Green coloration. Shades of green from peas to asparagus

Green is one of the few that almost never irritates the eyes of anyone. Which is not surprising - after all, it is associated with nature and has a calming effect on humans. It is not surprising that green is not uncommon in clothes. Due to the variety of its shades, green clothes can be worn in all seasons - they will be combined with foliage and contrast well with snow.

Green symbolism

Probably no other color other than green is symbolized with freshness, spring, the beginning of life and health. The greenery of the Garden of Eden, spring with its characteristic green grass and young foliage, the union of yellow and blue - any shade of green is closely associated with nature and earthly forces. However, the most striking association is associated with natural greenery: young grass, foliage on trees, flower stems and the color of needles.

Green is a direct embodiment of the beginning of the astronomical year (before the adoption of Christianity, it began in the spring, around the time the fast begins). It is not surprising that the priests in the pre-Easter period, as well as on the days of the memory of the monks and the Holy Trinity, put on green robes. And this applies to all Christian denominations.

The color green is formed by the fusion of yellow (symbol of Christ) and blue (symbol of the Holy Spirit), thereby confirming the Lord's promise: everything happens according to the will of the father through his son Jesus Christ thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit. On many icons, the Saints are depicted in green robes or have elements of emerald-colored clothing. On the one hand, green is a symbol of wealth and financial success (many prosperous countries have green bills). But on the other hand, when rotting and decomposing, green mold is formed, during a shipwreck, a green light signal is given, an inexperienced teenager is put in place, saying: "Still green."

Green is designed to calm and inspire. In hospitals, white medical gowns have recently been replaced by light green uniforms, which, unlike dirty white ones, do not act so depressingly. Many designers advise to decorate the bedroom in blue-green tones to sleep well and get enough sleep. A girl in a green dress will seem much calmer and more benevolent than she really is. This is the magic of color!

Shades of green

Green also has various shades, cold and warm, ranging from deep dark green to delicate mint tone. To summarize, most of the green shades have an admixture of yellow, blue, blue or white tones.

One of the most beautiful and mysterious shades of green is viridiancontaining notes of deep green and overflowing blue. It is so unusual that it is mostly used in monochrome, without any complementary colors. Evening dresses in this color design look expensive and stylish, and do not require, due to their rich color, complex cut and draperies. Viridian is self-sufficient and gorgeous. And suits any hair color.

The emerald hue is complex and multifaceted, loved by the entire British royal family. It will calm you down, relieve you of slight anxiety, and set you in a peaceful mood. A rich bluish-green hue will remind you of the cold waters of the Baltic or North Seas, pine air and recreation in Palanga or Klaipeda. Emerald color is noble and sophisticated, especially good for dark-haired fair-skinned beauties.

Cold colors include jade shade... In terms of color, it occupies a place between dark green and emerald. Jade color harmonizes with almost all shades of green, but especially with gray-green and olive. In contrast to brick, cherry or chocolate tones, it will sparkle with new colors.

Aquamarine has another name - cyan, and also belongs to the category of bluish-green shades. It can be both bright and muted, but from this it does not at all lose its sophistication and mystery.

Better colors sea \u200b\u200bwave no other tone of clothing can accentuate your tan, and if your eyes are blue, it will make them bright blue. And this does not apply to the whole outfit, but even to a small scarf or topic. Aqua color is in harmony with warm sandy and golden hues.

Needle shade very popular in both clothing and makeup. Resonant juicy colors give a feeling of coolness, and at the same time make the light tone of the face even brighter. Coniferous shades are in harmony with pastel colors: blue, beige, lemon, mint. A pine-colored bag or scarf will perfectly enliven a suit in warm brown tones. An orange dress will look even more cheerful and cheerful with a spruce-colored belt.

Color of young foliage refers to a warm range, and it will look best on girls of the "spring" and "autumn" color type. The gentle tone of the recently hatched foliage will make the reddish shade of the autumn beauty's hair even brighter, and the "spring" girls will emphasize their beautiful complexion.

As close as possible to natural colors, the green shade will harmoniously combine with the same natural tones - cornflower blue, orange, lemon, peach, pink, tomato. Brunettes need brighter accompanying colors, blondes can opt for pastel colors.

Verdepom color originated from the French vert-de-pomme - unripe apples. This is an incredibly warm and juicy shade that will emphasize the oriental style of clothing. It is combined with rich warm colors, but pastel and cold shades may not withstand its brightness and saturation.

Light green neon shade, so bright and even flashy, is incredibly popular with both young people and designers. In the rays of the sun or spotlights, neon shades will not be lost or dimmed, and in a nightclub they will radiate a mystical glow. In principle, neon green will suit any type of appearance, but do not forget that there should be only one neon thing in an outfit. Any accessory in a neon shade will liven up a dark-colored dress, and pastel shades will look even more delicate.

Lime color less pretentious compared to neon, but more harmonious and versatile. It is an absolutely summer shade, cheerful and playful. Lime goes well with almost all colors: brown, blue, black, yellow, white. However, it is better not to mix it with too saturated tones (emerald, burgundy, blue black).

Shade of kiwi refers to warm colors. He loves girls of the autumn color type. Wearing a kiwi-colored outfit, the redhead will immediately bloom, the hair color will look brighter, and the eyes will shine with an incredible shine.

The pistachio color goes well with the autumn color palette, namely, with brown, burgundy, yellow, brick, terracotta shades. It evokes extremely positive emotions in others, involuntarily there are memories of pistachio ice cream, summer, warmth, so many winter things are made in this color scheme. The pistachio color is ideal for dark skin, and the pistachio blouse will brighten the dark skin. Blondes will also appreciate this shade because it will set off their beauty. But brown-haired women and brunettes can use it only as an accessory.

Olive shade can be classified as camouflage, because, having put on clothes of this tone, you will dissolve in space. Olive color belongs to the category of neutral shades. It does not evoke any emotions, but rather soothes. And it doesn't suit blondes at all. But brunettes and brown-haired women can choose it as the main tone, especially those with a golden skin tone.

The swamp color is a mixture of green with brown and gray. It can be confused with khaki, but khaki has no brown undertone. Despite its fadedness (the color is not at all bright), it is actively used by designers from all over the world. It is good for military style, boho, provence, safari. Combines with all shades of green, gray and brown, but does not look at all with blue and blue (with the exception of denim).

An incredibly delicate and feminine menthol shade is the result of a fusion of blue and green. Blondes thanks to this color will seem like ephemeral divas, as if from a fairy tale. Brunettes will look like fairy-tale princesses, which almost do not exist anymore. Menthol color is combined with all colors, especially pastel colors, except for dark and restrained warm colors (olive, terracotta, emerald).

The shade of green tea is almost transparent, weightless, neutral. It does not evoke much emotion, but it does not irritate either. A tea green dress will only look good on a fragile girl with porcelain skin tone and blonde hair. Bright brunettes and fiery brown-haired women against its background will be lost and will seem pale and sick if they do not pick up bright accessories. You need to be careful with this beautiful-looking color.

Who suits green clothing

Green color is so versatile that it suits any color type, combined with any shade of skin and hair. The main law when choosing a shade for your type of appearance: the more contrasting the appearance, the brighter the shades of green should be.

The winter color type is heterogeneous in its external expression. So, "deep winter" has a very light porcelain skin, and at the same time, dark hair, black eyebrows and bright cold eyes. They need to choose icy shades of green for harmony: emerald, jade, viridian.

Warm winters are characterized by olive to slightly dark skin tone and dark brown hair. Such girls need to choose juicy or fresh shades, for example, foliage, coniferous, green apple.

For Slavs, the color type "mild winter" is more typical, when light bluish skin is combined with light brown hair, dark eyebrows and eyes with a bright iris. Any shade of green will suit them: light green, pistachio, lime.

The spring color type is as if created for green shades that can emphasize the warm beauty of spring. Such girls will look especially good in bright lime dresses, wardrobes tunics, green apple.

The summer type of appearance is characterized by the lack of contrast between hair color and skin tone, and this applies to both rare dark-haired beauties such as Kate Middleton (yes, yes, she is not "winter", she is "summer"), and cold blondes such as Meg Ryne. Therefore, such cold beauty needs pastel shades of green: menthol, green tea, aqua.

Red-haired girls of the “autumn” color type look so harmoniously in green clothes, which emphasize the bright color of their hair, that in principle they may not choose any specific shades of green. Everything suits them! However, most vividly, their non-standard appearance will be able to highlight muted shades of green: kiwi, olive, marsh, pistachio.

A table of combinations of green with other colors in clothes

Dark green shades are combined with brown, gray and white colors, as well as with their derivatives - beige, coffee with milk, sand, ash, gray.
A rich green tone looks good with various shades of red, cool and warm, as well as orange, yellow, beige and other light shades.
Coniferous shades are in harmony with purple tones, fuchsia, pink, lilac, lavender, etc.
The color of young foliage will be a great match for a blue-blue palette, and will also look great with monochromatic blacks and reds.
The muted green shade will also be a great tandem partner with lilac colors and other pastel shades.

Green color

The first associations with him are the sweetest, brightest and warmest. This tone is soothing, pleasing to the eye. In the house, where everything is decorated in green colors, it is pleasant to spend time, to relax after hard working days.

Fortunately, designers are talking about a new wave of life of this color in the decoration and decoration of the shelter for family happiness. Nature, freshness, growth, inspiration - this is what comes to mind when you contemplate the beautiful color of greenery. And there are quite a few of them, ranging from bright and lush tones to pastel, serene shades.

The possibilities are even wider when combining this fashionable color with others. Black, white, beige will be the base, and yellow and blue will effectively emphasize the beauty of greenery. It allows not only to highlight the necessary elements, but also to separate them from the background, giving a zest to the new design.

Spring foliage paints can wonderfully refresh the calm pastel color palette of a room. Every nuance of green requires special consideration, both separately and in combination with other shades.

Olive color is just a feast for the eyes

Light olive color is able to attract attention without being full of its presence in the interior. It looks especially advantageous in combination with smooth white objects and rich, conspicuous details of the room.

Golden greens are also interesting in the color palette of rooms, creating luxe spots in the overall picture. The color of olives, which is as close as possible to yellow, harmonizes perfectly with red and orange.

Emerald color is deep, luxurious, majestic

It is very relevant this year. In an artless pastel interior, the addition of emerald details transforms the space, giving it splendor in the eyes of guests.

The color of the emerald goes well with the wood. A discreet print, a play of shadows, lighting - this brings unusualness to the image.

Mint color

There is nothing more pleasant and simpler than a combination of a mint shade with white. Now it is at the peak of popularity, as its soft shade suits almost any design.

In general, the choice of color scheme is simply huge, the palette is wide. To choose according to your taste and according to your capabilities, everyone can do it.

Green is a symbiosis of two colors - blue and yellow, so in psychology, the meaning of this color will also be twofold. On the one hand, there is boundless energy, and on the other, an all-consuming calmness.

For each person, subconsciously green color, first of all, means growth, development and harmony in nature. Like green grass that pleases everyone after a long, cold and rather colorless winter.

What does green actually mean? And what is its psychological impact on a person?

Green value

Life itself, nature, harmony - this is what the green color directly means. In addition, it is this color that is accepted all over the world as the safest; it is not for nothing that the green light of the traffic light allows traffic.

For those people who have a favorite green color, generosity and reliability are the main distinguishing qualities.

The shades of this color also matter. For example, dark green means that a person loves stability. But the characteristic of the pale green color will be relaxation and even calmness. By the way, it is this shade that improves vision.

Green symbolism

The first wheat sprouts are considered green symbols. In general, green in psychology is a symbol of softness and calmness, and in some cases even hypochondria.

The special influence of green on restless people was also noted - it calms and creates a feeling of harmony and trust. In practical psychology, green has been widely used - it is in this color that it is recommended to paint those rooms where a person prone to neuroses and anxiety spends more time.

The effect of green on people

Positive characteristics

And what does green mean in relation to a specific person? Well, the positive qualities of lovers of this color include commitment, stability, perseverance, nobility of character and truthfulness.

People who prefer green are considered objective in psychology, since it allows you to see both sides of the coin. They use this opportunity for a sober assessment of their chances. A concrete calculation, which is always successful, is only for the good of such people - they enjoy authority among their acquaintances, moreover, it is their opinion that is sometimes considered decisive.

Green in psychology is a symbol of growth, so people whose favorite color is green are always tuned in to something new, which promises them both career and personal growth. Moreover, green psychology endows its connoisseurs with kind-heartedness, compassion and constancy.

Negative influence of green

However, green also has a number of negative properties. Sometimes its sedative effect on the human psyche is so strong that a person, being in the "green" world, simply does not want anything, since he receives a charge of a kind of energy from this color. The green color keeps its secret, the secret of life, so some people may be distinguished by excessive secrecy, which will harm them. In psychology, this phenomenon is used to treat claustrophobic people, since, being in a closed room painted in this color, the inner panic of such people is calmed down by the green color.

The effect of green has a different effect, it mainly depends on the percentage of yellow and blue. If blue prevails, then the color automatically becomes colder and at the same time - intense. But the predominance of yellow creates a light and harmonious atmosphere.

Everything around us is like a rainbow. There are blue, white and green colors. They keep secrets in themselves: in philosophy, in clothes and in every person.

Green is the color of rest

More than once I had to think about what green means. I read a lot of literature that gave me an extremely simple answer. Green is the color of vegetation. It is associated with the spring rebirth of nature, the expectation of a good harvest and youth.

Different countries - different meanings

Each country has its own symbol and customs. In Japan, green is a symbol of agricultural practices. In Europe, it is a sign of eternal love and hope. In India - the symbol of Buddha, representing the karmic type of person. In Christianity, this symbol is associated with the earthly life of Christ and the saints.

Clothes in green

Since ancient times, the color in clothes had a certain character. In ancient Rome, clothing in green tones signified effeminacy and unnatural inclinations.

In modern society, this color speaks of inner harmony and self-control. Most often, green is preferred by open people with whom you can talk on any topic. However, such people are very careful and prefer to observe rather than act.

This is the color of education and culture, it saturates with energy and helps to get rid of fears and complexes.

The magical power of the green stone

Stones have always been given special importance. Academician A.E. Fersman wrote that since antiquity emerald was valued more than other stones and was called "the stone of radiance". Its deep green color was considered an expression of life, purity and youth. People claimed that he possesses mysterious powers and can heal diseases and also bring happiness. Georgians believe that emeralds reflect the secrets of the future and the present.

Eye color magic

It is difficult to say unequivocally what the green eye color means, since in ancient times the owners of this color were considered witches and associated with madness and the devil.

At the present time, they say that these people are very vulnerable, gentle. Love in their mind is something sacred. They take care of it and keep it like the apple of their eye. Green-eyed people are kind and generous, but they never forgive an insult, even to the closest person. If the trust of such people is shaken, they can turn from knights into a devil, principled and firm in their decisions.

Green eyes remain a mystery to this day. Maybe someday we will be able to know the truth of our eyes. In the meantime, we can only learn, study and fight with our bad qualities, while remaining a knight, a man with a mind and fullness of soul, which is able to overcome any adversity.

    Green has a lot of shades (like any other color):

    apple green, mint, pine needles, cypress, eucalyptus, wormwood, turquoise, bottle green, malachite, pea, aqua, khakki, olive, pistachio, marsh, moss green, emerald, lime, tourmaline ...

    Choose any.

    Green is one of the primary colors. Basically, it is subdivided into the following basic shades:

    • turquoise,
    • pistachio,
    • olive,
    • aquamarine
    • emerald green

    These basic shades of green have the following palette:

    • green,
    • asparagus,
    • viridian,
    • shamrock,
    • muslim,
    • light green,
    • pale green
    • dark green,
    • bright green,
    • poisonous green
    • pine,
    • sea \u200b\u200bgreens,
    • spring Green,
    • swamp greens,
    • forest greens,
    • lime,
    • protective,
    • green tea,
    • dark green tea,
    • emerald,
    • jade,
    • myrtle,
    • olive,
    • fern,
    • herbal,
    • pear,
    • field assistant,
    • pistachio.
  • Green is a popular color in nature, which psychologists believe has a calming effect. There are a huge number of shades of green, but it makes no sense to list them - since the same shade can be called differently.

    The most popular shades of green are emerald, light green, yellow-green, blue-green (sometimes called aqua), the color of spring green, olive, and coniferous.

    For example, palette of shades of green, where, among other things, names are indicated.

    And here different palette of shades of green, with other names:

    Therefore, naming someone a color (for example, a designer), it will not be superfluous to see the picture. The same shade can have different names.

    Shades of green in clothes:

    The palette of shades of green is very rich. The tones differ from each other, and each has its own role in the creation of clothing design, interiors, image, etc.

    Lime, olive, khaki, mint or young greens are shades that are already known and loved by everyone.

    Rooms in green tones look great. Juicy colors cheer up and inspire, visually expand the space, make the room spacious and light.

    Green color and its shades will never go out of fashion, so every year designers present us with green in all its forms. Of course, there are fashionable shades, but in any case, green is always with us.

    Green has quite a few shades. All and do not list. This is unrealistic even because the well-known Pantone comes up with and introduces such names for shades into our life that one wonders).

    At the moment, we are offered over three hundred and seventy shades of green! Just think about this figure.

    And it is impossible to guess the names, they are sometimes simply shocking with their originality).

    For example,

    canary green, mystical meadows, spring gray, chicory or white-green.

    i will also name the original shades - the color of the butterfly, the color of pale lime, and the color with the unusual name lime cream;.

    You can list it for a very long time, one answer will not be enough.

    Therefore, I suggest you take a look at some of the names:

    Choose and be fashionable, beautiful and “fresh”).

    Green is one of the most common colors in nature, if not the most common, so there are no shades of it. And new and new ones appear.

    If earlier I knew just green herbal, light green, pea, olive, now I learned that there are shades of green that cannot be described, but only said

    As a blonde, I prefer olive in clothes.

    And in the country, green grassy.

    The design of the apartment contains small elements of citrus and forest green colors.

    Like that.