Sports for girls: what kind of sports section to choose. Circle is what? Circle as a form of additional schoolchildren

How to diversify children's "development" if the rhythm and modeling have long been tired? We have collected for you the most interesting options for children's leisure.

Drawing on sand (1+)

During classes, children draw with their fingers on the sand - but not in the sandbox, but on a special glass that is highlighted from below. As a result, bizarre masterpieces arise.

Where to study

Dress: Convenient for the child and without pockets (so that mom then did not have to shake out of the sand from there).

Benefit: Drawing sand develops motility, coordination of movements and child fantasy.

Higpotherapy (2+)

In training, children ride a pony or horses, learn to interact with these graceful animals and care for them. Hippotherapy develops endurance, t and helps the child relax.

Where to study: at equestrian schools or private stables.

Dress: Pants made of drawn fabric, special helmet, boots and comfortable trico.

Benefit: Horse riding, removes muscle tone, improves the mood, teaches for care for animals and puts love for them.

Rightphan drawing (3+)

Here teach not as in classic art schools. Categorical "No" copying, schemes and measurement of proportions: Children learn to analyze the displayed object, draw from the details to the whole, include imagination.

Where to study: in children's educational centers.

Dress: Apron and wrappers.

Benefit: Right-haired Drawing "includes" both hemispheres, since the child is stimulated by the spatial-shaped perception of the pattern.

Mental Mathematics (4+)

Here children do not teach children to fold the numbers on paper or blackboard. Claims mental mathematics are carried out with the help of a tool similar to the score - it is called "Abacus". And then it replaces the imagination: all the operations on addition and subtraction, children are performed in the mind.

Where to study: in children's educational centers.

Dress: Any convenient.

Benefit: Practices love for mathematics, develops thinking and speed of computing, trains imagination, dedication and perfection.

Fencing (5+)

This noble sport is suitable for both boys and girls, and even preschool age. Kids can train on plastic swords.

Where to study: In sports schools and sports complexes.

Dress: Fencing mask, suit, glove, personal protective equipment.

Benefit: Excellent develops the reaction, strengthens the physical and psychological state.

Multiplication Studio (7+)

All children love to watch cartoons. And what will happen if you offer a child to create your own cartoon? In creative cartoon studios, it is taught to do in various techniques. A little skill, patience, and young director (he is the author, operator and editor) will be able to create his own film - drawn, puppet or sandy.

Where to study: in children's creativity homes.

Dress: Comfortable, not too spacious and non-penetrating movements.

Benefit: develops fantasy, imagination, the ability to create everything from scratch and see the end result.

Wakeboarding (7+)

The child loves water, ready for maritime adventures at any time of the year? Then he wakeboarding. This is the art of high-speed riding on the water on the board. Classes are carried out both individually and in mini-groups with the number of up to three people. Beginners at first are engaged in specialized acrobatic and trampoline halls, and then go to the pool and open water.

Where to study: In major sports complexes.

Dress: Watercourses, glasses, a hat for the pool.

Benefit: improves self-confidence, improves the work of the vestibular apparatus, develops artistry.

Young Film Club (8+)

If the child dreams of a dog, and it does not work, you can not get it, you can find a compromise - sign up into the club of young cynologists. There, children learn to care for animals, raise them and train.

Where to study: In military-patriotic clubs.

Dress: Special clothing capable of protecting the child from teeth and claws

Benefit: Children will learn, such friendship, sincerity, kindness, studying hard work, acquire practical training skills, master the theoretical knowledge necessary to raise animals.

Old Russian rattubs (10+)

Is the child fond of the history of Russia? Then he will be interested in classes that are carried out in military-patriotic clubs. Record not only boys, but also girls. What is taught: mythology, Russian military history, Russian hand-to-hand combat, folk struggle, historical fencing, historical shooting, historical reconstruction of costume and armor.

Today, children are sometimes even more busy than their parents. All sorts of circles and sections for teenagers take away the guys all their free time. Many do not even have the opportunity to see friends. Of course, it is good that children are engaged in useful things, develop physically and intellectually, but when then to run around the yard and play war or mother-mother's daughter. We will tell about all the advantages and minuses of additional education in this article.

Sport sections

Various circles that are aimed at the physical development of the child are the greatest demand among parents. Adults rarely want their child to have grown by a professional athlete, but after all, thanks to sports, children study exposure and work in a team. As well as their muscles develop, which favorably affects health. What circles and sections for teenagers exist?

Here are some options:

  • Swimming develops all muscle groups. Helps children to improve posture, lose weight and fix the gait. And also training in the pool will teach a teenager to swim and breathe correctly.
  • Horse riding will help children learn to take care of animals. Teenagers will be able to understand how it is to raise a horse, and, of course, the equestrian sport will be able to bring gifted children the first gold medals.
  • The struggle will be able to teach a child to defend and defend their position. After all, the first thing, any coach should make children believe in Himself and in their victory, and only after that you can move to the work of the battle technique.
  • Tennis is an excellent hobby for girls. The result is similar to athletics, only workouts pass fascinating. Tennis engaged in tennis, children not only improve their physical form, but also expand their attention zone.
  • Gymnastics is the very first section of almost every child. Children from 3 years old are already starting active workouts. Professional gymnastics is a very traumatic sport, but at the amateur level, it helps to improve flexibility and learn to be perfectly owned by his body.

Dance circles

Many parents are trying to realize through their children. Therefore, dance circles and sections for adolescents are in such demand. Parents believe that their child is simply obliged to know how to dance Waltz, Tango or at least achieve success in driving rounds. Thanks to such attacks from the older generation, many children simply hate to dance all their further life. But the willy-unilous to visit the circles they still have. So what kind of varieties of dance sections exist? It:

Art circles

What is better - sign up for art school or go to the local house of creativity? This solves every parent itself. But the circles and sections for adolescents of artistic themes have always been popular. Children love to draw, someone it turns out better, someone is worse. But the child is different from the adult, which is able to enjoy not from the result, but from the process itself. But artistic education needs not only talented children. After all, at a young age, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeautiful is also laid. It is necessary to interest the child with art, he should find pleasure in contemplation of paintings. Alone, parents are unlikely to be able to achieve this, so it is better to impose this duty on the shoulders of professionals, that is, art school teachers.

Circles of acting skills

All children love to crush the face and fool. But it is not necessary to scold them. It is better to direct this irrepressible energy into the right track. For this, children's mugs and acting sections were created. Here children offer not only playing in theatrical productions, but also teach singing lessons, make physical exercises of various complexity, and in some studios, it is even practiced independent manufacture of costumes. Children like such a creative process, where no one swears for the departure from the script and easy improvisation. In this circle, children learn not to be afraid of the scene, and, as a result, they will not have fear of public speeches.

And here you can buy the skill of managing your emotions and your facial expressions. As well as children working on stage, better know how to listen to their parents and peers, because they are taught with great attention to their opponents.

Mug on singing and playing musical instruments

The skill game on the guitar or piano is necessarily useful in adulthood. That is why children's circles and sections that develop musical abilities are very in demand. Parents are not trying to make a child of the second Mozart, they just want their child to be able to hear rhythm and developed a small motorcy through the trimming of strings. So that the child felt his classes in need, it is necessary to at least periodically arrange family concerts, where each of the children will demonstrate their talents.

Constructing and modeling mugs

All children have love for collecting houses and pyramids. Therefore, a list of circles and sections for teenagers who develop this talent is very large. There are classes on paper maketware on which children find out that paper can well take various forms. For older children there are courses on modeling complex forms. It can be airplanes, cars, buildings or entire parks. Here, children know the foundations of the composition and get the first skills in the design. Such a circle will be useful to inquisitive guys who want to understand how one or another mechanism works, and also those children who live can be broken without desire to break. When you see how the thing is created, the desire to destroy disappears instantly.

Mugs for children with hearing problems and vision

Specialists advise not to divide children by groups, on normal and those with defects. All the guys are unique, and none of them should feel disabled. Circles and sections for teenagers in Moscow help children better socialize. No one will laugh at a child with poor eyesight at school, if such children in the class will be more than 5. The same situation and circles. It makes no sense to drive your child into some special sections so that there is an increase in it there. Bad vision and hearing, unfortunately, now many children. Of course, these shortcomings must be treated, but it is not worth emphasizing on them. Circles and sections for teenagers with hearing problems and vision can be diverse: swimming, struggle, tennis, drawing or acting skills.

Of course, you should not mock the child and give a badly visiting girl to embroider beads, but a badly hearing boy - on a circle of music. Parents should adequately assess the ability of their child.

What circles can you attend a child with races and cereals?

Of course, such disorders are not the same as bad vision or hearing. Therefore, the sections of the mugs for the hearing hearing teenagers to organize meaning is not, but mugs for children with races and cerebral palsy you need to create. Unique children should also be able to make creative expression. But the development of such adolescents need special attention, because they are better not to leave alone with each other. Children with races and cereals can go to draw, design, swimming and on horseback riding.

The benefits of additional education

What are the circles and sections for adolescents, we found out. Now you need to understand what benefit they bring.

  • Children learn to work in the team. And it's great, because at school every student is responsible for himself, and team classes often pass in the circles. Thus, children can tie friendly relations and understand that it is quite possible to enjoy the help of helping others.
  • Ability to achieve goals. This life feature is not given with birth, it is formed. Therefore, children must be given to the sports section, even if not for long.
  • Creative self-expression is possible only through art. But you need to create according to generally accepted laws and canons. To get the first creative education, be sure to go to the artistic circle.
  • The ability to appreciate the beautiful is the skill that is produced by visiting an artistic or music school.
  • The desire to receive new knowledge is one of the main in our lives. Studying will be much easier to learn if he will enjoy from his classes. Such skill develops the modeling and design circle.

Minuses of additional education

Sports mugs and sections for adolescents can cause lifelong injury. This, of course, is rarely happening, but still a unskilled coach is able to disperse a child, and not only physically, but also morally. After all, from confidence to insecurity - only one step. Many mugs take away so much time that the child simply does not have the opportunity to think with friends in the yard. Childhood goes quickly, and most importantly - irretrievably. You can learn how to play guitar and in 20 years, but you will not be able to play in the catch-up or in your hide and seek. Therefore, parents need to withstand the balance so that the child does not feel excessive loads of duties lying on his shoulders from an early age.

Music School or Football Section, Swimming Pool or Art School, Dance Studio or Martial Arts? Similar flour selection are not uncommon for modern parents. The school and the city today provide tremendous opportunities for additional education. There are wishes and abilities of a child, waiting and ambitions of parents ... An expert of the Association of Organizations on the Development of Humanistic Psychology in Education explains what to pay attention to, choosing mugs and sections for a child.

Why is the child section of boxing or theatrical circle?

This is the first question to which parents need to be honestly answered. Surveys show that there are three main vector selection vectors for a child:

  • For general development
  • For success and achievements
  • For correction and / or overcoming any personal characteristics of the child and difficulties in communication

In the first case, the task of the child's employment is usually decided, satisfying its actual interests and development of common abilities. Usually the family goes on this path if the kid does not show some obvious abilities or inconsistencies to something specific. In this case, the child usually visits several circles and studios, it can often change them.

Sometimes it is disturbing the parents: it seems to them that the interests of the child are changeable and inconstant, and he does not bring the matter to the end. If you look at the situation on the other hand, it is the diversity of circles and sections that opens the child with the opportunity to try yourself in different areas, thus feeling that it is more wondering what he is better in him.

The second vector is chosen by the family, if a child from an early age exhibits (or parents think that it shows) special abilities to anything. In order to maximize the development of special abilities and achieve the parents in this area and select additional classes. The movement in this direction involves high employment of the child, the transition from the level to the level of mastering skills. This path often choose parents - professional musicians (artists, athletes) or moms and dads, which for some reason have not implemented their own childhood dreams to be a hockey player, violinist, dancer, etc.

Third vector - Ability to compensate for the features or difficulties of the child. For example, if the baby is shy and alarming, it is recorded in the theater studio so that it will be liberated there. Can't you stand up for yourself? On martial arts. Poor health? On swimming or figure skating. Problems with speech? On the choir to music school. This direction can be transformed both first and second depending on the style of family education.

Additional education exists in order to:

  • the child could mostly reveal his abilities;
  • the child had the opportunity to feel successful in any form of activity;
  • the child was able to form an idea of \u200b\u200bhis capabilities, interests, preferences;
  • family and society were calm that children are supervised, engaged in interesting and useful things.
The child visits the mugs and the sections because what he is doing there is interesting for him!

Where to find additional classes for children?

As soon as the honest answer to the first question is obtained from themselves, it is possible to determine where to solve the tasks.

In the first case, there are mugs at school, children's creativity studios, classes in which are built on the project principle: the achievement of a specific, visible practical result for some kind of organic (not very long) period, then the transition to new tasks. It can be school theater or musical studios with the preparation of concerts and performances for holidays, sports sections with participation in competitions between classes or schools, creative workshops with the preparation of exhibitions or decorations for performances, scientific and educational circles with preparing for project and research work and etc. The main task in this case is to interest the child, to hold and develop an interest in any activity.

If it is decided to develop special abilities, a child has resources (health, character) and a desire, and parents - the time to help him achieve results in a competitive environment, you can choose a musical, sports, art school. With the understanding that these classes with great difficulty can be called "additional": they will take a lot of time, will require a lot of work and employment of the whole family at least 5 years.

You also need to be prepared for the fact that even the most successful young athlete or musician will not be ready to quit the case for which so much time and strength is spent, and parents will have to take a difficult decision in this regard. But if the family is this way on the shoulder - bonuses are obvious: this is a cultivation of character, high self-organization, the ability to work, an alternative circle of communication with peers, busy business, and of course, special skills and skills.

If the family wants to overcome any difficulties in the development of the child and, as a means, there is a circle and sections as a means for this, it is important to understand that in this situation (as, however, in any other), the main principle is "not harmful!". Parents need to be consulted with a specialist. If the child goes to the sphere of sports, then it will be logical to discuss this with a pediatrician and coach in advance; If in the theatrical circle or on foreign language courses, then with the speech therapist; If in a creative studio, then with the teacher of additional education. And in each of these cases, valuable information can be obtained in a conversation with a teacher-psychologist. An unsuccessful choice of a mug or additional classes can help, so aggravate the difficulties that the baby is experiencing.

How to record a child in mugs and sections?

When the strategic tasks of choice are solved, tactical measures should be taken. First of all, visit the days of open doors in educational organizations (schools, houses of children's creativity) and organizations of additional education (musical, sports, art schools, art schools). Information about their conduct is published on official sites.

At a minimum, the days of open doors are organized twice a year: at the beginning of the school year (September) - for informational purposes, and at the end of the school year (April) - to demonstrate the results and achievements of the guys. At such events, parents have the opportunity to observe, at what point the baby caught fire, as they communicate with the guys of teachers, talk to the leaders of the circles and sections, with children and parents who are already going to them. Such information "first-hand" will not compare with any advertising.

When the final choice is made, it's small. The entry into any circles in the general and additional education system of Moscow is carried out through the official website of the Mayor of Moscow, in the section "Record in mugs, sports sections, creativity at home." Parents suffice to form a statement in electronic form, and representatives of the organization themselves will contact their family.

Anastasia Kuznetsovapsychologist teacher


To impose a circle or section - it does not make sense, as a rule: only in units, a visit to such establishments - resulted in the profix; The rest is a waste of time, and unnecessary skills.
I was in my childhood in all the circles and sections of our area - but not, not at the initiative of the parents, but at wish. I want to emphasize that, in 90% of parents: the imposition of a circle or section, occurs exclusively through the persuasion and imposing their vision, which will be more than them.
Mugs are the usual squeezing of money from a gullible parent and pink dream: there are no expensive hopes. I think, not only - there are many examples when friends or your neighbors are under the strict control of parents: playing on the violin, dance ballroom dancing or also that there - before, the victorious tenth class; As a result ... not necessary, too much, and with bitter sediment.

Comment Article "How to choose a circle or section for a child: 3 steps"

Section: Mugs, Sections (Free Mugs and Sections). School sections - what are we having rights? Tell me who is aware of the sections that are funded from the budget. To write down can and without the knowledge of the parents, having data from the child's birth certificate or passport.


what a number of paid circles at school can visit the orphan child for free, I can not find any answer anywhere

11/10/2018 09:17:06, Zoya Alekseevna

We normally work - those on which mine go, at least. This year, the youngest for the choir and Izo walks (no longer has time to go anywhere), in the past she went to the choir and on the oldest sister - also at school.

Circles and sections for a child: benefit and harm. On the main page of PGU there is a red banner right in the middle (next to the Emias - to a doctor without queue) - "Choose mugs and sections and record a child" those who have an electronic diary through the State Service portal for Moscow ...


It depends in what class is the child, the greater the class, the more hours of free classes, it is supposed to him. Little in grade 4 was 5 hours a week, but now I don't know. Syn in the 7th grade I wrote down on 2 mug, but it's still unknown how many times a week will be classes.

two exactly can be

Mugs, sections. Education of children. On the main PGU page there is a red banner right in the middle (next to the Emias - to a doctor without queue) - "Choose mugs and sections and write a child," if you click on it, I get into the section where you need ...


Try in the "Write in Mug" section. Do not drive any data at all (age, gender, etc.), and only in the search bar drive the school number or the exact name of the mug, if you know. My circle showed only when I ripped the school number, and all the other sections left empty. I gave up at once 20 at our school, among them necessary)

i entered the formation, there is a record in the circles and sections, there to enter the child's data and already make a choice of circles. His recorded on the weekend.

Circles and sections for a child: benefit and harm. What to do with loads? Texts can be drawn up more or less competent, advertising of a shed radio can give a clear or how to record a child in a circle at school, in the house of children's creativity, in the sports section.


Dancing, computer science, drawing, chess.

1. There was a circle of ceramics delight. Closed. We want.
2. The culinary below was offered - with their hands for, and the boys will go.
3. Mechanics, robotics.
4. Biological
5. Olympiad Mathematics / Entertaining Physics - Speeds
6. OFP (and it is better to pull the level of physical education - in wing time only)
7. Historical modeling
8. Theatrical
9. Photocruise

Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (from August 2013, recording in children's mugs and sections will be available on the capital). Muscovites will be able to record children in the section and circles on the Internet.


Last year, it was also all, only with such a record there is one big minus - restriction of classes by the clock. If the daughter goes to English classes 2 times a week to 1.5 hours, then there can be no more classes. On Sanpina, at 10 years old can not be done more than 4 hours a week, the rest of the time on the street or for the computer: ((in our children's center I was waiting for a document on the removal of this restriction. Until it happened. The electronic record cuts off from the circles, and without recording will not be allowed on classes.

What kind of hobbies of the child ... nonsense some ... the child wants dancing today - and tomorrow there is a time, why not go with friends for drawing ... Mugs should be available to all children on a permanent basis, and not 2- 3 on the selection at the beginning of the year and fixed for the whole year without the right to expand the circle of its interests throughout the year!

Selection of circles, sports sections, etc. Good day to all! The topic is generally about the circles, how to record a child in a circle at school, in the house of children's creativity, in the sports section. I did not drive my son for early development, there were enough wishing to do with the child.


circle Handmade for girls-ability to keep a needle in his hands ...

chess circle (there are checkers and backgammon), in a small room you can make a table of table tennis- tables fold, photo compartment, theater studio

mugs and public services site. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from 10 to 13. Tell me pliz such a question: I was recorded at the school on the circles (free), and there they said that they needed to still sign up for them through the site "State Service". I went on the site, but I absolutely can not understand ...


Your entry at the teacher is considered valid, calmly wait for the site to confirm the site of the public service and register electronic, but in general - this can do the teacher himself (remind him of this).
Site Mosuslug- Registration Immediately, try more and register there.

that year they said that it was better not to walk in the first grade, in fact they went to the choir and karate and dance and still in a bunch of places, I endured three months, then led too - on curious skating. Taking into account our kopess, we were enough only to these classes - we did not have time anywhere else :(.

Thanks to all that responded :)
I have a girl. The school decided not to walk the year in the Children's garden, and finished the Penguin (Poil of Pioneers on Lengoras) - 3 times in weeks for 3 hours (6 lessons), game design (1.5 hours there), folklore - 2 times in Ned Hour, Muses Studio (Piano, Solfeggio, solo singing - 2 times 45 minutes individually), fantasy - 1 time per hour, Studio watercolor and batik - 2 times a 1.5 hours, choreography 2 times 1 - 1.5 hours ., Drykovskaya toy (clay modeling) 2 times a 1.5 hours in Ned. Well, preparation at school 2 times 2 hours (4 lessons).
We want to add a section (moving games, basketball, swimming or OFP) to form a muscular corset, and something like the theater. games. Wherever I will come - my daughter asks to write down. In serious places, small and children are selected - everywhere personal contact with teachers. I do not really like the idea everywhere to sign up, and there the war will show. Teachers are planning for me. From music refused - the teacher and daughter upset, really wants to sing. I will refuse to fantasy, design. I want her to draw, on Mat. Circle ... Weekend - we are outside the city.
"Drumkruzh, a circle in the photo, and I also sing the hunt" - it's about us :)) But, I understand that this is a clear bust. I do not really imagine that it is waiting for us in the first class, you have such kids - "any-expensive". So, and I ask for advice, like more experienced. At the head itself around: (Teachers at school are also very foggy.

The adolescence is conditionally running between 13-16 years. It is not in vain called transition, since it is at this age a girl becomes a girl, the formation of her personality is, there are certain habits, character, individual views on life situations and, of course, certain hobbies appear. Unfortunately, not always hobbies of adolescents are useful for themAfter all, often children imitate their senior comrades or heroes of computer games showing a bad example.

That is why the parents of the girl should play in the matter of choice of hobbies. This does not mean that it is necessary to force it to do what Mom wants, but the child himself does not want. Parents should not be implemented in this way their unfulfilled dreams, but they are able to help the daughter to reveal their own potential and give impetus to the future, relying on her interests. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our material, in which only useful and current information relating to the hobbies for teenage girls is described in detail. Perhaps you will be interested in some hobbies, hobbies, and you can attach your daughter to them.

Hobbies for girls 12-13 years

At the age of 12-13 years, the optimal version for the girl can be a habitation of needlework. It can be a traditional embroidery beaded, Moulin, knitting or new-fashioned types of handmade, such as scrapbooking, diamond embroidery.

What can take a girl 13-14 years old?

At the age of 13-14 years, puberty is in full swing, so the girl begins to realize himself with a "girl". She becomes interesting to care for his body and no longer want to just watch the mother makes makeup or makes a manicure, I want to do all this myself.

Parents of adolescents are among their own experience to check the beaten truth about how difficult it is to educate children at this age. Still would! Need to...

Hobbies for the girl 14-16 years

What kind of hobby is banned?

It is worth mentioning about dangerous hobbies for teenage girls. We will not talk about obvious things, such as smoking, etc., but sometimes quite harmless at first glance, hobbies can negatively influence your child. Unfortunately, among many schoolgirls, the passion for gel varnishes is common, the so-called "shellats". The fact is that the application of gel varnishes and gels involves the use of harmful and chemically hazardous drugs, including acids, acetone, so without special training it is not recommended to be carried away by such a hobby. In addition, in the process of growth, the girl and the formation of its nail plate should not be applied gels. If your daughter wants to learn this, then explain to her the consequences and offer to restrict ourselves to the creams and oil care oils, and allow the nails to paint only by ordinary varnish.

What can be advised if the child wants to work? Almost every person in adolescence seeks to independence from parents. Only ...

Also, parents should be fascinated if their daughter was fascinated by anime or subcultures and tries to be similar to the senior comrades or hero from the TV. Such hobbies make the child live "outside reality" and in the end can lead to tragic consequences. Goths, emo, etc. Just are obsessed with the cult of death, so if you are watching changes in the appearance of the child and in his mood, then it means your parent authority and not enough attention, and maybe it is simply not. Therefore, throw your affairs and do your daughter as much as possible, invent interesting joint projects, help her to reveal their talents and become unique in real life.

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We continue the series of articles dedicated to the choice of a mug for a child. Today we will talk about the most frequent misconceptions of parents when choosing a section and myths that surround this choice. About whether to deprive the child of childhood, what kind of circle is the most correct and can your parents replace teachers. We have drawn up the rating of the most promising areas of additional education.

The drama, a circle in the photo - it is too much something. Choose yourself, friend, one of some circle (Agnia Barto)

Occupation in the circle of robotics, Ekaterinburg

1. It is impossible to deny child childhood

Error number one, the most harmful and terrible myth is "no need to deprive childhood child." The result of the myth - do not choose anything: "Let him more walk and plays in the fresh air, chasing the ball in the courtyard, and the load and in school are huge".

"Let him run in the yard, plays and resting!"

According to statistics, in 36% of families, children do not attend additional circles and sections. What do these parents think? 46% say that the selection child is not needed, 5% answer that "Classes in circles and sections do not represent interests for the child himself". Funny figures. Only about 8% of parents honestly admit that they have no opportunity to led the child to classes.

"It is impossible to deprive childhood" - This is such a convenient position of the parent. To say that you have no time to deal with a child (or at least just admit this to myself), it is painful for your own conscience and pride. But to justify your inaction of good intentions is much easier.

"And why did it become fashionable to deprive children of childhood?"

Unfortunately, this myth is cultivated by many doctors and psychologists. Somatic problems are often charged with large training loads. "He learns too much, you better throw all extra classes, you have a specialized school!", - Told me on the last reception at the doctor. "But he likes to learn, he will gladly make lessons and attends his sections"- I tried to object. "It can not be!"- Was verdict.

The child has congenital thirst for knowledge and development. It is interesting for him to learn, learn new, make discoveries, build hypotheses and seek confirmation to them. This is a development. This is a childhood. Do not deprive your child childhood - help him find those with whom he will be able to make discoveries, learn and recognize new with greater efficiency and efficiency.

School lesson. Anatoly Karpova, Moscow

2. Choose the "best" circle and be afraid to throw it

The opposite of adherents of the first myth - those who are suitable for the choice too seriously, makes it once and for all. "This is really the best school, in it are preparing the Olympic champions, my child will also become a champion".

And if it won't? If suddenly the state of health does not allow, well, or simply there will be those who are stronger and faster. If finally, the child will break? Or if you realize that you do not want such a future to your child?

Children are looking for help on the Internet, not knowing what to do with parents-tyrants

Peter has been engaged in carat from 5 years, every day workout, fees and all that. Of course, it was a wonderful school in which several winners of All-Russian and even international competitions have been prepared. When Pete was 12 years old, he did not pass the medical commission, his pulse was simply not recovered after the load for the last time. "We will no longer train your child, you do not fit", "Said Mama coach.

Cyril was engaged in chess, ranked second in All-Russian competitions. The coach built big plans for him. But one day, Dad Kirill suddenly realized that he did not want her son to become a chess player. "Throw, you are the case, Kasparov is so one, money in chess to earn in our country, let's better do something else", "Said Dad. Chess Kirill threw, and the feeling that the 5 years he was engaged in, in vain, remained for many years. I still did not want to do something.

"You were engaged in a music school for 3 years, you spent so much time, we bought you the expensive piano, and you decided to quit. How did it happen? Well, let's get ready, because teachers say that you have great. You're already big, take yourself in hand! " Familiar? Say something similar to your child, decided to throw a diligent section you chose? "Play myself on my piano!"- Surely he answered you. And he is absolutely right.

Younger and Middle School Age - Wonderful time, you can experiment, choose something like, throw and take something else. Time is full and enough enough to try everything. And the music, and robots, and German, and even embroidery with a cross.

A circle is not a future profession. I do not stand, giving a child into a section of once and for all, defining it a ready-made trajectory of the future. On the contrary, let him try a dozen circles, a variety of. Then the chance to choose your own and truly correct trajectory will increase significantly.

Occupation in the circle of robotics, Perm

3. Physics with mathematics and so there is at school, why do it also be in the circle

Instead of physics and mathematics in the wording of this myth, you can put any school subject - natural and scientific or humanitarian. "We have two excellent mug of mathematics in our school"- I say to parents at the meeting in the mathematical school of my Son-Pyatomnik, trying to attract students there. "But why? After all, we have 6 of the lessons of mathematics per week. "- they sincerely wondered.

The school program is very "dry", it is bureaucratically verified, this is what leaves less and less space for professional creativity.

When a teacher at school, a talented and beautiful teacher, takes a step in straight from the program, are immediately "advanced" parents who go to complain that children are asked not that they demand themselves.

By exposing the myth that additionally to engage in the fact that not included in the school schedule, well, or included in the form of one or two lessons per week, Russian parents choose: Sport - 30%, Dancing - 17%, singing and music schools - by 6%, Drawing - 7%, Theater - 2%. I do not want to say anything wrong about this list, in general, and my eldest son visited all of the estimated age from 1.5 to 10 years, but if you make a sports or dance section of the only one, choose it in addition to scientific and technical circles, and Instead of them, answer yourself honestly to the question of who you go to see your child in the future? And is it easy for him to survive in the era of scientific and technological progress with the ability to draw?

For statistics: 2% go to scientific and technical circles, another 1% attend classes like "Young naturalist", biology and ecology. Humanitarian scientific sections did not fall into the results of the survey, apparently the number of them choose, is quite negligible. At the same time, the history of history, for example, is almost the best way to learn how to analyze the facts, interpretation of texts, the search for truth.

Statistics of the WTCIOM, 2012

Scientific circles - whether physics, biology or philology, it is incredibly interesting, this is what the general education school will not give you, this is scientific creativity, freedom of thought, the development of logic and critical thinking, these are enthusiastic teachers (in additional education are rarely not enthusiastic ).

This is finally the way to give a second chance of chemistry, with which your child did not work out after two for the forgotten home notebook, or the story that the child hated because of the "eternally screaming historic hysteric." This is a chance to get away from the schools received at the school when you were "sentence" - you are a physicist or a lyrics.

Lesson in the circle of robotics, Moscow

4. The child does not deserve the section

Misha attended a circle of robotics for more than a year, visited with great enthusiasm, he liked the collected models quite succeeded. At the school, the top three in computer science and physics (as such can happen - see the last paragraph of the previous paragraph). When the situation at school was even worse, and even the troika was clicked with difficulty, instead of finding a different school, in which his knowledge in algorithm and electrical engineering will be seen by teachers, parents told him: "Until you correct evaluation, forget about robotics".

To deprive the child's educational classes that he likes because of the failure at school, is probably the biggest mistake that can be done. By doing so, the parent risks, to ruin the last drops of the laid by the nature of the thirst for knowledge. And then this parent will complain that the child is not interested in anything, sincerely not understanding why.

Often parents act as a mountain expert, believing that "Not worthy", "NOT DOROS", "Not pulling", "Will not cope" etc. With such an assessment from the closest people, "pea" will be much more complicated than without it.

Mom - Mount Expert

A more exotic variation of this error is to send a child to a section in punishment for poor behavior or study. "You're out of hand to end a bad year, so in the summer you will be an English camp for a whole month" Could it be benefit from learning if it is punished?

5. Additional education can be done at home

You can even need. But not enough! For three main reasons.

First. Sections and circles are not only training, it is communication, socialization, the ability to work in the team, the ability to take an assessment of others, win and lose. At home all this is not possible.

Second. Do you think if you are a chemist, then without any problems teach the chemistry of the child? The teacher not only knows his subject well. Not less, it even more importantly, he owns techniques to convey this subject to a child, taking into account his age and features. Society is not in vain invented the profession of the teacher. Of course, there is an uniqueness among parents, but their units. Do not excuse!

Third. The child is simply not able to perceive you as a teacher. Teacing implies discipline, objective assessment and many other aspects that do not stick with the role of the parent. "Mom, you're not a teacher", "The 5-year-old son told me when I began to explain something to him by choosing the wrong intonation. "How is this not a teacher? I'm at the university student learning?! "- I parried. "Here and learn, and at home you mother".

Circle robotics at your home

The author of the article.All examples in the article are real, the names of children are changed.Statistical data from the site of the WTCIOM.Screenshots from sites,, Habrahabr, School 1457 Moscow,