A teenage girl has a sharp mood swings. Teenagers - mood swings, depression, teenage crisis

Or closes in yourself, refuses to communicate with parents.

Often, mom and dad do not understand how to behave in such cases. They are trying to reassure the child, draw it with a new toy, in any way to entertain him. Or appeal to excessive baby spoils, try to "educate" it. But, unfortunately, such events do not always give the desired result. And then the parents are lost, try to wait until the child calms down himself.

If such cases occur with the kid once in a five-year plan, there is nothing terrible and unusual in it. Did you never know how the child could upset? The reasons can be quite objective: there is no nearby toy, wicked pants, or, in the end, something sick. But when the mood drops in the kid occur without visible reasons and often, it is worth paying attention to this and figure out how to help the chad in this situation.

Why are children exposed to sharp change shifts?

Causes of mood drops

To the main reasons, the change of mood in children can be attributed as follows:

1. Crisis. Frequent mood changes in the baby say first of all that he is confused, too tense, does not understand how to behave himself and what to wait. Particularly acute, such sensations, the child is experiencing in crisis periods associated with:

  • special moments of age-related development - in these periods, the overwhelming majority of children are experiencing severe times;
  • environmental features - a sharp unpleasant to the child's change in the situation, relationships with him important to him can also cause a crisis.

2. The desire to attract the attention of parents and loved ones. Perhaps, at moments of calm to the child, they do not pay attention to the child, and as soon as he broke up - you immediately and candy, and a teddy bear, and mother's warm embraces. Why not take advantage of this?

No one says that it is not necessary to console and calm children. Of course, it is necessary. But, if you take the baby on your arms, hug, you spend time only when he cries - very soon he will understand it and will constantly "call you." After all, for a small child, the most important thing is that mom is near. And then his world is calm and stable.

3. The homely atmosphere in which the baby lives. The child acutely feels all changes in the family life. If the mother with dad quarrels, the tension is hanging in the air, most likely the baby will be worried and nervous, and, as a result, capricious.

4. Features of parents' behavior. We noticed exactly small children know how to copy emotions and adult behavior? So, if the mother and dad at the kid "Buki", probably, hardly their child will be smiling and cheerful, and vice versa.

"Acute" age periods

Let's talk more about the age crises in the life of the child. These include:

1. Crisis of 3xcond age

Psychologists include a crisis of three years to the number of sharp. Indeed, during this period, the baby becomes difficult to manage, his behavior is almost no correction. The most used words of the child becomes "I do not want." And they talk about it not so words as actions: the baby throws toys in response to a request to put them in the basket, runs away when you call it. Any of your ban or refusal in the wishes of the child causes a stormy protest response. The hysteria begins: the crumb of yells, grows his legs, may even wipe on you "with fists", depicting the most serious and evil face. In such a situation, parents are perplexed: what to do? What happened to their so cute and cheerful before the child?

According to the allegations of specialists, nothing terrible, most likely did not happen. Just grows, and during this period begins to feel an independent person. Accordingly, it becomes more active, persistent, sometimes even stubborn in achieving the desired one. Only the skills and forces for full independence is not enough. That's all your dissatisfaction and anger from what I don't like something, does not come out, the baby splashes in this way. So it turns out emotional "swings" from bitter tears to unrestrained laughter.

What to do if the child "covered" the crisis is 3 years old? Advice:

  • first, do not try to "reversal" the baby, shouting at him, punish, angry and offended by the crumb. Thanks to such positions, parents are unlikely to achieve the desired result. Rather, on the contrary, "the child will be entrenched" wrong "behavior, he can start everything to do" called "parents, and all this will lead to the formation of not the most pleasant character traits yet a little man;
  • secondly, analyze the surrounding environment and your own behavior with a crumb. Maybe he has objective reasons for whims: for example, you are too strict with him, he forbid a lot? Or someone offends him - older children or classmates in kindergarten?
  • thirdly, take patience. Your inconsistency will play against you. Try to understand your baby: Most likely, he himself would like to calm down, but can't, he does not know how. Take a patient to his cries and hysteries, do not rush the response "scene". Help him better to switch to some other, more constructive process: Show him bright pictures, turn on his favorite song. Who, how not to you, is best known to love your baby?
  • fourth, understand that any crisis is not eternal. And this behavior will also take place after some six months a year. Of course, if you take the right position and help the crumb;
  • and, finally, if you notice something unusual in the behavior of your baby, for example, he does not want to communicate with anyone, makes repeated monotonous movements, does not respond emotionally on the behavior of others - not laughing, not interested in toys, not frightened - necessarily Show the crumb to the children's psychoneurologist. Unfortunately, no one can exclude the risk of the formation of early child autism - a peculiar deflection in mental development. And, the earlier to start the correction, the more successful its result will be.

2. Crisis 6-7 years of age

A difficult period in the life of a child. At this point, an event is very responsible for a little man - admission to school. Now the whole world is not spinning around him, as before, it is impossible to play and run all the time. The need to sit for a long time per desk, abide by the discipline, can also provoke frequent mood shift. After all, the child can no longer do at once what he wants. Add here to experience the experience of the new team, the fear of upset and not to justify the hope of parents - and now we get a typical portrait of this crisis.

Among other things, during this period the child has intensive physical growth, complex mental functions are developing rapidly, the small motility of the hands is being improved.

Against the background of adaptation to a new environment, unfamiliar earlier requirements in some children can develop the so-called "school neurosis" - a whole complex of disorders and deviations: anxiety, the fear of being late, disruption of appetite, sometimes nausea and even vomiting. Another version of this neurosis is the reluctance to get up and dress to school, answer the questions of the teacher, forgetfulness and inattention. Such violations are most peculiar to children who are not yet ready for school. That is, they reached school age, but for a number of mental and physical data, they do not yet "reach" to peers.

How to successfully survive the crisis of the first grader? Advice:

  • do not hurry to give a child to school without consulting with a children's doctor and a psychologist. If they consider that the baby is not quite ready at all ready for school, it is not necessary to rape him: everything is your time, and most likely, next year he will be much easier and easier to start learning;
  • if possible, do not overload "Pervachkov" by electives: musical classes, sports sections and circles. Let them take advantage of the school first;
  • create a calm unobtrusive atmosphere for a child at home, where he can rest, do lessons. Let the house be for a small little man with a place where he is always happy, regardless of his estimates and performance, do not impose unbearable requirements and are not punished for a unbearable lesson. Remember, the child is just "learning to study" - help him in this warm and friendly participation.

3. Pubertal (teenage) crisis (usually in a period of period)

This is the age when children consider themselves adults, and the parents "in the old man" see them are still small. There is a conflict of interest in the family, often very sharp. But, in addition to changes in the relationship, the child is also experiencing a period of intensive physiological development. Functional disorders are observed in the work of the lungs, heart, brain blood supply, the differences of vascular and muscle tone appear. As a result of such drops, a physical condition changes dramatically, and the mood ends. Therefore, we can observe such a picture: a teenager, just who stayed in a cheerful and cheerful mood, suddenly falls into apathy, begins to be sad and Handing. Or, on the contrary, the sadness is replaced by the attacks of laughter.

The boys in adolescence often become unrestrained, easy-minded, aggressive, girls acquire an unstable mood. But those and those often increased sensitivity neighboring indifference and egoism, coldness towards close people.

A teenager seeks to prove to everyone that he is independent and independent. Such a need to self-fixed can push risk - without knowing how to approve in creativity, school, sports, the teenager fills this need through alcohol, smoking, drugs, early sexual relations. An important is the so-called "herld feeling" - the desire for pastime in the team of peers.

How to survive this hard crisis for children and parents? Advice:

  • try to treat your child as an adult. Understand, now he needs it most;
  • if you are important to achieve something from a child, do not dictate your conditionally your conditions, but try to gently bring it to a certain decision. Let a teenager perceive him like his own. Everything benefits from this approach - the parent gets the desired, and the teenager increases its self-esteem;
  • and it is impossible not to warn it: if your child behaves quite unusual, he appears bizarre hobbies, the mood hesitates sharply, he closed in himself, renounced and cold, be sure to contact a specialist!

And remember that age crises are a pattern. That's just the degree of leakage can vary from almost imperceptible to very painful and acute. As your child will survive crisis - it depends not only on its features of development, but also on the terms of his life and education. That is from you, dear parents. If you are weathered and patient, your family is calm and friendly atmosphere, most likely your child will calmly survive all age crises.


Now it is often such a feature of children as attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD). Children with such syndrome are called hyperactive. They are characterized by a frequent mood change, no perfection, inattention.

To identify such a feature to parents is completely under power. If, watching the baby for several months, you notice that he cannot play calm quiet games, unable to focus on something one, forgetful, says a lot, fuss, hardly stacked sleep, contact your child psychologist. He will help you choose an individual approach to your child.

How to help your child to balance the mood?

So we talked about the age and personal features of the development of children, and the associated frequent change of mood. Indeed, in many cases a special approach is shown that helps the child to survive hard time. But he can be capricious and upset kid can not only in crises or possessing some features of mental development. Sometimes the mood change does not have any significant reasons, but it still happens. And it is easily explained, because even adults can not always control their emotions, what to talk about children!

Therefore, if your child is inclined to change the mood, and you want to help him, use the simple rules:

  1. Shout on a child;
  2. Wrap it all the time;
  3. Require full obedience;
  4. Mock;
  5. Humiliate and suppress
  6. To prohibit exercise emotions by phrases of the type: "Do not cry!", "Do not shout!", "Do not laugh so loud!", "Hold yourself in your hands!";
  7. All the time to criticize and be strict. The permanent phrase "so impossible to behave!" Forced your baby to be afraid of doing something, because in any case he is sentenced.

ІІ. What can I do and need:

  1. Try to find out the reason, because of which the child often changes the mood. Just over a small child. Talk to souls with a chance, try in unobtrusive form to find out what caused anxiety and anxiety. When the reasons are detected - if possible, eliminate them.
  2. Explain the rules in understandable and polite form. If necessary, write on a sheet of paper, what can be done, and what is impossible, and hang this list in a prominent place. So you will help the child become calmer and more confident in tomorrow, because it is very important for him to know what they want from him.
  3. Plan together the day of the day. Passing the crumb to discipline and order, you will save your own, and his nerves.
  4. Let's gradually take a child responsible for your acts. Show him how to control your behavior, your emotions. No one says that they should be suppressed and "swallowed", but the ability to "count to 10" and make deep breaths in flashes of aggression and anger did not interfere with anyone.
  5. Check the success of the child. Unfortunately, quite a few parents are prone first to notice when their crumb will do something wrong. And the correct deeds are regarded as granted. And you try the return tactics - praise the child for any achievements, even the smallest. Then he will definitely have less reason for sadness.
  6. Teach baby healthy lifestyle. The correct day of the day, healthy nutrition and sleep will help the child successfully overcome all crises and harmoniously develop. Of course, you should not forget about your own example - it is unlikely that Choo will love porridge and salads, if the mother and dad "sit" on the fast food.
  7. Teach a child to analyze your behavior. The maintenance of the diary will help anyone a little in order to put his thoughts in order, as well as avoid future mistakes.
  8. Respect the identity of the child, his need to know this world, find its place in it. It is difficult to achieve this under non-gravity control and the desired "censorship" from the closest people.
  9. Rejoice your child, surprise it! Invent the holidays "just so". You can arrange a picnic in the park, cook "funny" sandwiches, or go with a child in a zoo or circus. You can go together to someone from the kid's friends, or invite it to you. Give him small pleasant gifts. Believe me, such non-standard actions from parents a child will remember for a long time. Who knows, perhaps, for the changed mood of your child is the thirst for adventure? So arrange them!
  10. Sign up into the pool or arrange a cheerful "swim" in the bath. Splashing, funny toys and in general water as element better than everyone in the light of recipes are able to raise even the most "fallen" mood!

And, of course, do not forget about love! All children without exception - and the most tiny, and already large - need parent love, attention and understanding!

"Love your children, rejoice with them together and be happy!"

Frequent mood change in children - costs of bad education or health problems?

Frequent mood drops I may occur in children of different ages. Only recently, the baby sat and calmly drew, and now crying and keeps his legs. Or a teenager: it's thoughtful, then the cookie, then full of energy and is ready to minimize the mountains. Why do children are subject to frequent change of mood? How can this be caused and how to react to it?

Unreasonable mood drops can cause adults perplexity, discontent and irritation. At first, they are trying to explain the behavior of a child with its spoilness and begin to raise. But seeing that it is repeated from day to day, questions are born: "Is it not a manifestation of any mental disorder or developmental deflection?" Maybe a child is sick?

Why does the child often change the mood?

The mood differences indicate, above all, that the child is in a tense, confused state. He does not know how to behave, what to expect in the future. This is usually happening in crisis periods. They may be caused by age development or changing environment, relatives with loved ones. Often in this way, the child wants to attract attention. The children are very affected by the atmosphere in the family, the children's team, and how parents behave. If one of them is inherent to be a "mood man", the child will copy such behavior without thinking - it's good or bad.

Features of age crises

  • Crisis for 3 years. At this age, the child appears a desire to do everything yourself. And when adults are not allowed, the child begins to rebel, and his mood is changing from tears to laughter.
  • Crisis 6-7 years. He has admission to school - a very responsible moment in the life of the child. And this can also serve as a reason for frequent change of mood. Especially when parents lay great hopes on the child. The child is experiencing, afraid not to justify hope and upset parents.
  • Pubertal crisis (11-15 years old). In the adolescence, children are intensive physical and physiological development. In the work of the heart, lungs, brain blood supply to functional disorders, which contribute to the formation of museum and vascular tone drops. These drops cause a sharp change of physical condition and, accordingly, mood. Often vigorous, a fun mood in a child can suddenly be replaced by sadness and full apathy or vice versa, unexpectedly fun comes to shift sadness.

Hyperactive children

Frequent mood change is characteristic of hyperactive children with attention deficit syndrome (ADHD). Such children cannot be perfected, attentive. Watch for the child for 5-6 months. If he cannot play quiet, calm games, can not focus on something one, says a lot, forgetting, fussy, it is difficult to go to bed, then you should contact a psychologist. An individual approach is needed to hyperactive children.

How to react to frequent mood change?

You do not need to shout on a child, screeching over time, mock, require unquestioning obedience, suppress, humiliate. Avoid phrases prohibiting emotions. Read the article Eight Parents Errors. How to educate, but do not cripple?

  1. To talk to the child for souls, unobtrusively find out what worries about him. For little - you need to carefully watch some time. Try to eliminate the causes provoking frequent mood change.
  2. Clarify in a polite and understandable form, what can be done, and what is impossible. Sometimes it is worth writing and hang on the prominent place the rules of behavior. The child will feel confident and calmer when he knows what they want from him. Perhaps you need to combine the day of the day together.
  3. Teach the child to control your behavior, restrain emotions. The easiest method for overcoming an outbreak of anger, aggression - to make 3-4 deep breaths and calculate to ourselves to 10. Take a child responsible for your actions.
  4. Watch for successes. Pay attention even to the smallest achievements. Praise never excess. Praise, support, encourage.
  5. Teach the child to keep a diary, evaluate your actions at the end of the day. This will allow the child to analyze their behavior, avoid mistakes in the future.
  6. Respect the person in the child, who is trying to know the world in his own way, find his place in it. Remember that the outstanding Polish teacher Yanush Korchak said: "There are no children - there are people, but with a different scale of concepts, other reserves of experience, other attractions, other playing feelings ...".
  7. Follow the child's day regimen, its nutrition and sleep. A healthy lifestyle will help the child to fully develop and overcome all age crises.

The child is often not satisfied, in a bad mood. Why? What to do?

The child is almost 5 years old. Often in a bad mood. Or just rejoiced by something, and after 5min. offended because of the little things and got angry

You need to talk more about souls. Yes, it is strange, but in 5 years a child is largely able to experience adult emotions. Only adults if necessary, they mask and smile fake, and children are open. Therefore, their changes seem to be sharp because they are neither hiding them. Speak more, caress more, hug, say that he is wonderful. Just let's understand that you shoulder, to which he can always rely, and you always listen to him. This is the step of growing up. It is good that you still see his changes in the mood, and when to learn how to encrypt as an adult, that's somewhat different times the problem happens.

The reasons for such behavior can be a different:

  1. Perhaps the child is sick, the mood is changing, he becomes a capricious and irritable.
  2. I did not sleep, or in the evening before bedtime, when I was already tired, it also begins to capricious.
  3. Feels the lack of attention of the parents, it is possible that in the family there is another child, the older is just jealous.
  4. There are problems in kindergarten with peers. He is experiencing.
  5. Something made bad, does not know how to tell you.
  6. Just bad mood. It happens to everyone.

First of all, talk to the child at a convenient case, find out the reason for the bad mood, show him that you love it, do not punish it, but try to understand. If the problem is really serious, go to the children's psychologist.

Constantly bad mood in a child

My day every day is a bad mood and don `t know how to deal with it.

I do not remember at least one day without hysterical.

No user on the forum

True, when the very state itself, they will not be particularly wound.

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No user on the forum

Zorina, and to go with you to the kitchen and participate there in households he does not agree? To lure him there (playing there at the beginning in his game, and after a while it's up to "together" cooking dinner), there are so many interesting - different containers, water in the crane? Suddenly begging? So would one reason for crying may be replaced by a friend? We always loved in the kitchen to spin, something helps (but he is already big, 10)

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But often I can guess the cause. In most cases, personally, it is from the fact that the child is bored, he does not know how and how to take himself, constantly demands attention. Or when it is forbidden to him (for example, tear the blinds or overturn wires), but, like you, always alone with the child, everything must be inherited by the housework, on our dad, do not "fly in". So you have to break. With hysteries, everywhere, even on the street, I start to relieve the beloved fairy tale, it helps, if not quite started. I try to distract with something at home, but not just give a toy, but I throw everything and start to do with him, because he himself can not play and the words "Wait, now my mother will finish something" he does not understand. And the kitchen for the us is the most dangerous place, so I try not to cook with it, it strives to throw the boiling pans.

But when we are fun, it is expressed by a piercing, inhuman screech, from which rings in the ears and trembling the walls. In general, silence from it is not in any case.

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No user on the forum

And yesterday we went for a day to stepmake, so there for about 2 hours I sat down and all the hysterics again (and we went to the joining of these 2 hours all the time.) Although there was also a little boy (1 year old) - so he did not cry at all, but I walked and only had fun, and my one is not my mood not from me.

You can only delighted at home and then if I talk to another person, starting wild jealousy-type "You should not talk to him, just with me." But why for egoism?

But the truth can I myself guilty, I almost always have about him. I can't when he cries, I immediately begin "What did your son happen, what do you want?"

I was told not to react to hysterics, but tolerate and not talk to him. But I was told that one boy was tester than all the time, and when I started to educate it. Do not pay attention to the hysterics, he dotko brought his hysteries that they started to appear the attacks of epilepsy. And there will be suddenly myself, and he is straightforwarded with me.

But what would go to the store or to the market, it is also a nightmare. It's just howrshiping, and when you get tired of a swell begins to yell. The searchesters in the store is who there is so shouting there. We can not shout in the store, and that "quietly", so even stronger yell. As if it is like that, they say what my mother I have a bad shopping shopping me. We will cover him something delicious, whatever I dock, eat, and again everything is rebuilt. So feeling me deeply do not care that it is hard for me.

I want my earrings to be fun and then I will be happy.

Location: Orenburg Oblast, Rask

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We are just very strict about the hysteria, the cramps were not, but at the same time he artificially caused vomiting as a process. Maybe it is cruel, but we slapped on lips. It does not hurt - but it's a shame. And I am consciously frightened - "Just try to shove - otloepu." Acted. Gradually attempts to disappear. In particularly heavy hysterics, I will sing Valerian. In other cases, or let it come true, or (if I have completely brought) a span on my ass or on the foot with the words "to roar the reason." I do not recommend such a method, I know that some children can get closed from this. But in our case it is justified in my opinion, because We even have a tiny crossway immediately causes confidence that your parents can always be scored. In addition, the child normally perceives it - he sees what he glanced us and divides us, punishing us, who loving, for this I will watch carefully.

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Zorin, you put on all outsiders (aunts in the store, neighbors and even relatives, if they do not want to understand). He does not have a bad character, but a painful state. Try to go to the store with him at a time when there are few people (less than the public playing on). Choose some small and calm. Explain the sellers several times that the child is sick, drinks medicines. And this is a side effect from them (for example). Cancel, alas, it is impossible, it is necessary to drink for a long time. Customize yourself that any of his behavior will not flock in the eyes of others - this is not your behavior, but it. It's hard, I myself was very difficult very difficult to configure myself not to try to "repay the fire" immediately, because everyone is looking and commenting (you know how). After all, the situation we cannot change radically (in an instant, at least), but we can always relate to the situation! And about what I want him to be happy - why do you think he is unhappy? This you feel unhappy by comparing it with other, healthy children (a one-year-old boy at the birthday). And you compare it with a dream - last year. Do you have any advances?

By the way, try to slip something with water to do if an interest is showing an interest in the kitchen in the kitchen (to substitute something under the rush of the driver with a thick paint, so that the rods are embarrassed, there are some waterfowl toys in a bowl). May attract attention.

Sorry if it turned out rescued. I do not want to offend. Hysterlets - it exhausts the nerves, they are very tired of them.

No user on the forum

When you play his astic games with him, you have fun, you begin to go immediately crying, explain to him that I have households it is useless. So the feeling that I have to be every second with him to play and play his games.

Dad to work left, too, crying how to suggest a mystery too.

On the street with him you go: it will be a post in the yard and does not know what to do and crying. We will come to come, again crying.

So every day, it's just crazy.

Are there such crying autists!?

And how do you fight with such dipresses in a child?

And do they cry for you 10 times a day?

I do not remember at least one day without hysterical.

Zorina, and he really cries the fact that he is not clear what to do. He is not clear to him as the world is arranged. You simply (maybe not even realizing this) trying to relate to it as a child for 3 years (he has so much like?). And with respect to adaptation to the world, he is not a three-year older, he is not even one year old, he would see for a few more months. And you would be treated for a 3-month blow?

It myself cry - this is also some kind of reaction to the world, on the events.

Do not fight with hysteries and roar, as with those. That's when the child is imperative for himself, the situation will hysterite, this is another (the fact that I have previously written, rather to this applies). Start from organizing his life, make it understandable to him, comment on everything you do with him. I read the books (Nikolskaya, Yanushko, there is a lot of thinking about organizing such a child's life), thank God, now they are. And do not fix themselves on the unpleasant moments - noet, etc. Find positive moments in life and rest on them. For example: "Today we are 5 minutes for a walk in the sandbox, Pesosh. Army!", "And today in the store 2 minutes I considered the shop window and was silent, I even managed to buy everything!" All started from such a plinth, began - very hard time


A poor mood in the child is usually a rapidly transient phenomenon. The baby was upset because of something, stumbled, and in a minute - you look, again shines a smile, full of strength and energy. The joyful perception of life is the main sign of childhood. Therefore, if a child often has a bad mood, it is impossible to leave it without attention.

Yes, sometimes children with a congenital-bad mood appear on the world. A pessimistic view of life can be karmic causes, to get to which, and even more so - to make positive edits, we are unable. But such "donies of IA" are very rare. Therefore, this reason should be considered among the latter, when all other reasons for the occurrence of poor mood have and discarded.

And what if all the reasons are discarded and except for the word "karma" will not come to mind? What then? Then - love, attention and care. These "medicines" are preserved even the most serious diseases. Try the holidays as often as possible holidays, even if small, and the situation will certainly change for the better.

If a child has a bad mood in the morning, check the quality of his sleep. And start from the evening: bad sleep can provoke a fighter or horror on TV before bedtime. Or computer shooter.

Maybe the child sleeps badly due to the fact that the room is too hot? Or cold? Bad mattress, an uncomfortable pillow, a poorly selected night light, extraneous sounds (included, for example, TV) - all this can cause a stable-bad mood in a child in the morning. Eliminate the above marked reasons, because the child does not capricious, he had a bad rest, and this is a direct path to chronic fatigue, a decrease in attention and, ultimately, to reduce the pace of general development and frequent diseases.

Poor mood causes bad nutrition

Avitaminosis, iron deficiency, selenium and a number of other elements can also be the cause of the child's frequent mood. For example, the lack of selenium leads to a decrease in the level of serotonin hormone in the body. This hormone is different called the "Hormone of Pleasure" go hormone "good mood." The reduction in its blood level is inevitably reflected in the mood. Iron deficiency (anemia) causes weakness, fast fatigue. And the tired child is not so fun ...

Analyze the fullness of the baby's diet. Consult the pediatrician about the anadly to the level of vitamins in the child's body. It is possible that properly organized food will solve the problem of a bad mood.

Does the baby have worms?

At first glance, this reason is not among the obvious. But this is only at first glance. The main danger of worms - in their toxic human body products for the human body. Lost, drowsiness, nausea - all this, in addition to a bad mood, may be symptoms of child infection with worms.

The shortage of sunlight causes depression even in an adult. And in a child, against the background of an increased need for vitamin growth - vitamin D, you can not forget about regular solar baths. Especially in winter. Use every minute to stay in the fresh air. Let even under the bulk of the winter sun.

And the last reason, because of which the child may have a chronically bad mood, lies in the field of psychology. Are you sure your child is well adding relationships with peers? With a teacher in kindergarten, teacher at school? Maybe your child urgently need help, but the congenital desire for independence does not give the baby to talk frankly with his parents? Find a way to talk a child. A bad mood in early childhood can very hurt in adolescence.

Fact for reflection: every forty-second in the world, one teenager dies from suicide. Forty seconds!

The child is constantly a bad mood

Asks: Anastasia: 08: 32)

Good day! My niece is 11 years old. She constantly has a bad mood, a disgruntled face, she often cries almost for any occasion. The school does not make up relations with classmates, mostly with girls. They are talking about her tease. Perhaps because it is not at all interested in dolls and typical girl hobbies, she more like dinosaurs and animals.

She is not very confident in herself, he considers himself ugly, although in fact she is a very pretty girl: she has beautiful blue eyes, long eyelashes, expressive eyebrows and I am confident that it will undoubtedly be a beautiful girl when it becomes a girlfriend.

She is already going through because she does not grow chest.

Tell me how to help?

Shenderova Elena Sergeevna

Hello, Anastasia! Yes, such problems are frequent among adolescents - as the specificity of age is such that initially obtaining inhoromations are directed by itself - i.e. From the environment! And only then this information is broadcast and goes inside - i.e. Formation of the image I came from what they see around themselves - i.e. As their peers fosprial - now she has a crisis period in itself, plus it is superimposed and the fact that there is a violation of the process of becoming the image of the image. With such problems, you can (yes, in fact and need!) Working with a psychologist - as it is the first person from the side, whose opinion will be impartial and more authoritative for the child, secondly, she can help with the formation of the image I, Help in terms of building Communication! But a small but - why is the aunt, not a mother, father, do they see the problems of the child, how are they trying to help her, cope? (After all, initially the first place where the child receives information about itself - this is a family - what are their relationships) - as it is sometimes necessary for the coordination of the family system - the attitude to the child, the adoption of its autonomy, building cooperation relations, support! Anastasia, the problem may be versatile, so give specific recommendations (without seeing at least girls) is simply impossible - it is important to know what it seems to be inside - that she does it, what problems she sees! So if you decide to help her - you can safely contact me (only mom should know about it!) - Call - I will only be glad to help you!

Umanskaya Anastasia Andreevna

Your letter has very little information. If I understand correctly, the girl tells you about your difficulties. But does he ask for your help? What is her relationship with parents? Do parents see the problem? Relationships with peers can be partly connected with the behavior of the Girl itself. However, it is impossible to determine in absentia.

Ideally, a consultation should come Mom with my daughter or dad. Because Often the root of such difficulties in the family itself.

If you are important, you can contact me, I will help you in finding a qualified specialist.

Bad mood in the morning

If he gets up, the probability of crying is lower, but still eat. Nothing helps anything - persuasions, stories, chocolates - he just refuses. Not that my patience ends, but I just can not understand - whether there are still ways. Hands are descended when he sits in the morning and crying, hacking or spares, and his conversations, it seems, just unwind. I feel sorry for me terribly, I understand that this is his feature, so morning start, but I want to help something.

He goes to school, the school likes (as the garden liked), while he donates with dad to school, everything is already fine.

10 signs of depression in a child

Poor mood, stress, especially prolonged, excessive loads or physiological disorders can provoke depression. It is quite difficult to recognize, since it is not always clearly a depressive state in childhood.

Ten years ago, psychologists assured us that the child suffered by depressive disorders until the 9-10-year-old age cannot, but the last observations were shown - can before. Inappropriate statistics shows: about 12% of children from 9 to 13 years faced with episodes of real clinical depression. Moreover, the closer the pubertal period, the more often there are cases of clinical depression even with suicide attempts.

Unwillingness to go to school or kindergarten, poor mood and lightweight splin - a normal phenomenon, they can cause fatigue, bad weather, conflicts with a teacher or classmates. Preschoolers, for example, often painfully perceive parting with mom, sometimes, even for a short time. But such a state in children is usually not long, passes throughout the day, it can be distracted, switch, cheer. With depression, everything is somewhat different and much more difficult.

1. Depressive Triad: the inability to enjoy (Angedonia), a reduced mood, negative thinking, when a child believes that no one loves him, he is bad and to blame for everything, a characteristic sign as an "adult" and "children's" depression.

2. Depression is characteristic of a violation of the hormonal balance, in particular, violation of the development and orange seizure of serotonin and dopamine. The child suffering from depression can nibble nails, to bring themselves wounds, pull out hair, while he is not able to cope with him and cannot explain why it hurts himself.

3. Increased anxiety becomes clearly noticeable, the child is projecting on himself and on close all the troubles that hear and knows. Very worried about his and mother's health, life.

4. The baby can often, and without any reason to cry, simply because of sad thoughts. A dream can be broken - either insomnia or, on the contrary, constant drowsiness.

6. The need for mother's attention becomes obsessive and unbearable, it is not enough all the time. The child constantly needs confirmation that it loves

7. The feeling of guilt in adults, suffering from depression, is aimed at himself - the child is more common. He is looking to be guilty in his condition and usually finds anyone.

8. Like an adult depression, children's especially hard in the morning, after waking up. This does not mean that if a child is hardly waking up, then you need to diagnose, however, in combination with other manifestations, this one can also serve as a symptom.

9. The child refuses to communicate with peers, stops contact with friends, does not want to walk and even talk on the phone.

10. Most of these signs do not pass within 2 or more weeks. The child is impossible to "switch", he refuses games and entertainment, tired very quickly.

What to do if the child appeared signs of depression

First of all, do not make a diagnosis yourself. If doubts arose, contact a specialist to a children's psychologist or psychotherapist. Try to find out the reason that such a condition provoked in a child, talk to him. It is categorically unacceptable to scold or reproach the child, which is in such a state - it can provoke suicidal thoughts.

Children's depressions do not treat antidepressants, there is only a joint painstaking work of parents together with a psychologist.

The edition of the edition may not coincide with the opinion of the author.

Child mood swings

The mood of adults is easy for us. Its reasons for the most part are obvious. Problems at work, personal troubles, poor well-being - with all this we ourselves have come across more than once and can easily, as they say, to enter the position, say "Yes, I imagine what you like." In addition, the person himself expresses complaints, asks to discuss the reasons or just talk.

Children do not possess reflection skills, realize their own feelings and their causes cannot.

They can only hit, darid, cry, throw toys, spinning food, cling to mom, ask for a handle. And then - the same thing again ... That is why their bad mood is no sympathy causes.

We tend to call it "just whims" and stop any suitable and affordable method. In fact, what kind of mood disorders can be when the whole life consists of feeding, games and walks? Is there reasons for the depression or irritation at a one-year-old (two-, three-year) kid? There is. And, by the way, they are almost the same as in adults.

It is quieter, below the tonality, monotonous and coming. If, despite the fact that the child is absolutely healthy, you hear such crying, do not doubt: the baby is not in the spirit. Who dared to spoil the mood of such a crude?

Most likely, it was you - although, of course, they did it not specifically and not even consciously. Little children are very sensitive to mom's mood, adopt absolutely all her sorrow and joy.

It is believed that even the composition of breast milk varies depending on the mood, and therefore the kid literally feeds on your emotions.

If my mother gets too tired to rejoice, and constantly experiencing tensions, anxiety, it is impossible to wait for much fun. Such children often cry without visible occasion, calming only on their hands. This will spoil mom even more, it further conveys negative emotions to the baby - in general, it turns out a vicious circle.

Babies are very well able to listen and are surprisingly dying. They also get better when they find out that there is no guilt in your mood that it just happened. And my mother becomes better - a spoken problem, as is well known, significantly decreases.

The child grows, and his knowledge of the world, its needs, the circle of communication is constantly increasing. On the one hand, his possibilities are great enough - he knows how to walk, talk and feels quite independent, on the other - still under constant control and often cannot implement his desires. In general, the main reason for a bad mood is not understanding. Another reason is the loss of something important. Moreover, an important for a child is at all the same as for an adult.

Some kind and acceptable explanation of the situation makes it possible to correct your idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. If a person remains next to, who cares and loves, then everything is in order. But about the little things (the fact that for us is the trifle) the child can cry for a long time and without it. For so long that it is emolred and then falls asleep.

If I understand that his crying acts on people frightening, it will use this weapon consciously.

The poor mood of the child of this age is expressed not only by crying. He can lie on the bed, not responding to the suggestions to play, it may be indifferent to look out the window, and if a bad mood is combined with aggression - kick and scatter toys. In any case, it is necessary to help. He himself can not handle with his mood yet.

So give him such a lesson. Without changing their plans and without discussing any more reason for its negative state, hug and just sit next. And play more with children in noisy games, squeeze them and brake. And stroking on the back - in general one of the best methods for preventing stress.

At the age of two and a half - three years, the child develops self-awareness. He talks about himself "I", becomes more shy, shame (aware that other people can look at him, discuss and so on). In addition, he has an increasingly pronounced need to communicate with peers, and in this area also have their own reasons for experiences. In general, the older child, the more likely that the reason for the bad mood is outside the family (although the relationship with parents still remain the most significant). At the same time, a secrecy may appear in behavior: the child is no longer inclined to speak absolutely everything. Sometimes he just does not know whether it is possible to tell what happened.

Yes, you can discuss it, disassemble who is right, who is to blame, but later, later. When the child is depressed, depressed, then it needs first in support. By the way, this rule is valid not only for children. We all need such a prejudice, in order to love us in spite of everything. This is the basis of happiness in the family.

The story must be detailed in that part, where the emotions say (as you worried) and certainly have a good ending. This will provide a positive look at life.

Poor kid mood

The mood of the child can be understood by his facial expressions, as he has not yet learned to hide his feelings and experiences. But why are children experiencing and capricious, do they really have reasons for this, because they live careless life, without worrying about anything and not thinking? It turns out. And these reasons for nothing differ from the causes of adults. How to learn to understand the mood of a child and his facial expressions? Read more.

The mood of a one-year-old child is understood hard, as the child expresses its indignation only by crying. That is, the crying can talk about hunger, pain, fatigue, wet diapers, wanting to sleep, but what exactly can only guess. And only mom can guess, which can distinguish your baby's crying, which in each individual case is crying differently and this applies to all children. The crying varies with tonalities, volume, tone and despondency.

If you know that the child is absolutely healthy, but at the same time he cries bitterly, then he simply does not have a mood. Who spoiled him? As it is not strange, but you are the parents. You did it not specifically and even unconsciously. For example, Mom has a spoiled mood, and the baby immediately felt it, since at this age the children very much feel the emotions of the closest people and quickly adopt them. This only speaks that parents should always feel good and rejoice in every new day in the society of their baby, then he will grow balanced and cheerful. If my mother, on the contrary, constantly feels tired, tense and anxious, then her child will often cry without reason and calm down only on her hands. This fact will even upset even more and grumble mom, which will thus give his child a new portion of negative. It turns out a vicious circle.

It is the closed circle of women called the situation in which they turn out to be after the birth of the baby. Many are not suspected how hard they have to. They will sit at home all the time, care for the child, wait for her husband from work and his help, he will come tired, much will help, also will reproach for the Bardak or the lack of increased attention to his person. After there are quarrels and even scandals. And so day after day, until the parties have achieved some compromise. At this time, the child will suffer from the intense setting at seven, from the plasiveness and loss of the mother and from the constant absence of a father, which is only in the irritated state at home. Children who have suffered in infancy similar experiences grow pessimists. The situation should be changed as early as possible and start with yourself, not a child. Change the course of your thoughts, yourself and your mood, passing his child. Add to life joy and positive. Life consists of trifles, give yourself a pleasant little things: walk in your favorite places, eat your favorite ice cream, communicate with positive moms, arrange psychotherapeutic conversations with the baby and it will become easier for you. Handing you will find freedom. The spoken problem is reduced and becomes less problematic.

The handsked child has already some knowledge of the world around the world, its needs. Circle of communication kid is constantly increasing. On the one hand, the baby knows a lot to himself - walking and talking, on the other - he is a controlled person who has no right to his own decisions. At this age, one of the main reasons for a bad mood is not understanding. Next reason is the loss of something important for the child. It should be noted that completely different things are important for adults and children. So, the baby can calmly treat the divorce of his parents and experience a lot because of the loss of beloved toys. Thus, children protect themselves from severe experiences, forgetting early childhood injuries.

If the situation has an explanation and the child receives it, he calmly perceives the situation itself. At the same time, there should always be at least someone who will love the child and take care of him, it is enough for him. At the same time, he may be bitterly killed because of the little things (only this is a trifle for us, and for him something important), Imputing yourself with a cry, after which it is immersed in a deep and restless dream. In no case cannot bring the child to such a state, but it is also not worth it from the experiences too.

Plach is a way of children to respond to their emotions, splashing out the negative. Usually, after such a storm, the child wakes up in a good mood, feels better and ready to play. Only on games are now not capable of parents, since their extremely exhausts such a baby's behavior. Also in this age period, the child to study on adults and peers with all sorts of ways, looking for the best levers for manipulation. If the kid understands that the best weapon in his hands is crying, which acts frighteningly, will use it consciously and constantly. But the crying is not the only way to express your feelings. The baby can just behave very quietly. What is it expressed? In continuous lying on the bed, the refusal of games, indifferent look at one point. Also bad mood can be combined with aggression. As if the child showed his bad mood, he needs to help him get rid of him, because alone he could not do this because of age. Be pick up, patient, give heat, show care, even if the baby is to blame. But this does not mean that you have to make concessions, if a bad mood is just one of the methods of blackmailing parents. The child must understand and get used to the fact that everything will not always be in this life as he wants. Teach the child lesson. Come with him as usual, without discussing the reason for his bad mood, because you also know her. You often sit next to the child, play with him, squeeze, brake, stroke the back - in general, be loving and caring parents.

From three years in children begin to develop self-awareness. The child speaks about himself and for himself "I," begins to be shy, to be ashamed. At the same time, the kid has a need for communicating with peers. The older your baby becomes, the greater the likelihood that the reason for his bad mood is outside the family. A child can become secretive and not inclined to talk "souls", as it can not or does not know how to talk about what happened. Teach the child of openness and frankness so that he knows that you can tell everything. You will help to understand the situation, to understand who is right and guilty, as well as what to do. When your no longer quite small child is suppressed for you, it should only mean one thing - he needs your support. Try not only to encourage, but also tell such stories from your childhood so that the child realize that everything through it.

Sophisticated children are characterized by mood change. Rising such children, it is very important to be able to read their mood and know how to change it.

You probably know that such a bad location of the Spirit, they themselves fell into such a state. For example, you have a day when you want to send everyone to hell when you are responsible for a conversation with the interlocutor: "It looks like", "when you want" or "not bad".

And it happens that you are glowing with happiness and you easily in your soul. But someone tells you something like that, why are you upset again. And you answer again: "All the same," "everything is fine" or "Everything will be fine," the truth is not fun at all.

Why does the child change the mood quickly?

If you have a sophisticated child, you need to know everything about the change of mood. Have you ever made it possible to look at the son who returned from the school crumbbed clouds, and think about myself: "Yes, Denekhek will not be simple, however ..." (or something similar to it)? And when your daughter wakes up in a bad mood, you say yourself: "She got up not from that foot, do not wait for nothing good ..." (I guess?).

We all concern the mood change. But parents of complex children need to become experts in creating the change of mood.

This is in reality the thing you need to know first.

When you are not in the spirit, you and the world perceive accordingly. The same thing happens with the child. He has no big choice - he is either annoyed and angry, or they will come and is disconnected from the surrounding world. Joy in such a state is unavailable for him. If you think that a complex child will quickly change the anger to grace and does not need anything global, then you are twist in heaven.

Let's repeat the key idea: until you change your child's mood, you will not be able to change his behavior.

The mood is connected not only with the events of the day. It also depends on the chemical processes flowing in the brain and the body as a whole. The invisible world of chemical processes can change our emotions. When parents hear about it, they often publish a sigh of relief: Yeah, it is clear why there is something new behavior change with anyone.

What chemical elements affect the work of the brain?

The parents of complex children are not at all necessary to become experts in the field of neurochemistry and psychology, but to know about some important chemical elements affecting the work of the brain, they need. These knowledge is able to change the relationship in our family.

Two elements, the effect of which parents of complex children would like to hear as less as possible, is adrenaline and cortisol.

Two elements, about whose influence parents of complex children would like to hear as often as possible - it is dopamine and serotonin.

Adrenaline action

Adrenaline is guilty of the excitation, at least partially. Life on adrenaline makes people recklessly burn their strength. He makes people less conspiracies, and it complicates the change of mood in children.

When a lot of adrenaline is thrown, the cerebellum (Zone "Trial / Run") becomes very active. In fact, so active that inhibits other brain zones. Perhaps it is familiar to you: someone from the morning he speaks you a bunch of troubles, and you cannot calm down the rest of the day. This is partly due to the fact that you are threatened - therefore, there was an increase in the level of adrenaline, and the mechanism of "Turning / Run" turned on.

And what about children? The emission of adrenaline into the body of the girl - and an attempt to change its behavior becomes a waste of time until its content drops. The adrenaline emission has occurred in a difficult child, it is possible to determine the clear features.

Lower the level of adrenaline is easier than in families who hold a certain schedule. Giving clearly and calmly understand the child that "we do in such situations in this way," you help you feel safe. Calm spent time also helps.

From time to time, you may even want to raise the level of adrenaline, because it is an excellent antidepressant. This can be done using tasks for a certain time. For example, tell your child: "Let's see if we have time to put a room for ten minutes, and then play."

"Cortisol cowboys"

Cortisol is another important neurochemical element, followed by. Cortisol is a hormone of stress, it is released with adrenaline. What awful? Depressed and excited at the same time!

Cortisol lowers speech activity. You had to lose the gift of speech (let's say, for some time you could not express your thoughts with words)? This happened because the cortisol filled the so-called Brock field - a speech cerebral center - blocking it for a while. Sophisticated children, being in a state of stress, almost always have problems expressing their thoughts. That is why you hear a single one, especially from adolescents.

Cortisol also reduces people's ability to change tactics. He makes them irritable and grinding. A person cannot filter the information - to discard not related to the topic facts - which partly explains why, while in stressful condition, we are experiencing difficulties in choosing priorities.

The decrease in the level of cortisol promises a calm and happy life. What should be done for this? It is very important that the child's life is devoid of violence, ridicule and humiliation. It is also useful to comply with family rules and rituals. Be sure to make sure that the complex child does not consume too much sugar and drinks enough water - under these conditions, the content of a harmful hormone decreases. Cortisol level, like adrenaline, lowers strong and calm sleep.

With increasing cortisol bind fluorescent lighting. Families with complex children should avoid such lighting.

What affects the mood of the child?


Food is a powerful drug, and you know it! That's why we love to go to restaurants so much, there are expensive dishes and drinking wonderful wines.

One of the fastest ways to change the mood of children is to feed and drink them. A glass of ordinary water lowers the level of cortisol. If you do not have anything else that you can offer a daughter who are in the upset feelings, offer her to drink water. If it refuses, drink yourself. You also need it.

Julia Ross in his wonderful book "Healing Mood" writes about the importance of increasing proteins and reduce carbohydrates in breakfast dishes. Such breakfast increases the concentration of attention and improves the memory. A diet, saturated with amino acid called tryptophan, also warns stress. Triptophan a lot in such products like turkey meat, lean beef and almonds. These products increase the level of tryptophan in the blood. Triptophan in the body is synthesized into serotonin. In your power, to offer a natural antidepressant to complex children, putting them on a similar diet.

The diet will be especially effective if you simultaneously reduce the amount of caffeine and sugar substitutes in products and drinks that your children consume.


The more I work with complex children, the more inclined to the fact that the body has a memory. It seems that special postures and positions "include" specific memory. You may not doubt the child who bent at the writing desk in three deaths will easily remember the state of fatigue, and the one who portrayed the grimace on the face is likely to cause anger or fear in memory.

Partially change your mood with the movement of the child from one place to another. Just do not shove and drag it, just tell me: "I see, you are upset. I need to go to the kitchen, let's go with me, and you will tell you all. " The change of space often means the change of the status model.

A serious discussion of the feelings of the child during the movement is unlikely to be productive. Going next to him and listening to what he had happened, you do not solve the problem as such, but perhaps the approaches to the decision will be found.


Millions of teenagers can not be mistaken: the music really changes the mood, but from adults add: and the functioning of the brain.

Music activates the brain - it powerfully affects emotions, learning knowledge and analysis. Some studies have found that Mozart's music is associated with an increase in the level of education: students who listened to Sonata for two piano in Du-Major for ten minutes, raised the indicators of abstract and spatial thinking during testing. Classical music, as noticed, is associated with relaxation.

Listening to music changes the brain organization: the electroencephalogram of four-year-old children who listened to classical music every day, showed a great mental sequence. Children are more time in alpha-condition, i.e., were calm, relaxed and smart.

Also useful learning to play musical instruments. For example, a game of piano increases spatial understanding and develops the ability to think over its steps. Music learning increases the ability to listen and improves memory.

Try to find suitable tools for your child. For example, the development of clarinet, piano and electric guitar requires small-engine skills, and pipes and drums - large-scale. The game on musical instruments is often turned out to be the strongest way to express feelings, which are very difficult to describe with words, is almost impossible for many children. Repeating movements related to playing games can also raise dopamine levels.

Music in the house during breakfast or after returning from school reports to children that they are already in another place (i.e. not in school), and helps them change the mood.

Television and video

Television perfectly changes the mood. Those who plunge in front of the screen in a soft chair and instantly turn off, know about it.

Nine-twelve children spend a phenomenal amount of time before the TV. Twenty-two percent of children watch TV for more than three hours a day, and fourteen percent is played at the computer games at least three hours.

Television simulates impulsive actions. The appearance of a hero with a passive character in modern television series is now unthinkable, and on children it is, of course, reflected.

Testing more than a million Israeli students has discovered a complex communication between watching television and educational abilities. A small amount of time spent in front of the screen (no more than 1.4 hours per day or 10 hours per week) is positively affected by academic achievements; The limit exceeding is already negatively affected by the learning process. This is especially true of children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years.

A permissible amount of time in front of the TV varies according to age. Studies show that long-term viewing of cartoons significantly weakens the concentration of attention in children under the age of two years. A nine-year-old child can watch TV for up to two hours a day, thirteen-year-old - one and a half hours, and for seventeen-year-old teenagers, the perfect time at the screen is shrinking until half an hour. As you can see, the opposite is.

The mood of the child of this age is often akin to skating on a swing: it rises to the height of indescribable joy, then descends to the burning longing or rage.

Causes of mood drops

The reason for harsh mood drops in a child is that your child is between two life stages: helpless infancy and relative independence of the next period of childhood. He develops communication skills, motor skills, the feeling of their individuality is growing separately from parents and an understanding of the surrounding world is expanding. But the abilities of the baby are still very limited, and these restrictions are caused by the death differences in the child.

For example, for the reason that your child's sense of time is still limited to hereby, when you tell him that he cannot get something now, you seem to claim that he will never get it. It can upset it very much. (Imagine this situation: someone told you that you never get a single piece of chocolate in my life ... or never see any movie anymore ... or never ever meet with the best friend. You too, too, have grown up !)

The 2-year-old kid has not yet been fully formed and understanding the sequence, so when you fasten his seat belt in the car, going to take it into the park, he may be angry with such a restriction of his movements, forgetting that this is just another need for the right step towards To a pleasant pastime.

What are the mood differences in the child?

As a result of a study conducted with the participation of 140 children aged from the age of to three, there were grieving in children related to such restrictions. The kids who were in the gaming room with mothers, a woman showed a chocolate bar or gift. Then she said that he would come out for a few minutes and would give it promised when he would come back. Cleared this subject away, beyond the reach of children, and left the room for 6 minutes.

As expected, most of the kids were upset, but it took this chagrin in different ways, depending on age. The youngest quickly forgotten about the desired subject. The most elders were able to use their mental and speech abilities to brighten their expectation; Some of them said: "Well, when she returns, I'll get this gift and put it."

As for the 2-year-old children, the memory of which is already quite developed, so as not to forget about the gift or candy, however, the level of developmentality and speech skills is still insufficient to understand that in the end they will receive their treats, they could not calm down .

What is the reason for a frequent change of mood in children and what to do about it?

Probably, all parents at least once in their lives had to observe a sharp mood difference in the child. When their baby, just a joyful playing, suddenly begins to cry with the legs with his legs. Or closes in yourself, refuses to communicate with parents.

Often, mom and dad do not understand how to behave in such cases. They are trying to reassure the child, draw it with a new toy, in any way to entertain him. Or appeal to excessive baby spoils, try to "educate" it. But, unfortunately, such events do not always give the desired result. And then the parents are lost, try to wait until the child calms down himself.

If such cases occur with the kid once in a five-year plan, there is nothing terrible and unusual in it. Did you never know how the child could upset? The reasons can be quite objective: there is no nearby toy, wicked pants, or, in the end, something sick. But when the mood drops in the kid occur without visible reasons and often, it is worth paying attention to this and figure out how to help the chad in this situation.

Why are children exposed to sharp change shifts?

To the main reasons, the change of mood in children can be attributed as follows:

1. Crisis. Frequent mood changes in the baby say first of all that he is confused, too tense, does not understand how to behave himself and what to wait. Particularly acute, such sensations, the child is experiencing in crisis periods associated with:

  • special moments of age-related development - in these periods, the overwhelming majority of children are experiencing severe times;
  • environmental features - a sharp unpleasant to the child's change in the situation, relationships with him important to him can also cause a crisis.

2. The desire to attract the attention of parents and loved ones. Perhaps, at moments of calm to the child, they do not pay attention to the child, and as soon as he broke up - you immediately and candy, and a teddy bear, and mother's warm embraces. Why not take advantage of this?

No one says that it is not necessary to console and calm children. Of course, it is necessary. But, if you take the baby on your arms, hug, you spend time only when he cries - very soon he will understand it and will constantly "call you." After all, for a small child, the most important thing is that mom is near. And then his world is calm and stable.

3. The homely atmosphere in which the baby lives. The child acutely feels all changes in the family life. If the mother with dad quarrels, the tension is hanging in the air, most likely the baby will be worried and nervous, and, as a result, capricious.

4. Features of parent behavior. We noticed exactly small children know how to copy emotions and adult behavior? So, if the mother and dad at the kid "Buki", probably, hardly their child will be smiling and cheerful, and vice versa.

"Acute" age periods

Let's talk more about the age crises in the life of the child. These include:

Psychologists include a crisis of three years to the number of sharp. Indeed, during this period, the baby becomes difficult to manage, his behavior is almost no correction. The most used words of the child becomes "I do not want." And they talk about it not so words as actions: the baby throws toys in response to a request to put them in the basket, runs away when you call it. Any of your ban or refusal in the wishes of the child causes a stormy protest response. The hysteria begins: the crumb of yells, grows his legs, may even wipe on you "with fists", depicting the most serious and evil face. In such a situation, parents are perplexed: what to do? What happened to their so cute and cheerful before the child?

According to the allegations of specialists, nothing terrible, most likely did not happen. Just grows, and during this period begins to feel an independent person. Accordingly, it becomes more active, persistent, sometimes even stubborn in achieving the desired one. Only the skills and forces for full independence is not enough. That's all your dissatisfaction and anger from what I don't like something, does not come out, the baby splashes in this way. So it turns out emotional "swings" from bitter tears to unrestrained laughter.

What to do if the child "covered" the crisis is 3 years old? Advice:

  • first, do not try to "reversal" the baby, shouting at him, punish, angry and offended by the crumb. Thanks to such positions, parents are unlikely to achieve the desired result. Rather, on the contrary, "the child will be entrenched" wrong "behavior, he can start everything to do" called "parents, and all this will lead to the formation of not the most pleasant character traits yet a little man;
  • secondly, analyze the surrounding environment and your own behavior with a crumb. Maybe he has objective reasons for whims: for example, you are too strict with him, he forbid a lot? Or someone offends him - older children or classmates in kindergarten?
  • thirdly, take patience. Your inconsistency will play against you. Try to understand your baby: Most likely, he himself would like to calm down, but can't, he does not know how. Take a patient to his cries and hysteries, do not rush the response "scene". Help him better to switch to some other, more constructive process: Show him bright pictures, turn on his favorite song. Who, how not to you, is best known to love your baby?
  • fourth, understand that any crisis is not eternal. And this behavior will also take place after some six months a year. Of course, if you take the right position and help the crumb;
  • and, finally, if you notice something unusual in the behavior of your baby, for example, he does not want to communicate with anyone, makes repeated monotonous movements, does not respond emotionally on the behavior of others - not laughing, not interested in toys, not frightened - necessarily Show the crumb to the children's psychoneurologist. Unfortunately, no one can exclude the risk of the formation of early child autism - a peculiar deflection in mental development. And, the earlier to start the correction, the more successful its result will be.

A difficult period in the life of a child. At this point, an event is very responsible for a little man - admission to school. Now the whole world is not spinning around him, as before, it is impossible to play and run all the time. The need to sit for a long time per desk, abide by the discipline, can also provoke frequent mood shift. After all, the child can no longer do at once what he wants. Add here to experience the experience of the new team, the fear of upset and not to justify the hope of parents - and now we get a typical portrait of this crisis.

Among other things, during this period the child has intensive physical growth, complex mental functions are developing rapidly, the small motility of the hands is being improved.

Against the background of adaptation to a new environment, unfamiliar earlier requirements in some children can develop the so-called "school neurosis" - a whole complex of disorders and deviations: anxiety, the fear of being late, disruption of appetite, sometimes nausea and even vomiting. Another version of this neurosis is the reluctance to get up and dress to school, answer the questions of the teacher, forgetfulness and inattention. Such violations are most peculiar to children who are not yet ready for school. That is, they reached school age, but for a number of mental and physical data, they do not yet "reach" to peers.

How to successfully survive the crisis of the first grader? Advice:

  • do not hurry to give a child to school without consulting with a children's doctor and a psychologist. If they consider that the baby is not quite ready at all ready for school, it is not necessary to rape him: everything is your time, and most likely, next year he will be much easier and easier to start learning;
  • if possible, do not overload "Pervachkov" by electives: musical classes, sports sections and circles. Let them take advantage of the school first;
  • create a calm unobtrusive atmosphere for a child at home, where he can rest, do lessons. Let the house be for a small little man with a place where he is always happy, regardless of his estimates and performance, do not impose unbearable requirements and are not punished for a unbearable lesson. Remember, the child is just "learning to study" - help him in this warm and friendly participation.

This is the age when children consider themselves adults, and the parents "in the old man" see them are still small. There is a conflict of interest in the family, often very sharp. But, in addition to changes in the relationship, the child is also experiencing a period of intensive physiological development. Functional disorders are observed in the work of the lungs, heart, brain blood supply, the differences of vascular and muscle tone appear. As a result of such drops, a physical condition changes dramatically, and the mood ends. Therefore, we can observe such a picture: a teenager, just who stayed in a cheerful and cheerful mood, suddenly falls into apathy, begins to be sad and Handing. Or, on the contrary, the sadness is replaced by the attacks of laughter.

The boys in adolescence often become unrestrained, easy-minded, aggressive, girls acquire an unstable mood. But those and those often increased sensitivity neighboring indifference and egoism, coldness towards close people.

A teenager seeks to prove to everyone that he is independent and independent. Such a need to self-fixed can push risk - without knowing how to approve in creativity, school, sports, the teenager fills this need through alcohol, smoking, drugs, early sexual relations. An important is the so-called "herld feeling" - the desire for pastime in the team of peers.

How to survive this hard crisis for children and parents? Advice:

  • try to treat your child as an adult. Understand, now he needs it most;
  • if you are important to achieve something from a child, do not dictate your conditionally your conditions, but try to gently bring it to a certain decision. Let a teenager perceive him like his own. Everything benefits from this approach - the parent gets the desired, and the teenager increases its self-esteem;
  • and it is impossible not to warn it: if your child behaves quite unusual, he appears bizarre hobbies, the mood hesitates sharply, he closed in himself, renounced and cold, be sure to contact a specialist!

And remember that age crises are a pattern. That's just the degree of leakage can vary from almost imperceptible to very painful and acute. As your child will survive crisis - it depends not only on its features of development, but also on the terms of his life and education. That is from you, dear parents. If you are weathered and patient, your family is calm and friendly atmosphere, most likely your child will calmly survive all age crises.

Now it is often such a feature of children as attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity (ADHD). Children with such syndrome are called hyperactive. They are characterized by a frequent mood change, no perfection, inattention.

To identify such a feature to parents is completely under power. If, watching the baby for several months, you notice that he cannot play calm quiet games, unable to focus on something one, forgetful, says a lot, fuss, hardly stacked sleep, contact your child psychologist. He will help you choose an individual approach to your child.

So we talked about the age and personal features of the development of children, and the associated frequent change of mood. Indeed, in many cases a special approach is shown that helps the child to survive hard time. But he can be capricious and upset kid can not only in crises or possessing some features of mental development. Sometimes the mood change does not have any significant reasons, but it still happens. And it is easily explained, because even adults can not always control their emotions, what to talk about children!

Therefore, if your child is inclined to change the mood, and you want to help him, use the simple rules:

І. What do not do:

  1. Shout on a child;
  2. Wrap it all the time;
  3. Require full obedience;
  4. Mock;
  5. Humiliate and suppress
  6. To prohibit exercise emotions by phrases of the type: "Do not cry!", "Do not shout!", "Do not laugh so loud!", "Hold yourself in your hands!";
  7. All the time to criticize and be strict. The permanent phrase "so impossible to behave!" Forced your baby to be afraid of doing something, because in any case he is sentenced.

ІІ. What can I do and need:

  1. Try to find out the reason, because of which the child often changes the mood. Just over a small child. Talk to souls with a chance, try in unobtrusive form to find out what caused anxiety and anxiety. When the reasons are detected - if possible, eliminate them.
  2. Explain the rules in understandable and polite form. If necessary, write on a sheet of paper, what can be done, and what is impossible, and hang this list in a prominent place. So you will help the child become calmer and more confident in tomorrow, because it is very important for him to know what they want from him.
  3. Plan together the day of the day. Passing the crumb to discipline and order, you will save your own, and his nerves.
  4. Let's gradually take a child responsible for your acts. Show him how to control your behavior, your emotions. No one says that they should be suppressed and "swallowed", but the ability to "count to 10" and make deep breaths in flashes of aggression and anger did not interfere with anyone.
  5. Check the success of the child. Unfortunately, quite a few parents are prone first to notice when their crumb will do something wrong. And the correct deeds are regarded as granted. And you try the return tactics - praise the child for any achievements, even the smallest. Then he will definitely have less reason for sadness.
  6. Teach baby healthy lifestyle. The correct day of the day, healthy nutrition and sleep will help the child successfully overcome all crises and harmoniously develop. Of course, you should not forget about your own example - it is unlikely that Choo will love porridge and salads, if the mother and dad "sit" on the fast food.
  7. Teach a child to analyze your behavior. The maintenance of the diary will help anyone a little in order to put his thoughts in order, as well as avoid future mistakes.
  8. Respect the identity of the child, his need to know this world, find its place in it. It is difficult to achieve this under non-gravity control and the desired "censorship" from the closest people.
  9. Rejoice your child, surprise it! Invent the holidays "just so". You can arrange a picnic in the park, cook "funny" sandwiches, or go with a child in a zoo or circus. You can go together to someone from the kid's friends, or invite it to you. Give him small pleasant gifts. Believe me, such non-standard actions from parents a child will remember for a long time. Who knows, perhaps, for the changed mood of your child is the thirst for adventure? So arrange them!
  10. Sign up into the pool or arrange a cheerful "swim" in the bath. Splashing, funny toys and in general water as element better than everyone in the light of recipes are able to raise even the most "fallen" mood!

And, of course, do not forget about love! All children without exception - and the most tiny, and already large - need parent love, attention and understanding!

Usually, three-year-old kids are very vitality and joyful, but it also happens that some little thing is capable of making them sad and irritable, and for a long time. These situations are worried about all parents. As scientists think, children of such a small age are rarely exposed to depression, unless, of course, there were no strong psychological injuries. Babies are prone to a changeable mood, due to which it is difficult to overcome the crisis. There is nothing strange in this, it happens to many children. If your child is inclined to frequent mood drops, then psychologists recommend adhere to certain rules of behavior.

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Photo Gallery: A sharp change in the child's mood: tips parents

In passion if you take care of your baby?

Children need parent attention, it happens that it is even too necessary. Our time, with his mad rhythm and the working speaker simply eats us. But this affects the baby. Think if you spend enough time in the day with your child? And with my husband? If mother or Papa is given to the baby less than 20 minutes a day, then there are no problems with him. It is necessary to devote much more time than 20 minutes.

Try the life of the baby diverse, sat down with good emotions!

Find a way to put the life of your baby filled and colorful emotions, of course, it will depend on the plane paper. If your child is toochiven and troubled, then he simply needs to receive positive emotions of fun in difficult periods of life. Let the kid absorbs and accumulate positive experiences! Cut the time with the baby before launching empty. Remember the brightest and joyful moments that give it the charging energy and will help me to go from memories!

To try firing baby from stress

Stress can stick to some children like glue, but, fortunately, such children are a bit. Try not to resort to nannies, avoid too downloaded to spore, short breaks and not justified hopes. Keep yourself with hand, try to keep composure and patience, do not break down on children. This can serve as a dangerous risk for the occurrence of stress.

Sugagate the help of educators, consultants or teachers

A professional view of the professional will help you clearly realize correctly with what can influence the behavior of the baby. Maybe the ethosimese troubles, the elder brother, screams, school hooligans.

Maeweves Possible to eat well well

Remember, the protein needs a child daily! Especially for breakfast. No need to cook porridge or sandwiches and cakes, non-market sugar and a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole cereals. If one goes to the kindergarten, ask what time the children are fed to determine how much time the child does not eat.

Putshantallergia and food poisoning

Very many children, it turns out to be subject to allergic foods such as oats, rye, wheat, barley, as well as milk and eggs. Obvious symptoms may not be, for example, a runny nose and dark circles under the eyes.

Try for ten days not to give kidhethi products, thereby find out whether the well-being will change. If not, still eliminate some more products. In order not to doubt the diagnosis, the post of how restrictions in food will be canceled, give the child the largestity of the products forbidden earlier. If the symptoms come back to themselves, no doubt about the diagnosis will not remain. You can also use the other way and examine the child of the allergist.

You can connect in the Toddler menu high-quality and safe food additives

For normal life, children are the necessary special substances that they will be able to get through food, it is possible disobeyed the child is healthy from birth. Not a few children get all the necessary mining and vitamins. Therefore, select food additives of the highest quality batual form that will suit your child.

Special detention

There are natural, necessary for survival, substances that are absolutely harmless and have no side effects, erected fatty acids, such as fibergier or flaxseed oil. Last - less efficiency. Let's fish Gyhrrebenka daily on the floor of a teaspoon, you can mix with food, only nothing it or in its pure form. It can be purchased in capsules.

Again, vitamins of group B, deficitings contribute to poor mood and reduces vitality. It is attributed to this, B-6, B-12 and folic acid. The child should give a vitaminstea group in the morning, and if urine becomes yellow - you should not worry. Takely give vitaminka B12 under the tongue.

Start 5-HTR

Most likely, you know what serotonin is an ethoneerransmitter that can adjust the mood. In our body is administered from tryptophan, amino acids. So, Serotonin is involved in the prescribed stage of its formation. Such an additive is available and can be available in any pharmacy. It will be useful even for adults to warn know. Interference in the developing children's psyche is alarming, but if the experiments did not bring results - contact a professional doctor, the help of which a small child will not be superfluous. This medicine can be taken on fiftymilligram per day, preferably, in the morning.

Take care of your good arrangement of the Spirit, as well as marriage

No secret is that the best support for the child is a strong, stable and positive atmosphere in the family. Therefore, take care of your own, about a good mood, try not to swear with your husband, save your wise relationship. After all, family squals are very harmful to the child, because of this, he can become an unfortunate man. Think about it! And do not allow anybearing errors! After all, the atmosphere unfavorable in the family presses not only backing, but also on you! Let the desire for the best future of your child will push for you to change in yourself! Love and be loved. Write how happy your children will be happy. The depressed child is looking for calmness from the parents. Remember this and positive and positive!