How does eco-leather differ from genuine leather? The difference between eco-leather and artificial leather and leatherette

Not so long ago, the modern footwear market was replenished with another type of material from which shoes are made, namely, ecological leather.

At first, buyers racked their brains over the origin of the name for such a material, linking it with the ecologically clean area where the goods are made, using extremely safe materials in the production process. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler. The name of eco-leather is based on its artificial creation and safety when used by humans.

Everyone knows that genuine leather is a specially treated animal skin, with its subsequent tanning and application of dyes. The process of creating eco-leather is significantly different when making such a material animal skins are not used, the basis for such leather is made of fabric. Manufacturers use cotton fabric, on which a thin layer of polyurethane is applied to create strength and elasticity. The skin created in this way is very similar to natural, it is just as soft, flexible and has a presentable appearance. Since the materials used in the creation of such leather do not harm human health, it is called ecological.

Since this type of material appeared in the shoe industry not so long ago, buyers often wonder about its quality. Like any product, eco-leather has its pros and cons, which you need to understand before buying shoes from this type of material.

Pros of eco-leather

  • Price... If you walk through a shoe store and examine the presented models of leather shoes, then the first thing that catches your eye when comparing seemingly similar boots is the price. If in appearance boots made of natural and eco-leather are very similar, then the price policy of shoes made of ecological leather is lower. Because the manufacturer does not use the skins of real animals, replacing it with cheaper materials.
  • Elasticity... Since natural leather has its natural property of stretching over time, be prepared for the fact that the boots purchased in size will increase in size in a few months and will no longer fit so tightly. As for eco-leather, it is less prone to stretching and the purchased shoes will keep their shape much longer.
  • Hypoallergenic and non-toxic... For people with hypersensitivity to a variety of allergens, this point is especially important. It is unpleasant when new shoes made of genuine leather cause a very unpleasant reaction provoked by the chemicals with which this leather was processed during tanning. Eco-leather is made from materials that are environmentally friendly for humans.
  • Breathable... In the manufacture of eco-leather, a thin layer of polyurethane with micropores is applied to the fabric, thus providing air access. That is, the feet in such shoes will be more comfortable than in artificial leather shoes, which completely blocks the passage of air.
  • Strength... Since the fabric layer is covered with a layer of polyurethane, which is quite mobile and strong in its structure, eco-leather shoes are reliable, not prone to scratches and abrasion.
  • Colors... It is quite difficult to dye natural leather in some original color, completely ridding it of its natural shade, which cannot be said about eco-leather. It lends itself to any coloring, acquiring bright unusual colors.

Cons of eco-leather

  • Smell... Everyone knows the smell of natural leather, which cannot be confused with anything. In the production of eco-leather, polyurethane is used, which in rare cases can give an unusual pungent odor that disappears after the first wear of the shoe.
  • Frost resistance... If you compare with natural leather, then eco-leather will not be so warm. When choosing winter shoes, pay attention to the inner filling of the shoe, such as fur or felt.
  • Care... Eco-leather should be monitored carefully and more carefully than natural. After getting wet, be sure to wipe it with a cloth, use shoe polish. With improper or unscrupulous care, such skin will quickly lose its presentation, it can crack and leak.
  • Form... Customers looking for comfortable wearing of shoes complain that eco-leather shoes cannot take the shape of the foot as much as natural ones, so it retains the shape of the last. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that such shoes do not wear out over time and will not become more comfortable if, during the initial fitting, it was uncomfortable for you to stand in them.
  • Manufacturer... When buying shoes made of eco-leather, choose trusted manufacturers that produce high-quality materials. Some of the manufacturers save money by using cheap materials, which results in a short-lived shoe.


Thus, ecological leather is artificial leather, made with high-tech production, without the use of animal skins... Such skin is hypoallergenic and completely safe for humans. Eco-leather shoes are characterized by a lower price range, durability and elasticity. But at the same time, it is less resistant to frost and does not acquire the shape of a foot.

When choosing shoes made of eco-leather, start from the quality of the product, your own feelings when trying on and the purpose of this shoe. High-quality shoes will last a long time, providing maximum wearing comfort.

Eco-leather products are increasingly appearing on store shelves. Jackets, dresses, bags are sewn from this material. Eco-leather is in demand in the production of footwear. It is used for car covers and upholstery. And unlike regular leather, it costs less. What is eco-leather, why is it so popular and how to properly care for this material?

Clothes, shoes and other products made of eco-leather look very stylish. And only an experienced specialist is able to distinguish it from real skin. But in the process of wearing things, it is periodically necessary to clean or wash the product. And here serious difficulties arise. How to tidy up your favorite thing and not spoil it? To prevent damage to a dress, shoes or a sofa, it is important to remember what eco-leather is willing to put up with, and what substances it simply cannot stand.

Eco-leather: what is it

It is important to remember that eco-leather material is artificial fabric. Such an analogue of genuine leather is durable and of high quality. This material is made by applying a porous polyurethane film to a fabric base. The film does not emit toxic compounds, does not harm health and is acceptable even for allergy sufferers. Given these features, the material has fully earned the title of "ecological".

A layer of polyurethane is laid on a cotton fabric. It is thanks to this natural material that eco-leather can "breathe" and has elasticity. Things made of this material allow air to pass through, easily absorb moisture, which is very important when in contact with the body. Such features strikingly distinguish eco-leather from all other leatherette and put it practically on the same level with a natural product.

In order not to get into a mess, remember the main difference between eco-leather and leather. Indeed, it is impossible to determine the true material by its appearance. They check for naturalness with the help of heat. Real skin will heat up quickly in the palms of your hands. The eco-material will stay cold longer.

Material advantages

If we talk about the advantages of eco-leather, then initially you should focus on the ratio of quality and price. The material is practically no different from genuine leather. But at the same time, its price is several orders of magnitude lower. But this is not the only advantage of ecological leather. Other positive properties of the artificial material.

  • Resistant to temperature extremes. Eco-leather will withstand frost and will not become "oak". And the furniture in a country house, even with the heating turned off in winter, will not suffer.
  • Lack of condensation. The artificial material not only does not "dub", but also does not collect condensation on the surface.
  • High elasticity. The material is very elastic and retains these properties for a long time.
  • Visual matching to the skin. The polyurethane film completely imitates the skin pattern. Therefore, difficulties in determining the authenticity arise even among professionals.
  • The ability to "breathe"... This quality distinguishes eco-leather from all other types of leatherette. The polyurethane layer forms micropores through which air circulates freely.

Along with such advantages, there are also disadvantages. If you accidentally cut the product, then the fabric base will immediately become visible. It is impossible to seal such a cut. Therefore, in most cases, the product loses its appearance, and the furniture needs to be replaced with upholstery.

How to take good care

Eco-leather has not only a good appearance, but also has a high wear resistance and durability. Of course, provided that this material is properly cared for. And it's easy to take care of it. It is important to remember the main recommendations of experts on how to take care of eco-leather things at home.

  • Use soft tissues. To remove dust or light dirt, it is recommended to use soft cloths made of coarse calico, flannel, softcotton or microfiber. In this case, the napkins must be moistened with water and squeezed thoroughly. Eco-leather does not like excessive moisture at all.
  • Touch surfaces lightly. It is strictly forbidden to rub or apply strong pressure to the products. The use of scrapers, hard sponges, brushes is contraindicated. After a strong and aggressive impact on eco-leather, scuffs, cracks or scratches may remain, which cannot be eliminated.
  • Protect products from sun and heat. Furniture upholstered with eco-leather should not stand near heating appliances. It is not recommended to place it in an area constantly illuminated by sunlight. UV and heat will quickly deteriorate the material. This also applies to clothing and footwear. No matter how great the temptation is to quickly dry an eco-leather dress by hanging it in the sun or using hot radiators, this is strictly prohibited.
  • Wipe clean with water repellent. It is advisable to carry out this procedure every six months. Moreover, furniture, clothing, and footwear also need such protection.
  • Apply skin care products. To provide eco-skin with the necessary shine, and thereby create a complete illusion of naturalness, it is recommended to use the same creams and sprays that are used for real skin. But at the same time it is important to take into account such a moment. The artificial material is unable to absorb the cream. Therefore, after a while, it is necessary to wipe the surface with a soft cloth to eliminate the excess of the product.

What cleaning products to use

No matter how carefully you take care of your favorite products, sooner or later they will get dirty. If we are talking about a jacket, dress or bag, then there is a desire to wash them. But is it allowed? Artificial material really does not like "bathing" very much. But if you wash your eco-leather correctly and do it infrequently, then such a procedure is quite possible. What means to use, the following table will tell you.

Washing rules

Eco-leather tolerates both hand and machine wash well. But it is important to choose the right mode and detergents. For eco-leather, it is better to use a gel or liquid detergent rather than a powder. It is also necessary to prepare the product for washing: thoroughly clean the pockets, fasten all zippers, hooks, buttons, buttons. If the product is heavily soiled, it is recommended to pre-treat the most vulnerable areas with soapy water. This can be the cuffs, collar, pocket area, or top of the bag.

Machine room

  1. A delicate substance is poured into the compartment of the washing machine.
  2. An air conditioner is added to the appropriate compartment.
  3. The linen is being laid.
  4. Set the "delicate mode" and be sure to turn off the spin function. Otherwise, the favorite thing will be stretched. The permissible washing temperature is 30 ° C.


  1. For hand washing, lukewarm water is poured into the basin. The temperature should not exceed the same 30 ° C.
  2. Detergent is added to the water. Dissolve it thoroughly by hand. It is important that no undissolved substances remain in the solution.
  3. An eco-leather product is dipped into a solution and washed immediately. Such things should not be soaked.
  4. If you wash a bag or jacket, then start with the lining. Then gently wipe the eco-leather with a soft sponge. You need to wash things quickly and very carefully.

Eco-leather comes in different densities. For example, the most subtle types are used for clothing. And for furniture or covers, a thicker material is used. Accordingly, the washing procedure may vary slightly. Therefore, be sure to look at the product label. It usually indicates whether machine washable or hand wash only. The label will help you determine the correct temperature regime.

How to dry

After washing, there is a desire to take out the item and wring it out thoroughly. But if you are dealing with eco-leather, then such actions are strictly prohibited. Twisting or wringing out can completely destroy the product. Therefore, it is important to know not only how to wash, but also how to dry eco-leather. They usually work in five steps.

  1. The product is taken out of the washing machine or basin, and allowed to drain a little on its own.
  2. Then the item is placed on a large terrycloth towel.
  3. From above, the product is covered with another of the same towel.
  4. Extra moisture is extracted with slight pressing movements.
  5. Dress, jacket, jacket are hung on a hanger and dried in this form. Covers, trousers, skirts must be laid out on a flat surface.

Drying takes place away from heating and sunlight. Do not use electrical devices to speed up the process. Otherwise, the deformation of the fabric is ensured.

Slight abrasions may appear on eco-leather after washing. Sometimes the material loses its color and takes on a somewhat dull shade. It's not scary. To return the product to its original appearance, use special paints for eco-leather.

Fighting stains

Eco-leather does not always need a full wash. Even if ink is spilled on the surface of the sofa or a chocolate stain appears on the bag, these stains can be very easily dealt with. But it is advisable to start fighting them right away. In order to efficiently remove stains from eco-leather, it is imperative to take into account the type of pollution.

  • Dirt. This is the easiest thing to remove. It is necessary to make a soap solution from toilet or laundry soap. With cotton or a soft sponge, gently wipe the dirty surface.
  • Ink. These stains can be easily removed with acetone. After treatment with a solution, the material must be washed with cool water.
  • Coffee, chocolate. These stains are easy to remove. Soap solution copes with them. But if you need to clean the white eco-leather, then you can resort to a little trick. Dampen cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide. Apply this swab to the stain for ten seconds. Then rinse the accident site with cool water. But remember that you can only use peroxide on white products.
  • Beer. If the stain is formed by spilled beer, then initially wipe it with soapy water. A vinegar solution is then applied. To make the latter, two tablespoons of vinegar are poured into a liter of water. Quickly wiping with such a product, the stain is washed with cold water and allowed to dry on its own.
  • Zelenka. Liquid ammonia will help remove this stain. A few drops of ammonia are added to a glass of water. The accident site is moistened with this solution. Finally, be sure to rinse with cold water. The tool will eliminate not only stains from brilliant green, but will also help to clean old stains.
  • Fat. Remove greasy stains with warm milk. If we are talking about white eco-leather, then you can put a slice of lemon on the stain for just a few seconds. Shaving foam effectively removes greasy stains.

Subtleties of shoe care

In order for boots or shoes made of eco-leather to always look decent and last a long time, you need to learn how to take care of them properly. Caring for shoes made of eco-leather is simple and includes such recommendations.

  • Regular cleaning. Shoes should be regularly wiped with a damp soft sponge. But it is recommended to moisten it not in ordinary water, but in a solution for washing delicate items.
  • Wipe only the top surface. It is necessary to wipe with a solution carefully. Wet the seamy side of eco-leather is completely undesirable.
  • The use of special sponges. For shoes made of eco-leather, you can use special sponges with silicone impregnation. They allow you to almost completely renew the appearance of the product.
  • Color restoration. Ugly light spots appearing on the shoes signal the thinning of the polymer layer. To restore it, special aerosol paints are intended, which are selected by color.

Storage features

Proper storage of eco-leather products will preserve their beautiful appearance for a long time. In this case, you do not need to make any special efforts. It is enough to observe the following recommendations.

  • Fabric instead of polyethylene. It is recommended to store things in cloth bags. It is not recommended to use polyethylene for eco-leather.
  • Temperature conditions. It is best to store the products in a cool place. The proximity of eco-leather with sources of heat or light is unacceptable.
  • Storage on a hanger.

What is eco-leather and what is its difference from natural and artificial analogues, where is it used and what are its characteristic features?

The imitation leather made according to old technologies is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film coatings applied to a fabric base. To give the material softness, elasticity and wear resistance, chemical plasticizers and stabilizers are added to it during the production process. And they can in no way be classified as harmless to humans.

Material features

Eco-leather is a type of new artificial leather that does not cause allergic reactions. The principle of its production is similar to leatherette, but environmentally friendly raw materials are used as components. Instead of PVC, polyurethane is used for the film coating, and the basis is cotton fabric. Thanks to the inherent properties of polyurethane, eco-leather is a very soft, smooth and pleasant to the touch material. It has good breathability and absorbs moisture, which avoids the greenhouse effect, which is pronounced in leatherette.

This material is very easy to work with due to its elasticity and pliability. It is perfectly glued, cut, sewn, processed. Moreover, it is much more handy in production than its natural counterpart, which usually has some kind of flaw in the canvas. Products made from eco-leather create an almost one hundred percent imitation of natural, therefore, at a democratic price, they look very expensive and respectable. Of course, artificial raw materials cannot become a full-fledged replacement for the original, but if a person is not a snob and has a broad democratic outlook on life, he will be able to appreciate the new product.

It is easy to imagine how comfortable, fundamental and solid goods made from this material are, having an idea of ​​what eco-leather is.

Scope of eco-leather

It is successfully used for sewing clothes and shoes, making bags, wallets, wallets and other accessories, and also used as upholstery for furniture and car interiors. As for caring for her, even a schoolboy can handle it. In cases of light dirt, it can be perfectly cleaned with a damp cloth. Finally, the surface must be wiped dry. The faster you do this, the less likely it is that dirt will penetrate deep into the fabric. If it was not possible to do with a little blood, it is permissible to use a 50% alcohol solution or ammonia. Stubborn stains can be treated with special skin cleaners.

Now, understanding what eco-leather is and having drawn certain conclusions, you can confidently purchase the goods you like made from it in the store. They will serve you for a long time, while maintaining aesthetics and sophistication. And in everyday life, she is absolutely not capricious. Animal advocates and committed vegetarians will definitely love eco-leather products. After all, now they can flaunt in high-quality clothing made of it, keeping their values ​​and aspirations intact. Its increasing, every day, popularity is forcing manufacturers to produce a huge assortment of eco-leather fabrics of different colors and textures.

A more detailed story about the benefits of eco-leather, its features and the intricacies of caring for it will be told by the video:

A lot of synthetic materials have appeared in the world in recent years. Their main vocation is, if possible, to replace natural leather. Scientists have developed dermantin, leatherette, PVC. In this article we will try to find out what eco-leather is. We will also determine the difference between this artificial and natural material. Interesting? Read on!

What is eco-leather

This fabric is a modern eco-friendly material. So what is eco-leather? Experts answer that the above material is a high-quality artificial leather, which is compared in its performance with natural.

Experiments on the manufacture of such a material began back in 1963 in the United States. Scientists have been trying for quite a long time to invent an excellent high-quality analogue of natural leather. Their experiments ended in success. The new material, which was not inferior in quality to its original, began to bear the proud name of eco-leather.

Eco leather making

The aforementioned matter is produced in special closed-type installations at modern chemical enterprises.

So what is eco-leather? What does it consist of?

This artificial leather fabric is produced synthetically by applying a microporous polyurethane film, which is a highly breathable material, onto a woven base. The latter is made from polyester or cotton.

The quality of eco-leather depends on the thickness of the polyurethane film. The performance of the above fabric will be much better if the breathable material is thicker. Experts note that the optimal thickness is chosen depending on where the original matter is planned to be used.

At the time of production of eco-leather, when layers of fabric and polypropylene are embossed, an excellent pattern emerges, such as that of natural leather.

Features of eco-leather

The above material has several advantages:

  • the drawing is almost identical to natural leather (sometimes, in order to distinguish these two materials, you need to look inside out);
  • the manufacturing process of the above matter is less costly, much less environmentally hazardous, humane in relation to animals;
  • eco-leather fabric can be freely produced in a wide variety of sizes (this is especially beneficial in the manufacture of furniture, when a large one-piece piece is needed);
  • has a low hygroscopicity, which improves the performance characteristics of finished leather products;
  • the presence of various color options (not only white or black eco-leather);
  • has excellent frost resistance, that is, "does not tan" at subzero temperatures;
  • has a high resistance to sunlight (for example, black eco-leather does not fade at all, even if it lies in the open sun);
  • has remarkable pliability: it can be cut without problems and easily sewn;
  • has good elasticity;
  • eco-leather is a practical and durable fabric;
  • this material has excellent abrasion resistance;
  • does not cause allergies at all.

Experts note that the above material has an amazing resemblance to natural leather. The advantageous properties of eco-leather make it a very popular fabric.

The difference between the above material and natural leather

  1. The above materials are made from completely different raw materials: eco-leather - from polyurethane, natural leather - from animal skins.
  2. Both fabrics above are warm to the touch. But if a person sits on products that are covered with eco-leather, his exposed parts of the body will sweat less.
  3. Natural skin causes allergies in some people. Its artificial substitute is hypoallergenic and completely safe for any consumer.
  4. Eco-leather is very pleasant to the touch, unlike natural material, which is covered with acrylic emulsions. But if the leather has an aniline finish, then in this case the artificial substitute is inferior to it.
  5. Eco-leather has better breathability than natural material, which is covered with acrylic emulsions.

Experts note that both materials need to be well looked after and treated with great care.

Where is eco-leather used

The above material is widely used in the following areas:

  • production of furniture coverings;
  • manufacture of bags;
  • sewing various clothes (jackets, skirts, dresses, trousers, gloves) and shoes;
  • production of covers for cars.

In addition, eco-leather is very often used as a decoration for various interior elements by many designers in their collections. The combination of the above fabric with other materials allows you to create truly unique images in a variety of options for all kinds of clothing.

How to properly care for the above material

Eco-leather, the photo of which is presented in the article, does not create any difficulties in leaving at all. Although it is very easy to use, you still need to remember a few simple rules that will help keep the above material in a beautiful form:

  1. It is advisable to clean this material only with a soft cloth, which is intended for natural leather. It can be soaked in a solution of special products. Sometimes, if the stain is difficult to clean, experts advise wiping it with a solution of alcohol and water (taken in a 50:50 ratio).
  2. To prolong the life of products made of the above material, they should be treated with special water-repellent agents.
  3. After cleaning this cloth, be sure to wipe it dry.
  4. In no case should you use products that contain chlorine to clean eco-leather.

Eco-leather: reviews

Consumers who use products from the above material leave extremely positive feedback about it. Things wear well, look stylish for a long time, they are easy to take care of. Buyers note: it is very pleasing that it does not cause allergy to eco-leather at all.

The properties of natural leather have determined its popularity for many millennia of human history. However, not everyone can afford real leather: obtaining such a material is a rather lengthy and complex procedure, consisting of about 50 processing stages using special equipment, not to mention manual dressing, which requires the hand and knowledge of a true master of his craft.

It is not surprising that over time, people have learned to create cheaper analogs, a variety of skin substitutes. Leatherette can be very different depending on the composition and purpose, but, contrary to the common misconception, eco-leather is not one of them. Moreover, many underestimate eco-leather, believing that artificial leather is always worse than natural, although in fact, eco-leather is more than different from leatherette in its properties, and surpasses its natural counterpart in many respects.

How eco-leather appeared

Scientists have been looking for a way to create a worthy replacement for natural leather for a long time, however, the leatherette was significantly inferior in quality to the original, which is why a biased attitude was formed towards the artificial analogue.

In 1963, in the United States, a material was invented, unique in its properties, called eco-leather. In the process of making eco-leather, a microporous ("breathable") polyurethane film is applied to a woven (cotton or polyester) base. The quality of the result depends on the thickness of the polyurethane film: the thicker it is, the higher the performance characteristics of the material, but the tougher the material will be. Layers of polypropylene and fabric are embossed during the manufacturing process, which creates a pattern similar to natural leather - and so close to natural that it is difficult to distinguish eco-leather from real leather.

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Pros of eco-leather

  • Frost resistant. Withstands frost down to -35 ° С.
  • Undemanding in care.
  • Safe: does not emit toxins and harmful substances
  • Possesses increased wear resistance, durable and insensitive to direct sunlight.
  • Elastic and pleasant to the touch. Soft, odorless and, unlike natural leather, does not crack over the years.

How eco-friendly is eco-leather?

If there are no questions about the cotton basis of eco-leather, then the polyurethane film raises questions and doubts among many.

So, polyurethane is a plastic polymer material that can have a variety of forms: liquid, rigid, plastic, viscous, and so on. This variety is provided by various additives. Different types of polyurethane are used in different fields, for example, polyurethane foam is widely used as a heat-insulating material in construction, and flexible polyurethane is used for medical purposes - dentures and anatomical implants are made from it, therefore, from the point of view of toxicity to humans, the position of manufacturers is quite unambiguous: there is no harm and cannot be.

However, there is evidence that the production of polyurethane itself can be harmful to the environment due to the use of a number of components in the process. Therefore, the question of what is less or more traumatic for nature, the production of natural leather or eco-leather, can be considered open.

In addition, there is also the problem of unscrupulous manufacturers, which may include components in eco-leather that are not indicated on the label.

How to distinguish eco-leather from leatherette and genuine leather

Place the material in your palm and cover with another - the material should be soft, warm and tender, unlike synthetic leather substitutes, which are much rougher.
For the second method, you will need vegetable oil, which should be applied in a small amount to the surface of the product. If a day later you find a dent at the place where you applied the vegetable oil, and the skin has become rough and tough, then the product is made of leatherette. The oil has such an effect because under its influence the plasticizer from the PVC film is destroyed. Natural leather or eco-leather will simply absorb oil in a day without any harm to itself, which once again proves that eco-leather is of the same high quality as natural.

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Of course, it is still possible to distinguish eco-leather from genuine leather, but sometimes eco-leather repeats the natural pattern so much that one can really doubt it. Moreover, there is a technology for spraying leather dust on the back (fabric) side of the leatherette. In this case, you can become a victim of a real deception, because such a fake looks very believable.

In any case, when choosing a finished product in a store, you should be very careful, since unscrupulous sellers are often ready to call absolutely any leatherette eco-leather.

Eco leather care

Eco-leather care is extremely simple, you don't need any expensive care products.

Products made from eco-leather are not washed, but handed over to dry cleaning, but small dirt can be washed off by yourself with water, including soap. In case of stubborn dirt, you can use alcohol and then wipe dry with a clean cloth.
If you are exposed to rain, dry the eco-leather, like natural leather, at room temperature. Wipe the product dry and leave it to dry away from batteries, heaters and warm air currents.

Eco leather shoe care is no different, and for shine you can use the same products that are offered for natural leather. However, one should not be zealous - the absorbency of eco-leather is still lower than that of natural leather, so excess cream should be removed with a dry napkin.