Methods of dealing with centuries hanging over the eyes. Evening eye makeup with a drooping eyelid. Basic makeup for heavy eyelids

A drooping, or "heavy" eyelid cannot be considered a disadvantage if it is not a consequence of age-related changes. Rather, it is a feature that can be easily turned into a "highlight" of the appearance. Of course, you can take advantage of expensive salon procedures, but the correct makeup for the impending century will be an effective and simple tool that does not require special knowledge and large material costs. It is enough to look at the photos of your favorite actresses with a similar shape of the eyes, which does not spoil the stellar appearance in the least.


To get rid of the illusion of "sad" eyes, and often it is the overhanging eyelid that gives the look such an expression, you need to learn how to make up competently. Many famous world beauties have such a feature that only adds charisma to their appearance: "Oscar" beauty Jennifer Lawrence, charming Emma Stone, Catherine Zeta-Jones, sexy Khloe Kardashian and others. A "heavy" eyelid (another popular name) is corrected by professional makeup artists for actresses, but every girl and woman can do such a skill.


In makeup for the impending century, great attention should be paid to the eyebrows. If there is any doubt that the correction on your own will be successful, then it is better to contact a professional.

Do not leave your eyebrows too thick, as this makes the look “heavier”. A beautiful raised bend is the best way to achieve "perfection" in the face. The slightly angular break of the eyebrow goes well with the overhanging eyelid. A similar shape can be seen in Asian beauties, which are characterized not only by a narrow cut of the eyes, but also by swelling on top. Many people curve right over the outer corner of the eye. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of appearance: for someone a clear bend will suit, but for someone it will only aggravate the situation.

Advice: A preliminary "sketch" using a colored cosmetic pencil will suggest the desired shape.


On the Internet, you can often find information that in makeup for the impending century, you need to use shiny and pearlescent shadows. Mother of pearl as the main color is categorically contraindicated with this shape of the eyes (the exception is the line under the eyebrow and the middle of the moving eyelid). Matte shadows solve the problem with success.

As a rule, two shades of different saturation are used in make-up: the upper, overhanging eyelid is highlighted with a lighter shade, and a darker tone will emphasize the fold between the upper and the moving part. The same color can be used to shade the outer corner of the eye.

Advice: You need to lay dark shadows not in a crease, but a little higher (closer to the protruding bone under the eyebrow).


Without lush eyelashes that attract attention, make-up for the impending century is impossible. Eyelashes can be dyed thickly, focusing on areas that are closer to the outer corners of the eyes. The main thing is to do it carefully, avoiding the "gravity" effect. You can use a curler to lift the tips of your eyelashes. For evening make-up, false eyelashes are suitable. Here, as they say, all methods are good!

Since imprinting mascara on the skin is a common problem, it is preferable to use moisture resistant mascara in makeup.


For a “heavy” century make-up, only dark eyeliner tones are suitable. The arrow is drawn from the middle, gradually expanding on the rise (the direction is always up and towards the temple). Do not make it very thin, so as not to create the illusion of another fold.

The eyeliner line should not be very sharp, so a soft cosmetic pencil is better for this kind of makeup than a liquid eyeliner or liner. It is very important that the arrow does not break. To do this, you can make it shorter, but the "tip" is always thicker than the beginning.

Video: Arrows for the Looming Age


This tool will help good makeup for the impending eyelid, because the condition of the skin under the eyes should be perfect (bruises or swelling will emphasize the existing feature, which will add "fatigue" to the look). Concealer will help relieve unwanted symptoms, but will not cancel good sleep. Yes, girls with this eye shape need to get enough sleep so as not to add puffiness.

"Pantry of secrets" from professionals

Makeup tricks for the impending century are shared by professional makeup artists:

  1. Foundation, or primer for the eyelids. Unfortunately, shadows can wrinkle or smudge. This is a feature of such a structure of the eyelids. The primer will keep your eye makeup looking all day long.
  2. Cut Crease. An original and fashionable technique in make-up, in which attention is focused on the fold: it and the section of the immovable eyelid above it are darkened, which helps to “hide” the problem.
  3. Smoky eyes. Makeup artists suggest using a popular technique the other way around, so that makeup with an overhanging eyelid is gorgeous. The "haze" is done below: the upper eyelid is in medium tones, and the lower eyelid is in dark tones.
  4. Highlighter. Despite the fact that we were talking about the unwanted use of mother-of-pearl, quite a bit of shimmering highlighter in the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow is a wonderful "distraction" from heavy eyelids.
  5. Lips. The masters say that shifting attention from the upper part of the face to the lower one is a great trick for girls who have little time for makeup. Quite a bit of mascara is enough for the eyelashes, while lips should be painted expressively (bright or dark lipstick will do).

Step-by-step master class: makeup for the impending century

The specificity of the shape of the eyes requires special attention during make-up and constant observation. Therefore, the whole process must be learned to do with open eyes:

  1. Prepare the skin of the eyelids by applying a makeup base (work under the eyes with a concealer or corrector).
  2. Correct the eyebrow line.
  3. Apply a medium shade of shadows to the surface of the moving eyelid (its color can be any: pastels are suitable for daily makeup, and for the evening version, you can choose something to match the eyes).
  4. Now draw a new "fold" with a color darker than the base one by several tones. It will be taller than the real one, and its edge forms a corner with the outer edge of the eye. Shade the line gently.
  5. Underline the lower eyelid with a base shade or a slightly darker color. For a solemn exit, eyes with soft colored eyeliner and kayal inside will look very beautiful.
  6. Mascara is applied, moving obliquely to the outer corner of the eye. You do not need to paint the lower eyelashes with mascara.

Do not make a thick or too clear line on the lower eyelid, use black shadows as the main ones.

Correctly performed makeup for overhanging eyelids will dispel any doubts that such eyes cannot be large.

Video: Make-up for a flat / impending eyelid. Visual eye enlargement

Age makeup with overhanging eyelids

In adulthood, the problem of a "difficult" century is quite common. But she does not become an obstacle to a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. The appearance of wrinkles changes not only the contours of the face, but also the habits. If in his youth "doll" eyes looked amazing, then in adulthood it, at least, looks funny. And swollen or drooping eyelids require special care in working with the face:

  1. Makeup should be natural.
  2. The thickness of the eyebrows is average.
  3. Matte shades of calm shades: shades of ivory and tea rose are suitable for fair-skinned women, a beige-brown palette for dark-skinned women.
  4. Above the crease, shadows are applied a couple of shades darker.
  5. The upper eyelid can be slightly emphasized with a soft pencil and shaded.
  6. There are very few light shadows in the inner corner of the eye.
  7. The final touch is mascara on the upper lashes.

If we talk about some specific feature in the makeup for the impending eyelids, then this is a complete lack of "graphic". All lines should be soft and blurry.

Video: An example of age-related makeup

When it is necessary to take into account in makeup, firstly, the problem of the impending century (and at the same time solve it), and secondly, the color of the eyes, one cannot do without observing special rules.

It's important to figure out how to remove the overhang first. This feature of the structure of the face creates many restrictions for those who like to focus on the eyes in make-up. Which ones are the most important?

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No primer anywhere

Often, the movable eyelid is in contact with the overhanging eyelid. Consequence - traces of shadows, eyeliner, mascara on the skin. For the same reason, cosmetics can roll and smudge. This means that all efforts to create an image will go down the drain. The base will help to avoid these troubles.

No glitter!

Shadows with shimmer are prohibited. The shimmer creates an effect of volume and, accordingly, increases the overhang. The problem will only become more visible. The way out is to use matte instead of shiny textures.

"No" graphics

Those with a drooping eyelid are not recommended to draw graphic arrows. With your eyes open, even the smoothest, neat lines will turn into broken curves. Instead of arrows, it is better to choose smoky eyes with an emphasis on the fold. We have already talked about how to do such makeup for the impending century.

It is important to choose the right shades in your makeup. Colors from the pink range, bright blue and bluish black, brown, plum, gold, copper, bronze (always with a metallic effect) - this is what suits girls with blue eyes the most.

What make-up options are worth taking note of for those with blue eyes?

Soft arrows

Option "for every day" - eyeliner of the upper eyelid with a soft pencil in a dark blue shade. Lightly feathering the line will create a smoky effect that will add depth to the look.

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This technique is ideal for the impending century. The bottom line is to draw a fold with the help of a dark shade of shadows, which, due to overhang, may not be visible at all. We have already talked about this technique in the material. The accent on the fold can be complemented by smoky eyes made with such shadows.

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Haze at the outer corner

You don't have to make a classic smokey. You can apply brown eyeshadows with a matte texture to the outer edge of the eyes, and then blend them upwards so that the dark color "eats" the volume. This will visually hide the overhang.

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Are there any other tricks you know to hide a drooping eyelid?

Professional makeup artists don't see a problem in the impending century. Their numerous make-up options will be able to beautifully design any eyes. It is quite possible to learn how to do makeup correctly for the impending century at home. The classic shape of the eyes does not save you from failures in the application of cosmetics. How to hide a drooping eyelid with makeup? There is nothing difficult in this, if you know certain rules and secrets.

This structural feature cannot be called a drawback, rather even a highlight. With the right approach, the overhanging eyelid can be properly shaped and an imaginary flaw can be turned into a real dignity.

Make-up for an overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement should serve several functions: to open the view and make it as clear as possible.

Girls know that this feature often adds to nonexistent fatigue and even age. The visage technique assumes the responsibility of visually raising the eyelid.

By the way, even many stars are familiar with the problem of the overhanging century, the photo clearly shows this:

What should be avoided when performing overhanging eyelid makeup?

  • Eye makeup with drooping eyelids should not be done with pearlescent eyeshadows. They can be used as a thin line.

If you apply sparkling shadows all over the eyelid, you get the effect of out of proportion. The situation will only get worse.

  • Liquid eyeliner is also canceled. There is a decent alternative in the form of shadows and pencils.
  • Graphic lines are another enemy of the impending century. All contours and sharp transitions should be carefully shaded.

Visually disguising the impending eyelid with shadows

By changing the shape of the eyebrows, you can divert attention from the impending century. A slightly raised eyebrow will correct the problem. Hair can be made thin. Bulky and bushy eyebrows are not the best option for a hooded eyelid. It is the tip that requires special attention. He should playfully climb up. Of course, within reasonable limits.

How to properly make up eyes with overhanging eyelids? Here the main secret lies in the shadows. They should be selected by combining colors. Using one shade can ruin your makeup.

How to paint eyes with overhanging eyelids? Step by step photos

The application of shadows can be divided into several main stages:

  1. First, you need to distribute the base throughout the movable eyelid;
  2. Next, you should work out the areas where you need a light shade;
  3. Dark shades of matte shadows are distributed along the lower edge of the overhanging eyelid;
  4. The borders between colors are shaded;
  5. In the middle of the century, a shade is applied lighter than the darkest and also shaded to the outer edge;
  6. The area under the eyebrow should be decorated with reflective shadows or a highlighter. This is the only acceptable gloss;
  7. The pencil is used only on the upper eyelid. For an overhanging structure, it is not permissible to draw the water line of the lower edge;

Makeup for the overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement step by step photo the following clearly demonstrates how you can reshape the eye.

One of the options for how to make makeup for overhanging eyelids step by step Makeup for drooping eyelids step by step photo

A bit of theory in a makeup video for the impending century:

Vidio of step-by-step makeup "Cat's Eye" (Catheys) for the impending century:

Smoky eays step-by-step video for the impending century:

Arrows in makeup for the impending century

Arrows can be used in makeup, but following certain rules. The images show how to draw arrows for the impending century.A step-by-step photo will help beginners master the technique.

The arrow should be thick and expressive so that the hood of the eyelid does not cover it. Use a pencil as a tool.

It is worth giving up the eyeliner. It creates fine, crisp lines that can appear as just another fold. In the case of the overhanging eyelid, this is an erroneous option. Better to give preference to shadows and pencil.

The arrow begins to draw from the middle of the century. gradually bringing the tail to the outer corner of the eye.

How to make up eyes with overhanging eyelids photo with arrows

Video on how to draw arrows for the eyes with an overhanging eyelid:

Mascara for overhanging eyelid makeup

There are no specific recommendations regarding the design of eyelashes. It can be advised to use mascara with a curling effect. The eyes will look wide and expressive.

You should also give up false eyelashes, even for a festive look. They "pile up" makeup and make your eyes look gloomy.

Heavy eyelids require special attention and skill. Having looked at different makeup options for lowered eyelids in a photo, you can choose several suitable options and start mastering them.

Makeup for small eyes with drooping eyelids an even more difficult task, but also quite solvable. The main secret is to darken the outer corner and shade. An arrow is created that is wide enough and blurry. The accent is created on the lower eyelash edge. This technique distracts attention from the overhanging eyelid and visually enlarges the eyes and opens the gaze.

As for the color scheme, you can choose any dark shades. They should be selected and combined based on the color of the eyes.

Another secret for girls with small eyes. A white pencil applied to the opening line of the lower eyelid works wonders. It is the most effective eye enlargement. In addition, the makeup looks fresher with this technique. You don't need to whiten the lead line too much, just a few swings. If you overdo it, you will see a white pencil, which is wrong. A highlighting effect is required.

When performing makeup for the impending century, it is also worth focusing on hair color.

  • Blondes for everyday makeup can safely use shades of beige, gray, gold.
  • Brunettes can choose any shades of purple, brown and dark beige. Of course, these recommendations are very superficial and you need to choose colors based on skin tone and other factors.

It will take time to perfect your ideal makeup technique for these eyes. A photo of makeup with overhanging eyelids can come to the rescue, step-by-step instructions explain everything in detail and in an accessible manner.

Tips from professional makeup artists on how to do eye makeup with drooping eyelids:

You can ask makeup artists for advice, for example, by signing up for open lessons and webinars.

The main thing is to experiment and select the most suitable option, color and makeup style.

Today there are a huge number of cosmetics and clever tricks with which you can turn any eyes into a real work of art. A daily workout will help you not spend a lot of time on everyday and light makeup. And the evening is less common and making it you can spend time in pleasure.

Photo lessons of beautiful makeup for the overhanging eyelid and eye enlargement

After 40 years, when there are serious changes in the female hormonal system, visible signs of aging appear, among which are quite common. How to get rid of? Of course, the surest way is plastic surgery. However, there are a number of fairly effective methods available to everyone.

Why is this happening?

First, you need to figure out why they appear. How to get rid of the problem depends largely on the reasons for its occurrence. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the lifestyle, and in some cases it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. So, the main reasons are as follows:

  • Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of the problem. Get yourself a good 8 hours of sleep and the problem will resolve itself.
  • Sudden weight loss. Unprepared for the rapid disappearance of adipose tissue, the skin can sag. Here gymnastics, beauty treatments, and weight gain will help.
  • Low-quality cosmetics can get what the manufacturer promised. After refusal to use an unsuccessful product, the skin regenerates over time.
  • An allergic reaction can also cause the eyelid to sag. Review your diet, as well as the list of medications taken.
  • Genetic predisposition often leads to this defect, even in young girls. You cannot do without plastic surgery or intensive salon procedures.
  • Age-related changes caused by inhibition of the production of its own collagen.

Beauty habits

The right lifestyle can save you from problems like drooping eyelids. How to get rid of? It is not so simple, and therefore girls are simply obliged to instill in themselves some that will help prevent the appearance of age-related changes:

  • Start your morning with a glass of clean water. But the last fluid intake should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Avoid decorative cosmetics, or at least limit their use. If this is not possible, then at least make sure that the skin of the eyelids remains completely clean at night.
  • Forget about nicotine and alcohol. These are the main enemies of beauty.
  • Review your diet. Excluding fatty and fried foods from the menu, as well as adding healthy foods to it, after a while you will not recognize your face.
  • Train yourself to get good sleep. Getting enough sleep will help keep the skin around your eyes fresh and firm.
  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air so that the skin is saturated with oxygen. Also, do not forget about regular ventilation of living and working areas.
  • Carefully approach the choice of caring cosmetics (if you cannot afford expensive products, it is better to turn to folk recipes).

Rejuvenating massage

The massage is beneficial not only for the body, but also for the face. An uncomplicated procedure helps to cope with such a problem as drooping eyelids. How to get rid of? Master this technique:

  • wash thoroughly, then lower your face over a vessel with hot water or herbal decoction, covering yourself with a towel (you get something like a steam effect);
  • when the skin is well steamed, apply an eye cream to ensure the glide of your fingers;
  • with your ring fingers, make synchronous movements in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temple (along the upper eyelid);
  • the duration of the massage is about 4 minutes;
  • doing this procedure every morning and every evening, after a week you will notice a visible effect.

Gymnastics for the eyelids

Unfortunately, many people forget that, like the whole body, the face is covered with muscles. Thus, if they are not trained, a number of problems can arise, including a drooping eyelid. How to get rid of? Exercises are the best solution:

  • Any workout begins with a warm-up. This will help to avoid stretching the skin and injuring the muscles. It is enough to blink intensively for a minute.
  • Open your eyes wide and hold your eyelids in this position for 4 seconds. For the same time, the eyes should be closed tightly. You need to do about 15 reps.
  • Lock the brow muscles by placing your index fingers in the middle. Now try to frown. The fingers should offer resistance to prevent wrinkling on the bridge of the nose. 10 reps are enough.
  • Use your fingertips to gently pinch the skin under the eyebrows, moving from the bridge of the nose to the temples. You need to do about 8 reps.

Grandma's recipes

One of the most serious age-related changes is drooping eyelids. How to get rid of it at home? Of course, grandmother's recipes will help. The following remedies have proven themselves best of all:

  • Fill half a glass with fresh parsley and crush the herbs thoroughly. Now add water to the vessel to the brim, pour the entire contents into a metal container and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. The finished broth must be filtered, cooled, poured into ice molds. Massage your eyelids with a cold cube every morning.
  • Another option for using parsley decoction is a compress. Soak cotton pads in warm liquid and place on eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  • Pour a spoonful of dried sage with a glass of boiling water. After 3 hours, the infusion must be filtered and divided into 2 parts. One is sent to the refrigerator, and the second is heated on the stove. Now you need to do a contrast compress, changing the temperature every 2 minutes (5 repetitions are enough).
  • Whisk one egg with a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the resulting composition to the prepared skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Juice the potatoes and sauerkraut and mix in different proportions. Add a little flour to bring the mixture to a sour cream consistency. Apply the composition to the upper eyelid, and rinse after 5 minutes.
  • Dissolve 4 tablespoons of baking soda in a glass of milk. Beat the liquid thoroughly with a mixer and refrigerate for a quarter of an hour. Dip cotton pads in milk and place them over your eyes. After 20 minutes, carry out a contrast wash.


In search of a solution to how to get rid of hanging eyelids, it is not always possible to do without surgery. So, if the problem is associated with a hernia, then you cannot do without an operation. Also, they resort to the help of a surgeon when there is too much skin hanging over the eye.

The operation to correct this defect is called "blepharoplasty". Its essence is to remove excess skin. It should be noted that it is impossible to notice the traces of such an operation with the naked eye. Of course, during the rehabilitation period, you will feel significant discomfort. But the result is a fresh look without drooping eyelids and expression lines. There is also an improvement in vision after the intervention.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications to radically eliminate the overhanging eyelid. People with the following diseases will have to get rid of this problem without surgery:

  • oncology;
  • slow blood clotting;
  • dermatitis and other skin problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Salon procedures

If you cannot decide on your own how to get rid of the impending century, go to a beautician. In the salon, you may be advised the following procedures:

  • Collagen lifting involves the application of a special serum. With regular procedures, after a month, the skin becomes taut, and the muscles around the eyes become toned.
  • - This is an effect on the skin with an electric discharge. The tightening effect is provided by accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Lymphatic drainage is a kind of massage aimed at eliminating puffiness. It can be performed both with special devices and by hand.
  • Laser therapy is one of the most effective methods in the fight against age-related changes. Under the influence of radiation, blood circulation is accelerated, tissue regeneration processes are activated and muscle tone is increased.
  • Filler injections fill the voids under the skin. And hyaluronic acid is needed for deep hydration.

Correction with makeup

Having figured out how to get rid of overhanging upper eyelids, you can understand that this process is quite long. Nevertheless, women always want to be beautiful, and therefore you can mask the problem with makeup. Makeup artists give the following recommendations:

  • to blend shadows correctly, apply them only with an open eyelid;
  • avoid thick lines with a pencil or eyeliner, not only on the upper, but also on the lower eyelid;
  • you need to apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes;
  • in order not to draw attention to wrinkles and overhanging eyelids, avoid eyeshadows with pearlescent sheen;
  • correctly drawn arrows, slightly raised to the top, will help to raise the eyelid;
  • For a fresher look, apply some lighter eyeshadow under the lower eyelid.


There are a lot of effective ways to get rid of overhanging eyelids. At home, this can be done with the help of gymnastics, massage, proper care and, of course, folk recipes. If the skin has sagged a lot, you can seek help from a beauty salon. As for blepharoplasty, this is one of the safest operations, which gives an amazing effect.

A drooping eyelid is considered a small facial defect. However, its owners should not worry. Firstly, many celebrities, for example, Natalia Vodianova, have heavy drooping eyelids, but they are among the top ten most beautiful women in the world. And secondly, there are no such problems that good makeup would not cope with. It is about eye makeup with an overhanging eyelid that we will talk about today.

How to identify an overhanging eyelid?

Take a close look at yourself in the mirror. If you notice that the upper eyelid hangs over the movable one and either closes it completely, or overlaps any part (outer or inner corner or middle), then you are faced with the problem of a heavy eyelid. Eyes of this shape seem small, and the face takes on a tired expression. Makeup is designed to visually "open" the eyes, make them brighter and more expressive.

Golden rules of makeup for the impending century

Here are some universal rules for those who want to make beautiful and harmonious makeup for a difficult age.

Do not use pearlescent shades on the upper eyelid, otherwise it will touch even more massive.

Avoid overly wide eyeliner lines. It should be thin and as close to the lashes as possible.

If you are not very confident in your abilities, then use matte shadows.

Don't skimp on the primer. If you don't want the eyeshadow to stick to your upper eyelid, apply a base before makeup. It will prevent the makeup from rolling and smudging.

Use waterproof mascara and eyeliner to keep the line from blinking.

Make sure that your eyebrows are always neat and well-groomed. Do not forget about eyebrow makeup, all gaps between the hairs must be carefully filled with shadows. Another trick: eyebrows with a high arch makes the eyes wide open.

The specifics of eye makeup with heavy eyelids

Basic makeup for heavy eyelids

This make-up will give you a natural "unpainted" look. You want a matte eyeshadow palette that contains a variety of shades of brown, from milky white, peach, beige to bronze and chocolate.

Let's start by typing the darkest tone on the brush and drawing the crease of the eyelid, highlighting the outer corner of the eye. Shade thoroughly. You can paint in the natural indentation of the eyelid or a couple of millimeters higher.

We paint over the inner corner with lighter shadows, and apply the lightest shade to the central part and under the eyebrow. Gently mix the colors and paint over the eyelashes.

Makeup with an emphasis on the outer corner of the eye

To complete this makeup, we need a black pencil, an shading brush, dark gray, plum and milky white matte eyeshadows, as well as a black gel liner.

Draw the corner of the eye and the crease of the eyelid with a pencil, strengthen the line in the corner of the eye with shading. The strokes should be soft, directed towards the temple. Shading the pencil. We repeat the drawing with graphite shadows, in the corners of the eyes we place accents with plum shadows, and cover the entire movable eyelid with milky white. We carry out eyeliner and paint the eyelashes, pulling them also to the temples.

Another eye makeup option with an overhanging eyelid is presented in the video tutorial:

Makeup for blue eyes with drooping eyelids

We suggest enhancing the blue tint of your eyes with iridescent turquoise eyeshadows. We will combine them with a shade of chocolate, and emphasize the space under the eyebrow with the most light, almost white, tone.

First, apply light shadows under the eyebrow, then select the inner corner with the help of turquoise. Please note that we also apply shadow to the lower eyelid. Now paint over the outer corner of the eye and the central part. We work out the fold especially carefully. Shading the border between chocolate and turquoise.

In addition, eyeliner along the ciliated edge of the upper eyelid will help to emphasize the shape of the eye.

Makeup for brown eyes with a drooping eyelid

The deep brown color of your eyes is perfectly emphasized by shimmering golden-bronze eyeshadow and black eyeliner.

We start by applying a primer to the eyelids. Then, armed with a black bold pencil, we outline the outer corner of the eye. Pay attention to the photo: the pencil line resembles the letter V. Be sure to emphasize the crease of the eyelid. Shade the lines with a soft brush. Get some dark shadows and repeat the pencil drawing. Using a small brush, apply a pearlescent white tone to the inner corner.

On the surface of a flat brush, we collect silver shadows and apply to the middle of the century. Your task is not to get into the fold, otherwise the makeup risks looking untidy.

Along the growth line of the upper eyelashes, apply eyeliner, and paint over the eyelashes with black mascara. Curl your eyelashes with tweezers for an even more seductive look.

Makeup for green eyes with drooping eyelids

This makeup is quite bold, because in it we will use pearlescent shadows and bright sparkles. Your green eyes will shine brighter than the stars in the sky.

We'll need a white kajal, a bold black pencil, pearlescent blue-green eyeshadows, matte yellow eyeshadows, and vibrant green sparkles.

First, we will emphasize the eyebrow with a white pencil. Do not be afraid that the line will turn out too clear - we will blend it with ease.

Outline the eye in black. The line should be bold enough.

We paint over the movable eyelid with green shadows, and emphasize the fold with matte yellow.

The most crucial stage comes: the application of sparkles. We put the smaller ones in the inner corner, and the larger ones in the center of the mobile eyelid.

Our make-up turned out to be festive, so special attention should be paid to the eyelashes. They should be long and curved, you can use invoices.