Magazine than to entertain guests handing hours. How and how to entertain guests on the anniversary. Ready options

The anniversary is a grandiose event, for which they prepare in advance, drawing up a script, inventing skits and competitions, taking into account all the nuances of the holiday.

One of the important parts of the entertainment program are competitions and games that are held for guests and the anniversaries themselves.

Each contest will have a winner who will receive a small prize.

Active entertainment

At all such events, there comes a moment when it is already difficult for guests to sit at the table - this is the time for active games and entertainment that will allow everyone to warm up and get a charge of good mood and vivacity.

dance potpourri

This is a fun dance competition that can be held on the anniversary of any person, regardless of age, gender and the nature of the room where the celebration takes place. Contestants can be from 5 to 10.

All of them are seated in a row (semicircle) so that there is space between the chairs, and the dancers can be seen by all those gathered. At the command of the presenter, music is turned on: a cut of dance melodies is played, well known to everyone - lezginka, foxtrot, tango, waltz, and so on.

Each excerpt is about 15–20 seconds long, for which participants must show all their ability to dance without getting up from their chair. The winner is chosen by the public, guided by his ingenuity and skill.

Anniversary crocodile

This is one of the variations of everyone's favorite game, in which all invitees can take part.. Inventing tasks will be entrusted to the hero of the day himself.

One of the teams receives a task, after which its representative tries to explain to the other team with gestures and facial expressions what was thought.

The words that serve as tasks can be anything - they mean objects or concepts, monosyllabic or whole phrases, for example, from famous songs.

The main restriction for those who show pantomime is not to use their voice for explanations, even if it is an irrelevant phrase.

Braid for the hero of the day

Two teams can take part in this game - men's and women's. Each team has three people. As props, six long ribbons (at least 2 m) will be required, from which the teams will weave braids.

The hero of the day holds the ends of the ribbons in both hands - three on the left and right. The other ends of the ribbons go to the participants in the game. In this case, the teams are on opposite sides of the birthday boy.

At the signal of the leader of the team, without releasing the ribbon from their hands, they begin to weave their braid- diving under other tapes, bypassing each other, jumping. The task of both teams is to get ahead of rivals by completing the weaving first. The braids are left as a keepsake for the players.

Artistic modeling

This is a creative competition, which involves the participation of two teams. They can be both men and women. The task of the participants is to build a statue of the hero of the day from the given props.

To do this, each team will need 20 balloons, one felt-tip pen, a spool of thread and a roll of tape.

Teams start sculpting at the signal of the leader - first the balloons are inflated, then they are tied and fastened with adhesive tape.

Separate details and facial features are drawn with a felt-tip pen, and hair can be built both from threads and from adhesive tape.

Both figures then remain as an additional present for the hero of the day. And the winner is the team that managed to achieve the maximum similarity with the original.

truck drivers

This relay competition will require two teams of 3-5 participants and 2 toy dump trucks with ropes tied at the front so they can be pulled.

Water is poured into the trucks, and the teams line up in front of their lane. The task of the participants is to guide the truck behind them., diligently overcoming obstacles without spilling water.

Returning, the first player passes the "car" to the next. The victory is awarded not only for the speed of the team, but also for the accuracy of the participants.

Entertainment without leaving the table

The feast is an integral part of the celebration of the anniversary. However, sitting at the table, guests do not only eat and drink, saying congratulations for the hero of the day.

The host must include in this part a lot of different games and other entertainment that will not let the audience get bored.

Competition "Unsmiled"

Everyone remembers the fairy tale about the Unsmeian Princess. Its holding will amuse any company, raising the mood not only for the players, but also for the spectators, who will be all the other guests.

Everyone sitting at the same table is divided into two teams in half - one opposite the other. One of the parts is appointed by the "non-smears", and the second by the "comedians".

The former should take on the most sad and dull look possible, and the latter should make them laugh in every way.

Each laughing player joins the mixer team and brings confusion to their former team.

Means of "mixing" can be any - pantomime, anecdotes, and so on, except for direct touch.

congratulatory rocket

Sometimes you need to warm up a little without leaving the table - to stir up the guests so that the holiday does not lose its general fun.

Depending on the number and arrangement of tables, guests are divided into two teams.

The order of passing the baton is determined and the first member of each team is given a toy rocket.

At the signal of the leader, the participant must say loudly “Congratulations!”, Then pass the rocket to the next one. He says "Happy Anniversary!" (and the third "Happy Holidays", and then these three options are repeated) and passes the baton to the next.

The first team to complete the full circle and pass the model of the rocket to the very first participant wins.


Competition for the celebration of the anniversary, to which many couples are invited. The facilitator asks the participants to imagine that their first child was born in their family.

The wife from the hospital tries to tell her husband about the baby. To do this, for each pair of participants, you need to prepare one card with information - gender, weight, number of children and some phrase about the child and the mother herself. For example: “Girl, 3 kg, green eyes. I want ice cream".

Information is transmitted only by gestures for 3 minutes, and then the "dads" must voice what they understood from the pantomime. The winner is the couple where the man most accurately conveyed in words what his wife showed.

letter compliments

This game, which is best played at the beginning of the holiday, will make the process of congratulations not only pleasant, but also interesting. And both for the birthday man and for the guests themselves.

Everyone in turn should say one word-compliment to the hero of the day. But the words may not be any, but only those that begin with the first letter of the name of the birthday man.

If there are many guests and there are not so many epithets for one letter, then you can name words for all the letters present in the name.

Changing clothes in turn

The game can be played at the anniversary, where a large friendly company has gathered, in which everyone has a sufficient sense of humor.

For its implementation, you will need an ordinary bag in which a variety of wardrobe items are put - scarves, family underpants, bras, hats, knitted socks, and more.

At the signal of the presenter, which is the transfer of the bag to the first player (the first at the table), the music turns on. While she is playing, the bag is passed from hand to hand in turn.

From time to time (after 15-30 seconds) the music suddenly stops. The one who had a bag in his hands should get one thing without looking, put it on and wear it for half an hour.

material wishes

They voice the game at the very beginning of the feast, so that all the guests have time to cope with the task. You will need a sheet of cardboard for each, a pen / pencil and scissors.

Until the end of the evening, each invitee must cut out from cardboard an image of what he would like to give to the hero of the day. Gradually, all the "wishes" come together and are randomly strung on a thread.

When this kind of garland is ready, it is stretched in front of the hero of the day at the level of the head, having previously blindfolded him.

He chooses one gift at random and cuts off the string - this item will definitely appear before the next birthday. Additionally, the hero of the day tries to guess whose gift he chose.

Facts, just facts

This game is suitable for those companies where not all the participants know each other. As props, a perforated toilet paper roll is used, as well as pencils and pens.

All guests, passing the roll, must tear off a few pieces from it. They can be from 1 to 10.

After everyone has paper, the guests write as many facts about themselves on it as they tore off the pieces.


This is again congratulations for the hero of the day, which guests will have to come up with, following certain rules. The basis of phrases for congratulations is the alphabet.

It is necessary to come up with a congratulation phrase, which begins first with the first, then with the second letter of the alphabet, and so on until the very last.

The first one sitting at the table starts with the letter “A”, for example, “Harlequin congratulates the hero of the day!” and so on.

In this game, it is desirable to choose a winner - the one whose congratulations were the funniest or most inventive (letters b, b, y and others with which words do not begin).

Whose shoe?

All guests will be forced to participate in this entertainment, especially if they are sitting at one large table. The main condition for the game is a long tablecloth that reaches almost to the floor.

The first participant is selected by lottery.

He must crawl under the table and take off someone's shoes - a shoe, a boot - and demonstrate to the audience.

If the guests guess whose shoes it is, then the owner pays for it with something funny - a handkerchief, chewing gum, and so on. The next "driver" is the first victim. The duration of the game depends on the number of guests.

Ah, what a pup!

A very fun game where guests will kiss a small toy - a baby doll, under the pretext of the presenter that this is, they say, our birthday boy who has just been born.

And you should name the place of the kiss and comment on it. For example, "I kiss his hand to make him strong."

After all the guests have “kissed” the doll, the presenter announces the continuation- exactly in the place that was chosen by the player at the beginning, he must kiss the neighbor.

Many will refuse to complete the task. This can be done by "paying off" with a song, dance or poem.

It should be remembered that when choosing games or contests for celebrating an anniversary, it is necessary to take into account the age (50, 55, 60 or 70 years) and the preferences of the hero of the day and his guests, as well as the features of the place where the holiday takes place directly.

It is also very important to draw up an entertainment program based on who the hero of the day is - a man or a woman.

In conclusion, we offer you to watch a video from which we will learn about another contest called “shifting song”:

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The birthday boy invites guests to the table. Guests are accepted for food and drinking spirits. The most daring makes the first toast, then everyone in turn wishes the hero of the occasion everything that can be wished for on this day. And after there is no strength to eat or drink, the guests go home, the strongest continue to drink until unconsciousness. And in the morning, of course, a big and buzzing head. And this is the only memory of a well-celebrated celebration. So, in order to avoid this, you should think in advance how to entertain guests at a birthday party?

The answer is simple! Have fun, have fun and have fun again, so that your head and stomach hurt not from food and alcohol, but from incessant laughter.

Company and venue

What kind of entertainment to come up with for a birthday? First of all, you should decide where you will invite your guests. Maybe in a restaurant, or maybe in nature? It all depends on the place of celebration, as well as on the guests. If the guests are your old friends and relatives, then you can have fun with them from the heart, without embarrassment or fear. But if this is a business party, then you can forget about the fun. In such a company, it is better to show your best side, especially if your boss is present at this party.

How to entertain guests at the table?

To begin with, we should remember that we are all still children, and we all really want to have fun and laugh heartily. So feel free to invite your guests to play games.

One of the most fun games is called Crocodile. Two people are needed for the game: the presenter, who thinks any word in his mind, and the “demonstrator”, who must show this word with gestures and movements so that the guests guess which word was guessed. To make it more fun, try to think of a more difficult word, it will be much funnier to demonstrate it.

The next game is wishing. Give the guests a piece of paper, let each of them write their desire, but only one that the person sitting next to them can fulfill. Be reasonable, do not scoff at those who have to fulfill them. Then take a hat or hat and place all the leaves there. Each guest must pull out a piece of paper, read it and fulfill what is written there. Believe me, it's very funny!

The next entertainment for guests is a game called Bearded Joke. To do this, one of the guests must begin to tell any anecdote, if anyone knows the continuation, he interrupts the narrator and finishes himself. A piece of cotton wool is glued to the chin of each guesser who guesses the ending. By the end of the game, the most "bearded" wins.

A very interesting way to have fun is to bring all kinds of cutlery from the kitchen, it can be anything from a teaspoon to a ladle. Everything is packed into a bag or package. The guest, with his eyes closed, takes out the device, not sorting it out, but grabbing what first comes to hand. After that, he must try the treats that are on the table with this device. Believe me, it's very funny when some serious uncle starts eating with a ladle or a wooden spatula. It's safe to say that his seriousness will fade pretty quickly.

There are a lot of such contests and games, so the question of how to entertain guests at the table is practically solved, all you need to do is prepare in advance.

Outdoor games

For those invited, you can also try outdoor games, they are no less fun. For example, you can try to pull a rope across the room and attach various kinds of gifts to it. It can be anything from food to a sock, as long as it's funny.

You can also try holding an orange or other fruit between your legs and try running from one end of the room to the other. Guests should be divided into two teams. The team that carries the most fruit wins.

Restaurant and cafe

How to entertain guests at a birthday party in a restaurant and cafe? Naturally, no one will allow you to make noise and run around the room, but if you have found the means to order a feast in a restaurant, try to hire a host who will provide you with real fun and help you remember your birthday for a long time.

How to entertain guests outdoors?

Nature is a great option for celebrating a birthday. Again, so that there is no question of how to entertain guests at a birthday, think through everything in advance. First, consider the menu. Most guests will want to enjoy barbecue in nature. Actually, this should be the main highlight of the celebration. After the meal, you can start entertainment.

The first and rather amusing game is "Find a surprise". To do this, one of the guests must hide the gift. And in order not to forget where he is, you need to draw a diagram on a piece of paper in which direction the birthday man should go. It's very funny!

Another interesting competition is a forest gift for a birthday boy. Each of the guests should try to find a gift for the birthday boy in the forest, but not an empty bottle or bag, but a berry or mushroom.

In nature, if you have a tape recorder, you can also dance, this is an excellent way to cheer up and unload after a heavy meal.

How to entertain guests on the anniversary?

Anniversary is a holiday that should be remembered for a long time, because such an event happens once every twenty-fifth anniversary, which is why you want something new and unusual. If you have not yet decided how to entertain your guests on the anniversary, try the games and contests below, they will certainly not make you bored.

It will be quite funny if one of the guests dresses up in a gypsy outfit and congratulates the birthday man in this way, and if this is accompanied by dancing, then success for the most original congratulation will be absolutely guaranteed.

Take a bag and put all sorts of clothes in it. The idea is that guests with their eyes closed will take out any part of the wardrobe from the bag and try it on themselves. The funniest person can win a prize.

Another no less interesting way to cheer up guests is a game of compliments. Those invited should compliment the birthday man on the letter that begins his name. Whoever says more will win.

There are many more ways to entertain guests at a birthday party so that they do not get bored. You can think of something yourself, the main thing here is a sense of humor and imagination. Be sure to leave time to chat with the guests, because they are the ones you chose to see on your birthday.

An official date is approaching? How to celebrate the anniversary so that it will be remembered by both the hero of the occasion and all those invited for life? Of course, you need to be very well prepared. And this applies not only to the festive table! for an anniversary should be carefully thought out. The facilitator will have to do their best in preparing them.

Games for adults

So, not a single feast will be cheerful and bright without some entertainment. Celebrating a birthday at home, people sing songs, tell funny jokes and anecdotes, and solve riddles. In a word, you don't get bored. Table competitions for an anniversary are an even better way to defuse the situation, to feel lightness and ease.

Games for adults are entertainment intended for a cheerful company sitting at a festive table. By choosing exactly what you need for your celebration, you can make your anniversary simply unforgettable!

Games and competitions are not only for children. The main thing is the state of the human soul. Therefore, at the festival, adults will be able to regain the joy of childhood and the enthusiasm of youth. Do not be afraid to be funny and eccentric, because, completely relaxed, surrendering to the general fun, a person will receive great pleasure and enjoyment.

Sense of humor is the most important

Laughter is known to prolong life. Therefore, the whole 55 years, 65 years or more must be accompanied by funny jokes. Guests will have a chic rest on such a holiday, which will doubly delight the hero of the day.

Fun table contests can be held using a variety of paraphernalia (writing utensils, paper, dishes, sweets, etc.) or by listening to the host's tasks. Such activities not only distract guests from drinking and eating, but also give them the opportunity to get some nice souvenir from the hosts as a keepsake.

Many are famous today. However, you can come up with new ones by combining two or three into one. The result is something even more original and interesting.

Table contests for the anniversary - nowhere without alcohol!

Of course, no holiday is complete without alcohol. That is why many drinking contests for the anniversary are somehow connected with alcohol.

For example, you can conduct the so-called "sobriety test". It is necessary to ask the guests to say in turn “lilac tooth picker” or “deoxyribonucleic acid”. Even a sober person can easily stumble here! The laughter of the whole company when performing this task is guaranteed!

Another version of the "alcohol competition" is "Happy Well". A little water is poured into the bucket, and a glass of alcohol is placed in the center. Players take turns throwing coins into the well. As soon as one of the guests gets into the glass, he drinks its contents and takes all the money from the bucket.

Rough fun alternates with calm contests

You can make it even more interesting. Some cards are designated as special. For example, a team that draws an ace of a suit not of its color has the right to pay off the penalty if it fulfills the wish made by the opponent. The joker can bring the players three chips instead of one, etc. The team that loses all its matches loses, of course.

It's always nice to get a surprise

There is another cool table competition. Its essence lies in the transfer of guests to each other boxes with surprises to the music. Suddenly the music stops. The person in whose hands the box turned out to be must get the first thing that turns up from the “magic box” and put it on. Among such surprises may be a children's cap, and large pantaloons, and a huge bra. The competition always amuses the participants. Each of them tries to get rid of the box with a surprise as quickly as possible, and each elongated thing makes others unusually happy.

Contests for attentiveness and ingenuity

You can not only laugh at such tasks. Fulfilling them, you can also fully show your ingenuity and attentiveness.

Table contests for the anniversary, revealing the ingenuity of the participants, can be very diverse. One of them is called "The Alphabet in a Plate". The host must name a letter, and the participants need to find something in their plate that begins with this letter (spoon, fish, onion, potatoes, etc.). The one who names the item first, guesses the next one himself.

The competition for attentiveness is also quite interesting. It is carried out at too large feasts. Having chosen the driver, the guests blindfold him.

After that, someone from those sitting in the hall goes out the door. The task of the driver after removing the bandage is to determine who is missing, as well as what exactly he was wearing.

"Value" contests

The scenario of the anniversary of 55 years (and more) must necessarily include tasks focused on a variety of life values, because at this age a person has already learned, understood, and felt a lot of things. So, what is the essence of such competitions? The facilitator may invite the participants to draw on a piece of paper what they consider the most valuable thing in their lives. Moreover, the left-hander should do it with his right hand, and the right-hander with his left. The winner is the author of the most original drawing.

However, you can immediately dwell on specific values ​​that are important for all those present - money. Competition "Bankers" - great fun! To do this, you need a large bank, in which bills of various denominations will be folded. Players should try to calculate how much is there without taking out any money. The prize goes to the one closest to the truth.

Eat and have fun...

If a birthday is celebrated at home, only among “their own”, you can hold a particularly funny contest called “Chinese”. To do this, you will need to give each participant one set of Chinese sticks. Next, a saucer with green peas or canned corn is placed in front of them. Guests will need to show all their skill to eat the served dish with chopsticks. The prize will go to the one who completes the task the fastest.

Products can be used for other purposes!

You can pay attention to completely non-standard games. Table, for example, very often involve the use of the most ordinary products.

Let's say you can give the participants half a potato and a knife, offering to play real sculptors. The task of each author is to carve the best portrait of the hero of the occasion.

You can divide the guests into two teams, giving them as many candies as possible. Participants must build castles for the birthday girl using nothing but the sweets given out. The prize is given to the team that will erect the tallest structure.

It is also quite interesting. Each of those present needs to be given a banana, as well as a wide variety of improvised means - adhesive tape, colored paper, fabric, ribbons, plasticine, etc. Guests must make a real masterpiece by decorating the “source material”. In this creative competition, the most extraordinary approach will be evaluated.

By the way, you can use not only products. For example, you can compete in the manufacture of paper napkin boats for a while. The winner will be the one who creates the largest flotilla. In a word, there are a lot of competitions. The main thing is to decide on the use of attributes.

Toasts and congratulations

The following contests are often arranged. They are connected directly with toasts and congratulations.

For example, the host may invite each guest to remember the alphabet. That is, people sitting at the table should, in order, pronounce a toast for each letter. The last one starts with "A". It turns out something like: “What a joyful day today! Our anniversary is born! Let's raise our glasses to him!" His neighbor gets, respectively, the letter "B". You can make the following speech to him: “Be always the same kind, cheerful, healthy and happy! We support you in all your endeavors! Coming up with a toast, of course, is not so difficult. However, some guests get those letters that are still not easy to come up with words on the go. The prize should be given to the author of the most original toast.

And you can hold another interesting competition. Each guest is given some old newspaper and scissors. In ten minutes, they need to cut out words or phrases from the press to create a laudatory description of the hero of the day. The most important thing is that everything turned out very original and fresh.

Adults also like to solve riddles

There is a huge variety of competitions for adults. Table riddles stand out among them as special. You just need to present them correctly.

For example, the game "Tricky SMS" would be an excellent option. Right at the table, without leaving their seats, guests can laugh heartily and have fun. The competition consists in the fact that the presenter reads out the text of the SMS message, inviting those present to guess who exactly the sender is. The most interesting thing is that addressees are not ordinary people. Senders are “hangover” (already on the way, I’ll be there in the morning), “congratulations” (only us will have to listen today), “toast” (don’t drink without me), etc.

Competitions for speed and imagination

You can invite the guests of the holiday to show their imagination. Each of those present, of course, is familiar with Andersen's fairy tales. Among them are the famous "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Ugly Duckling", etc. Very funny drinking competitions will turn out when the task set for the guests is to tell these tales using the most special vocabulary - medical, political, military, legal .

Those present at the festival will be able to reveal the speed of thought in the "Answer for your neighbor" contest. The facilitator asks the players various questions. The sequence is not respected. The one to whom the question was addressed should remain silent. To answer for him is the task of the neighbor on the right. The one who is late with the answer is out of the game.

We keep silence

Guests will be delighted with especially original contests. For example, in between noisy games, you can afford a little silence.

Here is an example of one of these games. The guests choose the king, who must call the players to him with a gesture of his hand. One seat next to him should be free. The one whom the king has chosen must get up from his chair, go to "His Majesty" and sit next to him. This is how a minister is chosen. The catch is that all this must be done absolutely silently. That is, neither the king nor the future minister should make any sounds. Even the rustle of clothes is forbidden. Otherwise, the elected minister returns to his place, and the king chooses a new candidate. The “king-father” himself is “deposed from the throne” for not observing silence. The minister who has managed to silently take his place takes the place of the king, and the game continues on.

Another competition for the “quietest” is the usual good old “silent woman”. The host forbids everyone present to make any sounds. That is, guests can communicate only with the help of gestures. It is necessary to be silent until the leader says: “Stop!”. The participant who has made a sound up to this point will have to fulfill the desire of the host or pay a fine.

In a word, no matter what table competitions you choose, they will surely cheer up all the guests and make them happy. Even rather self-contained people will be able to have fun, because such games are great to liberate.

Having rested and relaxed at the anniversary, guests will remember this beautiful day for a long time. The holiday will definitely be remembered for its originality and favorable atmosphere - there is no doubt about it!

To begin with, you should be commended for asking this question. Only a few think about how to entertain guests at the table, for everyone else, only satiety and the degree of intoxication of the participants in the feast are important. You intend to take care not only of the mortal body, but also of the emotions of the guests.

So, let's move on to a detailed description, since entertaining guests is not easy, especially at the table.

Popular types of table entertainment for guests

Let's immediately decide that there will be no vulgar and alcoholic entertainment in this article. So everyone who is interested in spicy and dubious games with hints and alcohol is unlikely to find what they were looking for in this article.

If you do not intend to go beyond the bounds of decency, to ruin your health with an exorbitant amount of alcohol, and you want to leave various dubious "bullying" outside of your celebration - you are welcome.

amateur performance

Great entertainment for your guests of any age will be a guitar, piano, pipe or some other musical instrument. Of course, all this is provided that one of the guests knows how to play these instruments. Maybe you'll have a whole orchestra.

Funny songs, live music and non-standard atmosphere will please guests no less than exciting conversation and delicious food.

Game "Crocodile"

This game involves two teams and a leader (you can do without it). The essence of the game is to guess the word guessed by the opponents (or the leader) by facial expressions, gestures and movements.

In general, the rules of the Crocodile game are simple, but still worth learning. In addition, before the game, it is necessary to discuss the rules of the game, as several versions of "Crocodile" are known. To avoid unpleasant incidents, you need to clearly establish your rules of the game.

Rules of the game "Crocodile"

  • The player is forbidden to make any sounds (not letters and words, but sounds). Otherwise, unraveling the "Crocodile" will be very simple.
  • You can't write in the air, on a blackboard or anything else.
  • Silent pronunciation of words and sounds is prohibited.
  • It is undesirable to point a finger at objects that indirectly or explicitly point to the hidden "crocodile word".
The most important condition of the "Crocodile" is that the hidden word must be named as close as possible to the initial version (it is not necessary to guess all the prefixes and suffixes). This means that if the word "behemoth" is guessed, then to win it is enough to name the word "behemoth" (although the most experienced players and strict intellectuals may demand to name the word in the hidden form).

There are the following variations of the game "Crocodile"

1 . Each of the teams is asked a few words (papers with words can be in a bag, a hat, or just lie on the table). Then the members of the first team, in turn, take out a "character" for themselves, go on stage and demonstrate the hidden word. You can skip words, but then you will not be able to return to them. You need to guess the "crocodiles" for a while - for each task, for example, five minutes are allotted. The less time given, the easier and more interesting. Otherwise, you may have controversial points (someone can cope earlier, guessing fewer words).

2 . The rules of this option are similar to the rules of the previous option, but there is one condition - all hidden words must begin with the same letter.

Another option is to play for the sake of playing, but not for the sake of winning. One person goes on stage, makes a word for himself, and those sitting at the table must guess it. Whoever guesses, goes on stage himself and receives a task from the past "actor". So the game goes around.

In fact, "Crocodile" can be quite enough to keep your guests busy at a small celebration for 5 - 6 hours. However, if you have a longer holiday planned, for example, the New Year, you need to understand that this one game for the whole night will not be enough for you. So let's look at another game that is popular with many people.

Game "Mafia"

This game is quite common in many countries. In addition, people manage to play it not only live, but also on the Internet. It is not known how all this happens, but the fact remains. That is why knowledge of the rules of the "Mafia" in the modern world is almost as necessary as having a driver's license.

And this, despite the fact that the principle of this game is the ruthless destruction of the townspeople, most of whom are civilians. Constant nervousness and paranoia - this is the basis of the game "Mafia". If you think that you are able to cope with this intensity of passions, you are welcome.

General rules of "Mafia"

The desired number of players is from 8 to 16 (if it is less, it will not be so interesting, and if it is more, it will be too noisy).

The characters of the game are mafiosi, honest residents, the sheriff and the presenter.


To distribute roles in the game, you need to take as many cards from the deck as there will be players (excluding the leader). These cards should include a majority of red cards and a few black cards, as well as one red ace. Black suits should be 4 times less than red ones. The cards are then randomly distributed among the participants. Having received the card, the player must quietly look at his role, and then put the card in front of him "shirt" up. The meaning of the cards: red suit - an honest citizen, black suit - mafia, red ace - sheriff.

The gameplay of the game "Mafia"

The entire gameplay takes place in the mode of alternating day and night. At night, mafiosi kill honest residents, the sheriff checks the townspeople for honesty, and during the day, civilians lynch the alleged mafia.

Each action occurs only at the command of the host. For example - "Night has come - everyone fell asleep" or "Mafia woke up", "Mafia falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up" and so on.

On the first night, the mafiosi must get to know each other (silently, of course), the host must get to know everyone, including the sheriff. Often this is done like this: everyone falls asleep, the mafia wakes up, looks at each other and falls asleep, the sheriff wakes up, falls asleep. Then the day comes and everyone wakes up.

During the day, residents (including the mafia and the sheriff) try to figure out who is who with the help of reasoning, tricks and accusations. Then a vote is taken for the alleged mafiosi. The person with the most votes "dies" (or goes to jail). After that, his card is revealed, and everyone can see whether the mafioso was correctly identified.

By the way, if the votes are divided equally, but no one wants to give in, you can ask the one who was just "killed" but not killed to vote (if he turned out to be honest, and not a sheriff or a mafia). At other times, the "killed" are silent and cannot take part in discussions and voting.

Then the night comes. The host allows the mafiosi to wake up, who then silently select the victim and deal with her. It is important that the victim is chosen unanimously.

The mafia is back to sleep. Then the sheriff wakes up and, with the help of the host, silently checks on any citizen. Thus, the discussion becomes more conscious and concrete. The sheriff can also be killed.

In the morning the name of the victim is called. So the cycle repeats again and again, until one of the teams wins by killing all opponents.

It should be noted that there are many variants of the Mafia rules. In different variations, some characters are able to change their role, may disappear, others may appear. It is up to you to decide which rules to choose, since there is perhaps no single correct option. Although, if your guests hear about the game for the first time, there will be nothing to discuss - just choose your version of the rules. You can learn more about the rules of the game by watching the video at the end of the article.

So, we have considered 2 of the most interesting and popular options for entertaining guests at the table. But that is not all.

How else can you entertain guests at the table?

When preparing a holiday, you can also cut out several leaves, snowflakes or stars from paper and write on one of them the word "Prize", "Gift" or something like that. After that, all the leaves need to be pasted around the house.

When guests arrive, even before the feast, you need to invite them to find a piece of paper with the cherished word. Then, of course, the finder needs to be given the promised prize at your discretion.

Another game for guests can be organized like this:

Take a fruit, put it in a small box, wrap the box in paper, stick a riddle on top. Then wrap it all again in paper and attach another puzzle to the layer. So you can wrap the box until the puzzles run out.

The essence of the game is simple - you need to solve all the riddles and reach the fruit. Whoever guesses the most wins the prize.

The last game on our list is a well-known game that provides an excellent opportunity to entertain guests at the table, at the table.

Its essence is as follows:

It is necessary to take from the kitchen various cutlery that is at least hypothetically suitable for food (from a spoon to a ladle). Put these items in a box and randomly distribute to guests (how exactly to distribute, decide for yourself). Then each participant should put a small portion of mashed potatoes or salad on a saucer. After that, at the command "Start", everyone gets to eat, and the fastest participant receives a surprise.

Now all your celebrations will be cheerful and active, because you know how to entertain guests at the table without vulgarity and alcohol. The proposed games will be quite enough to keep guests busy for the evening.

If you have any doubts, know that the main thing is to show enthusiasm and be ready for everything new. Even if you fail, trying to organize such a celebration will be better than the standard discussions of health problems, politics, gossip and money.

Many people prefer to hold celebrations in a cafe, restaurant or club, where there is an opportunity to use the services of a professional animator. But what if you decide to celebrate the holiday at home?

So that the celebration does not turn into a banal mass eating of food, it is necessary to prepare an entertainment program in advance. With a little imagination, you can surprise your guests by making the evening boring and memorable.

Close people are usually invited to the celebration along with their families. So, in order to entertain guests at a birthday party, you need to choose games and contests that will be interesting for both adults and children.

  • If you and your guests love music, it will be great entertainment to sing along to any musical instrument - button accordion, guitar, piano. You can arrange an impromptu "mess" of your favorite songs, when, after singing a verse of one, the musician starts playing the chorus from another piece without interruption. new tune. This fun mess is guaranteed to cheer up kids and adults alike.
  • Game for all ages "Crocodile". Guests are divided into two teams. One team guesses a word, the name of a movie or a catchphrase, which one of the participants must show with gestures. The other team puts forward versions and tries to guess what the player is showing, asks him leading questions that the “crocodile” has the right to answer only with a nod of his head .The game continues until it is guessed what the first team guessed. The kids love this game, because it rarely happens to see their serious parent in the role of a foolish mime.
  • Dancing on the drop. Does your company like not only to sing or laugh, but also love to dance? Then this contest is for you. Choose several couples who will compete with each other. The highlight of the entertainment is that the couples start the dance, standing on a large piece of paper - this can be drawing paper or spread out newspaper. Every 5 to 7 minutes a break is made and the paper is folded in half. This happens until the dancers can not stand on the remaining piece and gradually drop out of the game. Usually the players win, where the young man picks up his soul mate and remains alone on the sheet.
  • Pleasant words. This competition is aimed at expressing feelings of sympathy and respect for the birthday man. Sitting at the table, the guests take turns saying a bunch of two words, one of which is an adjective, and the second is a noun. With this phrase they are trying to characterize the "hero" of the occasion. Of course, in the most flattering and pleasant terms. For example, "Beautiful girl" if you are at a woman's birthday or "Noble Knight" if the hero of the day is a man.
  • Film, film, film... Everyone loves old movie masterpieces and many of us are well aware of many famous movie phrases. Write one statement on the leaves, put it in a beautiful vase or bag, take it out in turn and collectively guess which movie these lines are from. Memories of favorite paintings will amuse the guests and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

Note! If your party is attended by guests of different generations, including elderly parents and young children, you should not arrange alcohol-related games or contests with a touch of vulgarity.

Some of those present will feel uncomfortable. It is better to spend such entertainment in a circle of people close to you in age and views.

What to do with guests on the anniversary

The question of what to do with guests at the anniversary is especially relevant, since the “round” date is celebrated on a grand scale and with a large number of guests.
You can successfully use the games offered for birthday fun, but you can also add a few new contests:

  • Chants. For this game, you will need a leader with a list of quatrains (chants), three lines of which he reads himself, and everyone shouts out the last one in unison. At the same time, the last line is announced to the guests in advance and is repeated in each poem. You can prepare the words yourself, and invite the most active and cheerful of the guests to the role of the host. Examples of chants: o Presenter: You radiate a wondrous light!
    There is no better and dearer,
    Take away bad weather with your hand -

    o Leading: Heart - kind, care,
    Arguing in the hands of work!
    The breadth of the soul, participation.
    Guests: Being with you is happiness!
  • Surprise box. Items of men's and women's wardrobe are placed in a large opaque box - a hat, tie, scarf, bra, skirt, etc. Players pass the box to each other to the cheerful music. Suddenly, the music stops and the participant who at that moment has a box with a surprise should, without looking, put his hand into it, get a thing and put it on. .
  • Give a wish. This creative game is best done during the period of the feast, when the guests are a little tired of active fun and a little respite is required. Give everyone an identical white sheet and a bright felt-tip pen. Let each invitee draw what he wishes for the hero of the day - a new house, car, jewelry or an exotic vacation. You don’t need to try especially hard, you can depict your wishes schematically. The main thing is that it be from the heart. You can arrange a continuation - the guests shout the date of execution (for example: “This wish will come true in a year”), and the birthday boy chooses a drawing at random from the deck.

What to do with guests at a children's birthday

A holiday for children is fundamentally different from a feast for adults, if only because children are not too interested in the dishes of the festive table. Kids are immediately set up for an active pastime.

Up to three years, children's name days are usually celebrated in the circle of relatives. But older children can already be interested in collective activities.

Age Entertainment
34 years We draw with fingers. Draw in advance on a large sheet of drawing paper a tree with many branches.

Give out paints in which each participant will place one finger and, touching the drawing, will leave a trace there - a leaf.

You can sign the print of each child, save this joint work and admire it in a few years.

5 years Delicious soup. Place two identical pans and put a handful of sweets, fruits and dried fruits at some distance from them.

A member of each team must transfer one product to the pan. The team that completes the task faster will win.

It will be especially fun if a small “cook” stands next to each container and mixes the contents with a large ladle.

6 years Cold is hot. A simple game loved by many since childhood, when a toy is hidden in a room secretly from one participant, which must be found using the words “cold” and “hot”.

The closer the player comes to the object, the "hot" it becomes around. Children loudly and cheerfully help their friend find the secret.

7 years Fanta. Write tasks on beautiful postcards and put them in a big hat.

As a test, you may be asked to read a poem, show a funny dance or sing a song.

At this age, children love to perform in public, and those who refuse can change the task by “writing out” a fine - asking them to meow or grunt funny.

Note! Thinking over the script for a children's holiday, do not forget that each child has a different temperament given to him at birth.

You can not force a shy baby to do actions from which he feels uncomfortable. After all, the main task of the owner is that everyone leaves his house happy. This is especially true for younger guests.

We have given in the article only a few examples of how you can amuse your guests in a fun, boring and without much investment. The main thing to remember is that if you arrange a holiday with all your heart, then your attention, kindness and care for the guests will not leave anyone indifferent and the celebration will be remembered with a smile more than once.

Useful video