Salt dough horseshoe patterns. Salt dough amulet. Horseshoe with fruits. Master class with step by step photos. Video: do-it-yourself coffee horseshoe

Many European peoples believed and still believe that the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck and happiness. It was believed that unclean forces walk in circles, and reaching the end of the horseshoe, they turn back. Previously, the horseshoe was given great importance, it could be seen not only at the door, but also near the fireplace, window and stove. Where evil forces could enter the house. Nowadays, a horseshoe is kept in the house as a souvenir or a gift. In souvenir shops you can find a horseshoe made of various materials and for different prices. But we can make a horseshoe from puff pastry on our own.

This master class will help you make not only a horseshoe from dough, but also make an excellent souvenir for your loved ones.

Panel for good luck and happiness

To make such a panel, we need:

  • flour, water, salt;
  • pieces of foil;
  • cardboard for the template;
  • frame;
  • fabric, thread, needle;
  • cereals or beans, everything that is at home;
  • glue;
  • colored paints.

The dough will be made from two types of flour - wheat and rye.

We form the rye dough in the shape of a horseshoe.

We apply a pre-prepared template to the dough and roll it out a little.

Cut out the edges.

Initially, we lay the workpiece on the foil.

And we proceed to decorate the horseshoe with various cereals, grains, beads, spices, etc. In this case, we used beans.

If the dough dries naturally, then we simply press the beans a little into the dough, and if in the oven, the beans will fall out and you will have to glue them.

Let's start building a house.

Hair can be made with garlic.

We sculpt the body and gently smooth the curls so that the dough does not crumble.

We form facial features, glue the nose.

We make clothes for him, bast shoes.

Then we make arms and sleeves.

All this is easy to do, we recall our modeling skills from school.

Don't forget to add eyes.

And proceed to the coloring of our amulet.

Now let's start making the background.

We sew or glue weave to cardboard paper, as indicated in the photo.

And fix it in a frame.

We apply glue to the back of the craft and glue it to the canvas.

We make a loop for convenience.

Such a charm, and even made with your own hands, will surely bring good luck and happiness.

Video on the topic of the article

We offer you to watch a selection of videos on making horseshoes from puff pastry.

The incredible popularity of the horseshoe as a talisman continues unabated. Modern people still believe in the magical power of this amulet. Many people buy the treasured horseshoe in souvenir shops. But if you like creativity and do needlework, you can make a talisman with your own hands. The main thing is to invest positive energy and good thoughts in the amulet in the process of work.

History of the horseshoe amulet

The horseshoe is considered one of the most powerful amulets. Not only the Slavs believe in a wonderful talisman. Buddhists and Muslims are also convinced that this item brings happiness. Even skeptics, somewhere deep down, consider such a product a symbol of good luck. Even the inventor Edison said: "A horseshoe brings good luck even to those who do not believe in omens."

The roots of this belief stretch back into the depths of centuries. More specifically, ancient Egypt. As you know, the ancient Egyptian religious festivals were held with great pomp. The pharaoh and his retinue traveled in rich chariots. The horses harnessed to them were shod with golden horseshoes, which sometimes flew off horse hooves. Naturally, the one who found such a treasure in the road dust became a rich man, and his house became a full bowl. Centuries have passed, horseshoes were no longer made of gold, but of iron, and the sign worked. True, the poor had their own philosophy on this matter. No wonder the popular saying says: "For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you need to work hard like a horse."

Since ancient times, the horseshoe has been considered the most powerful amulet for the home.

What is a horseshoe amulet for?

It is believed that the horseshoe is capable of:

  • bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to its owner;
  • increase financial well-being;
  • fulfill a cherished dream;
  • clean the home from the negative impact and increase its energy field;
  • attract the blessing of the Higher powers;
  • bring good luck in gambling;
  • protect from diseases;
  • help find love
  • give a sound and healthy sleep.

Until now, the horseshoe remains one of the most sought-after amulets for the home.

How to DIY

In a modern metropolis, finding a horseshoe is simply an unrealistic task. Therefore, in souvenir shops, the gift version of this product is a hot commodity. But the most powerful is the amulet made by hand.

Of course, there are a lot of options for making a talisman. Some require special training and equipment, such as woodworking. But there are also very simple horseshoe amulets that can be made from improvised materials.

Cardboard horseshoe

Cardboard can be found in any home. It often serves as the basis on which a variety of decor is subsequently applied. It is easy to make a horseshoe-shaped amulet from this material. Even small children can help you in this exciting process. For them, this will be not only an element of learning, but also a manifestation of creativity, the development of the ability to use the material at hand.

To get started, prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  • cardboard (preferably thicker, but thin is also suitable, it is easier to cut);
  • scissors or a paper knife (necessarily sharp, otherwise the edges of the workpiece may be uneven);
  • pencil;
  • PVA glue or glue gun (you can do without it);
  • twine, knitting thread or jute rope for fitting;
  • various decorative elements.

You can also wrap a horseshoe with burlap, corrugated paper and even leather.

Photo gallery: how can you wrap a blank for a horseshoe amulet

Corrugated paper serves as a good basis for applying further decor. Burlap on a horseshoe blank can be fixed with glue. A horseshoe covered with genuine leather looks very elegant

Manufacturing process:

  1. Draw an image of a horseshoe on the cardboard with a pencil. This is very easy to do, having a template at hand, you can download it from the Internet and print it.
  2. Using scissors or a paper cutter, carefully cut out the blank.
  3. To create the basis for future decor, the resulting blank can be wrapped with knitting threads, jute rope, twine or covered with burlap. Choose the thickness and color of the base to your liking.
  4. Fold the string in half. Thread both ends of the rope into the formed air loop and tighten the loop. It turns out a neat knot. You can start not from the middle of the horseshoe, but from one of the ends.
  5. Then process the entire workpiece in the same way. In order for the threads to hold tight and not move apart, it is better to fix them to the base with glue or a glue gun. The threads should fit snugly together during weaving.

Photo gallery: making a horseshoe out of cardboard and rope

Draw an image of a horseshoe on the cardboard and carefully cut out the blank. Folding the rope in half, thread both ends of it into the loop formed. At the end of the work, you will get such a blank

Billet design

It's time for a flight of fancy. The resulting base can not only be revived with the help of various decorative elements, but also bring a semantic load, make the amulet work in one direction or another. Consider the most popular ways to design a horseshoe.


This is a wonderful gift for a sweet life lover. Creating such a charm is a real pleasure.

  1. Make a blank out of cardboard, wrap it with any material. You can wrap it with threads, take corrugated paper or burlap as a basis. The gold foil looks very nice.
  2. Decorate the end of the product with a cord, the color of which matches the color of the base.
  3. Using a hot glue gun or double-sided tape, attach individually wrapped, round, flat-based candies to the horseshoe. Look great on a horseshoe and chocolate coins.
  4. To make the amulet stable, it can be fixed on a small pedestal decorated with sweets or small chocolate bars.
  5. As an additional decor, small flowers, beads or sisal balls can be used.

Candy horseshoe - a wish for a sweet life

coffee beans

Coffee beans are an excellent material for decorating a horseshoe. Working with them is quite simple. They do not deteriorate, have an interesting texture. Different degrees of roasting give the grains unique shades, and a pleasant aroma will allow the amulet to also serve as a flavoring agent.

  1. Cover the blank for the coffee amulet with nylon or a thin cloth. It will be quite easy to stick grains on such material.
  2. If the blank is made of thick cardboard, you need to start gluing coffee beans from the end of the product. Then proceed to the design of the main part.
  3. The resulting amulet can be decorated at your discretion with various decorative elements:
    • dried orange slices, cinnamon stick;
    • bows made of fabric, twine or multi-colored threads;
    • dried flowers;
    • beads.

A coffee bean horseshoe can be made in the form of a topiary, pendant or magnet.

Video: do-it-yourself coffee horseshoe


It is believed that crafts made from coins symbolize wealth. And one of the functions of the horseshoe is to increase financial well-being, that is, to attract money. To double the ability of the amulet to work in this direction, you can issue it with coins or banknotes.

  1. Pick up coins. They need to be thoroughly cleaned with soda to give shine. Coins can be of any denomination.
  2. If your decor has space for banknotes, you can use both real banknotes and banknotes printed on a color printer. They can be rolled up, folded into a fan, flower, etc.
  3. Make a horseshoe.
  4. Use a glue gun to glue coins and bills to the base. This decor in itself looks rich, but if something is missing for you, you can use beads, colored ribbons, small flowers. The main thing is not to overload the main idea with additional elements.

Money horseshoes can also be made in the form of a topiary, a magnet, on a stand or as a pendant.

A horseshoe with horns up attracts financial well-being to the house

What other decorative elements are used, and what do they symbolize

A horseshoe as a talisman can carry many functions. Everything will depend on the elements with which you decorate it. Often use various cereals, berries, flowers. Each of these elements has its own symbolic meaning:

  • a mixture of cereals - peace and harmony in the house;
  • buckwheat - prosperity and fertility;
  • beans and peas - abundance;
  • sunflower seeds - hospitality, family happiness, children's health;
  • corn - procreation, mutual understanding and cohesion;
  • cereals - a symbol of satiety, prosperity and physical strength;
  • poppy - fulfillment of desires;
  • millet - protection from the evil eye;
  • pumpkin seeds - fertility;
  • sunflower flower - warm, sun;
  • chamomile - youth and love;
  • wild rose and mountain ash - youth and female beauty;
  • bag - wealth;
  • nest - continuation of the genus;
  • jug or cup - wealth;
  • garlic and onions - protection from evil spirits.

Each element of the decor on the horseshoe carries its own semantic load.

How to make a charm in the form of a magnet

It is very easy to make a horseshoe in the form of a magnet with your own hands. The main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • the product must be small;
  • it is best to take light material as a basis, for example, cardboard;
  • as a base for decor, choose thin fabric, corrugated paper or nylon;
  • decorative elements should not be heavy;
  • glue pieces of a thin magnetic sheet on the back of the amulet.

Horseshoe magnets should be small and light

Amulet-horseshoe made of salt dough

The uniqueness of salt dough is that from this pliable and plastic material you can make both the horseshoe itself and the decor for it.

Classic dough recipe:

  • 1 glass of fine salt;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 0.5 cup cold water.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl, add water gradually. The dough should be elastic. If it is too soft, you can add more flour.

Video: how to make salt dough for modeling

Step-by-step execution of the amulet

It is not difficult to create a horseshoe from salt dough, you just need a little skill:

  1. Prepare a mass of flour and salt, roll it with a rolling pin to the desired thickness (about 1 cm, a little thicker is possible, but thinner is not worth it).
  2. Lay out the template on the dough and carefully cut out the outlines of the horseshoe.
  3. Form a decor from the same mass. It can be flowers, leaves, berries, bags, jugs, fruits.
  4. To attach the parts, you just need to lubricate the surfaces with water using a brush.
  5. Dry the resulting horseshoe in the oven at the lowest temperature. Open the oven door slightly. If you have central heating appliances, the product may dry out on the battery.

Salt dough horseshoes are bright and attractive

Little tips for working with salt dough

Nuances when working with salt dough:

  • to give the surface a certain structure, you can use literally any object that is at your fingertips: a toothpick, a pen or pencil, a comb, a piece of guipure fabric;
  • you can paint salt dough with watercolors, gouache, acrylic;
  • the painted horseshoe must be varnished, so you protect the product from moisture and preserve the brightness of colors;
  • you can decorate the surface of the amulet not only with dough elements, it can be coins, beads, dried berries.

Video: how to make a horseshoe from salt dough

Wooden horseshoe

Wooden horseshoes in the form of pendants were often used for protection. But not everyone can make such a charm. You must have woodworking skills, a special tool and a blank.

First prepare the following materials and tools:

  • wooden blank;
  • sample;
  • pencil;
  • woodcarving tools;
  • jigsaw for sawing.

Charm making:

  1. On a wooden blank, using a template or freehand, apply an image of a horseshoe.
  2. Using a jigsaw, carefully cut out the products along the contour.
  3. Ornament with carving tools if necessary.
  4. Sand the horseshoe with fine sandpaper.
  5. Apply the final decor.

Video: do-it-yourself wooden horseshoe

A protective horseshoe made of wood can be made small, in the form of a pendant around the neck, or large in size - as an interior decoration. Decorate the amulet with metal elements, painting with paints or burning.

Hand-painted wooden horseshoes look very elegant

Embroidered horseshoe

A horseshoe can not only be made from any material, but also embroidered. Embroidered amulets are very popular as they are easy to carry around. Clothing with such a symbol will save you from the evil eye, and the towel will have the same functions as the amulets described above.

To work, you need to prepare:

  • needle;
  • colored threads;
  • material to be embroidered.

Photo gallery: horseshoe embroidery patterns

A horseshoe decorated with flowers looks very elegant Simple and cute embroidery for a handkerchief This embroidery can decorate a towel An embroidered horseshoe in a frame is a wonderful gift

Newspaper tube horseshoe

Newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - such materials can be found in any home. From them you can weave wonderful amulets-horseshoes. Such a craft will look quite beautiful. This option is attractive because consumables are always at hand, you do not need to have special skills (except perseverance). And it takes a little time to make a pretty horseshoe.

Prepare for work:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • a piece of wire;
  • PVA glue;
  • stain;
  • elements for decorating the product.

Video: learning to twist paper tubes

The process of creating a horseshoe from newspaper tubes

The materials are ready, you can start making a horseshoe:

  1. We make the frame of the future product. To do this, insert the wire into a newspaper tube and form a horseshoe.
  2. Glue another into the free end of one tube to start weaving.
  3. We begin to braid the frame, threading the tip of the tube into the mold. We bring it out on the other side, wrap it around the frame and dive inside again.
  4. When the frame is completely braided, cut off the remaining tail and fix it with glue.
  5. We cover the finished product first with PVA glue, half diluted with water, and after drying we open it with stain in one or 2 layers.
  6. The final stage of work will be gluing the decor.

Photo gallery: step by step making a horseshoe from newspaper tubes

Using a wire threaded into a newspaper tube, we form the frame of a horseshoe Passing the tip of the tube into the mold, we begin to braid the horseshoe We cover the finished horseshoe from newspaper tubes with PVA glue It is very easy to make a horseshoe from newspaper tubes, but it looks just wonderful

horseshoe pillow

A horseshoe in the form of a pillow is a great gift for lovers of long trips or people working at a computer. This product is very useful for those who have small children. It will not be difficult for a needlewoman to make this useful little thing.

Horseshoe pillow will be useful for new parents

To get started, prepare:

  • fabric (preferably soft and natural);
  • tracing paper for patterns;
  • pencil;
  • centimeter tape;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • sewing pins;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • filler.

Making a horseshoe pillow

  1. Draw an image in the form of a horseshoe on the tracing paper. Build the pattern taking into account the measurements taken.
  2. Fold the piece of fabric in half with the front side inward.
  3. Attach the pattern to the fabric with sewing pins.
  4. Using chalk or pencil, trace the contours of the pillow.
  5. Cut out the pattern pieces with scissors. Don't forget to leave seam allowances.
  6. Sew the product along the edge, leaving a hole for the filler at one end.
  7. Turn the product right side out.
  8. Stuff the pillow tightly through the hole you left. As a filler, you can use holofiber, bamboo fiber, silicone. You can add dried herbs: chamomile, lavender flowers, peppermint.
  9. Fold the seam allowance inward and sew by hand.

A horseshoe pillow can be sewn from bright elegant fabric and decorated with appliqué, or you can make a pattern in the form of a funny little animal.

Photo gallery: step by step making a horseshoe pillow

After taking measurements, build a pattern Use pins to secure the pattern to the fabric Use a sewing machine to connect the pieces of the pattern Sew the filler hole by hand
A horseshoe pillow can be given a funny look

How to activate the amulet

In ancient times, a horseshoe, which was accidentally found on the road or in the field, was considered to be protective. But modern realities change everything. Even a souvenir horseshoe bought in a store can be considered a talisman. But buy only the one you like the most.

Before you hang the amulet on the wall of the house or above the door, perform a ritual that has been performed since ancient times. He is very simple. Each member of the family must hold a horseshoe in their hands so that everyone living in the house gets good luck.

Even a horseshoe purchased in a souvenir shop has magical powers.

There are several more ways to activate the horseshoe amulet for good luck:

  • purchase 5 thin church candles, place them so that a circle forms inside which a horseshoe should lie, light the candles clockwise and say the plot three times: “Horseshoe for happiness, give me (name) happiness”; you can hang a charmed amulet only after the candles have burned out;
  • on a full moon, in clear weather, put a horseshoe on the windowsill so that the horns look towards the street, moonlight should fall on the amulet; in the morning, the charged amulet is ready to take its place.

On the full moon, you can charge the horseshoe amulet so that it brings happiness

Use of a horseshoe amulet

The nuances of using a horseshoe as a talisman:

  • a product fixed with horns up will bring prosperity and prosperity to the house, and if you nail it with horns down, you will receive powerful protection at home from any evils;
  • a drop of wax from a church candle, applied to the amulet, will enhance its protective effect;
  • house keys hung on a horseshoe, increase its magical powers;
  • if you bury the product in the northwestern area near the house, you can count on a successful outcome of all your affairs and undertakings;
  • fridge magnet will prevent quarrels and scandals in the family.

The amulet can preserve and increase your well-being. Draw a picture of a horseshoe on a money box or put a small steel copy inside.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education Center for additional education "Rainbow"

Art. Bryukhovetsky municipal formation Bryukhovetsky district


on the topic of:"Horseshoe" souvenir amulet from

salt dough"

Compiled by:Rybalka Elena Mikhailovna,

additional education teacher

Art. Bryukhovetskaya, 2018

Plan - outline of the lesson on the program "Gift Workshop"

(2nd year of study)

The lesson is held in 2 stages: Stage 1 - introductory, theoretical (45 min.), Stage 2 - practical (45 min.)

Lesson topic: "Horseshoe" souvenir-amulet made of salt dough"

Target : Practicing the skill of modeling from salt dough, the sequence of the product.



To teach the technology of making a souvenir from salt dough;

To acquaint students with one of the phenomena of Russian folk art - a talisman;

To expand knowledge about the types of applied art, signs of Russian folk art.


To introduce students to the traditions of folk culture through arts and crafts activities;

To expand the spiritual needs of children, to help the formation of artistic taste and the formation of a creative individuality.

To cultivate a culture of communication in the classroom and in everyday life, accuracy, perseverance;

Education of industriousness, independence, purposefulness through active involvement in creative activity.


Develop imagination and creativity, independence, initiative;

Develop imaginative thinking, emotional sphere, visual memory, observation;

To stimulate an active creative approach to any kind of activity;

Lesson type: Generalization and consolidation of new material.

Materials and equipment: dough, stacks, jars of water, boards for individual work, wet wipes, a laptop with speakers, envelopes with amulets, technological cardsmodeling amulets "Horseshoe",product sample.

Internet resources:

Lesson structure :

1. Theoretical part. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson, work plan.

2. View visual material.

3. Physical education.

4. Practical part. Making flowers of your own design.

5. Summing up. Review of works, analysis.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational part.

1. Filling out the journal, checking attendance.

2. Organization of the workplace.

2. Theoretical part.

Before determining the topic of our lesson, listen to the riddle.

There is a sign among people -
To cope with success
Take horse shoes
Fit over the doors.

Guys, does anyone know what this is about? That's right, of course, about the horseshoe. And who knows why a horseshoe is needed in the house?(children's answers) . Of course, the role of a talisman. Today in the lesson, guys, we will talk about amulets, folk beliefs, signs associated with them. And we will also try ourselves in the role of craftsmen and fashion a souvenir-amulet for our home.

Guys, what is a charm in your understanding?(children's answers) .

If we turn to the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, we will see that the word "amulet" is interpreted as " protecting, guarding something."

(show presentation)

Since time immemorial, people have sought to protect themselves and their home from troubles and misfortunes. For this they made amulets. People believed that amulets protect them from illness, the "evil eye", predatory animals, natural disasters, and various misfortunes. For thousands of years, not a single house in Rus' could do without amulets. Why do you think?(children's answers) .

Yes, guys, man is so arranged that even the most inveterate atheists have a drop of superstition. We will definitely knock on wood, spit over our left shoulder, and when we return home for a forgotten thing, we will look in the mirror or we will wear a pin on clothes from the evil eye.

Guys, why do you think people have long created signs and believed in them? Do you believe in omens? (Answers of children).

What signs do you know? I propose to test your knowledge in the form of a small quiz.

So the rules are:

1. I will say part 1 of the proverb, and you will need to continue it.

2. We divide into two groups, whoever is the first to guess what kind of sign we are talking about, you need to get up.


Accidentally sprinkle sugar - good, salt- (to a quarrel).

Don't eat with a knife- (get angry).

Don't sit on the table- (you will be poor).

The spoon fell off the table- (guest hurries).

Wear a thing inside out- (to be beaten).

Whistle in the house -(you will whistle all the money).

Choked at the table - (the guest is in a hurry).

way back- (always shorter).

Met someone with an empty bucket -(the day will be empty).

Find a horseshoe -(fortunately).

Well done guys, you know a lot of signs. So, according to popular belief, to find a horseshoe means to be happy for a person. Why do you think? That's right, because the horseshoe is a talisman.

What amulets do you know? (children's responses).

Yes guys, you are right. There are a lot of amulets: dolls - twists, brownies, wattle, Easter eggs and others. But today we are blinding the Horseshoe amulet for your home.

3. Physical Minute.

First, let's tune in to work, since the amulets draw their power initially from the person who creates them. You must fully concentrate on the process and thoughts about the beautiful, kind, eternal - because you charge your amulet with positive energy, which will then protect you and help you. And help us with this, exercise"Traveling on the Cloud" (A calm melody is taken as musical accompaniment.)

“Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale two or three times. I want to invite you on a journey on the cloud. Jump on a white fluffy cloud that looks like a soft mountain of fluffy pillows. Feel your legs and back rest comfortably on this large cloud pillow. Now the journey begins. The cloud slowly rises into the blue sky. Do you feel the wind on your face? Here, high in the sky, everything is calm and quiet. Let the cloud take you now to a place where you will be happy. Try to mentally see this place as accurately as possible. Here you feel completely calm and happy. Something wonderful and magical can happen here. Now you are back on your cloud and it is taking you back to where you are. Get off the cloud and thank it for giving you such a good ride. Now watch it slowly melt into the air. Stretch, straighten up, and get ready to go."

4. Practical work .

Guys, let's remember the safety rules when working with salt dough and tools (Children say the rules ). The technological map of the modeling of the amulet hangs on the board.

1. Wash the dough until smooth.

2. Separate half from a common piece of dough. Roll up a sausage with narrowed edges, bend it into an arc, lightly press it against the board, smooth it with water.

3. Make through holes at the ends of the horseshoe (when the souvenir is ready, thread a ribbon through them).

And now let's get to work. What is the name of the method that you will use when sculpting a horseshoe? (Plastic) . Guys, do not forget to watch your posture while working.

(Children together with the teacher sculpt a charm)

Well done guys, they did a great job.

Guys, amulets can contain a few more symbolic elements that only enhance its effect. For example, a nut is a symbol of strength and health, and a bagel is a symbol of a strong family. Therefore, I suggest that you strengthen your amulet with additional symbols. Envelopes are on your tables, in which there are cards with symbols of amulets and their meaning. Choose the symbols you need yourself, blind them and place them on your horseshoe.

(The envelopes contain cards depicting amulets: a bagel, a nut, a coin, a broom, garlic, beans, etc. From of the remaining piece of dough, the children mold symbolic amulets).

And while you are sculpting, I will tell you how to properly hang a horseshoe amulet. So, a horseshoe, with its branches pointing upwards, represents a bowl that will attract wealth to the house. If you hang a horseshoe with its branches down, all the negative energy of the house will linger on it and flow down to the ground. Usually, in this way, a horseshoe is hung to protect the house from evil forces (damage, evil eye).

5. Summing up. Exhibition of works. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Guys! What beautiful amulets you got, how different they are, you probably endowed them with those elements - symbols that are important in your family. Well done! I suggest you organize an exhibition of your work so that everyone can take a closer look at this beauty.

So, guys, we all worked fruitfully today, and now I ask you to stand in a circle and look at your hands. With your left hand, select any finger on your right hand. Answer my question those who chose the little finger.

M (little finger) - thinking process. What was new and interesting in the lesson? What knowledge have you acquired?

B (unnamed) - the proximity of the target. What did you learn? What has been achieved?

C (medium) - a state of mind. What was the mood like?

Y (index) service, help. Who did I help today? What made you happy?

B (large) - cheerfulness, physical form. What have I done for my health? What allowed you to relax, recuperate?

Thank you guys! I would like to finish our lesson with a legend: “In ancient times, a lonely god traveled the earth unnoticed by everyone, taking the form of a horse. He stumbled over a stone and lost the horseshoe from his hind leg. This horseshoe was found by an old woman. As soon as she took it in her hands, she turned into a beauty. It was her deepest wish. And while the horseshoe was with her, she remained young and beautiful, until she lost the divine gift due to distraction. The horseshoe was found by another person - his dream came true. Since then, the horseshoe has brought happiness to people.”

So I wish you that the horseshoe that you made today brings only happiness and joy to your homes!


even a beginner can make it with his own hands, and the result will certainly please both the one who worked on the creation of this souvenir and his relatives. Such a craft can be presented without hesitation as a gift to your friends and relatives or used to decorate the premises.

The basis for work in this case will be the classic, kneaded according to the usual recipe: two parts of flour to one part of salt. It is better to dilute salt with warm water - in this case, it will dissolve faster. A master class on kneading such a dough can be found on the Web.

From the finished dough you need to make an even stick (sausage).

By bending it in an arc and flattening it with a rolling pin, we will get a horseshoe. Using a knife or any sharp object, make two holes along the edges of the horseshoe. While our salt dough horseshoe is not frozen, we decorate it.

To do this, roll another sausage from the dough and cut it into small pieces. We give each piece the shape of a ball, and then droplets.

We flatten the droplets - petals are obtained. We lay out flowers from them. To make the elements of flowers better attached, you can slightly moisten their surface (or surface) of the horseshoe with plain water.

In the center of each flower we put a small ball, flatten it and make its surface embossed with a toothpick or any other sharp object.

With the same object we make holes along the edges of the petals - we give them a more interesting shape.

We attach small balls between the petals.

We sculpt the leaves, push the veins on them with a toothpick. First, we make the central vein. And already from it to the side we lay small additional grooves.

Gradually, we get an openwork, very elegant horseshoe.

After drying it, we proceed to painting. We paint the horseshoe itself brown.

The flowers are yellow, the hearts are orange, and the balls between the petals are burgundy or crimson. Color the leaves green.

With decorative golden paint, with light strokes, we apply highlights of color to flower petals and leaves.

We learned how to make a horseshoe! And so that the product does not remain on the sidelines, we tie a bright satin ribbon to it and hang it in the most prominent place in the kitchen.

Any room will be transformed from such a souvenir.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make a charm made of salt dough - a horseshoe with fruits.

Materials and tools for making amulets:

  • salty dough
  • plank and rock
  • paper or cardboard for patterns
  • sheet cutters
  • dummy knife
  • leaf mold universal
  • toothpick
  • watercolor, acrylic or gouache
  • Super glue

Salt dough horseshoe amulet - master class

Let's start making this. Draw a horseshoe of the size and shape you need on a piece of paper or cardboard, and cut it out.

Roll out the salt dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 1 cm.

We put our pattern on the rolled out dough and cut it out along the contour using a breadboard knife. If there is none, you can use an ordinary kitchen knife with a thin, sharp tip.

We roll out the salt dough again, only now its thickness should be 3-4 mm. And with the help of boats (which you can make yourself from tin).

cut out leaves of different sizes.

Or, if you do not have the opportunity to make cutters, you can use pre-prepared cardboard patterns.

If you do not have such a mold, then the veins on the leaves can be made using a breadboard knife.

We put the finished leaves on our horseshoe.

Now let's deal with the fruits with which we will decorate our horseshoe. It is necessary to roll four balls of the same shape (they will later be apples) and two slightly larger balls (these will be pears).

With a toothpick on the balls, which will be apples, we push the grooves from the center to the sides (photo 11). Roll up a small ball and stick it in the middle.

We make our pears. Lightly squeeze one side of the large ball.

We roll a thin sausage (this will be the pear tail).

make a small hole at the top of the pear with a toothpick and insert the tail there.

Make a hole in the bottom with a toothpick and insert a small ball there.

We spread our fruits on a horseshoe.

As well as in the manufacture, we need a toothpick. At the top, so that we can then hang our horseshoe, we make holes with a toothpick,

as well as small dots on the sides.

Separately roll up a lot of balls of different sizes. We flatten them and make holes in the middle (these will be berries).

It is better not to stick them right away, because it will be quite difficult to decorate a product with such small elements. So, for two or three days we leave the product to dry.

After our horseshoe dries well, you can start painting it. You can use absolutely any paint: watercolor, gouache or acrylic.

The only thing is that when using watercolors, it is necessary to cover the product with two layers of paint, because. The watercolor absorbs very quickly and the color becomes faded. Separately, we decorate our berries and use super glue to glue them onto the horseshoe. Let the paint dry well and open the product with varnish. Our Salt dough amulet “Horseshoe with fruits” ready! Such a horseshoe can become wonderful.