Message about the winter holiday. Holiday calendar: Winter. New Year's permutations or when the new year comes

The magical days of the New Year holidays for communication and games with the kids - the best time is not found. The interlacing of Slavic pagan traditions and Christian mythology turned this time into one good fairy tale, and the children will not only be interesting to hear her, but also to take an active participation in it - both creators, and both acting.

In the long-standing old old old, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the ancient Slavs, were their traditions celebrating holidays. We can remember them from fairy tales that our grandmothers told us, as well as from the collections of Russian folk fairy tales, which reached the present day. The ancient traditions carried the folk wisdom. After all, Slavs, our ancestors, knew a lot, lived in harmony with nature, and were friends with different beasts and birds, even knew their tongue! Remember, the Bear and Pike, and Falcon in the sky, and Sokol in the sky, helping Ivan Tsarevich, and Falcon in Heaven to free the Kingdom of Vasilisa? "The fairy tale is a lie, and there is a hint of good young lesson in it" - so almost every folk tale ended. Therefore, now, listening to our fairy tales, we can learn a lot about our people, about what knowledge and skills our ancestors owned.

And now the most fabulous time has come - New Year's Eve! We are all waiting for a miracle. We hope that the spirits of this time will perform our most cherished dreams.
But how did the winter holidays celebrated our ancestors before? After all, the tradition to celebrate the New Year January 1 went only after the decree of Peter 1! And before that new Year met in September, and at all in antiquity - in March, on the day of the Spring Solstice.
And what, it turns out that our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers did not have fun in the winter, did not dress up the Christmas tree, did not cover the table, did not convene the guests?
Let's go back at that distant time and see how our ancestors were experiencing a harsh winter?

It turns out, to celebrate winter holidays in antiquity December 24th - It was on this day that started Strides, and for them Large Veleeza Sky. At this time, according to belief, the gates between the real world and the world of the spirits are the world of Javi and the world of Navi. And it was important to find a common language with supernatural - for the forces of good to ask prosperity and protection, and the forces of evil - how to decide with gifts.
Slavs has always been considered a fabulous tree oak. And it was on oak that gifts for good and evil spirits hung. Remember, A. S. Pushkin: "At Lukomorye Oak Green, the Children's chain on the oak volume ...". Oak is a mighty tree, a symbol of a huge vitality, longevity, the sacred tree of God Perun. Oak gave people energy and protection. The first bread baked from the oak acorns, rubbing them into flour.

Peter 1 made his changes and in the tradition of the celebration of the New Year. He commanded the western pattern to decorate at home and gates with spruce and pine colors. Tradition passed quickly, because It was the trees and pines in the winter remained green, pleased with the eyes, and they liked to dress them with all children and adults.
In the old days, the Christmas tree was decorated with various delicacies: nuts in a bright wrapper, candy, red rowan borders and even vegetables. Wax candles were burning on the branches, which then gave way to electrical garlands. And brilliant balls appeared relatively recently - about a hundred years ago. The top of the Christmas tree walked the Bethlehem star, on the shift of which the red, five-pointed one came.
Christmas tree dress up - one pleasure, and if the Christmas toys are made with their own hands, but together with the kids, especially!
Let's try together with the kids to do the decoration of the festive tree, because children should not stay aside waiting, and be the most active participants in the preparation of the holiday!

You can start with the simplest and affordable for kids: paper "lanterns", snowflakes, chains, garlands or toys from wool.
1. "Flashlight". Instruction: Colored paper sheet of 120x180 cm. Fold in half, across the bend flashes paper, retreating from the edge of the sheet 1.5-2 cm and make cuts. From a leaf of thick paper of another color with a size of 100x180 cm glue the cylinder. The edges of the prepared sheet of paper with cuts lubricate glue and wrap around the cylinder.
To the upper edge glue the loop from folded in half a strip of paper.
2. "Chain". Cut the serpentine or simply strips of sufficiently dense colored paper of the same size. We glue the rings, the rubbing ends through the previous "link". A more complex option is to fold the squares of the paper of the same size in half and draw a loop ("neck" to the collar), cut out and clutch the loops with each other, capturing the previous links with the revealed "sash".
3. Toy from wati. How to make toy fruits: roll your cotton in dense smooth balls of this size, what a fruit should get. The end of the wire segment is wrapped with a piece of black fabric and produce through the cotton ball, the ending the end is wrapped with a green cloth or paper, leaving the hook at the end (we will hang a toy at the end). Color the fruit with acrylic paints, lay on the fabric for drying. After the "fruit" attach leaflets cut from cardboard or green fabric. If it is "cherries", twist the fruits in pairs, if Rowan is done in a bunch.

Here you will find a master class on the manufacture of cotton Christmas toys:
Christmas toys do it yourself:
Master class of crafts of Christmas toys:
New Year's printouts. Openwork balls:

Dec. 31, the last day of the year, was noted by the Slavs as. On this day it would be nice to visit their relatives. Schistress is famous generously with a festive table. Before the beer, it was customary to join the people with songs - "Generosy". The composition was the same as on the stride.

Bolars are suitable for home or to the crowd of people and sing: "Generous evening! Good evening!":

The main symbol of prosperity and generosity on the festive table of Slavs was baked ruddy piglerySince "Pork" means "fertility", from Sankrit - "Grow away". That's the reason for the festive classes - the kids will surely get fascinating together with adults cheerful Cookies.
You can take the finished puff pastry or Make a prescription:
With the help of a round shape, cut the "face" of the pigs, with the help of an oval form less cut fifts and cut small triangles - it will be ears. Slightly wetting the workpiece with water, we glue the staggers and piercing the "nostrils" to the straws. Each "ear" bend at right angles and put, slightly retreating from the edge and indulging them with a knife. From sugar peas, raisins or pieces of nut make "eyes". We lay on a lubricated and sprinkled with flour, a baking sheet and bake in the oven until shutting.

1st of January Notes Frost Day (Frost)which in ancient times walked around the villages and sent the steadfast frosts. Over time, Grandfather became kind and generous, take care of the kids, crushing gifts. Meet him on this day your children must necessarily! Will this invited professional artists or Santa Moroza dressed up dad, it does not matter. The main thing is to prepare for a meeting with the grandfather: so that he does not froze his nose and cheeks, draw it with a poem suitable for occasion.

Z. Alexandrov

Santa Claus was walking along the forest and birches, past the prospects, past one day, went through the forest eight days. He passed on Bor - trees in beads surcharge. On this night, for the new year, he will bring them to the guys. In the glades, silence shines the yellow moon .. all the trees in silver, the hares are dancing on the mountain, the ice sparkles on the pond, the new year comes!

Excellent selection of children's poems about New Year is waiting for you here:
And here you will find a fascinating story of Santa Claus:

From January 1 to January 6 Slavs marked Velezovy days or spent evenings. It was the second part 12-day carolAnd she was devoted to pets - because it is connected with the name of Veles, the patron saint of livestock and shepherds. By tradition, at this time, omnipped went to walk around homes and rank. Children and adults love and adults. Very good if a friendly company is gathered for this. Traditionally, the winners were dressed in the costumes of the animals - a bear, bull, goats, in the fur twisted to the fur, and masks - so that the unclean power did not recognize them.
Chants thank you, treat, give with you different rustic delicacies - sausages, oils, meat, sometimes some money.

The kids are getting a penny and gingerbread reward - "Kozulki" - the figurines of horses, cows, deer, sheep, birds.
Recipe Kozul you can spit on our website :
All take part in these rituals. Children spread the grains on the floor, the grains fly to the owners of the horses, which are kindly shake them down and thank the guys for good wishes.
Dress up, go back to Torba, learn the texts of the car bead and go on the neighbors - will meet you happy, because the good spirits of the ancestors came to the house.
To maintain tradition and festive mood, you can find it together with kids and make masks.

  1. Goat mask.Attached scheme-pattern It should be increased. We cut and glue according to the indicated circuits. Horns Bend in half along the lines marked with points and fold the harmonica, making one end of the fold is wider, but there is no rings to the collar. We slightly reveal a wide end and insert into the triangular slits on the forehead. After bending the ears. Beard We make from two identical parts, consolidating from under the chin after the mask will be ready. Skin the place of fastening the mask on the sides of a dense paper or cloth. Do openings and secure the gum. For a goat suit, a wide colorful sundress on a yoke with apron, which can be put on over the coat.
  2. Mask Medvedia. Pat. Cut, make slots for the eyes and paint. Skin the place of fastening the mask on the sides of a dense paper or cloth. Do openings and secure the gum. For the costume of the bear, children's overalls, poncho and bulk sweaters are well suited. It is enough to sew on the stomach oval from light brown fabric - it will turn out to be a bearish abdomen. On mittens or gloves, you can sew triangular patchworks of black or brown tissue - there will be bear "claws".

And you can also learn the words of the Colves with kids:

Pan-sovereign, are you sleeping il little?
Ile house night?
Tell rank
Warney to keep?

- Kolyada, wheelchadder!
Does the owners at home?

Lepriest baked?

Are the boiled legs?

Is it ready to swee?

Definitely the main holiday of the winter - winter is christmaswhich is noted from 6 to 7 January, according to the Orthodox calendar. It is curious that just January 6, in the tourits of winter ending the velels of the days, the gates of Navi are closing, the unclean power goes home, and the order will come together on Earth.

In the ritual side of the Christmas Mysteries, an important place occupies the so-called Vertpetswho historographers consider any little any - Forerunner Theater.
Verpets - ancient Russian word. It denotes the cave. According to the Holy Scriptures, the Son of God - the infant Jesus Christ - was born in Vertepe, where Verva Maria and Righteous Joseph were stopped for the night. But the vertel was also called the ancient stage puppet presentation, talking about the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. It is believed that from this puppet christmas presentation and the history of the puppet theater in Russia begins.

Traditionally, the twirl was a two-tier box, sometimes looking like a layout of a house or church with a cross on the roof, with a missing front wall - the biblical plots were played on its second floor, and on the first - worldly scenes and everyday jokes. Vertepes were transferred from the house to the house, from the square to the square, and there, before the honest people, the views were played.
Currently, static vertepes are already known.
In the Russian tradition, the wipes were small, light, conveniently transparent boxes. Their sizes depended on the size of the dolls themselves. And the revolving figures should not be less than the index finger.

It would be wonderful in the Christmas holidays to plunge into a magical and fabulous world - to create a small puppet theater, christmas vertel.
As a basis we take the box, we leave only three walls and the bottom, we drag the cloth. The bottom of the straw, christmas twigs or yellow yarn. From any boxes mastwork the cradle, put a litter from a piece of watts and put tissue butin. Next to the cradle, we have two figures - Maria and Joseph, which can be cut out of plasticine or salted dough.

It is noteworthy that for Christmas, as well as for the new year, it is customary to give gifts. It used to be believed that the Christmas gift should be made with their own hands, but now it can be a purchased gift. It is very symbolic to this holiday to give each other the figures of the angels made on their own either bought. A presented angel must be swallowed in the room and it will surely give the new year happiness, good luck and success to its owner.
Angel to make it all difficult for himself:
New Year's Angel:

Angel of paper cup:

Angel from seashells:

The evening comes, the candles are lit in the house, and it's time for good Christmas history. Wherever you greeted this bright holiday, where the fate would take you, the main one: Christmas is a day that symbolizes the source, the beginning, a holiday, bearing light and peace, the day, when you need to think about your place in life and give yourself a promise to become higher and better. Christmas is a holiday of light and colors, a celebration of all-standing love to all people.

To help you:
Recipes of christmas cookies:
Sky, Saty Stories:

Gingerbread houses:

Christmas wreaths:

Happy Holidays and Magic!

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One of the twelve church holidays, the first of those that fall on the student of the year, is the introduction to the temple of the Virgin, celebrated on December 4th. But he was officially called. The people in the title of the holiday retained only the first word - "Introduction", and even rethought him. All folk proverbs and signs are associated with the introduction not with the Virgin, but with the beginning of the Russian winter. It was believed that it was on this day that it comes into their own rights: "Introduction came - the winter led", "if the snow is falling before the introduction, it still melts, and if after the introduction - the winter falls!" By the way, the weather was predicted on the weather on this day and all other winter holidays.

On the introduction of the old path in the old days. If he has not been established, it was thought, winter is not yet: what kind of winter on the frozen black mud will come? The right to "update" the winter road on Santochki was provided, according to custom, newlyweds. Their exit for a walk was furnished solemnly: Sanya was selected painted, lungs, multicolored carpets and paper flowers decorated. Horses must have been well-groomed. A young husband who was sponged with a bright Kusham, famously rules, smoking for a view of the already riser fledger or caury. And the young wife sat in the sleigh silently, with dignity, demonstrating his fitting and beautiful outfits on his fit and beautiful outfits ... This rite was called - "Clause the young".

In Moscow, the Introduction was traditionally satisfied with the Sannaya Fair. On this day, many decades of Lubyanka filled many sleds. Sani were for every taste: light "single" and more solid "paired" and "trophy". Sanya everyday life and festive, decorated often very intricate carvings and painting. They did such Sani Galician masters.

However, Sani was important not only to do, but also skillfully, to eat. Experienced climbs found an approach to each buyer, did not bother to praise to their goods, shouted the promotional "rapid" poems, improvising on the go:

But Sani-scooters,
Decreased, rich,
Decreased, are broken,
Safian is cut off!

Or another, speaking modern tongue, "Slogan":

Went, went, move, brod,
In the pipe, in the racing, in the way, one!
And who managed - the first grade feet!

Diar to the product "Burry": in winter Moscow years, 100-150 years ago it was difficult to drive on wheels. And on Santochki - just right. Only snow under the clamns shakes!

Katerinnian walks

December 7, on the day of St. Catherine, or, as she was called in Russia, Katerina Sannitsa, arranged the races on the sleigh. They gathered all the villages on some hillock, and young guys and men tried to "furnish" each other on a snow-covered road, looping around the surrounding fields. The audience sick frantically, often moving from verbal arguments to protect her pet to fist. And the girls were assessed at these racing possible grooms: their delets, skill, strength, and wealth - the "right" man and the horse is good!

Buy, Tyatnaka, Skate,
Gold legs,
I will roll girls
Big walkway!

The evening "under Catherine" was considered the best for fortunes and burning. The girls lay in front of a bed of a piece of bread under the pillow and asked: what will be narrowed? If the bread was killed by morning, the husband will get with a steep and hard character, if she crumble - life in marriage generally promises to be unsuccessful ... Having gathered together, girls often sang:

Cute woven, rode,
Three Sanok breakdown,
All rich reversal
And I did not pass me!

Or here is such a chastushka:

Really it will come true
At this year?
Golden Venets Nadnut
My head? ..

New Year and Christmas Tree

New Year in Russia (and in general in Europe), as you guys already know, did not always celebrate on the night of January 1st. Sometime, the countdown of the new year began on March 1. The memory of this time has been preserved in the names of some months. September, for example, in Latin means "Seventh", October - "Eighth", November - "Ninth", and December (remember?) - "Tenth" ... And what place they take in the ranks today?

With the adoption of Christianity on Rus, the Julian calendar came. The church began to conduct the churching "from the creation of the world" (5508 BC) and postponed the beginning of the New Year on September 1. It turned out a fair confusion, and the Metropolitan Feogunosium in 1342, the March New Year simply canceled. And after two more and a half century, the great converter Emperor Peter I, who was before everything, commanded to meet a new one, 1700 from the Nativity of Christ on January 1. The will of the emperor is the law, and therefore - at least with creak and grump! - Russia moved to a new calendar for himself, began to celebrate the new year for four months later than the usual date.

All the same Peter I ordered to decorate at home and the streets of the cities of fir and pine garlands, to let rockets and arrange fireworks, have fun "before dropping". (True, in ancient in Moscow, fir branches tied over the door of the house, mean that it was a zabak!) But the New Year tree, which all the boys and girls love today (and adults too!), It appeared in Russia much later.

At the end of the first quarter of the XIX century, along with other customs, the Germans came to us and the custom of dressing the Christmas tree brought from the forest under Christmas. The first christmas trees in Russia, already decorated with toys and sweets, were sold in ... confectionery! But then everything gradually fell into place: in Moscow, Christmas Bazaars were keen, where everyone could choose a green tree and to taste, and on his pocket.

Russian Christmas trees for the public, in all likelihood, Moscow invention. In 1851, in the Great Hall of the Noble Assembly (now the column hall of the House of Unions), in a children's holiday organized in favor of women's private schools, the first common Christmas tree was dressed in Russia. After coming to power, the Bolsheviks, in the mid-1920s, the Christmas tree (like the holidays themselves - Christmas and New Year) declared the Bourgeois Research. Only in 1935 the authorities returned an old custom from the people. Since then, besides domestic holidays, arrange, for example, in the Kremlin, the House of Unions, the "main Christmas trees" - with ideas, songs and dancing. The Christmas trees for them you always beat the highest and slim. But in recent years, when the society has thought about the preservation of nature, children are increasingly watering the New Year's dances around artificial wood ...

And what smells the new year? "Fir!" - Remembering your childhood, everyone will say. The green tree, listed with the frost and the flaw, gradually fills the house with a coniferous aroma, conquers every corner. But the smell of the new year, guys, not only the freshness of the winter forest, the fragrance of resinous needles. A lightweight smell of dust from the twin setting toys is mixed up to it in a closet or dark pantry toys - paper hares and slappers, boxes with golden balls and silver cones. A bitter smell of mandarins is added to the spicy smell of resin, the candle flavor, the silent smell of the candle wax ...

There were many songs about the new year, but for a hundred years, the most famous among them is the most famous song "The Christmas tree was born in the forest." The story of this song is very curious. Once upon a time in Moscow, young school teacher Raisa Kudasheva (1878-1964), who wrote poems. "I did not want to be famous, but I could not write," he recalled Raisa Adamovna. And in 1903, she brought a poem "Christmas tree" to the editorial office of the magazine "Malytka". The poem so liked the chief editor that he immediately ordered to replace in the already ready Christmas room some story on these verses:

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
In the forest, she grew up
In winter and summer slim,
Green was.
Blizzard She sang a song:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!"
Claus Snowly wrapped:
"Look, do not freeze! .."

However, is it worth repeating all familiar words? After all, each of us knows them from early childhood! But what happened to the poem then, more than a hundred years ago? And it happened this: these lines saw in the magazine Agronom L.K. Beckman, writing music at leisure. He sat down for the piano - and turned out to be a song! Since the amateur composer did not know a notebook, he recorded his wife's melody, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Elena Alexandrovna Beckman-Shcherbina. On the author of the words neither the writer, nor his wife knew anything. I did not know that her poems were songs, and Raisa Kudashev. Only after a lot of many years, she accidentally heard on the train, as the "Christmas tree" sang a little girl. Here is a story!

Vasilyev evening

This day, when the name day is coped by Vasily and Vasilisa, in our days falls on the eve of the old New Year, that is, on January 13th. In former times, it was also called "rich evening" or Avsen (Ovsen, Usen) and celebrated, performing carols. Out-in-law with games and songs went home with a bag, where the treats dropped from the owners:

Sow, sow, sowing
Happy Christ Congratulations
With cattle, with belly,
With small deubsions - youngsters!
How many on the shrub sprigs,
So many of you had deubs!
Merry Christmas,
Host with a hostess! ..

If you look into ancient, pre-Christian Russian history, then among many then gods can be found and AVSENE (in those century he wore another name, and "Avsen" is borrowed from the Germans: translated from the German "sowing"), the patron saint of the first germs. Why is the spring deity celebrates his day at the height of winter? Recall that once in Russia, the new year began on March 1. That was then Avsen in the calendar to the place! And after Peter I commanded to celebrate New Year on January 1, Avsen found a different day - became a winter holiday, but some spring habits saved. Even in the past century, in the evening, the evening in every house threw several bread grains in every house in Vasilyev. The grains of these old women were necessarily raised and stored until the Spring Seva. So, maybe in the very name of the holiday - Avsen (OWSEN) - and the expectation of spring is laid?


Christmas holiday Christ is one of the most important holidays of the Christian calendar. Those of you guys who want to know his story and associated rites, best turn to the "Bible". In recent decades, several publications "Bible for Children" came out. And there is an excellent book of Selma Lagerlef (writer, familiar to you on a fairy tale about the boy Nils, who traveled with wild geese), which is called "Legends about Christ." Read them. Christmas in Russia is celebrated after the new year - January 7. And in the rest of the Christian world - December 25th. The fact is that in Russia the New Year celebrates the Gregorian calendar to the generally accepted today, and the church holiday of Christmas - according to the Yuliansky calendar who used our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers until 1918. Julian calendar "lags behind" from his younger fellow: the difference between them in the XX and XXI centuries is exactly 13 days.

In Russia, Christmas is still slightly inferior by solemnity holiday Easter, but in the West Christmas is the main holiday of the year. In Russia, as all over the world, lights on the Christmas trees are lit on this day, and children and adults hand each other gifts. After all, the more gifts and good wishes, the better!


Remember, V.A. Zhukovsky: "Once in the Epiphany evening the girl was guessing ..." How did the girls guess, and why did they do it in the "Epishetic evening"? Well, about gadagna, you all know: many people and in our time believe that stars, reflections in the mirrors, abandoned twigs and nuts, melted wax, samples are different help to know the future. The sick week before the festival of the baptism coming on January 19, at all times was considered the best time for gadanha! Both science and church consider fortunes with superstition. But in the people, the ancient customs hold firmly! With baptism, many folk will adopt on which it was determined by what will be the year: "on the hiring of snow with flakes - to the crop", "of the dogs in baptism a lot of barking - there will be a lot of animals and game," if the starry night is harvesting berries. "

The very feast of the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany, is Christian, church. The main event of baptism is a decree. On the night before the baptism in one of the water bodies in the installed location, Iordan is being done. The priest immerses in her the cross - sanctify, after which they bathe in Jordan, take water from it. This custom has existed in Moscow. In Starina, Jordan did, as a rule, in the ice of the Moscow River. In our time, the river practically does not freeze, and therefore in recent years, when this ancient custom has been revived, many Muscovites come to Jordan carved into the ice of one of the Lakes of Silver Bora. Water construction also occurs in every Orthodox church, but the cross is lowered in the vessel filled with water.

On January 19, Epiphany frosts were traditionally expected in Russia. They were the second in January after the frosts of Christmas. It was believed that by the end of the month, another decrease in temperature is waiting for us - Afanasyev's frosts (January 31). "Athanasiy-Lomonos came - take care of the cheek and nose!" - spoke in the people. But the industrial XX century mixed up all the pages of the folk calendar: due to changes in the climate of the winter, they became warmer, slightly. And frost predicted by folk signs coming far from every year ...


Church holiday Speaking of the Lord is celebrated on February 15, on a fortieth day after Christmas. On this day, according to the story of the evangelist Luke, the Mother of God and the infant of Christ came to the Jerusalem Temple ...

In Russia, Christian beliefs usually intertwine closely with folk, ascending back to the times of paganism. "In winter, winter meets with the summer," they spoke in the people. On this day, it was believed that winter with the summer the dispute leads, fighting: who is ahead to go, and who is back to grind ... Sreten's frosts are associated with. But there are also Sretensky thaws - the year for a year is not necessary! "What is the weather on the step, this and spring will be", "if the snow patterns across the road, then there will be late spring, and if it does not sweat - the earlier." So notice, guys: People's signs with real life will coincide this year or not?


This holiday is considered the most fun holiday in Russia. It is even called the "rampant carnival", then "wide carnival". Even the saying about the carnival was invented: "It's not life, and Maslenitsa."

Maslenitsa, or a cheese week (as it is referred to in church calendars), mixed in his customs everything: and the ancient Roman masquerand (Saturnalia - in honor of God Saturn), when men dressed in women's clothing, and women - in men, dressed as terrible and animals, Nading feeded animal skins ...

One of the foreigners, describing the Russian carnival of three years ago, explains her title: "Maslenitsa is because it is so named that the Russian oil is allowed for this week, for they are able to drink hemp during the post instead of cow ... at that time When everyone with a heart retaining was to be prepared for the contemplation of the sufferings of Christ, these lost people betray their soul to the devil ... day and night there is an increment, drunkenness, debauchery and murder (the author probably meant the fistful battles) ... All the time bake patties, kalachi and the like; they call for guests and dripped with honey, wine and vodka to insensitiveness ... "

The frightened latitude of the Russian nature, the ingenic writer did not remember other vintage customs and fun on Maslenitsa: rolling from a slide on sleds, sleigh and just on Bester, "Runners" on skis and skates (more precisely, it was like modern skates) ...

The main thing in the Russian carnival, of course, pancakes. They bake all week. The first pancake was once put on a rumor window, the familiar soul of parents. Pancakes, according to scientists, ancient bread: Another biblical king David distributed on the occasion of the festival "Flins of Skovradna" ("pancakes from a frying pan"). Damn - the pagan symbol of the sun, that's why he is round. Pancakes in Russia love and eaten in a set (especially for Maslenitsa): both with caviar, and with red fish, and with honey, and with sour cream, and with jam ... We haven't forgotten anything with you? In short, pancakes are very tasty!

In Moscow, Katanya was very popular in the old woman in the carnival. They started usually at 12 o'clock in the afternoon on Monday. Muscovites loved to ride a sleigh on the ice of the Moscow River and River Neglinnaya, which flowed at the time of the city center itself, at the walls of the Kremlin (the Alexander Garden broke today). But the most crowded catanis took place on Thursday of the cheese week. At the Red Square and the shores of the Moscow River and the Neglinki, huge snowy and ice slides were arranged. There is a legend that one such snow hill for several years in a row in the XVIII century built for his money for Muscovites the famous robber and, at the same time, the Wank Cain's secret. So it is or not - it is not known for certain, but the high slope of the Moscow river near the Kremlin has many more years called Capino Mountain ...

The most famous masquerade procession in Moscow became a solemn masquerade about Nesteadt world, concluded in 1721 by Emperor Peter I. It was unprecedented for the consumer spectacle. It took place on the fourth day of the carnival and began on the village of Allweat (now there is a subway "Falcon"). In the procession, many sea ships participated (moving around) and about a hundred sled. At the rocket signal, the carnival "train" moved to the triumphal goal. On one of the ships, which was taken by 16 horses, Petr himself recreated himself in the form of a fleet captain with generals and marine officers ... Purchase a triumphal gate, the procession went to the Kremlin, but he got to him only in the evening. The holiday lasted four days and ended with cannon shooting and fireworks.

After the carnival, the great post begins, which lasts 40 days, to the Easter itself.

And what instead of the Christmas tree?

There are countries where the Christmas trees do not grow. How are children meet a new year? What trees are decorated? The Chinese are accepted that a small tangerine tree be sure to be in the house - a tree of light, and on the table there were cut narcits. In Nicaragua, the new year of the room decorate the branches of the coffee tree with red fruits. And in Australia, where the new year falls on the midst of the summer, for children they put the Metrosider tree tree, soaked at this time with aluminum flowers. Each Vietnamese will definitely give a friend on a New Year's Eve a twig of a flowering peach tree, and the Japanese will attach a pine twig at the entrance to the dwelling.

How do the new year meet?

How to celebrate the New Year in Russia, you know. And in other countries? In Germany, in the last minutes of the old year, the people of different ages are jumping on chairs, sofas, tables and with the last blow of the clock together, with joyful shouts "jumped" in the coming year. In Hungary on New Year's Eve, it is customary to blear and whistle: the sounds of heaven and whistles, according to an existing reference, distinguish evil spirits, and the year will cost without the interference of the unclean power. In Brazil, the arrival of the new year is celebrated by cannon shots. Spaniards and Cubans on New Year's Eve with every blow of the clock are eaten around the grape. Panamans with the last blow of the clock begin to scream, beat in the drums, click the clubs of cars ...

MBDOU "Skokock Kindergarten" Teremok "

Winter and Spring Folk Holidays

(Material for the educator)

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, educator

first qualifying category.


Winter and spring folk holidays.

Russian folk holidays came to us from deep antiquity. People knew how to work, knew how to rest. Following the rules "case - time, fun - an hour," rested and entertained on holidays. Holidays were mostly religious. The most ancient of them, pagan, had Slavic origin and were associated with the agricultural calendar. The remaining holidays are Christian.
For example, the new year is the holiday pagan, and Christmas is Christian.

New Year's poems.

It smells like fresh resin,

We have a Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree dressed up

The lights on it lit up.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

There and then the masks flashes ...

You are a bear, and I - Fox -

That's what miracles!

Together stand up in the dance.

Hello hello,

New Year!

New Year (N. Founded).

Lighting the Christmas tree,

Under her shadow blue,

Spiky needles

As if in white more

She felt in warmth,

Played needles.

And with songs fun

We came to our Christmas tree.

Lights Fires Christmas tree

(L. Nekrasova)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are probably a frozen:
Day went around the city
Restressed the beard ...
Nose bags on the battery.
I'll pour you now!

Chose dad Christmas tree
The most fluffy,
The most fluffy,
The most fragrant ...
The Christmas tree so smells -
Mom immediately faces!

(A. Usachev.)

About Christmas tree
Would have a Christmas tree
She would run
On the track.
She would dope
Together with us,
She would stand
Would be spinning on the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multicolored lanterns,
Would be splashing on the Christmas tree
From Punchova and Silver
Would laugh on the Christmas tree
And shumbled from joy
In palm.
Because now at night
At the gate
Knocked cheerful
New Year!
New, new,
With Gold Beard!

(Chukovsky's roots)

I met the animals of the new year.
Were driven dance.

Around the green christmas tree.
Danced and mole,
And hippo
And even - evil wolves!

Went to dance and dike -
Spiny needles
And everything is trembling,
And all - squeeze,
And all - run from the Christmas tree!

Looks like:
Although it is good! -
And he trembles from fear! ..

But I do not care! -
Said Che-Re-Paha!

We are wondering
But all

(Skay for Boris)

It was in January,
Stood a Christmas tree on the mountain
And near this tree
Wondered wolves.

That's how
Night sometimes
When in the forest so quietly,
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Run and bunny.

Who hunting new year
Get into the paws wolf!
Run to be rushed forward
And jumped on the tree.

They pressed ears,
Hung like toys.
Ten little things will mean
Hang on the tree and silent -
Deceived wolf.
It was in January -
He thought that on the grief
Decorated Christmas tree.

(Agniya Barto)

And on the Christmas tree, toys are frolic:
Horses, gnomes, bumps, balls,
Somewhere hid in the branches of the flap
And the rains of Mishura sparkle.

Wind Winter, Cold Pumps,
To our windows with snowflakes pours -
Also wants, probably for the holiday -
But nobody calls him to the house.

... a bright fairy tale will be used by the week
Under the rays of christmas stars,
And leaves, dissolving in a blizzard,
Good grandfather - Old Frost.


To us on the Christmas tree - oh oh-oh!
Santa Claus goes alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost! ..
What a cheek, what nose! ..
Beard, beard! ..
And on the header!
On the nose, the specks!
And the eyes are ... daddy!

(A. Shibayev)

He is to my eyebrows,
He climbed me in the boots.
They say, he is Santa Claus,
And Shalit, like small.
He spoiled a water crane
In our washbasin.
They say he with a beard,
And Shalit, like small.
He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, yalks.
They say - he is a hundred years,
And Shalit as small!

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

If frost is over,
Snow melts white,
What grandfather frost
Poor will make?

Will run from it water
Streams on the floor,
From his beard then
Will be dripping too?

Good grandfather Frost,
Pretty, favorite!
Hide, grandfather frost,
In our refrigerator!

Poems about the Christmas tree, about the gray wolf, about dragonfly and about the poor goat
I love me to sit at the Christmas tree.
I love to see everything:
What toys do not miss them
Il who is not pleased with her neighbor
Here is a dragonfly hanging around.
And with a wolf toothy, see, the goat.
I think the dragonfly is cold here
And very scary poorly goat.
I'm near the frost hook star,
And this goat is in this way.
Here, by the way, the flower bloomed gold
And the sun shines ...
- Well, goat, stand!
But the bell. Porcelain he.
To him touch - the ringing is heard.
But the ballerina, but the rooster.
With him there is a chicken like a yellow gun.
And this is a clap, and this is the checkbox,
And this is a shepherd, he plays a horn.
Wait, I'll hang goat here.
Goat and shepherd - wonderful, yes?

Here is a balm bowl, it is a bear.
Here is a bird - she is going to sing.
And this is mushroom, and this is the moon,
And this is the scented Sayna Cock.
Wait, I'll hang goat here.
The goat at the shock is wonderful, yes?
But the goat suddenly screamed.
I look - the eyes sparkle because of the hay.
Laugh to fall: that's it!
Goat, I led to the wolf again!
I, it became, the christmas tree bypassed.

(E. Blaginina)

Puts Santa Claus to all the races under the Christmas tree
On a soft toy - fluffy wolf.
Let every panty plays in order
Who is horrified in the forest at him.

And each chantech - on a new comb
For fashionable, shiny and red hairstyles.
So that there was no time to take offended -
Hairstyle is needed to keep in order.

And what is the suppress Santa Claus a bear?
Malina basket? Barrel Medsk?
Left under her huge forest
Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring.

(N. Slakova)

Fur coat, hat, mittens,

Syeschiki sit on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
This grandfather Frost!(T. Shatsky)


Street walks
Santa Claus,
Inay is scattered
On branches branches;
Walks, beard
White shakes
Grows nail
Only the crash goes.

(N. Yerozhkin).

* * *

Where does Santa Claus live?

Amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's see in the refrigerator!

* * * Christmas tree, necklack,
Where have you grew up? - In the woods.
What saw there? - Fox.
Wolves and bears,
Here are my neighbors.
And we have under the New Year
Every song sings.

White shiny bedspread
Everyone delayed Winter
And on the path of your new
That seemed herself.
Followed by him
Grandfather our favorite frost
And Mellagga runs away:
"Grandpa, what did we bring?"
How many pretty eyes
And painted cheeks ...
Hear sled climb,
Somehow I also ring.

Will there be dolls, toys?
Will there be piles of sweets?
Candles on the Christmas trees, slappers?
Grandpa! Yes or no?
Grandfather grinned Lukavo
And continues to walk.
Have you forgotten us, right,
Or does not want to say?
Mashed fir branches
Because of the wide back ...
He laughs everything: "Ah, kids!
Have you been obedient? "


New Year! New Year!
Many happiness will bring:
Adults - all sorts of joys,
Children - different sweets.
Get a terrible Rada
Christmas trees - new outfits,
Courtyards - snowmen,
Loda - cheerful creaking skates,
Sky - festive salute,
Santa Claus - Medal for work!

The long-awaited new year
We encounter together
There will be a friendly dance,
And poems, and songs.

Let on the Christmas Tree
It will be lit.
And on holiday Santa Claus
Bring gifts.

Santa Claus

I - frost, red nose,
With a white beard.
It is imboned - so before tears!
Do not joke with me.
Why why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends
To have fun!
New Year, New Year
I meet with you
Happy new year to all of you
I congratulate.

(E. Boguslavskaya)

Will soon be a new year,
Around the tree round
Santa Claus will come to us
Brought Gifts WHO.

He will fulfill all the dreams,
If you believe in him,
Everyone who behaved perfectly -
He will give gifts personally!

Came the elegant Christmas tree,
In beautiful lights!
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,
Hurry up in your sleigh!

Today everything is beautiful,
And wait for gifts again,
Verses not in vain we taught us
Again about the new year!

Gifts, fruits, sweets,
Smoles around!
We congratulate everyone joyfully
And singing songs!

Snow Maiden

At the entrance, on the site
I gathered snow with a spatula.
Although there was a little snow,
I blindly blinded.
In the corridor put
And she ... melted!

(Y. Shigayev)

New Year's riddles

Christmas tree with toys,

Clowns with clappers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday? (New Year)

In it twelve months

Easily fit.

All their collateral together

One word, it ... (year)

Decorated with toys

Balls and crackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine,

And the festive ... (Christmas tree)

He comes with gifts

Horics with us leads.

White beard Obros

Good grandfather ... (Frost)

For children to visit Santa Claus

Granddaughter brought on the sleigh.

Snow figurine -

We will come to us ... (Snow Mary)

And in boxes and packages

Candy packed.

Falki so bright!

Will be all ... (gifts)

The whole year was lying on the shelf,

And now hanging on the Christmas tree.

This is not a flashlight,

And glass ... (ball)

Quickly light flashes,

From above down running down.

This friendly team

Called ... (garland)

On beauty forestry

Golden rain wave -

With silver cord

Down hangs down ... (Mishur)

Blizzard in the court walks,

In the house, the Christmas tree sparkles.

Children lead dance.

What holiday? (New Year)

All in the lights big tree,

Up flying petardes ringing.

Snow outdoors.

Comes ... (New Year)

All on Christmas tree toys:

Beads, balls, flappers.

Gift guys awaits.

What holiday? (New Year)

winter patters

  • Cap and fur coat - that's all the Mishutka.
  • I was driving from Sanya's slides, and on San Sani.
  • Little Sanya turned over Sani.
  • Sasha's hat bump.
  • On the street Snowman, Snowman's wife, snowman kids.

And I'm not up to the snowman, not to the snowman wife, not to the snowman kids.

Christmas shints

For the winter there was noisy and fun holiday -Nativity with sagnes. Sky (or holy evenings) arranged at the end of December - early January. These days, the Datvora was going to Vatagami and went homecollapse. Stopping under the windows of someone's huts, the kids sang special Christmas songs - carols. Their content was traditional - the wish of the owner, his home and the family of well-being and prosperity:

* * *
Came Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas
Give a cow
Oil head!
And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
His rye is thick
Dinner rye!
To him with the spikes of Osmin,
From the grain to him the row,
From half-chain - cake.
Would love you the Lord
And live and be
And wealth;
And create you, Lord,
Even better!
(Oplan - an old measure of bulk bodies, equal to one hundred liters)

* * *
Came Kolyada
Nativity ahead,
Forward carnival.
Kolyada entered
To you in the courtyard,
You have in the yard
Stands the tyn iron
And this date
Vereyushki sharp
Gild pillars,
Give you, Lord,
Cattle, abdomen,
Cow with a calf
Sheep with a lamb
Horse with a foal
Pig with a piglet.

* * *
Sway, I feel, sow
Happy New Year!
For the new year, for new happiness
Breakfasting wheat
Peas, lental!
On the field - coppers,
On the table - cakes!
Happy New Year,
Happy new happiness, hostess!

Behind the wheelcharge was supposed to be remuneration - something delicious. Among the collars there were even a special bag carrier for gifts. After the ranks, his participants were angry with the collected delicacies. If the hostess is burning, then the boly reminded her:

* * *
Open the chest
Get the Piglet!
Open the box
Get a penny!

And you will not give a cake - so much Boca!

Christmas poems.

Merry Christmas saints, wonderful
Congratulations on the soul!
On the expanses on heavenly
The asterisk sails into the silence.

Snow goes for christmas,
falls like the mercy of God.
Snow goes - and magic
on this day can happen.

On this day we are talking
About the birth of Christ.
On this day, it cannot be silent
Our children's mouth.

And the hearts wish to praise
Not migrant on no moment.
Enjoy God with us!
Do not silent - it is great.

So again christmas -
Heavenly Celebration Forces:
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from angry.
Glory eternal to him
Converging darkness.
Congratulations on the whole soul
With this joy big.

Boy-God in Nursery was born
Among donks, lambs.
And star illuminated
Bethlehem and garden.

And I thought the donkey gray,
Looking a baby in the eyes:
"He came with good and faith,
Compassion and caress! "

And lessel puppy
Seen from the conera
How came Magi from the East,
Brought their gifts.

Christmas night
Olga Guzova

Snow lies white-white
on the hillock and at home;
i spark-Iney dressed
starus winter.

Still of the blue river ...
And do not need anything -
on painted porch
christmas attached.

The cradle is shifting
and call clouds away ...
All doubts debunk
that christmas night.

It's my birthday today
In the Lord Christ.
His plow singing
Filled with mouth.

Our children's hearts -
Live for the Spirit House -
As Nurserie Bethlehemsky
Christ we give.

How green churches,
We want to live forever
And, the Lord saved,
Always serve him.

Galina Vesikova

And I heard that Christ
People of happiness and joy brought.
Well, that he came to all,
And what is Christmas - good!

In front of light christmas

In the morning the Christmas tree dressed up
And a little tired.
Sit under her, sister,
How beautiful the Christmas tree!

Gilded top,
Throughout the Christmas tree - toys,
Lights garlands flicker
Like an asterisk shine.

And still from our tree
Smell like a fabulously needle,
Filling the world of the house
Before light christmas.

I love this day spring
April wonderful day.
Christ Jesus Resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate me.
After all, he, destroying all the obstacles,
Rissed and for me!
I will be eternally glad with Jesus
And my whole family.
(Tikhonin Sergey)

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Shines the sun with heaven!
Gained the Dark Forest,
Christ is truly risen!
Spring came - it's time for wonders,
Rodschit Spring - Christ Risen!
Lighter in the world No Dobel -
Truly Christ Rissed!

Proverbs about christmas

  • On Petrovka Street, in the Great Christmas.
  • Not to Christmas goes to the Great.
  • On the holy shirt, at least a bad, yes whlen; To Christmas at least Surov, yes Nova.
  • On the Day of the Nativity of Christ, the owner is not coming from the courtyard to go: the sheep will be lost.
  • Under the Christmas and under the baptism, the manure is harvested among the courtyard, so that the parents warmed up on that light.
  • We ask for goodbye to your treat: to our baptism, christmas boom, tassel taste.
  • Front cover, back Christmas.
  • Did not cover the cover, it will not cover and Christmas.
  • Powered milk on the eve of Christmas, but something shudders.
  • Post Cold (Christmas), fasting hungry (Petrovsky), the post Great yes Lacquer post (Uspensky).
  • Dui do not blow, not to Christmas went, to the gender.
  • Lapti weave - a curve will be born; Sew for Christmas - it is stupid.


The most oldest people's celebration of the Wire Wires and Spring Meetings. The carnival week came in during the period of the Syropus week before the beginning of the Great Post. "Breaky", "wide" "abundant" Maslenitsa is the favorite winter holiday of the Russian people. Every day the carnival week was distinguished by its traditional rites and entertainment.

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!
Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.
Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.
So carnival arrived!
Masseman-boyaring carnival!
With cheese, butter, and pancake,
And ruddy pie!


Wide carnival - cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Congratulations on Carnival.

With carnival tender Congratulations to you,
Pies told the hour.
No pancakes do not eat winter wires,
To the song, to the joke, we invite you to joy!

Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Right to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.
Ensure yourself:
Treats pancakes
On sour cream to bat
Pies lush,
February - loss
Marta - "Hello" Let's say.

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

Song Blinam.
We have not flown pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
In the square of the new solvent,
Two hours of pancakes went.
My older sister
The furnace pancakes is the master.
She dried to eat
Hundred five, probably there.
On the tray pancakes puts,
Their itself carries.
Guests, be all healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.

Proverbs about Maslenice

  • Maslenitsa, Semikova niece.
  • Maslenitsa jersey, the money of the referee.
  • Oillets walks weeks.
  • There was a shop of Maslenitsa, but he did not go to the hut.
  • Do not live, but carnival.
  • Not all cat carnival, there will be a great post.
  • Though with yourself to lay, and it is to conduct an oil.
  • Pancake oil climbs.
  • Without cat Mice Maslenitsa.
  • After the carnival, the great post, and for passionate Easter.
  • And the olive does not go forever.
  • Without pancakes not oil; Without a cake is not a birthday man.
  • On the mountains to ride, in pancakes to be sought.
  • Our kettle was told until Sunday.
  • They drank about the butter, and with a hangover broke on the Radunitsa.
  • To whom Maslin, and solid, and we are verbal, and passionate.
  • Not walked, did not complain about Christmas, nor in Maslenitsa, but brought God to the great post.
  • What day is the red, in such this wheat.
  • To whom Chin, who is damn, and to whom and wedge.
  • Do not eat pancake, drink before water!
  • Postpone pancakes to another day.
  • Badness on Sunday in front of the butter - to the crop of mushrooms.
  • Maspel spread wide: flooded the great post.

Palm Sunday, Easter.

In the Verbal Resurrection throughout Russia, a custom was widespread by a bunch of the willow of adults, children, homemade cattle. It was believed that it would add to them vitality. Having hit each other with branches, they usually uttered a spell: "Be healthy like the willow", "grow like the willow." Some spells were built as if no people beat each other by the branches of the Willow, and the Verba herself transmits them with their strength and health: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats," Verba Hleust, Bay to Tears. " At the end of the XIX century. These vintage spells gradually began to turn into comic children's songs.

Verba, Verba,
Verba Hleust
Verba Hleust
Beats to tears.
Verba Sinia
Beats rustle
Verba Krasnaya
Hits in vain
Verba Bela.
Beats the case
Verba Chleerst -
Beats to tears.


Stars disappeared from human gaze.

Brighten rivers, groves and lakes.

Tired of darkness and damp night,

Meet the morning new glow.

An unusual day, joyful will come,

Only in the morning the sun will vote,

It sparkles and plays in heaven,

And gold shines in the domes!

CHRIST IS RISEN! Call the bell!

And the ringing of them hears the sky and the earth!

Hurry up the people for a holiday in God's temple,

CHRIST IS RISEN! He gave to us!

Everywhere is heard a loud laughter,

Churred birds ringing

That the holiday has come

For each child.

2. Flooded with a bitch

At our threshold.

Curd Easter treats

I'll try a little.

3. I'll take a brush, gouache

And I will work on fame,

Coloring eggs in different color,

What B Easter shone.

4. Strike day, shower shines,

And the heart of God glorifies.

Rings in the distance of the Spring Forest,

And the song sounds: "Christ is risen!"

All children: truly resurrected!

Sergey Yesenin

Easter Blagovest

Bell Dremond

Woke up the fields

Smiled sun

Sleepy land.

Runs suffered

To the blue skies,

Walking out

Disappeared behind the river

Pale moon,

Ringly ran

Through, full.

Quiet valley

Distinguishes sleep

Somewhere for dear

Fucks ringing.

Andrei Usachev


On the ground comes with a bright holiday Easter,

Magic of any magic fairy tale,

Wonderful any earthly miracles:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

Easter ringing, and eggs with silences.

Birings got up with white candles.

And over the earth, the Blagovest is happening:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

And willow in honor of the Saint Resurrection

Spring put on decorations ...

And as if the temple, filled with stump forest:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

A. N. Maikov


Everywhere, Blagovsty buzzes,

Of all the churches, the people of Balit.

Zarya looks already with heaven ...

From the fields, the cover of the snow is removed,

And the hands are rushing from the shackles,

And the Green Middle Forest ...

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Here the land wakes up

And dressed fields

Spring goes, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

A. A. Blok.


Boys da girls

Candles da recreation

Suffered home.

Sparkles warm up

Paschers are baptized

And smells in the spring.

The breeze is removed

Rain, little rain,

Do not blow fire.

Sunday verbal

Tomorrow I will stand first

For the Holy Date.

K. D. Balmont.


Willow of Sheaven

Wind heated

Gently treble

Morning light.

Easter branches,

Gently sad

Look cheerful

Whisper with bees.

Mirny cemetery

Mlexus flowers

Singing clearing

Pour waves.


Easter songs,

Heart chelelery

Eternal sheaves.

K. D. Fofanov

Under the entanglement of prayers of Easter

And under the ringing bells

Spring flies to us from distant,

From midday edges.

In a green dress

Miley dark forests,

The sky shines, exactly the sea,

The sea is exactly heaven.

Pines in Velvet Green,

And fragrant resin

On scaly columns

Amber leaps.

And in the garden we have today

I noticed like a secret

Ticked Lily of Lily

With blonde moth.

Proverbs and sayings about Easter .

  • He is like a child, do not enjoy the Easter egg - offended
  • Five times a year, the Sun plays: for Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation, Light Resurrection, Ioannovo Birth
  • After the carnival, the great post, and for passionate Easter
  • Saint Week, Nice, Great, Great, Joyful
  • Alien Lask - Syrote Easter
  • How the testicle is round, so would and my horse was
  • There is a pillar on seven miles: on the center gates of apple trees, on an apple tree color in full light (Easter)
  • On holy rain - kind rye
  • On the night of a bright Sunday Frost - Pea will not be born
  • In christmas on the porch, on Easter in the stove
  • There was a post, there will be a holiday! There was a turn, there will be joy!
  • Spring is going full of wonderland - Christ is resurrected, Christ is risen!
  • Expensive egg in Christ day
  • Christ Sunday everyone is fun!
  • Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Reach angels from heaven!

Easter riddles.

1. Strong round bubble

Color white, inside yolk.

The chicken is carried,

Tell me, what is your name. (Egg.)

2. I live in seawater,

No me - and being trouble!

Every chef respects

And adds to taste. (Salt.)

3. Love drink kittens

Yes Small guys. (Milk.)

4. From me baked cooks,

And pancakes and pancakes.

In cakes, pies and buns

Put me should. (Flour.)

5. The branch is ripe,

Fruit handsome and tanned.

Love proteins gnaw him

Hide for winter in the hollow. (Nut.)

6. The grape was dried

On the sun put.

She destroyed from heat

And what turned into? (Raisins.)

Spring fun.

Spring, spring beautiful!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great grace:
Urod luna high,
Rye, good oats!

Spring, spring red!
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
With the Great Grace!
With flax high
With the root of deep!
With bread abundant!
With Kalina-Malino!
With black currant
With pears, with apples!
With lyases with flowers,
With a trawl-musual!

Spring, spring beautiful!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great grace:
Urod luna high,
Rye, good oats!

Spring-red, what came on?
On the soul, on the harrow
On horseback head
On oat fancy,
On Rzhan Karosochka,
On wheat grain.

Voddy, Voddy,
Jester Bystrica,
Oboh around
Weight our meadow!
In the forest, in the line
Grew grass-Muraba,
To the belt rose,
Burizka wrapped.
We are wreaths
Berezinka curved
Spring met,
Cuckoo shouted:
- Ku-ku, ku ku, ku-ku!

Spring came,
Spring red,
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Spring red.
Brought Spring
Golden keys
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Gold keys.
You are closed, spring,
Winter Lituya.
Otombni, spring,
Warmty fly
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Heat Petushko.

Larks, larks,
Give us summer
And we are winter to you,
We have no feed

Larks, arrive,
Break in spring bring.
Bring spring on your tail,
In the dry, blood
On oat anti-law.

Larks, arrive,
Studyman in the winter, take
Bring warmth to the spring:
Winter tired of us,
We had all the bread,
And straw dilved
And mycake raised.
You, Kulichki - Lark,
Soletage, falconic.

Lark, Lark!
Take yourself winter
And give us spring.
Take yourself a sleigh
And give us a cart.

On the field flies

Winter in Russia is rich not only on snow and frost, but also for the holidays. Moreover, many of them are not just "red days of the calendar", but real celebrations, accompanied by cheerful festivals, as well as weekends.

What kind of winter holidays is Russia? When and how are they noted?

St. Nicolas day

December 19 is a pleasant memories of the childhood of many Russians. It was on this day that it was used to be made to give gifts to children. A few decades ago in this winter children's holiday wrote letters not to Santa Claus, but by the Saint Nicholas. Such a custom appeared thanks to one legend.

In ancient times, a poor person lived in Russia, who did not give any state. But he had three daughters whose content fell on the shoulders of the Father. And in order to somehow correct your material state, the father sent money to make money, but by sinful way to Blud. Nikolai The Wonderworker found out about it and decided to save girls from such a lifetime. Three nights in a row, he secretly penetrated into the room each and left each of the goldstry. It is not known how, but the people learned about this noble act.

After a time when the day of the Savior Nicholas became a holiday, one of the customs was writing a letter with a request to Nicholas. Especially loved this holiday to children. After all, parents entailed them gifts secretly, allegedly from the wonderworker.

New Year. Fun and bright

A series of winter begins with the chief celebration - New Year. The official date is January 1, legalized by Peter I in 1699. Probably, many know that until the XV century, the new year was celebrated in March, and from the XV century - in September. And only Peter we owe winter walking and a dressed up.

And what new year without traditions?

    The main and most pleasant is the dressing of the Christmas tree. After the new year became the winter Russian holiday, it was customary to decorate the sprigs of ate in the houses. But the full-fledged Christmas trees began to put only in the 30s of the XIX century.

    In the same XIX century, another New Year's tradition appeared and rooted - drinking champagne on holiday. True, at first, the drink was made skeptical: his "exploding" cork and the abundance of effervescent bubbles scared the Soviet people unusual to such drinks.

    Lush feast. Without this tradition, the celebration is difficult to imagine. Decorating the table not only with dishes, but also a beautiful design has become fashionable during the reign of Alexander III. Special attention was paid to serving: on the tables, in addition to a beautiful service, there were candles, fir branches, sophisticated napkins and tablecloths. Dishes also provided due attention. But the entry was the design of the menu: on beautiful cards with vensels and other patterns wrote the names of the dishes served.

    Festive walking. From the beginning of the twentieth century, Russians had a new tradition - to celebrate the New Year of the house, in the circle of relatives and loved ones, and after midnight, to have fun at restaurants or other entertainment facilities. In modern Russia, it was popular to celebrate the celebration on Red Square, where concerts, mass skating and salutes are satisfied.

    To write on one of the versions, this tradition moved to Russia from the USA. American children write letters "analogue" of our Santa Claus - Santa Claus. According to believe, only those children who have behaved well for gifts.

The night of December 31 on January 1 is considered magic. To be more accurate, then the only minute, which is the limit of changing times. It is until she lasts, it is accepted to make a desire.

So, you can say, the New Year's winter holiday is endowed not only by magic, but also mysticism.


January 7 celebrates the Christmas of Christ. Since it is included in the category of New Year's holidays, then the Christmas tree is not yet cleaned. Magnificent feasts are not organized, but in some religious families for the celebration prepare their traditional dishes. In churches there are night services, which are collecting a large number of people of all ages under the arch of the dome. The ministry in the name of Christ's birth lasts all night.

40 days before Christmas, a post is established, which is particularly tightened on January 6 - on the eve of the holiday. January 7, the post ends.

old New Year

Old old style) - Russian winter holiday, in 2018 celebrating his century. It was from 1918 that every year on January 14, and, more precisely, on the night of 13 to 14, and this celebration passes.

However, not many celebrate him, and not so ambitious as the new year. But this is an extra reason to collect families or friends, reconsider the New Year's television program.

In the old new year it is customary to walk around the houses and "salting." Children or adults walk around the houses and sprinkled the threshold of the house with grain, saying: "SEW, I, sow, sow, happy New Year to congratulate!" This tradition has been preserved since ancient times when the new year was celebrated in the spring. And the crop is the wish of a good harvest.


January 19 - Baptism of the Lord. The main feature of the holiday is the Epiphany Water, which on this day acquires the healing properties. From an early morning, people hurry in the church to consecrate water. At night, mass bathing are made in the open-air worm. On January 19, everyone expects Epiphany frosts - the most people in the whole winter. It is heating interest in swimming. It is believed that, by saving in ice water, a person not only strengthens his health, but also "is born again" - removes the burden of complicated problems and feels free.

Earlier, on January 19, it was customary to clean the Christmas toys until next year, and burn the Christmas tree. Now it is irrelevant.

Valentine's Day

February 14 is a very popular holiday - Valentine's Day, or the day of lovers. This is a borrowed celebration, which is firmly rooted in Russia and won nationwide love. Even the original Russian Peter and Fevronia (July 8) is not so widely noted as Valentines day.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, when it is customary to congratulate all men, regardless of whether they are involved in the army. In fact, all men are the defenders of the Motherland.

The holiday is dedicated to the creation of the Red Army in 1918. But he began to be celebrated after 4 years, accompanied by military parades.

What other holidays are in Russia

The above celebrations are the most popular in the country. They are coping with all the rules of festivities, and most of them provide for the existence of days off.

However, the Russian winter holidays do not end. There are still many original Russian festivities, which originate from the times of paganism. Many of them remained only on hearing and are not marked as before. But not to mention them can not.


  1. December 1 - the celebration of the beginning of winter. In ancient times, the first winter day was a landmark for the entire period, right up to spring. Speak like this: "What Plato and Roman - Such is the winter!" That is, if the day of December 1 begins with frosts, then the whole winter will not differ warmth. In this holiday, people went outside and having fun, welcoming the new season.
  2. December 7 - Catherine Sannica celebration. On this day, there was a period of fortune telling on the narrowed, which continued until the January bark. Another feature of "Catherine" was sledgese. Their conduct carried not only entertainment meaning, but also psychological. Sledge riding filmed all soulful and care.
  3. December 9 - Yuriev Day - another winter holiday celebrated in Russia, and now in Russia. Even before the adoption of Christianity in Russia, this day was the most important in December. By the way, the saying "So you, grandmother, and Yuriev day" is confined to this holiday. In 1607, she was "randomly broken" as a reaction to the fact that the serfdom "started" in Russia.
  4. December 13 - Andrey Varozvannaya. The celebration is dedicated to the first student of Christ, who talked about the fact that a new faith will be distributed in Russia soon. Especially loved this holiday unmarried Virgin, who actively started to guess on the narrowed and pray, asking God to send a good spouse. It was believed that it was in prayers to be fruit.
  5. December 19 - Nikola Winter. This is the time to read the elders of the genus.
  6. December 22 - Anna Dark (or Winter). The time of the winter solstice, when the sun "was reconfigured" at spring time.
  7. December 25 - Spiridon-Solvice. From this point on, people glorified the sun, painted circles as a symbol, satisfied the walking.
  8. December 31 - not only the celebration of the New Year. Centuries ago This day was called the end of the student month. After him, the sun was gaining momentum and went to spring. On this day, it was customary to keep fire in the furnace or candles, on the fires. It was believed that this not only helps the sun, but also scares the evil. Now such a fire was replaced by Christmas garlands and festive candles.


  1. January 1 - the first day of the new year. But before the Decree of Peter I was January 1, there was a date of honor of the Holy Christian martyr of vonifati.
  2. January 2 - the day of Ignatius Godright.
  3. January 6 - Christmas Eve.
  4. January 25 - Tatiana Day.


  1. February 10 - Kudesa. This is the date of honor and manifestation of respect for the houses - the keeper of the home hearth. On this day, the urgency of the representative of the unclean, carrying only good. On the table left a treat as a sign so that the house did not leave the house and stopped walking.
  2. February 15 - Creation, that is, the "mid" between the summer and winter. From this point on, people lived in anticipation of spring and early warmth. On February 15, all human prayers were addressed to the Sun, to the requests of his soon arrival. If this day was sunny weather, it meant that spring was not far off. But if it was overcast, it means that frosts will still be claimed.
  3. February 24 - Vassev Day is the date of honoring the pagan god of Veles, the patron saint of livestock and all animals.
  4. Last week of February - Wires of winter, Maslenitsa.


Winter is the most fun celebrations in a year, accompanied by lush walking and grand fenders. And the abundance of snow and frost only enhances the burdens and the desire to continue the celebration on the street.

Our ancestors who lived in ancient times in Russia, the holidays were an important part of both family and public life. For many centuries, the Russian people honored and holy kept their traditions, transmitted from the Father to the Son every generation.

The daily life of an ordinary Russian man in those times was not easy and devoted to heavy bread mining, so the holidays were a special event for him, a certain sacred afternoon, when the merger of the life of the entire community with their sacral values, the spirits of ancestors and their covenants took place.

Traditional Russian holidays assumed a complete ban on the execution of any daily activities (kosba, plowing, rods of firewood, sewing, weaving, cleaning, etc.). At the time of the holiday, all people should have dressed in festive clothes, rejoice and having fun, to lead only joyful, pleasant talk, for non-fulfillment of these rules, a cash fine was relied or even punishment in the form of beating with letters.

Every time of the year he played his definite role in the life of the Russian man. Winter period, free from work on Earth, was especially famous for his festivities, noisy fun and playing.

The main Russian holidays in Russia:


January 7 (December 25) Russian Orthodox people celebrated Christmas. This holiday dedicated to the birth of God's Son Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, ends the Christmas post, which lasts for 40 days. In his anticipation, people were preparing to come to him with a clean soul and body: soapy and cleaned their home, went to the bath, dressed clean festive clothes, helped the poor and in need, distributed alms. On January 6, a Christmas Eve for a large festive table, on which the mandatory first dish was the ritual porridge Kashty or sochily, the whole family was going. The dinner began after the appearance of the first star, drose, silently and solemnly. After Christmas, the so-called holy days began, launching before baptism, during which it was customary to walk on homes and lay Jesus Christ with prayers and chants.

Sky (Saty Week)

Festive days from the ancient Slavs, and then swallowed and in church celebration, the days of the dens, begins from the first star on Christmas Eve and before the holiday of baptism, sanctifying water ("from the star to the water"). The first week of the shield received the name of the Sagnaya Week, is related to the Slavic mythology associated with the turn of winter for the summer, the sun becomes more, darkness less. This week in the evenings, called holy evenings, holiness was often disturbed by mythological rites of fortune investment, which was not welcomed by the Church, and Kudesniki dressed in clothes with flags and musical instruments went through the streets, went to the houses and the people rushed.

On January 19, the Orthodox baptism was celebrated, dedicated to the sacrament of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River, on this day, in all churches and temples, great water binding was performed, all the water in water bodies and wells was considered holy and possessed unique, therapeutic properties. Our ancestors believed that the Holy Water could not spoil and kept it in a red corner under the icons, and believed that this is the best medicine from all the ailments of both bodily and spiritual. On the rivers, lakes and other reservoirs, a special hole was made in the form of a cross called Jordan, a bathing in which was considered a godly and healing occupation, having rides from his pigeons and all sorts of misfortune for a whole year.

At the very end of winter, when the Spring-Red Spring Ancestors believed in the uncertainty, with the help of heat and light, the carnival festival, famous for his razlard, who lasted for a whole week was still on the eve of the Great Post for a whole week. At that time, the bake of the pancakes were accepted, which were considered a symbol of the Sun, walk to each other to visit, have fun and dress up, ride a slide on the sleds, and in the final forgiveness Sunday to fill and bury the scarecrow-symbol of the defeated winter.


In this holiday, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, although in Orthodoxy, has no resistance, as the passionate week begins, believers bring Willow branches in the church (they replaced the palm branches in Slavic, which in the morning after the all-night vigil are covered with holy water. Then the Orthodox is decorated in houses with consecrated willbore icons.

The biggest holiday of the whole Christian people in Russia was considered the Holy Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and his transition from death on Earth to life in heaven was revered. People cleaned and decorated their homes, dressed festive clothing, have begun to visit Easter service in churches and temples, went to visit, treating each other Easter painted eggs and herbs, after the Great Post. Meeting people said "Christ Rissed!", In response, you need to say "Verily Rissed!" And to kiss it too much.

The first Sunday after Easter was called the Red Gorka or Fomin Day (on behalf of the Apostle Foma, who did not believe in the resurrection of Christ), she was a symbol of the arrival of spring and long-awaited heat. On this holiday, folk festivities began at night and continued all day, the youth drove rounds, rode on a swing, young guys met and acquainted with the girls. Festive tables covered with abundant treats: fried friable, punishing the sun.


One of the most significant holidays of the summer was Ivan Kupala or Ivanov the day, named after Ion the Baptist and celebrated on the day from July 6 to July 7, in the summer solstice. This holiday has ethnic origin and deep pagan roots. At this day, big bonfires harness, jumping through them, symbolizing the cleansing of the body and the spirit from sinful thoughts and actions, water dance, weave beautiful wreaths of flowers and meadow herbs, allow them for the flow and guess them on their narrowed.

One of the people revered since ancient times, a lot of beliefs are dedicated to, accept and prohibits. On the eve of the holiday on Thursday and Friday baked ritual cookies and stopped field work. And in Ilyin himself, it was strictly forbidden to carry out any economic work, it was considered that it would not bring the result. A "fraternity" was held, invited to the common meal of all the inhabitants of the next villages, and after the treats ended with folk festivities with songs and dances. And the main thing, Ilyin is considered to be the border of summer and autumn, when the water becomes cold, the evenings of the evening, and the first signs of autumn gilding appear on the trees.

In the middle of the last summer month, namely 14 (1) August, the Orthodox Christians celebrated the Honey Savior holiday (Savior from the word Savior), who wore the death of Seven Martyrs Maccabeev, who took martyrdom for their Christian faith from the ancient Syrian king Antioch. The houses fell apart by the seeds of Poppy, defended them from the unclean strength, the first honeycomb honeycombs collected on this day, when the bees stopped collecting nectar, referred to the temple for consecration. This day symbolized the farewell with the summer, after which the days became shorter, the night is longer, and the weather is cooled.

19 (6) August An apple saved or the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, our ancestors were one of the very first harvest holidays, symbolized the beginning of the autumn and the wilt of nature. Only with his offensive, the ancient Slavs could have apples from the new crop, necessarily consecrated in the church. Festive tables were covered, grapes and pears began to eat.

The last, the third saved (bread or nut) was celebrated on 29 (16) August, on this day the harvesting sufferer and the hostess could lose bread from the new grain harvest. The festive caravans were consecrated in the churches, butrs were also brought there, which just slept at this time. Finishing the harvest, the farmers necessarily knit the last "birth's sheaf".


Some of the most revered festivals of the autumn, who came to the ancient Slavs from Byzantium, was a day cover, celebrated 14 (1) of October. The holiday is dedicated to the event that occurred in the 10th century in Constantinople when the city was besieged by Sarcins, and the townspeople brought prayers for the help of the Holy Virgin in the temples and churches. The Most Holy Deva Maria heard their requests and, removing the covered from the head, covered them from enemies and saved the city. At this time, cleaning work was completely ended, preparation for winter began, dance and guys ended, began to sit with needlework, chants and conversations. On this day, tables were covered with treats, gifts were brought to poor and orphans, it was necessary to visit the church service, the time of wedding celebrations began. Marriage on the cover was considered in particular happy, rich and durable.