What a baby can do at 7 months. A sharp leap in child development: what a baby should be able to do at seven months

The age of 7 months is the beginning of the second half of the baby's life and a new stage of development. Children at this age become more sociable, play more and sleep less. The kids have already noticeably gained in weight and height. The stage of active changes in the physical, mental and emotional development of the child begins.

By the end of the seventh month, the baby grows by 2 centimeters and gains in weight by about 600 grams. Average indicators of children of this age: weight - from 7.5 to 8.5 kilograms (± 1 kg), height - from 65 to 70 centimeters (± 3 cm).

What a child can do at 7 months

  • The child can sit down independently and sit confidently without assistance for a long time.
  • The active stage has begun. Basically, the child tries to crawl on his bellies, since it is still difficult for him to hold his body, leaning on the arms.
  • In the “lying on his stomach” position, he can easily take objects with one hand, and lean on the other at this time.
  • The child performs turns and coups in different directions independently and very quickly. His physical activity is the beginning of minor bruises, abrasions and other injuries. Parents should not even leave the baby unattended for a few seconds, as his awkward and uncoordinated movements can lead to falling and crying.
  • The baby can drink from a bottle without the help of adults and regulate this process.
  • The sides of the crib are a reliable support for the baby for long standing or squatting.
  • If you hold the baby by the armpits, he confidently rearranges his legs and actively walks.
  • It is interesting for a child to take toys and various bright objects in his hands, to transfer them from one hand to another.
  • The child can knock on the toy, toss it, examine it and taste it.
  • It is interesting for the kid to put small items in a large container.
  • Formed vision and hearing allows the child to react to even the smallest barely audible sounds or flashes of light. This does not mean that you need to walk on tiptoe while your baby sleeps during the day. Some quiet background music or sound should be present.
  • The number of teeth at this age depends on many factors, but primarily on heredity. Therefore, some children may have no teeth at all at seven months, while others already have several. This should not be a cause for concern for parents. The teeth will erupt throughout the first year.

Teething is an individual process. For some, it goes away imperceptibly and painlessly, while others - with whims and pain. Before the appearance of a tooth, mothers may notice the following signs:

  • Profuse salivation.
  • Swelling and inflammation of the gums.
  • The child constantly pulls something into his mouth and bites.
  • The kid behaves restlessly - he touches his face, ears, cheeks, lies down on the pillow.
  • Body temperature can be kept at around 37 degrees.

  • The child babbles, points his finger at a toy, animal or bright object, understands the meaning of some words.
  • The kid reacts when he is called by name.
  • The child is very attached to the adult with whom he spends most of the day. Often, parting with this person, even for a short time, causes anxiety, fear and even tears in the child. The baby knows by sight those people who often visit the house, play and talk with him
  • The kid understands the tonality and intonation of the voice well, reacts differently to gentle and stern voices, can understand the mood of the mother and her feelings for him by gestures and facial expressions.
  • The child shows emotions in the form of hugs or, on the contrary, pushing away from himself an adult.
  • Further development of speech skills occurs. The spoken sounds become more complex but meaningful. The kid turns towards the named object (for example, "Where is daddy?" Or "Where is the woman?") And tries to repeat some syllables.
  • A child can find a toy hidden under the blanket in front of his eyes. He understands where the item is.
  • The kid is ready to make contact with almost everyone who shows tenderness and attention to him.
  • At this stage, the child can use his left hand more than his right hand. This does not mean that the child is left-handed. It's just that at the age of seven months, the right hemisphere develops more intensively in children. This phenomenon is not constant and it is too early to draw any conclusions.
  • Children at this age react negatively to new unfamiliar harsh sounds. Do not turn on a vacuum cleaner, fan, blender or hairdryer near your baby - this can scare your baby.

Baby development test 7 months

  • The child should be able to independently roll over from the "supine" position to any other position, be able to sit with a straight back, reach for the toy and take it.
  • Have the child sit on your lap while sitting at the table. Observe how the baby behaves. Most likely, he will knock on the table and firmly grasp its edge, reach for objects on the table and shift them from place to place.
  • Do not pay attention to the child on purpose, watch his reaction. The baby will cry and attract attention, it is important for him to see your gaze.
  • Strangers should arouse curiosity and interest in the child.
  • Try to cover the face of the baby lying in the crib with a light cloth, he will definitely try to remove it.
  • Give your child a toy at a time when he already holds an object in each handle. See how he does it. Most likely, he will let go of one of the items, and take the one that is offered to him.

Please note if:

  • The child does not show the desire to sit and turn in different positions.
  • While at the table, the baby does not knock on it with a toy or hand.
  • There is no expression of emotions, no reaction to harsh or loud sounds.
  • The child does not pull toys into his mouth or he simply cannot do it.
  • It is difficult for him to be upright.
  • The kid does not react to the movement of objects and people, does not make any babbling sounds.

A kid of this age should be able to drink from a cup and eat from a spoon. One breastfeeding should be replaced with mashed vegetables or viscous porridge. Porridge (rice, buckwheat or corn) intended for baby food already contains butter and milk. They need to be cooked, strictly following the instructions on the package. In vegetable puree, you need to gradually add vegetable oil one drop at a time.

The next complementary food should be fruit puree. You need to start with only one fruit, gradually accustoming to others. Babies can be given apples, pears, peaches and plums. The vegetable diet should also be gradually expanded. You can alternately give mashed potatoes, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower. Both vegetable and fruit purees, as well as cereals in the first one and a half to two months should consist of only one component. At the end of the seventh month, try giving your baby egg yolk and adding it twice a week. While teething, you can give your child baby biscuits.

Approximate diet when breastfeeding

  • 7.00 - breast milk (200 ml)
  • 11.00 - milk porridge with butter (150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g) and compote or juice (30 ml).
  • 15.00 - vegetable puree with vegetable oil and half an egg yolk (150 g), biscuits or croutons, compote or milk (30 ml).
  • 19.00 - breast milk (200 ml)
  • 22.00 - breast milk (200 ml).
  • With an early start of complementary feeding (from four months), you can at this stage introduce chicken, rabbit or veal meat into the diet. The meat must be chopped to a thick puree and given to the baby along with vegetable puree.

Approximate diet for artificial feeding

  • 7.00 - milk mixture (200 ml)
  • 11.00 - one-component porridge with butter (150 g), fruit puree (about 50 g), compote or water (30 ml).
  • 15.00 - vegetable puree with vegetable oil (150 g), meat puree (about 30 g), egg yolk (1/2 part), compote or juice (about 30 ml).
  • 19.00 - milk mixture with cookies or croutons (200 ml).
  • 22.00 - milk mixture (200 ml).

Day regimen - sleep and wakefulness

The daily routine depends on the character and individual characteristics of the child, on the situation in the family. The kid can sleep at night for 10-11 hours. During the day, the child sleeps two or three times for 1.5-2 hours. It is desirable that at least one daytime sleep of the baby takes place in the fresh air. The daily routine will teach the baby to wake up and fall asleep at the same time every day.

  1. Pay the child's attention to those objects that surround him, talk about them, say aloud several times the words - names. Show your baby bright large object pictures, read nursery rhymes and fairy tales aloud. Give your child the opportunity to learn how to turn the pages of a children's book himself.
  2. Help your baby develop fine motor skills. Memory, attention and, most importantly, the child's speech directly depend on its development.
  3. Teach your child to do some of the actions and your requests on their own. For example, throw a ball, pick up a car, serve a dice. Do not forget to praise the child for every correct action.
  4. Play games with your baby in which you need to clap your hands, wave your hands, and point your finger at an object.
  5. Create situations in which your baby can communicate or observe other children.
  6. Play games with your child for the development of fine motor skills, attention, memory. Any games in which the baby's fingers are involved are useful.
  7. Try to protect your child from fear and anxiety. They can be caused by strangers, new sounds, or lack of attention. More often take the baby in your arms, show that he is under your protection, he is safe. Introduce him to new people by holding him in your arms.
  8. Crawling is an important stage in a child's development, which will allow him to continue his physical development, broaden his horizons and make it possible to study the surrounding objects. Help your baby learn to crawl, create the necessary conditions for this. The child should have a lot of free space and attention-grabbing toys and various objects. It is equally important what kind of clothes the child is wearing. Nothing should hinder his movement. The crawling pattern at the initial stage is different for all children, but over time, the baby will understand that the cross crawling technique is the most convenient. Everything will come with time.

Try not to stop there. The child is ready for everything new and interesting, he really needs communication and attention. Don't underestimate your baby.

Child development at 7 months (video)

At seven months, the baby becomes more mobile, his body needs additional calories, vitamins and trace elements. Of course, new foods should appear in the diet of the crumbs. All young mothers need to know what to do in order for a 7 month old baby to have a balanced diet and menu.

Pediatricians argue that after the first six months of life, children should begin a gradual transition to an adult diet. Therefore, the changes apply not only to the list of permitted products, but also to the time and frequency of their use.

Breast milk or formula still has a significant place in the baby's menu, but the list of complementary foods is expanding significantly. The child's diet at 7 months should be replenished with proteins (meat, eggs), calcium (fermented milk products), carbohydrates (cereals), vitamins and fiber from vegetables and fruits.

But this does not mean that the baby can already be transferred to an adult table. All meals for the baby are prepared separately, in compliance with age recommendations and careful control of the freshness of the products. Despite the presence, solid and difficult to digest food is pre-crushed to a mushy consistency.

Baby food

In the diet of a seven-month-old baby, in addition to basic foods, a sufficient amount of liquid must be present. Permitted drinks include ordinary purified water, compote from pears, apples, prunes with a small amount of sugar, or better without it, fruit juice diluted with water, kefir.

New foods are introduced into the diet gradually. At the beginning of the seventh month of life, vegetable purees are added first, a week later - porridge, after 2 weeks - meat, egg yolk, cottage cheese. The last crumb is offered kefir. Consider the nuances of cooking and combining dishes for a 7-month-old baby.

Vegetable puree

Usually at this age, children are already familiar with several types of vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. At 7 months, you can add pumpkin, boiled potatoes, carrots, legumes: peas and beans. The latter, due to the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cannot be given in pure form, only their addition to vegetables that the baby perceives well is allowed.

Puree can be either one-component or consist of several ingredients. You can put 0.5 tsp in vegetable dishes. olive or sunflower oil.

Many mothers buy ready-made canned purees, but those prepared on their own will be no worse.


Cereals give your baby energy and help them move smoothly from liquid foods to harder ones. A child's nutrition at 7 months should include buckwheat, oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. They are all runny and savory. If ordinary cereals are used, and not specially designed for baby food, after cooking they are crushed with a blender to the desired consistency.

If the porridge is too thick, add a little milk formula, breast milk or vegetable broth to it. To obtain the optimal consistency, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of cereal. In the early days, 100 ml of liquid requires 1 tsp. After 2 weeks, the thickness of the porridge is gradually increased by putting 1.5, and then 2 tsp on the same volume of water. cereals.

Porridge is introduced into the menu in small portions. With good tolerance, starting from 1 tsp, the amount of the product is increased daily until it reaches 120-150 grams. The best time to eat porridge is considered to be second breakfast.

You can add some vegetable oil for flavor. The first porridge must be made one-component. Later, if the product is digested normally, it can be combined with a small amount of vegetable puree or other cereals.

Egg yolk

After the introduction of cereals, the baby's nutrition at 7 months can be varied with yolk. Most parents give their children chicken eggs, but toddlers prone to allergies should start with quail eggs. Of course, both must be fresh and cooked until tender (boil for at least 10 minutes).

The yolk contains valuable fatty acids, vitamins D, E, A, phosphorus, but it is a strong allergen, so it is introduced gradually, observing the baby's reaction. This product is best given in the morning.

The first portions of the yolk should fit at the tip of a teaspoon. If within 3 days the child absorbs the product well, the amount is increased to a quarter of a teaspoon.

Despite the benefits of the product, it should not be on the menu every day. Egg yolk in the seventh month of a child's life is allowed to be given twice a week.


Meat is another new addition to the 7 month old baby's diet. It serves as a source of protein, B vitamins, iron and many other beneficial trace elements. Meat is especially important for children who are poorly gaining weight or have low hemoglobin levels. At 7 months, beef, veal, rabbit meat, as well as chicken and turkey fillets are allowed.

If you have no desire to mess around with the preparation of meat puree (only in this form the child assimilates these products), you can purchase it ready-made. A lot of domestic and foreign manufacturers are engaged in the production of baby meat food: Agusha, Babushkino Lukoshko, Hipp, Gerber, etc.

At home, you can get mashed potatoes of a suitable consistency by passing the boiled product twice through a meat grinder or grinding in a blender.

If the resulting mass is dry, it is diluted with a small amount of broth. It is not yet recommended to give meat broth in the form of soup to 7-month-old children; it is also worth refraining from offal in any form: liver, kidneys, chicken stomachs, hearts, etc.

Like other products, meat is introduced into the menu gradually. For the first portion, 0.5-1 tsp is enough. Within 10 days, the amount is increased until it reaches the daily norm - 50 g. Meat is a nourishing and difficult product to digest, so it is given to the crumb for lunch.


Proper nutrition of a child at 7 months is impossible without fruit. By this age, babies are already familiar with them, so problems with the introduction of new products are not expected. A 7-month-old baby should receive about 80 g of fruit puree per day.

One of the best options is a banana. It is tasty, nutritious, well absorbed by the body, rich in vitamins and glucose. Banana puree is quick and easy to prepare - chop the fruit with a fork or blender.

Also, the baby can be given apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cherries. All of them must be thoroughly washed, pitted, peeled, grated or chopped in another way. In addition to the banana, the child should only be given seasonal fruits. During the period when there are no fresh fruits, it is better to purchase ready-made fruit purees for babies.

Dairy products

At the 7th month of life, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet of a baby who is on artificial feeding, giving the growing body the necessary amount of calcium. For children eating mother's milk, their introduction can be postponed for 4 weeks.

First, the crumb is given a taste of children's kefir. Starting from 1-2 tsp. per day, the amount is gradually increased to 100 ml. A contraindication to the introduction of this product is the baby's tendency to diarrhea.

With good assimilation of kefir, the child is offered a little cottage cheese (20-30 g), intended for baby food. So that it is not too dry, a portion is diluted with kefir.

How to prepare food correctly?

All meals for babies at this age are prepared separately. Frying meat and vegetables, adding spices, mayonnaise, various sauces is inadmissible.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, chopped with a blender or grinded through a sieve. Meat is only acceptable when cooked on the stove top or cooked in a double boiler.

Fruits can be either raw, grated on the finest grater, or baked, and then mashed. The addition of sugar to food should be avoided, salt is allowed in small amounts for cereals.

Menu for a 7 month old breastfed baby

The diet of a child of 7 months, subject to breastfeeding, involves 5 meals a day.

The sample menu includes the following products:

  • breast milk;
  • any permitted porridge (150 g), fruit puree (50-80 g) or juice (40-70 ml);
  • vegetable (100-150 g) and meat puree (50 g) or 0.5 egg yolk, compote (100 ml);
  • baby curd (30 g), supplementary feeding with expressed breast milk or kefir (100 ml), biscuit or other cookies for the little ones;
  • breast milk.

Menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

The nutrition of a child of 7 months on artificial feeding differs slightly.

  • milk mixture (about 200 ml);
  • baby porridge (up to 150 g), fruit in the form of puree (up to 80 g), juice (70 ml);
  • vegetable puree (100-150 g) and meat (50 g) + half of the yolk, compote from permitted fruits (50-100 ml) or juice (70 ml);
  • mixture or kefir (100 ml), baby curd (30 g) and cookies;
  • mixture (200 ml), can be replaced with kefir.

Of course, the list of products and the sequence of their intake may differ slightly. If the child is lagging behind in weight, with the approval of the doctor, a more nutritious menu can be made or special formulas added to help him gain.

The diet of the child at 7 months

Pediatricians recommend from an early age to accustom the child to a certain regimen of the day, and, accordingly, and nutrition. Parents wishing to care for their baby according to generally accepted standards should take into account that the normal interval between feedings at 7 months is 4 hours.

The daily diet is divided into 5 meals as follows:

  • first breakfast at 6:00;
  • second breakfast at 10:00;
  • lunch at 14:00;
  • afternoon snack at 18:00;
  • dinner at 22:00.

This distribution will lay the foundation for the formation of eating habits at an older age. The first and last feeds are made light, and the remaining three should account for the bulk of the calories.

In terms of time, the diet of a child at 7 months may deviate from the above, if it has already formed and is quite satisfactory for you, nothing needs to be changed. But recommendations regarding the regularity of feeding should not be neglected, they ensure optimal functioning of the baby's digestive tract at this age.

What if the child refuses the food offered?

Mothers often face this problem when it comes time to introduce a new product. If the baby does not want to try and spits out meat, cottage cheese, yolk or other food in its pure form, you can go for the trick - add a little of this ingredient to the dish that the child eats with pleasure.

So the use of the product usually occurs more willingly, soon the crumb gets used to it and the quantity can be increased. But if this does not help, you do not need to insist on immediately eating the cooked one, it is better to wait and offer a similar dish again in a week or two.

Caring for a 7-month-old child, feeding him, daily routine, development - are completely dependent on the parents. The resource laid down in early childhood is very important for the health of the baby in the future, so it is worth considering all the recommendations of pediatricians and, of course, listening to the individual needs of the child.

Useful video about how much a child should eat at 7 months (pediatrician's opinion)

The first year of a child's life is the most intensive in terms of growth and development. During the first half of the year, the baby manages to gain weight well and grow up. The seventh month of the baby's life is a period of cognition: the baby gradually tries "adult" food, tries to move independently, mastering crawling, gets to know the surrounding objects, starts babbling.

Height and weight of the child at 7 months

Every month from birth, the baby gained weight and height. Of course, each child is unique in its own way, but there are still certain norms of physical indicators (weight, height, head circumference, torso). During the seventh month of life, the baby should, on average, gain about 500-600 grams in weight. Height should increase by 1.5-2 centimeters, and head and chest circumference by half a centimeter.

According to the WHO standards, the weight of boys at the age of seven months should be from 6.7 to 10.3 kilograms (depending on the weight at birth), the weight of girls - from 6 to 9.8 kg. The growth rates for boys are from 64.8 to 73.5 cm, and for girls - from 62.7 to 71.9 cm.

If these indicators in your child are slightly different from the norm, it is not scary. The main thing is that he be active, mobile and feel good in general.

Many babies have their first teeth erupted by the age of seven months, usually the lower incisors.

Child's day regimen at 7 months

As in previous months, sleep takes up most of the day in a seven-month-old baby, although the period of wakefulness is gradually increasing. The child is actively interested in the world around him and tries to consider and taste everything by touch and taste. If he has already mastered the skill of independent sitting, then in the seventh month he can try to move independently. This way you can quickly get to the toys or furnishings that interest him. Such physical activity tires the baby, so it directly affects his need for rest.

Many parents are interested in how much a seven-month-old baby should sleep. His night's sleep becomes more measured and calm and should last at least 10 hours. Many babies, as before, wake up 2-4 times at night in order to eat. Some babies gradually refuse to feed at night during this period. It is important to remember to maintain the optimal air temperature (18-20 degrees) and humidity (at least 50%) in the room where the child is resting. Do not forget to often ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning there.

Daytime sleep of a seven-month-old child is two to three times for 1-1.5 hours. If the weather permits, it is good that at least once a day the child sleeps outside while walking. Sleeping outdoors improves health. Try to adhere to a certain routine throughout the day, feed and take your baby for a walk at the same time. So the child will develop a regime, and he will fall asleep at approximately the same period. If you have not been able to sleep outside, do not be discouraged. Fresh air and new experiences are equally important for a growing baby. Walk with the baby twice daily, the total time spent outside the home should be at least 3-4 hours a day. This rule does not apply if it is pouring rain outside, strong wind or frost, heavy snowfall. Walking in bad weather can harm rather than help the child.

Baby food 7 months

The seventh month of a baby's life is the time for new flavors to be discovered. According to generally accepted standards, from six months, the baby is introduced to complementary foods. During this period, the digestive system is already ready for such an innovation. That is, in parallel with breast milk or an adapted formula, the child is offered "adult" products.

There are three types of products with which it is customary to start such an acquaintance. These are sour milk, cereals and vegetable purees. Most young parents prefer vegetables or fermented milk products. Porridge as the first complementary food is recommended for children who are poorly gaining weight.

The baby refuses breast milk

It often happens that in the seventh month, the baby slightly loses interest in breast milk. The reason is often too active introduction of complementary foods. The baby gets enough calories and does not need mother's milk as much as before. This often happens if the mother deliberately tries to replace one or more breastfeeds with complementary foods.

After six months, the child receives not only new food, but also liquid - they begin to drink him some water. If he drinks it from a bottle with a nipple, then his need to suck is reduced. It can also reduce the baby's interest in breastfeeding. Teach your child to drink from a cup. To maintain breastfeeding, it is worthwhile to slightly reduce the portions of complementary foods and finish the meal with mother's milk.

The child does not want to eat complementary foods

More often, the opposite situations happen: the child refuses to feed, but his mother's milk or mixture eats willingly, as before. This is often due to an unsuccessful first attempt to introduce new dishes. For example, if the food was at the wrong temperature (too hot) or consistency (thick). Unwillingness to try new foods can be caused by poor health, for example, during teething.

Do not despair, postpone the introduction of new dishes for a week or two. Try to keep the child interested or present the meal in a playful way. Make sure your baby is hungry, but not too much. For example, offer him complementary foods after a walk.

What can you feed a 7-month-old baby: menu

If complementary foods began with vegetable purees, their presence in the children's diet should be expanded at seven months. You can try one-component mashed potatoes from boiled carrots, pumpkin. It is better to postpone the tasting of mashed potatoes until the end of this month, when the child can already gradually offer multicomponent dishes. Boiled potatoes are better absorbed by the child's body along with zucchini or cauliflower. During this period, you can add olive oil to vegetable purees, start with a few drops and gradually bring its amount to one teaspoon.

The seventh month is a good time to get acquainted with fruit purees (apple, pear, plum, peach, banana). You can buy an appropriate sugar-free canned baby food product from the store.

At the end of the 7th month, you can begin to introduce porridge. To get started, choose a dairy-free one-component gluten-free (buckwheat, corn, rice). This choice will help you avoid allergies. You can buy special baby cereals for complementary foods, they do not need to be boiled, but only diluted with warm water. Add some breast milk to encourage your baby to try the new meal. Porridge is suitable as a second complementary food and for those who began to feed the crumbs with fermented milk products.

At the end of the seventh month, introduce the yolk of a chicken egg into the diet. Start with a quarter of one yolk once a week and gradually work up to half a yolk twice a week. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to give quail eggs to babies, because they are more useful than chicken eggs. Check with your pediatrician about this.

If complementary foods began to be given to the child earlier than usual, at about 4-5 months, then a seven-month-old baby can already be offered to try meat. For the first acquaintance, choose a dietary product: turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal. The meat should be boiled and chopped in a blender. It is best to mix the meat mass with vegetable puree that is familiar to the child.

Stool for a baby at 7 months

The introduction of complementary foods often affects the child's bowel movements. It's not just the frequency of bowel movements that changes. The kid poops from one to three times a day. This indicator also depends on the diet, because some dishes have laxative properties (zucchini, pumpkin), others, on the contrary, are fortified (rice porridge).

The feces become thicker, acquire a pungent odor. Often in the feces, there are particles of undigested food.

A child at 7 months poops thickly, constipation, poops balls, does not poop

If the child has problems with defecation, the feces of the flock are too thick or even turned into hard balls that come out with difficulty, then we are already talking about constipation. Most often, the reason for this situation in a seven-month-old baby is the wrong consistency of food and too active introduction of complementary foods. Children's intestines cannot fully cope with large amounts of food.

Try thinner meals and take your time with new foods. Observe the child's reaction to determine what holds the stool together. Try to combine these foods with laxatives. Let's drink more.

Pooping green, diarrhea

After the introduction of complementary foods, the opposite situations also occur: the feces become liquid, acquires a greenish tint. If this happens sporadically, and the child feels well, then we can talk about an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods. If the parents see that the child has diarrhea, then it is better to seek medical help to avoid dehydration.

Educational toys and games for a child of 7 months

The most important developmental moment for a seven-month-old child is the ability to move freely in order to learn about the world around him, to get closer to interesting objects. Parents are often advised not to restrict the movement of the baby around the house during this period. And so that the baby is not injured, it is worth protecting potentially traumatic objects (sharp corners), removing fragile things from the reach, blocking the sockets.

Toys for the development of fine motor skills will be useful for the baby, which he can taste by touch, grab with a pen, touch with his fingers. These can be pyramids, small balls, cubes, dolls, sets of animal figures, items for stringing, etc. The main thing is not to leave your child alone while playing.

Children of this age love musical toys. Invite your baby to push the buttons himself so that the toy makes a sound. Buy colorful cars or colorful pyramids. There may be few toys, if you teach the kid to use them for a variety of fun, in this way you will stimulate his imagination. Teach your child to point fingers at objects, clap his hands, wave his hand.

Communicate with your baby more, tell him about everything that comes into view. This will facilitate the development of speech. Seven-month-old babies begin to "give out" sounds similar to the simplest syllables, repeat them one by one - this way you will teach him to dialogue.

Skills of a child at 7 months

A seven-month-old baby is already trying or even knows how to sit on his own, actively rolls over, tries to master crawling, tries to get to his feet. He already knows how to grab a toy, transfer it from hand to hand, hit it on a table or other surface, can throw it.

At this age, children already have fully formed hearing and vision. They begin to understand many words, can point to the named object, know their name and react to it. Emotional attachment to family develops, fear of strangers may be present. The baby is already showing his feelings: he can turn away or cuddle up to his mother.

Sometimes there is a fear of harsh sounds, for example, from the work of home appliances (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer).

What a boy should be able to do and what a girl should be able to do

There have been studies showing that the brains of boys and girls function differently. Therefore, there are also small differences in their development. As a rule, boys are born with a greater body weight, but later they begin to walk and talk, and later they master the pot. Of course, this is not a dogma. It happens in a different way, much depends on the individual characteristics of the child.

The main thing that parents should remember: love and care, attention, support and joint activities will help the child grow up healthy and well-rounded.

Specially for -Ekaterina Vlasenko

At the age of seven months, the baby actively explores the space around him, moving through all the nooks and crannies of the house on all fours. He also plays good-bye, claps his hands, waves his hand at parting, and much more. And he still has a strong emotional attachment to his mother, so he is afraid of losing her.

Development table

Daily routine at this age?

The sleep pattern is still unchanged: ten hours at night and two times for two hours during the day.
Continue reading fairy tales to your baby before bed and don't forget to bathe in a warm herbal bath.

Psychological development of a child at 7 months of life

An important neoplasm of seven months is the appearance of long-term memory. The kid remembers the faces of friends, toys that he once saw. And along with long-term memory comes the fear of strangers and the fear of losing mom, especially in an unfamiliar place.

The child already recognizes himself in the mirror, can often stare at his reflection or photographs for a long time. But he also takes pictures of other children for his own. This is due to the fact that children of this age perceive the world as a part of themselves.

A popular example of this behavior is "I'll close my eyes and make you dark." Such a feeling of peace passes only by one and a half years or even later, when the baby realizes that all the surrounding objects and people exist separately from him.

The baby already knows how to show that he is now very happy and happy, or, on the contrary, is offended and angry. He demonstrates all this by pressing against his mother or pushing her away by pulling on her hair.

And with the advent of new emotions, facial expressions are also improved. The kid learns to wrinkle his nose, raise his eyebrows in surprise and just make funny faces.

Babbling is also improving so much that the child no longer just speaks certain syllables, but repeats them after the mother and ties them to certain things and events.

Interestingly, at the age of seven months, the baby is increasingly using his left hand as the main one. You don't need to be intimidated by this and think that your child is left-handed. No, just now the right hemisphere of his brain is developing more actively left.

Causal relationships are already well-formed enough to answer the question "Where is the ball?" the kid pointed with his finger at the desired object. And some kids can crawl up on their own and roll the requested ball to their mother.

What can a child at 7 months do?

The kid already knows how to roll over in any direction, sit and even crawl. And all the skills learned over the previous months are being improved.
To the usual set of actions is added the ability to independently take off a blanket or diaper, a conscious choice of toys.

Your child already has a favorite toy with which he interacts most often. Offer him five or six toys to choose from, and he will take the one that interests him the most.

By the end of the seventh month, the baby gradually the fear of strangers disappears... Now they rather arouse curiosity and a desire to communicate in him. But he will not be at all happy if a stranger tries to take him in his arms.

If you take the baby in your arms and sit down at the table, he will immediately begin to knock on the surface with handles and move objects standing on it.

And if a child, in each hand of which is a toy, is offered another toy, he will first carefully study the first two, and then put one of them down and take the proposed one.

Games with a toddler at this age?

Games are still educational in nature. Even the most common rattle stimulates the development of a sense of rhythm, what can we say about more complex toys.

In the huge mass of toys that have probably already accumulated in the corners of your house, there must be the following items:

    Dolls. They should be of different sizes and should be as human-like as possible. Even if you have a boy, still get at least one doll. It is with the help of the doll that the baby first encounters the structure of the human body, and most importantly has the opportunity to study his face. It is on the doll that the child learns for the first time to show his eyes, nose, ears and so on.

Nobody encourages you to buy anatomically folded dolls. An ordinary baby doll will be enough. And the child will learn all the secrets of the human body much later.

    The pyramid. An excellent tool for developing motor skills and learning forms. Just choose the pyramid correctly: its base should be a straight rod, and the holes on the rings should be of the same size.

    Rattles. Don't rush to throw away rattles either. With their help, you can develop a wonderful sense of rhythm in your child.

    Boxes and bags. There should be a lot of boxes and bags. Various shapes and sizes that fit large dolls or do not fit small bells. The kid will explore these toys for a very long time, move, put other toys in them. These games are very useful for understanding shapes and sizes, so please be patient and have plenty of boxes. Or buy a set of Montessori educational toys right away.

    Constructors for the little ones. This is an analogue of Lego with larger details. Since at this age the baby actively learns the properties of objects, the designer will certainly interest him in the opportunity not only to collect some figures, but also to joyfully break them.

Main directions of development

Finger exercises are still relevant for the development of motor skills. It is good to combine them with various counting rhymes and jokes.

Walking in the fresh air must also be combined with educational games. Since your baby, most likely, no longer sleeps in the stroller, show him objects and trees, cars, the street, passers-by. Do not forget to comment on everything in detail. Let him learn the world outside the living space.

It's time introduce the child to other children... It would be ideal if the other children were your age or a little older. If you don't have friends or relatives with small children, take your baby to the playground.

Ask to bring something for you: for example, a ball or a doll. Be sure to praise him if he did everything right.

By the age of seven months, your baby is quite capable of mastering some gestures, such as waving goodbye or clapping. Just show him how to do it, preferably on his own pens.

The long-awaited baby surprises and pleases every day with his small achievements, especially if he is already seven months old or more. But concern about its development is normal for caring parents. After all, with friends, the baby is already crawling and trying to walk, and with relatives he is just learning to sit. All kids are different. But still, what should babies be able to do at 7 months? This article will tell you about this.

Physical and emotional development of the baby

By the age of seven months, children gain weight in five hundred grams of days in 30, become an average of a couple of centimeters taller. Many already have several teeth (up to four: two upper and two lower incisors). But this is individual for everyone. There are children whose teeth begin to appear by the year. The kid is interested in everything, he studies cutlery (if now you start teaching him to eat from a spoon and drink from a mug, it will be very welcome) and everything that is within reach and visibility. But what should a child be able to do at 7 months? The baby turns over in all directions (on the back, stomach and back), confidently sits and crawls. Stands by the sofa, in the crib, holding on to them. The kid understands what he is being told and in what tone. He already knows how to play games such as "Magpie" and "Ladushki". Can collect small items or toys in a box, focus on a specific activity and return to it if interrupted. The kid is good at fulfilling his plans, he is already playing with several different toys at once. The baby is afraid of parting with his mother and does not want to tear himself away from her if separation is ahead, since the child's attachment is very great. Of course, not all children develop the same way. Don't worry too much if your child hasn't learned something. A visit to the doctor should be reassuring. When there are no problems with the baby's health, he will certainly master everything in the near future, and the question of what children should be able to do at 7 months will not bother you.

Is everything okay with the baby?

First, I would like to say a few words about what should be alarming in the behavior of the crumbs. After all, no matter how much all moms and dads would like to see their babies healthy, there are kids who need special care and attention.

  • Parents should notice how the baby reacts to the appearance of the mother and separation from her, when he is taken on the arms, pressed to himself. If the baby does not show affection, is indifferent to the manifestations of parental love, this is a cause for concern.
  • Give the baby a toy and show how to knock it on some surface. Does the kid repeat after you with pleasure? Everything is fine. If the child does not know how to do this (knocking with a toy), be alert and watch him more closely. Maybe he's just tired or not in the mood. Try again another time. But when the baby again does not understand what and how to do, be sure to visit the doctor.
  • If we talk about what a child should be able to do at seven months, any experienced parent will say - sit. This is true. There are children who still sit uncertainly at this age. But, if, over and over again, stretching out your hand to the baby with an offer to help sit down, you see indifference on his face, he is not interested in such an action, you need to worry.
  • At seven months, babies make many sounds, varied and funny. They communicate with them and attract the attention of adults. If this does not happen, be alert.
  • Does the kid not respond by turning his head to the voice in the direction of the one calling? Another cause for concern.
  • Take the crumb under the handles and try to put it on a flat and hard surface. Is he leaning, touching his legs? Things are good. Just bending your legs, hanging from your arms? It is necessary to show the doctor.

In these cases, it is imperative to contact a specialist for advice and help when required. For the rest, the baby is not obliged to do everything that the doctors prescribe. After all, every child is an individuality and develops according to his inherent scenario.

Learn more about what babies should be able to do at 7 months

Seven-month-old babies learn new things continuously. Mental development becomes active from this age. Especially when the baby has already learned to move on all fours or crawl in another way convenient for him. But do not be upset if this did not happen, because what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 7 months, for example, cannot be compared with the age we are talking about now. Older children can already easily and without thought do everything that a baby learns in the first year of life. Therefore, when observing your baby, do not worry when he does not succeed in everything from the above. He will definitely learn, just help him with this. For example, if a kid lying on his stomach is shown an interesting toy by lifting it above the crumbs' head and moving it from side to side, he should lean on one handle, rise for a few seconds, and try to reach the object with the other. But the ability to roll over in all directions, although at an earlier age, is monitored, but it is considered a necessity from seven months. If the baby has not yet learned to turn in any direction, but prefers one, put toys or other interesting objects on the side of the baby into which he is in no hurry to start rolling over. The stimulus will do its job, and the baby will quickly master the turns.

Required and not-so-essential skills for a seven-month-old baby

Speaking about what a child should be able to at 7 months (boy), it should be noted that he may lag a little in skills, but sometimes it happens the other way around. More clearly, the skills of children of this age can be presented in the form of a table.

What a child should be able to do at 7 months. table
MonthSkills by the end of the month baby
shouldcan learnmaybe learn
  • sit without assistance and support;
  • make sounds, make a snort;
  • hold and eat cookies (cracker), pieces of fruit.
  • when in an upright position, transfer part of your weight to your legs;
  • show dissatisfaction and try to object if a toy or something else interesting to the child is taken;
  • try to get a toy that is out of reach, reach, get to it (crawl);
  • try to find a fallen object with your eyes;
  • transfer from one handle to another toy;
  • pinch a small object in a fist;
  • upon hearing a voice, turn in its direction;
  • speak syllables, different combinations of sounds;
  • play peek-a-boo.
  • stand on legs at the support;
  • sit down without assistance;
  • clap your hands while playing "Okay" and wave your hand goodbye;
  • take a small object with your thumb and forefinger;
  • say the words "mom", "dad" or "baba".

As you can see from the table, the skills of a seven-month-old baby are varied. Not all children are able to master all of the above, but there is a certain minimum of requirements for all the crumbs. Of course, it's not scary (despite the fact that the child's health is in order) if he does not fit well at 7 months, but perhaps there is some problem behind this. Take at least a weak muscle tone. The necessary course of massage in this case will help the baby to catch up with peers in physical development and master the skills necessary at this age. And then the question "what a child should be able to do at 7 months" will not cause embarrassment for insufficient development of the baby.

Are there differences in the development of boys and girls?

This question arises for many parents. Observing the development of a son and a girl friend of the same age, they notice that the baby began to crawl or walk earlier than their own baby. It happens the other way around - a boy develops a little faster than a girl. In fact, the floor has nothing to do with it. Answering the question "what should a child be able to do at 7 months (girl)", it should be noted that she will not necessarily perform more than a boy from what is supposed to be at their age. Most likely, the development of the child depends on other factors: heredity, weight and height at birth, body weight at the time of testing skills, muscle tone, nutrition of the baby, the climate in which he lives and even on the health of the parents at the time of conception, as well as the course of pregnancy. and childbirth. Therefore, if you have a son, and you know what a child should be able to do at 7 months, a boy may not be able to do everything at this age. But this does not mean that he has less skills, since he is male. And the girl began to crawl earlier than the neighbor's baby, not because she was not a boy. It's just that genes may have played a role in one child, and in another - increased muscle tone. Thus, in the question “what should a child at 7 months be able to do”, a girl is no better or worse than a boy. However, in terms of speech and emotional development, female children are still ahead of their peers. This is explained by the fact that the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain in girls is established soon after birth, and in boys by 7-9 months. But in practice, these differences are not very noticeable.

What to do if the baby does not know how to do something?

Each child is an individuality, which means that the generally accepted terms of development of children are very average. If the baby is not crawling at 7 months, this is not a reason for panic, while parents and doctors see other signs of normal development in him. After all, there is no concrete concept of what a child should be able to do at 7 months. According to Komarovsky, it can be noted quite rightly that the baby does not owe anything to anyone. Therefore, working with a child and developing skills is, of course, the sacred duty of parents, but it makes no sense to torment the baby, trying to force him, for example, to eat with a spoon on his own, arguing that seven-month-old babies need to learn this. You should not expect the same from the crumbs, and 7 months.

Available Ways to Help Your Child Develop Skills

Approach your baby's skills wisely. Does the child like to crawl on his tummy, getting to the right object? Help him figure out how to kneel down. Gradually, the baby will get used to standing and will learn to crawl, and when he realizes that he can move much faster in this way, then there will be no stopping him. Well, if the baby is interested in dishes, try to put him on a highchair, give him a spoon and an unbreakable plate, for example, with porridge. Of course, cleanliness in this case cannot be guaranteed, but you can lay some kind of oilcloth under the chair and around it. Let the little one try to taste the dish on their own. Even when he crawls into the plate with his hands, do not scold him. After all, this is also. Just keep in mind that the baby will get dirty, so put him in such an activity before going to bathe.

The kid does not want to learn a certain skill.

Do not be discouraged if the baby does not want, for example, to crawl, although you persistently show him how to do it. After all, some children simply bypass certain skills or do it in their own way. One child crawls as expected - on all fours, and the other either does not do it at all, or moves, sitting on the priest, moving his legs and arms across the floor. And if you try to teach the little one to kneel, he starts crying in protest. Agree, there are much fewer questions about what a child should be able to at 1 year and 7 months according to Komarovsky, because by this age the children have already learned almost everything they need, and they are gradually learning the rest of the skills. It's the same with seven-month-old babies. Sometimes it happens that a baby at 5 months turned over in every way, and after 6 it stopped. There is nothing wrong with that, he just switched to mastering another skill, and will remember about coups later. All children grow up and learn at the same time. They look at their parents, remember how and what is done, and then they themselves try to repeat everything. In general, if you are sure of the baby's health, do not waste your nerves on unnecessary worries about the child's inability to do something, everything has its time. Instead, try to help him learn the necessary skill.

Ways to develop a child's skills

There will be no question “what children should be able to do at 7 months” from experienced parents who know that you cannot fit all babies into one template. Hence, a different approach to the development of each child. Does the baby love to tinker with small toys? To your health! Let him shift them, just make sure that you do not take small objects into your mouth, as there is a danger that the little one will swallow any of them. With all this, the baby may not like to move. Cheat, put your favorite toys away from the child, but at a short distance, so that the child's interest does not grow into a cry of powerlessness. The crumb will stretch, trying to get the object, make some kind of body movements, as a result, it will move in the right direction. So, little by little, the child will realize that he himself can achieve a certain goal. As you probably noticed, it tells clearly and in detail what a child should be able to do at 7 months, a table. If he lags behind in emotional and speech terms, take the boy in your arms more often, talk, sing songs, play. This will compensate and stimulate the baby's development. You should not tell the baby that he is a man, so he should not cry if trouble has happened to him. Compassion and support should always be shown and never harmful. What should a child be able to do at 7 months? Komarovsky calls the same skills: sitting, crawling, getting up, and so on, but again with the proviso that not all children are able to perform this or that action at this age.

About games and bans

To the question "what should a child be able to at 7 months" the table above answers quite clearly. But after all, along with the skills of physical activity, babies, in addition to joy, give their relatives anxiety for the safety of the crumbs and the integrity of some things (phones, remotes, etc.). When a child begins to move independently, it is necessary to make it a rule to remove all dangerous or breakable objects away from children's eyes and hands. But, if you accidentally forgot your phone or the TV remote control, and the baby got to them and slobber, you should not scold the baby, because everything is interesting to him. In this way, children learn about the world. Just be careful and tidy things up higher next time to avoid trouble. In general, you need to get used to the word "not" to say to the baby only when it comes to really dangerous situations and things:

  • stabbing and cutting objects;
  • gas stove;
  • everything related to electricity;
  • matches.

Too frequent "no" will lead to the fact that the crumb will attach less importance to prohibitions. About other things, you can say "no need", for example, "touch my mother's phone, it can break." Or, at first, wag your finger at the crumb and say "well, well, well," accompanying your actions with accessible explanations.

The first year of a little person's life is very important and significant. The baby goes through several stages of development. At seven months, many crumbs begin to move and thus expand their territory. And this is very important for a new impetus in the development of the baby. With the beginning of the motor activity of the baby, the formation of the brain is also stimulated. Your baby is starting to slowly enter adulthood. The very beginning of this path begins at the age of seven months. Please be patient and help the kid with this! Good luck and more positive emotions!