Paint for hair headlight palette colors. Hair paint headlight palette colors photo paint headlight

Almost every woman resorts to hair staining. The cosmetic industry is so extensive that it is difficult to choose the only manufacturer whose products would correspond to all criteria. Even more difficult to find a high-quality, but more budget version of the painting of hair. Today we decided to tell about a wonderful paint, whose preference gives women in many countries is the "headlight" (hair paint). Palette, composition, instructions for use and consumer reviews in the future content of the article.

Product description

What is this paint? "Headlight", the palette of paints for hair is described in this article, produced by the Russian company "Red Line", which exists in the market for more than ten years, and has established itself from the best side. However, all the main stages of the production of the product are carried out in Bulgaria.

High-quality equipment and raw materials allow you to produce really high-quality funds that are valued by women also at an affordable price.

As part of the paint, there is a specially designed component of the Transcutol GC component, the action of which is directed to the careful staining.

The composition of the paint

The "headlight", the palette of paints for the hair of which was designed so that when staining in a minimum harm, and at the maximum - the benefit is an excellent choice. It has many natural components:

  1. Jojoba oil has a moisturizing action, cares about the skin of the head: removes irritation and itching, attaches strength and health to weak hair, prevents the appearance of dandruff.
  2. Wheat protein fills the curls with vitality and gloss.
  3. Aloe Vera for a long time is famous for healing properties. This plant can remove inflammation from the skin of the head, fight the secting tips, give the hair elasticity, increase their growth.
  4. Wine extract has long been used in popular health recipes. It has antioxidant properties, rich in vitamins. Promotes strengthening and restoring hair.

Thanks to these components, damaged hair will again become healthy, shining and well-groomed!

What is contained in the package?

"Headlight", the palette of paints for hair is rich, loved to many women even because of such a pleasant little things as the content of the package. The manufacturer took care that staining was more pleasant and cute ladies were not worried due to the lack of necessary items. In each packaging "headlights" contains:

  • protective gloves;
  • bottle with dispenser;
  • tube;
  • fragrant hair balsam after staining;
  • capacity with a foaming agent;
  • detailed instructions.

How to make the mixture and paint your hair?

Most women are in a hurry when painting hair and often do not pay attention to such trifles that will help make the procedure more comfortable, avoid allergic reactions and an undesirable shade. And in most cases, inattention becomes the biggest error when painting.

First of all, the contents of a dye tube are needed to pour into a bottle with an oxidizer. The remedy needs to mix well, shake up to get a homogeneous mass.

For comfortable staining, it is necessary to cut the plastic tip from the bottle cover with the resulting mixture and straight out the paint first on the roots of the hair, and then distribute the tassel along the entire length. Before the procedure, it is recommended to wear protective gloves.

The tool must be kept on the hair from 30 to 45 minutes, then rinse the head well, put the balm, which must be washed in five minutes.

The manufacturer advises before staining to go through the test for the definition of allergic reactions. To do this, some paint should be applied to the inner side of the elbow or wrist. If in fifteen minutes it does not appear redness and itching, then you can paint the hair.

Paint for hair "Headlamp": Flower palette

The manufacturer has created a means for staining hair in three series, and every one of them we will look more carefully.

"Faramy Classic"

This series is created for the saturated color of the curls. Persistent paint does not destroy the hair structure, capable of painting with a gray, consists of 24 shades, the main of which:

  • light red tree;
  • the Red tree;
  • golden chestnut;
  • natural;
  • caramel;
  • natural chocolate;
  • milk chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • blonde platinum.

"Faramy Natural Colors"

In this series there is a special complex of substances, which allows you to make a natural color more rich, and the result of staining will be saved by 30% longer than in time. In addition to its unique effect, this series is endowed with a variety of natural components that will take care of hair during the dyeing. What colors offers "headlights"? Hair Palette Natural Colors:

  • the black;
  • chocolate;
  • natural;
  • chestnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden;
  • bonddor;
  • champagne;
  • millet;
  • platinum;
  • white sun;
  • white gold.

"LOUNGE MOUSSE" headlight

This series is designed to give curls of a ultrasound. Staining with these paints is comfortable, since the tool has a consistency of the mousse and thanks to this it is easily distributed to the entire length of the hair. The main tones of this series:

  • chocolate mocha;
  • blueberry dessert;
  • strawberry marshmary;
  • ice cappuccino;
  • creme brulee;
  • honey shake;
  • walnut sherbet;
  • cream Caramel;
  • almond nougat.

"Headlight", hair paint: palette, reviews

This fund has a very rich palette of colors. Women celebrate in their comments. They write that the "headlight" has a large variety of shades in its assortment, and every woman can pick up his own.

The durability of paint is noted, they say that the color is saved in saturated and brilliant to the subsequent staining, when it is necessary to "cry up" the grinding roots.

FARA Classic hair paint Customer reviews has in a huge amount, since from all episodes is the most "senior". Women write that after staining with this means, the hair is obedient, soft, shade is intense.

But still there are negative comments. Some noted that the tone does not always work exactly how the manufacturer represents it.

There are reviews that the paint is quickly washed off from hair for incomprehensible reasons.

Nevertheless, I would like to say that the "headlight" (the palette of paints for hair is described in our article) is a fairly high-quality tool that can be purchased at an affordable price. It is convenient to apply at home, and in the package there is everything you need for professional hair coloring.

Feedback: Resistant Cream Fara Classic - What will happen if painted paint hair painted by henna? Photo Report of possible results.

Cost, beautiful shade, no red shade, only copper, simplicity in staining, do not fall out hair.


Good day, dear and dear readers!

Today, my story will be whether it is possible to paint the hair painted with henna. My review about the rack cream paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red.

My story I will start with the fact that for almost a year already, maybe even a little more, I paint my hair with Indian henna (my favorite was the natural Indian Henna Lady Henna - Redhead, red color! My love. And Henna Indian natural BIS - Brightness, color and shine! Photo before, after and my recipe for hair coloring.).
The shade is bright, redhead, with glitter. But over time, like paint, Henna has a property to wash, only she is washed out (if, of course, it is for more than six months) only after a couple of months after staining, and the paint is in the worst case - after 2 weeks.

And so, painting henna for the last time last month, I didn't even have the idea that I would paint the usual paint for hair, and not even professional, but from the mass. But everything is in order.

I will start with the fact that I learned that my henna bis is not for sale in any store of our city (not available and when it will be unknown). And then the idea came to my mind: "Why should I not take paint? If suddenly, I know how to restore the hair, I have experience."

I started my choice, of course, with professional paint. But to my great regret, I did not find the products you need in our stores in stock. And I had to choose paint from the mass.

Attentively examining the range of two stores, I saw that I had almost no choice: I didn't have a shade you need, everyone went to red, or were light red, orange.
In front of me there was a choice between the shadowed shampoo and the paint, which I once had long ago purchased and painted it (there was a dark brown). So I took paint.

Before us persistent cream paint Fara shade 511 copper-red. The cost of it is only 65 rubles.

When I first showed her girlfriend, she began to discourage me and swear to me very much so that I could not be painted her. But the choice was already done (after reading this story, she will see the consequences of my actions and will get angry again), and I decided to paint with confidence.

The design is very bright, catchy. On the front side of the packaging / box with paint, a girl with copper-red hair is drawn, the shade is more like a fire flame. Very bright and striking.

This shade from the manufacturer Fara is a novelty: it contains 100% natural oil organs and natural extract of bee uterine milk - this we learn about the information on the front side of the box with paint.
Also, the manufacturer promises after use by this rack cream paint Fara shade 511 copper-red painting of seeds, resistant and bright shade.

On the back of the box with paint, we see some information that left us the manufacturer.
And the result of staining will exceed your expectations: the color will be resistant, bright and shining. Soft and elastic hair.

On one of the sides of the package with the rack cream-paint FARA shade 511 copper-red there is a composition of the cream-paint and clarifier.

The manufacturer advises before starting staining, make sure that this paint does not cause an allergic reaction. 48 hours before you gathered to paint your hair, you need to spend a test for the portability of the components.

I do not usually do this.

Manufacturer: Russian Cosmetics, Russia, Odintsovo, Mo.

As well as the paint manufacturer pointed out all the precautions that must be fulfilled.

On the other hand, on the box with a rack cream-paint Fara shade 511 copper-red there is an estimated result of staining. Everyone has different hair, but ideally it should get exactly the color that is indicated on the box.

What is in the box?
- one tube with cream-paint in 50 ml,
- a bottle with an oxidizer (as I understood, 6%) in 50 ml,
- Balsam for hair "Fixing color" in 15 ml,
- a pair of gloves,
- Instructions for use.

Pretty good content. There are paints more expensive at cost, but they have no gloves, but Balzam.

Let's look inside and see if everything is in stock.
Before us cream paint (red tube), oxidizer (white tube), instructions for use, a pair of gloves and hair balm.

On a tube with cream paint, some information is also indicated.
This resistant cream-paint contains wheat protein in its composition.

On the reverse side of the hair balm "Fixing color" indicates how it is necessary to use it.

As well as the instruction that needs to be carefully read before you start painting your hair.
From the instructions, I learned that for those who paint hair for the first time and completely, resistant cream-paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red must be kept 30 minutes.
And those who are painted only the resulting roots - only 20.
I painted my hair completely.

So, it has come the time of interest - as I painted hair with a rack cream-paint for hair Fara shade 511 copper-red.

I present you a photo of your hair before using paint. Without any adjustment.

As well as the general picture, as my hair looked up.
Depending on the light, the shade seemed absolutely different. But, I assure you, it was before dyeing hair paint.

We turn to the painting itself.

At first I squeezed the entire tube with cream paint to the oxidizing agent.

For dyeing, I decided to use my proven nozzle, which cries the hair well. Tassel did not use.

Pretty mixing and shaking the contents in a bottle, I changed the standard cap on my nozzle.

Stained her hair starting from the middle of the head. I stained the bangs in the second place, then my hair was saved from behind.
It understood that 50 ml of paint and 50 ml of oxidizing agent, in the amount of 100 ml of paint for my hair length is not enough. I have already dressed up the tips of the hair that was already applied to the hair.
I, of course, did not take into account this.
The smell of paint is caustic. This is understandable, given its value.
But as soon as the paint is applied to the hair, this smell is no longer felt. And not because you get used to.

Hair photo is just painted with a rack cream-paint for hair FARA shade 511 copper-red.

Given the color time (I was painted for 10 minutes), with paint, I promised for another 15 minutes, it turned out that I had extended a resistant cream paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red only 25 minutes, out of 30 necessary.
But I was very afraid that my bright, albeit a little sweened redhead color, will become red.

Hair photo after 25 minutes holding paint.

The paint is washed very easily. Hair does not confuse.
When I washed off the paint, I didn't have a single hair, and when the resistant cream-paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red was still on her hair - did not burn the scalp.

But after I washed away the paint, my hair became tougher than usual. And this is understandable.
But my favorite balm (applied after the shampoo and Balzam "Flowing") Balsam for the ORGANIC SHOP "Gold Orchid" hair - good balm for easy hair combing! Photo before and after. Quickly softened my hair.

Drying hair, I expected to see a red shade, but ...
Hair photo after painting.
Glitter appeared, bright redhead.

The hair became bright, soft, pleasant to the touch (I think, the role was played by my balm).
Strong cream-paint FARA hair shade 511 copper-red did not dry her hair, and it was the most important thing for me

The photo of the general picture, what the paint looks like on the hair.

And comparing the hair itself before and after staining.
Up - Henna, after - resistant FARA hair cream shade 511 copper-red.
As can be seen with a flash, there is no red shade.

And then leaning, I saw that I didn't change anything and did not change.
I took a photo of the hair without a flash. Before staining, I could have seen someone else's strands (thanks to Tonic for this), which were completely not painted with nothing. Now they have become a little more noticeable and brighter.

Both on the length and the bang itself, a small red shade is visible.

But in the photo with a flash of this shade, as it did not happen.
Strong cream-paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red perfectly coped with staining and punished hair roots with a bang.

And the final comparison photo is before and after staining.
Strong cream-paint for FARA Hair Tint of 511 copper-red added to my hair of a bright redhead (I almost made a brighter, which was already present), but I didn't like it in a sense.

My impressions after using a rack cream-paint for hair FARA shade 511 copper-red.

My opinion is such: the paint really did not lie on the hen. Although I expected a copper color with a deep-present red tint, nothing was justified.
Persistent cream paint perfectly painted hair roots in a bright redhead color, without a hint of a red shade, but the length became a little brighter, and rushing.

Despite your low cost, resistant cream-paint for FARA hair shade 511 copper-red I recommend.
A red shade on her hair will not, a good copper bright shade will appear.
I still can not fully understand, whether the paint fell on Henna. Looking at her hair, I do not see any difference.

Or perhaps the paint still painted his hair with henna?) To judge you.
Use time: 1 Coloring Cost: 65 rub.
Overall impression: What will happen if painting paint hair painted henna? Photo Report of possible results.

Now only this paint, and not even for considerations of saving

Cash hair in chestnut or dark chestnut. Recently, about a year ago, I switched to this paint, and now I will buy only her, perhaps. The color is blossom, quickly burning, a little bit with a red, and many paints on me are short of the brightness, begin to go into red. And here, I can not even describe my delight - nothing like this did not happen to this paint! The color is saturated with saturated and smooth while the hair does not start growing. Deep color, beautiful, real chestnut. Fortunately, from the moment he began to use it, it was not yet possible to set a different choice due to the absence of paint on sale, it is easy to find it and it is inexpensive.

So, the price of the packaging is 70 rubles. I need 2 packaging, it means that you multiply on 2.

The box contains everything that will be needed for self-painting: paint (cream), oxidizer, gloves, and fixer balsam.

Mix the paint with the liquid oxidizer directly in the bottle for applying.

It is not difficult to apply, because Good texture of paint. It is distributed through the hair, too, quite well. The only thing, there is a slightly smell specific, but it's paint. In principle, the smell of tolerant, it happens and rustly.

In general, the composition is not bad, there are many useful components, such as wheat proteins, argan butter, an extract of beeteric milk milk ... I don't know what exactly helps, but the hair in general feel good, after the procedure, and some time later.

How much paint will last, without losing colors, I, really, I can not say, because Every 3-4 weeks, we apply because of the growing roots.

My resume: the paint is good, persistent, and, in my opinion, is not too dangerous for the hair. In any case, in my experience there are cases with paint, which made my hair very dry, dull, red instead of dark chestnuts ... From the paint headlight, everything is predictable, the result is expected, I like it.

I advise you to try, those who are painted independently.

Paint headlight (FARA) 505b caramel. Does the shade correspond to the declared? Does it paint gray? Pros and disadvantages of paint and shade in particular.


Never thought it would still decide to paint their hair paint Fara.

Although my mom is painted for a long time (about 15 years), and she really likes this paint, since she paints her eyes well, I always treated Fara's paint with alertness, as it is cheaper than the other paints from the mass market.

For years 10 I painted my hair paint Garnier Color Naturals Tint 3.0. All this time, she completely satisfied me with the color and gentle influence on the hair.

From garnier paints I have a miraculous way reducked hair After staining. It was strange, as it usually happens on the contrary. Color kept on her hair for a long time, the paint was very raven. But apparently it is only from this shade 3.0 such an impact. Because, having decided to change, finally, the hair color on the brightest, I completely disappointed in the Garnier paint.

And that's why.

First, from brighter shades sooo began to fall hair. Secondly, paint washed after 2 weeksif not less. Thirdly, at all did not score gray. The only one pleased that after the paint, the hair was smooth and silky.

Now I can not say for sure, from a specific shade whether it depends on or paint quality has become worse than before, but from Garnier paint I am finally decided to refuse.

And, after a long rapidly, weighing everything in and against, I decided to try to paint the hair with Fara's paint, as many reviews heard that she crushes her eyes well, and this is the purpose of the number one in hair coloring for me.

The shade of paint chose the photo on the package and on the table of the results of staining, as it is different, apparently, the shade does not pick up. Chose a shade 505b caramelSince on the package it looks like a blond golden. The numbers of shades of Fara paint are very strange, not standard, like other paints, so the desired shade pick up difficult! (Maybe there is some secret? I did not understand, unfortunately.) The first minus of this paint.

But what promises to us manufacturer After using this paint.

The result of staining:

  • Ultrasound, shining, bright color;
  • Reliable painting seeds;
  • Soft and elastic hair.

Promises of the manufacturer bribe. This is what you need after every hair staining. Let's look further, whether these promises are actually done ...

IN structure It was not particularly deliberate, but maybe someone will come in handy.

That's what happened with hair before staining. Hair literally before painting, not washed.

Hair, to put it mildly, multicolored (on the hair painted earlier, the paint tears, they are lighter; thrust their dark roots; a lot of gray, which is hard to scratch).

Paramount the goal was Align the color of the hair, paint gray, do not spoil the hair very much.

Prepared paint according to the instructions.

It is convenient that Fara paint is included oxidizer Backet Applicatorin which you need to mix paint. Paint with it is easily applied to the hair on the samples.

I brought paint on the roots and part of the length, did not apply on the ends. Paints 100 ml I had enoughSince the hair is not thick. Waited 30 minutes And washed away. The hair fell not so much after staining, compared to light shades of paint Garnier Color Naturals. I didn't like the balm after dyeing, too thick and hardly distributed through the hair, Garnier Color Naturals Balsam is better.

That's what as a result, it turned out.

Hair after painting Fara paint is not so smooth and silky, like after Garnier Color Naturals.

The camera handed out the color is not correct, possibly due to artificial lighting. Hair color in the photo is brighter and yellow than in reality.

Closer to reality Transmit the resulting color these photos taken the next day after dying in daylight.

Hair color less leveled, but not ideal Up to uniform color, Sedina is still noticeable, flashes. Apparently my seeding is able to defeat only paint with a very dark tint. ((Yes, and of course, it is better to paint in natural shades with a natural shades with a number 0 after a point. As for the column of paint headlight 505b caramel, immediately after staining he absolutely does not coincide With color on packaging and in the results table. The shade turned out much darker and not at all golden, and more reminds Mahagon.

We'll see, what happened to the color after 10 days. My hair is about every other day or two.

The color has become a little lighter, not as golden as in the table of results on the package, and the reddish, which I did not like at all. Washed off the paint gradually and evenly, paint headlight really resistant.

What I liked in Fara paint, so this is what she a little thickens hair, They shine from her, even the tips on the sun are beautifully overflowing and sparkling, although I did not apply paint on them, apparently enough during washing.

I will summarize.


The manufacturer's promises are filled with half. Fara's paint is really persistent, the color is bright, but I was clear to me badly, it stands out from the common background of the hair. Hair did not spoil harder.

pros Paints Fara 505b Caramel:

  1. Low price (bought for 75 rubles);
  2. Persistent, washed away gradually and evenly;
  3. Does not burn the skin of the head when staining;
  4. It was this shade during the dyeing, it would not poison the smell of ammonia, which would not say about the shade, which Mom paints;
  5. It does not very much spoil the hair compared to paint palette;
  6. Gives brightness and glitter hair;
  7. Convenient bottle applicator for mixing paint and applying.

Minuses Paints Fara 505b Caramel:

  1. It is difficult to choose a shade by number;
  2. Nonconformity of the resulting shade declared on the package;
  3. Completely does not bother with seeding;
  4. The manufacturer is misleading that the paint treats and restores the hair.

Thus, there are both pros and significant disadvantages. I do not want to try the whole paint palette to find my shade, it would be more convenient if the numbers of shades of paint headlamp met the generally accepted.

I will put 3 stars, as Other shades of Fara paint I have not tried, and so, most likely, I would put 2.

My seeding, this paint was not very clear. Therefore, I will not use Fara's paint. And I will not advise others. I turn to professional hair paints.

Thanks for attention!))

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"Fara Classic" natural chocolate. Name and reality


When I already used paint "FARA" , But all impressions erased from memory. After reviewing the reviews, I realized that so far I don't try it myself. And since now I have an indefinite hair, and all thanks to this tonic, I decided to "smear" not expensive paint - as it was not clear how it all falls on my bordeaux good.

Price - 100 rubles

Paint although very budget, but has everything you need for comfortable hair coloring. Especially liked the bottle with the developer, they squeeze the paint - you shake it in a thin nose on your hair. And do not need any plates and brushes for applying and stirring paint.

The package shows an example of the original color and the result obtained

Structure -

The shade seemed to me suitable, not quite dark, and not quite red. Golden middle, if you believe this table.

Caught paint on hair, with flash and without

Promises of the manufacturer -

-ultraskaya, shining, bright color

With this conclusion completely agree, the shade turned out to be bright and shining

- Valid staining of seeds

And then hitting, Sedina attacked 100%

- Gnoby and elastic hair

Yes, the hair is soft enough and elastic. Of course, there is a merit of my Balzam, but the hair is not overpired.

My conclusion-

The paint is quite affordable and high-quality. If you use it on a permanent basis, it can and harm hair. But my hair every 2 months is haircut, and "superstars" is not observed at the tips.

But I am not satisfied with the shade of the hair, in the picture he with redness - I got a darker color.

Cons paint -

  • - dramatically smells
  • - Non-compliance with shades
  • - washed off

Pluses Paints -

  • + budget price
  • + large selection of shades
  • + Paints 100% seed
  • + does not dry hair (for example 1 times)

Show again - it was -

I will try other brands, but also to this will come back more than once. I did not spoil my hair, did not overheat. Special difference, not noticed with more expensive paints.

Thanks for attention. Resistant paint without ammonia and smell of Fito Color for only 80 rubles. PALLETTE INTENSIVE (press and read)

The headlight - hair paint, which is produced in Bulgaria, but its official creator is located in a small town of Russia. This tool is made using advanced equipment based on natural high-quality ingredients.

Thanks to its properties, this paint helps you keep the health of your hair for a long time. It will also give them shine and protect against the negative effects of sun rays, cold and chemicals. In addition, using the paint of the headlight, you will not have a need in periodic hair tapping for a long time.

Hair paint headlight: species and features

All hair paints are divided into three types: physical, chemical and natural. To date, the headlight brand offers two of them. The first is not containing ammonia, shade balms, and the second - hair paint cream, hair paints and mousse of strong fixation.

So that the tint balm is not so dried the hair, after use, apply a nutrient or moisturizing mask on the hair.

Towing headlight balm (Fara): palette

Wheat proteins will help create a brilliant and healthy view of the hair, and the anti-stress care warranty can give a complex with jojoba oil, aloe vera and wine extract. But with all the wealth of paint for hair, the headlight on vitamins, it is not recommended for use by people with brittle hair and sensitive scalp.

Hair Frame Palette

It is possible to pick up a suitable shade of hair, it is possible to navigate in a variety of color using a kind of card - palette of paints. Unlike the color that is specified on the turnover of the packaging (it does not always respond true) the palette allows you to see the shade that you exactly get after the use of paint. The samples of artificial hair presented in it can be seen when there is a room. Find out how the shade will play with daylight. That is, fully evaluate all the advantages of your chosen color.

Determining your shade, do not forget about the appearance color, so that it does not have to repaint hair again, thereby exposing them to additional stress. Fara Classic hair paint is represented by more than thirty shades.

Img \u003d ""\u003e Strong cream-paint Hair paint Fara Natural Colors - Headlight Neucherla Colors

But Elena L. remained unhappy with his choice of paint, because it took the color much darker and when trying to fire him, the hair was too overwhelmed and began to sneeze.

Economical Method for Resistant Transfiguration - Farma Hair Painting Palette

Pick up the perfect suitable shade of hair paint that you dream is very difficult. Ladies are oriented on the price, composition and palette. It is not easy to find 100% all the indicators, but perhaps. By the price / quality ratio, one of the leaders today in the beauty market - headlight. This is the paint of domestic production. But manufacturing technology developed in Bulgaria. The tool contains natural components.

Main characteristics of hair paint headlights

All the headlights are in ammonia, which, in general, is not bad - it means it is persistent. The company's plans to develop a non-ammmonic series. While there are three Fara colors:

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Fara paint composition

Farm hair paint manufacturers care that the tool is safe and high-quality, therefore, natural ingredients can be found in the composition.

Protein Wheat - This component makes dull brittle hair with shiny and silky, nourishes them from the inside, preventing their cutting.

Jojoba oil (liquid wax) - promotes moisturizing. This component is extracted from the Symmonce - walnut. The composition of oil contains amino acids, which, according to their action, resemble collagen, contributing to the restoration of elasticity. Therefore, jojoba nourishes her hair, relieves irritation.

Aloe Vera Extract - Very useful plant. His juice contributes to good blood circulation, which stimulates hair growth. He also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which will relieve irritation. And also this component makes hair strong and elastic, eliminates the split tips.

Val extract - Excellent remedication tool. This component nourishes the hair with vitamins, derives oxidants, in general, has a healing effect.

Most of the headlight components are safe for hair, which speaks of its high quality.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Like any cosmetic product, the painting agent has its pros and cons. The following is the following:

The disadvantages include:

  • Difficulty in choosing color by numbers.
  • Strong smell ammonia during staining.
  • Too liquid consistency.
  • Little dried the scalp.

It is necessary to take into account the structure of the hair and their health status. It is important to know to choose a shade (for example, the blond is not suitable for ladies with brittle and linked) dye.

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How to apply

The headlight is designed more for self-staining at home, so equipped with a standard set of tools: a tube with paint, a bottle with a dispenser containing an oxidizing agent, disposable gloves, instructions for use and moisturizing hair balm. Special container for foaming is included in the Lounge Mousse set.

Preparing for staining consists of several stages:

  1. Squeeze paint into the bottle with an oxidizing agent, mix thoroughly, open the cap.
  2. Wear gloves.
  3. With the help of a dispenser, put the paint with small jets first on the roots, carefully distributing its comb, then over the entire length of the hair. At the end, to massage the head with massage movements for the best distribution of the means.
  4. After half an hour, wash the paint with a shampoo with a shampoo and apply a careful balsam for 5 minutes. Dry head.

Luxurious hairstyle for every day without hassle and loss of time - the chemical curling hair is large curls.

Palette of colors and shades by numbers

It is difficult to choose the desired kolker, so to facilitate the procedure in the store you can ask a special card - a palette of colors. It will be able to orient what color will turn out in reality, because the shade on the package can differ significantly from the present. The palette presents samples of artificial hair painted in each of the series of series. On this map you can see what a shade will be, how it will look.

When choosing the desired kolator, it is necessary to read the recommendations of the style of the appearance of the style of the style: which shades are suitable for blondes, and what is brunettes. This is necessary in order not to wash off and do not renew the hair several times, relaxing them at the same time.

If we speak briefly about the color views, it is determined by a natural shade of hair, eye, leather. There are four types of appearance at the time of year: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

"Girl-Summer" It has rusia hair and gray or green-blue eyes. Cold blondes are suitable, shades of blond and walnut-chocolate tones of paint.

"Winter" It has pale leather, iscin-black hair and gray-blue eyes. Her kel - any dark shades.

"Spring" It can boast light skin, honey-wheat hair, blue, green or nutty eyes. She is suitable warm colors.

"Lady-Autumn" Golden, copper or bright red curls, light skin with freckles or, on the contrary, dark, and greens or amber eyes. It is better to choose bright juicy tones with a redhead.

In the palette of paints, the headlight is more than 50 shades that can satisfy even the most original and bold fantasies. Consider the tones of each series separately.

Fara Classic. The richer variety of shades. The line presents 24 fashionable tones that can be broken into several groups.
Light: for blondes and blondes - the largest palette, as many as 9 shades, among which the ash-blonde. Chestnuts: 5 to choose from. Several original shades of red, for example, red rosehip. And, of course, a group of dark tones.

Fara Natural Colors. - Most gentle and safe tool for staining. It can be said that the paint of this series has a vitaminized impact. It consists of a palette of 19 shades. Special attention deserves not having analogs in other lines of paints. For example, Bonddor.

Fara Lounge Mousse It appeared quite recently, therefore the palette is not so big - only twelve shades. When staining this paint, bright saturated tones are obtained, special attention of which deserve:

  • blueberry dessert;
  • strawberry marshmary;
  • ice cappuccino;
  • creme brulee;
  • cream Caramel;
  • almond nougat.

The variety of shades of paints for hair headlight will surprise even the most sophisticated buyers, so any girl can choose the tone of it.

Customer Reviews

The main barometer of the quality of the product is the opinion of buyers. Reviews of those who use the headlight in more positive. Here are the advantages note the buyers:

  • Elena: "It has long been chosen for yourself the headlight. Each time when staining, experimenting with shades - the color is bright and rich. The main thing is that the hair does not break down, but, on the contrary, become smooth and silky. "
  • Alice: "The headlight perfectly paints my early seeding and holds long. A rich selection of shades allows you to find perfect. What is especially pleased - affordable price. "
  • Kristina: "Tried a novelty from the headlight Lounge Mousse. It is very convenient to paint hair yourself. The color "Cream Caramel" turned out to be saturated, beautiful. I recommend to everyone!"


Interesting video with overview for hair paint headlight

The painting agent of the headlight is affordable, safe, high-quality. Excellent option for home use at an affordable price. The richness of the palette will be able to satisfy the desires of any woman. The headlight is the quality tested by time.

Paint headlight, palette

Few people know that the hair paint (FARA), the palette of which we will consider today, is a product of the famous domestic brand "Red Line".

The line of this product has changed more than once in the last 10 years, and we hope that the paint, which today stands on the shelves under the name Fara does not lag behind its European competitors in economy class.

Today, the headlight paint offers two products for staining - Fara Classic and Fara Natural Color. Both products are designed for persistent long-term staining, respectively, each of them contains ammonia. Today, in the market of coloring funds, more modern resistant paints can be seen, where ammonia is replaced with safer components, but such products are not available to everyone.

In the Fara Classic formula, natural ingredients have recently been made - argan oil and wheat proteins.
The Fara Classic and Fara Natural Color palette is represented by bright shades, among which there are rather few natural shades. Paint headlight offers a large selection of such shades like ruby, eggplant, red wood, pomegranate, cherry, etc. However, let's just say that the time of such hair shades has long passed and today I choose the dark hair color, women prefer more natural colors.

If you decide to try to paint the hair with the help of the "Red line" products, we offer you to get acquainted in advance with all the hints offered by this company.

Paint headlight - palette:

Fara Classic shades have a number 5 **.

Black (501)
Iscin-black (501A)
Dark brown (502)
Dark ruby \u200b\u200b(502a)
Dark chestnut (503)
Brown (504)

Chestnut (505)
Golden chestnut (505a)
Caramel (505b)

Red Tree (510)
Red Tree light (510A)
Red Tree with Purple Sweeping (512)
Red Tree with Dark With Violet Shot (512A)
Mahagon (512B)

Golden-blonde (513)
Natural-blonde (514)
Light-blonde (515)

Silver-blonde (516)
Ash-blonde (528)
Scandinavian blonde (530)
Platinum Blonde (531)

Numbering Tones Fara Natural Color has a view - 3 **.
Black (301)
Natural chocolate (302)
Dark chocolate (303)
Chocolate (304)
Chestnut (305)
Golden chestnut (306)
Forest walnut (307)

Dark eggplant (321)
Eggplant (322)
Dark Ruby (324)
Red Tree (325)

Wild cherry (327)
Pomegranate (328)

Wheat (350)
Champagne (352)

White Gold (353)
Platinum (354)
White Sun (355)

Paint headlight - 1 Effective way to change image

Each girl wants to look stylish and attractive. That is why fashionista is always experimenting with their own style, changing the hair color. One of the popular tools that help solve this task is FARA hair paint. Through this product, you can paint strands, completely changing your appearance.

The main types and features of the face of hair headlight

All dyes are divided into several categories - chemical and physical. There are also natural means. Currently, the Fara brand offers the two first varieties. Physical dyes include means that do not include ammonia, and balms for creating beautiful shades. Chemical compounds include cream paints and mousses.

There is no ammonia in the brand balm, but it gives a persistent result. Even after the sixth wash, the scalp does not lose its saturation.

Another advantage is the pricing policy of the company. This tool can buy every girl.

However, it is important to take into account that such a balm is strongly dried. To prevent such a result, the curls are treated with nutritional masks. In addition, moisturizing compositions are suitable.

Farma's hair paint also has a lot of advantages. With its creation, new technologies were used, which ensures deep penetration of pigment into the structure of strands. In addition, the remedy does not destroy the structure of the hair. Thanks to the application of the composition, it will be possible to get a great result.

To give curls a healthy look, you should use proteins of wheat. Protecting strands from stress will help oil jojoba, wine extract and aloe. At the same time, the paint does not suit the owners of brittle strands. You should not use the tool and sensitive skin girls.

To get an excellent result, before painting it is worth familiar with the instruction. Before applying, it is recommended to do tolerability test. This procedure will take literally a quarter of an hour. At the same time, you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

Color palette: blonde, ash, black, milk chocolate, red classic, chestnut, brown

The color palette of this means amazes with its diversity. With this composition, it is easy to get a rich shade and look at the same way as possible.

  • Fara Classic;
  • Fara Natural Color.

These funds provide a stable result. However, in each of them is ammonia. The Fara Classic also has natural components - argan oil and wheat proteins.

The palette of shades of paint headlight contains quite bright colors. Girls can choose different tones. These include eggplant, cherry, ruby, etc. Blind-haired beauties can afford white gold or golden-blonde color. Golden-chestnut or dark brown tone suitable brunettes.

I paint the headache for many years. Previously, the girlfriend asked, then the very beginning to get. There are no subtleties, I do everything according to the instructions for the paint and always get a great result. Hair after staining is alive, color is obtained saturated and uniform. But most importantly, it is not flushed for a long time. In general, the spotlight from me is a solid five.

I have a light tone of the hair and I paint into the ashes shade at the headlight. Only this paint does not turn from ash in yellowness. Forgive paints tried to paint hair into the ash and a week later, the redhead appeared. The headlight is also not injured, I like it very much.

Painted the headlight Classic 3 weeks ago. Honestly, under the strongest positive impression of this paint. To date, this is the best result of staining. Previously, the paint was not delayed for more than a week, and the headlights and the color retained and shine. Now I will buy only her.

My girlfriend always painted hair painted. When I started the floor, I also bought it. It turned out and was amazed how everything is still the hair begins when their paint is painted. I also liked that the hair became softer and obedient. Well, gray headlight clasik perfectly paints and does not wash off for a long time.

I buy tint balms when I want to change the image a little and then go out without problems. The last three times took Fara. I tried the shade of "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "red tree". If after the paint such shades only wash can be removed, then the scene of the balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that hair after it is not painted clothes and bed linen, on ... I buy tint balms when I want to change the image a little and then go out without problems. The last three times took Fara. I tried the shade of "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "red tree". If after the paint such shades only wash can be removed, then the scene of the balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that the hair after it does not paint clothes and bed linen, standing on the hair. Does not spoil the hair, does not dry, the price is available. I just liked everything. Therefore, from me, the headlight is deserved 5 stars.

The first time painted with a spotlight, I liked the color on the package and decided to try. Not disappointing definitely, I was tuned to the result worse, but he surpassed my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is alive, shiny and silky, they were not close to staining. Two weeks have passed, and the color is still bright and saturated, my old paint to ... The first time painted with a spotlight, I liked the color on the package and decided to try. Not disappointing definitely, I was tuned to the result worse, but he surpassed my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is alive, shiny and silky, they were not close to staining. Two weeks have passed, and the color holds and still bright and rich, my old paint by this time was already washed away. Can I advise Faro Classic - Definitely yes!

In general, the paint is good. It tastes well, the hair color is alive, bright and natural. Color I get the most approximately approached on the box. The paint does not spoil the hair and does not take them. I really like the headlight Classic, I will advise it to everyone.

The headlight Classic is very resistant paint. Not one paint on my hair does not hold so much as the headlight. And they like their shades. Such bright always and natural. I love chestnut shades at the headlight. Well, according to the cost, it is not very expensive, this is also a plus.

Three years painting the classic headlash. I am all satisfied with the paint resistant, looks well with the hair. Hair after color is easily combed and overflow. And at the cost of me this paint suits me. From the paints for home use the headlight is the best.

Literally a week ago, Fara Classic painted. She took the color of 509a (grenade). In real life, the tone turned out one to one as on the package. The result is more than satisfied. The headlight has a good cream texture, it is convenient to apply it, I coped yourself. Projas came out the monophonic, smooth. Hair smooth and shiny. Received what she was striving for.

I got acquainted with the paint headlight even in student times. There was no money then on hiking to the salon, but for expensive paint, so I chose an option in my finances. Paint liked, persistent, well passed the color, so I did not change it for a long time. Over time, the diversity wanted, I tried to paint with different colors, from different firms, Masmarket and which ... I got acquainted with the paint headlight even in student times. There was no money then on hiking to the salon, but for expensive paint, so I chose an option in my finances. Paint liked, persistent, well passed the color, so I did not change it for a long time. Over time, a diversity wanted, I tried to paint with different colors, from different firms, the Masmarket and which were positioned as professional and realized that there was no difference, except for a wallet. And again returned to the spotlight. My favorite color tone 502a "Dark-Ruby", it is bright, rich, alive. And they say that he really goes.

I have never paid attention to this paint. But one day my girlfriend advised me and I bought it. The shade was not difficult to choose a very large selection. I stopped on the line of Fara Claxik. After the color, I realized that really paint is normal and at the same time it is not expensive! She did not work the skin, hair shine. Everything suits me. I think now I will be a pilot ... I have never paid attention to this paint. But one day my girlfriend advised me and I bought it. The shade was not difficult to choose a very large selection. I stopped on the line of Fara Claxik. After the color, I realized that really paint is normal and at the same time it is not expensive! She did not work the skin, hair shine. Everything suits me. I think now I will be painted to paint and continue.

Modern FARA hair paints are presented for sale in a budget segment of the market and demonstrate a focus on the widest range of consumers. Every year the color palette is replenished with new relevant shades that take into account the interests of the youth audience, and the needs of many years of stamps. Examine the features of the Classic series, Eco Line and other products offered exactly worth it to those women who are accustomed to stay up to date with the most relevant trends in staining. The composition and reviews about the manufacturer look a promising. But as far as they correspond to reality, and what is characterized by FARA from other products in this category, consider in the article.

About manufacturer

The import of Bulgarian paint for FARA hair in Russia for a long time, Russian Cosmetics was engaged in the Moscow region. It was thanks to her that it became possible to produce this product in the Russian Federation, and today the domestic barcode and the address of the manufacturer can be seen on the packages. For consumers, such changes have become a big advantage, because the goods are certified by Russian standards, and its quality is strictly controlled. Whereas, many measures are simply not applicable to imported products.

For the first time, products under the brand FARA appeared in the international market for more than two decades ago. The company from the very beginning addressed its line of paints for hair is the Eastern European consumer and residents of the countries of the former USSR.

Budget price, minimum set of ingredients, simplicity of home use - these aspects that the rate was originally made.

Today, everything in FARA products - from packaging to the composition fully meets the most modern trend. The new owner of the brand, the company "Russian cosmetics", known to consumers for hair care and body "Red Line" pays great attention to the introduction of innovations in the field of hair coloring. The own laboratory and the raw material base corresponding to the most stringent European programs Reach, Design Bureau and Modern Production Workshops - All this is aimed at meeting the demand of the buying audience for high-quality and safe hair dyeing.


The original composition of Fara's colors for hair includes a whole complex of components capable of ensuring the achievement of excellent results when changing the color of strands and curls. We note the most thorough ingredients.

  • Argan oil. Natural remedy for hair loss, providing high power and recovery intensity. Included in vitamins, antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the overall structure of strands.
  • Proteins of wheat. Their protein components replace lost and destroyed components in their own hair structure. Natural natural origin provides them as high in digestibility, makes effects gentle.
  • Wine extract.Natural antioxidant with rich vitamins composition. When you turn on in dyes with red pigments, it helps to increase the brightness and gloss of color.
  • Royal milk.The product of beekeeping, providing full-fledged recovery, smoothing the hair structure. Vitamins and minerals in the composition provide additional recovery.
  • Polymer component against color flushing. It seals damaged areas, sequencing tips, makes it possible to prevent fast pigment loss with hair. The result is the extension of the resistance of the result to two months.
  • Pomegranate extract. Strengthens and enhances the shade, making it incredibly alive, persistent, overflowing. Present in colors without ammonia presented in the Red Color Gamma.
  • Coal extract. Allows you to achieve perfect black color - deep and durable, unattainable when using weaker dyes.
  • Coffee extract.Present in all brown and oath shades of paints, is distinguished by the supply and moisturizing effect.
  • TRANSCUTOL CG. - Component used in the Natural Color series. It is designed in France, according to the individual order of the Russian side, is responsible for the delivery of painting pigments to the central part (rod) of the hair, provides an increase in color resistance to 30% (confirmed by tests).
  • Aloe vera.Restoring properties of this component are known for a long time. In their hair paints, he is responsible for protecting the scalp, feeds the roots, eliminates the bundle of the tips.
  • Burr oil. It is the basis of product line without ammonia. It has the ability to feed, protect, restore hair.

In addition to these ingredients, as part of the classic product line is ammonia contained in a certain proportion. It is in a blonde, providing clarification, as well as in tinting paints (in a smaller proportion).

In the package, the means is a complete set of components necessary for staining.

Bottle for mixing ingredients with dispenser, foaming agent in a sealed bottle, a tube with a creamy base. We necessarily present disposable gloves, enters the kit and protective baggage reducing agent for use after staining, as well as detailed instructions.

Pros and cons

Like each product, the Fara hair paints have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages of the product, it is customary to celebrate a wide range of natural shades and fashionable novelties, which, when combined, allow to achieve a practically salon effect.

When staining tone to the tone, the result is not different from the manufacturer's claimed on the photo packaging.

Blonderant is well brightened by 4-6 shades, there is no yellowness when applied coloring paint.

Even the advantages include the absence of a burning effect when painting, it is especially characteristic of non-ammmonic line. Noticeably small thickening of the hair after staining, the appearance of a saturated brilliance. Strands are not twisted, rinsed well.

Does not do without minuses. They have Fara products too.

So, when applying blond shades on blonde hair, a green tone appears, flushing after a few sessions of head wash.

The reduction rate of color intensity depends on the original state of the hair, the paint is held from 2 to 6 weeks. In the absence of proper subsequent care, violation of the coloring rules, the dye may noticeably dry the hair.

What are there?

All Fara products are divided into 4 main series.

Creamy Classic

Suitable for gray and possessing natural pigment hair. The modern series has an active caring components in the composition, allowing to ensure deep penetration of color pigments without harm to strands. The resulting shade is always resistant, saturated, shining.


Creme-paint line with natural gamut colors. Suitable for gray hair, it is featured by the convenience and uniformity of application, deeply penetrates into the hair, reinforcing the resistance of the result by 30% compared with the classic line. After staining the chapelur looks natural, it has a soft glitter, beautifully overflowing in the sun.

Eco Line without ammonia

It consists of natural components, carefully selected to achieve the result.

Oil pluine base 100% protects hair, improves their structure, allows active substances to penetrate deep into the rod.

When painting seeds, it is necessary to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations - the expected result with a large number of damage deprived pigment may not be achieved.

Wow colors

Tint of short-term cream with a bright color palette. Designed for use on blonde (clarified) hair.It is flown completely for 10-12 times the head of the head.

Does not contain radical coloring substances, there is a large selection of youth saturated shades - ideal for ombrov or refreshment with hairstyles of colored strands.

Palette of colors and shades

The Fara Classic paint palette includes products with numbering from 500 and further in the following colors range:

  • dark- Iscin-black, black, dark brown, caramel, chestnut (golden, dark, classic);
  • red- dark ruby, mahogany in various colors, including with fashionable purple subtock, mahogany;
  • blonde- from natural to trendy ash and silver options;
  • blonde- Scandinavian blonde, a blonde-brightener, platinum blond.

The Natural Color panels present the following shades of the natural colors with numbers from 300:

  • light- White Sun, Platinum, White Gold, Wheat, Champagne;
  • red- Pomegranate, wild cherry, red wood, dark ruby, eggplant shades;
  • dark- Forest walnut, chestnut ordinary and golden, chocolate in various versions.

In the Wow Colors series, a colored washed skeleton cream-paint light-purple, light pink, pink, turquoise, orange, red, blue, ink, raspberry shades is presented.

In the Eco Line series, the choice of colors is not too diverse, and includes a black tone, shades of bitter chocolate, dark chestnut, mahogany, dark brown, dark blond, cherry, chestnut, natural, light and ash blonde, milk chocolate.

How to apply?

Cooking Fara paint for use is quite easy. It is enough to wear protective gloves, connect the oxidizing agent and dye in a special tube.It blends the mixture until the homogeneous state of all components is reached.

The presence of a kit with which Fara offers to paint hair, a convenient dispenser allows you to do in the process of changing the color of the hair without assistance. You can keep the bottle with one hand, evenly distributing the composition on the surface of the strand.

In order for the mixture freely, it will have to cut the tip of the cone-shaped nozzle. The distribution of the mixture is much more convenient with a brush or a special sponge.

With the first and re-staining, the composition is sure to first apply on the roots of the hair. After they are fully covered with paint, you can distribute the remaining volume along the entire length. The duration of exposure depending on the desired result will be from 30 to 45 minutes. The removal of paint is performed using warm running water, then balsam is applied to the hair, remaining on her hair for 5 minutes.

When painting hair products FARA, the manufacturer recommends that the presence of negative reactions must be checked.

To do this, the drop of the mixture should be applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. With the appearance of itching, redness, pain from the use of the means is better to refuse.

The headlight - hair paint, which is produced in Bulgaria, but its official creator is located in a small town of Russia. This tool is made using advanced equipment based on natural high-quality ingredients.

Thanks to its properties, this paint helps you keep the health of your hair for a long time. It will also give them shine and protect against the negative effects of sun rays, cold and chemicals. In addition, using the paint of the headlight, you will not have a need in periodic hair tapping for a long time.

All hair paints are divided into three types: physical, chemical and natural. To date, the headlight brand offers two of them. The first is not containing ammonia, shade balms, and the second - hair paint cream, hair paints and mousse of strong fixation.

The main feature of the shadowed balm of the headlight is the absence in its composition ammonia, and at the same time the resistance of the color, even after six, the hair washing procedures makes women come to delight. Another plus is the price range of such a means, it is available if not everyone, so almost to everyone. But minus is also present, he is brightly expressed by drying hair.

So that the shade of the balm is not so dried the hair, after use, apply nutrient on your hair or.

The advantages of hair paint The headlight is that its developed, according to the latest technologies, the formula, makes it possible to penetrate deep into the hair, without destroying its structure. This becomes possible due to the composition of the dye. Paints, headlight mousses will give your hair in a unique look.

Wheat proteins will help create a brilliant and healthy view of the hair, and the anti-stress care warranty can give a complex with jojoba oil, aloe vera and wine extract. But with all the wealth of paint for hair, the headlight on vitamins, it is not recommended for use by people with brittle hair and sensitive scalp.

Do not neglect the instructions for the use of paint for hair, before painting, make a test tolerability. This procedure will take you only 15 minutes, but will save from possible trouble.

Hair Frame Palette

It is possible to pick up a suitable shade of hair, it is possible to navigate in a variety of color using a kind of card - palette of paints. Unlike the color that is specified on the turnover of the packaging (it does not always respond true) the palette allows you to see the shade that you exactly get after the use of paint. The samples of artificial hair presented in it can be seen when there is a room. Find out how the shade will play with daylight. That is, fully evaluate all the advantages of your chosen color.

Defining your shade, do not forget about so that it does not have to repaint hair again, thereby exposing them to additional stress. Fara Classic hair paint is represented by more than thirty shades.

Shades of chestnut color, currently relevant:

  • t.503 dark chestnut;
  • t. 503A Luxury red-chestnut;
  • t.505 chestnut;
  • t. 505a Golden-chestnut;
  • t.507 light chestnut.

5 fashion shades of red:

  • t.509B Red rosehip;
  • t.510 Red Tree;
  • t.510A light red tree;
  • t.511 copper-red;
  • t.512 Red wood F / from. / 15.

4 Dark Colors, Chocolate Tints:

  • t. 506A milk chocolate;
  • t. 507A Natural chocolate;
  • t.508 Forest Walnut
  • golden copper tone.

Such a variety will certainly not cause discontent among buyers. The shades of paint headlight are no longer inferior to famous foreign dyes.

After staining, always use hair balsam so that the curls become obedient and soft when laying.