Urine in a man is yellow - what does this mean? Bright yellow urine: causes of pathology and possible complications

The question of why urine is yellow may seem trivial, but the answer is not so trivial. Its color can be either transparent or light yellow. It is usually clear due to the water we drink, but sometimes it is yellow, light yellow, in part due to a chemical called urobilin. This chemical compound is responsible for the color of urine.

Urobilin is a breakdown product of bilirubin that gives a yellowish tinge to bruises, bile, and stools. Most of the bilirubin found in our body is processed by the liver, or more specifically the gallbladder, and passed to the intestinal tract for elimination. Unfortunately, not all bilirubin can be excreted this way, so the kidneys filter out what's left and pass it on to the bladder to be excreted in the urine.

In the old days, when asked why urine is yellow, you would have been told that this is a blessing, since our ancestors believed that the color is caused by the presence of gold in it.

However, from a medical point of view, it is related to a person's hydration state. So, urine is highly likely to indicate dehydration. Conversely, a transparent and light yellow color indicates the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body.

Finally, the most common reason why urine is yellow is medication, in particular B vitamins.

And some more interesting facts about urine:

    By diluting urine in water (about 8 parts water, 1 part urine), you can get an excellent fertilizer.

    Some foods, such as beets, can temporarily change the color of your urine. And eating large amounts of carrots or carrot juice can make it orange. can cause you to have bright yellow urine.

From the foregoing, it follows that the light yellow color of urine usually indicates a healthy state of the entire human body. It will have a low odor and be practically free of foam.

However, you should not worry about the question of why urine is yellow. On the contrary, its unusual color should be alarming, which may indicate health problems. So, brown or red color can indicate serious kidney problems, for example.

The best way to change the color of urine from dark to pale yellow is to drink several glasses of water or other liquid. Most health professionals recommend eight glasses of water a day, although some people may need a little more or less. After a few glasses of water, the urine should return to its normal color. If it remains dark after a day of heavy drinking, you should consult your doctor to make sure there is no medical reason for the discoloration.

The color of urine is a rather important indicator characterizing the activity of metabolic processes in the body. However, people rarely pay attention to it. Normally, its color is yellow, but it changes for various reasons.

Bright yellow urine is also considered the limit of the norm, but too intense coloring in some cases is a sign of disturbances in the functioning of the body.

The saturation of the color of urine is due to its concentration, as well as the amount of pigments contained in it.

The influence of food, drink and drugs

Despite the fact that the bright yellow color of urine in some cases indicates any ailments of the body, you should not be immediately upset when it is detected - perhaps this phenomenon is due to your diet.

Substances that give urine such a pigment are found in such products:

  • Carrots and juice from it;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Beet. This product usually gives a reddish pigment, but it can also appear yellow.

Bright yellow urine usually appears if you have eaten foods with dyes. The latter also contain carbonated drinks in large quantities.

Some medicines can also affect the color of urine:

  • B vitamins, vitamins C and A;
  • Derivatives of 5-nitrofuran;
  • Some types of antibiotics.

Even if the drug itself does not contribute to a change in the pigment of the biological fluid, the dyes contained in the capsule shell can give such an effect.

Main reasons

If the phenomenon is not due to the intake of certain drugs, food or drinks, it can be explained by other factors:

  • Dehydration. Its causes can be hidden in increased sweating, intestinal diseases, diarrhea, vomiting, taking laxatives, toxicosis during pregnancy, etc. It is necessary to ensure that a normal amount of fluid is consumed to prevent dehydration;
  • Acute intestinal infections;
  • puffiness;
  • Lactation.

With increased physical exertion, increased sweating, and insufficient fluid intake by the body, increased absorption of fluid in the kidneys is observed to compensate for its lack. This is one of the reasons why urine is bright yellow.

In some cases, fluid in the body is retained, and dehydration is a sign of this problem.

The ailments that cause this phenomenon include:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Gestosis during pregnancy.

When fluid is retained in the body, edema appears, because it lingers in the intercellular space.

One of the serious disorders of the body, which this phenomenon sometimes speaks of is a violation of metabolic processes.

Including we can talk about the formation of an excessive amount of salts, and this subsequently leads to the appearance of sand or even large stones. Doctors note that the release of concentrated urine for a long time is one of the prerequisites for urolithiasis.

The reason that the urine is yellow with a bright tint is hidden, in some cases in the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as in heredity.

In children

The urine of a child, like the biological fluid of an adult, can change its pigment even several times a day.

In a newborn of the first week of life, the work of all organs is adjusted, and this period is accompanied by various changes. At the same time, the bright yellow color of urine is one of the signs of these changes, the "settings" of the body's work.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor the pigment of the biological fluid in the future, because if the shade of urine does not return to normal, it is possible that it is a signal of congenital pathologies and other health problems of the crumbs. In this case, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Bright yellow urine in newborns is often a sign of jaundice, which they often experience. Other symptoms of jaundice are yellowing of the eyes and skin, and light-colored stools.

This symptom can be a sign of liver disease, so if it manifests itself, it is better to consult a doctor.

In children of preschool and school age, this phenomenon is often observed, as in adults, due to dehydration and the use of food and drinks that contain dyes.

During pregnancy

This condition provokes cardinal changes in the body.

The color of urine changes during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal changes;
  • Increased appetite and, as a result, an increase in food intake;
  • Increased load on the bladder, kidneys;
  • Changes in water-salt metabolism.

The constantly changing pigment of the biological fluid, the appearance of purulent secretions are signals that you should pay attention to, since they can indicate pathologies. In these cases, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Sometimes urine also takes on a brownish-yellow hue, and if the pigment disappears no more than a day later, there is no reason for concern. If it persists for a long time, it is possible that this is a signal of diseases of the kidneys, bladder or liver.

In some women, urine during pregnancy may be bright yellow due to gestosis, a condition similar to toxicosis in the early stages of bearing a child. In this case, the urine sometimes foams, and when it is analyzed, an increased protein content is usually found in it. This condition is dangerous because in a pronounced form it not only causes discomfort to the expectant mother, but is often a provocateur of premature birth.

The male body and its features

When a biological fluid is analyzed, not only its color is taken into account, but also the presence or absence of secretions from the genitourinary system, transparency.

In the body of men and women, an excessive number of leukocytes may be observed, which causes specific discharge from the genital tract, and their color may have a color in the range yellow - yellow-green. The exact causes of the phenomenon will only be established by a comprehensive examination, but you need to know that an excess of leukocytes indicates inflammatory processes in the body.

What does bright yellow urine sometimes indicate in men?

  • kidney disease;
  • Inflammatory process in the urethra;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Urethritis.

An additional symptom in almost all these cases is the sticking of the sponges of the urethra, due to which discharge accumulates on them. If women have urine that is bright yellow and foamy, this often indicates an excess of protein in it, while for men this phenomenon is a signal that sperm has entered the urine. And one and the second case is a reason to see a doctor. When such a phenomenon as bright yellow urine is noticed in an adult or a child, it is necessary to remember what he ate, drank, whether he took any medications.

The color of the urine says a lot when it comes to about metabolism in organism. The fluid secreted by the kidneys in a healthy person can have a hue from straw to deep yellow.

In the morning, bright urine is considered the norm. If a high concentration of pigments persists, this indicates a disease or a chronic lack of fluid, which leads to dehydration.

First, remember what has been eaten lately, what medicines have been drunk. Review the amount of fluid you consume throughout the day. It is desirable to drink at least 2 l water per day - without gas. It can be replaced with juices, weak tea or compotes.

When yellowing urine is not accompanied by alarms - high fever, nausea, or problems with stools, then there is nothing to worry about. If within 2-3 days the color of the urine does not return to normal, it's time to consult with a therapist or urologist. The specialist will find out what caused the change in the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys, and determine the list of drugs in combination with the diet.

Causes of body dysfunction

When the appearance of rich yellow urine is associated with malfunctions in the body, this indicates heart failure, an intestinal infection, or hepatitis. The cause may be swelling that occurs with complications after the disease. More harmless sources of bright pigment include:

  • increased sweating during sports or physical labor;
  • taking a laxative;
  • dehydration due to extreme heat or during breastfeeding.

If there is not enough water, the kidneys start compensation mechanism.. During the day in the hot season, up to 2-3 liters of fluid comes out through the skin in the process of sweating. When the loss is not restored, the urine becomes intensely yellow.

If the urine is bright yellow and smells

Its unpleasant smell appears when garlic, horseradish, and spicy spices are present in the diet. From asparagus and seafood, the fluid secreted by the kidneys becomes saturated and foul-smelling.

If the cause is pathological, such symptoms indicate inflammatory process in the kidneys or bladder, which may be infectious.

Allocate among the causes of liver failure, diseases of the genital organs, jaundice or intoxication of the body as a result of the abuse of alcoholic beverages. When urine smells like acetone, this is a sign of an exacerbation of diabetes.

Why does pathology appear in children?

In a child, the fluid secreted by the kidneys normally changes color up to several times a day. For an early age, this is due to the adaptation of the urinary system to the functioning outside the mother's womb. The kidneys adjust their work gradually, they may not always cope with their task.

When the process becomes too long, the urine turns bright yellow. But this is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps, little fluid enters the child's body, the water balance is disturbed. Then it is enough to drink more water, compote or diluted juice. Just in case, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

What does bright urine color mean in women?

Among the reasons provoking changes in its color are:

  • water imbalance as a result of a lack of fluid in the body;
  • profuse sweating;
  • breastfeeding - a lot of water leaves with milk;
  • tissue swelling;
  • infection with intestinal pathogenic microbes;
  • the use of laxatives or vitamin complexes;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • intoxication, accompanied by vomiting and fever;
  • an excess of protein compounds - then urine may look like foam.

yellow urine during pregnancy

Its color and composition are decisive in the process of diagnosing the development of the baby and the condition of his mother. Urine analysis is done before each visit to the gynecologist, so that detect changes in the body. A bright yellow tint is not always considered a symptom of pathology. Food can also change the color of the fluid secreted by the kidneys. This is especially true of cherries, blackberries.

Vitamins taken to boost immunity, or fruit juices, sometimes lead to a similar effect. If you have not used any of the above, contact the antenatal clinic for examination and testing. Perhaps the reason is not in the disease, but in the fact that the mother's body tries for two when removing metabolic products, doubling the load to the urinary system.

Changing the color of urine in men

This may be related with an excess of leukocytes in its composition, which is caused by the inflammatory process. The urinary sphere as a whole or its individual organs suffer from it. This happens with urethritis, prostate adenoma, kidney disease or genital tract infections. Then the walls of the channel for urination stick together, the secretions linger on them, which are mixed with urine during defecation. Sometimes bright yellow urine appears in the stronger sex with an excess of sperm in it.

Any changes in the body that resemble deviation from the norm should be discussed with a specialist. Don't be afraid to let your doctor know about your problems.

Under normal conditions, the color of urine should be yellow. But sometimes it happens that lemon-colored urine is observed. This shade of urine is due to the level of pigment in the body, as well as the amount of fluid you drink during the day. Under these circumstances, this is the norm. But sometimes a change in the color of urine can signal the possible development of pathological conditions. Why this happens and what to do about it, it is important to understand in more detail.

Changes in the color of the biological fluid can affect certain products that are dyed in a characteristic color. Moreover, the richer the shade of the product, the brighter the color of the urine. So, for example, with the frequent use of foods such as carrots, pumpkin, sweets, as well as brightly colored yellow carbonated drinks, the shade of urine may change.

It is very important to limit the consumption of coloring products before testing.

Yellow urine occurs during lactation in women. In this case, in order for the body to produce milk normally, a large amount of liquid is required. For this, natural fresh juices, decoctions based on herbs are often used. Such drinks directly affect the appearance of yellow urine in women.

The appearance of yellow urine may be due to food poisoning. Other reasons for this phenomenon: the use of laxative drugs, which include herbs, in particular, hay; improper drinking regime - as a result of insufficient fluid intake, its accumulation by the kidneys is disturbed. This condition is often noted with increased physical or power loads, or during a hot period, when the fluid is excreted along with sweat.

The solution to the problem is the normalization of the drinking regime - the use of a large amount of clean water without gas.

Another reason that the color of urine changes may be the long-term use of certain vitamin substances, antibacterial drugs. Oral contraceptives may also have an effect.

You can normalize the shade of urine by eliminating provocative factors from life. After that, the color improves on its own. But for non-pathological reasons, you should not worry. At the end of the period of medication, lactation or other circumstances, all functions stabilize on their own.


At what disease can there be a lemon color of urine? Pathological conditions that affect the color of the liquid can be:

  • Dysfunctions in the work of the cardiac apparatus and in the vascular system;
  • Development of late preeclampsia;
  • Pathological processes in the structure of the liver;
  • Development of renal failure;
  • Intestinal infections and food poisoning;
  • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea resulting in severe dehydration.

Such diseases require immediate treatment. Therefore, you should not delay a visit to the doctor if the urine has become yellow, and there are no provoking foods in the diet. Important - starting from the second trimester of bearing a child, you need to monitor body weight gain. If there is a sharp weight gain, you need to urgently visit the doctor leading the pregnancy, since such a sign may indicate the onset of the development of late gestosis. This condition threatens the health of the fetus and the pregnant woman. Therefore, additional research and treatment will be needed if necessary.

During the period of bearing a baby, cardinal changes occur in the woman's body, the female hormonal environment and other systems in the body change. This affects the color of the urine. As food intake increases, the urinary system is under increased stress, as it must excrete twice the amount of fluid. Another provoking factor may be the intake of multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. They also affect the shade of the biological fluid.

Reliable causes of this condition have not yet been found, but doctors tend to assume that the precursors of the development of preeclampsia may be disorders in the endocrine system, dysfunction in the vascular system or cardiac apparatus.

A key manifestation of this disease is regularly occurring vomiting. The result is a sharp loss of body weight, refusal of food, yellowing and itching of the epidermis, increased formation of salivary fluid and sweating. Additionally, there is heartburn, swelling. This condition requires an immediate appeal to the doctor leading the pregnancy, appropriate therapy.

Color change in children

At different times of the day, both in children and in adults, urine can change in color. In a newborn child, it is transparent. But after a short period of time, when the baby's body adapts to extrauterine life, the color becomes bright lemon. This condition can normally persist for several months. But if the child is restless, such a symptom may signal the possible development of pathologies.

If, in addition to changing the color of urine, additional symptoms appear, visit a doctor.

These signs include: a change in the smell of urine - sharp, sour or other, turbidity, a fruity smell of the liquid, the appearance of impurities of foam or bloody fluid. Also, accompanying symptoms can be: a change in the density of urine, too frequent micturition, hyperthermia, or even fever. Such signs require an immediate visit to the pediatrician.

Thanks to the liver, vitamin substances are preserved in the body, blood fluid is formed, and the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins. If any pathologies occur in this organ, its function is disturbed, this is accompanied by a change in the color of the epidermis, mucous membranes. The tongue becomes pronounced pink, white blotches appear on the nail plates, spider veins appear, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, pain in the right hypochondrium, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea or constipation. The feces become light, and the urine acquires a bright lemon color.

It is important to contact specialists in a timely manner in order to exclude severe liver diseases and pathologies in the bladder. If necessary, competent therapy is prescribed to establish the functioning of these organs and systems in the body.

In males, urine can change color to lemon due to infectious processes in the urinary system. If there are no additional provoking factors, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo appropriate examinations. If infectious processes are found in the genitourinary area, you will need to prescribe antibacterial drugs.

After the diagnostic measures taken, the doctor will determine why the urine is bright yellow, and if necessary, prescribe competent therapy. You also need to pay attention to the drinking regimen, the foods and medications used, which can also cause a change in the shade of urine.

If the change in urine color is not accompanied by any additional symptoms, it is important to pay attention to the foods, drinks, and medicines consumed. Next, you should establish a drinking regimen, drinking the required amount of clean water, in accordance with the age category and physique.

Exclude sweet coloring carbonated drinks from the diet, stop taking provocative medications.

If additional symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a specialist, go for an examination. If diseases of the liver or kidneys are detected, an appropriate course of therapy is prescribed. You should not independently carry out any activities, take medications or use alternative methods of treatment. Otherwise, you can cause an aggravation of the underlying disease, deterioration.

As a preventive measure, it is recommended to undergo laboratory tests of urine for children and adults every six months. This will detect any pathological processes at the initial stages of development and prevent their further development.

The color of urine is the main visual indicator of the metabolism in the body. Urine in a healthy person has a light yellow tint; in some situations, staining urine in a dark yellow color does not require any therapeutic action. But in most cases, bright yellow urine indicates the course of various pathologies.

It is important to contact a specialist in time, pass a series of tests that help to make the correct diagnosis, prescribe the desired course of treatment. It is strictly forbidden to take any medication on your own. An important role is played by the presence of concomitant symptoms, therefore, noticing a change in the color of urine, remember the presence of pain when urinating, other symptoms and impurities in the urine.

healthy urine color

Normally, urine has a light yellow tint. The specific color depends on the amount of urochrome pigment (the final metabolite of erythrocyte hemoglobin). The presence of diseases of the excretory system leads to violations of the filtration, selective function of the kidneys.

Violations of filtration in the glomeruli of the kidneys leads to the ingress of certain elements into the urine, for example, erythrocytes, proteins, leukocytes, and failures in reabsorption lead to the return of substances back into the blood. For this reason, the patient's urine is stained in a non-specific shade. The color of the patient's urine is often used in an approximate diagnosis.

Possible causes of bright yellow urine

Urine can acquire a richly bright yellow color against the background of various physiological processes.

Do not be alarmed by discovering a change in the color of urine, most cases of this state of affairs are the result of harmless physiological processes:

  • eating special foods able to "color" urine. Today, there are few completely natural products left. Manufacturers add many different dyes, preservatives that can affect the color of human urine. This category includes carbonated drinks that have a bright color, carrots, various sweets. In this case, you should not worry, doctors recommend that you stop using this product in the future;
  • dehydration. It is a fairly common cause of bright yellow urine. The process leads to active reabsorption of water, the concentration of urine increases, against the background of this process, the liquid itself acquires a rich yellow hue. The causes of dehydration are not only a lack of water or hot weather, the pathology is observed against the background of the course of intestinal infections, a number of other diseases, intense exercise, severe toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • taking special medications or vitamins. Most of the active components of medicinal products are not completely absorbed, they are excreted along with the urine, which can affect its color. These drugs include vitamins of groups B, A, C, nitrofuran. After the body is completely cleansed of the components of the drug, the urine will again become its usual color.

Urine of saturated yellow color occurs in patients with serious pathologies:

  • . The formation of salts in the urinary system of the patient leads to the formation of sand, then its elements stick together, forming various sizes. Salts gradually absorb liquid, which affects the concentration of urine, including its shade;
  • gestosis. It is a serious complication in pregnant women in the later stages of bearing a child. The complication is accompanied by constant high blood pressure, swelling of the limbs, face, proteinuria. In such a situation, dehydration of the body leads to a change in the usual color of the patient's urine;
  • liver disease. Urobilin in increased quantities (observed with malfunctions in the liver) contributes to the staining of the patient's urine in a bright yellow color;
  • genetic or individual characteristics of metabolism in the patient's body. The increased formation of salts leads to a constant staining of urine in a yellow saturated hue. In the future, pathology contributes to the formation of sand and calculi, which can cause development. Be vigilant, take care of your health, with the constant presence of non-specific urine color, visit a specialist.

On a note! The course of the pathology is accompanied by a detailed clinical picture, not only by a change in the color of the patient's urine. To identify the provoking factor of feeling unwell, consult a doctor, undergo an examination. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapeutic course.

Urine color change during pregnancy

Urine during this period is the main indicator of the condition of the mother and the unborn baby. Urinalysis is shown at each visit to the doctor to clearly monitor its composition and color. The bright yellow color of the urine of a lady in position is not always a sign of any disease. Many women are prescribed multivitamin complexes that can change the shade of urine, taste preferences play an important role.

The female body during the bearing of the child takes on the entire load, is responsible for the viability of the fetus. The continuous operation of the excretory system can lead to its overload, the color of urine in a non-specific shade. Do not panic if you find a pathology, but you can not ignore the symptom either. Consult a doctor, the doctor will identify the root cause of the pathological condition, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

In men

Urine in men also changes color when taking certain medications, eating “coloring” foods. The color of the urine of the stronger sex is affected by the abuse of fatty foods, alcoholic beverages. After gatherings with friends, it is recommended to increase the amount of fluid consumed, to follow a diet for at least a few days after a heavy load on the body.

In the case of a change in the color of urine against the background of the course of the disease, the urine acquires a fetid odor, sometimes there is the appearance of blood, pus, and other impurities. Often the cause of the pathological condition is prostatitis. The disease is getting younger every year, so do prevention, monitor the condition of the urinary system.

Go to the address and read about the treatment of staghorn kidney stones with folk remedies.

In children

Urine in children, as in adults, indicates the state of metabolic processes, the excretory system. After birth, the urine of the baby is almost transparent, the baby's body needs time to independently perform vital operations. If the urine does not acquire a normal color, show the child to the doctor. Pathology may indicate the presence of congenital diseases, lack of fluid intake.

You should not panic if the baby’s urine turns bright in color, you can’t ignore it either. The quality of life of the child, its duration will depend on timely treatment.


Depending on the accompanying signs, you can first find out what led to the staining of urine in a bright yellow color:

  • the absence of additional symptoms indicates the physiological causes of the development of trouble (a side effect after taking medication, eating special foods, alcohol abuse);
  • the presence of blood in the urine, the painful act of urination indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys, excretory canals, urolithiasis. The walls of the organs of the urinary system can be damaged by pathogens or the movement of stones;
  • chills, fever, other signs of intoxication are formed against the background of an acute course of infectious processes (, and others).

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of discomfort. Do not take any action on your own, otherwise it is difficult to avoid worsening the situation.

An experienced doctor is engaged in the selection of a specific treatment strategy. Depending on the disease, the patient is prescribed specific medications, diet, correct drinking regimen. In addition to drugs, pay special attention to changing the diet. Most ailments of the excretory system are formed against the background of malnutrition, lack of water in the body.

It is possible to prevent a change in the color of urine if certain rules are observed:

  • watch your drinking regimen. A healthy person is recommended to drink at least two liters of pure water per day. Intense sports, high air temperature require adjustment of this dose (increase the amount of water by half a liter);
  • treat diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner. Most cases of urine color change are based on the background of pathologies in this area;
  • During pregnancy, take only those drugs prescribed by your doctor. Self-medication can lead to unwanted side effects (non-specific urine color);
  • Before eating brightly colored foods, be prepared for the fact that urine can change color. Do not be afraid in such a situation, increase the amount of liquid per day, which will help to quickly remove the "coloring" components of the drink or dish.

Follow the preventive recommendations, if necessary, visit a doctor. In any case, a change in the color of urine indicates certain processes in the body, ignoring the sign can lead to a deterioration in well-being, the development of serious complications.

Find out more about what the color of urine means after watching the following video: