A sharp change in the mixture for newborn consequences. How to administer formula while breastfeeding


Imagine the situation: your baby eats well mixture already for several . But suddenly there are warning signs that show that mixture needs to be changed. They will serve as severe allergic reactions; the child reaches the age when it is necessary to switch to another stage of feeding; the need to introduce mixtures with a special therapeutic effect; and, conversely, the transition from the treatment mixture to the usual one.

Quite often, being on artificial medicinal mixtures. They are intended, as a rule, for premature babies; suffering from allergies; with low weight; children with food intolerance and for children suffering from regurgitation. They are usually prescribed by an observing pediatrician.

If there is a need to change the diet, then you need to act. To get started, study information on other mixtures. Maybe the baby needs a lighter or, conversely, more satisfying mixture. If there is a need for treatment, then read everything that relates to your existing disease. Careful selection of information before changing the child's diet will help to avoid unpleasant ones during the change. And, of course, it is necessary to follow the rules for transferring a child to another mixture.

Immediately, immediately transfer the child to a new mixture absolutely impossible. Otherwise, there will be problems with the tummy - the appearance of colic, bloating. The ideal scheme for changing the mixture looks like this: on the first day, 10 grams of the new mixture is given once, on the second day already 20 grams 2 times a day, on the third day 30 grams 3 times a day. And for 5 days you need to enter up to 50 grams at a time. Transition to new mixture takes approximately 7 days.

  1. Here is the schematic itself:
    A new mixture is introduced for at least 7 days! In no case should you drastically change the mixture of one company to another.
    If you change companies, do it by eliminating the first and introducing a larger dose of the second, for example:
    1 day - morning 30 ml new mixture + the rest of the old (from different bottles). Watching the child for days!!! And nothing else is given from the new.
    2 days (if everything is fine) - morning and afternoon, 30 ml of the new mixture + the rest of the old ...
    3 days - morning and afternoon, 50-60 ml of the new mixture + the rest of the old
    4-5 days - morning introduction of full feeding of the new mixture + other feedings of the old mixture
    7 days - feeding with a new mixture
    Be careful! If you do not adhere to this scheme, you can disrupt the baby's pancreas.
    A justified change in the mixture can only be if there is an allergy or diarrhea to the previous mixture. Constipation, spitting up, or "bad eating" that is not for the above reasons are not cause of the mixture change!!!
  2. Indications for artificial feeding
    The transition to artificial feeding (IV) depends on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Some young mothers are forced to take medications after operative childbirth, to gain strength. But it is known that absolutely all drugs tend to penetrate into breast milk, thereby harming the health of a newborn baby.

    Sometimes the cause of artificial feeding can be an infectious disease of the woman in labor, which also excludes breastfeeding. As statistics show, many women today face the problem of insufficient milk production. This can happen due to poor ecology, poor lifestyle and many other factors. Subsequently, the baby may significantly lose weight, unlike their newborn peers.

    Feeding a newborn baby formula will not harm him, as others and relatives may believe. On the contrary, the child will gain weight well and develop actively. In addition, if desired, when the young mother recovers, it will be possible to save breast milk and feed it to the baby for some time.

  3. Types of existing mixtures.

    Each breast milk substitute is divided into partially or fully adapted. Artificial baby food can be considered fully adapted if, in its basic composition, it is as close as possible to breast milk. Quite often you can meet manufacturers who put on sale a product of approximate composition that does not completely imitate mother's milk.

    Of course, it is almost impossible to completely copy and make a mixture, but it is half possible. Some manufacturers produce baby food made from goat's milk. Today it is recognized as the most useful and nutritious. But most manufacturers use cow's milk as a basis, which can cause allergies or diathesis in a child.

    Some mothers consider it appropriate to use acidophilic mixtures for artificial feeding of a newborn, which can be equated to ordinary kefir. But doctors from the World Health Organization believe that kefir is a complementary food product and should not be used as the main food.

  4. Mixtures in their structure are of several types:
    1. Dry or powder. They retain their basic properties much longer and cost a little less. They can be easily transported and are lighter in weight. Today, many young mothers give their preference to just this type, considering it as convenient as possible;
    2. Liquid or ready. This type has the advantage that such a mixture does not need to be prepared and diluted in a special way. Therefore, even during night feeding, a young mother will never be mistaken with proportions.
  5. Breast milk substitutes.

    Absolutely all breast milk substitutes can be divided into several main types - these are casein and whey. This division was invented because the protein component found in breast milk is also conditionally divided into its own groups - it is casein and whey protein. At the same time, protein, unlike casein, occupies a leading position for the manufacture of mixtures and milk replacers. In fact, all proportions should be observed in equal amounts, but not all baby food manufacturers take this important point into account.

    In addition, mixtures for artificial feeding of an infant are specialized and standard. Standard formulas for newborns are soy-based. Taking such a substitute can be given to a child only as directed by a doctor. Most often, indications for use can serve as anemia, anemia, which is associated with a lack of iron in the body. Therefore, to increase the iron index, the baby will be prescribed a mixture with a high content of such an important element for harmonious development and growth.

    But it is worth noting that such substitutes can be given only after three months. Young mothers like to make decisions on their own and believe that they know better than to feed their child. But you should not think so, since only children's doctors can objectively assess the health status of an infant, as well as help choose the optimal mixture for feeding. Otherwise, you can not only choose the wrong mixture, but also harm the health of your crumbs.

    Specialized milk formulas for newborns were made using special technologies, therefore they are most often prescribed to children who have some problems with the digestive tract. Such mixtures are intended for premature babies, allergy sufferers, crumbs with low weight or food intolerance. The pediatrician also prescribes adapted products for children who often spit up and suffer from constipation.

    Special care must be taken with soy-based mixtures. Such a food product can only be prescribed by the attending physician. You can not give a child such a mixture without special reason.

  6. How to choose the right mixture.

    Before buying any formula for newborns, you must carefully study its composition:
    • Squirrels. If a doctor prescribes a baby food in the form of a breast milk substitute, then it is worth asking which protein dominates in it. Doctors from the World Health Organization recommend giving preference to substitutes that contain a large amount of whey fraction.
    • Fats. They are able to provide the maximum calorie content of the finished product in the most important period of a child's life.
    • Carbohydrates. Breast milk contains the main carbohydrate for maintaining immunity and healthy crumbs - lactose. It makes up approximately 89% of total carbohydrates. A healthy baby can drink a mixture in which carbohydrates are present only in the form of lactose. Some breast milk substitutes contain glucose polymers in addition to lactose. Many pediatricians advise parents not to buy formula or milk replacer that contains sucrose.
    • Iron. This component is quite important and integral in any baby food. The total amount of content of such an element in the product can vary within a wide range. If the baby does not have any indications, then you should not specifically buy a mixture with a large amount of iron content. This can lead to frequent regurgitation, changes in the consistency of the child's stool and significantly worsen the taste properties of the finished product. But iron is an excellent environment for the development of intestinal bacteria, which can subsequently lead to a rather dangerous and harmful disease - dysbacteriosis.
    It is worth noting that choosing a mixture for newborns, relying only on reviews, is not worth it. The final selection and determination of the optimal mixture depends on two factors:
    1. Appointment only according to the testimony of a pediatrician, who must objectively assess the weight indicator, the developmental features of the child, the circumstances during childbirth and pregnancy, determine the tendency of a small patient to allergies, and many other indicators;
    2. Carefully monitoring the reaction of the child. If he perceives and digests the finished mixture well, then he will eat it with great pleasure. Otherwise, he will not even take a bottle with her smell into his mouth. After eating, she may spit up a lot and periodically cry. In this case, the mixture must be replaced immediately.
    Some mothers like to change infant formulas for no good reason, as they believe that others may be better or cheaper. They can also be advised by a certain manufacturer of a girlfriend and praise the composition. In such cases, each mother believes that she knows better what mixture to choose for her newborn child. But it is categorically impossible to do this, because the mixture is selected individually, and if it suits one child, then another baby may not like it.
  7. Possible situations that say the mixture needs to be changed:
    1. General individual intolerance to any component. Most often it can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction;
    2. Reaching a certain age, which requires a change from one mixture to another, older. Baby food changes at 6 months and a year. At the same time, each mother should remember that if the child ate a mixture of a particular manufacturer, then the other should be similar. You should not change the manufacturer along with the age number;
    3. The need for the appointment and use of a therapeutic mixture. Such a case occurs during the manifestation of an allergic reaction, frequent regurgitation and other possible problems. The therapeutic mixture should be administered only after a thorough examination of the child by a doctor. He will draw conclusions and prescribe the most optimal option for artificial feeding;
    4. Switching directly from the therapeutic to the adapted mixture. In this case, you can change the mixture only after eliminating all problems.
    It should be noted that during artificial feeding the child can be given a little water, but you should not abuse it. And the total amount of water you drink does not add up to the total amount of the mixture you drink.
  8. How to prepare a mixture.

    First you need to carefully read the instructions that manufacturers always print on packages. It should be carefully studied and observed during preparation, since many young, and in some cases already experienced parents, are interested in the following question: how to properly feed a newborn with a mixture. If you pour too much powder, then the finished mixture will have a thick consistency, as well as a rich taste. This inattentive attitude to the cooking process can lead to a high content of nutrients, and the child will subsequently spit up frequently.

    If you pour a little powder, then the mixture in the end result will be low-calorie. This is also not considered the norm, because the baby will often be naughty and gain weight poorly. To dilute the mixture, the water must be boiled well. Many pediatricians and manufacturers indicate the optimal temperature for cooking water is 36 or 37 degrees.

    Therefore, after boiling, the water must be cooled to the required temperature. With the help of a measuring spoon, which is available in each pack, you should pour the right amount into a separate container, it can be a plate or a bottle. The powder is poured into water and quickly stirred until completely dissolved.

    To check the temperature, you need to put a few drops on your wrist. Each mother must strictly observe the temperature regime of the prepared mixture. Because too cold or hot liquid will not bring the expected benefits.

  9. The process of feeding a child on IV.

    Many women may also be interested in how to formula feed a newborn artificially. The child is gradually growing and he needs to increase the amount of the finished mixture. It is also necessary to take into account the physique of the baby, his appetite and metabolic rate. There are certain days in the week when the baby may eat less food than usual. To determine the optimal amount of baby food for a newborn baby, it is necessary to coordinate all points with a pediatrician.

    For each individual child, it is necessary to select a diet and the amount of the mixture, on an individual basis. But many mothers can periodically get carried away and feed the baby more than necessary. You should not do this, because a newborn or a grown child may be at risk of obesity.

    As you know, children sometimes do not notice the amount of food eaten. After eating, the excess of the mixture can be vomited out and not completely absorbed in the small ventricle. Mothers must take into account all the points and rules of feeding, otherwise you can even harm the health of the little man. Hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns also do not bear any benefit.

  10. Contact with mother during breastfeeding.

    Every mother constantly tries to do everything in time and do it on time, but it is very difficult to do this with a small child. Breastfed babies are in constant contact with their mother during feeding.

    Some mothers manage to give their baby a bottle while doing other chores around the house. But then the baby is less and less in contact with the mother. At a time when it is very important for a little baby in the first days and months of life. Children are in great need of motherly warmth and care. This contact helps the baby to learn the world around and perceive it correctly.

    Therefore, all actions must be done slowly, without haste. After all, such happy moments pass quickly and you need to enjoy every moment spent together. Little children feel the mood of their mother, so you do not need to perceive all actions and care as aggravating moments.

  11. Important rules.

    In order to approach the process of artificial feeding as correctly as possible, you need to know how much to give the mixture to the newborn and follow a few simple and uncomplicated rules:
    1. The choice and purchase of formula or breast milk substitute must be approached responsibly so that the baby eats only high-quality food. It must satisfy all the needs of the body;
    2. The mixture should be prepared with careful observance of all norms and quantities. It is better to do this process slowly, considering all the actions. Pediatricians from the World Health Organization do not recommend young parents to prepare the mixture in advance and store it in a cool place;
    3. Mothers should constantly monitor how babies tolerate the mixture;
    4. Over time, you can adjust the volume and amount of food for the child;
    5. After each meal, all bottles and nipples must be thoroughly washed, treated with hot water and sterilized. Modern young mothers prefer sterilizers that quickly and efficiently clean children's dishes from germs and food debris;
    6. Some babies may be naughty and not take the pacifier that their mother offers them. Sometimes you need to change several types of nipples in order to find the best option for the child. During sucking, there should be no difficulty with the flow of milk;
    7. It is necessary to constantly monitor and analyze the amount of food mixture and liquid consumed per day;
    8. Complementary foods must be added to the diet of crumbs on time and gradually.
    All the tips and rules for the introduction of complementary foods will be told by the pediatrician at the next examination.

It is known that the best for any child is breast milk. But it happens that the mother does not have the opportunity to breastfeed the baby for one reason or another. In such cases, milk mixtures come to the aid of mother and baby in their wide variety, and it is not always easy to figure out which one is better to use.

Feeding a baby with food that is not suitable for him is fraught with very unpleasant consequences - from diarrhea to severe allergic reactions that require hospitalization. Therefore, when introducing a new product, you should be very careful, because the health and well-being of the baby is at stake.

Classification of infant formula

There are many types of formulas for feeding babies. It is necessary to select them for the baby together with the pediatrician, guided by his recommendations. Transferring a child to a new diet is comparable to prescribing drugs for treatment: only a doctor can decide this.

So, what are the mixtures and what are their features? Let's give a classification.

According to the degree of adaptation, baby food can be of the following types:

  • adapted;
  • partially adapted;
  • unadapted.

An adapted formula is a product that is as close as possible in its composition to breast milk, corresponding to the characteristics of the metabolism of children, and containing vitamins, minerals, lactose and dextrin-maltose, whey proteins, vegetable fats in a balanced amount.

They are made from cow, goat, soy milk and are suitable for most healthy babies. Of the well-known brands that produce adapted nutrition, one can cite Humana1, Pre-Hipp and Hipp-1, Nutrilon, NAN, AGU-1, Enfamil-1, Samper Baby- one ".

Partially adapted are called casein mixtures, which do not include whey, but all other components make them close to the composition of mother's milk. Examples are Similak, Nestozhen, Anta-mil, Baby, Baby.

Unadapted is whole cow and goat milk. They are not recommended for children under 1 year of age. According to the timing of the introduction of the mixture, there are either initial or subsequent.

Initial - these are, as a rule, species adapted, intended for use by children in the first months of life and corresponding to their physiological characteristics. Subsequent - suitable for children from 6 months, and contain more protein. The consistency of mixtures can be dry or liquid.

The difference between dry and liquid is that dry must be prepared by yourself, following the dosage recommendations on the product packaging. Liquid ones are ready-made, portion-packed mixtures that only need to be warmed up.

If liquid nutrition is available, it should be preferred: in this way, you can play it safe from breeding mistakes, because parents often dilute food “by eye”, or deliberately exceed the dosage.

According to the level of acid-base balance, baby food is divided into 2 types:

  • fresh;
  • fermented milk.

Sour-milk mixtures are used in cases where the baby has intestinal disorders: constipation, colic, diarrhea. Sour-milk products normalize the microflora and promote recovery, after which the child can be transferred to normal unleavened food.

According to indications for use, the mixture is divided into the following types:

  • basic;
  • treatment-and-prophylactic;
  • medical.

Basic baby food is prescribed for feeding healthy children and forms the basis of their diet. Children with special dietary needs are prescribed therapeutic and treatment-and-prophylactic mixtures.

What are the grounds for moving

There must be good reasons for transferring a baby to another type of baby food. You can't rely solely on price and availability.

Reasons for this need:

  • allergic reaction;
  • intolerance to milk proteins;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • planned age transition.

It is possible to understand that a baby has an allergy by several symptoms. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, these are frequent and profuse regurgitation, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal colic and bloating. Respiratory manifestations - runny nose with copious amounts of mucus, cough - are rare in infants, but they cause a lot of problems.

Allergies are also manifested by skin rashes and redness in the buttocks, abdomen, back, cheeks, and neck. All these symptoms usually occur in case of an allergy to cow's milk protein.

Since most formulas contain cow's milk protein, a child with an allergy should be switched to a diet that does not contain it. These are mixtures based on goat and soy milk, amino acids, or those in which cow protein is split by deep hydrolysis.

Lactase deficiency (milk sugar intolerance) is a reason for the immediate transition of the baby to another product. The reason to worry and show the child to the doctor is frothy, green stools, bloating and anxiety after each feeding, weight loss or lack of weight gain, constant crying during feeding.

In this case, the baby should be transferred to low-lactose or lactose-free types of nutrition.

How to Safely Introduce a New Formula

As with any new food, you need to introduce a new mixture very carefully and gradually, even if the reason to switch to another food is just the next age stage. Before transferring the child to another mixture, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

The introduction should begin with 5 ml, gradually increasing the amount of the new product and reducing the amount of the old one. A new mixture is given immediately before feeding, using a separate bottle for this. You need to be prepared for the fact that the introduction will need to be interrupted, and resumed again no earlier than one month later.

The scheme for introducing new baby food into the baby's diet is as follows:

  • 1 day - 5 ml in the first feeding. Other feedings are not replaced;
  • Day 2 - 10 ml in the first and second feedings;
  • Day 3 - 10 ml before each feeding;
  • Day 4 - 20 ml before each feeding;
  • Day 5 - 50 ml;
  • Day 6 - 100 ml.

On the seventh day, you can completely replace the old food with a new one. Such a scheme is quite loyal to the baby's body and gives him the opportunity and time to get used to the new food.

No one will argue with the statement that breast milk is the best food for a newborn. However, there are situations when a woman, for some reason, cannot breastfeed her baby; in this case, infant milk formulas will come to her aid. But even here there are many difficulties and pitfalls, for example, the composition will not suit the baby. What to do in such a situation? The answer is obvious - move on to something else. Let's consider how to introduce a new mixture into the baby's diet without harm to his health.

Infant formula is an additional product in the baby's diet or a complete breast milk substitute. In the latter case, we are talking about artificial feeding. A child from the mixture should receive the entire set of nutrients that mother's milk contains.

Classification of mixtures for children

There is a wide variety of types of formulas intended for feeding babies. According to the degree of impact on the body, doctors compare such a product with a medicine, therefore a pediatrician should select it. But it will not be superfluous for parents to know what mixtures exist.

According to the degree of adaptation, the composition can be:

  1. Adapted - such mixtures are as close as possible to breast milk in their composition and properties;
  2. Unadapted - whole milk of a cow or goat;
  3. Partially adapted - casein mixtures, from which whey is excluded, in terms of the content of other elements they are close to breast milk.

According to the timing of the introduction of the mixture can be:

  1. Initial - these include adapted products intended for newborns in the first months of life (up to six months) and corresponding to their physiological characteristics;
  2. Subsequent - they are distinguished by a high protein content in their composition, they are suitable for feeding children from the age of 6 months.

According to the consistency, mixtures are distinguished:

  1. Liquid - packaged in portions and ready for use, it remains only to heat the composition to the required temperature;
  2. Dry - you have to cook it yourself, following the dosages and recommendations indicated on the package.

According to the indications for use, the following types of food are distinguished:

  1. Basic - intended for healthy children and forms the basis of their usual diet;
  2. Therapeutic and therapeutic-prophylactic - it is necessary to give babies who have problems and special dietary needs (children with allergies, unstable stools, often spitting up food).

According to the level of acid-base balance, mixtures are distinguished:

  1. Sour-milk - necessary if the baby has intestinal disorders (diarrhea, constipation, colic), they help normalize the intestinal microflora and contribute to the speedy recovery of the child;
  2. Fresh - suitable for healthy babies.

Fundamentals of artificial feeding

If breastfeeding is impossible for some reason, then the baby has to be given artificial milk formulas. In this case, the mother, together with the pediatrician, must determine the frequency and amount of food needed. The amount of food depends on the baby's body weight and age. As for the frequency of feeding, the following scheme applies here:

  • from birth to 4 months - 6-7 times a day;
  • at the age of 4 to 10 months - 4 times a day;
  • from 10 months to 1 year - 2 times a day.

In the first 2-3 months after the birth of the crumbs, it is better to feed him with unleavened mixtures, since sour-milk can lead to regurgitation (or increase them). Later, a combination of these two types of baby food is considered the best option, the ratio should be 1: 1.

Sterilized cow's or goat's milk, as well as baby kefir or biokefir are not adapted products, so it is advisable to use them in the baby's diet from 6 months and only in the form of complementary foods.

Medicinal formulas constitute a special group among infant formulas. They are used in special cases when conventional formulations are not suitable for a baby. Already in infancy, some children require special types of mixtures with medicinal properties: allergies, premature babies suffering from constipation, abdominal pain, frequent regurgitation. But you need to use such food only as directed by the pediatrician. At the same time, there are specially designed schemes for introducing therapeutic mixtures into the baby's diet, which should be followed. Starting to give the baby such food without consulting a doctor, it is possible not only not to achieve a positive effect, but, on the contrary, to harm the health of the crumbs.

Rules for the preparation of mixtures

  1. Water for preparing infant formula should be of high quality, ideally special bottled water for newborns.
  2. Tap water and from natural sources must be boiled.
  3. Before cooking, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or treat them with special disinfectant wet wipes.
  4. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage for the preparation of the mixture: an overdose of the powder can cause digestive problems in a small child, a dry matter deficiency will lead to the fact that the child will receive less nutrients, and this may adversely affect his development.
  5. The temperature of the milk mixture, which is given to the crumbs, should be 36-37 degrees.
  6. The mixture should have the right consistency, to check this, you need to turn the bottle upside down without shaking it, and see how the contents flow out. First, it should stand out in a thin stream, and then 1 drop per second.
  7. It is advisable to prepare the milk composition right before feeding; in extreme cases (for example, for a trip), you can do this in advance.
  8. It is forbidden to leave a baby alone with a bottle, he can burp and choke.
  9. After the baby is fed, all items used for cooking and children's dishes must be washed well, the remnants of the mixture are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

We transfer the baby to the new mixture correctly

Transferring the crumbs to another mixture is simply not worth it. There must be good reasons for this. If the child feels well and eats, there is no reason to change his diet. However, sometimes the need arises.

Reasons for changing diet

Situations where it is necessary to change infant formula include the following:

  1. The appearance of an allergic reaction to the same food;
  2. The need to introduce crumbs of therapeutic mixtures into the diet, associated with the appearance of some kind of health problem in the baby;
  3. The need to switch from therapeutic nutrition to an adapted one, due to the elimination of the condition or disease in the baby, in which it began;
  4. A child reaching a certain age when a transition to a different type of food is necessary due to the changed needs of the child's body;
  5. Identification of milk protein intolerance or lactose deficiency in infants;
  6. Refusal of crumbs from food, insufficient weight gain.

The fact that a small child needs an updated diet can be judged by several signs:

  1. Noticeable changes in children's behavior - the baby is constantly naughty or becomes lethargic and drowsy, his attention is scattered, motor skills are disturbed;
  2. The baby experiences constant hunger, despite the fact that he receives a sufficient amount of food;
  3. The child drinks from the bottle all the time with great greed, or, conversely, completely refuses it;
  4. During the day or after feeding, the baby often and profusely spits up;
  5. The crumbs have problems with the functioning of the intestines - bloating, colic and gases, constant diarrhea or constipation, green feces;
  6. The appearance of a red rash on the skin, irritation, itching.

If parents notice similar symptoms in a baby, they definitely need to show the child to the doctor. It is the specialist who will identify the cause of this condition. If it is associated with an inappropriate formula for feeding, then the pediatrician will give recommendations and help to transfer the baby to a new food.

Basic Rules

  1. Only a pediatrician should choose the mixture, independent decisions can only harm the health of the crumbs.
  2. The transition should be carried out in stages, in terms of duration, it can take about a week.
  3. It is recommended to start feeding the baby with unusual food in the morning, but not at the first feeding.
  4. Every day, during the transfer of the baby to a different type of mixture, it is necessary to closely monitor his well-being.
  5. If the condition of the baby worsens, you should stop feeding with unusual food, you can not ignore the formation of a rash on the skin, bloating and too much regurgitation.
  6. It is forbidden to feed the baby at once two or more types of unusual mixtures.
  7. Do not deviate from the recommended amount of food.
  8. It is not necessary to transfer the baby to an updated form of the mixture during an illness, if he has begun to cut his teeth or will have to be vaccinated in the near future, the child during this period should be completely healthy and feel great.

Schemes for introducing a new composition into the diet

So, the type of mixture is determined, it's time to start a smooth transition to it. It is necessary to create all conditions so that a small organism adapts to a change in diet as easily as possible. Any new mixtures should be given to the baby from a separate bottle, this should be done before feeding with the usual composition. It is necessary to start the introduction of an unusual type of food with a small portion, gradually increasing it, and at the same time reducing the amount of the same food.

You can act according to one of the following schemes.

We prepare two different compositions in two separate bottles.

  • On the 1st day, we introduce 10 ml of a new mixture in one feeding, and supplement it with the usual food, then only the same food goes during the day.
  • The next day, we introduce at the beginning of 3 meals 10 ml of an unusual composition (it can be in a row or every other time).
  • On the 3rd - we introduce 20-30 ml at the beginning of 3 meals.
  • 4th day - 50-60 ml 5 times a day.
  • 5th day - 90-100 ml 4 times a day.
  • 6th day - 150 ml or more of a new composition for every 4-5 meals, that is, the baby is completely transferred to a different type of mixture.

As in the previous version, we pour two different compositions into separate bottles.

  • On the 1st day, we introduce 5-10 ml of renewed nutrition in one feeding.
  • On the 2nd, we introduce 20 ml of unusual food at a time.
  • 3rd day - 40 ml of new food also at a time.
  • On the 4th day, we introduce 40 ml of a new mixture through each meal, we feed it throughout the day.
  • On the 5th day, we introduce 40 ml each time.
  • On the 6th day, each time we give the crumbs the necessary amount of food.

Thus, it will turn out in a week to transfer the baby to a different type of mixture.

If the baby refuses new food

When switching from breastfeeding to artificial or when replacing one mixture with another, the baby may begin to refuse an unusual type of food. What should mom do in this case? First of all, do not forget about the rule of a gradual transition to updated food and do not hope that the baby will immediately be delighted with it. You should be prepared for the fact that this process of accustoming will take some time. Perhaps the first portions that a newborn will eat will be quite small. In addition, the baby's appetite, like that of any adult, changes from day to day or even during the day.

You should not be equal to the stories of your girlfriends or relatives about how much their children eat, and expect the same from your crumbs. Body weight, age, the rate of metabolic processes - a whole range of factors affect the appetite of a newborn.

If it seems to you that the child eats too little, then this is not yet a reason for panic and concern, most likely, such a volume is quite enough for him. But a small weight gain, frequent urination, anxious and restless behavior are really worth paying attention to. These symptoms may indicate the presence of various problems, which may be the cause of a low appetite in a baby.

Did the child fit the new composition?

Not every mother knows how and by what signs it is possible to understand whether another mixture was suitable for her baby after replacement. And those who are too anxious sometimes even find side effects that are not really there.

The following signs indicate that the child's body has successfully adapted to new food:

  1. Healthy and clean skin - there are no irritations or rashes on the child's body, which indicates the absence of an allergic reaction to components of a different composition;
  2. Normal stool - evidence that everything is in order with the intestines is the presence of a dense stool at least once every two days;
  3. A healthy feeling of hunger - the baby wants to eat no more than every 3-3.5 hours;
  4. Normal weight gain;
  5. Restful sleep, a healthy interest in the world around us, the absence of whims and anxiety.

A change in nutrition is a considerable stress for the body of a newborn, so you should not do it for the sake of interest, for a change, because of advertising or for similar unreasonable reasons. This process should go smoothly and always under the supervision of a doctor, only then your baby will always be in a great mood and completely healthy.