Poor premonition in the soul in front of the road. Premonition of trouble. How to get rid of bad premonitions

Premonition is knowledge that does not have reasonable logical connections and patterns. I know - and that's it! It is also called intuition and put in one row with mysticism, supernatural and unidentified. In general, the premonition, like a ghost - everyone speaks about him, but no one saw him and could not feel. Nevertheless, all at least once in his life experienced a feeling of an inexplicable anxiety, saw a prophetic dream or a sign sent by fate. What is the foreboding and why do they come true?

  1. Premonition-suspicion. This is the most common premonition and is not always coming true, because it is sometimes a one hundred percent brain fantasy. Our brain is too suspicious, and especially impressionable people he can send false alarms or joy. Although, according to psychologists, it is better to be mistaken in joyful premonitions than in anxious. It is possible to recognize the intuition, but for this you will have to carry out personal studies of how your intuition works. This will make it possible to train "Hegepie" on the prompts.

Sometimes the premonition of the suspicion appears from the tendency to superstition. A black cat has moved the road, and you are already overwhelming a vague premonition that the case leading you along the road that the ill-fated cat is defiled by his presence, will not be successful. Preference it? Will it come true? Psychologists say that with a lot of probability will come true. Such "premonitions" they call the self-feeding prophecy. Therefore, it's not a cat, which walks by itself, but in your attitude to the signs. They come true in those who are used to believe in them.

  1. Premonition in the situation. Everyone heard stories about the passengers of flights, which in an inexplicable reasons for themselves, before the crash, passed tickets or were late for a plane, which was divided into a plane crash. Statistics argue that more often the passengers returned tickets to those likers that endured collapse. What guided these people? Yes, many reasons were quite reasonable - an unexpected urgent matter, a sudden illness, a fracture of the legs or a broken taxi on the road to the airport. Accident? Is not a fact! But there were also such people who did not happen, but they were literally physically legs did not carry to the airport. There was a confident premonition that it is impossible to fly!

Such a premonition is called situational and arising consciously or subconsciously. A physical or moral barrier appears, which in the literal sense does not allow. Such a premonition comes true with more likely than a premonition-suspicion, and often lies precisely deeply in the unconscious. Sometimes it is simply no possibility to resist him. How many people managed to avoid death, listening to the voice of intuition! But how many real stories told by the relatives of the dead, who still went against a bad premonition, which did not give rest before the catastrophe.

  1. Premonition-dream. In the people, he is called the prophetic sleep and they believe him very much. This faith is justified if it is not on thoughtless superstitions, but has a foundation from knowledge about how the brain and psyche works. If you tonite in a dream, it does not mean that you can not go to the planned vacation at sea. Perhaps you do not know how to swim, and think often about what time would learn. Either you have seen or heard or heard the stead of the eye or ear, that someone drowned, and this information is subconsciously (i.e., in secret from you) or quite consciously hooked and frightened.

In this case, you are dealing with fear that realized in a dream. Praise heaven that is not in life! But here the keyword "realized", which means already "drowned" - nothing to fear. But the subconsciousness is very insidious thing, and knows how to implement our fears. This is how "prophetic dreams" are born. Dreamed - scared - believed - drowned. But still there are dream-premonitions warning about danger. Such dreams come to people with well-developed intuition. How to distinguish sleep-horror from things? Also only training "Chuyki". Learn after a frightening or optimistic sleep listen to your heart and capture his honest feelings.

  1. Maternal premonition. This is one of those premonitions that come true more often. It mainly concerns sad events, but if Moms have aware of the colossal power of communication with their child, they would send it into a peaceful direction, and would not be confused by the present premonition-anxiety with a hypothetically possible danger. Everyone heard about the power of maternal prayer and maternal curse. Premonition of mother from the same area. It is very important to learn to recognize where intuition works, and where is the usual fear for their child.

So, for example, what kind of anticipation can be discussed, if the mother feces his bloodstream so much that every of her sneezes seems deadly. Such a child has no chance to grow a healthy full-fledged personality. The greenhouse plant in which it will turn over time, will become the fertile "soil" for the implementation of all maternal "foresters". And try such a mom to prove that her premonition is false and do not work! What then still explain the series of troubles, which happen at every step with its unsuitable child's child?!

  1. Premonition signs. It will be more correct to say so - a sign (a series of characters) appears, which gives rise to premonition. It is possible that the sign itself will first not notice, but anxious anxiety will appear, and then other signs that will only strengthen it. In the heart justifies a sticky premonition of danger. For example, you feel quite well, and you have not been observed with any health problems. But…

But suddenly you catch yourself think that several times during the day the topic of unhealthy passed the Red Stripe through the whole day: the colleague was put in the hospital, in line, the woman said that the husband did an operation, an ambulance came to a neighbor, and in confectionery for some reason smelled by a pharmacy. Is it a sign? Maybe not. But if some topic is pursued not the first time, listen. It is very likely that your premonitions are the result of the signs that the Universe sends you.

Intuition is the same inner voice that encourages us to act or, on the contrary, subconsciously stops. Listening to it, you can avoid many unpleasant situations in life or even get out dry out of the water in some cases.

People who know how to listen to their intuition often live happier those who cannot succeed.

The signals running from the inside to recognize, in fact, is not so difficult. Experienced psychologists claim that often the inner voice speaks with us through the abdominal cavity, and call the stomach of man by his second brain.

For example, if, going to accept any decision, you feel discomfort in the stomach or light nausea - the body thus flashes you about what you want to make the wrong choice. And on the contrary - if you feel inside ourselves "fluttering butterflies" - do not doubt, you are on the right track!

Symptoms of good premonition:

You feel relaxed and comfortable;

You calmly breathe, the chest and shoulders are relaxed, the stomach does not hurt;

You feel in complete safety, your anxiety level is zero.

Symptoms of poor premonition:

An unpleasant sensation in the stomach or dejaul;

You feel on your body the appearance of "goosebumps" or "goose skin";

All your muscles are intense, you can not breathe calmly and even feel pressure and pain and in the chest;

You feel incomprehensible excitement, darkening in the eyes, dizziness and experience negative emotions.

Thus, intuition may be very useful for you in certain situations. Listening to the inner voice, you will be able to make the right decision and, perhaps, avoid unpleasant situations that can jeopardize your life.

6 situations in which it is especially important to listen to their intuition

When you think you are in a dangerous situation

If you go down the street and see that a suspicious appearance is haunting you, it is not necessary to underestimate it. Survival instinct will unambiguously signal you that you are in danger. Do not ignore your inner voice - call your friend and ask him to take you home.

When you feel bad

Ignoring health problems can jeopardize your life. If you have a general malaise or concern specific symptoms, hear a voice that tells you about the need for a medical examination. If you really have problems - the earlier treatment begins, the sooner you get rid of them. And the prevention in this respect also did not hurt anyone!

When you feel that you need to help a person

Intuition transmits us not only negative things. Your instinct can tell you what to do. If you pass by the poor on the street and feel guilty for the fact that you did not help him in any way, listen to your intuition and stop. This may not lead to any global results, but the act of kindness will give your soul to great satisfaction, because the need to help the needy came from your subconscious.

When you think you do the right choice

Whether it is a gap of relationship or moving to another city, intuition can help you take the best solution. Look for the answer to the question of interest to you deep inside yourself and you will definitely find it!

When you do something, knowing in advance that you will regret it

Yes, such situations have been in the life of each of us. If the intuition tells you that you will regret the decision, it is useful to listen to it and, thus, to avoid the wrong situation. Do not let anyone and interfere with you and your inner voice. You will understand what is better to refrain from any act than to regret it all your life.

When you feel that you have more uncomfortable to live, work or love

It may be a relationship that no longer bring happiness, an unsuccessful place of residence or improving work. When you feel that you are no longer in your place or spend time not on that person, the voice in the head will tell you the finding options for the right solution. Get together, move, dismiss! Another life will make you happy and give spiritual satisfaction. Be courageous and go towards fate!

The editorial office of Joinfomedia wishes you to intuition to become your best friend and faithful companion in life. The inner voice will be able to make you happy, do not even doubt it!

By the way, today, on March 20, a bright holiday is celebrated in the world - how to learn to experience the best condition of the soul and body, we were previously told.

Religious reading: Prayer If a bad premonition to help our readers.

In each person there is an instinct of self-preservation, and fear is a completely natural reaction of the body for negative manifestations of the environment. However, there are such situations where phobias will grow into the real panic and begin to interfere with adequate perception of the current situation. At such moments of a person, an Orthodox prayer from fear and anxiety can be reset - it will not only calm and normalizes his mental state, but also will provide reliable protection from the higher forces.

The benefits of prayer when delivering from anxiety and fear

A rare person boasts life devoid of mental experiences, anxiety, fear. Fear and anxiety are familiar to anyone who came to this world. The fear makes it be afraid of any phenomena of surrounding reality, anxiety poisons the human soul to the expectation of something unpleasant, bad premonition.

According to the Orthodox Church, each representative of the human race was sent by the Lord to this world to enjoy life, enjoying God's gifts, his grace, calmly and moderately lead his existence. However, all sorts of phobias and unrest prevent full-fledged life, because they relate to negative species of internal state.

The fear and anxiety makes a person to stay in constant stress, undermine his health, affect negatively on a total life expectancy. If people wish to truly rejoice in their birth and stay in this world to the deepest old age, they should, first of all, learn to live without fear, without experiences that tormented and weaken the soul.

Faith in God, on the contrary, takes care of the soul of Miryanin and strengthens it, brings it exactly to the life that the creator was visited for his sons and daughters. Therefore, the Orthodox prayer from fear and anxiety is the best tool to get rid of negative experiences. The sacred and wise words of prayer texts instill in a person confidence, give him peace of mind and peace, contribute to the sober assessment of the situation that caused a sense of horror and anxiety. Under the influence of prayer, more coolly begins to refer to difficult life situations, faster finds the right decision.

Prayer from fear and anxiety: the strongest Orthodox texts

Christian prayers helping to eliminate the obsessive feeling of concern and fear, there are several. Many of them are widely known. Prayer from fear and anxiety can be long and short, used in certain situations, depriving a man of calm and serenity.

The most famous and common Orthodox prayer texts, eliminating the alarms and feelings of horror, is:

Song of the Virgin

This is a prayer that helps eliminate obsessive thoughts and fear that arose without visible reasons. Read the text should be read three times at a minimum:

Prayer honest cross

Jesus Prayer

Short prayer capable of saving anxiety and fear. You can apply it in any situation:

Prayer from fear and anxiety to the Lord God

This prayer is suitable for reading at any time that fills the soul to the alarm and forcing the heart in horror. Text Next:

Lord Prayer

"Our Father" is one of the strongest Christian prayers, which has no restrictions on the pronouncement. If you are overpowered by anxiety and fear, read the Lord Prayer as often as possible. If a sense of horror and anxiety visits you predominantly at night, "Our Father" is recommended to pronounce before going to sleep, no less than 40 times. Text:

Prayer Guardian Angel

Prayer directed to his personal celestial defender - the guardian angel - eliminates many phobias, protects against all troubles and misfortunes. It should be pronounced in minutes of alarm and fears, as well as every night or night, before being sent to the kingdom of dreams. Text:

"Live in help is Vysnyago" - Orthodox prayer with powerful protective properties. In minutes, anxiety and bad premonitions, she is able to help no worse than the most severe sedative, bring thoughts in order, to grant sincere equilibrium. Text:

"God will resurrect ..."

Prayer "God will resurrect" in the period of fear and danger can perform the strongest protective shield. Text:

Listen also prayers from fear and anxiety on this video:

Kondak Most Holy Theotoko from alarms and fears

Get rid of fears and anxiety helps the regular utterance of Kondak to the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Text:

Morning prayer for optical elders

The prayer of the optical elders at the beginning of the day has proven itself in the fight against unrest and experiences. It is necessary to read it every day, in the morning time (it is possible as part of the morning prayer rule). Text:

When and how to pronounce prayer from fear and anxiety

The daily life of a person is full of surprises, and not always pleasant. It often meets complex situations, and stress can overtake at any time. It is not surprising that all sorts of fears and anxieties have long been an integral part of human existence. Worst of all, if they proceed to panic. At such moments, a person ceases to control himself, his mental and physical forces are applied, it becomes defenseless and weak. All this may end up pretty crying. Therefore, prayer from fear and anxiety should take a worthy place in the life of every believer. It can help in a wide variety of situations, namely:

  • when a person is experiencing fear;
  • when the ability to concentrate is lost due to horror;
  • when sheepings panic;
  • when an inexplicable and unfortunate anxiety attacks;
  • when fear becomes paralyzing.

Prayer texts are better to know by heart - it will help better focus on dangerous and critical circumstances, to quickly take yourself in hand, to withstand your phobias and unrest in time and rather get rid of them. If the volumetric texts learn quite hard, then at least one short prayer from fear and anxiety from those presented above should always be kept in the memory arsenal. It is necessary to pronounce protective words clearly, without a rush, with comprehension and understanding and, preferably, out loud - there will be no sense from the vague mumble.

It is useful to include visualization: to submit in your imagination the image of your fear and gradually mentally destroy it in any convenient way (break on the nurses, dissolve, etc.). It is not possible to pray at the light of the candles - their flame will help calm down and concentrate.

The most basic, which is required when uttered the prayer from fear and anxiety, is sincere faith in God and heavenly forces. The prayer text, uttered with a clean and unshakable faith in the soul, would certainly be heard by the Creator and his assistants.

I am very grateful! Recently, panic attacks have become overwhelmed. Began to pray at such moments - and the truth becomes easier.

For a long time, he studied several protective prayers and prayers from fear. I have a dangerous profession, and without them you can simply sometimes. Already, healthy, serious dangers always miraculously went to me. I believe that the Lord and Saints help me

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Premonition of trouble - what to do?

Surely you had moments when you experienced a bad premonition - premonition of trouble before the onset of some unpleasant events in your life. What if you have bad premonitions?

On future problems can be guessing on numerous signs, and even just focusing on their bad premonition. Premonition of trouble. In psychology, such a premonition is referred to as a "subconscious prevention", and in the occult - the "astral signal".

I quote one of the letters: " Hello, dear Vladimir Petrovich! I want to ask you about what. All last week, right up to yesterday, I had a very bad condition, scattered, gravity in the soul, apathy, poor premonition. Yesterday I could not stand and drove to a familiar specialist. He took off me very strong, as he said, "signal". The condition immediately improved significantly. I want to ask what could it be for "signal"?"

So, if I correctly understand the meaning of the term "signal" in the occult context, it means a warning about some unpleasant events that may occur soon. At the same time, people with fairly developed intuition may feel all that is described in the letter (poor premonition, as if "the cat's soul scraped"). Accordingly, the phrase "remove the signal" means the elimination of the symptoms of poor premonition.

But if a person stopped experiencing bad premonitions of trouble, this does not mean that the trouble will not happen. After all, first of all it is necessary to neutralize what this very "signal" could cause (i.e. to neutralize the upcoming negative events). By the way, all this, as a rule, is not related to any witch activity. It is often implied by some negative events of natural origin (illness, an accident, family crisis, problems at work and other), and their premonition is also quite natural.

When "signals" appears the described genus (mood decay, mental severity, premonition of trouble, expectation of something bad) It makes sense to take advantage of the help of a professional specialist or, at least, to independently read security and protecting conspiracy and prayers.

I bring here the text of one of these conspirass: "Jesus Christ came down from heaven, a life-giving cross will not have a life-giving cross, we guarantee us from the Beast of Khoduchoga, from the serpent of a flying, from the thief, from the robber to save me, Lord, Slave yours (Name ). There is a Sinai mountain around our yard, they are building expensive angels assistants. "

But the protective conspiracy "From the evil people": "I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, and I will go, cross, in a clean field, we wonder the morning dew and zero light, I drunken by the Red Sun, rejoicing a bright month, rummaged with small frequent stars , I will finish the copper sky, pumped up by the past perhaps, Mikhail Archangel, Gabriel Archangel. Give me, Lord, from a pure field of the beast of the beast; Look, a fierce beast, to evil people, the heart with a hot liver, bring me, Slava God (name). Like not Murculously, the slaves of God, the evil people, under the stone of renowing, so you can not at me, the slave of God (name), the hearts to carry and evil Deli and remember - forever, Amen. "

And another simple, but effective remedy: To protect from tears, you should remove the cover of the pan in which water boils, and shake it in all directions. In this case, the tears are replaced with drops falling from the lid.

You can detect a significant number of other protective and faithful rituals and conspiracy in my book "Magic Money Attraction" (click on the name of the book).

And finally, I note that in such circumstances, many people comes to the standard and, how to say, a pretty stupid idea to go to church, put a candle there to iconostasis, etc. But if this action can calm you somewhat, you can do it.

If you have the need for personal appeal to me for any explanations, consultations or due to the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

Prayers from fear, fear and anxiety

Anxiety, night fears, obsessive thoughts - every person experienced it. In antiquity, people knew that the most effective means against mental concern and bad thoughts - prayer.

Being in spiritual embarrassment, it is difficult to choose words. In this case, ready-made texts made up by hermits who lived in secluded places where fears and anxiety act with a special force.

Their prayers are a faithful tool to get rid of phobias, anxiety, confusing the soul of thoughts.

Fear of people

Strong prayer from fear and anxiety - Davidova Psalms.

Tsar David, who lived in the pre-Christian time on the ground of the current Israel, tolerated the persecution of the native Son of Assaloma, who also desired to reign. Once, hiding from the chase, David wrote Psalm "Lord, why do my enemies multiply?". While the king prayed, his enemies were defeated by the power of God, without the use of weapons.

Davida Prayer and now daily can be heard in the Orthodox church in the evening worship.

You can pray in Slavic, and in Russian.

Unreasonable fears

A dark thoughts approach each person from time to time. It seems to nothing happened, and the heart torments panic, premonition of trouble. In these cases, turn to the Virgin.

For a long time she spent in anxious waiting for the misfortune, which should have happened to her son, Christ. Her help is strong in similar situations taking place with people.

In the 8th century, the Greek monk was lived, suffering from the attacks of fears and anxiety. To get rid of them, Feeosterikt made up for prayer assistance canon the Mother of God, "read in spiritual grief and the circumstances."

This strong prayer from obsessive thoughts generating phobias is printed in any prayer.

Reading the canon every day, believers really get rid of fear, anxiety and anxiety.

Sorrowful spiritual and circumstances

Creation of feothic monk

IRSMOS: the water was sshit, and Egyptskago evil escaped, the Israelis of the Obserp: to our ridder and God.

Chorus: The Most Holy Mother of God, save us.

Many confidence to you, I'm resorting to you, the salvation of Iska: about Mati Words and Devo, from the grave and walking me to save.

Passions of me embarrassed by adjustment, Multo Moon fulfill my soul; Umiri, Otrokovitsa, the silence of the Son and your God, Vnsky-Digure.

Glory: Savior Bat and God, I pray, devo, get rid of muli; To you, Boy is now riding, stretching and soul and thinking.

And now: Lack of body and soul, visits to Divine and Industion from you, one of the Bogomati, the Bogago, Blesha, is the parent.

IRSMOS: Heaven of the Circle of the Tornpod, and the Church to the Circle, you do not approve in your love of your, desires of the region, the right statement, one humating.

Muya's Personality and Conditions I believe, the Virgin Devo: You're okormy to our good guilty of your good guilty, the right statement, one else.

I pray, devo, peaceful embarrassment and sorrow, a storm of ruin: you bo, the bewilder, the chief of the silence of Christ gave birth to Esi, one is the most recent.

Glory: benefactors are bally of good guilty, blessing wealth to everyone expressly: All Bo Mozheyshi, Yako Silnago in the Fortress of Christ the Burned.

And now: the lutes of illness and painful passions to the torture, the devo, you

mi Pomopic: Healing Boy Non-Square I know the treasure, a must-mind, intimidate.

The prayer is warm, and the wall is needed, the grace of the source, the world is a refuge, diligently yelling: the Virodok Vladychitsa, pre and from the troubles to robs us, one soon representing.

Irimos Honor, Lord, watching your sacrament, the minds of your business, and your glorify your deity.

Passions of my embarrassment, having talked by the Lord, and a storm of sculpture of my limits, a bewilder.

The mercy of your abyss calling for a guess of Mi, Liberately brestled, and the Savior of all singing.

Enjoying, therapy, your tagging, thank you sing singing, the leader of the Mother of God.

Glory: On the Odrus of Moj's Diseases and Impathy, I bore Mi, Yako Bogolyubiv, Pomoz, Virgin Mary, one Smeznodelo.

And now: hope and approval, and rescue the wall of the real estate, is Imusya, the freedom, the inconvenience will make rid of anything.

IRSMOS enlightened us by the command of your Lord, and your muscle is a high, your world will give us a physical man.

It will be clean, the cheerful heart is mine, your unwanted giving joy, having fallen victovnago.

Get rid of us from the troubles, the Mother of God is clean, the eternal bother getting rid of, and the world, all the mind advantage.

Glory: Allow MGLU of the Learning of My, Bogonavo, Your Enlightenment of Lightness, Birth Born Divine and Prev.

And now: healed, clean, souls of Muya Nozzles, visits to your prominent, and health prayers with your hand.

IRSMOS: My prayer to the Lord, and my sorrow, I will be soul, my soul, and my hell is approaching, and I pray for Jaco Ion: From Tlin, God, it's up.

Death and Tlima Yako saved there, the very beginning of death, the damage and death of my nature of Yato former, the girls, the moths of the Lord and the Son of your, the enemies of the villainance of mercy.

The presenter of the belly of the belly, and the keeper firm, the devo, and the misfortunes we solve the moloss, and the taxes of demons drivening off; And he always prayed, from the toll of my passions of my eligible.

Glory: Yako the wall of the refuge to be merged, and the shower is a lot of rescue, and the space in the sorrow, the sortiece, and your enlightenment is rejoicing: about Ladychitsa, and now we save us from passion.

And now: on Odra, there is now foregraded, and bear the healing of my flesh; But God and Savior, the world, and the ridder of the ailments of the birth, I pray for goodness: I will obey the death from Tly.

The concept of Christians is a restless, the petition for the Creator is immutable, not the despose of sinful praying glaces, but the preference of this is good, to the rescue of us, rightfully calling TI: Speakers on prayer, and sweat to the default, presented to the Mother of God, which are accurate.

IRSMOS: From Jews Rested Oddens, in Babylon Sometimes, faithfully the Troic Flame of the cave Paprash, Surprising: Fests God, blessed by Esi.

Our salvation was awesome by Esi, Savior, to organize, in the womb, the virgin was united, the southeless of the world showed the South Africa: the father of our God, blessed by Esi.

The mercy of the mercy, the enemy gave birth to Esi, Mati is clean, the mind of delight from the pregnursions and soulful souls in faith with the name: the father of our God, Bla-Gorlovien Esi.

Glory: the treasure of salvation and the source of the nonsense, the rich, and the pillar of approval, and the door of repentance, the names showed the ESI: the father of our God, blessed Esi.

And now: Body of weakness and spiritual illness, the Velibian, the love of your child, know, the healed, the Savior, the Savior of Christ we have taken.

IRMOS: Tsar Heaven, Eagle Singing Hariageans, praise and exal over all times.

Help Lye from you requires no desposure, devo, sitting and extolling the tasks in the eyelids.

Ensuring the soul of the soy of the heal, and the bodies of the disease, the devo, and I will glorify, clean, forever.

Glory: Healing Wealth is vulnerable to singing, devo, and superozing inener christmas.

And now: you are the arrivals of distillation, and the passions are finding, the devo: we sing to the darkness to all the eyelids.

IRSMOS: I confess to the Virgin of the Virgin Major, the savings of you, the devo is clean, with a greasy faces of meaningfully.

The current of my tears will not turn around, Like a slightly to the tear of a touch, the girl, of Christ, having gone.

The joy of my heart is true, the devote, I like joy accepting execution, sinful sadness consuming.


Glory: the light of your charges of the enlightenment, the girl, the darkness of the unfortunate, the Boggers of the Virgin of confessant.

And now: at the site of the bits of the disadvantage, humility, devo, healed, from the ultra of the health of the pretending.

It happens that anxiety is so strong that there is no strength for long reading.

In these cases, the multiple repetition of the short prayer "Most Holy Mother of God, save me" or the singing "Queen is my predictory" will help:

Fear before dying

Each person is fear of death for several reasons:

  • the unknown of the event itself;
  • fear leave children or loved ones without help;
  • unwillingness to lose pleasure of life.

They all originate from disbelief in the will of God. At such minutes helps prayer from fear and anxiety caused by the expectation of death.

Similar conditions experienced many saints.

Rev. Maria Egypt was tormented by the fear of death, living 17 years in full solitude, in the desert, while the Mother of God did not save her from spiritual embarrassment. Martyr of Vonifatiya, who loved in life, various pleasures, no doubt went to death when the matter was touched by the confession of faith in Christ.

These saints can be asked about their words or special petitions:

Night fears

When the day is cloning in the evening and the surrounding situation becomes a badly distinguishable, the impressionable person is overwhelming imaginary fears. Children are especially subject to this: their imagination draws monsters under the bed or ghosts outside the window.

Effective prayer from night insurance generated by demons is the Psalms of Davida "God will resurrect" and "Live in the help of Vysnyago."

The first of them calls on God for the outdation of enemies - evil spirits, and the second tells about the serene life of the one who always hopes to help God.

Short prayers from nervousness, anxiety

In minutes of special concern and nervous tension, good prayers, soothing feelings:

  1. Lord Jesus Christ, a lot of sinning (sinful).
  2. The Most Holy Mother of God, save me.
  3. Holy (name), moths of God about me.

At the same time, you can sort out the balls, which helps to focus and soothes the nerves.

Prayer is not a magic spell, but a certificate of human faith God.

Sorry for the help of God and Saints, you need to try to live according to God's commandments. Then spiritual anxiety, phobias, obsessive thoughts and fears will leave without refund, and every event of life will bring joy.

All the premonitions manifest itself in their own way, but it is necessary to pay attention to signals. Maybe you will avoid serious danger. In addition, the experience is accumulated, which is also useful in the future. We must listen to your body and your soul. Then the solutions will be reasonable.

Premonition exists. Many people know about it; Some preciseness saved the life once. Those who listens to the "inner voice" are better protected from danger. American psychologist Marsha Emery writes that those who trust premonitions "5 times less frequently fall into the accident, it is 7 times less frequently injuries, 5 times less often have sudden heart attacks on the nervous soil (they are more prepared for difficulties and problems), 3 times the neurosis suffer (thanks to intuitive premonition, simply less We are nervous and frightened), 2 times less often the food poisoning is obtained and infectious diseases pick up (because intuitively do not touch the poor-quality food). " So the benefits of premonition is obvious. You should listen to them!

Signs of premonition

According to research, trains and aircraft, victims, went on a path with a smaller number of passengers than usual, as if something suggested to people: "It is better not to go and fly!".

Premonition allows us to immediately identify a dangerous person. It is "an ancient biological knowledge," as scientists say; it is due to the ability to predicate the behavior of a new acquaintance mankind survived. Sometime simply did not have time for rational thinking, for weighing all "for" and "against". The decision to escape or attack the enemy was intuitive, for the fraction of a second. About premonitions written a lot; and described different manifestations of what is called "foreboding". These sensations and events should be trusted especially!

This premonition is manifested at the bodily level.The body is faster than the mind reacts to a possible danger. The body does not deceive. Particularly need to pay attention to the feeling of "sucking under the spoon", on the sensation in the digestive tract.It is there that the enteric part of the vegetative nervous system is located. It is also called the "second brain". While the "first brain" also processes the information, the stomach and intestines can submit a danger signal. Pain or sudden digestion disorder is an important sign that cannot be ignored. This is a harbinger of danger. It is necessary to analyze the situation calmly and abandon some cases or solutions ...

Other sensations may occur at the bodily level. There is an expression: "Feet do not go." "The hand is not rising." The Romans refused important affairs and remained at home if the threshold was stumbled upon. Weakness in the legs, loss of attention is an important marker, danger signal.For some reason, your body does not want to go where you were going to go. Most likely, there you are waiting for problems or danger. It is necessary to double the vigilance, if you can not refuse to go to some place, from a meeting with some person.

You can experience the decline of forces, sudden weakness, as if "sucked" from you ".If this happens in communication with some people, it is necessary to show caution - most likely, these are toxic people who have secret intents. If such a state began with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to do something, take some decision - most likely, this is an incorrect and dangerous solution.

Premonition can express in a sudden attack of anxiety and fear. Do not confuse this condition with panic attack. Premonition is always associated with something specific. With some upcoming event. It is worth saying: "I won't do it!", - And the alarm will pass. As in childhood, in the game "Cold-hot"; With thoughts about a dangerous act or a person alarm will be returned. It is necessary to refuse to meet, for example, - and the alarm will pass. A little bit like a dosimeter's squeak when approaching the radioactive zone ...

Premonition can manifest itself in the form of sleep.Sleep-caution usually makes wake up among the nights. He leaves after himself a special feeling, it is impossible to forget. It is very bright for the feeling of sleep.

Premonition may be expressed in an insurmountable desire to change the place of stay. Get out of the room, go to the other street, go through another road, roll out where you usually do not roll up ... This is a "geographical premonition", he needs to obey. Often, people then see a broken car exactly where they were going to go for themselves - but for some reason they obeyed the "silly desire" and chose another, safe way.

Premonition may express in a sudden attack of superstition.Usually you do not pay attention to the signs, and then suddenly began to believe them. A black cat has moved the road, there was a car with a "unfortunate" number for you, salt wake up ... This subconsciousness tries to get into the mind and draw your look at the danger signals in an affordable way. The point is not in the signs, the case in the signals that the ancient portion of the brain sends.

All the premonitions manifest itself in their own way, but it is necessary to pay attention to signals.Maybe you will avoid serious danger. In addition, the experience is accumulated, which is also useful in the future. We must listen to your body and your soul. Then the solutions will be reasonable ... Published.

photo © Micky Hogendijk

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Often the feeling that should have something bad, can radically change the life of a person. Anxious thoughts are negatively reflected not only on the psychological state of people, but also on their physical well-being. Periodically manifested or constant premonition of a bad familiar to almost every patient with a diagnosis of "VDR". Often, such a feeling causes bouts of panic attacks. In some cases, it is capable of providing the development of uncontrolled fears.

What to do?

If unpleasant thoughts overcome not often, and the alarm is not manifested too intensively, you can try to cope with the problem yourself.

It is important to understand that the problem must be struggling. Otherwise, severe premonitions can lead to a manifestation of various unwanted symptoms. Among them:

If you fail to cope with unpleasant thoughts yourself, you need to contact the psychotherapist and this should be done as early as possible. It is known that in the early stages, the probability of successful solving the problem is very high.

Help psychotherapist

Psychotherapeutic assistance may include various approaches and techniques. For example, psychoanalytics doctors spend the following techniques with the patient:

  1. method of free associations;
  2. analysis of dreams;
  3. ordinary behavior;
  4. transferred and resistance.

Psychoanalytic methods are actively used when working with the early past client. In the course of work, the patient must reach a deep insight - sudden illusion, understanding his problem and its origins.

Psychotherapists who are supporters of a behavioral approach, apply a systematic desensitization, positive and negative reinforcement, modeling. The task of a specialist in this case is to reinforce, suppress or form certain reactions of the client's behavior in order to deliver it from anxiety and the premonition of something bad. A person must learn how to act in the present, destroying his own irregular behavior stereotypes. Most often, this approach is applied in working with clients experiencing irrational fears. Psychotherapist-Humanists use such methods as "Enkountter", equal participation in the dialogue, experiments (game situations), dramatization and playing of feelings. The aim of the therapist is to promote the client's self-expression. The interaction occurs in the setting of complete adoption, maximum support and heat, which helps the patient to express themselves physically and spiritually. In the event that the psychotherapist adheres to an integrative approach, then it can use the methods of different directions in its work. The constantly arising bad premonition in the soul is a serious problem, the ignoring of which can lead to unpleasant consequences. Many people suffering from disturbing thoughts do not consider it necessary to seek help or do something on their own, believing that everything will somehow eliminate itself. Such behavior is extremely mistaken, because in the future, even the most insignificant anxiety is able to turn into a panic attack or irrational fear. Therefore, it should be paid enough attention to the state of its psychological health and timely to deal with the problem.