Social benefits for labor veterans and home front workers. What are the benefits for home front workers

Benefits for home front workers are issued by the social protection authorities upon presentation of the relevant documents. Difficulties in design benefits for home front workers arise if the applicant cannot prove his belonging to this category of citizens. How to get benefits and what home front workers can apply for, we will tell in the article.

Who belongs to the home front workers?

The legislator determines that home front workers are citizens who worked in the home front from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least 6 months. This period does not include work on temporarily occupied lands. In addition, home front workers also include citizens who received an order or medal for selfless work during the Second World War.

According to the legislation of the USSR on labor, persons from the age of 16 could work on collective farms during the war. If children aged 14-16 have also already worked, then their receipt benefits for home front workers possible only if they directly counted workdays and made payment.

As for those children who worked in the rear from the age of 12, to prove the experience of these persons, the testimony of at least 2 witnesses and documents are required, according to which this particular child was the eldest in the family, and he was deprived of a breadwinner (for example, his father died at the front).

How to get documents stating that you are a home front worker?

In order to take advantage of the benefits that are due to home front workers, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate documents confirming this status. To do this, you should contact the territorial department of social protection at the place of residence with the following papers:

  • passport;
  • a work book or certificate confirming the fact of work in the rear;
  • a certificate of awarding medals or orders for selfless work during the Second World War (if such a document is available, a work book and a certificate are optional).

If you do not have a work book and a certificate confirming the length of service, as well as these awards, we recommend that you contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund or involve 2 witnesses who can prove that you worked with them, but they must have documents confirming them rear experience.

If in this case the documents could not be found, you can apply to the court.

Please note that you can apply for documents confirming the status of a home front worker at any time, regardless of your age and the number of years that have passed since the Second World War.

There are no benefits for home front workers at the federal level. The legislator transferred this right to the subjects of the federation, which in their legislative and other normative acts establish preferences for this category of citizens.

For example, the authorities of St. Petersburg provide preferential travel in the metro and additional social benefits for home front workers. In the Sverdlovsk region, they are provided free of charge services to provide prosthetic and orthopedic products.

The Moscow region provides the following benefits for home front workers:

  1. Free production and repair of dentures in public health institutions.
  2. 50% discount when buying prescription drugs.
  3. Entry into horticultural, dacha and horticultural associations as a matter of priority.
  4. Free medical care in public health institutions.
  5. Service out of turn by workers of social protection of the population.
  6. Preferential right in admission to homes for the elderly or disabled.
  7. Free travel in public transport and trains upon presentation of a social card.
  8. 50% discount when paying for travel on inland water transport.
  9. 50% discount on utility bills.
  10. 50% discount when paying for the occupied space in a residential building within the limits of the standards established by the legislator.
  11. Free spa vouchers for medical reasons.
  12. Annual financial assistance for the celebration of May 9th.

What else is worth knowing?

There are several benefits that we would like to draw your attention to.

  1. Compensation for the installation of a tombstone for a home front worker. Such a benefit may be provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the subject of the federation. In order to find out about it, the relatives of the deceased must contact the social security authorities. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, such benefits are not provided for home front workers.
  2. Providing housing. Unfortunately, the federal legislator does not classify home front workers as eligible for free housing. Such a measure, again, can only be provided for in regional laws. But we draw your attention: if a home front worker does not have a room in which he can live, then he has the right to join the queue for providing housing under a social contract of employment.
  3. Pension. In some regions, there is a one-time cash payment for a pension to home front workers or a monthly allowance. On this issue, you can get advice from the Pension Fund.

Thus, the regional legislator can establish various benefits for home front workers within the limits of the funds that the region can allocate for these purposes. For more information about what benefits are available in your area, we recommend that you contact the social protection authorities.

Home front workers during the Second World War have the right to receive an increased pension. Citizens born before 12/31/1931 are entitled to a pension increase without any evidence of their activities during the war. Those born after this date need to prove their eligibility for benefits. Archival documents and testimonies of witnesses are used as evidence.

Who is considered a home front worker

About who is, it is said in the Federal Law No. 5 "On Veterans" dated 01/12/1995. According to this, citizens working in the rear during the war years, that is, specifically from 06/22/41 to 05/09/45, are recognized as rear workers.

Download for viewing and printing: Attention! Home front workers are citizens who have worked during the war years for at least six months if they were born before December 31, 1931 and at least a year if they were born after this date. Exceptions: citizens awarded orders / medals for their selfless work.

A worker's certificate is a certificate that accompanies the medal "For Valiant Labor". It is issued without exception to all citizens born before 12/31/1931. Those who were born later require evidence of rear activities during the war - the provision of archival documents, the testimony of witnesses.

Important! All labor activity carried out by citizens during the war years in the temporarily occupied territory is not counted in the length of service.

Why the state supports citizens who worked in the rear in the Second World War

Citizens who worked in the rear during the war years will benefit the country, no less than front-line soldiers. It was they who worked in the agricultural sector, provided the people with clothing and food, supported the combat capability of the entire army.

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Benefits for children working during the Second World War

The benefits of rear workers also apply to children working during the war years:

  • at the age of 14 to 16 years (at the same time, working days must be issued on them);
  • from the age of 12, with the loss of a breadwinner, if the child was the eldest in the family. The testimony of two witnesses is accepted as evidence of the work.

What are the benefits for home front workers

The supplement to the pension for home front workers is issued in the social protection authorities at the place of residence of citizens. Usually, registration takes place quickly in case of successful confirmation of the required status.

Attention! The list of benefits for home front workers is constantly updated. For more information, please contact your local social security office.

Benefits provided in 2019:

  • 50% discount on prescription drugs;
  • free medical care;
  • free dentures;
  • free dental intervention;
  • an extraordinary right to join various partnerships: horticultural, garden, country, and so on;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • sanatorium and resort treatment (if there are medical indications);
  • gifts for May 9 (material, issued annually);
  • free travel (on any type of transport in the city with a social card);
  • extraordinary provision of a place in a nursing home / disabled people;
  • withdrawal from the social security authorities.

Fringe benefits

There are a number of additional benefits intended for home front workers:

  • payments to veterans and home front workers (increase in pension);
  • assistance in solving housing problems;
  • "funeral assistance" - the cost of the tombstone is returned to the relatives of the deceased.

Video on the topic of pension supplements for labor veterans

For reference! In Moscow and the region, monetary compensation to relatives is not provided for the tombstone of a deceased home front worker.

To receive compensation for a tombstone, relatives of the deceased beneficiary must submit an application and receipts confirming the expenses to the social security authorities. They can do this within 6 months.

Which relatives will apply for compensation does not matter - the degree of kinship is not taken into account in this matter.

To receive compensation for the funeral, you must provide in the social. protection documents:

  • statements from the one who organized the funeral process;
  • funeral organizer's identity card;
  • beneficiary's death certificate;
  • work book or pension certificate.
Attention! Relatives of the deceased beneficiary have the right to refuse monetary compensation and receive free funeral services. To do this, you need to contact a social ritual institution.

Registration of benefits to the rear

To apply for benefits, the following documents must be submitted to the local authorities:

  • identification;
  • employment history;
  • medals and orders (if any);
  • photo size 3 by 4, matte (for making a certificate).

Who was given medals in WWII

Medals in the Second World War were issued to citizens with obvious services to the state. That is, people who acted for the good of the country. In particular, they supplied food, equipment, and other things to the front. These were:

  • citizens serving in public organizations aimed at benefiting the country;
  • engineers;
  • technology;
  • cultural workers;
  • literary workers;
  • agricultural specialists;
  • collective farmers;
  • etc.

Stages of applying for benefits

The monthly payment to home front workers is made out in several stages:

  1. A citizen draws up the status of a worker. To do this, he needs to collect the necessary documents and write an application to the local social security authority.
  2. Receive a status certificate by mail or pick it up in person. The application and documents are considered in social protection within 3 days, but the certificate is prepared within a month.
  3. In case of refusal to grant the status of a worker, apply to the court.
  4. Write to the social security authorities an application for benefits.
  5. Submit the application and necessary documents to the social authorities. protection.
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Types of assistance to the rear

There are different types of assistance to the rear in the Second World War. Let's consider them in more detail.

Attention! It happens that a citizen has both the status of a home front worker in the Second World War and a veteran. In this case, he himself must choose which of the two statuses to receive benefits. If the citizen himself cannot decide, the choice is made automatically. A more favorable status is chosen.

Regional privileges

Regional benefits include:

  • home assistance of social workers;
  • extraordinary registration in a nursing home or a home for the disabled;
  • extraordinary admission to non-profit partnerships;
  • one-time allowances;
  • free travel on water, rail, public transport (if you have a certificate);
  • reception in social protection out of turn;
  • compensation for the use of a landline phone;
  • discount on utility bills.

Medical service

Medical benefits include:

  • free treatment;
  • half price discount on medicines (by prescription);
  • sanatorium treatment (in the medical direction);
  • subsidies for dentures (only in public institutions).
Attention! To the location of the sanatorium, home front workers should travel free of charge. Important! If a citizen refuses sanatorium treatment, he is paid compensation in the amount of 1000 rubles.

Compensation and EDV

Every home front worker is entitled to a monthly cash payment. Its size increases every year.

The EVD is issued by the local social security authorities. The following documents are required for registration:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • certificate of the status of "home front worker";
  • SNILS;
  • if a citizen wants the payment to go to his personal bank account, bank details are required.

The final list of benefits provided is determined by local authorities. For a particular person, it depends on:

  • age;
  • seniority;
  • availability of awards;
  • region of residence.
Important! In order to get the right to free travel, a citizen must issue a special social card.

Home front workers have the right to be granted leave annually, during a period that they themselves choose. The leave period is 35 days. It does not save wages.

Benefits for relatives after death

Relatives who are supported by a home front worker after his death are entitled to the following benefits. First, there are monthly cash payments. Secondly, free care in public clinics. Thirdly, a subsidy for housing and communal services in the amount of 50%.

Also, the relatives of the deceased have the right to sanatorium treatment upon appointment and a doctor for the assistance of social protection workers.

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March 1, 2018, 17:25 Mar 3, 2019 13:38

With special trepidation, the state and the Russians treat the people who caused the Great Patriotic War. It was a difficult time, and people who did everything for their country not only saved their lives and loved ones, but also the whole nation. It is not surprising that special social preferences and cash bonuses are provided for this category of the population. Moreover, they concern not only those who directly fought on the battlefields, but also those who worked in the rear. These people also did a lot for their country. Therefore, benefits for home front workers are provided in the form of social and material preferences.

Who belongs to the home front workers?

The domestic authorities, understanding the significance of the merits of people who lived, worked and fought during the Second World War, back in 1994 raised the issue of granting preferences to these citizens. On January 12, 1995, Federal Law No. 5-FZ was put into effect, dedicated to the establishment of legal guarantees and measures of social protection for veterans. The text of the document includes a number of preferences that allow this category of citizens to lead a decent life.

In Art. 1 No. 5-FZ provides a list of persons with the status of veterans. Home front workers are not mentioned here separately. However, from Art. 2 it is clear that they refer to WWII veterans.

Assignment to one of the categories of veterans determines the list of benefits they are entitled to (each group has its own package of preferences).

Pp. 1 st. 2 No. 5-FZ includes a list of persons who are veterans of the Second World War. Home front workers also belong here.

It is noteworthy that the status of a home front worker given without proof under one of the following conditions:

  • the presence of a citizen of orders / medals of the Soviet Union for selfless work, issued for the Second World War;
  • date of birth - no later than December 31, 1931.

If a person does not fall under any of the conditions, then he will have to confirm his right to the title of home front worker. Additionally, there are requirements for the period of work in the rear - from 6 months in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945. Moreover, work in the occupied territories is not included in the credit periods.

Information from the archives and testimonies are accepted as evidence of work in the rear.

Benefits provided

There is no exact list of benefits provided to home front workers throughout the country. Regions can establish additional preferences locally.

For example, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, monetary compensation is paid for the tombstone of deceased home front workers, while in Moscow and the Moscow Region such a benefit is not provided.

Having the status of a home front worker, it is better for a person to contact the local social security authorities. There, they will not only help you apply for benefits, but also tell you exactly what preferences a citizen can apply for.

Federal benefits are enshrined in several regulatory legal acts at once, including No. 5-FZ (Article 13) and Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999.

Having confirmed the status of a home front worker, a citizen can apply for a wide range of preferences from the state. So, in 2019 this category The following services are provided free of charge:

  • travel by public transport;
  • prosthetic and orthopedic care (installation of dentures, dental services);
  • providing medical care (and not only staying in a hospital, but also visiting sanatoriums, if there are medical indications for this, if you refuse this format of assistance, you can receive a small monetary compensation - 1,000 rubles, be careful, the payment for travel to the sanatorium is paid by the citizen at his own expense).

During the annual celebration of May 9, home front workers receive material gifts, usually they come to their homes to congratulate them (for example, schoolchildren).

Some forms of benefits provide only partial coverage of costs. For example, the state is ready to compensate ½ of the costs associated with paying:

  • prescription drugs;
  • housing and communal services.

Preferences can also be intangible. For example, home front workers can get into a nursing home without waiting in line or become a member of a dacha, gardening or other form of partnership.

Help in the regions

The constituent entities of the Russian Federation have different opportunities to provide assistance to certain categories of citizens. A lot depends on the size of the budget. Often in the field home front workers can count on:

  • payment of additional benefits in the amounts established locally (does not apply to pensions and CEV);
  • service in social security without a queue;
  • free maintenance of a home telephone (the amount of costs is compensated monthly);
  • assistance from social services (house cleaning, care for the pensioner himself).

Help local and federal authorities and in solving housing problems. Providing a place to live for home front workers is the responsibility of the country.

Financial support and payments

Providing care, free travel - all this is an opportunity to reduce the costs of home front workers. However, all of them are entitled to financial support in the form of:

  • increased pension;

The additional payment to the pension in the regions may be of a different nature. Somewhere it is a fixed amount of money, somewhere a floating amount. The UDV is issued by a citizen separately, subject to the waiver of certain benefits.

The size of the pension of home front workers is increased by the same amount as the pensions of non-working citizens. The last increase took place at the beginning of 2019.

Financial assistance in some regions is also provided for relatives of a deceased WWII veteran. We are talking about the so-called funeral payment. Moreover, not only close relatives can receive money (the degree of kinship does not really matter). However, you must provide:

  • receipts for payment for the purchase of a tombstone;
  • documents confirming the status of a home front worker for the deceased.

The amount of compensation is not precisely defined. It depends on the cost of purchasing the tombstone.

Remember that such a payment can not be obtained in any region of the country - it is better to clarify the right and features in the local social security.

What affects the amount of benefits?

Obtaining the status of a home front worker provides a citizen with access to various preferences. Moreover, their volume is determined individually, based:

  • region of residence;
  • age (special benefits for those born before 1932);
  • work experience;
  • the presence of medals and honorary titles.

Moreover, in order to receive benefits, it is necessary to formalize the status of a home front worker. If required by law, then confirm it. Usually, the following is required for registration:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • employment history;
  • available medals and orders (with supporting documents);
  • Photo.

All this is attached to the application. The answer according to the documents is given to the applicant no later than 3 days, another 1 month is required for the issuance of the certificate. Sometimes the decision is negative. If a citizen is sure that it was unfair, he can only apply to the judiciary.

To receive financial assistance to the account, in addition to the application, details for transfers are attached. They will also be required to receive compensation for housing and communal services or payment for medicines.

Citizens working at the country's enterprises during the Great Patriotic War, as well as those who fought at the front, have the right to receive state compensation and privileges. Benefits for home front workers are provided in accordance with Federal Law No. 5-FZ "On Veterans". To use this right, you must have the appropriate certificate.

Who has the status of a home front worker

To obtain such a status, you will need to confirm the length of service during the war years from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months.

Compensation is provided if the citizen:

  • worked during the war for at least 6 months;
  • awarded for work at defense industry enterprises or during the restoration of the economy;
  • awarded the title "";
  • supported the military industry or agriculture;
  • as a teenager he worked from the age of 14–16 and received a salary;
  • as a child, he worked from the age of 12 due to the loss of a breadwinner - two witnesses are required, a certificate of loss of a breadwinner and confirmation that he was the eldest in the family during this period.

To acquire the preferential status of a home front worker, the following papers are presented:

  • statement;
  • work book with notes on military experience;
  • award certificates.

If the necessary papers are not preserved, a request is sent to the archive for issuing a certificate. You can receive a notification from another city by mail.

It is permissible to confirm military experience through the court. To do this, you will need to bring two witnesses who worked with the applicant, if they have kept work books and there are relevant records.

To obtain the title of home front worker, they apply to the local department of Social Security with the necessary documents. The application is considered within 30 days, after this period a decision is made. With a positive conclusion, the citizen is issued an appropriate certificate.

IMPORTANT! Work experience in the home front does not include forced labor during the occupation.

Home front workers have the right to use the prescribed benefits. The amount of cash payments is affected by:

  • experience;
  • awards;
  • age.

The state provides various compensations to support home front workers. Privileges are granted depending on the characteristics of the region. Some districts make a monthly supplement to the pension. Its size can be fixed or determined by the interest rate. The payment is made in the Pension Fund. By the Victory Day holiday, veterans receive an additional 1,000 rubles.

Housing Benefits

Benefits for home front workers in the housing sector are also established by regional authorities. These include:

  • compensation of 50% of utility bills;
  • preferential maintenance and rental of housing;
  • discounts on home phone payments;
  • 50% for the provision of heating oil.

A home front worker has the right to receive a new apartment if, by law, he is recognized as needy. According to the LCD, there are indicators for improving living conditions:

  • lack of housing in the property;
  • if the area of ​​​​the apartment is less than it should be according to current standards;
  • non-use of the area under a social tenancy agreement;
  • the room does not meet sanitary requirements;
  • living together with a relative who suffers from a serious illness.

New housing is provided to the beneficiary on a first-come, first-served basis. The area of ​​the future apartment is calculated taking into account the standards and the number of family members.

Medical Benefits

Medical care for a home front worker is provided free of charge, as well as:

  • the state compensates the cost of medicines;
  • veterans can receive free treatment in sanatoriums. If they refuse sanatorium services, monetary compensation is possible;
  • beneficiaries are entitled to dental prosthetics free of charge. Some regions partially pay the cost of expensive prostheses.

Travel by public transport

Home front workers have the right to use free travel in public transport and suburban trains.

IMPORTANT! Travel to the sanatorium and back for treatment is fully compensated by the state.

To take advantage of the transport benefit, they receive a social card. To do this, you will need to come with documents to the local department of social protection and present:

  • the passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a document confirming the right to benefits;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • 3x4 photo, you can take it in the My Documents Center or bring it with you.

Assistance with burial

Benefit for burial is also due to home front workers. Compensation applies to the installation of a monument and tombstone to the deceased (has a regional character). To process this payment, apply to the Pension Fund. You will need to collect the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • death certificate;
  • workbook of the deceased.

Other types of assistance

Persons working in the rear belong to the category of needy citizens. They have special privileges:

  • places out of line in nursing homes;
  • the right to free home care by social workers;
  • registration in garden partnerships and cooperatives.

Benefits for home front workers are provided by both federal and regional authorities. In each individual locality, privileges and compensations may have an individual character.