What time the voice is cut. Teenage voice breaking. When there is a breaking voice in boys

The voice is born with the help of several body systems: the larynx, vocal folds (in everyday speech they are called ligaments), lungs, chest and nasopharynx. A jet of air, escaping from the lungs, makes the vocal folds vibrate with a certain frequency, while the chest and nasopharynx serve as resonators. The larger and thicker the vocal folds, the lower the sound. Not always, though. For example, Caruso's vocal folds were twice as large as that of another profundo bass, and Caruso sang in tenor.

In boys, like in girls, the larynx is small, the folds are small, and only their edges vibrate under the action of a stream of air. Experts call this the falsetto mechanism of sound production. The larynx is like a whistle. Nature intended it so that a child, whose sound-generating systems are still small, can still be heard. And in fact, the squeals of children are so well heard that, if you go to school, for example, at recess, you can simply go deaf.

But at the age of 13-14, under the influence of various hormones, mainly sex hormones, the vocal folds in boys begin to grow, lengthen and thicken. These folds are a hormone-dependent structure. It is not for nothing that the eunuchs' voice remains high, childish - they themselves have the complexion of quite adult men, and the vocal folds do not reach adult sizes, because sex hormones are not produced in the body.

For the same reason, the voice of the elderly also becomes higher - after all, there are less and less sex hormones in the body. And in women, by old age, on the contrary, the voice sounds in lower tones, again there are not enough hormones, only female ones, which change the folds so that the sound is high and sonorous.

An adult can speak and sing in falsetto even with a normally developed vocal apparatus. True, without habit it is not very convenient. But it's fashionable, it's not for nothing that some radio presenters say so and Presnyakov Jr. sings. For an adult, such a mechanism of sound formation is still more natural, when the entire fold vibrates, the voice wave goes both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, an adult voice turns out to be deeper, more beautiful, varied in color. In normal speech, we use 2-3 tones above and below our main tone. And the singer takes two octaves.

Fear of the new

It is difficult for a teenager to switch from falsetto to a full-fledged process of sound formation. But the problem here is not physiological, but psychological: the boy is used to the sound of his childish voice, and the new voice - baritone or bass - scares him. When talking, he uses the old mechanism of sound generation, then the new one.

Since children grow unevenly, one guy may also be a small sprout, and his bass is already breaking through with might and main, and the other has grown a mile away, and the larynx is still small, the voice is still childish. These boys, who are ahead of their peers or lagging behind them, have the hardest time, they are more ashamed of their voices than others. But for the majority, breaking the voice is a normal physiological process: the voice has become lower and rougher - well, okay. The majority quickly grope for a new mechanism for the formation of sounds. On rare occasions, a teenager needs the help of a phonopathist - a voice training specialist who usually works with singers. Is that a few of those who grow up surrounded by some women. These boys even have no one to imitate, no one to take an example from. But even one lesson is usually enough for them, in which a doctor or phonopedist will show exercises to formulate and consolidate a normal male voice.

Three features

There are three characteristics of adolescent mutation that parents need to know.

● During voice withdrawal it is not necessary to load the vocal folds. And the boys, unfortunately, do not take care of them, they strain them at every step: either playing football, they scream like crazy, then they sing songs with a guitar at the top of their lungs ... called - screamer nodules. These nodules change the vibration of the folds and the voice becomes hoarse. Some nodules then dissolve by themselves if the loads fall, but sometimes they have to be removed - to do microsurgical operations.

● Colds can tighten the mutation. Not always a red throat in a teenager is a sign of a respiratory infection. When the larynx grows, blood circulation in it increases, the tissues become redder, it seems that the child has laryngitis. They begin to treat the boy for a cold, give him medicine, take him to the doctor ... And there is only a normal physiological process.

If the mutation has dragged on, that is, the boy has already stopped growing up, and his voice has not become low, like a man, it is necessary to show the teenager to the phoniatrist. The longer a guy speaks in falsetto, the harder it will be for him to switch to adult tones.

● We are not destined to know what kind of "adult" voice a beautifully singing little boy will have. There is a high, clear voice in childhood, but a mutation has passed, and the voice turned out to be the most banal - both in color, and in timbre, and in strength. A well-known example is Robertino Loretti. And nothing can be done: what is given is given.

A curious case. Once an officer, and not of the smallest rank, turned to phoniatrists - doctors who study the peculiarities of the work of the vocal apparatus. He is quite a grown man, and his voice is like that of a boy. It turns out not seriously. Doctors helped him, taught him to speak in baritone.

Voice is the natural ability of a person to make a variety of sounds, which is extremely important for the implementation of full-fledged communication in society. All babies are born with thin voices, but over time, the features of their sound change. And this is especially noticeable in boys, since there is a significant difference between male and female voices. And today we are talking about how voice breaking occurs in boys, we will consider its symptoms, and also answer the question: how to speed up this process, and how long it takes normally.

Human anatomists claim that the height of our voice is determined by the thickness of our vocal cords. For girls, they are thinner, so their voice sounds higher, and for boys, they are thicker, respectively, and their voice is lower. Ligaments increase in size and become thicker in both sexes. But in girls they change only twofold, and in boys by almost seventy percent. And this process of change is exactly what is called voice breaking.

It is worth noting that the processes of breaking the voice in boys proceed according to approximately the same scenario. But the age at which these changes occur may differ. Sometimes the voice breaks at the age of twelve, and sometimes in fifteen-year-olds such changes have not yet been observed. Symptoms depend on the period of the mutation.

So, in the pre-mutation period, the adolescent's body is only preparing for the upcoming restructuring, involving all organs and systems. The boy's voice at the same time acquires a hoarse sound. Readers of "Popularly about health" can pay attention to the occurrence of hoarseness, perspiration and mild cough.

However, it is worth noting that when practicing vocals, such changes can manifest themselves in a slightly different way, due to the training of the ligaments. So, the child in this case may have difficulty trying to hit high notes. In addition, he may be bothered by pain in the larynx region that occurs when practicing vocal. At the same time, the teacher may notice "dirt" in the sound.

Then comes the period of direct breaking of the voice. At the same time, the larynx naturally swells, active synthesis of mucus is possible. Such changes contribute to the attachment of all kinds of inflammatory processes. If parents look into a teen's mouth, they may see reddened vocal cords with their own eyes. In this state, the child's voice needs rest, increased stress can cause underdevelopment of the vocal cords. At the same time, it is extremely important to protect yourself from all kinds of colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. After all, their joining is fraught with violations of the breaking of the voice and even inhibition of this process. In such a situation, the boy may retain the tenor sound for all the years of his life.

After the immediate breaking of the voice, the so-called post-emulation period begins. And its course depends on many factors, ranging from nationality and ending with genetic or physiological characteristics. This stage can last for a different amount of time. As practice shows, towards the end of the formation of already completely "his" voice, the child begins to periodically complain that his vocal cords quickly get tired. However, at the same time, parents may notice that voice drops no longer occur, the sound becomes stable.

The duration of this period is quite individual. It can take from two to four months to complete all the stages described above. But quite often this period can increase up to six months.

Doctors strongly advise against interfering with the natural processes of changing the vocal cords. Parents should have information on how to help develop a voice and how to prevent the occurrence of various problems.

So, first of all, limiting the loads plays an extremely important role. Excessive stress on the changing vocal cords is fraught with the formation of nodules, and this, in turn, leads to the development of hoarseness. Perhaps such a defect will go away on its own, but in some cases, even surgical assistance is needed to correct it.

During the period of voice withdrawal, it is worth remembering the increased likelihood of developing various acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections in a child. Diseases can disrupt or delay the processes of changes in the vocal cords. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, strengthening immunity and activating the body's defenses plays an extremely important role. In the event that the child's voice does not break for a long time, you need to consult a phoniatrist.

Parents need to explain to the teenager that the sound obtained as a result of breaking the voice will be unique, and its sound features are predetermined by nature. Quite often, children try to copy some heroes, and such attempts during the period of changes in the vocal cords can lead to the fact that the changing areas are overloaded, and the withdrawal process is disrupted.

Therefore, both parents and teenagers should be patient and let nature take its toll. The period of voice withdrawal does not last very long.

For a long time, nature has laid down so that a person must communicate. Almost all babies are born with thin voices, and by adolescence, voice breaking begins to occur. In fact, this process affects both male and female ligaments, although in girls this is not so noticeable.

What does the process look like?

The beginning of the air wave comes from the lungs, reaches the ligaments and causes them to vibrate. As for the chest and nasopharynx, they act as resonators. The pitch depends on the thickness of the vocal cords - the thinner they are, like in girls, the higher the voice, and vice versa - the thicker the vocal cords, like in boys, the lower.

Nature has made sure that parents always hear their child. Therefore, from birth, everyone has small and thin ligaments.

As they grow, they increase in size and thicken, respectively, the sound changes its tone.

But during puberty, the rate and extent of growth is gender-specific. The female larynx changes by half, while the male by 70%.

That is why adolescents have such significant differences in timbre, both in terms of gender and between each other. But right away it should be said that such a process is absolutely individual, therefore, some boys have had bass for 12 years, while others still communicate in tenor at 15.

There are three main stages of mutation.

  1. Pre-mutation period. At this time, the body is preparing for future restructuring, and at this stage all systems are involved.
  • the sound becomes more hoarse;
  • hoarseness, perspiration are noted, which are accompanied by a slight cough.

But it is worth noting that if a young man or girl is engaged in singing, then such symptoms can manifest themselves in a slightly different way, because the singers have more trained ligaments. First, the high notes will not come off as easily as before. Secondly, the child may begin to complain of painful sensations in the larynx while singing.

The vocal teachers themselves will begin to make comments about the "dirt" in the sound. Although in a "calm" state, such signs may not be observed. Rest is needed for the vocal cords at this time, since the restructuring process and the simultaneous load on them can lead to the fact that a person simply loses "his sound."

  1. Breaking voice. At this time, the larynx begins to flow, and mucus can be observed. Such moments provoke the onset of the development of inflammatory processes.

Therefore, if you look into the mouth of a teenager, you can see that the surface of the vocal cords has acquired a red color. It is this state that requires rest, since an increased load can lead to an underdevelopment of the organ.

During such a period, it is worth taking special care to protect yourself from colds and viral diseases, otherwise after the adolescence has passed, there is a risk that the boys will have the sound of the tenor.

  1. Post-emulation period. This is an individual process. Many factors play a role here, ranging from nationality to personal physiological, and sometimes genetic characteristics. In boys and girls, it can happen in different ways, and take a different amount of time. Usually, by the end of the formation of "own sound", the child begins to complain of rapid fatigue of the vocal cords. But now it will become more noticeable that the voice has no more drops, it becomes more stable.

The adolescent period is characterized by the rapid activation of hormonal processes. It is these substances that are responsible for external and internal changes in the human body - in boys, hair begins to grow throughout the body, puberty develops, pollution is observed, a sharp increase in the skeleton and muscle mass. As for girls, their breasts begin to grow, their body shape changes, and menstruation begins.

The vocal cords are also highly hormone dependent. If in adolescence they receive less of their components, then they will not be able to acquire "adult" sizes - to become more elongated and dense. Accordingly, the voice will not break, which means that the young man will have it high enough.

By the way, in girls it is always higher, since their sex hormones are not produced in the same amount as in boys, besides, they are completely different. It is interesting to note the moment that by old age the male voice becomes higher and the female voice is lower. And all these moments are due to the fact that the hormonal background does not receive its components.

Breaking the voice is associated not only with physiological, but also psychological discomfort. And both boys and girls. But female ligaments grow a little slower, so when the time of puberty comes, they are still short compared to male ones. Therefore, the mutation is not so obvious.

And a sharp difference in timbre in a girl may be associated with a failure of hormones. But in this case, parents are obliged to show their daughter to an endocrinologist, because this may indicate serious endocrine diseases. If the girl does not have obvious symptoms of a broken voice, then the mutation process is taking place in a natural way and there is nothing to worry about.

Most teenagers don't even notice how their voices break. This is due to the fact that such a process simply does not give them any discomfort.

Different children of the same age may have a different tone of voice, since their larynx will be at different stages of development. But no matter what state the child is in, parents should know what actions are permissible during this period, and why they should refrain.

  1. moderate load. Here, more advice applies to parents of boys than girls. Excessive stress on the vocal cords provokes the formation of nodules, which further lead to hoarseness. Such a defect can go away on its own, but in some cases, surgery is indispensable;
  2. during the mutation period, it is worth protecting the child from colds. This can delay the breaking of the voice. If a young man continues to have high tones for a long time, then parents are recommended to show him to such a specialist as a phoniatrist;
  3. parents should explain to the child that "their own sound" is unique, and it will be the same as laid down by nature. Very often little boys try to imitate this or that hero. Such fanaticism can lead to the fact that the young man overloads his ligaments and they simply "break".

Nature itself lays down this or that tone of voice, and no one can change it. Therefore, your timbre should be taken for granted and does not oppose it. And there is no way to speed up the breaking of the voice, because this process is natural and it is impossible to influence it.

All that remains is to be patient, to adhere to the recommendations so that this process goes faster and, if possible, without complications.

How boys' voices break

How does a voice break

The breaking of the voice is caused by the growth of the larynx. In this case, the vocal cords are lengthened and thickened, because of which the voice becomes lower. The vocal cords grow under the influence of hormones. In fact, the voice does not break, but simply changes. The tone of the voice is lowered by 5-6 tones. The so-called Adam's apple, the male Adam's apple, develops.

When a voice break occurs

The growth of the vocal cords in boys begins somewhere around 13-14 years old. But this is the middle age, like puberty, it is individual. The difficulty is that the child is used to his old voice and the new one scares him. The ligaments have grown and now require a different mechanism of speech. The voice becomes lower and rougher. But while the boy gets used to the new way of making sounds, a low voice will alternate with a high one.

Breaking the voice lasts several months

This time is needed to stabilize the voice. The teenager is very vulnerable, as he worries about his voice. The boy needs to be explained that this is a normal process, and all that he experiences is the path to becoming a man. Screeching notes may appear in the voice, the tonality is constantly changing. During the breaking of the voice, the boys cannot sing at all. They can try, but they will not work. You need to be prepared for the fact that breaking the voice can take six months.

During the breaking of the voice, you need to take care of the ligaments

If the boy screams loudly, tries to forcefully rebuild his voice, then he injures the ligaments. Most boys are noisy by nature, it is impossible for them not to scream during games and communication. Loud screaming often turns into screeching, the vocal cords are overstrained. Nodules appear on the damaged ligaments, due to which the voice becomes hoarse, hoarse. Fortunately, they dissolve and the vocal cords return to normal. Strong nervous shocks can provoke loss of voice. If such a nuisance suddenly occurred, take the boy to a speech therapist or phoniatrist.

Throat during voice change is red

The growing ligaments require a lot of blood, so the larynx becomes red. If there are no other signs of a cold, then you don't even need to start treating it. After all, medications can slow down the process of breaking the voice.

It is impossible to predict what the voice will become after withdrawal.

Therefore, you should not plan a singing career for your child. Indeed, very often after withdrawal, the musical voice disappears. Be prepared for your teen's voice to be completely normal. Have a conversation with your child so that he is ready to change.

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14-year-old Sasha was brought to an endocrinologist by his father. The boy was upset because he had a childish appearance, grew poorly, and his voice did not break, although his peers were already speaking in a bass.

The boy's anamnesis indicated that he was born from a second full-term pregnancy weighing 3,200 g and height
50 cm; he had no chronic diseases, surgical interventions, or craniocerebral injuries. From the age of 6 he played football, until the age of 12 he did not differ in physical development from his peers; and then it was as if he froze at his age.

On examination, the doctor saw that the growth rate (144.5 cm) lagged behind the genetic one by –2 sigma deviations.
The Tanner stage of puberty is pre-pubertal (testicular volume - 3 ml; scrotum, penis of the same size and proportions as in early childhood). There is no pubic and axillary hair growth. The diagnosis is delayed puberty (DPD).

Angelica Solntseva,
Associate Professor of the 1st Department of Children's Diseases of the Belarusian State Medical University, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Sci., Chief Freelance Pediatric Endocrinologist, Ministry of Health

Why development was delayed. Sexual

ZPR - the absence of secondary sexual characteristics in children who have reached the upper age limit of normal puberty. Girls do not have enlarged mammary glands by 13 years and / or no menstruation (menarche) by 15. If sexual development began on time, but menstruation did not occur within 5 years, it is considered an isolated delay in menarche. The main signs of CRD in boys are testicular volume less than 4 ml by the age of 14 (or< 2,4 см).
Secondary hair growth (pubic and axillary) should not be considered a reliable criterion for puberty in children. It can be the result of adrenal androgen activity and can be observed in patients even with severe forms of hypogonadism.
DPD occurs in 0.6–2.0% (according to various sources) of children of the European population. Most have functional impairments associated with constitutional (familial) late onset of puberty. In 0.1% of them, such a delay is based on the pathology of the hypothalamic-pituitary system (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) or the gonads (hypergonadotropic hypogonadism).
The constitutional form accounts for up to 80% of all cases of RP and is caused by a functional disorder of the central mechanisms that activate the main link in the onset of puberty in children - the circadian rhythm of GnRH secretion. This variant of CRA prevails in boys (the ratio with girls is 9: 1). Mostly hereditary. In 70% of cases, the parents also had CRD (in 37% - in both, in 30% - in the mother, in 33% - in the father). There are also sporadic forms of the disease.
Aggravating factors - pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, low anthropometric indicators of the newborn, unfavorable social and family environment, alcoholism and drug addiction of parents.
Delayed growth and puberty can also be caused by chronic systemic diseases: disruption of the digestive system with malabsorption syndrome (celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis), chronic disease
kidneys, heart defects, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, endocrinopathies (hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, hypercortisolism, including iatrogenic, etc.).
ZPD occurs with a lack of body weight (unbalanced diet, low calorie intake, diet, fasting) or, conversely, with alimentary obesity. Delayed puberty is sometimes accompanied by intensive gymnastics, ballet, etc., when there is a non-physiological excess of energy consumption.
One of the potential factors for the onset of CRD in children with malnutrition is a neurohormonal mediator (leptin). It controls appetite and food intake. At certain concentrations, with sufficient development of adipose tissue, leptin stimulates the secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH). Lack of body weight leads to delayed puberty. So, in children with anorexia nervosa, the level of leptin is sharply reduced, the concentration of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones is reduced. In the majority of obese patients, despite the high indices of this neurohormonal mediator, the phenomenon of leptin resistance is noted, when the gonadotropic function is also reduced.
In most cases, CRA is combined with growth retardation. Growth retardation is associated with the absence of a pubertal growth spurt, which occurs due to the direct effect of sex hormones on bone tissue and the activation of impulse secretion of growth hormone (GH) and the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). It is assumed that the constitutional delay in puberty is due to primary disorders in the GH-IGF-1 system, and the activation of gonadotropic function is secondary.
ZPR promotes polymorphism of forms of luteinizing hormone with altered biological activity and high affinity for cell receptors. In these children, puberty begins at normal times, but the development of secondary sexual characteristics is slow. Guys with mutant forms of luteinizing hormone have a lower growth rate, decreased concentrations of IGF-1 and its binding protein.

Clinical "face" of CRA

Additional signs of DPD include the absence of: in girls - the distribution of fat according to the female type (in the thighs and buttocks), in boys - mutations in the voice, the development of facial hair, the formation of male body architectonics, as well as insufficient activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Pubic and axillary hair growth is poorly expressed due to the late activation of androgen synthesis by the adrenal glands.
An important sign of functional cerebrovascular accidents is growth retardation. Moderate is observed from the first years of life. In the period preceding puberty (9-10 years), the rates begin to progressively decrease to 3-4 cm per year.
Bone age is 2-3 years less than the passport age. But the indicators of bone and growth age (when the existing height corresponds to the 50th percentile) coincide. Body proportions in children with constitutional CRD are not violated. In some cases, with a prolonged delay in puberty, eunuchoid proportions of the body (long limbs, shortened trunk) may form. In boys, skeletal muscles are poorly developed, there is a distribution of fat mass according to the female type, an increase in the mammary glands, no hair on the pubis, in the armpits; high timbre of voice.
There are other categories of patients who need to be examined in order to exclude a serious pathology - hypogonadism. In the presence of stigma of dysembryogenesis and / or clinical symptoms of congenital genetic syndromes, it is necessary to examine children in dopubertal conditions (Shereshevsky-Turner, Prader-Willi, Klinefelter syndromes, etc.); with non-progressive sexual development (the timely appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and the absence of reaching the 4-5th stage according to Tanner within 3.5-4.5 years). Diagnostics is most effective after 13 years.

Determine pathology:
from analysis to MRI

Clinical research includes: measuring height and weight, determining the ratio of the length of the upper and lower parts of the body, arm span to body length; identification of stigmas of dysmorphogenesis; assessment of sexual development (according to Tanner), intelligence; exclusion of anosmia; examination by an ophthalmologist (fundus, visual field); neurologist.
It is necessary to do a general analysis of blood and urine; biochemical blood test (creatinine, urea, potassium, sodium, calcium); hormonal examination;
radiograph of the left hand and wrist with an assessment of bone age; ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs in girls / abdominal cavity, testicles in boys; CT of the brain or MRI of the pituitary gland with mandatory contrast (the best method for visualizing a pituitary adenoma), if necessary - karyotyping and special functional tests.
The mainstay of treatment for constitutional malnutrition is hormonal therapy. It stimulates the development of secondary sexual characteristics, growth rate; activates bone mineralization, maturation of the hypothalamic-gonadotropic system. An important argument for the use of sex hormones is the presence of psychological problems, emotional disturbances, and difficulties in social adaptation in children with mental retardation.
The main requirement for hormonal drug therapy is that it should not affect accelerated bone maturation (the child's growth may stop). The method of choosing such therapy in case of constitutional CRD is short courses of long-acting testosterone preparations (a mixture of testosterone esters intramuscularly, 50 mg once every 4 weeks for 3–6 months, depending on the results). Such treatment can be prescribed to a patient with a bone age of 12 years.
Chorionic gonadotropin (CG) preparations are less preferable for the correction of functional CRD, since they can lead to rapid and massive androgenization, and it contributes to an intensive acceleration of bone age and impairment of growth. It is especially dangerous to prescribe stimulating courses of hCG when the bone age is less than 12 years.
In such a case, non-aromatizing anabolic steroids with minimal androgenic activity are used: oxandrolone orally 0.1 mg / kg body weight (but not more than 2.5 mg per day) once a day for 3–6 months; control of bone age after 3 months). This group of drugs does not affect gonadotropic production, does not cause the development of secondary sexual characteristics and does not accelerate bone maturation.

... Since Sasha had difficulties in social adaptation, he was prescribed a course of a prolonged preparation of testosterone esters 50 mg once every 4 weeks for 6 months. Six months later, during the examination, the doctor noted the onset of puberty, an increase in the volume of the testicles up to 8 ml; the guy became 3 cm taller. After another 3 months, there was a further independent progression of puberty, a growth spurt. The boy's height was 174.5 cm (within the genetic growth corridor).


At the beginning of 2013, 91 patients with delayed sexual development were registered with endocrinologists in Belarus (48 of them were girls).

The mechanism of the birth of the sound of the human voice is unique, but at the same time natural and simple, like everything in nature. Nevertheless, the process of breaking the voice in adolescence, especially in boys, is not always "painless". He told us about it Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, KSMA, Professor Vladimir Nikolaevich Krasnozhen.

The sound of the voice occurs through several body systems: the larynx, vocal folds (called ligaments), lungs, chest and nasopharynx. A jet of air, escaping from the lungs, makes the vocal folds vibrate with a certain frequency, while the chest and nasopharynx serve as resonators. In boys, like in girls, the larynx is small, the folds are small, and under the action of a stream of air, as if in a whistle, only their edges vibrate. Nature intended so that a child whose sound-generating systems are still small, could still be heard by the parents, and when the sound was supplied, they could help him.

- When and under what circumstances does the voice begin to change? Why is this process more pronounced in boys?

At the age of 13-14, under the influence of hormones, mainly sex hormones, the vocal folds in boys begin to grow, lengthen and thicken. This is a hormone-dependent structure.

Difficulties arise, as a rule, with boys who find it difficult to get used to, "grope" for their new voice. The problem here is rather psychological: the boy is used to the sound of his childish voice, but he may not like the new voice.

When talking, he uses the old mechanism of sound generation, then the new one. However, young men quite quickly grope for a new mechanism for the formation of sounds. In rare cases, one of the teenagers needs the help of a phonopedist - a voice training specialist.

If in boys the larynx increases by one and a half times, then in girls only by one third.

During mutation, not only the voice changes (decreases), but also its timbre changes. After all, the timbre of the voice depends on the shape of the vocal folds, on the resonators, which also grow. In other words, in girls, the voice simply becomes deeper, more deep and more expressive.

- What can be done to make the process of breaking the voice painless for a teenager?

During this period, it is not necessary to load the vocal folds. Due to overexertion, nodules may appear on them, which change the vibration of the folds, and the voice becomes hoarse. Some nodules, without any external influences, have a reverse development, so you should not rush to surgical intervention. It is required only when there are organic changes in the vocal folds: papillomas, neoplasms of various origins, etc.

Colds can prolong the period of voice withdrawal - the inflammatory process has a negative effect on the vocal folds, changing them. If this happened, that is, the boy has already stopped growing up, and his voice did not become low like a man, it is necessary to contact the phoniatrist.

How to get through this period painlessly? The recipe is simple - let the teen laugh more often. Laughter is a good prevention of many diseases, including colds, and with a mutation of the voice, laughter will be doubly useful.