Trelebov Patriarchate in the family. Patriarchate in the family. How to create a strong patriarchal family in the modern world

In modern society, patriarchal marriage becomes "atavism". This is due to the characteristics of this. We learn more, which is such a form of marriage.

What is a patriarchal marriage?

The term "patriarchal marriage" is endowed with a special sense load.

The main component is "Patriarchate" or "Power of Father." It means:

  • the dominant superiority of a man in the family;
  • his dominant role in the framework of the "cell of society";
  • high authority.

Undoubtedly, a man in the family is a chapter, in family relations, he plays a leading role around which family life is built. Such a "king" has unquestionable authorities and can make decisions without discussing them with anyone.

At the same time, it is on a man who lies more responsibility for:

  • welfare of children and spouses;
  • family provision;
  • reasonable management;
  • accumulation of funds;
  • elderly generation.

For centuries, patriarchal families constituted the solid foundation of society. They retained the traditions that new generations adhered to. Family relations in our time are increasingly similar to this form of family mistake.


Most scientists assure that all previously existing civilizations were only patriarchal. There are those who claim that during the times of Neolithic and Paleolithic (5-7 thousand years before our era), the Company was gender equal.

Some believe that the Patriarchate preceded the matriarchy, that is, the primary role was given to a woman.

But with this statement, not all scientists agree, because they believe that the male domination is a natural phenomenon, which should determine the essence of relations at all times and in all nations. The philosopher and sociologist Hiddense believed that the differences in dominance were certainly, but there was never that the woman belongs to the fullest.

This is explained by the fact that the main purpose of a woman is considered to care for them. Women become dependent materially and physically from men.

Main characteristics

For a classic patriarchal marriage inherent:

  • patriilinean. It is carried out only by the male line. We are talking about both material values \u200b\u200band social status;
  • monogamy. In a patriarchal marriage, her husband has one wife, his wife is one husband. However, there are exceptions to polygamy is considered legal, but in the patriarchy in any culture can not be met by multi-minded;
  • multi-ocephaned families. This sign is considered the main one, together can live up to three generations, but the dominant role belongs to the eldest man.

In the patriarchal family a man is:

  • mining worker;
  • breadwinner;
  • the main manager of cash;
  • owner.

Parental Power Father is not subject to discussion. Men are endowed with all rights, which cannot be said about a woman. A woman in the family is given the role of the teacher of children, she creates comfort and comfort, lives in mutual understanding with her husband, while maintaining the strength of the family union.

Pros and cons

In patriarchal families, the wife fully devotes himself to home, children and husband. To solve together with the spouse, family questions, she has no right. The man alone accepts all the decisions, not interested in the opinion of the spouse.

In families with such a way, women can not even think about work or career, and this is very important in our time, because in this way the woman shows his personal qualities, communicates with interesting people and is engaged in loved things.

Socializing in household and children, a woman cannot receive proper education. It does not have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and live a full life. Financially woman is completely dependent on her husband, she can not have personal money and all the purchases made it is obliged to discuss with her husband.

If the responsibility in the family lies on the husband, then the wife and children should be calm for their financial well-being, the woman does not have to think about how to feed her husband and children. Children who grow in patriarchal families, seeing as the head of the family cares about them, take an example of responsibility for their loved ones.

Real men grow precisely in patriarchal marriage unions.

Patriarchal marriage in astrology

According to the structural horoscope, there are five types of marriage: patriarchal, romantic, vector and equal. Sometimes, it is a patriarchal marriage called "child marriage," since the birth of children and their upbringing is considered the main destination. There is another goal - gaining freedom.

Calculate the patriarchal marriage is easy, spouses or born in one year, or the difference in the age of Pasta 4, 8, 12, etc.

There are ideological three signs that determine the patriarchal marriage:

  • Horse, tiger, dog;
  • Rooster, snake, bull;
  • Boar, cat, goat;
  • Rat, monkey, dragon.

For the patriarchal type of marriage, the commandments are characteristic:

  • the mutual desire to extend the genus is considered an ideal situation for the conclusion of the Union. Children are the purpose and meaning of this marriage. In the Patriarchal Union, children are all. It is very important to preserve the atmosphere of childishness even in the absence of children. It is necessary to be sootimy, naive and clean as children, at the same time it does not mean that you need to be stupid;
  • thrift. Large incomes and availability of service do not save from desire and the ability to create with their own hands. This is exactly what is valued high in such a union;
  • permanent troubles are selected too much time that does not make opportunities for intellectual communication. Even if such an opportunity appeared, it should be neglected. Such a marriage does not accept discussions of world politics, should not talk about political views and not discuss the views of her husband;
  • separation of the family of the family on male and female. In practice, it looks like this: a woman is engaged in life, prepares, erases, and her husband gets a garden, a garden, a car and mining of money;
  • truth can be born in the dispute. Perhaps this happens, but not in a patriarchal marriage. Disputes and quarrels in this marriage are unthinkable;
  • do not show love. You need to keep my feelings with you. You can replace love with tenderness, friendship, thanks for the goods granted;
  • it is not worth it to change anything, it concerns this not only the permutations of furniture, but also the schedule and duties in the house;
  • no need to strengthen and improve relations. The less attention to the quality of relationships, the better. Let it be as it should be.

Tired of fragile modern relations, it's time to remember the patriarchy. The effectiveness of this form of relationship is tested by time! We build relationships on the principle - the man is the main!

I thought that it would be nice to describe my experience, the experience of the senior comrades, the father, the grandfather, who they handed me and the experience of my peers who decided to arrange their family on the principle - the main man!

The post is a familiarization character for those who understand that the options "Podkababnik" and "equal partner" in terms of forming a family is not for them.

I will try to write my point of view, criticism and comments are welcome.

1. So, what is Patriarchate? Patriarchate (letters. Power of the Father, Dzh. Andrachia, Androcracy) is a form of a social organization in which a man is the main carrier of political power and moral authority, carries out control over property, and fathers in families have power over women and children. For patriarchate, the presence of institutions of male power and male privileges, as well as the subordinate position of women. Many patriarchal societies are also patriilinear, that is, property and social status are inherited in them on the father's line. (Via Wiki)

Patriarchate as a family device is a traditional form of society throughout the existence of humanity, it is peculiar to almost the entire population of the Earth, major religions and government devices. But at the moment we live in the world, with the wide range of women and the Patriarchate Institute loses their positions. Of course, in its classical version, it is practically not possible in civilized countries - including in Russia. Therefore, it needs to be adapted to modern realities.

2. Choosing a woman.If you understand that the patriarchal family of the family is the only one that will arrange you, then it is necessary to pick up a woman with the mind, not a heart.

For a young man, of course, I want to see a gorgeous porn star next to you, well, and someone can decide that he needs a gray mouse - it is not. Everything is enough simple, you need to look for a girl, ready to live with you in the family according to your rules. Usually, very beautiful ladies are strongly spoiled by 18-20 years and are trying to use their holes instead of Visa Gold, and their self-esteem with the galaxy will not allow you to create a decent wife from it. Such - in the forest. Scored ladies with zero self-esteem We also note, because They are with a strong man turn into a helpless child, and this does not suit us. We are looking for the custodian of the hearth and the mother of their children, and not a launched creature with the rights of the dog. You need to look for a golden middle.

You need to clearly imagine that it is important for you in a woman and make a list. But to create a family on the principle of patriarchate, it must necessarily have the following qualities:

1) the desire to be a housewife (may not be able to prepare - the main desire itself)
2) to be self (no friendship to a coffin with mom)
3) should not be very smart (a living mind will not give her only to the house and family)
4) she should love you very much (for you it is not necessary)
5) It must be a girl with a capital letter, no kosmashka.

The list that you will, should be respected by 51% +, the rest can be fixed with time, add, develop, buy.

3. What does life look inside the patriarchal family? Family base - man. You are a minider, you pay, like an ox and most importantly, constantly growing high quality, constantly increase the income of the family. You give money in the family, you are managed by a woman (you have to trust her and she must learn them to use), but you control the consumption of money. If the money ended ahead of time or spending not reasonable - she gets along the header. Money gives everything to a penny, no hooks - this is the lot of podcasts. Trust your wife. If you need money to meet with friends or new fishing gear - you agree it with my wife, but at the level "We are advised and I decided." You can leave for ourselves a percentage of 10-20 from income on such things, but this money must be known to the wife - no zakachek. Trust should be 100%.

Rules for example. Morning. The wife gets 25-30 minutes before the husband - prepares breakfast, walking with the dog, is engaged in a child. You get up, have breakfast, be sure to give your wife 5 minutes and have a job. In the evening, you are waiting for dinner and your time (you need to agree with my wife that you have an hour and a half after work, when you unload negative or fatigue after the working day) After that, be sure to devote the time to the spouse and children. Such a scheme will help to avoid unwanted conflicts with his wife, and you, do not forget, the head of the family and any irritability or hystericality healthy undermines your authority in her eyes. Sometimes it is worth raising a voice or count the spouse for obvious shoals, but these are rare exceptions and this needs to be used only in those moments when it really deserves it. If you part with it, then sooner or later it will not be effective. And if it is broken because of the poor mood or failure at work, the wife will hide the well-deserved offense.

4. How to educate my wife? What methods and steps to take to raise the custodian of the hearth?

A) friends. It is necessary to control its circle of communication. It is advisable to drive off the unmarried shakes and idle "childhood friends." The shaking of the envy can teppate feminist "values". There were cases when these sluts broke their families, and then offered their services as a replacement. Female friendship does not happen - let me be friends with the wives of your friends and the point! And "Friends of Childhood" can lead your wife under the auspices of romance, etc. heresy. After that, of course, she cares back, but this is no longer for forgiveness. Also not rare cases. Make it very simple. It is only worth hinting that the "shaking" is very nothing and it will disappear from sight. Try to create its society for her. Integet to, who of friends friends do her more and meet this comrade more often. This is a big, but very important work.

B) mother-in-law. Mother's mother-else's mother-in-law, but still mother-in-law. Make your family as independent from the wife's family.

C) domestic violence. No violence! Neither to lift your hand to my wife - the reverse path will not be. Sometimes it is worth lifting a voice, but rarely and in the case. No long parsing relationships. Not more often than once in 3-4 months you can talk about souls. But teenage disassembly is to leave adolescents. If it starts to get it - ignore. She is a woman and get it on any garnet in her nature - do not react. Do not forget that you are much stronger and smarter - do not react - otherwise the loss of the authority. It will always be to get it - produce immunity.

D) filling life. Spend time with it together. At least once a week, you are interested in her life, problems. Organize her hobby or part-time job. But control it, do not allow you to get involved in chur, otherwise semi-finished products and unwashed children are waiting for you. Once a week, together go out. Control its high-quality growth - it must be. You must grow together. Do not let it turn into an aunt-tumbler. Accent attention on its appearance. Sleep money on her appearance. She must be satisfied and proud of himself. Pay her salary - attract it into a small part of your salary to perform simple functions of your work. Courier functions, print a document, get through to someone. She must have his money. Appreciate her work - always praise for progress. Some solutions give completely to the flaw in my wife - let it feel for the "pound of likh".

5. How to educate yourself? Keep the brand, be lion, stone wall and family father. Line of values: Family-\u003e Work-\u003e Friends-\u003e Homeland-\u003e Hobbies. Engage in sports, keep yourself in shape. Drink in moderation. Learn to make decisions not only for yourself, but also in the whole family and be prepared to be responsible. Never share your problems with my wife - for this there are friends or keep problems in yourself. Self-improvement, read books. The faster and better you will grow, the faster it will do this your wife. Learn to indulge in the whims, but without flexing. Sometimes, when she has difficult moments - help her with her responsibility sector. Be indulgent - educate this quality. Have your time - fishing, hiking with friends in the bar, etc. (It is not even discussed by his wife), just put it in fame, but do not abuse.

6. Well, finally, I would like to mention.Being the head of the patriarchal family is not privileges and absolute power, but duties and responsibility. I personally, I am at the beginning of this difficult path (the experience of only 10 years), but never regretted my choice.

What is a patriarchal family, can only guess, not delight in its essence and the importance of importance for society. Patriarchal called the family, where the Patriarchate rules, that is, the main role is played by the husband, man, father.

The origins of the patriarchal family

In ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, the right to inheritance was transmitted through the male line. A woman in the time of Patriarchate remained the keeper of the genus.

In modern Orthodoxy, patriarchal entry, has changed, but the foundations remained the same. It is possible for whom the word "patriarch kind" sounds like a combination relating to antiquity, however, it is not. Happily then the family in which the man is dominated. Initially, God created a patriarchal family, where a man played a domicile role, remained the breadthrough and defender.

Patriarchal family is a type of family relationship, where the last word belongs to a man.

In the patriarchal family under one roof there are several generations

It is logical that if there was a patriarchy, then there was a matriarchy. The matriarchy arose during the protection period, the birth of children, the continuation of the kind, but he lasted for a short time, the genus could exist in the organization of mining and protection.

Distinctive features of the patriarchal family

  1. Patriarchal estate is characterized by patrilation, when heritage, title, position in society is transmitted by the men's line.
  2. The patriarchal society is characterized by only two types of family relations.
  3. When monogamy, we see the picture - one husband and one wife, with polyging - a husband and several wives.
  4. The main sign of patriarchalness is the presence of many generations of native people living in one estate. Three or four generations live under one roof, while all the control belongs to the oldest man of the genus or Family Council.

The wise ruler developed the economy, led himself with the mind, directing the life of the house in the "peaceful direction" and not interfere with the women's affairs. Bolshak or house-building - so called the Slavs chapter of the kind, emphasizing his position.

About the family in Orthodoxy:

The main disadvantage of such relations is the hyperence of each member of the genus, often leading to reduced self-esteem.

Important! A huge advantage of patriarchal relations can be called attitude towards old men in this house, where there can be no abandoned child, and all the problems are solved by the world, the whole family.

Traditional patriarchal family

On the part of the relationship with the patriarchate, which exists even in modern society, is clearly visible to the departure of the father and husband and the pronounced dependence on the other family members.

In the patriarchal family, a sad wife obeys her husband, and children - parents

In such a family, a man remains:

  • owner of unlimited authority;
  • mining worker;
  • breadwinner;
  • owner;
  • the main manager finances.

The parental power of the Father has no borders and is not discussed. Men have virtually all rights, unlike women. The authoritarianism of the clan interests are much higher than personal feelings.

The house-building, as a rule, rarely participates in home affairs and raising children, having underwent all responsibility for the female half of the house.

Important! Patriarchal family type does not mean the self-smuggling of her chapter, and the skillful guidance of relatives. The Bible says that husbands are obliged to love their wives, and those should be obedient (Ephesus 5).

A woman in Patriarchal Field remains a creator of comfort and comfort in her, a wise educator of children, living with her husband in mutual understanding, while maintaining the strength and durability of a marriage. The virtue of his wife is valued at least the domain of the owner of the house, its wise education of children in piousness and respect for the eldest grows beautiful fruits.

Modern families are mostly nuclear, it's when there are two generations in the house, less than three. The sign of the patriarchate in nuclear birth remains the primacy of a man in solving important issues.

Types of patriarchal modern family

  1. Family built on mutual understanding of trust, where a man is the main miners and the breadwinner, and the wife is an organizer of comfort and comfort in the house, the wise teacher of children, is the strongest and happy.
  2. Overbilling with random earnings, a man cannot provide his wife and children with everything necessary, but at the same time he is trying to stay for them by commander and leader, he is concerned about the family existence for conflicts and quarrels. The instability Financial and Moral often leads to the rupture of family relations.
  3. In the modern world there was another option to communicate when a rich oligarch takes his wife a beautiful, young woman, condemning her to the role of Cinderella. It is satisfied with the financial situation, it is the presence of a beautiful wife.

The desire to live under the care of a man does not mean the infringement of female rights.

How to create a strong patriarchal family in the modern world

The modern cell of society is difficult to call the traditional patriarchal, for the wife can earn more in it, to carry out the main time at work, but at the same time the main biblical principles about respect and humility to a man and her husband are not violated.

In the traditional family, her husband and wife live in loyalty and respect for each other

Each woman dreams of ensuring that the man provides a family with everything necessary, or remained the main adviser and the organizer of the house, possessing the right of a decisive voice.

Tip! A wise wife, even earning more men, will always respect her husband, and leaving him guiding law in addressing family issues.

In a happy traditional family:

  • a man supports the authority of all its members;
  • the husband is responsible for children and his wife;
  • father of the family is its main security officer or a family budget manager;
  • parents raise children in respect for the oldest kind;
  • husband and wife seek to live in loyalty, chastity and respect for each other.

God built a hierarchy, on top of it stands Jesus, under him there is a man who brings the wife. A woman who wants to verbize in the Orthodox family automatically turns everything out of his heads, putting himself under his feet and husband, and Christ.

Patriarchate or the primacy of a man in a nuclear family on the basics of Christianity was and remains the basis of her fortress, happiness and well-being. Husband, father, caring for his family, as a savior about the church, remains his defender, cover and a wise driver. A woman, a wife who knows how to be brought to her husband, will always be a governor of a kind, loving and beloved wife and mother.

Important! The biblical promise of a happy family living in patriarchal Orthodox canons remains the fifth commandment, this Creator Moses on Mount Sinai. Westing parents from kind in kind will bring the benefit of subsequent generations.

Family prayers:

Principles of the traditional Orthodox family

Unlike the ancient Patriarchate, where the total control and power reigned, in modern Orthodoxy, respect for a man, honoring him as a father and a breadwinner, reaches.

Total control that lived in former times is destructive for marriage in the modern world. In Orthodox marriage, where the Father is the chapter, and the mother is the keeper of the hearth, harmonious personalities who grew up in a relaxed atmosphere.

A man who took on the role of the head of the family, wisely:

  • leads a family budget;
  • protects the honor of his wife;
  • participates in raising children.

In such families, children are brought up in rigor and love, parents for them are samples of behavior in all situations.

Parents authority is based on their own life position, they must constantly follow emotions and words not to sin. Caring for children cannot suppress their own initiatives, and wisely to send offspring to the right direction so that the child decided to make a decision independently.

You can criticize the patriarchate as much as you like, but it is impossible not to note that such families are practically not bred, while remaining the basis of a healthy society.

Patriarchal family

Vedagor: A woman - at all should not even go to work. A man is a male chi - energy, as well. If you are a man, how can your wife work for someone? What kind of man are you? Yes, our wives never worked. She in the family, full of duties - a bad edge.

And we demand from it - to be a man: Go, to work, come on, and then the family does not have enough money. What kind of man who can not feed his wife and children? What is this man? This is not the right approach, and this is the problem. And women, they are intuitive, they understand everything, just to say can not say. - "Something with my guy is not so. Why? Do not understand yourself." Women are intuitive. And the family is destroyed as a result, because it is not right in men - the attitude towards their wives. Clear what I'm talking about? Or not quite.

Man from the hall: It is clear, only the problem is much deeper.

Vedagor:I agree.

Man from the hall:We created the problem, because men have no work, both in megalopolis, and in other cases, and now women are hired, with double functions, i.e. It takes it there - it performs a double function. And choose the same way - for double functions, you see. Here. Therefore, specifically, let's say, these "guys" created such conditions so that men to put into the humiliated position. When you say that a man cannot find a job - well, sometimes then you have to choose: or get there, on black things, i.e. To go bombed there in Tolstozady, so, and thus, how to leave, make money differently, yes. Robbery, let's say, or extort something, restore justice sometimes. Or fulfill feminine duties, because she has a job there.

Vedagor: Well, I'll tell my example. When I did everything with all this, I just spat on the city and left for the most coarse, there was not even roads. Well, there was only a narrow, went there, the forest was exported from there. In such a coarse, where it was no longer possible.

Man from the hall: Where is it? Where to?

Vedagor:Well, it is high in the mountains, in the Caucasus - in the Krasnodar Territory. Well, shorter further was impossible to leave. And fine, I fed my family.

A man from the audience: did you have a house?

Vedagor:Well, in the end, I generally presented, even the house. Those. Abandoned there, for a bottle of vodka, it was possible a good farm. But, I said my friend: Alexey, here I have there, there is a cottage, I am going to get there so much, go and live there. I say: Well, I have no money, you pay. He says: Well, there will be money, give. And there the garden was good there, I collected all this, I handed over the state, and I gave the money to the owner. And in a few years, I bought this house. It turns out that they gave, you can say. But there it was possible, in the neighborhood to take a normal house, for a bottle of vodka, in those times.

Man from the hall: And where did they study children?

Vedagor:Well, there is a school there is an eight-year apartment. Previously, the decade was. In those years, it was impossible to do not go to school, because my children were forced to walk.

Man from the hall: And how did the wife agreed? Did she share the worldview?

Vedagor:Yes. Because in our tradition so: the husband is a needle - the wife of the thread, where the needle, there and thread. Those. I told her: I will not give birth to you, so far that's this this is this. I won't give you to give birth to you. Those. I explained to her how to use the energy. Want children - well, on, be good enough to explore this. No, then why do I need it, there.

Man from the hall: And what exactly?

Vedagor:Well, control of sexual energy. Needed? Just all this I experienced on my skin, it's all possible. It is possible to feed the family without violating the legislation of modern, and without going into incision, it means with society. Live in the villages how much they get salary, there is a month?

Woman from the hall:We from the village, I want to voice the log old house in the Valdai district, recently our acquaintances, bought for 150,000 rubles. Nearby lake is a source of water, this is a relevant price, from Moscow 480 km.

Vedagor:Please have an opportunity. And wait excuses that the husband cannot feed the family. Yes, all this is nonsense. I checked in my practice, but I have friends, moving and live. Here is a good movie from the Internet, watched "happy people"? As Muscovites - the men left in Taiga and live there for Nadvyuchi, decent life lead. Perhaps this is all. In the city it is not possible with this I agree. Well, this garbage. Che, here to live. We said the ancestors:

"When the enemy defeated, go to a new land to build an old life."

And then possible. I have children, not one childhood disease did not break, because they lived in nature. Is it possible to grow healthy offspring in the city? Not possible.

Guy from the hall:Alexey Vasilyevich, and you know such a Torsunov, he, as it were, lectures read and trying to interpret on the Vedas. It means disassembles such a question that if a woman is forced to work, then she should, even if she is the boss, yes. Anyway, her husband stands in priority, and she should consult with him, ask him. And then, that, almost guaranteed, there will be a way in the family. What can you say about this or all this self-deception.

Vedagor:Well, you ask women if they work on the side whether they have the opportunity to contain a family normally? Yes, it is impossible. How can my children eat normally if I do not have a cow? It is not possible to feed now. Cow - Kormilitsa, so my wife, every morning you must milk a cow, walk. It is certainly to me, the manure must be pulled out, to mow, and the wife has their own duties. When will she go to work?

Guy from the hall: If you take a stay in the city, there.

Vedagor:So, what's the point? You, I explain the meaning of the family to create in the city. What advantages get? Here is an explanation, at least one benefit

Guy from the hall:Well, no roughly speaking, so quite specifically: I go to work, the wife goes to work to earn money for the house and in the nearest village - go to Earth.

Vedagor: Yes, the house is possible for the insane, now there is an abandoned village, come in and take. Contract with the village council, they are thrown there. The owners will not even be happy with fire. I have friends, they buy whole villages for the insane beds - abandoned villages. Pop up and live there. These are all excuses.

The first information appeared, why Treylebova arrested: he was accused of using Nazi symbols.

Remember, I once said that instead of taking the best of the Soviet past and our real, we did the opposite? The people who accuse him combine today's illiteracy, uneducation and Soviet inquisitive thinking of parbullies.

Do they still do not know what the swastika means? Hitler's Germany became Nazi not because he took the swastika - an ancient sign of the sun, and therefore, she declared himself with the highest race! Tell me if Hitler took to Germany at that time and for his party of a double-headed eagle - also an oldest symbol, - today's slate managers and it would be counted for Nazi symbols? Is there anyone of the Manyak-Plusolubs who dreamed of conquering the world, for their success and convictions of masses used various ancient magic symbols?

Of course, Trelebov told his disciples about the meaning of the swastika. After all, he taught ancient knowledge. About the swastika is known not only to him, but all scientists in the world. Only our tourists, falling into the Buddhist monasteries of India, exclaims with horror: "What is this nastya?", Seeing numerous swastiki on the walls or pillars of the monastery.

Swastube may be one of the few characters of the same ancient as humanity.

The swastika met in many nations in time immemorial.

This is the Sun!

First, the sun was painted with a circle. Then they began to draw a cross, closed in a circle. This meant that people began to divide the space into four parts of the world. They noticed four major days a year - two solstice and two equinoxs. Days in which at any point of the Earth constant ratio between the day and night: the shortest night, the shortest day and two days when the day is equal to the night. And then someone from the very ancient "Kulibins" thoughtful to give this cross the rotation, thereby designate eternal movement and development, depending on the sun. How can you understand that the drawn cross is spinning? Bring to the ends of the cross ribbons and show, in which direction the power of the inertia acts! Or coming from the center-mug of rays show bent. The image of a rotating cross-sun - archaeologists find in a wide variety of points of the world. Dating many of them cannot be accurately defined. It is clear only one thing - some of them dops!

Those who consider the swastika with the fascist and Nazi symbol are actually aside ... Hitler!

Yes, the word "swastika" is unpleasant to the EUU of the Soviet man. Too much trouble brought a domestic war. And the symbol of this trouble in memory at the subconscious level remained the swastika. But not on conscious!

However, many people forget that the swastika was also on monetary bills from 1918 to 1922, and even on the twisted stripes of Red Army.

The swastika is found in the Russian northern folk patterns constantly. On the towers. On bush. On vases. In the patterns of platbands ... just do not list!

Go today to the north of Russia, sledsy-assholes, and arrest everyone, who can find similar towels!

Moreover, I understand that "edited by" church will now be pounce on me now, but also in early icons, it was also pictured with a frequent swastika. And there is a lot of examples! And there is nothing wrong with that.

Yes, the swastika can be considered a sign of pagan. But in Russia, until a certain time, the so-called two-seater was officially. This meant that people worshiped the cross as a symbol of the Sun and the crucifixion of Christ at the same time. Since Christ, too, for them was the embodiment of the Sun on Earth! Go to Sergiev Posad and look at the crosses on the domes - in the center of the Crosses of the Sun! I asked not one priest, from where on the crosses of the sun? No one really answered. But probably know that this tradition is to depict crosses with a sun - there is still since the time of Sergius of Radonezh.

Do you imagine how badless our authorities?!

I repeat once again that the word "swastika" is not the most pleasant for Russian hearing. Sunny Sign Slavs called Kovovrat. Sunfather. Antislavists argue that there was no such word. Right. He was not in the writers of the monks-clergy. And the people were, and there is. It is the people who keeps a living tongue, and scientists of a living language do not know and often donate it.

Kolovratov in our Slavic-Russian tradition was two. One cross rotated through the sun, the other against the sun.

You could tell the swastika infinitely. Yes, the word nasty, even for me, who grown immediately after the war, so decipher what it means.

First of all, I repeat that the word "swastika" is not Slavic origin. Indian, Sanskrit. But Sanskrit is a language invented by Arya Brahmanami to record Vedas in a new place and keep knowledge. The Languages \u200b\u200bof the Ariev, in addition to Sanskrit, remained the Languages \u200b\u200bof Slavic, so almost all Sanskrit words, if you listen carefully to them, coincide with the Russians.

So it is not necessary to be surprised that the word "swastika" carries a light-point meaning in Russian, and in Sanskrit.

"SPE" is light. In Vedic, they spoke in short - "Su". And translated as "God's grace". And what's not the light is God's grace. After all, from the word "light" - "Saint". The word "Asti" is "there" in relation to the only number of third part: he is Asti, she is Asti. And "ka" in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including in the one, which scientists are denoted by the hypocritical politically correct "Indo-European", meant the "soul". "St. / Asti Ka" - "He / she is the light of the soul"!

Slavic "Kolovrat" means the same - "rotating sun". This has already been written about this, "Kolo" - in ancient times the sun was called. And then, when the letter "Ci" began to be pronounced as "K" (and vice versa) in southern peoples (confused against illiteracy), the "COLO" turned into a "solo".

Swastika, or Kolovrat, Holy Sign of Argev. Aria is still long before the formation of slave-owned civilizations known to us, the entire Eurasian mainland has settled. Naturally, the sun worshiped. Antiravical knowledge of Aricov is almost forgotten. Symbols live longer. Secret knowledge, as a rule, stored not scientists. Scientists cling to everything revealed. And knowledge in the oral tradition keeps people. Ask the Belarusian peasant or any resident of the Kola Peninsula, which means the swastika. Unlike many scientists, he will tell you.

By the way, the swastika-kolovrat was portrayed on the towers very interesting. If you look at the trench on the one hand, the sun rotates clockwise, and if on the other - against! Witty, is it not true? An eternity symbol: Darkness is replaced by light, the light is replaced by darkness ...

Inquisition returns - arrest for faith in the sun!

Is Treplek really guilty that Hitler hit the swastika with distraught Germany?! And finished it! Moreover, he took only the solar sign that rotates counterclockwise. That is, only the sign of darkness!

And the same solar symbol is found in the ancient Greeks. But they have connected in the pattern, which called the River of Life.

Our Slavic ancestors in what pattern was "woven" a swastika on the clothes of the bride, one could say what kind of kind it is. Today, so on the Scottish skirts can be determined to which surname belongs to a noble scot. Also, the custom comes from pagan times. But in Scotland, no one comes to the mind to arrest a man walking down the street in a skirt. Or all the tailors that these skirts sew!

I looked at Youtube some rollers with the performances of Trevlebov. In one of them, he explained to his disciples that love according to the Russian alphabet means "the people of God are eating"!

And what about this criminal? And love, and God in one teaching, in one word.

By the way, it is very interesting, the sledaks who discharged the order for his arrest, or prosecutors, I don't know there, are they Russian people? I mean, their native language is Russian? I have a nationality in a language on which a person thinks naturally not blood and not in the shape of a skull, as was done in Hitler's Germany.

Slavs - Straight descendants of Aric! Sanskritologists who came more than once in India emphasized that there are no more similar languages \u200b\u200bin the world than Sanskrit and Russian. The Russian language is great because it absorbed a lot of Slavic adverbs, govorov, pronunciations - it seemed to summarize all Slavic languages. If two Slavic people are going to some conference and do not understand each other in their languages, go to Russian. I have not met such a situation in Riga when the Lithuanians were forced to talk with Latvians in Russian. Although Lithuanian and Latvian are very similar to each other. But the general denominator is still Russian. (And already at the time when Russian was considered the language of the occupiers).

So, let's summarize. Trelebov distributed knowledge about the light, about the sun, and he was arrested!

Just a new legend of Lucifer! After all, Lucifer too - from the word "light" - "beam". True, he was presented to people as an angel fallen. So what do we have, three-minded angel?

However, I have another point of view. Maybe those who were arrested, not such assholes, as it seems. Maybe they just paid for it? And then completely fastened. It's no secret that today can arrest or because they paid, or by calling from above. The call from above is unlikely. There is no interest in the top by anyone. For them, the fallen angel is the one who threw in business, especially in the oil or gas. For example, Yulia Tymoshenko or Yushchenko ... and others like them.

However, it does not leave me feeling that some kind of disassembly between today's, always arguing with each other, Slavic communities are involved in this business. Not sure, I do not affirm ... if it is so, come back! Get quarrel, swear, go to each other "Wall on the wall", but do not betray the desire for Vedic knowledge. If some community, which does not like Trelebov's views, I ordered it, then this is a great sin. This is antivecing!

But if this was done by the authorities, then I propose to arrest about half of the Russian residents in the north of Russia, in Buryatia most of the population, close the Buryat Buddhist datsans, which, by the way, were open in the late 40s by decree ... Stalin! Joseph Vissarionovich allowed in these datsans to depict a swastika! And he had to hate her like no one. But after all was the literacy of today's authorities! The descendant of the ancient Ossetians-Ariav, apparently, knew the essence of this sign and understood that the Sunny symbol himself was not to blame for the horror that Hitler Germany was unleashed.

Oh-oh, oh, I almost forgot ... I was in the Ivolginsky Dacan, where there is a saint sage of Itiglov, Lama gave felt home slippers with the image of a swastika! In my opinion, it was time to arrest me. And, together with slippers!

And now tell me, gentlemen who are holding the power, after all the said you will still continue to believe Hitler, and not our worthy sunny ancestors?

I sympathize with Trelebov, but, maybe, thanks to his arrest, people are finally clarified for themselves. And everything will end sunny.

P.S. By the way, Soviet party leaders tried to inspire Soviet people that Hitler's swastika invented Hitler himself and meant four connected letters "G": Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Gering.

P.P.S. Since my words from part of the population do not cause confidence, because I have no ranks, I propose to read the article of this scientist.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Laureate of the International Prize. Jawaharlala Nehru.

Natalia Guseva

Swastika - Millennium Child

In the history of human civilization, many signs and symbols have accumulated. Is there an immortal sign? No, in the tremendous mass, they are lost, disappearing from the memory of people. But those that continue to live probably will not be lost in the future. Such eternal signs include, in particular, the Sun, Cross and Swastika.

It would seem - what is common between the closed circle of the sun and the four-spin cross? Why is it so familiar for hearing the formula "Sun and Cross"? Yes, because these two characters are almost identical. Excrete them brings together such a simple fact as the similarity of the astronomical representations of the ancient residents of different countries. In very remote times, an image of the sun appears with cross-traits inside the circle. It is assumed that so man tried to express his attitude to four countries of light, his understanding of the world order, to portray the main regions of the heavenly arch in their ratio with the Sun and his movement.

Who, where and when began to portrait the crossed sun, can not say. At least, until all archaeological discoveries in the world are made and dated. The sun with a cross inside the circle appears in front of us at different ends of the earth. Gradually, the sign of the cross as it is released from the coverage of the solar ring and begins to live his life. It is sometimes depicted still near solar sockets and with circles inside its contour, but more and more often it is in the form of a straight, and sometimes oblique cross.

And in the same deepest impenetrable antiquity, the cross still continued to bear some kind of conditional designations of his connection with the Sun, his direct belonging to him. Apparently, it began with the desire of people to portray some way the very fact of the movement of the sun. And the beginning of this was the giving rise rays in the sun. After all, the cross is static, immobile, and changes in its shape do not give it the energies of steep rotation.

But how to show the movement of the shone, his rotation? The answer was found - it is necessary to define the ring around the cross, leaving its segments only at the four ends of the cross (or five, or on seven, if the cross thought as the needles inside the rim of the sun wheels). So the swastika was born and born.

Very visible in this sense of the image on the vessels from ancient Mexico.

No one will be able to answer the question of time and place of such giving the cross of a new form, a new meaning, more directly, more expressively connecting it with the sun. But this happened, and a new sign appeared in a number of ancient symbolic design.

The sign in itself is silent and does not bear any guilt, no responsibility. People who use him for their own purposes are responsible, both good and unacceptable.

Since the 1930s, disputes on the meaning and historical role of swastika began to flare up in the world. In Russia, so cruelly affected by the enemy, which threatened the country under banners with the sign of the swastika, this hostility was established in the souls of people and does not fade already the constellation, especially in the souls of representatives of the older generation. But, nevertheless, the ban on the sign in the country, or the region, or the city looks: the sign of the swastika is too deep and ancient fate.

It is important to refer to India for the reason that archaeologists and historians have found very few swastik images on monuments from other Asian countries close to India. Only one ancient image of this sign is mentioned in the literature, attributable to the same and even deeper antiquity - this is a swastika at the bottom of the SAMARIA vessel, which is dated (or, more precisely, to date) IV thousand BC. Who created this many other things found that speaking the high development of the culture of the local population, which created the prosperous cities and developed agriculus?

It was one of the oldest civilizations of the Earth, mentioned in the books most often called the civilization of the Indus Valley, or the Civilization of Harappa (by the name of one of the local cities). This civilization is called Doariya, because its flourishing accounted for IV-III thousand BC, i.e. For the centuries, when the tribes of the nomadic cattle breeders were still moving towards India on Eastern European lands, and then Central Asia. Where did their long-term movement begot? According to a widely common in the science of the theory, known as the North, or Arctic, ancestors of Argev ("Aryans"), they were initially lived, along with distant ancestors of all natives of Indo-European languages, on the lands of the Polar region.