Methods to determine the sex of the child with maximum accuracy

How do you know if your baby is a boy or a girl? To determine the sex of the baby, the girls go to various tricks, trying even for a short time to predict who will be born to them.

How can you determine what gender the child will have? Various methods can be used for this. The ancestors of some of them were the Chinese, who many centuries ago tried to predict who would be born in their family - a girl or a boy. A lot of time has passed since then, and dozens of different ways have appeared to help determine the sex of the baby. We will talk about the most interesting of them.

How to determine the gender of the unborn child in advance

How to accurately determine the gender of the unborn child? To do this, you can already predict it in advance. There are several ways to determine the sex of an unborn child. For example, medical. It is based on the sorting of X and Y chromosomes. After a special analysis, the type of chromosome (male or female) is determined, and then the spermatozoa are stained with the appropriate gender solution and separated by a laser. In this case, the method of artificial insemination is used, which with a 100% guarantee allows you to conceive a child of the desired gender.

If you do not know how to correctly determine the sex of the unborn child, you can use the European theory of blood renewal. To do this, you need to make simple calculations.

According to the results of studies on the basis of which this method was created, the blood of a man is updated 1 time in 4 years, and girls - 1 time in 3 years. You need to divide the age of the man at the time of conception by 4, and the woman - by 3, and then divide the results by 2. If the number obtained after the calculations for the man is higher, you will have a boy. If the girl has a higher number, there will be a girl.

You can also determine the sex of the child using the Young method. This method is based on the theory that Y-spermatozoa are faster, but not as tenacious as X-sperm. Therefore, it is easiest to conceive a boy on the day of ovulation, and a girl a couple of days before it starts.

How to determine the sex of the child during pregnancy

The most accurate and correct way to determine the sex of a child during pregnancy is a medical ultrasound. It does not harm either the mother or the fetus, it is painless and lacks discomfort. With the help of ultrasound, you can see not only the sex of the baby, but also how it develops.

Ultrasound is usually performed at 20-25 weeks: during this period it is already easy to recognize who will be born - a girl or a boy.

How to independently determine the gender of the child

How to determine the gender of the child at home? You can do this using the Chinese or Japanese calendar.

The Chinese table is based on the principle of linking the sex of the fetus with the age of the expectant mother, as well as the month of his conception. Any girl can use the table: it's not at all difficult.

Just find in the vertical column your age at the time of the baby's birth, and in the horizontal upper cells - the month when the conception occurred. In the cell at the intersection of two numbers, the letter will indicate the gender of your unborn child.

The Japanese table should be used differently: in this case, the sex of the child is calculated by the months in which the man and woman were born, the parents and the month of conception. Such a table is also not particularly difficult to use.

You need to find the number located at the intersection of the months of birth of the future mom and dad, and then find the same number on top in the second table, in a horizontal line. After that, select the month when the child was conceived, and in the central columns, by the number of crosses, determine with what probability you will have a boy or a girl.

Methods for determining the sex of a child

Are there the most accurate ways to determine the sex of a child? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The expectant mother, even in the very early stages, is trying to understand who will be born to her - a boy or a girl, and for this she pays attention to literally all the signs and even folk signs.

There is a possibility that the sex of the child can be determined by the strength of toxicosis. How to determine the sex of the child by toxicosis? In this case, opinions are divided: some say that severe toxicosis indicates the birth of a boy, while others, on the contrary, indicate the appearance of a girl. As reviews show, this method of determining the sex of a child cannot be called the most correct. The scientific point of view on this issue is also unambiguous: the causes of toxicosis have not yet been fully studied, therefore, it is not worth judging by this phenomenon who will be born to you - a boy or a girl.

As soon as mom sees two cherished strips on the test, she really wants to know who settled in the tummy. The safest and most reliable method for determining the sex of a child is ultrasound.

However, pregnant women are sent for ultrasound only after 15 weeks of pregnancy. What should a future mother do when curiosity haunts? Consider a number of other ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

Folk methods: according to the external data of a pregnant woman

To find out the sex of a child without ultrasound in the early stages, the experience of grandmothers, which was previously passed down from generation to generation, can help. Previously, there was no such medicine as now, and they tried to determine the sex of the child using characteristic changes in the appearance of the expectant mother and her behavior during pregnancy.

Outline of a pregnant belly

Notice the shape of the belly. If the tummy bulges forward and has a sharp shape, if the pregnancy is invisible from the back and there are no changes in gait, then a boy has settled in you.

If your stomach is almost evenly spread throughout the abdominal cavity, and the gait resembles a duck (swaying in different directions), then the girl is most likely a belly-maker.

Changes in the face of the expectant mother

If every time, looking at yourself in the mirror, you hardly recognize yourself - the blush was replaced by swelling, blackheads and age spots appeared ... Don't be scared, it's just that the little lady also wants to be born beautiful and borrows a little of her mother's beauty. After giving birth, everything will return to normal.

The boy, on the contrary, usually adds charm and attractiveness to the expectant mother.

What's going on with the chest?

- "We will have a girl!" Masha screamed from the bathroom, looking at her darkened nipples. And, indeed, she gave birth to a daughter! Although the fact that changes in the areola around the nipple already in early pregnancy affects the sex of the baby has not been scientifically proven, it has a large number of coincidences.

Boys, as a rule, do not touch their mother's nipples, and until childbirth, the areolas remain light.

What would you like to eat?

Sonny will demand meat, but sharper and saltier! Daughter - to prefer cakes, pastries, ice cream and other other sweets, which in large quantities are harmful to both.

However, it often happens that everything happens exactly the opposite. Therefore, watch your appetite and do not let little pranksters manipulate you. Everything should be in moderation.

Then cry, then laugh!

It's no secret that the emotional state of the mother can jump at a breakneck pace already in the early stages. This is because she carries a daughter under her heart. Two women in one body is a hurricane of emotions!

The son usually takes care of the mother's nervous system and tries not to worry her once again over all sorts of trifles. However, sometimes it happens again that the opposite is true.

The heart will tell

The fact is that intuition in women is better developed than in men. And in expectant mothers, it increases several times. Listen to yourself. It is possible that you already guess who settled there inside. You can't fool a mother's heart!

Calculation methods: calendars and tables

The line of leaders among the calculated methods for determining the sex of a child without ultrasound includes

  • calculation methods for Chinese and Japanese tables;
  • determination by the Rh factor, group, as well as the renewal of the blood of future mothers and fathers;
  • the difference between the day of conception and the last ovulation of a pregnant woman.

Chinese calendar

The calculations are based on data on the age of the expectant mother and the month in which the conception itself occurred. The intersection of these data in the table is the estimated gender of the unborn child.

So, for example, if a woman is 24 years old and the baby was conceived in April, then a boy is more likely to be born because the letter M is indicated at the intersection of 24 and IV, and if in December - girls, since the letter D is indicated at the intersection of 24 and XII.

By the way, this is the first calculation method that the Chinese sages invented more than 700 years ago. If it is still popular, then there is definitely some truth in it.

Japanese table

The Japanese sages decided to keep up and developed their own method of planning and determining the sex of future children. For a long time, this method has determined its right to exist.

The principle of its work is to compare the months of birth of both parents and determine the probability of the birth of a particular sex, conceived in a particular month.

In the first table we find the number that is at the intersection of the months of birth, future mom and dad.

Now we are looking for a column with this number in the second table. The number of characters "X" means the proportion of probability.

For example, you get the number 6. A girl and a boy, conceived in January in the column of number 6, have the same chances of having a birth, because the same number of “X” characters. But in February, boys significantly dominate girls.

The percentage of hit is not as high as we would like, but who knows, maybe this method will give you the right results. It's safe, so you can spend a couple of minutes doing the calculations.

Rhesus factor of future parents

Here the situation is as follows:

  • the same Rh factor in parents (plus and plus or minus and minus) - it means there will be a boy;
  • parents have different rhesus (it doesn’t matter who has a plus and who has a minus) - a girl.

Blood types of future parents

The principle of operation is very simple - compare the blood types of both parents and see what happens at their intersection.

If you believe the data in the table, then parents with a second blood group have a very high chance of conceiving a girl. But the owners of such a rare group as the fourth can count on the appearance of a son. But again, this table is not 100% guaranteed.

Dates of conception and last ovulation

If you have information about when you ovulated and the sexual intercourse that led to conception, then you can determine the sex of the child in this case with a probability of 80%. Just confirm the result with an ultrasound.

It has been scientifically proven that the male chromosomes (XY) are quite nimble, and if you had sex at the time of or after ovulation, then the boy is provided for you. If everything was a few days before ovulation, then a girl will be born. It is slower but more durable and takes longer to reach its destination.

Renewal of blood in the body of both parents

The one whose blood was renewed later will determine the sex of the unborn baby. Women's blood is renewed every 3 years, men's - once every 4 years.

Do not forget about the fact that if there were operations, childbirth, blood donation as a donation or other blood losses, then you need to count not from birth, but from the moment of the last blood loss, because in such cases the blood is renewed automatically, even if 3 or 4 years.

Now you can independently calculate, taking into account all the factors, which of you dominates. Let's say mom and dad are 27 years old. It turns out that mom is now undergoing a blood renewal, and dad will have the next renewal only at 28 years old. Thus, according to this method, the couple will have a girl.

Laboratory research: tests and analyzes

Chorionic biopsy

This is the name of the procedure in which doctors pierce the amniotic sac and take part of the chorion tissue for analysis to find out the sex of the child. This is a kind of anesthesia operation.

It is done mainly when one of the parents has a genetic disease and there is a high probability of its transmission and you need to know exactly who will be born. Just like that, to determine the sex of the unborn child, it is not advised to do it, because unpleasant consequences are possible, up to a miscarriage.


This procedure is very similar to a biopsy, only the amniotic fluid is tested. The procedure is performed after 16 weeks to determine the sex and the risk of various pathologies.

Blood test from a vein

The circulatory system of the baby and mother is one. After blood sampling, an external examination of the fetus takes place using fetal DNA studies. Thus, a few days after the test, the expectant mother can find out the sex of the child.

Pharmacy sex test

In America, scientists have developed a test that looks like the one that shows two coveted stripes. This test will help determine the sex of the baby at home. True, it is expensive and not sold in every pharmacy. Often brought to order.

Of course, the fastest, safest and most reliable way is to examine a woman with an ultrasound. But there are a lot of other options to satisfy curiosity, and they have the right to exist. Believe it or not - it's up to you, dear parents!

Of course, every parent is interested in the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl. Moms and dads guess, grandmothers speak with confidence, relying on folk methods, and only a doctor can tell with maximum accuracy the gender of the baby. We will tell you about all the methods of how to determine the sex of the unborn child.

At what time can you find out the sex of the unborn child

Already at the 7th week of pregnancy, you can determine the sex of the unborn child with the help of a medical examination. The DNA test will prompt the answer: if the Y chromosome is detected, then definitely wait for a boy, and if X - a girl. But this method cannot be considered 100% accurate.

At week 9, a gender test can be done. According to the methodology, it is similar to a pregnancy test. By the color of the indicator, you will determine the gender of the unborn child: orange means that you will have a girl, and green means a boy.

To lift the veil of secrecy, if you are lucky, you can find out the sex of the child starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound will show how the boy or girl is doing. On the 15th week, the chances of making sure are even greater. But the most accurate answer will be given by diagnostics at 21-25 weeks. For more pleasure, opt for 3D ultrasound.

A 100% result is given only by a genetic study of amniotic fluid, medically - a chorion biopsy or amniopuncture. But it is shown only in one case - if your doctor has a suspicion of a genetic disorder.

Planning the sex of the child by the date of ovulation

Of course, it is not always possible to “plan” the sex of the unborn child, but you can try. Or remember the course of events, make calculations and understand who you are waiting for.

The gender of the baby depends more on the father, since the expectant mother contains only the X chromosome. Spermatozoa that carry the Y chromosome are faster than those that carry the X chromosome, but they also live less. If you know the time of your ovulation and keep a calendar, you can be sure that the "boy" sperm will get there faster and fertilize the egg.

But if ovulation has not occurred, and conception has already occurred, then there is a high probability that you will have a girl.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by heartbeat

At the 10th week of pregnancy, heart sounds will already be clearly audible. By the number of rhythmic beats, you can find out the sex of the baby: if the number of beats per minute is more than 140, then there is a chance of a daughter being born, and if less, a son will be born.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child by blood

There are 2 ways:

  • According to the group and Rh factor of the blood of the parents.

  • By the "renewal" of the blood.

It is believed that the blood has the ability to renew itself. For women - once every 3 years, for men - once every 4.

For example, if a man is 36 and a woman is 32:

36/4= 9
32/3=10 (remaining 2 years)

The blood of a man is younger, so it will be a boy.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child according to the Japanese calendar

First you need to find the number that will turn out at the intersection of the months of birth of the parents. And in the second table you need to find the month of conception of the child and the number from the first table.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child according to the Chinese calendar

The ancient Chinese table appeared more than 700 years ago, the original is kept in Beijing, and you can see it above.

To determine the sex of the unborn child, you only need the age of the mother and the month of conception.

Folk signs for determining the sex of the unborn child

  • the waist is visible from behind - a boy;
  • suffers from toxicosis, the skin has become problematic - a girl;
  • cravings for sweets - a girl;
  • pulls on salty - a boy;
  • the woman became capricious - a girl;
  • the woman became clumsy - a boy;
  • the baby kicks hard in the womb - a boy.

There are many methods for determining, but there is only one child. As one doctor said, in any case, after 9 months, all parents will know the gender. Happy motherhood and fatherhood!

Are you preparing to become young parents and already feel how a little new life is developing inside? Then you, of course, are very interested in who you will have - a son or a daughter?

So you want to imagine this baby right now and talk to him or her, right? In this article, we will tell you about several ways to find out the gender of your unborn child. And also you will learn how this can be done without ultrasound and folk methods.

How to find out the sex of a child by folk signs?

There is such a sign. The expectant mother needs to take the key from the table (it should be one, without a bunch and without a ring). If a woman takes hold of the narrow part of the key, she will have a girl; if the round part, a boy will be born.

You can correlate the age of the mother and the year in which the conception occurred. So, if both numbers are odd (or, conversely, even), wait for the girl. If one number is even and the other is odd, there will be a boy.

According to another sign, the gender of the unborn child will be the one of which gender the partner was most active at the time of conception.

It is also popularly believed that if a woman prefers pinkies during pregnancy, she will have a boy. If the expectant mother chooses soft pieces, there will be a girl.

Previously, the sex of the child was often determined by the shape and height of the abdomen. This method was considered the most common in the old days. So, it was believed that a woman carrying a boy has a lower belly than that of a woman who is expecting a daughter. Also, if the stomach has a rounded shape, you need to wait for a girl, soft and tender. If the abdomen is elongated and has a pointed shape, there will be a boy, straightforward and bold.

You can find out the sex of the child with the help of fortune-telling on the ring. To do this, you need to thread a chain into the woman's engagement ring and hang it over the belly of the expectant mother (she must lie down at the same time). If the ring begins to rotate, there will be a boy, if it sways from side to side, - a girl. You can do this over the palm of a pregnant woman. However, in this case, the results should be interpreted in reverse. In a circle - a girl, from side to side - a boy.

They find out the sex of the child and the position of the expectant mother during sleep. So, if she sleeps on her right side, she will have a daughter, if on her left - a boy.

If you ask a pregnant woman to stretch out her arms, and she will give them palms up, she will give birth to a girl. If she turns them palms down, then she will have a son.

It is also believed that if the "hairiness" of the expectant mother increases during pregnancy, she will have a boy. If pigmentation appears on the belly of the future mother, she should wait for the girl.

How to determine the gender of the child according to the table?

The East has its own methods for determining the sex of an unborn child. There is a special table.

To determine the sex of your unborn child in this way, you must first find the age of the expectant mother in the table. Then you need to find the month when the child was conceived. Correlating these two indicators, at their intersection you will see a plus (girl) or minus (boy).

In this way, you can check your birth, as well as relatives and acquaintances, to make sure the table is valid.

How to plan the gender of the child?

It is also believed that the gender of the unborn child can be influenced both before the moment of conception and after. To do this, there are the following ways.

So, in order for you to a girl was born, you need to do the following:

During conception, you need to take the initiative, then you will most likely have a girl. Also, according to popular wisdom, it is recommended to appoint the moment of conception in wet weather.

Some time before conception, you need to eat sweets. All girls love sweets, which means that the unborn child will most likely turn out to be a girl.

To a boy was born:

A man needs to have sex in a T-shirt or a shirt, then a boy will be born. Conception should take place in dry weather, and after conception it is not recommended to fall asleep immediately so that a son is born.

It is also said that if a man wants a child more strongly, then the couple will have a son. If a man reaches the peak of pleasure earlier, then they are more likely to have a boy.

Another way: a woman should sleep on the left hand of a man, then they will have a boy. And in order for a boy to be born, it is recommended some time before the conception of the fetus to prefer salty foods, fish and meat.

How to plan the gender of the child?

Each nation has its own signs and ways of determining the sex of the unborn child. You may or may not believe in them. For some they come true, for others they don't. However, future parents will still continue to be interested in these methods, because they always want to know who to expect - a son or a daughter.

In any case, the most important thing, according to the editors of the site, is that the unborn baby is born healthy and grows up happy. Then the parents will be happy.
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Many try to follow all the signs, because they are expecting a child of a certain gender, others are just curious, others want to design a children's room in a certain color.

Until now, the most reliable methods are laboratory tests and. All other alternative methods for determining gender have a rather large error.

Ultrasound examination is mandatory during childbearing. A pregnant woman goes through this procedure at least 3 times (routine ultrasounds in each trimester). If necessary, ultrasound is performed more often. This is a completely safe procedure for the fetus and mother. It can be given as often as needed. Ultrasound allows not only to determine the sex of the unborn child, but also to identify the smallest deviations in its development.

Before you find out the sex of the baby, the woman receives a referral for an ultrasound. The sexual characteristics of the child are not formed immediately, although the sex is laid at the time of conception. The most informative is the ultrasound in the third trimester, when the genitals are fully formed.

The embryo does not have external distinctive sexual characteristics until 6-7 weeks, therefore, the sex cannot be recognized at the first ultrasound. By 9-10 weeks, a tubercle is formed, which under the influence turns into a penis, and under the influence of estrogen - into the clitoris and labia. At the 12th week of pregnancy, the first planned ultrasound is performed. Sex at this time can be determined, but the probability of error is too high, since sexual characteristics are not sufficiently expressed.

In the second and third trimester, the error is significantly reduced, but there is a difficulty with the fact that the child often moves and can close the genitals from the ultrasound sensor.

The ultrasound procedure for determining the sex of a child has several features:

  1. Even such a method as ultrasound does not give 100% accuracy. At any stage of pregnancy, the reliability does not exceed 98%. The fetus is not always located in such a way that the doctor can consider sexual characteristics. Also, the accuracy depends on the qualifications of the doctor and on the equipment.
  2. If the position of the child does not allow to determine its gender, the mother is asked to move, walk around, stroke the stomach so that the child turns over.
  3. Private medical centers have equipment that allows you to display an image in 3D or 4D. The error when using such equipment is significantly reduced, and the accuracy is close to 100%. Also, the mother can receive a photo or video with a recording of the examination.

The probability of error is reduced if the sex is determined at each scheduled ultrasound. Before the birth, the activity of the child is reduced due to its size, so it is much easier to determine the sex using ultrasound.

Determination of the sex of the child by blood test

Few people know that ultrasound is not the only informative method for determining the sex of a child. In clinics, it is far from always offered to determine the sex of the baby with the help. Usually this is a paid procedure and is optional.

This method was developed by scientists in the Netherlands in 2009. According to studies, the accuracy of this method for a certain period is close to 100%. 189 pregnant women took part in the research program, and in all the sex of the child was determined accurately.

This is one of the safest and most informative methods for determining gender. As you know, in the body of a woman there are only X chromosomes, men - X and Y chromosomes. The blood flow of the mother and child is common, but they are separated by the placenta, which partially acts as a filter. However, it has been proven that a small amount of the child's cells still enters the mother's blood. This fact is based on a blood test to determine the sex of the baby. If Y chromosomes are found, then the woman is carrying a boy.

From the video you can find out the most popular folk signs by which you can find out the gender of the child:

For analysis, a small amount of venous blood is taken. Such an analysis can be carried out for several purposes:

  • Sex determination. For standard sex determination, the ultrasound method is more often used, but if desired, a woman can donate blood in any private laboratory. The procedure is paid, but completely safe and quite informative.
  • Definition of genetic diseases. Some diseases are linked to the sex chromosomes and are transmitted to the child only of a certain sex. Therefore, determining the sex at an early stage of pregnancy is extremely important.
  • Definition of deviations in development. In some cases, the analysis reveals various chromosomal abnormalities in early pregnancy. However, before deciding to terminate the pregnancy, additional examinations should be carried out.
  • Sex determination using a blood test is best done from 6-7 weeks, since at an earlier date there is a high probability of error.
  • A blood test avoids more traumatic procedures that require a puncture of the amniotic sac. Although the procedure is only 85-90% accurate in terms of detecting genetic abnormalities, there are no risks associated with complications.

For a more accurate sex determination, it is recommended to donate blood to both mother and father. The result is ready within 2-4 days.

Folk omens

Folk signs associated with the determination of sex were accumulated and carefully kept for years. However, their accuracy remains questionable. Most folk methods are based on the course of pregnancy and its features. Each pregnancy is individual, and a woman's well-being is not always associated with the sex of the child.

The most popular are the following folk signs for determining the sex of a child:

  1. Belly shape. If the belly is prominent, protruding and slightly oblong, it will be a boy. If the belly is rounded and protrudes in breadth, there will be a girl. However, this method does not take into account the possibility of multiple pregnancy. There is also a sign according to which the stomach, which sticks out a little to the right side, speaks of a boy, to the left - of a girl.
  2. Breast. If the areolas of the nipples are light - to the boy, if darkened - to the girl. If the chest in the first trimester bends forward - this is to the son, in the second trimester - to the daughter.
  3. Appearance. According to signs, daughters take beauty from their mothers. Therefore, if a woman has become ugly during pregnancy, she has skin problems, then this is for a girl. If a woman has become prettier and blossomed, she bears a son. However, you should not be afraid, acne and age spots during pregnancy are temporary phenomena.
  4. Taste preferences. The taste of a woman during pregnancy changes and is difficult to predict. However, women bearing sons are much more likely to refuse sour-milk products and sweets due to nausea, and pregnant girls - from meat, cheese, coffee.
  5. Behavior. Emotional and capricious pregnant women are often promised daughters. If a woman is relaxed, calm, but this is male self-control and, accordingly, a boy.
  6. Dreams. Many people talk about prophetic dreams "on the contrary." If a son dreams all the time, then there will be a girl. If a daughter dreams, a son will be born.
  7. Toxicosis. The phenomenon of toxicosis is still not fully understood. It appears individually, can last until the very birth, and its intensity cannot be determined in advance. They say that a strong and long toxicosis indicates a girl, and its absence indicates a boy.
  8. Age. Mature women are more likely to give birth to girls, young women in labor - boys.

It is worth remembering that all these signs are based on the physiology of a pregnant woman, which is not so easy to predict. If it is necessary to determine the gender accurately, it is better to contact the clinic, donate blood or do it.

Other methods for determining the sex of a child

Most often, women are engaged in various calculations by age and at a very short gestational age, when it is still far from ultrasound, but I really want to know the sex of the child. It is worth remembering that the accuracy of these methods has not been reliably confirmed.

Often one method can conflict with another. If you need to determine the sex at a very early date (from 5 weeks), then it is better to contact the clinic and donate blood.

The most popular methods for determining the sex of a child are:

  • By ovulation date. The X-chromosome takes longer to reach the egg, about 2-3 days, the Y-chromosome reaches it almost immediately. Therefore, if sexual intercourse was a few days before ovulation, most likely it will be a girl.
  • Chinese. The Chinese sex table is often used when planning a pregnancy. On the Internet, you can find many sites where the calendar is compiled automatically. It is enough to enter the mother's age and the expected date of conception (or ovulation). The age must correspond to the lunar calendar, so the date and year of the mother's birth is entered. It should be taken into account that the Chinese give the reproductive age of a woman a gap of 18-45 years. It is during this period that the sex of the child can be calculated.
  • Japanese. The Japanese method is considered no less accurate than the Chinese one. You can find out the gender using a special calendar. To compile it, you need to indicate the day, month, year of birth of the parents and the expected date of conception. The complexity of the method is that the date of conception can be difficult to determine. Ovulation in a woman sometimes shifts, or the fertilization of the egg occurs outside of ovulation. The Japanese method involves 2 tables. The first shows the months of birth of the parents. By comparing them, you can determine the number of the pair. In the second table, the number is compared with the date of conception.
  • By heartbeat. The baby's heartbeat is well audible at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy. Even experienced doctors believe that a fast heartbeat (more than 140 beats per minute) is a sign of a female.
  • By . There is a theory according to which in women the blood is renewed every 3 years, and in men - every 4 years. The age of each parent is divided by this number. Whose result is less, that gender will be a child

All these methods cannot be called scientific. You can check the correctness of these techniques by comparing them with the results of ultrasound.