After-sun products: which one is right for you. Sunburned face mask: the best skin protection on vacation

Unfortunately, the tan does not always live up to our expectations. It may unevenly lay on the skin, the skin may become thinner, or excessive exposure to the solarium may cause burns.

Skin care after sunburn will help to get rid of unpleasant consequences, which, knowing certain rules, can be done at home. An after-sun mask will help restore a natural shade, and it is prepared from the most common products.

Rules for using home masks after sunburn.
Masks used after sunburn, cosmetologists advise to prepare and apply, strictly following certain rules. Facial skin becomes damaged after exposure to the sun, and choosing the wrong product will lead to the fact that care, on the contrary, will bring even more problems.
- The sun mask should not contain aggressive components - citrus fruits, mustard powder, hot spices. Body and facial skin care is carried out only with the help of mildly acting products that do not have a burning effect.
- Any mask must be tested on any area of ​​​​already tanned skin.
- The mask is applied approximately two hours after exposure to the sun or in the evening.
- The skin does not need to be steamed or rubbed with a scrub. Make-up, dust and dirt removal is achieved with a soft gel and warm water.
- Facial treatment is completed by rinsing the skin with a decoction of parsley at the rate of one spoonful of herbs per glass of boiling water. Parsley moisturizes and softens the skin and has a whitening effect.
- After-summer tan care for the body and face is carried out up to two times a week, this is enough to make the skin moisturized, radiant and with a beautiful shade.
The rules for caring for tanned skin are quite simple to implement, adhering to them, you can enjoy warm, sunny days with pleasure.
Recipes for masks used after sunburn.
Most sunburn mask ingredients are available and inexpensive. Cosmetologists advise choosing those recipes that will always be easy for you to prepare, and then the resulting effect will surely please you.
With cottage cheese.
Two teaspoons of homemade fatty cottage cheese should be mixed well with a spoonful of strong tea leaves and with the same amount of pharmaceutical fish oil. The sun mask will have a greater effect if you introduce a spoonful of lemon pulp or juicy orange into it.
With cucumber.
The core of cucumbers without seeds and peel must be kneaded and diluted with fresh kefir. The mask is applied to the face, it is also useful for the skin around the eyes.
With yolk.
One fresh yolk from a chicken egg should be mashed with a spoonful of olive oil. Honey is added to the mixture, it will take about 1/4 of a regular teaspoon.
With lemon juice.
One medium cucumber without peel and seeds is kneaded, then 10 drops of lemon juice are added to it.
With avocado.
Four small broccoli, three tablespoons of avocado pulp and two tablespoons of mineral water should be finely chopped in a blender. The mask is applied to the skin of the face and neck.
With vitamins.
First you need to dilute a spoonful of nourishing cream with warm water. Then 3 drops of vitamins E and a from capsules and 10 drops of lemon juice are added to this mixture.
With granulated sugar.
Whipped protein must be mixed with two tablespoons of squeezed lemon juice, then the mixture is mixed with a small spoonful of sugar and two tablespoons of melted honey. The mask is diluted with ordinary warm water to a density.
With herbs.
Chamomile and linden flowers, rose petals and mint leaves must be brewed with boiling water. After infusion and straining, a few drops of vegetable oil are added to the infusion. The resulting solution can be used as a compress.

Read more information about makeup for green eyes

Healthy radiant skin is the pride of many of the fair sex. For deep hydration of the skin, homemade products can help. How to keep the skin youthful, preventing dryness and flaking, including after sunburn, is of interest to many.

The main signs of dry skin are:

  • pronounced feeling of tightness;
  • peeling;
  • the structure of the skin is finely porous;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased skin irritability, inflammatory redness and itching;
  • cracks;
  • inelasticity;
  • small wrinkles appear early.

What factors affect the skin of the face

Exogenous factors affecting the health of the skin from the outside:

  1. UV rays. Excessive exposure to UV radiation for a long time leads to premature photoaging, this process occurs most quickly in people with fair skin.
  2. "Super Hygiene" Frequent washing with hot water, long showers and baths, as a result, dry the epidermis, lead to damage to the surface hydrolipid layer, which retains the moisture of the skin.
  3. Incorrectly selected cosmetics and aggressive household chemicals.

Endogenous (internal) factors:

  1. Stress, as a result of which the hormone cortisol is produced in large doses, which leads to dehydration and dryness of the skin.
  2. Problems with metabolism.
  3. Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, puberty, as well as during the biological aging of the body.
  4. Lack of vitamins A, groups B, C, PP.
  5. Diseases of the internal organs.

How to choose a moisturizer

To choose the right moisturizer for the face, you need to find out which group the skin belongs to. In addition, cosmetics should be selected taking into account age restrictions.

Oily skin, especially those prone to breakouts, needs a light moisturizer that is watery and absorbs quickly. It is desirable that the cream is non-comedogenic, i. did not clog pores and did not stimulate the formation of blackheads.

For dry facial skin, thick dense creams are suitable, which contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, panthenol, as well as substances that recreate the natural lipid layer.

They are the following:

  • lanolin;
  • petrolatum;
  • mineral oils.

Problematic and sensitive facial skin will be helped to recover by creams containing anti-inflammatory elements, preferably containing glycerin and vitamins, as well as panthenol, allantoin or retinol restoring the skin.

To understand if there is an allergic reaction to a certain cosmetic product, you can apply a small amount of it on the delicate skin on the wrist or on the inner area in the elbow bend area. If no reaction occurs within a quarter of an hour, then the remedy can be used.

How to properly apply moisturizers

After a shower or bath, the cosmetic product should be distributed immediately, without wiping the face and without waiting for the skin to dry. The composition should be distributed with massage symmetrical movements of the fingertips, light pats are used for quick absorption.

The forehead and chin are treated with movements from the center to the ears. The nose is moistened from the forehead to the chin, from the nasal wings, movements are carried out towards the cheekbones. On the upper eyelids, the cream is applied with movements to the temples, and on the lower eyelids - in the opposite direction.

If the cream is supposed to be powdered, then an interval of at least 10 minutes between both procedures should be observed so that the cream can be completely absorbed.

How to quickly moisturize your face at home

How to moisturize your face quickly and without hassle at home, using simple ingredients and without wasting time preparing complex masks.


  1. Soak gauze in mineral water and put on face for 15 minutes.
  2. Cut the cucumber into thin circles or chop the pulp in any way, put on your face for a quarter of an hour, do not wipe the rinse, let the juice be completely absorbed, then you can lubricate the skin with cream.
  3. Mix cottage cheese with unrefined olive or sesame oil, apply the composition on the skin, wash after ¼ hours, preferably with warm water.
  4. For a few minutes, spread small oatmeal mixed with plain water over the face until a thick cream forms, then simply rinse.
  5. Mix honey with tomato juice until a thick sticky consistency is formed, spread over the face for 15 minutes (you can also use it on the neck), rinse with water.

Ready-made moisturizers for the face

Tonics are a means for cleansing the epidermis of dead cells, removes excess fat and has a healing effect in the presence of microwounds.

How to moisturize the skin of the face? Moisturizing tonic Librederm will help.

The following will fit:

  • Moisturizing tonic Librederm, hyaluronic, for dry skin, also suitable for the sensitive. Does not contain fragrances and dyes, it does not contain parabens, gently cleanses the skin, retaining moisture in the cells.
  • Tonic KORA for combination and oily skin, contains a prebiotic, mattifies the skin, but does not dry, regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Lotion is a more active cleanser for the skin, it can dry out the dermis a little due to the presence of alcohol in the composition.

The following will fit:

  • Vine Secret Grape Lotion, contains grape leaf extract and hyaluronic acid, has an antioxidant, toning, cleansing and moisturizing effect.
  • 3 Layers Collagen Moisturizer- lotion, which includes 3 types of collagen, gives elasticity to the skin, prevents the formation of small "emotional" wrinkles.

After cleansing procedures, the dermis is ready for nourishment and hydration; for this, a cream is applied to it:

  • Skin Naturals Garnier Over 30 Cream contains ingredients for extreme skin hydration, including hyaluronic acid.
  • Olay Regenerist- anti-aging cream that stimulates collagen production, contains marine peptides and antioxidants.

In addition to daily care, the face cover needs nourishing and regenerating masks, it is enough to apply them 2 times a week.


  • Nourishing mask Librederm Aevit is made on the basis of natural vegetable oils and herbal extracts, includes a complex of vitamins.
  • Avene soothes sensitive skin, relieves fatigue, smoothes, restores freshness. Helps out even with sunburn.

Recipes for moisturizing masks for normal skin at home

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home, in those rare cases when the skin type is normal?

Tips and Recipes:

  1. A tonic mask of crushed oatmeal flakes (1 part), melted honey (2 parts), strong green tea leaves (1 part) will help relieve fatigue. Heat the mixture of ingredients in a steam bath, and then place under the pillow until it has almost completely cooled. Spread the composition for a quarter of an hour on the entire face, including the area near the eyes, rinse with water.
  2. To cleanse the skin will help this mixture: 1 tbsp. l. mix cottage cheese without additives with twice as much rice flour, add ½ dess. l. oils from virgin olives. Spread the mixture on the face with massaging movements, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The anti-aging effect has a composition of 1 tbsp. l. orange boiled pumpkin with the same amount of sour cream, the mixture is kept on the skin for 20 minutes.

Moisturizer for oily skin types

Oily skin, due to its greasy shine, seems to be sufficiently moisturized, however, it needs nutrition and care no less than dry dermis.

Humidification way:

Moisturizer for dry skin types

If the cover is dry and sensitive, advice will be given:

  1. Slightly warm the oil from the cold-pressed olives, soak the bandage with it. Put a cloth with oil on your face, it is advisable to cover it with waxed paper (you can just use polyethylene), and then with a towel, the duration of the mask is 30 minutes.
  2. Loose cottage cheese (30 g) grind with the same amount of milk and 1 tbsp. l. mashed cucumber pulp. For 15 minutes, distribute the composition on the skin of the face, rinse. Instead of cucumber, you can grate a ripe banana.
  3. 1 st. l. grated raw potatoes mix with 2 tsp. unrefined olive oil, spread the mixture on the face for a quarter of an hour, apply cream after rinsing.

Vegetable oils with moisturizing effect

Natural oils can be indispensable helpers in caring for the appearance of the skin. They contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals in their natural form.

Oil types:

Recipes for skin care around the eyes

How to moisturize, nourish and soothe the skin of the face and eyelid area at home?

A few easy recipes:

The basic principles of moisturizing the skin after sunburn

How to moisturize the skin of the face at home after sunburn, some useful tips:

  1. Compresses from mint infusion will soothe irritated skin (20 g of dry mint, leave for 20 minutes in a glass of boiling water) and 50 ml. linseed oil. Dip gauze in the solution and apply on the burnt areas for 10 minutes. During the day, such compresses can be repeated up to 3 times until the skin heals.
  2. In a bath full of warm water, add ½ liter of milk and the same volume of chamomile or string decoction, you can also use thyme. After half an hour, rinse the body under the shower and lubricate with moisturizing milk after washing.
  3. A mask of grated cucumbers (2-3 pieces), 100 g of oatmeal ground into flour and half a glass of cream will help restore the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The mixture is applied to the body for a third of an hour, then simply washed off with water.

Rules for moisturizing from the inside

How to moisturize your skin at home, as well as reduce wrinkles and improve complexion, just by changing your diet?

A few tips:

In order to fully answer the question of how to moisturize and make healthier skin at home, it is necessary not only to study the composition of suitable masks and lotions, but also to take care of the right diet. An active lifestyle and a positive attitude will change for the better not only appearance, but also the inner world.

Skin Moisturizing Video

Malysheva about skin hydration:

How to moisturize your skin at home:

How often, dreaming of getting a beautiful tan, we get carried away and spend quite a lot of time under the scorching rays of the sun. And as a result, the result turns out to be completely different from what we would like to see. The skin turns red, becomes very dry, blistered. And all because ultraviolet can be both beneficial and harmful for the skin. If you do not overdo it, but get it in doses, then ultraviolet light can get rid of acne and kill bacteria. Otherwise, ultraviolet rays can be destructive, and from their excessive exposure, acne, papillomas, or benign tumors may appear. The most vulnerable in this regard is the skin of the face and décolleté.

So, in order to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin, you need not to let this problem take its course, but to take the necessary actions to save your skin. And for this, masks are perfect, which, having only natural ingredients, will have a beneficial effect on the skin and make the tan shade more pleasant.

The role of after-sun masks for skin health

  1. Restoration of the protective function of the skin.
  2. Improving skin immunity.
  3. Recovery of damaged cells.

In addition, after masks, collagen and elastin are intensively formed in the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

Rules for the use of masks

  1. Before applying the mask, the skin should be cleansed. To do this, just wash or take a shower.
  2. Never include citrus fruits, cinnamon, mustard in the masks, as these components are quite aggressive and can only worsen the skin condition.
  3. Lemon juice used in whitening masks must be diluted.
  4. Before applying the mask to your face, test it on any area of ​​the skin where there is a tan.
  5. Do not steam the skin before applying the mask, this can make the skin even more dry.
  6. The mask should be applied during the day when sunbathing, preferably within the next 2-3 hours after sunbathing.
  7. Apply the mask with careful, smooth, soft movements, without irritating the skin.
  8. After-sun face masks should be done no more than 2-3 times a week.

Face masks after sun: recipes

For the preparation of masks, the products familiar to us are suitable, which can be easily purchased in a store, on the market, in a pharmacy.

  1. If you want to whiten your skin a little, then a lemon-cucumber mask is perfect for this. To prepare it, take a fresh cucumber, grate it (you can use a blender), add 10 drops of lemon juice there. If you use kefir instead of lemon juice (we take the same amount as cucumber), then such a mask will be softer in its effect on the skin.
  2. A curd mask also has a whitening effect. In fatty cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) add a teaspoon of strong tea and fish oil, 5 drops of lemon and orange juice.
  3. The yolk mask perfectly restores the skin. The yolk should be thoroughly rubbed with a small amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive) and add a little honey to the mixture.
  4. Avocado and broccoli masks have a very beneficial effect on the skin. We combine 3 heads of broccoli with three tablespoons of avocado pulp, add a little non-carbonated mineral water and mix thoroughly (you can beat it in a blender). Instead of mineral water, kefir, sour cream or yogurt is suitable for use.
  5. Good masks are based on sour cream or yogurt. They perfectly soften the skin, moisturize it and supply it with nutrients. Various berries (forest or garden) can be added to sour cream or yogurt: blueberries, strawberries, strawberries, honeysuckle, currants, gooseberries, grapes. Berries for this are kneaded or whipped in a blender.
  6. The pulp of the berries can be mixed with a nourishing cream and, if desired, add honey there. But on its own, without any additives, berry pulp is good for the skin.
  7. To nourish the skin with vitamins, such a mask is suitable. We take a small amount of nourishing cream and add vitamins A and E (3-4 drops) and 8-10 drops of lemon juice to it.
  8. In order for our skin not to need B vitamins, it is worth using a yeast mask, the preparation of which does not take much time. You need to take 15 grams of yeast and stir them in water until the consistency of sour cream and apply on the face.
  9. Medicinal herbs can also be used to make masks. They have a healing and nourishing effect on the skin of the face. We take chamomile flowers, linden flowers, rose petals, mint leaves, chop all this, pour boiling water over it, let it brew and cool. Then, in a small amount of herbal infusion, add vegetable oil (can be olive oil) and apply to the skin. Also, an infusion of medicinal herbs can be added to sour cream, mixed with the pulp of berries or with a nourishing cream.
  10. After-sun face masks may consist of 1 or more components. For example, such a mask is very useful. We take a chicken egg (quail, duck, and goose are suitable), separate the protein, beat it, add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of honey and dilute everything with water. Instead of water, you can prepare an herbal decoction.
  11. This mask also consists of several components. Take half a banana, the pulp of 5 grapes, 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and aloe juice. Mix all products thoroughly and apply a thick layer on the skin.
  12. The following mask has an exfoliating and cleansing effect. A little sour cream (or kefir) is mixed with 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt. After you wash off this mask.
  13. Masks made from cottage cheese and coffee grounds or from cream with sugar have similar properties.
  14. Various fruits are great for masks. For example, you can prepare an apple mask. We clean the apple, rub it on a grater and apply the resulting mass on the face. You can also cook a banana, pear, peach, etc. The pulp of the fruit can be supplemented with a raw egg, then beat it all until foamy.
  15. Grated carrot masks make the skin a little darker.
  16. Perfectly moisturizes and gives the skin elasticity protein-honey-oatmeal mask. This is how she prepares. We heat a little honey, when it becomes liquid, add oatmeal (1 tsp) and half of the protein (previously whipped), and then apply to the skin.
  17. The cucumber-oatmeal mask will moisturize the skin and fill it with nutrients. Add a little oatmeal to the grated cucumber, mix thoroughly, let stand for 15 minutes and apply on the face.

All these masks can help you cope with the consequences of excessive tanning. The skin after their application will be tender and pleasant to the touch, and the tan will be beautiful and even.

Masks must be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. You can wash them off with warm water or infusion of medicinal herbs. You can prepare a special infusion for rinsing. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of parsley, pour a glass of boiling water and cool. You can also rinse with milk, which will be extremely useful for tanned skin.

It is worth noting that all these masks can be successfully used on any part of the body, and not just on the face.

Sunburn has a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face, but only if it was taken correctly. But even with all the precautions, there is a high probability of adverse effects of sunlight on the skin: they become pronouncedly dry, age spots and wrinkles appear.

In order to prevent health problems and changes in appearance, it is necessary to carry out specific caring procedures. You can do this at home as well.

Read in this article

Why do you need post-sun care?

Firstly, the skin after active exposure to sunlight requires maximum hydration. After all, sunburn significantly dries out the epidermis, which can provoke the appearance of peeling, inflammation and wrinkles. Moisturizing procedures after sunburn will help not only restore the water balance in the skin, but also preserve the beauty of the bronze surface.

Secondly, caring procedures will prevent the formation of age spots after sunburn. They may be invisible until the restoration of the natural color of the skin of the face, but then they will appear "in all their glory." It is difficult to fight with increased skin pigmentation, so it is better to take care of the beauty of the face in advance.

Third, you need to restore the structure / integrity of the smallest blood vessels located under the skin. They are damaged under the influence of aggressive rays, which can provoke the appearance of pathological cells - this is a direct path to malignant neoplasms.

But even if you do not pay attention to the possible serious consequences for health, care is needed. Peeling, redness, massive rashes, itching is unlikely to please anyone.

Masks if the skin is peeling and peeling

In folk cosmetics, tea tree oil, chamomile, calendula and other ingredients are used as moisturizers.


There are two recipes for green tea masks:

  • For facial skin. You need to prepare a thick of crushed dried tea leaves and water - you need 1 tablespoon. To it add the same amount of heavy cream and 1 teaspoon of honey. All components are thoroughly mixed, the mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes.

The second version of the soothing and whitening face mask
  • For the skin around the eyes. Here it is especially thin and sensitive. Therefore, the composition of the mask will be somewhat different: you need to mix 2 teaspoons of tea grounds with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (preference should be given to olive oil). Then the resulting mass is spread on gauze napkins of small sizes and “bags / bags” are formed. They are applied to closed eyes for 15 minutes, then the remaining oil is removed from the skin with a regular napkin.

Soothe the dermis after ultraviolet rays and a mixture of egg yolk and aloe juice with a decoction of chamomile flowers, 1 tablespoon each. The mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes, then washed off.

After applying any soothing composition, the skin should be lubricated with a moisturizer.


You need to mix homemade cottage cheese (2 teaspoons, ground into a homogeneous mass), tea leaves (thickness) in the same amount and 1 teaspoon of fish oil. An excellent addition to this composition will be 2 - 3 drops of orange or lemon juice, but not for dry skin types. The mask is applied for 20-30 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

You can apply a vegetable mask to moisturize the skin after sunburn. It is enough to mix avocado pulp, mineral water and 4 broccoli inflorescences in equal proportions, everything needs to be chopped in a blender. The finished mass is applied to the skin and aged for 15 - 25 minutes.

No need to think that any cosmetic oil will have a moisturizing effect, and the preparation of special masks is not required at all. It will not be possible to achieve the desired effect, but it is quite possible to clog pores and add inflammation with redness to the skin.

Relieving redness

This condition of the skin indicates a burn. Therefore, you need to remember what you can’t do in any case:

  • lubricate the skin with oils;
  • use alcohol or any alcohol-containing products for cleansing;
  • use scrubs in care.

Compresses from calendula flowers will help relieve redness. It is necessary to brew vegetable raw materials at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water, boil for 10 minutes in a water bath. After straining, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the product and mix thoroughly. The compress is applied for 15 - 20 minutes every 2 hours.

The best remedy is fermented milk products: sour cream, kefir, yogurt. They are applied to the skin of the face with a thin layer and, not allowing to dry, every 10-15 minutes add new portions of the product. There can be 3-5 such additives. Then everything is washed off with warm water. The procedure with fermented milk products can be carried out any number of times, until complete recovery.

How to lighten or whiten skin

Sunburn is impossible to control, so after a summer vacation you can meet people with an excessively dark complexion. Correcting the situation is difficult, but quite real. For these purposes, the following masks are suitable:

  • grated fresh cucumber is mixed with yogurt in equal proportions;
  • lemon juice (10 drops) is added to a mixture of egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • parsley root juice (1 teaspoon) is mixed with a fermented milk product.

During skin lightening after tanning, washing with serum will be an excellent solution. This will soften the skin, and make it more hydrated, and speed up the whitening process.

To learn how to prepare brightening face masks at home, see this video:

Revitalizing skin masks

After sunbathing, you need to help your skin recover. It is realistic for the immune system to cope with this on its own, but it is problematic and time consuming. The following recipes are suitable as restoring masks:

  • mash 10 blueberries (you can take frozen) and mix with a tablespoon of natural yogurt;
  • strawberries are pureed (3 tablespoons) and mixed with a little honey (maximum 1 teaspoon);
  • egg white is beaten into a stable foam, half a teaspoon of powdered sugar and 2 teaspoons of honey are added to it.

Revitalizing after-sun face masks

Such restorative masks are applied to the face for 20-30 minutes. When choosing a specific recipe, you need to take into account the hyperallergenicity of some products. For example, strawberries, honey and blueberries can only add to the problem. The course of restorative procedures for the skin after sunburn - 15 with a break of 2 - 3 days.

Sunburn is beautiful and attractive, but you must definitely take care of the health of the skin of the face. She already receives maximum stress daily, so additional care for her will only be useful.

Useful video

For folk remedies for the face after sunburn, see this video:

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    Rules for healthy skin after sunburn

    The first rule that everyone needs to know about is hydration. Tanned skin not only has a pleasant bronze color, it is usually dried out. And if you do not lubricate it with moisturizers, it can lose elasticity, start to peel off. It is worth applying moisturizers while relaxing on the beach, and after returning home.

    There are a variety of moisturizers on the market today. And not necessarily the best will be expensive brands. It happens that cheap options work great on the skin.

    Creams with vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, as well as medicinal vegetable oils are good for tanned skin. Dry skin can be helped by products with urea, which not only moisturizes the skin, but also helps to maintain a tan.

    When applying moisturizers, don't forget to drink. Water must flow both from the outside and from the inside. Carrot juice will help you get a beautiful even tan quickly.

    The second rule is to prevent inflammation of the skin. The first days of exposure to the sun are especially dangerous. Looking at your pale body and seeing tanned people around, you involuntarily want to quickly become a chocolate. As a result - burned skin and the inability to continue to stay under the sun.

    To speed up healing, you should take special ointments and lotions for burns with you to your summer cottage or resort. Such funds can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetic department of a store.

    But even if you forgot to take an anti-burn, anti-inflammatory agent with you to another country, do not despair. You can buy analogues at a local pharmacy and often at low prices. For example, in Egypt it is a white Calamyl lotion, which costs 20 rubles in our money. However, often local beauty salons offer masks from this product for a considerable amount.

    Having bought the lotion, you can use it yourself, the contents of the bottle will be enough for the whole family for the entire treatment period, which is 3 days.

    A good anti-inflammatory effect is given by aloe vera in the composition of creams. After removing inflammation, it is desirable to use products with antioxidants that prevent cellular destruction.

    An important condition for maintaining a beautiful tan is the rejection of hot baths and showers, as hot water irritates the skin and can contribute to peeling. In addition, it is advisable to choose a shower gel with a moisturizing effect or wash with gentle baby soap.

    After sun masks

    Do not forget about folk, time-tested masks against sunburn, which improve skin condition and help maintain tan color for a long time. These masks:

    • make the tan color more saturated;
    • restore the barrier function of the skin;
    • promote cell regeneration;
    • help to produce collagen necessary for skin elasticity.

    Masks should be applied twice a week, not earlier than two hours after sunbathing. It is advisable to wash the face and body with infusion of parsley before and after the mask. To do this, finely chop a small bunch of parsley, pour a glass of boiling water, cool, strain. Apply nourishing masks on the face in an even layer for about 10-20 minutes, then rinse.

    And now recipes for effective masks for tanned skin.

    • Cucumber. Grate the pulp of a cucumber without a peel on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of kefir.
    • Egg. Beat the yolk thoroughly with a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil, you can add honey on the tip of a knife.
    • Curd. In 2 tsp. fat cottage cheese add 1 tsp. strong tea, fish oil, lemon juice, mix everything.
    • Strawberry. 3 tbsp grind strawberry pulp with 1 tbsp. nourishing cream, 1 tsp. honey.

    Such masks will not only retain a beautiful tan color for a long time, but also make the skin silky.