General recommendations for pregnant women. How to keep pregnancy early. Tips and recommendations

E.B. Yakovleva, O.A. Churilova

Chapter 1. Physiological pregnancy and accompanying changes in the body

Pregnancy is a physiological process of development in the female organism of a fertilized egg, beginning with the eggs (female sex cell) sperm (men's sexal cell) from the moment of fertilization of ripened in the ovary of the egg. Physiological pregnancy continues on average 10 lunar months (1 lunar month - 28 days), i.e. 40 weeks, or 280 days. The whole period of pregnancy is made to divide the trimesters. The first trimester begins with fertilization and ends at 12-13 weeks, the second ends at 28 weeks, the third trimester of pregnancy comes from childbirth comes from the same time.

Diagnosis of early pregnancy.The possibility of pregnancy can and should be assumed from any woman of the childbearing age, which did not come monthly on time or amenorrhea appeared (lack of menstruation) at regular sexual life. Thus, the first sign of pregnancy is usually the lack of menstruation in the required time. A few days after that, most women appear nausea and even vomiting. Usually vomiting is one or twice a day, in the morning, immediately after getting out of bed, but it is not so strong to cause a noticeable metabolic disorder. The increase in urination is often found in non-remote women in the premenstrual phase. However, pregnant women are more noticeable and can give the first indication of what has occurred. Changes in the mammary glands are also noted from the very beginning of pregnancy and are especially noticeable for first pregnant women. Usually a woman feels some stretching of the chest glands, their pain. The swollen mouths of the barrels of Area around the nipple can act up, forming the so-called Montgomery tubercles. With sufficient lighting, it becomes visible swelling of surface veins, first of all going around the nipple. The chest loses its usual softness and in it you can adversely with the tightness of the swollen gland ducts coming from the periphery to the nipple. After 16 weeks, the nipple pigmentation becomes noticeable, especially expressed by dark women.

From about the 12th week, and thin women have a little earlier, you can fight through the front abdominal wall of the bottom of the uterus, which at the 20th week approaching the lower edge of the navel, and on the 36th - to the sword-shaped beam.

Repeated pregnant women earlier noted the movement of the fetus than for the first time pregnant. The first usually notice the movement between the 16th and 18th week, and the second - between the 19th and 21st. Data on these sensations can be very important to determine the term of pregnancy and upcoming birth, so a woman should try more precisely to remember the date of the first fetal movement.

There are also special methods for diagnosing pregnancy. In doubtful cases, a pregnancy occurs can be established by using express tests for pregnancy sold in pharmacies, or by conducting an immunological test for the definition of hormone in the women's consultation. Modern diagnostic ultrasound devices allow you to establish a pregnancy under the minimum period of 2-3 weeks. The accuracy of the diagnosis increases with dynamic observation, carrying out a transvaginal scan (when a special sensor is entered into the lumen of the vagina and the study is carried out as if from the inside).

Each pregnant woman must be credited to the women's consultation, and the sooner, the better. Indeed, in the early periods of pregnancy, she still remembers the days of the last menstruation, and the accuracy of information can be checked during a survey conducted by a gynecologist. In addition, during this period, the doctor needs to obtain source data on the pulse frequency, the size of blood pressure, the blood hemoglobin level, the mass of the body, so that with changes in later deadlies it would be possible to quickly assess the situation and, if necessary, to delete the necessary measures . It is during this period that the doctor needs to identify the accompanying diseases of the internal organs, such as hypertensive disease or heart disease, ulcerative disease or diabetes, which ultimately can have a significant impact on the state of the future mother and its child and to properly change the tactics of the pregnant woman.

In addition, the primary medical examination includes the definition of a blood group, a ray factor, as well as serological tests for syphilis and HIV infection.

If a woman is 35 years old and more, that is, the danger of the occurrence of chromosomal anomalies, which can lead to the development of various malformations of the development of the fetus, diseases (the most frequent - Daun disease). In these cases, the doctor will recommend to undergo a special examination - amniocentesis. In addition, women are a ultrasound examination, permissible at any time (its harmlessness is confirmed by numerous studies conducted for over 30 years all over the world).

Pregnant women often enhanced the pigmentation of the skin, especially expressed on the face, around the nipples and the white lines of the abdomen (brighter in brunettes compared to blondes). Longitudinal strips (stria of pregnancy) appear on the stomach and hips) with a length of 5-6 cm and about 0.5 cm wide. At first they are pink, but then become pale and slightly compacted.

Ramibable spots appear more than 50% of pregnant women. The intensity of the coherent and sweat glands during pregnancy rises.

Summing up, we can say that during the pregnancy period there are deep shifts of physiological functions aimed at ensuring the needs of a developing fetus and compensate for the physical changes in the mother's organism that are caused by these shifts. At each stage of pregnancy, physiological changes are aimed at meeting the needs of the fetus and provide such reserves that allow it to grow and develop continuously.

Although it is fair that pregnancy is the physiological state of the body and many women are ready for harmonious relations with a future child, it is known that pregnancy is also a period of tension and load and that only a few women it flows without functional or organic disorders of different severity.

Chapter 2. Nutrition for pregnancy

Now that a pregnancy has come, it's time to take care of the right nutrition. During pregnancy, food used affects both the pregnant and her child. However, there is no need for two. In this regard, one very important rule should be remembered: the quality is not due to the amount.

It should be remembered that the period of pregnancy is not time to reduce weight by using special diets!

With the right selection of products among the following four groups, you and your child are guaranteed a varied and balanced diet.

1. Dairy products contain proteins necessary for the growth of the child and replenishing the needs of the parent organism, as well as trace elements (calcium) necessary to strengthen bones and teeth.

In this regard, it is advisable to use up to 0.5 liters of milk per day, both in solid form and in the form of lactic acid products (kefir, prokobvash, dairy desserts, yogurts), as well as cottage cheese. In the diet, it is useful to include solid grade cheese, such as Cheddar, melted cheeses, pasteurized cheese.

2. Meat products contain proteins, iron and vitamins of group B,
Also necessary both to replenish the needs of the parent organism and for the development of the child.

This group includes beef, pork, lamb, poultry meat, fish. Products from this group are advisable to use twice a day. It is desirable to give preference to poultry and fish meat. Try to use only lean meat, removing areas containing fat in the cooking process.

All foods from meat, birds and fish should be eaten in boiled or baked, avoiding fried and smoked dishes.

The skin from the bird before cooking is always necessary to shoot.

White meat is more lean than red.

Filena of beef, pork and lamb - the most lean.

All sausages and sausages contain a lot of fat. Eggs deserve special attention: they should be boiled hard, and use only protein in food.

3. Bread products, cereals, potatoes contain carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

The products of this group include bread, preferably from solid grains or coarse flour, potato dishes, pasta, rice, porridge from various types of croup, muesli or flakes. Dishes from this group products should be included in the diet at each meal.

4. Fruits and vegetables contain a variety of vitamins and trace elements necessary to maintain various functions of the body, and fiber to improve digestive processes.

A number of crops such as peas, beans, beans, lentils, cabbage, as well as dried fruits rich in iron. However, the absorption of iron from these products occurs with their use less active than from meat products. To improve this process, simultaneously use products rich in vitamin C.

Vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet of at least four times a day. Try to use vegetables and fruits with peel when possible.

Important is the correct distribution of products for each meal. So, meat, fish, cereals should be part of breakfast and lunch dishes, because products rich in protein increase the metabolism and long time delay in the stomach. In the afternoon, closer to the evening, one should give preference to dairy-plant food. Abundant food in the evening has a negative impact on the body of a pregnant woman, contributes to a violation of normal rest and sleep.

Food during the day is desirable to use 5-7 receptions. The total amount of fluid consumed should be 1.2-1.5 liters per day, including water, tea, coffee, soups.

The reception of the cook salt is limited in the second half of pregnancy to 8 g per day, since more contributes to the water delay in the body and the development of edema.

Permissible body weight gain during pregnancy

This is a question that worries everyone. Throughout pregnancy, 40 weeks, the total weight gain should be on average ranging from 9.5 to 12.5 kg. At the same time, in the first 20 weeks of pregnancy, an increase in body weight should be about 2.5 kg, at the rate of 500 g per month. And in the second half of pregnancy (the next 20 weeks), the body weight gain can be 10 kg at the rate of 500 g per week.

For a more accurate assessment of the permissible weight gain for the pregnancy, you can use the following data.

Week of pregnancy BMI is less than 19.8. BMI19,8-26 BMI over 26.
2 0,5 0,5 0,5
4 0,9 0,7 0,5
6 1,4 1,0 0.6
8 1,6 1,2 0,7
10 1,8 1,3 0,8
12 2,0 1,5 0,9
14 2,7 1,9 1,0
16 3,2 2.3 1,4
18 4,5 3,6 2,3
20 5,4 4,8 2,9
22 6,8 5,7 3,4
24 7,7 6,4 3,9
26 8,6 7,7 5,0
28 9,8 8,2 5,4
30 10,2 9,1 5,9
32 11,3 10,0 6,4
34 12,5 10,9 7,3
36 13,6 11,8 7,9
38 14,5 12,7 8,6

First, it is necessary to calculate its body mass index (BMI) according to the following formula: the source weight is divided into the square of growth (M). According to the result obtained, if BMI is less than 19.8, then the mass is considered reduced. If NEF ranging from 19.8 to 26 is a normal mass mass. If BMI is more, the body is excessive. Next, using the table, you can determine the necessary weight gain of the body for a certain period of pregnancy.

Under the normal course of pregnancy, an increase in body weight of a pregnant woman first is due to the size of the uterus and the number of accumulating waters, the mammary glands, increasing

the volume of fluid and blood in the body and last time due to the accumulation of fat (1.5-1.7 kg).

If you suddenly noticed that you have an excessive weight gain or weight gains are excessive, then pay attention to whether the products that are quite advisable to exclude during pregnancy, namely, is: jam, marmalade, chocolate , chocolate biscuits, cupcakes, cakes, pies, cream, cream ice cream, fruits in sugar, and chips, crisp potatoes, sausages, sausages, fatty meat, mayonnaise.

Accepting alcoholic beverages, including beer, completely unacceptable, even in small quantities.

How much weighing in grams? Why is it important to control weight during pregnancy and how to do it?

The fact that the pregnant woman adds in weight, they probably know everything. But that the health of the child, the nature of the flow of childbirth and the well-being of the future mother, are dependent on the size of this increase, are not recognized. It is not enough to simply add in weight, the main thing is to do it right.

Every day on scales

With each visit to the female consultation, the doctor will control your weight, but in some cases the daily observation is required. In addition, many doctors (mostly old hardening) do not consider it necessary to resemble

Fruit age, weeks The weight of the fetus in grams Fetal length in centimeters

future mom about weight control.

It is more convenient to weigh every day at the same time, for example in the morning, immediately after waking up, or in the evening, before bedtime. So you will get the most accurate value of the daily and weekly weight gain. You can even build a schedule to visually see your baby grows. Many women have every deviation of the weight arrow towards the increase causes horror, especially if before pregnancy they constantly walked and fought over a weight. So, "pregnant" increase and overweight is not the same thing. Overweight is fat deposits with which it is rather difficult to part. A gain in weight during pregnancy is a kind of temporary shelter your child, which will disappear across nine months, and so that after childbirth there is no problem with the figure, it is necessary to properly recruit "pregnant" weight. You should not worry about each extra gram - take a look at the table, and you will understand what your weight gain is in weight.

How much happiness weigh

Placenta - 680 g; The accumulative liquid is 1000 g; uterus - 1100 g; Breastcloth - 900 g; blood volume - 1600 g; Child - 3400 g.

Add a liquid accumulating in the body and increased fat deposits here, and it turns out that weight gain is about 11 kg. Naturally, these numbers are quite approximate, and there is nothing terrible if your weight gain is slightly more or, on the contrary, a little less than 11 kg. Normal is considered an increase in weight from 9 to 12 kg. The approximate scheme of optimal gain in weight is as follows: In the first trimester, the weight gain should be about 1,500 grams, in the second trimester - 5,000 grams and in the third trimester - 4000 grams. If you do not fit into this scheme and weight gain takes place not evenly, but jumps, if during the week you added more than 500 grams or, on the contrary, during two weeks you did not add a gram, be sure to report it to your doctor.

There is one exception here. Weight gain can be caused by the accumulation of excessive fluid in the body, so if you have noticed that your legs and hands are swelling, there are small shoes, the wedding ring does not fit on the right finger, eyelids look swollen and the whole face walked like a hangover Be sure to inform the doctor. Perhaps in your menu too much salt, which delays fluid, or (which is already much worse) the kidneys do not cope with the increased load.

Starting point

The weight of a woman before pregnancy is the so-called point of reference to which we will add grams. First of all, it is necessary to decide what is considered the norm. As a rule, they proceed from the relation: the growth of minus 110. That is, with a height of 170 cm, your optimal weight should be 60 kg (170 - 110 \u003d 60). This is the norm.

If your weight before pregnancy is more than 20% more than 20%, you should carefully monitor your food and do not overeat

(especially in the first trimester). But it is also impossible to sit on a strict diet - the child will not be able to grow only at the expense of existing fat deposits, since they do not have the necessary set of nutrients.

Women with overweight should be treated in the first and second trimester to add no more than 300 g per week, and in the third trimester - 200 g per week.

If, by the time of the pregnancy, your weight is much less than the norm, then for the first trimester, it should be powered by more calories so that the second trimester begins with the norm. The scheme of gain in weight to women with insufficient body weight looks like this: the first trimester is 800 g per month, the second trimester is 2400 g per month and the third trimester - 2000 g per month.

Six weighty misconceptions

There are a number of dangerous misconceptions regarding weight gain. Misception 1. The more future mother adds in weight, the larger and stronger the child will be born.

Of course, the weight of the child at birth depends on the weight gain of the mother during pregnancy, but this dependence is not direct. The optimal for the newborn is considered the weight of 2900 to 3800 g. A child with a smaller weight is too weak and susceptible to various diseases, and too large fruit can complicate the flow of labor. As a rule, if the future mother is properly feeding, takes vitamins and during the pregnancy period added from 9 to 12 kg, it means that the child will be born with normal weight. If the weight gain translates in 20 kg (due to the too abundant and calorie nutrition), then it does not mean that a large and healthy baby will be born. In this case, the weight of the child can even be less than 2 kg, because the child needs not extra calories, it needs nutrients, and if the power of the mother is calorie, but not nutritionally, the baby does not get in weight.

Miscending 2. The best way to get rid of toxicosis is to stop there, at the same time and lose weight.

The mechanism of the occurrence of toxicosis is not yet fully studied. But scientists believe that it is more pronounced in women, whose nutrition lacks proteins. So in most cases, toxicosis is one of the consequences of unbalanced nutrition. If there is nothing to stop it (until it stops nauseous), toxicosis can only increase, because the stomach continues to produce gastric juice, and you will not be sick of food, but from hunger. And only the process of digestion will help remove excess acid from the stomach and prevent the attack of nausea. With toxicosis, due to nausea and vomiting, the body of the future mother loses fluid, and with it and necessary for the development of the child trace elements, therefore, even with strong toxicosis, it is impossible to completely refuse food even for several days. It is necessary to find such products from which you do not sick. If the toxicosis is too strong and leads to significant weight loss (up to 20 kg), it is already a serious complication, and it must be treated.

Confusion 3. Weight gain does not affect the health of the child. It depends on it only the weight of the child at birth.

A weight gain in no way affects the development of all sorts of genetic deviations that are laid upon conception. In other cases, the development of the child is directly connected with the nutrition of the future mother and its weight gain. Each caloria, every milligram of vitamins and nutrients, a child can only get from the mother's body. And the insufficient intake of the necessary vitamins and nutrients affects not only the weight, but also on the development of the fetus. It is especially important to monitor the uniform growth of the weight curve in the first and last trimesters of pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the bone system and internal organs of the child are developing intensively: kidneys, liver, heart. And in the third trimester, when most internal organs are already formed, developing a brain. And the task of a pregnant woman is to provide a future child with the necessary building material (vitamins and microelements). With insufficient or, on the contrary, disorders in the formation and development of the vital systems and the brain can occur with an overpressure in weight.

Miscending 4. If a few days before childbirth, sit on the diet and not add in weight, it will be easier to give birth.

Indeed, thin to pregnancy women with an optimal increase in weight give birth easier than bbw, which during pregnancy did not limit themselves in food and scored more than 20 kg. Israeli scientists concluded that the low-calorie diet in the last weeks of pregnancy can lead to premature births. By the way, often over one or two weeks before the birth, the weight of the future mother naturally decreases approximately 500 g (if it does not overeat). Weight loss without special diets - a sure sign of approaching childbirth.

Confusion 5. When re-pregnancy, weight gain is much larger, especially if the difference between birth and a new pregnancy less than three years.

Indeed, with repeated birth, the weight of a newborn is usually increasing, but it does not affect weight on weight. Regardless of the first pregnancy or fifth, the optimal weight gain should not exceed 12 kilograms. But many women approach the second pregnancy, did not have time to lose weight after the first birth (especially if the gap between the new pregnancy and childbirth is small), and they are perceived extra kilograms as an increase in weight. It should be remembered that the weight with which you come to pregnancy is only yours and more than anything, and do not charge extra kilograms for an increase in weight. On the contrary, during re-pregnancy, the "net" weight gain is somewhat less than when first.

Misception 6. The body of a pregnant woman himself knows what he needed, and does not need to limit himself in food.

In part, this is true, but I repeat, only partly. As a rule, a pregnant woman intuitively feels harmful to kid products and refuses them. So, for example, an avid coffee maker or a slurry suddenly feels that instead of coffee or bitter chocolate, she wants to drink fresh juice or eat an apple, but sometimes a woman cannot distinguish the desires of the body from their whims. Often, premensenev, a woman understands that now it can be shy and no one will reproach her. And if earlier she could not afford to eat for breakfast, black caviar with spoons, and order dinner in the Japanese restaurant, then you can pamper yourself (and at the same time a child) delicacies. Well, if you suddenly want to eat pretty specific things (for example, chalk, ash or lime), this is a sure sign of a shortage of nutrients. Be sure to tell the doctor about your flavors, so that he picks you up the optimal complex of vitamins and minerals.

Chapter 3. Mode of Labor and Rest of a Pregnant Woman

Each future mother must be aware that pregnancy is a state of the body that requires a special approach, that is, appropriate changes in behavior, in the familiar lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

From the very beginning of the establishment of a pregnancy, a woman is obliged to do everything necessary in order to preserve his physical and psychological health and take care of the full development of the child for his subsequent well-being birth. For this purpose, each pregnant woman is obliged to teach himself to follow the daily schedule designed specifically for future mothers, which has a beneficial effect on the maintenance of their healthy state and on pregnancy.

Separately, you need to mention the several most important rules that each pregnant woman should adhere to. Physical overvoltage should be avoided, i.e. First of all, do not overload yourself with severe physical work that requires the use of considerable efforts, frequent torso flexions, as well as locating in an uncomfortable posture for a long time. In a word, severe physical exertion is contraindicated in every way pregnant and can cause serious disorders in the development of the fetus and even cause premature childbirth or miscarriage.

In addition, it should be completely abandoned smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, listening to loud music, tedious sports (of course, besides gymnastics for pregnant women), it is also necessary to refrain from making a hot bath and visiting a bath, avoid long standing and staying in a sitting position, bathing In natural water bodies (and in cold water, at all), excessive lighting and in general a long presence under the open sunshine.

As for swimming in the water bodies (sea), they are not contraindicated in the event that the pregnancy proceeds without complications and if it is environmentally friendly with water. Otherwise, bathing should be refrained or replace it with swimming in a closed pool.

As for professional labor, a pregnant woman can work up to the birth in the event that the work is not related to physical and psychological loads (for example, women engaged in mental labor, etc.). But even simple work in large quantities, one way or another is associated with overvoltage and can cause a deterioration in the general well-being of a pregnant woman, so in the second trimester it is necessary to limit itself in labor.

With a pregnant woman sitting, a pregnant woman is better to put his legs on a stand or several times a day to shift them on a standing chair. This will facilitate blood outflow and will fight from the varicose veins of the veins - one of the most common complications during pregnancy. In addition, it is necessary to get up from time from time to time (preferably every hour) to get out of the chair and make light gymnastic exercises, allowing to use all the muscles (and especially the pelvic muscles), and also prevent stagnation of blood in organs to avoid edema, normalize breathing.

But pregnant women whose work requires a walk or long standing, for pregnancy is better (if possible), change the activity, refuse to work and take another leave or leave at your own expense.

By the way, maternity leave should be taken from about the 7th month (30 weeks) of pregnancy. In addition, in the Labor Code stipulated separate important points about the Labor Women during pregnancy, legal decree and protecting her rights.

Both in the first and in the second half of pregnancy, a woman can also continue to engage in habitual affairs, homework (to wash, iron, clean the apartment, etc.). It is advisable to establish a reasonable mode of work and rest, allowing alternating one with another, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

In large terms, the body's mass increases due to the growth of the fetus and, therefore, the total load on the legs and the spine of the future mother increases, so in order to avoid edema and pain in the legs, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and the spine, a pregnant woman should make a comfortable half-risal for her as often as possible. position so that the organs are fully rested.

Regarding the daily mode of a pregnant woman is very important to sleep. In the first months, the duration of sleep remains familiar to every woman. But usually, a quick fatigue is observed during pregnancy, as a result of which dizziness appears, increased drowsiness. Therefore, the duration of sleep pregnant should be at least 8 ~ 9 h.

The most optimal time for this is from 22 hd to 7 hours in the morning. In addition, the future mother (especially in the second half of pregnancy) is recommended to relax (sleep) during the day (1-2 hours after lunch), optimally - from 14 to 16 hours. But in the afternoon it should not sleep for a long time, as it can break the night sleep. In the event that you do not want to sleep during the day, after lunch, daytime walking or homework is recommended to rest lying.

Separately, it should be said that in order to hygiene, a pregnant woman should be sleeping in a separate bed and regularly change bedding (at least once a week), and it is necessary to use a duvet cover and pillowcase for the pillow. More often a woman needs to change underwear (night shirt), since during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body there is a more abundant sweating, especially during sleep. Use the shower at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. The total duration of washing should not exceed 15-20 minutes. In addition, it is advisable to take a shower after cleaning the apartment, a long trip or walking around the city. During the morning and evening toilet (before bedtime), it is necessary to thoroughly clean your teeth (2 times a day), because during pregnancy, the oral cavity and the woman's teeth require particularly careful care.

In order to improve sleep, the pregnant room should be well ventilated several times a day, especially before bedtime. With a breakdown of sleep (which is quite possible during pregnancy), it is better to consult a doctor who will write down the appropriate sedative. But the sleeve for a pregnant woman is also undesirable, because in this case the entire regime is disturbed.

Since food during pregnancy is one of the main and important factors of its normal flow and maintaining the health of the mother, take food follows the same hours. And most importantly, a pregnant woman in time to breakfast, and it is better not immediately after the rise, and at least half an hour to avoid typical of nausea and vomiting. After breakfast, if the woman feels well, it can well go to the store for products or do homework. The apartment in which pregnant lives should be kept clean, so in simple duties of the future mother comes every day dry room cleaning (apartments) with wiping dust with furniture and air ventilation.

In addition, it is necessary to make a thorough wet cleaning at least twice a week.

A pregnant woman is useful at least twice a day - in the morning (after lifting and before breakfast) and in the afternoon (1 hour before lunch or 2 hours after it) - perform additional gymnastic exercises, useful for the development of the future child.

Usually, group physical classes for pregnant women, as well as special respiratory gymnastics, are organized in every female consultation. It should be remembered that if in the first half of pregnancy most of the exercises are carried out in the standing position, then in the second half - mostly sitting or lying.

The need for oxygen during pregnancy rises by 30-40%, since the breathing of the fetus depends on the full breathing of the future mother (after all, the air is necessary for the normal development of the light and further growth of the entire body). And especially active blood is saturated with oxygen while walking outdoors.

The future mother is desirable to be outdoors at least 2-3 hours per day, and it is not necessary to walk for a long time, it is enough to go outside several times and walk on the hour. Walking during pregnancy is best done at certain hours: in the morning from 10 to 11 hours, in the evening - from 18 to 19 hours, before bedtime - from 20 to 21 hours. In the last months of pregnancy, a woman should walk for his own security, accompanied by someone From loved ones.

In addition to following the main schedule, each pregnant woman is obliged to regularly attend the female consultation, his obstetrician-gynecologist, to take the necessary analyzes and clearly follow all medical instructions. Each pregnant woman should plan his schedule in such a way as to have time to do everything necessary before childbirth. At the first time of pregnancy, it is necessary to include a dentist visit schedule, as well as other specialists (endocrinologist, urolog), in order to pass all the required surveys and prevent possible diseases.

In the second half of pregnancy (on the 6-7th month), you can start visiting courses for future mothers, on which a pregnant woman will be able to get a lot of useful information about food, how to do a special gymnastics, how to behave during the first fights like It is possible to breathe correctly during battles and childbirth, etc. Usually such courses are conducted 2 ~ 3 times a week (sometimes more often).

It is necessary to choose the most appropriate time for% of courses to not disturb the listed schedule. Well, they will also be taught how to care for the newborn in the first months of his life, how to feed, swinging a child, to correct him in arms, bathe, to make a massage and developing gymnastics, to many other useful skills.

Chapter 4. Possible accompanying problems and ways to solve them

Nausea. This unpleasant phenomenon often takes place in the first three months of pregnancy, mainly in the morning. To prevent nausea, waking up in the morning and without getting up from bed, try to eat a small slice of dry bread, toast or a piece of apple. If you feel nauseous throughout the day, then make small breaks between receptions of a small amount of food, but so that the total amount of food taken in the day has not decreased. Otherwise, large intervals between meals can provoke vomiting. In some cases, it allows this to use cold food, which has no less nutritional qualities than hot dishes. Sometimes various culinary smells can also cause nausea, which makes avoid fried foods or dishes with various spices.

Heartburn is a frequent gestury in the majority of women for the first time in the absence of acute or chronic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This allows us to talk about the presence of a causal relationship of heartburn with pregnancy. The main cause of heartburn during pregnancy is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure due to an increase in the uterus.

By the 30th week, about a third of all pregnant women complain about the frequent heartburn, and by the 38th week their number increases to 99%. The duration of heartburn is from several minutes to several hours, and it can be repeated several times a day, intensifying in a horizontal position, when you turn from one side to another (some pregnant women draw attention to the fact that the heartburn is concerned more on the left side). Great can provoke the slopes of the body forward, abundant meal, sleep on a low pillow.

In order to prevent heartburn or get rid of it:

Avoid abundant meals, try to eat often and small portions;

Do not eat fried, fat, smoked dishes and products;

Do not drink strong tea and coffee;

Take food without hurry, slowly;

Do not bend and do not lie right away after eating.

If these techniques do not get rid of you from listed unpleasant phenomena, consult your doctor.

To eliminate nausea and heartburn there are a number of drugs, the reception of many of them is undesirable or contraindicated during pregnancy. However, alginate compounds appeared in pharmacy several decades. Alginates are natural substances obtained from brown algae. In the acidic area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, they turn into a thick viscous gel within a few minutes after the admission. The alginate includes substances that in the presence of hydrochloric acid of the gastric juice convert the gel in the foam, due to which the gel floats on the surface of the contents of the stomach, like a raft on the water. Such a "raft" is a barrier preventing the cast of acidic content of the stomach in the esophagus, and also envelops the walls of the esophagus, protecting the mucous membrane, in this way, the heartburn is eliminated. The ability of alginate compositions to form floating foam in the stomach and eliminate heartburn led to the development of a drug.

In order to prevent food poisoning caused by dangerous causative agents of intestinal infections, such as Salmonella or Listeria, it is advisable to eat during pregnancy:

Soft nonpasteurized cheeses, such as brie, Camembert, Stilton, etc.;

Any paws;

Raw or cooked egg sick;

Homemade dishes, which include raw eggs: mousses, homemade ice cream, etc.;

Insufficiently processed thermally meat (meat with blood).

As a rule, during pregnancy, many women develop a tendency to constipate, which increases with an increase in the period. To ensure normal intestinal work, healthy pregnant is recommended to use more coarse food. The correct, diverse nutrition allows you to avoid constipation, the bloating, as a result of which the stomach does not press the uterus and the fruit is fully developed.

The intestine of a pregnant woman should act at certain hours, best in the morning and preferably in the evening. If you comply with the necessary diet and power mode, the intestine is usually valid on its own. In cases where his activities are violated, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice, which means should be applied from constipation.

Most often, you can do the usual enema, putting it at the right time, but if there is a threat of interrupting pregnancy, the enema is contraindicated, since the process of childbirth and the process of peristaltics are managed by the same muscles and enema can provoke premature genera. And the use of laxatives for pregnant women is undesirable, as well as the use of many other drugs.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

In severe cases, the disease is accompanied by fever, articular and muscle pain and spotted rash. The most dangerous damage to the toxoplasmosis of the nervous system (the development of meningoen-cefalitis). The sharp form of toxoplasmosis is most often observed in people with immunodeficiency (for example, with HIV infection).

The danger of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women have heard many. Hence the tips to drive out a cat from home, and panic from any scratch. However, not everything is so scary.

The risk for the fetus represents only the primary infection of the mother toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. That is, if you have sought them for a long time, it will not have any influence on the fruit. But even with a primary infection, the risk of fetal infection is not 100 percent. In the first trimester, the risk of infection in the disease of the mother is 15-20%, in the second - 30%, in the third - 60%. However, despite the fact that the risk of infection with a period of pregnancy increases, the severity of clinical manifestations is reduced.

After primary infection with toxoplasmosis, it is possible to plan a pregnancy in six months.

How to the infection of toxoplasmosis

A person's infection occurs either when eating meat of infected animals, or when the person's contaminated cat in the human body gets into the body (most often with street dust or earth).

In general, as neither sad, cat excrement with toxoplasmas surrounds us everywhere, and it is extremely difficult to protect against the disease. But there are also its advantages in it: most women even before pregnancy in the hidden form disaster to the toxoplasmosis, they have immunity, and now, even waiting for the baby, no cats are scary. The main sources still remain uncompressed meat and street dust. If you get through the feline feces into the external environment, the pathogen retains activity up to two years.

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis

When planning pregnancy for a doctor, it is important not only to identify the presence of infection in the body, but also to determine, fresh or old. For this B.

the blood is investigated by immunoglobulins of class M and O. To diagnose toxoplasmosis, PCR is sometimes assigned to the Toxoplasmosis.

In order to accurately determine whether the fruit is infected (when identifying primary infection in the mother), it is recommended to study the accumulating waters by amniocense (the fetal bubble is pierced with a thin needle through the front abdominal wall).

In the ultrasound of the infected fetus, an increase in liver and spleen can be determined, the expansion of brain ventricles, intracranial calcinates. The placenta may be thickened, calcinates can also be determined in it.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis

Treatment is carried out only with primary infection!

Drugs acting on toxoplasm can only be used after 12 weeks of pregnancy (some only after 16 weeks), as they themselves can have a harmful effect on the fruit. Usually the pathogen is not completely destroyed, the treatment is directed mainly to reduce its activity.


Prevention is most important during pregnancy, and those women who have never "have never met" with toxoplasma and do not have immunity to it.

When working on the garden, wear gloves so that the earth does not get on the skin. The skin can be a microcrack, and in the ground - toxoplasm. Wash vegetables thoroughly and fruit.

Separate raw meat is also better in gloves or at least after that you need to wash your hands. Carefully correct or cook meat, from the bifhtecs with blood during pregnancy, refuse.

If you live a cat, instruct the cleaning of her toilet to someone else.

It is not necessary to kiss your favorite pet, since in acute contamination of the toxoplasma cats can be in its saliva and discharge from the nose.

You can pass on the analysis of feline feces to install, is it not infected with toxoplasmosis.

Chapter 5. Preparing the body to childbirth

The birth of a child is a very responsible process, and therefore requires careful preparation.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the metamorphosis affect the whole body of the future mother. The stomach is rapidly increasing in size, and the chest is preparing for feeding the child. In addition, the future mother should learn how to manage their breath and intimate muscles, then nothing overshadows the feast of the birth of your child's light, and you can quickly recover after delivery.

During pregnancy, not only belly, but also the chest is significantly increased in size. Milk iron consists of 15-20 glands and muscle mass. Now your breast is preparing for lactation, the dairy lobes increase significantly in size, sometimes in the middle or in late periods of women begins to produce colosure. Very often, young mothers in the first days of breastfeeding face with a whole number of difficulties: the child refuses the chest, the nipples are cracked, hurt, etc. To avoid these troubles and quickly establish breastfeeding, it follows during pregnancy to prepare breasts to feed.

Here a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the breast structure. Some women have a breast shape ideal for feeding a child. But, unfortunately, such a breast is quite rare. Contemporary mothers (primordin) often can be observed flat or varnished nipple. In this case, the child is difficult, and sometimes it is simply impossible to capture his mouth. To help the crumb to get food, my mother should still prepare nipples to feed. To do this, we can wear special linings that pull out the nipple, or pull it out with the help of breasts. It is advisable to do from the 20th to the 36th week of pregnancy. After the 36th week, it is better not to stimulate breasts so as not to provoke premature birth.

In order to avoid cracks of nipples and pain when feeding, it is useful to massage the chest under a contrast shower. Movements should be circular and directed from top to bottom, to the middle of the chest. Nipples and Area is undesirable to wash with soap, as it dries the skin and leads to the formation of cracks. After the shower it is useful to rub the nipples with a terry towel. Besidesin recent times, special oil has appeared for sale to feeding nipples. If from the 30-36th week of pregnancy to apply this oil after the shower, it will help prevent nipple injuries and painful sensations when feeding.

After stopping lactation

irony slices are reduced and returned to the initial state. Only in very rare cases, they become even somewhat less prenatal size. But the muscle tissue is already during pregnancy under the influence of heavy weight of the chest and another number of factors decreases and weakens. It is the disadvantage of muscle tissue that causes a decrease and sought the chest after stopping lactation. And, as a rule, the more chest, the stronger it saves, as it requires more elastic muscles to maintain it. The lactation itself has no effect on his chest. But sometimes women themselves involuntarily spoil their breasts. There are several simple rules that must be observed to reduce the risk of injury.

First, it is necessary to choose the brake right. Already on the fifth-sixth week of pregnancy, you may need a larger bra. But, in addition to size, you need to change the underwear. During pregnancy, it is better to give preference to closed models, without bones, on wide straps, with an adjustable clasp and an elastic back, supporting the chest. By the way, in the last weeks before childbirth and during feeding it is advisable around the clock to maintain the chest. Only for the night it is necessary to choose a more free model. Secondly, it is desirable to abandon manual pressure. The child during feeding practically does not harm the breast and does not injure the milk gland, and when manually stacked, the woman stretches the muscles very much, which is then rarely returned to the original state. Therefore, it is desirable to use breasts, which imitate sucking movements. And thirdly, observe the elementary rules of hygiene and from the first days do not allow milk tools.

Intimate muscles

Intimate, or, speaking by scientific language, crotchop, muscles include the muscles of the sphincter, the input and internal muscles of the vagina. The more elastic muscles, the easier and more painless pass

birth and less risk of breaks. In addition, during the trained muscles of the vagina, blood circulation is normalized in the lower spine, in the organs of the small pelvis, thereby preventing the development of hemorrhoids, menstrual pain decreases, the likelihood of inflammation of the appendages and a number of gynecological diseases is reduced. You do not even imagine how stretching and relaxing these muscles during pregnancy and especially with natural childbirth! Thanks to the training vaginal muscles, childbirth in eastern women takes place pretty quickly and painlessly, and the gaps or episiotomy of the perineum - the phenomena is extremely rare, which you can not say about the European. In addition, stretched vaginal muscles make it difficult to achieve orgasm (both male and female).

A serious program for Vombilding (training in intimate muscles) was developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Now his exercises are included in the programs of many schools for future mothers. First of all, it is necessary to feel that it is for the muscles and how to train them. Sitting in the toilet, try to delay urination several times. It is strained by the input muscles of the vagina. After you felt these muscles, you can train them not only in the toilet. Try to compress the input muscles with the maximum strength and keep them in a tense state from ten seconds to five minutes. At the same time, try to breathe evenly and do not delay the breath. Perform this exercise in different poses (lying, sitting, standing) at least 20 times a day.

The following exercise is to altered the compression of the sphincter muscles (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole) and input vaginal muscles. Quickly strain the muscles of the sphincter and as quickly relax them. Then do the same with the vaginal muscles. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. After that, you can move to simultaneous training of intimate muscles and breathing. Exhale - Hold your breath - squeeze the entrance vaginal muscles - inspire, without relaxing the muscles - relax the muscles - exhale. Repeat the exercises with the muscles of the sphincter. These exercises develop the skills that will be useful to you on attempts. They will teach you how to control the muscles during childbirth. By the end of pregnancy, it will be difficult for you to perform the exercise data. This is because all soft tissues around the vagina swell, since the child puts pressure on the bottom. It `s naturally. And immediately after childbirth, you will find it difficult to feel these muscles. But this does not mean that they irrevocably disappeared. Just begin to perform intimate charge, and quite quickly everything will return to normal.

Belly and spine

For the next nine months, your belly will become a house for the baby. He will grow along with your child. As the abdominal increases, the future mother is redistributed by the center of gravity and it involuntarily want to lean forward, to stick up and take a more convenient position. Despite the fact that the belly grows forward, it has a greater load on the spine. If you have been hard to wear a pregnant belly, it means it is time to take care of the bandage. It is the bandage that removes the load from the loin, regulates the center of gravity and makes it easier for the future mother. Doctors recommend regularly wearing a bandage, starting with the second half of pregnancy (approximately 28-30 weeks). But if a woman feels gravity, then it is not necessary to wait for the second half of pregnancy - you can put on a bandage immediately as soon as it is necessary. Just be sure to consult your doctor. Regardless of the bandage, you need to wear it lying. When a woman gets up, the muscles under pressure from the belly stretched, and it is advisable to maintain them in the original condition. The bandage should not cause discomfort, transmit vessels or put pressure on the stomach too much. If the bandage corresponds to the size and comes correctly, then the woman should not feel the inconvenience. If, after removing the bandage on the skin, red stripes remain or you constantly want to remove the bandage, it is recommended to go to the larger model. Properly selected bandage is completely harmless to the child and does not prevent him from moving freely.

Special exercises for relaxation will help you to remove the load from the spine. Stand on your knees, with a support on your arms. Try to relax your back muscles (without the bend of the spine). Head, neck and spine Try to keep on the same line. Then smoothly fuse the spine up ("Cat back") and also smoothly go back to the original position. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times. Then we smoothly shook the hips from the side to the side. Turn the head and hips to the right (as if you want to see your tail), then left. Repeat this exercise 10 times. Then combine the wetting of the spine and smooth swaying hips. This is especially useful. This exercise in the last trimester of pregnancy. It helps the child to take the "front" position relative to the front bend of your abdomen, which is considered the most favorable for childbirth.

Another trouble of a rapidly increasing belly - stretching. Experts believe that skin elasticity is a hereditary factor. It is from the genes in the first place, it depends on how much your skin is prone to stretching. Nevertheless, you can fight with our own genes with modern cosmetics.

Breathe deeply

In the ability to breathe correctly - the key to the health and harmony of the future mother and the child. In the next nine months and during childbirth, you have to breathe not only for yourself, but also for your child. And on how your breathing will be (smooth and calm or frequent and intermittent) depends on the state of your baby. If we use superficial (abdominal) breathing in everyfold life, now it is very important to learn your breast (diaphragm) breathing. Put one hand on the stomach, and the other on the chest. Make a short breath through the nose, then a long exhalation through the mouth. Then take a deep breath through the nose and long exhalation through the mouth. At the same time, the hand lying on his stomach should not move, and the hand lying on his chest should rise and go down with the diaphragm. Each exercise is repeated 10 times. It is very helpful to sit in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply. Performing such breathing exercises for a few minutes a day will help you calm down and remove the inner tension.

In addition, the correct breathing will help you control yourself during childbirth and reduce pain during battles. At all times, when preparing for childbirth, special attention was paid to proper breathing. This is an ancient method of psycho-physiological self-regulation. There are two simplest types of painkillers.

The first type is superficial breathing or, as it is also called, breathing in doggy. Before the onset of the next fight, the woman smoothly breathes through the mouth, and as the contractions rise accelerates breathing and at the peak it is almost superficial, and then when the fight falls, breathing gradually returns to normal. Such a type of breathing is very convenient during battles. It is believed that he shortens the contractions, relieves pain and contributes to a more complete opening of the cervix. As a rule, in the maternity hospitals, the midwives are recommended to breathe in doggy. And at night, it is impossible to breathe in doggy. Then the second type of breathing remains with simple sound. With this type of respiration with the onset of the fight, a deep breath is made through the mouth, and during the contraction, the air is slowly exhaled and the throat moan is published.

Chapter 6. Clothes for pregnant women

amend comfortable and loose clothes. Clothes must be absolutely clean. It is necessary to avoid the impact of the chest and abdomen, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

A special bandage in the second half of pregnancy is recommended to wear not all women, but only with excessive stretching of the anterior abdominal wall in the long-reasoning women, as well as with large fruit, multipleness and multi-ways; with an active lifestyle (in a vertical position for more than 3 hours per day); with the weak muscles of the front abdominal wall; spinal curvature and osteochondrosis; reaches in the lower back and back during pregnancy; at the rubar on the uterus; the threat of abortion in the second-third trimester; Prelation and low placenta location. It is very important to choose the appropriate bandage size. Advocatively, buying a combined bandage that can be used in the postpartum period.

In order to prevent congestive phenomena in the legs, especially in varicose veins, it is not recommended to be long in a vertical position. In these cases, wearing is wearing during the day of elastic bandages or special elastic stockings.

Shoes, like clothes, should be comfortable, on a wide and stable heel. From high heels, of course, it will have to refuse. The sole should be relief to warn drops, especially in winter. Shoes should be made of natural materials. In the summer, "breathable" shoes are preferred - perforated leather or tissue; In winter - made of genuine leather, suede and fur. Wear shoes are recommended sitting, putting the foot on the stand or stool.

Carefully watch your feet. In addition to daily hygienic procedures, 1 time per day, especially in the afternoon, let's leave rest, putting under

they are a rolled blanket or pillow. This will avoid the expansion of the veins. Contrast (alternately warm and cold) baths are recommended, as well as baths with sea salt, which strengthen not only the muscles, but also the walls of the foot vessels.

The golden rule of "pregnant" wardrobe reads: "The clothes should be comfortable." But this does not mean that your wardrobe should consist of baggy dresses and costumes-hoods, which went a few meters of fabric and who completely hide the stomach. Attractive can and need to stay during pregnancy, for this you only need to correct your wardrobe.

Specively file a round dignity, gently emphasize the tummy or, on the contrary, to distract attention from it will help the right style: something you will find in specialized stores for future mothers or in stores where they sell big sizes. Perhaps a couple of things should be sewed to independently or order in porn.

Fashion designers specializing in clothing for future mothers advise to wear those models that you would choose in the usual condition. If, for example, the evening outfit is associated with your trousers - ahead! Famous designers offer not to hide their belly. Long y-shaped neckline and open back will emphasize the beauty of a pregnant woman.

Flickering fabrics, an unusual finish - all the same, only taking into account the outstanding part of the body and desirable comfort for you. By the way, many skinny women during pregnancy appear the very rounded forms, which they used to be used before. Do not hide them, but demonstrate others by emphasizing the dress from the flowing matter, gently enveloping a figure, or a deep neckline. Well, the spreading hands and shoulders will hide the elegant palatine.

Dress code for future mothers

You can not wear things that are put on the stomach, so you should prefer pants and skirts on an elastic band or on a special belt. The style should provide for the adjustment of the size of the waist, then you will not experience inconvenience as the shape changes, and the child will not be "outraged" in response to the pressure rendered.

Socks and golf should not be dug into feet to avoid the occurrence of venous stagnation.

Fabrics must be made of natural fibers - flax, cotton, wool: they will allow the skin to breathe and get rid of allergy from trouble. Synthetic In many future mothers can cause irritation on the skin or itching.

Warm clothes should be cozy and easy. Shoes - on a stable non-slip sole. It is better to abandon high heels and prefer shoes on a small platform.

Strictly prohibited pregnant woman wearing clothes boring and faceless! The baby feels your emotional state and reacts to the color of your clothing.

Wear spacious shirts, non-shy movements, all kinds of sweaters and cardigans, long skirts on the rubber band, knitted loose dresses.

Do not refuse to visit the beach or pool. You need swimming. A beautiful one-piece elastic swimsuit or swimsuit-dressing will support your rounded tummy.

As an evening dress, you can choose all sorts of sets with elegant blouses and lightweight fabrics.

Selecting your style, stop searches and experiments. It is better to duplicate the item that appropriate to you. Let it be made from another fabric, another color. It is enough to have 5 _ 6 of the main things that can be combined.

Not embarrassed, borrow things from the husband's shelves and have their already birth girlfriends. During pregnancy, you will recover sizes for five to six, and giving birth, you can hardly wear everything that we wore, being in a position. The more nicer will not put the things of large sizes to dust on the shelves, but to give them back or pass "by inheritance."

Optionally buy clothes in specialized stores for future mothers. You can choose something to taste in ordinary stores or in stores for full. Exception is underwear and swimwear.

By purchasing clothes, give preference to things from natural fabrics, spacious and, possibly, light tones, because due to the enhanced metabolism caused by pregnancy, the likelihood of the rapid overheating of the body and increased sweating is high.

Stick one color

The ensemble, is designed in one color scheme, not just slightly, but also creates a holistic image. In order to visually "dilute" a monophonic palette, revitalize it with bright accessories (for example, a scarf) or decorations.


The intensity of metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman increases by approximately 20%, which means that when the surrounding tremble from chill, you exhaust from the heat. Layout allows you to get rid of clothes as needed. In cold weather, come up under the sweater of a polo shirt or a T-shirt, and a long cardigan is perfectly combined with a sweater with a collar "claw" or turtleneck. However, do not be too fond of - excess layers or too free layers will give you a slightly sloppy than a stylish look. We advise you to pay attention to special sets of sweaters for pregnant women.

Do not forget about underwear

Whatever clothes you wore, do not try to "squeeze" in our usual bras. Do you plan to spend time in the theater or relax at home on the sofa, it is better to look and feel you will be in comfortable underwear that does not roll and does not rub in the most delicate places. Be prepared for breast enlarge (some women - up to three sizes) and choose a bra at least two rows of hooks that allow you to adjust the coverage and adjustable length of the strapless.

Panties are better to choose free. If you wear shorts, pay attention to the panties for pregnant women, covering the navel. Or another option: Buy your favorite panties tanga or bikini for several sizes more, and lower the gum to the increased belly.

Chapter 7. Sex and Pregnancy

A few years ago, the word "pregnancy" was associated with the need to wear shapeless dull dresses, several times a month to deny a long queue in the female consultation to get another list of all sorts of prohibitions. Finally, the times came when to be pregnant became nice and even prestigious. From the star of the pop star and cinema with undisguised pleasure they talk about their "interesting position." The streets are walking through the streets in bright outfits, which rather emphasize the rounded tummy, rather than hide him. That's what we learn that, it turns out, pregnant women are engaged in sports, drawing and music. And increasingly stronger confidence that the condition of pregnancy is not a diagnosis, and the period of the heyday of the female nature, its creative abilities, its spirituality and sexuality.

If you understand sexuality not only as an ability to a sexual act, but as a deep experience of love and completeness of life as a whole, as a person's lifestyle, capable of actively and creatively implemented yourself, the topic of sexuality in relation to pregnancy is becoming relevant sound. Famous American psychologist Alexander Lowen wrote: "Healthy children had parents who were happy in bed." Maternity and sexuality should not oppose each other, it is closely related to the manifestations of women's essence.

Classical medicine still recommends restricting sexual activity during the first three and last three months of pregnancy. But such a unambiguous ban, alas, does not always contribute to the normal course of pregnancy and can even harm. Psychologists dealing with pregnancy problems, know how important harmonious sexual relations in a pair for the prosperous flow of pregnancy. The period of pregnancy and without a ban on intimate proximity is crisis in the relationship of men and women. The man is difficult to "have time" for change, which begin to occur both in the body and in the inner world of the pregnant wife. Learning may begin, voltage in family relationships. That this does not happen, a man should be aware of some features of the sexuality of a pregnant woman. First, a pregnant woman is experiencing an increased need for tactile contact - caresses, arms, massage.

Secondly, the female body in this period is literally filled with female sex hormones, the presence of which, on the one hand, enhances pleasant sensations from intimate proximity, on the other hand, can cause an increased irritability. The touch of a beloved man helps a woman in the knowledge of their own body, so rapidly changing in the process of pregnancy, remove excessive tension, create a sense of emotional comfort and safety.

One of the common misconceptions that intimate relationships during pregnancy can damage the baby. This is not true. The child is in the uterus surrounded by an oily fluid, which protects it well even in minutes of active loves. In addition, the woman intuitively feels the most convenient position for himself, in which the pressure on the stomach is not strong. The view that a child can get a psychological shock from sexual relations between parents is also devoid of grounds. The child is not yet able to evaluate the actions of the parents, he only feels the state of the mother. If a woman is having joy and pleasure from making love, then the development of the baby is only good. In the atmosphere of love and tenderness grow the most harmonious children.

If we talk about the physiological side of sexual contact, then I want to emphasize its importance in the preparation of the body of a woman to childbirth. The seed liquid of a man contains prostaglandins, hormones that soften the cervix, making it more elastic. Thus, the risk of its damage during the passage of the child during childbirth is reduced. During an orgasm in the body of a woman, oxytocin is produced - a hormone that makes the muscles of the uterus shrink, which, in fact, causes a very pleasant feeling from a woman. The same hormone manages the process of childbirth. In addition, sexual discharge is accompanied by the production of endorphins - hormones of joy and pleasure, the same hormones are in childbirth a natural painkillers. Is there a lot of coincidence? However, it should be remembered that the mechanism for developing these hormones is very fragile, it directly depends on the general emotional state of the woman. Love and trust are the main conditions of sexual contact. The same is true of childbirth. The real cause of pain in childbirth is voltage. Those women who were lucky enough to give birth in an atmosphere of trust and love, are surprised to have experienced sensations similar to the experience of orgasm. That is why calm, relaxing atmosphere, created for the girlfriend, the presence of a loved one is very important for the health of the mother and the kid.

Recently, the topic of the presence of a man in childbirth is especially actively being discussed. Some experts competently declare that the man is contraindicated with a man's sight, as they cause a lot of sexual interest in his wife. Others defend the need to participate a man in childbirth as an indispensable condition for prosperous labor. Both are incorrect. It should be remembered that the relationship between each marital pair is unique. For some men, a complete empathy will be preferable during childbirth, the ability to be with it in close contact, help not only a formal presence, but also active actions. Indeed, childbirth becomes for such a pair of a new facet of deep love relationships. But if a man is internally not ready to empathize, agreed to the presence in childbirth only because of the persistent senses of the woman and is forced to stay only with a disgraced witness, the probability of obtaining psychological shock in such a man is large enough. Be careful to each other. If you want to get a positive experience of collaboration, take care of the appropriate preparation for childbirth and their organization. Do not give such an important moment in your life on the flap of a blind case.

Maintain a sense of confidence in your own attractiveness, rejoice in new faces of sensuality and sexuality, and you will be surprised how easy and happy to leak your pregnancy and childbirth.

For a long time it was believed that the main appointment of a woman to give birth and raise a child, and sex should be engaged only to continue the genus.

The reason for this is the five most common problems, deciding which, you will learn to enjoy the "pregnant" sex.

Problem 1. Hormonal explosion

Your body is experiencing a strongest hormonal explosion, which, naturally, is reflected in sexual life. Pregnant women are not able to control their emotions and are subject to a sharp change of moods.

Solution to the problem. Ensure explain to my husband that you are currently experiencing. After all, he cannot get pregnant with all the desire and, therefore, does not recognize your fears and experiences. Achieving sexual harmony is possible only if the spouses will carefully relate to the psychological and physical requests of each other. For a man, now the most important thing is not to neglect the unstable emotional state of the wife and do not respond to its often unreasonable accusations. And you do not try to keep experiences in yourself, otherwise you will find a real storm of emotions. Tell your husband about all your experiences, doubts and fears. Sexual satisfaction is possible only if you fully trust the partner. Throughout the next nine months, your mood will constantly change, and every day you will receive new emotions from sex. So do not refuse him only because yesterday you did not like. As at the very beginning of sex life, look for what you gives the greatest satisfaction, and that, on the contrary, causes negative emotions.

Problem 2. Three in one bed

A significant role is played by the psychological factor. After all, in bed, you are no longer two, but three, and to get used to this thought, time will need. It is for this reason that some men perceive the pregnant wife as a mother, and not as a woman.

Solution to the problem. It's no secret that children are not found in the cabbage. The beginning of each lifetime gives sexual intercourse. This in the presence of an adult child is immoral to have sex. And over the next nine months you are with a single whole child.

Remember: the baby is good only when it's good mom. At the time of orgasm there is a powerful energy exchange between partners. Naturally, the fetus feels these changes that have a beneficial effect on a pregnant woman and on him.

Scientific studies show that the young-and-centuries in the uterus react to sexual games of parents. According to observations, during ultrasound, it can be seen how the fetus reacts to the maternal orgasm with disorderly movement and rapid heartbeat. During the sex act, the uterus begins to shrink, and for the baby, the maternal orgasm is a kind of training before the upcoming births.

Problem 3. Toxicosis

Nausea, dizziness and fatigue, too, do not add desires. In the morning you are sick of just an eaten breakfast, as soon as the toxicosis passes, I want to sleep, then there is again, and in the evening you are so overlooked that I don't want to think about anything other than sleep. In addition, it is terribly annoying that the husband cannot share with you all the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.

Solution to the problem. Transfer bed games at the most convenient time for you. After all, you are nauseous not all 24 hours a day. As a recognition of most future mothers, the optimal time for sex is early morning, before breakfast, or after day sleep. Do not adapt to your husband to the detriment of your desires. The most unpleasant, if you are sick of your own husband, but at the same time I want sex. In this case, try to understand what exactly it annoys you: cologne, bristles, smell of tobacco, etc., and try to eliminate the cause of irritation.

Problem 4. "Pregnant" body

The body of the woman changes right in front of: the stomach increases greatly, the chest becomes painful and the colostrum can flow from it. Attempts to embody your favorite sexy postures look ridiculous and nothing but inconvenience do not deliver. And instead of enjoying her husband's caress, you want to at least hit it.

Solution to the problem. Love your "pregnant" body. Those changes in the appearance that the woman is so afraid, for men are an additional highlight. Many men kind of pregnant wife excites much. Stop complexing about a huge abdomen. You will fully gradually, and the husband will have time to adapt to your new sizes. In the next nine months, you can be proud of your belly, it will be the main affairs to him. Of course, as the abdomen increases, you will have to show ingenuity in finding convenient poses. But the variety in sex is only welcome. Pregnancy - time of gentle and leisurely sex without complicated acrobatic tricks. As for breasts - do not tolerate, if your husband's caress causes you pain or discomfort. Explain to your beloved how to handle the "pregnant" bust. If, when excited from the chest, a colostrum begins to leak, buy yourself beautiful underwear and do not remove it into bed.

Problem 5 (basic). Sex is dangerous for a child

It is believed that intimate life during pregnancy can provoke miscarriage or damage to the future child. On the one hand, a woman really wants to make a pleasant husband, and on the other hand - fear for a child does not allow to fully relax. And instead of rejoice in life, a young mother either deprives the spouse of a full sex life, or agrees for sex only for the sake of her husband and suffer from fear for the kid.

Solution to the problem. Pregnancy is not a disease, but dual responsibility, which means caution. Therefore, some restrictions are still present. Sex is an additional risk factor. It happens that the body is coping with him, but not due to, but contrary to. If a woman is healthy and pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can not give up a full sex life. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully follow their feelings and with the slightest doubts to seek the doctor. Do not be afraid that when sexual intercourse you can accidentally harm the child. It is well protected by a fruit bubble and uterus, and the oily water of the water reliably absorb strong shocks.

If your pregnancy belongs to the category of high risk, then it is necessary to refuse not only from sex contacts, but also from sexual excitement.

It is necessary to refrain from sex:

With multiple pregnancy (twins, triple), doctors regardless of the well-being of the future mother recommend to abandon sex life from the 20th week. This is due to the fact that with multiple pregnancies there is always a risk of premature births, and sexual arousal can stimulate generic activities;

If the uterus is constantly in a tone. In this case, regardless of the term of pregnancy, sexual intercourse can provoke a reduction in the uterus and premature labor;

If, according to ultrasound testimony, you have a low location or prediction of the placenta - sexual intercourse can cause bleeding. In this case, doctors recommend abandoning the poses that provide deep penetration (a man from behind, a woman from above, etc.);

When bleeding or separating seals appears, it is recommended to refrain from sexual contacts to a visit to the doctor;

If you have already been miscarriage and premature childbirth or there is a threat of miscarriage, in particularly dangerous periods it is necessary to abandon sexual contacts. At the same time, the days of alleged menstruation are considered dangerous, that is, every fourth week of time (4, 8, 12, 16th, etc.), as well as the deadlines of previous miscarriages;

With any venereal diseases, as well as in cases where the pregnancy occurred during treatment from sexually transmitted diseases;

For 2 ~ 3 weeks before the alleged date of birth, most doctors recommend refusing intimate proximity. With sexual excitation, the female organism produces a hormone oxytocin, stimulating the cutting of the uterus. A man's hormone prostaglandin contained in the seed fluid has a similar effect. So sexual intercourse directly before childbirth can cause contractions. But if the woman "overesses" and in the estimated period of childbirth do not begin, doctors, on the contrary, they advise you to stimulate the seed of the generic activity with the help of sexual affection.

Pregnancy - a special period in the life of a married couple. It is now that future parents, more than ever, it is necessary to feel spiritual proximity and support for each other. And often trusting conversations, gentle touch and kisses bring much more satisfaction than traditional sexual intercourse. Tell your spouse about your experiences, talking together with the child and dream. If you will safely survive these nine months, then your spiritual intimacy will become even stronger, and the family is stronger.

Chapter 8. Physiology of the Generic Act

Among all the organs of the woman, the greatest changes during pregnancy undergoes a uterus, which is influenced by hormones and due to the stretching of its growing fruit increases significantly in all directions. At the beginning of pregnancy, the front-facing size increases especially noticeably, as a result of which the uterine cavity from alkalinet turns into a spherical. In the first four months of pregnancy, there is a thickening of the walls of the uterus, starting from the fifth month - thinning, by the end of the pregnancy the thickness of the wall does not exceed 0.5 _ 1 cm. The length of the uterus (height) by the time of delivery is 37-38 cm, transverse size - 25-26 cm, deep size - 24 cm. Yannisch. The weight of the uterus increases by the end of pregnancy to 1000-1200 g, that is, 20 times, and the volume of the uterine cavity is more than 500 times.

The cervix becomes loose, blue, rich blood vessels. In myiometry (muscular layer of uterus), significant structural changes occur, manifested in hypertrophy and hyperplasia of muscle fibers. Simultaneously undergoes changes and connecting tissue, which is also hypertrophy and breaks.

In the first months of pregnancy, thin elastic fibers in the muscle are thickened, the nature of their location is also changed.

Generic activity is always accompanied by certain hemodynamic changes. Fights and swelling lead to a decrease in the volume of circulating blood in myiometry, which causes temporary hypoxia. At the end of the disclosure period during the contamination of the uterine circulation change is more pronounced. With normal childbirth outside the bouts and sweep, hemodynamics in the myometry is rapidly restored.

With weakness of generic activity, significant deviations in hemodynamics are observed - the difficulty of the inflow and outflow of blood as a result of lowering the vascular tone of the uterus.

One of the conditions for the development of generic activity is the optimal state of the inner environment of the body of the female in labor.

Periods of birth

The generic act is divided into three periods: the period of revealing the cervix, the period of expulsion of the fetus and the postpartum period.

At the end of the ripening cycle of the intrauterine fruit (40 weeks), the uterus is a muscular organ (fruit) with an increased tone in mechanical irritation. Before the period of the revelation of the uterus begins, the so-called period of harbingers of childbirth, or the preliminary period begins.

In the future, the contraction of the uterus (contractions) is rapidly and become regular, long, their intensity is growing. The appearance of regular battles indicates the beginning of childbirth.

The expulsion period is called from the moment of complete disclosure of the uterine zoom until the born of the fetus.

Normally, the detection of spindlewater waters should coincide with the full disclosure of the uterine. In this case, the volume of the uterus is slightly decreasing, the walls of the uterus come into contact with the fruit.

The last period is called time from the birth of the fetus until the birth of the last.

Postpartum period

The postpartum is called the period after delivery, during which the changes in the body disappear changes caused by pregnancies and childbirth. The postpartum period begins with the post office and ends with the completion of the inverse development of the genital and other organs and organism systems. It lasts an average of 6-8 weeks. However, in the body of a woman, as a rule, there are "prints" of pregnancy and childbirth for life.

Immediately after the birth of the lane, the uterus is significantly reduced by reducing the walls of the uterus. The walls are thicken, and it acquires a spheroid form. The front and rear walls are adjacent to each other. The body and cervix are located in relation to each other at an angle, open the kleonda.

By the end of the third week of the postpartum period, postpartum discharge from the uterus almost ceased and acquire the same character as before the occurrence of pregnancy.

Chapter 9. What you need to cook, going to the hospital

It is very important to collect the necessary things in the hospital in advance. It is most convenient to put them in separate cellophane pa-'kets to be easier to navigate.

For a child: Knitted or flannel hats, socks, dispensers, mittens, sliders (2-3 dials), several diapers, diapers.

The child dressed freely, faster adapts to new living conditions, is developing faster. For Mom:

Exchange card and passport;

Convenient clothes: a pair of long T-shirts or short nights (long clothes interferes with active behavior in childbirth), a bathrobe, slippers (washable, not cloth), socks, 2 bras, comfortable for feeding a child, 2-3 panties (non-thong);

Gaskets with maximum absorption capacity;

Toiletries, towel (if you want to take a shower or bath);

Mineral water (better non-carbonated);

Easy, sweet, preferably dairy food (yogurt, cottage cheese, juice).

For dad: comfortable clothes - jeans, sports pants, shorts, a T-shirt or shirt, slippers (also preferably washable).

Clothing should be familiar, pre-wired and folded in a bag for the maternity hospital. There is no need to purchase medical clothes, a mask, a hat.

Since childbirth is a long-term process, you can take a pair of sandwiches with you. Be sure to take a camera or chamber with you to immediately capture this joyful event for relatives and close. You can take a player or a small player to listen to your favorite music.

The main thing that you will need is confidence that childbirth will be calm, smoothly, with a lot of positive emotions!

And ... Try not to forget the bag at home.

More information on various topics of obstetrics and gynecology on the site:

1. You can not raise anything heavy.
2. Do not ride a horse and horse, on a bike, do not jump and so on.
3. Lack of yourself in fright or fear for face, hands and other places, since the child in such places may be red or blue ribbons.
4. Do not look at people with obvious physical ugliness, on terrible and heavy incidents, avoid views of horror films, talentless Russian films and similar spectacles. All this through the nervous system is reflected in the future child. On the contrary, you need to hang a picture in front of it, on which beautiful children and beautiful, soothing nature would be depicted.
5. Do not pull the waist - as it can easily lead to fetus deformity.
6. To facilitate childbirth, you should lie as much as possible and go as much as possible, engage in light physical work.
7. From the second half of pregnancy (and better before) not to have sexual intercourse, since the cutting of the uterus is reflected on pregnancy.
8. It is more common to check the urine for the presence of a protein indicating the kidney disease. If it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
9. For the formation of bones, a child needs lime, and he will "pull" her from her mother's teeth, so pregnant every day to drink 2 tablespoons of lime water, otherwise her teeth will crumble.
10. From time to time, go to the inspection to the dentist.
11. Be sure to shave the hair in the axillary depressures and wash them every day with warm water. This is necessary in order for the fungus that can dwell in the axillary depressions, did not get into the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, and then to the newborn.
12. It is necessary to carefully monitor the proper work of the intestine. The laxatives are preferably not used to not provoke the contractile activity of the uterus. When constipation can be pushed with pure boiled water or candles.
13. For the correct intrauterine development of the fetus, it is advisable to eat two teaspoons of honey for each food - it contributes to the development of the nervous system of the child.
14. Through pregnancy, the future mother can take the following additives:
1) in the morning before breakfast drink 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of apple vinegar; For breakfast (or dinner, dinner) - 1 cup of water with 2 teaspoons of apple vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey.
2) carrot juice
Drink 1/3 cups for 30 - 40 min. before meals.

It was noted that, according to the state of the child's teeth, it is possible to determine whether the power of the mother during the pregnancy period is full. With good conditions of intrauterine development of the child, insufficient food after birth will not have a great effect on his body.
15. One of the diseases dangerous for pregnant women - rubella; It has a detrimental effect on the fruit (can lead to the development of deformity), especially with the disease in the first four months of pregnancy, when the bodies of organs and systems occurs. Therefore, pregnant women need to be protected to be protected.
16. During the entire period of pregnancy, it is necessary to make gymnastics. There are a lot of special gym manuals for pregnant women with a complex of exercises for each period of pregnancy.
17. During pregnancy and after delivery due to the possible stretching of the abdominal wall, especially in women with a weakened muscles, we recommend wearing a bandage.
18 It should also be remembered that since the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy, you can not do exercises for squeezing up. This desire often arises and do not produce actions at all, like hanging up the linen on highly stretched ropes breaking fruit with high branches, etc., since such actions (squeezing ) They can lead to the formation inside the uterus and the child can turn down the legs, or accept any other abnormal position, which greatly complicates childbirth.
19 In recent months, pregnancy is harmful to wear high-heeled shoes. Due to the overvoltage of the muscles, pains in the legs and back may appear.
20. When used during pregnancy, medicinal plants should be remembered that some of them are contraindicated pregnant.
The list of these plants is shown below.

Pregnant Posted Plants

1. Garlic can not be used by pregnant women, patients with pardochaboles (epilepsy) and suffering from a little one.
Aloe use causes blood tides to a small pelvic organs. Contraindicated in diseases of the liver and gallbladder, with uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, cystitis and pregnancy.
3. Ordinary Oils
During pregnancy, it is not applied, as it acts abstantly.
4. Sea cabbage (laminaria)
In pregnancy, the use of iodine is contraindicated, so it should not be used by a marine cappist.
5. Male fern strongly poisonous plant.
The fern is contraindicated in heart failure, in the disease of the liver and kidney, with the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, during acute gastrointestinal zobolev, during pregnancy, sharp 'depletion, anemia and with active tuberculosis.
6. Halfweight bitter (silver) poisonous plant.
Application inside requires caution and accurate dosage. Long use should be avoided. It can cause convulsions, hallucinations and even the phenomena of mental disorder. The use of wormwood bitter is contraindicated during pregnancy.
7. The medal lovers acts abortively.
8. Cyrus ordinary
Plant is poisonous, so apply only under the control of the doctor. During pregnancy, it may cause miscarriage.
9. Juniper ordinary
Internal use of berries requires accurate dosage and contraindicated during pregnancy.

Sleep is the physiological peace of our body. In the dream, the brain, the nervous function is partially disconnected to restore the used resource of the body, distribute the resulting visual and mental information per day. In a dream, a person relaxes and restores physical, mental activity.

The body of a pregnant woman works for two with a very large load! For the full development of the child, the mother must relax enough and breathe fresh air. Sleep disorder has every second pregnant woman, during pregnancy occurs for various reasons.

1 trimester of pregnancy is the psychological cause of sleep disorders. The woman is very sensitive in the period beginning of the formation of the fetus, anxiety for the future child violates the psychological balance of women. Pregnant mommy begins to capricious, the mood changes very quickly, the physical state of the woman is disturbed, and all this affects the quality of sleep.

Toxicosis and disorders of the digestive tract and frequent urination are not allowed to sleep calmly, and throughout the night they give themselves remember, breaking the dream.

2 trimester of pregnancy. Sleep in the second trimester becomes usual, the voltage of the first trimester develops into a relaxed and sluggish state, the body gives all the forces on the formation of a child. You need to sleep anymore and walk in the fresh air, free yourself from cramped clothes correctly.

The correct position during sleep is closely connected with sleep quality and will well affect the health of the future child. Pose in which you are accustomed to sleep is not suitable for your child, lying on your stomach, increases

At the same time, the fruit wakes up enough oxygen, which he needs for full-fledged development! Now there is a fairly large selection of bedding for pregnant women - these are mattresses, pillows, special stomach pads, which are put under the stomach, reducing the load. Fruit pressure on the fruit and it can threaten the miscarriage. Sleeping on the side The most suitable way to rid and relieve the condition of a pregnant woman who contributes to proper blood circulation.

3 trimester of pregnancy. This is the most difficult period! The physiological breakdown of sleep is the main one. Big belly, load on the spine and legs, toxicosis and heartburn, frequent urge to the toilet breaks a dream, and insomnia arises. To avoid the cause of insomnia, find a useful and comfortable position for yourself and for the child growing in the stomach.

1. Abandon day sleep in favor of night, or cut to a minimum day dream.

2. The physical exertion and a healthy lifestyle are moderate. Exclude psychological and physical exertion before bedtime, try to relax eliminate negative information.

3. Decide problems in the first half of the day, excluding emotions in the afternoon. Decide problems in the family and at work calmly, no need to exhaust the nervous system, negative emotions badly affect the development of the child.

4. Relax, listen to quiet and pleasant music, eliminate the mental load before bedtime.

5. Strictly observe the rules of healthy nutrition, a few hours before sleep do not take food, hoping a useful and pleasant "drink" with warm milk acting as a sleeping pills and soothing means.

6. Strong cocoa, tea or coffee exclude from the menu. Before bedtime, do not drink fluid, thereby getting rid of frequent night urges to the toilet.

7. Warm shower 15 minutes to sleep well relieves tension and soothes.

8. Check the bedroom before bedtime and walk in the fresh air half an hour before bedtime.

9. Choose bed linen from natural fabrics. Purchase an extra pillow and a good mattress for pregnancy.

10. Aromatrapy is a direct impact of fragrances to the human body. There is a calming on the nervous system, has an antiviral action and removes the voltage. Use the pillow with herbs and aromalamp.

11. Sleeping and tablets, not appointed by the doctor in no case take.

12. Day and night sleep should be at the same time.

13. The reception of vitamins restore forces, and the massage is well eliminated from the seizure and the plugness of the vertebral and cervical part, they remove pain in the lower back.

14 change poses and, choosing a right and convenient position, significantly reduce the restless movement of the child, which prevents falling asleep.

15. In the position of the lying on the back - the sex vein squeezes the uterus, breaking the influx of blood to the heart and light. Exclude the situation lying on the back! Lokia on the side laying the roller under the lumbar department, the load decreases. More suitable and convenient to put it under the stomach and between the knees of the pillow. Do not worry on trifles, live in harmony of the soul and body and pregnancy will deliver a lot of positive emotions in anticipation of a small "miracle"!

Ponomarev Ruslan Vitalyevich, aka Ponomarev specifically for the site


When choosing food, you need to be guided by two principles:

1. Natural products: juices, fruits, vegetables, solid croup, dairy and fermented food, honey, nuts, bread with the addition of solid grain, meat, fish, eggs, legumes. When cooking, it is necessary to comply with the rational rules of the maximum heat treatment, ensuring the preservation of biological activity (cooking in the husk to a pair, stew in a tightly closed dishes on a small fire, oven in the oven).

2. Whole products: Fruits with peel and grains (in cases where it is edible: the seed with apples, the grains from the urinet (if it is not patched), bread with solid grain, honey, raisins, etc., Potatoes in the husk, etc.) It is important to know Not only what should enter the diet, but also something to be categorically avoided. Do not think that bans for the future mother are too strict. In fact, its body, working all these months in the active mode, and the main thing - the embryo, especially persistently react to food that does not correspond to a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, an average of a modern man's diet consists mainly of denatured, refined, treated with chemicals, preservatives, dyes, too digested products: coffee, donuts, sausages, marinades, smoked, chocolate, cakes, tonic drinks. Useless "food without meals" not only does not give any benefit, but also causes her great harm and her child, since the female organism is oversaturated with toxic metabolic products with which liver and kidney, already performing dual loads that perform during this period , unable to cope. Very often the feet of a woman swells not from the fact that she has a pathology of the kidneys, or the heart works poorly, but because she eats herring, salt cucumbers, drinking strong tea or coffee too much; She exorbitiously grows, because without a breather he chews for two, and pain at the bottom of the belly arise because the intestine overcrowded as a result of constant constipation crushes on a growing uterus.

In the book Z. Meller "How to Save and Restore Health"an example is provided from the practice of Dr. Eichgolz, which studied the relationship between power during pregnancy and light birth. In 25 women who followed her prescriptions at least in the last three months of pregnancy (when the weight of the child increases, it has never been necessary for the artificial intervention of the accumulating waters was strikingly, the children mostly weighed no more than 3 kg and the scope of white Always less than 36 cm. Almost all mothers, as opposed to previous births, were able to feed their breasts.

Diet offered by Dr. Eigolz: Many raw fruits and vegetables, any salads and greens, milk, potatoes, no soups, 1 time per day a little lean meat, whole flour bread, rare eggs and legumes, a little cocoa and a little water. Dp Golbrook excluded from the diet of pregnant women salt, legumes, coffee, spices, forbidden to abuse bread and potatoes, emphasizing the importance of not only fresh vegetables and fruits, but also dried fruits in all sorts of species. Under this diet, the childbirth occurred surprisingly easily.

According to the book "Allergy in children", if the early manifestations of the exudative diatheze are ignoring, in the future, heavy allergic diseases can be formed in older children - neurodermatitis, urticaria, bronchial asthma, drug allergies.

How can you prevent exudative diathesis and allergic diseases on its background? Starting prophylaxis should be as soon as possible and above all with the improvement of pregnant women. Pregnant women suffering from any form of allergies or in families of which there are cases of allergic diseases, should be rationally eating during pregnancy, not consuming rare exotic products. In recent months, the diet must be especially strict, it is necessary to avoid monotonous nutrition (including unloading days, especially meat, curd and dairy). Of particular importance for the development of food allergies in the fetus and the newborn, proteins of cow milk and chicken eggs have. In the daily diet of a pregnant, predisposed to allergies, milk and lactic acid products should not exceed 0. 5 liters, cottage cheese - 100 g., Eggs welded by screwed, allowed 3-4 times a week, meat - up to 200g., Fruits - 200- 300g., Vegetables at least 500g. (mainly cabbage, zucchini, turnip, trouser)

Diet for pregnant women

Actually, this diet is also suitable for children, and after operations and stressful states, and when leaving long starvation. In general, it is called a harsh.

All wheat flour dishes should be replaced with rye or corn bread, because unnecessary carbohydrates are not needed at all. Milk needs to be used only in sour form (source, kefir, etc.). Cottage cheese is needed daily in the amount of up to 100 g. Meat (beef, pork, veal) must be replaced by fish, seafood, liver, heart, kidneys, liven sausage. This more concerns postoperative patients, however, liver and other internal. Pregnant organs are really necessary. If there are peripheral swelling (hands and legs), or excessive weight gain (which most often talks about internal edema), the meat you need to eat boiled, cutlets are cooked for a couple, since it reduces thirst. If there are no such problems, then the meat has the right to be fried. In general, to reduce the thirst it is well ringed with cold water (verified for yourself). Poultry meat is not recommended more often than 1-2 times a week. Sugar must be replaced by honey, since honey is quickly absorbed, it is absorbed completely and contains mineral substances (salts) necessary for the formation of blood cells. 2 h. L. Honey for each meal contributes to the creation of a strong nervous system of the child. In addition, honey eliminates problems with constipation and improves sleep. Every day you need to eat raw vegetables 2 types (they are useful), 1 egg ("in the bag"), 5-6 pcs. walnuts or other nuts. The required amount of acid is contained in fresh fruits. If there is a disgust for them, to meet the need of an organism in acids, it is necessary to drink a solution of 1 tsp. Apple vinegar on a glass of water in the morning (it removes nausea). The juice of grapefruit and lemon is very useful, but with individual intolerance, it can be replaced with freshly squeezed grape, apple or cranberry juice without adding sugar (you can sweeten with honey).

Meat is not recommended from 34-35 weeks. Additionally, try to eat more vegetable oil (up to 30-50 ml per day) and drinking diluted with water 1: 1 carrot juice after eating a glass per day. They assure that this leads to accumulation in the body of vitamin A and, as a result, to an increase in the elasticity of tissues. Cash, cottage cheese, cheese are also excluded from 37-38 weeks. All sorts of vegetables are fruits, berries, milk, kefir, biocyter, yogurt remain. Iron: beans, cabbage, cherry, currants, green vegetables, dried fruits, gooseberry, nettle, oatmeal, peas, radishes, raspberry, rice, strawberry, tomatoes, tops of young turnips, celery, lemons, bananas, grenades, strawberries, lentils, solid wheat. Phosphorus: beans (beans, lentils), cauliflower, celery, cheese, cucumbers, mushrooms, peas, radishes, shrimp, soy, walnuts, solid wheat.

Vitamin D: butter creamy, cheese, egg yolk, milk, fishery, mackerel, tuna, mackerel. And the sun, of course.

Calcium and phosphorus - Composite parts of bone tissue, participate in the formation of bones and teeth, in the process of blood coagulation, regulate the excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus, increase the tone of the heart muscle.

Iron - for blood formation, ensures the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues.

Zinc - It is included in the blood and muscle tissue. Copper - for blood formation. Potassium and sodium - to prevent swelling. Iodine - the function of the thyroid gland, intelligence, mental abilities. Vitamin E - Warning of miscarriage, prevents the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels, cleaning veins and artery from blood clots.

Vitamin D - contributes to the assimilation of the calcium organism, adjusts the phosphorus-calcium balance.

Vitamin H.- Lack leads to pigmentation of the skin, early toxicosis.


From toxicosis can be saved citrusov - Best of all there are lemons. It is useful, by the way.

And even from toxicosis, it is possible to save the blade of prunes or kuragi (can be together, it is possible - separately), and it is precisely a decoction, and not a compote, that is, without sugar. Or simply slowly dried fruits chew ...


Almagel It happens 2 types: green (usual) and yellow (with strong painkillers), it is completely harmless, and just recommended not just from heartburn, but from heartburn during pregnancy!


To increase hemoglobin, you can take a mixture of fresh carrot and beet juice in a cunning proportion of 1: 2. But it is necessary to be extremely careful. Beetroot juice is very biologically active. Very cut for the gastric mucosa. For adults - use it only in a mixture with other softer juices and not more than half a day. And carefully monitor the reaction. And even better to give beet juice (unlike all others that are used freshly prepared) stand in the refrigerator for about 2 hours. Then drink.

In recent months, I also had a minor anemia. I then found a tool that I really liked. It is called "Gravinova" - powder, which dissolving, forms a vitamin and mineral drink with an orange flavor. A bunch of all kinds of beneficial substances, including iron. Recommended pregnant and nursing women. I used it at the end of pregnancy and so far I fed, very satisfied. Try searching him in pharmacies, a year and a half ago, it was not a problem, and it was not very expensive - about 10 thousand for a pack, and her, it seems, for a week enough.


All forgot that the edema is not so much from the amount of fluid, how much of sodium salts in food. Try to exclude these salts from the diet: less salt drinking salt, a lot of sodium in milk (and dairy products), tomatoes (tomato juice including), seeds / nuts - try to limit these products or do without them. Tips to limit the fluid at the same time can be neglected - on the contrary, drinking diuretic (fresh kefir (up to day) refers to diuretic, good tea with lemon, special fees) - salts that have already accumulated in tissues, it is necessary to output, without normal drinking it is impossible. It is better if the drink is acidic (such as horses), and not clean water, in which it is fully in the salts, if not filtered.

Eveny "Not from the fact that I saw a lot, but from the fact that the excess sodium salts are accumulated in the tissues, which you get with food, and the kidneys do not have time to remove them - the load is without that considerable. These salts hold water in the tissues (usually on the legs and near the eyes).

From the edema, the leaf of Tolokanyanka very much. Just went and bought in a pharmacy, brewed and used it, as written on the box. He drank only 3 days, and the food simulated and the liquid consumed. So, I advise.

Worsening vision

The fruit, developing, consumes the nutrients they need from the mother. In the process of formation of the future, the baby's eye from its body is "taken" vitamins A, B and D. Therefore, during this period, the vision of some women weakens noticeably. Points or contact lenses that still served you yesterday, suddenly become inconvenient. However, do not hurry to change them to new ones. As a rule, after childbirth, vision returns to the state, which was before pregnancy. But if you have "darkened in my eyes", in the field of view for the third hour, dark points and stains flashes - do not wait that it will pass by itself. It is better to immediately consult a doctor.

Coordination problems

It is clear that with each week, the pregnant woman becomes more and less clever and turning, she gets faster, because of the grown abdomen with difficulty looks under his feet. It is difficult for her to keep equilibrium, as the center of gravity of the body shifts forward. And although in the last three months of pregnancy, a woman should be extremely careful, no one is insured against random drops. Fortunately, not all of them are dangerous for the future kid. The fruit is protected by a depreciation system - the most perfect of all existing in nature. Its safety is ensured by the joint "work" of the muscles of the uterus and the abdominal cavity, the membrane and amniotic fluid. Only a very serious incident, damaged by this protection, may be injured and the child. But to once again not worry, it is better to talk about the incident to the doctor. It happens - fortunately, it is rare enough - that after the fall you need akin to health intervention (for example, due to the complete or private detachment of the child's place). True, the symptoms are hard not to notice: bleeding from the vagina, the release of the liquid, the spasms of the uterus.

Rubber not from cold

It happens that throughout the period of pregnancy, unexpectedly, the arising runny nose, and even the bleeding from the nose. The reason is to increase the level of estrogen and beststerone, causing the strengthening of blood current through the nasal mucosa, swells and becomes thinner - almost the same as the cervix prepared for childbirth. No medications or drops for the nose should not be applied - unless, of course, this is not recommended by the doctor. Calm down, after childbirth, such an ailment passes.

As a rule, Qatar and bleeding from the nose start in winter, when the warm air in the rooms dries the thin mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Moisturizing air, you can partly alleviate this ailment. For loyalty, go to a diet rich in vitamin C if, except for products, take another 250 mg of vitamin C (but only in agreement with the doctor), it will certainly strengthen the walls of the vessels and reduce the bleeding. Remember that when bleeding from the nose you need to either sit down, either get up and slightly bend ahead (in no case to go to bed and reject the ass!). After that, 5 minutes to clamp both nostrils with your fingers. If after three such attempts bleeding does not stop (or repeated very often) is an already alarming symptom that requires the attention of an endocrinologist.

Bath in recent months of pregnancy

If a pregnant woman lives in the same apartment together with his grandmother, she usually prohibits his granddaughter to take a bath after the seventh month, referring to the bikes of his youth. Then it was believed that when washing, dirty water can penetrate the vagina (or even further, to the cervix) and cause infection. Today, doctors hold another point of view: concerns of grandmothers are in vain. Even if we assume that the water penetrates into the vagina, the mucosa stopper in the neck, perfectly protects the entrance to the uterus, securing the fruit and amniotic fluid from the enhancing infection. Therefore, with a normally flowing pregnancy, doctors do not prohibit taking a bath naturally, only before the day the first cracks will appear on the fruit membranes. The shower is allowed until the start of childbirth. However, the bath and shower do not exclude another risk - the dangers of slipping and falling. Put a special rubber mattress in the bath that prevents sliding. And even better, if there will be someone from the water procedures to you. Especially in the last three months of pregnancy.

The fruit presses on the ribs

It happens that in the last months of pregnancy, the baby becomes closely in the womb and he begins to rest on the legs in the rib of the mother. What is unpleasant for her and painfully. In this case, follow this advice: inhales deeply, raising your hand over your head, and then exhale, lowering your hand. And repeat the exercise several times. You can also try to make a "cat back" (by the way, this exercise is useful to do through the entire segment of pregnancy) Stand on your knees, leaning on your hands, try to relax your back muscles. Head, neck, and spine must be on the same level. Bend the back up, at the same time lowering the head and strongly straining the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise a couple of times. Typically, such techniques make the baby change its position. However, if after a few attempts you did not feel relieved and the legs of the baby again "dug" into your ribs, bring patience. Wait until the child moves to the bottom of the pelvic region (as a rule, it happens in two or three weeks before delivery). There he can no longer raise the legs so high.

Breathing problems

In the past three months of pregnancy, most women complain about breathing problems. The increased uterus and the fruit pressure on the diaphragm. A pregnant woman has a feeling that she lacks oxygen, and she begins to worry about the health of the future kid. Fears are in vain - this is a completely normal phenomenon. It can be minimized if you do not hurt, keep the back smooth avoid significant physical exertion. By the way, some pregnant problems with breathing no, and this is also normal.

However, if with difficulty breathing you will have lips and fingertips, pain in the chest, the pulse will become frequent - be sure to consult your doctor.

Danger of rubella

Rubella, in general, innocuous childhood disease, is far from safe if it is infected with it during pregnancy. Infection, penetrating the body for a period of up to 3 months, when the placental barrier is not yet formed, almost inevitably leads to the infection of the fetus. In this case, the pregnancy must be interrupted because the fetal death is very likely. In addition, if a woman sick rubella at a later date of pregnancy, there is still a high risk of a baby with a pronounced pathology of organs or anemia. The first symptoms of rubella resemble the ORZ. Rash on the face and body appears only a few days later. Usually it is accompanied by pain in the occipital and cervical lymph nodes. With the appearance of these symptoms, you should not take them for signs of a cold or allergies - it is necessary to urgently seem to the doctor, pregnant, without having lost rubella earlier, should immediately say about it to his gynecologist. And try to avoid communicating with other people's children, not overgrown ... rubella, even if they look quite healthy. Children often tolerate this disease in an easy, almost asymptomatic form. Anti-virus vaccination after contact with sick no longer help. Make it on time, if, of course, you did not move rubella in childhood.

Pose during sleep

Many pregnant women complain about restless sleep. Most often due to the inconvenience of posture. From the fifth month, when the belly is already quite noticeable, he prevents pregnant to sleep in his beloved, habitual position for her. With this just need to accept. And maybe it is worth sacrifying a pair of sleepless nights to find a new, optimal position for sleep.

If you are used to sleeping on the stomach - the willy-unillires will have to retrain: because of the growing belly you will feel lying on the watermelon. Sleeping on the back is more convenient, but this situation can cause pain in the back, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, make it difficult to breathe, blood circulation and even lower blood pressure, because the whole mass of the pregnant uterus is located on his back: on the spine, guts and lower vein vein, which is responsible For the return of blood from the bottom of the body to the heart, it should not, however, despair! The best posture for the mother and its future kid is the position on the left side. At the same time, for greater amenities, you can put a leg to the leg or lay a pillow between them. In such a position, not only blood flow to the orphanage is improved, but also the work of the kidneys, which helps to reduce the edema of legs and hands. If suddenly among the night you will be wary on the back or on the stomach, turn on the left side. And fall asleep with confidence: this posture is good for you, and for your baby.

Problems in Momea

The presence of misa (non-malignant thickening on the inner side of the uterus) usually does not affect the flow of pregnancy and childbirth. However, this education creates certain difficulties to recognize pregnancy in early terms (up to 7 weeks). Sometimes the tumor is exposed to necrosis or "twisted", causing pain in the stomach, and even the increase in temperature, in this case, as a rule, it is removed by surgically, after which the pregnancy continues to develop safely. If the doctor considers that myoma is capable of preventing natural clauses, you can make a caesarean section. In some cases, these formations lead to miscarriage in early terms, each woman awaiting a child must be aware that the occurrence of myoma is connected with what risk. For any, even the most minor tumor, pregnant already at 37 - 38th week is better to translate into the maternity hospital under the supervision of doctors.