Affectionate words man! A selection of the most pleasant and original phrases for the expression of feelings ...

An article on the topic: "Affectionate words for men. List of affectionate words beloved" from professionals.

Below is a list of affectionate words that can be chosen for your guy. Therefore, choose, but not "parts", withstand the pause - so more interesting.

Affectionate words guy, in your own words

All gentle words are written in their own words, that your boyfriend most naturally perceived their meaning and really understood the feelings that you experience to him.

  • You are my appetizing orange that you want to admire every minute!
  • Your deep view captured all of me to the level of unconsciousness.
  • You are my most desirable addiction!
  • Tender skin of your strong body introduces me to the state of bliss.
  • Your radiant smile completely disarms me.
  • As you have a muscular breast - it's even steeper than to conquer Everest!
  • The feeling of genuine pleasure overcomes when I hear your dislike!
  • You are for me - the limit of the most bold dreams and my happiness is not borders!
  • Your mindless eyes are something angelic and unique!
  • I don't need all the sweets of the world when you are near you, my desired hund!
  • If I call you a wonderful guy, then get to the apple!
  • Your cute curls want to pamper with gentle touchs like a small child.
  • To tweet my beloved Practice is the most beautiful!
  • In the morning, at least you look like a dragon, but the most beloved and kind!
  • When you sow at night as a train, I adore you!
  • Your nose Kursnik want to kiss before unconscious)
  • I want to touch your perfect body without ceasing ...
  • Your fragrance has dug me crazy to goosebumps!
  • The most gentle peach is you, than me wildly start!

Affectionate words for a guy at night

After such affectionate words, your boyfriend will think about you at night and remember your meetings again and again.

  • Lower your long cilia and to a romantic meeting in a dream!
  • I give all the stars yourself with the sky!
  • You are a special guy for me, so I wish you special dreams!
  • My charming boy, you close eyes and Bai-Bai!)
  • Significant little man in my life soft bed and a relaxing holiday!
  • Bold Brutal Macho Glind with the arrival of the night with a basket of pink dreams!)
  • Melody of our passionate love let you have a strong dream!
  • Let the lunar light outside the window will give you new forces for the next day!
  • The only and invaluable boy is relying from me a thousand air kisses!)
  • Dazzling attraction pets I wish you a pleasant night rest!
  • You are so stunning charm, that you are the real incarnation of a man of my dreams, but now let's go to the bed!
  • There are so many joy and pleasure in the world, but I choose you! See you in the sleepy kingdom!)
  • I want to be a wonderful flower in your garden of beautiful dreams!
  • Relax, my sweet, and go to the distant world of bright dreams, where I will wait for you!)
  • So that your dream was the same gentle as the best Turkish silk!
  • Let the starry dust be awarded my precious boy wonderful dreams!

Affectionate words guy in prose

To express your emotions - just choose affectionate words written in prose, and your boyfriend will appreciate their meaning. Moreover, he will imbued with tenderness to you and your relationship.

  • I want to love you every second and the whole eternity, so that your lips on the lips ... eyes in the eye ...
  • I want myself a picture gallery, where the main character on all canvases would you, my fluffy!
  • Let me be your wings behind your back to carry in the magical world of wonderful feelings!

My warm island of happiness! I want to subjugate arrows of all hours of peace so that our meeting never end!

Your cute image is always in front of my eyes in the amber light on the cloudless horizon!

  • From height of height I want to lick your life path exclusively with pleasant emotions and give your sincere love on Earth!
  • I draw you, my good, in my imagination and admire the wonderful portrait before the sinking of the heart!
  • Attraction of the Earth, I will be fired at the love of you in the soaring embroidery!
  • You are a source of infinite charge for me and I am insanely glad!
  • I smile like a crazy when I think about you, my fantastic bark!)
  • The whole universe will not translate the scales bowl, on which my love for you will be!
  • You are immaculate in everything and my life is full of happiness when there is such a charming guy!
  • I do not stop thinking about you even in a dream, my desired beebor!
  • You are the only one who lights the lights of passion in my eyes!

I think from the entire list of affectionate words, you were able to choose suitable for your guy.

Other words see in the relevant sections.

All girls are excellent mood and mutual feelings.

1 comment Romance

Do you like compliments? Do you know that men love their no less women? Let's look at what affectionate words can be given to your favorite man, we will open a few secrets and make a simple list of compliments.

Absolutely natural in any society is considered to make a compliment to a woman. What about men? Each of them, without knowing, is waiting for promotion and approval - all psychologists speak about it. For a strong half of humanity, a compliment is a guide to action, and not just pleasant words. One phrase can give him confidence in front of an important event, raise self-esteem and distract from bad thoughts, and a couple - to inspire all twelve feats of Hercules!

Secrets of the right compliments to men

List of compliments and gentle words beloved man

So, if you want to make a good compliment to your man, you can navigate the following phrases:

  • Next to you I am a real princess!
  • Who says that there are no noble men, just unfamiliar to you.
  • The best moments in my life are those that I spent with you.
  • You already know so much that you can talk with you for hours.
  • In the courage, you will give anything to anyone!
  • Thanks to his strong will, you are able to conquer Everest.
  • No prices!
  • You are just an ideal!
  • So how are you only in the movie to take off!
  • I'm proud of you!
  • Today rarely meet such a craftsman like you.
  • Your wit every time amazes me.
  • In bed you are fire!
  • I'm with you as a stone wall.
  • Your touch is driving me crazy.

In general, expensive girls, speak the pleasant words to your beloved, he will certainly appreciate and the mountains will turn.

Beautiful 100 compliments guy

2. Lask

3. Thoughtful

4. Honest

5. Friendly

7. Indispensable

8. Strong

10. Sexy

11. Missetative

12. Royal

13. Bodry

14. Oscant

15. Covarian

16. Fashionable

17. Nyashny

18. Fluffy

19. Sexy

20. Welcome

21. Chic

22. Unusual

23. Merry

24. Funny

25. Gordy

26. Dobrolyuboy

27. Sincere

28. Dz.

29. Unmatched

30. Unprincipal

31. Dear

32. Significant

33. Indispensable

34. Peace-loving

35. Frameman

36. Unpredictable

37. Seductive

38. Gordy

39. Magic

40. Divine

41. Apollo

42. Attractive

43. Stylish

44. Touching

45. Great

46. \u200b\u200bRight

47. Thoughtful

48. Mysterious

49. Forming

50. Good

Affectionate words for the guy are no less important than for a girl. All the difference is when they are pronounced and what about. You also need to select a certain point for this. In general, the gentlemen of the representatives of the strong gender should, choosing the mood when he hears you.

To begin with, try simply nice and affectionately praise a young man after certain actions. For example, after washed, the dishes or spelling room, a man will wait for your words of gratitude. It is because for a man such actions are not accepted, few people are engaged in home cleaning, placing it on a weak floor.

But do not forget to praise and for men's qualities shown by your half. It will be pleasant for him and will stimulate to develop them in the future. However, do not overdo that all praise were not sufficiently shy for him. In any case, carefully observe his reaction.

What kind of gentle words to call a guy?

Of course, the words themselves there is a huge amount, but there is quite universal. Consider some:

  • my joy;
  • desirable mine;
  • my love;
  • my heart;
  • my happiness;
  • my only;
  • expensive;
  • native;
  • favorite;
  • sweet;
  • nice.

Sometimes, if you are very close already, you can use affectionately diminutive words:

  • my bunny;
  • my soul;
  • my cat;
  • my bunny;
  • my fool;
  • macho my;
  • tiger;
  • chaluncia.

Remember that the guy's affectionate words are also important as women with you. But keep in mind that what one guy likes like is perhaps not to taste another.

What compliments to talk guys causing your sympathy

If the girl with a guy has no close relationship, does not even occur, but it is very sympathetic to it, you can use veiled compliments that do not hint at any subtext, but simply state the fact.

Requests and admissible compliments like "is lucky someone", "your future girl will be undoubtedly nice", "it is nice to any girl." Be sincere and your adoration of this will certainly notice.

The next stage of relationships, when you do not meet a guy, but it is clear that you really like him. Here you can be a little bed, and say compliments that show his interest, and describe what it seems to you.

Some guys perceive the compliments on how she likes to communicate with him and why it is (you are so interesting, ridiculous, so fascinatingly telling you, you are so resourceful and so on). Choose your option depending on the character of the guy.

With the further development of flirting and relationships, such compliments can be introduced into the conversation, which will reflect the character or appearance of the guy (fragrance, sympathy, stronghold, harm, lazy, and other similar words).

Are you appropriate to affectionate names in the company of friends?

Separately, it should be said about communication in the company of friends. Even if you have a fairly close relationship, you should not call your boyfriend with diminutive names with his friends. This can lead to hitch over the guy, which will not add anything good to your relationship.

Also, you do not need to admire your boyfriend too, it may look too ridiculous. It is so clear that he is sympathetic and like it. The most correct way in communication is restraint and in some cases humor. Here you can simply show what he likes you for masculinity and reliability.

Another important point. It is not necessary to teach your young man to the fact that it is good only when you need it. It looks brutally and shows true your attitude towards it. If you like it, and you love it, you should take your boyfriend like it is.

How else can you call your favorite guy affectionately?

Consider what kind of gentle and affectionate words may like your guy:

  • courageous;
  • tender;
  • desired;
  • favorite;
  • unusual;
  • caring;
  • unforgettable;
  • gentle;
  • good;
  • sexual.

Of course, this is not the entire list of delicate epithets that can be awarded your soul mate. Experiment and check your reaction.

All praise should be moderately. Especially for a man, as they generally take compliments very carefully, not as women.

An overly large amount of praise and confessions can only scare him, as it seems to him that they encroach on his freedom and simply see the attention. Therefore, be careful in this so that good attitude has not turned into negative.

You are in every my thought, in every movement and breathing. Thank you for the sweetness of my thoughts and the rigor of my breath.

I want to be a wind breath that your lips kiss, I want to be a sea wave, so that your cheeks caress, I want to be a big poultry, so that in your dreams to soar, and it is better to be your girlfriend to love you forever!

I can not pass all the happiness to be your desired. I even have nothing to wish, because the dream to be your favorite you has already been implemented.

Read me like a book. Look at my eyes - and you will understand how I need you. Listen to my words - and they will say how much I love you.

The words beloved the most tender. - Who said I live without love? My love is in you. I will always love only you, give you a warmth and affection to you. You deserve it all. And I will give you even more if you want! I, for you, loved one, nothing is sorry. And I, I, I give, without a rest

In my head, he jumped the film with your smile and glitter eyes .. I miss you very much

You are infinitely kind, phenomenally intelligent, damn attractive, divinely beautiful, exceptionally decent and crystal, honest, unprecedentedly talented, just unmatched - monster! Well, I'm beautiful, as in a fairy tale, in love with you!

You are the only one who want to love, you are alone to whom I strive to touch, who knows how to talk to me without a single word, you are my life.

You are my only, native, gentle, gentle, desired, wonderful, beloved, unique, beloved.

Affectionate gentle words beloved man. - My dear, gentle, beloved, native. I want to kiss you and whisper on the ush, only three words: "I love you!" My native, I need you and very roads, I feel good with you.

Tender words beloved. - I love you every seconds, minutes, hours, days, and nights. Weeks, months, years and centuries. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

You are the sleepless night of the culprit!
I only strive for you in your heart.
You are my wonderful and passionate lover!
I am not afraid of human people!

In the ear quietly coming, how much I want you!

In real life, he is not ideal (he also has shortcomings),
therefore, it will be necessary to give a preference to choose something:
or sex giant - or a good person.

Very gentle words beloved. - You are a whole world for me, you are my sadness, you are my pain, you are a ray of light in my heart! With you I feel happy, with you I forget everything in the world! I am writing now and think about you my beloved in the world.

Words about love tender. -Good morning my beloved! Look at the sun and smile to him, and you will feel the most gentle, the most affectionate and warming kiss from me! Confident, good day!

Beloved tender words. -. I did not like anyone like you, my dear. I will always be near, so that neither happens. I want to be there, and I will do everything for this. You are light. You are air. You are sun. For me you are the best on the whole world.

I love you very much. The most valuable gift, donated to you, is the wings that grew up with my back after meeting you. You gave me your heart - I am ready to give you all my love in return, all my love.

Pleasant and gentle words beloved. -Yes for me the most beloved person. I can not live without you. I want to feel you constantly. You give me so much positivity, so much heat, so much joyful moments. You can not love you. You are the perfect man for me!

The whole point of my life is you! I fall asleep, and think about you! I wake up, and think about you! I sleep at night, and smile, because I think about you.

I can't even sit down. Thanks for the wonderful holiday.

I was good with you, love! Now I come back to my husband! I will be sad, my cute my promise is not broken!

By church than in the opera soap, passion is circling in my life! From the thrust of love and strong, I pierces me to the bone.

When I think about us, I see how you go with me, holding a hand, on the rainbow under the starfall.

You are the forbidden fruit that sweets! You are not a husband. But I love. Mass of mystery, mysteries in the heart of fiery storage.

dear, do it. Make faster. Not Medley - I want this right now. . I'm all sorcelary grief. come on. Come on. . Do not cut me expectations. I seriously wish this seriously. Well. Make. Write me sms!

I live unbearable without you well, how much will it continue? I am tormented with my husband, because I love you! I can't stay more with him!

Only your eyes look, immediately I go to the bottom. I'm not deceiving you, quarrel, otherwise I will fall asleep.

I am so helpless, I have nowhere to go, I am going to the house again from you. Did not have time to say goodbye! But soon we will again alone!

Break, call, and you! And dreams come true! Again the evening comes, I remember about you!

Let shortly be together we, but not to avoid the radiance of the moon. She so manits to be with you, if we do not meet, I will gain it

On my lips sweet! On the hair wet! And on the hands of a slicer. Dolka of your part. Only in the soul of breaking! But repeat to power! In your power, the sun!

The fear of the bond to the basement is deaf, modesty in the sea is drowned. To the edge of the earth to you come to admit that I love!

You were just a class yesterday! I want you now! Tomorrow I will also want. Will you come - I'll scream!

I want to breathe one breath! Favorite - you, not the other, what is waiting for me from a long time in the evening home.

My beloved, my grace! You make the heart sing. And in life, only one award - in the eyes of relatives to see!

No joy compares with the joy of meeting with you, and no bitterness compares with bitterness separation.

Month for the night, sun for the day, rose for the heart, and you for me!

I wanted you to send erotic, pretty, gentle, gentle, beautiful, sensually, unfortunately, I do not fit in a tonny phone and do not fit into the Supsch.

Let the moloss fall on the ground, I right with my reversal to say simple words: "I love you so much."

I just left the shower. Transparent water droplets so gently caress my velvet skin. What a pity that it is not you!

The best phrases for men

1. Favorite (not expensive !!! The word dear is a completely reverse effect)
2. Sweet
3. Strong
4. Smere
5. Sexy
6. Child (yes - yes !!! Many from this flash 🙂)
7. Generous
8. Appetitious
9. Smart
10. Umnitsa (suited always and everywhere)

11. I feel so good
12. You are the best
13. I miss you so much
14. You start me
15. You know me from and to
16. I love you so much
17. Only you understand me
18. You can mix me
19. You're so funny
20. I like how you care
21. I admire you
22. I do not want you to break me away
23. I'm so happy with you
24. Next to you I so calm
25. For you, I'm like a stone wall
26. I can not imagine me without you
27. I breathe you
28. I can not fail you (for narcits it is better not to come up with 🙂)
29. You are so insatiable
30. I miss your arms
31. I apologize (very powerful weapons)
32. I will love you forever
33. You are the only one for me
34. I am unworthy
35. Marry me, and I will be the happiest woman in the world
36. I don't need anything from you, except your love
37. I miss you so much
38. With you, I feel so feminine
39. I am so lonely without you
40. Without you, my life is empty
41. I can't wait when I see you
42. I want to be with you forever
43. I adore your touch
44. I am killed alone the idea of \u200b\u200bseparation from you
45. I never loved anyone
46. \u200b\u200bI want to wake up next to you every morning
47. When you leave me so bad
48. If not with you, then no one
49. You are my prince on a white horse
50. I could not imagine that meeting like you
51. Nobody knows how to kiss how you
52. You can be so gentle
53. My life has become bright when you appeared in it
54. I will go for you on the edge of the world
55. Life without you - the day
56. I adore when you look at me
57. I absolutely trust you
58. I am so grateful to you for everything you did for me
59. I do not have enough words to express how I love you
60. Just be with me

The strong floor is no less weak in need of attention, so it is worth speaking a pleasant word for your loved one as often as possible.

Learn to talk about love out loud, and one day you will see that your favorite man will start answering you the same.

Do you want to hear nice words? Meet the linguist!
Rick and Morty (Rick and Morty)

Affectionate words that like men

Your admiration will always be flattering - ordinary warm and heartfelt words help a man to reveal to the fullest.

But the psychology of representatives of heavy sex differs from female, therefore, nithe and long confessions of anything.

In order for your compliments to have achieved a goal, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of a particular person.

He can be:

  • fluffy bunny or tiger;
  • baby, sun, kitten or brutal macho;
  • Igor, Tolik, Yurik or Olezhka;
  • native, beloved, gentle, sole, etc.

Warm words beloved guy in his own words

What words will do on the specifically of a particular man, only a woman who is next to him knows. But the compliment should not only correspond to his style and lifestyle, but also be sure to be sincere and said without irony. Otherwise, you will achieve an absolutely opposite effect. He can be offended.

For example, sports and brutal man Sysyukanya and "Catiks" and "Bunnies" will only annoy. Better tell him what he is strong, courageous and how you captures the spirit from his touch. A guy who is fond of science can be said that you appreciate its mental abilities first and there.

Do not be afraid of experiments and pick up new and new gentle words of love. But always pay attention to the reaction of the narrowed. If some of them do not like them, he definitely directly or indirectly let you know about it.

Naturally, the morning wish can be any, for example:

  • my bunny, dawn today is simply amazing, as well, that we meet it together;
  • i want to wake up all my life in your arms, loved;
  • i thank God for the fact that every morning I wake up with you, cute;
  • when you go in the morning, I start to miss the first minutes; I adore you, baby;
  • with good morning, honey, we are not just a husband and wife, we are one whole; I can not imagine life without you; Good morning, my sun, my light, my joy.

Warm words beloved overnight

Affectionate words for the night can also be anyhow.

The most important thing is that they please be a man and gave him confidence and calm:

  • my only, I wish you the same sweet words like my love for you;
  • sleep sweet, cute, let you dream the brightest and sweet dreams;
  • you are tired, cute, plunge, rest and let you dream of sea, sun, surf and I'm near;
  • come in my dream, where we will hold hands and look at the sunset;
  • good night, my beloved, let your dreams come a fairy tale.

Pleasant words beloved man in prose

To express your feelings, it is not necessary to be a poet.

Can become very important for a loved one if he knows exactly what they go from a pure heart:

  • i am so lonely without you, cute, be with you side - happiness;
  • i can never sob you; You are my desire, my light, my sun; I am grateful to fate for such a gift;
  • i am going crazy, tone in your eyes; I look so often on you and I think: "God, thank the fate that she brought me exactly with you";
  • listen to the blows of my heart; If you once come to love me, it will stop;
  • you are the ideal; Such men meet one per billion; I'm so glad that happiness to meet you loose me;
  • i never get tired of your kisses and touches; I can give everything in the world, if only it never ended, etc.

We list where you can leave warm words in prose, written for your loved one:
  • computer desk: Believe me, he will be happy to detect a love message on the screen;
  • e-mail: You can send it regardless of whether you are at a great distance from each other or spend the weekend together in 1-room apartment;
  • the remote control: stick to it a small leaflet with frank recognition;
  • mailbox: Ask your beloved to look into it on the way from work;
  • : We think that this is another one of the excellent ways to please the narrowed; If you want to intrigue, add that a surprise awaits him at the arrival of home; Try to be unusual; With such a game you can diversify your relationship;
  • mirror in the bathroom: Let him see your message before bedtime or early in the morning; Many will say that it is familiar and trite, but the love of banal simply does not happen;
  • a plate or coffee mug: Your recognition can even be perpetuating if you order in a special office inscription made on them.

Pleasant words beloved man in verse

In time, tell him that you wrote poems for him. By this you will show that communication with him is very and very important to you. Anyone, even the most severe macho can melting from romantic and sincere words.

It is poems - a brief and very capable way of self-expression at all times transferred emotions and experiences of lovers. In them you can tell and your erotic fantasies, if in ordinary life you are ashamed to repeat them out loud.

So that he realize that these cute quatrains wrote you, try to use those special gentle and affectionate words that only your steam uses. In this case, a man will understand that the verse is addressed to him. It does not matter if the rhyme is not perfect. If the feelings are sincere, and the words go from the soul, he will be touched.

Write about your feelings on asphalt!

Write a pleasant and warm message can not only on paper. Warm words with chalk on the asphalt (not useless to use the paint) will delight your beloved. Be sure to write in it his name so that he knows that this is a peculiar letter addressed to him.

Such messages on the asphalt are often written young people. So why don't you like your loved one and you? Imagine what surprise and joy for him will find out that you are ready to declare love for all the world.

Words expressing gratitude

Female gratitude is the wings that raise a man.

Therefore, do not forget, saying nice words to your beloved man in your own words:

  • thank you and the fate for the presence in my life; you are my ideal;
  • thank you for opened me the whole world, the world of love and fairy tales;
  • thank you for feeling with you a real beloved woman;
  • thank you for the feeling of happiness that you give me daily;
  • thank God for creating such an ideal creation - you;
  • thanks for what you are, for the fact that I can see every day and kiss you.

Affectionate and warm words at a distance

Words that have been spoken at the distance are very important. In this case, a man will be sure that you never forget about it.

They will help add passion and romance to the relationship:

  • i miss you, come back faster;
  • i consider seconds to your arrival;
  • today ; I miss you, your touch, your arms, your affectionate words;
  • i am waiting for you, loved, and I will wait as much as it takes; But I miss so much;
  • the house is empty without you, he is not filled with your laughter, your love; I'm waiting for you, my sun, my light, my joy.

Art male compliments

By nature, every person is happy when he gets a compliment. At the same time, male psychology is arranged differently than women and, while a woman just enjoys a compliment, a man perceives him as a guide to action.

For any representative of the strong floor, the compliment is the recognition of its dignity and confirmation of significance.

Making compliments man with mind

Considering that the boys since childhood know that the beauty of the man is not the main thing, the compliments about the appearance leave the male floor indifferent. More about the mention of such natural qualities such as power, volitional attitude, perseverance and sexuality. Such compliments are highly valued and spurled men to large victories. Recognition of professional skills and hobbies also do not remain unnoticed.

Founding and lighting talents or qualities that a person does not have, will not play a woman in hand. It is necessary to find exactly the quality of which the person is proud of the most and praiseing it. Such compliments say not only about the desire to arrange a man to themselves, but also about the care of a woman and the desire to know the person closer.

Increment of compliments can easily be read by facial expressions. In the case when the compliment is still necessary, you should follow the facial expression so as not to push the interlocutor. Compliments made on low colors are particularly pleasant, with a notice of excitement in a voice.

It is worth being very careful with double-taking. It is necessary to make sure that a person has no complexes about his appearance, professional skills and other things. Otherwise, the desire to arrange a man can be read as a mockery.

Recognition of talents, praise, compliments are one of the secret weapons of a woman. It should not be poured by compliments constantly, a person easily gets used to good and can feel the way of greatness. But the recognition of positive qualities from time to time gives a man the opportunity to understand how much the road is the woman who is near.

Turning by name, the woman captures the attention of the interlocutor, so the compliment that began with the appeal is always more valuable and more pleasant. The nuance is that uttering the name of a person or appeal to it affectionately and in front of the compliment, and before request, you can appreciate the compliment. A man will subconsciously associate the start of proposals with a request and may consider that in this way they are trying to manipulate.

Compliments from a third party are perfectly suitable for relationships that only originate. Recognition that a woman is insanely nice to spend time with such a strong and confident man will never remain unnoticed.

Compliments and praise, in case of too banal. This manifestation seems quite mediocre. Much more valuable if you praise just like that, for mood, as a manifestation of gentle feelings.

Absolutely invalid is the compliment transmitted through the third face. In the case when there is no possibility to show admiration personally, it is best to use email, a call or a message.

Another important point is the lack of comparison with anyone. Even in the case when the comparison in favor of the partner, it causes concern and uncertainty, as a man begins to think that he is in constant competition with someone.

Features of compliment

As you know, all individuals are individual, and each in its own way perceives compliments and words of praise. Someone is ready to listen for hours, someone perceives them only on occasion. In order not to be mistaken and not to push away the chosen one, the woman should remember that the compliment made on time is always valued more expensive and means recognition of talents and qualities, and is regarded as approval.

A man who gets sincere, warm compliments, after some time is ready on a lot for the sake of a woman near and so attentive to him. And if we talk about compliments in bed - it should be remembered that this is also the key to trust, full relationship between partners.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that representatives of strong sex do not like compliments on people, diminishing and lascaling and exaggeration of their talents and qualities. Anyone, no matter how modest, always knows its capabilities, and compliments made in exaggerated form will always be perceived as a rough flattery, and it does not contribute to the development of long-term and strong relationships.

You should not be afraid to make compliments, praise a partner and admire its qualities. Send the art of making compliments, pretty, simple task. The main thing here is the desire to sincerely emphasize the positive parties of the person and show no one to his person.

Rules and restrictions

The main goal of your words should be underscounted by its superiority to other male individuals. He must also understand how irreplaceable and need for you.

Finally, we will list the rules, which are not worth using when communicating with your beloved:

  • Maximum sincerity - yes!
    Any false or frank flattery can scare any person, including a man; Therefore, try to select only those words that come from a pure heart;
  • Mion or irony - no!
    Comic recognition is possible, but in no case should not touch the merits of a man;
  • Excess compliments - no!
    In order not to turn into an obsessive maniac, try to observe the measure; Follow the reaction of the man.


So, we only described you only the main words that women enjoy all over the world to keep the attention of strong sex.

You often talk to the pleasant words to your beloved man. There are thousands of such words in the world, but only you decide how they are suitable for him.

And what words do you use?

What words do men like? Affectionate, warm words of gratitude to your beloved man. Prose.

Speak beautiful words to men! After all, you, dear women, like when men tell you every day. Men are a strong floor, but they all have hearts, thirsting for the beauty of words, and there are souls that "fly" from happiness if you say beautifully.

What kind of nonsense "stereotypicity" on the account that men are able to love only food, sex, sports and women? They are not so primitive as it seems to you. Listen and look at your beloved, more closely. Perhaps you can see such that it just fights you. And you fall in love, in your man, re-on.

Tender, pleasant, beautiful words to your beloved man. In prose.

What words are men like:

If these words "crowd out" in beautiful phrases and phrases, the man of your dream will come delight. Let's try to engage in "grave".

What words do men like? - gentle, pleasant, gentle, warm, beautiful words to your beloved man. In prose.

Tenderness and excellence hidden in the following lines:

My kitten, I am very lonely without you. I want to always always be up with you. I dream that we purr, friend's friend, words about love, and never tired of doing this.
Do you know why I love morning? For this in the morning you wake me up with your kiss. Do you know what I love the day? For the fact that at this time of the day I, I look forward to you from work and get the Semosk Sea from you. Why do I love the evening? For long and frank conversations with you. And I love night, because we swim on the waves of romance and passion ....
For me, you are warmer sun, gentle clouds, fragrant colors. I am the happiest woman in the world, because my happiness is you.
I will write on the sand, on the asphalt, on the walls about how wonderful and good. If this inscription is wedged with rain - I will ask him that he, Rainbow, wrote everything again. I want you to remember, I knew and believed: My love for you is eternal.
You are my dream, which came true, thanks to our meeting. I am glad that we are together, my desired. Let's always be together, and in joy, and in misfortunes. We need each other.
Angel my beloved! You gave me your wings, you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take all…. Take all of me ...
Your sexuality lights my body with lights of desires and passion. Rogati, his, please, arms, kisses and touches. I am really looking forward to everything related to you.
For your love, my tender hero, I am ready to die. But I will live to enjoy your feelings. Pick my. Let's change. Change feelings is a pleasant occupation.
You are a relative of all. Nor even mommy, even though I love her very much. You are for me - the most expensive little man on the entire planet. Thank you so much for being with me.
You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy like you? What did I deserve it? Probably the fact that I love you insanely. Let my madness of love be and remain your amulet and charm.
I remember all the gifts that I pretended for all my life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Every your present is a small "pleasitude" of the soul, which, as the Zenitsa Oka, protects the memoil.
I, never in the world, I will not deceive you. You are worthy only the pure truth itself. Even if, however, it will be impatient to taste - I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And her bitterness, I will, every day, to make sweeter, with the help of kisses.

What other words love men? Men are romance.But, for them, there will be very pleasant words in which their addictions are reflected, or their hobbies appear. They are pleased to listen to something about sports, fishing, about the attributes of "artificial", but sexual beauty. How does this affect the verbal form?

Affectionate, warm, beautiful, gentle and pleasant words "thanks" to your beloved man.

I remember that today the long-awaited world football championship begins. I promise that I will not interfere with enjoying watching your favorite sport. According to this occasion, which, for you, is very important, I will buy you beer with chips, and I will not be angry when you will make noise vevuzell and loudly applaud.
Tomorrow, for dinner, I will prepare you those dishes that you love so much. So, make up the list of what you want to be eager. Maybe it is not alphabetical order, but "in disagreement". I promise to prepare everything as if dinner is the most important holiday in the year.
Do you know what I will buy you? New fishing rod! Just. I really want to make you a pleasant. I even looked at the shop, in which I will definitely find what you will be happy.
If I, someday, I can win at least one million dollars, I would increase the chest. I know: harmful. But I, as well as in the know, what kind of female breast size you like. I want to embody everything that you experience sympathy.

So many of her beautiful and gentle words, from which, a man will love her beloved even more. You want love and all the thrill feelings to become even stronger - speak pleasant, affectionate and tender words.

If you want to say anything original - pre-record, your "fantasy", on a piece of paper. Well, and learn by heart what they wrote, if not remembered.

A man is a man worthy of pleasant speeches. And you do not need to think that he is obliged only to speak pleasant. Give the opportunity to your loved one, to enjoy the words that you, of course, say with all my heart and with all the soul.

Words: "I love you" - Magic. But they can be diversified, "dilute" by others so that there is a "fun."

What other beautiful, gentle, warm, affectionate words love men? Prose.

Here are phrases in which all the completeness of the desired words, which will always find themselves:
Good morning, love! How did you sleep, my sunshine? I thought about you even in a dream ...
How are your successes at work? Darling, I really want every success to multiply a thousand times, and multiplied every day.
I spent all the money that you gave me new outfits. But I promise that, for each spent "Precision", you will get a passionate and unforgettable kiss.

How was the first to admit a man in love? How to tell a man about love?

Love is beautiful and easy. Do you want your favorite man to feel all the ease and beauty of love with love?

Dream about many things, but do not know how to express it in verbal form? Waiting for inspiration?

How beautiful to confessed in love for a man?

Beautiful words of love beloved man.

Feature feelings beautifully:

"I will always remember the day of our dating. You know, this day turned my whole life. He made it brighter and rich. Thank you for the brightness of the paints of my new life. I very love you".
"I miss you…. I miss even when you are in a millimeter from me. I so need your tender touch, it is so important to me the warmth of your hands .... Touch and seed. And in return - get my endless love for you. I love you".
"I want to become a drip of the rain to quench your thirst for your expectations. I want to become a snowflake to melting on your tender cheek. I want to become a moon to illuminate, in the evenings, your track home. Every morning I want to be a sunny bunny to wake you up .... But most of all, I want to always be and staying your beloved. I love you, my most affectionate and most gentle. "
"Your kisses are priceless. I dream to be as much as stars in the embroidery of the night romantic sky. Give me your kisses. I will die without them. And with them, I will find unearthly happiness and faith in what I can be the happiest woman on the ground. I love you"
"I don't need an asterisk from heaven: she is useless on earth. I do not need gold: I am myself - decoration. I do not need expensive cars: I like to walk with you more. Give me love! Let the flames never fade her, let the power of your love, neither the quarrel or scandals or disagreements are destroyed. Love, take care, remember. "
"Your eyes are the lights that I live. I want to fall into their bottomlessness and not return. Take me to your eyes? I would like to live in them, and in their reflection. I love your eyes. Do not jealous: I love you more. "
"How much is said about the love of words. Let I repeat, let me be banal, but I will say: for me you are all. If not for you - my life would be emptiness, bitterness and river from tears. Thank you fate for you! Thank you for being with me. Thank you…. I love you as none never loved. "
"If I had a flowery - sevenction, I would have guess seven desires. First: I want to always be with you. Second: I want to always be yours. Third: I want us never quarrel. Seventh: I dream that all these desires are tenth-time. I love you, my flower. "

You can talk about love infinitely. Its so much that you can even get confused. I wish you that you never confuse in feelings, and always knew exactly and clearly to whom your heart is given.

Where to admit beautifully in love for a man? What is the situation to pronounce the words of love with your beloved man? Where to say a man about love?

How to admit a man in love? If there is a question "how", it means somewhere near, there is a question "where". This can be done anywhere:
In the cinema (the last row is a great place for recognition).
On the street (for example, standing at the bus stop).
By phone (at any time).
In the store (so that there is no waiting in the queue).
At the party (at any second of all this "fun fussiness").
On the disco (inviting it to the "white dance").
In the theater (during the intermission, for example, when you are nicely eating ice cream).
In the gym (under the noise of simulators).
In bed (during kisses).
In nature (under the scent of the fire and the sound of the guitar).
In the romantic setting (you will create it yourself, such that your soul wishes).
In transport (when you stand or sit nearby).
At the concert (for melodious music).
In a letter or in a note (which you can, for the sake of humor, leave in the refrigerator, right under the sausage).
In the park (on a pretty bench, under the crowns of no less pretty trees).
In the cafe (when you drink your favorite cocktail).
In the restaurant (when you get tired of scrolling the menu).
Visiting (in the break "between the first and second", on the ear).
In the registry office (and not necessarily do it strictly during registration).
Houses (cozy and warm, and from love - still warmer).

Words for recognition in love are always there. Especially - in women. They know how to speak beautifully and emotionally. Men like it. Recognition in love is much better than the conversations of women about cosmetics, stores, problems and other topics that are not related to love.

You can just say "I love you very much," but it would be imposed in these, it would seem, ordinary words all souls and all your feelings. Then, these words will become something unearthly for any man. If a man, during confession, is a little confused - do not think that he is indifferent to what you are saying. In men, there is not such a quick response to the "literature", like women.

Do not be offended by a man if he, from excitement, for your long confession, will answer briefly "I love you too." He does not want to compete with you, as it knows that you have no equal in the verbal. And he is ashamed that he, in his years, does not know how to speak as beautiful and folded as you.

Errors in confessions in love for a man:

Love, fall in love and do not be afraid of your own love!