The great power of gratitude. What is the power of gratitude

“We always choose how we want to live our lives. Choosing gratitude as a life postulate, we are sure to live a happy, healthy, successful life.”

S. Huffman.

The Power of Gratitude- this is one of the strongest and most powerful feelings, with the help of which we can fully enjoy happiness, prosperity, love and prosperity.

Gratitude can completely change our lives. How? It turns out that everything is very simple. Everything in the universe is energy. And the most powerful law in the universe is the law of attraction, which regulates all energies by attracting like energies to each other. All our thoughts and feelings also have a certain energy and frequency.

When you focus on gratitude, talk about it, and most of all, when you feel it, you raise your energy frequency to one of the most powerful frequencies.

When you sincerely give thanks, you are in the strongest energy vibrations, vibrations of gratitude, thereby attracting similar energies to you, which (by the law of similarity) bring you even more of what you can be grateful for. The power of gratitude is powerful. The more gratitude you show, the more abundance comes to you.

According to the cosmic law of attraction, if a person does not feel gratitude, is dissatisfied with something, he, accordingly, radiates low vibrations, which negatively affect the success of a person. Jealousy, resentment, irritation, dissatisfaction with something interfere with the achievement of the desired. Moreover, such low vibrations are thus attracted.

If you want a new apartment or job but are not grateful for what you have now, you will radiate mostly a dissatisfaction frequency and won't be able to attract anything better. If you feel gratitude for everything you have now, you actively call for even better things.

By focusing on the power of gratitude, you turn your face to all the benefits that are constantly offered to you by the Universe. The universe is like the sun. The sun constantly illuminates our lives, pouring out its life-giving energy on us. We feel the action of the Sun when we turn to face it, but if we turn away, we will not fully feel the Solar energy.

To completely change your life, use the power of gratitude and give thanks for what you already have. We always have something to thank God (the Universe) for. In order to make your dream come true, to make your life happy and prosperous, you can get yourself a gratitude notebook (book, diary) in which you write down every day everything that you are grateful for in your life. If you write every day, then over time you will be surprised at how many things you can be grateful for around you. As you use the power of gratitude, the law of attraction will give you more of what you desire.

Wonderful things will begin to appear in your life and wonderful things will happen. You can also give thanks for all the events that you desire (excellent health, harmonious relationships, favorite work, material abundance, etc.) even before they come to you.

The power of gratitude will attract whatever you desire as you radiate into the Universe the momentum that you already have it. The law of attraction does not distinguish whether you imagined it, or you already have it. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart.

You can make a wonderful habit of feeling grateful every morning for the wonderful day ahead and for the great things that happened today (as if everything happened the way you want it to).

I can say from my own experience that when I began to give thanks for all the blessings that I have, my life changed in all areas and manifestations.

Let's fill our hearts with gratitude and "nourish" our Universe. Here and now! Remember, “There is no greater dignity than a grateful heart” (Seneca).

What is gratitude, why is it needed and how to use the power of gratitude to become happier.

Gratitude is a powerful outgoing stream of positivity. You already know that nothing in our life is accidental, and the Universe reacts to our radiations (thoughts, words and actions): what you radiate is what you receive. Anyone who has practiced the happiness formula knows how it works. Perhaps the thanksgiving technique based on the power of gratitude will be even more powerful for you than the happiness formula.

An example of how gratitude works. Joe Vitale describes the following case. “Jonathan had bilateral pneumonia. Nothing seemed to help him. But at some point, an insight descended on him - he wrote a single sentence on sheets of paper and hung them all over the house. With the methodicalness of a parrot, he repeated this sentence over and over again, dictated it many times on tape and constantly scrolled it. He made this phrase a part of his existence. As a result, Jonathan recovered within 24 hours! What were those words? “Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings that I have and for all the blessings that I will receive.”

Incredible? But such is the power of gratitude.

The manifestation (radiation) of gratitude is the establishment of a direct connection with the Higher Forces (Life, God - whoever believes in what, you can call it differently), thanks to which everything happens. When you give thanks, good is returned to you.

A person who cannot feel gratitude is an egoist, and the ego makes him unhappy. Positive does not come to him, because he does not radiate it. Everything is simple. And it’s not difficult to fix this either. Gratitude is a force that heals selfishness, all its negative consequences, and brings happiness closer. An egoist cannot get real happiness, only temporary pleasure is available to him, which is necessarily replaced by disappointment, trouble, depression, etc. .However, see for yourself the power of gratitude! Personal experience is more important than unverified information.

The essence of the technique is quite simple and does not require special conditions. It is best to perform it in a calm environment, sitting or lying down, following the general recommendations.

So, thanksgiving technique:

Find many things, people, events, phenomena, situations, etc. for which you can be grateful, and feel grateful for each of the items listed. For starters, you can say mentally or out loud "thank you" or "thank you" if gratitude is difficult to feel.

You remember something and give thanks for it. Then remember something else and give thanks for it. And so on. Whom to thank? Look at the situation. You can thank the person (who did something for you). You can thank the Guardian Angel, Higher Powers, God, Life (depending on what you believe). When you thank a person, also thank the Higher Forces (Life, God) for giving you this person.

Look through your entire life and find so many (so many!) things that you can be grateful for and radiate that gratitude. In the beginning, you can help yourself by asking, “What can I be grateful for?” and find pleasant situations, gifts, compliments, people, funny stories, etc. any positive. Then you will find some "neutral" things, people, events, etc. that you previously did not consider worthy of gratitude, but now you do. Give thanks for them too. Then you will find "negative" moments in your life, unpleasant life lessons that will now look in a completely different light and will also be worthy of gratitude.

In the end, you will feel grateful for everything, for your entire life, and experience an incredible feeling of happiness, Divine Unconditional Love and Oneness. At that moment, the ego will simply disappear, there will be a complete acceptance as it is of everything that was, is and will be. Also be prepared for a series of insights and a whole new understanding of life.

It takes more than one approach to reach this state. But each time the state will change so much that it will be difficult not to notice the changes. Watch what changes in your life as gratitude radiates. You can walk down the street and thank life for everything that catches your eye, the same at work or at home - the thanksgiving technique is universal.

It may be difficult to start because the ego will resist. At first, it will discourage the use of this technique, under various pretexts, then negative things from the past may come up, which is not always pleasant. The only obstacle to practicing the thanksgiving technique is selfishness, there is no other reason. The main thing is to get the first result in order to feel the power of gratitude, and then it will be easier. Give yourself an hour (maybe less) and work with the thanksgiving technique properly.

When celebrating a happy event, we make sure to say a toast to those who supported us. Brilliant scientists such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, when asked about the secret of success, answered that they were deeply grateful to the scientists who worked before them. Books often begin with an acknowledgment of the people who helped the authors. In the US and Canada, Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday... Is it all a coincidence? What is the importance of gratitude in our lives?

The main idea of ​​the world-famous film "The Secret": our life is created by thoughts. It is also mentioned that an important aspect of the "law of attraction" is. You need to be able to sincerely say “thank you” for the “gifts” of the Universe.

At the beginning of the film, we are told that the "law of attraction" helped Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, radically change the circumstances of her life. From problems in literally every area, she quickly moved to a state of happiness, stability, good luck.
But how exactly did Berne apply "mystery"? Where did she start?

In the book "Magic" Rhonda told in more detail how her "revival" began. It turns out that the first thing that Bern herself learned was not at all visualization and not thoughts about what you want, namely, gratitude. Rhonda said “thank you” to the Universe for absolutely everything: every product that she ate; water that flowed from the tap; toothpaste. What did she need it for?

From our level of knowledge and ideas about the world, it is difficult for us to imagine how it works. However, people in ancient times turned to the Sun, sky, clouds, rain, and the sea for a reason. The universe is alive. It gives us the opportunity to exist, to communicate with each other, to achieve the fulfillment of any plans. And in return, she really needs our gratitude for something!
What is this feeling? Can it be described in words?

Let's imagine that we helped a good friend. How to understand that he is grateful to us? Suppose we heard the word "thank you", but it was said indifferently, as if reluctantly. Is this an expression of gratitude? No, we feel false.
If happiness shines in the eyes turned to us, then there is no doubt: we see sincere gratitude! Having received such a reaction, we will want to do something good for this person more than once.

Apparently, the same applies to us and the universe. Receiving gratitude in the form of a strong one, she does even more of what we want and expect. The state of happiness, pleasure, joy attracts to us the fulfillment of the most cherished desires.

Reiki Master Evgenia Dolgorukaya claims that gratitude nourishes the angels who protect us with powerful energy: they become stronger. Therefore, higher beings are very willing to help people who say a sincere “thank you” in response.

Rhonda Byrne also argues that unexpressed gratitude is essentially ingratitude. Many people make the mistake of not noticing the good that they have, taking it for granted. A negative attitude towards life is ingratitude towards the world.

What to be thankful for

Sometimes it seems that life is so difficult and hopeless that there seems to be nothing to say “thank you” for. But it's not. Consider that existence itself is a great privilege. Life is given to a person as a precious gift: it is an opportunity to experience bodily sensations, to move freely in space, to say what you want.
You can and should be grateful for everything, including for such manifestations of reality:

1. negative events. Transformational coach Marina Elinskaya-Saburova argues that a situation that seems “evil” to us is, in fact, a “concentrated portion of goodness” from the Universe. It is precisely such circumstances, under which everything seems to be lost and life goes awry, that most of all contribute to the development of the best qualities of the soul. A negative situation in the present leads to an equally positive situation in the future. It is especially important to say “thank you” to the Universe if you start working on a desire, and the situation “spoils”. This means that the world is already responding to the request and putting you on a new path. From our level of consciousness it does not immediately become clear how events gradually lead to the goal.

2. Goods that are missing. Rhonda Byrne emphasizes that it is precisely what we thank the Universe for that multiplies in our lives. If you want more love, give thanks for the relationship you have. To be financially successful, be grateful for the money you have.

3. Future gifts from the universe. The stronger the gratitude, the more likely they are to actually come. Rhonda Byrne recommends making a list of cherished desires, expressing them in the present tense along with words of gratitude. Write before each item: "I am grateful for being..." or "Thank you for being...". When performing techniques or rituals aimed at the fulfillment of desires, repeat the word "thank you."

4. What happened in the past. Rhonda Byrne recommends expressing appreciation for the good things that have already happened in your life. Remember, for example, how many blessings were given to you in childhood. Then it was not necessary to work to buy food, bed linen, toys, sweets.

How to awaken the feeling of gratitude. Forgiveness Diet.

We are almost always dissatisfied with something. To experience a genuine sense of gratitude, you must first forgive yourself and the world for everything that seems to be going wrong.

You can use the Forgiveness Diet for this. During the week, every day 20-30 times we write the phrase: “I forgive myself for ...” (we continue as we see fit). We thus bless the qualities of character that we do not like in ourselves; details of appearance that do not suit; actions and thoughts that we condemn in ourselves. We spend the next few weeks forgiving our parents, the man we love, our children, our ex-lovers, and others we feel it is important to forgive. We complete the “diet” with a week of blessing of Life: we forgive fate for all that it has done “bad” towards you.

Magic technique "Secret Book of Gratitude"

They say that the thanksgiving technique is the secret of the richest people on the planet. For its implementation, Rhonda Byrne invented and published a special book. You can make this one yourself.

The "book" consists of blank pages, each of which can be dated. On each spread, the sheet on the left is titled "Thank You Now" and on the right, "I Want to Thank You."

It is important to fill out the book every day, having previously entered a special state. To do this, you need to sit in a comfortable position, relax, close your eyes and mentally say the word “thank you” at least 20 times.

On the page marked "thank you now" we write about what already exists and for which you would like to say "thank you" to the Universe. We begin each phrase with the words "thank you for ..." or "I am grateful ...".

Give thanks for everything that comes to mind: for the fact that you are alive; that you have hands, and therefore the ability to hold a pencil in them; for loved ones; for money wallet.

On the second page, titled “I want to thank,” we write about desires. Thank you for performing them in the present tense, as if a miracle had already happened: “Thank you for my new car ...”, “Thank you for being completely healthy ...”, “Thank you for playing the main role in a television series ... ".

Business coach and coach Alexander Andreyanov, having started writing such a book in 2012 with his wife, discovered after a few years that 60% of what was written came true. The fulfillment of many of his desires at first seemed incredible.
Tatyana, Alexander's wife, notes that if she knew how powerful the book of gratitude is, she would write wishes more carefully or ... on the contrary, she would write them even more.

When Andreyanov is asked if the “book of gratitude” works for everyone, the coach jokes that each of us has a team of “angels” in our heads who shout: “Come on! You can! Everything will work out! and a team of devils grumbling: “This can't be! Where are you going? Don't mess around." From which of the companies a person listens more, its results directly depend.

Each of us decides how effective the practice of gratitude can be in his life and whether it is worth using it. But more and more people, having tried it, claim that the word “thank you” said many times mentally works wonders!

Materials of the book by R. Byrne "Magic", sites, are used in the article.

Greetings, dear readers! Elena Nikandrova is with you. This time I want to talk to you about the power of gratitude, how to thank God, the Universe, and why this should be done.

What is gratitude

The word gratitude contains in its composition two roots “good” and “gift”, which means when we sincerely thank someone, we give him a blessing. The Roman Stoic philosopher and statesman Seneca believed that our gratitude is much more valuable than what we are grateful for, sincere gratitude is not only a virtue, but also elevates our soul, gives great spiritual development.

But in Christianity, on the contrary, gratitude is considered the duty of everyone, but such an approach, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. If the power of our gratitude is considered from this point of view, then we will no longer be able to be sincerely grateful for something, we will no longer be pleased with the good deed itself, because we obliged feel grateful when you receive it.

Why thank the universe

Every day we say “thank you” to someone, for example, for the service rendered, for the fact that the person has done something useful or good for us, and everything is clear here, but about gratitude to the Universe, many people have a question why do it? And this is what I propose to deal with now.

  1. When we thank from the bottom of our hearts, at the behest of the heart, it is God or the Universe for everything that we have, then a powerful wave of positive comes from us, and you probably know that we receive in our life what we give to the Universe, this applies to words, and thoughts, and feelings. If we thank God, the Universe for everything we have, then this will be more and more in our life.
  2. The strength of our gratitude to the Universe is that we begin to notice more good than bad. A conscious understanding comes that there are so many good things in our life that the desire to constantly whine and complain disappears.
  3. A person begins to tune in a positive way, positive energy emanates from him and the same people are attracted to him. And those who are always dissatisfied with everything and like to complain simply disappear from his life.
  4. In a positive mood, people more easily overcome problems and troubles, and these problems become several times less, because now a person pays attention to positive events, which he attracts to himself.
  5. When a person thanks the Universe, he learns to see what he did not notice before and opens up towards new changes.

How to give thanks to the universe

If you decide to start thanking the Universe, then first of all I want to warn you: thank from the bottom of your heart without expecting anything in return. When I started doing this practice, I subconsciously did it only in order to attract into my life even more of what I thanked for, that is, my gratitude was not sincere and came from profit. What happened? I got the opposite effect, exactly what I was grateful for, became less and less. For example, she thanked for good health and after a few days she fell ill, and so it was in everything. Therefore, if you decide to do this practice, then do not expect anything in return, do it just for yourself.

It is better to write gratitude with a pen in a notebook, and every evening write down 10 thanks per day. You can, of course, do this in electronic form, but still many recommend writing by hand.

Perhaps these are all the rules of Thanksgiving, there is, of course, one more point, but it is better to use it when you want. So, you can write what you want to be thankful for in the future. But in this case, you really need to feel sincere gratitude for what is not there, but be sure to appear later. So, you seem to be making an advance to the Universe, and after that it remains to be patient and wait for the desired to be fulfilled.

Yours faithfully, Elena Nikandrova

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Greetings, my friends!

So we got to one of the most important topics for those who strive for Success. Today we will talk about the power that can change your life for the better so quickly and so much that it can be called magical! I'm talking about GRATITUDE.

But first, a little preface.

The most powerful and effective force that exists in this world is unconditional love. That is, love without any specific reasons, expectations, conditions. Such love is a great rarity, but it is precisely this love that is able to attract absolutely everything that a person desires into a person's life, because it removes all and all blockages on the way of materializing what is desired in the physical world. The thoughts of a person who experiences and radiates unconditional love into the world are so pure that he, in principle, cannot put obstacles in the way of the realization of his desire in the form of irritation, anger, disbelief, etc. Unconditional love is shown to the world, to people, to everything that surrounds you.

What does this have to do with our topic today? The most direct!

The fact is that gratitude is inherently very close to unconditional love! If you are SINCERELY grateful for someone or something, you give to the world a part of yours, which opens the way to and simply attracts to you such pleasant things as luck, luck, favorable circumstances, etc. etc.

Here's an honest answer to the question - how often do you sincerely thank? It's sincere! Because the duty “Thank you!”, Said without even the slightest response in your soul, will not be perceived by the Universe as gratitude. First of all, you must EXPERIENCE gratitude!

And for what to thank something?! you say. Like, what a life, nothing good, but here you also need to, you know, feel gratitude?!

Yes, my friends, you must! And just to make your life better! In the past, we talked with you about responsibility, about the fact that only we ourselves create and change our lives! And only we are responsible for what is happening to us now. If you don't like your life now, change your thoughts, change your attitude towards life and towards yourself. If you have the determination and the patience to not give up after a couple of days, you will be amazed at the results! And you can start with gratitude, so you will quickly achieve positive changes in your life. The power of gratitude in improving lives is so great that the results from its use usually do not have to wait long.

So what are you thankful for? And for everything! Don't you understand yet? I explain. You are alive? Give thanks for this! For the fact that you have the opportunity to be in this world, to see the sky, people, breathe the air, touch objects, move. There are people in the world who are deprived of this opportunity. Remember this the next time you look at the trees, the grass, your favorite animal, the snowflakes on the sleeve of your jacket. You have an invaluable gift - sight! Well thank you for that! Can you walk? Thanks for that too! Do you have a place to live, don't you freeze in a cardboard box in the garbage? Thank you! You are not starving, do you have food? You are reading these lines now, so you have a computer or tablet? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Realize how much you have been given! And we take all this for granted, and yet these are infinitely generous gifts of the Universe, for which you can always be grateful!

There is one very effective technique related to gratitude. You have no idea HOW quickly the results from its use appear! Anyway, I noticed improvements after just a few days of using this technique! It is simple and does not require any titanic efforts and a lot of time from you. What do we have to do? Every night, when you go to bed, remember your day. Find at least 5 (if you find more, that would be great!) reasons thank life, the universe, this day. And give thanks. For me, it looked something like this: “The weather was beautiful today – Thank you! My car drives fine - Thank you!!! I am healthy, I have a home - Thank you! Thanks to!!! Oh, I managed to do a beautiful extended trot on my horse today in training – Thank you! Thank you! Thanks!!! It was just great!” and so on.

As you, I hope, already understand, the main thing here is to thank sincerely. Believe me, even if you do only the proposed technique, your life will begin to change! And if you add gratitude to such a nightly thanksgiving procedure for any reason during the day, then the results will be even better!

To make the scheme of gratitude action clearer, I will explain it using a rather simplified, but very illustrative example. Imagine that you have the opportunity (material, moral, technical, and you never know what else) to help some person. Let's say friend. Here your friend complained to you about financial problems. You gave him money. Then he had other needs. You helped again. A friend accepts your help, but takes it for granted, without thanking you in any way. I will not ask the rhetorical question "Would you like it?". Everyone is well aware that it would be unpleasant. And no matter how well you treat this friend of yours, gradually the desire to help him will come to naught.

Now imagine that the Universe fulfills many of your wishes every day (we do not see 99% of this work, because it is not carried out in the physical world, but it is there!), Provides us with a bunch of all sorts of benefits. And not only do we just skip a lot of things (yes, yes, remember, it happened to you too, when you didn’t notice the beautiful weather, a great set of circumstances, outright luck in something), but also what we notice, take it for granted! And answer, only honestly, the question: “In the place of the Universe, would you be pleased to help a person like you?”

Now imagine a different situation. You helped a friend. And see how happy he is! He just glows with happiness! And sincerely, with bright emotions, thanks you! Not only that, he told someone else about it, mentioning what a great friend you are and how much he appreciates your help!

Attention question! :)) Which of these two friends would you like to help? Who would you like to do something for? In my opinion, everything is obvious here. Each of us is pleased to do something for people who appreciate it. Which make it clear by their reaction how useful and important your help was to them. In short, those who are grateful to you!

So do the same for you! Thank the Universe for everything and it will give you more and your desires will be fulfilled faster and more fully!

You can, of course, not believe in it. But I do not urge you to take everything on faith. I'm just telling you "Try it!" After all, you have absolutely nothing to lose by starting to look for reasons to be grateful and give thanks.

Just try! :))

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