Rfmk during pregnancy - what is it? the value of the norm, increased rfmk. Why take a blood test rfmk and what is it

SFMC - soluble fibrin-monomeric complexes - is the most important parameter of the hemostasiogram. A blood test is prescribed for women when conditions are detected that threaten the course of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus. A slight increase in RFMK is not dangerous and is a physiological process. The rapid growth of fibrin-monomer complexes threatens the formation of blood clots and the development of complications up to abortion.


Before the conception of a child, the level of RFMK is 3.5-4 mg / 100 ml. The lower limit is conditional: a drop in the indicator occurs when taking certain medications (antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants). When reducing the RFMK, it is necessary to take into account the initial data, and not focus on the conditional norm.

In obstetric practice, the growth of complexes is important. The upper limit of the norm is 4 mg / 100 ml. This parameter is taken into account when planning pregnancy. An increase in RFMC is a reason for a targeted examination and consultation with a hemostasiologist. You need to visit a specialized specialist before conception.

During pregnancy, a physiological increase in fibrin-monomeric complexes occurs. Their level depends on the gestational age:

  • I trimester - up to 5 mg / 100 ml;
  • II trimester - up to 6 mg / 100 ml;
  • III trimester - up to 7 mg / 100 ml.

When evaluating the parameters of the hemostasiogram, it is worth considering the laboratory standards given on the form. Different approaches to the study of the material lead to different interpretations of the results.

Physiological reasons for the growth of RFMK

After the conception of a child, the hormonal background of a woman changes. This affects the work of all internal organs, and the hemostasis system is no exception. Increases blood clotting, accelerate the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream. This phenomenon is called physiological hypercoagulability. Such changes in the hemostasis system provide natural processes occurring in the body of a woman:

  • implantation - the introduction of the embryo into the endometrium;
  • the formation and development of the placenta - the structure that nourishes and protects the fetus;
  • stop natural bleeding during childbirth.

Increased blood clotting during pregnancy is due to such mechanisms:

  • the formation of the third circle of blood circulation;
  • increase in BCC (blood volume in the vessels) by 20%;
  • an increase in the number of platelets - cells responsible for the formation of blood clots;
  • an increase in fibrinogen and blood clotting factors.

Physiological coagulation is not dangerous for the woman and the fetus. If MFMC remains within the normal range (taking into account the gestational age), treatment is not required.

Pathological reasons for the increase in RFMK

The growth of fibrin-monomeric complexes can be associated with the following points:

  • Extragenital pathology. Increased blood clotting occurs with varicose veins of the lower extremities, diabetes mellitus, and some autoimmune processes. The growth of RFMC may indicate heart failure, valvular defects and pathological processes in the vessels. A high level of RFMK is detected in a purulent inflammatory process. The growth of the complex indicates a high probability of developing thromboembolic conditions.
  • Preeclampsia. Against its background, active intravascular coagulation develops, the likelihood of thrombosis increases, blood flow in the pelvic organs and the placenta is disturbed. Without treatment, the disease progresses, threatening to terminate the pregnancy before term.
  • Injuries. Against the background of tissue damage, blood clotting increases, and the level of RFMK increases.
  • Postoperative period. During the operation, tissues are damaged, and the hemostasis system is activated. The level of RFMK in the hemostasiogram is growing.
  • congenital thrombophilia. Hereditary diseases of hemostasis are not always detected in childhood. Often they make themselves felt only when trying to conceive a child or during pregnancy. Increased blood clotting leads to long-term infertility, becomes the cause of habitual miscarriage, premature birth and other complications.

Why is a high level of RFMK dangerous?

The growth of fibrin-monomer complexes indicates that the hemostasis system is activated and blood clotting increases. Against this background, the blood supply to various organs, including the placenta, worsens. Thrombi form in the lumen of the vessels, and the risk of complications increases:

  • early and late pregnancy termination (spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth);
  • non-developing pregnancy;
  • placental insufficiency in the second half of gestation;
  • violation of blood flow in the system mother-placenta fetus;
  • chronic fetal hypoxia;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • perinatal damage to the nervous system of the fetus;
  • premature detachment of the normal placenta;
  • bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth.

What to do if RFMC is elevated?

With the growth of RFMK more than acceptable values, therapy is prescribed aimed at reducing blood clotting. It is important to prevent the formation of blood clots and restore blood flow. Refusal of treatment threatens the development of complications.

Medical therapy:

  • Anticoagulants. Low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) are prescribed subcutaneously in a short course (10 days). 3 weeks after completion of therapy, a control assessment of hemostasis is performed. According to indications, the course can be repeated. Heparins are canceled at 36 weeks or earlier with a clear threat of preterm birth.
  • Antiplatelet agents. They are prescribed orally for 3 weeks, followed by hemostasiogram monitoring.
  • Antihypoxants. Assigned orally or intravenously drip for 5-10 days.
  • vitamins. It is recommended to take folic acid in the early stages and multivitamin complexes after 12 weeks. Assigned inside daily.

Childbirth with an increased level of RFMK can be carried out through the natural birth canal in the absence of other complications of pregnancy. If increased blood clotting occurs against the background of preeclampsia or other dangerous conditions, a caesarean section may be offered.

RFMK stands for “soluble fibrin-monomer complexes”. This indicator means the percentage of fibrin breakdown, which is responsible for the appearance of blood clots in the vessels.

An RFMC blood test is done only when absolutely necessary. Its other name is coagulogram.

When deciphering, doctors determine the number of blood clots. When it exceeds the norm, this indicates that there is a large blood clot in the vessels of the body. If the indicator is not normalized in a timely manner, then this can lead to serious complications.


The blood in the body performs the function of delivering oxygen to the cells and removing harmful substances, and the hemostasis system is also responsible for the formation of blood clots. If this function is disturbed and the blood does not coagulate, then a strong outflow of the latter occurs.

Even with a small injury, when the reverse process occurs, that is, strong clotting, blood clots form. They can block the lumen of the vessel and disrupt the movement of blood through the body.

Hemostasis includes:

  • Endothelium, a layer of cells lining the walls of blood vessels from the inside. When an injury occurs, healthy tissues begin to produce substances that stimulate the appearance of a blood clot.
  • Cells that help glue damaged areas together when a wound occurs. These are platelets. They stick together and close the wound.
  • plasma factors. The latter contains a large number of enzymes, when activated, a thrombus appears and even extensive bleeding gradually decreases.

Fibrinolytic and anticoagulant functions support hemostasis, it helps to stop bleeding in a timely manner, to prevent the formation of a large thrombus that blocks the vessel.

When is an RFMC analysis prescribed?

To check the performance of the hemostasis system, this analysis is carried out. It can be implemented both in expanded and basic form. When deciphering, the doctor evaluates the body's ability to blood coagulate, this is helped by the activation marker of the hemocoagulation system - D-dimer.

The analysis is shown before the upcoming operation or on the eve of childbirth. In addition, it can be prescribed:

  • If thrombosis is suspected.
  • during anticoagulant therapy.
  • When conceiving with IVF.
  • During pregnancy, to prevent miscarriage or placental abruption.

Preparation for analysis

The study is performed on an empty stomach. The cubital vein is used to take the biomaterial. In order for the indicators to be true, it is recommended to donate blood after the preparation:

  • Avoid eating 8 hours before the examination.
  • Limit physical activity 2 hours before donating blood.
  • Eliminate stressful situations on the eve of the study.
  • Warn the laboratory assistant about taking medications. If they belong to the group of anticoagulants, then exclude them a day before the procedure.
  • Stop smoking before the examination.

The analysis is ready on the second or third day after the delivery of the material.


The interpretation of the results obtained is carried out according to certain criteria. In adults, a negative indicator is considered normal, that is, fibrin in a healthy person should be absent in the blood.

Not everyone knows what it means if the result is increased, this fact scares many. When in 2.5 minutes fibrin appears in the plasma and RFMC shows 3.38 + 0.02 mg per 100 ml, this also applies to the normal range.

The limit value of 4 mg is not a pathology either. In some laboratories, the borderline level is 5 mg. With an increase in the indicator, the hemostasis system is in danger, as blood clotting is impaired.

Factors affecting the change in RFMK

An increase in the indicator indicates that the blood is clotting more intensely than necessary. The higher its value, the more likely the appearance of blood clots inside the vessels.

Typically, a deviation from the norm is observed when:

  • Thrombosis, blockage. In this case, fatty deposits block the movement of substances through the vessels.
  • DPS syndrome. Microthrombi appear, with their dissolution, an inflection occurs in the direction of hypocoagulation. This triggers thrombosis.
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis. Inflammation in the vessels leads to increased bleeding.
  • Injuries. If internal organs are damaged, the process starts in nearby tissues, where platelets and monomers are also produced in an increased amount.

In addition, the causes of elevated values ​​may be temporary and dependent on physical activity or stress. In this case, the value returns to normal with the exclusion of provoking factors. The risk group includes patients with a hereditary predisposition.

The need for an analysis

Expectant mothers should follow the indications of the RFMC, since any deviations in the hemostasis system can cause health problems for the unborn child or the woman in labor.

When severe bleeding may begin during labor or placental abruption, miscarriage during pregnancy. Increased blood clotting is dangerous for the occurrence of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

The child will not receive the oxygen and nutrients he needs, and if he stays in this state for a long time, this will lead to his death or serious developmental disabilities.

Analysis during pregnancy is done 3 times in trimesters:

  • When registering a woman.
  • Between 22 and 24 weeks.
  • From 33 to 37 weeks, shortly before the birth of the baby.

The norm in pregnant women

Since the body is preparing for the upcoming birth and, accordingly, for physiological bleeding, the indicators for the expectant mother will be higher than those for an ordinary healthy person. In addition, the norms for weeks of pregnancy also differ.

In the first trimester, the normal level is up to 5.5 mg per 100 ml. During this period, the placenta has not yet completed its formation, and the blood is not as viscous as by the end of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, the norms can vary from 6 to 6.5 mg per 100 ml, this is not a pathology, since at week 16 the maturation of the placenta is completed, it begins to function at its maximum, while additional circles of blood circulation are connected, which causes an increase in blood density .

In the third trimester, the results of the analysis should be no more than 7.5 mg per 100 ml. The placenta begins to age, blood viscosity increases.

What does an increased level of RFMK mean?

If the rate increases in women during pregnancy, specialists prescribe additional tests to find out what caused the changes. It can be either a disease of the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, blood vessels, veins, endocrine system, or an autoimmune pathology.

Smoking or previous artificial insemination, as well as multiple pregnancies, can increase RFMK during pregnancy.

Along with other tests, a hemotest is prescribed if the cause of the pathology may be intolerance to certain foods, which causes a failure of metabolic processes and, as a result, malfunctions in all organs.

If timely assistance is not provided, then thrombosis or thrombophilia may develop, which provokes a miscarriage. Thrombophilia refers to hereditary diseases and manifests itself quite sharply.

The resulting clots can terminate the pregnancy, so the task of doctors is to keep the baby up to 7 months, when early birth is possible.

The syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation is no less dangerous.. It can be provoked by infections, injuries, tumors, inflammation, cardiovascular problems, autoimmune diseases, late toxicosis.

Reduced rate

This is observed quite rarely, usually with anticoagulant therapy or genetic diseases such as hemophilia and. A low rate can cause a threat of increased bleeding, placental abruption, which is fraught with fetal death.

Treatment when RFMK levels are abnormal

Since a low rate is observed very rarely, it is recommended to simply stop anticoagulants or increase the dose of drugs for von Willebrand disease and hemophilia.

When the RFMK is elevated, in order to avoid the occurrence of thrombosis, the essence of the problem is determined, after which doctors prescribe the appropriate treatment. It is given as an injection. If therapy does not help, then the patient is referred to a geneticist.

A high rate helps to reduce blood-thinning drugs, the most popular are:

  • Curantil or Phlebodia, taken three times a day for 1 month. But they are prescribed separately, since the combination of these two drugs is unsafe.
  • Folic acid. It is recommended for all pregnant women, especially in the early stages, but with the threat of thrombosis, it can be taken from the first days until the end of gestation.
  • Actovegin is prescribed in the form of injections for two weeks, after a month break, therapy is resumed, this helps to reduce the level, especially with intravenous injections. You can combine injections and tablets. First, injections are made for 2 weeks, after which the patient is transferred to taking a tablet preparation.

Patients at high risk are advised to consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Tomato juice and tomatoes, onions, garlic, seeds, lemon, raspberries, cherries, cherries, oatmeal, beets, ginger, fish oil, vegetable oil help to lower the indicators.

It is useful to engage in physical education in a lightweight form, it can be ordinary walking in the fresh air.

All folk remedies, including herbal therapy, must be agreed with the attending physician.

The RFMC indicator provides information about a person's hemostasis. A positive result does not always indicate pathology, but during pregnancy this analysis is given increased attention.

A decrease or increase in values ​​\u200b\u200bcan adversely affect the health of both the woman and the fetus. To avoid complications, it is necessary to identify the cause of the changes in a timely manner and begin appropriate treatment.

During the period when a woman carries a child under her heart, she needs to undergo many different clinical studies - take tests, do ultrasound. Not always the expectant mother can understand why she is prescribed this or that analysis. One such test is RFMC during pregnancy. In this article, we will tell you what kind of study this is, for what purpose future mothers need to undergo it.

RFMK is an abbreviation that means the amount of soluble fibrin-monomer complexes in human blood, which are formed as a result of thrombosis. Not all people have the remains of blood clots in the blood, but only those who have a predisposition to thrombosis.

These substances can appear in the blood of a pregnant woman, because her body is constantly in the process of restructuring. In addition, she has another circle of blood circulation - it supplies the child, while he is in the womb, with oxygen, which means that there is more blood in quantity. Therefore, the risk that the ability of the blood to clot may be impaired is very high.

To prevent all these negative consequences from happening, RFMC bodies are formed in the blood of the expectant mother. Thanks to them, women can safely give birth without worrying that during the process of childbirth they will have heavy bleeding. Note that the RFMC indicator during pregnancy is always higher than that of an ordinary person, but it must be constantly monitored, since any deviations from the norm are fraught with fatal consequences.

The new blood environment in a woman's body is called homeostasis. This is a very important process by which oxygen is supplied to the fetus through the placenta.

How RFMK is analyzed during pregnancy: procedure

The RFMC analysis is a blood test, which is necessarily taken on an empty stomach from the cubital vein. Every woman must prepare properly for this study:

  • The day before the analysis, you should not drink drinks that contain at least a minimum amount of alcohol. Pregnant women, as a rule, do not drink alcohol, but there are different situations, so doctors always warn the expectant mother about such preparation.
  • Stress and physical activity are not allowed before the analysis. You need to try to get as much rest as possible before going for a blood test.
  • 8 hours before the blood sampling, you can not eat or drink anything (drugs taken by a pregnant woman should also be abandoned for a day).

The results of the studies, as a rule, come only after a week if the pregnant woman is tested in a regular hospital. You can contact a private laboratory to get an answer the very next day.

What can be the results of the analysis of RFMC during pregnancy?

As we mentioned above, the level of RFMK in pregnant women is always higher than in the average person. However, this does not mean that this indicator should significantly exceed the generally accepted norm. We propose to figure out what results will indicate to you that you have normal RFMK indicators, overestimated or, conversely, decreased.

RFMK during pregnancy: norms for weeks of trimesters

Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, your RFMC test results will vary. The higher the term, the higher the rate:

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy - RFMK should be 5.5 mg per 100 ml of blood. Note that in a woman who is not in position, this indicator is only 0.5 mg less.
  • In the second trimester - RFMK should be 6.5 mg per 100 ml of blood. During this period of pregnancy, the placenta is fully formed, the third circle of blood circulation in the body of the expectant mother begins to work actively.
  • In the third trimester - RFMK should be 7.5 mg per 100 ml of blood. During this period, the placenta begins to age, so the level of RFMK in the blood rises.

Closer to childbirth, the amount of soluble fibrin-monomer complexes in the blood of the future mother should constantly increase. This is a physiological mechanism to prevent blood loss during childbirth.

High RFMK during pregnancy

RFMK levels may be elevated during pregnancy. Any indicators above the norm are already a cause for concern, as they indicate problems in a pregnant woman that are associated with blood vessels:

  • about thrombosis;
  • about DIC;
  • about thrombophilia.

If the RFMK is elevated during pregnancy, this means that there is a high probability that the child will develop hypoxia or malnutrition. For this reason, the fetus may freeze or develop incorrectly. If such a problem happened, then a woman who is expecting a baby must definitely find out from the doctor how to reduce the RFMK during pregnancy so that she does not have to face fatal consequences.

Reduced RFMK during pregnancy

The level of RFMK during pregnancy can be low for only one reason - if a woman takes medications that reduce blood clotting. Due to anticoagulants, severe bleeding may occur during childbirth, or the placenta will exfoliate ahead of time, and this is a very big threat to the life of the mother and child.

Deviations from the norm of the level of RFMK during pregnancy: a method of treatment

If there are deviations in the direction of reducing the level of RFMK by weeks of pregnancy, then the only way to recover is to refuse to take drugs that help the blood to be more fluid.

If the level of RFMK is overestimated, then you need to be treated with the help of medications:

  1. Heparin is a drug whose dosage is prescribed only by the attending physician.
  2. Curantilom is a drug that is available in the form of tablets. A pregnant woman should drink them for 3 months to stabilize blood clotting.
  3. Actovegin - this drug is best used in the form of injections. The duration of admission is only 2 weeks. If the course is not enough, then you can switch to tablets with the same name.

None of the above drugs should not be used without consulting your doctor. Self-medication can cause very great damage to the health of the baby.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, get ready for pregnancy in advance so that 9 months of bearing a baby pass unnoticed and pleasant for you!

Video: “Analysis for hemostasis. Disease Prevention»

During pregnancy, a global restructuring begins in the woman's body, which can take place with complications. To minimize such risks, doctors prescribe numerous tests, many of which are understandable to women. But there are those that some of them hear about for the first time at a gynecologist's appointment. One of them is the analysis on RFMK. If RFMC is elevated during pregnancy, what does this mean, we will analyze in the article.

What is RFMC?

Changes in the body during the bearing of a baby affect all organs and systems. This did not bypass the circulatory system, in which an additional circle is formed during pregnancy - the uteroplacental one. In this regard, the amount of blood increases, which affects its coagulability. In order to avoid pathological conditions, and the mother and fetus are not exposed to dangerous consequences, the body systems increase the volume of SFMC (soluble fibrin-monomer complex), which normalizes blood clotting, which helps to avoid the threat of miscarriage and large blood loss during childbirth. RFMK is an indicator of the level of fibrin breakdown in the blood, which is responsible for the process of formation of blood clots inside the vessels.

Many people wonder if FMMC is elevated during pregnancy, what threatens such a condition? In fact, an increase in this state may be the norm. But despite this, the level should not exceed certain limits. A strong deviation from the norm can lead to excessive blood density and, as a result, to the formation of blood clots and the threat of miscarriage.

Norms of analysis in pregnant women

A blood test for RFMK is carried out in the usual way - from a vein on an empty stomach. The results in each trimester differ from each other - the longer the period, the more RFMC is increased during pregnancy. The procedure should be carried out by a qualified specialist, since for an accurate result it is necessary to take the material before the blood begins to clot.

  • First trimester. The rate of RFMK will range from 3.35 mg / 100 ml to 5.5 mg / 100 ml. Since the placenta has not yet fully formed, the indicators are practically unchanged.
  • Second trimester. In this period, the placenta begins to perform all its functions, uteroplacental blood flow is formed. There are changes in blood clotting, so the RFMK increases. Values ​​can go up to 6.5 mg/100 ml of blood.
  • In the third trimester, especially before childbirth, the figures can reach up to 7.5 mg / 100 ml.

It is worth noting that the norms of values ​​​​in laboratories may differ. Therefore, if the analysis revealed that the FMMC indicator during pregnancy is increased, it is recommended to consult with your doctor who will help you understand the conclusion.

Causes of deviations from the norm

Deviations from normal indicators can provoke several reasons at once. The main states are:

  • pregnancy;
  • thrombophilia;
  • taking medications that can increase blood density;
  • heredity;
  • thrombosis;
  • certain diseases (for example, kidney pathologies, varicose veins);
  • stress.

Consequences of abnormal results

As a rule, in most cases there is an increase in MFMC than its decrease. But both conditions can be very dangerous during the period of bearing a child.

With an increase in the level of RFMK during pregnancy, a violation of the placental-uterine circulation is possible, which can lead to the development of:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • deviations in the intrauterine development of the child;
  • the occurrence of violations of the functionality of the placenta;
  • increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • the formation of a blood clot in the umbilical cord, which threatens the death of the fetus.

If the mother had an increased MFMC during pregnancy, the child may be born weak, with heart defects, with deviations of the central nervous system and other life-threatening diseases.

At lower values, there is a risk of placental abruption, as a result of which the child may die. There is also the possibility of heavy bleeding.


The level of RFMK is diagnosed by analyzing venous blood taken on an empty stomach. A referral for a blood test to a pregnant woman is given by a gynecologist in a planned manner. If deviations from the norm are found, a re-analysis is carried out. If this time there is a discrepancy with the normal values, a consultation with a hematologist may be required. He will prescribe additional tests and draw up a treatment plan.

Preparing for Analysis

Since a large number of external factors can affect the results of the analysis, in order to obtain an accurate result, a woman must fulfill a number of requirements:

  • Two days before the analysis, you must give up alcohol and smoking.
  • Try to avoid any stressful and psycho-emotional stress.
  • Approximately 8 hours before blood sampling, do not eat or drink.
  • Do not take medications. If for some reason this condition is not feasible, it is necessary to clarify the name of the drug to the specialist who will take the blood.

RFMC when planning pregnancy

When planning a pregnancy, a woman takes a large number of tests. Some doctors ignore the level of RFMK, despite the fact that it plays a big role in the period of bearing a baby and is important for its normal development. If the RFMC is increased when planning a pregnancy, what does this mean? An increase in this indicator can provoke miscarriages in the early stages, and sometimes infertility. If it is found that MFMC is elevated when planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo treatment in order to normalize its level before conception.

Treatment of a pathological condition

If it is revealed that the RFMK is increased during pregnancy, the treatment will be prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics of the woman's body and the indicators of all prescribed tests. Deviation from the norm during pregnancy is a pathological condition. For this reason, during and after treatment, a woman needs to systematically check the level of RFMK.

If the increase is insignificant and does not adversely affect the fetus, it is recommended to limit physical activity and avoid stressful situations.

If FMMC is elevated during pregnancy, what should I do? When diagnosing such a condition, additional examination is necessary. This will allow to find out the causes of this pathology, the elimination of which will help to achieve significant results in treatment. Sometimes you may need to consult a hematologist.

The main method of therapy for elevated values ​​of RFMK is taking drugs that help improve blood microcirculation in the uteroplacental system. This helps prevent the threat of miscarriage or oxygen starvation of the fetus. Indeed, with violations in the hemostasis system, the child may not receive the nutrients necessary for him, and hypoxia negatively affects his development and, in some cases, can lead to death.

In drug therapy, the following drugs are mainly used:

  • "Heparin". A very effective medicine if the RFMC is elevated during pregnancy. The dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. With prolonged use of the drug, constant monitoring of blood clotting is necessary. When the indicators stabilize, the medicine is canceled. Of the side effects, a violation of the distribution of calcium can be distinguished. This must be taken into account when appointing.
  • "Kurantil". The most popular drug that you need to drink courses. Very well normalizes blood clotting. Produced in the form of tablets. But individual intolerance may occur. This medicine is also an immunomodulator.
  • "Actovegin". The strongest effect is observed from the use of the drug in the form of injections. The course usually lasts about two weeks. After that, the doctor may advise you to continue taking the medicine, but already in the form of tablets.
  • "Phlebodia". It is recommended to alternate with "Curantil". The use of these two drugs at the same time is prohibited.
  • Folic acid. Can be used throughout pregnancy. It can also be a therapeutic and prophylactic agent at the planning stage of conception.

If RFMK is increased during pregnancy, the reviews after the above treatment are positive. In addition to medications, a woman needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. It is not recommended to eat fatty, salty, spicy foods, as well as bananas and white bread.

Treatment can be carried out in a hospital setting. Sometimes it is required to take medications throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

It is important to remember that the use of any of the above drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor and obtaining the results of all tests. Self-medication or ignoring the appointments of the attending doctor can lead to irreparable consequences.

Features of treatment at low values

A decrease in RFMC is extremely rare. It happens that such values ​​​​appear after taking medications used to normalize high rates. After a while, the result returns to normal. But despite this, the analysis will need to be retaken.

Too low values ​​may indicate the presence of serious pathologies. It is necessary to find and cure the cause of this condition.

Risk group

Women who have the following diseases should be subject to more careful monitoring of the level of RFMK:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • neoplasms;
  • a history of miscarriage or premature birth;
  • placental dysfunction.

Special control is required for multiple pregnancies, IVF and in women who have relatives with thrombophilia or other blood clotting disorders.


Preventive measures for violations of hemostasis should be applied even at the stage of pregnancy planning. You need to take care of your health, following all the recommendations of the attending physician. Proper nutrition and outdoor activities are very important. You need to try to protect yourself from stressful situations and treat diseases in a timely manner, especially those that can provoke violations. It is necessary to establish a drinking regimen, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If there is a tendency to thrombosis, you need to include in the diet foods that can help thin the blood. These include:

  • garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • vegetable oils - linseed, olive, sunflower;
  • beet;
  • ginger.

Danger of bleeding disorders

Violation of hemostasis can lead to the development of bleeding and thrombophilia, which is a very dangerous disease. This can be a threat to the life of both mother and child.

Significant deviations in the performance of RFMK can cause:

  • placental abruption;
  • freezing of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • blood clots that can be fatal.


Knowing the level of RFMK in the blood, one can draw conclusions about the health of the fetus and the course of pregnancy. This is a very important indicator that must be kept under control. Timely detection of abnormalities will allow you to start appropriate treatment as soon as possible, which will reduce the risk of developing dangerous consequences.

If the results of your tests showed deviations from the norm, do not immediately panic. After all, slight fluctuations in parameters can be the result, for example, of emotional stress. You need to consult a doctor and be sure to retake the analysis again.

Observing preventive measures at the planning stage, and then all 9 months of pregnancy, as well as fulfilling all the appointments of a specialist, it will be possible to keep the level of RFMK within the normal range. Having found out what it means to increase the RFMK during pregnancy, you can protect yourself and your baby from dangerous consequences.

Many patients are interested in the questions that the RFMK blood test raises - what is it, who needs to take it, what do the results show?

This study is not performed as part of a standard medical examination. It is usually prescribed for heart disease, with a planned surgical intervention, and for women expecting a baby.

The name of the study is a coagulogram (or hemostasiogram). It has two options: basic and extended. The interpretation of the results shows how the patient's blood coagulates. First of all, a basic analysis is assigned, with the help of which it is found out where there are deviations from the norm. If necessary, an extended study is carried out, which determines the number of these deviations.

The hemostasis system in the human body

Blood plays a special role in the body. One of its properties is the formation of clots, which are called blood clots. With their help, various damages in the arteries and veins are closed. Sometimes this process remains invisible to humans.

The hemostasis system is responsible for the state of the blood (liquid or clotting). It consists of the following components:

  1. Endothelium, that is, a layer of vascular cells located from the inside. When it is damaged or ruptured (due to various reasons), substances with biological activity are released from the cells. They begin the process of thrombosis.
  2. platelets. These blood cells are the first to reach the lesion. They have the ability to stick together, thereby closing the damaged area. If this is insufficient and the bleeding does not stop, then plasma comes to the rescue.
  3. plasma factors. Hemostasis contains 15 enzyme factors. They produce a fibrin clot, which stops the bleeding permanently.

The hemostatic system is not left without control. The anticoagulant and fibrinolytic systems are responsible for this in the body. Their main task is to prevent the arbitrary formation of blood clots.

Features of this study

The abbreviation RFMK hides such a thing as a soluble fibrin-monomeric complex. In a more familiar sense for a person, these are pieces of blood clots. If there are too many of them in the blood, it means that a person has formed large blood clots.

One of the main indicators of human health is the good condition of the blood vessels and the blood itself. The appearance of disturbances in the hemostasis system affects blood clotting. Its biological properties are changing. RFMC is one of the important indicators that can assess hemostasis.

This study determines the amount of fibrin-monomer complexes in plasma. The doctor prescribes an analysis to the patient in the following cases:

  • suspicion of thrombophilia, thrombosis, DIC (disseminated blood coagulation);
  • before performing a planned surgical operation;
  • with anticoagulant treatment and heparin therapy;
  • women in a state of pregnancy;
  • before in vitro fertilization.

Blood serum is taken as a biomaterial for the study. It is obtained by centrifugation of blood, which was taken from the patient's vein.

Before the analysis, the person should not eat or drink any drinks (other than water) for 8 hours. You can not take medicines, you need to try not to be nervous and not worry, eliminating all possible stressful situations. All of these can lead to misleading results. Blood for analysis is taken from the cubital vein.

A negative reading is normal. A positive result is considered to be such a condition when fibrin formation is visible in the blood plasma within 2.5 minutes. Using certain techniques, the particle formation time is translated into RFMK indicators.

The norm of RFMC is 3.38 + 0.02 mg per 100 ml. The maximum score is 4.

A level above the norm indicates that the processes of hemocoagulation are excessively active. The higher this value, the more likely the development of blood clots in the blood vessels.

Analysis results may not always be accurate. The following conditions can influence their incorrect value:

  • improper blood sampling or improper preparation for centrifugation;
  • expired plasma storage time (it can be stored for no more than one hour);
  • the use of drugs by the patient before taking the biomaterial.

Maybe only a specialist. Not every doctor is able to do this. As a result of the measures taken, a specific disease is diagnosed and qualified treatment is prescribed or the one that is already being treated is corrected.

A woman expecting a baby has to take a lot of tests. Their results help the doctor leading the pregnancy to monitor the health of the expectant mother and the development of the fetus. RFMK analysis is assigned to all expectant mothers without exception.

This study is very important because it reveals possible deviations in the hemostatic system of a pregnant woman. Keeping the balance of all relevant elements is very important in such a state. An excess of them can cause blood clots, and a lack of them leads to bleeding.

Imbalance during pregnancy is possible due to changes in the level of platelets, the appearance of placental circulation.

And the body itself begins to prepare for the upcoming blood loss during childbirth. An increase in platelets involved in coagulation leads to a threatening complication - DIC syndrome. This pathology interferes with the proper functioning of the placental vessels. Because of this, the fetus ceases to receive the right amount of substances that nourish the body. Oxygen is also not supplied in the right amount. All this can lead to a fading of the course of pregnancy and even to the fact that the fetus will die in the womb.

If the anticoagulant system is too active, then this is also dangerous for the health of a pregnant woman. Blood thinning increases the time period of its coagulability. Bleeding may occur during childbirth and during pregnancy.

Pregnant women should not be opposed to the study. Timely identification of possible abnormalities in the blood helps doctors take appropriate measures to prevent many complications.

A hemostasiogram is mandatory in the following cases:

  • when registering a pregnant woman;
  • for a period of 22-24 obstetric weeks;
  • for a period of 33-37 obstetric weeks.

If the doctor considers it necessary, he will prescribe an additional analysis. Indications for unscheduled procedures may include:

  • liver disease;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • problems in cardiovascular activity;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • deviations in RFMK held up to this point;
  • bad habits of the expectant mother (this includes passive smoking);
  • fetal developmental delays identified by other studies;
  • pregnancy after in vitro fertilization;
  • multiple pregnancy.

If a deviation from the normal values ​​​​is detected in the blood of a pregnant woman, then a complex of therapeutic measures is prescribed to her. This will allow the expectant mother to safely reach the desired date and give birth to a healthy child.