And went to warm up

Visit the kids.

It's warm and nice here

And they give carrots for lunch.

(V. Choral)

Educator. Let's treat a hare with a carrot. (He takes out the pre-cooked carrots.) Tanya, take a carrot, give a hare! Say: "Here, hare, eat!" Let's all say: "Eat, hare, eat." Look, he says "thank you" to us, nods his head.

You can invite children to feel sorry for the hare, pet (show and name) his ears, nose, tail - this activates children's play actions and vocabulary.

Educator. Bunny wants to say something. (Depicts (a conversation "with a hare.) He found a beautiful box and doesn't know how to open it.

Let's help him and see what lies there. (Opens the box with the help of the children.) What's here? Toys ... (Emphasizes the word with a voice.)A lot of toys! What toys? (The teacher addresses each child individually.) Name it. Take it. Show to all children. What toy did Sasha take? Teddy bear. Which bear - big or small? (Helps to show with hands.) Let's pat the bear on the head, we'll pity him. (Shows ears, paws) What is it? (Individual appeal to each child.) Name it. Show ... (Clapping toys with his paws.) What is the bear doing? He claps his paws, is glad that he came to visit us. Let's call him: "Go, go, bear, to us!" (Encourages children to repeat the words "go, go")

Other toys are treated in the same way. At the end of the game, the teacher asks again: “What did the hare bring? Toys. Beautiful toys ”. (Highlights in her voice.) Suggests to play with them.

Game variant.

Find the same toys in the room as in the box. Bring, name what he brought. The teacher makes a generalization: “Here is a bear and here is a bear. These are bears. Here is a hare and here is a hare. These are hares. (Children repeat.) We have a lot of toys! "

"Hen and Chickens" (from 1 year 7-8 months)

Tasks. Enrich children's vocabulary (chicken, chickens, chicken, bites); promote the use of simple phrases; encourage dialogue, create a joyful mood.

Material. Clockwork chicken, chickens (made of cardboard).

Game content

A clockwork toy - a chicken - moves and "pecks" near the door.

Educator. Who came to visit us? Chicken, hen - hazel grouse. Say hello to the chicken. Hello chicken - hazel grouse! Co-co-co, co-co-co! Who is the chicken calling? (Summarizes the answers.) The mother hen is calling her baby chickens. Where are the baby chickens? Let's ask the chicken. (Individual appeals.) Tanya, ask where the chickens are? Let's call the chickens: "chick-chick-chick!" (Supports and encourages speech activity in children. Pulls out a box of chickens.) Who is that pee-pee-pee? Chickens. (Supports the emotional response of children. Offers to take chickens, examine) What chickens? Small, good. The chicken calls the chickens: “Ko-ko-ko! Guys - yellow chickens, come to me! "

The teacher invites the children to place the chickens next to the hen. Asks each child what he did, whom he took to the chicken. Draws the attention of children to the reaction of the chicken: "The mother hen is glad that she found her chick children and thanks you." Places hen and chickens in a row asks: “What kind of chicken? Big. What chickens? Small. What does the chicken call its children? How do chickens squeak? " (Answers of children.)

Starts a chicken. “What is the chicken doing? He pecks grains, calls his chick children. "


Don't go far

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains!

The teacher invites children to show how a chicken pecks grains (knock your fingers on the table) and say: "key, key, key."

"Let's ride a horse" (from 1 year 8 months)

Tasks. To acquaint children with a new toy and methods of action with it; continue to teach how to compare toys by disguise; enrich the dictionary; encourage onomatopoeia, simple phrases, and dialogue.

Material. Big rocking horse, small toy horse, bunny.

Game content

The appearance of a big horse is played up: an adult "introduces" it into the group, claps his tongue: "clack-clack-clack!"

Educator. Who came to visit us? Horse! (Gives children the opportunity to examine the toy, iron it.) What horse came to us? (If necessary, asks additional questions: beautiful? Large? Small?) Big beautiful horse. (Invites children to repeat.) And how does the big horse scream? Whoa! (Utters in a low voice. Asks several children to repeat, then shakes the horse.) We also have a little horse. Let's find her. (Children who are familiar with this toy, at the request of an adult, bring it. It is advisable to put a small horse next to a large one.) What kind of horse is it (points to the rocking chair) - big or small? (Several individual responses.) And this is what a horse (points to another) - big or small? (Answers of children.) The big horse shouts: "yoke-go-go!" (pronounces in a low voice); the little horse shouts: "yoke-go-go!" (says in a high-pitched voice). (Children repeat) Big and small horses have come to visit us today. What does a big horse do? (Shakes her.) Swinging. What does the little horse do? Worth it. Let's ride the big horse of a hare. Ask the bunny: "Do you want to ride a horse?" Sasha, put the bunny on a horse. What is the bunny doing? Sits on a horse. Rides a horse. (The educator stimulates individual responses. Then reads a poem.)

A bunny is riding a horse,

Along the path, smooth, smooth.

Katya (Sasha, Tanya), do you want to ride a horse? Say: "I want to ride a horse." Say: “But let's go! But!"

I love my horse

I will comb her fur smoothly

I will smooth the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

(A. Barto)

The game is repeated several times.


"Everyone understands me" - this is how this period can be figuratively called. The child begins to talk a lot, easily remembers poems, fairy tales, can explain what he needs, tell about what he saw and heard. Speech becomes more expressive.

By the end of the third year of life the child already uses common sentences, almost all parts of speech, that is, he begins to master the speech-description.

The kid wants to learn a lot, he is interested in everything, he often turns to an adult with questions, which contributes to the improvement of dialogical speech.

The child tries to designate everything that he sees and understands in his own way, that is, "creates words." This unique feature of children's speech - word creation - was vividly described and analyzed by the writer and linguist K.I. Chukovsky.

All mental processes - thinking, memory, attention, imagination - develop successfully. The child can already compare objects and phenomena and make the simplest conclusions of a visual-effective nature (what he sees, with what he acts).

The child's speech becomes a means of communication not only with adults, but also with children.

The tasks of speech games of this period:

  • to enrich the passive and active vocabulary of children with common nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and prepositions;
  • teach to speak in sentences, build them grammatically correctly;
  • to form the correct sound pronunciation.

In addition to speech, it is important to solve tasks for the development of personal qualities:

  • to form an interest in active interaction with others;
  • to support the initiative, the position "I myself", to encourage the desire to express themselves at will, to join the conversation.

The theme of games can be very diverse, including the one that was used in work with children of the second year of life. However, while maintaining the plot, the content and the ways of interaction between an adult and a child change.

Various methods of speech development are used, their content becomes more complicated. For example, children two or three years old can already be given a sample of an elementary story-description for repetition. An adult not only shows the methods of action with objects (toys), but also stimulates the activity of children, their initiative and independence. The questions get more complicated and more varied.

Information for the educator.

1. The duration of the game depends on its content and the interest of children (but not more than 10-15 minutes).

2. The teacher himself determines with the children of what age (taking into account their individual capabilities) to play this or that game.

"Who lives where "

Tasks. Consolidate knowledge about animals (distinguish and name them; remember where they live); activate the ability to enter into a dialogue, respond with proposals; support and encourage initiative and independence.

Material. Parsley; box with toys; models of a forest and a house (for example, from a tabletop theater).

Game content

The teacher sets the models of the forest and the house on the carpet or on the table. Parsley "brings" a box with animal toys and asks the children to help figure out who lives in the forest and who lives in the house.

Educator. The animals got lost, they don't know where to go, let's help them. (Takes out a hare.) A little white bunny sits, wiggles its ears and says something to us ... Ask the hare, where did it come from? (From the forest.) What color is our bunny? (White.) What are his ears, what kind of tail? (The teacher encourages the children to answer on their own, helps if necessary. Be sure to generalize the answers.)The hare (bunny) is white, its ears are long, and the tail is short, small. Sasha, where does the hare live? Take the hare to where he lives. (If the child is mistaken, the teacher asks the children to help him.)

Parsley "takes" a cow out of the box.

Educator. This is a cow. She hums: moo. Do you think a cow also lives in the forest? (The children's answers are summarized.) The cow lives in the village, people feed her, and she gives them milk. (Suggests to take the cow to the house, encourages the actions of the children, specifies where they took the cow.)

Next, you can invite the children to take toys from the box one by one and ask where they live. Using an adult model, kids learn to ask questions, to formulate them correctly. At the same time, the teacher gives a description of some toy animals with pronounced signs (for example: red fox, it has a long fluffy tail; the bear is big, it has thick legs, it walks, waddles, etc.).

At the end of the game, the adult asks Petrushka if all the animals got to their home. Petrushka is responsible and thanks the children for their help.


  • the game is repeated several times: the number of toys increases;
  • you can read poems about those animals with which the game is played.

"We have pity on the bunny"

Tasks. Teach to show attention and care; understand the relationship between actions and results (they took care of the hare - he did not get sick); support children's emotional statements.

Material: toy hare, warm scarf, pieces of carrot and cabbage.

Game content

It is advisable to play the game on the site after the rain. A situation is created: a wet hare sits under a bush. It is good if the children themselves notice it while walking. If not, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the hare.

Educator. Let's ask the hare: why is he sitting here (helps children - speaks the question with them)... Here's what happened:

The mistress threw the bunny -

There was a bunny in the rain

I couldn't get off the bench,

All wet to the thread

What did the hostess do? (She threw the bunny.) What happened to the hare? (The poor bunny got wet, he is cold.) (The teacher listens and supports the statements of the children.) How can you feel sorry for a bunny? What should be done so that he does not get sick? Feed, warm. (Children repeat.)What does a hare like? (Carrots, cabbage.)Let's feed the hare. How do we feed the hare? (Carrots, cabbage.) Let's warm the hare. (Shows a warm scarf.)What is it? Scarf, warm scarf. (She wraps the hare in a scarf.) Now the hare is warm. How did we warm the hare? (A scarf, a warm scarf.) Look how funny the hare has become, he tells us: "Thank you, thank you!" Let's ask the hare to dance: Zainka, dance! Gray, dance! Bunny gray, dance, Your legs are good! (The hare "dances". It will be good if the children repeat some words and movements themselves together with the hare.)

Game variant (after 2.5 years). The hare ran away from the forest, got lost, sits hungry and cries. Children calm him down, feed him, help him find his way to the forest, etc.

"Let's go to the forest"

Tasks... Enrich children's knowledge about wild animals, replenish and activate the dictionary (names of animals; verbs walks, growls, sits, jumps; prepositions in, on, under); exercise in the pronunciation of sounds [h], [w], [h], [g]; develop memory, attention.

Material. Toys (bear, fox, hare, squirrel, wolf).

Game content

It is advisable to play the game on the site in advance, arrange the toys under the bushes, plant the yulka on a tree).

Children are encouraged to travel to the forest by train. All get up as a "train" for the teacher.

Educator. Chu-chu-chu, I'm rushing on the train, going to the forest, to the magic forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! (They walk around the site. Children sing along.) So we arrived at the fairy forest. What trees are there? Tall, big! (Raises his hands up. Children repeat.) Let's hear how the leaves rustle on the trees: shhhh ... (Children repeat.) And who buzzes like that: well? .. That's right, bees. Let's buzz like bees. Hear, mosquitoes are ringing: hhh ... (Children repeat.)And who lives in the forest? What animals? I will make riddles, and we will look for "answers" in the forest together.

White and fluffy, lives in the forest,

Rides: jump-jump. (Hare)

Well done, you guessed it yourself! Where does the hare sit? A hare is sitting under a bush. Who will say why the hare hid under a bush ? (Provides an opportunity for children to speak. There may be different options: "scared of the wolf", "it will rain", etc. He offers to call a hare, bring it. If necessary, helps the child, encourages initiative statements of children.)

Who in the cold winter

Walks through the woods

Angry and Hungry? (Wolf.)

Let's find a wolf ... (Allows children to find the toy themselves.)

Educator (draws attention to the tree where the squirrel sits):

In the woods on a tree - a hollow,

There is a troubled squirrel

Made a nice home

To your little children.

Where does the squirrel live? Where is her home? (Children show, raise their hands.) High squirrel lives on a tree.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks: "What animals live in the forest?" and summarizes the children's answers: "Wild animals - animals - live in the forest."

All again get up in a "train", "go" back to kindergarten and sing: "Chu-chu-chu ..." Etc.


The game can be played multiple times at the site and in a group.

Game options:

  • put toys in other places;
  • you can invite one child to hide toys, and the other children will look for them.

"Guess who's in the basket"

Tasks. Develop ingenuity, attention, a desire to speak out on their own initiative, replenish the dictionary with verbs in the singular and plural; exercise in sound pronunciation.

Material. Toys (cat, dog, two hedgehogs) hidden in the basket.

Game content

The teacher takes the basket, says that there are toys hidden in it, and offers to guess which ones. Ask a riddle:

Soft Paws,

There are scratches on the legs.

Looks at milk

"Meow meow!" - is talking.

A cat's paw appears from the basket.

Educator. Whose paw do you think it is? (Children guess, the teacher praises those who guessed it and takes a toy cat with a bow out of the basket.) Here is what a beautiful kitty we have! What kind of cat? What can you say about her? (These questions help children to get involved in the story. If someone is at a loss to answer, the teacher offers to tell the story with him.) White, fluffy, soft, small, she has small paws, in her paws - scratches. (Plays with the cat.) This is how our kitty runs, this is how it jumps. (Highlights verbs in intonation, asks children to repeat.) How does she meow? How does it purr? (Choral and individual children's responses.) Guess who else is hiding in the basket?

Friends with us

Serves faithfully

Wagging its tail

"WOF WOF!" - barks.

(A wagging tail is shown from the basket) Whose tail? Who's in the basket? Dog. (Pulls a toy out of the basket; the children examine it.) What dog? (Shaggy, large, etc.) What is the dog doing? (Barks.) How does she bark? (The teacher encourages children to imitate at different rates, with different vocal strengths.) Who else is left in the basket?

Thorny like Christmas trees

But with gray needles.

They live in the forest

Afraid of the fox.

(Children guess. The teacher takes out two hedgehogs.) What hedgehogs? ( Small, prickly, with short legs. The teacher clarifies the children's answers.)

Educator. What does a cat do when petted? (Rejoices, purrs.) And when does he see the mouse? (Quietly sneaks up, runs, jumps, catches.) What else can a cat do? (Meow, lap milk, play.)

What is the dog doing? (Sits, runs, wags his tail.) How does she behave when she sees a cat? (Runs after the cat, barks, jumps, catches.)


As the game progresses, situations can be created in which children will practice changing words. For example, hide one hedgehog and ask who is not (hedgehog); or hide both toys (hedgehogs ran away), etc.

Game variant. Some children show actions with toys, others call them (this stimulates speech and physical activity, forms the ability to interact with each other).

"Who screams like"

Tasks. Strengthen children's knowledge about animals and birds. Engage in dialogue - develop the ability to listen to questions and answer them adequately; stimulate and encourage activity.

Material. A house built of cubes, there are toys in it: a rooster, a chicken, a cow, a goat, a frog, etc. (6-8 pieces).

Game content

The teacher draws the attention of children to a bright house that stands on a carpet or on a table.

Educator. This house is not simple, who lives in it? Let's knock and ask, "Knock-knock-knock, who lives here?" (Speaks for the rooster.) "Ku-ka-re-ku, I'm a cockerel, golden comb!" Who is it? (Cockerel.) Call him: "Petya, cockerel, golden comb, come to us!" (Encourages individual repetition.)"Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm going, I'm going!" (Takes a toy out of the house.) Hello, Petya the cockerel! (Children say hello, examine the toy.) What beautiful feathers the cock has, what an oiled head, a silky beard! (Encourages children to speech activity.) What feathers? What beard? What tail? (The cockerel "screams" again.) Who do you think the cock is calling? (Hen and chickens.)How do we call them? (Chip-chick-chick!) (Together with an adult, the children call in the chorus; less active kids are involved in individual repetitions. A chicken appears from the house, then chicks: first one, then the rest. The concepts of "one chicken" - "many chickens" are reinforced.) How does a hen call chickens? How do chickens squeak? (Children reproduce onomatopoeia. The teacher encourages each child's response and suggests placing a rooster, hen and chickens on the table.)

Katya, put the chicken next to the cockerel. What have you done? Well done! Guys, what did Katya do? Etc.

(Takes a cow out of the house.) "Moo-oo-oo! Milk to whom?" Who is it? (Cow.) Cow-cow, big, red, hums: moo! How does a cow bellow? (Answers of children.)

The teacher invites the children to put the cow next to the cockerel, asks where the cow is ... (Consolidation of the concepts "next to", "together")

Other toys are also considered. The teacher leads the children to a generalization: each animal has its own voice, everyone screams differently.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to play with the toy they like. ("What toy do you want to take? What toy will you play with?")


During the game, you should definitely support and encourage the initiative of children: "Well done! I said right. I chose the toy myself!" Etc.

Game options (after 2.5 years):

  • other toys are used;
  • at the end of the game, the children put their toys in the house on their own and talk over their actions.

"Where are our kids?"

Tasks. Expand children's knowledge of pets, enrich and activate the vocabulary (calf, kid, foal, puppy, kitten); develop the ability to compare and generalize; foster a kind attitude towards animals.

Material.Toys (cow, goat, horse, dog, cat - in a box; calf, kid, foal, puppy, kitten - behind the screen).

Preliminary work.The teacher shows pictures of pets, introduces children to the concept of "baby animals".

Game content

The caregiver reports that someone is crying in the corner in a box.

Educator. Let's see what happened there ... (They go to the box, open it and see the animals. Children, at the request of an adult, name them.) Animals cry because they have lost their young. Can we help you find them? But we need to know who their babies are. (He takes the toys out of the box one by one.) "Moo-oo, I'm looking for my calf!" The calf is lost! ( Children repeat the name of the cub after the teacher.)"Ho-ho, my colt is far away!" The foal is gone! "Me-e-e, go, goat, to me-e-e!" Etc. Where are they?

(The adult and toddlers walk around the group and find the cubs behind the screen.)

Educator. So they were found! (Turns to toys.) You are probably lost? Children will help you if you tell them who your mothers are.

He invites the kids to choose any "cub", ask him about "mother", call her, for example: "Katya, ask the kitten, who is his mother?" (Cat.) How does he call mom ?! (Meow meow!) Call a mother-cat with the kitten. (The child repeats.) Well done, Katya! Now take the kitten to his mother cat. Put the kitten next to your mom. "

The same actions are repeated with all cubs. Toys "thank" for the help. The teacher praises the children: "Well done! They helped all the mothers find their children (cubs)!"


In the future, children can compare animals in size, independently build houses for them.

"What did Zina buy in the store"

Tasks. Strengthen the ability to differentiate objects in connection with their purpose, to distinguish and highlight the details of the objects under consideration, to name them; exercise in the pronunciation of sounds [h], [w], [h]; stimulate the speech activity of children.

Material. Doll, toy utensils (including tea).

Game content

A game situation is created: the doll Zina wants to treat other dolls with tea, but there are not enough dishes.

Educator. We need to buy dishes. Where can you buy it? (In the shop.) Let's take the doll Zina and go to the store. Where are we going? Whom shall we take with us? (Answers of children.) Where are we going? Guess:

Runs along the rails

Ding Ding! - rings.

What is it? (Tram.)Let's go to the store by tram. (They get up as a "train" and "go" to the "store". "Store" is a table on which doll dishes are placed.) Here we are! How many different dishes in the store! What utensils do we need to make the dolls tea? (Tea ware.) Zina, did the children name the dishes correctly? (The doll "confirms") Need to buy cups and saucers. (Find and examine the dishes.) What cup? (Blue.) What saucer? (Blue)

The teacher encourages the answers of the children and suggests asking Zina's doll which cups and saucers she likes best. The doll "shows". Children put dishes in a box. The teacher makes sure that there are enough cups and saucers for all the dolls who will "drink tea".

Educator. What else should I buy? (Children's assumptions.) That's right, spoons to stir the sugar that was put in the tea. What are we going to pour tea from? (From the teapot.) Show me where the kettle is. What kind of kettle? Big, beautiful, blue. (Supports and encourages the individual statements of children. Shows the sugar bowl.) What is it? This is a sugar bowl. (Children repeat.) Sugar is poured into a sugar bowl. Do you like to drink tea with milk? Milk is poured into the milk jug (Shows the milkman) What color milk jug? (Blue) Here's how many utensils we bought today. What did we buy Zina? (Cups, saucers, spoons, teapot, sugar bowl, milk jug) What kind of dishes did we buy? (Tea room.) What are tea utensils for? (Answers of children.) Our dolls will be delighted!


  • dishes can be of different colors and in different quantities - according to the number of dolls;
  • be sure to continue the game - to arrange a "tea party" for the dolls, to provide children with the opportunity to show independence and initiative.

Game options:

  • purchase of tableware - for the game "Dolls have dinner". In this case, you should pay attention to the color, size and purpose of objects;
  • buying furniture - for the game "Let's arrange a doll room".

G. Gruba We develop speech from an early age

According to the program "Tiny", f. "Child in kindergarten", No. 2-3 2002