Ectopic pregnancy in the ovary. How do foreign doctors solve the problem? Diagnosis and treatment

The pathology considered in this article refers to one of the varieties of ectopic fertilization of the egg. Ovarian pregnancy is diagnosed quite rarely and accounts for only up to one percent of all cases of ectopic pregnancy.

ICD-10 code

O00.2 Ovarian pregnancy

Causes of ovarian pregnancy

Such a clinical picture is observed if the egg did not have time to leave the ovary and is released from the follicle, but has already been fertilized by the sperm. Further planned maturation of the egg begins, while it no longer moves further, but continues to develop, attached to the ovary.

There are no changes in the woman's body that lead directly to the pathology in question, but we can talk, in general, about sources that can provoke various types of ectopic pregnancy.

The causes of ovarian pregnancy are different. As studies and observations conducted in this area have shown, the considered deviation from the normal course of pregnancy can be provoked by:

  • Transferred infectious disease that proceeded on the uterine tissues, as well as in case of inflammation of the endometrium.
  • Colds of the genital organs.
  • With the development of obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  • These may be the consequences of a surgical intervention performed on the pelvic organs or genitals.
  • Ovarian pregnancy can be provoked by changes affecting the genetic and endocrine regions of the human body.
  • The presence of cysts or polycystic formations.
  • Congenital or acquired underdevelopment in the development of the ovary.
  • The consequences of the therapeutic therapy with the use of potent drugs.
  • Therapy carried out to rid a woman of infertility.

As observations have shown, nine out of ten cases arose without any obvious reasons, that is, an ovarian pregnancy developed “accidentally”.

Symptoms of an ovarian pregnancy

The course of pregnancy of the type in question is advancing, without any negative symptoms. The very development of the embryo takes place without obvious deviations, having practically no deviations from the natural uterine pregnancy. Even in the later stages, the woman begins to feel the movement of the baby. Such terms are achieved due to the fact that the tissues of the ovary are quite elastic and are able to stretch up to a certain point. But such an idyll happens for the time being.

At the moment when the dimensions of the embryo have reached critical parameters (the walls of the ovary are not able to stretch further, having reached their limit), the woman begins to feel the symptoms of ovarian pregnancy, which begin to appear:

  • The appearance of clear signs of early toxicosis.
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands and their increased soreness.
  • Prolonged spotting bleeding from the vagina.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, point pain, localized at the site of pregnancy.
  • The pain begins to gradually radiate to the lumbar and / or large intestine (anus). An attack can last from a few minutes to a number of hours. Against the background of an attack, weakness, dizziness, nausea appear.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • The appearance of painful bowel movements.
  • The body of a pregnant woman goes into a fainting or pre-fainting state.

Somewhat later, when the dimensional parameters of the fetus have increased even more, the woman has internal bleeding, the pain becomes more intense. Its growth can provoke loss of consciousness from pain shock. This symptomatology may be accompanied by an increase in the body temperature of a woman. The complex of the manifestations listed above indicates a rupture of organs.

Even at the first appearance of an uncomfortable condition, a pregnant woman should seek advice from her obstetrician - gynecologist leading the pregnancy. And if the situation gets out of control, and the manifestation of symptoms worsens, it is urgent to call an ambulance.

Diagnosis of ovarian pregnancy

It is necessary to immediately clarify the fact that an ectopic pregnancy, and its type of development specifically considered in this article, is very dangerous. It poses a threat not only to the health of the unborn baby and his mother, but also increases the risk of death for a woman.

In most cases, the child does not survive, but the timely provision of medical care to the victim increases the woman's chances of survival. After all, at the time of rupture of the ovary, severe bleeding opens. And if it is not stopped in time, the patient will simply bleed out.

Therefore, even with the slightest suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, the woman in labor is subject to immediate hospitalization. A sharp acute pain in the iliac region allows you to suspect an internal rupture. Mostly such symptoms occur four weeks after the moment of delay in menstruation - but this is not a dogma.

At the same time, a visual examination of a woman by an obstetrician-gynecologist on an armchair using a special mirror shows the doctor the softening of the tissues of the uterus and its cervix (which indicates the presence of pregnancy). At the same time, their shade gives cyanosis.

In the process of palpation, an experienced gynecologist determines a unilateral increase in size and increased soreness of the ovary. In this case, the organ is not clearly contoured.

The specialist begins to compare the time of the last menstruation and the size parameters of the uterus. Their discrepancy is the reason for the appointment of a directed additional examination.

Accuracy in making the correct diagnosis is possible only with the help of an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the female genital organs. The doctor - diagnostician, using a special medical device, carefully examines the pelvic organs, the uterine cavity, the state of the endometrium. Ultrasound allows you to identify a fertilized egg and the place of its fixation.

If, with all the signs of pregnancy, the embryo is not found in the uterus, while the diagnostician observes the presence of blood clots and fluid in the peritoneal cavity or in the area behind the uterus, the doctor makes a diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy.

A pregnant woman also necessarily passes a urine and blood test for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), as well as to determine the level of progesterone. Human chorionic gonadotropin is a special hormonal protein produced by the membrane cells of a growing fetus throughout the entire period of gestation. Its presence and sufficient amount allows you to maintain the normal course of pregnancy. It is hCG that inhibits the process that provokes the appearance of menstruation, allowing you to save the baby.

There are certain standards by which the comparison is made. At the same time, a qualified specialist knows that the progesterone indicator in the case of an ectopic pregnancy is somewhat less than in the case of a normal one.

The test is repeated after 48 hours. At the same time, the hCG indicators are compared. If its characteristics remain unchanged, then this fact only confirms the ectopic fertilization of the egg.

Ovarian pregnancy on ultrasound

After registering the future mother with a gynecologist in the antenatal clinic, the specialist must prescribe an ultrasound of the uterus to her patient. This study, carried out in the early stages of pregnancy, should protect against the further development of any pathological abnormality.

It should also be noted that such a clinical picture may develop when the test showed two strips, which corresponds to a positive response to the fertilization of the egg, while ultrasound says the opposite - there is no embryo in the uterus. This discrepancy is one of the indications of a developing ectopic pregnancy.

Therefore, the study is carried out more carefully. An ovarian pregnancy on ultrasound is determined if the fetal egg is located in the projection of the ovary. In this case, the diagnostician usually observes that the embryo is directly connected to the uterus by the ligament of the ovary.

But it is worth reassuring the women a little. The presence of pain symptoms is not a mandatory indicator of ovarian pregnancy. This symptomatology can also manifest itself due to a number of other diseases (for example, with polycystic disease).

Treatment of ovarian pregnancy

In the event of even a slight deterioration in the state of health of a pregnant woman, you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist for an examination. If the condition of a woman is rapidly deteriorating, urgent medical attention is needed.

If an ectopic pregnancy is not established in a timely manner, then after some time (usually this period is about a month), a pregnant woman may experience acute pain in the abdomen and the occurrence of uterine bleeding.

In such a situation, the countdown is already running in hours and minutes.

To date, depending on the severity of the clinical picture of the pathology, there are two methods in service with physicians that determine the treatment of ovarian pregnancy: surgery and drug therapy.

In the light of drug treatment, drugs of a certain pharmacological orientation are taken. One of these drugs is methotrexate, injections of which can provoke the death of the embryo and the resorption of tissues that have already formed. The use of this medicine allows you to keep the ovaries and the folium tube of the failed mother in a healthy state. Such treatment enables a woman to conceive a child again in the future and carry it out safely.

To date, this drug is not yet so actively used in the treatment of ectopic pregnancy: the CIS countries give only 5 to 8%, while this figure in foreign clinics ranges from 25 to 33%.

A cytostatic drug compound from the group of folic acid antagonists is prescribed by a doctor when a number of prerequisites are met:

  • Stable hemodynamic state of the pregnant woman.
  • She has no hemodynamic bleeding.
  • Ultrasound confirmed diagnosis - ectopic localization of the fetal egg.
  • Absence of the uterine location of the fertilized egg.
  • No persistent pain symptoms.
  • If there are no contraindications for taking methotrexate.

At the same time, a medical method for the treatment of ovarian pregnancy is possible only if an ultrasound examination showed the size parameters of the fetal egg no more than 3.5 mm, as well as readings of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) below the level of 5000 mIU / ml.

Methotrexate is prescribed to a pregnant woman after diagnosing an ectopic development of the embryo in the form of a solution for injections made intramuscularly or intravenously.

The injection is given once. Three to four weeks later, a woman usually begins her first period.

Surgical treatment involves a method of getting rid of the problem by scraping the embryo. Together with this, the organ in which the fetus developed can also be removed. In this case, the ovary.

Mostly, if the question arises of a surgical solution to the problem, the gynecologist surgeon goes for an operation to remove the embryo and a wedge-shaped resection of the ovary. In this case, a partial excision of the ovary occurs. After some time, he fully restores his functions, allowing a woman to conceive, endure and give birth to a baby normally in the future.

But if the situation has gone too far and doctors observe a severe clinical picture, surgery will have more serious consequences. The surgeon has to perform an oophorectomy - an operation to remove the ovary involved in an ectopic pregnancy.

Prevention of ovarian pregnancy

Not a single representative of the fair sex of childbearing age is immune from ectopic pregnancy. But some recommendations that determine the prevention of ovarian pregnancy can still be given:

  • It is worth adhering to safe sex to prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases. This will help protect the woman's genitals from damage.
  • Early diagnosis and timely treatment of venereal diseases.
  • Leading a healthy lifestyle. Rejection of bad habits.
  • If a woman plans to have a baby, but is at risk, it is worth visiting a gynecologist before conception, undergo an examination and, after conception, be under constant medical supervision.
  • At the slightest appearance of discomfort during the period of bearing a baby, you should immediately contact a specialist for a consultation and examination. The sooner the pathology in question is detected, the easier the consequences of its relief.

If an unpleasant diagnosis has been made, it is now worth fighting for the preservation of the reproductive organs. To do this, without delay, you should:

  • Conduct a urine test to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), after two to three days, this analysis should be repeated.
  • Be sure to undergo an ultrasound examination to determine the type of pregnancy: uterine or ectopic. According to the results, if necessary, undergo treatment.
  • Self-diagnosis and self-treatment in case of suspicion of a pathological course of pregnancy is unacceptable. Loss of time can cost a woman in labor not only health, but also life.

Prognosis of ovarian pregnancy

If a woman is responsible for her health and the health of her unborn child, then at the slightest ailment she immediately turns to a qualified doctor. Such a step allows her to make the prognosis of ovarian pregnancy quite favorable. Subsequently, she remains fully capable of conceiving, bearing and producing a healthy child. Statistics show that 50 - 85% of such women could become mothers in the future. 10 - 20% of cases show repeated ectopic pregnancy.

If the situation is neglected and doctors observe a rather severe clinical picture of the pathology, aggravated by severe bleeding, in this case, the risk of developing serious complications, and even death of the victim, increases sharply.

From the diagnosis - ovarian pregnancy - not a single woman who wants to become a mother is insured, having given birth to a healthy baby. But the point is not that such a pathology can affect everyone, but to take timely and adequate measures to solve the problem. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor for advice than to ignore the signals of the body and lose not only the baby, but also your health, and possibly your life. Therefore, dear women, be more attentive to your health and be more responsible. After all, delay in seeking help from a qualified doctor can cost too much. And you will have to pay with your health, and sometimes with your life!

It's important to know!

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes. Some of them are visible to the naked eye, while others are so hidden that they can only be detected using ultrasound or laboratory diagnostics.

In addition to the generally accepted norms of diagnostic measures described above, I would like to pay attention to an integral part of the treatment of ectopic pregnancy - the differential diagnosis of the disease. A thorough medical examination, of course, will help to be 100% sure that a woman has a pathologically developing pregnancy, especially an ultrasound transvaginal examination will help out here. However, any qualified gynecologist will not start a comprehensive treatment of the pathology before he makes a differential diagnosis of ovarian ectopic pregnancy with other gynecological and surgical diseases.

What is the differential diagnosis and how does it relate to ovarian ectopic pregnancy? The fact is that a number of symptoms that accompany the active development of an ectopic pregnancy in the ovary coincide with the symptoms of many diseases in which the clinical picture of an "acute abdomen" is pronounced. Therefore, as you already understood, a differential diagnosis is a method of diagnostic measures to exclude inappropriate signs of a particular disease in relation to the main one, which actually falls under suspicion from the very beginning. This technique is actively used not only in gynecology, but also in other areas of medicine - therapy, surgery, neurology, etc. It cannot be said that this is one of the key points in making a diagnosis, however, as an additional diagnostic method, differential. The diagnosis worked well!

So, what diseases are compared according to the patient's symptoms?

The most striking example of this is ovarian apoplexy - a pathology from the side of the appendages, namely the ovaries. In the common people - this disease is known as ovarian rupture. But, despite the fact that the clinical picture of the acute development of an interrupted ectopic pregnancy is similar to the clinical picture of ovarian apoplexy, there are some features that make it possible to reject a possible diagnosis. For starters, a home or hospital pregnancy test will show a negative result when, in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the test is positive or weakly positive. A characteristic sign of an ovarian rupture is its onset approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and if a corpus luteum cyst has ruptured, gynecologists establish that the woman is in the second phase of the cycle. While with an ectopic pregnancy, menstruation is absent in principle (with the exception of some situations). Accordingly, on the eve of the onset of symptoms of ovarian apoplexy, a woman could not observe any signs of pregnancy, as occurs with an ectopic ovarian pregnancy.

The second most important pathological condition of a woman, which can be compared or mistaken for an ovarian ectopic pregnancy, is spontaneous miscarriage. No one can 100% foresee the development of possible complications, such as abortion. If such a situation occurs, gynecologists conduct a thorough medical examination and differential diagnosis in order to develop the most effective comprehensive treatment for the patient. So, if a woman with a suspected ectopic pregnancy is admitted to a hospital, the following symptoms are excluded during examination, confirming spontaneous abortion:

  1. Absence of any symptoms of blood loss (intra-abdominal),
  2. External bleeding from the genitals of a woman, consistent with her appearance, all signs indicate that significant blood loss has occurred,
  3. A characteristic feature of secretions from the genital organs is blood, resembling in consistency, from meager to abundant, with the presence of clots. And it appears before the woman complained of pain in the lower abdomen, the color of the discharge is bright scarlet.
  4. Gynecological examination shows that the abdomen is soft, and the examination is painless for the woman, there is no symptom of irritated peritoneum,
  5. All signs of pregnancy corresponding to the gestational age, the opening of the cervical canal, on ultrasound - a fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

These and many other diagnoses that may indicate a possible ectopic pregnancy or a similar disease with characteristic symptoms. Differential diagnosis is also carried out with appendicitis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and simply inflammatory diseases of the organs of the female reproductive system, which are the root cause of an ectopic pregnancy in the future. In critical gynecological conditions, all diseases are interconnected and, one way or another, pass from one pathology to another, or acquiring the character of a chronic disease, so timely prevention of gynecological and surgical diseases will reduce the risk of ovarian ectopic pregnancy as much as possible.

Ovarian ectopic pregnancy treatment

Despite a wide range of treatment methods in gynecology and other branches of medicine, the main, most effective way to eliminate ovarian ectopic pregnancy is still surgery to remove the affected tissues and excise the fetal egg, to maximize the integrity of the organ.

I would just like to add that thanks to technological progress, today even such a serious surgical intervention is much easier and painless, thanks to endoscopic surgery. Thus, the duration of many operations has been reduced several times, the development of infectious postoperative complications has decreased by 30%, and the issue of beauty, especially for women, has become less acute and painful, since, unlike laparotomy, endoscopic surgery does not leave visible scars and scars for many years, while maintaining the aesthetic appearance of the operated field.

An ectopic ovarian pregnancy is a pathology in which the fetus is attached not in the uterine cavity, but in the follicle. This violation occurs in rare cases, is caused by various reasons. What is this pathology and how is it treated?

Varieties of pregnancy

There are several types of ectopic pregnancy, which differ from each other in the place of attachment of the fertilized egg. Pathology is of the following types:

  • Trubnaya. It is diagnosed most often. The fetus is attached in the fallopian tube. In rare cases, multiple pregnancy can develop in two tubes at once.
  • Abdominal. The presence of the fetus in the abdominal cavity is observed. This pathology is rare. There is primary and secondary abdominal pregnancy. The first variety means that the embryo was attached to the cavity from the very beginning, and the second - the fetal egg entered the peritoneum from the fallopian tube.
  • Ovarian. It is also observed in rare cases when the fetus is attached in the ovary itself or on its surface.
  • Cervical. With this pathology, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cervix. It is also extremely rare.

Ovarian pregnancy, in turn, is divided into two varieties:

  • Intrafollicular, when the fetus is attached inside the ovary.
  • Ovalarial, in which the embryo is located on the surface of the ovary.

Whatever type of pathology is found in a woman, it requires immediate medical attention and treatment.

Reasons for the appearance

The occurrence of ovarian pregnancy occurs when the egg is not released from the follicle in a timely manner, does not have time to leave the ovary. As a result, fertilization occurs in it, where the fetus develops further. The reasons for this violation can be various factors. These include:

  1. Transferred pathologies of the uterus of an infectious nature.
  2. Colds that affect the reproductive organs.
  3. Conducting surgery for diseases of the pelvic organs.
  4. Failure of the endocrine system.
  5. The presence of neoplasms in the ovaries.
  6. Taking potent medications for the treatment of serious pathologies.
  7. Underdevelopment of the ovary.
  8. Ineffective infertility treatment.

Experts note that long-term wearing of an intrauterine device can provoke the development of an ovarian pregnancy. The risk is small, but still there. This is due to the fact that the body may not respond adequately to the presence of a foreign object in the cervix, namely, to cause an inflammatory process.

Based on research, scientists have concluded that women who smoke are more prone to ectopic pregnancy than patients who lead a healthy lifestyle. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that nicotine has an adverse effect on the peristalsis of the tubes, the contractility of the uterus, and negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.

Doctors cannot always say for sure why the fetus has attached itself in the wrong place. Very often, an ectopic pregnancy occurs for no apparent reason.


Ovarian pregnancy proceeds quite well, the woman is not bothered by any unpleasant symptoms. The fetus itself develops without pronounced deviations, as in a natural uterine pregnancy. The ovary has very elastic tissues, so it can stretch to certain sizes. This allows pregnancy to develop until late. At this time, the patient can even feel the movement of the child.

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But all this is temporary. There is a moment when the baby grows to such a size that the ovary cannot withstand. Then the first negative symptoms of pathology begin to appear. Women complain of the following symptoms:

  • Manifestations of toxicosis, which usually occur only in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Breast enlargement, pain in it.
  • Bloody discharge from the vagina of a smearing nature.
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back, intestines. The pain can last for a different time, from a couple of minutes to several hours.
  • General deterioration in the form of weakness, dizziness, nausea, fainting.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • Pain during bowel movements.

Over time, the symptoms become more dangerous. The woman is bleeding internally. The pains become even stronger and longer, sometimes leading to loss of consciousness. This also increases the patient's body temperature. All these manifestations indicate that the ovary begins to rupture. If a woman is worried about such symptoms, then an urgent need to see a doctor.

Diagnostic measures

When a woman goes to the hospital, the doctor first talks to her. He studies the symptoms, the patient's history. He is interested in the presence of chronic inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, infertility, the use of drugs that stimulate ovulation, abortions in the past.

After that, the doctor examines the woman on the gynecological chair. But in the first stages of the pathology, nothing suspicious is found. Paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, bloody discharge from the vagina can only be noted.

Based on the symptoms and examination alone, it is impossible to make a diagnosis, therefore, additional diagnostics of the woman's pelvic organs are prescribed. First of all, an ultrasound examination is performed. But it may not help in making a diagnosis, because on ultrasound, an ovarian ectopic pregnancy looks like polycystic ovaries.

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A mandatory examination includes a blood and urine test. The most characteristic sign of pregnancy is a high level of hCG in the body. The doctor also prescribes laparoscopy. This technique is considered the most informative. It is performed by inserting a special device into the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of pathology

If a woman's health condition worsens, then you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need urgent medical attention. Modern medicine offers two methods of therapy - surgical and medical. The choice of method depends on how far the disease has gone.

The medical method of treatment consists in taking medications. The most popular is such a tool as "Methotrexate". It is available as an injection, which is injected intramuscularly or intravenously. Take it once in order to cause fetal death. The use of the drug allows you to maintain the health of the ovaries, which in the future gives a woman a chance to become pregnant again and successfully bear the baby.

The doctor prescribes a medical preparation in the presence of the following prerequisites:

  1. Stable hemodynamics of the patient.
  2. Absence of heavy bleeding, severe pain.
  3. The development of the fetus is exactly outside the uterus.
  4. No contraindications to the use of "Methotrexate".

Surgical therapy consists in scraping the embryo. During surgery, a part of the reproductive organ is excised. After a certain period of time, the ovary is fully restored and continues to function in the same volume. This allows a woman to conceive and give birth to a child in the future. In some cases, doctors have to remove the ovary itself. This is done when the pathology is severe with severe symptoms.

Consequences of pregnancy

Ovarian pregnancy is considered a condition that poses a great danger to the health and life of a woman. If an ectopic ovarian pregnancy is not detected in time, it can cause rupture of the ovary. In this case, you will have to do an operation to remove the fetus along with the organ.

The very concept of ectopic pregnancy cannot be characterized as a complication or disease, since this does not apply to the normal state and poses a threat to the health and life of a woman.

The onset of pregnancy is an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon, which exits as a fetal egg into the uterine cavity and attaches to its wall. Fertilization itself is carried out in the fallopian tube, and then moves towards the uterus, this can be called the normal development of pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is similar, but subsequently the fetal egg does not enter the uterus, but remains in the tube.

It has several types:

  • pipe;
  • ovarian;
  • cervical;
  • abdominal.

An ovarian ectopic pregnancy occurs when a spermatozoon enters an immature egg and after that the already fertilized egg begins to mature. It is almost impossible to diagnose this pathology, only if this diagnosis is suspected, it is confirmed at the time of surgery. Even at the deadlines for bearing a child, a woman feels the movement of the fetus. But when the fetus reaches an extreme size that the capsule can burst, she has to experience severe pain, jumps in blood pressure, and at a very late date - severe bleeding.

Diagnosed manifestations:

  • the results of the study show a fetal egg in the ovary zone;
  • the fetus is connected to the uterus by the ovarian ligament;
  • in addition to the fetal membrane, ovarian tissue is visible.

Referring to the fact that the ovarian walls are quite elastic and can stretch out, pregnancy can develop to a fairly large size, and can reach its end, but basically this situation ends badly, the capsule breaks and there may be an unforeseen result, up to death. It is worth emphasizing that this is extremely dangerous for both health and life, and can be fraught with a large loss of blood, which is almost impossible to stop.

Causes of pregnancy in the ovary.

It is impossible to single out the signs of the formation of an ovarian pregnancy, because all pathologies of pregnancy are similar in nature. The main ones are:

In addition to the causes, there are risk factors that can also serve to develop such a pathological pregnancy. These can be diseases such as endometriosis, diseases of the endocrine system, malignant tumors in the pelvis, sexual infantilism.

In 90%, the occurrence of an ectopic ovarian pregnancy can be called causeless, accidental.

Symptoms of ovarian pregnancy.

At the very beginning, such a pathology is difficult to identify, so the symptoms are the same as in a normal pregnancy:

  • delayed menstruation or small spotting;
  • signs of toxicosis, nausea, vomiting;
  • sensation of pain in the lower abdomen during palpation;
  • a positive test result for hCG;
  • a positive pregnancy test;
  • enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands.

Is it possible to determine an ectopic ovarian pregnancy on your own? Finding out what is actually happening with the body and how pregnancy develops on its own is unrealistic, but with any discomfort and suspicion of a problem, you should immediately consult a doctor and in no case take medications. Although, if you listen to the body, you can notice some signs.

For example, the resulting pain in the lower abdomen in a specific place. Small bleeding may also appear. A secondary sign may be a barely visible second strip on the test. This may be because the fertilized egg develops abnormally and the level of hCG does not increase enough when the level doubles every day during a uterine pregnancy.

When an ovary ruptures, the picture is as follows: acute unbearable pain, nausea, lowering blood pressure, up to loss of consciousness. Internal bleeding, which is manifested by cyanosis of the lips, increased sweating, blanching of the skin, pain and tension in the abdomen.

If the blood loss is plentiful, then the woman loses consciousness and death is possible, this is in the case when timely assistance was not provided.

Treatment of ectopic ovarian pregnancy.

Pregnancy in the ovary is considered one of the most difficult. It is difficult not only in diagnosis, but also in treatment, although it happens quite rarely. To diagnose this pathology, most often resort to the method of laparoscopy. An ultrasound examination is ineffective in this case, as it always shows a fetal egg inside the ovary. With the help of laparoscopy, it is possible to see the fertilized egg and remove it.

The operation, which is performed to remove an ectopic ovarian pregnancy, takes place in several steps:

  • through a small hole made in the abdominal cavity, a laparoscope is carefully inserted;
  • then a small incision is made in the ovary;
  • the fertilized egg is carefully removed. Thanks to such a method as laparoscopy, it is possible to carry out the operation with minimal trauma to the organ;
  • after, a small incision is sutured with a cosmetic suture;
  • bleeding from the ovary stops.

It is important to note the fact that it is necessary to carry out the operation as early as possible, until the embryo has grown to a critical size and has not ruptured the ovary. But, sadly, it is not always possible to carry out the operation in a timely manner, since the ovary is able to stretch in parallel with the growth of the fetal egg. But, despite this, if you miss the moment and leave the disease, then this can lead to the absolute removal of the ovary. And if such a pregnancy provoked a rupture, profuse bleeding will follow and a more complicated operation will be performed to save the woman's life due to the large loss of blood.

An ovarian pregnancy never ends without problems, although there have been known cases of a live birth by a caesarean section. But this is more of a sensation in the field of medicine than a real and feasible scenario for the development of such a situation. This disease can only be treated with surgery. Only the removal of the ovum or wedge resection of the ovary. In very rare cases, when other options are excluded and time has been lost, an oophorectomy is done, the complete removal of the ovary.

With an ectopic pregnancy, you can not self-medicate, especially since the use of drugs in this case will not give a positive effect and can greatly aggravate the situation. Therefore, if any alarming signs appear, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary, since a timely operation will give a chance to give birth to a healthy baby in the future.