Rules for registration and calculation of preferential pensions for teachers by length of service. Preferential pension for teachers based on years of service

In 2018, the rules for obtaining a preferential pension for teachers have not changed. The ongoing reform will not affect the length of service at 25 years, but the age at which teachers will be able to issue payments will gradually increase. No additional indexations are planned - the recalculation will be carried out simultaneously with the growth of old-age insurance payments, that is, the pedagogical allowance will increase by 7% at the beginning of 2019.

Educational workers have the right to an earlier exit to a well-deserved rest, subject to certain conditions.

The legislative framework

Retirement of teachers based on length of service and the exercise of rights to compensation for teaching experience are regulated by certain legislative acts.

Table 1. Regulatory documents

Name of the law The essence of the document
Art. 30 FZ-No. 400 dated December 28, 2013 "On insurance pensions" Denotes the right to early assignment of insurance payments
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 dated July 16, 2014 The rules for accounting for legislative acts for periods of work up to 2002 when calculating preferential payments are indicated.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 dated October 29, 2002 The procedure for calculating the periods of work, the list of positions and institutions, the appointment of early old-age payments for teachers are indicated

In addition, since 2015, on the basis of Decree No. 665, when calculating preferential payments, legislative acts must be taken into account, which, in terms of time frame, correspond to the period of work of the teacher.

Lists of positions of educational workers, as well as institutions and organizations are indicated in the following regulatory documents:

  • until 01/01/1992 - Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1397 of 12/17/1959;
  • 01.1992 - 31.10.1991 - Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 463 of 06.09.1991;
  • 11.1999 - 31.12.2001 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1067 of September 22, 1999

It should be borne in mind that the appointment of preferential payments to teachers will inevitably affect the ongoing pension reform, which provides for a phased approach.

To whom is assigned

Features of the teacher's work lead to premature professional burnout. Therefore, for this category, compensation for the teaching experience in the form of a preferential allowance is provided.

This type of payment out of habit is called a superannuation pension, although it is called a preferential payment in the law, but in fact it is an old-age insurance pension, which is issued subject to certain conditions.

Not all persons who are engaged in teaching activities can count on such compensation. The list of positions and institutions is determined by law. Moreover, both the name of the profession and the educational institution must correspond.

Preferential compensation is due:

  • directors and their deputies in the presence of a teacher's rate;
  • subject and elementary school teachers of general education schools and special educational institutions;
  • teachers of art and other creative schools;
  • psychologists and speech therapists, defectologists;
  • social educators;
  • teachers of additional education;
  • teachers of colleges and universities.
  • educators, heads, methodologists of preschool institutions;
  • nursery nurses;
  • labor instructors, hearing room;
  • trainers in adaptive physical culture, trainers-teachers;
  • military leaders and leaders of military training, life safety.

To take into account the teaching experience, it is necessary to fully match the name of the profession in the work book with the name of the positions approved by law.

It should be borne in mind that the list of privileged professions has changed legislatively more than once. Therefore, the identity of the names of institutions and positions is determined in accordance with the law in force during the period of preferential work.

How much to work

The main criterion for receiving compensation based on length of service is the presence of a teaching experience of 25 years, which entitles employees in this area to apply for a benefit, regardless of age.

In addition, since 2000, the norm of working hours has been taken into account, which in 2018 is:

  • 240 hours for general education school teachers;
  • 360 hours for teachers of vocational schools.

This criterion does not apply to primary school teachers and rural school teachers.

The estimated teaching experience includes:

  • direct work by profession;
  • paid annual leave;
  • temporary incapacity for work when applying for a sick leave;
  • maternity leave up to 6 months; before 1992, the full period of child care is taken into account;
  • obtaining a specialized education, subject to the continuation of labor activity in the specialty.

Important! A teacher can apply for a preferential allowance, regardless of age, if they have the required teaching experience and the pension points necessary for accrual of payments.

How is it calculated

The retirement pension for teachers in 2018 is calculated according to the classic formula for calculating old-age pension payments.

SP \u003d IPB * SPK + FV

Table 2. Deciphering the pension formula

The amount of the pension coefficient used in the calculation depends on many factors:

  • insurance experience;
  • the age when the teacher applied for the payment;
  • wages;
  • type of pension.

Reference! In each case, the payment is calculated individually, but cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum in the region and higher than 75% of the average salary of a teacher.

How to apply for a teacher's pension

Since the appointment of preferential compensation requires additional verification of the information provided, it is better to start processing it in advance. You can apply to the regional pension fund six months before the grace period.

By law, a decision after the submission of documents must be made after 10 days. However, in practice, the deadlines are often delayed, since the PF does not always receive timely responses to requests from the former places of work or study of the applicant for payment. Deadlines can be extended up to 3 months.

When applying to the pension fund, you must provide a standard package of documents for assigning an old-age pension, including:

  1. Application for a grant.
  2. Passport or residence permit.
  3. SNILS.
  4. Employment book or other document confirming the insurance experience.
  5. Preferential-clarifying certificates that are issued at the place of work.
  6. Certificate of income from the place of work for any 60 months.

You can contact the PF branch at the place of registration:

  • in person with original documents;
  • through the website of the State Service;
  • using the services of a trustee, subject to the presence of a notarized power of attorney.

Changes in the pedagogical pension in 2018

Teachers, no less than other future pensioners, are concerned about how the conditions for entering a well-deserved rest and the amount of payments will change in connection with the ongoing pension reform.

The changes in 2018 did not affect the preferential retirement pension for teachers, but in the future, the increase in the retirement age will also affect the timing of the processing of preferential payments.

The amount of seniority payments for teachers in 2018

Concessionary payments are adjusted by increasing the value of pension points and the size of the fixed payment.

In 2018, the pension for teachers is calculated according to the following formula:

SP \u003d IPB * 81.49 + 4 989.9

The minimum pension points for benefits is 13.8, so this year the minimum pension is

13.8 * 81.49 + 4,989.9 \u003d 6107.46 rubles.

Since the minimum living wage for pensioners in some regions is an order of magnitude higher, for example, in Kamchatka it is 15,345 rubles, a pensioner has the right to receive a social supplement.

Increasing teachers' pensions in 2018

Payments to non-working pensioners receiving a superannuation pension were indexed at the beginning of 2018, namely, increased by 3.7%. There are no plans to recalculate payments for this category of pensioners this year.

As part of the pension reform, it is planned for the beginning of 2019. Pensions will be increased by 7%, that is, the growth will depend on the actual amount of benefits. On average, an increase of 1,000 rubles is planned.

The same teachers who continue to work are deprived of the right to index compensation. Their preferential by increasing retirement points. No significant changes are planned in the calculation of benefits for working pensioners for 2019.

The deadlines for entering the preferential pension for teachers from 2019

In connection with the change in the retirement age for non-privileged categories of citizens, the terms when teachers acquire the right to issue seniority payments will also increase.

The amount of preferential teaching experience itself remains unchanged - 25 years. But you can use the discount later.

So, teachers who have worked in the educational field for 25 years can immediately apply for a pension in 2018. In the future, these periods will gradually increase.

Table 3. Deadlines for assigning preferential compensation

Year of entitlement Postponement, years Year of the pension
2019 1 2020
2020 2 2022
2021 3 2024
2022 4 2026
2023 5 2028
2024 6 2030
2025 7 2032
2026 8 2034

It turns out that teachers who acquire their legal right to preferential compensation in 2026 will be able to start receiving it only after 8 years, that is, in 2034. In fact, the retirement age of teachers will increase, despite maintaining 25 years of service years.

Education: Higher economics, specialization - management in the industrial sector (Kramatorsk Institute of Economics and Humanities).
August 20, 2018 .

According to the Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", teaching experience (at least twenty-five years) gives the right to receive a preferential pension. The procedure for calculating such length of service is carried out in accordance with the Rules for calculating periods of work, which give the right to assign a pension ahead of schedule, which are approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Pedagogical activity includes work in certain positions in those institutions, the list of which is approved at the legislative level. The exception is the period of work in senior positions in institutions that are classified as educational.

Hello. Please tell me if it will teaching experience time to care for a child under 1 year old?

Lawyer's response:

Romashkina Irina Sergeevna(07/09/2014 at 15:11:52)


Yes, it will.


Article 11

Part 1. The length of service, along with the periods of work and (or) other activities, which are provided for in Article 10 of this Federal Law, shall include:

Clause 3) the period of care of one of the parents for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but not more than four and a half years in total;


I work as an educator in a preschool. From 2008 to 2012 - Experience obtained in the Republic of Kazakhstan (I was a citizen of R, K). From 2012 to 2014, the experience of a teacher at Dow is already in Russia (citizen of the Russian Federation). Does it count teaching experience since 2008 or is the work experience in another republic not counted? Thanks

Lawyer's response:

Vasily M (07/03/2014 at 10:39:02)

Hello, …

The regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation provide for many types of experience, on the availability of which a citizen depends on the provision of certain measures of social support, benefits, guarantees and compensations. All working citizens, without exception, have some types of experience (for example, experience that gives the right to leave), and there are very specific types of experience (for example, experience of continuous work with chemical weapons).

Each type of experience is taken into account for specific purposes and is calculated according to its own rules.

Specifically, on your question, I can say that according to Art. 4 of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of labor migration and social protection of migrant workers (Moscow, April 15, 1994) it is established that -

“... Each of the Parties recognizes (without legalization) diplomas, certificates of education, relevant documents on conferring titles, ranks, qualifications and other documents necessary for the implementation of labor activities and their translation into the official language of the Party of employment certified in accordance with the procedure established in the territory of the Party of departure or Russian language.

The length of service, including length of service on preferential terms and in the specialty, is mutually recognized by the Parties.

Upon the final departure of a migrant worker from the Party of employment, the employer (employer) issues him a certificate or other document containing information on the duration of work and monthly wages ... "

Based on the foregoing, your employment teaching experience educator in the Republic of Kazakhstan is counted ...

Good luck, I hope I could help you...

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Hello. I work as an elementary school teacher in a local school. This year they are recruiting 1st grade, and it turned out that my hourly load will be 17 hours and, since there is no rate, this year is not credited to teaching experience. Keeping a circle (1 hour) does not count. Is it true? Thank you.

Lawyer's response:

Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/24/2014 at 18:28:18)

Article 27
1. An old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law, to the following persons:

19) persons who have been carrying out pedagogical activities in institutions for children for at least 25 years, regardless of their age;

However, you need to take a certificate at work that you were engaged in pedagogical activities during the whole working day.

In the event of a dispute with the FIU, this certificate will be evidence when the case is considered in court.

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Good afternoon! Is military service included in the preferential teaching experience? Record in the work book: 06/24/1985 - 05/14/1987 Service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

Lawyer's response:

Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/24/2014 at 12:28:03)

The appeal ruling of the IC in civil cases of the Moscow Regional Court of March 14, 2013 in case N 33-5893 / 2013 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 781 of October 29, 2002 approved the List of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service giving the right for the early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out pedagogical activities in institutions for children, as well as the Rules for calculating periods of work that give the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out pedagogical activities in institutions for children, which do not provide for the possibility of offsetting in special experience of pedagogical workers during periods of military service on conscription, including on a preferential basis.
According to the first paragraph of paragraph 3 of Article 10 of the Federal Law "On the Status of Military Personnel", the time spent by citizens in military service under the contract is counted in their total length of service, is included in the length of service of the civil servant and in the length of service in the specialty at the rate of one day of military service for one day of work, and the time spent by citizens in military service by conscription (including officers called up for military service in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation) - one day of military service for two days of work.
From the analysis of the above rule of law, it follows that in a preferential manner, as one day of military service for two days of work, the time spent by citizens in military service on conscription is counted when calculating the total length of service, the length of service of the civil service of a civil servant, and not a special one. teaching experience when establishing an early labor pension for old age.

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Hello. I am moving to another location. I am offered employment at the Youth Center and part-time at a school to travel with children. My experience is 23 years, there are 2-3 years left to serve. This work will be included in preferential teaching experience or not? Thanks in advance.

Lawyer's response:

Belyakov Anatoly Anatolievich(06/19/2014 at 13:38:11)

In order to answer your question, it is necessary to clarify whether work at the Youth Center is a pedagogical activity, for which you should contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

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Teaching is not just a profession, but also a vocation. Constant work with different children, endless documentation and reporting, irregular working hours - all this affects the emotional and psychological state of the teacher. To reduce the risks of emotional burnout, benefits have been developed for the teaching staff in the form of extended leave, additional annual leave, and early retirement. In 2018, the President of the country signed Law on raising the retirement age in Russia No. 350-FZ, the amendments of which also affected the workers of education and science.

List of teaching staff positions for preferential pension

Employees of all educational institutions officially employed in accordance with sectoral legislation have the right and opportunity to retire early. List of positions of teachers eligible for benefits, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of 2002:

  • heads of educational institutions, regardless of the form of education and the implementation of educational activities;
  • deputies for the educational process;
  • heads of education;
  • teachers of secondary special educational institutions;
  • methodologists of secondary schools;
  • vocational school teachers who train students in the workplace;
  • teachers of subject disciplines;
  • primary school teachers;
  • educators and junior educators in kindergartens;
  • educational psychologists in all institutions;
  • speech therapists;
  • social educators;
  • trainers and athletes;
  • music school teachers;
  • other specialists registered and officially working in the field of additional education.

IMPORTANT! We are talking about teachers employed in the system of children's education, i.e. in schools and other institutions for children. If the PO provided services to mixed age groups, then the number of children under 18 should be at least 50%.

The list of institutions taken into account when calculating the preferential pension for teachers by length of service:

  • primary and secondary schools;
  • gymnasiums and lyceums of a narrow orientation;
  • OS for children left without guardianship;
  • OS for children with special needs;
  • orphanages;
  • kindergartens and nurseries;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • specialized institutions (musical, artistic, etc.);
  • military gymnasiums;
  • institutions of additional education.

The list can be supplemented by other organizations that have received a license to work in the education system.

Conditions for granting a pension

The preferential pension for teachers based on the length of service is legally enshrined in the following legal acts:

  • Federal Law N 400 of December 28, 2013 "On insurance pensions".
  • PPRF N 665 of 07/16/2014 "On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which the old-age insurance pension is assigned ahead of schedule, and the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early retirement provision".

Based on the provisions of the listed documents, teachers acquire the right to a pension after 25 years of official work experience. The age of the person does not matter. A teacher who has been working since the age of 20 and a teacher who has started working at 35 have equal rights to a special pension.

IMPORTANT! The length of service must be officially registered and confirmed, otherwise the Pension Fund will refuse to provide benefits.

Until 2000, the amount of work performed was not taken into account, but after September 1, 2000, early retirement pension is assigned subject to working a certain number of hours.

At the same time, social educators, psychologists, music workers, speech pathologists, and speech therapists will receive preference in terms of length of service only if they work out a working norm during the entire length of service. It does not matter here when this work was performed: before 09/01/2000 or after.

In order for the preferential teaching experience to be counted, the teacher needs to adhere to a certain schedule for developing the norm of working time (per week) in the amount of one full rate:

  • 18 hours - teachers in schools, additional teachers. education, teachers in schools of arts and sports schools, teachers of foreign languages ​​in preschool educational institutions;
  • 20 - speech therapists, defectologists;
  • 24 - music workers;
  • 25 - teaching staff working with disabled children;
  • 30 - senior educators in the preschool educational institution;
  • 36 - involved university professors, psychologists, physical education and labor teachers, senior counselors, methodologists;
  • 360 hours a year - teachers of secondary schools.

Since October 2018, amendments have been made to the pension legislation of the Russian Federation. The addition also affected educators: the requirements for preferential service remained the same, but the deadline for processing payments will be delayed by 5 years relative to the year in which this service was completed. This will not be a one-time increase: the terms will change in separate stages every year.

Rules for calculating the teaching experience for a preferential pension

The twenty-five-year work experience of teachers includes periods:

  • directly work, for the entire time of which insurance premiums were paid;
  • temporary disability due to sick leave or pregnancy and childbirth;
  • paid holidays;
  • time of study in pedagogical universities and secondary schools, in the event that before and after study a person worked as a teacher (this paragraph was introduced into the law in 2018).

IMPORTANT! With regard to periods of work before the adoption of the new law, the norms of the legislation in force at the time of employment are applied to take into account preferential conditions.

Calculation of the amount of the pension

The amount of the monthly payment is calculated according to the formula: individual coefficient × cost of 1 point + fixed amount.

The cost of a pension point is 81.49 rubles. and indexed annually. The fixed part is 4,982.9 rubles. IC is a parameter that is evaluated every year of work. It depends on the period of activity: the longer a person works, the more he deducts to the FIU. After entering a well-deserved rest, the coefficient increases.

IMPORTANT! As soon as pension payments begin to be made, the beneficiary is obliged to finish teaching in state organizations. There are no restrictions on private lessons.

List of required documents

Documents for applying for a special pension for teachers:

  • the passport;
  • salary certificate;
  • employment history;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificate from the place of work;
  • SNILS;
  • for persons liable for military service - a military ID.

6 months before the date of the expected retirement, you should apply to the Pension Fund with an application for calculating the teaching experience. During this time, the necessary package of documents is collected, the employees of the fund check the length of service. If human rights in this area are violated, you can contact the prosecutor's office to clarify the circumstances.

IMPORTANT! The teacher has the full right to refuse early retirement. In this case, he is awarded increased points and the fixed part is increased.

Thinking about his pension, the teacher should first of all focus on his emotional state and the ability to carry out the process of transferring knowledge in a quality manner. If he understands that work brings only negative emotions, then he should take advantage of the right to early retirement.

Preferential experience of teaching staff gives the right to early retirement to those employees of the education system who work with children. The legislation in this area has changed several times over the past years, which leads to numerous cases of confusion in the calculation of seniority, some of which can only be resolved through legal proceedings.

What is a teacher's retirement pension?

Like other employees working in special working conditions, teachers are entitled to a number of state benefits. One of these benefits is teacher's retirement pension. This pension scheme is a state-guaranteed opportunity for a teacher to take a well-deserved rest earlier than is provided for by general pension legislation.

In order to be able to retire earlier than the majority of working Russians, teachers should accumulate a special length of service (length of service), which cannot be less than 25 years. It is after this period that the teacher can submit documents to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the assignment of a seniority pension to him.

Important! The concept of "special teaching experience" should be separated from the concept of "general teaching experience of an employee". These two types of seniority are calculated differently, and the procedure for calculating special seniority is used for appointment.

Features of the calculation of special pedagogical experience

The pension scheme for calculating the length of service, which is valid for employees from among the teaching staff, is quite simple, however, practice shows that when teachers apply for a benefit, difficulties often arise related to the calculation of special length of service.

The procedure for calculating the length of service for obtaining pedagogical retirement pension is regulated by a number of regulatory legal acts (NLA), which were in force in various recent periods:

  • until 01/01/1992 - Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 No. 1397;
  • from 01/01/1992 to 10/31/1999 - Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 463;
  • from 11/01/1999 to 12/31/2001 - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1067;
  • from December 31, 2001 to the present moment - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781.

It is legislated that the procedure for calculating the length of service is regulated by the NPA that was in force during the period of receiving the length of service. Therefore, when applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the best advice would be to study all the documents that were in force during the period of pedagogical activity, as well as the rulings of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, explaining the difficult points of the legislation.

In general, the teaching experience includes periods:

  • pedagogical activity in positions and institutions listed in the relevant NLA;
  • paid annual leave;
  • temporary disability (including maternity leave).

However, the NPAs used do not agree with each other in everything. For example, Decree No. 1397 was allowed to include in the length of service the time of service in the ranks of the armed forces, as well as training in educational institutions and further training off-duty. These periods were included in the special length of service, provided that the citizen, after training or serving in the army, immediately began professional activities.

Leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old is included in the special experience of a teacher only if it is granted before 10/06/1992. And there are many such nuances in determining the special teaching experience that gives the right to early retirement.

When will the court help?

There are situations that only a court can resolve. Their solution is not described in the current regulatory documents, and the Pension Fund employees are not inclined to interpret these situations in favor of the citizen.

Frequent issues that are resolved in court are the identity of the positions indicated in the work book of a citizen applying for a preferential pension with the names in the NPA. The basis for a formal refusal to assign a pension may also be a discrepancy between the name of the institution in which the teacher worked and the name indicated in the list of institutions.

Most likely, you will have to fight even if the work of the teacher took place in institutions with joint education of children and adult citizens (over 18 years old), since the preferential length of service is calculated only when teaching in children's educational institutions. The inclusion of these periods of work in the teaching experience is possible if the list of students consisted of at least 50% of persons under 18 years of age.

All other features of the calculation of the experience of teaching staff are scrupulously described in the regulatory documents regulating the calculation of special pedagogical experience.

  • directly the period of labor activity (subject to the fulfillment of standard hours);
  • periods of temporary disability of an employee related to his state of health, pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a sick child or relative;
  • periods spent on annual planned leave;
  • the time during which the mother (father, grandmother, other close relative) is on parental leave;
  • from the current year, the period during which the employee received a specialized education or improved his/her qualifications is also included in the teaching experience.

Pedagogical experience and its features

The requirement for teaching hours does not apply to employees teaching in elementary school classes and in rural schools.

  • Period of sick leave.
  • Time spent by a woman on parental leave (up to 1.5 years) and the period of annual emergency leave.
  • From 2017, when calculating special length of service, the period of obtaining specialized education and advanced training will be taken into account. To do this, the applicant must work in the pedagogical field before and after training.
  • All periods are counted in calendar order. If the teacher began his activity before September 01, 2000, then this period will be considered as a grace period.
    The main condition is the availability of relevant entries in the work book. The procedure for calculating an early pension When calculating the amount of a preferential pension in 2018, information is taken from the provided certificate of income.

What is included in the teaching experience and how is it calculated

RF (enlightenment, higher education and scientific institutions); in elected positions in trade union bodies; in instructor and methodological positions in pedagogical societies and boards of the children's fund; in the position of director (manager) of the teacher's house (employee of public education, vocational education); commissions for minors and the protection of their rights or in departments of social and legal protection of minors, in units for the prevention of offenses (inspectorates for minors, children's rooms of the police) of the internal affairs bodies; - time of study (full-time) in postgraduate studies, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education with state accreditation.

  • For the categories of pedagogical workers indicated below, in addition to the periods provided for in paragraph

What is included in teaching experience? teaching experience


Pedstazh (teaching experience) is necessary for everyone who is associated with this work activity. Firstly, pedagogical workers, whether they are educators or teachers in schools and higher educational institutions, will receive certain pension payments for the years worked. The longer the experience and the higher the qualification, the more worthy the pension.


Secondly, pedstaj plays an important role in determining wages. As a rule, the years worked show the experience and qualifications of the teacher, so there will be a greater demand for his services with a high salary. In this article we will talk about what is included in the teaching experience.

The essence of the term Pedstazh is the calculation of years worked in the field of education. The teaching experience is the sum of all working days. At the same time, this length of service includes work in institutions related to the educational process.

How to calculate teaching experience?

Therefore, the law does not exclude the possibility of calculating the length of service, starting from school age. Now there is no such law that the experience of pedagogical work includes training in higher educational institutions. However, persons who studied during the Soviet era have the right to demand that the years of study be included in the total length of service.


The definition of teaching experience directly depends on the changes and amendments made to the legislation. For this reason, persons who do not agree with the calculation of pensions during registration can go to court. To do this, it is important to submit a work book, a certificate from the place of study, a diploma.

This point is spelled out in detail in the decision of the Constitutional Court. But in this case there are exceptions. The teacher has the right to receive a pension ahead of schedule, so the length of service will be calculated according to the length of service.

Personnel page

But for other categories of workers, a different procedure applies. The periods of work performed by them before September 1, 2000 are counted in the teaching experience, regardless of the conditions for fulfilling the norms of working time during these periods, and starting from September 1, 2002, the periods of activity are counted in the experience of pedagogical work, subject to fulfillment (in total for the main and other places of work) by the employee of the norm of working hours established for the wage rate. In June 2004, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation considered the complaints of 38 citizens and the requests of 6 courts, and issued a decision that now allows extending the right to early provision of an old-age labor pension to persons engaged in pedagogical activities in institutions for children that are not state or municipal.

Preferential pension for teachers based on years of service

  • educational centers for gifted children;
  • orphanages of various legal status, including family ones;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • correctional and special educational institutions of all types, including closed ones;
  • kindergartens, nurseries, nursery-gardens;
  • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, including schools, technical schools;
  • schools in special areas, such as music or art;
  • diagnostic centers, for example, a correction center;
  • rehabilitation centers for recovering children after injuries and illnesses;
  • educational institutions teaching children under additional programs.

Labor activity in certain specialties is counted in the privileged experience of the teacher in the event that the load on pedagogical hours was fulfilled during the hours worked.

The procedure for determining the experience of pedagogical work

An important point here should be considered the procedure for calculating the periods of labor activity, which can be attributed to the experience of pedagogical work in order to establish the category of wages. According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. AF-97 of October 26, 2004, the main document for determining the length of service in pedagogical work is a work book. The experience of pedagogical work, not confirmed by entries in the work book, can be established on the basis of properly executed certificates signed by the heads of the relevant institutions, sealed and issued on the basis of documents confirming the length of service in the specialty (orders, service and pay lists, personnel records , time books, archival inventories, etc.).

Rules for registration and calculation of a preferential pension for teachers by length of service

In this case, a slightly different procedure for calculating the length of service of pedagogical activity applies. This procedure is determined by the federal law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (Article 28) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 No. 781, which provides a List of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which a labor pension is assigned ahead of schedule by old age. It should be noted that according to the rules for calculating periods of work that give the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who have been engaged in pedagogical activities, there are no restrictions in calculating the teaching experience for primary school teachers of general education institutions and teachers of general education institutions located in rural areas, with the exception of evening (shift) and open (shift) general education schools.

How to count pedstage

Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2003 No. 57 “On establishing the identity of the name of the institution “Experimental Children's School of Arts” with the name of the institution “Children's School of Arts”, including by type (types) of arts”; Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002 No. 67 “On establishing the identity of the names of special (correctional) educational institutions for students with developmental disabilities with the names of the institutions “Special (correctional) general education boarding school” and “Special (correctional) general education school” ”; Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002 No. 68 “On establishing the identity of the title of the position “teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety” with the title of the position “military leader””.