Pedicure at home - “How to make a pedicure at home no worse than a salon one, step by step instructions, my experience, a lot of photos! And why don't I want to get a pedicure in the salon? Do-it-yourself pedicure at home - step by step instructions. How to make a beautiful ped

Every woman dreams of having well-groomed hands and feet. To do this, you need to give them quite a bit of attention, periodically doing manicures and pedicures, masks, nourishing with creams. The easiest way to get the perfect result is to use the services of a professional recommended master in a beauty salon. But if you need to save a little, you can do a pedicure for your beloved yourself at home, you just need to know a few rules and stick to them. How to do a pedicure at home - step by step instructions.

Well-groomed heels - easy and simple

It is easier to do a pedicure on your own at home than a manicure, because both hands are involved in this process, so for those who do not know how to use both left and right hands equally well, you can let your imagination fly and draw any beautiful drawing on your feet.

When doing a pedicure on your own, it is important to remember a few rules:

  • the water in the foot bath should not be too hot;
  • toenails should be cut short, strictly in a straight line, without rounding;
  • cuticle, without sufficient experience and a sharp special tool, it is better not to cut;
  • to remove corns and rough skin, it is better to use a natural pumice stone or a specialized pedicure grater, but not blades or machines;
  • to keep the skin of the heels pink and tender, you should regularly moisturize it with creams and masks.

Proper pedicure at home: in detail and step by step

Step one:cleansing. Before proceeding with the pedicure, it is necessary to remove the old varnish from the nails with the help of improvised means (special liquids), and it is advisable to wash the feet themselves.

Step two: softening. In order to remove rough skin on the heels and fingertips painlessly and without unnecessary injuries, it must first be softened. Most often, a warm foot bath is used for this. It’s great if the household has a special electric pedicure bath with a built-in massage mechanism, if there is no such device, a basin will do. At its bottom, you can put a massage mat that imitates the sea coast. The water for the bath should be warm, but not hot, otherwise the skin may begin to peel off in shreds, it is recommended to add sea salt (flavored or plain), liquid toilet soap, a few drops of aromatic oil, a solution or decoction of chamomile, calendula. A good disinfecting and softening effect will give a simple soda dissolved in bath water.

Secret: if there was a free evening, which the woman decided to devote entirely to self-care, you can try to soften the skin of the feet and remove rough areas in other, non-traditional ways. For example, the use of white wine gives a good effect: you should moisten socks in it, preferably woolen ones, put them on your feet, fix them with plastic bags on top and walk around in such an “outfit” for at least an hour and a half. The skin on the feet, especially in the area of ​​​​the heels, will become soft and tender, and rough areas can be removed much faster and better.

Step three: removal. After the bath, the feet should be thoroughly wiped, dried with a towel, and proceed to remove excess rough skin on the heels and fingertips. At home, this is best done with a pumice stone of various shapes and sizes, a special pedicure grater or a professional pedicure scraper. Improper use of a razor for these purposes can lead to cuts and difficult to stop bleeding. You can also do a special foot massage with a scrub that will exfoliate the skin in those places where a file or pumice stone has not reached. After that, the legs should be washed and dried thoroughly.

Step four: make the shape of the nails. It is very important for a pedicure to give the nails on the toes the correct shape. They need to be cut with scissors with straight blades or pedicure tweezers strictly straight, without rounding, cuts. The ideal shape of toenails is rectangular. Incorrect trimming of nails can lead to a condition called “ingrown toenail”, which requires the intervention of a surgeon. It is recommended to grind the edge of the nail plate a little with a nail file so that it is not sharp and the fingers do not hurt each other.

Step five: cuticle. Removing the cuticle requires a special sharp pedicure tool and certain skills. If there is neither one nor the other, experienced craftsmen advise at home to simply try to push the cuticle as much as possible to the side and lower edge of the nail plate with a hard stick (orange, bone).

Step six: polish. The nail plate, from which the old varnish has been removed, needs some polishing. This should be done with a special nail file with a soft working surface. On polished nails, any high-quality varnish (plain or gel) will last much longer due to better adhesion to the surface.

Step seven: massage. In salons, massage is one of the most enjoyable stages of a pedicure. You can do this procedure yourself, you need to apply a moisturizing, tonic or soothing cream on the feet and massage them a lot. If there is a desire not only to have fun, but also to cheer up the body a little, you should buy special socks with a printed pattern in the form of dots and zones for preventive and therapeutic massage.

Step eight: coating. The final stage of a quality pedicure is nail polish. To do this, it is recommended to insert a special spacer between the fingers, then cover in several stages:

  • degrease the nails, because cream could get on them during the massage;
  • apply a varnish-base (base);
  • apply the selected varnish in one or two layers;
  • if desired and able to apply a drawing;
  • finish with a colorless top coat.

Each stage needs to dry the nails under a special ultraviolet lamp.

Baths and masks for tired legs

A bath with warm water for the legs will perfectly relieve the accumulated fatigue for the whole day. Mint and eucalyptus will help you relax. To do this, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, half a glass of peppermint decoction, one or two tablespoons or dessert spoons of soda and one or two tablespoons or dessert spoons of any vegetable oil (sunflower, linseed or olive) to the bath. It is advisable to keep your feet in a warm bath for 15-20 minutes, blot with a towel, wipe dry and moisturize with foot cream.

A bath with lemon, tea tree, peppermint oils and with the addition of ground coffee and plain or flavored sea salt will help to give vigor to the legs, restore their tone.

A bath with a decoction of rosemary, a couple of drops of mint oil, cedar, a tablespoon of medical glycerin will help relieve swelling from tired legs.

In addition to the usual cream, the legs can also be pampered with masks from improvised means. The mask prepared with the addition of a solution or gel of aloe vera, olive oil and eucalyptus oil perfectly moisturizes the skin of the feet. You need to mix one tablespoon of the first two ingredients, then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, apply on the legs for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry.

An excellent moisturizing and tonic effect is given by a mask based on avocado and honey. You should mix a couple of egg yolks, a quarter or a third of the pulp of a peeled avocado in a blender, add a dessert or tablespoon of honey and a few drops of evening primrose oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the feet, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse and wipe dry.

A little effort and your heels will be tender and pink, like a baby's.

Hello dear visitors of my blog. Well-groomed legs confirm the high status of a woman, so fingernails should always be in perfect order. And with our accelerated rhythm of life, there is not always time to visit the salon to get a professional pedicure. But read this article to the end and you will know how to do a pedicure at home on your own.

fifty percent beauty

The season of open sandals is approaching, which means that the fingers that look out of the open toe should be well-groomed.

Beautiful well-groomed toenails and - this is already 50%, as well as a guarantee of nail health.

Read this article to the end to learn how to do this pedicure yourself at home.

What tools are needed for a pedicure

What tool is needed for a good quality home pedicure?

First of all, prepare:

  • cotton sponges,
  • foot cream,
  • cream and cuticle stick,
  • nail polish remover,
  • nail polish itself
  • fixative,
  • cotton napkin,
  • manicure scissors.

A separate topic is nail files.

  • If the nails are strong, do not break, then you can take sapphire or sand tools.
  • For weak nails, fine-grained semi-circular files are suitable.

Step by step home pedicure

Consider how to do a pedicure yourself step by step. This will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

First step

If the old varnish is ugly on the nails, then it must be removed with a composition that does not contain acetone. Acetone makes nails brittle, exfoliating.

Soak a cotton swab with liquid, moisten the old coating. Slightly pressing on the swab, move from the beginning of the nail to the edge, remove the old varnish. Remove the rest with a cotton swab.

Second step

First, prepare a warm soda solution (in a glass of water 1 tsp soda, 8-10 drops of lemon juice, and if you notice a bundle, then drip 3-4 drops of iodine), add a little shampoo and tuned soap, hold for 5-7 minutes him legs to soften the skin.

Take a pumice stone or a brush and work your feet, heels, each toe well, remove dead skin, then dry them with a towel. You can make a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage. Lubricate the legs with the appropriate cream, and apply a special softening gel to the cuticles.

Third step

Then the processing will begin. We push back the cuticles, carefully cut them off with special, sharp tweezers or scissors treated with alcohol.

The cut is in one smooth line. Don't take too much of the skin to avoid bleeding. If the cuticle is small, then simply push it back with an orange stick. Lubricate the treated area with an alcohol solution.

Use a foot scrub monthly. Massage well with each finger, the entire foot.

It will give strength and endurance to the whole body, since the points on the sole are connected with all our organs.

Fourth step

Then comes polishing with a fine-grained file to avoid rough edges. Swipe along the edge with your finger - it should be even and smooth.

If you do not want to apply varnish, you can polish the plates to a mirror finish using a polishing tool with four different surfaces. Do polishing once a month so as not to thin the surface.

After polishing the surface, as well as giving the nails the desired shape, degrease them. Take a cotton sponge, moisten it with nail polish remover (without acetone), wipe your nails well with it.

Fifth step

The fifth step, the most responsible when performing a pedicure, is applying varnish. Use a toe separator to make it easier to apply the coating.

First, apply a colorless varnish. What is it for? First of all, he:

  • protects the surface from the pigment that is in the coating;
  • prevents the appearance of yellow spots;
  • allows the varnish to lie down without smudges;
  • ensures a longer coating life.

Wait 5-7 minutes until the foundation dries. Then start coloring.

Do not shake the bottle to avoid creating bubbles, just roll it slowly between your palms. This action will also lead to uniformity of the varnish.

Dip the brush, remove the excess coating on the edge of the bottle. Apply with 3 strokes. Put two strokes on the sides of each nail, and one in the center. Touch the brush to the middle of the nail and push up with pressure.

Lacquer take so much that is enough for one smear. How many layers you need to apply depends on your desire and the color of the varnish.

After application, sit quietly for 10 or 15 minutes.

If the varnish gets on the cuticle, remove it with a special pen containing a remover.

When the varnish is completely dry, apply the top layer - a fixer. Wait another ten minutes and now your pedicure is over. The varnish has dried well, the legs look well-groomed and beautiful.

Even if you understand everything, watch this video on how to give yourself a pedicure at home - you may have the same problems as the author of the video.

Now you know how to do a pedicure at home.

Foot care after pedicure

In order for the legs to always bring you joy, in addition to the pedicure, you need to properly care for them.

The first care product is a cream. Thoroughly rub the cream into the feet, into the nails, as well as the skin around them.

An excellent result is given by baths with oils and decoctions of herbs.

What do nails say about your health?

Bumps on the plates and white spots can tell a lot about human health. If they appear, then the body lacks vitamins, minerals, especially calcium.

If you notice a change in the color of the plates, then it's time to see a doctor, he will offer to undergo tests and prescribe treatment.

Lemon is great for yellowing nails, just rub your nails with a slice of lemon until the normal color appears.

If you just have weak nails, they exfoliate, prepare healing baths for them with sea salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of warm water). Dip your feet in this solution, hold for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure every day for 2-3 weeks, and also before performing a home pedicure.

Getting rid of the fungus

How nice to look at well-groomed beautiful legs! But they can be spoiled by a dangerous fungus. What does he look like? If the nails are yellow, exfoliate strongly, break, thicken, deform, smell unpleasant - this is a fungus!

Everyone can get infected with such a disease, no one is immune. The main causes of diseases are:

  • visiting public saunas, swimming pools, showers, baths,
  • nail salon,
  • gym and other public places,
  • the presence of cracks in the nails.
  • diabetes, reduced immunity, obesity, vascular disease,
  • taking and antibacterial drugs, oral contraceptives,
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

If you find yourself with a fungus, then it is especially important for you to learn how to do a pedicure at home on your own. A few special procedures will need to be added to the standard care.

Treatment of nail fungus with folk methods

Is fungus dangerous? It is not only dangerous for the nails, but for the whole body. It can exacerbate many diseases, such as bronchitis, allergies, and other ailments. And disgust on the part of others becomes a real problem for an infected person.

Can fungus be cured? You can if you're not lazy. There are ointments, drugs, medicines prescribed by a doctor. And you can try all kinds of folk remedies for nail fungus.

10 home remedies for nail fungus

  1. Garlic cream. One clove of minced garlic, half a teaspoon of butter, mix, put on a plate, bandage, keep all day. Repeat until the fungus is completely cleared.
  2. Mint compress. Mix a bunch of mint with 2 tbsp. salt, apply for 1 hour to a sore spot. Do until the complete disappearance of the infection.
  3. Celandine. Make a decoction of celandine grass: 2 tbsp. steam the herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes. Lubricate the plates with a saturated solution until the infection has completely disappeared.
  4. An excellent remedy for fungus is the juice of this poisonous plant. Break the stem of the celandine and lubricate the affected areas with the resulting juice. You will see how quickly this unpleasant disease will disappear.
  5. Salt baths. In 1 liter of water, stir 4 tbsp. salt, lower your fingers, hold for 25 minutes. Then brush with olive oil.
  6. Iodine treatment. This is the best treatment for this infection. Moisten cotton swabs with iodine and lubricate infected areas twice a day. After the second week of treatment, you will feel a slight pain, which means that your nails are on the mend. Lubricate healthy nails once a week so that this infection does not spread to them.
  7. Propolis on alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply daily to damaged nails. Propolis will quickly remove the infection, and the plate will most likely fall off, but a new, healthy one will grow in its place.
  8. Onion juice. Mix onion juice and honey in equal proportions, store the product in a closed jar in the refrigerator. Lubricate daily fungal infections.
  9. Potassium permanganate perfectly copes with this problem. Add a pink solution of manganese to a bowl of hot water, hold your feet for 10 minutes, then treat the damaged areas with peroxide.
  10. Vinegar treatment. If nothing helps. Then try to get rid of the infection with vinegar. Prepare a weak vinegar solution. Take 1 part 9% vinegar and 8 parts water. Before starting treatment, the nails must be steamed, then lowered into the vinegar solution, while carefully wiping the skin between the toes and the skin. The course of treatment is 7 procedures.

Meet the season of open shoes with well-groomed toes? It is quite possible to do a pedicure for yourself if there is no opportunity to visit the salon. How often to do a pedicure? If the skin on the heels is rough, thick and grows very quickly, the procedure should be carried out twice a month. If the skin is thin - once will be enough.

Classic pedicure

On well-steamed feet, the skin from the heels is cut off with a razor, the cuticle is removed with tweezers. This method was probably the most popular in the past decades. But it contains many dangers.

  1. Firstly, you can easily cut yourself with a sharp blade and infect.
  2. Secondly, in practice it turns out like this: the more you cut off the skin, the sooner it grows back and becomes even rougher.

Unedged pedicure

  • Scrub your feet with antibacterial soap to completely remove impurities and also kill all bacteria. Wipe dry.
  • Apply a special tool - (gel to remove corns) - on a napkin or sponge and apply to problem areas.

  • Wrap your foot in cling film and wait 15 minutes or more.
  • Then, using a disposable spatula (grinding file or pumice stone), remove the product: rub the heel first with the harder side, then with the fine-grained one. Do not get carried away, the procedure should not cause discomfort.
  • Rinse your feet with warm water and start processing the cuticles.
  • Remove old polish from your nails with an acetone-free liquid.
  • Apply a drop of oil (olive or burdock) on your nails and massage for 3 minutes.
  • Gently slide the skin folds at the base of the nails down with a wooden stick.
  • Lubricate the feet with oil, paying special attention to the "problem" areas: thumbs, heels and pads under the fingers.
  • Rinse off the oil with sea salt water and dry your feet.
  • File your nails first with a rough, and then with a soft polishing nail file, without rounding them around the edges, otherwise the nail plate may be deformed.
  • On the prepared nails, apply the base, and on top - colored varnish.
  • After it is completely dry, cover it with a fixative - it will hold on for a long time.

Rules for the perfect pedicure

  • The procedure is preferably carried out at the end of the day.
  • If the skin is too rough, pre-steam your feet in the bath. Scrub your feet and legs with a mixture of coarse sea salt and sour cream. Then dip your feet in warm water with 3 drops of oil (almond or jojoba) and the same amount of tea tree oil (this is a natural antiseptic) for 10 minutes. When the skin softens, gently remove the keratinization with a pumice stone.
  • Try to cut your toenails straight, do not round them to prevent ingrown nails.
  • Do not apply funds to open wounds and cracks, so as not to cause inflammation.
  • With specific problems (ingrown toenail, cracked feet and heels), it is better to consult a specialist.

Do not forget about daily care: wash your feet regularly using antibacterial soap, exfoliate and moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream. Massage your feet (with your hands or with a wooden massager) while lubricating the skin of your feet with oil or fat cream. In order to eliminate sweating and unpleasant odors, choose socks made from natural materials. Pamper your feet regularly with masks.

Foot masks

  • To prepare, chop 3 orange slices in a blender, add st. a spoonful of any vegetable oil and a coffee spoon of starch, mix well. Apply the mask on clean feet and after 20 minutes wash off. The procedure can be done three times a week until the desired result is achieved. It perfectly softens the skin of the feet and removes dead skin cells.
  • Very quickly softens the skin with a compress of watermelon juice (a teaspoon) and pounded egg yolk. Apply a mask on pre-steamed feet, leaving for 20 minutes. Wash your feet, apply a nourishing cream and put on clean cotton socks.
  • An effective remedy for sweaty feet is rose petals. Grind pre-dried petals (100 g) in a blender and mix with 100 g of vodka (50 g of alcohol). The mixture should be brought to a boil, cool and warm applied to the feet for 20 minutes.

So, now you know all the secrets of the perfect pedicure at home. Self-care will take quite a bit of time, and affordable masks made from natural products will not yield to salon ones and will make you the owner of beautiful and well-groomed legs.

Learning how to do manicures and pedicures on your own is a useful skill. If only because going to the master does not always have time, effort and money. We have prepared simple instructions that will help you see the result no worse than in the salon.


Step #1 To make the procedure safe, disinfect the instruments. This is a mandatory step, even if only you use them. The easiest way is to buy a special tool that is sold in professional stores, or wipe the tools with ordinary alcohol. There is another option: boil metal objects in a saucepan for 20 minutes. But here you have to wait until the tools cool down - they cannot be lowered into cold water, otherwise the structure of the metal will suffer.

Step #2 If your nails have a coating, remove it. The choice is yours: liquids containing acetone dissolve varnish faster, but products without acetone cause less damage to nails, cuticles and skin.

Step #3 It is better to shorten the nail and shape it with a file - without tweezers or scissors. Metal and too rough files can cause delamination of the nail plate, so take a glass or abrasive one. File should be filed at a slow pace, from the edge of the nail to the center, so as not to damage the nail. At the same time, leave a length of at least a millimeter - for the correct formation of the free edge.

Step #4 Dip your hands in a bath of warm water for 3-5 minutes. You can add sea salt or aromatic oils to the water. This procedure will soften the cuticle and prepare the skin for the next steps. If desired, use a hand scrub, then apply moisturizer.

Step #5 In matters of cuticle processing, the main rule is this: the more you cut, the more it grows. Therefore, it is worth abandoning the tweezers for trimming manicure, otherwise the cuticle will only become rougher over time. Experienced craftsmen advise moisturizing the cuticle with oil every day, and during the manicure, gently push it away with a special stick. Try not to use scissors for at least a couple of months - and you will see the result. The same applies to the side rollers (the skin around the nails) - they should be sanded with a glass nail file. Once a week will be enough.

Step #6 Before applying varnish, you need to degrease your nails with a special tool. Then apply a base coat - the surface will become smooth and the manicure will last longer. Before applying the varnish, it is better not to shake the bottle, otherwise all the air bubbles will be on the nails. Colored varnish should be applied in three movements: on the left side of the nail, on the right, and in the center. It is important to observe the time interval between applying layers - at least five minutes, and preferably all ten. In order not to stain the side rollers, lubricate them with petroleum jelly without touching the nail - all excess can be removed with a simple cotton pad. Next comes the nail polish fixer - it will protect the manicure from cracks and chips. If there is no special drying coating, you can dip your nails in ice water for 2-3 minutes, and then grease with oil. In this case, the varnish will not smear and the home manicure will look no worse than the salon one.


Experts recommend doing a pedicure every three weeks. Before the procedure, be sure to pay attention to how you feel - you should be careful with low pressure, varicose veins and pregnancy. In such cases, the water in the bath should be warm, not hot.

Step #1 Make sure that the tools are disinfected, and start soaking the skin of the legs. You can add your favorite aromatic oils to the bath with warm water, then a relaxing effect will appear. If the skin on the feet is too rough, add baking soda or sea salt, then it will be easier to remove dead skin particles. Keeping your feet in the water for too long is not worth it - 15 minutes will be enough. To make the most of this time, you can, for example, apply a face mask.

Step #2 Dry your feet with a towel. Take a natural fine-grained pumice stone and go over the roughest areas of the feet. Do not touch delicate skin, so as not to get hurt. Move the pumice stone in one direction - with chaotic movements, the skin will become rough the very next day. Watch your feelings: if there is a slight burning sensation during the procedure, stop. You can enhance the effect and use a foot scrub to treat hard-to-reach places. Be careful with calluses and corns: if touching causes pain, it is better not to touch these areas and consult a specialist.

Step #3 The cuticle on the toes is usually quite thin, so experts recommend not cutting it, but regularly pushing it back with a special stick - after steaming, this is easy to do. With the same wand, you can gently remove dirt to avoid infection without damaging soft tissues. Step #5 The most pleasant part is to apply a moisturizer on your feet and massage them. If suddenly there was no cream at hand, you can take any oil, even olive oil. To keep the effect of well-groomed legs as long as possible, make masks several times a week - apply a nourishing cream on the feet before going to bed, wrap with cling film and put on socks.

Step #6 Applying nail polish will be much easier if you put on spacer pads. Apply a base coat, then no more than two coats of colored polish (make sure to keep the time interval) and a fixer.

Every man knows that a woman should be beautiful from the tips of her hair to her heels. And this means that women's legs need no less care than all other parts of her body. The only pity is that not every woman understands this, and the pedicure procedure does not attach much importance at all. And even though the legs are mostly hidden from the eyes of other people, they need to be looked after in the same way as the hands. To inspire a little desire, I’ll say that you need to do a pedicure not only for beauty, but also in order to cleanse our feet of dead keratinized cells that interfere with the normal functioning of nerve endings (and there are a large number of them on our feet). Surely, many have already sighed, because in order to get a pedicure, you need to go to the salon and melt the money. All this can be avoided if you learn how to do a pedicure at home. There is nothing difficult in this, it would be a desire and a little free time.


So, first, let's figure out what we need. We need to prepare the tools for the pedicure. To do this, you can use a ready-made manicure and pedicure kit, which is not difficult to buy in the store. The most important thing we need is scissors, a wooden stick to remove the cuticle and a nail file. What else is needed, we will figure it out in the course of the job description.

Steaming and cleansing

Before you start doing a pedicure at home, you need to steam your feet. To do this, prepare a bath with warm water. To make the procedure more pleasant and useful, you can add a decoction of chamomile or oak bark to the bath. They will relieve inflammation in the legs, and also reduce sweating. You can also add sea salt, which will help heal small cracks and wounds. Steam your legs until their skin turns pink. Usually this procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

After steaming, they need to be cleaned. To do this, you need to get one foot out of the water, apply a scrub on it and slowly rub it into the skin with a metal brush. A pumice stone will help remove dead skin cells. The same must be done with the other leg.

Cuticle removal

We do a pedicure at home next. Now you need to remove it. To do this, it must be lubricated with a special cream, wait a couple of minutes and push the cuticle with a wooden stick to the base of the nail. Trimming the cuticle is undesirable, yet it protects the nails from damage and infection with any infection.

Haircut and painting of nails

Now you need to tidy up your nails. They should be cut in a straight line. Rounded nails (especially large ones) can grow into the fingers and create discomfort. Yes, and getting rid of them is extremely difficult, you will have to seek help from a doctor. Please note that the legs should be filed from the edges to their base. Back and forth movements can lead to splitting of the nails and their ugly appearance. If the surface of the nails is uneven, it can be made smooth with a soft nail file or puff, which should have the smallest amount of roughness.

Before you start painting your nails, apply a base coat first. It will correct minor irregularities on the nails. Next, the varnish itself is applied directly (colored or transparent). We apply a protective varnish on an already dried surface.

Extra Care

We will finish the pedicure at home with a little care. It consists in the following: it is necessary to apply a moisturizer on the feet and rub it in with gentle movements. If the legs still look painful and sloppy, you can try oil wraps. They are done like this: heated oil must be applied to the skin, wrapped with a bandage, and put on top of cellophane and sit in all this for thirty minutes. The condition of the skin of the legs will noticeably improve after 2-3 procedures.