Nail extension advertising. Effective advertising of a manicure salon. Preparation for promotion

Hi girls! My name is Denis, I am engaged in advertising on social networks and my woman paints nails.
Yes, I know where the cuticle lives and how to attract customers to manicure.

All methods were repeatedly and successfully used, many of them do not require attachments, are performed in one evening and make your notebooks to break from records. Even in the lull, even in a small town, you will be relevant everywhere.

By the way, much of the list disassembles paid trainings and courses per ton of money.
I am sure that in a few years the material will help work clients to a novice manicure master.

So, following simple logic and after following half of the instructions, you for a month score a full schedule for the future. I hope you have passed good courses, and you will do only beautiful marigolds, I wish good luck.


Free ways to attract customers to manicure

Important: These methods best help only at the initial stage, when your price tag is low or only moves to the average (but there are exceptions). For personal growth as a master and set of the first customer base - perfect.

Attract on the manicure through Avito and Yula ads

If there are no accounts, then the time to register. From there really come people.

We will need:

  1. Accounts AVITO and Yula with real name and surname (pseudonyms, if you want). Now we work on your personal brand.
  2. 4-6 high-quality photos of our work presenting. Choose the best. It is very desirable to be a variety of showing our skills in various techniques.
  3. Make a good pleasant avatar with your face on His profiles Yula and Avito, they will get more responses than question marks.
  4. Write a decent text of the ad. It is not necessary to wise very much, quite a type of my examples.

What's next

  • We publish 1 advertisement for 1 service (manicure separately, pedicure separately - in the text you can specify that you are engaged in both the other, but it is better to do different announcements). So there will be more result.
  • Quickly answer questions in personal messages and calls, do not lose customers.
  • Ads are posted for a month, so activate the ads again through this gap.

What we expect

For 10-15 calls per month, you can accurately count in the city with 200,000 + population, but remember, customers on the manicure at home are choosing masters with eyes, focusing on work, and then read text, advantages, experience, sterilization, etc. .
More calls from Yula.

Useful additions

  • Yula makes it possible to unwind the manicure master with paid ads of the ad literally for 100 rubles. For 7 days, views and calls will be exactly more, and money is not very significant, I recommend using.

  • I do not recommend using paying services to Avito. Expensive.
  • In the photo of the work, I will definitely put the mastermarks so that our content does not turn. The Snapseed application quickly and easily copes with it, is mastered in 15 minutes.
  • Other photos of work I do not recommend using, firstly, it is ugly, secondly, Avito and Yula can block ads (or account).
  • A separate screenshot can be postponed with a complete complemented price of one of the last photos.
  • Do not wisely! Use examples of only the best ads on visual and text components. Make the price clear! The volume of the announcement is limited by symbols, and the attention of a person is not infinite, avoid incomprehensible wording in the types of services. You can disagree with me, but my opinion is that easier - the better. In the screenshot below, for example, a complex price.
  • Imagine an ad, inform your advantages, make this first acquaintance a little more pleasant for an unfamiliar person, do not need to declare any loud "write only in the case", "if something is incomprehensible - your problems", be polite and kind, people will respond to you.
  • And do not waste time for an inadequate public. Block and that's it.
  • Watch WhatsApp, Viber and specify that you can answer there (it is more convenient to many).

Clients on manicure through the Master and Model Community of your city on VKontakte website

There is a nuance, not in all cities there are these communities (we have in Yekaterinburg them in bulk).
In this way, you should not wait for big money, here you learn to work quickly and efficiently, collect your portfolio and reviews.

We will need

Make announcements similar to what we wrote to Avito and Yule.

Fact check for them
  1. The best works are chosen and high-quality photographed (5-6 pieces, so the post will look better)
  2. Text with invitation, types of services and ways to get them.
  3. Link to a personal page where the procedure will be recorded.
  4. I speak again, do in the image and likeness of the best in your niche, it applies to the declaration and registration of accounts. Everything is already invented before you.

What's next

  • We answer the questions promptly and write down people to the procedures.
  • The longer answer - the smaller the chance that you will be recorded. This is especially important at the initial stage.

What we expect

The audience in these places is actively recorded, attract customers to the manicure here easily, but these are people that save and looking for where cheaper, for a start is suitable, but only you will increase the cost of services - the appeals from there will be rapidly reduced.

Useful additions

Clients for manicure wizard through girlfriends

Free and efficiently, but not as fast as you want. The actions are banal, but some usefulness is often missing, so it is necessary to describe in more detail.

We need

Friends familiar who are present in the social. networks and have more or less live profiles. We are interested in those who are in Insty and Vkontakte.

What's next

You make a beautiful manicure with a coating, and in return you can ask:

  • Reviews! Be sure to take your feedback from them, your environment is the fastest supplier;
  • Storsith in instacy with photo work and approximate text: "See which beauty I made @mastermanukura" an active link to your instagram masters;
  • Storage Vkontakte with the same promise;
  • Post on the wall of VKontakte with a photo of work and reference to you;
  • Post in inst;
  • Or all together

What we expect

Useful additions

Choose a mind and heart (Mmm, somehow so), in the sense that it is not necessary to strictly filter along the number of friends and likes for those who do you give your nails for advertising.

It must be remembered that the qualitatively performed work is advertising itself, make N beautiful works, and there will be N of your "advertising agents" in the city, which will definitely tell where they made such beauty. Permanent customers of the manicure wizard - in a large volume go from the sarafined radio.

Attract records on manicure through local leaders of opinions

On the selection. Leaders of opinions are especially useful when they are recruited from: local models, photographers, singers, and leaders who are leading, that is, those who are often in public.

  • To search, you need to connect a mixture, and also to start an Ixel file with lists of those who make a proposal and its current status (Ignore, thinks, working, etc.) - Systematic will appear, it will be difficult without it.

Technically, here, too, as in the method with girlfriends, but:

  1. You need to choose those who are suitable for you from local girls with an active audience.
  2. To write and agree with them for the service, showing the portfolio (it is important to have it), and convincing that they need it at all. 70% will be lost already at this stage. Do not be discouraged - this is normal. If you try and actively write - 3-4 such leaders can be obtained.
  3. Do not start with this way, without having a portfolio, it is meaningless, on the contrary, this step is preferably to act further when you want to increase the check, and you will need a new audience.
  4. Be careful: leaders of opinions are the leaders of opinions if they do not like the work done by you, then instead of a laudatory review, you will get an anti-advertising.

Addition: In the same vein, specialists from related beauty professions, stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers - they work with customers, and your work will see.

On attracting customers on a manicure with an exclusive way

It is necessary to possess them, it brings a quick and strong result, competitors use and you do not lag. The work of a specialist in such a project will cost from 4000 p. per month. She is worth it, but ... you also get clients with your own with these tools.

Especially considered method is useful when:

  • We want to expand their client base
  • We raise the check and you need to replace the departed customers with new

So that everything was cool and you did not spend extra money, you need to match first.

Start with this check

  1. You have a Vkontakte community, where you regularly publish the results of your best works and reviews (at least)
  2. Approximately the same instagram masters
  3. You provide a high-quality service
  4. Enchant her good photography, which is not ashamed to show (light, resolution, angles, ideal glare).
  5. (If you were able to - hold +1 points).

This calculation. If you have spent 3000 rubles, and 10 new customers came to you, not bad, the client cost 300 rubles. Then the part returned, and the part told his friends, so the base began to move sharply.

If you have an empty community, sad work and dead instagram, and the reviews you did not deliver, then the client can cost 1000 rubles.

We need to do so that everything is working and brought customers.
You are not afraid of all, you know how to learn everything.

We use cloud service to promote account in Instagram

There are important updates for 2020 at the bottom of the block.

We are talking about the launch of a task in such a service to attract clients for the manicure wizard, do not be afraid of technical moments, everything will definitely work out. Now everything is simple and done right in the browser, in the distant 2014-2017 we had to customize complex programs.


Create and customize the task for our account in such a service, it performs actions that otherwise we would have to make hands.

In a simple way, the scheme is called masslaking / massfollo, that is, the subscription and the likes of the target audience in order to attract its attention to our offer.

2 best services for our tasks:
  • Registration in Zeus (from 350 r. Per month for 1 account). There is a trial - 7 days of free full functional in the service to evaluate everything as it should ..
  • Registration in Tooligram (from 500 r. Per month for 1 account) + 7 days for free

Start logic in Zeus:

    1. We register in the Zeus service
    2. Watch overview video
  1. Download your instagram account to it.
  2. Carefully read the FAQ section to consciously move on
  3. By searching in Instagram, we find all competitors on the manicure and pedicure in our city, copy what, after @ in a separate text file. Use attention to how many of them only on request "Manicure Yekaterinburg", but there is still: gel varnish Yekaterinburg , Studio Manicure Yekaterinburg, Master Manicure - and others. For our task with work on a hot rival audience - it's enough to find pieces of 40 best.
  4. Customize the task for masslaking / massolloving on new subscribers, husky, competing comments. We ship a list of competitors in the task.
  5. Customize the answering machine for new subscribers with a welcoming text in which we inform what we do and how much it costs. (In the foreseeable future, you will start shooting from the density of your new schedule and turn it off, but for now, do). I give a tricky version of the answering machine from the neighboring case.

  6. Turn on account
  7. We catch appeals

The meaning is that we will cling like huskies and subscriptions only an active and hot audience of competitors who have just left activity. From this it is necessary to increase the chance that the need of a person is relevant right now and he will write to us.

Update from 2020. Cloud services can no longer work on full automation. I recommend using a semi-automatic subscription. The service will be sent to you once a day a list of users from the "hot" audience, and you will subscribe to them with your hands. This option is relevant.

Comparison of Tooligram and Zeus services

In essence, setting up tasks they are similar.

Of the advantages of Tuligram:

  1. Communication Tuligram, which will help to suggest and share the chips on the go.
  2. Mountain Materials

Of the minuses:

  1. More expensive in comparison with Zeus for functionality (from 500 r. Up to 1000 r. Per month against 350 r. At Zeus)
  2. Tuligra works only on subscribers of competitors. There is no format of work on a hot audience.

Otherwise, everything is very similar.

Work on the hot audience of competitors is a new feature that has recently appeared on the market, it shows solid results in comparison with classical approaches.

What to expect from the Zeus service?

You remember the check list?

While doing:

  • Conditions checklist
  • High-quality selection of competitors for the task in Zeus
  • Middle price tag in the city for manicure services

On the accounts of manicure masters in the cities of the million painters, we receive an average of 30-40 new appeals. Of these, 15-20 customers will come to visit you.

For this money - Zeus is just gold. Be sure to use.


So, you read the whole sheet of text, let's sum up a small result.

  1. Yula and Avito - well carry customers to customers manicure, do not require long and complex televitations, but require a portfolio.
  2. The community "Master and Model" - do not have a powerful solvent audience, but some money is carried, and they will give the most portfolio (well, the reviews), which we lack in paragraph 1.
  3. Girlfriends are our trump card team them with benefit
  4. Free procedure for feedback / advertising leaders of opinions - a lot of time is spent on the search and agreement, can "forget" about promises, but this is an image tool of development and the game almost always stands.
  5. There are good and inexpensive services for the promotion of Instays, whom, you can receive customers on the autopilot from instagram, will only answer questions and write them down.

Special opinion

You have enough 1.5-2 months to engage in active promotion, sarafined radio will make the rest of the job.

Now you know more about how to attract customers to manicure with minimal investments.

There are more serious advertising techniques connected to a personal branding for a quick access to a private wizard checks at 1500-2000 rubles for the procedure, but this is a completely different story. Perhaps there will be a separate master class with a step-by-step realization of all tools. We will see.

If you have found something useful for yourself, write a few words in the comments to the article - I will be very nice.

Your Denis Peresolekov

The choice of profession is a much more serious step than marriage. This is the choice of the case in which you will drown, develop, strive for excellence and receive true pleasure from the "path itself", and not just from the results. That is why it is so important to choose the lesson "in the shower". Fortunately, if you read this article, then this stage has already been traded. You have decided that the extensive sphere of nail service is your personal pleasure variety and moreover, the most popular courses in the city are completed. But the trouble - there are no customers on the manicure and absolutely no prospects. Well, that there are ways to loudly declare yourself, guided by the instructions of expertsProstonail. We will teach how to use the capabilities of the modern information space and how to write a beautiful advertisement about the manicure, after which I immediately want to make an appointment.

Text for manicure advertising - briefly about important

After graduating from courses of cute ladies filled with dreams and illusions, and the world sees exclusively through rose glasses. It seems that holding a cherished diploma or certificate in the hands, customers themselves should fall before you, and even stacks are stacked, just like the Heroine "Girls". Reality looks somewhat different. As a rule, girls have an irrepressive desire to practice and promote their talents in the masses, but these masses can not in dignity to evaluate the efforts of the novice master of the nail service.

Believe me, our forecast is not pessimistic at all, but rather realistic and sent it only to show you the right way to further develop events and teach it to use the possibilities of the immense worldwide web for yourself. Just think, another 15 years ago, the only tool for promotion could be called "sarafined radio" (albeit justice, and we note that this method is still relevant). Now cute ladies have a million social networks and still as many messengers, a thousand species of emails and virtual offices on certain sites. So to gain customers - not a problem, but first you need to find customers!

If your intentions are hard and unshakable, like an ice block, then we recommend that you recommend you to especially attentive reading. Notorly Dale Carnegie Somehow said: "Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but the fish prefers worms. That's why, when I go fishing, I think not about what I love, but about what fish loves. " What is the old as the world, with the conclusion - you need to know your target audience and navigate well in her desires. How to do it? The plan of your "offensive military" actions should be approximately as follows:

  • be sure to collect information about the service provided from the client. Do not delay this process and carry out all the manipulations on the "learn" information immediately after the manicure procedure. This will give you the very feedback, which every businesswoman dreams about, and will also give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the woman wants the client;
  • take a webrsion. It is time to fight aimless elephant in social networks and leafing of tape instagram. Visit Proforuma, spend or simply mean with the results of polls on the topic of manicure and filter the knowledge gained as a mosaic, building a holistic customer portrait;
  • check out keywords for which your target audience is looking for a service in the social network. In Instagram, a good tool for promotion is geolocation and hashthegi, well, and the old Google to help you;
  • analyze the actions of your competitors not in order to envy, but in order to obtain such valuable information. Which of their ads are "cling", and which no, what to modify and what the text is missing for you;
  • make an empathy maps. In fact, the empathy map is a visualization of its imaginary client and as a result, a visual example of desires and needs of your audience;
  • constantly analyze, are not afraid to be mistaken and draw conclusions from each facpa, which, perhaps, is the most difficult of all of the above items.

And most importantly, remember the instructions of Luke Savyna: "It is necessary to study the target audience much better than representatives of competing companies. You have to learn in the details that the consumer loves, as he thinks in what kind of relations with the surrounding world is located. If your advertising message reflects the casual inner and external essence of the consumer, you are doomed to success. "

Perceive the text of the ads on the manicure - not as "obligatory", but as a personal canvas, where you can demonstrate your writer talent and an extraordinary approach. Creative is what distinguishes you from the majority and will allocate other masters from the crowd. But remember that the creative, as the east, is thin, so carefully go along the path "breaking stereotypes". For example, you need to write a compelling announcement of the male manicure. You decide to push something in the type: "Male manicure is a business card, etc." or "Sign of status, like a smooth shirt and properly selected cologne." Where is the mistake? First, those who wear an ironed shirt and lacquered shoes are so concerned about their appearance. Self itself, manicure for them is not something supernatural. Well, those who do not belong to this category, obviously not "get caught" on the fishing rod of such text. Maximum that such a text announcement has been promulit - Holivar under the post in social networks. And then at best. Studying your target audience in detail and segmenting her needs, you can make sure that stereotypes do not need to handle, they need to be either left alone or used for good.

How to write an advertisement about manicure

Announcement is the same advertising of nail service, but outlined in text format. You can place such invitations on specialized sites for the provision of services, on the forums "by interests", in social networks and even in messengers. Text ads are still an effective way to attract the attention of the target audience, but only if it is compiled correctly. There is a certain algorithm of actions that your faithful servant Prostonail decided to issue in the most detailed and understandable step-by-step instructions:

  • clearly structure your text, and with it and your thoughts on the specified subject. Remember that the ad must necessarily have a headline, the main part, as well as the logical conversion with the call to call / write, etc.
  • many letters still do not mean a qualitative presentation. In addition, if the ads are planning to print on paper, and not only to exhibit on the webcases, you should think about ecology and maintain forests. And seriously, the printed announcement most often read "on the go", moving from point A to point B, so they should look extremely concise;
  • special attention is paid to the heading defining the tone of the entire narrative below. It should "chain" look, be catchy, and sometimes even provocative. Take advantage of the pair of unshakable marketer tips: Be sure to tell about your service in the title, avoiding "vagueness"; Each out of the mass of competitors with the originality of the filing (for example, I will not sell the car (year of release), you will give a small amount, "and" the faithful iron horse in search of a new owner ");
  • basically, the "body" of its announcement let's more specifics on services and the quality of their implementation. Tell us about the advantages and do not forget about the economic benefit for the client. It must be remembered that in order to cover as much more percent of the target audience, you need to contact it directly. Make it is much easier on the platform of highly specialized sites and portals;
  • an invitation to the manicure must be variable, so pre-prepare several texts at once, which will differ at no time of the manner of information feeding, how much of its content. Your "handwriting" should be guessed in every "creation";
  • remember that any "selling" text, and the advertisement about the manicure is such, should be well illustrated. Optimal is one or a maximum of three pictures of good quality, with the right composition, excellent, read daily, lighting, as well as the idea. We will tell you more about building a frame in our following article;
  • cost. A moment that always causes a lot of disputes and reflections among stakeholders. If you have an advantage among competitors or if you have come up with an interesting, cost-effective share for the client, then specify the cost. If the announcements are presented on the basis of instagram, then the cost is also desirable. Few people want to make some unnecessary clicks or write to the Direct to clarify the price list of your service. Moreover, it will immediately form a circle of "your" customers;
  • the final stroke of any text should be your contact details and what they are more, the better. Today, Viber, Instagram Direct, Telegram or WhatsApp among messengers are popular, and do not forget about phone numbers, it is also desirable for several mobile operators at the discretion of the client.

As you can see, the wolf is not so scared, as it is drawn and not so afraid to write an ad how to think about writing it. Act on the principle of "write-reduced", re-read and read your creations, and also do not be afraid to experiment, checking how well the text or header "shot". An ad novice manicure wizard should be drawn up on a well-developed scheme: Title - a description of the service and the advantages of you - the cost (here you can add an action) - contacts and / or address.

Examples of manicure announcements - what is "good" and what is "bad"

An example of a manicure announcement will clearly understand what "works" and clings the look, and what texts become informational tinsel, which will rush and erased from the brain exactly a few seconds after reading.

"Grinding wings - male manicure! Well-groomed hands are an integral part of male sexuality and charisma. In the modern world, more and more men are aware of the need for nail procedures. For many, manicure is a sacrament. Do not shove your desires. For those who value their time, Barbershop offers making a manicure during a haircut.

At your service: grinding of the wings (classic manicure), Richtovka Spector (hardware manicure) and installation of liquid lockers (paraffinotherapy). Address, phone, etc. » - As you can see, the announcement is drawn up correctly and the structure of the text itself is preserved. The information is presented sequentially, and the title "clings" the eye. Moreover, the advantages are relevant to the target audience (employed men who follow their appearance). Separately, we note the originality of the names, which are given quite logical explanations. Of the minuses, we denote some patterns of phrases, from which the audience is pretty and tightened the text itself.

The following sample ad is a classic example of how to do not. "YULIA. Manicure, pedicure, extension of nails and eyelashes, coating with gel varnish. Telephone". First, in the text "Mixed Koni-people", because there is no clear structure and specifics. Secondly, Julia's name as a title is not the best option to attract customers (such a format of ads practice except the hereditary fortunelocks). Thirdly, neither the cost, nor items nor the advantages of the services provided. Fourth, not knowing the addresses, the potential client will not know admissibility for him geolocation.

Prostonail prepared for you a selection of ads that come across on the network. Skillfully analyzing them, you can make your ideal text that attracts attention and serving your main business card.

Woman Eye with Long eyelashes. Space for text.

How to attract more customers on manicure

Having read the basic principles of building an "inviting" text, pay attention to the item "economic benefit", which is priority to the Master itself and for its potential customers. Inventing stocks to attract customers to manicure, show fantasy and smelting, carefully examine the niche and "keep your nose in the wind" in order to be aware of the latest trends. We have prepared several topical examples:

  • invite the client a discount, if he gets to know your workformer or relative. In essence, this is a direct economic benefit for the non-sharing "Sarafan Radio";
  • if you already have an formed client base, then do not forget to "please" with her small pleasures. An excellent idea will be the provision of a discount on a preview. So, thinking in advance, you can also form a schedule and be sure that the client will definitely come to the appointed hour;
  • consider seasonality. For example, in the fall, you can provide a discount of brides and their friends to the solemn manicure, but in the winter for free to decorate the marigold of your favorite girls with a glitter, relevant in New Year's designs;
  • remember the packages of services. Standard technique, familiar with any sales, is a "binding" of related services or goods. So, buying a spoon, you will certainly be promoted to look even to forks. So why not go to the manicure? Offer a free neil-art to gel coating or design as a bonus for manicure and pedicure in the complex;
  • almost every master is familiar with the situation of "peak" clocks for recording. Skillfully distribute your time, setting up on less loaded hours interesting and economically favorable offers.

As you can see, there are a lot of campaign options with alone announcements and drops of your imagination. Dare, write more, eat and constantly try something new, because the real "pearls of the text" is so honed.

  • Advertising for Master Manicure Text. How to attract more customers on manicure

    Having read the basic principles of building an "inviting" text, pay attention to the item "economic benefit", which is priority to the Master itself and for its potential customers. Inventing stocks to attract customers to manicure, show fantasy and smelting, carefully examine the niche and "keep your nose in the wind" in order to be aware of the latest trends. We have prepared several topical examples:

    • invite the client a discount, if he gets to know your workformer or relative. In essence, this is a direct economic benefit for the non-sharing "Sarafan Radio";
    • if you already have an formed client base, then do not forget to "please" with her small pleasures. An excellent idea will be the provision of a discount on a preview. So, thinking in advance, you can also form a schedule and be sure that the client will definitely come to the appointed hour;
    • consider seasonality. For example, in the fall, you can provide a discount of brides and their friends to the solemn manicure, but in the winter for free to decorate the marigold of your favorite girls with a glitter, relevant in New Year's designs;
    • remember the packages of services. Standard technique, familiar with any sales, is a "binding" of related services or goods. So, buying a spoon, you will certainly be promoted to look even to forks. So why not go to the manicure? Offer a free neil-art to gel coating or design as a bonus for manicure and pedicure in the complex;
    • almost every master is familiar with the situation of "peak" clocks for recording. Skillfully distribute your time, setting up on less loaded hours interesting and economically favorable offers.

    The beauty studio shock chocolate in Novokosino offers for constructive guests to manicure.

    You can make traditional manicure, hygienic, European, hardware, hot, Japanese. We guarantee you the safety of procedures.

    You can comfort yourself in a chair with comfort, and the Master begins to kill over your hands .... A little time - and ready: well-groomed hands, artistically decorated nails, excellent mood!

    The ancient Egyptians already knew the sense in the manicure, but only today this procedure has become so pleasant, and its results are so impressive ...

    Our experts will help choose a manicure type capable of providing optimal care for your hands. They are ready to develop for you and an individual care program.

    We offer our guests a fundamentally new approach to manicure.


    A skillfully performed SPA pedicure will really become a pleasant surprise - and first of all for your feet, especially if during the day they have to work a lot. Unusually comfortable and very useful, he will deliver you and your tired legs rare pleasure!

    We offer the most advanced and efficient methods of care for your tireless workers. The choice of specific procedures depends on your wishes, individual characteristics and, of course, from how much free time you have.

    ... the result of these amazing procedures: full rest of the soul and body, well-groomed legs, flying gait and ... unforgettable feelings!

    Share on manicure text. Instructions for writing text invitations to beauty salon

    \\\\ How to write text invitations to beauty salon

    Are you looking for ideas for the text of the beauty salon? Do you need to write text about the opening of the cabin, new services, promotions? Perhaps you need the text of a gift certificate in the cabin? In short, the head is engaged in these challenges, and a little ideas?

    Then you got to the desired site. Here you can not only book text for beauty salon, but also to get some useful text templates that you can further use for your purposes and tasks.

    Let's start with the template text invitations to the beauty salon. Other templates will be published from time to time.

    Template 1: Text Invitations in Beauty Salon

    Illustration (pick up a beautiful picture that meets your promise).

    Title (above the title It is worth working separately. Here you will see simple options to understand how it is more expedient to structure the text).

    • For beauty - to us
    • Modern Transfiguration
    • Your beauty in our hands
    • Become a beauty for an hour - we have
    • Beauty world for the whole family


    Friends / Dear ladies and gentlemen / cute girls / ladies and gentlemen / colleagues (the choice of appeal depends on the target audience of your beauty salon)!

    Input part

    Beauty salon (name) invites you to visit. Haircut, laying, painting, manicure, pedicure, eyebrows, massage, cosmetology care and SPA - all this is waiting for you (the list of services depends on what procedures you offer to customers).

    Competitive advantages

    Just two minutes from the subway.

    Convenient entry through the application.

    Luxury wizards who are ready to respond for the result (please do not write here a streamlined expression about "qualified specialists". Specify where the masters studied, worked, somehow the thesis formulate why your masters are better than those working in the next salon. Special attention to this item. People tend to "go to arms." Review them that they are not in vain take advantage of the invitation to the beauty salon).

    Without saving on care products (write which brands you use in your work, tell about one-time materials. Do not think that it does not matter to customers. As a rule, the client reads the text of the invitation to the beauty salon, I want to hook the words-Lighthouses.

    Description of the atmosphere

    Time for transformation and recreation (here it will be reasonable to write about what atmosphere in your beauty salon. But do not use the tricks of the type: "Beautiful hospitality". Friendly administrators and master - this is what should be default. Pull your "chips" . If you have an excellent zone in your salon in the cabin - write about it; if a cool library or a selection of films is about it; if the most delicious coffee and cookies are about it; if the sample design is about it. And so on).

    Customer benefits (analyze why your beauty salon should attract the client).

    • Complete transformation in just an hour.
    • Discount when buying a course of procedures.
    • Impeccable image for a date or business meeting.
    • Excellent opportunity to relax.


    Call to action (Calling to the action In the text of the invitation to the beauty salon, consider additionally, based on what your expectations: the client must come right now, the client must come to a specific procedure, the client must sign up for a separate master and so on).

    • Sign up into the cabin right now and get a seat on the first procedure.

    This template can be the text of the invitation to the beauty salon. Of course, options are much larger: from the appeal of the cabin director to the client to the romantic letter from the fan / completeness.

    If you want more driving and interesting content, you can always order text for beauty salon in PR Slovo copyright studio. And even an interview with the head of the salon, posts for instagram, master of workshops, a description of the services and many, many other texts for the beauty salon.

    Book a test text for beauty salon right now to get more customers.

    Advertising manicure in instagram. Promotion and advertising in "Instagram": Review of methods

    Instagram has long been one of the most popular sites that a variety of brands can use to promote your goods and for advertising. At the same time, instagram itself almost does not offer effective methods for the introduction of advertising, and almost all methods of promotion in instagram are "inventions" of users themselves. Conditionally methods of promotion in instagram can be divided into "legal" and "gray"

    Legal methods of promotion in instagram

    These methods are good because the instagram is welcomed and the safety of the account is guaranteed. As a legal method of promotion in instagram, you can:

    1. Place advertisement in thematic accounts. This method requires a big budget and is to buy through the auction top publication in a popular thematic public.
    2. Place advertisement with a popular instagram - blogger. Most often - these are stars and mega-popular bloggers. Typically, bloggers do not sell a place in their public through auctions and stock exchanges, so they will need to communicate with them and negotiate directly (or through the agent that is specified in the profile). This will also cost decent money.
    3. Publication in a personal account of a regular user. You can buy one publication, for example, Ksenia Sobchak, and spend a monthly budget for advertising, and you can buy publications for 100 and more ordinary users with a large number of subscribers for this money.
    4. Competitions, gifts, discounts and other ways to stimulate subscribers is the most popular and most affordable type of legal advancement, because there will be only costs for a gift.
    5. Widgets and links - widgets and links to your instagram can (and need) place anywhere, in profiles, signatures of corporate mail, promotional materials, etc.
    6. Offline-Promotion implies the use of your tag and motivating other users to use it.

    Gray Methods Promotion in Instagram

    These methods are not welcome to instagram and can entail sanctions (for example, for the exceeding limits on likes). But they are less expensive and even new companies can afford them.

    Massfolloving - automatically or manually your account is signed every day for a large number of users. There is a chance that they will look at your account and sign on you in response.

    Masslaking - You put the users like you, and they go to your account to see and, perhaps, put the rolling like.

    Masworming is the same principle, only with comments.

    Beautiful manicure text. Quotes about manicure

    Many women's problems facing the best psychologists are often able to solve a good manicure master.

    Mary McCarthy

    Real risk and trust - it is to paint your nails 5 minutes before the exit, knowing that the lacquer removal fluid is over.

    The secret of female happiness is simple: a caring man, new shoes, manicure and girlfriend.

    It is probably easier for me to solder the atomic reactor from the subwoofer than carefully make nails with varnish!

    I do not understand the girls who spend money on manicure when you can make your nails from stickers from tangerines.

    Manicure is a favorite female way to restore sincere equilibrium.

    By definition, only a manicure master can know all the groundnight.

    Nails can tell a lot about a person. When his life is not in order, be sure of the same condition and manicure.

    As a child, Mom's girlfriend told her that the children were uncomfortable to do the edged manicure. The girlfriend obeyed, but he asked at least one finger to do it, referring to the fact that he often shows the surrounding. The selected turned out to be average.

    Manicure - Woman's desire to look beautifully "to the tips of the nails.

    I want to build a long pink end and preferably thoroughly, so that you can boldly pull in different places.

    You can be a little man, but think about the glory of nails.

    I have a dream: to paint your nails with colored varnish, also quickly and skillfully, as I do it transparent.

    Now how it is: manicure, pedicure, makeup, depilation ... And before Mom, a bow on the head hooked and "Ay Krasavitsa!"

    I'm just a terrible character. I can paint my nails at three in the morning just because no one will do it better. Probably in this is the secret of my success.

    "Scarlet Johanson"

    Manicure is a banal desire of a woman look beautiful "to the tips of the nails."

    We must urgently change something in your life. Another varnish nails do you make up?

    Manicure is a rite of circumcision followers of atheism.

    The girl is defenseless only 5 minutes after manicure.

    "Yanina Ipokhorskaya"

    Made a manicure on sharp marigolds in the form of blood flows ... for some reason began to skip forward in queues and keep track of stops.

    Good to be a girl: when there is nothing to do, you can, for example, make up nails. And then erase. And make up differently. And erase.

    The woman is almost helpless, while she did not dry with painted nails.

    I am not lazy, I am Estet: I like the view of a beautiful manicure more than the type of gothic beds.

    Pedicure advertising text. Do you have exactly a good text of the manicure advertising?

    It is stupid to deny that customers saw on different texts of the manicure advertising, and it is more complicated to reach them. And no "cozy atmosphere", "hot coffee", "excellent prices" and "experienced masters" of customers of the 21st century almost do not surprise.

    The modern client has become selective and, in some sense, formed. It moves from the category of newcomers, middling in the category of expert consumers. And no worse than you can tell you about the technology of sterilization of tools and coating. So, in the text of advertising a manicure, you need to take out the outstanding trends.

    What you need to understand when you write text of advertising manicure.

    What is your decision?

    The client comes to you by solving your problem / task. Yes, he is not careful who will do a manicure, where and when, but in fact it is interested in him not lacquer and atmosphere, but the result he will receive. This is the first and basic. Relieve yourself from this. For example, instead of the phrase "excellent manicure", try to apply for this: "Well-groomed hands and beautiful, neat nails of a bright or calm shade in just one hour." Here you allocate valuable resources in the text advertising text - time and quality.

    Do you trust the masters?

    Master is a valuable resource. Speak about it in more detail. Of course, in the text of the advertisement of a manicure, which is often limited in the amount, do not need to talk about what the master has a favorite dish where he lives and so on. But tell me, for example, how much did he make in his life procedures (bring the average value), what course he passed recently, whether the Mistress of the Salon makes the manicure wizard itself - you can. Thus, you fill the text of the advertisement of the manicure of the evidence base.

    Where do you invite?

    Place plays in most cases a decisive role in the fate of the text of the manicure advertising. Be sure to talk about "one minute from the subway", "five minutes from the Kremlin" and so on. Do not forget that your main client is near. In order for you to go from another part of the city, you need a motivation (an action that grows all "but"), personal sympathy for the owner of the cabin or master, a high level of confidence and loyalty. This is another conversation.

    Why are you silent?

    Do not miss the details. Very often in the text of the manicure advertising, nothing is said about disposable materials. And about the fact that the individual saw, which the master worked, you can pick up for home care after the procedure, are silent at all. Although it can be important for many customers. Do not be afraid to look silly in this situation. Think about what it is worth telling the customer in the text of the manicure advertising to attract attention.

    To whom do you apply?

    Remember who your client. Contact the text of the manicure advertising to the one who should come to you. Think of what age this person with what level of income and expectations. Speak with the client in your understandable language. For example, if your economy class salon, you want to attract pensioners into it, students, then you should not overdo it with the phrases of the "womb" type, "fooling", etc. You may not understand.
    This is only a small part of the recommendations that you can use.

    Free and efficiently, but not as fast as you want. The actions are banal, but some usefulness is often missing, so it is necessary to describe in more detail.

    We need

    Friends familiar who are present in the social. networks and have more or less live profiles. We are interested in those who are in Insty and Vkontakte.

    What's next

    You make a beautiful manicure with a coating, and in return you can ask:

    • Reviews! Be sure to take your feedback from them, your environment is the fastest supplier;
    • Storsith in instacy with photo work and approximate text: "See which beauty I made @mastermanukura" an active link to your instagram masters;
    • Storage Vkontakte with the same promise;
    • Post on the wall of VKontakte with a photo of work and reference to you;
    • Post in inst;
    • Or all together

    What we expect

    Useful additions

    Choose a mind and heart (Mmm, somehow so), in the sense that it is not necessary to strictly filter along the number of friends and likes for those who do you give your nails for advertising.

    It must be remembered that the qualitatively performed work is advertising itself, make N beautiful works, and there will be N of your "advertising agents" in the city, which will definitely tell where they made such beauty. Permanent customers of the manicure wizard - in a large volume go from the sarafined radio.

  • When the time of maternity leave approached the end, I firmly decided that I would no longer go to work in hiring. Before the birth of the daughter, I have already managed to visit the Consultant for the sale of shoes in a large trading network, and an assistant manager, and the Call Center operator. Hard discipline, no growth prospects and salary strictly once a month - no, thanks. I want to regulate my schedule myself and affect earnings, and always comes back to office walls.

    Three years of art school behind the shoulders, lack of squeezing, as well as the ability and desire to work with people determined my choice - I firmly decided that I wanted to become a master of the nail service.

    Writing on the manicure courses, I thought - here it is, a new stage of my life. I have already imagined how customers are in line and laid out the photos of their beautiful handles in social networks after the visit to me. Yes, I have never had confidence in yourself. Unlike the ability to realistically assess the situation.

    The first difficulties arose still in the learning process, when it turned out that the models for manicure students should find themselves. Among my acquaintances were a lot of wishing to make a manicure for free. The problem was in what to come to the procedure for the time when training is conducted, no one has succeeded. I had to take advantage of the public base of models on - candidates and hardware manicures were quickly found there, and on extension.

    Upon receipt of the diploma, I made two outputs:

    1. I was not mistaken with the choice of profession - the process of manicure, gel coating and nail extension I really liked.

    2. Finding first customers on the nails and start to really earn on the manicure will not be as simple as it seemed to me - there are many submarine stones that I did not know.

    Preparation for promotion

    So, the diploma in his arms. But before looking for first customers, it was necessary to solve three important questions.

    1. Where to receive customers?

    Initially, I thought to work purely at home. But, having communicated with more experienced manicure masters, revised this decision. To accommodate a client base in its area of \u200b\u200bthe city, they can take months, and I wanted to find customers as quickly as possible and fill my schedule.

    The option is to go to the house to customers to other areas. On the one hand, you have to spend time on the roads and traffic jams, but on the other - so the novice manicure wizard finds clients more chances. Another plus - there is no need to highlight a special place to receive customers.

    2. What equipment to use?

    Usually, the masters begin their experience with such simple services as a classic or hardware manicure / pedicure. I decided to immediately look for customers on nail extensions. Therefore, my list of necessary equipment looked like this:

    • ultraviolet lamp;
    • gel, tips, forms;
    • primer, degreaser, finish gel;
    • nail scissors;
    • blades for movement of the cuticle;
    • nippers;
    • several pylon varieties;
    • consumables (sponges, bamboo sticks, pedicure struts);
    • sterilizer;
    • dryer cabinet for sterilization of instruments (yes, sterility I am very serious!).

    My first equipment costs amounted to about 3 thousand UAH. Fortunately, the wardrobe did not have to buy - it was given to me for temporary use, which switched from a manicure to extension of eyelashes.

    3. What is the price for your services to specify?

    I approximately calculated how much money would regularly go to materials and transport, for which monthly earnings would like to go on the start and in the future and how many clients can be serviced in a month. The basic price was - each service was about 30% lower than experienced masters. It remains the most difficult - to build a client base.

    How to find customers on a manicure at home: my experience

    We still have a question in the learning process, how to find customers after manicure courses. Recommended to develop a shed radio, exchange business cards with cosmetics boutiques and actively upload photos to social networks.

    I will tell on the items, what steps I took to find my clients, how much I did such "marketing" and that it worked out.

    1. Search for clients at urban forums

    At first I found popular themes on the manicure and extension in the city forums and began to actively participate in the discussion. If someone was looking for a master or asked prices, I actively offered my services.

    So I found my first client on the manicure and pedicure - the girl urgently searched for a master with a departure to the house, since her salon suddenly canceled the record.

    Unfortunately, this was the whole effect. At one of the forums, I was immediately banned for the active PR services and offered to create a paid topic for 500 UAH per month. On the other, I did not last long ago - too much time went on constant support for activity. And the time was missing, because customers began to appear from other sources.

    2. Announcement on OLX..

    I have long used the OLX board for the sale of old things, so creating an announcement there with your service for me has not been much difficult.

    Minus OLX is that if you publish an ad for a big city in a heading with high competition, it almost immediately displaces from the top of the list by other ads. But when I raised the announcement for a fee, customers began to call.

    One lift at the top of the list costs 49 UAH. You will be in the first place until someone else will raise your ad - after that you go down below. But I had calls even with 4 and 5 places!

    The minus of this channel is that there is a very peculiar audience. Many customers who found me on OLX and recorded on nail extensions, simply did not answer the procedure on the day of the procedure. One day it was that the client confirmed the recording, I came with the tool, and I just did not open the door.

    3. Profile on Barb.. uA.

    By default, I believed that all customers find me via OLX. What was my surprise when one of the clients accidentally mentioned that I found me on I was registered even during the training period for the sake of the search and has already managed to forget about it. Returning home in a minibus, I went to the site through the smartphone and found my profile on Barb. Immediately I wanted to add it, since there were no normal photos of my works or relevant prices for services.

    I had to call the technical support to restore access - I could not remember my password. I just explained that if I qualitatively fill my services, they will automatically rise at the beginning of the category. In fact, everything turned out to be very simple - I added descriptions and downloaded the photo directly from the phone while I went home. There is still a convenient feature - you can offer clients a discount if they inform you come with BARB. Thus, you can find out whether the channel works or not. From there came from there several new customers per week.

    Minus this service - some clients are recorded through the site, and the application can only be viewed in your account (I used to call me immediately). True, when I did not react to the application for a long time, the Barb manager himself threw me the client's data directly to Viber and even called.

    Plus - in the "quality" of customers. In general, calls more with OLX, but I had real records approximately the same with OLX and from BARB.

    4. Profile B. Instagram.

    Actively lead your profile in Instagram I started when I had some number of regular customers. And at first I did it to be where to lay out the portfolio - I photographed all the works and immediately spread them through the application at instagram.

    Over time, I got into the habit of commenting and skin photos of other masters, while I am going to a minibus, stand in line or someone waiting. Such activity gave the result - I was also laikil and comments, the number of subscribers of interest.

    Later I learned to put thematic hashtegi to records, and the number of subscribers began to grow even faster. I remember how I got a couple of hundreds of likes per day only thanks to the hashtega # New Year's license.

    Minuses Instagram as a channel for finding new customers:

    • profile promotion needs to be engaged constantly;
    • high competition among manicure masters.

    But here it all depends only on you - the more efforts you invest in this channel, the more new customers he finds you.

    What ways to attract customers for me did not work

    In conclusion, I want to briefly list those methods that did not give results for me:

    1. Profile in Vkontakte. For some time I actively led my page, I added photos, invited friends. Subscribers are notes, but there was no activity, and I abandoned this business.

    2. Page in Pinterest. I did not understand the principle of work of this social network. Perhaps that is why I did not work with her.

    3. Business cards. Immediately after the end of the courses, I printed a business card where the phone was specifically indicated that was not involved for advertising on the Internet. For the month I spread about 300 business cards for friends, familiar. I chased them in postage boxes in the neighborhood and left in public places. I never called no time.

    Continuation of career

    A year after the end of the courses, I already had a full entry and a constant influx of new customers. I liked my work, but it turned out that it's time to make maternity leave. But now I know for sure what I will do after the decree!

    Master of Nail Service

    Svetlana Belyaeva

    Find a common language, to be polite and located to communicate, without neglect, panibrates, familiarities - will increase the probability of the return of the client next time;

    • Remember their customers (at least as long as they are a bit) will be a rule of good tone, the client will definitely appreciate that the wizard remembers his preference to drink black tea, or coffee with milk, etc. In order not to keep everything in the head, you can write some moments after a session in notepad;
    • It is necessary to observe the perfect order at its workplace, the man who came to the manicure session should be confident in the purity and safety of the procedure. Therefore, you need to thoroughly clean the tool, make timely cleaning.

    20 ways to attract customers without investing


    Offer existing customers the opportunity to get a discount:

    • If they bring a girlfriend or relative. The cost difference will cover the reduction of time spent on the preparation of the meeting.
    • When performing a pre-recording. Future expenses are not tangible and customers will gladly want to take advantage of such a discount, but in the future it will be more difficult for them to refuse to meet.

    It will also allow you to more rationally plan your working hours and increase the efficiency of work.
  • When performing a certain type of manicure. For example, in the fall, when the active wedding period comes, you can provide a discount on the wedding manicure for the bride, while all the other ladies (mom and girlfriends) compensate the difference of full payment of services.
  • Offer a package of services.
  • Manicure at home: 5 secrets of successful business

    An interesting option can be called a client exchange with people dealing with similar business, but on another topic, for example, you can ask the hairdresser to tell about the services provided by a manicure interior at home, and in return to the customers of our salon. Read about what the nails of man consist of nails. And also about psoriasis nails. A promising way to find customers to a manicure at home can be visited by thematic exhibitions.
    Having been at such an event, it is possible to advertise the services of your own salon, get acquainted with your colleagues on the craft and get acquainted with customers. Of course, it is not worth and forget about your appearance, the best advertising of the services provided will be, in this case, our own well-kept nails, seeing a qualitatively performed work person can ask about the cabin and wizard where you can use the service.

    How to attract customers to the manicure master?

    I do a coating under the cuticle, align the nail plate. What allows you to cover even longer! All tools are undergoing mandatory sterilization and disinfection. Price: Manicure - 500₽ Manicure + Gel Lacques - 1000₽ Design (1 Nail) - from 50 to 150₽ Removal (followed by coating) - 100 PAPED PEDICUR + GEL-LAC - 1400₽ Extension Nail-1300₽ Saint Petersburg 04/06/2018 Beauty and health / nail extensions, manicure nail extensions.

    CMR. Departure. Recording on the day of the call School-Studio-store Nails_yug_school offers a number of the following services: - Training - nail extensions - nail correction - coating, "Strengthening" gel nail, gel lacquer (Shellac) - Manicure - Pedicure (hardware, classic, paramedicine) - Parafinotherapy (hot and cold) - "hot" manicure Krasnodar 04.04.2018 Beauty and health / extension of nails, manicure Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ...

    Manicure business at home

    The fact is that I have been working online for the third year and a little challenge what kind of advertising channels workers and how to organize advertising. It was also interesting to me to apply my skills to promoting offline business, namely, nail extension services (before that I advertised online projects). I began to promote in contact with the fact that one of my abandoned publics, at that time this page had about 400 subscribers. This was done: - changed the name; - made an avatar with examples of work, photo of the city and phone number; - Description (The cost of each of the services, again the phone number) - Added 2 photo album - one with examples of work (in the description of the pictures indicated the cost of building, design and total value), and the second album with the photos of the workplace and materials. - Contacts, in contacts Link On our wizard and phone number.

    All about advertising manicure - how to attract customers and unwind


    If you are limited in funds, this is a suitable option! Do not overload the pillar of information. Place 1-2 shares, clinging, the name of the salon and contacts. On the pillar - the bright picture and the tintual shares of pillars with a chalk board allow you to update information and attract people creative pictures.
    Change the appearance of your advertising at least every day! To unwind in the area where the salon is located, coordinate advertising in elevators.

    How to find customers for manicure at home?

    The main thing is to attract and not disappoint the result! Traditional manicure advertising: signs, billboards and banners to promote a manicure salon, he should be heard. And in sight. The press in 2018 is no longer so common, and the effective channel to attract customers cannot be considered more. But advertising on the street is still relevant: the people look at the stands in the traffic jam, on the traffic light and just eye on the sides.

    First of all, lay the sign and outdoor showcase of the cabin. For one glance, passerby should understand what the institution specializes. So the name should hint at the sphere of the salon, and the signboard is bright and readable.

    If the cabin has windows, do not cover them with large banners - let passersby see the situation inside, professionals at work and satisfied customers. Decorate the decor in the cabin style showcase, hang a couple of signs with profitable shares.

    Manicure salons and private craftsmen have become so much that every person will find a suitable place ... If, of course, he learns about him. Show the potential customer that you are the master of his dreams. We will figure it out how to advertise a manicure salon and attract customers.

    And our advice will make it beautiful! Read on to find out:

    • How to convey the uniqueness of the proposal to attract new customers and keep available
    • How to serve and advertise nail service in social. Networks (VC, FB, Instagram)
    • How to use marketing on the network to achieve the development and growth of your business
    • What words and photos in advertising will lead to a manicure even a man

    Show that the customer's best nail service is going to where it is profitable, convenient and pleasant. With pleasantly everything is clear - smiling and friendly employees, a cozy interior, a relaxing effect of procedures.

    How to make advertising on manicure at home

    It is much more difficult to find an approach to an unfamiliar.

    • With a friendly confused friend easier to fix the flaws. It is unlikely that he will begin to be outraged, but only asks to adjust the disadvantages.

    Do discounts for first work Do you need to gain experience? Find a client to extension nails or a manicure with a discount noticeably easier! Many are ready to provide their nails for "experiments" of a novice if he takes a small fee. To begin with, it is possible to limit the cost of materials and a minimum markup.


    Later, when you already do your hand, raise the cost of the service to the average market. Tell everyone about the new profession every specialist needs a portfolio today. Create a page VKontakte, Instagram page or place a Landing Page with information about yourself, your services.

    How to make advertising manicure at home

    The magic effect on visitors will be provided by the master who will ask when visiting, as the favorite dog is doing or how a sharp question was allowed to complained about the client. We advise you to resort to this trick. Start the "Customer Card", which indicate its favorite procedures and the time of visiting, characteristic habits, key moments from their lives. Become a customer with a friend, and he will repay you loyalty.

    There is also a good trick to attract men to manicure. Feel free to convey to the client that the attribute of a successful man in the 21st century is well-groomed nails. Ask, whether they are satisfied with the status of nails of their husbands, and promise discounts / other profitable shares for the first visit.
    With men, advertising will be even more effective because they are easily attached to the manicure and then very reluctantly changes the masters.
    Various types of designs - womb, rhinestones, gradient, geometry, velvet, painting, franch, lunar, etc. 10-100r. / Marigolds depending on the complexity of the design. Alignment, strengthening of the nail plate, reassembling the nail. Wide color palette. Action is valid ❗❗❗ - Every third visit - to choose from free ... St. Petersburg 04/16/2018 Beauty and Health / Nail Extension, Manicure Hardware Manicure Pedicure. I am a certified master of the nail service. I invite you to the marigold. Nailing nail-900 Simulation of natural nail gel-700 Correction-700 Covering gel-500 Pedicure with STOP + coating-900 (without stand + coating) 700. Voronezh 14.04.2018 Beauty and Health / Nail Extension, Manicure Master Manicure I am a certified master, I offer the services of classic and hardware manicure and pedicure. I take in the salon "Ciry" on the street wary 44.
    We use only a sterilized tool and verified high-quality materials TM Mistigue. Call and come, prices will pleasantly surprise you !!! Nizhny Novgorod 14.04.2018 Beauty and Health / Nail Extension, Manicure Manicure Pedicure in Sunny Manicure with Coated 600 Franch + 200 Pedicure with Coated 900 Building 1000 Repair Noggle 100 Designs from 25 Saratov 04/12/2018 Beauty and Health / Nail Extensions, Manicure Manicure / Pedicure manicure / Shellac-600r Strengthening acrylic powder + 150r Strengthening its nails with gel + 300r pedicure with coating-900r Design OT-25P Muscovite. I take at home in P. Veski (7 minutes from M. Altufyevo) Moscow 04/10/2018 Beauty and Health / Nail Extension, Manicure Manicure, Pedicure, Modeling, Nail Extensions !!! Returning the ease of the handles and legs! I am a certified master of the nail service. Experience more than 2 years.