Design work on the experimental experimental activities "Miracle Garden". Design - Experimental activities in the senior group on the topic: Milk

Municipal state preschool educational institution

children's garden №1 "Tale", R.P. Kochnevo, Kochenevsky district

"Experiment together: Wizard Wizard"

For a child, it is natural and therefore it is much easier to comprehend new, conducting our own studies - watching the experiments, making their own judgments and conclusions on their basis than to receive some knowledge gained in the finished form.

A.I. Savenko

Project Type: Cognitive - research

Project type: Short-term, group

Children's age: 5-6 years old

Project participants: Educators, specialists, pupils and parents

Project Manager:senior Educator N.N. Osipova

Hypothesis :

If people learn to conduct observations and experiments, they will acquire the ability to set questions themselves and receive answers to them, turning to them on a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not passed such a school.

Relevance. One of the important tasks of modern pre-school education is the development of the identity of a child, his cognitive and creative abilities, which constitute the basis of the active knowledge of the surrounding world. The child from birth shows curiosity, research behavior, which manifests itself in the desire to experiment, independently look for new information about the world. The project describes the experience with senior preschoolers using children's experimentation with water.

The main advantage of research activities is that it gives the child the opportunity to synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communicative skills, gives real ideas about the various sides of the object being studied, about its relationships with other environmental objects, the cognitive activity of children is developing.

So, water ... it is everywhere, fast, rapid, transparent and magic. She needs everything. We are starting to pay attention to the child from early childhood.

Water is a wizard that can make many miracles.

But learn to independently, study its properties, to learn what I had never thought about or did not recognize, the child is not at least.

Adults are accustomed to passing knowledge to the child mainly through the eyes and ears. But if they passed through hands, through activities, we could give every child a joyful surprise.

The leading role in the implementation of the Environmental Project is given to experimentation, the significance of which is great for the mental development of children.

Objective of the project:

The formation of ideas about the properties of water through pilot activity, the development of children's interest in knowledge and personal desire to the practical study of the most important component of the water habitat.

Before the teacher was set target: develop a comprehensive-thematic plan "Experienced research activities », calculated for two months.

To achieve his goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Explore the literature and experience of other educational institutions under the problem under study
  • To summarize and systematize the experience of pedagogical activities on the experimental research activities of preschoolers
  • Systematize a scientific and methodological base (didactic materials, benefits, abstracts of classes)
  • Conduct pedagogical diagnosis (pedagogical observation) on the basis of a list of knowledge and skills that children must have after exploration of research activities
  • Develop a plan for children's experimentation activities
  • Create conditions in the group for the development of cognitive activity.

The tasks that were put before the teacher and children:

  • To form ideas about water, its states.
  • Develop skills and qualities characteristic of the researcher, and the ability to use the surveyed skills in self.
  • Develop imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of the partner, and also defend your opinion, to prove your right point.
  • Develop interest and love of the nature of the native land, ideas about the environmental issues of the native land (village)
  • Master the skills of environmentally friendly behavior on water bodies, economical water use

Basic principles of implementation:

  • Creating an object and development environment
  • "Entry into the game" - real accommodation, playing all sorts of situations along with the heroes of games
  • Partnership of the child and adult in experimental activities

When planning Water experiments should be considered principles(didactic) scientific, availability, communication and skills with life, sequences, psychological comfort.

Expected results:

  • Children have initial ideas about water as the source of living organisms.
  • Children will acquire environmentally valuable behavior and activity experience.
  • Children will have research skills corresponding to age (will ask questions of a natural character, to establish causal relationships, the need to obtain knowledge will appear experimentally, to record observations).
  • The educational competence of parents in the environmental education of preschoolers will increase.

All work on solving the tasks set was divided into stages and is designed for two month.

The work algorithm over the research project consists of three stages.


The intriguing principle, determining the problem that meets the needs of children, the formulation of children in certain conditions. Statement of the project, its motivation, planning activities by children with the participation of an adult as a partner.

On the eve of the selection of the topic, the tutor is included in the conversation with children about what they know about the topic offered. In a conversation, adults can hear the messages of their pupils that the world of their thoughts of hobbies, catch what could be interesting and important for cognitive development of children. A conversation takes particularly successfully using problem situations that bring to put forward and check the many ideas and suggestions. For example, the educator sets the question: "What can go on a journey through water (paper, cardboard, foam, wood, metal, plastic, etc.)?" As a result of the discussion, together with children, the goals and objectives of research activities are formulated, the action plan is developed: a scheme of the after-predominance of the work stages.

SECOND Project Stage - RESEARCH: Search for answers to questions questions. The second stage consists of children's independent research activities in order to stimulate cognitive interests through the replenishment environment.

The experimental part of the project begins with the instruction of children, consolidating rules for working with one or another material, pronouncing the techniques of a secure organization Tru-yes. While working in the laboratory, it is advisable to wear white bathrobes and attach the identification icons on the chest. When working with new materials and equipment, the educator demon-tries practical techniques of experience performs differentiation assistance. Next, children independently and together with the teacher different hypothesis produced. "Cleaning dirty water" - advance hypothesis, experience."Sun - not sinking?" - reasoning, experiments. The children then offer possible options for finding a solution and collecting material (you can ask in adults, look in the book, find information at home in the computer, to spend experience). The following step is to solve the problem through experimentation. Children spend experiences in the laboratory "Want to know everything!". In the process of this activity, the results obtained are summarized. The laboratory has placed a selection of encyclopedic literature, as well as DVDs, collections created by children and parents, and the results of project activities. Work in the research center was built on methodological and didactic materials: this is a card file of problem situations, work algorithms with equipment, models of experiments and experiments.

In the creation with children identified the main rules for organizing research activities.

  • The problem is detected and put by children on their own ("What did I find out about the water?", "What will happen if ...?", Etc.).
  • The hypothesis, as well as the methods of its inspection, children formulate and choose themselves (the use of TRIZ methods and techniques: brainstorming, solving problem situations).
  • Experimentation is organized as active activities of children (in the center of water and sand, mini laboratory, on a walk, houses with parents).
  • The results of the experimentation are fixed in the diagrams, patterns of models and be sure to independently.

In the future, acquiring experimentation skills, children get the opportunity to independently choose from the proposal equipment what is useful in the experiment.

Methods of motivation of children to activities.

  • Creating a gaming problem situation.
  • Surprise moments.
  • Problem issues.
  • Appeal to the experience of children.
  • The use of electronic presentations created by the teacher independently

THE THIRD Stage, final - Obtaining results, analysis, form-muling conclusions. At this stage, it is important to discuss the results with children to find out the causes of success and possible failures and, most importantly, formulate a general conclusion on the experiment. For example, as a result, with the activities carried out together with the children "Can water change the form?" Two hypotheses were refuted: "Water cannot change the form" and "We cannot change the shape of the water, because it is not an object." The following gi-plows expressed by children expressed by children: "You can change the color of water, water can move objects, can be cold and warm." The children understood for themselves that without water would not be life on earth, water is life.

During the conversation, the children could take out a sequence of actions, reflect them in speech when answering questions like: "What did we do? What did we get? Why?"

The results of pedagogical observation (monitoring) cognitive development of children in the senior group confirmed the success of the work carried out:

1. They respond to a variety of questions, know how to reason, argue their actions, to make conclusions;

2. The solutions of problem tasks use a variety of research techniques;

3. The ability to purposefully implement intellectual and practical activities.

Implemented activities in the framework of the research project




pedagogue in different kinds



with peers

Work with parents


Conversations about water, its role in human life, animals and plants.

Reading artistic and cognitive literature: M. Privina "Fold bubbles", "Living rain" and t d. Guessing riddles learning poems. Listening to the sounds of nature.

Consider illustrations, albums. Discussion.

Questioning "Experimental

together with the child. "


Drawing "The inhabitants of the seas and oceans", "where water lives."

Drawing "Aquarium", "Droplet".

Registration of the ecological newspaper

"The objects of inanimate nature" and "card files of the experiments."

D / Games "Good - bad?", "Does not sink" sink "," who needs water "" Cutting pictures "and so on.

Scene - role-playing games: "Rescuers", "Divers", "Steamer".

Cognitive - research


"Water Assistant", "Water Liquid", "There is a form, smell, color."

Game fun with water.


together with the child at home


"Game - Massage", "Respiratory gymnastics with handkerchiefs",


The game "The sea is worried"

Joint Games

Work with parents

The solution of environmental education problems is impossible without direct participation of the family. Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation"Finally approved the leading role of parents in raising a child.

Family connected to children's project activities, a real business cooperation with parents arose. Together they helped collect the necessary information, the albums, messages, posters, organize photo shoots.

Project activities give them new topics for conversations and joint activities.

In our group there are a card file of experiments on different topics that are offered to parents for conducting experiences at home.

There are such experiments that cannot be technically accomplished in the group (for example, it is impossible to see the condensation of the steam when water boiling). In this case, the family was offered cards with a description of the experience for home experimentation. With the results, children were glad to share in the group, and the parents certainly appear confidence in their children -active creators who can achieve the goal.

Developing subject-spatial environment

The result of the project:

My pupils with my pupils took an active part in the All-Russian competition "Drawuriki" in the nomination "Research work in kindergarten"and became the winners of this contest (3 beds).

The work carried out to create conditions for organizing classes in problem regime with children preparatory to school group.

So, encouraging children's curiosity, quenching the thirst for the knowledge of small "integrity" and directing their active motor activities, we contribute to the development of children's abilities in the experimentation process.

Svetlana Kazakova
Project on the experimental research activities "Scientific fun"

Research project in Dou

View project - Research and Creative

Participants - educators, children, parents

Duration - annual


In modern society, a creative person who is capable of active knowledge of the surrounding, manifestation of independence, research activity is in demand. Therefore, in preschool age, it is necessary to lay first-axis personality, manifesting an active research - creative attitude towards peace. Scientists who studied experimental activities(N. N. Podkakov, A. I. Savenkov, A. E. Chistyakova, O. V. Afanskieva) celebrate the main feature of cognitive activities: "The child will know the object during the practical activities With him ... And the mastery of practical interaction with the environment ensures the world's world currency. " That's the active introduction of children's experimentation In practice work with preschoolers.


In real validity in pre-school educational institutions, this method (experimentation) It is unreasonably rarely applied. Despite many positive sides, he has not yet received widespread.


The development of the cognitive interest of children in the process is experienced - experimental activities.


Maintain the interest of preschoolers to the environment, satisfy children's curiosity.

Develop cognitive abilities in children (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, generalization);

Develop thinking, speech - judgment in the process of informative - research activities: in the nomination of assumptions, the selection of the methods of verification, the achievement of the result, their interpretation and application in activities.

Continue to educate the desire to maintain and protect the natural world, seeing its beauty, follow the available environmental rules in activities and behavior.

To form experience in the implementation of safety regulations when conducting experiments and experiments.

Stages of implementation project:

Stage 1 - organizational and diagnostic;

2 stage - forming;

3 Stage - Final.

Expected Result:

1. Shows a steady cognitive interest in experimentation;

2. Moves hypotheses, assumptions, ways to solve them, widely using argumentation and evidence;

3. independently plans the upcoming activity; consciously chooses objects and materials for self activities in accordance with their qualities, properties and appointment;

4. Clears the initiative and creativity in solving the tasks;

5. In the dialogue with adults explains activities, makes conclusions.

Practical significance:

This work experience can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions, educators of additional education.

1Etap- organizational - diagnostic

Work forms:

1. Analysis scientific and methodical literature.

2. Development of a promising plan for working with children, parents.

3. A selection of experiments with a description of the conduct.

4. Organization of the objective environment.

Definition of relevance, problems, goals.

Creating conditions for children experimentation:

Selection of equipment for experiments.

Acquisition of set "Water experiments".

2 stages forming

Work forms:

Implementation of a promising plan for working with children and parents.

1. Organization of the objective environment (mini-laboratory "Accidental" With necessary equipment for experiments).

2. Work with children:

educational situations, experiments, experiments, experimenting for a walk, individual work with children, independent experimental activities, Didactic games, rolling games, work in nature and in the corner of nature, reading fiction, conversations, viewing presentations, cartoons.

3. Work with parents:

Iquisition, Parental Assembly, Consultation, Information Booklets, Conversations, Home Tasks, Master - Class, Presentation projects.

3 stage - final

1. Presentation - report

2. Photo album experienced

Work forms:

1. Comparative analysis of results

2. Perspective

Observation, conversations, diagnostic situations with children.

Promising work plan with children:

Subject: Water

1. What color water " (focus mixing colored water, rainbow, what color is missing);

2. "Does water have taste and smell" (What will happen if cold or warm water is better dissolved substances);

3. "What will happen to water in the frost"(Color ice floes);

4. "Sun is not sinking";

5. "What dissolves in water" (soap mushroom);

6. "How to clean water";

7. "What is the salt water differs from fresh";

8. "Transparent water can be muddy";

9. "Lotus Flowers";

10. "Pour, pour, observe, compare";

11. "Hourglass";

12. "Weight sand";

13. ;

14. "Sandpaper"; "Patterns on a tray"; "Draw glue";

15. "Wonderful pictures"; "Pictures of sand"; "Games sand: plastic bottles";

Subject: Air

1. "What is air" (Dry water, air vortices);

2. "Air and smell";

3. "Air tricks"(lifting water who keeps a postcard why water is not poured);

4. "Air has weight";

5. "The stronger the wind, the more waves";

6. "The wind moves ships";

7. "Waves";

Subject: Sand

1. "Explore sand" (experiments in sandbox, hourglass, weighing sand);

2. "On the wet of sand ...."

3. "Hourglass";

4. "Weight sand";

5. "On wet sand remains traces, prints";

6. "Sandpaper";

7. "Patterns on a tray";

8. "Draw glue";

9. "Wonderful pictures";

10. "Pictures of sand";

11. "Games sand : plastic bottles";

Perspective work plan with parents

Conversation at home with children: "Who are the scientists?"; "What experiment» .

Please purchase a set for water experiments.

Make a water filter with children from a variety of materials and prepare a story about its manufacture and action.

Conversation: "How to organize games with water".

purpose: Give knowledge of how to organize an objective environment for water games.

Offer parents to purchase for experiments: straws, pipettes, gauze, vessels of different shapes, liner.

Consultation: "Game or experimentation» .

purpose: Tell parents about the role experimentation For the development of preschoolers.

Attract parents to replenish the center experimentation New cognitive literature.

Consultation for parents

"Organization of childish experimentation at home»

Consultation for parents

"How experiment Together with the child at home

Consultation for parents

"Home Laboratory"

Consultation for parents

"Organization of children's cognitive activities in summer»

Consultation for parents

"Entertaining experiments and experiments for preschool children»

Consultation for parents

"We teach children to watch"

Consultation for parents

"Role experiments In the mental education of children "

Consultation for parents

"Games with sand"

Consultation for parents

"The role of the family in the development of the search and research activity of the child"

Consultation for parents "What can not and what to do to maintain the interest of children to the cognitive experimentation».

Attract parents to replenish the collection "Different fabrics"

"Paper Country"

How to organize a mini-laboratory at home?

Parent-teacher meeting: Show presentation "Young experimentors» .

Homework for winter holiday: To carry out experience in the cultivation of salt crystals; Write a secret letter invisible ink (with fixation of the results).


Introduce to work dow project according to experimental activities with children of middle preschool age;

Choose optimal methods and techniques to activate speech activity (according to the recommendations of the teacher - speech therapist);

Improve professionalism through the use of innovative learning technologies;

Replenish the objective environment;

Systematize didactic material for diagnostic situations.


1. Childhood: Approximate main educational program of pre-school education / t. I. Babayeva, A. Gogoberman, Z. A. Mikhailova, etc. - SPb.: LLC "Publisher "Childhood-Press", 2011.-528 p.

2. Monitoring in kindergarten. Scientific - Toolkit. - SPb.: LLC "Publisher "Childhood-Press", 2010. - 592c. + Col Plot.

3. Plan-program of the pedagogical process in children's garden: Methodical manual for kindergarten tutors / Sost. N. V. Goncharov, etc., ed. Z. A. Mikhailova. -2-e ed. SPB: LLC "Publisher "Childhood-Press", 2008. - 255С.

4. Bondarenko T. M. Environmental classes with children5-6 years: Practical guide for educators and methodists DOU. - Voronezh: Publishing house "Teacher", 2002. - 159 p.

5. Dybina O. V., Rakhmanova N. P. Shchetinin V. V. Unskoked nearby: Entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers / about. V. DYINA (Rev. Ed.). M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 192 p.

6. Welcome to the ecology! Part II. A promising work plan for the formation of ecological culture in children of senior preschool age. / Sost O. A. Vorontkevich. - SPb.: "Childhood-Press", 2003. -336 p.

7. Ivanova I. A. Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Human. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 224 p.

8. Organization experience - experimental activities of children 2-7 years: Thematic planning, recommendations, abstract / auto. - Sost. E. A. Martynova, I. M. Suchkov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 333c.

9. Savenkov A. I. Methods of research training of preschoolers. - Samara: Publishing house "Tutorial": Publishing House "Fedorov", 2010. - 128 p.

10. O. A. Zykov « Experimentation with live and inanimate nature ". Elti - Kudice 2012.

Children's experimentation is one of the methods of training and the development of natural score representations of preschoolers. In the course of experienced, the preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, to answer questions, draw conclusions, to establish a causal relationship, comply with the rules of security. The development of systematized search and cognitive knowledge of children, the formation of experimental action forms the basics of logical thinking, ensures the maximum efficiency of the intellectual development of preschoolers and their full readiness for school training.

In the process of experimenting, children are formed not only intellectual impressions, but also develop the ability to work in the team and independently, to defend their own point of view, to prove its rightness, determine the causes of the failure of experimental activities, to make elementary conclusions.

In the work on the organization of experimental activities of preschoolers, it is advisable to use a complex of various forms and methods. Their choice is determined by age possibilities, as well as the nature of educational and educational tasks. It must be remembered that the child should have the opportunity to express their impressions in the game, visual activities, the word. Then there is a consolidation of impressions, gradually children begin to feel the relationship of nature with life with them.

In the process of organizing pilot experimental activities, it is assumed to solve the following tasks:

The inclusion of children into mental, simulating and transforming actions;

The formation of the ability to see the diversity of the world in the system of relationships;

Enrichment of visual funds (standards, symbols, conditional deputies);

Expansion of the prospects for the development of search and educational activities, maintaining initiatives in children, intelligence, pleasure, criticality, independence.

One of the conditions for solving problems in experimental experimental activities in kindergarten is the organization of a developing environment. The objective environment surrounds and influences the child from the first minutes of his life. The basic requirements for the environment as a developing medium is to ensure the development of active independent children's activities.

For the organization of independent children's activities, cards and schemes of experiments can be developed. Together with children, conventions are developed, allowing and prohibiting signs.

Material for experiments in the experimentation corner changes in accordance with the work plan.

Research technology provides the opportunity to find answers to the questions "How?" and why?". But for this, it is necessary not only to provide equipment for research, but also to create a problem situation, the solution of which will lead to the discovery of any patterns, phenomena, properties.

Perspective planning of experiments and experiments for children of the first youngest group.

timing topic of experience the purpose of experience
september "Perelivashashki" Show children that water is liquid, takes the shape of the vessel.
"Mink for animals" Secure the knowledge of children about the properties of dry and wet sand.
"Light heavy" To acquaint children with the fact that items are light and heavy. Teach to determine the weight of objects and group items by weight (lungs are heavy).
october "Find a shell" To acquaint children with water properties - transparency, colorlessness, can change color.
"Burning cookies" Secure the ability of children to lay out forms from wet sand.
"Catch the air" Introduce children with air properties. Children are invited to "catch" air into polyethylene packages and make sure that the air is not visible, but it is.
november "Warm - Cold" Reveal the properties of water: water can be warm and cold.
"What is hidden in the sand?" Develop overall and small motility, tactile sensations.
"Storm in a glass" Introduce children with air properties. The kids are invited to pour through the straw in a glass with water and make sure that the water takes over the air.
december "Ice hill" Show children how to make a hill for doll. The educator and children make a slide for the doll from the snow, then watered it with water and watch the walk, which is happening with a slide. Then ride a doll from the ice slide.
"Cold - Warm" Children compare two stones taken from the street and with a battery (winter), then come to the conclusion that the stones can be cold and warm. And when they squeeze in the hands of a stone and lump wool - that the stones are solid.
"Magic paper" Give ideas about the properties of paper. The paper can be thin and thick and it can rush: the napkin is very easy to minimize and break in contrast to dense cardboard.
january Water observation To acquaint with the properties of water: flowing, murmur, splashes fly, droplets drip.
"Paper lumps" To acquaint children with a new paper property - rolling.
"Water transfusion with a spoon" Secure the concept: empty, full, empty, complete, faster; improve mental processes; To achieve accuracy when performing action with water.
february "Unzhalka" The game contributes to the development of thinking, attention, shallow motility.
"Different legs are hung on a snowy path" Teach children getting clear tracks on the snow.
"Multicolored Water" To identify the water properties of water transparent, but can change its painting when painted substances dissolve in it.
march "Vodonos" The game introduces the properties of the substance and the concept of volume, contributes to the development of coordination of the movement. Put in front of a child with water with water. Nearby put a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a chewart, a sitechko, a sponge. Offer the child to score water from the basin with different objects and overflow into different banks.
"Draw a finger" Exercise in the ability to control the motor rhythm, directing the visual perception on the contour of traces in the sand; To seek a clear trail by a strong push with a finger.
"Foam" Teach children to make a foam of shampoo. In the pelvis pouring warm water, then the shampoo is added. Whipping with hands water, get foam. In such water you can bathe a doll.
april "Transformations of water" The game introduces the properties of the substance. Demonstrate the child that the water supplied to the freezer freezes and turns into ice. After adding paints to the water, you can get multi-colored ice and lay out beautiful patterns from it.
"Wonderful bag" Teach to determine the temperature qualities of substances and objects.
"Floating boat" Introduce children with air properties. Children will convince that items can move with air. And on a walk, watching grass and foliage, they will see that the wind is the movement of the air.
may "Sun is not sinking" Give ideas about floating and sinking bodies.
"Rive paper" Introduce children with paper properties. Children tear multicolored paper on small pieces.
"Shadow" To introduce children with the property of sunlight. Tell children how the shadow occurs, watch the movement of the shade.
june "Ship" To acquaint children with the properties of floating items.
"What sounds" Teach to determine the subject of the sound published.
"Solar bunnies" Teach children to play with a sun bunny. Take out on a sunny day on a plot of a mirror and teach children how to start a sun bunny.
august Water-fun games Secure the knowledge of the properties of water: transparent, warm, cold; It can be wrapped in her clothes, wash toys, wash your hands, wash.
"I have a bake, bake, a bake ..." Secure the knowledge of children about the property of wet sand - to maintain the form of the item.
"My cheerful ringing ball" Introduce children with air properties. Children find out that the ball jumps high, because there is a lot of air.

Perspective planning of experiments and experiments for children of the second youngest group.

timing topic of experience the purpose of experience
september "We find out what water" Reveal the properties of water (transparent, odorless, fluid, substances dissolve in it).
"Games with fans and sultachikov" Introduce children with one of the properties of air - movement; Air movement is the wind.
"Let's play with the Sun" Determine which items are heated better (light or dark), where it happens faster (in the sun or in the shade).
"Properties of sand" To introduce the properties of the sand (consists of sandbroke, loose, small, easy to rush, passes water, traces remain in the sand, sticks, wet darker dry).
october "We will collect the clock" Teach children to use a sponge for collecting water.
"Let's play with the breeze" Detect air movement in nature.
"What's in the box" To introduce the meaning of light, with light sources (sun, flashlight, candle, lamp), show that the light does not pass through opaque items.
"Why is the fall of dirty" To introduce the fact that the soil flows in different ways.
november "Magic planks" Determine with the help of fingers shape, surface structure.
"Light heavy" Show that items are light and heavy, teach to determine the weight of objects and group items by weight.
"Find the sound" Determine and distinguish the noise sounds.
"Clay, its quality and properties" To teach to learn items made from clay, determine the quality of clay (softness, plasticity, degree of strength) and properties (things, beating, turning).
december "Hot-cold" Teach to determine the temperature of substances and items.
"Wonderful bag" Introduce the items with the items; Define to the touch the firm item.
"Water staining" Find out the properties of water (transparent water, but can change its painting when painted substances dissolve in it).
"Snow, what?" To introduce the properties of snow during the snowfall (white, fluffy, cold, sticky, melting in warm).
january "Games with straw" Give an idea that people breathe air, breathing his lungs; Air can be felt and see.
"Snow. What is he? " Introduce the snow properties in frosty weather (cold, shiny, sparkling, crumbly, bad item)
"How to get water out of the snow" To form the simplest ideas about the properties of snow (melting in heat).
"How to turn water into ice" To acquaint the properties of water (turns into ice at low temperatures).
february "Production of colored ice cream" Introduce one of the properties of water.
"Frost and snow" Secure knowledge about snow properties depending on the air temperature.
"Ice properties" To acquaint with the properties of ice (ice is solid water, in warm ice melts), to learn to establish the simplest patterns.
"The wind on the sea walks" To introduce children with such a natural phenomenon, like the wind, to teach to distinguish its strength.
march "Floats-sink" Teach children to determine light and heavy items (alone remain on the surface of the water, others are drown)
"Paper, its quality and properties" To teach learn items made of paper, determine its quality (color, smoothness, thickness,) and properties (things, breaks, cuts, burns).
"Looking Luke" Display the need for light and water to grow and develop plants.
"Flower does not float" Develop an idea of \u200b\u200bthe weight of items.
april "Hello, sunny bunny" Give an idea that "Sunny Bunny" is a beam of sunlight reflected from the mirror surface.
"Birch twig" Observe the appearance of leaves on branches set in water.
"Wood, its quality and properties" Learn to learn items made of wood, to determine its quality (hardness, surface structure; thickness, degree of strength) and properties (cuts, burns, does not fight, not sinking in water).
"What in the package" To give children a concept that air is around us, it can be cold, warm, wet.
may "Hide Button" Promote accumulation of ideas about the properties of water (liquid, transparent, colorless).
"Bears Pupies" Expand knowledge about the properties of sand, develop the ability to contact him, compare, draw conclusions.
"Sand, soil and clay comparison" Introduce the properties of sand, soil and clay.
"Fabric, its quality and properties" Learn to learn things from the fabric, to determine its quality (thickness, degree of strength, softness) and properties (things, it cuts, rushes, wet, burns).
june "Sunbeam properties" To acquaint with the properties of sun rays (water under the influence of sun rays evaporates).
"Bow of paper and fabric" Introduce the properties of paper and fabric
"Sunbeam properties" Introduce the property of sunlight (heating items).
"Merry boats" Introduce various properties of objects (buoyancy of items).
august "Ship" To acquaint with the property of paper (wet in water).
"What's in the package?" Air detection in the surrounding space.
"Games with straw" To introduce the fact that inside a person there is air.
"Making tracks and sand patterns" To acquaint with the properties of sand (from dry sand you can perform any pattern, from the wet - no).

Perspective planning of experiments and experiments for the children of the middle group.

timing topic of experience the purpose of experience
september "With water and without water" Help children highlight the factors of the external environment necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).
"Air Search" Detect air, prove with the help of items that there are air around us.

Gaming Material: Switches, Ribbons, Checkboxes, Package, Balloons, Cocktail Tubes, Water Capacity.

"Magic brush" Get shades of blue on a light background, purple color from red and blue paint.

Game Material: Palettes, Red, Blue, White Paints, 4 contour images of balloons for each child.

Game Traffic: Adult With the help of a "magic tassel" shows the children of the four balloons (three - different shades of blue, one - purple color), asks to paint the contour images of balloons, offering three paints. Children are discussing how you can get the right colors, mix the paints on the palettes, paint the balls on your sheet.

"Peschinki" Give the children magnifier and consider from which the sand is. What are the touch individual grains?
october "What's in the package?" To identify air properties: Invisible, odorless, does not have a form, compare the properties of water and air (the air is lighter than water).

Game Material: Two cellophane packages (one with water, the other with air).

The course of the game: Suggest children to examine two packages (with water, air), find out what they have explained why they think so. Children weigh them on hand, feel, open, sniff, etc. Discuss what they look like and what the water and air are different.

"Magic Mitting" Find out the ability of the magnet to attract some items.

Game Material: Magnet, Minor items from different materials, Mitten with chosen inside magnet.

Game Travel: Adult demonstrates focus: metal objects do not fall out of mittens when squeezing hands. Together with the children finds out why. Invites children to take objects from other materials (wood, plastic, fur, fabric, paper) - the mitten ceases to be magical. Determine why (in the mittens there is something "that does not give to fall metal subjects). Children view the mittens, find a magnet, try to apply it.

"Guess" Understand that objects have a weight that depends on the material and size. Establish the dependence of the weight of the object from its size.
"Wind and Seeds" To acquaint children with the role of wind in the life of plants. On the site to consider with klenchi klenki and ash children. Why do seeds have such a form? Suggest putting seeds to the palm and pour them on them. What happens to them?
november "Mysterious bubbles" Detect air in other subjects.

Game Material: Water Capacity, Patrolone Pieces, Tree Shelter, Earth lumps, clay.

Games: Children view solid objects, immerse them into water, are observed for the release of air bubbles. Discuss that this is (air); Where did he come from (water outpassed air). Consider what has changed in items (wedrochi, steel is harder, etc.).

"Where is the water?" To identify the process of evaporation of water, dependence of the evaporation rate of conditions (open and closed water surface). Material: Two dimensional identical containers. Children pour an equal amount of water in the tank; Together with the educator make a level mark; One bank is closed tightly with a lid, another - leave open; Both banks put on the windowsill.
"Why a bunny other fur coat" To identify the dependence of changes in animal life from changes in inanimate nature. Children imagine that the hand is a bunny, and choose a fur coat (mitten) for the summer and for the winter. Going for a walk in these "fur coats" and compare the sensations of both hands. An adult finds out what kids wanted kids for winter, which coats are needed in winter beasts (warm, dense, with long fur, fluffy).
Secure the presentation of children about the senses, their appointment.

Shirma with 3 holes (for hands and nose), newspaper, hammer, bell, stones, rattles, whistle, speaking doll; garlic, orange zest in cases from kinder surprises with holes; Foam rubber with spirits, lemon, sugar

december "The interaction of water and snow" Introduce two aggregate states of water (liquid and solid). Reveal the properties of water: the higher its temperature, the more faster in it than in the air, snow melts. If we put ice, snow or take it into the water, it will become colder. Compare the properties of snow and water: transparency, fluidity - fragility, hardness; Check the ability of snow under the action of heat to turn into a liquid state.
"Magic rays" It is understood that the illumination of the subject depends on the power of the source and the remoteness from it.

Gaming material: candle, table lamp, two lanterns of different power.

Game move: Adult with children lights a picture from afar, and offers children to determine the image. Discusses why it is badly visible; What to do to see the image better (closer the lantern or replace it to stronger). Children try both options, discuss the results and conclude (the illumination depends on the source: what it is closer and stronger, the more light, and vice versa).

"Inhale - exhale" Expand the ideas of children about air, how to detect it depending on its temperature; about the time during which a person can be without air.
"How is the water in the soil?" Put the dry ground in a flower pot or in a tin can with holes at the bottom. Put a pot into a plate with water. It will take some time, and you will notice that the soil rushed to the very top. When there are no rains, the plants live at the expense of water that rises from deeper soil layers.
january "Bubbles - Rescuers" Reveal that air is lighter than water, has power.

Game Material: Glasses with mineral water, small pieces of plasticine.

Games: Adult pours mineral water into a glass, immediately throws several pieces of plasticine with rice grains. Children are watching, discussing: why falls on the bottom of the plasticine (it is heavier than water, so sinking); What happens at the bottom; Why plasticine pops up and drops again; What is harder and why (in water there are air bubbles, they rise upstairs and pushed pieces of plasticine; then air bubbles come out of the water, and heavy plasticine falls on the bottom).

"Ice transparency" Introduce the properties of ice. Develop curiosity, expanding the horizon. Teach children to draw conclusions during experimentation, make logical conclusions.

The move: in the transparent container put minced items, pour water and put on the cold. Consider with children, how frozen items are visible.

"Storm" Prove that the wind is air movement. Develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation, expand the knowledge of air. Children make sailing boats. Lower them in a water container. Children blow on the sails, boats float. Big ships are also moving thanks to the wind.
"Water freezing" Fasten the knowledge of children about the properties of water. Rail in cognitive interest in the world of nature.

Turn: Pour water in buckets and tray. Take out to the cold. Where will the water freeze faster? Explain why water on the tray freezes faster.

february "Where is faster?" To identify the conditions for changing the aggregate states of the liquid (ice -\u003e water, water -\u003e ice).

Game Material: Mittens, Wards, Candle, Capacities with Warm and Hot Water, Metal Stand, Cellofan Packages.

The course of the game: Adult, along with children, makes curly ice on the walk, makes them in the group, considers (they are solid, cold). Finds out whether it is possible to make them warm; Where you can warm them (check all the assumptions of children: the battery, mittens, palms, hot water, candle, etc., laying ice on ten minutes in different places). Place the same ice floe into cellophane bags. One - take in hand, the other - hide in the mittens. Five minutes later, they find out why the ice is in hand disappeared (from the heat of the hand it turned into water). Specify whether the ice was changed, lying in the math, and why (the ice plant almost did not melm, because there is no heat in the mobble). Determine where faster ice will turn into water (where there is more heat: candle, battery, hand, etc.).

"Plastic, its quality and properties" Recognize things from plastic, determine its quality (surface structure, thickness, color) and properties (density, flexibility, melting, thermal conductivity).

Gaming material: Plastic cups, water, alcohol, matches.

Games: Adult offers children filled with water cups, not looking inside, determine what they are in them. It is found out that this cannot be done, as the plastic is not transparent. The adult offers to the touch to determine the surface structure, thickness. Then the glass is placed on a bright sunny place to determine the temperature change (heating) after 3-4 minutes. Bend the glass and find out that it is beaten under the influence of force, and if you make more effort - breaks. An adult demonstrates plastic melting using alcohol.

"The world of fabric" Form the ability to compare the quality and properties of tissues; It is help to understand that the properties of the material causes a way to use it.
"Air shrinks"
march "Water is a source of life" On a walk, cut off twigs from a tree and put them in a water vase, and one in an empty vase and watch what happens to branches.
"Glass, its quality and properties" Recognize objects made of glass; Determine its quality (surface structure, thickness, transparency) and properties (fragility, thermal conductivity).

Game Material: Glass Cups and Pipes, Painted Water.

The course of the game: Adult along with children pours into a glass glass painted water and asks why it can be seen what is in a glass (it is transparent). Then the adult carries his fingers over the surface of the glass, determines its structure and put a glass without water to a sunny place to determine the change in glass temperature in a few minutes.

"Hourglass" To acquaint children with a time measurement device. Show children hourglass and tell the story of this instrument. Give the opportunity to feel the duration of time on the sandy hour. Suggest anything to do, celebrating time by the clock: get dressed, sing a song, etc.
"Sugar dissolution" Ask children what is happening with sugar if it is lowered into the water? Compare, in which water (hot or cold) sugar dissolves faster.
april "Water does not have taste" Give children to taste water. What is her taste? Then in the glass throw sugar and stir. What is the taste of the solution now? Then in one glass throw salt, in another glass with water dropping lemon juice.
"Metal, its quality and properties" Recognize metal objects, determine its qualitative characteristics (surface structure, color) and properties (thermal conductivity, metal glitter).

Game Material: Metal Items, Magnets, Water Tanks.

The course of the game: Adult shows children a few items made of metal (paper clips, nuts, screws, girks) and finds out what these items are made and how children learned about it. By feeling determines the features of the form, the structure of the surface; Consider different items and distinguish the characteristic metal shine. Lower nuts into water (they are drown); Put on a sunny place - heated (thermal conductivity), attracted with a magnet.

"Where is better to grow?" To acquaint children with soil properties. Materials: trays, sand, clay, soil, seeds, pumping leaves take a deep tray. Prepare the soil: sand, clay, pumping the leaves, then plant a fighter growing seed there. Pour water and put it in a warm place. Together with the children, care for sowing, a sprout will appear after some time.
"Following the Sun" Watch with children behind the plant standing on the windowsill. Where do leaves or flowers pull? Expand the pot with the other side. See what will be with a plant.
may "Water does not have a form" Pour water into the vessels of different shapes and explain to children that it takes the form of the vessel in which it is poured. Then swipe on the floor. What happens to water?
"Rubber, its quality and properties" Learn things made of rubber, determine its quality (surface structure, thickness) and properties (density, elasticity, elasticity).

Game Material: Rubber Items: Ribbons, Toys, Tubes.

Games: Children consider rubber objects, determine the color, surface structure (to the touch). The adult proposes to stretch the rubber ribbon and make sure that it always returns to the initial position, which is due to the elasticity of the material and its elasticity (these properties are used in the manufacture of balls). The adult draws attention to the change in the properties of rubber under the influence of light and heat - the fragility and stickiness appears.

"And we sowed sand" Teach children sow sand through a sieve. Consider what is the difference between the sacred sand from the uninunted.
june "Sandy cone" To acquaint with the property of sand - flowability. Promoting the formation of cognitive interest in children, develop observation, mental activity.

The move: take a handful of dry sand and release it with a trickle so that it falls into one place.

Gradually, a cone growing in height and occupying an increasing area at the base is formed at the sand drop. If you pour sand for a long place in one place, then on the other, flaws arise; The movement of sand is similar to the course.

"The sun dries objects"
"Street shadows" Show children how the shadow is formed, its dependence on the light source and subject, their interpretation. Development of the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimenting, establishing causal relationships, the ability to conclude.
"Multicolored plants" Show sloping in a plants stem. Material: 2 jars from under yogurt, water, ink or stump, plant (carnation, daffodil, celery sprigs, parsley).
august "What is couples" To acquaint with one of the state of water - couples.
"Why the flowers faded" Help children establish the dependence of plant growth on temperature and income moisture. Develop logical thinking by modeling problem situations and solutions
"Sandstorm" In a plastic bottle, pour dry sand and tighten with a lid. In the lid with the help of sewing a hole and insert there with a tube. Puck in the tube and watch what is happening in the bottle.
"How to hide butterflies?" Find the features of the appearance of some insects, allowing to adapt to life in the environment. Children view images, find out who is superfluous in illustrations (bird) why. Determine than all butterflies are similar and what they differ (similar to the structure - Taurus, mustlets, wings; differ in size and color). It turns out that it helps butterflies hiding from birds (multicolored color helps them "turn into flowers").

Perspective planning of experiments and experiments for children of the senior group.

timing topic of experience the purpose of experience
september "The need of plants in water" To form the ideas of children about the importance of water for the life and growth of plants. Teach children to draw conclusions during experimentation, make logical conclusions.

The move: from the bouquet to choose one flower, you need to leave it without water. After some time, compare the flower remaining without water, and flowers in a water vase: what do they differ? Why did this happen?

"How to get drunk" In the glass half poured water. How to get drunk from a glass without taking him in hand? If it is not soluble in the glass and sining items into the glass, then the water will rise. When she rises to the very edges, then you can get drunk.
"Copy" Introduce children with this type of paper. Teach to make a copy of the drawings.
"Attract - do not attract" Remove materials interacting with a magnet to identify materials that do not attract to the magnet.

Material: plastic container with small objects (from paper, fabric, plastics, rubber, copper, aluminum), magnet.

october "Why is birds swim in water? " Consider feathers of different birds. What do they differ and what is the similarity? Lower feathers into the water. Why do they swim? Put on the water a thin sheet of paper and watch what happens to it. Then lubricate the sheet with fat and also lower the water. Birds swim, because their feathers are lubricated with fat.


To acquaint children with the conversion of water from liquid into a gaseous state and back to liquid.

Materials: water vessel, vessel cover.

Process. Boil the water, cover the vessel with a lid and show how the condensed pairs turns into the drops again and drops down.

Outcome. When heated, water from the liquid state goes into a gaseous, and when cooled from gaseous back into the liquid.

"Magic Ball" Set the cause of static electricity.

Material: balloons, fabric.

"How many ears?" To determine the significance of the location of the ears on both sides of the human head, to acquaint the structure of the ear, his role for orientation in space.

Material: Pictures with contour pattern of human head, on which there are errors in the image of the ears (one, three ear, ears of animals, etc.), the scheme of the structure of the human ear.

november "What is couples" Over boiling water, hold the cold item and watch what will happen on its surface. Couples are a new condition of water. When cooling from the pair, water turns out.
"Our assistants - eyes" Introduce the structure of the eye. See how the pupil changes the size depending on the illumination.

Material: Mirror, pictograms: eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelid, eyeball, eye model.

"World of paper" Recognize various types of paper (napkin, writing, wrapping, drawing), compare their qualitative characteristics and properties. It is understood that the properties of the material determine the way it is used.

Material: Paper of different species, scissors, water container.

"Air takes place" Pour the political water. Throw the tube into the water. Cover the floating cork with a glass. Immerse a glass into the water. The area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the water on which the plug floats is immersed with a glass. The air in a glass does not give water to fill the glass, and therefore covered with a glass of water together with a floating plug lowers below the water level in the bowl.
december "Melting of snow and ice" Secure knowledge about various states of water. Promoting the formation of cognitive interest in children, develop observation, mental activity.

Move: to make snow and ice into the group - what faster melts?

In one bucket put loose snow, in the second - the rammed, in the third - ice.

Conclusion: loose snow melts first, then - the rammed, the ice melts the latter.

"Air invisible" To acquaint with the properties of air - does not have a certain form, it spreads in all directions, does not have its own odor. Develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, to establish a causal dependence, draw conclusions.

The move: the educator proposes to take (sequentially) flavored napkins, peel orange, garlic and feel smells spreading indoors.

Conclusion: the air is invisible, but it can transmit odors at a distance.

"What is the plant allocate?"

It will establish that the plant sends oxygen. Understand the need for respiration for plants.

Materials. Large glass container with a hermetic lid, a stalk of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant, rash, matches.

Process. An adult invites children to find out why the forest is so pleasant to breathe. Children suggest that plants distinguish oxygen for human breathing. The assumption is proven by experience: placed inside a high transparent container with a sealed lid of a pot with a plant (or stalk). They put in a warm, bright place (if the plant gives oxygen, it should be more in the bank). After 1-2 days, the adult puts the question before children, how to find out if oxygen has accumulated in the bank (oxygen burns). Watch out the bright flash of the flame of the rauma, entered into the container immediately after removing the lid.

Results. Plants isolated oxygen.

"The world of fabric" Learn to learn different types of fabrics, compare their qualities and properties; It is understood that the properties of the material determine its use.

Material: Slices of fabric (velvet, velvet, flax, wool, kapron), scissors, water tank, activity algorithm

january "The protective properties of snow" Introduce the properties of snow. Develop observation, the ability to compare, analyze, summarize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, to establish a causal dependence, draw conclusions.

Stroke: Place jars with the same amount of water on the surface of the snowdrift, buried shallow in the snow. Burrow deep into the snow. Water over the condition of water in jars.

Conclusion: the deeper the jar in the snow will be, the warmer will be water. Roots under the snow and soil warm. The more snow, the warmer.

"Where the plant is better to live" Two bottles of plants are the same in shape, placed in different medium: one - in water, another into the soil. Watching their growth and conclude where the plant grows faster.

"Aggregate water states"

Prove that the water condition depends on the air temperature and is in three states: water - water; solid - snow, ice; Gaseous - couples.

Stroke: 1) If warm on the street, the water is in a liquid state. If the street is minus temperatures, then water moves from liquid into a solid state (ice in puddles, instead of rain there is snow).

2) If pour water on the saucer, in a few days the water will evaporate, it moved into a gaseous state.

"Air shrinks"

Continue to acquaint children with air properties.

Materials. Plastic bottle, not inflated ball, refrigerator, bowl with hot water.

Process. Put an open plastic bottle in the refrigerator. When she cooled enough, put on her neckless ball with her neck. Then put a bottle into a bowl with hot water. Watch how the ball itself becomes inflated. This is because the air is expanding when heating. Now again place the bottle into the refrigerator. The ball is descended at the same time, since the air is compressed when cooled.

Outcome. When heated air expands, and when cooled, it is compressed.


"Dependence of melting snow from temperature"

Test children to understand the dependence of the state of snow (ice) on air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the snow melts.

Move: 1) in a frosty day to offer children to blind snowballs. Why snowballs do not work? Spripted snow, dry. What can be done? Snow in a group, in a few minutes we are trying to blind snowball. Snow has become plastic. Snowballs blinded. Why did the snow become sticky? 2) Put a saucer with snow in a group on the window and under the battery. Where does the snow melting faster? Why?

Conclusion: The state of snow depends on the air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster the snow mests and changes its properties.

"Heat in the life of plants" Experiment is better spent in winter. From the walk bring sprigs of plants and put in water at the battery, between windows windows. Watch what happens with branches on the street, the battery and between the glasses. Take a conclusion: where heat, leaves appear there.
"Miracle - Comb" To acquaint with the manifestation of static electricity and the possibility of removing it from the subject.

Material: plastic comb, balloon, mirror, fabric.

"Air has weight" Put on the scales of the scales inflated and not inflated balls: a bowl with an inflated ball will translate.
march "Water filtration" Get acquainted with the process of water purification by the simplest way.

Material: funnel, rag, tank.

"Sugar melting"
"Sunlight in the life of the plant" For the experiment take 2 identical plants. One of them is covered with a cap that does not let the light. After 2 weeks, the cap is removed and watching what happened with the plant.
"The air is expanding with heating" Put an open plastic bottle in the refrigerator. When she cooled enough, put on her neckless ball with her neck. Then put a bottle into a bowl with hot water. Watch how the ball itself becomes inflated. This is because the air is expanding when heating. Now again place the bottle into the refrigerator. The ball is descended at the same time, since the air is compressed when cooled.

"Live water"

To acquaint children with the life-quality property of water.

Materials. Freckled twigs of fast blooming trees, water vessel, live water label.

Process. Take the vessel, label the label "Live Water" on it. Together with the children, consider twigs. After that, put branches into the water, and the vessel will take off the prominent place. It will take time, and they will come to life. If this is a poplar branch, they will be launched.

"Breathing of plants" It will reveal the need of plants in the air, breathing. Understand how the process of breathing in plants occurs.

Materials. Indoor plant, cocktail tubes, vaseline, magnifier.

Process. An adult asks if plants breathe how to prove that they breathe. Children are determined by relying on the knowledge of the respiratory process in a person, a hundred when breathing the air should come inside the plant and leave it. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole of the tube is lubricated with vaseline. Children try to breathe through the tube and conclude that Vaseline does not let the air. The hypothesis is put forward that the plants have very small holes in the leaves, through which breathe. To check it, lubricate one or both sides of a petroleum leaf, every day is watching leaves for a week.

Results. The leaflets "breathe" with their underside, because those leaflets that were lubricated by vaseline from the bottom side, died.

"What then?"

Systematize knowledge about the development cycles of all plants.

Materials. Seeds of herbs, vegetables, colors, objects of plants.

Process. An adult offers a letter of a riddle with seeds, finds out what seeds turn into. During the summer, plants are grown, fixing all changes as they are developed. After the fees were fees, they compare their sketches, constitute a general scheme for all plants using symbols, reflecting the main stages of plant development.

Results. Seeds - sprout - an adult plant - flower - fruit.

"In the light and in the dark"

Determine the factors of the external environment necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Materials. Onions, a box of durable cardboard, two tanks with the ground.

Process. The adult suggests finding out with the cultivation of onions, whether the light needs light to live plants. Close the part of the bow with a cap from dense dark cardboard. Sketch the result of the experience after 7 - 10 days (the bow under the cap became light). Clean the cap. Results. After 7 - 10 days, the result sketch again (the onions on the light green - it means that the nutrition has formed).

may "Making a cloud" Pour in a three-liter hot water jar (about 2.5 cm.). Put several ice cubes on the tray and put it on the jar. Air inside the jar, rising up, will cool. The water vapor contained in it will be condensed, forming a cloud.
"How do plants settle?" These observations are best done on the excursion. Children view a dandelion and determine why its seeds need parachus. Then we consider the seed of the plantain. Why did the plantain the Indians called the "trace of a white man"? Consider with the children of the ruins of the ruin. Why do they need a plant? It is advisable to find such a place in the park where a small tree appeared, but his man did not plant him. How could it appear here?


Secure and summarize knowledge about water, air, understand their value for all living things.

Materials. Tray of any shape, sand, clay, overloading leaves.

Process. Prepare the soil from sand, clay and pumping leaves; Fill the tray. Then put a quickly germinating plant (vegetable or flower). Pour water and put it in a warm place.


Purpose. Install how the plant is looking for light.

Materials. Cardboard box with lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: in one corner the potato tube, in the opposite - a hole.

Process. The tube is placed in the box, closed it, put it in a warm, but not a hot place, hole to the light source. Open the box after the appearance of potatoes sprouts. Consider, noting their directions, the color (sprouts pale, white, curved in search of light in one direction). Leaving the box open, continue during the week to observe the color change and the direction of the sprouts (the sprouts are now stretching in different directions, they have discovered).

Results. A lot of light - the plant is good, it is green; Little light is a bad plant.

june "How water goes to the leaves" On the experience, show how water moves on the plant.

The move: the cut chamomile is placed in water, tinted in ink or paint. A few days later the stem and see what he painted. Sleeping the stem along and check, for which height rose squeezed water during the experiment. The longer the plant is missing in the dye, the higher the painted water will rise.

"Transmission of the Solar Bunny" Show on the example, as many times can repel the light and the image of the subject. Develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experiments.

Material: Mirrors.

Stroke: On a sunny day, children view "Sunny Bunny". How does it work? (The light is reflected from the mirror). What happens if there is a sunny bunny in that place on the wall, to put another mirror? (It will reflect again).

"What is needed to feed the plant?"

Install how the plant is looking for light.

Materials. Houseplants with solid leaves (Ficus, Sansevier), leukoplasty.

Process. Adult offers children a mystery to children: what will happen if the light is not falling onto the list (part of the sheet will be lighter). The assumptions of children are checked by experience; The sheet of the sheet is stuck with the plaster, the plant put to the source of light for a week. A week later, the plaster is removed.

Results. Without light, nutrition plants are not formed.

august "Lotus Flowers" Cut out color paper flowers with long petals. With a pencil, tighten the petals to the center. And now lower the multicolored lotuses on the water, poured into the pelvis. Literally on your eyes, flower petals will be blown away. This is because the paper wets, it becomes gradually harder and the petals are revealed.
"The sun dries objects" Watch the ability to heat the items. Develop curiosity, expanding the horizon. Teach children to draw conclusions.

The move: hang on the sunny plot of a wicked doll underwear, watch how during the walk it will dry. Touch the bricks from which the building of the kindergarten is built on the sunny side and the shadow side.

"Rainbow" Introduce a rainbow as a natural phenomenon. Rail in cognitive interest in the world of nature.

Material: pelvis with water, mirror.

Move: Have you ever seen the rainbow after the rain? Do you want to look at the rainbow right now?

The tutor puts the mirror into the water at a low angle. He catches the mirror with sun rays and directs them on the wall. Turns the mirror until the rainbow appears on the wall. Water acts as a prism that decomposes the white color to its components. What does it look like the word "rainbow"? What is she? Show arc hands. From the land of the rainbow reminds the arc, and it seems around the plane.

"Soil condition depending on temperature" Remove the dependence of the state of the soil from weather conditions. Promoting the formation of cognitive interest in children, develop observation, mental activity.

The move: On a sunny day, to invite children to consider the land, touch it with your hands: warm (the sun has grilled it), dry (scattered in the hands), light brown. The teacher wates the land from the watering can, suggests again to touch it, consider (the earth darkened, became wet, sticky, gluits in lumps, from cold water soil became colder).

Conclusion: changes to weather conditions leads to a change in the state of the soil.

Perspective planning of experiments and experiments for children prepared to school group.

timing topic of experience the purpose of experience
september "Invisible" Secure the knowledge of children that many substances dissolve in water.
"Where the air lives" 1. Make a deep breath and exhale on your hand.

2. Put small pieces of paper on the edge of the table and wave as a sheet of paper above them.

3. Inflate the balloon, clamp the end and omit into the water, breaking what they climbed the hand.

4. Lower an empty inverted glass upside down in water (the bottom of the glass should be parallel to the bottom of the tank), then tilt the glass.

"The flame pollutes the air" Light a candle. Flame burns. Can it pollute the air? Hold over the flame of the candle (at a distance of 1- 2 cm.) Glass or porcelain cup, in one word, the subject from the material that is not melted, will not light up and does not heat up quickly. After a while, you will see that this item is renovated from below - covered with a layer of soot.
"Nyuhai, try, touch, listen" To consolidate the ideas of children about the senses, their appointment (ears - hear, recognize various sounds; nose - to determine the smell; fingers - to determine the form, surface structure; language - to determine the taste).

Materials: Shirma with three round slots (for hands and nose), newspaper, bell, hammer, two stones, rattle, whistle, speaking doll, cases from kinder surprises with holes; In cases: garlic, piece of orange; Foam rubber with spirits, lemon, sugar.

october "Cap Cap-Cap" Model to get rain.

The move: put the plate in the plate and hold it over a boiling kettle. Couples from the kettle when contacting with a cold plate will turn into a drop of water.

"Why a candle burns" To introduce children with the structure of the candle and the property of paraffin - melting.

Stroke: Consider a candle device with children, try the paraffin to the touch. Show kids wax. What they are similar to paraffin, and what differ? Consider a burning candle. Why does she burn? If the melted paraffin drop into the water, what happens to it? And if the paraffin is lowered in hot water, what happens to him?

Game "Guess what it is?" The tutor shows children how with the help of hands you can get various figures. Children guess what the educator depicts, and repeat his figures, then invent their own. The educator shows objects, and the children will find out what it is.
"Light everywhere" Show light value, explain that light sources can be natural (sun, moon, fire), artificial - manufactured by people (lamp, flashlight, candle).

Materials: illustrations of events occurring at different times of the day; pictures with images of light sources; several items that do not give light; Flashlight, candle, table lamp, chest chest.

november "Floating Egg" Two identical containers pour water. Add some spoons of salt into one of them and stir well. Put the egg into a container with simple water, it dropped to the bottom. Remove the egg and lower it into a container with salted water, it floats. Salt increases water density, and objects immersed in salty water are pushed out. Therefore, in sea water it is easy to swim.
"Air has weight" Give an idea of \u200b\u200bair weight.

Material: four balloons, two wands with a marked middle.

Two non-inflated balls are attached to the ends of one wand and set the equilibrium. On the other wand attach one not an inflated ball, and on the other side of the sticks - inflated.

Conclusion: The side with an inflated ball is more inclined, which means the air is weight.

"Disappeared water" Demonstrate as part of the water evaporates from an open glass under the influence of heat.

Turning: Fill two glasses with water, measure water levels, put glasses at the battery. One glass close the saucer.

"Dancing foil" Cut aluminum foil (shiny wrapper from chocolate or candy) very narrow and long stripes. Spend the comb in your hair, and then bring it close to the segments.

Strips will begin to "dance". It is attracted to each other positive and negative electrical charges.

december "Drawing with colored water through the snow" Prepare for each child splashes from plastic bottles, pour water in them in a gouache and show children that you can draw in the snow with such water.
"Is it possible to squeeze the air?" Give an idea of \u200b\u200bcompressing the air.

Take the syringe and dial air into it. Close the hole with your finger and put pressure on the piston. Then, without opening holes, let go of the piston.

Conclusion: When you let go of the piston, it returns to the original position, because we squeezed the air by pressing the piston. The force of compressed air is in the tires, in the open parachute, in the pine balloon.

"Ice Captive" Show children Why the roads of Solu are sprinkled in winter.

The move: fill the capacity for cooking with water, put a match, freeze water into one compartment. The match will be frozen in the ice. Sprinkle salt to match, after 30 seconds. A match can be reached. Conclusion: Clean water freezes at air temperature 0 degrees, and salted - 20 degrees.

"Sitting dance" Demonstrate gravity in equilibrium.

The move: 10 children become in a circle with each other. According to the team, children simultaneously bend the knees and everyone sits on his knees standing behind. A stable design is created, in which no one falls.

january "Freezing of liquids" Introduce various liquids. To identify differences in the freezing processes of various liquids.

Material: containers with the same number of ordinary and salt water, milk, juice, vegetable oil, activity algorithm.

"Jet air ball" To acquaint with the force of compressed air.

Skip the thread through a cocktail tube, tie the ends of the thread across the room at an angle. Inflate the ball and with the help of a scotch to attach it to the tube. Release the ball hole.

Conclusion: The ball will quickly start moving along the thread due to the escaped jet of compressed air inside the ball. She created a reactive force that pushed the ball.

"Underwater Magnetism" Demonstrate how magnetic power acts through glass and water.

Street: in the glass container with water to throw a clip. With the help of a magnet to get a clinch of water.

"Sugar melting" Above the candle to hold a spoon with sugar. What's happening? Red sugar pour into the container. What happens to him? To taste. Where is the sugar property used? (In the food industry.) Loggy sugar is used as a medicine at cough attacks.
february "Water moves stones" Find out how frozen water moves stones.

Material: Cocktail straws, plasticine.

Lower the straw in the water. Type in water straw. Closing the tongue, the top hole of the straw so that water does not flow out, pull it out of the water and close the hole at the bottom of the plasticine. After driving the straw from the mouth, close the plasticine and the second hole. Hours on 3 Put the straw in the freezer. When pulling out the straw from the freezer, you will see that one of the plasticine stoppers jumped out and ice is visible from the straw. Unlike many other substances, water is expanding during freezing. When water gets into cracks in the stones, then when freezing, she shifts a stone from the place and even breaks it. Expanding water primarily destroys the least durable stones. On the roads due to this may form potholes.

"Burn air" To demonstrate to children, as a candle in combustion, a part of the air is spent - oxygen, water under pressure occupies a burnt oxygen.

Material: candle installed with plasticine in a deep plate with painted water, glass jar.

Stroke: Slash the candle and close the candle with a can. After some time, the candle goes out, and the water from the plate will enter the bank.

"Is it possible to isolate a magnet?" Demonstrate that the magnetic force is able to overcome thin layers of some materials.

The move: wrap a paper magnet (fabric, thick layer of paper and fabric) and check whether it attracts steel objects.

"Frost" We endure a very hot water on the frost and keep the branch over it. It covered with snow, and the snow does not go. The branch is more and more in the snow. What is it? This is anaya.
march "Salt crystals" Demonstrate how salt crystals are formed.

The move: pour hot water into two glasses and dissolve in them a large number of shallow salt. Connect both glasses thread so that most of them hung between them. Under the thread put the saucer. A few days later on the thread and on the saucer are formed salt crystals.

"For what plants need air" Grow green onions. Then cover it with a large jar, and the bottom is hermetically closed with plasticine. To observe the plant and conclude.
"Making a cloud" Visitiously show the cycle of water in nature.

Pour in a three-liter hot water jar (about 2.5 cm.). Put several ice cubes on the tray and put it on the jar. Air inside the jar, rising up, will cool. The water vapor contained in it will be condensed, forming a cloud.

This experiment simulates the process of forming clouds when cooling warm air. And where does the rain come from? It turns out, drops, heating on the ground, rise up. There they get cold, and they pumped together to each other, forming a cloud. Meeting together, they increase, become severe and fall to the ground in the form of rain.

"Like a cat language cleans her skins" Throw the stale about the finger until the next step from the pencil appears. With a light push, wrapped with a fidder finger with a feel for nails. Inspect the punch and finger. Throw the pink about the cotton pad. Inspect the Pillet and Tampon. The rough surface of the peel removes the track from the finger from the pencil and wool fibers with a tampon. This experience shows how the subject with the rough surface can be cleaned another object. The cat loses its wool and thus cleans it. Feline is rough, as sandpaper, as it is located hard tubercles, especially noticeable in the middle. These tubercles play the same role as notches on the leg. When the cat loses his fur coat, these tubercles remove dust from it, dirt and felling hairs.
april "Water filtration" To acquaint with the process of water purification in different ways.

The move: put the bandage folded in the funnel, folded several times, and through it passionate water. Instead of bandage, you can use wool. Tell the children that in nature the role of the filter performs sand.

Material: Write paper, funnel, rag, river sand, starch, tanks.

"Light the whole globe" Demonstrate children as the sun illuminates our planet.

Turn: send a ray of light to the globe. Conclusion: the Sun illuminates only the other side of the Earth, which is addressed to its rays. At this time, the other side of the Earth is in the shade.

"Flexible Water" Equipment: water tap, air ball, wool. Now we will see how the magic will drive water. To do this, you need to open the faucet so that the water flows the thin flowing. Offer to say magic words, calling the stream of water to move. Nothing will change; Then we will have to take advantage of the help of a magic ball and wool. To do this, influence the ball and sweep it about wool. Now I say the ball to the ridge of water. What will happen? The water jet will deviate towards the ball. Note: To move the jet to be visible, it should be small if the water trickle touches the ball, he will lose his charge.

"Air shrinks"

Continue to acquaint children with air properties.

Materials. Plastic bottle, not inflated ball, refrigerator, bowl with hot water.

Process. Put an open plastic bottle in the refrigerator. When she cooled enough, put on her neckless ball with her neck. Then put a bottle into a bowl with hot water. Watch how the ball itself becomes inflated. This is because the air is expanding when heating. Now again place the bottle into the refrigerator. The ball is descended at the same time, since the air is compressed when cooled.

Outcome. When heated air expands, and when cooled, it is compressed.

may "Sudden deformation" Demonstrate how inside the ice bottle causes a sharp cooling of air and reduce its volume. The surrounding air presses on the walls of the bottle and sminets it.

The move: slices of ice to open with the help of a hammer, throw the ice in a bottle and close it, shake and put it vertically. The bottle will begin to deform.

"Ink of milk" Introduce children with the properties of organic compounds. Saving a cotton wand into the milk, print the word, give it to dry, and then hold the letter over the desk lamp until the words are shown. You can try a sheet of hot iron.
"What is couples" Over boiling water, hold the cold item and watch what will happen on its surface. Couples are a new condition of water. When cooling from the pair, water turns out.
"Merry ships" (buoyancy of objects) Learn to celebrate various properties of objects. Develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experiments.

Street: The tutor, together with children, lowers objects made from different materials (wooden shelters, sticks, metal plates, paper ships). To observe what items are drown, and which remain afloat.

Conclusion: Not all items float, it all depends on the material from which they are made.

june "Floating grapes" Show as vinegar and soda in the compound are isolated carbon dioxide in the form of bubbles. Gas bubbles, attached to the grapes, raise it up, then dissipate in the air, and grapes, again becoming hard, lowers down.

Stroke: Pour water in the jar, add 2 teaspoons of soda and vinegar, mix, lower grapes.

"Catch warm" Prove that in the summer in hot weather you need to wear light clothes.

Stroke: Fill two cans with cold water and close one black cloth. Put banks in the sun for 30 minutes. Measure the temperature. The temperature of the water in the covered can be more.

"Draws the sun" It will take: flat minor items (you can cut figures from the foam rubber), black paper sheet. The course of experience: in place where the sun shines brightly, put black paper. Stencils, figures, children's molds decompose on sheets loosely. Result: When the sun gets, you can remove objects and see the prints of the sun. Let's talk? Under the influence of sun rays, black fade. Why did the dark paper remained on the places of figurok?.
"Sugar crystallization" Demonstrate how the oversathedral solution cools, part of the soluble substance is released from the solvent (water) as crystals.

The move: in hot water dissolve a large amount of sugar, pour the solution into a transparent container. Bind one end of the thread to the middle of the pencil, the other to the paper clip. Put the pencil on the glass so that the thread is immersed in the solution and was stretched. Leave a glass at night. Sugar crystals gathered on the thread.

august "Disappeared water" Demonstrate how part of the water evaporates from an open glass under the influence of the Sun.

The move: fill two glasses with water, measure water levels, put glasses in the sun. One glass close the saucer.

"Raw or cool?" Demonstrate that in the cheese egg, protein and yolk continue to move even when the shell stopped.

Stroke: Both eggs turn on a plate. A steep egg will stop, and raw resume rotation.

"Connection and Separation" Consider filtering and crystallization.

The move: pour the same amount of salt and flour into the glass and mix. Pour into a glass of water and mix again. Make a filter from a paper napkin and insert it into a funnel. Fill from a glass of a new mixed mixture into a container through the filter. Filter dry, filtered water to put in heat and wait for water to evaporate. Flour remains on the filter, a thin layer of salt crystals will remain in the container.

"Power of bubbles" Demonstrate that yeast is distinguished by carbon dioxide and bubbles of this gas inflate the ball.

Pour in a bottle of three hours. Spoons of dry yeast and two sugar spoons. Slowly pour warm water, put the air balloon on the neck of the bottle and wait half an hour. The liquid will start foaming and the ball is inflated.


"Experimental activities in Dow"



MOU kindergarten №283

Antonova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Volgograd 2017.

Objective of the project:

Creating conditions for the formation of the main integral world of senior preschool age with a physical experiment.

Project tasks:

Expand the presentation of children about the physical properties of the surrounding world.

To acquaint children with the properties of various items, natural materials (paper, plastic, magnet, soil, water, etc.).

To form experience in the implementation of safety regulations when conducting experiments.

Stimulate the development of independence and responsibility.

Develop an emotionally value attitude towards the world around the world.

Attract parents to joint activities.

Project Description:

"People who have learned observations and experiments,

acquire the ability to put questions themselves

and get actual answers on them

on a higher mental and moral

the level in comparison with those who have not passed such a school. "

K.E. Timiryazev


The world in which we live is folded, multifaceted and having changed. People are part of this world open all new and new objects, phenomena and patterns of surrounding. At the same time, each person rotates within the framework of his image of the world.

The image of the world is a complex holistic knowledge system about a person, about the world in general, about other people, about himself, about their activities.

During the preschool childhood, the initial image of the world occurs due to the cognitive activity of a child having its own specifics on each age. The development of cognitive interest in various areas of knowledge and activities is one of the components of both the overall development of the preschooler and the further success of his school training. The interest of the preschooler to the world around the world, the desire to master all the new - the basis of the formation of this quality. Throughout the preschool childhood, along with gaming activities, cognitive activity is of great importance in the development of the child's personality, as the process of learning knowledge, skills, skills.

Currently, the process of high-quality education is actively occupied in the country, its cultural, developing, personal potential increases. Various forms of research activities are actively introduced into the educational process.

One of the promising methods that contribute to solving this problem is child experimentation.

The main advantage of the experimentation method is that it gives children real ideas about the various sides of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with a habitat. In the process of the experiment, it is enriching the memory of the child, its mental processes are activated, since it is constantly the need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparisons and classifications. The need to give a report on seen, formulate the detected patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech.

Children's experimentation as specially organized activities contributes to the establishment of a holistic picture of the world of the child of preschool age and the foundations of the cultural knowledge of the surrounding world.

In-depth work with children in the formation of their cognitive sphere contributed to the development of its own pedagogical technology. The result of the work carried out was the development and testing of methodological and didactic material, creating conditions for the organization of search and experimental activities.

The main advantage of work under project activity is the knowledge of real ideas about the various sides of the object being studied. In this project, teacher and children perform a common cause: studying the world around, we learn to take care of nature, guarding it.

Knowledge, hoped not from books, but mined independently, by experimenting, are always conscious and stronger. Thanks to this project, the child harmoniously develops and gets the opportunity to put newly increasingly difficult goals.

General characteristics of the project:

Project Type:

Long-term (implementation period: September - May), information and practical oriented.

Project type:


Project participants : Pupils of senior pre-school groups, teachers, parents.

Forms of interaction :

With children: directly educational activities; productive activity; Game activities.

With parents: consultations; Open outcomes of final lessons.

With teachers: seminars; open classes; Consultations.

Project volume:

The work is based on the annual planning of the DOW, which is reflected in the comprehensive-thematic planning of joint activities of teachers and children. The term of implementation from September to May, classes are planned one per week

Project objectives:

1. Creating conditions for the formation of the main integral world of the child of a senior preschool age by means of a physical experiment.

2. Development of curiosity, ability to compare, analyze, summarize, develop the cognitive interest of children in the process of experiment, establishing causal dependence, the ability to draw conclusions.

Project tasks:

1. Expand the presentation of children about the physical properties of the world.

2. To acquaint children with the properties of various items, natural materials (paper, plastic, magnet, soil, water, etc.).

3. To form experience in performing safety regulations during experiments.

4. Stimulate the development of independence and responsibility.

5. Develop an emotional and value attitude towards the world around the world.

6. Attracting parents to joint activities.


Search and research observations: random observations and experiments, planned experiments, as answers to children's questions;

Conducting experiments (practical);

Conversations (constructive).

Stages of the project:

    Preparatory stage:

    creating a technical base for children's experimentation (equipment, natural materials);

    • diagnostics;

      defining the objectives and objectives of the project.

2) Project implementation:

1. Theoretical part : preparation of a promising plan, the development of abstracts;

2. Practical part:

cognitive classes with elements of experimentation: drawing, modeling, applique, constructive activity;

communication with other activities: Game, productive, educational and research (experiences), communicative (conversations, reading fiction), speech development, drawing, modeling;

organization of the circle work "Macericulture".

    The final stage:

diagnosis (efficiently comparative analysis).

Expected results:

    A high level of cognitive activity in pupils, mastering the foundations of a holistic vision of the surrounding world;

    Manifestation of cognitive interest in classes, improvement of speech development, deepening knowledge, skills, skills stipulated by the basic educational program of the DOU; Enrichment of the substantive development environment in the group.

    Replenishing the scientific and methodological base of the Dow on this method of research.

Project implementation:

Stage 1 - Preparatory:

1.1. Study of theoretical aspects on this issue in pedagogy. Acquaintance with the works of leading authors on this study problem.

1.2. Development and conduct of diagnosis of children, in order to fix personal growth and the volume of obtained skills in children.

1.3. Determining the purpose and tasks of this experience, expected results.

1.4. Determination of the main forms of working with children.

1.5 Development of a promising plan for implementing in the practical daily activities of children of experiments and experiments, the development of abstracts on nodes with elements of experimentation.

1.6. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment for implementation in the practice of experimental activities of children, equipping an experimentation corner:

    special dishes (cups, tubes, funnels, plates);

    natural material (pebbles, sand, seeds, etc.);

    recycled material (wire, clips, threads ...);

    other materials - magnifiers, thermometers.

The competent combination of materials and equipment in the experimentation corner contribute to the mastery of cognitive activities, methods of action, surveying facilities, an expansion of cognitive experience.

1.7. A selection of practical material including:

Work with children:

Node abstracts with experimentation elements;

A promising plan for directly experiments and experiments;

Diagnosis of children on criteria of experimental activities;

Card files of experiments and experiments.

Work with parents:

Consultations for parents on this topic; Memo.

Working with caregivers:


Stage 2 - Main:

The implementation of the assigned tasks was carried out in three main forms:

Directly educational activities;

Additional educational activities of children (circle work);

Joint activity of adult and children, as well as a child with a peer.

Directly educational activities.

It is very important to cause and maintain the interest of children to the topic studied to solve all the tasks. And experiments resemble children "tricks", they are unusual, and, most importantly, children do everything themselves and experience a sense of joy from their small and large "discoveries". After classes, children arise many questions, which are based on a cognitive motive.

For the organization of independent cognitive activities of children in the context of a developing environment, techniques have special significance, stimulating the development of their cognitive activity. For example, the presence of a model of a sequence of activity helps children independently spend the experiments, test their assumptions, feel researchers.

Joint activities are the most attractive form of organization of work with children in experimental activities.

Positive moments:

Fastening the previously obtained (learned) material;

Continuing to expand the ideas about objects and phenomena;

Freedom of action, both for adult and for children (the opportunity to move away from the planned plan);

The role of the teacher is flexible (presenter, partner);

In the process of experimental activities, children get the opportunity to satisfy their inheress curiosity (why, as, why, and what will happen if), feel scientists, researchers, and discovers. It is very important in the process of working to use all the senses (not only to see and hear, but also sniff, touch, and even taste (if possible and safely)).

Joint activities outside classes with older children We organize 1 time per week for 15-20 minutes.

Work is carried out with small groups, taking into account the level of development and cognitive interests of children.

Methods of experiments and experiments.

Preparation for the planned observations and experiments begins with the definition of current didactic tasks. Then the teacher chooses an object with which he gets in advance - and in practice, and in literature. At the same time develops experimental techniques if it is not familiar to the teacher.

Offering children to put experience, the teacher informs them a goal or a task so that the children themselves determine what they need to do.

Time is given to thinking, and then the teacher attracts children to the discussion of the technique and the stroke of the experiment.

In the process of work, it is necessary to encourage children seeking their own ways to solve the problem, varying the course of experiment and experimental actions. At the same time, do not release those who work slowly, for some reason lags behind and lose the main idea.

The final stage of the experiment is to summarize and formulate conclusions.

Conclusions are made in verbal form and (or) you can use graphical fixation of the results, i.e. Design in drawings, schemes.

Work with parents.

This work provides for the active involvement of parents to cooperate with children. For a child, it is important that his mother and dad support his interests, so we attract parents to active aid.

For example, you can offer children at home to do a number of experiments with water, air, conduct research, answer questions, for example, where can I find the water at home? Why do you need water and choose it? Parents help, send children to perform tasks.

In addition, parents can help in the design of a variety of collections. They collect exhibits during the holidays, at the cottage, for walks, showing great interest in the lesson.

In addition, parents attract children to care for pets, indoor plants and bring up responsibility for their lives and health.

To enlighten parents, consultations were held on topics: "Organization of child experimentation at home", "Water experimentation".

3 Stage - Final :

At the end of the year, a re-examination of children is held. Diagnostics will show the dynamics of the development of child experimentation.

Quantitative data will make trace the effectiveness of the work, track the children's result and plan their further work.

Further development of the project.

Development of search and cognitive activities of children of early preschool age:

1) creating conditions in early-age groups to maintain and develop cognitive interest;

2) the development of prospective planning for the development of the search and cognitive interest of young children;

3) the organization of joint activities of kindergarten and family on this topic.

The work of the staff of the Dow on the development of educational research activities of preschoolers:

1) Development of working programs for additional educational activities for older students "Secrets of Wildlife";

2) Equipment "Weather Station", training students in ways and techniques for work on it.

Used Books:

1. Drybina O. V. Unknown nearby: entertaining experiments and experiments for preschoolers / text / O.V. Dina, N. P. Rakhmanova, V.V. Bristin. -M.: TC "Sphere", 2005.

2. Derkunskaya V.A. Design activities for preschoolers / educational and methodological manual. - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2013.

3. Ivanova A. I. Natural science observations and experiments in kindergarten. Plants. / Text /: Children's Encyclopedia / A. I. Ivanova -M.: TC "Sphere", 2004.

4. Falkov A.I. Combinatorial experimentation of preschoolers with a multi-connected object - "black box" // Questions of psychology, 1990. No. 5.

5. Falkov N.N. Creativity and self-development of preschool children. Conceptual aspect. - Volgograd: Change, 1995.

6. Ryzhova N. A. Wizard - Water / Text / N. A. Ryzhova. - M.: Link Press, 1997.

7. Ryzhova N.A. Games with water and sand // Obruch, 1997. - № 2.

8. Ryzhova on .. experiments with sand and clay // Obruch, 1998. - № 2.

9. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.V. Experimenting game for senior preschool children // Preschool pedagogy, 2001. - № 1.

10. Internet resources.

Design - Experimental activities in the senior group "Milk"

Kostenko Larisa Anatolyevna, Senior Educator.
Place of work: MKDOU "Podgorensky kindergarten №1"
Objective of the project:creating conditions for the development of the experimental activities of children in cooperation with the family.
Project tasks:
Help the children find out what milk is part of many products.
To form research skills.
Develop the cognitive interest of children to research activities, the desire to know the new one.
Develop and improve the cognitive interest of the family in the process of experimenting, establishing causal dependence, the ability to draw conclusions.
Develop the emotional value of preschoolers to the world around the world together with parents.
Involve parents to work to expand the ideas of children about the significance of milk for the body.
Educating the ability to work in the team, the desire to share information, participate in joint experimental activities.

Project Type:cognitive - research, medium-term.
Project participants:children of the senior group; parents of pupils;
Senior teacher, group teacher.
The relevance of the project.Mandatory and indispensable food nutrition is milk. It in its chemical composition and biological properties occupies an exceptional place among the animal products used in the nutrition of children of all age groups. But not all children are happy to drink milk and eat dishes cooked on the basis of milk and dairy products (porridge, dairy soups, cottage cheesecakes, cheese, and oil sandwiches). Strengthening child-parent relations in the process of experimental search activities, both in kindergarten and at home.
Problem.Children of preschool age do not understand the significance of milk and dairy products in the development of the body.
Motivation:Why do a person need milk?
Estimated results:
Children learn that milk is part of many products.
Research skills are formed.
Children will have an interest in research activities, the desire to know the new one.
The cognitive interest of the family in the process of experimentation will be improved and improved.
The emotional and value attitude of preschoolers to the world around the world together with their parents.
Parents involvement in informative - research work will help children understand the significance of milk and dairy products in the development of the body.
The ability to work in the team, the desire to share information, participate in joint pillar-experimental activities in kindergarten and at home.
Stages of the project
- Conducting a conversation with parents "Formation of experienced research activity of preschoolers in collaborative activities with family."
- familiarization of parents with the corner of experimental activities in the group.
- Collection of information about milk together with parents.
- Selection of artwork about milk.
- Selection of experiences with milk.
- collection of packaging of dairy products for the exhibition.
- Excursion to the shop "Division of dairy products".
- Conducting a node "Milk value in a person's life."
- Experiments with milk: "Comparison of milk and water", "Mixing milk with other products", "Floating milk", "Rainbow on milk".
- Registration of the exhibition of crafts from packaging of dairy products made in conjunction with parents.
- Production of glass layouts with tubes denoting the composition of milk: fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals.
- Contest of fairy tales about milk drawn up houses together with parents.
- Registration of the project presentation.
Equipment for experimental activities:Capacities for experiments, milk, tea, coffee, cocoa soluble, water, pictures, tables.
Excursion to the shop "Division of dairy products"
"Milk is amazing food prepared by nature itself."
Ivan Pavlov

Tasting of dairy products

Directly - educational activities
"The value of milk in a person's life"

In milk, many vitamins and substances are useful.
Drink milk pair so that the caries disappear.
So that the bones were strong, did not hurt the head.
Mood to be over always.
Exhibition of packages and crafts from boxes of dairy products

Experience number 1 "Comparison of milk and water"

Material:a glass of milk and water.

- What is the difference between the milk from the water?

Lower in a glass of water and milk teaspoon.
- What glad we see a spoon?
For a glass with milk and water, put a picture.
- Through what gland you see a picture?
- Slow milk and water. What can we say?

The water is transparent, and there is no milk. Water does not smell, and has milk.
Experience number 2 "Mixing milk with other products"
"The empty head does not argue: the more experience, the more it is capable of talking."
P. P. Blonsky

Whitewater all useful to us.
From the water of white everything you want, do.

Material: Glass of milk, tea, coffee.
Studying a research task:
- Will milk change on color and taste?
Forecasting the result and execution of the experiment.
Pour in cups with milk tea and coffee.
- What happens to milk?
- Was the color, taste, smell?
Fixing the results of the experiment and output.
Mixing milk with other products, the color varies, the smell, taste.
Experience №3 "Floating milk"

Material: Glass of milk, a piece of rye bread.
Studying a research task:
- How to get kefir?
Forecasting the result and execution of the experiment.
In a glass with milk, put a piece of rye bread and leave in a warm place for several hours. Watch, what will happen to milk?
Fixing the results of the experiment and output.
When adding rye bread into milk and leaving it for several hours in a warm place, a kefir is obtained.

Experience 4 "Obtaining yogurt"
Material:a glass of kefir, jam (any).
Studying a research task:
- What do you get if you add jam in kefir?
Forecasting the result and execution of the experiment.
In a glass with kefir, add jam and stir well. Let's try to taste what happened?
Fixing the results of the experiment and output.
When adding jam to Kefir, we get yogurt.

There is nothing good in the world,
What milk and a glass of kefir ...

Milk, milk!
We all love milk!
Milk, a product is wonderful, and, of course, useful.
From it is made cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir.

Milk is very useful
And for adults and guys.
Porridge, yogurt and sour cream
Big flag eat.

To get yogurt
It is necessary to put berries in kefir.
Then he swallow.
Here and yogurt is ready!

Experience 5 "Rainbow on milk"
Material:glass of milk, a plate for experience, paints (gouache) yellow, red, blue, detergent, cotton wand.
Studying a research task:
- How to get a rainbow on milk?
Forecasting the result and execution of the experiment.
Pour milk into a plate. Add red paint to the center of the plate, then blue and yellow. The cotton wand dip in the detergent and dip in the center of the plates with milk and paint.
Fixing the results of the experiment and output.
When adding a detergent, paint is divided into a plate in the form of a rainbow.

Results of the implementation of experimental activities:
Presentation of the project.
The presentation of the project was held in the form of thematic classes, which was attended by the children of the group and teachers of the kindergarten.
Positive project results.
During the project, the children learned about the significance of milk and dairy products for the development of man and other mammals. In children, during project activities, speech activity increased, the ability to compare on various features, drawing conclusions, increased interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world.
In the process of experimental activities, children:
An interest in research skills.
Developed mental operations.
Stimulated cognitive activity, curiosity.
Activated perception of familiarization with natural phenomena.