Organization and design of an ecological and development environment at the modern level. Creation of an ecological and developmental environment on the territory of a kindergarten Eco-developmental environment on the territory of a preschool


"Childhood Territory"

Creation of a subject-development environment that ensures the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education in accordance with Federal State requirements



Project passport

Project name: practice-oriented "

Project leaders: Bublik S.V.

Zhemchugova I.A.

The project was implemented by teachers and parents of students

Project type: practice-oriented

Analytic note

Relevance of the project:

Project activity is one of the most productive technologies.It is aimed at developing the child’s personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Project activities support children's cognitive initiative in kindergarten and family settings.In the process of implementing the project, the child receives early social positive experience in realizing his own plans and finds himself in a situation of social acceptance, which stimulates his personal growth and self-realization. In joint activities, collective experiences bring children closer to each other and to adults; contribute to improving the microclimate in the group, in the family; develop children's creative abilities.

The educational process in the group is formed in direct

depending on the content of education, age, experience and level of development

children and their activities. And also in accordance with the requirements of FGT.

The integrative result of the implementation of the requirements is the creation of a developing educational environment:

Ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of children;

High quality of preschool education, its accessibility, openness
and attractiveness for children and their parents (legal representatives), the whole society;

Guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical and psychological health of pupils;

Comfortable in relation to students and teaching staff.

Based on this, we developed a project« Creation of a subject-development environment that ensures the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education in accordance with Federal State requirements"

Objective of the project:

Creation of conditions on the territory and internal space of the preschool educational institution that promote an emotionally positive attitude of pupils towards kindergarten, active creative activity, intellectual development, personality formation, development of abilities, psychological security, and the formation of an ecological culture in society.

Project objectives for teachers:

1. To study new approaches in organizing a subject-development environment that ensures the full development of preschool children.

2. Organize a developmental environment that promotes the full development of children, taking into account their needs and interests.

3. Create conditions for providing different types of activities for preschool children (play, motor, intellectual, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical).

4.Promote the enhancement of family values ​​in the joint activities of teachers and parents.

Project objectives for parents:

1. To attract the attention of parents to the problem of creating a subject-developmental environment in preschool educational institutions.

2.Create motivation among parents to actively participate in enriching the subject-developmental environment of the group.

Principles of constructing a developmental environment according to V.A. Petrovsky, L.M. Klarina:

The principle of distance, position during interaction;

The principle of activity, independence, creativity;

The principle of stability - dynamism;

The principle of integration and flexible zoning;

The principle of emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult;

The principle of combining conventional and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment;

The principle of openness - closedness;

The principle of gender accountingAndage differences between children.

Expected Result:

Creating a space that meets the needs of the current, immediate and future creative development of each child.

Design of a subject-developmental environment in the middle group of a preschool educational institution, involving parents in the work.

Project implementation stages

Stage I – preparatory (August, September);

Stage II – practical implementation of the project (October - March);

Stage III – summing up; creation of materials for the project (April-May).

Preparatory stage

Study of regulatory documents regulating the choice of equipment, educational and gaming materials.

Studying modern scientific developments in the field of developmental environment for preschool children.

Analysis of the subject-developmental environment in the group. Identification of zoning features in accordance with the age of pupils and compilation of a list of necessary equipment in play centers.

Development of a project for organizing a group space that meets modern criteria for functional comfort and the basic provisions of developmental, educational and social activities.

Analysis of the conditions that must be created in accordance with modern requirements imposed by regulatory documents.

Analysis of the material base of preschool educational institutions to improve the subject-development environment.

General meeting of group teachers: defining the goals and objectives of the project

Development of a project plan.

Scheduling of project implementation stages and expected results.

Drawing up a work plan for project implementation and identifying responsible persons.

Implementation stage

Attending a consultation on the topic: “Subject-based development environment as the basis for the development of preschool children.”

Studying literature on topics:

“Regulatory and legal basis for the principles of constructing a subject-development environment for preschool educational institutions in accordance with the requirements for educational and material support”,

“On the problem of selecting materials and equipment for kindergarten”

“The concepts of “Developmental environment”, “Teaching tools””

“Organization of an activity corner for preschool children.”

Consultation forparents about the importance of creating a subject-development environment in the group

Questioning parents, creating a folder “Your questions are our answers”

Selection and purchase of necessary toys, teaching aids, children's and play furniture and play corners.

Zoning of a group room in accordance with the recommendations and principles of constructing a subject-development environment.

Creating a subject-development environment in a group room in accordance with fire safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic standards.

Photo exhibition “Achievements of our droplets”, design of the group’s portfolio.

Decorative design of the group: informational, educational and developmental stands, achievement stands, etc.

Design of the group site.

The final stage

Writing and design of the project.

Description of the experience of building a subject-development environment by group teachers.

Note-taking: consultation for teachers

Compiling a card index of methodological literature and manuals for creating a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution.

Creating a project presentation - results.

Result achieved:

Project implementation:

    It will ensure the integrity of the pedagogical process and create an environment that meets the needs of the current, immediate and future creative development of each child.

    Will create a creative atmosphere in the work of teachers.

    Will promote free orientation in space and time.

    Creation of the stand “I want to know everything!”

    Parents' interest in creating a subject-development environment in the group will increase.

Project content assessment:

IIstage: October


Work plan, goals

Purchase of a visual information stand for the educational lounge “I want to know everything!”

Goal: Development of cognitive activity; developing the ability to independently use previously acquired knowledge.

Theme: mini-museum “Autumn, we invite you to visit!”

Exhibition "Funny Vegetables"

Joint design of the album “Autumn Riddles” by parents and children

Observations, excursions

Introducing role-playing games and the “Magic Chest” manual into the zone

Goal: To teach children to distribute roles without conflict; accept and designate a playing role for others; teach role dialogue; improve the ability to unite in the game, acting with the general concept of the game.

Organization of a personal exhibition in the socialization corner.

Goal: Developing the child’s self-esteem, self-confidence and abilities.

Creating a group portfolio.

Target:Create an atmosphere of openness, community and support for all participants in the educational process.

Update of didactic games in the “Young Mathematician” corner:

“Fold the square”, “Count to 10”

Goal: to maintain children's interest in mathematical games.

Design of an exhibition in the book corner based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky.

Goal: Acquaintance with the writer’s work, with new books; expanding children's vocabulary.

Purchase of the “Three Little Pigs” tabletop theater.

Goal: Replenishment of the theater corner. Development of the child’s emotional sphere; activating children's speech using dramatization of fairy tales.

Replenishment of the physical education and health corner.

Goal: To introduce a manual “Cards-schemes” for independent physical activity.

Consultation for teachers

Building a developmental environment taking into account the basic principles gives the child a feeling of psychological security. Helps develop personality, abilities, mastery of different methods of activity.

It is important that the child is surrounded by three types of material that stimulates his development: firstly, used in the process of specially organized learning; secondly, different, but similar (for example, if in class building parts are used in red, then outside of class they are used in blue) and, thirdly, “free”, i.e. allowing the child to apply the learned means and methods of cognition in other circumstances.

Organizing the subject environmentfor the younger group, Sensory materials are located in the office: 1) turrets (pyramids) - single-color, painted in the colors of the spectrum; 2) pyramids of six to ten thick rings, of 12 thin rings, painted in the colors of the spectrum; 3) bowls-liners (of 10 pieces); 4) nesting dolls 2-3-4-seater; 5) sets of small wooden and plastic toys, single-color, primary colors of the spectrum and their shades; 6) balls of three to four sizes; 7) sets of sand molds for playing with water. All these toys are stored on shelves or in cabinets to which the child has free access; he can take them at any time allocated for games and free activities.

The literacy material is presented with pictures, “sound clocks,” and paraphernalia for the games “Children’s World,” “Shop,” “Zoo,” “In the Forest,” etc.

The workshop houses design materials. It is important that it is classified by shape and size and stored in a special

cabinets allocated for it in open boxes. The building material is universal tabletop sets, the basis of which is made up of parts of a simple standard shape (cubes, bricks, blocks, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms) of two or three sizes. Floor (large) building material is placed in that part of the workshop in which children are engaged only in construction. The free space on the floor makes it possible to build structures that children love to climb into. Typically, children begin to make constructions on the floor from large (floor) building material at the end of their stay in the junior group, i.e. by 4 years and later. The teacher selects small plastic construction and waste materials, various thematic sets of parts at his own discretion, taking into account, first of all, the capabilities of three-year-old children.

To play with ready-made buildings made from different types of building materials, it is good to have sets of various small toys (dolls, animals, Christmas trees, mushrooms, cars of various sizes).

For an art studio, it is optimal to have a separate room, but you can use others that are temporarily free (in particular, a locker room, a corridor, a hall, etc.). The art studio should have special tables with lids that rise at an angle, paints (gouache, charcoal, watercolor), brushes - thin and thick, bristle (not for glue), squirrel or core, paper of various formats. Foam sponges, rags for hands and arms, paint jars, aprons, basins and water jars, plasticine.

The theater and the corner for role-playing games are located close to each other. Niches and screens can help organize these spaces.

The theater contains a tabletop theater, a small screen and sets of puppets (finger and flat figures) for acting out fairy tales; theater made by the children themselves and the teacher (cones with nozzle heads, masks, decorations, mirror); material for making characters and decorations (colored paper, glue, waste material, pencils, paints, scissors, etc.). In dramatization theater, you can also use homemade costumes and masks for acting out fairy tales; conditional substitutes (circles of different colors, stripes of different lengths, etc.) to designate magical objects and mark out the game space. There is also a shelf with books (five to six already read and one to two new ones, unfamiliar to children); one or two tables with pencils and paper on them. Behind them you can read and look at books, and draw illustrations for them.

All materials are updated periodically (at least once or twice a month). New books appear in accordance with the reading program. The teacher makes changes, but you can ask the children what they need.

The design of corners for role-playing games is carried out by the teacher. In addition to attributes for role-playing games and a variety of toys that are selected taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the play space can contain sensory games: “Roll the ball”, “Hit the gate”, “Hide the mouse”, lotto “Color” , “Color and Shape”, geometric planar mosaic, game “Catch a Fish” (with fishing rods, where fishing lines are of different lengths); games from the section “Development of ideas about yourself and the world around you”; attributes of various professions and public places (doctor's bag; clothes of a cook, policeman; mirror, hairdresser's comb; library forms; theater tickets and programs, etc.), dolls girls and boys, toy wild and domestic animals.

In the middle group The teacher organizes the subject environment, focusing on the same principle of functional premises, adding to the classroom materials from the sections “Mathematics”, “Literacy”, “Development of ideas about oneself and the surrounding world”, “Nature” and leaving materials in the section “Sensory”, which necessary for the development of ideas about the relationships of objects in size.

The stand displays a circular diagram of the changing seasons.

A corner of nature can be placed in different places. In the corner there may be:

1. Animals . Only those animals that tolerate life in captivity well and do not require complex care should be kept. Permanent inhabitants can be fish and snails in the aquarium, turtles, guinea pigs, birds; temporary inhabitants - a hedgehog, squirrel, cat or dog brought by children from home. The teacher creates conditions for children to observe the habits of animals, their methods of feeding and movement; helps to notice characteristic signs of the appearance and structure of animals; teaches how to properly care for them;

2. Plants that are constantly in the group room with beautiful leaves of various shapes, blooming, not requiring complex care (violet, begonia rex, fuchsia, balsam, tradescantia). They are placed on window sills, special stands and tables near windows, in well-lit areas of the walls;

3. Plants characteristic of different seasons. In autumn - asters, chrysanthemums, golden balls transplanted into pots or cut into bouquets; in winter - branches of coniferous (spruce, pine) and deciduous (poplar, maple, chestnut) trees; in spring - spring primroses planted in pots (coltsfoot, snowdrop); in summer - bouquets of summer garden (peony, marigold, rose) and meadow (chamomile, clover) flowers; ears of cereal;

4. Local history materials: photographs, paintings, slides, filmstrips about the nature of the native land, as well as minerals, herbariums of plants typical of the area;

5. Objects for experimentation (bowls with water and sand, pebbles, floating and sinking, metal and non-metal objects, magnet, windmills, salt, sugar, molds, microscope, magnifying glass, etc.). All materials are arranged so that children can independently conduct simple experiments with them, drawing conclusions about their properties.

The locker rooms contain equipment for caring for plants and animals, for games, and experimenting in the kindergarten area. You can also put a “magic chest” with natural materials (cones, seeds, nuts, shells, etc.) there. Children constantly update it with new finds.

In addition to various building materials, the workshop stores natural materials: bark, cones, leaves, feathers, as well as colored paper, glue, plasticine, drawings, diagrams, stencils, pencils and colored pencils, and paper. Here you can also find 1) a model of a doll's room. Doll furniture, flannelographs, geometric figures - furniture substitutes; 2) layout of a kindergarten; 3) site plan; 4) plans for individual premises of the kindergarten - group room, bedroom; general plan of the group room and the premises closest to it, floor plan of the kindergarten. Materials change as children master spatial concepts. Auxiliary material - dolls, cars, buses, various secrets for “searches”, “travels”, games on the site.

The equipment of the art studio and theater in the middle group does not undergo significant changes. At the same time, changes are possible due to the enrichment of educational content.

Fundamental changes in the location of functional premises insenior and preparatory school groups not provided. But the materials in each of them change in accordance with the program. So, materials on mathematics and literacy appear in the office: blackboard, markers, chalk; didactic games with mathematical content such as lotto, dominoes; board games in which you are asked to calculate the number of “steps” in accordance with the number of dots on a die thrown in turn, various geometric mosaics; games like "Tangram", geometric puzzles. In a pre-school group, on one of the walls of the group room it is good to have a “Seasons and Months” clock, a cash register of letters, multi-colored chips for creating models of sound forms of words; books for reading and individual boxes of letters, picture diagrams of the sound composition of words (two or three sets); sheets of paper, multi-colored felt-tip pens (with not very narrow, but also not very wide ends).

In older groups, the corner of wildlife is enriched: indoor plants are added, on which it is convenient to demonstrate modifications of plant parts (cacti, aloe, ficus, indoor grapes). A special stand should be provided, on which materials on various topics are changed from time to time, for example, sets of pictures on different climatic zones (“Desert”, “Arctic”, etc.), on ecosystems (“Forest”, “City”, etc. .d.).

In the workshop, in addition to the building materials used in the middle group, other auxiliary material is added (drawings of individual parts of buildings, for example columns, towers, structural diagrams, stencils); metal construction set with images of crafts; various plastic builders, in particular Lego.

Models of a kindergarten and a city (part of a city, locality) are also placed here; plan of the kindergarten site, street; maps of the city (part of the city, locality), region, republic, country. In the pre-school group, it is necessary to have a detailed map of the area where the kindergarten is located; compass, slate board, chalk. In both groups there are sets of postcards or reproductions with the sights of their hometown, locality, and other cities of Russia.

Pastels, sauce, clay, smaller brushes, and rolled paper for free and collaborative activities (wallpaper, postal craft) are added to the materials in the art studio. Additional material: buttons, boxes for painting, small pieces of wood, colored scraps, beads, leaves, acorns, gold and silver foil, scraps of colored paper for making collages, costume elements, “magic chests”, “magic wands”, etc. .

The theater is mainly equipped by the children themselves. They make masks, various attributes for acting out fairy tales, elements of costumes for characters, and decorations. The teacher discusses with the children what to leave, what to remove, what to add to existing materials, what characters can be made, what and how the scenery should be built from. Here it is advisable to place a corner for role-playing games, created by children together with the teacher. We can recommend some additional material: from the “Mathematics” section (cards with numbers - “money” and “number” cards - like “Shop”); from the section “Development of environmental ideas” (games such as lotto, dominoes, electric quiz, books with images of animals and plants, filmstrips, slides).

Thus, the environment—the immediate objective environment—has a significant influence on the child’s all-round development. Objects help him explore the social world and develop. Happy is the child for whom adults created the opportunity to look into a huge unknown world, helped him to be more free and open, gave him the opportunity to assert himself and realize himself, developed a sense of responsibility and self-worth, increased self-esteem, allowed him to understand: he is loved for who he is, His opinion is taken into account and his individuality is valued.

« Assessment of the subject-development environment

in a preschool educational institution"

Dear parents!

The subject-development environment in a group of a preschool educational institution is of great importance for the development of children, because this is where they spend most of their time. In order to determine whether the conditions created in the group correspond to the development goals of the students, we ask you to answer the questions in this questionnaire.

1. In your opinion, have conditions been created in the group for the comprehensive development and upbringing of children?Yes; No; I find it difficult to answer.

2.Which of the following conditions have been created in the group:

    for the artistic and aesthetic development of children;

    development of theatrical activities of children;

    musical development of children;

    development of children's constructive activities;

    development of children's environmental culture;

    development of ideas about man in history and culture;

    physical development of children;

    formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children;

    development of elementary natural science concepts in children;

    children's speech development;

    children's play activities.

3.Are there enough teaching aids and equipment for children’s development?



    I find it difficult to answer.

4. Is the group room, tables where children study and eat, and the play area where they play sufficiently well lit?



    I find it difficult to answer.

5. Are the creative works of teachers and children present in the interior design of the group?

    are present in sufficient quantities;

    an abundance of creative works spoils the group’s interior;

    creative work is absent in the group’s interior design.

6. Do you note the teachers’ creative approach to decorating the group’s interior?



    I find it difficult to answer.

7. Do you take part in the design of the subject-development environment in the group?



8.What ideas for decorating (updating) the group’s interior would you offer to teachers at the moment? _________________________________________________

9. What changes would you make to the design of a group in a preschool educational institution? _______________________________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation!

1.var. When creating a subject-developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account gender role specifics and provide the environment with both general and specific material for girls and boys.

The general patterns of child development at each age stage should serve as guidelines for the selection of materials and equipment.

The selection of materials and equipment should be carried out for those types of child activities that are most conducive to solving developmental problems at the stage of preschool childhood (play, productive, cognitive and research activities), as well as in order to enhance the child’s physical activity.

Materials and equipmentmust have a quality certificate and meet hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements.

The most pedagogically valuable toys are those that have the following qualities:

Multifunctionality. Toys can be used flexibly in accordance with the child’s plans and the plot of the game in different functions. Thus, the toy contributes to the development of creativity, imagination, symbolic function of thinking, etc.;

Possibility of using toys in joint activities. The toy must be suitable for use simultaneously by a group of children (including with the participation of an adult as a playing partner) and initiate joint actions - collective buildings, joint games, etc.;

Didactic properties. This kind of toys contain ways to teach a child to design, become familiar with color and shape, etc., and may contain programmed control mechanisms, for example, some electrified and electronic games and toys;

Belonging to handicrafts. These toys are a means of artistic and aesthetic development of the child, introduce him to the world of art and introduce him to folk art.

In these requirements, materials are classified by type. The principle of division into types is the structure and developmental significance of each type of activity (playing, productive, cognitive-research, as well as materials and equipment that ensure the child’s physical activity).

The selection of materials and equipment should be based on the fact that when implementing the basic general education program of preschool education, the main form of work with children is a game, which in the educational process is given to adults in two forms: a story game and a game with rules

The subject-development environment of a group room must meet the principle of variability.

Compliance with the principle of integration and flexible zoning presupposes, when creating a subject-development environment, the ease of transforming equipment and the multifunctionality of its use.

When creating a subject-developmental environment, teachers need to observe the principle of stability and dynamism of the subject environment, ensuring a combination of familiar and extraordinary elements of the aesthetic organization of the environment; individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child.

The occupancy of the subject-development environment should ensure the diversified development of children and meet the principle of the integrity of the educational process.

The subject-development environment should contribute to the implementation of educational areas in two main models of organizing the educational process, including: 1) joint partnership activities of adults and children;

2) free independent activity of the children themselves in the conditions of a subject-specific developmental educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities based on his interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually and an educational model that is implemented only in working with children from 6 to 7 years old.

For the purpose of multifunctional use of the space of a group room, it should be divided into 3 parts:

an area for quiet activity;

an area for activities related to the extensive use of space (active movement, construction of large play structures, etc.);

work area.

2. Analysis of the subject-development environment in the group.

The group has created a specific subject-development environment in accordance with the age characteristics of children and the requirements of SanPiN standards. The principles of constructing a developmental environment correspond to a person-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child and is built taking into account gender and age differences. The groups have the following zones: study area, for girls and boys, nature corner, duty corner, dressing up corner, children's creativity corner, book corner, sensory development corner, patriotic corner, physical education corner. But there is an insufficient number of didactic games and aids, board-printed games and visual materials aimed at social, emotional, development of logical thinking, and development of the child’s creative potential. Therefore, it is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, and motor activity of children.

When organizing a subject-spatial environment, complex, multifaceted and highly creative activities are required, including the creation of non-standard equipment in a group.

In connection with the introduction into practice of workFederal State Educational Standard An analysis of the existing conditions in the institution was carried out to the subject-developmental environment. Through which the problem was identified: the developmental environment created many years ago in a preschool educational institution meets some Federal state requirements, but the psychological and pedagogical principles of its construction are not always taken into account, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the subject and gaming environment suffers.

The problem of ineffectiveness of the existing environment in kindergarten groups has also been identified: there is some oversaturation in one direction and insufficiency in the other, that is, there is an imbalance in the design and practical use of equipment and games used by children.

Thus, a contradiction arises: a subject-specific developmental environment has been created in kindergarten, but it does not fully meet the requirements of the federal standard and does not play the positive role in the development of children that it could have.

All the examined premises of the preschool educational institution are equipped – both materially and technically: separate and well-equipped offices of a methodologist, speech therapist, psychologist, as well as music and sports halls. Almost all groups have tape recorders; conditions have been created for the physical and aesthetic development of children - this means the design of groups. At the same time, in some groups there is an excess of decorative elements that are not directly related to the lives of children (paintings, posters, photographs), and not enough interior details related to the children themselves (photos of the children themselves, their parents, products of children's creativity, etc.) . All group and playrooms have clearly designated study areas. However, these zones are strictly defined and do not allow transformation. The absence or insufficient number of light screens and multifunctional objects deprives the space of dynamism, which is so necessary when there is a shortage of space.

All surveyed groups were provided with toys and materials for story games. However, the set of dolls in most groups is monotonous; large girl dolls predominate. There are very few or no dolls for boys, babies, “multi-age dolls” or dolls modeling different professions. Role paraphernalia, which facilitates the adoption of a role position in the game, is also poor and monotonous. There is an acute shortage of role paraphernalia for boys (caps, caps, collars, etc.), which impoverishes the game and does not allow boys to fully participate in its content.

Toys for director's play are especially poorly represented: small dolls, clothes and objects for operating with them, doll houses, etc. The shortage of this type of material makes director's play, which is very significant for preschoolers, difficult and sometimes impossible.

Games with rules are also underrepresented and are mostly characterized by excessive didacticism. Traditional games according to the rules are not used enough: lotto, dominoes, board games aimed at developing dexterity. But all games are of exceptional importance for the formation of arbitrary normative behavior in children. At the same time, there are an overabundance of puzzles, the developmental value of which is very doubtful.

Hence the conclusion: material equipment for play activities needs special attention. However, in contrast to this, all the surveyed groups of preschool educational institutions are well provided with material for productive activities (for visual arts, for crafts, and a variety of construction sets).

Equipment for cognitive activities is presented in different types of material: children's literature, figurative and symbolic material (pictures, diagrams, maps) and material for educational activities. At the same time, there is a shortage of material for children’s independent experimentation aimed at understanding the laws of mechanical motion in everyday life: free fall, rotation, rolling, etc. We are talking about special dynamic toys: catapults, tops, chutes, etc. Meanwhile, this The material contributes not only to the knowledge of the physical properties of the object, but also to the development of fine motor skills. In a number of groups, difficulties were identified in accessing material for independent play: toys are located in places inaccessible to children,hidden in closed boxes, cabinets, on the top shelves of racks. Of course, this is a significant drawback in the organization of the subject environment of a preschool educational institution: it blocks children’s initiative and prevents independent play.

All surveyed groups had a sufficient number of books for children. However, these are mainly publications from the 80s and 90s of the last century, many of which are not only morally outdated, but also in rather dilapidated condition. There is extremely little modern children's literature available, and there are no periodicals for children. The gym is equipped with modern equipment and exercise machines. Summarizing the data obtained, we note: the main problem of organizing the subject environment of a preschool educational institution is the lack of material for children’s independent activities, as well as its inaccessibility.

Thus, to build a developing subject-spatial environment, the following principles are taken into account:

1.Principle of integration educational areas.Integration of children's developing activity centers ensures the process of connectivity , interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas of the content of preschool education, ensuring the integrity of the cognitive-speech, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-personal spheres of child development in the educational process. Materials and equipment for one educational area can be used in the implementation of other areas.

2. The principle of openness. This principle can be implemented in several aspects: openness to nature, openness to culture, openness to society and openness to one’s self. This principle can be seen in the organization of such stands"Hello, I'm here!" By placing their names on the stand, the child begins to feel like a member of the community of children and adults.

"Birthday Boy's Corner" - constant operation of a stand or corner with photographs of children, the designation of their birthday, and a horoscope.

You can also place it here"Wish Tree" , where a child can write his wishes, what gift he dreams of for his birthday, or the wishes of other children for the birthday boy will be posted. Personalized dishes, a wonderful bag or box for gifts, etc.

"Star of the Day" - a poster with a photograph of the child chosen as the “Star of the Day” is hung in the most prominent place. Each child in the group should take turns taking this place. The value of such a component is that it is aimed at the formation of a positive “I-concept”, the development of self-awareness and self-esteem.

Heading“I can”, “I love”, is filled out from the child’s words and reveals his interests and capabilities. In younger groups, the teacher, together with the child, records his achievements, and in older preschool age, children can do this independently.

"I learned!"- informs about the child's achievements. And deliberately focusing on even minor signs of progress helps create a positive atmosphere, awakens resources, and develops self-confidence and strength.

To demonstrate the achievements of an individual child in a group or reception area, personal exhibitions of children's work can be arranged.

"My mood" - Chips or magnets are placed in a specially organized corner in accordance with the mood of the preschoolers. Children learn to determine not only their mood: bad, good, excellent; in older groups it can be made more complex by using pictograms of the emotional state.

Stand“What am I!” on which the child’s qualities are noted (hardworking, kind, neat).

"We are friends" , a stand where a child tags his friend, with whom he is friends and communicates.

Openness to society and openness of one’s “I” presupposes the personalization of the environment of each group. They have individual names, their own style of group color design, equipping group rooms with theme furniture: for example, seasons, space, marine themes, stand design. Each group can have its own name, which is played out in the subject environment of the group; each child has a personal locker where his name, his parents’ details, and contact numbers are written.

3. The principle of flexible zoning consists in organizing space with moving, transformable boundaries of zones (quiet and work). All parts of space must have the ability to change in volume, contract and expand. Figuratively speaking, the space should be pulsating so that each zone, if necessary, can accommodate everyone. For this, easily movable multifunctional screens and movable furniture are used. This allows children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other: physical education, music, drawing, experimenting, dramatizing fairy tales, arranging dramatization games. Equipping group rooms helps children independently determine the content of the activity, outline an action plan, allocate time and actively participate in the activity using various objects and toys.

4 .Transformability principle environment, which is associated with multifunctionality - this is the possibility of changes that allow, depending on the situation, to bring to the fore one or another function of the space (in contrast to monofunctional zoning, which strictly assigns functions to a certain space). The subject-developmental environment of the group changes depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program. If there are more boys in the group, then there are more construction sets, bricks, and cars in the group, which allows children to build houses, bridges, and garages not only on the floor, but also on mobile platforms. If there are more girls than boys, then games of “family,” “hospital,” and “shop” play out more often.

5. The principle of multifunctionality - The subject-spatial environment should open up many opportunities for joint activities between adults and children and independent children’s activities, provide all components of the educational process, and in this sense should be multifunctional.

The principle of multifunctionality of the objective world is implemented using various modular equipment. The use of modules along with construction sets, mosaics, physical education equipment (hoops, balls, jump ropes), objects and games that do not carry specific semantic information contributes to the development of imagination and the sign-symbolic function of preschoolers’ thinking.

In each group we continue to createpsychological corners .

Area for psychological relief pupils should be equipped with corners for privacy (tent, tent, screen, etc.), upholstered furniture, photo albums with family or group photographs, soft toys. In privacy corners, children can “hide” from the outside world, take a break from the children’s group, just sit or leaf through their favorite book, or look at photographs in a family or group album. Using portable screens, a child can create “his own” personal space, make a room for play, thus fencing off from the common space, creating his own little world.

If the space of a group room should be multifunctional, then in this regard it is proposed to divide it into three parts:

1. Zone for quiet activity (“quiet” zone). Here you can place centers for “Books” and “Theatrical Activity”.

2. An area for activities related to the extensive use of space - active movement, construction of large play structures, etc. (conditionally – “active” zone). Here are the centers for role-playing games, construction games, and a motor activity center.

3. Work area. There are centers for science, games (mathematics), art, as well as an information board and a cabinet with materials for working in the work area. It is this zone that turns into a multifunctional, transformative workspace. It contains material and equipment for engaging in productive activities, a “laboratory” for engaging in cognitive and research activities, and a place for children to freely pursue interests outside of classes with adults. This is where tables of different configurations are used. Tables should be light and movable. All centers are marked using symbol plates.

All furniture is not placed only along the walls and has movable boundaries between zones (moving racks, display cases, screens, double-sided easels, large volumetric modules, etc.). Each zone includes appropriate material (what material needs to be filled in each center, for this you need to focus on the project “Creating a subject-based development environment”). All material should be functional, and not for display: it must be convenient for the child to take and move from place to place (without scattering along the road, without interfering with those playing nearby, etc.). Materials should be stored in convenient and practical containers (plastic, wooden, cardboard boxes, containers, etc.) with bright labels to make selection easier.

The main idea for decorating playrooms and bedrooms of group rooms is that the group should belong to the children, which means it is necessary to reflect their interests. In other words, the group should be saturated with permanent and temporary components of the children's subculture, helping preschoolers to better understand and discover their capabilities and the capabilities of their peers, master social roles and relationships, partnerships, understand the values ​​of the world around them and adapt to the social world.

Each group is individual and unique. The teacher fills it out, focusing on the individual characteristics of each child and the team as a whole.

Small creative workshops and islands are filled with a variety of materials that stimulate the child’s activity and educational games.

Each group has homemade games made by preschoolers together with their parents and teacher.

In the playrooms for children there is a guide map with a game cube and a set of various cards for all types of children's activities.

The “Business chores” box is filled with badges with the inscription of the role that the child plays today: “wardrobe worker”, “ecologist”, “chief builder”, “garage director”, etc. Assignments of this kind allow children to take a direct part in the daily work of the group, participate in the game, provide an opportunity to feel their importance and uniqueness.

Materials in the group can also be embodied in temporary components of the children's subculture, i.e. those present periodically, for example, collections, newspapers, exhibitions, mini-museums designed jointly with parents, and products of children's activities obtained as a result of projects (baby books , albums, photo albums, layouts, etc.).

Collecting is an activity accessible to children, taking into account their individual interests and satisfying the need for “collecting treasures.”

In the process of collecting, the child learns to systematize and study the collected objects. The teacher helps with searching for new exhibits, information in books and encyclopedias, and organizing visits to the museum. By introducing children to someone’s collection and talking about it, he arouses interest among peers in creating their own. Collections can be presented: a collection of stones, postcards, illustrations, objects of inanimate nature, dummies, toys, etc.

The central element that organizes the object environment for playing with small toys is the layout. It takes the ability to plot a story to a new level, promotes the overall development of preschoolers, reveals creative abilities, and emphasizes individuality.

In addition to creating collections, children can take turns designing their mini-museums around a topic of interest or a project theme. “Museum of Hat”, “Miracle Telephone”, “Second Life of a Tree”, “Museum of Keys”, “Museum of Clocks”, etc. Parents take part in the preparation and design of materials.
The wall “Our Life, Our Successes” is used to demonstrate the personal achievements of students in city, regional and All-Russian competitions, exhibitions of drawings of preschoolers attending clubs, thematic photo exhibitions depicting an unusual event that is significant for the child, and various exhibitions and competitions of children's works.

A personality-oriented environment organized in this way stimulates communication, curiosity, and contributes to the development in children of such vital social skills as initiative, independence, and creativity.

The group environment, organized taking into account the individualization of the child’s life space, is characterized by dynamism. Children feel competent, responsible and try to make the most of their abilities and skills.

The advantages of this individualized approach over the traditional one can be assessed thanks to a summary table illustrating the changes that this innovation brings to the lives of children and teachers in implementing the principle of individualization of the subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution.

Clean-up days, cooperation with parents;

2. Modernization of the group environment, creation of components of a single individualized space;

3. Review of the literature on the organization of the subject-developmental environment in preschool educational institutions;

4. Optimization of the playing space; rational location of centers for different types of children's activities;

5. Design of the center for role-playing games “We are playing”;

6. Design of the ecology corner “Young ecologists”: updating and replenishing plants, creating compositions;

7. Creation of a center for children’s experimentation: “Mini-laboratory in the group and ecology center”;

8. Preparation of materials for educators on the project topic: creation of a material base for methodological support of the project (photo materials, list of references, methodological recommendations for educators, selection of material for working with parents);

Replenishment of the group library “Hello, book! ";

4. Re-equipment of the sports and recreation corner “We are athletes”;

5. Equipment for the center for sensorimotor development “The World at Hand”;

6. Consultation for educators “Building a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions”;

7. Design of duty corners and decorative stands for children’s work;

8. Questioning of teachers and parents;

9. Modernization of the theater corner, replenishment of its equipment;

10. Conducting an open lesson with the participation of parents “Visiting the fairy tale fairy”

Decoration of the educational games corner “Erudites”;

4. Design of the local history corner “My Land”;

5. Consultation for parents “Psychophysical development of a preschooler”;

6. Carrying out a set of activities aimed at interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution (“Weekend Album”, “Family Album of Emotions”, “Parent’s Observation Diary”);

7. Conducting an open lesson “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important”;

8. Site design; production and installation of stationary bird feeders;

Selection and study of material for the production of substitute items for role-playing games;

3. Conducting a competition of children's works on the theme “My special group”;

4. Studying the experience of modernizing the subject-development environment in other preschool educational institutions through Internet resources;

5. Design and equipment of materials for organizing the hardening of children: “health paths”, massagers, dry pool, etc.;

6. Modernization and equipment of the creativity corner “Talented Fingers”;

7. Replenishment of the theater center with various types of theater;

8. Modernization and replenishment of the music center “World of Music and Sounds”;

9. Systematization and organization of accumulated material; rational placement of equipment in a group setting.

Making a photo collage “It Was - It Was” based on the subject-development environment in the group;

competition"Do-it-yourself exercise equipment"held with the aim of updating and enriching the development environment for physical education.

exhibition “Skillful hands know no boredom.” Sewing and embroidery works, crafts made from waste material, and game attributes were presented. In order to stimulate parents, we cover such events on city television, in the district, city, and Russian press. The newspaper of the kindergarten "OCHAG" announces gratitude to all participants. In a solemn atmosphere, winners and participants are awarded diplomas and gifts. How much joy and pride we see for our parents in the eyes of children when they are awarded diplomas and prizes.

The result of the work showed that joint creativity enrichesa subject-development environment that unites the kindergarten staff and families of pupils in solving common problems in the upbringing and development of children. Therefore, the teaching staff continues to search for various forms of cooperation with the parents of our students, ensuring that today’s toy becomes not only a source of play activity for children, but also opens up opportunities for the education of adults. After all, before bringing their craft or toy to kindergarten, they play with it with the whole family, interest the child in the game, discuss what games he will play with this toy with his friends. Agree that nowadays most parents, for various reasons, have little free time to communicate with their children. And in the process of playing together, the adult and the child become closer, get to know each other, and the child develops as an individual. Because through play you can form a child’s character, strong-willed qualities, and lay moral foundations.

Option 2

The issue of organizing the subject-developmental environment of preschool educational institutions is particularly relevant today. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.As you know, the main form of work with preschoolers and the leading activity for them is play. That is why we are experiencing increased interest in updating the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a developmental subject-development environment:
1. subject-development environment ensures maximum realization of educational potential.
2. accessibility of the environment, which implies:
2.1 accessibility for students to all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.
2.2. free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic activities.
The organization of the developmental environment in preschool institutions, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, is structured in such a way as to make it possible to most effectively develop the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.
It is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, and motor activity of children.
The subject-development environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Placing equipment in sectors (development centers) allows children to unite in subgroups based on common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. Mandatory equipment includes materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, objects for experimental research work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc.; a large selection of natural materials for studying, experimenting, and compiling collections.
Active sector (occupies the largest area in the group), including:
-game center
- center of motor activity
-design center
-center for musical theatrical activities
Quiet sector:
-center of the book
-recreation Center
-nature center
Work sector: (The work sector occupies 25% of the entire group, since equipment for organizing joint and regulated activities is supposed to be placed there. All parts of the group space have conditional boundaries depending on the specific tasks of the moment; if necessary, you can accommodate everyone, since preschoolers " become infected with the current interests of their peers and join them.
-center for educational and research activities
- center of productive and creative activity
-center of correct speech and motor skills.
Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need tools to work with wood, girls to work with needlework. To develop a creative idea in the game, girls will need items of women's clothing, jewelry, lace capes, bows, handbags, umbrellas, etc.; for boys - details of military uniforms, items of uniform and weapons of knights, Russian heroes, various technical toys. It is important to have a large number of “handy” materials (ropes, boxes, wires, wheels, ribbons, which are used creatively to solve various game problems. In groups of older preschoolers, various materials are also needed to help them master reading and mathematics: printed letters, words, tables , books with large print, manuals with numbers, board-printed games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials reflecting the school theme: pictures about the lives of schoolchildren, school supplies, photographs of schoolchildren-older brothers or sisters, attributes for playing games school.
The necessary equipment for older preschoolers are materials that stimulate the development of broad social interests and cognitive activity of children. These are children's encyclopedias, illustrated publications about the animal and plant world of the planet, about the lives of people in different countries, children's magazines, albums, and brochures.
A rich subject-developmental and educational environment becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life and all-round development of each child. The developing subject environment is the main means of shaping the child’s personality and is the source of his knowledge and social experience.
The environment surrounding the children in my group ensures the safety of their lives, promotes health and strengthens the body of each of them.
Recently, the principle of integration of educational areas has been used with the help of a subject-development environment for groups and kindergartens as a whole, which contributes to the formation of a unified subject-spatial environment.
This means that for the comprehensive development of the child, several subject-development “environments” are organized: for speech, mathematical, aesthetic, physical development, which, depending on the situation, can be combined into one or several multifunctional environments. At the same time, it is very important that the objects and toys that the child will manipulate and act on at the first stage of mastering this environment are not just objects of his attention, but a means of communication with adults.
When creating a subject-development environment, you must remember:
1. The environment must perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative.
2. Flexible and variable use of space is necessary. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.
3. The shape and design of items is focused on the safety and age of children.
4. Decorative elements should be easily replaceable.
5. In each group it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities.
6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative characteristics, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional and need sphere.
7. The color palette should be represented by warm, pastel colors.
8. When creating a developmental space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.
9. The subject-developmental environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.
It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system, capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to new formations of a certain age.
Thus, when creating a subject-developmental environment for any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of constructive interaction between participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern preschool environment and the psychological characteristics of the age group at which this environment is aimed.

Any developmental environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which performs its own functional role. From the point of view of environmental education, we can distinguish traditional and non-traditional elements of a developmental subject environment for preschool institutions. The creation of an ecological development environment is a pedagogical idea, a goal that guides an educational institution.

Researcher N.A. Ryzhova identifies the following elements and their functional role:

The ecological room is educational and relaxing.

Laboratory - training, cognitive activity, mental development.

Living corner - relaxation, cognitive, development of the emotional sphere, acquired skills of caring for living organisms, education, caring attitude towards living beings.

Winter Garden – wellness. Relaxation, cognitive, acquisition of skills in caring for living organisms.

Library – developing interest in reading, educational.

Ecological path - development of the emotional sphere, cognitive, communication with nature.

Vegetable garden, garden - aesthetic, cognitive, development of labor skills, health, development of the emotional sphere, development of environmentally friendly behavior skills.

Territory – aesthetic, cognitive, development of the emotional sphere.

Museum, art gallery - educational, historical, local history, ethnographic, aesthetic, family, landscape, cultural.

Art studio (art studio), design studio - emotional, environmental and aesthetic.

Theater studio – aesthetic, development of imagination, speech, acting skills through participation in environmental performances.

The music hall is ecological and aesthetic.

Gym - development of empathy for living beings, physical development, health improvement.

Swimming pool – gaming, educational, recreational.

Computer class (or separate computers) – computer skills, development of intellectual abilities, modeling situations, solving situational problems.

Corners in groups (experimental, natural, exhibition) - aesthetic, cognitive, development of imagination, acquisition of independent work skills, emotional development.

Herbal bar - educational, health, relaxation.

The ecological environment in a kindergarten is, first of all, specific, individual animals and plants that constantly live in the institution and are under the care of adults and children. At the same time, it is important that teachers and other kindergarten employees know the environmental features and needs of each natural object.

“Ecological space” is a small territory or separate room occupied by natural objects and having a certain

functional meaning. The most traditional “ecological spaces” as forms of organizing a green zone in a kindergarten are group corners of nature.

Let us consider in more detail the individual elements of the ecological complex.

1. Corner of nature. It is a mandatory element in every age group - it is a place for the baby to constantly communicate with plants and animals, which brings variety to the lives of children. In a corner of nature, children can make interesting observations of natural objects and take care of them. As a result, children develop correct ideas about the natural world, develop a caring, caring attitude towards plants and animals, and a sense of responsibility for them.


Decorative animals;

Weather and nature calendar;

Albums, herbariums containing natural history material;

Fiction about nature;

Didactic games with natural history content;

Various natural materials;

Equipment for organizing work in nature;

Equipment for organizing experimental activities;

Models depicting objects and natural phenomena.

All objects, objects, and materials in a corner of nature should be bright, colorful, emotionally attractive, and accessible to children (both content-wise and physically). Materials, objects and equipment should stimulate children to organize environmentally-oriented communication in the process of implementing various types and forms of children's activities (observation, games, work, experimentation, etc.). Based on

literature and didactic games of environmental content, various natural materials (seeds, pebbles, pieces of bark, etc.), equipment for working in nature, model material.

2. An environmental class is a specially equipped room designed for conducting natural history classes. The following equipment is required: collections of seeds, minerals, herbarium material, illustrative and visual material (sets of postcards, series of paintings, slides, photographs, availability of subject, graphic, subject-schematic models), availability of technical and audiovisual teaching aids, screen for showing films , geographical maps, globe, models of fruits and vegetables.

3. Ecological room.

Designed for conducting organized classes with children on environmental and natural history topics. The ecological room can contain all the necessary illustrative, mock-up, poster materials of natural history and environmental content, maps, diagrams, models, a variety of didactic games that contribute to the formation in children of a system of ideas not only about the nature of their native land, but also about human interaction with the natural world , about its positive impact on the natural environment in order to preserve and enhance natural heritage.

Depending on the size, the room is divided into a number of functional areas:

Training zone. There is a table for the teacher and small tables for children;

The collections area is intended to introduce children to various natural objects, to develop their skills in classifying objects according to various criteria, and sensory skills. The collection material also serves as visual material;

The relaxation zone is a corner with a variety of indoor plants, aquariums, an alpine slide, and a fountain. Designed primarily for children's recreation, independent play and for developing plant care skills;

The library area is a corner where colorful books, encyclopedias for children, and periodicals are collected. In the library area there may be dolls - fairy-tale characters that are used in ecology classes, globes, and children's atlases. The technical complex is also located here - a TV, a projector for slides and the slides themselves, a music center.

One of the important conditions for the implementation of an environmental education system in a preschool institution is the correct organization and greening of the developmental subject environment.

4. The relaxation room is located in a free group room and has good natural light on both sides. In it, in different places (on the walls and in the corners) there are large compositions of natural objects: a large beautiful aquarium, very large outdoor plants, a fountain surrounded by stones, shells, several unusually shaped cages with singing canaries, a set of wicker furniture for relaxation, an exhibition of the best children's drawings, decorative stumps, beautiful plants. The calm atmosphere, the beauty of the interior - everything around is conducive to relaxation, calms, and pacifies.

5. Winter garden and living corner

The winter garden can accommodate not only all the program plants necessary to familiarize children of each preschool

age, but also exotic plants, which will allow children to show the diversity of the plant world, their general and distinctive features of appearance, and will contribute to the development of preschoolers’ skills to compare, generalize, and classify.

Plants and animals for the winter garden and living area are selected in accordance with the following principles:

Local history – natural objects of the native land are presented;

Geographical – animals and plants from different countries and continents are represented;

Biological – plants of various life forms are represented (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, lianas);

Environmental – decorative animals and indoor plants that live in Russia at home and are protected in their homeland are noted.

6. Laboratory

Designed for organizing children's elementary research activities in nature. Which will provide children with not only an awareness of the connections and dependencies that exist in the natural world, but will also provide an opportunity to qualitatively master the list of labor skills and abilities that children need to organize environmentally competent care for grown plants and actively use them in everyday life. In the process of this activity, preschoolers realize their positive role in the life of the nature of their native land, which will have a beneficial effect not only on the development of the emotional and intellectual spheres, but also on the development of spirituality and morality.

There are several types of laboratories:

Laboratory in a separate room,

In the ecological room,

In a group (mini-laboratory),

Laboratory on the territory of the kindergarten.

It is convenient to store natural materials intended for various studies in the laboratory: sand, clay, stones, plant seeds.

7. Museum of Nature of the Native Land

It will allow preschoolers to be introduced to the natural features of their native land, the use of resources and the relationship between people and nature, and environmental problems using the example of their region.

I Section “Nature of the native land”

Collections area – herbariums, collections of inanimate nature objects of the native land (minerals, shells, samples of sand, clay, various soils, etc.).

Principles for selecting objects for the collections area:

Availability of objects for collection (only those objects that are available for collection by children and their parents are included);

Variety of objects;

Local history principle (natural objects of the native land are presented);

Environmental principle (do not include collections and stuffed animals, as well as protected, rare and endangered plant species in the objects of collection;

Safety (facilities must be clean and free from allergens).

Models reflecting plant communities and ecosystems characteristic of a given area (forest, meadow, pond, field).

Illustrative and visual material containing information about medicinal plants, plants and animals, both widespread and rare in a given area.

Various maps reflecting the flora and fauna of the Motherland.

II Section “Environmental activities of preschool educational institutions”.

Here you can collect a variety of illustrative material reflecting the environmental activities of a preschool institution: photographs, slides showing community work days for planting trees, walks in nature, winter feeding of birds, holidays in nature, etc. An exhibition of crafts made from natural materials can also be presented.

8. An ecological trail is an interesting form of organizing children’s communication with the natural world.

Researcher N.A. Ryzhova identifies three main types of ecological paths:

On the territory of a preschool institution;

In natural or close to them conditions (suburban forest, park, square, etc.);

In the kindergarten building.

The main criteria for choosing a route and objects of an ecological trail are the inclusion in it of as many diverse objects as possible that attract the child’s attention, and their accessibility for preschoolers.

Possible objects of the ecological trail:

1. Interesting natural objects (lawn, forest area, old overgrown trees, alley, trees with feeders, bird nests, cultural plantings - flower beds, rose garden, garden, vegetable garden).

2. Along or near the trail you can:

Plant trees and shrubs typical for the area;

Plant new species near coniferous trees, if there are any on the site;

Plant woody plants exotic for the area;

Arrange a phyto-garden - planting medicinal herbs;

Plant rare plants for the area;

3. In addition to plants, it is good to have objects of the animal world on the ecological trail. First of all, it is necessary to identify and take into account which animals, where and at what time of year appear on the kindergarten site.

However, it must be remembered that the ecologically competent organization of the landscape, the natural environment with which the child directly interacts, will be of great importance.

Thus, competent organization of a subject-development environment of ecological content will ensure the formation in each child of the need for interaction, communication with objects of nature, will help to form a cognitive attitude towards it and will ensure the formation of a value-based attitude towards all living things.

The ecologization of the developing natural environment in preschool institutions should contribute to the implementation of all components of its content: cognitive, moral and value-based and activity-based. However, preschool institutions differ from each other in terms of material capabilities and the level of greening of the developmental environment. This predetermines the need for a variable approach to the organization of a developmental subject environment, which must correspond to the goals and objectives of a particular teaching team at this stage of work.

Education as a pedagogical phenomenon is an integral part holistic educational process, during which a system of knowledge, skills and abilities is mastered, the foundations of a worldview are laid, cognitive powers, creative abilities and the emotional-volitional sphere of the individual are developed, moral qualities and behavioral habits are formed.

In the preparation of a specialist, N.N. Moiseev highlights both significant ideological aspects and aspects of environmental professionalism. The future teacher must acquire a broad general understanding of nature, the processes occurring in it, and human interaction with it. The professional ecological culture of a preschool worker (director, teacher) should include: a problem-ecological vision of the world, the state, and one’s region; understanding the need to participate in solving environmental problems.

A specific feature of the method of environmental education for preschoolers is the child’s direct contact with natural objects, communication with nature and animals, observation and practical activities to care for them, and comprehension of what he saw during the discussion process.

Each preschool educational institution, at its own discretion and depending on different conditions and opportunities, has its own ecological environment and uses it

in work on environmental education and education of preschool children.

As the child develops, his attention needs to be drawn to a wider range of natural phenomena: trees, plants, flowers, butterflies, birds; to be in the garden, in the field, in the forest. Looking at trees with a child,

you need to show him deciduous and coniferous trees, compare leaves and needles; look at these trees in winter.

Joint organizational, economic and labor activities in the green area of ​​the kindergarten, growing plants, caring for adult animals and their offspring can take different forms and take place with varying degrees of involvement and participation of both adults and children. Preschoolers can become involved in this activity in three ways:

The teacher's story about various affairs and events in the preschool educational institution;

Observation of adult activities;

Your practical participation.

The most common form of joint activity is the creation and maintenance of the necessary conditions for the inhabitants of a group corner of nature.

At early preschool age, children in joint activities are more observers than practical performers, and yet it is at this age that the pattern of interaction with nature is decisive: children understand the gentle conversation of an adult with animals and plants, calm and clear explanations about what and how to do it, they see the actions of the teacher and willingly take part in them.

As children grow older, the function of the teacher and the degree of their independence change, but the activity remains joint. In the middle group, the teacher and children act in pairs, but priority remains with the adult, which is expressed in the formula: “I do it - you help me, you are my assistants. We take care of our pets together!” In senior

At preschool age, children's independence increases rapidly, and the form of children being on duty in a corner of nature becomes acceptable. The adult and children change roles: the children do everything necessary themselves, and the teacher helps them (it doesn’t matter that help at first may be

very big). Preschoolers are trained in joint activities to create the necessary conditions for plants and animals

indirectly - as an adult helping a child. The formula of this age is different: “You do it yourself, and I help you. I’m your assistant, I’ll help you do everything that you can’t do yet.” The teacher makes sure to note all the children’s achievements and independence, praising them for their confidence and initiative.

If there is a nature room with older preschoolers, collective work is organized from time to time. This form of organization can be introduced after children acquire their first skills and knowledge of the objects of labor - who should be looked after and how. In this case, an adult takes a subgroup of children (5-10 people) and organizes a joint activity with them - “spring cleaning” in the nature room. The collective work of older preschoolers in the nature room is a real help to adults in ensuring order in the green area of ​​the kindergarten, which is especially important in emergency cases of the absence of adults in charge of the nature room.

In a corner of nature, the teacher must organize the process of children observing the development of plants in various conditions, for example, planting plants (peas, beans, wheat) in the ground, in water. It is necessary to lead the child to observe growth, to clearly show him the importance of moisture, light, and sun for plants; make the child aware of the observation. At each time of the year, under the guidance of a teacher, you should replenish a corner of nature with materials characteristic of this season.

The success of environmental education and training in preschool educational institutions depends on the use of various forms of work: didactic games, systematic observations, creation of problem situations,

experimental activities, organization of integrated classes, natural history conversations, use of natural history literature, project activities, organization of excursions and hikes, environmental campaigns, holding holidays and leisure activities, labor activities to care for natural objects. Forms of work on environmental education can also include watching videos and television programs about nature; quizzes on nature, thematic exhibitions.

In a similar way, joint activities are organized to grow plants in the area of ​​the preschool institution (in the vegetable garden, flower beds) - each time the children examine the green pets, find out what they are missing or what is in the way, and then water and weed.

The care of adults and preschoolers for plants and animals, the creation and maintenance of the necessary conditions for all living beings located in their living space, is the main method of environmental education, a method that ensures the development of the beginnings of ecological consciousness, the first practical skills of proper interaction with the nature of the immediate environment.

The method of joint activities to create conditions for plants and animals, carried out by the teacher and children in the green area of ​​the kindergarten, forms an attitude towards nature.

First of all, the attitude is formed on the basis of the specific explanations that children receive from the teacher for each situation. Children learn that plants need to be watered and animals need to be fed; they learn that each of the inhabitants receives their own, completely specific food. In these

explanations, the teacher invests specific, small-scale program knowledge, repeating it many times in similar situations.

To form an attitude, a verbal explanation is not enough, so the teacher, in front of the children, does almost everything that he has indicated with a word. Action and word complement each other - these are two techniques that merge into a single pedagogical act and act as an example of human interaction with nature using the specific example of the inhabitants of a living area. From words, children learn that they are living beings who have needs in certain conditions. The labor activities of adults and preschoolers make up for those environmental factors that are currently lacking. The teacher shows the good condition of the inhabitants of the corner, which is confirmation that everything necessary for life is available.

Intonation influences the formation of the correct attitude of children towards nature. A soft, affectionate, sympathetic intonation expresses the attitude of the teacher himself and serves as an example for children of showing feelings and caring for the pets of a corner of nature.

As a result of the described actions of the educator, the method of joint activity to create conditions for living beings in an ecological and developmental environment is filled with specific and adequate techniques to the pedagogical situation. These techniques together form in children a certain range of ideas about nature and attitude towards it. The strength of the existing knowledge and attitude depends on the volume of pedagogical influence, namely, how many times during the school year each child, together with the teacher, worked in a corner of nature and really took care of the pets under their care. Only the repeated inclusion of children in joint activities allows us to consider this method effective in the environmental education of preschoolers.

In the environmental education of children, classes perform a very specific and very important function: sensory representations

children received on a daily basis can be qualitatively transformed, expanded, in-depth, combined, systematized. Classes on

environmental education is integrated with other areas of knowledge: art, speech development, the formation of mathematical concepts, physical education, music.

Thus, various methods and forms of work help teachers cultivate a humane attitude towards nature in children, help them understand that man and nature are closely related to each other. It can be said that the content of environmental education and the opportunity to implement it in kindergarten are closely related to the living conditions of children and the methods of their upbringing.

The environment, which plays a special role in the development of a small child, must be organized in accordance with the tasks of education.

“The correct organization of the environment allows the teacher to use various forms and methods of environmental education for children, to develop different types of environmentally oriented activities: observation, play, work in nature, search activities, elementary experiments.”


Over the last decades of the twentieth century, a methodology for environmental education of preschoolers has been developed. The traditional method of introducing children to nature served as its basic basis.

The main goals and objectives of modern methods of environmental education are aimed at developing in preschool children the principles of environmental culture, which includes a conscious and reasonable attitude towards nature and its objects. That is, it is an awareness of one’s abilities to interact creatively with the natural world. In the broadest context, a developing educational environment is any sociocultural space within which the process of personal development occurs spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization.

At present, there is no single concept and no single definition of “Ecological-developmental environment” has been derived, but in our research we relied on the definition of ecological-developmental environment and space given by S.N. Nikolaeva. An ecological-developmental environment is a conventional concept that designates special places in a kindergarten, where natural objects are grouped in a certain way, and which can be used in the pedagogical process of environmental education of children.

Any developmental environment consists of a variety of elements, each of which performs its own functional role. From the point of view of environmental education, it is possible to identify traditional and non-traditional elements of a developmental subject environment for preschool institutions, which can be combined into an ecological complex of a preschool institution. The core of such a complex consists of an ecological room, a corner of nature (winter garden), a laboratory and corners in groups.

Introducing children to nature in kindergarten requires constant direct communication with it. One of the conditions that ensures this is the organization of a nature corner in the kindergarten. Each age group has its own corner of nature. It can be used to replenish the inhabitants of corners of nature for the entire children's institution.

One of the conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system in preschool educational institutions is the correct organization and greening of the developing subject environment.

An ecological-developmental environment is a concept that denotes special places in a kindergarten, where natural objects are grouped in a certain way, and which can be used in the pedagogical process of environmental education of children; this environment should contribute to the cognitive development of the child, environmental and aesthetic development, the health of the child, the formation of moral qualities, the formation of environmentally literate behavior, the greening of various types of children's activities.

Competent organization of a subject-development environment of ecological content will ensure the formation in each child of the need for interaction and communication with objects of nature, will help to form a cognitive attitude towards it and will ensure the formation of a value-based attitude towards all living things.

Creating a stationary developing ecological environment in a preschool institution is a continuous pedagogical process that includes the organization of environmental spaces, their

improvement and correction, daily maintenance of conditions necessary for the life of all living beings. Such constant activity is a method of environmental education: it teaches children to think systematically and really care about their little brothers - plants and animals that share the same living space with children. But this activity becomes a method only if it is performed jointly by adults and children.

Joint organizational, economic and labor activities in the green area of ​​the kindergarten, growing plants, caring for animals and their offspring can take different forms and take place with varying degrees of involvement and participation of both adults and children.

The interaction of preschoolers with nature in the process of environmental education in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard has its own specifics due to age characteristics and is based on an activity approach, since it is activity that develops the child’s psyche, motor activity and makes him physically stronger and healthier.

Thus, competent organization of the ecological-developmental environment and the implementation of joint ecologically meaningful activities of children and the teacher in it will ensure the formation in each child of the need for interaction and communication with objects of nature, will help to form a cognitive attitude towards it and will ensure the formation of a value-based attitude towards all living things.


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Annex 1

Parent meeting.

Principles of organizing a developmental environment in a group and preschool educational institution.Requirements for organizing an ecologically developing environment.Ecological spaces" at the preschool educational institution. A corner of nature. Teachingkindergarten drain. Ecological trail. Ecological organizationogo-subject environment in preschool educational institutions. Natural history books.Ecological games and models as elements of environmentaldevelopment environment.

6.1. Principles of organizing a developmental environment in a group and preschool educational institution

The environmental approach has become one of the leading ones in education. The development of a child’s personality is determined not only by the biological mechanism of heredity and psychogenic factors, but also by the environment in which development occurs. The developmental environment is created by specific objects with which the child interacts. The efforts of teachers should be aimed at organizing an environment that will ensure the preservation of children’s health and a gradual transition from preschool to school forms of organizing activities. The group space is structured in such a way as to provide places for rest and play, and turns into a special world in which the child not only acquires knowledge and skills, but lives out his childhood to the fullest. For group work and individual lessons, organizing project and play activities for children, easily transformable premises of different configurations and functional purposes are needed, furniture and equipment are needed. In accordance with the requirements of new times, mini-laboratories for educational research, telecommunication centers, game libraries, etc. are being created in preschool educational institutions.

Two factors decisively influence a child’s development: interaction With nature based on knowledge of its essence and contact with culture, the appropriation of which is directed by the teacher in the learning process. The developing subject environment as a system of material objects of a child’s activity should functionally model the content of his development. In this regard, preschool educational institutions are faced with the task of greening the environment, that is, saturating traditional subject-spatial conditions for children’s learning with natural elements (V.N. Maksimova). New environmental elements are being created: ecological trails, winter gardens, ecological rooms, laboratories for experimenting with natural materials. A living corner in a group, a mini-garden on the window, a nature museum, etc. create contrasting conditions, attract the child’s attention to the surrounding nature, and contribute to the development of a caring attitude towards it. Children get the opportunity to perceive the diversity of natural elements and independently explore the world around them.

Psychological and pedagogical research examines the importance of the natural environment in various areas of development and upbringing of children: mental, moral, aesthetic, labor, physical. “The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky. Nature (the natural environment) is inherently real, informative and concrete. In terms of structural characteristics, it is distinguished by its complexity, combination of conservative and problematic elements, and aesthetics. Its functional potential is manifested through the child’s active communication with nature. The perception of natural beauty and harmony arouses in children the need for harmonious activity, creative self-expression, and self-realization. Observations of living objects help children see the beauty of nature, give them the joy of discovery, and develop cognitive interest. By growing a houseplant or caring for an aquarium, the child acts as a creator and feels important to others.

By learning and transforming the natural environment, the child masters it. Development is understood as such interaction between the child and the surrounding nature, which activates the process of development of the emotional-perceptual sphere, contributes to the formation of various types of activities, and enriches the experience of spatial behavior. In the process of perceptual development of nature with the help of the senses, children’s factual knowledge expands. The driving force of cognition is the need for new experiences, which encourages children to explore surrounding objects and phenomena. The discovery of “novelty” in nature gives rise to deep cognitive interest in children. The child acts as a researcher and active figure, independently choosing various ways to influence the world around him.

The theory and practice of pedagogy has accumulated a significant potential of knowledge about using the capabilities of the environment as a means of educating and developing a child. In this case, special attention is paid to the nature of the structuring of the environment. Certain requirements for the organization of the environment (heterogeneity, connectivity, flexibility) have been identified.

Thus, the natural environment is a powerful factor influencing the development of the child, and at the same time the condition in which the self-development of the individual takes place. In this regard, there is a need for a specially organized teaching environment. Flexibility and controllability of the environment will allow the child to demonstrate his activity as widely as possible in mastering the natural world, and the teacher will be able to modify the structure and functions of various natural objects in accordance with pedagogical tasks. Management of the environment can occur as if on behalf of the natural objects themselves, phenomena that act as unique partners in children’s activities.

Active development of the natural environment occurs in practical activities. The child learns to see the ecological characteristics of plants and animals, to care for them, protect them, grow them, and work in nature. As a result, children increase independence, responsibility, and develop planning skills. The child learns not only to determine the needs of natural objects, but also to satisfy them in the process of labor.

When organizing an eco-pedagogical environment, certain approaches and principles are taken into account, which are determined by the specifics of the children's subculture (openness, plasticity, unity, multifunctionality, autonomy) and the psychological characteristics of the preschooler (imaginative thinking, imagination, categorical perception; emotionality, involuntariness, initiative).

There are different concepts and principles for organizing an ecologically developing environment.

In R. Steiner’s concept, the environment is revealed to the child through an adult, as a person who inspires trust, respect and love, as a mediator between the inner and surrounding worlds. At the same time, the nature of the environment is important, which, in the opinion, should only be natural, borrowed from nature. This applies to objects, toys, and the spatio-temporal organization of life in kindergarten. The latter presupposes an orientation toward principles borrowed from nature such as alternation, rhythm, gradualness, and harmony.

In the “Concept of building a developmental environment for organizing the lives of children and adults in the preschool education system” (V.A. Petrovsky, L.M. Klarina, L.A. Smyvina, L.P. Strelkova) the basic ideas of the general concept of preschool education were developed in relation to the organization of living conditions for children in kindergarten. The authors formulated principles for constructing a subject environment, which are aimed at creating favorable conditions for the implementation of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child. The main provisions of the person-oriented model of environmental education are implemented in the following principles for building a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions:

1. The principle of distance, position during interaction. Implementation in a kindergarten environment requires the creation of conditions that allow both an adult and a child to establish contact, and for its implementation to find the right distance and take the right position.

    The principle of activity, independence, creativity. In kindergarten there should be an opportunity for children to develop activity and for adults to be active. It should provoke the emergence and development of the child’s cognitive processes, his volitional qualities, emotions and feelings.

    The principle of stability and dynamism of the developing environment. The design of the kindergarten environment must include the possibility of changing it; the child must be given the opportunity to change the environment, create it again and again in accordance with his tastes and moods.

    The principle of integration and flexible zoning. The living space in kindergarten should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity. This will allow children, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other.

5. The principle of the emotionality of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child and adult. In the kindergarten environment, both the adult and the child should feel comfortable and have the opportunity to develop their personality.

6. The principle of combining conventional and extraordinary elements in the aesthetic organization of the environment. Children should have the opportunity to experience different cultures and different styles of art in the kindergarten environment, as well as have the opportunity to engage in artistic creativity themselves.

7. The principle of openness-closedness. Kindergarten projects must have the character of an open, not closed system, capable of change, adjustment, and development. The principle of openness-closedness is presented in several aspects: openness to Nature, design that promotes the unity of Man and Nature; openness to Culture in its progressive manifestations; openness to the Society; openness of one’s “I”, one’s own inner world.

“The concept of a developing subject environment”, developed at the “Preschool Childhood” center named after. A.V. Zaporozhets under the leadership of S.L. Novoselova, is based on the activity approach. The authors of the concept draw attention to the fact that activity in its development constantly changes its psychological content depending on the subject’s generalization of the experience of his activity. Therefore, the sociocultural environment and subject environment are a powerful enriching factor in child development. Defining the developmental subject environment as a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance, the authors include in it the following elements: architectural, landscape and natural-ecological objects; art studios, playgrounds and sports grounds and their equipment; large-sized construction kits (modules) suitable for the child’s height; themed sets of toys and aids; audiovisual and information means of education and training.

The environment is understood as the space surrounding a person, as a complex system of external circumstances necessary for human life and development. Being an active being, a person transforms the environment in the process of open, dynamic and dialogic interaction. The nature of this transformation, practical influence on the environment is determined by the characteristics of the attitude towards it or the experience

Thus, important principles for constructing a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution are the principles of distance, activity, dynamism, integration and flexible zoning, emotionality, openness-closedness, variability. In the context of the environmental approach in the theory of educational systems, the main ways of realizing the educational potential of the environment (differentiation, integration, generation, decompensation) are revealed.


“Ecological spaces” is a conventional concept by which we designate special places in kindergarten, where natural objects are grouped in a certain way, and which can be used in the pedagogical process of environmental education of children. “Ecological spaces” is a developing subject environment that can be used for educational and recreational purposes, development of children's skills in work and communication with nature, for environmental education of preschool children and promotion of environmental knowledge among adults. In addition to the traditional types of “ecological spaces” - group corners of nature, nature rooms, vegetable gardens and gardens on the site - new ones have appeared: a winter garden (salon), a nature cabinet, an ecological trail, a nature playground, a mini-farm, a herbal bar, a herbal garden, a nature museum. Let's consider the environmental meaning and significance in the singing process of each of them.

Group corners of nature. The main feature of the corner of nature is its close proximity to children, which allows the teacher to organize their various activities throughout the school year. This is, first of all, long-term observations of plants and animals, communication with them, care and cultivation. The minimum composition of a corner of nature, regardless of the age of the children, includes indoor plants and an aquarium.

There should be an appropriate number of plants in the group: all or most of them (approximately 80%) should be involved in the pedagogical process, all flowers should be well decorated (in a drop, floor lamps, compositions). When children move to new premises, plants should be left in their places, since many of them react poorly to movement or changes in spatial orientation.

The aquarium can contain any fish available for keeping. It is advisable to have different species of fish in different groups. In this case, fish living in different layers of water can be placed in one aquarium, a couple of predators in another, schooling fish in a third, 3-4 varieties of goldfish in a fourth, etc. For younger children (2-4 years old) ) any sufficiently large, brightly colored fish can live in a small number of fish.

If the room allows, the fauna of the corner of nature of the secondary - preparatory groups can be more diverse: 1-2 decorative birds, one of the mammals. In the middle group it is advisable to keep a guinea pig: a fairly large, fluffy and peaceful animal is perfect for communication and developing care skills.In older groups you can keep hamsters, turtles, a white rat - children 5-7 years old are interested in the various structural and behavioral features that these animals have.

In corners of nature there should be a place for work, a calendar of observations, for placing boxes with plantings (onions, oats, seedlings), since working with a calendar, caring for the inhabitants of a corner of nature, observing plantings are all components of the methodology of environmental education. Particularly noteworthy is the importance of “place” for work. As a rule, it is absent, and children perform labor operations anywhere and anyhow. Meanwhile, the teacher must provide for this moment and organize a special place - it can be a small stationary, folding or pull-out table, on which you can always place jars of food, a cutting board, drinking bowls, etc. Such a place teaches children to be neat, orderly, and follow the rules.

You can arrange a corner of nature in different ways: in the group room, if there is a really quiet corner - not on the aisle or next to the area of ​​outdoor and role-playing games; in the dressing room or toilet room, if space allows.

In early preschool age, the teacher, with all his behavior (actions, words, intonation of voice), creates a model of a correct and humane attitude towards nature through interaction with plants and animals of a corner of nature. He shows what and how to do with them so that they feel good and remain alive and healthy. At the same time, the children minimally participate in the labor operations themselves; their independence is absent, although at the request of the teacher they perform individual actions.

In the middle group, the teacher and children act in pairs, but priority remains with the teacher, which is expressed in the formula: “I do it - you help me, you are my assistants.” During this period, meaningful independence of preschoolers emerges. It is important that the teacher does not miss and supports in each child the desire to do something himself.

In older preschool age, children's independence increases rapidly, especially if the teacher trusts them and relies on their achievements. The formula for independent activities at this age is different: “You do it, and I help you. I am your assistant, I will help you do everything that is still difficult for you.” Children being on duty in a corner of nature is a form of manifestation of their independence. In this case, the teacher acts, first of all, in the role of an assistant, and not a controller and a teacher - he performs these functions unnoticed, like an assistant. It is important that the teacher praises the child every time for his independence and notes his successes and progress.

Cognitive and educational activities are very important: children should know a lot about those who live next to them. It’s not often that you come across groups in which children can act as a guide to a corner of nature - it’s interesting and loving to talk about the plants and animals they care for. The study of the inhabitants of a corner of nature is carried out mainly through long cycles of observations in everyday life and various types of activities.

In all age groups, the teacher, first of all, demonstrates proper communication with the inhabitants of the corner of nature and praises the children who succeed in this. From time to time he clarifies: plants and animals are not people, they cannot speak or respond with words, but they feel good when they are looked at and spoken to kindly.

A nature room is a specially designated room for wildlife objects. It is advisable to have it if the group corners of nature are small due to the limited size of the room.

In a spacious nature room, several aquariums can be placed: on special metal or concrete-stone stands. If there are several aquariums, their population must be thought out; fish of different lifestyles, appearance and behavior can live in them. Aquatic frogs, crayfish, shrimp, and fish from local reservoirs can live in separate aquariums.

It is good to have turtles in the nature room: aquatic and land. Observing them, analyzing the similarities and differences in their appearance and behavior, due to life in different environments, gives children a lot of food for thought, for the formation of ecologically correct ideas in them. The room for turtles should be designed to resemble the natural environment.

The world of birds can be represented in a variety of ways in the nature room. Budgerigars (4-6 parrots of different colors) are especially interesting for children. You can watch birds with children, note the peculiarities of their behavior - family relationships, raising young animals; discuss their adaptability to their habitat - green camouflage (matching the color of foliage) color, ability to climb; admire the diversity and beauty of their plumage.

Animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs are extremely attractive to children. They are quite large, fluffy, you can communicate with them - feed them by hand, stroke them, pick them up. These animals can live in a special enclosure, the side and top walls of which open (which is convenient for cleaning), and the front wall is glass - allows for observation.

Children come to the nature room for different purposes: to observe, work, and communicate with animals. In special situations, it can serve as a place for neuropsychic relief. The equipment of the nature room should meet the varied needs of children. First of all, there must be a workplace for labor, cabinets and shelves for storing equipment and feed, hangers for aprons and towels.

The room should have low stools or portable benches, sitting on which children can watch animals and communicate with them.

A nature room should be beautiful, comfortable, but without bright decoration: you should not paint the walls, hang pictures, or put up trinkets. All the attention of those in the room should be focused on the animals and plants.

Cabinet of Nature- this is a type of nature room with the only difference that the office is also equipped with tables for activities with children. Such an office can be used both for planned regular classes and for group work with older preschoolers. It is important to keep in mind that animals in the room are a strong irritant for preschoolers, so not all planned nature classes can take place in such an office, but only those that are related in content to its inhabitants. In activities that are not thematically related to the nature room, children will be distracted and find it difficult to concentrate.

Winter a garden (nature salon) can be arranged if there is a large and well-lit room. A high ceiling, an abundance of daylight, and high humidity create good conditions for growing exotic (tropical) plants. Various palm trees, coffee tree, laurel will well complement the assortment of local flora. Citrus varieties grown indoors (lemon, tangerine, etc.) deserve great attention. Birds can live in a semi-free environment in the winter garden.

Hall relaxation, which has recently begun to appear in educational institutions, has health benefits. It does not duplicate either the music or physical education halls; in its functional purpose it is close to a “psychological relief room.”

"Ecological spaces" on the territory of childrensky garden

The territory of the kindergarten site should be well landscaped. Along the entire perimeter of the fence (inside and outside), it is advisable to plant tall trees and shrubs, which will create a green shield that protects the interior from dust, noise, strong winds, and car exhaust fumes. In other words, a green shield of trees and shrubs will create an area with a special - improved microclimate, i.e. a good environment for staying

Nature Playground in its functional significance it is the opposite of the physical education area of ​​a kindergarten: children can come in small groups, one or two, to communicate in peace and quiet with the animals they care for, watch insects, and enjoy the beauty of plants.

On the territory of the kindergarten, a quiet place is chosen for the nature playground, away from group areas. On the natural site, in different corners, there can be a stream, a flower garden, a landscaped gazebo for relaxation, a beautiful house-shed for equipment, an enclosure with a walk for any animal, a sandy courtyard. On the site in all places there should be attractive benches, logs, stumps, on which children who come here can sit quietly, watch flowers, animals, water (if there is a fountain or a small waterfall). Here they will learn to contemplate nature, focus on its beauty, and independently peer into its life. The site can also serve as a place to introduce preschoolers to the work of caring for plants and animals.

Mini farm- another possible object on the kindergarten site. Most often, a mini-farm is a small barn in which one of the domestic animals is kept all year round or only in warm weather. Chickens, rabbits, and ducks are suitable for this purpose, but there may also be young animals of larger animals: a pig, a kid, a lamb, which children help raise in the summer. Next to the barn there should be a meadow for grazing animals and making hay. Children can participate in various labor operations: giving food, clean water, grazing animals, stirring and collecting hay, etc. An option for a mini-farm could be a greenhouse in which children, together with adults, can grow greens, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, and do forcing. bulbous flowering plants, grow flower seedlings.

Ecological trail - an educational specially equipped route. The ecological trail can be organic; outside the kindergarten, if there is permission from local authorities and there are co-founders (school, young naturalists station, pioneer house, etc.). It should be borne in mind that creating a trail and maintaining it in good condition requires significant material costs and organizational efforts. It is easier to create a trail on the territory of a kindergarten if its area is large enough and there is natural diversity and interesting objects on it. The specificity of such a trail is that its total length is small, and the main part of the objects is created specially, which makes it possible to take into account the age capabilities of preschool children. The significance of the trail is varied: conducting educational work with children aged 4-7 years, educational work with employees of preschool institutions and parents of children.

Routes into nature. In cases where it is impossible to equip an ecological trail in a kindergarten, but there are natural areas nearby, it is advisable to develop routes for walks and hikes with children in nature. Unlike an ecological trail, no artificial objects are created on the route; it is laid where there is something to show the children, where there is an opportunity to stop and rest for them. The advantage of the route is that it provides a good opportunity to introduce preschoolers to natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, and the connections that exist between them.

“A corner of untouched nature” is another “ecological space” that can be created on the site of any kindergarten. This is a small green area that is not subject to any human influence: no buildings or plantings are made on it, the grass is not mowed or fallen leaves are removed, and it is not trampled by too frequent walks with children. In such a corner of the site, a natural biocenosis will naturally develop - those plants that were sown themselves and found favorable conditions will begin to grow. Insects and birds will follow the plants.

6.3. Organization of the environmental subject environment in preschool educational institutions

In addition to the living objects of the green zone of the kindergarten, an important condition for successful work with children under the “Young Ecologist” program is the availability of books, manuals, toys, visual material and other equipment necessary for conducting the environmental educational process in the kindergarten.

Books and visual aids. Different books are needed: reference books, methodological books, children's books. A kindergarten should have a fairly extensive collection of children's fiction and educational literature about nature. With the help of parents, through libraries, at bookstores, you should purchase various works of Russian classics: L. Tolstoy, S. Aksakov, M. Prishvin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, G. Nikolsky, N. Sladkov, K. Paustovsky, I. Akimushkin , G. Snegirev, V. Chaplina, etc. The works of modern writers A. Ivanov, V. Zotov are also interesting for environmental education.

In preschool institutions of large cities, television, audio and video equipment are increasingly found, which can also be used for the purpose of environmental education of children and the promotion of environmental knowledge among adults.

Works of art. The kindergarten should have a collection of different works of art related to nature. Almost every preschool educational institution has handicrafts.

Games and toys. Play, among all other activities, is of paramount importance in preschool childhood. Environmental education of children in kindergarten must be built on a play basis - with greater inclusion of different types of games in the pedagogical process. In their free time, older preschoolers can be offered printed, verbal and didactic games.

Models- a manual that provides an image of an object or its individual parts in a reduced or enlarged form. I - Models, as a rule, are parsed, active and static. Not only the external form of the model is studied, but also the internal content, for example, the “ecological pyramid” or “ecological scales” model, reflecting the patterns of natural equilibrium. Working models can show the principles of operation of an object. For example, models illustrating the flight of a bird, the movement of the Earth around the Sun, the operation of a windmill well, etc. Ecological museum in kindergarten The often manifested desire of children and teachers to collect various interesting things can be successfully embodied in the organization of a small nature museum, the exhibits of which are collected by teachers, parents, and the children themselves. Such a museum may have three departments (three different exhibitions): “Nature of our region”, “Exotic natural phenomena”, “Environmental activities of the kindergarten”. So, the “Museum of Nature” is another “ecological space” in kindergarten, which allows you to carry out interesting work with children and adults on environmental education, enlightenment and promotion of environmental knowledge.

To implement environmental education for preschoolers, a special developmental environment is needed that can be used for educational and health purposes, to develop children’s work skills and communication with nature, as well as to promote environmental knowledge among parents. We can distinguish 2 directions: the creation of new environmental elements and the greening of the existing environment.

MDOU No. 44 “Pochemuchka”, located at Samara, Nizhny Novgorod region, Sher street, 38a, has been working under the program of S.N. Nikolaeva “Young Ecologist” since 2000. In addition to the traditional types of “ecological spaces” - group nature corners, nature rooms, living corners, gardens and vegetable gardens on the site - new ones have appeared in kindergarten No. 44: a nature cabinet, an ecological trail, a phytolounge, a nature museum and a mini-laboratory for research work .

Group nature corners

The main feature is the presence of a corner of nature - its close proximity to the children, which allows the teacher to organize their various activities throughout the school year. This primarily involves long-term observations of plants and animals, communication with them, care and cultivation. The minimum composition of a corner of nature, regardless of the age of the children, includes indoor plants and an aquarium. From the point of view of environmental education, it does not matter what plants and in what quantity will be in the group. Another thing is important: the plants placed in this room must feel good (grow well, look good, bloom, etc.). In this case, children see healthy, well-groomed living beings, which is the result of full compliance with their needs and living conditions. From a pedagogical point of view, this is of greatest importance.

Thus, in preschool educational institution No. 44 in the group room of children of the younger group there is the following species composition of plants: aspedistra, balsam, speckled begonia, coleus, ficus, fuchsia; Almost all the plants presented here are flowering plants; in the group room, children of middle preschool age are introduced to the following types of indoor plants: aspedistra, impatiens, ever-flowering begonia, speckled begonia, ficus, fuchsia, dracaena; in the older group, children observe and care for the following types of plants: aloe, amaryllis, everflowering begonia, Rex begonia, speckled begonia, clivia, chlorophytum.

Almost all plants are involved in the pedagogical process, all flowers are well decorated (in flowerpots, floor lamps, compositions).

In the corners of nature there is a place for work, a calendar of observations, for placing boxes with plantings (onions, oats, seedlings), since working with the calendar, caring for the inhabitants of the corner of nature, observing plantings are all components of the methodology of environmental education.

Particularly noteworthy is the importance of the place for work. As a rule, in many kindergartens it is absent, and children perform labor operations anywhere and anyhow. In each age group of MDOU No. 44, this moment is provided and special places are organized for performing simple labor operations - this is a small retractable table on which jars of food, cutting boards, drinking bowls, etc. are located. Such a place teaches children to be neat, orderly, and doing rules

When choosing a place for a corner of nature, teachers took into account what types of activities they organize there. Namely: creating and maintaining the necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals, educational and educational activities and communication with nature.

Activities to create and maintain the necessary conditions - what is traditionally called work in nature - is extremely important both for the inhabitants of the corner of nature and for children. This activity should be considered as joint labor operations between an adult and children of any age group. At the same time, depending on the age of the children, the function of the teacher and the degree of independence of preschoolers change, but the activity remains joint.

In early preschool age, the teacher, with all his behavior (actions, words, intonation of voice), creates a model of a correct and humane attitude towards nature through interaction with plants and animals of a corner of nature. He shows what and how to do with them so that they feel good and remain alive and healthy. At the same time, the children minimally participate in the labor operations themselves; their independence is absent, although at the request of the teacher they perform individual actions.

In the middle group, the teacher and children act in pairs, but priority remains with the teacher, which is expressed in the formula: “I do - you help me, you are my assistants.” During this period, meaningful independence of preschoolers emerges. At the same time, the teacher does not miss, but supports in each child the desire to do something himself.

In older preschool age, children's independence increases rapidly, especially if the teacher trusts them and relies on their achievements. The formula for independent activities at this age is different: “You do it, and I help you. I am your assistant, I will help you do everything that is still difficult for you.” Children being on duty in a corner of nature is a form of manifestation of their independence. In this case, the teacher acts primarily as an assistant, and not as a controller and teacher - he performs these functions unnoticed, like an assistant. Teachers every time praise children for their independence, noting their success and progress.

Cognitive and educational activities are very important: children should know a lot about those who live next to them. It’s not often that we come across groups in which children can act as a guide to a corner of nature - it’s interesting and loving to talk about the plants and animals they care for. The study of the inhabitants of a corner of nature is carried out mainly through long cycles of observations in everyday life and various types of activities.

Communication with nature is a new activity in kindergarten. It is communication with nature that allows children to develop a positive emotional attitude towards plants and animals, and to develop moral and aesthetic feelings. A corner of nature can play an important role in this, since its inhabitants are constantly close to children. Preschoolers are taught to communicate with them: come up and look at them more often; say kind, pleasant words to them without expecting an answer; call animals by name, offer them food from your hand; stroke, scratch, and carefully pick up mammals. In all age groups, the teacher, first of all, demonstrates proper communication with the inhabitants of the corner of nature and praises the children who succeed in this. From time to time he clarifies: plants and animals are not people, they cannot speak or respond with words, but they feel good when they are looked at and spoken to kindly.

Nature room

A nature room is a specially designated room for living nature objects.

The spacious nature room houses several aquariums on special metal stands. Aquariums have free access, which is necessary for caring for them and monitoring its inhabitants.

Turtles live in the nature room: aquatic and land. Observing them, analyzing the similarities and differences in their appearance and behavior, due to life in different environments, gives children a lot of food for thought and the formation of ecologically correct ideas in them. The room for turtles is designed to resemble the natural environment. Two large aquariums serve as terrariums for them. The top one is mounted on a stand, the bottom one is on a platform with wheels: it can be pulled out for cleaning and observation.

The world of birds is represented in a variety of ways in the nature room: budgerigars, a pair of decorative pigeons. Spacious enclosures have been built for the birds. Dry trees and sand at the bottom imitate the natural environment. Teachers together with children observe birds, note the peculiarities of their behavior - family relationships, raising young animals; discuss their adaptability to their habitat - green camouflage color (matching the color of foliage), ability to climb; admire the diversity and colorfulness of their plumage.

Children come to the nature room for different purposes: to observe, to work, to communicate with animals. In special situations, it serves as a place for neuropsychic relief. The nature room equipment meets the varied needs of children. First of all, this is a workplace for labor, cabinets and shelves for storing equipment and feed, hangers for aprons and towels.

The room has low stools or portable benches, sitting on which children watch the animals and communicate with them.

The plant world of the nature room is very diverse and complements the living corner well. Large outdoor plants (monstera, pandanus, ficus) are presented here. Moisture-loving plants (such as Cyperus) and succulents that help children notice that different plants need different conditions. In the design of the nature room, hanging plants (ivy, hoya, scindaptus, tradescantia) were also used.

Species composition of plants. Very often, indoor plants in a living corner are intended to develop care skills in preschoolers. However, the correct selection of species can significantly expand their functions.

When selecting plants, it is necessary to take into account the following aspects: geographical - plants from different countries, continents, and geographical zones are represented; their natural places of growth are marked in the form of a system of icons on a wall geographical map; the ecological aspect represents plants growing in different conditions (light-loving, shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, moisture-loving, etc.); their placement in a living area depends on these features; biological - plants of different life forms are represented (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants, lianas).

The ecological characteristics of plants are reflected on special plates - passports: a drawing of a watering can filled with water - a moisture-loving plant, an almost empty watering can - drought-resistant, an unpainted sun - light-loving, a completely shaded sun - shade-tolerant, etc.

In the nature room, the cultivation of oats, herbs and vegetables in winter and spring (onions, garlic, dill, parsley, peas, cucumber and tomato seedlings) has been successfully organized. For this purpose, the parents of the pupils made a special metal installation for boxes with earth. The installation has a top metal frame and a fluorescent lamp above the drawers. Lighting allows you to increase daylight hours in winter, which is important for normal plant growth. Equipment for planting seeds and growing plants is stored in the lower part of the installation. The height of the boxes is such that children of senior preschool age can easily work with them and watch the growth of plants.

The nature room is beautiful, comfortable, but without flashy decoration. All the attention of the children in the room is focused on animals and plants.

A living corner is a fairly traditional element of preschool institutions, but its design and content acquire new specifics related to the tasks of environmental education. Very often, the composition of animals and plants in a corner of nature is formed spontaneously, without taking into account teaching and educational purposes.

Species composition of animals. For many years, the living corner of nursery school No. 44 has kept both typically indoor animals (guinea pig, golden hamster, etc.) and wild ones that children and adults can bring back from a walk (hedgehog, wild birds, frogs ). Educators were asked to place “plants and animals most characteristic of a given climatic zone” in a corner of nature “as seasonal material.” However, by depriving animals of their natural environment, man thereby manifests himself as a “master of nature,” changing the lives of living beings at his whim. In preschool institutions it is extremely difficult to create conditions similar to natural ones. Usually, sufficient conditions for keeping animals mean the presence of food and a small space - a cage. However, for a normal existence, in addition to water and food, each animal must have a certain territory for life, contacts with other inhabitants, clean air and much more, which cannot be provided in a living area. A contradictory situation arises: first, educators create unfavorable conditions for the existence of animals, and then teach children to treat them with care. From the point of view of environmental education, a person cannot bring wild animals into his home at his whim. On the contrary, the task of adults raising a child is to teach the child to respect animals, birds, and insects that he meets on walks and excursions in their natural habitats.

The living area does not contain animals that are typical for the area where the kindergarten is located. It is not recommended to include in the living area those species that cannot live in a given natural area without human help and that are widely bred at home: canaries, some types of rodents, etc.

When selecting the species composition of the inhabitants of a living corner, the following aspects are taken into account: geographical - in the corner of representatives of different continents, figures of animals are presented, while the habitats of these animals and plants are plotted on a wall geographical map, which is used for conducting classes; ecological - animals of various environments and habitat conditions are represented (aquatic, flying, animals adapted to living conditions in hot and cold countries, etc.); systematic - animals of different systematic groups are represented (birds, animals, amphibians); conservation - species that are protected in their countries are noted (but only those that are bred at home in our country).

Gardens and vegetable gardens are traditional elements of a developmental subject environment for preschool institutions that are deeply involved in familiarization with nature and many kindergartens located in small cities such as Samara. The variability of such an element as a vegetable garden lies in its size, purpose, selection of crops, and location. The vegetable garden is used to develop preschoolers’ skills in caring for plants, familiarizing them with the main vegetable crops and their importance in the diet. Grown products are used directly in the diet of children.

The fruit garden has now acquired more aesthetic, educational and environmental significance: children admire fruit trees at different times of the year, compare them with other plantings, watch how birds feed on them, and use the fruits to feed animals.

The territory of kindergarten No. 44 is well landscaped. Tall trees and shrubs are planted along the entire perimeter of the fence (inside and outside), which will create a green shield that protects the interior from dust, noise, strong winds, and car exhaust fumes. In other words, a green shield of trees and shrubs will create an area with a special - improved microclimate, i.e. good environment for children to stay.

The landscaping of the kindergarten site is varied and beautiful, which creates a favorable visual environment. Not only birch and poplar grow on it, but also such wonderful trees as linden, rowan and pine.

There are many flowers on the preschool site. Flowering plants create a wonderful environment: they develop perception, have a beneficial effect on the psyche, improve mood, and evoke positive emotions. Flowers are plants that are surprisingly diverse in shape, color, and aromas. Each of them is good in its own way.

Flowers evoke joy and peace - there are a lot of them in the children's institution: at the main entrance, at all entrances, along the main paths. Without interfering with children's games, they fit into each group area. Marigolds frame the garden - they improve the soil, and nasturtium is good on the trunks of fruit trees. Along the fences, creating a high green-flowering wall, golden balls and Jerusalem artichokes (earthen pear) feel good, the fruits of which can be used as animal feed.

Both perennials and annuals grow in different places on the site. At the central entrance, entrances, and along the main paths, perennials look good - irises, lilies, peonies, phlox. Annuals are planted in group plots - the teacher and the children grow the seedlings, plant them in the ground, and then together monitor the development of the plants until they ripen and collect the seeds. All plants are easy to care for and long-flowering: marigolds, marigolds, cosmos.

Teachers also do not forget about vertical gardening: walls and fences entwined with wild grapes and hops look great, and gazebos on playgrounds with sweet peas and decorative beans.

Cabinet of Nature

A nature cabinet is a type of nature room, with the only difference being that the cabinet is also equipped with tables for activities with children. This space is used both for scheduled regular lessons and for group work with older preschoolers. At the same time, teachers take into account that animals in the room are a strong irritant for preschoolers, therefore not all planned nature classes take place in such an office, but only those that are related in content to its inhabitants.

Ecological trail

This is a new and interesting form of work on environmental education. An ecological trail is a specially equipped route in nature. The significance of the trail is varied: conducting educational work with children aged 4-7 years, educational work with employees of preschool institutions and parents of children.

Creating a trail begins with developing a route on paper and planning environmental features. A detailed plan of the kindergarten territory is drawn on a large Whatman paper, where all the buildings are marked. The plan marks those places that contain interesting natural objects. This is a small lawn, old overgrown trees, trees with feeders, bird nests, cultural plantings (garden, rose garden, flower bed), etc. Then, places of free territory are identified that can be used to equip new ecological objects of the trail. A path is laid from object to object. In this way, a map of the ecological trail was created, on which all objects are marked with schematized color drawings (icons) and inscriptions. A map is a mandatory attribute of an ecological trail; it is used as a demonstration material when working with children.

Phyto-living room.

The phyto-lounge includes a phyto-bar and a phyto-garden. The herbal bar is a small bar counter with various medicinal mixtures, cups and a samovar. In summer, children collect medicinal herbs and berries and dry them. And during the autumn-winter and especially spring periods of exacerbation of various viral diseases, children are brewed herbal teas and cocktails. The phytogarden is usually located on the windowsills of group rooms in the winter-spring period. During classes, children plant green onions, dill and parsley. And then it is used as an additive for lunch and dinner in first and second courses.

A mini-laboratory is a new element of a developing subject environment. It was created to develop children's cognitive interest in research activities and contributes to the formation of a scientific worldview. At the same time, the laboratory is the basis for the child’s special play activities (work in the laboratory involves turning children into “scientists” who conduct experiments, experiments, and observations). A small room has been allocated for the laboratory, allowing children to carry out a variety of research activities, including independent ones. Recycled materials (cups, food boxes, etc.) are used as equipment and materials for conducting experiments. Providing a separate room for the laboratory helps to increase children's interest in research work.

Books and visual aids.

In addition to the living objects of the green zone of the kindergarten, an important condition for successful work with children under the “Young Ecologist” program is the availability of books, manuals, toys, visual material and other equipment necessary for conducting the environmental educational process in the kindergarten.

The kindergarten has a fairly extensive collection of children's fiction and educational literature about nature. With the help of parents, through libraries, various works of Russian classics were purchased in bookstores: L. Tolstoy, S. Aksakov, M. Prishvin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, G. Nikolsky, N. Sladkov, K. Paustovsky, I. Akimushkin , G. Snegirev, V. Chaplina, etc. The works of modern writers A. Ivanov, V. Zotov are also interesting for environmental education.

The technology of environmental education for children in the preparatory group is implemented using the book “Ecology in Pictures” by V. Tanasiychuk.

Work with older children is based on the works of V. Bianchi, so kindergarten should have many books by this author. It’s the same with the works of E. Charushin - children in the middle group get acquainted not only with his stories about animals, but also with the author’s illustrations. Using the example of the works of V. Bianchi and E. Charushin, preschoolers see how a person who knows how to see nature, loves it, is observant and attentive, can talk about nature, animals, and draw them.

Environmental education of younger preschoolers is based on the use of heroes of classic Russian folk tales (“Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Kolobok”, etc.), therefore, preschool educational institutions have separate editions of these fairy tales with colorful illustrations, so that children have a stable visual image of them characters.

In addition to the listed literature, the kindergarten also contains periodicals with environmental content. The library of MDOU No. 44 contains the following modern magazines: “Light (man and nature)”, “Pipe”, “Seven Dwarfs”, “Misha”, in which employees find a lot of interesting things about nature for themselves and for children.

Forming ideas among older preschoolers about the planet Earth, its most important characteristics (poles, oceans and seas, continents, etc.), about Russia, its capital, its city, about the main seas and rivers of the country and about nature in general is impossible without basic geographical aids. For this purpose, the staff of kindergarten No. 44 purchased a large globe and a large-scale map of Russia.

Works of art.

When working with children of all age groups, educational and visual aids “Pictures from the life of domestic animals” and “Pictures from the life of wild animals” (authors S. N. Nikolaeva and N. N. Meshkova) are used.

The kindergarten has a collection of various works of art related to nature. Almost every group of preschool educational institution No. 44 has handicrafts. All of them are beautiful - Zhostovo trays, Gzhel dishes, Polkhov nesting dolls, wooden objects with Gorodets painting. Khokhloma painting with its beautiful floral patterns is of particular importance for environmental education. Khokhloma is a vivid manifestation of the deep relationship between the Russian people and nature, it is an emotional expression of love for it. Such a beautiful, but surprisingly simple painting - leaves, berries, blades of grass, curled stems! From time to time, exhibitions of Khokhloma products are organized in the kindergarten so that children pay special attention to this magnificence.

Special mention should be made of artistic paintings, modern and classical paintings depicting nature. The kindergarten contains reproductions of Russian landscape classics: “Golden Autumn” and “March” by I.I. Levitan, “Golden Autumn” by I.S. Ostroukhova, “First Snow” by A. A. Plastov, “Russian Winter” and “End of Winter” by K.F. Yuon, “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A.K. Savrasov, “Moscow Courtyard” by V.D. Polenova, “Forest distances”, “Rye”, “Morning in a pine forest” by I. I. Shishkin and others. Reproductions are framed and mini-exhibitions are organized in accordance with the time of year and the theme of the lesson.

Games and toys.

Play, among all other activities, is of paramount importance in preschool childhood. Environmental education of children in kindergarten is built on a play basis - with a greater inclusion of different types of games in the pedagogical process. In their free time, older preschoolers can be offered board-printed, verbal and didactic games. A. K. Bondarenko’s collections describe many games with natural history content.

Ecological museum in kindergarten

The often manifested desire of children and teachers to collect various interesting things is successfully embodied in the organization of a small nature museum, the exhibits of which are collected by teachers, parents, and the children themselves. The museum presents three different exhibitions: “Nature of our region”, “Exotic natural phenomena”, “Environmental activities of the kindergarten”.

The first exhibition consists of photographs, slides, paintings, drawings, herbariums, which present the flora and fauna of the area.

Someone will collect a collection of stones or cones from different trees - everything can be included in the exhibition.

The second section is the materialized impressions of children and adults about the nature of distant places. To a kindergarten in the middle zone, for example, children bring stones and shells from the sea, a photo or drawing of the northern lights, a branch of a Karelian birch, etc.

The third exhibition is a kind of illustrated history of the nature-creating activities of the kindergarten. Photo albums and slide films can reflect tree planting cleanups, walks in nature, winter feeding of birds, holidays dedicated to events in nature, and much more. The best crafts made from natural materials will also take their place in this exhibition.

All of the above elements are a component of the ecological and developmental environment of MDOU No. 44 “Pochemuchka”. But we did not limit ourselves to just a simple description of the environmental and developmental space of the preschool educational institution based on observation and conversations. We conducted a survey of preschool teachers in order to identify the knowledge of teachers about the organization of the ecological and developmental environment and its use in work, as well as of parents, in order to identify their awareness on issues of environmental education.

For educators, we compiled questionnaire questions taking into account the specifics of the work of preschool educational institutions, in order to identify the level of knowledge of teachers about the organization of a subject-development environment and its use in their work.

11 teachers of different age groups, with different teaching experience, took part in the survey. (see Fig. 1 and 2).

Rice. 1.

Rice. 2.

Looking at Figures 1 and 2, we can conclude that in this preschool educational institution the staff is young - the majority of teachers have work experience of up to 5 years and are under 30 years of age. These are young, proactive, creative and active women who love children, and since they are young, they have purely theoretical knowledge and do not have enough practice to apply knowledge, but 46% of preschool teachers have more than 20 years of experience and these experienced teachers are happy to share their knowledge and practical experience with young specialists.

After analyzing the responses of educators, we came to the conclusion that all teachers of this preschool educational institution are interested in instilling responsibility for the environment in children and have a creative approach to organizing both the environment itself and the educational process.

To question No. 6: “Do you think the environment that exists in your preschool educational institution allows you to solve them fully?” The teachers' answers were different. 5 teachers answered “Yes, we consider the environment to be quite satisfactory,” the remaining teachers believe that there is not enough funding, funds for a decent organization of an ecological and developmental environment, they want to see elements such as a swimming pool and a computer class in their preschool educational institution.

To question No. 7: “List the basic principles of constructing an ERS in a preschool educational institution,” not all teachers answered the question correctly; many confuse the principles of organizing and constructing an ERS with the principles of teaching.

Question No. 10: “Does your preschool educational institution need such additional elements as a swimming pool, a space room, aroma and herbal cabinets? Which of the following would you include in the EDS of your preschool educational institution? ”, caused an unequivocal positive answer. Teachers advocated the introduction of such new environmental elements into preschool educational institutions, which suggests that they are all trying to “keep up with the times,” and they all understand their importance in the learning process, because these elements support the health of the younger generation.

To question No. 11: “Do you support the state policy on the introduction of computer classes in preschool educational institutions as one of the components of the electronic educational system? What positive and negative aspects do you see in this?” The teachers disagreed. Young professionals say that it is necessary to teach children how to use modern office equipment from an early age and introduce computer programs in education, while teachers with extensive experience and who have children and grandchildren of their own say that computers have a negative impact on physical and mental health children, children become nervous and aggressive.

To question No. 12: “In your opinion, is it permissible to use artificial materials and objects in the construction of ERS of preschool educational institutions? Why? What is this permissibility?”, the teachers disagreed, half answered that the use of artificial materials and objects is permissible, and the rest believe that for preschoolers it is necessary to use environmentally friendly products to build an environment, but it is not always possible to find natural materials.

To identify the level of awareness of parents of children attending MDOU No. 44, we compiled and conducted a survey.

The family is the most important educational link in the complex system of preparing a person for life in society. One of the most important aspects of this preparation is ensuring environmental awareness of children entering life. Only parents, being the closest people to their child in the process of everyday communication with him, while paying primary attention to the regulation of their actions in relation to, in this case, nature, are able to radically influence the development of personality.

In this vein of analysis, it is interesting to know the level of awareness of parents of students on issues of environmental education and upbringing. We prepared a questionnaire for parents, which included 16 questions (see Appendix 2). A total of 25 parents and children of different age groups attending preschool educational institution No. 44 were interviewed.

Fig 3.

Rice. 4.

Thus, we see that mostly the parents of children attending this preschool educational institution are in the age category of up to 30 years and almost 70% of parents have higher education, but the quality of the questions was not affected by the parents’ education.

The peculiarity of the questionnaire questions was that they contained general information about ecology, environmental education in preschool educational institutions and the family. However, parents provided answers to only 12 questions. The remaining 4 questions were not covered. The reason was mainly of a personal and emotional nature. Many parents do not know what programs their children participate in and what knowledge they receive within the framework of these programs. Some parents are contradictory in their statements, for example, to question No. 8: “Do you notice from your child that at the preschool educational institution a lot of attention is paid to environmental education?” Many parents answered negatively, i.e., that they do not notice any work being done in this direction, and to question No. 12: “Do you support the work being done in preschool educational institutions on the environmental education of children?”, parents say that they do.

In this case, I would like to clarify what kind of work of educators they support if they do not notice that in preschool educational institutions they generally engage in environmental education and training with children? In our opinion, these parents don't care as long as their children are fed and looked after.

But at the same time, many parents are still interested in the life of their children in kindergartens and know what programs their child is trained and raised in preschool educational institutions; you can see that these are parents of their second children. And these same parents try to acquaint their children with the rules of behavior in nature (question No. 14). For example, with such things as “do not burn fires in inappropriate places, remove garbage after yourself, do not break tree branches, do not litter the environment, do not offend animals,” etc.

However, processing the data obtained provided some useful information.

Parents did not remain indifferent to this problem. Everyone is interested in ensuring that work (classes) are carried out in preschool institutions aimed at developing an environmental culture.

Developmental subject-spatial environment of a kindergarten as an important element of the socio-emotional development of children in the process of artistic and aesthetic development

The environment is an important factor in the upbringing and development of a child. Micro- and macro-environments and their components are distinguished. Microenvironment is the interior design of premises. The macroenvironment is the immediate surroundings of the kindergarten (site, neighboring residential buildings and institutions).

The equipment of the premises of a preschool institution should be safe, health-saving, aesthetically attractive and developmental. Furniture should correspond to the height and age of children, toys should provide the maximum developmental effect for a given age. The group space should be organized in the form of well-demarcated zones (“centers”), equipped with a large number of developmental materials (books, toys, creative materials, educational equipment, etc.), all items should be accessible to children.

Such organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting activities for themselves, alternate them during the day, and gives the teacher the opportunity to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The equipment of the corners changes in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process.

The aesthetic developmental environment in the premises of a kindergarten is created as a factor in the formation of goodness and beauty in a growing person and includes:

  1. The interior design of groups where children live and are raised (painting of all surfaces - walls, ceilings, floors) should be in calm tones;
  2. Light background that fits into the interior, furniture, toys, works of fine art, children's creativity;
  3. Compliance with the age-related psychological characteristics of children: all books, toys, objects and materials for a variety of games and activities should be accessible to children and delight them not only with their purpose, but also with their appearance; works (reproductions) of painting, graphics, folk art as an important factor in the formation of personality and aesthetic attitude.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment are distinguished:

  1. The developing subject-spatial environment ensures maximum realization of the educational potential of the space of the Organization, Group, as well as the territory adjacent to the Organization or located at a short distance, adapted for the implementation of the Program (hereinafter referred to as the site), materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, protecting and strengthening their health, taking into account the characteristics and correcting deficiencies in their development.
  2. A developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children of different ages) and adults, physical activity of children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

3.3.3. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide:
implementation of various educational programs;

in the case of organizing inclusive education - the necessary conditions for it;

taking into account the national, cultural and climatic conditions in which educational activities are carried out; taking into account the age characteristics of children.

3.3.4. A developing subject-spatial environment should be
content-rich, transformable, multifunctional,
variable, accessible and safe.

1) The richness of the environment must correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

The educational space must be equipped with teaching and educational means (including technical ones), relevant materials, including consumable gaming, sports, health equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).

The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and supplies (in the building and on the site) should ensure:

playful, educational, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimenting with materials available to children (including sand and water);

motor activity, including the development of gross and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions;

emotional well-being of children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;

opportunity for children to express themselves.

For infants and young children, the educational space should provide necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

2) Transformability of space implies the possibility of change
subject-spatial environment depending on the educational situation,
including the changing interests and capabilities of children;

3) Multifunctionality of materials implies:

the possibility of varied use of various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.;

the presence in the Organization or Group of multifunctional (not having a strictly fixed method of use) items, including natural materials, suitable for use in various types of children's activities (including as substitute items in children's play).

4) Variability of the environment implies:

the presence in the Organization or Group of various spaces (for play, construction, privacy, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that ensure free choice for children;

periodic change of play material, the emergence of new objects that stimulate the play, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

5) Availability of the environment assumes:

accessibility for pupils, including children with disabilities and children with disabilities, of all premises where educational activities are carried out;

free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, and aids that provide all basic types of children’s activities;

serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

6) The safety of the subject-spatial environment assumes
compliance of all its elements with reliability requirements
and safety of their use.

Interior design of premises.

Ecology Center

The aesthetic environment is unthinkable without natural content, which is the most important means of aesthetic, moral education and spiritual development of children.

The educational value of nature is difficult to overestimate. Communication with nature has a positive effect on a person, makes him kinder, softer, and awakens better feelings in him. The role of nature is especially great in raising children.

In a preschool institution, children are introduced to nature and the changes that occur in it at different times of the year. On the basis of acquired knowledge, such qualities as a realistic understanding of natural phenomena, curiosity, the ability to observe, think logically, and have an aesthetic attitude towards all living things are formed. Love of nature, skills of caring for it, caring for living beings not only give rise to interest in nature, but also contribute to the formation of their best character traits, such as patriotism, hard work, and respect for the work of adults.

A corner of nature containing indoor plants will help in solving the problems of introducing children to nature.

The nature room is equipped with hot and cold water supply, sewerage, racks for storing equipment and food. Pet food should be stored out of the reach of children.

Placing aquariums, animals, and birds in group rooms is not permitted.

Our kindergarten has an equipped environmental laboratory, and environmental centers have been created in each group. When creating environmental centers in the group, we took into account the following requirements:

  1. Careful selection of indoor plants (a list of recommended plants for keeping in a corner of nature, as well as methods for introducing children to indoor plants are described in the manual for kindergarten teachers “Nature Corner in Kindergarten”, author M.M. Markovskaya (M.: Prosveshchenie, 1984 , 160 pp.)).
  2. Availability of a calendar of nature and weather observations.
  3. Equipment for research and experimental activities (magnifying glasses, watering cans, scoops, spray bottles, microscopes; aprons, caps for children).
  4. Collections of natural materials: cones, acorns, seeds (in non-opening containers).
  5. It is necessary to actively involve children in the creation of an aesthetic, objective and natural environment, challenging them to joint discussion and joint actions to organize and transform the environment. As a result of such activity, children will develop an artistic sense and develop the necessary abilities. The aesthetic environment activates the artistic and creative activity of children.

Art center

Here are materials for introducing children to various types of fine and decorative arts - painting, graphics, sculpture, folk crafts, architecture.

In addition, this center contains materials and equipment necessary for children's visual arts, manual labor and artistic design.

Build on the gender differences of children by providing materials and equipment for manual labor and artistic construction that are interesting to both boys and girls.

The inclusion of visual materials in the environment (reproductions of paintings by artists, works of folk art, book graphics, works of children's creativity) promotes the creative activity of children.

For systematic work on introducing children to works of fine art, it is advisable to allocate a special place in groups. A small “beauty shelf” is hung on the wall at the child’s eye level. A table with chairs is installed under it - a place for meeting with beauty is ready!

The environment surrounding a child should contain the best examples of universal human culture - it should be saturated with classical and avant-garde works of not only children's, but also “adult” painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, music, decorative and applied arts.

A toy is an integral part of the group’s interior and is of great importance in a child’s life. A developing aesthetic environment should include meaningful components that would activate the aesthetic perception of toys, including folk ones (Dymkovsky, Filimonovsky, Bogorodsky).

Music and Theater Center

Must be equipped with: a cabinet or shelves for storing musical aids, for children's costumes, bibabo dolls, finger puppets, toys and decorations for tabletop theater, flannelgraph theater, etc.

A set of portraits of composers and photographs of children playing musical instruments are required. The main content of the center consists of a variety of musical aids, musical toys, homemade toys, children's musical instruments (including a set of folk instruments), and costume elements. You must have audio equipment (tape recorder or stereo system).

Locker room

An exhibition of children's creative works is being staged here. Exhibitions may have different names: “Our Vernissage”, “Art Gallery”, “Our Creativity”, etc.

The dressing room is decorated in accordance with the names of the group. Also includes information boards for parents.

The first impression of the kindergarten is left by the site.

A properly planned and well-greened area is one of the most important conditions for organizing activities with children to familiarize them with nature.

At the kindergarten site, the teacher organizes daily observation of nature, during which children learn a lot about the life of plants and animals and admire the beauty of nature in all seasons. The vivid impressions that children receive from communicating with nature remain in their memory for a long time and contribute to the formation of a love for nature, a natural interest in the world around them, and aesthetic taste.

The kindergarten site must meet not only pedagogical requirements, but also sanitary and hygienic ones. According to the current SanPiN, the following requirements are imposed on the equipment and maintenance of the territories of preschool organizations:

“...3.1. The perimeter of the preschool territory is fenced with a fence and a strip of green space. Trees are planted at a distance of no closer than 15 m, and shrubs no closer than 5 m from the preschool building.

When landscaping the area, trees and shrubs with poisonous fruits are not planted, in order to prevent the occurrence of poisoning among children, and thorny bushes.

Landscaping of the territory is provided at the rate of at least 50% of the area of ​​the territory free from development. Green spaces are used to separate group sites from each other and to separate group sites from the economic zone. When locating the territory of a preschool educational organization on the border with forests and gardens, it is allowed to reduce the area of ​​landscaping by 10%..."

“...3.4. The following functional zones are distinguished on the territory of the preschool organization:

Game Zone;

Economic zone.

The distance between the play and utility areas must be at least 3 m.

3.5. The playing area includes:

Group areas - individual for each group at a rate of at least 7.2 square meters. m for 1 young child and at least 9.0 sq. m per 1 child of preschool age and in compliance with the principle of group isolation;

A physical training ground (one or more)..."

When selecting trees and shrubs for landscaping, the following requirements should be taken into account:

  1. For planting, it is necessary to select the most typical plants in the given geographical conditions.
  2. They should be varied in height, leaf color, flowering time, ripening of fruits and seeds.

Such a selection of trees and shrubs ensures that children develop ideas about the diversity of plants and develop aesthetic perception.
Trees are placed in groups, alleys or in single plantings. It is better to place groups of trees and shrubs on an open lawn at the intersection of paths, near a splashing pool. Trees planted by a group provide shade throughout the day and protect children from the sun.
Single trees are planted so that they create shade on paths and near awnings. At the same time, it is necessary to think about a convenient place for trees that children will watch throughout the year. There should be a convenient approach to these trees and a place where all children can be placed during observation.

  • birch (fluffy, warty),
  • maple (holly; ash-leaved, Tatarian),
  • small-leaved linden,
  • fragrant poplar,
  • oak,
  • ash,
  • Rowan,
  • spruce,
  • European larch.

In kindergarten, children spend a lot of time walking. Children continue to be active here, so a walk in the kindergarten should certainly encourage play. And also to develop children’s mental, aesthetic and physical potential.

When planning the design of the site, it is necessary to focus on the age of the group. There are many sandboxes and canopy houses at group playgrounds for children. They are usually designed based on folk tales. For example, you can easily put a cat on a chain on a tree, and if you don’t force him to walk left and right, then it’s quite possible to delight little preschoolers with your presence. By the way, don’t forget about the charming little mermaid who got entangled in the branches of the trees. You can create a fabulous design, and at minimal cost, since it is quite possible to make most small architectural forms with your own hands from scrap, scrap materials. You can easily make a cheerful green crocodile or a strict zebra from old punctured tires. The swing can be decorated by making it in the shape of a butterfly, dragonfly, firebird or goldfish. A very interesting idea for decorating flower beds is to make it in the form of a seven-flowered flower with opening bright petals.

Older children need more freedom and room for creativity. In addition, in the summer, various recreational activities can be organized on the site. For example, children can take air or sun baths together, as well as water procedures. A great idea for a pond is to bury a container in the ground, lay stones around it and plant various plants. It turns out to be an original alpine slide. Firstly, it is very beautiful, and secondly, green spaces are one of the most important elements in the design of a children's playground. In addition, they also protect the territory of the kindergarten from dust and noise, and create decorative barriers between group areas.

In the spring, a vegetable garden is organized on the kindergarten site, where teachers and children grow vegetables and berries. It also creates a natural environment that has aesthetic properties and qualities that allow children to develop an aesthetic attitude towards nature.