Love caresses - beloved man. How to caress a man so that he wants you and more

How to caress a man so that he remains not only satisfied, but happy from the professionalism of a woman? This article will tell you in detail about what kind of affection men like and why?

Love joys have always been a part of human relationships. This is not just a way to satisfy your needs, but also an opportunity to become closer, closer to each other. How to please a man in such a situation?

What to look for in lovemaking?

Of course, one can read numerous women's magazines in order to answer such a question. However, they often write lies in them that men love rudeness, love experienced and dissolute women. Perhaps sometimes it is necessary to show yourself from this side, but not every day and not every time during sex.

In most cases, men are more interested in modesty than promiscuity. Well, when a woman is confident in bed, she can show a man new ways to have fun. However, you should not be zealous in this direction. The fact is that a man may think of a partner as an overly experienced person with a rich past. This is not always good, because such a person is also suitable for sex, but not every man wants to marry a lady who is too experienced in sexual games.

It is best to leave some place for a riddle, to do everything so that every time a man thinks that at the next meeting, the woman will surprise him again.

Of course, the question of how to caress a man also cannot be decided categorically, because each representative of the stronger sex is unique. In this regard, you need to get to know your man better, talk about his preferences in sex, and so on. often men are embarrassed to talk about this topic, because they believe that everything should happen by itself, without mutual explanations and investigations about this. However, such restrictions only make pleasure more and more unattainable.

It is best to follow a certain algorithm in lovemaking. You need to start slowly, with gradual caresses. Going straight to caresses in the male genital area is not worth it. In this case, all the charm of foreplay is lost, and sex itself turns from a beautiful and romantic act into an elementary satisfaction of human needs.

After the preliminary gentle caresses have passed, you can act more confidently and boldly. Men like it when a woman takes the initiative in bed. At the same time, the representative of the stronger sex must still feel the main thing in the relationship, the strongest and most passionate. For this reason, it is not necessary to be too zealous.

Of course, the easiest way to satisfy your man is oral sex. What caresses do men like in case of oral sex? Here, too, you need to start gradually, gently and affectionately. This will help a man to relax and completely surrender to all those feelings that now overwhelm his soul.

After that, it is necessary to move on to sharper and more passionate movements. You can help yourself with your hands and fingers. Along the way, if you can’t help yourself with your hands during oral sex, you can caress a man’s chest, touch his hair or face. Thus, a woman, as it were, enhances the positive impact of oral caresses, increases arousal and makes feelings sharper.

Of course, during standard sex, it is also necessary to give in to a man more often, but at the same time maintain passion in a relationship. Even in the missionary position, a woman can show her character. For example, she can passionately wrap her legs around a man, moan louder and do everything possible to further excite her partner. By the way, the effect on additional erogenous zones also helps. For example, many men are aroused when their hair is touched, when they breathe into their ear. All this helps them get additional pleasure from sexual intercourse and better feel their partner.

What should not be done?

There are several rules that a woman must follow in order not to spoil the sexual intercourse.

First, she must completely surrender to these feelings and emotions. Everyone has their own problems and troubles, but they must be forgotten at least for a while. It is best to distract from worries, work troubles and devote time to sexual intercourse. If a woman thinks about her own, she will never be able to be passionate and satisfy her man.

Also, do not do anything too unusual, such as biting or scratching men in the genital area. This can be done only when the relationship has already reached a certain milestone, when people know everything about each other. Often in such cases, partners just play. They are having fun and here you can already apply light bites. In cases where a woman has had few sexual intercourse with a man, it is better to exclude such delights from sex. Few men like it.

It is also better to immediately forget about comparing this sex with those acts that happened to other men. The representative of the stronger sex is always pleased to think that he is the best in sex, at least for this woman. In this case, he feels strong and ready to give real pleasure to the girl. Of course, it is worth encouraging such an initiative in a man, nurturing it.

When a woman regularly mentions how good she was with her previous partner, the man has no incentive to accomplish in bed. Vice versa. He may think that he cannot show anything new and interesting to a woman. It is for this reason that it is better to forget about what was before and fully focus on the feelings that exist now.

Only in this way will it be possible to deliver real pleasure to a man and please him in bed.

Both a woman and a man need to work on their relationship to make it happy. Only in the case of mutual satisfaction in bed, their relationship will reach a new level.

If you want to drive your man crazy with pleasure, you just need to diversify your intimate life with kisses. How to kiss? Read on .

  • Hint

Another way to drive a man crazy is to give him a kiss with dry lips, but not on the lips. Slowly, barely touching, run your lips over his face - forehead, temples, cheekbones.

The fact is that there are small, barely noticeable hairs on the face, with a gentle touch to which pleasant sensations arise.

  • Classics of the genre

Kissing on the lips can be tricky too. How to kiss a man so that he gets excited quickly? To do this, gently squeeze his lower lip between your lips and pull slightly towards you.

If at this time a man does the same with your upper lip, the desired effect will be achieved faster.

The palate is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. So the next time you kiss, run your tongue across his palate a few times.

Some men claim that it can awaken their sexual desire.

  • contrast kiss

Give your man contrast kisses. To do this, pour cold water into one glass, and some hot drink (coffee or tea) into another. Take a small sip of the hot drink and touch your lips to the man's wrist.

After giving a few “hot” kisses, take a sip of cold water and start kissing him again. Such contrasting caresses will make an even greater impression on a man if he is blindfolded at the same time.

  • His erogenous zones


Slowly move your lips around his ear, barely touching the edges of his ears. This will awaken his sensuality and receptivity.

Then gently pinch the earlobe with your lips and pull it slightly towards you. This is necessary in order to activate the nerve endings inside the auricle. Do not forget that the ears are one of the erogenous zones of a man.


Another incredibly sensitive area. Many consider a kiss on the neck to be an expression of overt sexual desire.

To excite a man, you need to kiss the side of the neck: from the ears - down. At the same time, not only kisses are good, but also light pinching of the lips and biting.


Are nipples an exclusively female erogenous zone? No. Male nipples are also very sensitive.

You can caress them both with a tense tip of the tongue and with a relaxed tongue. Surveys show that for most men, such caresses bring a lot of pleasure.


If you think that kissing hands does not excite him, then you are mistaken. Touch the tip of your tongue to the skin between his fingers and slowly run it to the tip of one of the fingers.

From excitement, a man will shudder, since this area, like the ears, is very sensitive. At the end, gently squeeze the tip of his finger with your lips.

  • Secret "buttons"


On the body of a man in the area between the navel and the genitals is a very sensitive area. Pay special attention to her just before sex.

A few gentle, but quite passionate kisses of this zone will turn him on in a matter of seconds. But do not rush to go lower - caress this particular place for several minutes.


If your man loves being massaged, then he will definitely like such an unusual tongue massage. Let your man lie on his stomach.

Approach him from behind and touch your lips to the back of his head. Then slowly cover his spine with kisses, as well as the areas to the right and left of him, gradually falling lower and lower.

If massage with hands relaxes, then massage with the tongue, on the contrary, excites.


Women think that men don't like foreplay. But again, this is not true. Another way to drive a man crazy is to caress the skin of his legs from the knees to the hips.

Squat down in front of the man and with slow, gentle movements run your tongue over the skin above the knees, rising gradually higher.


There are a lot of nerve endings in the knee area, which is why people are very often afraid of being tickled in this place. The popliteal cavity is especially sensitive. Caress this area with the tip of your tongue, accompanying kisses with deep and slow breathing.

There is no isolated harmony only in sex or only in interpersonal relationships. Both components are interconnected. Warm emotional relationships between spouses will help achieve sexual harmony, and good sex strengthens psychological relationships.

The erotic sensations of a woman during intimacy largely depend on how she treats her partner. With a beloved man, intimacy is ecstasy, flight and the highest pleasure, and with an unloved one - a heavy duty that causes disgust.

Let's leave romantic feelings to teenagers, boys and girls. For spouses with experience, love is mutual understanding, emotional intimacy and, of course, sexual harmony.

One of the most famous psychotherapists in the world, Eric Berne, said at lectures on the psychology of sex: “Exactly what a woman needs, a man has, and exactly what a man needs, a woman has. The temperature, the pressure, the acceleration of the rhythm match each other so correctly that they are lifted up to the Ninth Heaven at the moment of the discharge… If everything went well, each of them is left with a clear and free mind, cleared of worries and ready to start life anew.”

If two people of the opposite sex can find exactly what they need in each other, they will be happy.

The relationship between a man and a woman can be difficult, with ups and downs, ecstasy and disappointment.

Every person wants happiness, but often he does everything to become unhappy. Sometimes it seems that the relationship has reached a dead end, there is no way out, you need to leave, as the union of the two has already exhausted itself.

If you are in a similar situation, don't despair. If you have lived together for many years, if something is still warm in your soul, if you are warmed by memories of how good you were before, then there is hope. We just need to take the first step towards each other, and then the situation may change. The longest road begins with the first step, as the ancients said.

Even mutual cooling can be overcome with some effort. No matter how far you are now from each other emotionally, start with a smile, encouraging and affectionate words, and remember together all the good things that happened between you.

Do not focus on who loves or dislikes whom, who has fallen out of love with whom. Love is not only an ardent passion and a whirlwind of emotions - it is also tenderness, and care, and caring for each other, and the warmth that you give to each other.

A person needs love throughout his life. And at seventy you can love. Learn to love, learn to give joy, treat your spouse the way you would like him to treat you. Learn to be a husband and wife, it's never too late to do this, even if you've been together for decades. And then your marriage will be happy. I'll tell you: you can love!

John Keats

Psychoerotic mood

... a woman can be easily forced to do whatever she wants.

Marcello Mastroianni

The sexuality of men and women differs significantly. A man is much faster excited than a woman. He can light up at the sight of any attractive woman, even if they have known each other for only a few minutes.

A man can easily be aroused by his wife or mistress if she changes clothes in front of him, gracefully puts on stockings, tries on beautiful underwear or a new dress, turns around in front of the mirror, taking seductive poses and flirting, or just left the bathroom in an open bathrobe, or leaned over and he saw how her skirt pulled up, outlining rounded buttocks, or her breasts flickered in the neckline, or she went to bed without a nightgown, or put her head on his shoulder and touched his thigh, or he felt her body next to him in bed, yes and thousands of other moments when he can be instantly aroused by the sight or touch of a desired woman.

If a man experiences a strong sexual attraction to a partner, then in order for his desire to flare up, he doesn’t even need any external stimuli - he smelled her skin or hair, pressed her in a strong hug, she just approached, dousing her with a wave of perfume , with which intimacy is associated, stroked his cheek with an expression of boundless tenderness, winked playfully or smiled meaningfully - and he is already “ready”.

It can be excited by any external erotic stimuli. For example, he relaxes and indulges in dreams about an attractive girl who was sitting opposite in the subway or about a pretty colleague from work and fantasizes about sexual themes, what crazy things he could do with a sexual partner, reads a book or watches a movie where there is an erotic scene, considers erotic or pornographic magazines, and desire seizes him. If a wife or mistress is nearby, then he will not hesitate for a long time.

In order to tune in to intimacy with a constant sexual partner, a man with good potency only needs to remember sexual episodes from his life, imagine a scene from a pornographic film or a photo of a seductive naked beauty.

In a woman, sexual desire can arise very quickly if she is in love and has a strong attraction to a man. Very temperamental women can also quickly turn on. But there are few of those among our compatriots. A strong temperament is characteristic mainly of southerners.

Most of our compatriots have an average temperament and are excited much more slowly than men. In order for a woman to want a man with whom she has been close for a long time, she needs to tune in to sex (in the language of sexologists, this is called a psychoerotic mood).

When a woman is not in the mood for intimacy, upset, busy with her thoughts, worries or deeds, then she has no desire to have sex. If the partner still insists, and she reluctantly agrees, then most likely she will remain unsatisfied. Even the most preoccupied woman with her problems can be set up for sex by a man if he is attentive and gentle to her.

It is more difficult for a woman to tune in to sex herself or with the help of memories than a man. Many women are not turned on by photographs in erotic and pornographic magazines or scenes from pornographic films. A woman of normal sexual orientation is not excited by the contemplation of a naked female body, and some women are disgusted with naked male bodies with all the anatomical details and pornographic products.

For a man, erotic stimuli are very important, while a woman needs gentle words, touches and the consciousness that she is loved. To be simply desired by her is both flattering and pleasant, but still this is not enough to turn her on. The emotional aspect of a relationship is very important for a woman. Only the man she loves, or at least emotionally attached to him, can set a woman up for intimacy.

The shortest and absolutely win-win way to a woman's heart is affectionate words and compliments.

Music has an emotional effect on both women and men, it has an erotic effect and helps both tune in lyrically.

Prepare a bath for a woman, gently touch her when she changes clothes, wipe her wet body with a towel and spread cream on her skin - and the erotic game has already begun.

The better you prepare a woman for intimacy, the more pleasure you will get and the more chances that your partner will also experience pleasure.

If you don't know whether to kiss a girl or not, kiss just in case.

Yanina Ipohorskaya

“Beloved - a hundred compliments a day!”

There is no woman in the world who would resist the constant manifestation of signs of attention.

Giacomo Casanova

Everyone knows that "a woman loves with her ears, and a man with her eyes." For some reason, men remember the second part of this proverb, but forget the first. All women love compliments. The famous Don Juan considered his first commandment: "Beloved - a hundred compliments a day!". And this in no small measure contributed to his success with women.

A man who knows how to compliment is an invaluable lover.

There is also a scientific basis for this phenomenon. Sexologists consider hearing to be the strongest erogenous zone of a woman.

A woman experiences erotic arousal from compliments, like a man from visual erotic stimuli (for example, at the sight of a woman’s chest flashing in the neckline of a blouse or her hips in the section of a dressing gown). Affectionate words and compliments will most quickly create a mood for intimacy in a woman.

Delight the soul of a woman with subtle compliments, and you will see sparks of joy in her eyes. It doesn't have to be very eloquent, though. It is enough to say at least a couple of phrases, but with an expression of sincere admiration.

Do not be afraid of exaggeration! Even if your words are obvious flattery, a woman will like them. And if you use "strong" expressions or slang, you will like it doubly - it means that you are in such admiration that you cannot contain your feelings.

Every man likes it when he is told that he is the smartest, most talented, most attentive, most gentle, most magnificent lover, in general, the very best ... Deep down, he understands that this is, to put it mildly, exaggerated, but to hear everything equally nice.

Compliments caress the soul and pride. A high assessment of a woman gives a man self-confidence, improves mood and tone. She loves me, she admires me, he thinks and straightens his shoulders.

For a woman, words of tenderness and love are no less important than her physical proof. “The magic of words”, a scattering of compliments: “You are the best woman in the world”, “There is no one for me except you”, “I still love you, adore and want you”, - they sound like the sweetest music for her. You can repeat at least a hundred times a day, and a woman will never get tired of listening to them. Affectionate and tender words are never too many.

Verbal erotic caress: “You excite me so much and are so attractive that I can’t contain my feelings!”, “What beautiful breasts you have!”, “How nice your hair and skin smell!”, - can excite a woman much more and set up for intimacy than hugs, for which the partner is not yet psychologically ready.

A woman with whom a man wants intimacy really excites him, so compliments with erotic overtones are unlikely to be an exaggeration. Wanting her, he thinks just like that - why not tell his beloved about it ?!

Men, do not forget to caress a woman with gentle words. From them, she is able to tune in to eroticism much faster than from the fact that a man, without any preparation, will begin to stroke her breasts when she is not at all disposed to “tenderness”. Any woman is always disposed to compliments.

After them, physical touch will be perceived differently.

If husbands told their wives more often about their attractiveness, they would help them maintain their charm and femininity. And the more charming and feminine a woman is, the more attractive it is for a man. In addition, the more often a man says pleasant words to a woman, the more he believes in them - the element of self-hypnosis operates. The more he believes in this, the more intense attraction he experiences to his partner. A strong attraction is an important condition for a good erection. So it turns out that a man wins twice - and he will have no problems, and his partner will always be located in closeness.

"There is no magic stronger than the magic of words."

Anatole France

Let's play an erotic overture on the partner's body

Not being able to caress a woman is worse than not being able to read and write.

Giacomo Casanova

Overture, or prelude, sexologists designate the stage of intimacy that precedes sexual intercourse. It is not for nothing that this stage has such poetic names. Obviously, "musical" names are used because experienced partners can play on each other's bodies, like musical instruments. Sexual gourmets and aces of "aerobatics" pay the most attention to the overture, using sophisticated erotic caresses. Foreplay is a real ode to sex.

In itself, the sexual act in the form in which nature created it is too primitive. It is the erotic foreplay that distinguishes "human" sex from animal copulation. Genuine sex is an art that does not tolerate patterns.

Some people like certain petting, others may not like it. Therefore, I want to warn my readers: do not expect that having mastered the “standard” set of caresses with the help of books, you will become a “ace of sex”. Genuine sex is impossible without love, without inspiration, without fantasy.

There are no two identical women and identical men in the world. Each person is individual and unique. Therefore, caresses need to be creative. Erotic caresses are described here only as a hint, and everything else will be complemented by your fantasy, your tenderness and love.

Erogenous zones (from the Greek word "eros" love, passion) are parts of the body that are especially sensitive to caresses, the touch of which makes every cell tremble.

Erotic caresses are gentle touches on erogenous zones (sexologists call this stimulation of erogenous zones) in order to kindle voluptuousness and increase sexual arousal. Erotic caresses are the most important thing for sexual harmony and achieving the highest pleasure.

The biggest misconception of men is that all women allegedly prefer a thicker and longer penis, and that the sexual intercourse lasts as long as possible. A man with all the above "virtues" can be a worthless sexual partner if he neglects foreplay.

“A woman is a fruit, the sweetness of which you will not feel until you touch it with your hands. It is the same with a woman as with ambergris: if you don’t rub it in your palms and don’t warm it up, you won’t feel the aroma, ”the poet said.

Your hands and lips are the best helpers in love. With their help, you can express your boundless tenderness for your loved one, make him feel desired and experience ecstasy.

Sexual harmony means that both partners enjoy sex. Caresses should be mutual. However, it is much easier for a man to achieve orgasm than a woman, so it is she who most often remains unsatisfied. Therefore, it is the partner who must make every effort to ensure that his partner also experiences pleasure.

A man next to a half-naked woman can become aroused after a few minutes or even seconds, but not a single woman is able to be aroused during this time. Perhaps passionate Spanish women can, but temperament depends on the climate, and we live in a cold country; our women do not have the temperament of southern women.

Ideally, foreplay should be 5 times the duration of intercourse itself.

The first part of the prelude is the creation of an emotional mood in a woman. the partner must caress the woman with his eyes and words, so that she tunes in to sex. The most important condition is not to be impatient. Impatience can only destroy the erotic mood of a woman.

The second part of the prelude is the excitation of erogenous zones - caresses with lips, hands, other parts of the body and light objects - a feather, a scarf, a tassel, your own underwear or your partner's underwear.

It is desirable to devote at least 15-20 minutes to erotic caresses (or more). Their duration depends on the temperament of the woman. The less excitable a woman is, the longer the overture should be. Temperamental partners need less time to get well turned on, but all women need erotic caresses.

The beginning of sexual intercourse, according to reputable sexologists, is not the introduction of the penis into the vagina, but the stimulation of the erogenous zones of the partner. As soon as the man began to caress the woman, sexual intercourse began. And the more skillful the partner, the longer the intercourse, which is made up of prelude and frictions (movements of the penis into the vagina).

The well-known sexologist M. Klein considers it inappropriate to call foreplay preparation for sexual intercourse. Although intercourse and orgasm are the optimal part of the sexual experience, “by defining everything else as preparation for sex, we steal from ourselves the deep satisfaction we get from kissing, caressing, teasing, arousing with the tongue and hands. Calling it foreplay diminishes its value and meaning. It's not foreplay at all, it's sex."

Genuine sex does not begin with the contact of the genitals, but with caresses. Sex without affection is not sex, but satisfaction of the sexual instinct.

Some men forget how important caress is for a woman, and offend her with too fast and assertive actions - a couple of kisses on the lips, a hug, a touch on the chest and “forward!”.

Sexopathologists believe that those men who want only sexual discharge - sooner or later are forced to see a doctor in connection with sexual disorders.

A man who is fixed only on the final result - his own orgasm - is a potential patient of a sex therapist. Those men who own the technique of erotic caresses retain their potency for a long time.

Only one who learns to enjoy the sensations that give mutual caresses during foreplay and the sexual intercourse itself can become a good sexual partner.

For a loving couple, the process of sexual intimacy in itself is already a pleasure, and a short orgasm means the end of this wonderful union of bodies and souls.

To be successful with women, you need to feel and understand your partner, know and love her body well and love your own. In true sex, everything is important - a look full of passion, and affectionate words, and gentle touches, and kisses, and passionate hugs, and fantasy. Only one who does not strive for his own sexual relaxation, but wants to give his partner a real pleasure, can be considered a good sexual partner, a sexual altruist.

A woman should allow a man to fully express his sexual altruism, allowing caresses of all the erogenous zones of her body in any position, because this is in her interests. But the woman herself must be altruistic, striving to give her partner the highest pleasure.

People who treat the variety of sexual caresses as "licentiousness", "debauchery" - both deprive themselves and their partner of real joys.

If both partners get rid of their stiffness in bed and complexes and give every cell of their body in caress, then their nights will become hot, full of delight and indescribable sensations.

“When shame comes to bed, feeling leaves it,” the ancient Greeks said, and they paid great attention to erotica. Therefore, in ancient Greece there were no frigid women and few impotent men.

love games

Love games are perhaps the easiest of all outdoor games.

Magdalena the Pretender

Erotic caresses are best to start from the upper body, above the waist, and only after that gradually move to the lower body of the partner (partner). If a woman is initially shy and resists caresses, a man should treat this with understanding and not rush her. And, of course, do not reproach and do nothing against her will.

Be patient and gentle, admire her body and gradually accustom your partner to caresses. Over time, the woman's sexual reaction will awaken, she will stop resisting, and you will be duly rewarded. Everyone knows that lips and breasts (most of all nipples), genitals react to affection, but not everyone knows about other erogenous zones.

Touching the hair, the scalp is pleasant for everyone. Scientists believe that pleasure hormones (endorphins) are produced at the same time. A light massage of the head of a partner (partner), stroking, playing with hair will bring great pleasure.

The ears and earlobes have many sensitive nerve endings. Touching them stimulates the sexual centers of the brain. A light touch with fingertips, lips, tongue, hair, gentle biting is pleasant for both men and women.

For most people, the erogenous zone is the base of the neck at the back of the head. Touch your partner's skin where the hair starts to grow, stroke the back of your hand or run your fingers through the hair, playing the hollow at the base, like a musical instrument, and he (a) purrs like a cat. This area can be caressed with lips, your own hair, a light cloth, a feather. The shoulders and neck are also an erogenous zone.

The skin on the face and under the chin is also very sensitive. Put the head of your partner (partner) on your knees, put a pillow under it so that he (she) is comfortable, and do a light, light massage, but not the way masseuses do, but barely touching, almost on the verge of tickling, only feeling velvety skin with your fingertips, and the partner (sha) felt the warmth and caress of your hands.

The erogenous zone is the skin of the hands from the wrist to the elbows. The inner surface of the shoulder and elbows is also sensitive to caress. Light touches on the skin of a partner (partner) with your fingertips, tongue, feather, scarf, your own panties or hair will give him (her) an inexpressible sensation. The armpits, the abdomen, the skin around the navel in many people also love affection.

The chest is very sensitive to caresses. Many women like it when a man squeezes her lightly or strokes her in a circular motion. There are no women who are indifferent to the caress of the breast. As well as there are no men who are indifferent to the female breast.

For erotic stimulation of the breast, it must be touched very gently. A woman's breasts are best caressed from the periphery to the center. Many men want to squeeze and crush their partner's breasts like dough. You don't have to do this, even if you really like it that way. This is a very sensitive erogenous zone that requires gentle touches. There are many nerve endings in the chest, and it does not tolerate rudeness, strong pressure, flattening. The woman will be hurt, unpleasant, although she most likely will not say this, but her erotic mood will disappear.

When a man caresses his chest, as if distilling its soft tissues from the armpits to the nipples, the woman experiences an inexpressible sensation. These movements are a bit like those that a woman herself makes when expressing breast milk, it is not for nothing that women who are breastfeeding experience an almost orgasmic state when someone helps them to express. Perhaps it is difficult for a man to imagine these sensations, since erotically, the chest area in men is less sensitive, although it is also an erogenous zone.

If the partner skillfully caresses the partner's breasts, then in the lower abdomen she has a feeling of warmth and pleasant heaviness, similar to what a man feels when he is excited at the sight of a desired woman.

The breast also reacts to heat, so when the partner covers the woman's breast with his hands or cups it with his hands, it becomes elastic, the nipples swell.

Stimulation of the nipples for many women gives great pleasure, while arousal increases, and the external genitalia are filled with lubrication. They can be slightly twisted, sipped up, kissed, licked, sucked, lightly nibbled.

In an excited woman, the nipples harden and seem to be pointed (this is called nipple erection) and become even more sensitive to caresses. The nipples of the breasts of some women are so excitable that there may be an orgasm even without sexual intercourse.

Some women resist when a partner wants to caress her breasts. This is caused by modesty or a false belief that her breasts are not beautiful, too big or too small. How wrong they are! Any breast (if any) is beautiful and erotic - both large and small. The partner should treat such a partner’s reaction with understanding and tact and gently explain that she is wrong.

The erotic reaction of the breast is completely independent of its size. Even small breasts can be easily excitable, while large ones can be less reactive.

Many men say that they like women's breasts, starting from the second size, but no more than the fifth. There are not so many lovers of very large breasts. And this is well justified. The breast of a woman, in addition to the glandular tissue, contains adipose tissue, so that in a large breast there is a lot of adipose tissue, and it is not very sensitive. Large breasts can even be crushed and squeezed, but for the erotic arousal of a woman, this will not do much.

In ancient Chinese treatises on the Tao of Love, erotic kisses and caressing of the breast were given great attention. Tao teacher Wu Son writes that caressing the breast "relaxes the body and soul of a woman, makes her happier and freer."

During sexual foreplay, a man should caress not only the woman's breasts, but also the neck, shoulders, earlobes, nape, affecting those erogenous zones that he already knows about. It is never harmful to experiment, and suddenly an unusual erogenous zone will be discovered.

Sexologists call her wandering. For example, in some women, the erogenous zone is the skin between the shoulder blades, in others, a certain part of the lower back or buttocks. The scientific literature also describes such cases when the erogenous zone is the inner surface of the knee, and pressure on it leads to orgasm. Imagine how lucky such women are - to experience pleasure, you just need to stroke or press on this area, and it will fly up into the skies! But for this, the wandering erogenous zone must be discovered. A woman can live her whole life without experiencing pleasure from sex, but it turns out that she and her partner simply did not know that there is a coveted erogenous zone on her body that will give her indescribable sensations.

Search, explore the body of a loved one, and you will find out what caresses cause ecstasy.

Although we talk about erogenous zones as certain parts of the body, in fact, the entire surface of the body can be called an erogenous zone - a gentle touch on any part of it pleasantly excites and excites both a man and a woman.

Excitable zones are scattered throughout the body and form an "erotic map" that loving partners should carefully study. Explore each other's bodies, look for new places on it that are sensitive to gentle touches. You probably don't know everything yet.

It is impossible to name a single part of the body whose caresses would be unpleasant. The fact that some people reject caresses in the genital area and anus does not mean that it is unpleasant, but only indicates false prejudices.

If you want to achieve harmony, remember: There is nothing "dirty" in your body or in the body of a partner (partner). Everything created by nature is perfect, aesthetically pleasing and harmonious.

Already by the reaction of the partner, the man will understand that it is time to go down. Some women themselves direct their partner's hands or head to those erogenous zones that they want to caress. And here the man must fully follow the wishes of his partner. This is in his interests if he is a real man.

If a woman herself does not show what caresses she wants, then a man should caress with his fingers, tongue, feather or any light object the lower part of the abdomen, the outer, and especially the inner thighs. At this stage, the genitals can only be touched lightly.

The skin of the back just below the waist is called the "triangle of passion." Traveling in this area will give both partners an indescribable experience. In women, this is a highly excitable erogenous zone, and for men, the back and buttocks of a woman are the strongest erotic irritant (sexopathologists call them releasers). No man will be indifferent to the sight of a naked female back with a slight curve of the spine, smoothly turning into the roundness of the buttocks.

The place under the knee is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. The ankles are also very sensitive to caress. Run your fingers up and down the inner surface from the ankle to the knee and back several times, linger in the popliteal fossa, then wrap your whole hand around the ankles and gently stroke and massage each bone, each finger.

Feet, toes are also erogenous zones. An exquisite caress that unusually "turns on" both men and women is a toe game. They can be lightly tickled and stroked, licked and bitten, sucked on each finger individually.

Experienced partners, before starting to stimulate the genitals, start with slow caresses with lips and tongue of the toes, gradually rise higher and higher along the thigh, and by the time they get to the cherished place, the partner (sha) is already trembling with a small shiver of excitement.

Aristotle Onassis became famous for his skillful caresses. He was famous not only for his wealth and marriage to Jacqueline Kennedy, but also for the fact that he conquered the most famous beauties. Among them was the beautiful Ingeborg Dediken. Although she was much taller than him, and against her background, the ugly fat Onassis seemed ridiculous to everyone, but she was crazy about him. Then she often remembered him and said that although he was not a sexual giant - she had lovers and stronger ones - but with his gentle caresses he aroused extraordinary sensuality in her: “Often during our amorous rituals, he greedily licked me in the lower parts and between the toes, doing it gently, gently and as carefully as a cat licking itself clean. Even today, I nostalgically remember the tenderness and caress of my adored friend in moments of complete oblivion and ecstasy. Never before have I experienced such a piercingly wild sensual bliss. None of my two first husbands knew how to awaken in me such amazing, overflowing emotions as he did.

Subtle and sophisticated caresses are appreciated even by those women who have extensive experience in love affairs, and they have someone to compare their lover with.

During caresses, women behave differently, and this depends on temperament and sexual emancipation. A partner, who still does not know how to behave relaxedly, may resist some erotic caresses, ask to turn off the light in the room, will push away the partner’s hand or lips. It all depends on the tact of the man. If you learn intimate communication with the help of my advice, you will help her overcome complexes and false prejudices.

Caressing a woman, do not get tired of repeating how you care about her body, how beautiful and sexy it is, whisper in her ear or say out loud how warm, soft, how delicious it smells, and how you like to caress her. No woman can resist such revelations and will allow you any, the most daring caresses, if you can say it with an exciting breath.

If your friend is still shy, don't insist on full coverage right away. A very simple and affordable way to overcome her embarrassment is to light a candle. You will see everything that you want to see, and the woman will be sure that you can not see anything. In the flickering light of a candle, the body has a golden, warm hue, light highlights run across the skin, and this is very erotic. Silently and in the dark, under a thick wadded blanket or under a sheet, one can “make children” and “perform marital duty”, but not love each other.

If the partner is still constrained, then you can agree to take cover, and then quietly throw the sheet to the floor. It is unlikely that she will immediately climb after her to hide again - even a shy woman does not want her partner to consider her so "sexually squeezed."

A woman with a weak temperament can be outwardly passive, only feeling the caresses of a man and surrendering to them, while temperamental ones are more active and more easily excited. They shower their partner with kisses and reciprocal caresses, which also excites the man. Caresses are pleasant to all women, except for truly frigid ones.

In fact, there are so few frigid women that it is better to forget about them altogether. All the rest are erotically unawakened women. It's up to you to "swallow" her. Your partner, even if you have repeatedly reproached her for being cold, is probably not frigid. You just haven't awakened her sensuality yet. But this is fixable. Even if the partner does not show in any way that caresses are pleasant to her, the man should not stop caressing her. Sooner or later he will be rewarded.

Usually a woman is silent, not because she does not like it, but because she is embarrassed to say so. Ask yourself what touches are most pleasant, how to caress her. Maybe at first the partner will not tell you this, but when she understands that you want to please her, she will become more relaxed.

It all depends on you - the tone in which the question is asked, the conviction in the voice, the gentle look, the encouraging smile - all this will allow the partner to believe in your sincere interest. Prove that you caress her because you yourself really like it. Well, what normal man does not like to caress a woman?! In intimacy, the principle of feedback operates - the more affection you give, the more pleasure you will receive as a result.

This part of the foreplay allows the woman to get aroused so that her genitals are ready for intercourse. Without erotic caresses, a woman will not be aroused, and therefore, she will not have an orgasm.

Men need to see the body of a girlfriend. Dear women, do not refuse this to your partner, leave all your prejudices beyond the threshold of the bedroom. If he tells you how much he likes your body, forget that, in your opinion, your chest is imperfect or there is an extra wrinkle on your stomach. Your partner likes your tummy and your chest.

If he didn't like it, he would look for another.

Men love affection too

You can neglect men, but not their feelings.

Wanda Blonskaya

Not only a man should caress a woman, but she should also caress him. What is sex without mutual caresses?! Be an altruist too, give your partner the full range of sensations. He, too, should feel your touch and your tenderness.

Caressing your partner, do not be silent, tell him how beautiful, strong he is, how you like his whole body, so that he also feels desired and perfect. The more tender words you say to him, the more tenderness you will receive from him. The most erotic compliments for a man are those that refer to his genitals and his sexual abilities.

Turn on your imagination, come up with affectionate nicknames for his “little friend” (but just don’t call him “little”, but only in a superlative degree!), Say how you long to possess him, caress and kiss, you can even use profanity, but in an affectionate version - many men love to listen to obscene words in bed, even if they never use them in other situations. But if this shocks your partner, there is always the opportunity to justify with a sweet smile that you have forgotten a little from passion and the “dirty” word escaped by accident.

Although a man can be turned on just by touching the body of a desired woman, he is also very sensitive to caresses. All the erogenous zones mentioned in the chapter "Let's play an erotic overture on the body of a partner" are also found in men. Do not get tired of caressing them. Caresses can be done simultaneously with a partner or in turn.

Both men and women can enjoy in different ways. But if you really want to elevate your partner to the pinnacle of bliss, you should learn how to give him an intimate massage - as, in principle, to you. After all, it is these games, alternating with gentle strokes, that give us no less pleasure than making love. It is no coincidence that various oriental methods of relaxing, exciting and simply intimate massage are so wildly popular. The inhabitants of the East always knew a lot about pleasures and knew how to receive them.

Most men, caressing a woman, know that her most erogenous zones are: the clitoris, chest, mouth, vaginal opening, neck, inner thighs, ear. But what about them themselves? Do you know his "hot spots"? Indeed, without them, even the simplest intimate massage is out of the question. If not, try along with us to start studying the technique of this massage. Believe me, you will get mutual pleasure from the new trip.

First, help your partner relax properly. Lure him into a bath of warm water, rub his back, and then rub the shampoo into his head with light massage movements. Don't overlook your neck. Not superfluous will be light circular movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis temples, the entire contour of the face.

Strongly promotes relaxation massage of the hands and feet. Start with acupressure on his palms, and then move on to his toes, the area of ​​special attention. And after a while you will see how your friend's face becomes serene, while he himself is surprisingly submissive and supple. It is even believed that if a woman can suck and caress a man's toes, then by doing so she ties him to her. But of course, this caress is purely psychologically suitable for far from every woman, despite the fact that the toes are the strongest erogenous zone for many men.

You can even absolutely playfully turn him over on his stomach and offer to give him a massage, the beauty of which is that he imperceptibly for both of them awakens a desire for intimacy. It seems that after you have already created with him, even the most stubborn man will have nothing left to do but obey you with pleasure. "Saddle" him and, moving from light hand movements to more intense ones, massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis back - this is where the most important male erogenous zone is located (just above the coccyx). Approximately the same can be said about the so-called "cat" zone - between the shoulder blades.

And so that your partner does not fall asleep with pleasure, change tactics - touch him with your lips, replacing the work of your hands with kisses. In addition, many erogenous zones are indeed more receptive to tongue caresses and kisses. Take, for example, the neck and ears. Often the neck in men is sensitive to kisses and strokes, especially in the part that is closer to the back. Just do not tickle him in this area - by doing this you will achieve the exact opposite effect. As for the ears (lobe, auricle and the area behind the ear), then a lot depends on the individual man. There are also those in whom such touches do not cause the traditional pleasant shiver.

Expand the boundaries of what you have known before. With your fingertips, touch his stomach (however, he is not an erogenous zone in itself), but rather a tiny area below the navel. You need to put your hand on it, touch it with your tongue or lips. Caress his nipples (no doubt, a man's chest is not as sensitive as a woman's, but even here you can achieve amazing results), and if you notice that your partner has begun to breathe faster, you are on the right track. Touch his buttocks (perhaps you have never done this before), bite, pat, pinch them. And you will see a quick response to all your touches.

And when almost every millimeter of your partner's body is treated kindly by you, pay special attention to his genitals, besides, almost all men love touching these intimate places. There are countless nerve endings on the head of the penis, which is why this area almost never remains indifferent to caresses. Most men are simply crazy about if a woman touches their testicles and scrotum - the most powerful erogenous zone that requires an individual approach. Because some men like it when their testicles are squeezed harder, while others - on the contrary. Despite the fact, you should still adhere to the golden mean - an extremely soft effect on the scrotum with fingertips, lips and tongue.

Below the testicles is a potential male erogenous zone - the perineum, under the skin of which the prostate is located. And many men incredibly like the massage of this particular area. By the way, if you go further, then the anus will be very close - the very part that many women try to avoid. Probably due to ignorance of how you can powerfully influence your partner by caressing this particular area with your tongue or fingertips.

Caress, love him and remember at the same time that it is through touch that most men feel loved. And if you manage to convey to your partner the pleasure that you feel from touching his body, then you don’t have to worry - this will become an additional and very significant incentive for his further arousal. And do not stop there, break all sorts of traditions and learn new opportunities for your relationship. Look, because your man, in addition to all of the above, may also have a thousand and one points of "pleasure" in absolutely other places of the body. And the search for similar points in itself turns into an exciting process for both partners.

Imagine that you are running a marathon without warming up. Agree, nothing good will come of this. Let's apply the same logic in the bedroom: in order to have great sex, you need preparation. But if you think that foreplay is the prerogative of only women, then you are mistaken.

Scientists from the Kinsey Institute in Bloomington (USA) found that men also need a little warm-up. Many of them, especially after the age of 30, are not able to get excited without a long “entry”. One of the most common causes is stress. In addition, even a hot macho craves not only sex, but also the intimacy, emotional contact that foreplay provides. Below you will find descriptions of techniques to help get a man.

The area between the chin and throat is the most sensitive part of the neck. To excite a man, draw your lover to you and gently lick him in this area. Then take his testicles in your hand (just do not squeeze), gently stroke, roll and caress. Then you can move on to a light massage of the area, which is located at the base of the main male organ. “The back of it is hidden by the scrotum, so it is very thin and vulnerable, but if you gently touch this hidden place, you can endow it with special power.

You should not limit yourself to caresses in only one place, let the man roll over on his stomach, and you sit on top of him, sitting right above the sacrum. Start massaging his back with your hands and at the same time rhythmically move your hips back and forth. “Such a characteristic friction against his coccyx will increase your arousal - and this desire will be transmitted through the nerve endings to him.

Instead of just lying down while he caresses your breasts, place your hands on his hips. To arouse your man, lightly touch your fingers to the inside of your thighs, slide up to your groin, and then quickly lower them back down. In this area, the skin is very thin and sensitive, and when you get close to the main erogenous point, but do not touch it, you will keep his masculine all the time in a state close to excitement. You can whisper something obscene to your boyfriend at this time. Such conversations raise testosterone levels, and passion flares up more.

All the attention in oral sex usually goes to the main hero of the occasion. But his two buddies always support the main player, although they often do not receive recognition. Eliminate this injustice. Run your tongue along the scrotum in the place where the seam goes - nerve endings are concentrated in this area. At the same time, you can gently press with your hand from the back of the testicles. So you awaken his prostate - this is the gland that is responsible for sensuality in the pelvic area.

Lure a man into the shower with you, lather your hands there and clasp his genitals with one palm. Squeezing tightly, begin to perform slow up and down movements - gradually accelerating, then move on to more intense and faster ones, but do not move far away from the head of the penis. And do not tell him what you intend to do - unpredictability intrigues and excites.