Inexpensive dog breeds for one-room apartment. Dogs for apartments - review of recommended breeds and their description

P. Scholy noted that the kids who grow with animals, the feeling of responsibility for their own actions is developing rapidly. This quality is the most valuable for a person and it will most likely not develop if the child will play with soft toys or a computer. In this section of our site, dog breeds are presented for children who are capable of becoming a true friend for a child.

Children and dogs

In addition, children with hunt trust their pets problems, secrets and fears. In accordance with the opinion of psychologists, many children think that the dog is always ready to listen to them, console, express support. However, is there always adults on this time? Or to notice that something happened to something?

Experts based on experiments noted that the dog in the house influences the upbringing of the baby. They managed to prove that it was on the example of a dog, children learn to such meaningful qualities as:

  • devotion;
  • honesty;
  • tolerance;
  • inability to meanness;
  • the ability to forgive and love.

For this reason, before giving refusing to a child in buying a pet, it is thorough to think about all the advantages and disadvantages of dogs for children. And this will help you with this site. This section presents the best dog breeds for children and apartments with a detailed description and photos.

Causes of acquiring dogs for a child

Some adults note that the dog needs a child solely for the reason that the kid is afraid of these animals. But here there are nuances. If there is a pet, a child, naturally get rid of such fears. In addition, the availability of a pet contributes to improving self-esteem and the appearance of a feeling of pride, which is such a wonderful friend. But here the question arises about what the best dogs for children exist? Answer you will find in this section.

When the breed is selected, you must remember the age of Chad. Even if the child is already a teenager, it must be remembered that the weight of the PSA should not be more than the weight of the child. Otherwise, he will not be able to keep the pet in a critical situation.

Also need to know everything about the content of the animal. If the child is still very small, and adults want to acquire a big dog, then in this case it is worth waiting for a little while the baby is growing up. Pots, even trained, can, quite by chance, hurt the baby.

Before you decide what kind of dog to get in an apartment with children, you need to know that small pets are also not always a simple solution. Little animals do not like rudeness. On such actions, these dogs are responding with a growl and bite. In this regard, individuals are more tolerant. Also small dogs are very fragile, for this reason they can completely accidentally cause pain.

There are many breeds, each of which has its own characteristics and skills. If the baby likes to ride, for example, on a bicycle, then in this case you should choose the dog of the breed to which the child's passion like.

At the same time it is necessary to remember that the dog for children in the apartment will in any case will bring the hassle of adults. Breeds that require minimal care and are not demanding on the conditions of content, presented in this section.

If you decide to purchase a shaggy friend, then you will definitely consult with experts, which breeds of dogs for apartments and children are suitable, and which is better not to start. After all, they, like people, have their own character, habits, instincts.

It has long been proven that the presence of a dog in the house makes the child with a healthier, responsible and sociable. In families, where there are children and pets, always noisy and fun. Agree that the dog in the house is a full member of the family who will always make up your child a company in games and trips. Yes, and the four-legged friends themselves are not against the copies. You just need to choose a pet.

Before you take a puppy into the house, think if you are ready to consider it a family member and care for him? Love also free as he is you? Do not sleep at night, if he is sick? Walk to any weather? Patiently treat his pans? Do not swear and not beat if you have a bad mood, and the dog did not please? Are you ready to consider it a friend, not a burden? Think and think again!

Weigh everything and against, because the dog is not a toy, not temporary fun, it is a living being that will trust you immediately and forever.

Many parents make a mistake when they save their child from fear of animals, trying to cure on the principle of "wedge wedge embroils." If the baby was once attacked by a dog or he was very afraid, and now it fears not only to play, but also approach the animal, then you should not take a puppy into the house - this is a living being, requiring care and love, and not "a cure for fear."

At what age you can start a dog for a child

Your baby passionately dreams of a dog and asks to buy him a puppy? You do not mind on the one hand, but on the other we are afraid? Then answer yourself to the question - why do you personally need a dog? As an adult man who gives himself a report, you must understand that all cares about the pet and its content will be slandering on your shoulders. Yes, the child will acquire a friend, will feel responsible and will develop a love of animals in himself, but without your help he cannot cope.

If you are ready to take another child in a family, and the puppy is a small lump, which you want to feed and educate, like your babies, then definitely you should have a dog.

Parents are often wondering, from what age can you buy a dog to a child? Yes, from anyone! It will be your solution and your dog, and everything else will apply. If the baby was only born, and the dog is already a member of the family, then she will defend him and cares. If the child is a preschooler, then a puppy and child are equally helpless and you will have to double your efforts to upbringing and care. The kid of preschool age may accidentally harm the puppy, and it will not be able to take care of it by definition.

If a schoolboy has grown in the family, then the puppy will acquire a nanny and a friend. Psychologists and dog dogs I advise you to start a pet when a child can care for him: walk, feed, play. This is at least younger school age. Of course, without the help of parents, it is not necessary, but you should immediately agree on the distribution of responsibilities so that the dog's care is not completely on the shoulders of mom or dad.

Teenager and dog are complex relationships, because the teenagers appear in the interests outside the house, the company of friends, the first relations with the opposite sex, and the four-legged friend involuntarily moves into the background.

But in general, you should not deepen into psychological troubles. Love dogs? So you are destined to be together, and this will happen when you will be ready for it.

  1. When choosing a puppy, take into account the temperament and character of your child, his health and lifestyle. Meet the specialists how the dog you chose is suitable for your baby, because the active fidget will be uninteresting with a calm phlegmatic friend.
  2. The weight of the dog in adulthood should not be very different from the weight of the child so that he can cope with her and keep on the leash, if the dog sees the cat or decides to run behind the ball.
  3. If you still want a big dog, then definitely spend the course of the dresser, the pet should unquestioning to listen to your teams and members of your family.

Best dog breeds for baby and apartment

The question of the acquisition of the dog was finally and irrevocable. Now it is worth thinking about the breed. It is impossible to come to the market and buy the first puppy, because "he is so cute." All the kids are cute, but far from everyone grow in good-natured communicable pieces.

Your pet will live in a family with children, which means it is simply obliged to possess a good moral, stable psyche and a location to the child. If you have a boy, then Retriever or Dalmatian will accompany him on walks, play catch-up and run after the bike. And if a girl, you can pay attention to the glamorous chihuahua or chokhlaitu Chinese, which can be adjusted in clothes and decorate the bows and hairpins.

Let's go deep into a small excursion of breeds, consider habits and descriptions so that you have an ideal dog for an apartment and a child, and the dog is the perfect loving family.


Golden Retriever is one of the most intelligent and capable of learning dogs. It is very friendly, and not only with people, but also with other animals. His distinctive feature is increased activity. Running, swimming, noisy games, catch-up - it's all about him, energy just hits the key!

Reliable friend, loves children, very patient - Even if the juvenile satims will pull him for a wool or tail, he will not be offended.

But despite numerous advantages, there is a spoon of tar in a barrel of honey. Its long wool requires special care - garlic, combs and brushes must necessarily be ready, the retriever lines very much.


Dalmatians have a mass of contradictions. On the one hand, he is an aristocrat, confident, exquisite and polite. On the other, the tricky, cheeky, playful and naive. Sometimes it is cowardly and aggressive. He has a difficult character and not everyone can approach. This is not a cartoon hero, he is a hunter - hitting the blood trail.

Friendly, sociable dog, gets well with children, but Zlopamyen and remembers the resentment. Requires a delicate and respectful relationship, does not tolerate familiarity.

Its care is simple, its wool does not require haircuts and trimming, only regular combing. Very purestoten and on the street will not climb in dirt.

When choosing a puppy, be sure to check its hearing, at birth 10% are born with deaf.


Hunter on a hare and other small animals. That is why the presence in the house of other pets can end for them good stick.

Good and devoted, sociable and cheerful, smart and energetic. Loves large companies, friendly so much that it will go for a stranger man. He will never be able to be a security guard. He loves to play with children.

It requires great physical activity, straining, with him you need to walk a lot and run, otherwise there will be health problems, the Beagles are susceptible to obesity.

There are no problems in care, the beagle is tidy and clean.

Velsh Corgy.

Professional shepherds and detectives. A small size, friendliness, excellent character, the complete absence of aggression is ideal pets for urban conditions.

The smiley dog, not devoid of sense of humor. Easily exposed to Dresser, likes to show their purchased abilities in the public.

The feature of Corge - they do not bother without a reason or for the company, which is especially relevant in the apartment. The wool is short, combs once every two weeks will be enough.


Present treasure for family. Pugs are not adapted for running and moving games due to the building of the muzzle, so it will be a good friend of a calm and balanced child.

This is a companion dog, loves constantly under the side of the owner and substitute one or another part of the body for scratching. Sophisticable, well understands teams. Do not worry, does not whine and does not bother like that. From the pleasure of grunts, or even purh, like cats.

On the street he is enough to walk for 15-20 minutes, this is a fully apartment dog.


Who did not see the poodle in the circus? Kudryashka, clever, loves to play and deliver joy. Sociable, very well feels emotion, can be sad and worried with the owner. This is a company dog, which should not remain alone long, can otherwise get a psychological trauma.

Poodle is a guy and watchman. In the aggression of other people's people, boldly rushes to protect the owner.

Children are patiently and condescendingly, not offended by the pranks of the "human young". For a schoolboy - a good friend and companion.

Bishon Frieze

Externally looks like a poodle. It is also easy to train and likes to show your progress. Affectionate and playful, responsive and very sensitive. It reacts to the attitude towards himself, madly happy when she is stated.

Gets with all children, adults, other people's people, other animals.

Haircut every two months and daily combing is a fee for excellent and friendliness.


Energetic dog loves little children and can play with them for hours. This is not a sofa decoration, but a cheerful and hardy animal that requires constant movement.

Despite the small size, she is brave, devoted to the owner, she is strongly developed by watchman instinct. Prefers to dominate everywhere and in everything, but it does not apply to children. Not jealous, but selfish.

Spitz is a small fluffy ball, who wants to ride that children are trying to do without paying attention to his fragility.


Energetic animal for active owners. Sociable hunting dog, loves children, friendly and friendly.

Good defender. Smart and intelligent dachshund prefers to make decisions on his own, naughty in Dresser - everything understands, but he does in his own way. Stubborn and tricky, if not educating, then sit down on the neck and deliver many trouble to the owner.

Curious creation, always and everywhere bustles your long nose. Beautiful companion and interlocutor - hears and sympathize.


Very tied to the owner, trying not to move away. Gets with children, but alone with babies should not leave her - can bite.

Smart, loves to learn. Charming and devoted. He has a loud voice voice and will not be afraid to say everything she thinks about you.

Loves to play, but very fragile, can be injured. Beautiful companion for glamorous ladies, elderly lady and teenage girls.

Which breeds do not fit for a child and apartments

What kind of dogs for apartments and children do not fit? Experienced chest and dog breeders will tell you that to communicate with children should not make dogs of battle breeds, service and some hunting. They are not tangible to children, besides, they can show aggression or not cope with instincts.

Rare breeds that need careful care, will also be complex for the child. And if you do not hunter or you are not enough time for active and energetic walks, then you should not torment the dog hunting breed, closing it in the apartment.

Very small breeds of dogs for apartments and children deserve special attention. They are very selfish and jealous. All attention is demanded. In addition, their fragility can lead to injuries if the children started active games.


What kind of dog you choose, remember that love and caressing, care and care will make from your pet a faithful friend and a devotee companion.

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

You do not think of life without the brothers of our smaller and would like to start a big friend? Breaks one point: Do you live in a city apartment? The question arises: what dogs can be kept in conditions of limited square meters? Some dogs for the apartment are suitable, another will not be comfortable. Your attention top 10 "Dogs for apartments - the best breeds" so that you feel it easier to determine the choice of pet.

How to create comfortable petition conditions in urban housing?

So, you intend to bring in, and your decision is not subject to appeal. Well, with dogs it is quite possible to get along in the apartment, but it is better to choose such a breed that optimally fit into the housing conditions. Accommodation in the urban environment implies certain nuances faced by dog \u200b\u200bowners. First, it is a limited space: an active dog will be closely in four walls. Some breeds need a lot to move, and the cons of the apartment is that they are not particularly walking there.

The second point: hearing in apartment buildings is very good. Sometimes pets deliver inconvenience to neighbors, especially if the hosts are not at home all day. Imagine what is the days for the long time to listen to the ringing barking or whining sounds? Yes, and the animal, being constantly in a limited space, can feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the dog.

And thirdly, think about whether to provide cleanliness in the house and care for the dog? The smooth-haired breeds deliver little trouble, but the dogs with a fluffy and long fur coat leave everywhere after a lot of wool. If you are not ready to abandon the snow-white carpets, it is better to stop your choice on chopper dogs with short hair. For many obstacles, the specific smell of animals becomes. Here the Council is one: Whatever the breed, proper care and elementary hygiene will get rid of the unpleasant odor.

A separate place is occupied by families in which there are small children. It is important that the child and pet can make friends. In general, the detention of a dog in the apartment has not only cons, but also the pros. Animal gets wonderful socialization experience. Constantly contacting not only with family members, but also with numerous neighbors, the dog learns to communicate and be friends.

Chief Council: Focus on how the nature and needs of the dog will fit into your habits and rhythm of life. From how often you are at home, how much time can walk on the street, depends on what kind of dog in the apartment. And we will help you choose the perfect pet!

Ten of the best breeds for the apartment

About what kind of dog is better to start in the apartment, animal lovers argue constantly. We will not challenge someone's tastes. But the experience of owners and breeders shows that there are certain breeds Dogs for apartmentsthat best come to life in the conditions of the city. We have compiled a list of 10 breeds that you can easily keep in the apartment.

Big breeds

Someone believes that large breeds of dogs are not suitable. We will open our list TOP-10 just with representatives of a heavy weight category. You will make sure that both are excellent companions, and you can successfully start them to keep the apartment. What pluses and cons can be obtained from accommodation with a big pet - learn more!


Open our 10 noble labradors. Despite the impressive sizes, the dogs of this breed are excellent companions. Labradors are optimally suitable for families who have small children. The photo is an excellent example of the friendship of Labrador and the child. These are calm and good-natured pets, however, if the household threatens the danger, Labrador is ready to immediately stand up.

If you like big sizes, but are not ready to make daily long walks, stop your choice on Labrador. With him it will be enough to walk a couple of times a day for half an hour. In addition, this dog knows his place in the house, incredibly obedient and loves to be in a large company. In short, from living in the same apartment with Labrador Some pros.


Keep the boxer in the house is the same as you have a little restless child. Dogs of this breed are very active, playful and inquisitive. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to get along with some square meters. These unpretentious animals are easily adapted to the apartment conditions.

But do not forget that the boxer -, you need to walk a lot with her. But representatives of this breed are wonderful companions for jogs or active games in the fresh air.


At first glance, these dogs look awesome. Indeed, Dobermans are the best guards for home and host. But, having acquainted with them closer, you will realize that these dogs are very intelligent and smart. They will not attack people without reasons, so Doberman can be able to choose for an urban apartment. On the secrets of upbringing (author of the OTT TV channel).

What else is interesting - Doberman may be a guide for his master, so it will be able to navigate even in a metropolis. Cons of this breed - they are not suitable for those who have children of younger at home. However, with the grown children get fine. For the content, these dogs are unpretentious, do not occupy a lot of space and do not deliver problems with linal wool.

Middle breeds

Four-colored medium sizes are most popular among urban residents. Our top 10 includes those breeds that are best adapted to a large city.


Poodle applies just to those dogs that can and even need to be kept in the apartment. This breed is sufficiently heat-loving, it is afraid of drafts and raw weather. Nevertheless, the apartment inhabitant needs often walking to the dog can actively run and run off his claws.

Of the poodles are excellent companions for the elderly. They love powerful walks, no noisy, intelligent. The cons of the content of the poodle in the apartment is its long curly wool. Partially this problem solves a neat haircut (as in the photo) and vitamins from molts.

English Cocker Spaniel

Spaniels are an ideal company for outdoor activities. Previously, this breed accompanied the owners on the hunt, and now spaniels often live in urban apartments. The small sizes of the dog and its unpretentiousness in conditions are a significant argument to choose a cocker spaniel to the companions.

Representatives of this breed are extremely cheerful and perky character, they are very devoted to the owner and do not argue express their love. For walks, spaniels often show their hunting habits, so get ready to run a lot. Walking with such a pet must be active enough for the dog to receive good physical exertion.

English bulldog

If the advantages of an active lifestyle are not attracted to you, then get acquainted with another member of our top 10 ,. These dogs are real domes. However, the disadvantages of a low-effective life are reflected on the health of the pet: Buldogs often suffer from obesity. So special attention should be paid to the compilation of the right diet.

Small breeds

It cannot be said that these breeds are very small, but to medium sizes of them far: the weight of an adult dog can reach 5-7 kg, and height in the withers - up to 30 cm. Those who appreciate in animals miniaturity, often stop the choice on these breeds .


These dogs are very cute and funny. Incredibly devotees to their owner, they quickly adopt your habits and lifestyle. Do you like walking in the morning? Take your pug with you. If you prefer quiet family evenings, your pet and here will be the company.

Pomeranian Spitz

Little fluffy spitts, similar to the cubs and chanterelles, look just charming! This breed is distinguished by a calm and friendly character. What is noteworthy, even staying at home for a whole day, Spitz will behave diligently. It's just a sample of good upbringing.

Toy Terrier

If the care of the carrious pet seems to you a difficult occupation, pay attention to smooth-haired kids. Look in the photo: And the truth is similar to the toy. But note: with these pets you need to mess and pay a lot of attention. That terrier is poorly transferred loneliness, and from long walks quickly get tired.

If you do not like capricious and wayward animals, then this breed is not for you. But with such a domestic pet, they definitely do not get bored: he retains the playful character even as an adult. This dog is suitable for those who are ready to give their pet a maximum of time.

Photo 3. That terrier hides behind the curtain

Video "Is it worth a dog in the apartment"

This video will help those who still doubt the acquisition of the dog (the author is interesting to know).

Your child has long been dreaming about the dog, and you doubt whether a puppy needs a puppy in your home, and how does the four-legged friend bearing with the baby? To solve the acquisition of an animal and choosing the breed, it is necessary to consider responsibly, since the dog is not a toy that can be thrown at any time or replace to a new one.

  • From the point of view of order and tranquility in the house, parents may seem to seem that the puppy will create a lot of problems in the form of a puddle on the carpet, broken objects and wished for shoes. In addition, many adults worry about the fact that all the concern for the animal will fall on their shoulders
  • However, psychologists have long established that children growing next to animals have a great sense of responsibility and empathy compared to peers. Agree that these are the most valuable character qualities that are difficult to develop, communicating only with plush toys and a computer.
  • Children fully trust their pets, share problems and experiences with him. When the parents do not have enough time to listen to the child, the pet becomes a child with a defender and the closest friend
  • German specialists in the field of children's psychology have been proven that the dog has a useful influence on the upbringing and the globility of the kid. Watching the behavior of the animal, children learn honesty, devotion, tolerance, ability to empathize and forgive, care for the near, feeling of unconditional and loyal love
Almost every child dreams of his own dog

Dog breeds for children

  • Choosing a dog breed, one should not forget about the age and character of the child. Remember that the weight of an adult animal should not exceed the weight of your baby, otherwise it will be difficult for a critical moment to keep the dog. If you want to purchase a large breed animal, wait a few years until the child is growing
  • Purchase of small breeds dog is not always a way out. Very often indoor dogs, for example, Pekingese, Chihuahua, Spitz, Leveling, do not carry careless handling and communicating with young children, can go and bite
  • Husks, husky, Chow Chow, Alabai are different and complex character. It is also not worth buying a child Pit Bullterior, American Staffordshire Terrier, Doberman. Such rocks derived as fighting, are not prone to games and require serious training, besides can be quite aggressive
  • Pay attention to the features of one or another breed of dogs and your child's hobby. If the baby loves to ride a bike, buy a dog that can gladly run for hours, for example, Irish Setter or English Poistter. For children who prefer contact games with the ball, the ideal option will be the beagle, collie or retriever

Choose a dog that will be a reliable friend to your kid

Best dogs for children

So what kind of dog to choose for your baby? We give a peculiar top 10 best dog breeds, with which the child will always be fun and safe.

  • Labrador retriever - Popular family breed. Labradors are known as friendly, calm, very smart and easy learning animals. Despite the fact that this is a rather large dog, you can make it in the family with very young children without concern, since Labradors are very patient and are committed. Dogs of this breed are mobile, love games in the fresh air, in water and become an excellent company to active children

Labrador retriever
  • Golden (Golden) Retriever - Beautiful choice for your child. This breed is distinguished by love for children, kindness and loyalty, perfectly leaving for training. Retrivers, besides, very energetic, favorite classes for them are games with sticks and swimming, so they become good friends for school-age children

Golden retriever
  • Collie - These dogs have increased responsibility and will protect the child and play with it for hours. Collie is so tied to children, which can be safely leaving the crumb on her care. Dogs of this breed are easy to teach, gentle and deeply betrayed the whole family

  • Irish Setter - Such a breed is suitable for active people, as the dog is very mobile, sociable, loves a lot to walk, run, play with children. Setter perfectly expands with a child of school age and will take part in all employees of the owner

Irish Setter
  • Beagle - This breed is also perfect for children. Middle-sized dogs, very sociable, affectionate, easily find contact with all family members. With a child, the Beagle can spend a whole day and will be a great friend and a defender. As the breed is bred like a hunting, on the street should not leave the animal without supervision, so that he is not distracted by foreign smells

Beagle - the best friend of children
  • Airedale - Dogs of this breed are distinguished by curiosity, cheerful character, love and loyalty to the owner. If you want to start an animal that will be interested in bathing, walking, games, burning with children, Erendel Terrier will become an excellent choice. It should be noted that the animal will require care in the form of regular combing and haircuts, and the child can study and train and teach

  • Poodle - Smart, devoted and easily trained dog breed. Even a child preschool age can engage with animals. The dog loves society of all family members, especially children, can walk long and play with them, rejoices with water games. Padel possess a "dog" sense of humor, love to do funny things, causing around laughter and joy. Such a breed of dogs will have to give birth to girls anymore - it can be combed to combat wool and engage in the wardrobe of his pet. At the same time, the animal practically does not linger

Poodle - the best choice for the girl
  • Cocker Spaniel - A dog that becomes a member of the family, as he gets to the owners and adjusts to the rhythm of their lives. Animals of this breed are very polays and gentle, love to be the center of attention and play with children. Engage with pet, care and train his child will be able to independently

Cocker Spaniel
  • Pug - refers to small breeds of dogs with an excellent character. Animals get well with children, very friendly. Pugs do not differ in great activity and do not need long walks, preferring calm home games, so you will fit the child restrained temperament

Pug - funny dog \u200b\u200bfor the whole family
  • Dog "Courtyard" - If your child picked up a stray animal on the street, treat it with understanding. So, your baby has a sense of compassion and care. Poragia - one of the most intelligent and devoted animals, which will be a true friend and will endlessly love his owner

Yard dog can be a good friend to your child

What dogs do more children?

  • In addition to listed, there are other breeds of dogs, well-depleted with children: boxer, English Bulldog, mastiff, German Shepherd, Dog, Bobtail, Senbernar, Newfoundland, Basset Hound, Boston Terrier
  • Also in families with children you can get a dog of the following breeds: Dalmatian, Sharpey, Fox Terrier, American Bulldog
  • If your child in adolescence, pay attention to the breeds: French Bulldog, Afghan Borzaya, Risenshnauzer, Dachshund, Schildren, Dwarf Pinscher, Smooth Fox Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, Hungarian Sick
  • Popular breeds such as Rottweilers, Dobermans, Staffedshid Terriers can get along with children only if they grow with them since childhood and are well trained

Labrador - the most popular seven dog

What kind of dog to make a child in a private house?

  • The choice of dog breed depends in many respects from the place of residence of your family. If you have a private house, the dog should perform not only decorative and game functions, but also to guard the house, and also be a defender for its owners
  • For example, hunting breed perfect is unsuitable for these purposes. Fight breeds are sometimes specially trained, but the increased aggressiveness of such animals may be dangerous for families with children. Rescue dogs (Senbernara, Newfoundland), being pretty large animals, can protect the owner at a critical moment, but initially have another warehouse character
  • In addition, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the animal a lot of time to spend outdoors and feel comfortable

Pay attention to the dogs that combine the functions of protection and protection, get well with children and are distinguished by devotion to all family members.

  • German Shepherd - Perfect choice. The dog is very clever, perfectly trays and subordinate to the owner, loves children and is an excellent defender

German Shepherd - beautiful defender and reliable child
  • Risenshnaser. - For this animal protection of its territory is a favorite activity. The dog is distinguished by incredible courage, devotion and unpretentiousness, well leaving for training. Risenshnuzers are very good for children and love all family members

Risenshnauzer - Dog-guard
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog - This is one of the largest dogs, which is completely predicted by the owner, is tolerant of children's pits and glad to spend time with them. Caucasian will be the best defender of your home and a faithful child

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

What dog is better for a family with children in the apartment?

If you live in an urban apartment and want to make a dog for guarding and games with children, look at the following rocks:

  • Boxer - Dog with excellent security instincts and warm relationships towards children. Such a dog is perfectly leaving for training, active, movable and will suit families even with very young children.

English boxer
  • Rottweiler - It is better to take it a very small puppy. Then, with proper upbringing and training, your pet will be a fearless defender and a devoted friend to your children.

Puppy Rottweiler
  • Cannes Corso - Very often families with children choose this particular breed. Corso is very smart, attaining to his owner, is an excellent defender and gets well with children of any age

Cannes Corso - Friendly and Finished Dog

What little dog to have a child?

  • Sometimes the choice of dogs for a child is limited to a small apartment area or parents are afraid to start a large animal from concerns that the child will not cope with a large, active pet. In this case, you have to choose from small bedroom decorative rocks
  • Before purchasing a pet, pay attention to the rules for the care of a breed, since decorative animals tend to need regular haircut and combing wool

It should be noted that families with children are not recommended to start Beingeles or Chihuahua, which despite the small size, they aggressively react to the inaccurate appeal and do not come to contact with the child. Much more suitable breeds are:

  • Yorkshire Terrier - Dog with long silky wool, which is often decorated with ribbons and hairpins. Promotional animal, movable, with mischievous, bold character, gets along well in the family and gets laid with children

Yorkshirk Terrier - Cute and Cheerful Dog
  • Havansky Bishon - Charming little dog with soft, thick, more often curly wool. Has a cute and lively character, very affectionate and loyal owner, loves to be in society of people, willingly play with children

Bishon - Charming Room Dog
  • Bologun - Beautiful breed with long soft wool. It has exquisite manners, with energetic and movable. Communication with people is distinguished by credulity and affection

Maltese Bologna will be a good companion for a girl
  • Toy Fixter - Smart and active dog with short, smooth wool. It can become a good companion to a child of school age. An animal has a decisive and restrained character, fearless temper and friendliness. Together with this, the foxesters are distinguished by funny and playful behavior even in adulthood

Toy Fox Terrier - Movable and Playful Family Dog

Before you take responsibility for a living creature, study as much information about a species, features of lifestyle, behavior, habits, care, feeding. Discuss your choice with a child and other family members. Explain the baby that the puppy in the house needs permanent care, communication and love.

Video: Dogs for children: What kind of dog is suitable for a family with a child

A small dog is a true friend and companion of children and adults, and in the conditions of an urban apartment with a home pet small sizes easier to equip life and ensure decent care and content.

Urban apartments rarely boast an excess of free space, so the inhabitants of such dwellings prefer to make dogs of small breeds.

Among the small home breeds of dogs there are 3 main groups:

  1. Small dogs. The height in the knee knee is less than 45 cm, the weight is up to 10-11 kg.
  2. Dwarf rocks. Their growth is up to 35 cm, weight is 2-5 kg.
  3. Toi. These are miniature dogs, their height in the withers no more than 28 cm, and the weight is up to 3 kg.

Features of temperament

Little dogs are characterized by a dynamic appearance, they are extremely tied to members of their family, as a rule, love children and require attention. But you need to train domestic dogs of any size.

Most small dogs are mischievous, they differ in a cheerful temper and love to shake a little, so they need a certain correction of behavior.

And at all, you should not forget that even miniature dogs can show aggressive traits of character. The nearest relatives of the "toy" TEV - terriers.

This breed has high self-sufficiency and does not boast of excessive readiness. So in the body of a small dog, the iron character of her senior and large fellow fellow.

Features of care and content

On the one hand, the small dimensions of the dog are its advantage in the conditions of a small apartment, and on the other hand, there is a danger of applying to it by random injury. Little dogs have such a feature: because of its excessive attachment to the owners, they strongly strive to keep up with them and often confused with those under their feet.

If a person is not enough, he may be inadvertently to come on his beloved, giving him a paw. Frequent cases and heavier brain injuries of small dogs.

Therefore, the holders of decorative rocks should be more careful in everyday life and correct children correctly, in order not to injure their favorite.

Special attention should be paid to dog feeding. Small rocks require energy-intensive feed, saturated with microelements, vitamins and amino acids. Adult dog need to feed 2-3 times a day, trying not to overload its diet and do not overpay the animal. The dog's feed should be not only useful, but also easily absorbed.

The owners of small dogs seek to teach their pet to the tray, it is convenient and hygienic. However, it also needs to walk with it, preferably at least 2-3 times a day. In the city, there are often walking dogs problematis - not everywhere there are parks, squares or specially designated places, and a small dog will be able to frighten from the heart and in a small yard.

Any dog \u200b\u200bneeds vaccinations, and a small homemade dog is no exception.

It is necessary to regularly visit the veterinarian and carefully follow the health of the pet. After all, homemade dogs are more susceptible to infections and various malaise.

Most popular breeds

Yorkshire Terrier

Despite its miniature sizes, this funny crumb has courage and tirelessness of a giant. On the street can provoke a scandal, having met a dog of a large breed. A great suitable for a small apartment: an adult score reaches 22 cm in the withers and weighs 2-3 kg.

Little yorks are distinguished by attachment to their owners. They followed them everywhere, adore outdoor games, very thinly feel the mood of the owner and try to adapt to him.

  • They love children, although sometimes kids can squeeze a dog too much, which in their dimensions more resembles a cat.

Cheerful and clever, these dogs become a true friend, but remaining for a long time at home themselves, Yorky jeep and suffer. This is a long-haired dog breed, which people who are prone to allergies can afford. Its wool does not have a subhead, so it does not fall, but needs regular combing.


This is the smallest breed in the world from a distant Mexico. The growth of the dog does not exceed 23 cm, weight ranges from 1 to 3 kg, just perfect parameters for a small apartment.

This is an energetic and cheerful dog, very attached to his owner and keeping loyalty to him until the end of his days is extremely difficult to get used to a new surrounding. Easy feels the mood of man, seeks to help him. There is a version that these cute dogs were used as an ancient monks as a heating.

We need early training, an adult dog is almost impossible to re-educate 2-3 years. Dogs of this breed better start, if there are no children under 6-7 years old. Chihuahua can not sit at home alone for a long time - begins to miss and ugly.

The dog is extremely sensitive to the cold, so in winter it is necessary to wear it well for a walk, or postpone the event to warm days: in the summer she is happy to come together and runs in nature.

Shih Tzu.

Another little dog native from the east. Dogs of this breed distinguishes endurance and tirelessness. This is a faithful friend who equally loves children and adults, and a cheerful misorringe, who loves to play on the street or lie down at the sofa.

Dogs of this breed can sit on his knees for hours, and the long-lasting leads tolerate suffers with great difficulty.

The Shi-Tzu breed is a luxurious dog with a long beautiful wool that needs careful and daily care. An adult dog weighs 4.5-8 kg, her growth in the withers is 25-27 cm. Loves a lot to walk and run on the street. It is easy to find contacts with other animals, it has a pride and at the same time a sociable character.


Pug is the eastern breed, the birthplace of these dogs - China. It is distinguished by a balanced temper and exceptional devotion to the owner, aggressive and cowardly dogs among pugs is practically not found. Adult dogs reach 30-36 cm in the withers, weight - 10-11 kg.

Dutch navigators brought this little dog with a funny face and a wise look. In the Middle Ages, Pugs were held only in no noble houses, and after the faithful dog saved his owner - the King of Holland Wilhelmu Tishest - life, pugs became the official rock of the Orange House.

In our country, this breed appeared relatively recently - in the 1980s of the last century. Little dogs love children very much - to play with them and walking on the street, well leaving for training, but prone to completeness and have a rather sensitive digestive tract.

This unpretentious dog, externally resembling a soft toy, in the shower - a true hunter. The breed was originally withdrawn for the extermination of small pests-rodents, and even a domestic dog may surprise her owner, bringing him a bird or a mouse caught on the street. An adult dog weighs up to 3 kg, her height in the withers reaches 19-28 cm.

Russian Toy Terrier is characterized by a cheerful temper, loves communication and active games. A very smart and intelligent dog adores members of his family and is ready to rush at any time to defend, hitting the enemy with loud lament and expression. So that it does not grow aggressive, it needs to be trained.

With very little children, it may not blame, but with the children of school age, it is easy to find a common language.


Proud, smart and severe dog - a real Chinese fighter and a brave. This is a little friend and guard, well suited for the apartment and easily gets along with the elderly.

Does not require long walks on the street, at home does not impose his communication, if he feels that the owner is now not up to him. But this is the owner, can even drive the owner even to a small child.

Do not attract excessive attention to themselves, but we really relate to our own person in terms of respect - they require him even from children. They will not allow themselves to squeeze like a soft toy. Adult dogs weigh from 3.2 to 5.4 kg, its height is 15-23 cm.

Husty little foxes Mord and fluffy fur coat of these dogs resembles forest animals. This German breed is well adapted for the apartment, its dimensions are 18-22 cm, the weight is 1.4-3.5 kg.

The character of the dog is alert and a little suspicious, but this is a real defender and friend. He loves children - they can play with them and focus on the street or on the street, but with adult people prefers to conduct restrained and with great dignity.

These are amazing smart dogs and real home psychologists. Breed, which adores children and is well to be trained. Highly appreciate praise, but if they are not clear, the resulting command washed away, they can refuse to perform it. Almost devoid of aggression, but at the same time they can rush to protect in case of danger.

The breed is endowed with an appearance, they have beautiful wool that requires care. An adult part weighs up to 8 kg, its height is 28-38 cm. Sometimes among the dogs of this breed there are "daffodils" who are getting used to universal admiration and adoration.


Whatever little dog has chosen a person to keep in his apartment, it should be understood that now a family member appeared in his house, who needs love, attention and affection.