Tips on how to get smarter. How to be smart

Have you ever noticed that you do not understand what others are talking about?

Maybe friends tease you in a similar situation? It is not enough to be born a smart person; to become smart you need to make a lot of effort. Of course, you can reread the explanatory dictionary and try to remember what is written there. However, this is a completely useless exercise that will not help you answer the question “ How to get smarter". There are several really proven methods that will help you succeed in this matter.

Educate yourself

Set yourself a goal - to educate yourself!

First of all, you must tell yourself: “ I want to become a smart person". We must understand that education is not at all the occupations that we do at school or institute. Education is the perception and understanding of the world around you. Remember that a brilliant mind always asks questions and tries to find answers to them. This is the secret of genius.

Work on your vocabulary

A wide vocabulary always characterizes a developed person.

Start reading the dictionary. Read the words one letter each day. It will take you about a year to study the entire collection, but during this time you will become much more educated. You can also subscribe to special content on the Internet, which will send you interesting articles every day. You will not notice how you begin to grow intellectually.

Read a variety of literature

You should read a lot and at the same time different literature. You may not like this activity, but remember that most people read it every day, as a rule. You can, that will not stress you too much, but it will provide food for thought in full. If you enjoy reading, you can read more quickly from electronic media almost anywhere.

Begin to become interested in the world around you

Cultivate an interest in everything that happens in the world.

Be interested in various subjects, events, political facts, scientific research, funny incidents. In a word, everything that our planet lives with. Learn to think critically about what's going on around you. Understanding cause and effect will make you an order of magnitude smarter.

Start watching special training channels, only avoid commercial television and various talk showswhose ultimate goal is to get you hooked on ads and mindless programs.

Use the information received

It will not be enough if you put the information received somewhere in your head.

You need to learn to use new knowledge. Practice will strengthen them, and they will firmly enter your life. Seek practical value from information, not just useless little things in your head. In certain situations, you must be able to use this or that information that you happened to get from somewhere. Only such information will make sense, everything else is nonsense.

Broaden your horizons

Learn a new language

In addition to developing your linguistic skills, you will be able to interact with many people.

When you come to another country, you will always find something to talk about with the local population. You will notice that there are phrases and expressions that are not translated into Russian, they should be taken only in their original interpretation. It will take some time for you to reach the desired level in your knowledge.

Visit new places

More often and visit many new places, of course, if possible.

If you do not have the opportunity to travel abroad, then you can definitely do this within your country. This activity will expand your understanding of the world, as well as teach you how to understand it. You will get to know different cultures, see the life of people, which will make you much more educated and interesting.

Open up to new things and get ready to learn

Stop being constantly in your comfort zone.

Get out of it more often. This will allow you to learn new things. Leave your home more often, walk, communicate with different people.

Develop good habits

Always ask questions

Feel free to ask questions.

If you do not understand something, ask a question. This is natural, because in our everyday life, someone constantly asks questions. There is nothing wrong with not knowing why or how something is happening. Each of us does not know something. Develop a healthy questioning habit and you will find yourself getting smarter.

Set yourself goals once a week.

Before setting a goal, ask yourself the question: “ What goals did I achieve in the previous week? Why haven't I achieved this or that? What should I do to fix the situation?».

Continuously move towards your goals. When you achieve something, indulge yourself. Be organized and in control of your time. Spending it wisely, while realizing how useful your activity is, is a step towards success.

Spend time on education

You shouldn't think that as soon as you get busy with your education, you will become an intelligent person overnight.

This is a rather long and laborious process that will require a lot of effort from you.

Always learn

There are numerous sources of information available to you, such as books, films, etc.

While studying at a school or institute, you gain knowledge from only one source of information. This will not help you become smarter. Diversifying your intelligence will make you more educated and smarter.

Unleash Your Brain Potential

Guess puzzles

Remember that the brain is like a muscle, which means that it needs to be constantly trained.

Solve riddles, puzzles. Rubik's Cube, Sudoku, etc. are perfect for this task.

Get creative

Painting, modeling, choreography and many other types of creativity will help you develop your brain in this direction.

A creatively developed person is able to think outside the box, which allows him to find non-standard solutions to various problems.

Study the exact sciences

Study math

Remember the basic rules, practice them, solve math problems. Try to understand more complex mathematical formulas on your own. This will make your brain really work. As a result, you will think faster and more efficiently.

Start writing poetry or stories

This occupation develops your brain by making it project dialogues, situations, characters, and scenery.

You will be able to process information better and become a thinker. You can also expand your vocabulary, express your thoughts and yourself.

Develop your communication skills

Communicate easier

You don't need to have a conversation about things that only you understand.

Don't be a genius. A true genius is able to turn the complex into the simple, and not vice versa. Remember that if someone does not understand you, it is only your fault, because you could not convey this is available to third parties.

Learn to listen

It is important to learn not only to hear what your interlocutors say, but also to listen to their words.

Always listen to opinions on controversial issues, or on those things that you are not aware of. Always be open to new information. The more questions you ask, the smarter you will become.

Always be positive

Only a mature person who has reached a certain level of intelligence will always be in a good mood, even in the face of problems.

You must remember that you have a lot to learn from other people. Therefore, be always kind to them. Never judge people, having only basic knowledge about them, their way of life and life.

In any activity, remember the sense of proportion. Allow yourself time to rest, during which time you evaluate whether you are moving in the right direction. Do not flaunt your knowledge and skills. Modesty is also an indicator of your intelligence and intelligence.

Have you noticed a mistake in the text? Select it with the mouse and press ctrl + Enter.

Are you tired of not understanding what people are talking about? Are people making jokes about your intelligence? Intelligence is not something we are born with. You can get smarter with the effort!


Exercise your brains

    Learn to solve the rubik's cube. It's not as hard as it sounds, especially if you learn some of the tricks of the cube geometry rendering!

    • Sudoku is a great puzzle game to help you expand your thinking. Puzzles are simulators for the brain, which, like muscles, can atrophy with insufficient use.
  1. Drawing or at least looking at paintings by other artists will help you unleash your creativity. A creative person thinks outside the box.

    Write poetry. Poetry is a great way to express yourself. Coming up with dialogues and situations, characters and descriptions makes the brain work. Poetic language helps build vocabulary. Poetry is an amazing way to express yourself.

    Develop communication skills

    Educate yourself

    1. Educate yourself. Remember that this is not about the nonsense that you are stuffed with at school and college, but about a real understanding of the world around you. People are naturally inquisitive, however, for some reason, they cease to be so already in the elementary grades of school. Although, there are exceptions in the form of truly smart people who never cease to be interested in the world around them and try to explain it. This is the secret of "genius".

      • Try to start learning on your own. You can also learn from your life experiences, this approach is sometimes called “unschooling”.
    2. Increase your vocabulary. Learn a few new words every day using a dictionary or online services. You can determine the level of your vocabulary by special testing. Read the dictionary in order, letter by letter. It will take you several months, but your intelligence will increase significantly during this time.

      Do not limit yourself to one genre and read not only fiction, but also popular science, as well as textbooks. Smart people read every day.

    Develop good habits

      Always ask questions. Be curious, explore the world around you, this is what makes us smarter. There is nothing worse than not having answers to the questions of how and why! There are always things we don't know about. However, as you develop a healthy habit of asking about things you don't know, you will find yourself getting smarter.

      Set new goals for yourself every week. Before making your list of next tasks, ask yourself what you have accomplished from the previous list. Try to figure out what the reasons for your failures (if any) are, and how you can fix the situation.

      • Work hard to achieve your goals. Without striving for something, your life will obviously become aimless. Reward yourself for every task you complete.
      • Get organized. You don't have to turn this into an obsession, the main thing is to use your time to the best advantage. Of course, many geniuses were not very organized (remember the common image of the mad scientist), however, if you decided to take the path of developing intelligence, then a common approach to the allocation of your time will be a step in the right direction.
    1. Take the time to education. Educating yourself takes time and effort if you want to get smarter. Don't expect everything to happen overnight. You need to spend a lot of time thinking and studying.

      Study something constantly. There are many sources of information. For example, books, films and the Internet. School is just one of the sources of knowledge, and if you are an excellent student, then you are not necessarily also an intelligent person. By having an open mind, you increase your intelligence.

  2. If you are asked a question that you are not able to answer, then ask the person asking the question to ask the same thing, but in a different way. Perhaps the question is incorrectly framed, or perhaps it is too vague. It may also be the case that a person does not ask a question at all, but expresses an idea. For example, the sentence "Do these pants make me look fat?" is not an issue, but rather a way to gain attention and support. If you nevertheless determine that you are required a direct answer that you cannot give, ask why the questioner needs this information, and find out the context of the question. When you have clearly defined what the questions are, but simply do not know the answer, honestly admit it.
  3. Warnings

  • Do not overdo it. Take periodic breaks during which you can reevaluate your intellectual capabilities and measure your progress.
  • Don't become a know-it-all, an arrogant, or an argumentative. Nobody likes it! Try to hide your mind a little without showing it off.

Charlie Gordon wanted to be smart. So much so that he decided on a scientific experiment, which, through brain surgery, would have made him a genius. Charlie Gordon is the hero of the best science fiction novel of our time "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes (download). Are you ready to go under the knife to understand the structure of spaceships and easily speak three dead languages? No? Then read on how to become a smart person using little-known tricks and standard techniques.

How to get smarter in 8 days

We do not guarantee that in 8 days you will become an intelligent person and defend a couple of doctoral theses without problems, but you will be able to improve your knowledge level. Follow the simple tips below.

Learn to play chess

Intellectual play develops thinking and. Stick to the plan: spend the first 4 days studying and play three games a day. In the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Play against the clock for the next 4 days. Choose a tablet or computer as a rival so that it does not hurt excruciatingly from losses.

Play woman

For women, advice can be neglected. We are sure this technique is included in the brain by default. Within 8 days, think out the phrases for the interlocutor. In the first two days, think to yourself, and in the next 6 - finish the phrase aloud. Suitable for testing on family and friends. Do not do this at work, otherwise you will get into an unpleasant situation.

Solve crosswords

No no and one more time no! This is not an activity for grandmothers on trains, but a great puzzle game for mature and wealthy people. The brain gets used to doing routine tasks and accepts the crossword with delight. This is a great opportunity to get facts, figures, stories from memory. For 8 days of daily solving crosswords, you will become smarter, broaden your horizons.

Correct Wikipedia

Everyone can read, but only a few can separate the true from the imaginary. It is known that Wikipedia was written by ordinary people for ordinary people. Therefore, it contains errors of fact and style. Once a day, copy the article into the Word, study it carefully. Find confirmation of facts, correct mistakes or inconsistencies. After you are sure that you have finalized the article and made it better, send it for moderation.

Change the way you get information

Do you always read? Drop it and listen. Are you used to gaining knowledge by listening to the radio? Shut down and rewrite an interesting article. To become smarter, develop all possible ways of perception. For 2 days, try several combinations, choose the most uncomfortable ones. Use them for the next 6 days for brain development. If it is difficult to perceive information from an unusual source, try Glycine D3. It promotes the activation of brain activity and is incredibly invigorating. On the second day of admission, you will notice that knowledge is absorbed better.

Arrange daily fashion shows around the house

Growing new, active brain cells is quick and easy. For 8 days, walk around the house and breathe in the fresh air.

Do neurosics

We have already written about this terrible beast. The main article is located. Do not neglect exercise and do it for 8 days. It is not in vain that scientists uncles and aunts have tried, developing a program for those who want to become smarter.

Why you need to get smarter

The answer is simple: to evolve. When the environment is changing rapidly, it is inconvenient to remain at the average level of thinking. To get smarter, you don't have to quote Omar Hayam from memory or, even worse, know nuclear physics perfectly. It is enough to do the exercises that will give the brain a boost and keep it alert. This will help you react more quickly to external circumstances. In addition, a smart person is always an interesting conversationalist, and the generation of useful ideas will help you climb the career ladder.

Helpful Hint: You can dramatically increase your brain responsiveness by taking effective supplements. For example, Glycine D3. It is not only healthy, but also delicious.

How to become a smart person in 10 minutes: bonus

Yes, you can. Let's tell effective way.

  1. Open the buzzword dictionary. Take any paper version or link from Yandex search results. We recommend paying attention to the project "Smart word for every day" or Everydayword.
  2. Learn one word. Make up 5-7 sentences with him, write them down in a notebook. Sentences should be a text that has a common meaning.
  3. Do the exercise every day, writing sentences in your notebook and leading the story. At the end of the workout, you should have a coherent story.
  4. Before writing down new sentences, re-read old ones to get the word back in your head.
  5. Practice for 10 minutes for 30 days.

We hope you have received an answer to the question of how to become an intelligent person. Develop, because the world is more interesting than you think!

Pliny the Younger

If a person wants to become smarter, then this desire always has two main reasons. The first is the need for such self-improvement, when a person not only understands, but also feels that in order to solve some urgent problems / tasks and / or to achieve certain results, he needs to learn something new, to understand something, to realize or come with the help of reflection to new knowledge. And the second is interest in this process, when a person just likes to develop and improve, because he enjoys it. Whatever your particular motivation, dear readers, is in this matter, I really hope that it will help you accept and apply the information that I will share with you in this article. And I will tell you mainly about the psychological side of this issue, thanks to which you can find the most effective and convenient ways for you to develop your mental abilities, and most importantly, you will be able to realize them. It is with the implementation that I will help you the most by telling you not just how to become smarter, but also how to take and do it.

To begin with, I will note that we will not talk about how to become smart, but about how to become smarter, that is, about how to surpass our current self. It does not matter whether you consider yourself smart now or not, after all, we are all smart in our own way, and at the same time, each of us can be a fool in certain issues and situations. If you want more and better, you have to move on in your development. Therefore, do not think about what you already know or are able to, forget about your past achievements and open up to new information. Free your bowl of knowledge from the surplus in the form of the confidence that you have nothing more to learn. There is always something to learn.

There are well-known ways to help you become smarter - reading good books, communicating with smart people, solving various problems and tasks. All these things contribute to the development of the mind, because they strain it, make it work, give it new knowledge. But there are other, more, let's say, point approaches to this process and less well-known. Here we will talk about them. In general terms, explaining the solution to this problem, then all you need is to gain new knowledge and develop your thinking. Then you will definitely become smarter. But in order to do this faster and more efficiently, overcoming various psychological traps, you need to know about the important details of this work.

Attitude to yourself

Our psyche is so arranged that the less we know and the more mistakes we make in life, the more we want to think well of ourselves in order to compensate for the psychological damage suffered. Our Ego is responsible for this, or, in other words, our I. It is it that protects our psyche from negative thoughts about ourselves, which inevitably arise in those cases when we feel that we have done or are doing stupidity, that our knowledge is not enough to solve some questions that we are more stupid than other people in certain matters, and so on. It is here that our Ego stands up for our personality, instilling in us that we are smart, that we are doing everything right, and other people or circumstances are to blame for our failures, and similar protective, but at the same time harmful thoughts for our development. And until this attitude of a person to himself changes, until he wants to know the truth about himself [the truth that indicates his weaknesses, shortcomings, mistakes], he will not be able to carry out the necessary work on himself to become smarter.

I could advise you to always consider yourself a stupid ignoramus, so that you experience moderate dissatisfaction with your mental abilities and, because of this, constantly look for ways to learn something new, strive to develop your thinking in order to become smarter. This is such a simple, rude and quite understandable advice for everyone. After all, what difference does it make to you whether you really are stupid or smart if you still need to develop your mind? In this case, you need to think about your shortcomings and weaknesses in order to have motivation for development due to dissatisfaction with yourself. But I understand that such advice is harmful for people with a weak character, because their negative opinion about themselves will awaken in them not a desire to learn something new and develop their thinking, but depression and apathy. Therefore, such people can only rely on the help of other people, first of all, competent teachers, mentors, psychologists, who will gently encourage them to work on themselves feasible for them, not allowing them to experience discomfort that blocks any activity from low self-esteem and self-doubt. For these specialists, this is a very delicate work with people. And for those who understand that they need such help, this is the most reasonable decision.

Here you need to understand that this is a real psychological trap for people with a weak character, probably due to the laws of evolution, which pursue the goal of natural selection. Therefore, the fact is that the more stupid a person is, the more intelligent he is, primarily in his own eyes, thereby depriving himself of the opportunity to improve his mental abilities. That is why he does not want to become smarter, since this desire pushes him into thoughts traumatizing his psyche that now, at the moment he is not smart enough. And he doesn't want to think so. Rather, he is looking for confirmation that he is smart when communicating with someone on this topic or trying to work on himself [he is trying, not working]. For example, wishing to engage in the development of thinking, a person is looking for proof that he is already well developed, so he needs easy tasks that he will confidently solve, and not those that reveal his shortcomings and weaknesses. And this is not a development of the mind, it is self-deception. That is why such people often need help from the outside, so to speak, a strong hand, which will force them or competently motivate, which is much better, to work on themselves. Most of them, I repeat, have a weak character and they do not want to know the truth about themselves, the truth that suppresses them. And you definitely don't need to put pressure on them, because because of this they will become even more depressed and apathetic, and not motivated to work on their mental abilities. Such a pattern exists in this world. It may not be absolute, but it is common.


Our environment, as you probably know, plays a huge role in our development. It either helps him or, on the contrary, hinders. But now I want to tell you not about this well-known fact, not about the fact that you need to surround yourself with smart people in order to become smarter yourself, but about why people often do not do this. The fact is that we want to consider ourselves smarter than others, and therefore, often consciously or not, we surround ourselves with those who are either much like us, primarily in terms of mental development, or are inferior to us in this component. But to be among the smarter representatives of the human race, most people do not really like. After all, it is not at all comfortable and not pleasant when you see and feel that another person, other people, know, understand, can do more than you. It is much more pleasant and more fun to be around those who are mentally equal to you and with whom you can be yourself. As a result, because of such a craving for psychological comfort, a person deprives himself of the opportunity to learn something from smarter people. He just avoids them. Although, if you think about it, in most cases there is no reason for discomfort, it's just that our Ego misinterprets the situation when an intelligent person is next to us. It divides people into smart and stupid, generalizing their abilities and comparing us to them. This person is smarter than us, and the other is stupider, with this you can show off your mind, but with that, no. In reality, such a comparison is incorrect. It's too crude and hopeless. It must be understood that even a very smart person can be somewhat ignorant, and a very stupid person can know something valuable. All people are unique and everyone is good in something and bad in something. Therefore, we do not need to compare ourselves with someone, generalizing our own and other people's abilities, we need to look at the individual qualities and skills of this or that person and think what we can learn from him.

Thus, thinking about your own benefit, about your selfish interests, you can forget that someone is stupider or smarter than us and feel comfortable with any person, any people. There will always be someone in this world who is more stupid than us, at least in some specific issues, and there will be people who, again, in some way will surpass us. And the point is not to compare yourself with other people according to such a crude scheme - stupider or smarter than me, but to try to find in each person valuable knowledge for you and pull it out of him.

There is one more very important point here, or better to say a sub-point, which is worth paying special attention... Wanting to learn something from other people, you need to strive to communicate with those of them who, in their outlook, are very different from you. Therefore, what you learn from them should, if not shock you, although this is permissible, then at least surprise and even irritate you. You do not need such other people's thoughts, which always and in everything coincide with yours, no matter how pleasant it may be to you. You need thoughts that turn everything upside down in your brain. When this happens, it means that you are going beyond your mental boundaries, beyond your usual perception. This is often an unpleasant procedure, because it distorts the picture of a person's world and people are often nervous, freaked out, annoyed when they learn something new about what they always thought they knew everything about. New information introduces some uncertainty, incomprehensibility, unpredictability, even chaos into their view of life, so this, at best, surprises them, and at worst shocks or greatly annoys them. This is understandable, because the brain needs certainty and stability in order to feel calm, so it clings to the facts it knows and does not want to revise them. Otherwise, you will have to adapt to the new reality, and this is not an easy job. But in order to become smarter, it is sometimes necessary to break the old ideas about life and build new ones in their place. Therefore, it is helpful to experience stress when dealing with people who tell stories about certain things that do not fit with your stories about them. Stupid and weak people, faced with such unusual information for them, begin to argue, deny it, criticize, and smart people, at least, take it into account, knowing that no matter how much they know, there will always be something, what they do not yet know, but as a maximum, they add this information to the knowledge they already have, expanding or, in some places, changing their picture of the world. So, through stress and resistance to new things, we go to a more perfect state.

Why do I call this moment / sub-moment important and requiring special attention? And because I myself have faced misunderstanding on the part of some people many times and I know that many of you are also constantly faced with this. If you think differently from others or know about something that they do not know about and with your knowledge destroy their picture of the world, this can lead to the creation of a barrier of rejection between you and them and even lead to serious disagreements and conflicts between you. In such cases, there is a struggle between the illusions of people and the harsh reality of which they are afraid. So you may not be understood not because you explain something badly, but because they do not want to understand, because it is scary to understand you. But the most terrible thing for me is that I myself often did not understand people who thought differently from me and knew something different about certain things, different from what I knew about them. As a result, my conversations with people could boil down to discussing which of us is dumber or smarter, rather than considering each other's points of view. I am ashamed that I was such a person, it is unpleasant for me to remember my stupidity and limitations. I understand that even now I have many shortcomings, but then they were more egregious. Therefore, I was convinced from my own experience that in order to grow wiser, it is imperative to listen to all people and consider a variety of points of view and opinions, including those that are very different from our opinion and therefore we do not like. Think and you about such a position in life. Otherwise, what kind of development of the mind can we talk about if a person is constantly stewing in the same information broth with people like him who confirm each other's opinions, for the sake of psychological comfort, and do not question their correctness.


Knowledge, like people, is also different, because it comes mainly from people. Therefore, they, like people, should also be treated with great attention and, if possible, not biased. You cannot accept some knowledge and criticize others just because you do not like them, mainly because they do not coincide with the knowledge and attitudes you already have or your desires. The world is arranged the way it is arranged and it does not adapt to whose fantasies. But we have to adapt and adapt to a lot in this world. Therefore, any knowledge must be treated with respect. In my opinion, an intelligent person is a person who not only knows a lot, but knows how to use his knowledge, and what is especially important - he is open to new knowledge, whatever it may be. Therefore, regardless of what each of us already knows, we always need to look for something new, including in the area in which we, as it seems to us, know a lot or even everything.

An impartial and respectful attitude towards any knowledge is what is important to develop in yourself first of all. Use the same approach as when dealing with people - look for knowledge that you don't like, that makes you uncomfortable. They can scare you, annoy, surprise you, they can cause you rejection, rejection, indignation, protest, ridicule, and this will be their value. They are not what you would like, they are not what you are used to and they, this knowledge, may contradict what you already know. But it is precisely such knowledge that will become a breath of fresh air for your mind, it is they that can allow it to wake up and start working. You can't just do all the time that look for confirmation of the correctness of your ideas about this world, reading, looking, listening only to what finds a response in your head. It is a trap for your mind, for your development. And many get into it. I like this, I think this is correct, I agree with this information, it agrees with what I think I know, so I will accept it, study it and remember it. But I don’t like this anymore, this is some kind of incorrect information, it should not be so, so I will criticize it, fight it, or close myself from it, hide my head in the sand, just to continue to feel comfortable. You can still burn at the stake someone who spreads such unpleasant information, such unreliable knowledge from my point of view. Sound familiar? Does it make a person smarter? That's just it.

Now for the sources of knowledge. In most cases, people seek to obtain knowledge from reputable and, therefore, verified sources by competent specialists in order to be sure of its high quality. I do not want to say anything against this approach, it is generally correct, time-tested and the experience of many people. But I want to draw your attention to one, quite interesting, from my point of view, moment. It consists in the fact that authoritative sources of information can quite one-sidedly consider this or that issue, questions, due, as a rule, to someone's interest in this one-sidedness. For example, censored media can tell about an event the way the people who control it need. Or the same history textbook can present the history of the country in a light favorable to the authorities. Yes, any book, any source of knowledge, can represent someone's interests and, because of this, be insufficiently objective. No one is immune from mistakes either, even the most authoritative sources of information can be wrong. Plus, the presentation of material through one or another source may be such that not every person will understand what is written or shown in it, told. Therefore, I advise you to learn about something from different sources of information and learn something from different teaching materials. Not the credibility of the source of information should be a priority, but its clarity, openness and detail in the presentation of the material. An intelligent person must check everything himself, using practice, logic, and other examples, and not just trust the authorities. After all, it happens that a person can be very well-read, know a lot, but cannot explain his knowledge. This is so, and not otherwise, because such and such an authority said so - here is all the evidence for you. This is not a serious position. An authority may have different reasons to say something and keep silent about something. You can't take people at their word, no matter who they are. They need to be checked, their opinion should be compared with the opinion of others, even if not very authoritative people, but clearly and clearly explaining their position. In addition, the more sources of information you use to study a particular issue, the broader your horizons will be. Different opinions will make your own opinion more objective, and a different way of presenting the same material will allow you to study it in more detail and systematically.

Another important point in gaining knowledge is understanding the purpose of obtaining it. On the one hand, the more you know, the smarter you look. But on the other hand, you cannot know everything, so you need to strive to learn first of all the most important things in order to be smart about what will best affect your life. After all, people want to become smarter for a reason, but first of all or including in order to surpass other people and look better against their background in various matters. It is natural competition, the struggle to survive, the desire to win and be the best in order to have the best. This means that you need to get smart with a specific goal - to surpass someone in something or to do something important for your life, or business. Then, instead of shoving as much knowledge as possible into your head, spending a lot of time and energy on it, it is wiser to choose something most important for yourself, some most productive direction that will be closest to your life, to your satisfaction of your needs, to solving important tasks for you, to achieving your goals. To be smart does not mean to have encyclopedic knowledge in order to solve the same crossword puzzles, today you won’t surprise anyone with such knowledge. The same Internet, to which many people have access, will still know more of you and its knowledge on many issues will be more recent and accurate than yours. Being smart, and in our case becoming smarter, means expanding your capabilities and learning to do things that will improve your life.

Think, if one of the goals in this world for us is the desire to seize the amount of resources necessary for a comfortable and safe life, then the knowledge that you receive must meet this goal first of all. Relationships with people are also important, because we meet most of our needs with their help. Therefore, you need to get knowledge first of all about these things. Moreover, this knowledge should be adequate to reality, and not the kind that teach us how it should and how it should be, and not how it is. Other knowledge will wait. Everything is interesting to me, I am interested in everything, I am open to everything, but when I have a lack of time, I cut off all unnecessary things and focus only on things that are important for my current life. There are many smart people in this world who understand various difficult things, know a lot, but at the same time they cannot effectively or even somehow solve typical everyday problems and tasks that are important primarily for their own lives. I am not against speculating about higher matters, about possible, but unproven things - aliens, life after death, parallel worlds and the like, but only after more important things have been done. Otherwise, what is the use of a great mind if it does not allow even the most necessary things for life to receive and deal with the most pressing problems?

Training program

This moment, friends, is very important. When I myself fully comprehended it, I was delighted with the understanding of how, with a certain approach to the process of acquiring knowledge and developing thinking, you can surpass many smart and well-educated people. Now I will explain to you the meaning of this approach. Wherever and whatever you study, if the knowledge that you receive will be received by other people in the same way, then to some extent you will develop with them in equal conditions. That is, a publicly available training program prepares people, specialists, of approximately the same level. It is clear that some people are more talented than others, that people have different attitudes to learning, that in addition to the program according to which a person learns, he can, at will, receive other knowledge, and due to this be smarter in some things. But all the same, the same training program for all people makes them to some extent equal to each other. At least those of them who try to learn receive roughly the same level of training. These people become smarter about themselves and about those people who study in other, less effective programs or do not study at all. But in comparison with each other, they will be about the same.

And in order to become smarter than other, smart enough people who have received or are receiving a good education to be able to bypass them, surpass them, it is desirable to develop according to an individual training program. It can be based on learning from other educational materials specially selected for you that you will need to study in a specific sequence, as well as on the competent presentation of these materials and on working with people who are good at explaining, telling and showing, and what is especially important - they know how to motivate to study. Even a rudimentary selection of books to read can be so unique and well thought out that a person can learn something from them much faster and much better than people who read other books in a different sequence. Just imagine, it is possible to develop such a training program, which will be many times more effective than those programs that are used in the best universities in the world. And you can become smarter than those people who pay big bucks for their education. But, I repeat, this will only happen if you yourself or with someone's help can create your own training program, adjusted to your mental abilities and basic knowledge. This is the first moment.

The second point is the search for the most optimal path to the desired result. It follows logically from the first point. Always remember that you can achieve the same result in different ways. This applies to many things, perhaps all, and certainly it concerns training. Therefore, there can be a great variety of training programs. Some of them are more effective, some less. Therefore, if you cannot master something in one way, look for another. Both the acquisition of knowledge and the development of thinking can involve a lot of personalized moments. People are all different, someone thinks faster, someone slower, someone understands some teachers better, someone else, someone has one way of perceiving information better developed [visual, auditory, tactile], someone another, there can be a lot of differences. And given them, you can help anyone to become smarter in the area they need in a relatively short time. Imagine a customized program that is perfect for you. Thanks to her, you will perceive knowledge and develop your thinking as easily and with great interest as possible. Imagine how quickly you can use it to learn important things to you. Last but not least, it can help you gain a competitive advantage over others who will be learning from less effective and less accessible programs. And the general availability reduces the value of any knowledge. After all, the more people are able to do the same things, the lower their activity will be appreciated.

So my advice to you is this: try to experiment more often with training programs, look for new ways to learn something and new ways to develop your thinking. Do not rely only on “old-fashioned methods” for improving your mental abilities, because you can always find something more perfect and ideally suited for you. Walking along a path already trodden by someone, studying something, of course, is also correct. This can save time. But it, this I treasure, must be supplemented with its own ways, in order to come to some knowledge faster than others and better understand it. Let me remind you once again that in order to become smarter than other people and surpass them, you need to try to find new ideas for your development in order to do something that other people do not do when they are engaged in their development. In this sense, self-education can have a huge advantage over standard education.

Desire to change

Well, the last thing that you need to develop and constantly support in yourself is the desire to change. Here we go back to where we started. If you want to become smarter, you have to admit that you are not smart enough now and you can get better, and this state of failure will always be. In some ways you are right, in others you are not, you know something, you don’t know something, what things you do well, some bad things - all this does not matter. You still need changes, even if you are already doing well. Hold on to the belief that the good is the enemy of the best, and not the other way around.

Sometimes a person needs to step over his pride, over his Ego, in order to admit that he is wrong in some issue and, in this regard, accept a new point of view and change thanks to it. How hard it is at times to do, especially for those people who really do not like to be wrong. But only by admitting that you are wrong in what you are actually wrong, you can move on to the next stage of development, opening up to a new position, a new point of view, new knowledge. After all, to become smarter means to become different. And for this you need to give up your present yourself, from what you like about yourself and what you are used to. It is necessary to give up psychological comfort, because it is he who keeps us trapped in our own limitations. A person is comfortable when he and other people think he is smart. And if you are smart, then why do you need to change something in yourself. But when someone pokes a person's nose into his sins, mistakes and delusions, then you yourself know what feelings this causes. At least resentment, but as a maximum anger and hatred. Yes, it’s unpleasant, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s scary, sometimes it infuriates a person, but this is the path to changes that will make you better, smarter. The same mistakes are needed in order to learn from them, we all know this, but we do not always follow this rule. So sometimes you have to choose between the opportunity to become smarter and the desire to be in a comfortable psychological atmosphere. The opposite of comfort is stress. Changing yourself is always stress, in some cases mild, in some exhausting. And in order to consciously expose yourself to it, you need to have good motivation.

It is thanks to good motivation that you can follow all the advice I have given to you in this article. It is motivation that will help you take and do what we have discussed here, and without any delay, but right here and now, using all the resources you have, primarily temporary. And as I wrote at the very beginning of the article, if you want to become smarter, you must understand why you need it. I will only tell you that thanks to your mind you can solve any problems and tasks, you know, any. All your fears, all your pain, all your desires - depend on your mind. The smarter you are, the less fear, pain, suffering will be in your life, and the more joy, happiness and all kinds of benefits will be. You can be sure of this.

882 0 Hello our dear readers! In this article, you will learn how to get smarter through certain techniques and exercises, as well as introducing new healthy habits into your lifestyle. Since the nineteenth century, scientists have been figuring out what factors affect a person's mental ability. As a result, they came to the conclusion that the level of intelligence does not depend on the volume of the brain, but on the neural connections between individual areas. In this age of information and constant change in technology, many would like to improve their mental abilities. How to do it?

An intelligent person - what is he?

Genetics plays an important role in personality formation, but affects the development of intelligence at birth by only 20%. An intelligent person is a subjective concept. No one will give an exact definition of this term. But there are criteria that define an intelligent person.

  1. A smart, unlike a stupid one, is interested in new information, gains knowledge throughout his life.

Intelligence is the ability to accumulate knowledge and skills that are successfully implemented in practice, depending on the conditions. Each situation is analyzed, possible consequences are calculated. The optimal solution to the problem is found.

There are concepts of an erudite and an intellectual. An erudite person is a person with extensive encyclopedic knowledge in various fields. The intellectual, in addition to the accumulated information, has the ability to think, brings culture and moral values \u200b\u200bto society.

While raising a child, you need to strive not only to assimilate a large amount of information, but also to teach you to think correctly, to apply knowledge in practice. If this knowledge is "dead", then it will not make him smart.

  1. In addition to constant improvement, an intelligent person is distinguished by a sense of humor and restraint. He does not demonstrate his advantage among the environment.
  2. Smart people quickly adapt in society, they know how to calculate the cause-and-effect relationships not only of their actions, but also of other members of society.
  3. It is interesting to communicate with intellectuals, they quickly accept, are tactful, follow the novelties of the cultural life of society. Everywhere they have time, have an active life position.
  4. At work, they do not turn to colleagues with excessive requests and questions, they quickly delve into the course of the matter, they know where to find the information they need. They are self-sufficient and independent.
  5. They cope with the tasks of the management, being able to distinguish the priority tasks from the secondary ones, they correctly distribute the working time, while not overstraining. A smart person understands that the body's resources are not unlimited, therefore he alternates hard work with short breaks.
  6. An intelligent person monitors emotions, and can be endurance in any situations, since an increased or decreased emotional background interferes with thinking logically and making the right decisions.

Some want to become the smartest in their environment in order to outshine everyone with intelligence and shine with erudition, others need it for specific purposes. But the main thing that a smart person should strive for is to become wise, and, as a rule, the accumulated knowledge, abilities and experience help to achieve this.

A wise person, in addition to logical thinking, has life experience, which helps to more likely calculate the consequences of an act.

A child may be smart, but no one will call him wise. Wisdom comes over the years, helps to avoid unnecessary situations.

The mind of men and women

The mind of men is straightforward and logical. Women, however, often look for workarounds, find someone who will make a decision for them or provide life's benefits. This does not mean that women are stupid and do not know how to independently solve the assigned tasks, they are more cunning.

  • easily maintain communication on many different topics, including men's;
  • do not panic and hysterics often and for no apparent reason;
  • give valuable advice;
  • choose a suitable candidate for husbands;
  • distinguish love from passion;
  • live without a man;
  • do not ask about feelings;
  • find other points of contact besides intimate life.

The brain requires care, attention, training. The exploration of new areas of knowledge, the acquisition of experience allow us to use the brain to a greater extent. Indeed, in addition to genetics, upbringing, education, work on oneself affect the development of intelligence.

You can improve your mental ability by regularly performing activities that improve brain function:

1. Do morning exercises.

For a full blood supply to the brain, physical activity is needed, including gymnastic exercises, walking, jogging, and fitness classes. The body is enriched with oxygen, the work of internal organs is activated. The brain begins to assimilate information easier, memory improves, concentration of attention increases. The morning energy is enough for the whole working day.

2. Eat right.

The brain, deprived of nutrition, does not assimilate information in full. People who use diets for a long time, memory fails, their logic is "lame". For normal functioning the brain needs "slow" carbohydrates - bread, rice, legumes. Of proteins, it is preferable to eat nuts, fish, eggs, dietary meat. Fats are necessary, but to avoid high cholesterol levels, they are consumed in limited quantities. Greens, vegetables, fruits containing minerals, vitamins C, group B prolong the youthfulness of the brain. In moderate doses, chocolate is useful, but provided that it is natural, that is, with a high cocoa content and with a minimum amount of various flavors and preservatives.

3. Learn to rest.

To become smarter and wiser you need to get enough sleep. The brain needs rest. When overworked, attention is scattered, thinking slows down. In addition to getting a good night's sleep, you need 10-minute breaks after each working hour. At this time, a change of occupation is required. If the work is office, then you can walk along the corridor, do exercises for the eyes, drink a glass of water. For people engaged in manual labor, rest should be static.

4. Read literature of different genres.

World literature is a storehouse of accumulated knowledge. After reading a fiction novel, you analyze the actions of the heroes, you begin to understand people better. Science fiction makes one think about the scenario in which society will develop. Entertaining "reading" develops a sense of humor, teaches to treat some problems with ease.

5. And, for example, to become smart at school, no matter how trite it may sound, you have to study well. This means reading educational literature. Physics helps to understand the laws of nature, mathematics helps to think logically. To be a versatile educated person, you need to gain knowledge from historical opuses, read about traveling around the world. Classical literature is the best that writers have created. She teaches morality, as well as finding ways out of difficult life situations, is always relevant.

6. Play mind games.

Playing chess, checkers, you learn to calculate the situation for several moves ahead, to analyze the opponent's capabilities. Memory, cognitive abilities are developed, which are expressed in the ability to transform the information received into knowledge used in everyday life.

7. Chat with smart people.

Conversations with people who are smarter than you may not increase self-esteem, but you will gain new knowledge, invaluable communication experience. They have a lot to learn. In a difficult situation, an intelligent person will always give good advice.

To become smarter and increase your intelligence level, make your own environment. To meet smart people, attend art exhibitions, presentations, trainings, seminars.

Communicating with intellectuals, you will involuntarily adopt their manners, habits, culture.

8. Learn languages.

Scientists have proven that learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bimproves neural connections in the brain. In addition, new linguistic knowledge facilitates communication with local residents when traveling abroad, helps to better understand the identity and way of life.

9. Use special techniques to revitalize your brain.

To quickly become smart, increase blood glucose levels. To do this, drink a cup of coffee or eat chocolate. Chewing gum speeds up thought processes. During the movement of the jaws, cerebral circulation improves. The scent of rosemary helps to focus your attention quickly.

10. Travel.

Expand your horizons. New impressions, meetings with people of a different culture will enrich knowledge, thinking will become more voluminous and large-scale.

11. Constantly educate yourself.

Take time to learn new things. There are many educational sites on the Internet. Choose from them those that broaden the horizons or correspond to the professional activity. You can take advanced training courses, sign up for interesting seminars, trainings.

Often, the fair sex ask themselves the question: how to become an intelligent girl. Most often, such a desire arises in difficult life situations, for example, when problems arise in relationships or at work are not perceived as a serious specialist. This requires:

  • read books with deep content, watch meaningful films;
  • restrict viewing of entertainment television programs, reality shows;
  • do not sit aimlessly watching social media feeds;
  • develop a sense of humor;
  • learn the correct articulation;
  • use competent speech without verbal garbage;
  • keep a distance;
  • look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
  • control emotions, use moderate gestures.

A smart girl is successful in everything. She will be able to choose a worthy husband, create a strong family, make a career.

Many people are interested in how to become smart smart. To do this, you can repeat positive attitudes, apply the visualization method, graphically displaying desires on the stand. You need to use your mental abilities to learn how to set specific ones, generate new ideas, and correctly distribute finances.

Exercises to develop mental abilities

Memory training, the development of logical thinking will help to become smart. In the role of aids are Rubik's cube, puzzles, rebuses, Sudoku.

Do simple things regularly exercises.

1. Count in your head.

While in the supermarket, collecting products in the basket, calculate how much you will have to pay at the checkout. Learn to define the amount visually.

2. Draw conclusions.

After reading another "smart" book, or watching an educational program on TV, try to summarize briefly. Analyze and give yourself an answer to the question, what benefit did you read and see.

3. Train both hemispheres of the brain.

Learn to use your right and left hand equally. Walking up and down an apartment or stairs with your back forward - this develops new neural connections in the brain.

4. Solve puzzles.

Crosswords, teawords, rebuses, anagrams can be purchased in printed form or found on the Internet. They develop memory, logic, teach how to create cause-and-effect relationships.

5. Play with words.

Come up with a word and try to mentally pronounce it backwards. Choose words to rhyme in pairs. Select an item, pick up epithets for it. For example, think of at least 15 definitions in a minute. Play with a friend in "cities", where each new geographical feature begins with the last letter of the previous name. Come up with original figurative names for household items.

6. Learn to compose and solve riddles.

Analyze the hidden object from all sides. Use your imagination. To come up with a riddle, find an object similar to the given one. Then write a description.

7. Come up with a scenario for the planned event.

Presenting the possible paths of the event, you plan, analyze a possible scenario, prepare in advance for any option.

And finally, tips to help you become smarter:

  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • draw, be creative;
  • relax and get smarter listening to classical music;
  • rationally organize your workplace;
  • put things in order;
  • do not get sprayed by performing several tasks at the same time;
  • learn to understand people without words, anticipate their desires;
  • get an original hobby for your leisure time;
  • do not watch TV;
  • complete what you started;