The concept of karma: intelligibly about the complex. The law of karma and its action. What is Karma? Diagnostics of karma: theory and practice

KARMA - (Sanskrit - action). In a broad sense, the total amount of actions committed by every living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of his new birth, reincarnation. In a narrow sense - the influence of the actions performed on the nature of the present and subsequent existence.

The concept of karma is associated with the concept of reincarnation, according to which the thoughts and actions of a past life influence the present. Thus, some philosophies believe that our destiny is a consequence of the work of karma. The action of karma in the Eastern tradition is carried out by the universe. In the Western tradition, sin is punished by God, that is, a similar scheme is obtained - cause / effect.

A person can rise above the laws of karma. By working on oneself, a person can become a Buddha, i.e. become illuminated (aware / trained) - free. Buddhists do not pray to the Buddha-man, but to the concept of "illumination." Buddha for them is illumination, enlightenment.

The Universe gives a person everything he needs (soul, life, body, food). She also exercises control over the implementation of her plans. Imagine this picture. The human embryo develops in the mother's womb. The due date of birth is approaching, but he realizes that once he is born, he must take care of himself. He needs food, shelter, clothing, protection, care, etc. Will he get it in the “other world”? Having reasoned this way, the little man decides to stay and live in it further. He is afraid of that other world, in which you need to take care of yourself. So he lives on full support, being in bliss, tranquility and affection. Meanwhile, the mother's body is aging, and she dies. Naturally, the child in her womb also dies. No process can go on indefinitely.

To ensure normal life in the human body, large and small physiological processes occur.

In the same way, various Forces operate in the entire Universe, exercising control. There is a special supervision, which, like the immune system, monitors the observance of integrity, harmony and the correct direction of development. The forces that control the order on the planet and over human activities are ruled by the lords of karma. Any activity of each person is recorded on the "thin" structures of outer space. The lords of karma correct the evolution of each individual person. To many, these corrections seem too harsh, but in fact they are all done only for the good.

Health, communication and destiny

Everything related to human health is concentrated in the physical body and 60 cm around it. This is a personal, intimate space of a person. The sphere of communication extends from a person for about 60 m. Its quality determines character traits. The area in which the fate of a person is decided can cover a significant part of the universal human field. The fate of some people is decided in different parts of the world, among other nations and can affect the interests of huge masses of people.

The guiding efforts of karma, first of all, try to touch the field responsible for a person's health, so that the disease makes a person think, change his mind and change in the right direction.

The human soul is protected by a minor misfortune - deterioration of health and the occurrence of diseases. If a person ignores these signals and continues a vicious life, then the structures of the soul are destroyed and a more serious punishment goes along the line of communication and fate. And here it is important to emphasize this feature. Someone "cured" a person, but if the person himself did not realize the causes of his ailments and diseases, did not want to eliminate them and change, then the information of diseases displaced from the line (structure) of health will be transferred to the line (structure) of fate. A person will begin to suffer according to fate: the disease has only been transferred to the future, has moved to the field structures of relatives and children.

Human structure. The place of karma in the body

A person has two components: a physical body and consciousness. Both the physical body and the mind have a very complex but harmoniously balanced structure. Ordinary consciousness is a life experience acquired in one human life, plus the usual mental activity of a person in communication and work. Overconsciousness is a life experience acquired in all previous lives of a person, plus special mental activity. In an ordinary person, it is blocked and manifests itself in dreams and some other, special, states.

The situation with the subconscious is somewhat more complicated. This is the sum of information and energy programs that were formed either by the person himself in his ordinary consciousness, or by other people, and forgotten, unconscious "settled" in the structures of the field form of life. Ordinary consciousness does not perceive them, but they nevertheless influence it. Strong emotional experiences “fall through” into the subconscious, and programs formed by the parents are postponed.

From here they can rise back into consciousness and interfere with its work. They are activated by similar thoughts, emotions, moods, pushing a person to do bad things.

Resonance and Thunderbolt Effect

Vibrations and thought forms have the property of amplification from unification with similar ones (resonance effect). They resonate with similar "records" in the causal body of a person, push him to perform an action and are remembered through this action in the three-dimensional, physical world. This is how they are discharged. Often it turns out that a specific thought is realized in a certain action not through the person who produced it, but through another, whose cup overflowed from such thoughts. It is important to understand that vibrations and thought-forms by themselves cannot be realized - they need a conductor. And only man can be this guide to the physical world.

To consolidate their superiority, to protect material interests, people create more and more powerful equipment. They earn their living, feed their families. Everything seems to be good. But, on the other hand, there is an accumulation of karma, which is eventually realized in the corresponding events. Everything turns against the creators and producers. Murders. Terrorist acts, industrial accidents, accidents with “innocent” people are the fruits of previously “sown” causes. Humanity does not understand the hidden perniciousness of scientific and technological progress, so the lesson is being repeated in an increasingly terrible and massive form.

Footprints in the sand and a sleeping boomerang

Karmic information “settles” well and is transmitted through objects and things. And it is not known whether the new owner will accept the thing or not. If he accepts it, or if a person remakes it for himself, everything is fine. If not, then you can expect trouble. Worn items that previously belonged to another can convey the painful condition and fate of the old one to the new owner. Furniture, premises, buildings, terrain, and especially works of culture and art have a similar property. Animals and plants are also involved in the karma cycle of their masters. If the inner world of a person is not visible to us, then its external display can be seen and judged by it about a person, and even about his fate.

Individual karma consists of those acquired in past lives and gained in the current life. The karma acquired in past lives “lies” and “slumbers” in the field form of life, waiting for “its” karmic situation, which will activate and put it into action. The karma earned in the current life is formed from one source - the consciousness of a person, and depends on his character traits. Manifesting his character traits in this or that karmic, everyday, family and other situations, a person either extinguishes or accumulates karma in the current life.

The person committed an offense in relation to the Space, but later, with his good deeds, caused a benevolent attitude towards himself, and the karmic response for this offense was weakened. This kind of karma is called "weakened". The most typical version of a karmic response is when a person, after committing a misdemeanor, after some time feels its opposite effect in the form of bad luck, deterioration of health, etc. This kind of karma is called fully developed. And, finally, there is a variant of a karmic response, when the process of the reverse impact is postponed due to the prevailing (karmic) circumstances. This kind of karma is called interrupted.

Relay of good and evil through the ancestral canal

How can karma be passed on through the ancestral line? Ancient sources, as well as “Agni Yoga” assert that the life experience accumulated by a person during his life, after the death of a person, does not disappear anywhere. In the posthumous existence (in the interval between death and rebirth), the soul processes it for the purpose of its spiritual growth. Depending on the quality of the accumulated experience, the Lords of Karma prepare a field of activity for the soul so that it can more fully realize it, open it, and work it out. Therefore, many components must be taken into account: era, country, people around, family, etc.

The birthing process is an unusually intense experience for both the mother and the baby. They should be carried out very correctly, as naturally and without violence as possible. There should be no anxiety among those taking birth, there should be no need to frighten the woman in labor: all this will lay pathological programs in the subconscious of the child. Statements of the expectant mother like: “I won't succeed! I'm scared! How hard it is for me. What are we going to do! " and so on - they will show themselves in a child, and even in an adult, with unmotivated fears, inability to achieve a set goal, to win an everyday victory, self-doubt, succumbing to difficulties and many other "psychological things", disorders and diseases.

As we know, due to karmic predestination, a person is born to those parents whose karma corresponds to his own. The parents through whom we emerge are the “exit point” that continues into subsequent generations. This is the concept of gender. Previously, the clan was conducted along the maternal line, for the maternal womb is the “exit place” of each person. The main thing here is an uninterrupted chain of succession: a child, an adult, an old man. An old man dies, an adult becomes an old man, a child becomes an adult who has children, and so on. So, the “exit place” “remembers” information about seven generations of people. And if someone violated moral laws, then information about this along the chain of succession will be passed on to subsequent generations.

The girl had a very severe karma, and was left an orphan early. She got married, hated her husband (the karmic program of evil in her played a role here), but gave birth to ten children from him! Not a single abortion. My husband was washed down so that he killed himself. One child died as a child. All other children have a bad fate: men drink too much, family life does not work out. Their life expectancy is short and, as a rule, life ends tragically. The grandchildren are suffering - the girls seem to be in passing, and the boys (who have reached puberty) are "hit" directly. They suffer from an incomprehensible, rare disease. But the grandmother herself, although forgotten by everyone and in poor conditions, lives for nine decades! She threw everything on the children!

Change karma - every second heal with the Name

The choice of a name for a person will greatly affect his fate. When parents choose a name for a child, it is fixed in the field form of a person's life in the form of a certain program (a kind of code). A name may suit and favor a person in life, it may be neutral, or it may not correspond and distort a person's fate. You should be especially careful when giving a name to a child in honor of someone (relative, friend, etc.). Naming a child after someone else's honor, you do two things: you karmically connect your child with the person after whom he is named, and connect him to the egregor of the given name. It is best to name the child in honor of the saints who showed themselves on a given day of the calendar.

Resentment is a mental and emotional activity in the ordinary mind of a person, which forms a certain package of programs. The resentment program package can be transmitted along the lineage. The strength of the offense is determined by the energy level of the offended person. The higher it is, the more thoughts and emotions “fold” the life energy of the field life form into a program of resentment. It is not recommended to allow thoughts and emotions of resentment during an emotional upsurge: a birthday, a wedding celebration, etc. In this state, ordinary consciousness forms the strongest (and therefore harmful to health, character and fate) programs of resentment.

If a person, being married, before the birth of a child is offended by his spouse, and even more so hates him, then a separation program is formed. Then the spouses can make up and forget about the quarrels, but the program remains and is passed on to their children. Children become adults, create their own families. And here an interesting pattern emerges. If a suitable life situation is created, or there are appropriate character traits that can “hook” and activate the separation program, the family breaks up. If they are not there, then the "dormant" program goes on and on until it works on someone. This is true of any other program. Some children pass it, while others fall into it.

Hatred is a conscious and purposeful mental and emotional process designed to harm and destroy a specific object (person and others). This process forms, in field form, the most powerful destruction programs that spread along the family tree for several generations in advance. If a spouse hates her husband, mentally and in words wishes him evil, then a program for destruction will be formed in her field form of life. This program, due to the binding, begins to destroy the one against whom it was created. At the same time, it begins to destroy the structures of the field life form of the creator himself, if he is not protected or cannot protect himself.

The hate program works sluggishly, imperceptibly. Outwardly, it manifests itself in a bleak attitude towards life. She is the cause of addiction to alcohol and drugs, makes family life dull. A person who has a program of hatred, destruction in his subconsciousness, unconsciously and unmotivatedly pushes it to commit an act dangerous for himself (for example, a fight, stabbing on domestic grounds), does not value his life and the life of other people. It can harm a large number of people, especially those who depend on it. In the end, he himself may be struck by some disease associated with a loss of energy, atrophy, or contraction of the tendons.

Suicidal thoughts create a self-destruction program in the field form of life, to the formation of which thoughts about unwillingness to have children can also lead. Having settled in the subconscious, it undermines the health and destiny of many generations. The subconscious self-destruction program externally breaks through in situations provoking it and leads to unmotivated crimes, murders and suicides. This program is not only preserved in the field of the genus, but is also gaining strength, fueled by the energy of thoughts about the suicide of children and grandchildren. It often happens that in a family, one after another, people leave life of their own free will because of a problem that is easily solvable.

Suicidal thoughts are most often visited by a person at a young age because of offenses on the basis of love. Girls - adolescents and young women, as the more sensual and emotional natures, suffer the most from this. They flare up, form a self-destruction program, and then move away and live on. But the program remains and deforms the field structures in the head or lower abdomen. So a woman herself forms future headaches and gynecological diseases for herself. The self-destruction program will “smolder” until a woman feeds her with a new similar process. This can manifest itself in a normal family after resentment against the husband, termination of an unwanted pregnancy.

Coded for [not] happiness

Nowadays, various coding is widely used to get rid of a person's addiction to alcohol, drug addiction, smoking, overeating. They began to use training under hypnosis, introduce weight loss programs, etc.

What is the harm of such interference? Any information should be entered through ordinary consciousness and in the form of memory be in its place. If information is brought in, pushed in, driven out, bypassing ordinary consciousness, it deforms the structures of the field form of life, distorts the general circulation of energy in it. After a certain time, a person's health can be upset, and then a disease appears.

The main human error is that he identifies himself with desire and feeling. Spirit, soul is one thing, but feelings and desires are completely different. To serve desire, you need to give it vital energy, let it into your consciousness, allow it to “pass” through the body. If all this is done unconsciously, then the program of desire, sensual pleasure becomes so powerful that a person only does what he serves: he becomes her slave. If a person's soul is sufficiently developed and elevated, a person owns his desires, feelings and things, but not vice versa.

Unconscious resentment program to a previously beloved person (girlfriend to girlfriend, to each other), inherited, can lead to lesbianism or homosexuality. The subconscious mind tries to suppress the resentment program by increasing the degree of attachment of a woman to a woman, a man to a man. Homosexuality can also arise as an attempt to replenish the dying feeling of love and attachment of one person to another. By and large, a person should love the whole world around him, all people, without making any special distinction between them. The feeling of intimacy is a very small part of this great love. If the subconscious feeling of universal Great love dulls or fades away, then same-sex love can arise as an attempt to compensate for it.

Renunciation from a born child, mental unwillingness to have a child and be pregnant, as well as termination of pregnancy, especially at long periods; the urge to terminate pregnancy, not only in actions, words, but even in thoughts - burdens karma. This applies equally to women and men, regardless of their age. For example, a woman after an abortion (or after the advice to do it) may develop an ovarian cyst. A man who insists on an abortion gets “weakness” in the lower back. "Weakness" is expressed in lumbar pain, and maybe in early impotence, prostatitis or adenoma. A verbal, emotional, mental desire to destroy a future person is a violation of the main law of life, for which a person pays with his health and fate.

Secrets of "weak" points

Knowing the “weakness” of a person - the program of evil inherent in him, life will create such situations so that this program could manifest itself, “open up” and be either outlived or even more aggravated. If a person manages to accept, resist, endure and not give in, karma will be removed, the tests will end, the lesson is worked out. The problem is removed, the turn of another karmic lesson comes. What it will be, only the Lords of Karma know, but it will have to humbly accept, comprehend and work out. Next, the turn of other lessons will come, and everything will be repeated from the beginning. Only when there are no karmic knots left in your field form of life - you are ripe for the Kingdom of Heaven, will you be able to go through the "eye of a needle", incarnating into a conscious field, whose home is the entire Universe.

What does it mean to repent, to repent? Many people confuse the meaning of the word “repent” with words such as “remorse,” “self-flagellation,” “regret,” and the like. If a person regrets something for a long time, worries, reproaches himself, this means one thing - he mentally creates a harmful program and feeds it with his experiences, emotions, and it will interfere with his life in the future and will pass to his descendants.

Repentance means the process of realizing the harmfulness of past actions and the desire to atone for them, to correct them. A repentant person ceases to commit harmful acts, lives in a different way. In addition, he seeks to compensate for previously caused damage and by his labor corrects the harm caused to someone or something.

Write down all your weaknesses and problems on paper and start slowly working. First, decide on the main question: what do you want, what do you expect from life? Start changing your habits. First of all, get rid of destructive and bad habits. Further, one must begin to work out communication by changing the attitude towards people around, nature, events. Be more tolerant, softer, more intelligent and quick-witted. Develop love for your loved ones, try to justify and forgive your enemies. And most importantly, try to constantly feel yourself surrounded by life, by the love of a large organism - the Cosmos. Give him the same answer. Arrange the Unity of life and justice in everything. Feel this love physically and respond to it with the same feeling.

Love, responsibility, calmness and work will grind everything

First of all, it is necessary to increase self-awareness and responsibility for their own health. Accept the state of health that you have, without any murmur. Since most of the health problems (approximately 90%) arise from lifestyle characteristics, analyze it first. Start with the simplest things: do you have bad habits, what is your mindset, daily routine, how, what and when do you eat. After conducting such an analysis and finding errors, eliminate them. It is highly desirable to cleanse your body. If you continue to properly adhere to the "health technology", then most diseases and health problems disappear, because they were caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Calmness and equanimity of human consciousness have been appreciated at all times. This quality allowed a person to navigate meaningfully and reasonably in any environment and to act with the greatest efficiency. The informational action of the senses, the logical action of the mind and memory without connecting emotions does not allow the formation of destructive programs and their introduction into the subconscious. This is an excellent prevention against bad karma. A person can and should intervene in the course of events, resist them, proceeding from his personal interests, but only without connecting emotions. Analyze events, look for ways to resolve, ways to overcome obstacles. But just don't connect emotions. Act calmly in any setting.

Working with karma requires realizing yourself as a spiritual being and taking responsibility for yourself

For your thoughts and actions. Acceptance of life and life situations as they are. Reflecting on life, life situation and making decisions for positive work. Conscious, purposeful work.
Assessment of the work done and the necessary changes. Then the last process is repeated until the result is obtained.

> If you deny fate and resist its blows and the prevailing unpleasant situations, thereby you deny God's justice, sent to you for your good.

> If you do not realize yourself as a spiritual being and do not take responsibility, then there can be no question of any karmic work.

To better understand the law of karma, consider the following classification:

Family karma: Every person has a father, mother, brothers, spouse and children. He is connected with all of them by the Law of Karma. We owe them something and they owe something to us, depending on how we behaved with them in a past life. Therefore, sometimes we are destined to have crazy, lepers, tuberculosis children, parents or brothers, Siamese twins, freaks, drug addicts, alcoholics or epileptics. We can also deserve parents and / or children who mistreat us and abandon us. A husband who cheats and offends his wife, and vice versa.

Collective: This is the karma that unites different people when they have similar individual Karmas. They are united by an experienced accident, flood, plague, epidemics, etc.

National: It is a punishment that an entire nation experiences, such as an earthquake, civil war, etc.
universal karma: This is the punishment that befalls all of humanity as a result of their bad deeds. For example, world wars.

Heavy: This is karma for bad deeds in a past life. If we do not commit enough deeds during life, Karma continues to develop, and we have to pay for this with great pain and suffering. Heavy karma cannot be dealt with. Example: AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, etc.

Karma Sayya: This is a karmic union that occurs every time a man enters into a sexual or depraved relationship with a woman. In this union, both people share karmas and defects. Karma-sayya couple is united in the book of Karma. This is an astral, sexual and karmic connection.

Individual: This is the punishment or consequence that each person experiences for their bad deeds committed in this or a past life. With this individual karma, someone is born blind, someone is an orphan, sick with tuberculosis, cancer, leprosy, epilepsy, with ugly or deformed bodies, Siamese twins, etc. Wise Solomon speaks about this in his Proverbs: “ What man sows, so he reaps «.

- the law of cause and effect. The principle of operation of karma is justice: for pious actions we will be rewarded, for sinful actions we will be punished. This is a universal and impartial law of God, which operates on all living beings inhabiting the material world.

New karma(good or bad) is acquired only by souls (jivas) in human bodies, because only living beings in a human body are given consciousness- the totality of mind and intelligence.

Souls that have received animal bodies or plant bodies do not earn new karma, because by their nature, they are devoid of consciousness, these souls, on the contrary, work off their karma, being in the corresponding bodies. From this it follows that all souls who received a non-human form of life (cats, dogs, pigs, fish, birds, snakes, plants, etc.) in their past incarnations were already in a human body and by their activities they earned bad karma, due to than received the corresponding bodies. Someday they will again be given the opportunity to receive a human body, but this may take millions of years and millions of reincarnations.

The definition of karma, which was formulated above, may seem somehow fabulous, implausible. Still would! After all, it does not fit into the world that we know, or rather, into the traditional knowledge that is taught to everyone. But because of this, the karmic law does not cease to exist, and even more so to act. Understanding two things -

  1. what is karma and how does it work, and
  2. what is the soul and how does it reincarnate,

allows us to understand and explain many life events and situations that are beyond our understanding and which are usually stigmatized "Random event", "fate" or "Bad fate".

How karma is born

Pure consciousness itself is the soul unconnected with matter (body shell), but in this case we use this term in the following sense: if a living being is endowed with consciousness (the totality of mind and mind), then it is able to be aware of itself and its actions , i.e. act consciously. Therefore, only in the human form of life is it possible to observe the laws, follow the dharma (one's duty) or, on the contrary, engage in sinful activities. From here karma is born - good or bad. Animals have no consciousness, therefore they cannot be responsible for their actions, and therefore they do not earn new karma.

So, karma- this is a series of events, the cause of which was the perfect deeds of a living being (soul), in all its human forms of incarnation.

Wheel of Karma

The concept of karma does not mean only those events-consequences that we experience on ourselves as a result of our actions. The concept of karma also includes our actions, which were the cause of future events. In other words, while we are born and die in the material world, the bundle Cause-effect or "Action-consequence" - is a closed circuit.

Some actions lead to certain consequences, and under the influence of certain consequences, we commit new actions that give rise to new consequences. And so it will be endlessly, as long as we are engaged in material activities, do not think about our true nature and do not try to restore the lost connection with God.

The wheel of karma has a close relationship with the wheel of samsara - the cycle of birth and death. The cause of karma is the actions of a person, his material activities. The reason for the reincarnation of the soul, i.e. incarnation in a particular body is also a material activity of the soul in a human body. Therefore, we can say that wheel of karma and almost the same... If you combine these two concepts, you get one common wheel, in which karma will be the cause, and samsara will be the effect.

Coming to the concept of reincarnation and karma, it is important to understand that we are not bodies - we are souls who incarnate in a new body and carry the consequences of their past actions - karma.

Types of Karma

Karma is said to be divided into several types or categories. In Sanskrit, its types have the following names:

  • sanchita - all accumulated karma (good and bad);
  • prarabdha - ripe karma to be experienced in the near future;
  • kriyamana - karma created by current actions;
  • agama - karma from future (planned) actions.

From the definitions of the types of karma, we can conclude that, on the one hand, prarabdha is an integral part of sanchita-karma, on the other, kriyamana and agama karma stand as if apart from the first two types, but this is not so. As we said earlier, "cause-effect" is an indissoluble link, in this case sanchita and prarabdha are consequences, akriyamana and agama- This is the reason, which will later go to the investigation. Remember: ripe karma influences our current actions, as a result of which new karma is born.

Sanchita karma

Sanchita in translation from Sanskrit means literally - karma gathered together. This is the cumulative karma from perfect deeds accumulated by a living being (individual soul) in all its human incarnations. It is subdivided into known, unknown and ripe .

  • Known karma can only be in the current incarnation, i.e. these are actions that we know about and that can be analyzed.
  • Unknown karma- this is avyakta(unmanifested). Those actions and the consequences born from them that the soul performed in all previous human incarnations. We cannot know about this long karmic tail, which stretches behind us from millions of previous incarnations, because along with the death of the body, the death of its subtle component, the mind, occurs. All that we can is our own finite consciousness, which is limited by this body, to analyze the actions and events in this life.
  • Ripe karma- this is prarabdha... It can be either known, for example, you committed an act in this incarnation and the reaction followed immediately or after a few days, or unknown - the main part of the ripened karma that comes from past incarnations.

Sanchita is like an iceberg: most of the iceberg is hidden under water - this is unknown karma from past incarnations; the part that is above the water is ripe karma, prarabdha.

Prarabdha Karma

Prarabdha- this is the ripe part of the sanchita, the fruits of which it is time to reap. In other words, this is the ripe karma that must be experienced by a living being in the current incarnation. No living entity experiences the consequences of all his actions at the same time. Only that part of the sanchita karma, which has already matured, at one point comes into play in the form of predetermined events.

Bad and good news: prarabdha karma is almost impossible to avoid or change, it is necessary to go through it in order to pay debts for actions committed (bad news) or, on the contrary, to receive a reward (good news). But we will talk about this in the next article "Karma and Fate".

It is prarabdha-karma that we see in our own horoscope, it is represented by the position of the planets at the moment of birth.

Kriyamana karma

Kriyamana- these are the consequences that are formed by the current actions of a person. In other words, kriyamana is the cause (our current actions), which every day form sanchita - the effect.

Under the influence of sanchita-karma and its matured part - prarabdhi, people are like puppets controlled by invisible threads of the consequences caused by the past actions of a living being in human forms of life.

The definition of kriyamana karma allows us to conclude that this is precisely the human free will... Our ability for conscious choice and creation at every moment of the present time allows us to perform new actions that form our future karma-consequence (sanchita).

Of course, under the influence of prarabdhi, which influences us, we do new things. But does this mean that we continue to be puppets? No, it's all about the level of our consciousness. If we commit deliberate actions, clearly understanding what consequences await us for them, then we are using free will. If we do not care about everything that happens to us, then we live an unconscious life, which means that under the influence of the consequences of our actions, we commit new actions, the same or even worse, plunging ourselves into an ever-widening abyss of ignorance.

Agama Karma

Agama- This is a possible karma that can be formed from planned actions in the future. It reflects a person's ability to live consciously, namely to plan their actions and foresee the consequences of them. Agama is a kind of virtual part of karma that arises along with the thoughts and plans of a person and does not depend on whether the individual begins to implement them in reality or not.

If you have planned your actions and started working on the implementation of the plan, then the first is Agama, and the second is Kriyamana.

Karma and the archer

So there is a predetermined karma consequencesanchita and its constituent matured part prarabdha ... And there is karma that a person forms every day by his conscious or, on the contrary, unconscious actions - karma causekriyamana and agama .

The Vedas are replete with examples and historical facts that make it possible to better understand certain processes and patterns. So in the case of karma, the Vedas give an example-analogy with an archer, which clearly allows you to understand the mechanism of action of karma.

The archer takes an arrow and fires it from his bow. The quiver of arrows behind the back of the archer is the whole accumulatedsanchita , namely her undeveloped part - avyakta , which is only about to be embodied in the future. Each arrow, which the archer took, personifies both the living being himself, embodied in a certain body according to his karma, and the action of a living being in a certain direction. An archer cannot return an arrow that has been fired. A fired arrow is prarabdha , the result of which he will definitely have to get. The arrow he is about to release is kriyamana .

For many, human karma is a real mystery of nature. Does it really exist? What is it for? Or is it the Universe playing with people and building their destinies? You should definitely understand this mysterious phenomenon in as much detail as possible.

Surely every person has thought at least once why some individuals are constantly lucky throughout their lives, while others feel unhappy, problems fall on them like a snowball. Are physical disabilities, troubles and bad luck the result of previous actions and misdeeds committed in past lives?

Karma in translation from the most ancient Sanskrit means action. These are the actions and thoughts, desires and words of the individual throughout his life. They note that each, even the most insignificant thought, gives rise to certain consequences and changes in fate. They will certainly appear, maybe not in a month, but in future incarnations for sure. Every cause has a consequence, this must always be remembered.

Even if a specific person does not believe in fate and the law of the investigation, everything is subordinate to him. Karma is not an essence, it carries a certain energy that regulates the consequences of all actions. That is why they try to keep a balance between bad and good actions so that a person lives normally and does not suffer.

Karma is not considered a punishing force that is just waiting for the moment to carry out the sentence. Karma only monitors the causes and consequences of what is happening to a person. When the problem was not solved in time, information about it is stored and transmitted to the future or forthcoming incarnations.
Any action carries several types of consequences:

  • a visible effect manifests itself in acting life at the level of physiology;
  • the emotional consequence leaves a deep imprint on the soul of a particular personality, it all depends on the strength of the experiences, how deep they are;
  • a distant consequence will be revealed in future incarnations, and the person himself will not even understand and realize this, he will begin to think why he is in such misfortune, because he did not seem to have done anything.

It should be understood that the more serious and worse an act is, the more impact it will have on a person's present or future life.
The laws of karma affect not only a specific person, because there is karma of humanity, kind, country, Cosmos and many other types of it. They are all intertwined and interact with each other.

Types of Karma

The most basic types of karma are:

  • human;
  • kingdoms of nature;
  • space;
  • sunny.

Great sages are sure that at the moment when a person has worked out his own karma, a person dies. Then he will begin a completely different life in the future incarnation, and how successful it will be depends only on what actions the person performed in previous incarnations.

Karma diagnostics are convinced that it is imperative to work with karma. To rid themselves of negative thoughts, they accept even the hard lessons of fate with gratitude, forgive betrayal and insults, believe that problems will teach a lot and do not complain about fate. It is in the position of gratitude that the vibrations in the soul increase, and this contributes to the purification of karma. Experts say that each person learns to perceive the surrounding reality with love, to understand that humanity is a team that constantly interacts with each other.

Karma by date of birth

Many people strive to understand why they appeared in this world at all, what is their real purpose. It is with the help of karma that they understand what a person must experience in the present incarnation, what he inherited from the past, what he gives and what he needs. The concept of karma originated in ancient times, in Indian philosophy it is translated as activity. All good and bad will certainly return to a person sooner or later; it is impossible to evade this.

Karma is very closely connected with fate, because it is on these two concepts that the life of a particular person depends. Naturally, many are interested in how to find out their karma, influence events and change fate for the better, correct past mistakes. Each person can independently find out karma by date of birth.

Karma calculations

By the date of birth, a person learns his own destiny and understands his purpose. This requires all the numbers to be added to each other. If a person was born on November 27, 1984, then it is worth adding them up as follows:

The number 60 is the individual number of karma. It turned out to be a karmic period, which shows a certain time for very important events and changes to take place in life. This means that at the age of 60, global changes will occur to a person.

If the individual number is:

10 - 19 proposes to develop spiritually, to improve physically, to direct all forces towards this.
20 - 29 means that to purify karma, they will use the experience of their ancestors, develop the ability to intuition, listen to their inner I, strive to master the subconscious.
30 - 39 says that one should teach the basic laws of life to others, delve into philosophical sciences, teach people this, but first figure it out for yourself.
40 - 49 means that it is worth knowing oneself as a person, feeling one's purpose in life, devoting oneself to studying the basic laws of the Universe.
More 50 shows that they are constantly engaged in self-improvement.
When calculating karma, they clearly understand why a person came into this life and what is required of him.

Family karma

In past lives, all family members were united and interacted with each other through karma. If a relative has committed a wrong action, then, quite possibly, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will have to pay for him. Generic karma strongly affects a person's physical condition and health, well-being and life. A person who has bad family karma works out his whole life for his relative, it is very hard for him, misfortunes literally fall on him, attracts only failures.

Undoubtedly, the same is said about good karma, it also applies to the entire further race. In such families, there is love and prosperity, a good and benevolent attitude.

Karma mechanism

Today, everyone is reaping the fruits of their past actions. It is at this time that the ground for future karma is created. Do not expect the consequences of what is done today to manifest tomorrow. This will happen many years from now or in future incarnations. It is for this reason that many people wonder why they suddenly have misfortunes, how they deserve such an unfortunate fate. Usually they think that some kind of misfortune happened by pure chance, but karma does not imply a game of chance and a certain set of circumstances.

Everything happens in fairness and nothing else. If something happened, then it can be interpreted only by the fact that there was a reason for this. Karma brings both positive and negative in life. All bad deeds will manifest themselves in diseases and ailments, misadventures and emotional distress. And all good things will bring good luck, love, change fate for the better. It is impossible to get rid of the law of cause and effect. If people understood how the mechanism of karma works, they would think over their actions and try to live fairly so as not to incur trouble on themselves.

Varieties of Karma

Karma happens:

  • manifested;
  • not manifested.

The manifested karma implies the expression of the consequences in the real destiny of a person. It can be physical condition, material world, environment and place of residence. It is very, very difficult to change such karma, often people endure it throughout their lives, they cannot change anything in their fate. However, karma does not always manifest itself in life now.

A huge number of actions and deeds committed in the past, incomprehensible lessons of fate, unsolved problems are just waiting for their time. They will inevitably come true, but for now information about this is stored in the karmic body. This is what is called unmanifest karma. However, it is worth knowing that a person is able to change unmanifest karma. But for this you have to go to a high level of your own consciousness, when actions and mistakes are accurately recognized and will be corrected. No one is able to rid a person of bad karma, only the person himself will do it. After all, it was he who created his destiny and karma.

Influence on karma

Almost every person who is interested in karma and found out the answers to questions of interest despairs. After all, change the information. Which is stored in the subtle body is not possible. In any case, you will have to answer for all actions, without this there is no way. And astrologers advise only to accept and be prepared for failures and problems. However, there is no need to become discouraged, because karma always gives a person the strength and ability to solve the most difficult problems and correct mistakes. This must be clearly understood and realized.

Nowadays, people are convinced that man is a dependent and weak being. That is why many simply do not feel the strength and ability to correct the situation and work off karma. But it is important to realize the full power of your personality and freedom in order to change something. You need to fight for your own existence, and not sit in a corner.

How to work with karma

A large number of people are interested in this question, although no one will definitely answer it. Karma can be corrected only by a person who is purposeful and ready for certain difficulties, and this will require a lot of strength and patience.

To make global changes in karma, you first need to know it. Astrology will help in this. They also use other methods of realizing their own karma. You can perform hypnosis or try to see your destiny through lucid dreaming.

Some personalities want to understand exactly why fate sends them certain tests. They are just wasting time. It's time to realize how you can get rid of the problem.

Also, people dream of solving the problems that have arisen instantly, changing karma in one second. But it is not possible to do this, because no one is able to return to the past and correct all mistakes in the blink of an eye. Even if a person has clearly realized his own mistake, it will not be possible to correct it immediately. You should carefully consider your past actions, digest the information in your soul, sincerely repent in the present tense, and then hope for forgiveness and a change in the situation.

Cleansing of karma is carried out if they are fully aware of their soul, and not by shifting responsibility onto others, the Creator, the Cosmos and the Universe. It is important to accurately comprehend your own guilt for misconduct, and then ask for forgiveness.

Laughter is a gift from above

People are afraid of the concept of karma, they do not fully realize it, because this phenomenon is very mysterious and inexplicable. Fear is also a sin that is difficult to get rid of. If you know karma partially, then it will not be cleansed, and the situation will only get worse.
Let us recall the sayings of ancient thinkers who took karma for something integral.

Theory cannot exist without practice. If karma is a mechanism, then it is absolutely necessary and possible to work with it. If a person decides to realize his karma, then they do it to the end. They do not perceive it as a misfortune.

For example, a small child tries to constantly assemble a mosaic, but he does not succeed. He falls into despair, is disappointed in himself. But if this does not happen, then over time the baby will learn to play a complex toy. Likewise with karma, one has to challenge oneself and accept it.

Karma is not so hard to work with if you do the right thing. They perceive difficulties with humor, having endurance and patience for passing the tests of fate. Only then do they understand that it is easy to work with them. Positive thoughts can completely change life, bring bright colors into it.

The purpose of karma

All people, without exception, come into this life in order to develop and learn. They live according to a certain scenario that fate has in store for them. During their lives, they learn many important lessons, and for this they adamantly develop their soul.

Karma helps the soul to become more perfect, to rise to a high level of spiritual development. It is because of karma that a person experiences certain situations in life, experiences emotions and emotional experiences, feels and realizes himself in the end as only a part of the vast Universe.

The concept of karmic working off

Working off karma is a mechanism that allows you to understand your own actions and their consequences.
When clearing karma, they determine what exactly was violated:

  • Work;
  • family life;
  • the physical state.

They remember without fail in relation to whom the deception, betrayal, ugly action was committed. It doesn't matter when exactly it happened, maybe many years ago. After that, they proceed to purification.

Meditation clears the consciousness of a person, eliminates negativity. You should sit down as comfortably as possible and turn on relaxing music. Then they close their eyes, focus on the problem or ugly situation and return to the moment when it happened. Mentally imagine how it was necessary to behave in order not to commit an unseemly act.

Meditation does not completely work out karma. After all, it is not enough to correct within oneself, it is right to change something in life. You should treat your work diligently, with loved ones with love and care, respect the elderly, try to understand the little ones, and you should judge yourself to the fullest extent.

In this case, a person will soon be able to see significant changes in fate, troubles will recede a little, karma will gradually be cleared.

Sometimes this method does not bring satisfaction and help. In this case, the genus was the cause of the bad karma. Once upon a time, a family member committed a bad deed. And a person has to work it out. It is valuable for gaining balance and balance.
It is not at all difficult to fix such a situation. You need to ask for forgiveness from your parents, and ask for blessings. It is great if a person takes on an abandoned child for the upbringing, is engaged in charity work. They certainly work out their own karma so that later grandchildren and great-grandchildren do not have to pay for it.

Mantras for cleansing

Mantras are considered sacred texts. They are sometimes compared to prayers or conspiracies. Some magic phrases are used to clear karma:
to bring all areas of life into harmony, use the text

Om Nama Shivaya Ma;

suitable for removing negativity

Om Mane Pad Me Hum;

words are great for clearing the mind

"Oi triybayakam sungathim pushti urvarakamiva bandhana mriytiyor."

Is it possible to change fate?

The soul constantly goes through incarnations, accumulates a huge amount of negativity in every life. A person can commit cruel crimes, offend others, betray them and do much more. However, everything in life has to be returned so that justice reigns in the Universe. Because of unseemly actions, people are born with serious physical disabilities or deviations, go through difficult and difficult lives, and cannot cope with the burden of problems. Obliged to pay bills, pay off debts from real life and previous incarnations that they don't even remember.

That is why people themselves suffer, experience their perfect deeds on themselves and experience the same things that others experienced before. Only in this case a person realizes his mistakes and pay for them. You must begin to develop your spirituality, eliminate negative qualities, stop succumbing to vices, and act for the good of others. Only then will it be possible to clear karma.

It is impossible to commit sins and terrible deeds, and then be sure that happiness and a cloudless life awaits ahead. One is supposed to change internally and develop one's spirituality, improve, learn to love and compassion, only then will life change for the better.

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Quite often recently, you can hear calls to improve your karma. And what is the karma of life? Where did this term come from and how does it affect the life of a modern person? The concept is quite complex and is interpreted by various teachings in different ways, sometimes just the opposite. Without going into the deep essence, let's try to understand in a simplified way what karma is.

What is karma and where does it come from

The concept came to us from the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, from Indian philosophy. Karma in translation from Sanskrit means "action", "work". That is, the totality of accomplished deeds, actions, all our words and thoughts, which form a causal relationship. That is, actions at the level of body, mind and energy.

Any of our actions leaves a certain residue. He, in turn, forms a special scheme that remains with us. This is how a personal program is formed. When the program is more or less formalized and launched, our entire system of actions begins to work in a certain rhythm and direction. That is why the same patterns are repeated in our lives.

They also say that karma is a collection in a certain vessel of everything we have lived through, which gives rise to the corresponding consequences. Hence the conclusion: Man himself bears responsibility for his life.

Here I would like to quote a well-known saying:

"What goes around comes around."

And what kind of harvest you reap, you will sow such seeds ”. The processes are interdependent.

Sometimes by karma they mean a certain Law of conservation of moral energy or the same one that was just recently discussed.

Christianity denies the existence of pure karma. There is one road to all human sins - this is the path of repentance and begging from God. However, prayers are nothing more than withdrawal into oneself, into one's soul, revelation with God. And after confession, repentance and communion, God forgives all sins. So while not fully recognizing karma, the Christian religion nevertheless accepts the existence of a causal relationship.

Karma is not punishment or retribution, but rather the consequences of the activities of any person. Good karma is based on love for the whole world. The state of love is the best prayer!

Karma of life and how it differs from fate

We understood how it works. We are responsible for his work here, in this sector of life. And how does karma correlate with fate? There is no equal sign between fate and karma.

Fate is all that is foretold to us at birth. The mystery of fate has not yet been revealed. Most likely, it is given to a person based on his previous lives. Astrologers say that everyone has a certain place in life, it is written in the Bible and it is very difficult to completely change fate. We find that God gives destiny to everyone in the holy sources:

"Many seek the favor of a ruler, but the ruler (judge) of man is Jehovah (from the Lord)." Prov. 29:26

Or this:

Ps. 35: 7 Thy righteousness is like the mountains of God, and Thy fortunes are a great abyss! You keep people and cattle, Lord!

The destiny of man is partially predetermined by God. And everyone is always left with the right to choose, the right to freedom, to creativity, through which you can change your fate, making it brighter. After all, we remember that there is a part of God in us. We are creators! And you can ruin a good fate clumsily, stupidly, not listening to the calls of God, not following his lessons, neglecting the experience of the past and forming bad karma.

How the law of karma works

The law of karma embodies all the consequences of a person's actions, both positive and negative, and thus makes him responsible for the course of his life. So pain or happiness, joy or suffering is all the work of our own hands and thoughts.

The law of karma is the law of justice. You will not immediately feel it, perhaps bad thoughts and deeds will not bring you reward in the form of problems today. Need time…. Maybe even in your life there will be no bad consequences, they will be a heavy burden on your future lives.

How to find out your karma?

Everyone, if they wish, can find out their karma. To do this, you just need to contact people who own such practices. All yoga students set themselves the goal of comprehending themselves, their karma. But this is a lot of work, not everyone is able to do it according to their abilities and strength.

In some cases, psychics, people with hypnosis, or even psychotherapists who know how to immerse in the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person will help to find out karma.

And you can determine karma in a simpler and more accessible way: to conduct a deep analysis of your actions, days lived, deeds accomplished. Try to establish the causal relationship that underlies karma. For example, a trouble has come to the house, you will analyze the previous time where you did not act according to your conscience, but maybe you lied or wished your loved one bad things. Or maybe they offended someone, humiliated them, laughed evilly, wished their enemy unkind (well, with whom it does not happen) These are all links of the same chain.

Morning meditations, yoga classes, reading prayers, and communication with nature will help you to know yourself (and therefore your karma). Cleansing your consciousness, thoughts, helping those in need and, of course, love within yourself, which can be generated and released into the world.

How to improve your karma?

Change manifested karma, the one that acts at this stage is unlikely to work. All that has happened, all the committed actions of the past cannot be canceled. It is important to realize them, work through and live consciously here and now.

But unmanifest karma, the one that is still waiting for its time in the form of unsolved problems and unworked lessons can be corrected. To form your future karma for yourself and your future rebirths. A conscious approach to everything that has already been accomplished is important here,

A person's life will be full of failures, suffering, pain, problems in life until he understands what he is doing wrong, does not admit his mistakes and does not find a way out.

However, it is important to remember here that we are responsible for past generations. Their karma is passed on to us by kind. And, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it.

How to clear karma

You can often hear the expression "cleanse karma." There are special techniques of simoron - schools of magic, which include a whole rite. If you are interested, you can easily find it on the Internet.

And there are the most basic postulates of life that contribute to the cleansing of karma:

  1. Your body, face, thoughts should be clean.
  2. Clean your home and around it, things and clothes.
  3. It has been known since ancient times that a person grows spiritually during suffering. That is why famous religions call for asceticism (the same fasting, abstinence) other practices that contribute to the purification of the soul.

To clear karma, it is important to live according to your conscience, to work on yourself, every day climbing a step in your development. This is a lot of work. What people often offer to clear karma with prayer, mantra or ritual is not always effective. It is very important to understand, to learn the lessons of karma well, otherwise the Universe (God) will again and again send even greater trials - karmic lessons. The world is much more complicated than you think.


Having done a lot of black deeds, it is impossible to hope that everything will be forgiven and disappear after performing a couple of rituals and reading a prayer.

Only a high level of consciousness, love and compassion for everything that is nearby is the path to creation and finding happiness. And Eastern philosophy also claims that in a state of freedom, a person does not produce karma. It's important to be free.

The question arises why there are kind, honest people who have a difficult life, full of suffering and struggle for every day. Here, rather, his weakness in adjusting his fate or in the impossibility of assimilating karmic lessons. And sometimes there is just a lack of a personal core, people seem to float with the flow of life, without making any efforts. After all, the life core of every person is important and no one canceled it.

? Karma is hereditary information of psychological debts. Here they consider the human gene pool - a set of genes that you inherited.

Only genes that are responsible for the psychological disposition of a person. You are inherited color, eye shape, height, disposition to plumpness, hair color, etc. This has been proven long ago. Some genetic diseases can also be transmitted ...

It turns out that the karmic debts of your ancestors are also passed on, this was proved by American scientists in 1992, for which they received the Nobel Prize.

Karma and how it works

It works roughly like this: A normal young man lives and suddenly, at the age of 30, he starts playing in a casino, losing all the money. Intellectually, he understands that he needs to stop, but in reality he cannot do it. The wife files for divorce, friends turn away, etc. What happened? We look at the life of his ancestors and find that his great-uncle drank himself to death at the age of 30, which means that his ancestor was addicted to the problem of alcoholism and could not cope with this problem. This is the karma that was inherited by the grandson. Consequently, the grandson does not have to drink too much like a grandfather. It was the problem of addiction to an addiction that was transferred to him, and which addiction does not matter (drunkenness, fornication, playing in the casino, taking drugs). The program starts working at a certain age and for solving certain problems. In this example, get rid of the addiction.

Parents act as an intermediate, portable ringing, which carry the gene pool. This means that the solution to problems must be sought in grandfathers, grandmothers, etc.

Karma, how to fix it

? What is Karma, we figured it out. Now consider how to fix it. Scientists have proven , what fix karma can be done in three ways.

1 Method - chemical. Impact on the gene pool with a chemical reagent. Simply put, we burn out the genes that are responsible for karmic debts.

  1. Method is mechanical. The genes are mechanically removed by the ancestral curse from the gene pool. Micro-operations are now possible.

I think you understand these two methods do not suit us.

3. Method - psychological technique. Here you need to use psychology to solve the problems of your ancestors and thereby remove the generic curse and start living your own life. These are the methods I also work with my clients.

Only psychologically solve the problem of your ancestor. Each person is given a feasible task. And it all depends on you, you will cope with the decision or you will also pass it on to your children. If, before the twelfth generation, your clan does not cope with certain karmic tasks, this clan will die out. Or childlessness or accidental death of the heir ...

It turns out that your family did not cope with the task and has no right to further existence.

What is karma and how to fix it, an example

Think about why there are many children in drinking families? And in a cultured and financially secure family, often infertility and no children ???

Considering karmic debt, then children are born in such conditions (the child chooses his parents) for the passage of his karma. Drinking families have so many conditions for solving and correcting karma. Look at the childhood of these children, a child from a young age practically takes care of himself, while his mother is lying drunk. He is also looking for food for himself, a piece of bread in the refrigerator or candy from a compassionate neighbor. Often he studies well himself, because he understands that there is no place to wait for help, and the most interesting thing is that these children love their parents. They love them as they are. And in wealthy families, a child can have everything, but not value anything.

Parents also work with the help of their children karmic debts, if your child does not leave prison, he is rude to you and even raises his hands. It means that you are being taught, and you must solve this problem.

I will write articles, in each article a methodology, what is karma and how to fix it, but due to its busyness, it will not be fast. See the Karma section and apply. If you need individual coaching you can contact me.

Regards, Angelica

Interesting information coming soon!