The benefits and harms of pears. Light punching bag

Bag training is a great alternative to more traditional activities (running, cycling, swimming). Such fast and intense workouts produce a lot of sweat and burn a large number of calories. Pear workouts consist of exercises that are performed continuously over a period of time. Performing exercises with a pear, you can work on the movements of the legs, increase stamina and blow off steam.


Selection of equipment and inventory

    Find or buy a heavy punching bag. If you are not ready to spend money on your own pear, find a gym where it is. Do you enjoy exercising at home? There are quite a few heavy pears on the market. Study offers and reviews and buy what is right for you.

    Take a stopwatch. You will need a stopwatch in any device - a phone, a watch or even a kitchen timer will do. You will need to use a stopwatch during the warm-up, during the main workout, and during the cool-down.

    Take the jump rope. A jump rope is a great exercise to warm up. Buy a new rope or use an old one that could be lying around on your mezzanine. If you plan to go to the gym, ask the staff to find you a jump rope.

Warm up

    Work your joints. Start the warm-up by rotating the joints - this will lubricate them and prepare them for stress. Rotate your legs, knees, hips and shoulders. At the end, rotate the brushes.

    Jump rope. Jump for at least 5 minutes, trying to increase the number of jumps. This is an excellent non-intense exercise that improves blood circulation, increases body temperature and speeds up the heartbeat. Jumping also improves coordination, which is an important element of bag training and boxing.

    • If you have the opportunity to run on a treadmill or ride a bike, you can replace the jump rope with them.
  1. Do stretching exercises. End your workout with stretching. First, stretch the muscles of the lower half of the body (calves, hamstrings, lower back muscles). Then move on to the upper half of the body - to the muscles of the core, upper back muscles and to the neck. If any muscles hurt, give them more time.

    Put on your boxing gloves. Such gloves are actively used during training. They are stuffed with a sufficient amount of material that protects the hands from injury. Buy quality Velcro gloves - don't save! These are the gloves you will use every day. Gloves made of quality material (good leather and foam inside) will last longer and will protect your hands well.

Pear Basics

    Learn to take the correct posture. Spread your legs further than shoulder width apart. If you are right-handed, lean with the left side of your body towards the bag and lift the heel of your right foot. If you're left-handed, do the opposite. Slightly bend your knees. Pull your hands up to your face without lifting your shoulders and elbows.

    Learn to move. During the exercises, you will not stand in one position - you will circle around the bag. Walk around the bag - don't jump or cross your legs. Remember to keep your legs slightly bent and your hands near your face.

    Hit the bag correctly. It is important to hit the bag, not push it. During training, you need to make sharp blows, and not try to break through the target. Sharp actions allow you to concentrate energy through strong blows and fast movements. If you strike in any other way, all the force of the blow will go into the wrist.

    Learn to jab. Take a starting position. Clench your hand into a fist, placing your thumb on the rest of your fingers. If you are right-handed, stretch your left hand forward; if you are left-handed, stretch your right hand. When striking, keep your wrist straight and your arm slightly bent at the elbow. Return your hand to its original position.

    Learn to cross. You will need to strike with your right hand (or left if you are left-handed). Take a starting position. Turn on the heel of your right foot and rotate your leg and hip. At the same time, extend your hand. The right arm should be slightly bent at the elbow. Keep your other hand close to your face for protection. Then return the arm, thigh, leg and heel to the starting position.

    Master the hook. Take a starting position. Pivot on the heel of your left foot if you are right handed. Then turn over your leg and hip. At the same time, extend your left arm horizontally past the body. Raise your elbow slightly. Keep your right hand close to your face for protection. Move your hand back to the starting position.

    Try a combination of punches. Combination of blows is a bunch of two blows. First, perform a jab, and then immediately after returning to the starting position, a cross. Return to starting position.

    Learn to do three hits. You will need to perform three hits in sequence. First you need to perform a jab, then a hook, and at the end - a cross.

Practicing tricks

  1. Sharpen your movement skills. Do the exercises in rounds (8 rounds of three minutes with a minute of rest in between), paying attention to the movement of the legs. In the first and second rounds, go around the bag to the right, jabbing every step or every two steps. In the third and fourth rounds, go around the bag on the left, making a cross (straight punch with the right hand) for every step or every two steps. In the fifth and sixth rounds, go around the bag on the right and perform a combination of two punches for every one or two steps. In the seventh and eighth rounds, go around the bag on the left and perform a combination of three punches for each step or two steps.

    • The purpose of leg exercises is to learn how to move around the bag, and not wait until it returns to its original position.
    • Move with the bag - lean to the sides and don't be afraid to bend. Do not jump around the bag in a rigid position.
    • The pear should be at arm's length from you.
  2. Work on your hitting speed. Perform several rounds of exercises (6 rounds of three minutes with a minute rest between rounds), trying to increase the speed of the blow. Stand at a distance of 50-100 centimeters from the pear. Break each round into fifteen second intervals. In the first and second rounds, lunge towards the bag and perform jabs for 15 seconds. Rest 15 seconds and continue until the end of the round. In the third and fourth rounds, do the same, but replace the jab with a combination of two punches. In the fifth and sixth rounds, replace the combination with a hook.

    • Don't think about technique during speed exercises. Your task is to quickly contract the muscles, and not hone the execution.
    • Bend your knees slightly to protect your joints.
    • Remember to breathe. Short and shallow breaths will help you increase your hand speed.

All martial arts fans practicing contact martial arts use pears (or bags) in the training process to practice punches. Initially, pears were used in a boxing environment, which is why they are commonly called boxing bags.

Currently, pears are used in almost all types of martial arts. They not only help to develop accuracy and speed of impact, but also contribute to the development of endurance, balance, the development of a sense of distance and the strengthening of striking surfaces.

There are several types of pears and bags.

This is a large cylinder made of tarpaulin, leatherette or leather filled with sawdust mixed with sand, plastic or rubber crumb. The weight of heavy pears is from 60 to 110 kg. The main purpose of a heavy pear is to develop powerful punches and develop lethal combinations. Due to its large weight, the pear is difficult to swing, therefore it is the most suitable for the work of athletes of a large weight category. In Muay Thai, powerful kicks are practiced on such a pear. The legs must be unprotected. Only beginners are allowed to use light rubbers.


  • When working with a heavy pear, you should bandage your hands and work only with special gloves.
  • Be careful when moving the pear in your direction. When struck, injuries to the wrist joint are possible.
  • Working with a heavy pear requires sufficient physical fitness.

2) Medium punching bag

The most common type of pear. It can be used for training both in the gym and at home. The average pear has, as a rule, a pear-shaped form. That's where its name came from. The average pear is made from tarpaulin, leatherette or leather. The filler is sawdust, rags, plastic or rubber crumb. The weight of an average pear ranges from 30 to 60 kg.


  • The pear is quite mobile, while the pear is moving in your direction, it is not recommended to strike.
  • Although the pear can be used for practicing at home, due to its range of motion, it requires sufficient space.

3) Light punching bag

Designed to develop the speed and accuracy of your punches. Its weight is from 5 to 30 kg. Most often, such pears are made from leatherette and filled with rags.

4) Uppercut or horizontal bag

Designed for practicing uppercuts. It is suspended horizontally with respect to the floor level. The bag is made from leatherette or leather, its weight is from 25 to 50 kg.

5) Pneumatic bulb

Inside this pear there is a latex or rubber chamber, which is inflated with air. Such a pear is used for setting fast and sharp blows, as well as for practicing reaction and ligaments with slopes. When working with such a pear, you can beat it in oncoming traffic, fly in or dodge it. Pneumatic pears are available in standard or reduced sizes.


- Since the bag is quite light and capable of developing great speed when returning to its original position, working with it requires a good reaction and increased attention.

6) Thai bag (in everyday life "banana")

Reminds a standard boxing bag, but has a length of 150-180 cm. The weight of the bag is 60-100 kg. The bag is mainly used for kicking. The bag is able to deform from impacts throughout the entire volume, therefore it is weakly amenable to buildup.

7) Water-filled mannequin

The most modern development. It acts as a punching bag, but is made of the latest materials and is a mannequin on a plastic base.

How to work with a pear

With any kind of pear should be worked only after a warm-up. The warm-up depends on the sport and the training program.

Working with a big punching bag

Work with a big pear should be carried out exclusively in the presence of a coach and, as a rule, according to a plan specially created by him. When working, you should monitor the position of the hand and fist. The fist should be clenched at the very last moment, almost in full contact with the pear. After contact with the pear, the hand should not linger; it should be immediately returned to its original position.

The blow must be applied at a very high speed. When working with a big bag, punches are combined with movements forward, backward and sideways, which contributes to the development of footwork. The work is often carried out in a free style, which involves a wide variety of movements. Since working with a big pear is quite tiring, in the event of fatigue, classes should be stopped or more attention should be paid not to percussion, but to protective techniques. Otherwise, the movements will be performed and remembered incorrectly.

Video: Working with a pear

Working with a medium pear

Working with such a pear is almost the same as with a heavy pear. The only difference is that the medium bag is much more mobile than the heavy bag, and this allows you to strike from a variety of positions.

Video: How to hit a pear

Working with a pneumatic bulb can be done in two ways. In the first case, it is recommended to strike the pear at different angles, because of which the pear acquires a chaotic movement. After that, you should strike a clear blow on it. In the second case, clear direct blows are applied to the pear, setting the pear in motion of one axis (in a straight line back and forth). Thus, the accuracy of strikes and the correct placement of the fist are developed.

Video: Working with a pneumatic bulb

To answer the question: How to douche at home?"- it should be clarified what douching is.

Douching is a process in which fluids are introduced into the vagina to flush out disease-causing bacteria.

But you should not get too carried away with douching at home, since useful bacteria can be washed along with pathogenic bacteria, which will negatively affect the vaginal microflora.

Douching is used only for medicinal purposes, but not for preventive purposes. You should only douche if you are worried about strange discomfort in the vagina, as well as itching or burning. But in this case it's still better. consult a gynecologist first. He will prescribe douching if he sees fit. It is impossible to self-medicate and douche on your own at home.

And now let's look at how to douche correctly with the help of certain drugs. For your convenience, we have collected them in a table, using which you can see, how to prepare douching solution and how to douche properly.


Douching method

Chamomile douching at home is very good helps with thrush, and you can prepare a decoction for proper douching as follows: take two large spoons of dry chamomile per liter of boiled hot water, pour boiling water, pour into a small enameled container, and then put on medium heat. When the broth boils, you should cool it to room temperature, and then carefully inject it inside with a gynecological syringe. It is necessary to douche with chamomile only before going to bed, since after this procedure it is necessary to lie down for a while.

Douching with soda is most recommended for thrush, as well as for conception. The solution for douching is prepared as follows: take half a liter of warm water, add a small spoonful of soda to it, then pour the solution into a gynecological syringe and insert it into the vagina with a neat stream. It is best to carry out the douching procedure in the morning or in the evening, but not at the height of the working day.


In order to properly douche with Chlorhexidine, no need to use a pear or gynecological syringe. The form of the drug package will allow douching without these elements, just insert the tip of the spray into the vagina and inject about ten milliliters of the product. After that, it is necessary to take a horizontal position for half an hour, so that the drug has time to act.

To douche with a drug called "Citeal", it is necessary to dilute 50 milliliters of the drug in 500 milliliters of warm water, then gently introduce the solution into the vagina, after which it will be necessary rinse with clean warm water. You can douche with this drug at home every day.

Hydrogen peroxide

To properly douche with hydrogen peroxide, without causing damage to the body, you should mix peroxide with warm water in a ratio of 1: 3. After that, the solution is poured into a gynecological syringe, one end is inserted into the vagina, and then the solution irrigates the walls of the vagina. The duration of the procedure should be at least 10 minutes in order for it to have at least some effect.


Douching with Miramistin takes place as follows: the tip of the bottle is treated with hot water, then inserted into the vagina at least 5 centimeters, then the bottle must be pressed 3-5 times, as a result of which the walls of the vagina will be irrigated. Reviews of women who douched with this drug are mostly positive. The preparation does not cause burning, has no smell and is almost colorless. But still, he has contraindications, therefore douching "Miramistin" without a doctor's prescription is not advised.

tantum rose

It is necessary to douche correctly with the preparation "Tantum Rose" in this way: if you have purchased a liquid for douching, then it does not need to be diluted with water beforehand. The tip of the vial is inserted into the vagina and, by pressing on the vial, the liquid irrigates the walls of the vagina. If you bought rose powder for douching at home, then its contents should be dissolved in 500 milliliters of warm water, then pour the solution into a douching pear, and then use it for its intended purpose. This drug can even douche into the rectum.


Douching with celandine is very simple. To do this, you need to take 10 grams of dry celandine, pour it with one liter of hot water and put on fire to bring the infusion to a boil. When the liquid boils, it should be removed from the heat and let it brew for at least three hours. Then the infusion is poured into a douching pear and used to irrigate the vagina. Douching with celandine should take place no more than twice a day.

Potassium permanganate

For proper douching with a solution of potassium permanganate, a 0.02% solution should be prepared. Its color should be pale pink, as higher manganese content in the solution can cause burns when douching. It should be clarified that douching with potassium permanganate has a very short-term effect, and besides this, the finished solution can be stored for no more than 12 hours. After this time, it loses its properties.

In order to properly douche with Dekasan, you should heat 50 milliliters of the solution to a temperature of thirty-eight degrees, and then use a pear to douche. You can use the drug three times a day. An overdose of this drug is not possible, but this does not mean that you can douche with Dekasan every half hour.

blue vitriol


You can correctly douche with "Furacilin" at home as follows: one tablet of the drug is diluted in one hundred milliliters of hot water, let the solution brew a little so that the tablet dissolves, then pour the resulting product into a gynecological syringe and use as directed. You can douching with Furacelin no more than four consecutive days.

It is necessary to douche with the ASD preparation as follows: exactly 30 drops of ASD must be dissolved in 500 milliliters of warm water, after which douching is carried out with the resulting solution. Douching ASD is also recommended when woman wants to get pregnant.

How to douche with a pear?

Right douche with a pear or gynecological syringe need as follows:

    First, prepare a suitable solution, which must be warm.

    After that, you should go into the bathroom, the bath itself should be dry and warm, so that you can sit on its edge.

    The legs must be spread apart, the vestibule of the vagina should be lubricated with baby cream.

    The tip of the pear should be inserted into the vagina carefully, trying not to injure the walls of the vagina.

    To properly douche, the tip of the pear must be inserted to a depth of about seven centimeters. If you feel discomfort at the same time, then the tip of the gynecological syringe should be inserted to a depth of five centimeters.

    The jet entering the vagina should not be too strong, so as not to wash out the beneficial bacteria.

    After douching, you should lie down in a horizontal position so that the solution has time to be absorbed.

It should be clarified that it is impossible to douche during pregnancy, as this can harm not only the body of a pregnant woman, who is already weakened, but also the child.

Pear is a fruit not only tasty, but also very healthy. The regular inclusion of pears in the menu allows you to reduce blood cholesterol levels, helps strengthen immunity, and allows you to get rid of extra pounds. Pears can be eaten by both absolutely healthy people and sick people. These fruits are useful for pregnant women and young children, as pears contain many vitamins and minerals.

It is known that the more aromatic the fruit, the more useful components it contains.

100 g of pear contains:

    Ascorbic acid - 5 mg.

    Tocopherol - 0.4 mg.

    B vitamins: vitamin B2 - 0.03 mg, vitamin B5 - 0.05 mg, vitamin B9 - 0.002 mg, vitamin B1 - 0.02 mg, vitamin B6 - 0.03 mg.

    Potassium - 155 mg.

    Sodium - 14 mg.

    Calcium - 19 mg.

    Iron - 2.3 mg.

    Phosphorus - 16 mg.

    Magnesium - 12 mg.

    Sulfur and silicon - 6 mg each.

In addition, pears contain such substances necessary for a person as molybdenum, iodine, boron, zinc, manganese, vanadium, fluorine, nickel and many others. Eating pears in food allows you to saturate the body with folic acid, which is especially useful for pregnant women.

Ripe pears are 97% juicy pulp, the remaining 3% are seeds and peel. Pear is a valuable source of fiber, which normalizes bowel function. The inclusion of a pear in the menu allows you to adjust the biocenosis in the body, since the fruit is a natural antibiotic.

The pulp of the fruit contains flavonoids, organic acids, tannins and enzymes. Pear also contains starch.

However, those pears that grow in environmentally unfavorable areas will not benefit the body. You should not collect fruits from trees along highways. Such fruits will contain heavy metals, including lead, thallium and strontium.

Pears can be safely consumed by people with excess body weight, as these fruits are a low-calorie product. 100 g of pear contains about 47 kcal, of which 10.7 g are carbohydrates, 0.3 g are fats, and 0.4 g are proteins.

Useful properties of pears for the health of the body

The health benefits of pears cannot be overestimated.

Through the use of these fruits, you can achieve the following effects:

    Increase the overall resistance of the body to infectious diseases;

    Eliminate existing inflammatory processes;

    Increase the nutritional value of breast milk;

    Normalize the work of the digestive organs;

    Regulate metabolism;

    Increase the functionality of the liver and kidneys.

Due to the fact that the pear contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, the vessels are strengthened, the strength and elasticity of the vascular wall are increased. Pears can be consumed to prevent atherosclerosis, as they help to reduce.

Since the pear is rich in dietary fiber, it is useful to include it in the menu for people with. Pear lovers have not only hair and nails in excellent condition, but also skin and teeth. It is recommended to regularly eat pears for people suffering from cancer, as these fruits increase the effectiveness of drugs intended for the treatment of cancer.

Pears help in the fight against the following diseases:

    Skin diseases. With a tendency to allergies, as well as eczema, it is necessary to use a decoction of pear leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a glass of young pear leaves. Then the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat for 2 minutes. In the resulting broth, gauze is moistened and applied to the inflamed areas of the skin.

    Diseases of the urinary system. A decoction based on pears can reduce the intensity of pain during urination, for example, with cystitis. In addition, the amount of urine excreted increases, and an unpleasant odor ceases to emanate from it.

    Diseases of the biliary system. For therapeutic purposes, it is useful to take a decoction based on dried fruits. You need to chop one pear, pour it with 500 ml of water and boil the resulting mixture until the fruit becomes soft. Then the broth is removed from the fire and kept under the lid for 3 hours. Drink the resulting composition 3-4 times a day for half a glass. It is a very useful remedy for diseases of the gallbladder.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Since pears contain potassium, it is useful to eat them both fresh and dried. You can prepare various drinks from fruits: compotes, juices, fruit drinks.

Pears allow you to get rid of edema, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and normalize the functioning of the gallbladder. To do this, it is enough to eat about 100 g of fruit per day. This portion makes it possible to 100% saturate the body with cobalt.

Very useful pear variety Conference. It should be included in the menu for people with disorders in the work of cardiac activity, as well as problems with the immune system. This variety contains organic acids and dietary fiber. Conference can be eaten with diarrhea, as well as to accelerate weight loss.

No less useful pear varieties Duchess. These are quite large fruits, the weight of which can reach 0.8 kg. Duchesse pears contain an antibacterial component - arbutin. It is detrimental to most representatives of human pathogenic flora. Doctors recommend using a decoction of Duchesse pears for people with diseases of the respiratory system, as well as with a strong cough. Such a “medicine” will definitely appeal to all patients, because Duchesse pears have a pleasant nutmeg flavor.

However, you should not consume Duchess pears in large quantities, as this can provoke indigestion in the form.

It is not recommended to eat unripe pears for the elderly. For eating, you should choose only ripe fruits, which are best pre-cooked, for example, baked in the oven.

An impressive set of useful properties has a wild pear. In dried form, it is prescribed to people who are sick. Effectively relieves a painful cough baked or boiled pear. For the treatment of children from colds, a decoction of wild pear is used.

Unsuitable for food are fruits with rot or too overripe fruits. Such pears provoke the processes of decay in the intestines.

Wild pears are useful for people with kidney stones to include in their menu. It is enough to eat two fruits a day. You can cook unsweetened compote from them.

Another useful pear variety is called Williams. These fruits are low in calories and do not cause allergic reactions. It is very useful to give such baked pears to often ill children. Breastfeeding women should not refuse to use Williams pears. Including them in the daily menu allows you to improve the quality and volume of breast milk.

Williams pears help to strengthen the immune system, so they should be eaten by pregnant women.

The pear contains many minerals and vitamins that are needed for chronic prostatitis, so this fruit will be useful for all men.

It is known that men are more susceptible than women. Pear, in turn, helps fight early hair loss. To do this, you need to regularly use a pear-based mask.

Mask ingredients:

    a tablespoon of honey;

    3 tablespoons of pear pulp;

    A tablespoon of burdock oil;

    Essential oil of juniper - 3 drops.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which the mask must be applied to the scalp, intensively rubbing it into the hair roots. Withstand this composition for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Another useful property of a pear for men is an increase in potency. On the day you need to eat 2-3 ripe fruits. The same amount of pears should be eaten by men engaged in heavy physical labor.

The benefits of pears for women are invaluable during the menstrual cycle. Its use in food can reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, namely: improve mood, relieve pain, increase efficiency.

Cystitis is one of the most common diseases among women. You can speed up recovery and reduce pain during urination by eating a pear with rowan and cranberries. Such a fruit and berry mix allows you to increase the volume of urine separated.

Pear is a valuable component that is part of face masks:

    Pear pulp (2 tablespoons) should be mixed with honey (1 teaspoon) and a pinch of cinnamon. Apply this mask to the face once every 3-4 days. This will refresh the skin and give it a healthy look.

    A mixture of pear puree (2 teaspoons) and hydrogen peroxide (4 drops) is a very effective remedy for fighting acne and age spots.

Pear-based masks should only be applied to intact skin. Do not use pear masks for people with very sensitive skin.

It is known that many women seek to get rid of extra pounds. It is very useful to include a pear in the menu for various diets. This fruit will allow you to saturate the body with useful substances, but will not allow you to gain body weight due to its low calorie content.

In addition, the pear is rich in insoluble dietary fiber. Their regular intake in the body contributes to the normalization of the work of all digestive organs, as well as the elimination of toxins. Therefore, in summer and autumn, when the pear harvesting season comes, you need to eat at least 2 of these fragrant fruits a week.

Pears are useful during pregnancy, as they allow you to saturate the body with folic acid and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. In addition, pregnant women often suffer from constipation, and pears will gently solve this problem.

The benefits of pears for children

The benefits of pears for children come down to the normalization of bowel function. You can offer a decoction of dried fruits to children prone to constipation. Also, this drink is useful for colds accompanied by.

As an anthelmintic, pear seeds can be offered to children. They help stop diarrhea.

Pears should be included in the child's menu during the season of colds, as they allow the body to more effectively fight viruses.

Benefits and harms in various diseases

A pear can be beneficial and harmful in various diseases, namely:

    Diabetes. Pear can be included in the menu for people suffering from diabetes. These fruits contain fructose, the processing of which will increase blood glucose levels more evenly. Pear juice, diluted in equal proportions with water, allows you to lower. However, the juice must be freshly pressed. In severe diabetes, you should check with your doctor about the possibility of including pears in the menu.

    Gastritis. Pears can be consumed by people during remission of the disease. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved due to the fact that these fruits contain astringent components and tannins. With gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, it is useful to drink pear juice. But with gastritis with low acidity, it is better to refuse these fruits.

    Prostatitis. With prostatitis, it is useful to eat pears of various varieties, and drink compote based on them. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the normalization of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as due to the diuretic effect.

You need to choose pears correctly, only in this way you can get the maximum benefit from the fruit. Most often, unripe fruits fall on store shelves. If it is not possible to buy a ripe pear, then after acquiring the fruits, it is necessary to keep them for several days at room temperature. This will allow them to ripen and get the maximum taste.

In addition, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

    Pear color. This figure will vary depending on the type of fruit. However, no pear should have large black dots, as this indicates a rotting process taking place inside the fruit.

    Aroma. The most useful and delicious pears are those that exude a pleasant subtle smell. It is enough just to smell the “correct” pear to awaken the appetite.

    Integrity. There should be no mechanical damage, dents, abrasions and scratches on the pear. If the skin of the fruit is damaged, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a product.

    Pear surface. The fruit should not shine, and there should not be a greasy coating on it. As a rule, such fruits are treated with harmful chemicals to extend the shelf life.

    Peduncle. It should not be too dry in a ripe pear. You should choose the fruit in which the stalk is soft and elastic, and also does not break when bent.

Pears can be stored at home, but this must be done correctly. If a large crop was harvested from the garden, then fruits should be placed in wooden boxes or baskets. Different varieties of pears need to be stored in different containers.

There must be holes in the box through which air will flow. Place paper on the bottom of the container. Pears are laid out with the stalk up. It is necessary to carry out the laying in such a way that the fruits do not touch each other. Pears are stored in one layer.

If fresh pears will be stored in the cellar, then mold and fungi must first be eliminated in the room. The air temperature should be low (from -1 to 0 degrees), and the air humidity should be high (about 85%). It is not recommended to keep any vegetables or fruits near pears. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the fruits. If one pear shows signs of damage, then it must be removed immediately. Rotten fruits will lead to spoilage of the entire crop.

When pears are stored in an apartment, a glazed loggia can be used for this purpose. Subject to all conditions, fruits can retain their freshness for 3 months. To increase the shelf life of pears, each fruit must be wrapped in paper. It is best to use parchment for this purpose.

You can also store pears in the refrigerator, pre-packing them in half a kilo plastic bags. Ventilation holes must be made in the bag.

Even with perfect observance of all conditions, pears will not retain their freshness for more than 4 months. In the refrigerator, fruits are stored for 30 days.

Harm and contraindications of pears for humans

    Overripe fruits should not be included in the menu, as they can provoke intestinal disorders. In such fruits, the content of methyl alcohol, acetic and lactic acids, acetaldehyde is increased.

    If the fruits are ripe, then they should be eaten half an hour after eating and not combined with other foods, otherwise fermentation in the intestines is possible.

    Joint consumption of pears and fatty meat, dairy products and smoked delicacies can provoke disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

    What is more useful: pears or apples? Both pears and apples are healthy fruits. Apples have a lower calorie content compared to pears, they contain a lot of iron. Eating apples stimulates the brain, and also allows you to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Pears, in turn, act as a natural antibiotic, saturate the body with minerals and vitamins, and normalize the digestive system. Pears taste sweeter than apples, but they contain less sugar. However, a person needs to consume all fruits in moderation.

    How to eat a pear? Pears can be eaten in any form. They are useful fresh, dried and dried. Skillful housewives make wine, marshmallow, candied fruits, marmalade from pears. Dried fruits are very tasty. Throughout the year, you can eat pears and drinks based on them: decoctions, juices, teas. If apple or lemon juice is added to pear juice, the drink will acquire an even more pleasant smell and taste. Duchess pears can be used for making dryers and compotes. They are great for jars.

Conclusion about the benefits of pears

Pears can and should be consumed by people of all ages. These fruits strengthen the immune system, enable the body to quickly cope with colds. Regular inclusion of pears in the menu allows you to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, prevent the development of cancer. Pears help with diarrhea.

During the harvest season, be sure to eat pears, but in moderation. At the same time, you can stock up on fruit tree leaves for the winter and enjoy delicious and healthy tea in the cold season.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Esmarch's mug is far from being in every home, but many will definitely find a rubber pear. Those who first encountered the problem of constipation most likely do not know how to make an enema at home with a pear correctly.

That is why it is necessary to carefully study the material before proceeding with this procedure.

Contraindications to pear enema

Regardless of whether you decide to conduct a cleansing enema at home with a pear or with the help of Esmarch's mug, there are a number of contraindications in which none of the tools can be used. So, for the cases when setting an enema can lead to serious consequences, relate:

  1. The period of pregnancy and subsequent lactation;
  2. Time of monthly menstruation in women;
  3. Painful conditions of the stomach area;
  4. Recent diseases in which a stressful situation for the body is not allowed, and peace is also necessary (heart attack, stroke, and others);
  5. Painful conditions in the area of ​​the large intestine;
  6. Acute diseases, including those accompanied by headache, fever, chills, etc.;
  7. Pain in the abdomen, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, general weakness of the body, etc.;
  8. Bleeding of the intestines;
  9. Acute colitis, intestinal tumor and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an acute or chronic nature;
  10. Renal failure.

Pear enema: when to apply and how to choose

A pear for an enema is more convenient to use when there is a need to administer a liquid in volume not exceeding half a liter. If we are talking about large volumes, then it is more expedient to use Esmarch's mug.

On sale you can see pears with a volume of 50 grams (intended for the children's body) to 300 grams (for the adult part of the population), sometimes there are specimens of half a liter.

If we talk about the tips, then they are plastic and rubber or silicone. Now pharmacies sell disposable syringes with a special laxative solution already inside for setting an enema.

For an adult, in most cases, just the same volumes of a standard pear are enough. That is why it is in almost every home, especially where they suffer from the problem of constipation.

If you want to carry out the procedure of a cleansing enema, then it is better to resort to Esmarch's mug, since otherwise the pear will need to be filled several times.

How to give an enema? Preparatory stage

Not everyone knows how to make an enema with a pear correctly. That is why it is so important to learn as much as possible about it before carrying out the procedure, as well as consult with your doctor.

So, in order to put an enema, you need to prepare the following inventory:

  • enema tool (in our case, a rubber pear);
  • water in the right volume or as a solution with glycerin or another substance;
  • vaseline, baby cream or vaseline oil;
  • oilcloth.

Before the procedure, the pear itself should be thoroughly washed with soapy water, and the same should be done with the tip.

If you use plain water, then follow the temperature rules: no more than 35 degrees.

If you add glycerin or any other substance, then also do no harm. Glycerin or vegetable oil is taken from the proportion of a tablespoon to half a liter of water.

Basic rules for setting a pear enema

First you need to prepare a place where the pear enema will be performed. A horizontal surface (bed, sofa, floor) is best suited, which should first be covered with oilcloth.

The next step will be a set of enema solution in a pear. To do this, it is necessary to squeeze the instrument so that all the air comes out of it, then lower the enema tip into the container with the prepared liquid and, gradually weakening the pressure, draw the required amount of water into the syringe. In order to remove excess air from the pear, it is necessary to slightly press on the walls so that a little liquid comes out.

If you are doing the enema yourself, then, as soon as you have prepared for further manipulations, you need to take the necessary position: “lying on your side in the fetal position” is best, but “squatting” or “on all fours” can be used. In the event that the procedure is performed by another person, this position can be taken in advance.

The next step is to lubricate the tip of the enema and the anus with cream or petroleum jelly in order to facilitate its introduction, as well as to avoid injuries and microcracks.

Slightly spread the buttocks of the patient with your fingers and gently insert the tip of the pear into the anus, plunging it inward by about 3 cm. Then, slightly squeezing the syringe, it is necessary to evenly ensure the flow of fluid from the pear into the intestines. When the liquid in it is over, carefully remove the tip. The patient must restrain the urge to empty the bowels for at least 5-10 minutes. After this time, you can go to the toilet.

The pear itself and its tip after each douching procedure should be washed and sterilized.

If the enema did not bring the desired result, the procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 6 hours. If you think the reason for this result is the lack of use of plain water, then next time you can try adding glycerin, salt, chamomile or vegetable oil.